"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 April 2010



**List of Dead Scientists**

*List of Dead Scientists:Articles


***YouTube - Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined

* Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

*The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

YouTube - Jordan Maxwell - You are property of the Rothschild family!

YouTube - Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve


YouTube - The Obama We Know

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Plan Third Temple in Jerusalem


(Chipless Mark Of The Beast?)Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Humans, Cattle, Co. Says | Before It's News


Paul A Drockton M.A.: Oprah's Dirty Little Secret

Red Dirt Report | RDR: Seeking the truth about the OKC bombing, group holds press conference at State Capitol


FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather


Next High Court Justice To Solidify Right Wing

Polish plane crash: pilots were not pressured to land | World news | guardian.co.uk

China cools its enthusiasm for red-hot property market - Times Online

Native American artefacts bring curse of suicides and FBI raids | World news | The Guardian

Homeless 'Tent City' settlers in NJ get reprieve | World news | guardian.co.uk


*67 pg/An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches


ABC 7 I-Team Investigates: Organic Foods|ABC 7 News


David Kirby: You Want Chicken Poop With That Steak? Why FDA Should Ban Feces From Feed


Fluoride: Worse than We Thought


*34 pg/“The Cell Phone Poisoning of America”


Alexander Cockburn: The Cover-Ups That Exploded


Part 1: Overpopulation in 21st century America--our risky future | Before It's News

Overpopulation In The 21st Century America - Part 2




Part 6: Overpopulation in 21st century America--accelerated poisoning of our world | Before It's News

Part 7: Overpopulation in 21st century America--quality of life in an overcrowded world | Before It's News

Part 8: Overpopulation in 21st century America--endless growth leads to lowered quality of life | Before It's News


Part 10: Overpopulation in 21st century America--too many people | Before It's News

Part 11: Overpopulation in 21st century America--our silent predicament | Before It's News

Part 12: Overpopulation in 21st century America--we cannot fool Mother Nature much longer | Before It's News

Overpopulation In 21st Century America - Part 13

Part 14: Overpopulation In 21st Century America----climate Destabilization | Before It's News

Part 15: Overpopulation In 21st Century America Running Out Of Energy That Drives Civilization | Before It's News

Part 16: Overpopulation In 21st Century America---Pollution Of All Kinds | Before It's News


*Paul Craig Roberts: Archives*

*Paul Craig Roberts Syndicated Columns*


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 7th With Paul Craig Roberts


Good-Bye: Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It


Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1- The link to the New World Order

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 3 New World Order military plans

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 4 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 5 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 6 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 7 - New World Order Threats, Neglects


UK scientists create ‘designer embryos’ with three people’s DNA | The Sun |Woman|Health

Roy Tov – Why are they free?

Goldman Sachs Sued by SEC for Fraud Tied to CDOs (Update4) - Bloomberg.com

Goldman’s Stock Loss Dwarfs Possible Penalty - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Goldman Sachs charged with fraud by SEC - Yahoo! Finance

Obama makes light of anti-tax protests | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama ends Nasa space race with slow road to Mars - Times Online

Pope urges faithful to do penance as calls for his removal gather force -Times Online

External blast ‘likely cause’ of South Korean sinking - Times Online

Benazir Bhutto 'left to mercy of assassins by security chief' - Telegraph

Military-style guns for police to fight terrorists on the streets - Telegraph

Counter-terrorism stop and searches up by 66%, new figures show - Times Online

Trans fats should be banned from all UK sold food, urge doctors | UK news | The Guardian

Earthquake shakes parts of Idaho | KREM 2 News | KREM.com | When it Matters Most | Northwest News

Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit - Yahoo! News

Why Gas Prices Are Destroying Our Economy

Steve Clemons: Jordan's King Says Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon War "Imminent"

Jordan's King Warns Mideast War 'Imminent'

Toyota Recalls 600,000 Sienna Minivans - Money News Story - WFSB Hartford

Health Buzz: Health Insurers Invest in Fast Food - US News and World Report

Don’t Drink the Water « Liveshots

Ex-NASA KSC Scientist Blasts Obama Space Talk As Treason

The Transnational Homeland Security State and the Decline of Democracy

WeAreChange founder Luke Rudkowski makes SPLCs Patriot most wanted list! | We Are Change


*WACO - Who Shot First?




*Pedophilia and male prostitutes in the White House: the Franklin Affair and Bush’s Jeff Gannon


YouTube - Michael Savage - War with Iran


EclippTV :: Video :: Media Fairness: Newsweek Wall of Shame

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff - Income Tax vs Consumption Tax

EclippTV :: Video :: 95% v. Tea Party Raw footage: Fight breaks out at the Mall

MarketWatch.com:News Hub: A New Palace for Goldman Sachs

Washington's Blog:After Getting Bailed Out By American Taxpayers, General Electric Pays ZERO U.S. Taxes, Pretending that All of Its Profits are Overseas


*10 Facts All Americans Must Know Now


Washington's Blog:Goldman Sacked?

MorningNewsBeat:FMI Attacks New Swipe Fees Instituted By Visa


YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 2 of 2



The Strata-Sphere » Smoking Gun: CRU Data Too Inaccurate To Detect AGW

Tax Dodging in Panama - "Bye, Bye Miss American Pie..." - Panama Guide

HOSPITAL OVERCHARGES >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Lehman may have grounds to sue Goldman, Barclays - Crain's New York Business

Europeans won’t be amused by alleged Goldman scam | Analysis & Opinion |

SEC's Goldman charges could be just the beginning | McClatchy

U.S. government mulls luring foreign property owners | Reuters

Corrupted Infant Vaccine Contains Pig Virus

The Associated Press: A Kyrgyz interim leader says US base unjustified

PJTV - Afterburner with Bill Whittle - The Blood of Patriots & Tyrants: The Tea Party's Founders

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente: Economic recovery a cover up

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama Mocks Tea Partiers: ‘You Would Think They’d Be Saying Thank You’

EclippTV :: Video :: Do You Hate The Government?

ah, mephistophelis.: The CyberWar Against Anonymity

An Objectivist Individualist: The Public School Scandal

Dead Trees: George Reisch’s “Pink Floyd & Philosophy: Careful with that axiom, Eugene!” | Sophrosyne Radical

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Another Union Bailout by Obama

IPCC Report Card - the 2007 climate bible (AR4)

Iran engages the U.N. on 9/11 [Voltaire]

More than 13,000 call church abuse hotline: official

SEC Charges Goldman With Fraud - WSJ.com

EclippTV • View topic - Russians Were Close To A Nuclear WWIII

EclippTV :: Video :: Who are the Oath Keepers?

