"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 April 2010


1. A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Pt1

2. A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Pt2

3. A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Pt3

4. A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Pt4

5. A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Pt5

6. A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Pt6


Britannia Radio:Obama Advisor Sold America Out In 1994 - Vid ; Interview With An Architect Of Our Demise

AfricanCrisis:MPORTANT: PREDICTION COMES TRUE: Forensic Scientist says: Meltdown: S.Africa's Infrastructure is collapsing - Most functions ran better under Apartheid - Everything is Politicised, like Hitler did...

**Arizona passes strict illegal immigration act - latimes.com

**Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. elections (Update)


Christopher Bollyn:The Dirty Business Behind the 9-11 Clean-up

9-11 Archive 2001

9-11 Archive 2002

9-11 Archive 2003

9-11 Archive 2004

9-11 Archive 2005

9-11 Archive 2006

9-11 Archive 2007

9-11 Archive 2008

9-11 Archive 2009

Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - Online Book

Christopher Bollyn:The Dirty Business Behind the 9-11 Clean-up


ATS Video: ATS News 10 - Obama Administration Wants To Stop Conspiracy Theorists

What did and did not Cause Collapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York

Poland’s Leaders Move to Weaken Currency, Then Die in Plane Crash >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Source of Bible Covenant with God discovered?

savethemales.ca - Katyn II - How Satanists Say "We're Sorry"

The Boomerang Effect

Ex-Goldman trader blows whistle on silver and gold manipulation by JPMorgan, HSBC - NYPOST.com

Pope's No 2 Tarcisio Bertone: Church sex scandal linked to homosexuality | Mail Online

Generation 'could die before their parents' as avoidable health complaints soar | Mail Online

Pornographic magazine for the blind launched - Telegraph

Alive and well... and living in Wisconsin: Stalin's daughter | Mail Online

Fears grow as study shows genetically modified crops 'can cause liver and kidney damage' | Mail Online

University Of Ottawa Activist Student Persecutions

1/13:Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups | Raw Story

Chile surrenders hoard of enriched uranium - Times Online

Ukraine agrees to abandon nuclear weapons in first victory for Obama initiative - Times Online

Newsmax - Lieberman: U.S. Should Attack Iran's Nuclear Program If All Else Fails

Rioters vent fury at US after Nato troops kill Afghan civilians on bus - Asia, World - The Independent

Croatian teenager wakes from coma speaking fluent German - Telegraph

Whale watchers report large drop in sightings of grey whales - Telegraph

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Holly Greig IS the Issue in the Scot Election

WaMu risk-taking slammed - Yahoo! Finance

The Dangers Of Small 'Green' Cars

The Pentagon's Cult Of Killing Strikes Again

Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Obama Threatens Iran With 'All Options' Again

Canadian government wasted millions on swine flu scare-mongering advertising

President Kaczynski to be Honored by Burial at Cracow’s National Sanctuary

The Revolt of the States

What Powerful Post Does Obama Have In Mind For Andy Stern?

The Judas Kiss, the Brutus Stab, the Obama bow

The Sacrifices of the Religion of Liberalism

Amnesty on the Horizon - CA Latino Caucus Urges Obama and Congress

White House Science Czar Tells Students: U.S. Cant Expect to Be Number One...

Rocker Sting Stung by Controversy Over Secret Concert for Dictators Daughter

China Spoils Barack Obamas Nuclear Success [Our Neophyte President Blunders, Again!]

Delusional Ed Schultz's Excuse for Failure of Democrats to Pass Mining Safety Bill - Absence of Kennedy from Senate

YouTube Video/USA: Look Who Alex Jones Blames For The Murder Of The Polish President

Has Scott Brown turned out to be a blessing in disguise for congressional Democrats?

AP Cites 'Dramatic' March Deficit Reduction Due to $115 Billion Non-Cash Item; Out-of-Control Spending Continues

Hypocrisy on Stilts: NYT's Krugman Accuses Someone of 'Caricaturing' Him, Making Him Sound 'Extreme'

Ted Koppel Slams Undisciplined Internet Journalism, Longs for 'Good Old Days' of CBS, ABC and NBC

USA/Russia/Poland: Ta Da, Another Known Anti-Communist Pole Among The Dead

President Obamas Next Nuclear Disarmament Move? Enriched Uranium Handouts

Brian Williams, Media Critic? Anchor Questions Newsweek's Headline 'America is Back'

Couric Quotes Einstein in Hailing Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' at Nuclear Security Summit

First moonwalker blasts Obamas space plan-Neil Armstrong says rocket cancellation is devastating

AP Can't Find Evidence of N-Word Use; Blames Tea Partiers for Posting 'Mislabeled' Video

O'Reilly and Juan Williams Agree: O'Donnell's Race Baiting Was Totally Inappropriate

USA: The American Conservative...Dedicating Itself To Forge A 'Right'-Left Alliance?

Russia engineered air crash that killed President Kaczynski, claims Polish MP

CBS's Smith: Obama's 'Historic' Nuke Summit 'Already Yielded Some Quick Results'

MRC Special Report: How the Media Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement

George Stephanopoulos in Russia: Skips Violence Against Journalists, Highlights Russian President's Love of Pink Floyd

Oklahoma Legislators May Form Militia Against Federal Government

USA: Noam Chomsky And Alex Jones; Both An Ugly Breed Of Communism And Fascism Bonded Together

Rachel Maddow Special to Link McVeigh to Violence From Present-day 'Anti-Government' Extremists

ABC Vets Insist Obama Not on Left, Blocking ObamaCare Reminds Roberts of 'First Step Toward the Civil War'

Obama Issues Over a Million Green Cards with 1 in 5 American Citizens Unemployed


****Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% - Rasmussen Reports


YouTube - Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will NOT Obey


*site:Oath Keepers

Oath Keepers Withdraw From DC Rally Over Violent Threats

*site:the Birthers

*site:The Law That Never Was -- The Fraud of Income & Social Security Tax

*site :The 10th Amendment Foundation Inc

*site:Tenth Amendment Center


*America Freedom to Fascism Directors Cut/ 1:49:52

IRS Agent Exposes IRS Fraud!! - Joe Banister 2:34:07

Is the Income Tax based on Fraud? - Joe Banister 1:53:09


Bilderberg: Raise Taxes, Cut Services in U.S. and Europe « noworldsystem.com


Jim Tucker On Alex JonesTv(3)BilderBerg On The Run(1/2)

Jim Tucker On Alex JonesTv(4)BilderBerg On The Run(2/2)


YouTube - Global Governance - EU President Admits One-World Government is Here - NWO - New World Order


David Ray Griffin on Global Governance 41:44


New World Order Quotes @ Nwsarchive’s Weblog

Ancient treaty resembles part of the Bible

201004143809 | Source of Bible Covenant with God discovered?


