"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

09 April 2010



BBC News - Iran unveils 'faster' uranium centrifuges

George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent' - Times Online

Feds find problems at Central Calif. toxic dump | World news | guardian.co.uk

World Bank's $3.75bn coal plant loan defies environment criticism | Environment | The Guardian

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Benjamin Netanyahu cancels trip to nuclear summit - Telegraph

Citigroup bosses under fire for role in credit meltdown - Business News, Business - The Independent

Bill targeting illegal file-sharing to become law - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Mister President - When Is Enough, Enough?

Pfizer Ordered To Pay Up Over 'AIDS-Like' Virus Infections

HIV Drugs Might Combat Two Other Diseases

Broke Cities Ravage Motorists With Speeding Tickets


Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asia « Stop NATO

Newsvine - FDA Report Details Hundreds of Violations in Shriners' Burn Treatment Study as Product Heads To Market

AIPAC Confronts Its Worst Fear - Daylight

savethemales.ca - Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - The Shylocks meet the Fagins by Gilad Atzmon

Kyrgyzstan: a Russian revolution? | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian

OK in Iran, shunned in Israel: film about Muslim born a Jew - News, Films - The Independent

Second-hand goods shoppers forced to leave thumbprints at stores in new police scheme | Mail Online

Policemen jailed for inflicting 'deliberate cruelty' | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Army criticised for 'mosques' on firing range - Telegraph

Rates on 30-year home loans rise to 5.21 pct - Yahoo! Finance

Jobless Claims in U.S. Increased Heading Into Easter - Bloomberg.com

Nuking the Mullahs

Mine Owner Bought Workers Comp Just Before Blast

PPP: Plutocrat's* Political Party

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 3 New World Order military plans

World War II and the Battle of Britain: Operation Sea Lion, Looking Back

Indoctrinating Israeli Youths To Be Warriors

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Is Rev. Moon a "Manchurian Candidate"?

The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa

Was Israel Ever Legitimate? | Criminal State

Why Is 5 Bigger Than 118?

US and Russia sign historic nuclear treaty - Times Online

Israel knows apartheid has no future

Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians ::

Iraq War Vet: "We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us"

Obama Administration Authorizes CIA to Kill US Citizen

Report: 6 detained for organ trafficking in Israel

AIPAC’S Wicked Deeds On Capitol Hill | Real Zionist News

Solar, Wind Power Trouble: Green Renewable Energy May Destabilize Electrical Grid - DailyFinance

Popular - Google Fast Flip

Raiding the Refrigerator, but Still Asleep - NYTimes.com

Why There Are No “Israelis” in the Jewish State Citizens Classed as Jewish or Arab Nationals

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

Neurotoxin, Carcinongen Aspartame Is Now - AminoSweet

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

savethemales.ca - Is Lucifer the god of Judaism?

Eugene Terre'Blanche's funeral takes place in South Africa amid tight security | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - BlackWater mercenaries slaughtering unarmed civilians...wow!

YouTube - Wall street's Naked short Swindle, $3.87 trillion dollar lawsuit.

Washington's Blog:Bernanke: We Must Raise Taxes and Cut Services • Sane People: No, We Need to Stop Endless Bail Outs, Imperial Adventures and Fraudulent Schemes

Courthouse News Service:Mortgage Fraud Ring Busted


YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 1/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 2/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 3/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 4/5

YouTube - Eustace Mullins - THE MAGICAL MONEY MACHINE 5/5


Washington's Blog:The Guy Who Stole All Our Money Now Wants to Steal Our Paycheck, Too

news video:msnbc.com: Regulating Wall Street and the economy

The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa

The “indispensable” help received by Goldman | John Gapper's Business Blog | FT.com

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

Number of church abuse cases rises

New Allegations of Vatican Sex Coverups - Auburn Journal

Vatican, Canadian church officials tried to keep sex scandal secret - The Globe and Mail

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers Discusses Commodities Market, Gold Prices

EclippTV :: Video :: If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!