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul 2012: A Libertarian Renaissance?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Tax Window of Opportunity

Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As ‘Mysterious” Die-Off Accelerates

Obama Warns World Leaders Global Economic Crash Can’t Be Stopped

Russian Move Against US In Poland Kills President, Most Of Government

SPLC Declares Paul and Napolitano “Extremist” Enablers

Running On Empty? Alex Exposes Big Oil Scam on Russia Today

Obamanoids “Crash” Tea Party, Claim Dear Leader Has Cut Taxes

iPad Tortured to Death in Mass Social Experiment

CFR, Trilateral Commission Member to Replace Poland’s Kaczynski?

IMF Prepares For Global Cataclysm, Expands Backup Rescue Facility By Half A Trillion For "Contribution To Global Financial Stability" | zero hedge

Bi-partisan Effort to Impose Additional Gas Taxes On Strapped Americans

Foreclosure actions spike despite aid | Reuters

REFILE-Q+A-What is going on in Thailand? | Reuters

‘Virus’ as the New ‘Axis of Evil’ - Idea of the Day Blog - NYTimes.com

Depleted uranium is destroying life

Thoughts On, “Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined”

Experts: Angry rhetoric protected, but can be disturbing - CNN.com

WHO flu experts reject charges of business influence in pandemic - Health & Families, Life & Style - The Independent

Reuters AlertNet - US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26

Recalling ’95 Bombing, Clinton Sees Parallels - NYTimes.com

NBC Race Baiting Stunt at Tea Party Fails Stupendously

Tea Party Crash fizzles out - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Ron Paul’s Tea Party Speech

Max Keiser and Alex Jones Cover the Globalist Takeover

The Entertainment Industry’s Dystopia of the Future

News about Goldman Sachs Shouldn’t Surprise You

Ratigan Deconstructs Goldman, Connecticut AG Blumental Wants Criminal Charges Filed

Banks That Bundled Bad Debt Also Bet Against It - NYTimes.com

Kill Puppies And Children, But God Forbid, Don’t Hurt The iPad

S.E.C. Sues Goldman Over Housing Market Deal - NYTimes.com

Moneynews - Soros: Euro, EU Will Collapse if Germany Doesn't Make Concessions


Oil Companies Conspiring To Jack Up Gasoline Prices By Creating Artificial Scarcity

We knew, it was only a matter of time…

Why It’s Not Inevitable That Other Wall Street Banks Are Going To Get Dinged


*linls:Follow Our Minute To Minute Coverage of The Fabrice Tourre Scandal


A Consistent Argument for Limited Government

America and the Dictators

UN slams deliberate failure to adequately probe Bhutto assassination | Raw Story

Feingold bill seeks end to ‘counterproductive’ war in Afghanistan | Raw Story

Ousted Kyrgyz Leader Flees Country, Flies to Kazakhstan

Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy - space - 14 April 2010 - New Scientist

The new climate change defence: ‘Yes, it’s getting colder, but it’s not as cold as it would be without global warming’

Critics: Obama admin hyping terrorist nuclear risk

Goldman Real Estate Fund Lost 98 Cents on the Dollar - CNBC

Yet Another Reason To Break Up The Big Banks

Rewriting the History of the Collapse

AP Headline Declares Tea Party Protesters ‘Hate’ Capital

Other Major Banks Did Deals Similar to Goldman’s - ProPublica

Investor Who Made Billions Not Targeted in Goldman Suit - NYTimes.com

CIA chief approved destruction of terrorist waterboarding tapes - Telegraph

Big Content’s dystopian wish-list for the US gov’t: spyware, censorship, physical searches and SWAT teams

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Digital Economy Act: This means war | Cory Doctorow | Technology | guardian.co.uk

You Can’t Vote with Your Feet without the 10th Amendment

Repeal Is Not Enough

“Nazi Youth” Crashes Santa Fe Tea Party

NATO killing of civilians doubled

Osama Bin Laden ordered a satellite TV dish to watch 9/11 attacks | Mail Online

Goldman Sachs Said to Have Been Warned of SEC Suit (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Update: SEC says Goldman defrauded investors of $1 billion

GE: 7,000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill - Apr. 16, 2010

Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller

How a Rich and Proud Nation Went Broke

NBC Reporter Quizzes Black Man at DC Tea Party: ‘Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?’

Proof speed cameras exist to rake in money as receipts finally fall | Mail Online

School Spy Laptops “Took Thousands Of Photos” Of Students In Homes

Lawyer: Laptops took thousands of images | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/15/2010

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 16th With Leslie Dutton

04-16-2010: Rio's Christ Statue Vandalized

04-16-2010: Polish Plane Crash: Pilot Not Pressured To Land

04-16-2010: Feds indict former Blackwater president, 4 others

04-16-2010: Zoellick: Third World No Longer Applies

04-16-2010: Benazir Bhutto Left To Mercy Of Assassins By Security Chief

04-16-2010: Kyrgyzstan Extends Lease On U.S. Base

04-16-2010: Sheep On Meth Shocked With Tasers

04-16-2010: President Bill Clinton to Address Globalization, Progress at PMI(R) Global Congress 2010 - North America

04-16-2010: Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

04-16-2010: Home-grown, solo terrorists as bad as Al-Qaeda: FBI chief

04-16-2010: Why is FEMA trying to cover up NLE 10?

