"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 April 2010

15 April



10 Inconvenient Truths for Tax Day

New AEI poll: You really don't hate paying taxes

Cavuto Ask Senator Coburn: Why Did You Go After Poor, Put-Upon Fox News?

YouTube - The Google Toilet: SuperNews!

Robert Green Rearrested! « The UK Column

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Scotland's Satanists Kidnap Robert Green

savethemales.ca - Gun Shots Heard at Polish Crash Site (Update)

Low Stock Market Volume: It's Even Weaker Than You Think

filers-confused-by-stimulus-credit: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Markets could be derailed again, warns Soros | Analysis & Opinion |

China offered oil for sanctions deal over Iran - World Politics, World - The Independent

Accelerating Fascism In Israel

redpill8.blogspot.com: Tax Resistance - The Moral and Legal Defense

U.S. airlines cancel Europe flights - CNN.com

Natural Health News: Parents Stop Palm Tree Cell Tower

American troops pull out of Korengal Valley as strategy shifts - Times Online

Pakistan army anger at Nato border tactics after forcing militants out - Times Online

Hamas executes 2 suspected informers for Israel | World news | guardian.co.uk

Former mayor of Jerusalem held on bribery allegations | World news | The Guardian

FBI to launch investigation as shocking footage of police beating a student provokes outrage across the United States | Mail Online

Neil Armstrong takes one giant swipe at Obama over Nasa cuts - Times Online

All your Twitter belongs to the Library of Congress | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk

Sarah Palin contract demands 'Lear 60 jet' and 'bendable straws' | World news | The Guardian

'Persecuted Christians' join forces - Telegraph

China earthquake death toll rises | World news | guardian.co.uk

Chinese earthquake: thousands remain trapped as rescue operation is ramped up - Telegraph

Desperate battle to shore up quake dam - Asia, World - The Independent

BBC News - Low solar activity link to cold UK winters

The new climate change defence: 'Yes, it's getting colder, but it's not as cold as it would be without global warming' – Telegraph Blogs

Climategate: CRU whiter than – er – whitewash, as world laughs at AGW scam apologists – Telegraph Blogs

Cyclone kills 85 people in eastern India - Telegraph

Australia faces huge locust plague - Times Online

Leaked police film shows Mexico drug war | World news | The Guardian

Vatican: paedophilia-homosexuality comments were ‘misunderstood’ -Times Online

Three dead in worst Indonesian violence for years - Times Online

Scientists reveal gene-swapping technique to thwart inherited diseases | Science | guardian.co.uk

Excessive cleanliness to blame for allergy rise - Telegraph

Mazda recalls 90,000 cars in China and Japan | Business | guardian.co.uk

Artificial pancreas works in 11 patients: study | Reuters

'Tea party' vs. opponents: 'Low-grade civil war' on tax day? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

David Sirota: Obama Helping Lobbyists Weaken Offshore Tax Crackdown Dems Passed in 2002 Over GOP Opposition

News from Israel, Ynetnews

When the Army Uses “Enhanced Interrogation” on an American Soldier « Aletho News

How The Church Shuffled Predator Priests Around The Globe

Hmmm…Software That Predicts If You Will Do Crime & Time

The 'Obama doctrine': kill, don't detain | Asim Qureshi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Dr. Strangelove, Made in Israel by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com


ACTA Treaty: Can Seize, Destroy Your PC, Electronics / Infopackets.com

Settlers uproot WB olive orchards « Aletho News

silentlambs.org - Welcome

Fortune 500 Cuts Record 821K Jobs in 2009 - EconWatch - CBS News

Israel Dismisses Obama Call to Join NPT « Aletho News

CIA deputy, torture advocate to quit

10 Things the Internet Has Killed or Ruined (and Five Things It Hasn't) - PCWorld

REVIEW: Miley Cyrus Stars in Sweet, Sentimental, Flawed ‘Last Song’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Tale of Two Directors Part One: Hollywood Supports Child Rapist, Ignores Imprisoned Iranian Filmmaker Jafar Panahi

