"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 April 2010



Air Force Looks for ‘Core Algorithms’ of Human Thought | Danger Room | Wired.com

New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Hitler’s Most Trenchant Speech - Biographer John Toland | Real Zionist News

Synthetic marijuana a growing trend among teens, authorities say - CNN.com

Roy Tov – Israel 2040

Google backs Yahoo in privacy fight with DOJ | Politics and Law - CNET News

Low Vitamin D Level Tied to Cognitive Decline

Bestiality farmer allegedly offered sex with dogs and horses

Tea Partiers are boiling mad in Illinois :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

Howling Wind: The Unrepented Genocide

A Nation Behind Bars: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Detention

Restoring What Settlers Destroyed

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Child Protective Services, Kidnapping and Pedophile Rings

savethemales.ca - You're a "Fascist" if...

Democrat 'Progressivism' Is Prime Rothschild Domination Tool

Politics, Finance, and Your Health

9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods - Healthy Living on Shine

Antony Flew, 87, Philosopher and Ex-Atheist, Dies - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com


audio:Kevin MacDonald - Jewish Indentity Politics In US - Pt 1

audio:Kevin MacDonald - Jewish Indentity Politics In US - Pt 2


Were Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot atheists?

Occidental Observer:Faux-Conservative Jews

Neoconned again | JAMES EDWARDS

Atzmon - Symbolic Identifiers And Jewish Stereotypes

News - Vitamin D Supplementation Associated With Reduced Cardiovascular Risk

Pat Condell: 'What I know about Islam'

IDF soldiers new attraction for gay tourists

Space Junk Is a Growing Problem, Scientists Say - AOL News

Clinically dead boy 'saw grandmother in Heaven' | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Iceland's farmers try to save herds from toxic ash

Mezan Center: “Israel Deliberately Killed Reuters Cameraman” :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

US considering military alternatives for Iran

Teaching Congress Shit from Shinola « Mantiq al-Tayr

Microsoft's Chinese workforce, too tired to stay awake | Mail Online

USAFE units participate in BRILLIANT ARDENT 2010

YouTube - children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms

President John Tyler and the Confederacy | JAMES EDWARDS


Source of Bible Covenant with God discovered?

A minister reviews 'Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection'

Preachers, priests quietly embrace the Christ myth

The Jesus Myth

Saeculum Obscurum, Christian Pornocracy & The Rule of the Whores - | Sophrosyne Radical


The Free Press –Don’t tread on the Tea Party


EclippTV :: Video :: Champaign IL Mayor Schweighart says Obama is not an American citizen

EclippTV :: Video :: Kirkpatrick Sale on the Vermont Secession Movement

YouTube - How the US news media fails us

YouTube - Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda

YouTube - Scott Ritter - The problem and the solution

YouTube - Mike Rivero - The Dangers of Belief


YouTube - Bill Moyers at NCMR 2007 -- PART 1

YouTube - Bill Moyers at NCMR 2007 -- PART 2


YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 1/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 2/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 3/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 4/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 5/5


YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds


YouTube - The Underlying Politics of 9/11 (Part I)

YouTube - The Underlying Politics of 9/11 (Part II)


YouTube - Why "Blackwater" is behind suicide bombings in Pakistan - RT 091119

OpEdNews - Article: Obama DoJ indicts NSA whistleblower...are you mad yet?

OpEdNews - Article: World-wide Attack on the Vatican? Think of it as an Opportunity!

Survey finds most don't trust government | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

EclippTV :: Video :: When Eugenics Trumps Science

The Godfather USA - Pravda.Ru

Dead-Ends of Lech Kaczynski's Foreign Policy - Pravda.Ru

Russia and Ukraine Finally Bid Farewell to Yushchenko’s Ignorance - Pravda.Ru

The NonScience of MacroEvolution - Pravda.Ru

EclippTV :: Video :: Stephen Colbert Outs The Bilderberg Group On Air!!!

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers : "The Fed Will Print Money Till We Run Out of Trees!"

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - David Buckner on class warfare through taxes

FOXNews.com - Obama to Launch Public Campaign for Wall Street Crackdown

'Dehumanization, part of US training'


New Economic Perspectives: This Is Not The Way To Do Healthcare Reform: Democrats Propose Windfall For Insurance Industry

New Economic Perspectives: What Do Our Nation’s Biggest Banks Owe Us Now?

EclippTV :: Video :: Banks Ruin Economy for Quick (Large) Profits Part 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Banks ruin Economy for Quick (Real Big) Profits Part 2

EclippTV :: Video :: Bank ruin Economy for Quick (Huge) Profits3

We Refuse! | Tenth Amendment Center

Top Goldman Leaders Said to Have Overseen Mortgage Unit - NYTimes.com

NATO F-16 Fighter jet engines damaged by volcanic dust

Goldman Sachs: the bank that thought it ruled the world - Telegraph

Support for full-body scanners ‘lower than reported’ - Cheapflights.co.uk

Flouridation may not do much for cavities - The Globe and Mail

Clean air, a problem? « Watts Up With That?