EclippTV :: Video :: Cops Abuse Paraplegic Man In Wheelchair, Then Laugh About It

Opium and the CIA: Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Misery for motorists as petrol hits £6 a gallon

FDA finally admits that asthma drugs can actually cause serious asthma attacks

Schneier on Security: The Effectiveness of Air Marshals

Nuking the Mullahs by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Refreshing News: US and Russia agree to destroy thousands of nuclear weapons

Refreshing News: Cash-strapped county offers Hollywood chance to blow up decaying bridge

Refreshing News: Were we born to believe?

AIPAC Confronts Its Worst Fear - Daylight

Israeli PM calls off trip to nuclear conference

Former PAC chairman fined by D.C. is hired as GOP fundraiser - washingtonpost.com

Ex-AIPAC staffer hit by Washington baseball scandal | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California

Not all terrorism: Obama tries to change subject

Haredi school network fined for discriminating against Sephardim - Haaretz - Israel News

George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent' - Times Online

MSNBCIsraelHasNukes.jpg (JPEG Image, 591x439 pixels)

Slashdot | Google Gives the US Government Access To Gmail

BBC News - First oxygen-free animals found

Twitter / WikiLeaks: Facebook has disabled the ...

Arrested Qatari Diplomat Likely to Lose Job After Shoe Incident With Air Marshalls - ABC News

EclippTV :: Video :: What a VAT Means for the Economy

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff on Student Loan Bill included in Barack Obama's Health Care Bi

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama's assassination list

EclippTV :: Video :: Walter Williams on Freedom Watch: Government abuse of powers

Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

Charles Arthur | Internet provider defies digital bill | Technology | The Guardian


Iraq War Vet: “We Were Told To Just Shoot People, And The Officers Would Take Care of Us”

How Many Americans Does It Take To Slaughter A 3rd World Child?

FOUND: Phallic Images in Vatican Architecture. Does This Help Explain Sexual Turmoil of Pedophile Priests? « City of Angels on Alternet


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sounds a warning on growing deficit

10 Million Americans Disappeared during the Great Depression Time


*site:Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps


Oprah: The next chapter -- conquer prime time :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Paige Wiser

Doors guitarist Robby Krieger recalls what it's like When You're Strange' - Movies AP - MiamiHerald.com

Addams Family on Broadway a kooky misfire | Reuters

'American Idol' Judge Randy Jackson Explains Michael Lynche Save - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Mine disaster highlights politics of coal in W.Va.

YouTube - Mine Rescuers Hit Another Setback

Justice Stevens to Retire After 34 Years - NYTimes.com

Kagan, Wood Head List of Likely Court Nominees - CBS News

Right Now - Can the tea parties claim victory over Stupak?

Michigan's Stupak retiring from Congress, sources say - CNN.com

GOP gathering a 'jump-start' to 2012 race - CNN.com

Confederate History: An Exchange - Politics - The Atlantic

Nuclear summit to alter downtown commute next week

Ft. Hood suspect moved from hospital to Texas jail

YouTube - Ft. Hood suspect moved

The Fix - Charlie Crist rules out independent Senate run -- again

Md. May Ban Hand-Held Phone Use While Driving - ABC News

Sarah Palin, Gov. Bobby Jindal take stage today at Republican conference | NOLA.com

Anger over health-care reform spurs rise in threats against Congress members

Diplomat in plane scare being sent home - CNN.com

RNC member calls on Steele to resign - baltimoresun.com

Wichita-area casino in doubt after gov's decision - BusinessWeek

Father of baby abandoned in 2008 is arrested in NY

U.S., Russia reach deal on disposing of plutonium from nuclear weapons

Thai Protests Turn Violent as TV Station Is Stormed - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Media for the Masses: TV station stormed by 'Red Shirt' protesters in Bangkok

Kyrgyz president accused of looting state's coffers - CNN.com

YouTube - Revolt Reloaded: Ousted Kyrgyz leader on vicious circle of coups

BBC News - Iran unveils 'faster' uranium centrifuges

BBC News - Sri Lanka ruling party wins majority in parliament

U.S. security official: No new concrete Mideast peace plan - Haaretz - Israel News