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Tale of Two Directors, Part Two: Leftist Hollywood Doesn’t Give a Damn About Human Rights in Iran

Struggling, Desperate ‘Variety’ Files Frivolous Lawsuit Against Punk Band Vandals

‘Glee’ Sucker Punches Republican Fans

Hrm…? The Leftist Entertainment Media’s Sure Excited About Will Ferrell’s New Movie

Daily Gut: Ted Koppel Longs For Good Old Days…When Three Networks Had Monopoly

Ordinary Miracle

REVIEW: Audaciously Entertaining ‘Kick-Ass’ Kicks R-Rated Ass

Sigourney Weaver: Kathryn Bigelow’s ‘Breasts’ Cost James Cameron the Oscar

SOS – RED ALERT: ‘New York Times’ About to put American Troops in Deadly Peril

Obama in Outer Space on Tax Day

Reason.tv: If Taxes Are The Price We Pay For Civilization, Do You Ever Get The Feeling You’ve Been Cheated?

Obama: People Making Less Than $200,000 Will See Their Taxes Go Down. Right.

PHOTO RELEASED of GOP Official and Boyfriend Beaten Bloody

Top 10 Anti-Tax Quotations – Annotated

Obama’s Back Alley Healthcare

I Have A Dream, That Someday Media and Progressive Political Elites Will Lay Down Their Racist Tinted Glasses….

Update: CIA’S Deputy Director Suddenly Decides to ‘Retire’

I’m Proud to Be a Tea Bagger

Study: Net Neutrality to Curb Innovation, Investment and Curtail Consumer Welfare

The Carbon Cap Push Back: Restraining Executive Abuse

Tea Party Kosher, Says… Dem Strategist Robert Creamer

‘Science Czar’ Admits the Big Green Lie

Small Businesses Sue Government Goliath

SOS – RED ALERT – New York Times About to Put American Troops in Deadly Peril

Is the Geico Gecko a Tea Party Crasher Too?

Big Easy Beatdown… GOP Official and Boyfriend Savagely Beaten Leaving SRLC Dinner

Unions’ Big Shift to Government

New Video Exposes Nightmare of IRS Complexity

Max Blumenthal Trashes Roth Report On Antisemitism

Stealth Jihadi Tariq Ramadan Is Back, So MSM Naturally Rolls Out Red Carpet

MSM Tea Party Reporting Breaks the Kristof Standard Of Journalism

So Rep. Shuler Did Not Hear the Phantom ‘N-Word’ After All

Citizen-Journalist Engages WaPo Ombudsman Over ‘N-Word’ Story, Ombudsman Loses

TV Guide Blames Fox News, MSNBC For Starting ‘New Civil War’

Phantom ‘N-Word’ Narrative Does a 180 On Cooper’s 360

‘Members of our News Contributors Team are Black’

An Open Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama

Update: CIA’s Deputy Director Suddenly Decides To ‘Retire’

MSM Default Position: Conservatives, Tea-Partiers Are Always Racists

Tea Party Crasher Hides ‘Personal Political Manifesto’ — No Wonder!

Might Health-Care Vote Have Been Different Had Reporters Investigated Massa?

Overnight Thread: Media-wise, Did the Bloom Just Come Off the Obama Rose?

Gore Finally Responds to Question About Climategate, Sort Of…

Anything To Slander the Tea Partiers: AP Invents Phantom White Man Who ‘Heard’ Slur

MSM Yawns As Leftists Openly Plot To Sabotage Tea Party, Misuse Social Security Numbers

Sunlight on SEIU Part I: Marxist Andy Stern’s Compensation Would Have Karl Marx Spinning in His Grave

Sunlight on SEIU Part II: SEIU’s White House Go-To Man Still on Union Payroll in 2009

Sunlight on SEIU Part III: Understand Media Matters’ Funding, Understand Media Matters Targets