Tom Nelson: Nature.com article suggests that trace amounts of CO2 cause volcanic activity, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis

U.S. Stock Futures Fall as Goldman Sachs Faces Probes in Europe

Malware uses copyright threats to blackmail victims - V3.co.uk - formerly vnunet.com

Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con | Will Hutton | Business | The Observer

Barak: “The Only Way out of Iran Crises is a Bold Israeli Move” « Aletho News

Foreclosure Pipeline Is Full to Bursting -- Seeking Alpha

Illinois bank-owned foreclosures double in first quarter - Chicago Tribune

Why I Think Goldman Is Guilty | Sense on Cents

School IT allegedly took "thousands" of pics in webcam case

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 New World Order plan: Europe, America vs Russia, China

Industrial Wind and the Wall Street Cap and Trade Fraud

YouTube - Politicians Asked "What country in the Middle East ACTUALLY has Nukes?" Watch the Weasels Squirm

04-18-2010: China Gives Venezuela $20 Billion

04-18-2010: Iran calls US 'the world's only atomic criminal'

04-18-2010: Iceland Volcano: This is just the beginning, warn scientists

04-18-2010: Catholic Church is 'like the Mafia'

High Frequency Trading High-tech Highway Robbery

Obama Gladly Embraces Bush’s Anti-Terrorism Powers

Goldman Lawyers Advised Lehman

Goldman Sachs fraud charges ‘just the tip of the iceberg’: prof

Goldman Sachs Said to Have Been Warned of SEC Suit

Feds Indict Ex-Blackwater President

Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama

Microsoft's Chinese Labor Scandal

Chip Implanter PositiveID Aims To Clean Up A PR Mess

Why Drug Addicts Are Getting Sterilized for Cash

Study: Insurance Companies Hold Billions In Fast Food Stock

'Third World' concepts no longer relevant - Zoellick

President Bill Clinton to Address Globalization, Progress at PMI(R) Global Congress 2010—North America

Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain and Machine

United Nations' threat: No more parental rights Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object

China tries to sterilise 10,000 parents over one-child rule

Benazir Bhutto 'left to mercy of assassins by security chief'

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future

Taliban’s Supreme Leader Signals Willingness to Talk Peace

Ninety-Four Percent of Kandaharis Want Peace Talks, Not War

Israel Warns Syria over Hezbollah Attacks

Gates Says U.S. Lacks Strategy to Curb Iran’s Nuclear Drive

Lie to Congress; Get Fourth Star

Two U.S. Soldiers From Wikileaks ‘Collateral Murder’ Video Apologize

Humanity and Its Absence

Ciudad Juárez and the Global Economy’s New Killing Fields

High-tech Highway Robbery

A Greater Threat Than Terrorism

Corporations Aren't Persons

I Believe: 'We Can Realize the Impossible':

US strike against Iran 'last option'-Mullen

Iran wins regional support for its nuclear programme

Israeli jets violate Lebanese airspace

Tony Blair stranded in Jerusalem

White supremacists, demonstrators square off in LA




Hating the Government Goes Mainstream

What Is the National Level Exercise and Why Does FEMA Want It Hidden?

Former Treasury Secretary Paulson Needs a Good Lawyer

Taliban Wants to Talk Peace

Family calls police to help their devoted father of three who was suicidal because he couldn't find work – Police respond by killing him instead

NOPD asks FBI to investigate fatal shooting of man by police

Obama Administration Officials Drafting Secret Indefinite Detention Policy

McCain Proposes Indefinite Detention Without Trial for Citizens

Free Markets, Deregulation, and Blame

The Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure is a "Legitimate" Target

Privacy group rips into body scan survey

If The U.S. Economy Goes Into The Toilet Will It Result In A Complete And Total Collapse Of Society?

TSA to download your iTunes?

The Greyhound Station Gulag

Md. General Assembly clears MontCo to buy biotech stocks

YouTube - iPad Tortured to Death in Mass Social Experiment

YouTube - Lew Rockwell on Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton 4/17/10

Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep

8 and Counting: Alaska Passes Firearms Freedom Act

SF crime lab at center of growing scandal

The Transnational Homeland Security State and the Decline of Democracy

YouTube - Buildings On 9/11 Were Imploded! Willie Nelson

Militia Member Says He Wasn't Aware of Any Plot

YouTube - WeAreChange Talks to Stephen Colbert

Latest Eco-Scare: 'Why cleaner air could speed global warming'

ACTA Treaty: Can Seize, Destroy Your PC, Electronics

Digital Economy Act: This means war

Marxist Wealth Distribution for the Bankers

What happened to "look forward, not backward"?

Former NSA executive charged in newspaper leak case

Banksters Rally Round Fed To Keep Bailout Trillions Secret

FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather, journalist discloses


YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 2 of 2


***Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined( Full)


YouTube - Leslie Dutton Talks About Political Prisoner Richard I. Fine on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Leslie Dutton Talks About Political Prisoner Richard I. Fine on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Whistle-Blower Richard I. FIne Tells All on The Alex Jones Show 1/3

YouTube - Whistle-Blower Richard I. FIne Tells All on The Alex Jones Show 2/2

YouTube - Whistle-Blower Richard I. FIne Tells All on The Alex Jones Show 3/3


YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 04/19/10


Video: Right-wing radio host calls tea parties ‘the Sarah Palin movement’ « Dprogram.net

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

video:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Iraq Election Sets Off New Political Tussle

Venezuela: Cuban Doctors Helping the Poor

Soldier Jailed for Rap Lyrics Is Discharged

Cyber-Warfare Chief's Deception

The Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure is a "Legitimate" Target

The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism

Going After Goldman: A Crackdown on Financial Crime or a Kabuki Play Maneuvre to Avoid Bringing Criminal Charges

The Pentagon Papers Are Public This Time

The Pentagon's Fantasy Numbers on Afghan Civilian Deaths

From Vietnam to Afghanistan: America and the Dictators

Europe's Sovereign Debt Crisis: Further collapse of Britain's pound sterling?

NATO: Pentagon’s Gateway Into Former Warsaw Pact, Soviet Nations

Nation of Laws and Lawlessness: America is Policing Itself and the World

VIDEO: Be Nice to America. Or We'll Bring Democracy to Your Country!