YouTube - Tax Man Cometh


YouTube - RMR: Taxes and User Fees


YouTube - Taxman -- George Harrison and Eric Clapton (live)


EclippTV :: Video :: American Militia Leader James Johnson Speaks to Senate in 1995

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 Truth : Molten Steel Forensic Evidence & Eyewitness Accounts

EclippTV :: Video :: Americans prepare for disaster

EclippTV :: Video :: The media demonizing those that talk about the New World Order

archive:portland imc - 2006.07.21 - Federal Reserve Board Impedes The Wanta Plan, Fed Wants 1929 style crash for its masters

*site:DigaNET Digital Video Recorders

Tea Partiers, some seeking to create militia, to clash with anarchists and federal provocateurs?


EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - The Emperor Has No Clothes! - 1/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - The Emperor Has No Clothes! - 2/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - The Emperor Has No Clothes! - 3/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - The Emperor Has No Clothes! - 4/4


Tell The FDA That Cherries—And Now Walnuts—Are NOT Illegal Drugs!

Arms manufacturers: Bangs for bucks | The Economist

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - New Tax Plan Creates Class Warfare - 04/12/10

EclippTV :: Video :: Keiser Report: Special Greenspan Bubble edition

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Obama's Assassination Program - 04/12/10

YouTube - Unholy Alliances -- part1 Israel did 911

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » More Surveillance: Planes, Trains, Automobiles and Buses

The 'Obama doctrine': kill, don't detain | Asim Qureshi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk


*e book(184 pgs.) :The First Global Revolution Text


Club Of Rome Behind Eco-Fascist Purge To Criminalize Climate Skepticism

Brilliantly Exposing Climategate


Exec pleads guilty in Ponzi scheme targeting Jews - CNBC

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » More Surveillance: Planes, Trains, Automobiles and Buses

Boy Scouts Sex Trial Shifts To Punitive Damages - CBS News

Guest Post: It's Impossible To "Get By" In The US | zero hedge

A Sign of Empire Pathology

Law Firm Refuses To Send Fine Letters, Blames 'Adverse Publicity' - ITProPortal.com

Charge against mother of youthful war protester dropped | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register

Iran complains to UN over Obama 'nuclear blackmail' - Yahoo! Canada News

Morgan Stanley Loses $5.4B In RE Fund: Biggest Loss In History! | The Daily Capitalist

The Global Warming Scam

Your Tax Dollars at War: More Than 53% of Your Tax Payment Goes to the Military | This Can't Be Happening!

KOB.com - 'Tea Party' pranksters rally against real group

Sarah Palin's Luxe Speaking Contract Spurs Investigation in California -- Politics Daily

You’ll Get Nothing And Like It! « Revolt of the Plebs

America’s Loose Nukes in Israel « Aletho News


Death By Sex;List of Craziest Sexy Deaths|People Who Died During Sex - Ranker

Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill - WSJ.com

Sigourney Weaver: Kathryn Bigelow’s ‘Breasts’ Cost James Cameron the Oscar

SOS – RED ALERT: ‘New York Times’ About to put American Troops in Deadly Peril

HOLLYWOOD INSIDER: Hate the Pope, Love Polanski

GI FILM FESTIVAL: Memories of the Coldest War

Daily Gut: Infiltrating the Tea Party

Elitism Killed the Critical Star: Print Critics Whine Their Way to Irrelevance

Sting’s Blood Money: Noted Human Rights Activist Performs For Human Rights Abuser’s Daughter

James Cameron Goes ‘Full Kurtz’ to Live Out ‘Avatar’ Fantasy in Amazon

Nuclear Power: Over at HuffPo Alec Baldwin Tries Real, Real Hard to Sound Smart But…

Tale of Two Directors Part One: Hollywood Supports Child Rapist, Ignores Imprisoned Iranian Filmmaker Jafar Panahi

Hollywood Director Who Believes Christ Was the Product of Rape Questions Credibility of ‘The Passion’

More Post Racial Hum-bug

Tea Party Kosher, Says… Dem Strategist Robert Creamer

‘Science Czar’ Admits the Big Green Lie

Small Businesses Sue Government Goliath

Is the Geico Gecko a Tea Party Crasher Too?

Big Easy Beatdown… GOP Official and Boyfriend Savagely Beaten Leaving SRLC Dinner

Obama’s Mideast Peace Process: No Process and No Peace

Death Prayer for NJ Gov. Christie is Yet Another Tasteless Attack on Reform-Minded State Leaders

Unions’ Big Shift to Government

The Real Disappointment About The Obama Bow – You Get The Genuflector You Deserve

Hedge Fund Managers Invest in Congress

Little Punk Congressmen

Labor Unions: Employment at Wal-Mart Like Slavery

Maybe if He Stopped Bowing

Calling all Radicals: The Center for American Progress is Hiring

EXCLUSIVE: Radical Awakening: From America Hater to Hero

Obama Bows to Chinese Leader at Nuke Summit

SEIU President Andy Stern to Resign

Weird: Andy Stern to Resign from SEIU

Mississippi Lt. Governor ‘Puts Up,’ Joins Legal Fight Against ObamaCare

AP: Foes of Tea Party Movement to Infiltrate Rallies

New Video Exposes Nightmare of IRS Complexity

Reason.tv: More Taxes or More Jobs? California Shows We Can’t Have Both

Our Freedom Is Yours

Obama Funder Jodie Evans: Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson Supports Code Pink Kidnapping Karl Rove

Tea Party Crasher Hides ‘Personal Political Manifesto’ — No Wonder!

Might Health-Care Vote Have Been Different Had Reporters Investigated Massa?

NewsBusted: Tax Day is Almost Here

Overnight Thread: Media-wise, Did the Bloom Just Come Off the Obama Rose?

Salon Decries Ambush Video Journalism – Except When Their Reporter Does It

Gore Finally Responds to Question About Climategate, Sort Of…

Headline Paints Huckabee as Homophobe Over His Views on Same-Sex Marriage

Surprise — MSM Ignores Tea Party, Worships Obama

Anything To Slander the Tea Partiers: AP Invents Phantom White Man Who ‘Heard’ Slur

MSM Yawns As Leftists Openly Plot To Sabotage Tea Party, Misuse Social Security Numbers

Tea Party Crashers Cozy Up to MSM For a Celebration of Marxism 101

The Five O’Clock Follies: Inside the White House Briefing Room

Time for the MSM to Take a Good Long, Hard Look In the Mirror

Circle of Jerks: Media Matters feeds MSNBC feeds Media Matters…

Taking the Fight to the MSM: Andrew Breitbart At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Were Reporters Used to Spread ‘N-Word’ Narrative?

Dysfunctional CIA, NY Times Channel Ugly Stepsisters in Effort to Smash Defense Department’s Glass Slipper

Death of a Culture: ‘What Do We Do With Our Camels?’

Military Media Machine Playing Games During Time of War: My Embed Ends

Debbie Schlussel:Tea Parties Host Open Anti-Semite, Nazi Defender, Israel Hater

Debbie Schlussel:Sex & the City Hags 2 Movie: Propaganda for Muslim Emirates

Debbie Schlussel:A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Lies (Tiger Won the Masters?)

Debbie Schlussel:Israel to Jews: “Get Out of the ‘Egypt’s’ Sinai . . . NOW!”