Sunlight on SEIU Part IV: Union, ACORN Intertwined Before – and After – ‘Pimp and Prostitute’ Video Scandal


*Edward Griffin - Collectivism and Individualism 22:08


Totalitarian Collectivism1

Totalitarian Collectivism 2

Totalitarian Collectivism 3

Totalitarian Collectivism 4

Totalitarian Collectivism 5

Totalitarian Collectivism 6


Alderman Edward Burke: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago-Part 1

Alderman Edward Burke, Part II: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago-Style Politics

Alderman Edward Burke, Part III: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago


Wait, what?: What new health care plan means for you

Insulin Pump and Computer Mated to Regulate Blood Sugar - US News and World Report

Global Rate Of Maternal Deaths On The Down Low : dBTechno

Depressed People Smoke More, Quit Less

UPDATE 1-US lawmakers cancel company healthcare tax hearing | Reuters

UnitedHealth:Medicaid Adjustments Could Save Government $366B - WSJ.com

Doctor and Patient - Living Wills Do Make a Difference at the End of Life - NYTimes.com

Hereditary baldness gene identified - Telegraph

Allergies worse? Climate change could be culprit, study finds - Green House - USATODAY.com

A Viagra for Women? Female Sexual Dysfunction in Spotlight - ABC News

Gene-Patent Licenses Could Hurt Research, Study Says - WSJ.com


*site:Vote for the Worst

End of the road for 2 ‘Idol’ contestants - TODAY Entertainment


Larry King stays professional on-air amidst accusations of affair with wife Shawn Southwick's sister

Did Larry King cheat on wife with her sister? - TODAY People

Cannes: Do the French Harbor a Grudge? | Little Gold Men | Vanity Fair

Melissa Etheridge and Partner Announce Separation - ABC News

Whataya want from Adam Lambert? - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

Tiger's father-son Nike ad rated a dud - Game On!: Covering the Latest Sports News

Madonna Gives Props To 'Glee' Episode - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Charlie Sheen Cheated with Angelina Tracy in Wife’s Bed

Conan O'Brien: Will he return to his old 'Tonight Show' sound stage? | EW.com

BBC News - South Park duo write Broadway musical about Mormons

Two Burger King workers fired over spit in deputy's Whopper | kgw.com | KGW Local News | Portland, Oregon

Porn star won't challenge Vitter for La. Senate

FOXNews.com - Tea Party to Back Republican Dark Horse in Race to Challenge Reid

The Associated Press: NYC to stop paying teachers to do nothing

BBC News - Africa goes to church, the mosque and the witch doctor

FOXNews.com - Ft. Hood Report: Pentagon Safeguards 'Inadequate' to Combat Threat

NBC: Secretary Gates criticizes DoD for Fort Hood shootings | Fort Hood Shootings | News...

FOXNews.com - Iowa State Campus Police Find Body in Isolated Room

Jim Bunning endorses 'Tea Party' favorite to replace him - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Caller ID Spoofing Ban is Bad for Business - PCWorld Business Center

Gov. Paterson bets that Off-Track Betting will close down

Arizona illegal immigration bill: draconian or common sense? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - US state clampsdown on illegal immigration

The Associated Press: Ex-NSA worker charged in classified leak case

Barack Obama upbeat on Wall Street regulation | Business | The Guardian

YouTube - Obama Presses Republicans as Senate Prepares for Bank Reform Battle

Obama orders full-scale inspections of troubled U.S. mines - latimes.com

Five Lessons From Your '09 Tax Return - CBS News

Tea Party names its heroes and targets - CNN.com

YouTube - Palin on Policy: 'Un-American'

Microsoft Will Investigate 'Prisoner' Conditions at Chinese Factory - Government IT from eWeek

Twitter gives the lowdown on new business model | Reuters

The Associated Press: Obama: America's still got adventures in space

Spectacular meteor lights up the Midwest - Space- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Senators: Move carefully on Pentagon Cyber Command

