"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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13 April 2010

13 April


AfricanCrisis:VERY IMPORTANT: UK Telegraph: A Separate Homeland For Afrikaners?

Weekly Southern African Report:article links

AfricanCrisis:S. Africa - Post World Cup South Africa - Malema Planning to Steal White Farms


*JewProm:Jewish Billionaires


*Top 5 Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Are Zionists


China Pledges to Work With U.S. on Iran Sanctions - NYTimes.com

Roy Tov – Damages, Rothschild!

More Than 53% Of Your Tax Pmt Goes To The Military

Christian Zionism Will Kill Populist Revolt

Rothschild World Domination Plan Via Private Nuclear Weapons

Poland Suspicious Of Cause Of Plane Crash

Free Financial Investment Publication | Money and Markets

The Times They Are A-Smearin' - IBD - Investors.com

On "Dual Loyalty" (2): A Response to Robert Satloff | Stephen M. Walt

Paul A Drockton M.A.: George Soros States China Should Rule the World


ALIPAC - Illegal Immigration Prominent Issue At Many Tea Party Events

Risk of Japan going bankrupt is real, say analysts - Yahoo! Canada Finance

New IDF Order Will Allow MASS Palestinian Deportation

Les Leopold: Why Are 25 Hedge Fund Managers Worth 658,000 Teachers?

Alarming Racism In Israel

The Associated Press: Obama, world leaders work to stop nuclear spread

Obama: Al-Qaida would use nuke if it could | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hillary Clinton fears al-Qaeda is obtaining nuclear weapons material - Times Online

10 reasons why Barack Obama is the most naïve president in US history – Telegraph Blogs

Confidential document reveals Obama's hardline US climate talk strategy | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Getting to 'sustainable' debt: What that really means - Apr. 12, 2010

Italians 'confess' to murder plot in Afghanistan - Times Online

Israeli groups fight orders allowing army to jail West Bank residents | World news | The Guardian

Afghan killings spark anti-US protests - Asia, World - The Independent

Doctors 'losing skills because of EU rules' - Telegraph

How locally produced, speciality food will be holding its own - SME, Business - The Independent

Council considers banning word 'obesity' to avoid offending overweight children - Telegraph

Energy saving light bulbs can interfere with television sets - Telegraph

Air crash unites Poland and Russia after past torn by mistrust and war - Telegraph

Pope 'has no UK arrest immunity' | UK news | guardian.co.uk


The American "TC" Saga - Part 1

The American "TC" Saga - Part 2

The American "TC" Saga - Part 3

The American "TC" Saga - Part 4

The American "TC" Saga - Part 5

The American "TC" Saga - Part 6


*site:The New Enlightenment(www.hermes-press.com/)


Father, son face charges in slaying of professor - Sun Sentinel

savethemales.ca - A Homosexual's Quest for Self-Knowledge

Sarah Palin - Is Tea Party Mascot New World Orderly?

Is Lucifer the god of Judaism?

Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response

Lucifer god of Judaism? Reply to Jewish Scholar

Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians

Uprooted Palestinians: The Worm is in the Can

flashback:Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups | Raw Story


Ringo Starr: 'Vatican has more to talk about than the Beatles' - CNN.com

*Timeline: The Beatles - Special Coverage on CNN.com


YouTube - Why Resistance Is Essential

A Nuclear Iran Could Become the First ‘Suicide State’ - US News and World Report

Trinitite - What the Heck is this Stuff?


EclippTV :: Video :: CNN Pushes RFID Microchipping As Inevitable Future Trend


Another war lie to attack Iran: Neda “murder video” shows her pouring fake blood on her own face

Washington's Blog:A Banana Republic With No Bananas E


Mantiq al-Tayr:Chemical Moshe

The Income Tax and American Servitude

Tinfoil Hat News: Rothschild World Domination Plan Via Private Nuclear Weapons

BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Is Being Manipulated By Major Financial Institutions

US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015 | Business | The Guardian

911 Missing Links Forum • View topic - Russian Submarine Kursk - photos disprove the official story

EclippTV :: Video :: CNN Pushes RFID Microchipping As Inevitable Future Trend

EclippTV :: Video :: Trader Reveals Silver and Gold Manipulation & The Option Arms Problem.

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on Your Time with Kim Iverson 08 Apr 2010

Conn Hallinan: Behind the Afghan Fraud

WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee

Op-Ed Contributor - P.S.A. prostate screening is inaccurate and a waste of money. - NYTimes.com


Ringo Starr: 'Vatican has more to talk about than the Beatles' - CNN.com

France24 - 'Obscene' sculpture must go before pope visits Malta: mayor

SOUTH LEBANON: Deport the Palestinians to Where They Came From – Israel

Stupid Simple Arduino LF RFID Tag Spoofer

WikiLeaks plans to post a new controversial video this time showing US massacre of Afghani civilians > New World Order Report

Security increased for Pope's Malta visit - Telegraph

Lord Rothschild: Don't You Dare Touch My Plantation! | LaRouchePAC

Military Suicides Up Among Soldiers in Repeat Army Tours - TIME

YouTube - iPad vs ObamaPad


YouTube - Manning Predicts Revolution



Anat Kam: I stole IDF documents to expose West Bank war crimes - Haaretz - Israel News

Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

Psst: Hillary Rodham Clinton for Supreme Court? | detnews.com | The Detroit News

American Thinker Blog: Onerous New DOE Regulations Headed Our Way

If mainstream medicine really works, why are Americans so unhealthy?

DigaNET Digital Video Recorders

Social Networking Decline

BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Is Being Manipulated By Major Financial Institutions « Dprogram.net

Risk of Japan going bankrupt is real, say analysts

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™

NBC admits using “behavior placement” on popular shows « Dprogram.net

BBC News - Apollo 13: Nasa's finest hour?