Debbie Schlussel:TEA PARTY FRAUD: Seeking Muslim Votes, Tea Party Star Wastes Tax $s on Phony “Investigation”

Debbie Schlussel:Meinhardt Raabe, “Wizard’s” Munchkin Coroner, Inspiring American Patriot, RIP

Debbie Schlussel:PBS Remembers the Holocaust by Remembering . . . Muslims?!

Debbie Schlussel:HOprah Watch: Oprah Made Up Rape Story, Has Nickname “Negro” (From BFF Gayle)

» Sunlight on SEIU Part I: Marxist Andy Stern’s Compensation Would Have Karl Marx Spinning in His Grave - Big Government

» Sunlight on SEIU Part II: SEIU’s White House Go-To Man Still on Union Payroll in 2009 - Big Government

» Sunlight on SEIU Part III: Understand Media Matters’ Funding, Understand Media Matters Targets - Big Government

*FOXNews.com - Obama's Secret Power Grabs





Tehran: If Iran is attacked, nuclear devices will go off in American cities

Obama's disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit

New immigration bill puts local police on front line of border battle | Phoenix News | Arizona News | azfamily.com | Arizona News

Tea party touts 'Maryland miracle' - Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com

PostPartisan - At nuclear summit, Obama snubs an ally

Read the bill: Obamacare socks middle class with $3.9 billion tax increase | Washington Examiner

Drug addicts offered cash to stop reproducing - Telegraph

Barney Frank gets a high-altitude haranguing on health care - The Names Blog - Boston.com

Breastfeeding rooms hidden in health care law - CNN.com

NJ school cancels cross-dressing fashion show after complaints - NYPOST.com

Niqab gets 2nd Quebec student expelled - News - MSN CA

Washington Memo - Baffled by Health Plan? So Are Some Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Lieberman: 'Thank God' political momentum now with Republicans - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

American Thinker Blog: Dirty bomb danger revealed in India

Leck Kaczynski: 'Russia engineered plane crash,' claims Polish MP | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Radical Muslim Cleric Lied to Qualify for U.S.-Funded College Scholarship

Radical Yemeni cleric the new bin Laden? - Washington Times

We have to agree with In Touch’s assessment of the moustache 100 percent… « Entertainment

Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org

Tonga volcanic eruption seen by yacht crew

White House press corps sued for doing Obama's 'bidding'

Arianna huffs about overbooked celebs at WHCD | Washington Examiner

Red flag for a sinking Obama: Americans now prefer Hillary Clinton | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Cyber hand lets net users 'touch' | The Sun |News

Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax - Yahoo! News

Americans Split on Whether Their Income Taxes Are Too High

DemTaxIncreases1.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Judge tells Mississippi schools to stop segregating | Reuters

Lesbian flings, prostitution & abuse lies: Oprah's 'hidden' life - NYPOST.com

Syndicated TV Ratings: Syndicated Nielsen Ratings: Jeopardy ratings, Wheel of Fortune ratings, Oprah ratings, Dr. Phil ratings, Dr. Oz ratings, Judge Judy ratings, Legend of The Seeker Ratings, WWE Friday Night Smackdown! ratings - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com

Obama spokesman Gibbs sounds eager for future strategist role

Pornographic magazine for the blind launched - Telegraph

Were 3rd-grade boys asked to dress as girls? The fashion show is off | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/14/2010

TWO escaped convicts dodge manhunt by dressing as sheep | The Sun |News

Snake Attack! - April 14, 2010

`South Park' creators plan B'way musical for 2011

Angels Players Witness Suicide at Manhattan Hotel

Jersey City Murder Spree

Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill - WSJ.com

Iran complains to UN over Obama 'nuclear blackmail'

Fed Shouldn’t Reveal Crisis Loans, Banks Vow to Tell High Court - Bloomberg.com

FT.com / UK / Business - Brown takes on Murdoch over web paywalls

Israel tells its citizens to get out of Sinai now - Yahoo! News

Armstrong: Obama hurting space effort - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Three Children Among Dead In Shooting In Chicago's Marquette Park Neighborhood - cbs2chicago.com

Discarded Palin contract sparks investigation - Yahoo! News

Vatican under fire for linking gays to pedophilia

Primark withdraws padded bikini tops for seven year-old girls - Telegraph

FT.com / Commodities - Beef price surges following harsh US winter

Critics: Obama admin hyping terrorist nuclear risk - Washington Times

Nuclear blast victims would have to wait - USATODAY.com

Obama's disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit

Obama heralds nuke talk | Washington Examiner

AFP: News agencies boycott Cannes conference over dispute

My Way News - Military asserts right to return cyber attacks

Camden Man Arrested For Pointing Laser Light At National Guard Helicopter - cbs3.com

*04-14-2010: Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy

04-14-2010: Fed Shouldn't Reveal Emergency Loans Banks Vow To Tell High Court

04-13-2010: Arizona Passes Strict Immigration Bill; Gives Police the Power to Stop and Verify the Immigration Status of Anyone Suspected of Being Illegal

*04-13-2010: Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Tibetan plateau

04-13-2010: In speech at Kennedy Space Center, Obama to outline proposals for returning U.S. to space

04-13-2010: 'Obscene' sculpture must go before pope visits Malta: mayor

04-13-2010: Ex-Goldman Trader blows whistle on gold & silver price manipulation by JP Morgan Chase

04-13-2010: AIPAC- We'll Take Over The UC Berkeley Student Government

04-13-2010: 'Growing concern' over marketing tainted beef

04-13-2010: GE announces new LED bulb will last for 17 years

04-13-2010: Agencies struggle with securing computers, GAO reports


*04-13-2010: Astronauts mark anniversary of Apollo 13 drama

YouTube - Moon Landing Hoax - Apollo 13 Trajectory - Jarrah Debunk

Apollo: The History and The Hoax - The Ongoing Mission: The Lost Moon.

YouTube - Apollo 13 hoax

The Apollo hoax theories - images

The Moon Hoax Debate

The Apollo Hoax

Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake?

*Apollo 13 Facts


04-13-2010: Argentina Seizes Pension Funds To Pay Debts - Who's Next?

NBC Admits Behavior Placement On Popular TV Shows

04-13-2010: WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee

04-12-2010: Abu Dhabi To Build First Full Eco-City

04-12-2010: Google CEO: 'we're now paranoid' about security

Turkey's Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide

How The Black Bloc Anarchists Are Used To Provocateur Violence

IMF Prepares For Global Cataclysm, Expands Backup Rescue Facility By Half A Trillion For "Contribution To Global Financial Stability"

IMF Executive Board Approves Ten Fold Expansion of Fund's Borrowing Arrangements Related to Financial Crisis Management

Did FDR End the Depression? The economy took off after the postwar Congress cut taxes

The Income Tax and American Servitude

New York Still Under Consideration for Terror Trial

Officials say Iraqi forces foil 9/11-style plot

US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015

Virginia 'Literacy Test' Victims: We Will Write Your Essays

G.O.P. Takes Aim at Plans to Curb Finance Industry

Deterrence in the Allied Occupations of Germany and Japan

Hit Squads To Believe In

Mossad Operation Threatened Against Reporter

How Bush Tried to Stop Predatory Lending

'The System Is Built To Be Gamed'

Are We Heading Towards Social Collapse?