FOXNews.com - Top Climate Scientist Under Fire for 'Exaggerating' Global Warming

Climatologists cleared of any "scientific malpractice"

F.C.C. Says It Will Move Forward on Broadband Plan - NYTimes.com

YouTube - The Communicators: Net Neutrality & the FCC

Tax Freebies 2010 this Tax Day April 15 : World Correspondents

The Associated Press: Immigration agents raid Ariz. van shuttle business

Economy Watch - New jobless claims unexpectedly rise by 24,000

Fed's Bullard: Monetary Policy Outlook Depends On Economy's Path - WSJ.com

UPDATE 1-U.S. mortgage rates fall for 1st time in 5 weeks | Reuters

China Adjusts Policy but Avoids Rate Increase - WSJ.com

News from Israel, Ynetnews

News Analysis - Obama Speech Signals a U.S. Shift on Middle East - NYTimes.com

Factbox: Volcanoes and ash clouds | Reuters

Deposed Kyrgyz President Leaves Country and Resigns | Asia | English

Pope Benedict Speaks of ‘Penance’ After ‘Attacks of the World’ - NYTimes.com

Nuclear summit in Washington 'most unarguable' - Medvedev | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Voting Ends in Sudanese Elections | East Africa | English

South Korea raises sunken warship amid questions about retaliation / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

4 German troops killed in Afghanistan's north - latimes.com

Relief Work On in India After Storm Kills 123, Destroys Crops - BusinessWeek

Myanmar festival bombings kill eight, wound 94 | Reuters

Hamas executes two Palestinians in Gaza | Reuters

China, Brazil sign deals at shortened BRIC summit | Reuters

Padded bikinis for kids recalled - Broadsheet - Salon.com

Zimbabwe hardships blight freedom celebrations

In Mexico, Michelle Obama discusses drug treatment - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

YouTube - Michelle Obama Speaks In Mexico City

Hundreds dead in China quakes

YouTube - Bodies Pile Up After Quake Kills 600 in China


*site:Politics1 - American Politics, Elections, Candidates & Campaigns


April 15, 2010: The Best Tax Day of Your Life - Newsweek.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Celebrating the Joys of April 15 - NYTimes.com

Karl Rove: Why Republicans Are Winning on the Tax Issue - WSJ.com

Deficit reduction through tax reform - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Ryan: "We Need To Focus On Spending"

When The Starved Beast Bites Back | The New Republic

Waging War on Obamacare - Michael G. Franc and Gary Andres - National Review Online

The GOP's losing hand on bank reform - How the World Works - Salon.com

RealClearPolitics - Dems, Not GOP, Have Taken Side of Wall Street

Dana Milbank - Eric Holder's Guantanamo Bay morass

RealClearPolitics - So What Happened to Iraq?

Palin, celebrity in chief - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - GOP Would Win House Today, But...

Americans in Space: A Dream of the Past? | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

If we can’t cut the program for manned (personed) space travel, what can we cut? | Cynthia Tucker

RealClearPolitics - Before a New Justice is Chosen

RealClearPolitics - No (Political) Experience Required

Tax Day arrives to rising discontent | tax, year, day - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Editorial - The K.S.M. Files - NYTimes.com

Get the hell out of here: 9/11 trial positively cannot be in New York, Mr. Holder

Climate change: always room for doubt - Telegraph

Few lawmakers file their own tax returns, citing code's complexity - TheHill.com

Scott Brown risks rift with right - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

GOP memo against Web gambling invokes Abramoff scandal

Expiring Tax Cuts’ Fate Has Parties Strategizing - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Dodd: Financial Reform Bill "Ends Bailouts"

RealClearPolitics - Video - GOP Leader: "No More Bailouts"

RealClearPolitics - Senate v. The Constitution

Republicans play coy on Supreme Court fight -- for now - Supreme Court Justices | Obama's Supreme Court Nomination - Salon.com