Croatian teenager wakes up from a coma speaking fluent German | Mail Online

We blundered over swine flu, admit health chiefs | Mail Online

Cost Of Census Paraphernalia A Trade Secret | Judicial Watch


Leaked U.S. Document Calls For “Global Regime” To Tackle Climate Change « Dprogram.net

Newsmax - Experts: Nuclear Terrorist Attack on Major City 'Probable'

EclippTV :: Video :: New Church Propaganda - "DON'T FIGHT THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

Jesse's Café Américain: NY Post: Trader Blows Whistle On Gold and Silver Price Manipulation

FOXNews.com - Ukraine Pledges to Eliminate Highly Enriched Uranium Stockpile , White House Says

MSNBC Dylan Ratigan video: Federal Reserve is the greatest con and cover-up in US history

Did The Fed Just (Surreptitiously) Bail Out Europe?


*The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - book excerpts


04-12-2010: Abu Dhabi To Build First Full Eco-City

Soros warns Europe of disintegration

04-12-2010: Google CEO: 'we're now paranoid' about security

04-12-2010: Ron Paul praises Steele

04-12-2010: Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia

04-12-2010: U.S. military playing expanded role in Pakistan

04-12-2010: Studies show more evidence of water on moon, Mars

04-12-2010: Five million should flee Tehran over earthquake fears: Ahmadinejad

04-12-2010: Bishop 'blames Jews' for criticism of Catholic church record on abuse

04-12-2010: Is the Fed Helping the Big Banks to Cook Their Books?

04-12-2010: Ahmadinejad urges Ban to probe 9/11 attacks

04-12-2010: Nuclear terrorism is gravest threat to global security, Barack Obama warns

04-11-2010: Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020

The Income Tax and American Servitude

Homeland Security Wants Cellphones to Sniff for Bio Agents

All bets are off if US under biological attack, warns Hillary Clinton


Merging Man and Machine: We are the Internet

Monsanto Under Investigation by Seven US States

Military sources: New US commander for Iraq

Cerberus to buy DynCorp for $1.5 billion

The 'Obama doctrine': kill, don't detain

US Military Warns Oil Output May Dip Causing Massive Shortages By 2015

Looting Main Street

The Great Con Job - There Is No Money!

What Kind of Palestinian State in 2011? Neoliberalism and World Bank Diktats

Kyrgyzstan: Another Colour Revolution Bites the Dust

Media Disinformation: The Cuban Five and the Assassination of Fabio di Celmo: Washington’s Double Standards

Barack Obama: The Cowboy President

Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, Revolution

Orwellian Justice System: Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court Order

America's Imperial Design. Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons

Freedom Rider: Obama’s Lies About Iran

AUDIO: The Myth of a Free Press

Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’?

Ramsey Clark Chosen to Head Commission to Investigate Bush Crimes

Yugoslavia: 11 Years Since NATO's Criminal Attack on a Train

Did Global Elite Kill Polish President Kaczynski?

"Sedition" Purges -- Past, Present, and Future

Evidence that Depleted Uranium is intended as a weapon of genocide


VAT attack: Beware: 'Value-added tax' is an economy-killer

66% Say America Is Overtaxed

Just 20% Support Federal Internet Taxes

From Where Comes Consent?

Mandatory 'breastfeeding rooms' hidden in health care law

Google Frankenstein: Machines To Choose Your News

CNN Article Equates Confederate Soldiers to Terrorists

Stable Money Supply: The Real Way to Help the Poor

Romney Celebrates Near Loss to Ron Paul

Why Are Silver Sales Soaring?

New Evidence Implicates Henry Kissinger In Assassination Case

One Day Soon, We'll All Be 'Homegrown Terrorists'


YouTube - Ron Paul dynamic at Southern Republican Leadership Conference

YouTube - Ron Paul at 2010 Southern Republican Leadership Conference 4/10/10

YouTube - 4/12/10 Ron Paul on CNN: State of the GOP


YouTube - How To Stop The New World Order

Video: Al Gore Runs Away from O’Reilly Factor’s Jesse Waters when Ambushed with Questions on Global Warming « Dprogram.net

YouTube - 'The Factor' Confronts Al Gore

A Surge of Hate - Newsweek.com

“Yes We Can” Bow To Another Hereditary Foreign Dictator « Dprogram.net

WHATIF…A Mortgage Crisis Picturebook Even a Progressive Could Understand | Shenandoah

Guest Post: It’s Impossible To “Get By” In The US | Phil’s Stock World

With 1 in 5 Americans out of work, Obama issues over a million green cards

Tea Party Agent Provocateur Outed

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Was Israel ever legitimate?

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

video:Government "Help" for Native Americans - lesson to be learned

CFR: Harnessing International Institutions to Address Climate Change

Facebook under privacy microscope

Shoppers choose green products to improve social status, says study

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Health Law Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion of Existing Ones

White House Science ‘Czar’ Tells Students: U.S. Can’t Expect to Be Number One in Science and Technology Forever

Sebelius Says President Obama Has Instructed All Cabinet-Level Departments to Promote Public Health

Justice Ginsburg's Advice for Female Lawyers: Marry A Supportive Husband

Justice Ginsburg: Supreme Court Picks Should Not Be Based on Religion

Polish President Was a Reliable U.S. Ally, But Also a Candid Critic

Washington State Moves to Ban Copper in Brake Pads

New Iraqi Media Rules Restrictive: Rights Group

Brave New America

The New Intolerance

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church

Inquest Begins in Mass. Shooting by Ala. Professor

Feds Defend Evidence Blueprint in Blagojevich Case

Man Convicted in Coach's Killing Wants New Trial

Wrong Video of Health Protest Spurs N-Word Feud

English Whisky Startup Takes on Best of Scotland

SPIN METER: Congress' Pork: Advocacy or Hypocrisy?

At Least 3 Dead in North Ga. Navy Plane Crash

Missing 11-Year-Old Girl Found in Central Fla.