A World Of Freedom And Justice

Yemen Snubs US in Request for Arrest of Muslim Cleric

Hillary Clinton and Lifting the Blockade against Cuba: “Try It”

To Organize Against Wall Street, We Need a Narrative Focusing on Crime and Massive Fraud

Iraq Vets: Coverage of Atrocities Is Too Little, Too Late

Emergency Bailout Plan for Greece: A New Stage in the World Economic Crisis

Humanitarian Disaster In Fallujah: Unprecedented Numbers of Birth Defects, Miscarriages and Cancer Cases

What Kind of Palestinian State in 2011? Neoliberalism and World Bank Diktats

Media Disinformation: The Cuban Five and the Assassination of Fabio di Celmo: Washington’s Double Standards

Looting Main Street: How the Nation's Biggest Banks are ripping off American Cities

Barack Obama: The Cowboy President

Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, Revolution

Orwellian Justice System: Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court Order

America's Imperial Design. Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons

Freedom Rider: Obama’s Lies About Iran

Ramsey Clark Chosen to Head Commission to Investigate Bush Crimes

New Kyrgyz Government to Re-Examine U.S. Military Base Deal

Kazakhstan to Permit Military Overflights to Afghanistan

Unprovoked Cops Viciously Beat Student Then Charge Him With Assault

Will America Get a Value Added Tax (VAT)?

What Your TV Is Telling You to Do

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For “Global Regime” To Tackle Climate Change

Healthcare overhaul won't stop premium increases

"Sedition" Purges -- Past, Present, and Future

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Neighbor: Armed Robber Forced Nova Instructor to ATM, Then Killed Him, Set House Ablaze

YouTube - The President Who Told The TRUTH

Epic Corruption and the Whistle-blower

download:Conspiracy Theories by Cass Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule


*30 pg./download:Conspiracy Theories by Cass Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule


archive:The Rag Blog: Got Fascism? : Obama Advisor Promotes 'Cognitive Infiltration'

archive:Sunstein's Second Bill Of Rights? - Forbes.com

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

video:Government "Help" for Native Americans - lesson to be learned

CFR: Harnessing International Institutions to Address Climate Change

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

Facebook under privacy microscope

The Great College Hoax

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

flashback:Device turns thoughts into speech - Innovation- msnbc.com

Nano-sized silicone implant could power cellphone, pacemaker

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Big Powers Pursue Talks on New Iran Sanctions

Cargo Aircraft Crashes in Northern Mexico; 5 Dead

Tent City in NJ Could Be Closed This Week

Anesthesia Allergy Could Complicate Ohio Execution

Judge to Speed Federal Health Care Challenge

Retired Priest Suspended on 'Vague Allegations'

Judge Warns EPA of Contempt in Everglades Case

U.S. Sees Iran Needing 3 to 5 Years to Build Atom Bomb

Mass. Workers: Ala. Prof Threatened Us at Gunpoint

Bashir's Party Asks Rivals to Join Sudan Government

Palin Rallies Tea Partiers With Anti-Tax Message

Navy Sailor Charged With Sex Assault of Girl, 12

Deliberations Begin in NY Immigrant Killing Trial

Special Report: Are Regulators Dropping the Ball on Biocrops?

How to Eat Well on a Food Stamp Budget: $68.88

Batteries Blamed for Blast at San Diego FedEx

Man on Trial Next Week for Hacked Palin E-Mail

Desk-Bound Men Target of New Male Wonder Pants

Former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee Registers in Florida

Red Shirts Take Over "Richest Part" of Bangkok

Iran Complains to U.N. Over U.S. Nuclear "Threat"

3 Men Testify That Hospital Official Molested Them

2 Arrested During Protest at Hawaii Gov's Office

Top Leaders Gather for Sharpton's NY Convention

Trade Center Steel Making Its Way Home to Pa.

Found Safe in Fla. Swamp; Girl Missing 4 Days

Lewd Tale of Cross-Dressing Gods at Geneva Opera

Was LSD an Influence on Doctor Who?

Discarded Palin Contract Sparks Investigation

Woman to Stand Trial in Baby Ripped From Womb Case

Petition Drive Urges Russia Not to Halt Adoptions

McCain: Time to 'Pull the Trigger' With Iran

Obama Plays Loose With Facts in Nuke Speech

Tea Partyers Celebrate Movement in Boston

Holder: U.S. Still Hopes to Capture Bin Laden

Republican in N.Y. Gov Race Gets Bomb Threat

Boston Tea Rally Has Glaring Absence: Scott Brown

Okla. Lawmaker Changes Tone of Militia Support

Congress Confused by Own Health Reform Plan

CNN Touts 'Objectivity' to Stop Ratings Free-Fall

Gates Criticizes Leak of Iraq Killings

Bernanke Confident in Recovery; Warns On Deficit

Obama to Go to Poland for Funeral of President

Fed Boss Has Bittersweet Message On Recovery, Jobs

Vatican Goes Into Damage Control Mode Over Abuse

McConnell, White House Clash on Financial Reform

Georgia Joins Lawsuit against Healthcare Overhaul

Even With Low Inflation Households Still Squeezed

Military Asserts Right to Return Cyber Attacks

Wis. Senate Tweaks Fines On Texting Bill

Vatican Under Fire for Gay 'Pathology' Label

Chile's Billionaire President Wracked by Conflicts

Argentina Probing War Crimes of Franco's Spain

Soros: Greece Risks 'Debt Spiral' Despite Aid Deal

Obama: Financial Reform Bill Isn't Another Bailout

Obama Demands Power Over Risky Investments

Morgan Stanley Fund May Lose $5.4 Billion: Report

Cheap Antifungal Drug Fights Cancer

Chuck Baldwin -- Army Report Says Christians Threaten US Foreign Policy

Chinese submarines, destroyers spotted in high seas near Okinawa › Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

With 1 in 5 Americans out of work, Obama issues over a million green cards

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Newsmax - Obama Disarmament Tack Puts U.S. in Peril

Newsmax - Next Eight Months Are Crucial to GOP and the Nation

Newsmax - CBO Grossly Understates Costs of Obamacare

Newsmax - Newsmax.com - Blogs

Newsmax - Obama Slanders, Abandons Israel

Newsmax - Let's Lower and Simplify Taxes

Newsmax - Republicans Must Be Bold, Explicit in Opposing Obama's Statist Agenda

Newsmax - Democratic Bill Allows Takeover of Businesses

The FCIC: Passing the Buck by Ron Pau(w/audio)l

AFP: Serbs carved cross on my chest: witness tells Karadzic trial

The Associated Press: Filipino troops chase militants after deadly raid

BBC News - 'Foreign militants hit' by Pakistan drone strikes

Pilots hailed as heroes for averting Hong Kong air disaster | Reuters

BBC News - Catholic Church dismisses Vatican chief's abuse claim

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatens US over Mid East peace plans - Telegraph