Court battle is a whole new ball game - CNN.com

It Is Not the Bomb, but Who Has It - Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner on National Review Online

Reducing stockpile of weapons would make the U.S. stronger, not weaker - The Denver Post


*4/15:Transcripts: Interview with Robert Ehrlich

4/14:Obama's Remarks on Financial Reform

*4/13:Obama's News Conference at the Nuclear Summit

Roundtable on the Nuclear Summit Results

Interview with Senator Judd Gregg

Senator Ben Nelson on Health Care

Interview with Senate Candidate Marco Rubio

NewsHour Interviews Floridians About Health Care

Obama's Remarks at the Opening of the Nuclear Summit


Kazakhstan: U.S., NATO Seek Military Outpost Between Russia And China

Afghanistan: U.S. Death Squad Executed Students While They Slept

Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control

Senators consider gasoline tax as part of climate bill

Call for choice on gene testing to allow designer babies born without risk of diseases

Genetic breakthrough could produce ‘babies with three parents’

04-15-2010: China offered oil for sanctions deal over Iran

04-15-2010: Assault force killed family by mistake in raid, claims Afghan father

04-15-2010: The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future

Film: The End of America – Naomi Wolf « Dprogram.net

The Revolt of the States

Trouble at Tea Parties? Time will tell « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Alex Discusses America Going into Bondage on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Alex Discusses America Going into Bondage on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Alex Discusses America Going into Bondage on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Alex Discusses America Going into Bondage on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


YouTube - Alex Jones: It's Time to Grow Up Rant


Climate Bureaucracies Are The Choice Because They Perpetuate Problems

April 15, 2010: America Rising

The Sacrifices of the Religion of Liberalism

Barack Hussein Obama vs. Israel

Congress and Obama, Save Our Country, Protect Our Borders

What Drives Islam to be the Religion of War


**The 28th Amendment



*4/15:Politics VideoObama: Australian PM "Humble" Like Me

PA-Sen: Specter Ad Highlights Support For Working Class

Karl Rove Analyzes Tea Party Movement

CBS' Schieffer On Tea Party Power

Sen. Tom Coburn On Bipartisanship

Michelle Obama: Mexico Is Safe To Visit

McCain: "Total Disconnect" Between Main Street And Washington

Sen. Corker: Regulation Reform Will Be Bipartisan

SEIU President Andy Stern To Step Down

Sens. Gregg, Wyden On Bipartisan Tax Reform

Janet Napolitano On Anti-Government Extremists

Matthews: "Third Parties Are The Worst"

O'Reilly: "Financial Reform Is The New Health Care"

Krauthammer: "Deception" In Health Bill Hid True Debt Situation

Countdown: Tea Parties Created As A Political Ploy

*4/14:Obama: "Whether We Like It Or Not, We Remain A Dominant Military Superpower'

Ryan: "Class Warfare Politics Leads To Bad Economics"

Rep. Barton On Democratic Intimidation Tactics

McCain: Time To "Pull The Trigger" On Iran

Sarah Palin Rallies Tea Partiers In Boston

Gibbs: Financial Reform Will End "Too Big To Fail"

Holder Grilled By Senate Judiciary Committee

Medvedev: Iran Sanctions A Last Resort

Sen. Gregg: Bipartisanship Lacking In Financial Reform Efforts

Warren: "Rip The Band-Aid Off" And Fix The Housing Market

Sen. Tom Coburn Explains Criticism Of Fox News

Neil Armstrong Criticizes President's Space Plan

Matthews: GOP Uses Dishonesty To Score Political Points

Countdown: Republicans Plot To Fight Financial Reform

O'Reilly: Gov't Will Declare "War On Your Wallet" To Pay For Spending

Krauthammer: Nuclear Summit "Completely Fatuous"