Obama Rebukes Sarah Palin's Criticism of Nuclear Policy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

YouTube - Obama Signs START Treaty With Russians

Sudan elections set for major boycott - CNN.com

Crash of NATO tilt-rotor craft in Afghanistan kills 4 - latimes.com

Economy Is Focus as North Korean Parliament Convenes - NYTimes.com

Climate negotiators urged to meet monthly to reach binding deal | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Former Israeli Female Soldier Charged with Espionage | Middle East | English

Pakistan Says 15 Militants Killed In Orakzai Clash - NYTimes.com

Russia Calls for Halt on U.S. Adoptions After Return of Boy - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Pope 'available to meet child sex abuse victims'

BBC News - Brazil battles to rescue hundreds buried in landslide

BBC News - South Africa's ANC stops singing 'Shoot the Boer'

YouTube - ANC move to cool racial tensions

REVIEW: Good Cast, Energetic Direction Lift Action-Comedy ‘Date Night’

Progressive Jazz: How the Left’s ‘Teachable Moments’ Killed Bradley’s

Shouldn’t ‘Funny or Die’ Just Give It Up and Become ‘Liberal or Die?’

INTERVIEW: ‘Letters to God’ Director Insists On a Message In His Films

Daily Gut: The Consequences of Chicken Little

Autism Needs Progress, Not Self-Obsessed Celebrities

‘Story of Stuff’ is Left-Wing Propaganda Aimed at Your Child’s Classroom

ObamaCare: Non-Wealthy Actors Need to Vote Republican in 2010

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: Arianna Huffington’s New Sitcom Slams Republicans, Mocks Gays

Action Item: 100% Repeal of ObamaCare

Stupak to Retire, Betting Pool on His ‘Next Job’ Now Open

Stimulus War: The Left’s Attack on Veronique de Rugy

Is Obama Misunderestimating Nuclear Weapons’ Contribution to Peace?

Blaine Amendment: The Last of the Jim Crow Laws

Is Paul Rahe Right?

Waxman Plans Industry Show Trials

AFL-CIO Chief to Breitbart: I Witnessed Racism at Tea Party Rally

Time to Remove ‘Liberal’ from the Leftist Lexicon

Obama’s Increased Use of Death From the Skies, Where’s the Anti-War Left?

I’m Still Digging Michael Steele

Want to Understand Lack of Public School Teacher ‘Accountability?’ Look to How Their Union’s Union Operates

Union Thuggery and Theatrics: When is Enough Enough Already?

National Backlash Against Public Pensions

Alderman Edward Burke: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago-Part 1

Ultra-Rich Leftists Want to Atone for their Guilt by Paying Higher Taxes…And They Want to Impose their Neurotic Views on the Rest of Us

‘Stimulus’ Dollars At Work…Paying Lobbyists for the Nanny State

Are Aircraft Carriers Obsolete?

To Judge the News, Consider the Source — Especially the New York Times

Useful Idiots: Not News

David Shuster, Faust, and the Perils of Selling Your Soul

Edit This, Governor Moonbeam: It’s Called ‘Journalism’

Maddow: O’Keefe Hid Important Facts About ACORN!!!! (Patterico Responds: Except That He Didn’t)

Racist Hate Mail Attacks Tea Party Express; MSM Sticks to ‘Narrative’

Maybe One Of These Days the MSM Will Actually Cover This Candidate for Congress… Nah

Mush From the Wimp: Obama, Orwell and National-Security Psychobabble

Three Things CNN Can Do To Save Itself: (Hint — Don’t Hire David Shuster)

The Mainstream Media: Fourth Estate Or Fifth Column?

Would a Palestinian State Solve America's Middle East Problems?

Court Stops FCC Power-Grab

H1N1 and Health Care Reform

When Elites Revolt

Tea Partiers and the New Party Leaders

Cornhuskers Choose Life

Government Is the Biggest Lawbreaker

The Naked Left

California's Half-Trillion-Dollar Pension Fund Mess: Blame Jerry Brown

Can the Government Force You to Buy a Condom?