National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10) Exercise Overview | Public Intelligence

04-16-2010: Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep

04-16-2010: Obama calls for NASA to focus on trips to Mars and beyond

Online game shoppers duped into selling souls

Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain and Machine

United Nations' threat: No more parental rights Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object

3D-TV health warning: Tuning in can cause confusion, nausea and even fits, says electronics giant

School district spied on students at home as they slept: lawsuit

U.S. Army Clarifies HTS Role: Human Terrain Systems and Military Intelligence


You’ll Get Nothing And Like It!

Bettie Page, FBI Informant

G. Edward Griffin talks about chemtrails in exclusive interview

Ahmadinejad Asks U.N. to Investigate 9/11

Greenspan and His Fed Were Wrong 90% of the Time

Iran seeks IAEA suspension of US

AP: Feds indict ex-Blackwater president

Judge Rules National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional

Exxon's Income Tax: $0

E-mail: Ex-CIA chief agreed with tape destruction

U.S. doubles secretive special forces in Afghanistan

From Ngo Dinh Diem to Hamid Karzai

Recovering From Empathy

Kucinich: White House Assassination Policy Is Extrajudicial

Can US Dollar Remain World's Currency?

There Ain't Gonna Be No Revolution

What Do We Get For Our US Tax Dollars?

Withdraw Your Consent?

The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging:

All You Need to Know about Tea Baggers

U.S. Cities In Free Fall:

America hates Atheists :

Cheney, Rumsfeld Told Investigators To Whitewash 9-11

Unofficial Leader of Boers in South Africa Murdered

International Arrest Warrants Awaiting Scores of Top-Ranking Israeli Officials

Poll: Ron Paul Would Give Obama a Run for His Money in Presidential Election

FBI: Sovereign Citizen Movement Is Domestic Terrorism

11 Examples of Corruption on Wall Street


VIDEO: "Nuclear Terrorism": Al Qaeda is an Upcoming Nuclear Power according to president Obama

The Transnational Homeland Security State and the Decline of Democracy

Nation of Laws and Lawlessness: America is Policing Itself and the World

VIDEO: Be Nice to America. Or We'll Bring Democracy to Your Country!

Philippines: Arrests, Torture and the Presidential Election

Financial Regulators and Insiders had Foreknoweldge of the Housing Bubble

The Economic Crisis in the UK: Inflation and Debt Default Bankruptcy

The Case for the Impeachment of Barack Obama

US Plans Full European Missile Shield in 8 Years

Neoliberal Reforms: Thousands Rally in Yemen Against Government Economic Policies

War Preparations? U.S. Warship Arrives in Georgia for Joint Training

Libertarianism in Ancient China

Alan Watts - Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life

Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

April 15: The American Citizen's Final Exam

The Income Tax and Sovereignty

Original 1040 Tax Form: Only 3 Pages and 1 Page of Instructions

The Income Tax and American Servitude

Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can't do any more

Ron Paul and the Libertarian Moment by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Austrian Economics Rising

100 Years of US Medical Fascism by Dale Steinreich

Imploding America by Jack D. Douglas

America and the Dictatorsby Tom Engelhardt and Alfred W. McCoy

Ender’s Game in Real Time by Ron Shirtz

spiked | The Secular Inquisition

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Ash cloud reminds us that we should all be afraid of volcanoes - Telegraph

Health Dangers Lurk in Thousands of Everyday Products

Briefing: New law claims a fetus can feel pain - science-in-society - 16 April 2010 - New Scientist

Local News | Lawsuit targets part of Wash. disclosure law | Seattle Times Newspaper

The Publishers’ Bogeyman: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

Please, Sarah, Just Go Away | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty

Why Joe Stack Was So Angry | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty

CFR: Harnessing International Institutions to Address Climate Change

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help

Facebook under privacy microscope

Timothy P. Carney: Goldman rallies for Obama in Wall Street 'reform'

What Your TV Is Telling You to Do

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Legal Experts Blast Judge’s Decision: ‘If National Day of Prayer Is Unconstitutional, the Constitution Is Unconstitutional’

Taxpayer Group Crowns New Congressional ‘King of Pork’, ‘Top Narcissists’ for 2010

Holder: Miranda Warnings for Terrorists Won’t Harm Interrogations

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Have a Lot to Learn’ About Energy Policy From Other Nations

Rep. King: ‘I’m For Abolishing the IRS and the Federal Income Tax Code’

'American Patriots' Urged to Read and Sign the 'Contract From America'

The Obamacare Inquisition Is on Hold … for Now

Obama’s Failing Foreign Policy

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

NJ Woman Claims Nearly $218M Powerball Jackpot

American Cancels 56 European Flights on Saturday

Calif. Sen. Boxer Finds Rocky Re-Election Terrain

Ayers Suing Univ. of Wyo.

Iran, at Nuclear Conference, Hits out at "Bullies"

Free Flight Back for Cat 1,300 Miles From Home

Chelsea King's Parents Faced Agonizing Decision: OK Plea Deal for Killer?

Cops on Camera Brings Increased Scrutiny

2 Space Crews Say Goodbye, Close Hatches

Mom of US Man Charged With Terrorism Speaks Out

North Korea Denies It Sank South's Navy Ship

Wis. Man Finds Rock Believed to Be Meteor Fragment

Brown Agrees to Meet Rep of Undocumented Students

Feds: Militia Leader Told Members Be Ready to Kill

Tibetans Cremate Their Dead as Toll Passes 1,000

100-Year-Old Pedophile Sent Back to NY Prison

Arizona to Allow Concealed Weapons Without Permit

NYC Seeks Limits on Art Vendors in Popular Parks

Afghan `Friendly Fire' May Have Killed UN Employee

Calif Man Arrested in Human Trafficking, Rape Case

Prosecutors: Wis. Man Confessed to Fatal Shootings

Gates, LAPD Chief During '92 Riots, Dies

Islamic Charity in Calif. Wiretap Case Wants $612K

Drug Smuggler Arrested in Bestiality Case in Wash.