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 2 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 3 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 4 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 5 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 6 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 7 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 8 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 9 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 10 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 11 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 12 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 13 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 14 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 15 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse


Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent


Devvy -- Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in -- 04/19/10

Time’s Klein: Beck, Palin Potentially Committing Sedition against U.S. Government; Heilemann Adds Limbaugh | NewsBusters.org

Greg Evensen -- Castle Defense Final Reload: A Patriot's Spiritual War

Paul Proctor - The Church Of No Offense

Frosty Wooldridge -- What do Teddy Kennedy, Palin and McCain Enjoy in Common?

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Jim R. Schwiesow -- Red Skies Over the Republic

Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep - National - NZ Herald News

Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Is Oprah an Intelligence Asset

EPA Contest Seeks Videos Promoting Government Regulations

Sen. Lieberman ‘Startled’ by Pentagon’s Failure to Mention ‘Islamic Terrorism’ In Report on Ft. Hood Massacre

Probe of Alleged White House ‘Quid-Pro-Quo’ Won’t End After Pa. Senate Primary, Issa Says

Tyrell’s ‘After the Hangover’ Explains Conservatism’s Successes -- and Obstacles

Obama’s Order on Hospital Visitation Doesn’t Change Much, But Pleases Homosexual Activists Nevertheless

‘Avatar’s’ James Cameron: ‘I Don’t Think Cap and Trade Is the Right Answer’

Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Rights of Campus Christian Group

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Have a Lot to Learn’ About Energy Policy From Other Nations

Bill Clinton Offers Obama Advice on Next Supreme Court Justice

Summer Showdown: Taliban Buildup Underway in Afghanistan

U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq on Track, Top General Says

US Military Operation in Haiti Draws to Close

Toyota Will Agree to a Record Fine, AP Reports

California Lawmakers Brawl Over Resolution Honoring Boy Scouts of America

School Accused of Spying on Students Through Laptops Snared 1,000s of Webcam Images, Family Says

Israeli Defense Minister Says Israel Needs International Legitimacy, Can’t Rule Palestinians Forever

Prom-Goers Watch Repo Man Drive Away in their Limo

DNC to Pour $20M, Plus other Resources into Races

The Eyjafjallajokull Volcano

The EPA Monster

Left in a State of Rage

Subsidizing Bad Behavior: The Injustice of Tort Reform

Kelly Ripa Fundraising for Global Green USA

Obama Calculates VAT Tax

Obama-Dodd Bill Rewards Goldman Sachs

Republicans Dig In Against Obama's War on Wall Street

Fraud Charge Deals Big Blow to Goldman's Image

Geithner: Obama Taking Steps to Shrink Deficit

Obama to Sell Financial Overhaul to Country

Bill Clinton: Dems to Hold Senate, House in 2010

Perot, Tea Party Movements Different

Iran Picks Site for New Enrichment Facility

Economic Blow to Airlines Could Surpass 9/11

Polish Leader Buried in Ceremony of Patriotism

Report: Countrywide Financial Being Probed

Taliban Say Buildup Under Way

Shimon Peres: Iran Threatens Whole World

Recession Is Ending — Americans Don't Buy It

Black Or Biracial? Census Forces a Choice

Pope Benedict XVI Marks 5 Years Since Election

Dodd to Goldman: Rein in GOP

Newt Raises $2.7 Million, Lapping Field

Bill Clinton: Too Much Infighting in U.S.

Wind Energy Decision Carries Political Impact

Canceled Poland Trip Frees Obama for Golf

Envoy Had Business Ties to Pelosi's Husband

Vice President Joe Biden to Appear On 'The View'

Netanyahu: 'Crippling Sanctions' Against Iran

Poll: Majority Wants Smaller Gov't, Fewer Services

Scott Brown: I Respect Palin, Tea Party

McConnell: Start Over on Bank Reform

Bill Clinton: Look Beyond Judges for High Court

Bruce Mandelblit: Foreclosure Scams on the Rise

Voting Party Line: Specter, Yes; Brown, No

Pelosi Dinner: More Guards Than Guests

UK Liberal Leader As Popular as Churchill

Barak: No Israeli War This Summer

Fed Should Quit Rate Policy Deliberately: Hoeing

Goldman Shares Dip, But Analysts Stay Upbeat

Buffett Takes $1 Billion Hit on Goldman Charges

Paulson Hedge Fund Made Billions on Subprimes

Are Your Aches Symptoms of Depression?

People Grow to Dislike Diet Foods

Dish Network Agrees to Carry Epix Movie Channel

'Cloud' Music Plans No Longer Just Pie in the Sky

Carrie Underwood Wins ACM Entertainer of the Year

Lawsuit Against Woody Harrelson Dismissed


*The 2007 IPCC report falls well short of its advertising


Tom Nelson: New poll from Harry Reid's home state: Just over a third are global warming believers

*EclippTV • View topic - Texas Engineer Demolitions the 9-11 WTC 7 Fairy


*4/18:TranscriptsInterviews with Leader McConnell & Senator Warner

Interview with Senator Scott Brown (PDF)

Interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Interview with Bill Clinton

Interview with W.H. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs


Goldman Suit Harnessed by Obama Aides for Internet Ad Campaign - Bloomberg.com

Doctors pursue House, Senate seats - USATODAY.com

Obama swooping into L.A. to boost Sen. Boxer in tough reelection fight - The Hill's Ballot Box

Supreme Court still resists pressure to televise proceedings

Andrew Kohut: Americans Are More Skeptical of Washington Than Ever - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - How Big a Government Do We Want?