Nebraska to Limit Abortions Because of Fetal Pain

New Media Recognized in Pulitzer Competition

Mexico to Convert Reactor to Low Enriched Uranium

Mich. Woman Pleads No Contest to Murdering 4 Teens

US: No Troops Flights for Now Through Kyrgyzstan

China Says U.N. Action on Iran Must Aid Diplomacy

Officer Suspended After Beating of UMd. Student

Web Browser That Bypasses Big Brother a Kazakh Hit

3 Ohio Workers Injured When Crane Collapses

Antiques Thief Extradited to U.S. to Face Charges

Peek Into the Future Offers Glimpse Into the Past

NJ Man Accused of Killing 5 People in 2 Months

Lionel Shriver Novel Counts Cost of U.S. Healthcare

Brief Hearing Scheduled in Christmas Bomb Case

Christie's Sees Momentum for Chinese Art Market

Stock Futures Fall, Point to Lower Opening

Sgt. Convicted in Case That Grew From Army Suicide

Police: NJ Teen Told Blacks to Leave Whole Foods

Champagne Price Rise May Boost Sparkling Burgundy

Bodies of All Dead W. Va. Miners Recovered

Italy Winemakers Eye Tweet Sales With Social Media

Indonesia Plane Breaks up on Landing, Several Hurt

South Korea to Put Curfew on Online Games for Kids

DNA Leads to Arrest in Calif. Beach House Killings

5 People Killed in Crash During Heavy Rain Near LA

Nevada Ax Attack Case Hearing to Continue Thursday

FDNY: Body Found in Fire-Ravaged NY Chinatown Bldg

Ohio Terrorist Ties to Al-Qaida Operative Revealed

Calif. Man Pleads Guilty to Posing as Navy Officer

Police: Nurse Helps Crash Victim, Gets Carjacked

Father Wages Court Battle Against Funeral Protests

Lieberman: U.S. Should Attack Iran's Nuclear Program If All Else Fails

Lieberman: Sarah Palin Can’t Be Underestimated

Lieberman: Likely Running in 2012 as an Independent

Experts: Doubts On Nuke Terror May Raise Risk

NYC Terror Probe Nabs 4th in Pakistan

Beneath NYC, Police Protect Tunnels From Terror

Obama: Risks of Nuclear Attack Have Risen

Senate Stalls Cyber Commander to Probe Digital War

Military Sources: New US Commander for Iraq

Tears As Body of Poland's First Lady Returns Home

China's Hu Rebuffs Obama on Yuan

Pope's No. 2: Pedophilia Linked to Homosexuality

Russia Points to Human Error in Fatal Polish Crash

Personal Income Drops 3.2 Percent Under Obama

GAO: U.S. Postal Service 'Not Viable'

Inquest Into Mass. Shooting by Amy Bishop to Begin

1964 Jackie Kennedy Interviews to Be Published

Obamacare: $3.9B Middle Class Tax Hike

Pope's Birthplace Hit With Obscene Graffiti

Tea Party in Demand for Supreme Court Fight

Video of Health Protest Spurs N-Word Feud

Tea Party Patriots Won't Join New Federation

O'Connor: Tough Road Ahead for High Court Pick

White House: Obama Not Picking Hillary for Court

Calif. Gay Marriage Ban Repeal Falls Short

Census: No Evidence of a Conservative Boycott

Court Short List: Kagan, Napolitano, Granholm

Cuba: Hillary's Comments On Castros 'Cynical'

Ted Kennedy FBI Files To Be Released

Gallup: Democrats' Approval at Historic Low

GOP Hopes for Upset in Fla. US House Election

Charlie Rangel Now Flying Jet Blue

What Looked Like Easy Governors' Races May Not Be

Majority of Republican Party Chairs Back Steele

Polish President to Be Buried on Sunday

S. Africa Puts Teeth in Rape Fight

Expert: Bear Market Can Last for Another Five Years

China Bank Chief: Fast Growth Is Big Trouble

Reich: Secretive Fed Has No Place In A Democracy

Roche: Wave of Sovereign Defaults Possible


*8 Superstar Spices to Boost Your Health


High Glycemic Diet May Raise Heart Risk

Yahoo Introduces Daily News-Based Series

US Diplomat Criticizes Australia's Web Filter

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

After 18 Years, Eubanks Is Officially Leaving 'Tonight'

Conan O'Brien Takes Late-Night Gig at TBS

U.S. Faces Shortage of Doctors - WSJ.com

President Barack Obama - Yahoo! News Photos

Obama presses world to lock down nuclear materials - Yahoo! News

Iran Nuclear Issues - Yahoo! News Photos

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - US and Israel: An unsettled alliance

NJ gov wants teachers union leader fired for memo - Yahoo! News

iSpecs: Apple to design 3D glasses to watch films on the move | Mail Online

YouTube - Preview: 'The Factor' Confronts Al Gore

President Barack Obama - Yahoo! News Photos

Japan to investigate China warships near Okinawa | World | Reuters

Robin Givhan examines Michelle Obama's first trip abroad alone

Reuters AlertNet - Drug violence scares off tourists to Mexico

Politics, Political News - POLITICO.com

Barney Frank gets a high-altitude haranguing on health care - The Names Blog - Boston.com

Healthcare overhaul won't stop premium increases - latimes.com

Nation's soaring deficit calls for painful choices - USATODAY.com

TWO escaped convicts dodge manhunt by dressing as sheep | The Sun |News

Phyllis Schlafly : America Becomes a Two-Class Society - Townhall.com

Incentives Not to Work - WSJ.com

Facebook must 'turn words into action' and install panic button, says child safety chief - Telegraph

Jersey City Murder Spree

Crashed Polish plane landed without permission - air traffic controller | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Leck Kaczynski: 'Russia engineered plane crash,' claims Polish MP | Mail Online

Lesbian flings, prostitution & abuse lies: Oprah's 'hidden' life - NYPOST.com

Obama spokesman Gibbs sounds eager for future strategist role

Pornographic magazine for the blind launched - Telegraph

"All Blacks Leave": Copycat Racism Probed at Another NJ Store | NBC New York

Woman convicted of piercing cats sentenced to one year of house arrest | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

U.S. military playing expanded role in Pakistan | Reuters

American Troops Fire at Afghan Bus, Killing Civilians - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Charlie Crist's Fan, Revealed!


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 2 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 3 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 4 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 5 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 6 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 7 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 8 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 9 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 10 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 11 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 12 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 13 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 14 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 15 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse


Newsmax - CBO Grossly Understates Costs of Obamacare

Newsmax - Rubio Trumps Crist on Social Security

Newsmax - Obama Should Focus on Job Creation

Newsmax - Naming Street After Terrorist Is Atrocity

Newsmax - Obama Disarmament Tack Puts U.S. in Peril

Newsmax - Priority One: Defeat Harry Reid

Newsmax - Obama Slanders, Abandons Israel

Grand Rapids Tea Partier: 'I don't want my hard earned money' 'going to people who don't deserve it'

Al Gore says it all to Fox's Jesse Waters: 'I don't like ambush journalism'. Not to mention the lying.