State Judge Overturns Ark. Adoption Ban Law

Universities Looking to Federal Gov't for Funds

Pakistan May Fear Reopening Bhutto Probe: Analysts

Authorities: Fatigues-Clad Vet Kills Self in Ohio

Van Companies Accused of Immigrant-Smuggling

Army Corps Finds New WWI Chemical Site in DC Yard

CIA Monitored Soviet Forces Before 'Prague Spring'

Historic Million Dollar Jewels Headline NY Auction

Sudan Opposition Cries Fraud at Early Results

Pilot With Poor Vision Blamed in Fatal Ohio Crash

Many Libraries Offer Readers Ways to Avoid Fines

S.E. Cupp: Liberal Media Can't Deal with 'Pretty, Conservative Women'

Obama's Gay Rights Move Draws Tepid Praise

GOP Recognition of Scouting Stirs Gay, Liberal Backlash

Chicago Priest Apologizes, Said Priests Should Marry

Taxpayers Foot State Department's Liquor Bills

Republicans Blast Obama's Appellate Court Choice

Iran: Suspend 'Atomic Criminal' U.S. from IAEA

Haiti Lawmakers OK Clinton-Led Rebuilding Panel

Gov't Report Sees Increase in Campus Violence

Senate Set to Unveil Cap-and-Trade Bill

Destruction of Videotapes Documented in CIA E-Mail

Parents of Murdered Calif. Teen OK Plea Deal

U.S. Soldier Dismissed for Threats in Iraq Protest

Obama Adviser Downplays Muslim Law

Authors Present 'Acceptable Risk' of Terrorism

Obama's Finance Bill: 'TARP on Steroids'

A Plan to Take Back America


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 2 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 3 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 4 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 5 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 6 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 7 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 8 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 9 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 10 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 11 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 12 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 13 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 14 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 15 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse


$4.00 A Gallon Gasoline By The End Of 2010? How In The World Are Average Americans Going To Make Ends Meet If This Keeps Up? | Benzinga.com

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Is Oprah an Intelligence Asset

Google backs Yahoo in privacy fight with DOJ | Politics and Law - CNET News

John Searl Solution : Searl Effect Technology

CNSNews.com - Obama and Democrats Don’t Understand U.S. Economy, Would Get Answer Wrong on Citizenship Test, Republican Lawmaker Says

CNSNews.com - DNC to Pour $20M, Plus other Resources into Races

CNSNews.com - Obama to Veto Bill Without Controls on Derivatives

CNSNews.com - Low-Cost Coverage in Obama’s Health Plan Leaves Out Some Vulnerable Patients

CNSNews.com - Waning Support for Defamation of Religion Resolution Undermines Defense of Islam, OIC Chief Says

Europe Cuts 77% of Flights; Relief May Come April 22 (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Volcanic ash cloud: 100,000 Britons stranded in Europe as air traffic chiefs extend lockdown to 7am | Mail Online

Lower Merion schools: Number of webcam photos “substantial” | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/16/2010

White House complains about CBS News blog post saying that possible Supreme Court nominee is gay

French TV fined for spreading Carla Bruni rumour

Timothy P. Carney: Goldman rallies for Obama in Wall Street 'reform' | Washington Examiner

UPDATE 6-Goldman Sachs charged with fraud by SEC | Reuters

Cherry Hill Man Accused Of Purposely Vomiting On Young Girl At Phillies Game - cbs3.com

Google shares slide amid Schmidt speculation | Reuters

China's economy marches on as growth rate soars by nearly 12% | Mail Online

U.S. SENATE RACE: Poll: Reid loses full ballot test - News - ReviewJournal.com

Bill Clinton Links Talk Radio, Tea Parties to Non-Existent Terrorism

My Way News - Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

Texas city revives paddling as it takes a swat at misbehavior

U.S. States Face ‘Staggered’ Recovery, Pew Center’s Urahn Says - Bloomberg.com

FOXNews.com - Navy Restores Access to Fox News Web Site After Hours Offline

Reuters AlertNet - Mexico drug cartels migrate to Caribbean - leaders

Ten Tips to Make Your Car Last Longer - MSN Autos

How our leaders bored the Great Ignored | spiked

Archaeology on the front line | spiked

Burying Malthus to save Malthusianism | spiked


Best Assassination movies | Yakkin' with the Sherpa | STLtoday


Articles of Freedom - The Works of Continental Congress 2009

The 2010 Plan to Restore the Constitution: April 19th – Patriot’s Day – State Capitols – Be There!


*The Conservative Monster.com: Phil Berg Announces Obama Care Eligibility March on Washington May 29th 2010


Experts: No end to volcano ash in sight - CNN.com

100,000 in Warsaw Mourn Dead Polish President | Europe | English

AFP: New Kyrgyz rulers struggle to impose authority

Iran Calls for US, Other Nuclear Armed States to be Ousted from IAEA | Middle East | English

China Quake Death Toll Rises | Asia | English

BBC News - Sudan elections 'failed' to meet international norms

Pope Says Church "Wounded By Our Sins" - NYTimes.com

41 Killed in Twin Suicide Bomb Attacks in NW Pakistan | Asia | English

Fatima Bhutto: 'We didn't know what would happen tomorrow' | Life and style | The Guardian

North Korea Says It Didn’t Sink South’s Patrol Ship (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

AFP: Brazil, Turkey promote diplomatic solution on Iran

Most disapprove of pope's handling of abuse scandal, poll finds - CNN.com

UPDATE 1-Four Spanish soldiers die in Haiti helicopter crash | Reuters

World Briefing - Asia - Pakistan - Deadly Attack at Hospital - NYTimes.com

Zimbabwe at 30: Mugabe's iron rule clouds celebrations | World news | The Guardian

AIFL slams humiliation of Israel

UPDATE 1-Obama pushes bank reform, lashes out at Republicans | Reuters

Gay visitation order shows how Obama brings big change with small actions

Massa says someone forged aide's pay increase - Forbes.com

Supreme Court justices hear arguments in a case against one of their own - JSOnline

Day of Prayer; the wrong kind joining civility statement?