RealClearPolitics - The Populism of the Privileged

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers Fight Culture of Dependence

Libertarians lead Independent shift from Obama - David Kirby and David Boaz - POLITICO.com

For all the frothing, nothing has been done about banks | Ross Clark - Times Online

The story of America's greatest idea: risk. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Reduction Is Theme Of President’s Next Act - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Hot Air » Blog Archive » NYT: ObamaCare will drive up costs, burden the healthy

Supreme Court Needs Politicians, Not Ideologues: Hunt (Correct) - Bloomberg.com

Military Commissions: The Right Venue for KSM - WSJ.com

Elena Kagan's Achilles' Heel - The Daily Beast

The American Spectator : Crying Hate, Suppressing Debate

Economy brighter, but deficit clouds are looming large

Replacing Justice Stevens - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

62, under a US cloud

Lexington: The next Supreme Court justice | The Economist

The Republicans' 2012 problem - Republican Party - Salon.com

Mark Landsbaum: Man should be free to love the EarthFreeto love the Earth - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Op-Ed Columnist - Just Doing It - NYTimes.com

Carroll: Hick, Van Jones and Lincoln - The Denver Post


*4/19:Politics VideoGates' White House Memo On Iran

Sen. LeMieux: Crist Running As A Republican

Hitchens To Perkins: "You Can Be Proud Of This Great Tradition Of Intolerance"

Sen. Gregg On Goldman's Impact On Financial Reform

Jenna Bush Hager Takes On Bill Clinton

Barney Frank On Goldman Fallout & Financial Reform

Sen. Boxer Begs Crowd To "Get Excited" Like Tea Partiers

Gibbs: The Media Plays Toward The Camera

Netanyahu on U.S., Israel Tensions

Harwood: Republican Case Against Financial Reform "Weak"

Accused SEALs Head To Court

Rep. King: Debate Over 9/11 Trials Make US Look "Foolish"

*4/18:Sen. Warner On Regulatory Reform: "I Want To Hear Specifics"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Role Of Tea Party On Midterms

McCain On Wall Street: Never Again Can An Institution Be Too Big To Fail

Geithner: U.S. Needs Financial Reforms "With Teeth"

Sen. Scott Brown On What His Victory Meant, Washington

Clinton On Being On The Supreme Court

John McCain On "Maverick" Comment: "I'm A Fighter"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On VAT

"This Week" Roundtable On Financial Regulation

Robert Gibbs On "Background" Sourcing

Sen. McConnell Weighs In On Rubio

Clinton: Rubin & Summers Were Wrong On Derivatives

FL-Sen: Rubio On Crist's Independent Rumor


Teen Convicted of Manslaughter in NY Hate Crime

Thai Troops Guard Business Zone From Protesters

Advocates Carry Handguns, Rifles at Va. Rally

UK Airspace to Start Reopening on Tuesday

Airline Body Seeks Moves to Reopen Europe Airspace

Dallas Cabbie Fatally Shot, 2 Hurt; Gunman Sought

Mom Arrested in Fresno Drowning of Infant Son

Male? New York's the Best Place to Live, Survey Says

NV Mustang Roundup Death Toll Blamed on Stress

Iran Says to Start Work on New Enrichment Plant

Iraqi Panel Orders Vote Recount in Baghdad

UK Scouts Riding Along on the Crest of a Wave

Gauguin From Money Man to Myth Maker, Show Says

Pakistan Sidelines Some Officials After Bhutto Report

Pop Pioneer Hails Germany Despite Holocaust Misery

Sister Act: Athlete and Nun Team up for Charity

China Quake Death Toll Nears 2,000

Israel's Barak Concerned by Rift With U.S.

Toyota Expected to Pay $16.4 Million U.S. Fine: Source

Modern Etiquette: We Interrupt This Meeting for an Email

Women Stitch Back Their Lives After Fleeing Myanmar

Once Branded a Coward, He Fights for PTSD Victims

South Korea's Lee Vows to Root out Navy Sinking Culprit

Police: Man Shot at Border Thought From Colorado

World Bank Set for Capital Boost, Tough Vote Talks

Del. Pediatrician Was Subject of 1996 Complaint

Poles Bury Kaczynski, Eye Better Ties With Russia

A Volcanic Eruption - Iceland's Revenge?

Doctor: Luci Baines Johnson Improving at Hospital

Solo Trans-Atlantic Rower Coped With iPods, Candy

Kyrgyzstan's New Rulers Struggle to Restore Order


*reviews:Best baseball movies | Yakkin' with the Sherpa | STLtoday


State-sponsored assassinations: A time to KILL - US - World - The Times of India

Warning Signs: The EPA Monster

Defense Spending Is Much Greater than You Think | The Beacon

Goldman Could Trigger Market Correction: Jim Rogers - CNBC

Gerald Celente: The Economic Cover-Up Is Coming Off

Is the SEC Case Against Goldman Sachs Being Staged for Political Advantage? by Bill Sardi

Tax Fury On Facebook by Gary North

Misreading the tea leaves: Media can't figure out the tea party | NJ.com


YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 1)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 2)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 3)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 4)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 5)

YouTube - Media Spin by Brian Springer (Part 6)


New discoveries indicate ancient British sun worship

World in collision with mass extinction?

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: ‘Furry Vengeance’ Tells Your Kids Al Gore’s a Hero

GLORIA ESTEFAN: ‘Our Gloria’ Betrays Cuban Fans, Jumps On Obama Bandwagon

Day by Day: Divorce

Obama Nation: Four Out of Five Despots Agree!

Remember the Maines: Is Miley Cyrus the Next Leftist Trojan Horse Into Country Music?