#Video: Fight Over Health Care Reform Continues

Video: Whistleblower Claims Investigators Ignored Him

Video: Finding A Primary Care Physician May Be More Difficult

Video: With New Album, Monica's Career Is Back on Track

Video: Tea Party Ends Tour in Capital It Loves to Hate

Video: Civil Rights Leader Benjamin Hooks Dies

Sudan killings mar final voting

No-fly zones in European skies

Video: Volcanic ash halts all London flights

Video: Raw Video: Dash Cam Catches Meteor's Fall

Video: 'Godfather of punk' Iggy Pop rocks French festival

S Korea sends gifts, messages north

Video: Al Pacino Plays 'Dr. Death'

Video: Obama Launches Sweeping Mine Safety Review

Video: Bodies Pile Up After Quake Kills 600 in China

‘Like Me’: Obama Sees Similarities With ‘Smart But Humble’ Aussie PM

Red Bull Skydiver Moves From Glider to Glider in Midair

Bow or Backhand: Obama’s America vs. World Attitude

Massive Fireball Lights Up Night Sky Across Midwest

‘Incredible’: McCain Slams Obama Quote About Burden of American ‘Superpower’

Church Painting Infuriates Oklahoma City Congregation

Mag Publisher: Palin Is a ‘Female Larry the Cable Guy Minus the Class & Intelligence’

O’Reilly Riles Sharpton Crowd With Claim That Races Came Together After 9-11

Makes Sense or Nonsense? Point-Counterpoint on the Health Care Legal Challenge

Cameras Roll as India Politician Shot Dead at Public Meeting

MSNBC Contributor on McCain: More Afraid of Hayworth Than of North Vietnamese

SEIU’s Stern Makes Retirement Official in YouTube Video

Maher Describes Palin and Bachmann as MILFs – Morons I’d Like To Forget

Former NYC Mayor Koch: ‘No Doubt’ McCain Would Have Been Better Friend to Israel

Congressional Pig Book Released: Where are Billions in Earmarks Headed?

AG Holder Calls Cheney Ads Targeting Lawyers ‘Reprehensible’

STACHE Act Proposal: Mustache Advocacy Group Seeks Tax Break

Pence Breaks Into Laughter on House Floor Over Dems’ Claims They Have Cut Taxes

Full Speech: Palin Rallies Tea Party Crowd on Boston Common


W.H. releases tax returns

Obamas report earning $5.5M in 2009

Most tea partiers think taxes 'fair'

For GOP, Tax Day is like Christmas

Ohio Democrats attack Boehner

Subpoena issued to Meeks in probe

Game Changer: Dana Perino

Unemployment package clears hurdle

W.H. launches Aldrin's defense

GOP operatives crash the tea party

Another liberal judge? No thanks

Net neutrality: The nuclear option

1,000 fewer earmarks in 2009

SCOTUS spotlight shines on Bauer

W.H., GOP clash over banking reform

Dodd threatens to cut out GOP

Senate fight ahead for START

Bunning bucks GOP, backs Paul

Vitter fights for formaldehyde

GOP brass steers clear of tea parties

Obama dares GOP to fight Wall St. bill

GOP split over terms of new 'Contract'

FEMA faces own fiscal emergency

White House Correspondents Association says World Net Daily lawsuit is 'futile' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Mainstream media dissing Obama watchdogs?


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Emboldened opposition to big government'


*audio page:Can science, religion co-exist?


video:Santa Claus was a Mormon?

video:How Christianity is being redefined


Obama-linked union: White workers 'f---ing rabidly racist'


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'All access pass to the West Wing'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obamacare invites 'opportunities' for fraud


Why are Democrats totalitarians?

Government machines that can 'read your mind'

Collectivism's Armageddon

Down with the Clown: Why Ronald McDonald Has No Business Talking to Children | Food | AlterNet

Jesus would be on Obama's watch list

Meghan Cox Gurdon: Pay no heed to tea party crashers | Washington Examiner

Barack Obama: Enemy within

A primer on Islamo-fascism

How to put the fear of God into the GOP

What are you prepared to do?

Did tea-party smear incite KC riot?