Obama's 'tea party' complex / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Former Blackwater executives charged in weapons case - latimes.com

Obama judicial nominee Goodwin Liu comes under GOP fire - Los Angeles Times

FOXNews.com - Bill Clinton Warns Tea Party Anger Could Incite Right-Wing Extremism

Foes may target Kagan's stance on military recruitment at Harvard

Surprise stands out in census with nearly 70% participation

Library of Congress squirreling away tweets :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation

Democratic convention kicks off with nervous energy around governor's race - San Jose Mercury News

Virginia Tech students remember those who died in shooting

Obama Reports $5.5 Million In Income - latimes.com

Sex offender pleads guilty to killing two teen girls - latimes.com

Obama's Great Outdoors initiative, and other presidents in national parks

‘An Intimate Evening with Sarah Palin’ - The Globe and Mail

‘Idol’s’ problem isn’t Ellen anymore — it’s Ryan - REALITY TV- msnbc.com

Soundgarden Reunite In Seattle For Secret Show - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Kim Kardashian nude and unretouched for 'Harper's Bazaar' | EW.com

"Death at a Funeral": Crude, dumb -- and hilarious - Our Picks: Movies - Salon.com

Christina Applegate engaged to Porno for Pyros rocker Martyn Lenoble

A conversation with Daryl F. Gates - Los Angeles Times

Andrew after 'Idol': 'Doing the best I can, having fun' - USATODAY.com

Movie Futures Exchange Can Open but Not Trade - NYTimes.com

Epoch Times - Danny Glover Arrested At Labor Protest

News - Michelle McGee: I Didn't Destroy Sandra Bullock's Marriage - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

'Oprah' author Kelley on WJR | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Book: Oprah obsessed with Jackie, Kennedys - BostonHerald.com

Daily Gut: My Response to Deepak Chopra’s Son, Gotham

Andrew Breitbart: Why We Fight

Notes From a Tea Party: I’m Old School

Uh, Oh: Will Ferrell’s ‘The Other Guys’ Might Be a Serious Sucker-Punch-A-Thon

ObamaCare: Fighting On


John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government, Chapter 18-On Tyranny


*The Second Treatise of Civil Government


The Emperor’s Old Robe: Justice John Paul Stevens

It’s Morning In The Movement: A Review of R. Emmett Tyrrell’s ‘After The Hangover’

Our Dysfunctional Congress

DC Emancipation Day, thanks to the Republican Party

Waxman Cancels Healthcare Show Trial

The Democrats’ Orwellian Attempt to Bully Republicans and Takeover the Rest of the Economy

Breitbart Tax Day Tea Party Speech

Alexi Giannoulias: All Audacity, All the Time

BREAKING: Friend Says GOP Official Brutally Attacked By Leftist Jindal Protesters–Police Report Released

Palin, Northeast Elitism and a Bostonian’s View of Tea Party II

NY Times Survey Says: MSNBC Progressives, Tea Partiers Have Four of Five Traits in Common

For Tea Party Detractors and Mainstream Media, Thursday Was An Epic Fail

NewsBusted: What Does ‘B.F.D.’ Stand For?

Are There Limits to Free Speech and Other Constitutional Principles? Ask CNN

Andrew Breitbart At the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington

Blowing the Whistle On Organizing For America’s Manipulation of the Media

Elected Officials, ‘That Pesky First Amendment’ and All That Jazz

Why Is the ‘Master Communicator’ Ducking the Media?

An Open Letter To My Friends and Colleagues In the Media

Useful Idiots: “Reliable Sources”

Overnight Semi-Marxist Thread: Tea-Partiers of the World, Unite!

Congrats to the Tea Party – Despite the MSM, Free Speech Will Win In the End

For the Leftist Media, It Really Is Always About Race and Ideology — Never the Truth

Salon Asks: ‘Can We Stop Pretending the Tea Party Is Populist?’ Um… No

Infiltrating the ‘White Boy’ Tea Parties: Are Leftists Like the Westboro Hatemongers?

O Forgotten Hero: How CNBC’s Rick Santelli Started the Tea Party Revolution

In Living Color: The Major Networks’ War On the Tea Party

Max Blumenthal Trashes Roth Report On Antisemitism







Inventions from Space

TBO.com - Mafia-linked gang member escapes

MichaelSavage.com - Home of The Savage Nation

PRUDEN: Surrendering an ally is no strategy at all - Washington Times

My Way News - Obama: Fresh crisis without new financial rules

Volcano travel chaos continues - NYPOST.com

CNSNews.com - ‘Don’t Tell’ on Rep. Eric Massa

Recalling ’95 Bombing, Clinton Sees Parallels - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - NYT/CBS Poll: 52% Say Obama Moving America Towards Socialism

Parents of Chelsea King, Amber Dubois supported plea deal for killer, prosecutors say [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Obama, Clinton fundraiser admits $292 million fraud | Reuters

Obama displays plenty of fundraising steam - latimes.com

Bloomberg to Holder: Time to make a decision on 9/11 trials

A tale of two Obamas: Up in D.C., down in U.S. - Mike Allen and James Hohmann - POLITICO.com

Miami-Dade Transit to remove `offensive' Islamic bus ads - Miami-Dade Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Actor Danny Glover arrested in Md. - Washington Times

A mysterious powder and a miscarriage prompt investigation of restaurateur - latimes.com

Bloods and Crips drug conglomerate wanted to kill cops - NYPOST.com

Dog Slobber Could Be the Next Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment - Cancer - FOXNews.com

The bear is back - NYPOST.com

Mississippi vet claims he's Oprah's dad - NYPOST.com


For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 3

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 4

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 5

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 6


*Transcripts:4/16-Obama's Remarks on the Economy


Climategate Claptrap, I

National Journal Magazine - Obama's Economic Narrative Gap

Spending, Not Tax Cuts, Is the Real Driver of the Fiscal Mess — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Goldman's Fall From Grace - The Daily Beast