Geithner to Pressure Collins Today—Man the Battle Stations

Why I Support Legalizing Marijuana Now

Spit Take: Andy Stern Says Unions Don’t Cost Taxpayers A Dime

The Obama-Dodd-Frank-Everything’s-A-Bank-Bill

Of Greek Columns and Green Jobs

Obama’s Newest Villain: Goldman Sachs

Durbin: ‘Timing Was Perfect’ on Goldman Charges

On Pretending the Constitution Was a Blank Slate

The Pastor, the Pedophile and CAIR

Going Galt to Escape Greedy Politicians

Indoctrination on Campus: SEIU Arrests Give New Meaning to ‘Cutting Class’

Allee Bautsch’s Mother Speaks Out – Says Daughter Was Attacked by Leftist Political Protesters

America’s Constitutionalist Revolt: Tea Parties Channel the Founding Fathers

Frank Rich Still Thinks You’re a Racist

And the Hits Just Keep On Coming: Van Jones’s Anti-Government Rap

On CNN, Jessica Yellin Welcomes Gov. Moonbeam For a Cozy Little Chat Just Between Us Liberals

In New Orleans, Media Incuriosity When the News Doesn’t Fit the ‘Narrative’

A Possible Political Beating in New Orleans, a Collective Shrug from the MSM

Is the Press Corps Finally Rebelling Against Obama’s Habitual Secrecy?

As Illinois Dies, the Blame-Blago MSM Narrative Comes Apart

Charles Blow, New York Times Tea Party Infiltrator, Sees White People

State of the New York Times’s Discourse: How Low Can MoDo Go?

Memo to MSM: When You’ve Lost Jon Stewart… You’re Officially Irrelevant

No Joy in Mudville As MSM’s Coverage of Tea Party Strikes Out

NY Times Survey Says: MSNBC Progressives, Tea Partiers Have Four of Five Traits in Common

For Tea Party Detractors and Mainstream Media, Thursday Was An Epic Fail

NewsBusted: What Does ‘B.F.D.’ Stand For?







Poll: 4 of 5 Americans don't trust Washington | Washington Examiner

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Prime Minister: Leader of al Qaeda in Iraq killed – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

PRUDEN: Surrendering an ally is no strategy at all - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - NYT/CBS Poll: 52% Say Obama Moving America Towards Socialism

My Way News - Obama: Fresh crisis without new financial rules

Obama, Clinton fundraiser admits $292 million fraud | Reuters

Miami-Dade Transit to remove `offensive' Islamic bus ads - Miami-Dade Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Obama displays plenty of fundraising steam - latimes.com

Junk mortgage king John Paulson checks how his charity money is spent - NYPOST.com

A Russian oil tycoon spent $15.75M on an apartment at the Mark Hotel--now he wants his money back - NYPOST.com

Mississippi vet claims he's Oprah's dad - NYPOST.com

Debbie SchlusselWeekend Read: A Prescient Warning About Iran From Decades Ago

Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As ‘Mysterious” Die-Off Accelerates

GodLikeProductions.com Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Collapse Of Society - Chaos In The Making

Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months Under New Health Bill - warnthepeople.org

Why Obama Can't End Nukes - Newsweek.com


***isotropic.org :Today's Date

*Meteorologist Todd Gross' World Weather Now!

*Recent Earthquakes Worldwide: magnitude, deaths, hazards, intensity — Infoplease.com

*Current Volcanic Ash Advisories - Washington VAAC - Satellite Services Division / Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution

*24-Hour Aftershock Forecast Map

*Earthquake Prediction :www.quakeprediction.com

*SyzygyJob (www.syzygyjob.com)

*Earthquake Predictions(/www.nextearthquake.com/)

*Global Volcanism Program (www.volcano.si.edu/reports/usgs/)


Murder of the Internet and the Free Market

YouTube - Sen. Rockefeller Wants the FCC to Protect the Internet for Consumers

Geraldo - Tea Party Express - Fox News | Mediaite

Black Rev. Calls Accusations the Tea Party is Racist an “Out-and-out Lie”

NBC Race Baiting Stunt at Tea Party Fails Stupendously

CFR Journalist Calls Tea Party Talk Seditious

Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Alarmists

Don’t Look to Banks To Solve Economic Problems

Fraud: It’s Much Bigger Than Goldman Sachs

British airspace lockdown sparks food supply concern - Emirates Business 24|7

Experts: Angry rhetoric protected, but can be disturbing - CNN.com

Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller - Times Online

WHO flu experts reject charges of business influence in pandemic - Health & Families, Life & Style - The Independent

Latin America: Mexico’s Cartels Declare War on the Zetas

Geithner sees common ground with Tea Party on “Hard Choices”

Reuters AlertNet - US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26

Iraq's Ayad Allawi warns of sectarian war, says U.S. must aid reconciliation


YouTube - The Truth about Facebook!

Facebook's new content-sharing button 'will not track users' web history' - Telegraph


Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Alarmists

The BRAD BLOG : Citizens United: A Case Which Will Live in Infamy

Europe to Phase Out Flying Bans as Icelandic Eruptions Ease - Bloomberg.com

NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have caused Iceland’s Volcano!!!

Afghanistan: More than 100 dead in bloody week | Raw Story

Why the Precautionary Principle always works – Telegraph Blogs

Test Flights Through Iceland Volcano Ash Cloud Successful

Volcano Ash May Reach Canada Coast, MET Office Says (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Police State 4 Sneak Peek #1: Financial Terrorism

Goldman Cracks

100 Years of US Medical Fascism

Congressmen Urge Dramatic Expansion Of Goldman Investigation, Demand Big Payback To AIG

Critics of GM crops vindicated over time - Winnipeg Free Press


WACO - Who Shot First?