Investors Ask for Blankenship's Resignation from Massey Energy In Wake of Mining Disaster

Too funny

Carl 'My Emails May Contain Bestiality" Paladino NY Tea Party Candidate

'Looting Main Street':-Matt Taibbi on How the Nation’s Biggest Banks Are Ripping Off American Cities with Predatory Deals

Roy Blunt just says no to covering adults with pre-existing conditions

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being...a Tea Bagger

Even After Foreclosure, Second Mortgages Still Come Back To Haunt Former Homeowners

Bill Kristol: Kagan Would Be Respectable Choice for Supreme Court, But Republicans Should Oppose Her

Just say no to Cass Sunstein.

The Hutaree militia: At the crossroads of Christianity and terrorist violence

Vatican posts guidelines on "How to handle sex abusers" on its website.

Obama Leads Global Effort To Identify And Contain All Nuclear Material

A Pathetic Joe Lieberman whines to John Brennan about not calling terrorists "Islamic Extremists"

Conservatives Defend Palin at Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Will Senate Republicans Block Unemployment Extensions Again? We'll Find Out Today.

Tea Partier Victoria Jackson on Obama: Whether He Has a Birth Certificate or Not, He's Not an American

Glenn Beck says Obama might find a 'gay handicapped black woman who's an immigrant' as well as a 'radical' for the Supreme Court

Clinton: Israel's Nuclear Weapons Aren't A Threat. Terrorists With Nukes Are.

Michele Bachmann says repeal and pass the same provisions over again

Lieberman Pushes Modernization Myth and Threatens to Block Nukes Treaty

Republicans Resurrect "Welfare" Charge for Tax Day

Vitter's Teabagger Yell : Republican Party Will Be Vehicle for Change and Tea Party Will Be the Fuel That Super-Charges It

Michele "Nostradamus" Bachmann with Chris Wallace: Crazier than ever, she still calls President Obama "anti-American"

Haley Barbour the Latest Neo-Confederate Face of the GOP

Sarah Palin Network

Andrew Breitbart Lies About Kenneth Gladney and Richard Trumka Incidents to Trash Unions at SRLC

Rick Santorum Explains Right Wing Anger: Obama Wants to Change Us From Being a Judeo-Christian Nation

Baja California Earthquake Victims In Need of Clean Water, Food, Camping Supplies

Doctor targets Obama voters for layoffs in advance of "Obamacare"


*Government and Gasoline by Ron Pau; w/audio


Consortiumnews.com:Obama, NYT Keep Israeli Nuke Secrets

Is Libertarianism a Part of the Right or the Left? Neither. We Are Unique by Walter Block

Preparations Being Made To Move Fort Knox Gold Into Your Bank Account by Bill Sardi

I own my physical gold and I will never sell it, says Marc Faber - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Inflating Government Bubble Can Only Lead to a Major Financial Hangover

In the Shadow of the Castle by David Galland

Have a Nice World War, Folks by John Pilger

Classic Cocktails for Everyone | The Art of Manliness

Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalkers - Times Online

Assassination: A History of Political Murder by Lindsay Porter - Telegraph

The Grasping Hand by Peter Sloterdijk, City Journal Winter 2010

Greco-Roman mummy found in Egypt - Telegraph

Clinically Dead Boy 'Saw Granny In Heaven' - Yahoo! News UK

First footage from world's deepest volcanic vents - life - 12 April 2010 - New Scientist

Researchers harness viruses to split water: Crucial step toward turning water into hydrogen fuel

'Cure' is found for skin cancer, claim scientists - Telegraph


Ordinary T-shirts could become body armor

SPACE.com -- Alien Life on Titan Would Stink

Identity Thieves Filed for $4 Million in Tax Refunds Using Names of Living and Dead | Threat Level | Wired.com

Lair of the Beasts: The Nessie Files - Mania.com

Japanese scientists create 'Robocop' suit - Telegraph

Megaliths in England linked to death rituals - Science- msnbc.com

The self-shearing sheep that can save farmers thousands of pounds | Mail Online

Houston, the problem was with Apollo 13 burning up, not freezing - Times Online




Conan O’Brien’s Five Best Lines From His Tour Opener » MTV Newsroom

Biographer: I know who Oprah’s real father is - TODAY Entertainment

Kitty Kelley's Best Selling 'Oprah': Seven Most Shocking Tales - ABC News

FOXNews.com - New Tell-All Claims Oprah Winfrey Has 'Hidden' Life

Nonprofit newsroom wins Pulitzer Prize - latimes.com

Roger Waters Details 'The Wall' World Tour Plans | Billboard.com

Judge Phoned Suspect in 'Survivor' Murder | TMZ.com

Ringo Starr tells Vatican to 'Get Back'; dismisses effort to 'forgive' The Beatles

The Vatican: John Lennon's 'Jesus' Comment 'Wasn't That Scandalous'

Russell Crowe gets Walk of Fame star - USATODAY.com

Elizabeth Taylor: Engagement Rumors ‘Simply Aren’t True’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

McConnell Rips Financial Reform Bill as Pro-Bailouts | ecreditdaily.com

Stern, Head of S.E.I.U., Plans to Retire - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - N.J. Governor Undeterred by Teachers Union Refusal to Fire Leader Who Prayed for His Death

Thousands Expected For Hub Tea Party Rally - Politics News Story - WCVB Boston

The once-and-never Justice Clinton | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times

Senators End Impasse on Extending Jobless Aid - NYTimes.com

Sarah Palin Tours America For Fun and Profit - ABC News

Video Shows University of Maryland Student Beaten By County Police - ABC News

Rahm Emanuel provides inspiration to Republicans

1994 Republican Rout Is Casting Shadow in 2010 - NYTimes.com

Tennessee Democrats Exposed! Some of Them Like Health Care Reform Law | Pith in the Wind | Nashville Scene

Arizona Senate committee backs business tax cuts - BusinessWeek

The Plight of the Honey Bee « Liveshots

Cuomo Runs P.R. Machine Behind the Curtain - NYTimes.com

Cruise Lines to Drop Suit if Alaska Head Tax Cut - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Feds defend evidence blueprint in Blagojevich case