Sudan's Ruling Party Invites Opposition into Government | East Africa | English

Australia Arrests Chinese Crew of Ship in Reef Accident - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Oil From Wreck Blights Sanctuary

Poland eyes June 20 vote, outcry over funeral plan | Reuters

YouTube - Nation-wide Requiem: Solemn ceremonies for plane crash victims across Poland

China quake rescue efforts hampered by epicenter's isolation - latimes.com

YouTube - Western China Quake Kills 400, Some 10,000 Hurt

'American Idol' Report Card: Who Was King (Or Queen) Of Elvis Night? - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

We Read It So You Don't Have To: 'Oprah' by Kitty Kelley - Newsweek.com

Conan O'Brien covers Radiohead: Watch the video here | EW.com

Could Charlie Sheen Get Off on a Technicality? - E! Online

"South Park" Makers Eye Mormon-Inspired Musical - ABC News

Steven Seagal Slapped With Sexual Harassment Suit - ARTISTdirect News

News - Britney Spears Releases Unretouched Photos - Style & Beauty - UsMagazine.com

Jim Carrey Sends Mixed Message on His State of Mind - Health, Jim Carrey : People.com

Pamela Anderson Joins Top Tax Deadbeats - ABC News


IBM predicts move towards smart cities

Smart Cities And The Internet Of Things

Smart Grid: Classic Struggle of Reward vs. Risk


***Robot wars 'will be a reality within 10 years' - Telegraph

*videos:Everyware- The dawning age of ubiquitous computing

*videos:Visions Of The Future: The Intelligence Revolution

Welcome to the Brave New World

A 'Frankenrobot' with a biological brain

The Future of communication

The Unknown Dangers of Nanotech

Discovery News Experts: Nanotech Risk Higher Than You Think

Nanotechnology a 'bigger concern' than GM foods - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Wired 8.04: Why the future doesn't need us.

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human | Emerging Technology Trends | ZDNet.com

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link | Stuff.co.nz

BBC NEWS | Technology | Where tech and philosophy collide

IBM uses DNA to make next-gen microchips | Reuters

Novelties - Better Vision, With an Implanted Telescope - NYTimes.com

Dream Society Controlled by Ubiquitous RFID | Korea IT Times

YouTube - Nano, the next dimension (Film produced for European Commission)

MIT develops camera-like fabric | Underexposed - CNET News

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough | Science | The Observer

Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push | Danger Room | Wired.com

EU advises on posthuman cyborg future | News | TechRadar UK

Radio frequency technologies are put to tests of security - The Boston Globe

Reuters AlertNet - COLUMN-Killer robots and a revolution in warfare:Bernd Debusmann

Virtual reality via nanobot injection? Ray Kurzweil says it’s the future | VentureBeat

Obama: Think Smart Cards - Forbes.com

Nanocarbon Modeling May Be the Next Step Toward Emulating Human Brain Function

Televisions 'to be fitted in contact lenses within ten years' - Telegraph

SchneiderBioReaderPiece.pdf (application/pdf Object)

AFP: MIT researchers make 'sixth sense' gadget

'Memory pill' that could help with exam revision could be available soon - Telegraph

Genetic engineering creates first 'cancer free' baby

The Technocracy and the Genetic Engineering of Humanity

Robots ready to run the world - RT

Immunology - Mosquitoes Genetically Engineered To Vaccinate People

Designer babies: Creating the perfect child - CNN.com

Clones' offspring may be in food supply: FDA | Reuters

Secret Bluetooth surveillance study

DailyTech - Conference Examines Man and Machine Merging, How Tech Will Make Human Brain Obsolete

Google Is Watching, Perhaps Soon In Your Home -- Google -- InformationWeek

For Future of Mind Control, Robot-Monkey Trials Are Just a Start - Popularmechanics.com

Findings - Futurist Ray Kurzweil Sees a Revolution Fueled by Information Technology - NYTimes.com

Nanotechnology, transhumanism and the bionic man

Modern technology is changing the way our brains work, says neuroscientist | Mail Online

Scientist team creates first GM human embryo - Times Online

Smart Goggles Are No Longer Science Fiction

Matrix-style virtual worlds 'a few years away' - tech - 03 April 2008 - New Scientist

Scientists Scared of Socks as Nanotechnology and Nanoparticles Become Common in Consumer Products

Nerve-tapping neckband used in 'telepathic' chat - tech - 12 March 2008 - New Scientist

DNA Breakthrough Could Give Humans Lifespans Lasting Hundreds of Years | Personal Health | AlterNet

Behavior-Based Internet Advertising: Who Is Watching You?

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Synthetic life 'advance' reported

Monkey Brain Controls Walking ‘Bot | Danger Room | Wired.com

Microsoft seeks patent for office 'spy' software - Times Online

FDA Says Clones Are Safe For Food

Scientist: 'Hybrid' computers will meld living brains with technology

Microsoft readies Hal 9000 • The Register

Borg Hive Technology Now Nearly Main Street

Commercial brain computer systems are coming | Emerging Technology Trends | ZDNet.com

Light + Sound = New Weapon - BlackListed News - Archive

Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad - Advertising Age - News

Synthetic DNA on the Brink of Yielding New Life Forms

Against the Grain: 'We'll be able to upload our brains to a computer' - Higher, Education - The Independent

IBM forms alliance around 32nm chip technology - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

The Unknown Dangers of Nanotech

Upload Your Brain and Become Immortal?




Codex Alimentarius 1:29:27

Codex Alimentarius - Interview Alex Jones with Mr/Mrs Stubblebine/Laibow 37:54

The Codex Alimentarius 40:07

Outside the Box #182 58:45 Alex interviews Dr. Rima Laibow/ Codex Alimentarius


***Survey: Ron Paul even with Obama in hypothetical 2012 race - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Wis. Senate passes study of tax deal with Minn. - BusinessWeek

Post Now - Md.'s blue crabs make a comeback

Staffers' accounts paint more detailed, troubling picture of Eric Massa's office

Paladino contracts with state under review : Home: The Buffalo News

YouTube - E-mails spark Paladino death threat

Big powers pursue talks on new Iran sanctions | Reuters

GOP lawmaker pleads no contest to drunken driving - San Jose Mercury News

FOXNews.com - Holder: No Decision Yet on Where to Try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 9/11 Conspirators

Former Wall Street economist joins NY Senate race | Reuters

The Associated Press: Source: Chicago gunman heard voices to kill family

Wall: Wis. US Senate Campaign Has $1M Cash On Hand - wcco.com

One Million Households Benefit From Mortgage Relief - WSJ.com

Haleigh Cummings Search Continues in Florida - ABC News

YouTube - Officers Search River for Girl Missing a Year

Obama Urges Action on Financial Regulation - NYTimes.com

Palin urges less government, lower taxes at Boston Common Tea Party rally - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Palin Rallies Boston Tea Party on Tax Day Eve

BBC News - South Korean children face gaming curfew

Going Around in (Crop) Circles | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Profile of a Tax Cheat | LiveScience