Waco - A New Revelation (1999) (Part 1 of 2) 53:33

Waco - A New Revelation (1999) (Part 2 of 2) 57:37


WACO: The Rules of Engagement (1/2) 1:09:26

WACO: The Rules of Engagement (2/2) 1:06:24


informationliberation - Waco and the New Brown Scare


Waco The F.L.I.R. Project - Part 1/3 DepartmentofWacoJustice.com 14:49

Waco The F.L.I.R. Project - Part 2/3 DepartmentofWacoJustice.com 14:48

Waco The F.L.I.R. Project - Part 3/3 DepartmentofWacoJustice.com 04:12


Waco and the New Brown Scare by Anthony Gregory

Breitbart.tv » Limbaugh Blasts Clinton: Didn’t Waco Raid Inspire OKC Bombing?


YouTube - False Flag Prelude? Clinton Warns It May Take Terrorism To Stop Tea Parties

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 4/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 5/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 6/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 7/8

YouTube - Nwo Lackey Promises Okla. Style Attack Soon on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 8/8


» Just As To the MSM, To Bill Clinton, Tea = TNT - Big Journalism

» About that Tim McVeigh Special on MSNBC Tonight… - Big Journalism

The Meaning of Timothy McVeigh by Gore Vidal

Okla. Bombing Victims' Children Build New Lives - ABC News

Oklahoma City Marks 15 Years Since Bombing - ABC News

15 years after: A minute that changed our world | NewsOK.com

The Oklahoma City Bombing

The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

CNSNews.com - Oklahoma City Marks 15 Years Since Bombing

My Way News - Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

informationliberation - "Yes, Virginia, There Are Oklahoma City Bombing Truthers"

informationliberation - Clinton Compares Tea Party Members to Timothy McVeigh


The Meaning of Timothy McVeigh | Politics | Vanity Fair

Breitbart.tv » ‘Exploitive Left’: Palin, Beck & Fox Are Going to Cause Right-Wing ‘McVeigh-Like’ Domestic Terrorism

OK City: The Ryder Truck On The Army Base


*The Oklahoma City Bombing ; PROOF there were additional explosive charges.


ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM:Bill Clinton draws parallels to Oklahoma City


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 8

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 9



*The 2010 Plan to Restore the Constitution: April 19th – Patriot’s Day


A Summary of the 14 Articles of Freedom


YouTube - Articles of Freedom Delivery Day April 19th (5min)


Bill Kristol: Republicans Should Think About Breaking up the Banks

SEC To Look Into Similar Wall St. Mortgage Deals

Teabagger Mark Williams Unloads on Geraldo -- Claims It's Impossible for Tea Partiers to Be Racists

President Clinton: I Was Wrong To Listen To Rubin and Summers On Derivatives

Kathleen Parker and Joe Klein: Tea Party fringe groups are a national security threat; FOX and the Becks are acting seditiously

Eric Kuselias is an Idiot.

Fox News Defends Over The Top Rhetoric From Tea Party

Ed Rendell Says The Media Has Been Over-Hyping The Tea Parties

McCain: "Pull the Trigger" on Iran

Bill Clinton: Look beyond judges for Supreme Court nomination

President Obama Calls Out Mitch McConnell in His Weekly Address for Running to Wall Street

Clinton: Rush Limbaugh 'Doesn't Make Any Sense.'

Koch Industries denies funding tea parties, but official filings say otherwise

Bill Moyers Journal: Simon Johnson and James Kwak on Real Financial Reform

Who funds RightNetwork? Looks like the usual suspects.

U.S. Military Report Warns of 'Serious' Oil Shortages By 2015. Will We Go To War For Oil?

Open Thread: Driftglass and Bluegal Weekly Podcast:: Race, Sex, Class, and the White House Bed Linens

First lady: Immigration still a priority for Obama, despite congressional kickback - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Gates Pushes Back on Report of Memo About Iran Policy - NYTimes.com

Gates says memo on Iran was not sounding nuclear alarm

McCain says US lacks effective policy on Iran

Detectives search for more clues in principal's slaying

Concerns over birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin bring lawsuits but few solid answers - latimes.com

Doctors Hear Many Questions About Health Law - NYTimes.com

Gibbs: White House proposed end to anonymous administration sourcing - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Candlelight vigil held at Governor Jan Brewer's home to protest tough immigration bill

The NRA sits on sidelines of gun fight with feds - Crime & Courts - TheState.com

Update: Cicilline announces $3.1M in 'green' job training - Projo 7 to 7 News Blog | Rhode Island news | The Providence Journal

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Geothermal Energy; Another Forgotten Or Ignored Climate Factor

Destroying America, One Environmental Law at a Time

America’s Immigration System Is NOT Broken

Deconstructing Harry Reid

Is Socialism Christian?

When Ed Meese speaks

Why The GOP

2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?

Nazis at work today in Mideast?

Giving president mor regulatory power?