Stevens: 'I never left sanity, sanity left me'

Palin: 'Wait 'til November'

Tea partiers 'screaming white men,' 'racist forces'

Breitbart.tv » Pence Breaks Into Laughter on House Floor Over Dems’ Claims They Have Cut Taxes

Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated - NYTimes.com

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: 1 in 10 say they’re Tea Party activists « - Blogs from CNN.com

Tea-party crasher: Teacher blogging from school?

Obama launches sweeping federal mine safety review

Tea-party mania: Taxpayers to storm White House

Christians want court to follow Constitution

Obama to Sarkozy: I'll keep up pressure on Israel, Palestinians - Haaretz - Israel News

News Analysis - Obama Speech Signals a U.S. Shift on Middle East - NYTimes.com

UK bans Kotel from Israeli tourism ad

Israel Says Syria Gave Missiles to Hezbollah - NYTimes.com

Shroud forgery? Not so fast, say scientists

Iraq vet John Stone heroically saves prominent Bronx rabbi's wife from choking at Yankee Stadium

Mitt Romney on Health Care - A Particular Spin - NYTimes.com

AP-GfK Poll: Jump in opposition to health care law

Government calls preaching 'clear and present danger'

Pendleton Marine back on Facebook - SignOnSanDiego.com

Calif. city may face legal action over prayer vote » Ventura County Star

Climategate scientists chastised over statistics - environment - 14 April 2010 - New Scientist

Russia says Iran reactor on track for August launch | Reuters

China to send Iran gasoline

CNN touts web stats, impartiality at upfront - Entertainment News, Upfronts/TV Schedules, Media - Variety

Rock Star Sting Slammed Over Concert for Uzbek Tyrant Karimov's Daughter - AOL News

Saudi clerics define terrorism


Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe?

Rabbit whisperer can put bunny in a trance, even if it’s hopping mad - Times Online

Immigration: 'Birth Tourism' Industry Markets U.S. Citizenship Abroad - ABC News

Harry Reid punts on immigration - Meredith Shiner and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Nuclear blast victims would have to wait - USATODAY.com

Somali pirates extradited to Germany - The Local

Study: Frequent password changes are useless - Yahoo! News

Australian pilots make 'miracle' landing in Hong Kong | News.com.au

Tiger Woods Divorce Rumors Pick Up Steam After Masters -- Back Porch FanHouse

Cops: 8-Year-Old Played Drug Dealer In School With Heroin Bags - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh

Outrage over Lax Security: Prisoner Murders Girlfriend During Conjugal Visit - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Serial hoaxer Daniel Hammond claimed he was raped by whale | News.com.au

Pope Benedict's birthplace vandalised - The Local

Controversial crucifix creates rift at Warr Acres church | NewsOK.com

Ringo Starr rebuffs Vatican's 'absolution' of The Beatles - Telegraph

Research offers promise for diabetics - latimes.com

A primer on Islamo-fascism

Tea partiers 'screaming white men,' 'racist forces'

Obama-linked union: White workers 'f---ing rabidly racist'

Obama's nuke agreements meant to disarm U.S.?

Microchips in Obamacare? Not yet

Did tea-party smear incite KC riot?


*American Minute for April 15th:William J Federer's American Minute


#video:Anti-War Group Releases Tax Day Video on Cost of Afghan Conflict

Small Plane Makes Emergency Landing on Arkansas Highway

Volcanic Ash Over Iceland Halts Hundreds of European Flights

Raw: Tomb Protest Turns Deadly in Indonesia’s Capital

Schumer Predicts Quick Passage of Carry-On Fee Ban

NY Times: Is Anti-Incumbancy a Bipartisan Sentiment This Election Year?