The World of Nanotechnology | Michio Kaku | Big Think

Croatian teenager wakes up from a coma speaking fluent German | Mail Online

Greco-Roman mummy found in Egypt - Telegraph

Clinically Dead Boy 'Saw Granny In Heaven' - Yahoo! News UK

First footage from world's deepest volcanic vents - life - 12 April 2010 - New Scientist

Researchers harness viruses to split water: Crucial step toward turning water into hydrogen fuel

'Cure' is found for skin cancer, claim scientists - Telegraph

Ordinary T-shirts could become body armor


* A Syrian bid to resurrect Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Aramaic Bible

Aramaic/Proto-Hebrew alphabet

Ancient Scripts: Aramaic

The Aramaic Language



How We Lost Our Souls by Butler Shaffer

The Puppet Tries To Cut His Strings by Eric Margolis

Stable Money Supply: The Real Way to Help the Poor by Richard Daughty

Shurtleff leads 7 states in gun fight - Salt Lake Tribune

Letter Re: 550 Cord--The Use of Arts and Crafts for Survival and Practical Tasks - SurvivalBlog.com

'Sedition' Purges – Past, Present, and Future by William Norman Grigg

Spies Like Us - by Yossi Melman and Dan Raviv > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

Handling cash 'better at killing pain than aspirin', study claims - Telegraph

U.S. Faces Shortage of Doctors - WSJ.com

Exploding the Myth of Papal Piety – | Sophrosyne Radical


Ted Pike - Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance 1:35:23

Ted Pike - The Other Israel 58:41


*4-13/TranscriptsObama's Remarks at the Opening of the Nuclear Summit

*4-12/Panel on the Nuclear Security Summit

Albright and Scowcroft on the Nuclear Security Summit

Senator Alexander on START Ratification

Interview with the Prime Minister of Pakistan

Secretary Gates and Brazil's Defense Minister


Will Obama End the Nuclear Era? / The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - The Debate America Needs to Have

Healthcare history lessons - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - How Bad Could 2010 Really Get For Democrats?

Nuclear Fallout | The New Republic

Op-Ed Contributor - Our Fill-in-the-Blank Constitution - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Empathy and the Supreme Court

Inside Obama's Supreme Strategy - The Daily Beast

Listening and Telling the Truth - Forbes.com

The Son Also Rises - Reason Magazine

Op-Ed Columnist - Attention - Baby on Board - NYTimes.com

Harold Meyerson - Andy Stern: A union maverick clocks out

Going for broke in L.A.? - latimes.com

Don't let the voters know we face bankruptcy - Telegraph

MILLER: National Enquirer snubbed by snobs - Washington Times

A summit goal: Making plutonium and uranium harder to get

Editorial: Price of war too high | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/13/2010

Oops, we did that? More health care surprises - Wednesday, Apr. 14, 2010

White House Urges Blankfein, Dimon to Stop Bill Fight (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Hawaii special has Dems in knots - Alex Isenstadt and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - US News - Apr 14, 2010 - New laws in Neb. add restrictions on abortions

Technology firms engage K Street ahead of major broadband regulation fight - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Will Obama create the Post Office of health care? | Washington Examiner

National Journal Online -- The Ninth Justice -- How Republican Justices Evolve Leftward

Justice for Little Guys | Mother Jones

RealClearPolitics - The Constitution and Justice Stevens

NASA's Makeover - Science and Tech - The Atlantic

All In The Family - Forbes.com


*14 Apr/Politics Video:Rep. Barton On Democratic Intimidation Tactics

Ryan: "Class Warfare Politics Leads To Bad Economics"

Ryan: "We Need To Focus On Spending"

Sen. Gregg: Bipartisanship Lacking In Financial Reform Efforts

Medvedev: Iran Sanctions A Last Resort

Holder Grilled By Senate Judiciary Committee

Warren: "Rip The Band-Aid Off" And Fix The Housing Market

Neil Armstrong Criticizes President's Space Plan

Matthews: GOP Uses Dishonesty To Score Political Points

O'Reilly: Gov't Will Declare "War On Your Wallet" To Pay For Spending

Countdown: Republicans Plot To Fight Financial Reform

Krauthammer: Nuclear Summit "Completely Fatuous"

*13 Apr/Obama Finds Success In Nuclear Summit

Dan Coats Campaign Commercial

Egypt Foreign Minister: "We Do Not Want To See A Nuclear Israel"

President Obama Addresses Nuclear Summit

Gov. Christie Answers Criticism

W.H. Tamps Down Rumors About Clinton As SCOTUS Pick

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell Accuses Gingrich Of Racism

GOP Leader: "No More Bailouts"

Jake Tapper On The Showdown With Iran

Obama Bows To Chinese President Hu Jintao

CBS' Bob Schieffer On The Nuclear Summit, Afghan President

Maddow: Obama Diplomacy Returns U.S. To Leadership Role

O'Reilly: Media Making "Bogus" Accusations Of Racism

Olbermann: Southern Republicans Appealing To "Despicable Groups"

Krauthammer: Nuclear Summit Ignores World's Biggest Threats


YouTube - Dyncorp exposed for the trafficking of Women and Children

archive:Head Calif. FBI agent: CIA/Halliburton/DynCorp = Satanic Child kiddnapping rings in USA, page 1


NISMART /Nonfamily Abducted Children: National Estimates and Characteristics

site:National Center for Missing & Exploited Children


archive:Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away




YouTube - Alex Jones - Child-kidnapping rings, government-sponsored child abuse 1of3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Child-kidnapping rings, government-sponsored child abuse 2of3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Child-kidnapping rings, government-sponsored child abuse 3of3


YouTube - CIA's child trafficking (part 1)

YouTube - CIA's child trafficking (part 2)


YouTube - CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator Schafer 1 of 4

YouTube - CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator Schafer 2 of 4

YouTube - CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator Schafer 3 of 4

YouTube - CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator Schafer 4 of 4

YouTube - William Fain's Shocking Detail of Nancy's Death & CPS Sexual Abuse Cover-up on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


archive:Former Ga. state senator, husband found dead in their home » Anderson Independent Mail

The Vatic Project: CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator Schafer - Part I of 4

The Vatic Project: Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away - Part III

The Vatic Project: Child Snatching By The State - Conference – 10th April - Part II

statism watch » Blog Archive » Ex-employees claim Blackwater pimped out young Iraqi girls


Obama's Pie in the Sky

Absolutely Fabulists: Liberal Mythmaking

Tyranny vs. the Internet

Obama's Kyrgyzstan Disaster

The Obama Bubble

ObamaCare's Key to the Kingdom

Obama Attends Non-Existent Soccer Game?

Death by CAFE Standards

UN Climate battle resumes

Michelle Obama steps out on her own

The MAD nuclear doctrine will not work with Iran

Obama's adolescent nuclear 'dream world'

Will America's youth wake up to the reality of Obama?

Argentina grabs private pension funds

FLOTUS tries to motivate Mexico

Dems may not pass a federal budget this year

More proof that talking with our enemies really, really, really works

Obama snubs Georgia at nuke talks, lectures Harper

A political beating in New Orleans?