Prosecutors, lawyers clash over Blagojevich papers - Wandtv.com, NewsCenter17, StormCenter17, Central Illinois News-

The Associated Press: Obama tells Pakistani leader about ditching press

The Associated Press: Father wages court battle against funeral protests

Nuclear summit: How much 'loose nukes' material is out there? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Obama's Cruel Irony: Risk of nuclear attack higher than in Cold War

First lady Michelle Obama visits quake-hit Haiti

BBC News - Somali radio stations comply with Islamists' music ban

In Turkey, military's power over secular democracy slips

Poll: Most U.S. Jews approve of Obama's approach to Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

15 dead in Basilan blasts - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

Sarkozy says will decide on 2012 re-election bid

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Japan seeks answers over Chinese warships

Pakistani jets kill civilians: villagers | Reuters

78 injured as Indonesian jet breaks in two - CNN.com

Russia: Israeli strike on Iran would be catastrophe | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

YouTube - Medvedev: Obama thinks when he speaks, unlike ...?

Thai Protesters Take Up Squirt Guns - NYTimes.com

Sudan Elections Show Up Deep Divides - NYTimes.com

Vatican tells bishops to report clerical sex abuse to police

YouTube - Vatican to Bishops: Follow Law, Report Sex Abuse

The Associated Press: Poland mourns as president and wife lie in state

YouTube - Body of First Lady Maria Kaczynska arrives in Warsaw, brought to Presidential Palace

Sources: Kyrgyz president willing to resign, with conditions - CNN.com

YouTube - Kyrgyzstan Row: Bakiev agrees to resign, interim govt promises security for ousted leader

Death by CAFE Standards

Obama Attends Non-Existent Soccer Game?

ObamaCare's Key to the Kingdom

The Obama Bubble

Obama's Kyrgyzstan Disaster

Tyranny vs. the Internet

Absolutely Fabulists: Liberal Mythmaking

Obama's Pie in the Sky

Remnick Disses Andersen for Using Unnamed Sources

Lt. Col. Lakin to face court martial

The twilight of the Mubarak regime

About that "no new nukes' pledge by Obama...

No surprise: MRC calls out media for coverage of tea partiers

Unionized States of America: Another big union payoff by Obama

Buh-bye Andy: SEIU's Stern to step down

Ooops! Congress loses health care plan under Obamacare?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not included in financial reform legislation

The 'Dissociative Shift Principle'

New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud

Federal Anti-Obesity Initiative to Eliminate Food Deserts

Unfortunate Coincidence

Abdullah in Wonderland

A Justice Stevens Performance Review

DOE's Search and Seizure


Fair Tax Distraction


*site:Americans For Fair Taxation: Americans For Fair Taxation


History and Ideology in Textbooks

Eternal Islamic Enmity toward the Jews

Liberal Narcissism and Anti-Christian Phobia

The Myths of Managing Health Care

Fears grow as study shows genetically modified crops 'can cause liver and kidney damage' | Mail Online

Sheriff To Texas Border Town: 'Arm Yourselves' : NPR

Jpost - Europe ignores Iran’s deadly mix of anti-Semitism and nukes

Nation's soaring deficit calls for painful choices - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Tax Hikes Forever

Timothy Geithner - How to prevent America's next financial crisis

William McGurn: Reaganism, New Jersey Style - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Dealing With a Recession That’s ‘a Different Creature’ - NYTimes.com

Value added tax is a bad idea - chicagotribune.com

Economic data don't point to boom times just yet

How Will the Economy Affect Midterm Elections? - Business - The Atlantic

Lessons From the Republican Leadership Conference - Newsweek.com

Let the party begin! - BostonHerald.com

Healthcare could still make Mitt Romney sick - Mitt Romney - Salon.com

Obama Nuclear Summit to Change the Conversation - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

What Justice Stevens stood for - CNN.com

RealClearPolitics - Good Riddance!

A Nuclear-Free (Dream) World - IBD - Investors.com

Editorial - In Dawn Johnsen’s Case - Politics 1, Rule of Law 0 - NYTimes.com

Incentives Not to Work - WSJ.com

Tragedy is another test of Polish perseverance :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Democrats Push for Disclosure of Corporate Campaign Roles - NYTimes.com

Obama team points to smaller deficit numbers

Warning of higher taxes - The Hill's On The Money

Democrats have most to lose in redrawing of House districts by governors - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Washington will spend $31,406 per household this year - St. Petersburg Times

RealClearPolitics - Ohio Dems Cast Themselves as Outsiders

Why Poland's grief is doubled - CNN.com

Indian and American Entrepreneurs Are Similar « The Enterprise Blog


*4/11-TranscriptsGuests: Clinton, Gates, Leahy and Sessions

Guests: Clinton and Gates, Schumer and Kyl

Guests: Senators Lieberman & Alexander

Guests: Secretary Clinton and Gates (PDF)

Interview with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour





Five Indians injured by dirty bomb material in Delhi market

Tehran: If Iran is attacked, nuclear devices will go off in American cities

Carter's adviser projects a Middle East plan full of fallacies

Iran's bomb-making plutonium facilities close to completion


*Islamisation Or Europe: Reality or Fantasy?

Islamisation Or Europe: Reality Or Fantasy? - Video - Dalje.com


NC Libertarians offer prescription for 'big government' disease

Can blacks accept American history?

The folly of the GDP report.

Easy to Avoid Paying Income Tax

Debbie Schlussel:TEA PARTY FRAUD: Seeking Muslim Votes, Tea Party Star Wastes Tax $s on Phony “Investigation”

Debbie Schlussel:Meinhardt Raabe, “Wizard’s” Munchkin Coroner, Inspiring American Patriot, RIP

Debbie Schlussel:PBS Remembers the Holocaust by Remembering . . . Muslims?!