Pataki group claims MSNBC won't air its ads - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Tea partiers in two camps: Sarah Palin vs. Ron Paul - James Hohmann - POLITICO.com

Look how much money illegals milking you for

Senators demand Guard troops on border - Washington Times

First lady: Immigration still a priority for Obama, despite congressional kickback - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Guess who's back to help with Supreme Court pick

A Clinton on the Court? Go Younger, They Would Advise - Political Punch

Op-Ed Contributor - Lessons Learned From Oklahoma City - NYTimes.com

Preying on the National Day of Prayer

Clinton: Democrats to hold Senate, House in 2010

Democrats add aggressively to 2010 election coffers | Reuters

Time’s Klein: Beck, Palin Potentially Committing Sedition against U.S. Government; Heilemann Adds Limbaugh | NewsBusters.org

Saturday Night Live - Update: James Carville - Video - NBC.com

Breitbart.tv » Right Network: Comcast Teams Up to Launch Conservative-Friendly Programs

Press airs grievances to Robert Gibbs - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Brown: Obama is a good man - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

John Paul backed praise for hiding abuse: Cardinal | Reuters

Envoy had business ties to Pelosi's husband - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - 2 Most Wanted Al Qaeda Leaders in Iraq Killed by U.S., Iraqi Forces

U.S. considers options to curb Iran's nuclear program | Reuters

Israel warns Syria over Hezbollah attacks - Times Online

Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel Prime Minister's Exclusive Interview with George Stephanopoulos on 'Good Morning America' - ABC News

Iceland volcano: Amazing pictures show apocalpyse-like scene as the sky is immersed by black fog | Mail Online

New ash studies needed to 'limit air traffic chaos'

Iceland's farmers try to save herds from toxic ash

Mainstream media dissing Obama watchdogs?

Man stabs five of his kin, torches house, after Net access row | The Japan Times Online

Police: Woman robs Dollar General store, flees without child | Ocala.com

Man charged with murder after running over guests with car at wedding

Rock Hill snake owner: Python wouldn't attack | The Herald - Rock Hill, SC

Felon accused of running bestiality farm in Washington State

Sex Offender Throws Fundraiser

Parents of Murdered Calif. Teen OK Plea Deal - ABC News

Judge backs Redding atheist who balked at religious anti-drug program - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Honeybee-killing mites invade Japan : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)

Israel aims to reverse Sea of Galilee fish decline | Reuters

Mayor slammed for comparing himself to Jesus - National - NZ Herald News

Dead man elected as US mayor - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - Aussie Cookbook Recalled After Recipe Includes 'Freshly Ground Black People'

FBI probes prison fight that injured rape suspect | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/17/2010

68-Year-Old Grandmother Caught Smuggling Guns in Underwear at Dublin Airport - ABC News

Rabies-Infected Feral Cats Attack Humans - News Story - WFTV Orlando

Sarasota families contacted after rabid bat handled by children - WWSB ABC 7 Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, North Port, Siesta Key Breaking News, Weather, Sports and Traffic on the Suncoast |

Texas city revives paddling as it takes a swat at misbehavior

Revenge of the lunch ladies! H.S. cafeteria staff serves only cheese sandwiches after food fight

Face cream 'made from breast milk could cure teenage acne', study claims - Telegraph

The Elian Gonzalez saga 10 years later: Exiles' miracle boy missed, ever-present

Major Revisions to Psychiatric Definitions Stir Debate | LiveScience

SPACE.com -- Meteor Fragment From Wisconsin Fireball Discovered by Farmer

UFO picks up Laconia, NH car with teens and drops 180 feet away

101. Near-Death Experience Skeptics Running Out of Excuses | Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point

A brain-recording device that melts into place

Grounding of planes across Europe 'could lead to rise in temperatures' | Mail Online

Apes found suffering self-doubt - life - 18 April 2010 - New Scientist

Coming to Twilight Beach, Western Australia: Stonehenge Mark II | News.com.au

Video: EVP Field Processor unveiled and demonstrated

BBC News - Brain 'splits to multi-task'

Oxygen-Free Animals Discovered—A First

Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy - space - 14 April 2010 - New Scientist

Time Traveler Caught in Museum Photo? | forgetomori

Titanic 'did not send distress signal for 45 minutes', book claims - Telegraph

Paradise Recycled: Architects Dream of Turning Great Pacific Garbage Patch Into Habitable Island | Fast Company


video:How Christianity is being redefined


Another underage child star in sex movie

Sassy, sexy aprons shrug off sexism, tie on a trend - The Denver Post

'Glee' among GLAAD Media Awards winners

President George Washington racks up $300,000 late fee for two Manhattan library books

Arizona Diamondbacks owner Ken Kendrick reveals $2.8 million secret Honus Wagner card

Mississippi vet claims he's Oprah's dad - NYPOST.com

Personal mobility vehicle is easy rider | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Pheasant attacks man - Telegraph

Chad Hurley: YouTube's got TV in its sights - Telegraph

Obama wants U.S. defenseless

A primer on Islamo-fascism

Giving president more regulatory power?

Guess who's back to help with Supreme Court pick

Tea partiers 'screaming white men,' 'racist forces'

Tea partiers report Fox story changed

NASA lab accused of crackdown on intelligent design

Schools' assignment: Squelch family values

Christians want court to follow Constitution

WorldNetDaily Commentary

Racist for disagreeing with President Obama?

'The Shroud Codex' is a revelation

Send in the National Enquirer

Too evil to live

History repeats itself

Go ahead, lefty loons: Make our day

Sticks and stones

Black by Choice

Obama wants U.S. defenseless

Drowning In Debt - Forbes.com

The American Spectator : Advice From the Original Tea Partiers


*YouTube - Taxman Obama vs Rx


Media & Lobbyist Control

The Problem with the Two-Party System

Domestic Terrorists

Why the Constitution Matters in Military Affairs

Uncommon knowledge

An Inevitable Conclusion

The 2nd Amendment=our Constitutional right to bear (own/possess) arms--"Historically"-- "Why?"...

Hope amidst Threat

For the Real Meaning of Israel Independence Day

Family Dairy Farms and Immigration Reform

Cultural Marxism in Education: The Gathering Revolt

Jihadism's War on Democracies

Barack Obama's Missing Girlfriends

Was Jesus a Marxist?