In a Rush to Judge Goldman? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

Mark Steyn: Obama's nuke summit dangerously del - Flash Player Installation

The Essence of Obama's Diplomatic Brand - Politics - The Atlantic

American psychos - NYPOST.com

Crashing the 'tea party' - latimes.com

Talking Business - Bet Dreamed Up by Wall Street Made Crisis Worse - NYTimes.com

SEC tries to ride Goldman back to credibility | Analysis & Opinion |

President shutting out reporters :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views

Journalism today: A haven for parasites and double-dealers - Media Criticism - Salon.com

Peggy Noonan: How to Save the Catholic Church - WSJ.com

Eric Massa's Alleged Behavior Abetted by Capitol Culture - Eleanor Clift - Newsweek.com

Pediatric Environmentalism - Forbes.com

Apollo 13 at 40: Houston, We Have a Miracle - TIME

Goldman Sachs charged by the SEC: A volcanic cloud over Wall Street | The Economist

Berkeley's Judge Goodwin Liu - WSJ.com

Editorial - Watch the Goldman Case - NYTimes.com

Thanks For What? - IBD - Investors.com

Obamas report $5.5 million in income on 2009 tax return

Bill Clinton, George Bush urge Congress to give Haiti trade preferences | McClatchy

Geithner Letter Could Steer Derivatives Debate Away From Ban on Banks - WSJ.com

Former N.S.A. Official Is Indicted on Charges of Leaking Secrets - NYTimes.com

The Battle Over The Court | The New Republic

National Journal Magazine - Three Supreme Court Myths

The Teacher Pension Nightmare - Forbes.com

Lawrence H. Summers: Relief for Middle Class Families

Small Business Vs. Big Government - IBD - Investors.com

Putin wins again - NYPOST.com

Debbie Schlussel:Weekend Read: A Prescient Warning About Iran From Decades Ago

Debbie SchlusselRadioactive Vannity: Why Roger Ailes Forced Hannity From Tea Party Event

Debbie Schlussel“Religion of Peace”: Chicago Man Murdered 4 Family Members for “allah,” Quran

Debbie SchlusselPrincess Sarah: Palin Contract Requires All Questions “Pre-Vetted”

The 2nd Amendment=our Constitutional right to bear (own/possess) arms--"Historically"-- "Why?"...

Something's brewing.

Obama 42%, Paul 41%. Is America Finally Waking Up?

Confederate History month symbolizes continued culture war

Border war finally gets some notice!

Law and Border

Return to Sender

The Two Obamas

iPad, Therefore I Am

Obama's World without Giving

Genocide in South Africa

The New Aristocracy

Obama's Quiet War on Red States

'We interrupt your vacation fun for this important announcement...'

National Day of Prayer declared unconstitutional

A country of 'third rails'

China's military buildup: What, me worry?

Iceland's Volcano May Affect Economy, Weather, Health Worldwide

Ron Paul, Obama even in polls.

The 'Thank Obama Brigade'

Iceland's Volcano May Affect Economy, Weather, Health Worldwide

Is the Iran bloc arming for war?

Obama's numbers sinking again

The View from the Left

Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans

Year Zero

Republicans: Stop the Gimmicks

The Man Who Supersized Higher Education

Time to Change the Rules of Engagement

The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy

Ed Schultz Talks to Media Matters' Eric Burns About Why Bill-O Will Never Admit to his 'Jail Time' Lie

Right-wingers think the president has gotten himself all uppity by not showing those Obama-hating Tea Partiers enough deference

“That’s bullsh*t”

Fox News Pundits Don't Agree With Demonizing an Entire Group Unless it's the Liberals

CBS publishes phony rumor about Elena Kagan's love life which was created by a right wing plagiarist

Meg Whitman's Offshore Tax Havens

Tucker Carlson Calls Sarah Palin the Leader of the Tea Party Movement 'By Default'

Obama holds unprecedented meeting with 47 world leaders. Dana Milbank whines.

Conservatives Are Just Beside Themselves Over 'Glee' Making Fun of The Half Governor. Oh, Boo Hoo.

Koch Industries Sends Letter to TPM Saying They Don't Fund Tea Parties (Except When They Do)

SEC Accuses Goldman Sachs of Civil Fraud. When Do We See Criminal Charges?

The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight.

Dick Armey: No One's In Charge of the Tea Party, So That's What Makes it Authentic 'Grassroots'

The Long-Term Unemployed Need A Tier V Added To Unemployment Benefits. Sign The Petition!

O'Reilly doubles down on his 'jail time' lie, says earlier 'reports' on Fox were legit -- then lectures his critics about lying

Tea Party "Contract from America" a Fiscal Suicide Pact

Elizabeth Warren: Time To 'Sober Up' On Mortgage Foreclosures

Bush Apologist Keeps Griping

Victoria Jackson Sings 'There's A Communist Living In The White House' At Tea Party Rally

Trigger Happy Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran McCain is Back


*Politics Video-17 APR/Matthews: GOP May "Purge" Itself Out Of Contention

Rep. Cantor Delivers GOP Response On Democratic Control

O'Reilly: Left Wing Establishment Fears Tea Party Movement

Obama Weekly Address On Holding Wall Street Accountable

Countdown: Democrats Take On The Tea Party

Senator McCaskill On Contracting Oversight

Krauthammer: It's In Obama's "Character" To Ridicule Tea Party Movement

16APR-Bill Clinton: Don't Fuel The "Unhinged"

POLITICO's Mike Allen: White House Increasingly Concerned About Mid-Term Elections

GOP Aide Stomped On; Leg Broken In Four Places After Fundraiser

Sen. Kyl Blasts Goodwin Liu's "Racially Charged" Language Against Alito

Sens. Lieberman, Collins To Subpoena Obama Admin Over Nidal Hasan Investigation

Rush Limbaugh "Thanks" President Obama

KY-Sen: Trey Grayson Attacks Rand Paul Over Fundraising

NBC Reporter To Black Man At Tea Party: "Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?"