Debbie Schlussel:HOprah Watch: Oprah Made Up Rape Story, Has Nickname “Negro” (From BFF Gayle)

Debbie Schlussel:“Filthy 13″ (”Dirty Dozen”), Band of Brothers Member, WWII Hero Jack Agnew, RIP

Debbie Schlussel:Attention, Terrorists: Buy an IPad

Debbie Schlussel:Palestinian Muslims Sacrifice Conjoined Twins for Anti-Israel Propaganda

Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org

NYC society women dazzle in spring bling - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - New Tell-All Claims Oprah Winfrey Has 'Hidden' Life

Zazi, Al Qaeda pals planned rush-hour attack on Grand Central, Times Square subway stations

Family gets a say on FBI Kennedy file - The Boston Globe

SANDERS: North Korea a time bomb ticking louder - Washington Times

Governor's race could be about illegals - Washington Times

Feds can't find Somalis they say Va. man smuggled into U.S. | Washington Examiner

Breastfeeding rooms hidden in health care law - CNN.com

CNSNews.com - Health Law Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion of Existing Ones

Income falls 3.2% during Obama's term - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - President Obama's Nuclear Naivete

FOXNews.com - Radical Muslim Cleric Lied to Qualify for U.S.-Funded College Scholarship

Iran Nuclear Issues - Yahoo! News Photos


Politics Video:4/13/Gov. Christie Answers Criticism

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell Accuses Gingrich Of Racism

W.H. Tamps Down Rumors About Clinton As SCOTUS Pick

Obama Bows To Chinese President Hu Jintao

Jake Tapper On The Showdown With Iran

CBS' Bob Schieffer On The Nuclear Summit, Afghan President

Maddow: Obama Diplomacy Returns U.S. To Leadership Role

O'Reilly: Media Making "Bogus" Accusations Of Racism

Olbermann: Southern Republicans Appealing To "Despicable Groups"

Krauthammer: Nuclear Summit Ignores World's Biggest Threats

*4/12 - FL-Sen: Sarah Palin Backs Marco Rubio

Rep. Boehner: Repealing Health Care Is GOP's "Number 1 Priority"

Sen. Gregg: Obama To Blame For Financial Reform Breakdown

Brzezinski On Obama's Role In Achieving Mideast Peace

Axelrod On Health Reform: We Mistakenly Thought Both Parties Would Come Together

Sen. Hatch Mentions Clinton As Possible SC Nominee

Obama Hoping For Smooth Court Confirmation

Russian President on Nukes, Obama and Iran

Obama To Host Nuclear Arms Summit


James Cameron Goes ‘Full Kurtz’ to Live Out ‘Avatar’ Fantasy in Amazon

Nuclear Power: Over at HuffPo Alec Baldwin Tries Real, Real Hard to Sound Smart But…

Tale of Two Directors Part One: Hollywood Supports Child Rapist, Ignores Imprisoned Iranian Filmmaker Jafar Panahi

Hollywood Director Who Believes Christ Was the Product of Rape Questions Credibility of ‘The Passion’

More Post Racial Hum-bug

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: Besides the Leftist Entertainment Media Being Upset, What’s Next?

Daily Gut: Muslim Health-Care Workers Exempt From Hygiene Rules

Graham, Mattera, Loesch, Baldwin, Malor and Carter on The Stage Right Show

INTERNAL MEMO: Turner President Welcomes Conan O’Brien to TBS

TRAILER: ‘Unthinkable’ — Torture vs. Ticking Time Bomb Scenario

Lonewolf Diaries: The Case Against Canada & Hate Crime Laws

MSM Yawns As Leftists Openly Plot To Sabotage Tea Party, Misuse Social Security Numbers

Tea Party Crashers Cozy Up to MSM For a Celebration of Marxism 101

The Five O’Clock Follies: Inside the White House Briefing Room

Time for the MSM to Take a Good Long, Hard Look In the Mirror

Circle of Jerks: Media Matters feeds MSNBC feeds Media Matters…

Taking the Fight to the MSM: Andrew Breitbart At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Were Reporters Used to Spread ‘N-Word’ Narrative?

Dysfunctional CIA, NY Times Channel Ugly Stepsisters in Effort to Smash Defense Department’s Glass Slipper

Death of a Culture: ‘What Do We Do With Our Camels?’

Military Media Machine Playing Games During Time of War: My Embed Ends

Washington Post’s Andrew Alexander: Democrat Shill

Fisking the WaPo’s Ombudsman, Andrew Alexander

Washington Post Ombudsman Misses Larger Point of Capitol Hill Protests


The Michael Savage Show 04122010

April 12, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-12, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-11, Sunday

04/12 The Mark Levin Show


Burt Folsom: Did FDR End the Depression? - WSJ.com

Senate Leader Vows to Take Up Immigration Overhaul - NYTimes.com

Fruit and vegies new allergy fear - National Rural News - Agribusiness and General - General - The Land


archive:FOXNews.com - Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions

*Wise Up Journal - » Earth Bureaucracy – An Educated Review Of Global Governance *


Homeschoolers win round against United Nations

Terrorists: Israeli nuke plant within rocket range

King Obama

NASA's time is past

Why doesn't Obama deny he's a socialist?

Is 'Green Goon Squad' at your front door?


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's plan to lock down nukes

WND TV WorldNetDaily Exclusive Does this look like a baby to you?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Curtains for 'crazy thinking' DOJ nominee


*audio:Download:4-11-10- Aaron Klein


Kupelian on Hannity: Obama staging 'socialist coup'

Terrorists: Israeli nuke plant within rocket range

FOXNews.com - Gibbs: Obama Sees Loose Nuke Material as No. 1 Security Threat

Radical Muslim infiltrates ABC newsroom

FOXNews.com - Radical Muslim Cleric Lied to Qualify for U.S.-Funded College Scholarship

FOXNews.com - N.J. Elementary School Cancels 'Cross-Dressing' Fashion Show After Complaints

Missing jobs may become issue at ballot box

Gallup: GOP leads by four in generic congressional ballot - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Breitbart.tv » FL Gov Travels With Fan to ‘Make Sure He Doesn’t Look Sweaty’

Burris: Obama should name black SCOTUS nominee - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Cornyn: Openly gay SCOTUS nominee might be acceptable - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Now public can decide if burial cloth image is Jesus

Atheists gone wild

FOXNews.com - Official: SEIU President Stern to Resign

Democrats want anti-Bush loyalist for GAO director - Washington Times

Feds say Border Patrol vehicles being 'cloned' by Mexican smugglers | Washington Examiner