ClimateGate Whitewash

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Revolution

An Economics Lecture No Student Will Ever Hear

Frank Rich's Reckless Slander

The Recoveryless Recovery

Che Guevara at the Bay of Pigs

ObamaCare High School: Reading, Writing, and Suicide Assistance?

A Moment In Time

A Moment In Time Pt. 2

Easy to Avoid Paying Income Tax

On April 15th, Tea Partiers will protest. What are they protesting? Tax cuts?

Joe Lieberman thanks "GOD" that Republicans have the momentum in the upcoming election

O'Reilly lies to Coburn: 'Nobody's ever said' at Fox you'll go to jail if you don't buy health insurance. Oh yes they have.

Scott Brown disses Sarah Palin and Tea Party movement by passing on going to a Boston Tea Party rally

Glenn Beck wants us to send our pensions to Argentina

Even Tom Coburn says Fox News peddles lies

Andrew Breitbart's newest scam exposed

Cardinal Bertone says priest pedophilia is linked to homosexuals -- in the molestation of young girls

Lehman Brothers Used 'Alter Ego' Company To Hide Bad Assets On Their Books

The lessons of history seem not to have stuck for Tea-Partying Oklahomans

Who was Russian President Medvedev trying not to offend?

Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan huddle to "flush out" progressivism

Sen. Carl Levin: WaMu ... dumped toxic mortgage assets into the financial system like a polluter dumping poison into a river"

Domestic Enemies of the State

The Philadelphia Daily News Wins A Pulitzer - And The Paper Gets Auctioned Off April 27th.

Grand Rapids Tea Partier: 'I don't want my hard earned money' 'going to people who don't deserve it'

Al Gore says it all to Fox's Jesse Waters: 'I don't like ambush journalism'. Not to mention the lying.

Investors Ask for Blankenship's Resignation from Massey Energy In Wake of Mining Disaster

Carl 'My Emails May Contain Bestiality" Paladino NY Tea Party Candidate

'Looting Main Street':-Matt Taibbi on How the Nation’s Biggest Banks Are Ripping Off American Cities with Predatory Deals

Roy Blunt just says no to covering adults with pre-existing conditions

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being...a Tea Bagger

Even After Foreclosure, Second Mortgages Still Come Back To Haunt Former Homeowners

Bill Kristol: Kagan Would Be Respectable Choice for Supreme Court, But Republicans Should Oppose Her

Just say no to Cass Sunstein.

The Hutaree militia: At the crossroads of Christianity and terrorist violence

Vatican posts guidelines on "How to handle sex abusers" on its website.

Obama Leads Global Effort To Identify And Contain All Nuclear Material

A Pathetic Joe Lieberman whines to John Brennan about not calling terrorists "Islamic Extremists"

Conservatives Defend Palin at Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Will Senate Republicans Block Unemployment Extensions Again? We'll Find Out Today.

Glenn Beck says Obama might find a 'gay handicapped black woman who's an immigrant' as well as a 'radical' for the Supreme Court

Clinton: Israel's Nuclear Weapons Aren't A Threat. Terrorists With Nukes Are.


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Russia and China are not our friends'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Die quickly' congressman in GOP crosshairs

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive GOP's Joe Wilson: 'SWAP' Obamacare now!

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats drop ball on spending ... again


Shroud forgery? Not so fast, say scientists

Now public can decide if burial cloth image is Jesus

Can science, religion co-exist?

Obama-linked union: White workers 'f---ing rabidly racist'

Obama's nuke agreements meant to disarm U.S.?

Nuclear blast victims would have to wait - USATODAY.com

Harry Reid punts on immigration - Meredith Shiner and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Forget Obama, learn how to stuff your own wallet

Tea-party mania: Taxpayers to storm White House

Sarah Palin, Boston Tea Party Express On Boston Common - wbztv.com

Study: Networks snub, malign 'tea party' - Washington Times

Government calls preaching 'clear and present danger'

A Christian now? No promotion for you!

Atheists gone wild

New Orleans police seeking information about attack on Jindal aide | - NOLA.com

Penthouse Pet of the Year joins campaign

Republican concedes; Deutch keeps Wexler's South Florida congressional district Democratic seat

New Anti-Hayworth Ad Draws Laughs, Criticism

Barney Frank gets a high-altitude haranguing on health care - The Names Blog - Boston.com

Obama hastens to check off to-do list before midterms - Washington Times

Hmmm. Kenyan Embassy is enroute to "soccer game" that never was | by EricaThunderpaws | Jefferson's Rebels

Obama's disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit

YouTube - Preview: 'The Factor' Confronts Al Gore

Wrongful death suit says suicide followed IRS raid


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

AmericanCrisis:Kenyan Officials Affirm: Obama Son of this Soil While in Partying Mood


archive:University Of Chicago: Obama Was A Professor

'Professor' Obama? Title never granted

AmericanCrisis:Lt. Col Terry Lakin to Army: Bring It On!

Officer to Army: Bring it on!

Army to court martial 'birther' officer - First Read - msnbc.com

U.S. NEWS: Army to court martial 'birther' officer - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Kenyan officials affirm: Obama 'son of this soil'

YouTube - Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya.mp4

Army officer won't accept Obama as chief - Military- msnbc.com

archive:Army 'showdown' at eligibility corral

Tea Partier Victoria Jackson on Obama: Whether He Has a Birth Certificate or Not, He's Not an American | Video Cafe

FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather

American Thinker Blog: Stanley Dunham's FBI file reportedly destroyed

Obama Not Law Professor, Just Taught at Law School

Sweet: Obama did NOT "hold the title" of a University of Chicago law school professor. - Lynn Sweet

American Thinker: President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief

Kenyan official: Obama born here

It's a matter of constitutional integrity

McCain is 'father of birther movement'

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

It's a matter of constitutional integrity


video:How Christianity is being redefined

video:Hell is no laughing matter

*site:Virtual Internet Bible


Titanic 'did not send distress signal for 45 minutes', book claims - Telegraph

Auburn police accuse teacher of eating pupils' lunches |

The Associated Press: Police say meat salesman swallowed marijuana joint

Survey: Troops shift political parties - MarineCorpsTimes.com

Judge Rules Mom Can Sue Army in Child's Beating Death - ABC News

Girl claims injuries from price scanner

Dad sues ‘Thank God for Dead Soldiers’ church - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

eBay user's negative comment may cost him $15K | floridatoday.com | FLORIDA TODAY

Eastwood church reeling over plan to build video rental store next door |

Smiling could help you live longer - Telegraph

Hiker Trapped By Avalanche Calls 911 From Under Snow - News Story - KIRO Seattle

Facebook must 'turn words into action' and install panic button, says child safety chief - Telegraph

Census encourages wary Muslims to complete surveys

Sarah Palin Has Earned An Estimated $12 Million Since July - ABC News

Bill would require drug offender status be labeled on drivers license | wwltv.com | WWLTV.com News

Wanted: hangman for Zimbabwe prison | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cancer danger of that night-time trip to the toilet | Mail Online

Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule - Telegraph

Diet can sharply cut Alzheimer's risk: study | Reuters

Pro-Life Groups Applaud Passage, Signing of Nebraska Abortion Screening, Fetal Pain Bills

Helpline pastor dozes off during suicide call for help - The Local

Clinton murder suspect reports possible identity theft


*American Minute for April 14th:William J Federer's American Minute


TWO escaped convicts dodge manhunt by dressing as sheep | The Sun |News

An x-ray of Marilyn Monroe's chest is going under the auctioneer's hammer along with other memorabilia - Telegraph

A coup in 140 characters or less

What Sarah Palin should do

Jesus would be on Obama's watch list

Fetal-pain law puts pro-aborts in a world of hurt

Lower and simplify taxes!