FL-Sen: Crist Doesn't Rule Out Independent Run

Sen. Sessions: Holder "Continues To Be In Denial"

Sen. Reed Hints Gregg, Corker & Collins Will Support Regulation Reform

FL-Sen: Connie Mack Quits Crist Campaign

Jake Tapper On Financial Reform

Reps. Price & McCotter On Too Much Taxation

Krauthammer: Tea Party Grounded In "Constitutionalist" Ideas

AR-Sen: Sen. Lincoln On Tough Re-Election Fight

O'Reilly: Americans Being "Lied To" By Media

Countdown: Fact-Checking Tax Day Tea Partiers

Democrat Accepts Tea Party Endorsement

Obama On Tea Partiers: "You Would Think They'd Be Saying Thank You"

Matthews: Most Tea Partiers Are Republicans

UK Politicians In TV Showdown


Holy mistake! Congress wipes out congressional health care insurance

The Raw Story | US Afghan commander: 'We have too many contractors'

‘We vote with bullets,’ reads Tea Party sign | Raw Story

Scud allegations may prompt Israeli raid: Hezbollah - Yahoo! Canada News

On Religion - A Muckraking Blogger Focuses on Jews - NYTimes.com

Big Content's dystopian wish-list for the US gov't: spyware, censorship, physical searches and SWAT teams - Boing Boing


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Congressman: 'Demand adherence to Constitution'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Who will be next Supreme Court justice?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Revere America' seeks repeal of Obamacare


AUDIO; PAGE-Can science, religion co-exist?


Rush: 'Thank you, Mr. President!'

Tea partiers report Fox story changed

New 'Jews for Sarah Palin' movement

CAIR complains, Miami censors bus ads

Patriots 'recapture spirit of America'

Tea-party celeb: Here it comes

Nation's capital rocked by tea'd-off taxpayers

Tea party protesters rally in Fairbanks - KTVA

Tea partiers 'screaming white men,' 'racist forces'

Former President Clinton: Tea Party OK, but anti-Obama rage may inspire another Oklahoma bombing

WorldNetDaily Commentary

Schools' assignment: Squelch family values

Pendleton Marine back on Facebook - SignOnSanDiego.com

Don’t Drink the Water « Liveshots

Fear of 'missionaries' blamed for martyrdom of 3 Christians

Rio's Christ statue graffitied - Yahoo! News

Exonerated anthrax suspect: FBI harassed me - TODAY People

Christians want court to follow Constitution

CNSNews.com - NYT/CBS Poll: 52% Say Obama Moving America Towards Socialism

FOXNews.com - Obama: America a Superpower 'Whether We Like It or Not'

FOXNews.com - Republican Senators Blast Court Nominee for Remarks About Alito

WH riled by CBS web post on Kagan - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Europe faces more air travel chaos - News- msnbc.com

Swiftboat figure vies for House seat

U.S. SENATE RACE: Poll: Reid loses full ballot test - News - ReviewJournal.com

Obama extends hospital visitation rights to same-sex partners of gays

Justice predicts high court will judge health bill - Health care reform- msnbc.com

Mainstream media dissing Obama watchdogs?

Correspondent shut out of questions, again

Mayor Bloomberg to A.G. Eric Holder: Make a decision on 9/11 terror trial already!

Why go to an asteroid? - Yahoo! News

Israel Says Syria Gave Missiles to Hezbollah - NYTimes.com

Shroud forgery? Not so fast, say scientists

My Way News - Obama asks businesses to get behind climate bill

My Way News - Calif. lawmakers mix scouting with sexual politics

My Way News - Mexican-born actress charged with marriage fraud

FOXNews.com - ICE Busts Massive Human Smuggling Ring That Stretches Length of U.S.

Calderon to address Congress May 19 - Washington Times

My Way News - Judge: No allergy risk proven for Ohio execution

To man who flipped off Olathe police, a bird in the hand is worth four grand - KansasCity.com

Cops: MSU thong thief caught with 79 pairs of pilfered panties | detnews.com | The Detroit News

School Board suspends drivers - News

HRC panel postpones transgender guidelines - Bangor Daily News

NYC to stop paying teachers to do nothing - Life- msnbc.com

Little progress seen likely in Bhutto case - Pakistan - msnbc.com

Lawyer accuses lawyers of spending too much as killer's son awaits money from estates

Delaying kids may prevent financial 'motherhood penalty' - USATODAY.com

Pet Sitter Locks Dog Inside Car - News Story - KFOX El Paso

Controversial crucifix creates rift at Warr Acres church | NewsOK.com

A mysterious powder and a miscarriage prompt investigation of restaurateur - latimes.com

Obama wants U.S. defenseless

Tea-party movement at a crossroads

What's really behind the tea parties?

2 worldviews – but only 1 can prevail

Christians, Jews, patriots: Arise, unite!

The singular Supreme Court qualification

The death of common sense

William Ayers' Wyoming debacle

The power of His name

Douglas E. Schoen and Patrick H. Caddell - How the Democrats can avoid a November bloodbath

Tea Party's After-Party: More Extremism as Gun Rights Activists Hit Washington

Listen up, Republicans!

The American Spectator : How Romney Could Kill the ObamaCare Repeal Movement

My Way News - Treasury pay czar releases 2010 pay guidelines

More than 80% of cash for appliances rebate money is spoken for

Federal Emergency Management Agency faces own fiscal emergency - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Reality shows confront careers in a recession - REALITY TV- msnbc.com

Hewlett-Packard Said to Face Justice Department Probe (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Disney goes to trial over safety of Tower of Terror | TheDailyDisney.com from OrlandoSentinel.com

20 most profitable companies - 1. Exxon Mobil (1) - FORTUNE

GE: 7,000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill - Apr. 16, 2010

Twitter's new roadmap - Apr. 16, 2010

Israel bans imports of Apple iPad - Washington Times

Government machines that can 'read your mind'

My Way News - Barbie, Thomas and Friends drive Mattel 1Q profit

The Associated Press: Last US sardine cans being packed in Maine

Tiger Woods' Nike Spot Fails to Make Cut

No inflation? What about price hikes of 30%?

Is buying a hybrid worth it?