Tea party touts 'Maryland miracle' - Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com

Scott Brown snubs Sarah Palin, bags Tea Party rally - BostonHerald.com

Mom With Cancer Gets Insurance Help For Transplant - cbs4.com

The New Health-Care Fight: Abortion Coverage in State Exchanges - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

U.S. Faces Shortage of Doctors - WSJ.com

CNSNews.com - Health Law Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion of Existing Ones

Washington Memo - Baffled by Health Plan? So Are Some Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Healthcare overhaul won't stop premium increases - latimes.com

Barney Frank gets a high-altitude haranguing on health care - The Names Blog - Boston.com

Handling cash 'better at killing pain than aspirin', study claims - Telegraph

eBay user's negative comment may cost him $15K | floridatoday.com | FLORIDA TODAY

Orangutans kickbox and parade in bikinis for cheering tourists | Mail Online

PETA to ask feds to shut Ringling Bros., claiming circus is guilty of elephant torture, coverups

The Associated Press: Report: Anti-Semitic incidents doubled last year

It's a priest versus Jehovah's Witnesses after a FW altercation | kens5.com | San Antonio News, Weather, Sports, Traffic, Entertainment, Video and Photos

Two Christian converts from Islam to face trial April 13

Google CEO Eric Schmidt's advice for American Society of News Editors - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Security chip added to Swiss Army knife - The Denver Post

Born in the USA to illegals: Should citizenship be a birthright?

Governor's race could be about illegals - Washington Times

News: Male Studies vs. Men's Studies - Inside Higher Ed

House Republicans say they're going cold turkey on pork projects - latimes.com

Man threatens to down Qantas jet with his mind | The Australian

Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule - Telegraph

Cancer danger of that night-time trip to the toilet | Mail Online

Diet can sharply cut Alzheimer's risk: study | Reuters

Casual Sex Increasing in U.S. - Yahoo! News

BBC News - Organs 'removed for transplant without consent'

Video: Pierson couple who delivered baby at home when they didn't know wife was pregnant appear on 'Good Morning America', '20/20' | - MLive.com

Reliable Source - Kitty Kelley's new book: Oprah has a diva snit in Washington antique store; "does not do stairs"

John Tesh confirms he once dated Oprah Winfrey: 'We remain friends to this day'

'Touchdown Jesus' statue to get facelift

China: The world's new superpower is beginning the century of its supremacy with an alarming surplus of males | Mail Online


*American Minute for April 13th:William J Federer's American Minute


Gum Wrapper Prom Dress - KIMT.com – Iowa & Minnesota Together

A coup in 140 characters or less

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: Where are they now?

Northern Lights: most amazing images of nature's greatest show captured on camera - Telegraph

Near-Death Experiences Explained?

DMV tries to put the brakes on racy license plates | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Stackable, portable concept homes offer mobile living -- with a view - CNN.com

Images mark 20 years of Hubble telescope - Telegraph

Shroud of Turin displayed for first time in decade - Yahoo! News

Is this REALLY a UFO being chased down the M5 by RAF fighter jets? 'Video footage' captured at a service station | Mail Online

One in five adults believe aliens are on earth, disguised as humans - Telegraph

Justice Stevens: Good riddance!

Insult tea partiers but placate Islamists

Obama seals ... all of Hawaii!

4 kinds of people: Which are you?

The history-distorting Confederate-bashers

Obama sells arms to Arabs, but not to Israel

Obamacare: More horrific by the day

The left squashes life's little pleasures

Katyn and the 'Good War'

ABC The Drum Unleashed - Green Tea party

The Internet’s Last Hope | Mother Jones

VAT: The cowardly tax

The New Media Journal | It’s Hard to Bring Home the Bacon with All These Pigs at the Trough by Resa LaRu Kirkland

Recession Arbiters, Wary of Certifying an Upturn - CNBC


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

American Thinker Blog: Stanley Dunham's FBI file reportedly destroyed

FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather

'Professor' Obama? Title never granted

To be (a lawyer) or not to be...

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

Officer to Army: Bring it on!

McCain is 'father of birther movement'

Breitbart.tv » New McCain Web Ad Paints Primary Challenger Hayworth as Birther

Kenyan official: Obama born here

Kenyan officials affirm: Obama 'son of this soil'

American Thinker: President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

YouTube - Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya.mp4

Officer to Army: Bring it on!

video:Hell is no laughing matter

video:God's forgotten 'universal proclamation'


*News Video: Threats Against Officials Raise Concerns

Video: High Profile Inmate Refuses To Eat Nutraloaf

Video: Man Claims He Was Framed By FBI

Video: New Hominid Find Probed With High-Power X-ray

Video: Colorado Teachers Face New Evaluation Procedures

Video: Daybreak: Good Morning From Space

Video: Smart Phone App Helps Doctors Monitor Labor

Video: Raw Video: Nuclear Summit Convenes With Smiles

Video: 40th Anniversary of Apollo 13 Crisis

Atheist Christopher Hitchens Seeks to Arrest Pope for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

‘Shrek’ Scandal: Dreamworks Regrets Racy Fashion Spread Involving Kid Film’s Characters

NJ Gov Chris Christie Defends Controversial State Budget Plan

Bill Would Require Drug Offender Status Be Labeled on Driver’s License

Anti-Tea Party Group Pushing Members to ‘Infiltrate’ Events

PA Woman Gets House Arrest For Piercing Kittens

Christ Statues Decapitated at Utah Cemetery

China Rising: Assessing China’s Impact on America

WH Science Czar: U.S. Can’t Expect to Be No. 1 in Everything Indefinitely

Dick Morris: Pessimism is the Bodyguard of Socialism

O’Reilly Producer Confronts Gore About His Refusal to Appear on the ‘Factor’

Activists Go Ape for Boxing Primates

Radical Muslim Cleric Lied to Qualify for U.S.-Funded College Scholarship

Paul Ryan to Beck, Hot Air: I’m Not a Conservative Progressive

British Team Finds So-Called ‘Hell on Earth’

Top Student Suing School District to Stop Commencement Prayer

Last Footage Captured by Reuters Cameraman Killed in Bangkok Riots Released

NY GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Apologizes for Racist, Racy Emails

CNBC Host Rips Ability for Kids to Stay on Parents’ Plan Until 26 Under ObamaCare

Report: Hillary Clinton SCOTUS Nod ‘Not at All Realistic’

Video Allegedly Shows Maryland Police Beating Student

Steelers’ QB: ‘Happy To Put This Behind Me’

Dow Ends Above 11,000 for First Time in 18 Months

NY Post: Selfish State of the Unions

Outrage as Girl, 3, Walks Tightrope – Over Siberian Tigers

Medvedev: Nuke Treaty a Delicate ‘Formula’

China Rising: Opportunity or Threat?