Gingrich Defends Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi

Bernanke Warns: U.S. Debt Could Balloon to More Than 100% of GDP

Katie Couric Tweets Her ‘Goodnight’

WH Science Czar: U.S. Can’t Expect to Be No. 1 in Everything Indefinitely

Atheist Christopher Hitchens Seeks to Arrest Pope for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

The B-Cast: Broadcasters Gather in Las Vegas


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Army birther Lt. Col. Terry Lakin under investigation - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Officer challenging Obama 'reassigned'

NPR changes archive regarding president's birth

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

Activist who challenges Obama's citizenship is booted from Tax Day Tea Party - latimes.com

It's a matter of constitutional integrity

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

American Thinker: President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief

Kenyan official: Obama born here

McCain is 'father of birther movement'

American Thinker Blog: Stanley Dunham's FBI file reportedly destroyed

FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather

Frank Marshall Davis' 'young man'

Just who is Obama's 'Pop'?

Obama's missing year


*Jackie Mason:Obama's nuclear-conference sham

Tax Day 101: How some millionaires can owe no taxes

Hamas closes Gaza Strip tunnels as Israelis fear kidnapping

In Brazil, will BRIC summit unify or reinforce their rifts?


Debbie Schlussel:Islamic Dry Run in Pittsburgh School?

Debbie Schlussel:As the allah Turns: An Islamic Love Story

Debbie Schlussel:Schlussel TV Guide: More Pro-Amnesty BS on Your Fave Crime Thriller

Debbie Schlussel:Tea Parties Host Open Anti-Semite, Nazi Defender, Israel Hater

Debbie Schlussel:A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Lies (Tiger Won the Masters?)

Debbie Schlussel:Israel to Jews: “Get Out of the ‘Egypt’s’ Sinai . . . NOW!”

Debbie Schlussel:TEA PARTY FRAUD: Seeking Muslim Votes, Tea Party Star Wastes Tax $s on Phony “Investigation”


DOWNLOAD:The Kevin Trudeau Show: 4-10-10

The Michael Savage Show Podcast 14 April

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-14, Wednesday

04/14 The Mark Levin Show

April 14, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

**E Book**

*e book page:Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base (1992)


Why NBC Universal shows, from "30 Rock" to "Top Chef," are sending viewers signals to recycle, exercise and eat right. - WSJ.com

Television's Benevolent Mind Control Program - Television - Gawker

Obama's Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families | Washington Examiner

Is Soda Bad for Sperm? - Sex | Erectile Dysfunction | Sexual Health - FOXNews.com

How water CAN make you fat: chemicals in drink can trigger weight gain and fertility problems | Mail Online

Fruit and vegies new allergy fear - National Rural News - Agribusiness and General - General - The Land

Study Says Almost Half Of Americans Use Social Networks - HotHardware

Big Brother is Indeed Watching You: The Spy Side of Social Networking | Software & Services Safari | ZDNet.com

Oklahoma Catholics Upset Over Perceived Genitalia On Crucifix

Obama Warns World Leaders Global Economic Crash Can’t Be Stopped

Russian Move Against US In Poland Kills President, Most Of Government

GodLikeProductions.com Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Collapse Of Society - Chaos In The Making

Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months Under New Health Bill - warnthepeople.org

Racist Provocateur Posing As Tea Partier Threatens To Shoot Obama

WSJ: Europe's Tax Lesson: VAT Rates Start Low, Rise; Income Tax Rates Remain High

Sex Abuse Victims Call For Online Abusers Registry - cbs5.com

More on alleged Mossad spy arrested in Algeria « intelNews.org

Accelerating Fascism In Israel

Banksters Rally Round Fed To Keep Bailout Trillions Secret

‘Virus’ as the New ‘Axis of Evil’ - Idea of the Day Blog - NYTimes.com

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke On The Massive Expansion To The IMF’s New Arrangement To Borrow

Youngstown News, Protest march to replace gun-law rally in Campbell

Hating the government finally goes mainstream | Washington Examiner

Feingold bill seeks end to ‘counterproductive’ war in Afghanistan | Raw Story

FOXNews.com - Oregon Teacher Panel Probes Educator Determined to 'Demolish' Tea Party