Obama wants U.S. defenseless

A primer on Islamo-fascism

Tea partiers 'screaming white men,' 'racist forces'

Obama-linked union: White workers 'f---ing rabidly racist'

Obama's nuke agreements meant to disarm U.S.?

Tea partiers report Fox story changed

NASA lab accused of crackdown on intelligent design

Schools' assignment: Squelch family values

Christians want court to follow Constitution

Government calls preaching 'clear and present danger'

Microchips in Obamacare? Not yet


VIDEO:How Christianity is being redefined

VIDEO:Santa Claus was a Mormon?


Tonganoxie holds special graduation for a student whose battle against cancer inspires many - KansasCity.com

Personal mobility vehicle is easy rider | detne - Flash Player Installation

Boulder nudists win fight with housing authority - Boulder Daily Camera

Museum warns: Don’t touch the live nudes - Arts, books, more- msnbc.com

Near-Death Experiences Explained?

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?

Netanyahu: I’m Reading the Bible - News Briefs - Israel National News

Fanged leech pulled from girl's nose - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

Pornographic magazine for the blind launched - Telegraph

Fed Shouldn’t Reveal Crisis Loans, Banks Vow to Tell High Court - Bloomberg.com

Oxygen-Free Animals Discovered—A First

Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy - space - 14 April 2010 - New Scientist

Time Traveler Caught in Museum Photo? | forgetomori

Titanic 'did not send distress signal for 45 minutes', book claims - Telegraph

Paradise Recycled: Architects Dream of Turning Great Pacific Garbage Patch Into Habitable Island | Fast Company

BBC News - New species of nose-dwelling leech discovered

SPACE.com -- Mars Is a Spacecraft Graveyard

Painting whale makes splash in art world | Quirky News | Orange UK

UFO studies should be 'legitimate university subject', claims American professor - Telegraph

Bear killed by Inuit hunter may be rare polar-grizzly hybrid

New Force Behind Agency of Wonder - NYTimes.com

Gallery - See the world's oldest organisms - Image 1 - New Scientist


*American Minute for April 17th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Mayor joins chorus questioning if Obama 'American'

High ranking army officer from Greeley refuses to obey orders until President produces birth certificate | Greeley Gazette

NPR changes archive regarding president's birth

Officer challenging Obama 'reassigned'

Press tries, convicts doctor-soldier

Officer challenging Obama 'reassigned'

McCain is 'father of birther movement'

It's a matter of constitutional integrity

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000


The Michael Savage Show Podcast: Fri April 16, 2010

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-16, Friday

04/16 The Mark Levin Show

April 16, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


#Video: 25 Displaced By Raging New Haven Fire

Video: Drop House Has Long History With Law Enforcement

Video: Concealed Weapons Permit - A Thing Of The Past

Video: Woman Suspected Of Stealing Wallets

Video: Iceland's Volcano Sending Ash Into Sky

Video: Three Veterans All From Thomasville Go On Flight Of Honor

Video: Apollo 13 Ordeal Remembered 40 Years Later

WA Cops: Millionaire Drug Smuggler Ran 'Bestiality Farm'

Travellers remain stranded in Europe

Little Boy's Big Idea For Police Officer Fundraiser

Microsoft Yanks Video After Complaints it Promotes ‘Sexting’

Clinton Redux: Tea Parties Make Him Worry About Another Oklahoma City Bombing

Pakistani Bootleggers Use Clandestine Tactics to Avoid Taliban

Krauthammer: Snooty Obama Sees Tea Party ‘Proletariat’ as ‘Stupid’&‘Paranoid’

Jon Stewart to Fox News: ‘Go F*** Yourselves’

Illinois Mayor Expresses Doubts About Obama’s Citizenship

The B-Cast: Obama Advisor Continues Campaign Against Glenn Beck

Fido’s Wet Kisses Could Hold Cancer Key

Tea Party Attendee Confronts ‘Proud Racist’ in Swastika Shirt

Caught on Tape: Man Escorted Out by Cops After Crashing Sacramento Tea Party Stage

Rush: We Will Really Thank You in November, Mr. President

Comedian Frank Caliendo Tests His Glenn Beck Impression

Blogger Responds to Obama: ‘We Will Never Say Thank You’

‘Luntz Led’: DNC Accuses Sen. McConnell of Channeling Pollster’s Words

Oliver North Slams Obama’s ‘Core Philosophy of Being Anti-American’

Willie Nelson Confesses Pre-Show Pot Use to Larry King

NBC Reporter Quizzes Black Man at DC Tea Party: ‘Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?’

Obama Advisor: ‘Social Justice’ Is Not ‘Slippery Slope’ to Marxism

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Isn’t Iceland Too Cold for a Volcano?

Rep. King Expresses Outrage Over Blogger’s Accusation About IRS Comments

Obama Mocks Tea Partiers: ‘You Would Think They’d Be Saying Thank You’

‘Like Me’: Obama Sees Similarities With ‘Smart But Humble’ Aussie PM

‘Incredible’: McCain Slams Obama Quote About Burden of American ‘Superpower’

‘Cynical and Deceptive’: Obama Blasts GOP Leader Sen. McConnell

The B-Cast A-Side: Was Assault on Jindal Aide a Random Crime?

The B-Cast Interview: Network News Falters in Tea Party Coverage`

Hannity Opens Show With No Mention of Fox Decision to Yank Him From Ohio Tea Party

Justice Breyer: Health Care Reform Law Could Appear Before Supreme Court

Makes Sense or Nonsense? Point-Counterpoint on the Health Care Legal Challenge

Massive Fireball Lights Up Night Sky Across Midwest

SEIU’s Stern Makes Retirement Official in YouTube Video

Congressional Pig Book Released: Where are Billions in Earmarks Headed?

Alice In Wonderland on the iPad Might Be The Future of Books

Conan Rocks Out to Altered Cover of ‘I Will Survive’ 1st Night of Live Tour

Church Painting Infuriates Oklahoma City Congregation

Judge Rules: Divorced Dad Can Take ‘Jewish’ Daughter to Catholic Church