Boehner: Repealing Health Care Law GOP’s ‘Number One Priority’

Evolutionary Psychologist: Liberals More Intelligent Than Conservatives

Axelrod: We Mistakenly Believed Both Parties Would Come Together

NRCC Launches First Ad in Special Election Contest to Replace Murtha

Debate Heats Up After WH Strips ‘Islamic Extremism’ from National Security Document

Poll: 66% Say America Is Overtaxed

Details Emerge in Al Qaeda Plot on NYC Subway System

‘My Father Was My Cause’: John Gotti Jr. Breaks His Silence

‘One Hitter’: So What Was the Quatari Diplomat Smoking in the Bathroom?

TBS Welcomes Conan O’Brien

SNL Sketch Mocks Conspiracy Concerns Over Census Questions

Tina Fey Returns to SNL With Unveiling of Palin’s New Endeavor

Obama Advisor Jim Wallis Explores Wealth, Marxism & Social Justice


Dayna Winters Radio Show February 14th, 2010

MP3:Brad Lockerman on DARKNESS RADIO 100.3 KTLK-FM (PT1

MP3:Brad Lockerman on DARKNESS RADIO 100.3 KTLK-FM (PT2)

MP3:Brad Lockerman on DARKNESS RADIO 100.3 KTLK-FM (PT1)

MP3:Brad Lockerman on DARKNESS RADIO 100.3 KTLK-FM (PT2)

*E book

The First Global Revolution Text


The Philadelphia Daily News Wins A Pulitzer - And The Paper Gets Auctioned Off April 27th.

Roy Tov – Dimona Is Not Israel’s Lifeline: On Zim and Gadot

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Holly Greig IS the Issue in the Scot Election

WaMu risk-taking slammed - Yahoo! Finance

Bush Was Right: The Constitution is Just a G.D. Piece of Paper

YouTube - Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo Does Not Know the Constitution

YouTube - Constitution

YouTube - Newt Wonders What Constitution Obama Is Following

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For “Global Regime” To Tackle Climate Change

Tea Party Agent Provocateur Outed

Infowars Reader Harassed By Cops Over “Militia” Fears

Google CEO and Obama Activist Wants Machines to Pick News

Idiot Fox Pundit Claims Ron Paul Stole Straw Poll Votes

YouTube - MEDIA FAIL: Foxnews says Ron Paul Bought His Straw Poll Votes At SRLC

Aussie Cops Trade in Powder Blue for NYPD Dark Blue

Janet Napolitano, Supreme Court Justice?

Republicans Running Scared of Ron Paul and Straw Polls

YouTube - If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!

Club Of Rome Behind Eco-Fascist Purge To Criminalize Climate Skepticism


YouTube - Nazi Police KILL 9/11 TRUTH Free Speech part 1/4 - We Are Change San Antonio

YouTube - Nazi Police KILL 9/11 TRUTH Free Speech part 2/4 - We Are Change San Antonio

YouTube - Nazi Police KILL 9/11 TRUTH Free Speech part 3/4 - We Are Change San Antonio

YouTube - Nazi Police KILL 9/11 TRUTH Free Speech part 4/4 - We Are Change San Antonio


YouTube - Star Size Comparison HD


*Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020 | Popular Science


**Full Report: The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America | Amped Status


“Yes We Can” Bow To Another Hereditary Foreign Dictator


YouTube - Did Obama bow to Saudi King Abdullah, or was he cleaning the floor?

YouTube - Barack Obama bows to Japan's Emperor Akihito

YouTube - Obama Bows to Hu Jintao at Nuclear Summit


The Diamondback - Guest column: Depressed about our future

Is the U.S. Forest Service spying on visitors? | Gadling.com

What do your IRS taxes really pay for?

France24 - Ahmadinejad urges Ban to probe 9/11 attacks

Take This Empire and Shove It!

A Surge of Hate - Newsweek.com

WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee

U.S., Mexico to Set up Group to Deal with Cross-Border Issue - Truckinginfo.com

Healthcare overhaul won't stop premium increases - latimes.com

Moneynews - Key Fed, Treasury Actions Shrouded in Government Secrecy

Chinese Turbines in Texas Spur ‘Buy American’ Push (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Medvedev: Israeli strike on Iran could spark global catastrophe - Haaretz - Israel News

Unthinkable: Propaganda for False Flag Nuclear Terrorism and Torture

Unclear future - NYPOST.com

YouTube - Bombing Iran on US-Israel agendas, but nobody has right to allow this - Chief of Staff

Unprovoked Cops Viciously Beat Student Then Charge Him With Assault


**(LINKS)Kevin Rudd’s e-Health bill paves the way for PositiveID human implantable RFID microchips


Unprovoked Cops Viciously Beat Student Then Charge Him With Assault

YouTube - Video Backs Maryland Students Police Brutality Claim 4-12-10

U.S. Faces Shortage of Doctors - WSJ.com

Crashed Polish plane landed without permission – air traffic controller

Chuck Norris : More Tyranny Plus More Taxes Equals More Protests - Townhall.com

The FCIC: Passing the Buck

Alleged ‘black box’ tape from Kaczynski plane minutes before crash

Leck Kaczynski: 'Russia engineered plane crash,' claims Polish MP | Mail Online

Greece Sells $2.1 Billion of Debt After Rescue Plan (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Homeland Security to Develop Cell Phones That ‘Smell’ Poisonous Gas

The Income Tax and American Servitude

Glimmer of hope for parents as court halts 'forced adoption' of their 18-month-old daughter | Mail Online

Some Oklahomans want a state militia to resist Washington -