Obama's nuclear delusions

Hillary Clinton Drops 'Secure' Borders For Israel From Independence Day Message To Jewish State

Will Senator Brown vote for finanical reform?

Trust in government falls among Americans

Obama's 'peace' plan

San Francisco Tea Party Out-Alinskys the Left

Sure the economy is recovering; I heard it on MSNBC

Al Gore and the Greenies Sell Out to Big Chemical

The Solar Power Scam

Pelosi cheers on new ambassador to Hungary - her husband's crony

Israel as a Security Asset for the United States

The Jews of Silence

Plan B: Privatize ObamaCare

Bond-Buyers Voting against Obamanomics

Give Me Inequality or Give Me Death

George Soros's New Economy

Don't Fall for Simple Slogans


*site:X-Conference 2010

*site:Media Channel

*site:Paradigm Research Group Portal

*site:News Dissector Blog


*American Minute for April 19th:William J Federer's American Minute


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


The Conservative Monster.com: Phil Berg Announces Obama Care Eligibility March on Washington May 29th 2010


Oh Really, O’Reilly?

Obama's born-in-USA mandate

Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility

It's a matter of constitutional integrity

Officer challenging Obama 'reassigned'

NPR changes archive regarding president's birth

Press tries, convicts doctor-soldier

McCain is 'father of birther movement'

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000


Bill Cunningham 4/18/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 4/18/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 4/18/10 Hour 3

News Video

#video:Meramec Caverns Expedition

Police work to identify 'special needs' child found dead in park

Virginia Gun Rally

Tigers or Lions? Hmmm

North Temple Viaduct closed for 18 months for construction on trax line

EU to re-open some airspace to flights

OK, OK State Baseball and Softball

Victim: 'Why Did They Have To Shoot Me?'

Feingold: I Just Want To Solve People's Problems

Gubernatorial Candidate Whitman in the Valley

NewsConference: Mark Baldassare, Director, Public Policy Institute

Reform plan for Kyrgyzstan

Homicide victim found at Mike Padgett pawn shop

Warner, Senate Democrats Push Bank Reform Bill

Champion Boxer Found Dead in Jail Cell After Murder of Wife

Repo Man Grabs Limo on Prom Night

CNN: Tea Party Provides ‘Breach’ for Radical Right to ‘Spill’ Into ‘Mainstream’

Obama on ‘Global Rebalancing’: American Consumers & Government Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon

Satire: Video Tips for ‘Crash the Tea Party’ Activists

Seismologist: Global Warming Isn’t Causing Spate of Earthquakes

Col. Alan West: Florida Congressional Candidate Has a Few Words for Nancy Pelosi

McCain Tries to Explain Why He’s a ‘Fighter’ and Not a ‘Maverick’

Obama Goes Dancing With the Heads of State

Learn How to Pronounce Eyjafjallajökull Volcano

Rove on Bookstore Confrontations: ‘These Are…Sad and Pathetic People’

Dashcam: Tennessee Cops Charge Man Riding Lawnmower With DUI

Murderer Fights Deputies at Sentencing

Test Flights Through Iceland Volcano Ash Cloud Successful

White Supremacist Rally at L.A. City Hall Draws Violent Counter-Protest

Dr. Drew Has Strong Words for Lindsay Lohan’s Father

Bill Maher Defends Woman Who Sent Adopted Child Back to Russia

O’Reilly Asks Rev. Al: Why Did Crowd Boo Me at Sharpton Event?

Princeton Professor Critiques Ke$sha’s ‘Tik Tok’

Tea Party Leader Blasts Geraldo Rivera Over Anti-Tea Party ‘Hit Pieces’

CNBC Guest Gets Booted After Insulting Jim Cramer

Willie Nelson Reaffirms ‘Truther’ Convictions

Fido’s Wet Kisses Could Hold Cancer Key

Microsoft Yanks Video After Complaints it Promotes ‘Sexting’

Willie Nelson Confesses Pre-Show Pot Use to Larry King

Bill Maher on Tea Party: ‘Why Let the Truth Spoil a Perfectly Good Klan Rally’

Obama Advisor: ‘Social Justice’ Is Not ‘Slippery Slope’ to Marxism

flashback:Of The Homegrown Kind - The Oklahoma City Bombing - April 19, 1995 | Newstalgia



Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Russian Communism

savethemales.ca - Canadian Serial Killer Linked to Elite Satanists?

Fabrice Tourre email is key to SEC's evidence - Telegraph

Goldman Sachs prosecution threatens to open the floodgates on Wall Street | Business | The Guardian

Goldman Sachs fraud charges could herald the beginning of years of legal action | Mail Online

Gordon Brown and Angela Merkel attack Goldman Sachs | Business | The Guardian

At war with Washington | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Associated Press: Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans don't trust Washington

Pentagon chief raises threat of attack as Iran taunts US with missile display - Times Online

Harmful Effects Of Prolonged Isolated Confinement

Nato invites Russia to help with missile defence shield - Europe, World - The Independent

Metal hip replacements could cause tumours, doctors warn - Telegraph

Migraine sufferer starts speaking with Chinese accent - Telegraph

Former allies of Hugo Chavez blow the whistle on 'corrupt' dynasty - Telegraph

Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm - Americas, World - The Independent

Hollywood goes back to the future with 80s remakes - Telegraph

Barack Obama and Sarah Palin are enriched by cosy political-media complex - Telegraph

Man loses licence after drink-driving in toy Barbie car - Telegraph

100-year-old paedophile sent back to prison - Telegraph