America: Now a 2-class society

Obama's favorite weapons

Obama energized by his anti-Americanism

YouTube - More Taxes or More Jobs? California Shows We Can't Have Both

Courting Change

Obama at the OK Corral

4 kinds of people: Which are you?

A Nuclear Iran Could Become the First ‘Suicide State’ - US News and World Report

Near-Death Experiences Explained?

Obama-linked union: White workers 'f---ing rabidly racist'

Obama's nuke agreements meant to disarm U.S.?

Ayers: 'To be young in Chicago was to be a n-gger'

Government calls preaching 'clear and present danger'

The political use of 'Spittlegate'

Microchips in Obamacare? Not yet

Study: Net Neutrality to Curb Innovation, Investment and Curtail Consumer Welfare

The Carbon Cap Push Back: Restraining Executive Abuse


*The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing


4/14 The G. Gordon Liddy Show 1

4/12/10 Hr 2 The G. Gordon Liddy Show

hr 3 4-14The G. Gordon Liddy Show



#Video: Rise & Shine Marathon Record Breaking

Video: Making masks to benefit Denver Hospice

Video: Weight Watchers Book Eat! Move! Play!

Video: Try This Mango Chicken Salad Recipe

Pence Breaks Into Laughter on House Floor Over Dems’ Claims They Have Cut Taxes

Full Speech: Palin Rallies Tea Party Crowd on Boston Common

NY Times: Is Anti-Incumbancy a Bipartisan Sentiment This Election Year?

Update: Army Will Court Martial ‘Birther’ Officer

Bernanke Warns: U.S. Debt Could Balloon to More Than 100% of GDP

New Immigration Bill Puts Arizona Police on Front Line of Border Battle

Palin’s California State University Contract Found In Trash

Katie Couric Tweets Her ‘Goodnight’

Michelle Obama Video Blogs From Air Force One About Mexico Trip

Krauthammer: US Will Go the Way of Greece

Gingrich Defends Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi

‘Neutralize Me’: Fox & Friends Host Takes on UFC Champ

‘Cornhusker Kickback’: Greta Grills Sen. Ben Nelson Over Deal Details

Coburn Squares Off With O’Reilly Over Fox News Slam

Actor Steven Seagal Sued for Sexual Assault

Rubio: Crist’s Ads Are Outrageous

Report: Lawmakers Could ‘Fix’ Health Law So They Can Maintain Current Coverage

Airline Passenger Wakes Up in Hangar

Union Official: Andy Stern to Leave Service Employees

Video Allegedly Shows Maryland Police Beating Student

The B-Cast: Broadcasters Gather in Las Vegas

Atheist Christopher Hitchens Seeks to Arrest Pope for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Christ Statues Decapitated at Utah Cemetery

O’Reilly Producer Confronts Gore About His Refusal to Appear on the ‘Factor’

Paul Ryan to Beck, Hot Air: I’m Not a Conservative Progressive

Conan Rocks Out to Altered Cover of ‘I Will Survive’ 1st Night of Live Tour

‘Shrek’ Scandal: Dreamworks Regrets Racy Fashion Spread Involving Kid Film’s Characters

WH Science Czar: U.S. Can’t Expect to Be No. 1 in Everything Indefinitely

Bill Would Require Drug Offender Status Be Labeled on Driver’s License

CNBC Host Rips Ability for Kids to Stay on Parents’ Plan Until 26 Under ObamaCare

Boehner: Repealing Health Care Law GOP’s ‘Number One Priority’

Paul Ryan: Current ‘Regime’ Seeks a European-Style Social Welfare State

Schumer Predicts Quick Passage of Carry-On Fee Ban

Tea Party Still Going Strong – Why?

Senate Grills Attorney General Holder

No Foreign Press, No Females: Obama Only Calls on U.S. Male Reporters

Raw: Michelle Obama Arrives in Haiti

Obama: Agreement to Secure Nukes Within 4 Years

Raw: Tomb Protest Turns Deadly in Indonesia’s Capital

Outrage as Girl, 3, Walks Tightrope – Over Siberian Tigers



Wise Up Journal - » Howard Hughes Company’s Climate Change Fight *

*United States Patent: 5003186


*Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base


('72)Rainmaking Is Used As Weapon by U.S.; Cloud-Seeding in Indochina Is Sa... - Free Preview - The New York Times

('02)Millions were in germ war tests | Politics | The Observer

('07)NASA - Widespread 'Twilight Zone' Detected Around Clouds

Army Report Says Christians Threaten U.S. Foreign Policy

YouTube - Gunshots heard at Polish Plane Crash Site-Shocking Footage

YouTube - Federal Reserve

How The Fed Is Destroying The Dollar

YouTube - Medvedev: Me & Obama should get iPhones for real-time connection

Keith Olbermann’s phony outrage mixes with Mark Potak’s fear-mongering for a perfect storm of MSNBC propaganda

Bilderberg: Raise Taxes, Cut Services in U.S. and Europe

YouTube - Bernanke Warns: U.S. Debt Could Balloon to More Than 100% of GDP

YouTube - Newt Defends Making Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi: We Need a Green Conservatism

You Have No Right to Violate My Rights

‘Kops’ Win: Barry Cooper calls it quits on reality show

Fed Shouldn’t Reveal Crisis Loans, Banks Vow to Tell High Court - Bloomberg.com

12 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Are Incredibly Angry About The State Of The U.S. Economy

The United States Forest Service: Just another arm of the tyrannical beast

Director and Producer of New World Order Exposé Talk About Film

Kitco News:A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Gold Higher as U.S. Dollar Index Weakens, Crude Oil Rallies

YouTube - G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails/SAG

YouTube - Phil Berg Announces Obama Care Eligibility March on Washington May 29th 2010

YouTube - First minutes after Polish President plane crash...Amateur footage...Shots in the background???

Gold rises, aided by weaker dollar - The Globe and Mail

IMF Prepares For Global Cataclysm, Expands Backup Rescue Facility By Half A Trillion For "Contribution To Global Financial Stability" | zero hedge

You’ll Get Nothing And Like It!

Take This Empire and Shove It!

The Revolt of the States

A Surge of Hate - Newsweek.com

BBC News - 'No malpractice' by climate unit

Obama in dead heat with Ron Paul: Rasmussen poll | Raw Story


Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-13, Tuesday

April 13, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

04/13 The Mark Levin Show

4/13: The Michael Savage Show Podcast

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 13th Open Lines