Odd but Welcome Bedfellows

Once upon a Mattress

The Coming British Non-Election

The Scientific Socialism of Today

Protectionism Didn't Cause the Great Depression

Ludwig von Mises: Setting the Record Straight

ObamaCare Dominoes Falling

Those in ivory towers should not throw stones

Nancy and Harry want you to choose the best candy bar

Stupak won't run for re-election - Politico

Coburn bashes Fox, praises Pelosi

A jury of his peers

Chicago charter school shows the way to reform

The Outrage: Acceptance of Palestinian Authority Incitement

Onerous New DOE Regulations Headed Our Way

It's all about the Oil

Modine Inspires Prague

The Ethics of Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communitarianism

One Cheer for Barack Obama


Obamacare is Unconstitutional - Part 1

Obamacare is Unconstitutional – Part 2


YouTube - Buchanan: Iran sanctions pave way to new war US can't afford

PPP: Plutocrat's* Political Party

Tory Anarchist » Anarcho-Distributism

FOXNews.com - Fox News Poll: 53% Disapprove of Obama’s Handling of the Economy

FOXNews.com - Obama Criticizes Virginia Governor for Slavery Omission in Confederacy Month Proclamation

FOXNews.com - Rep. Bart Stupak to Retire

FOXNews.com - Fox News Poll: 57% Think Next Generation Will Be Worse Off

FOXNews.com - Sarah Palin to Address Gathering of GOP Faithful

FOXNews.com - After Treaty, U.S. Confronts Threat of Terrorists Acquiring Nuke Materials

FOXNews.com - Nuke Negotiator Under George H.W. Bush Counters GOP Critics of Obama Treaty

FOXNews.com - Gingrich Calls Obama 'Most Radical President in American History'


Totalitarian Collectivism 1

Totalitarian Collectivism 2

Totalitarian Collectivism 3

Totalitarian Collectivism 4

Totalitarian Collectivism 5


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7


Who's Visiting The President? - Forbes.com

Health Care's History of Fiscal Folly - Reason Magazine

Why we must break up the banks | Dean Baker | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Robert Rubin returns - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Obama's nuclear posture: Right for these times - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - JANINE TURNER: Time for a 180, America

Neo-Confederate History Month | The New Republic

Dorothy Rabinowitz: What's Not Happening to American Muslims - WSJ.com

About That Vast Anti-Catholic Conspiracy . . . -- Politics Daily

The Obama Tax Hikes--What to Do - Forbes.com

'Too Big To Fail': Still a Problem Too Big to Solve? - TIME

RealClearPolitics - U.S. Shouldn't Play Nice on Nukes

Ronald Wilson Obama - The Week

The coming entitlement tsunami | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Health care reform that works right now: A guest column by Sen. Mary Landrieu | - NOLA.com

True North strong not free - Mark Steyn, Opinion - Macleans.ca

Democratic Party Image Drops to Record Low

Peggy Noonan: After the Crash, a Crashing Bore - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - Decrying the Union Pension Bailout Bill

Schumer is vulnerable if GOP can find another Scott Brown - NYPOST.com

John McCain's no maverick -- but he is a sore loser - John McCain, R-Ariz. - Salon.com

Bribery Strikes Out by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal 8 April 2010

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - SRLC: Liz Cheney Lays Into Obama Agenda

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - SRLC: Gingrich Rips Obama's 'Secular, Socialist Machine'

IL Sen Poll: Giannoulias Slide Continues - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

VAT is a fix for spending addicts | Washington Examiner

Steps toward a post-nuclear era - The Boston Globe

Obama’s nuclear stance - chicagotribune.com

Lawmakers, advocates push administration for appointments to privacy board

Romney Dogged by a Tale of Two Health Plans - WSJ.com

Review: Federal program used to hide flights from public - USATODAY.com


*4/8-Transcripts :Obama & Medvedev Sign New START Treaty

*4/7-Economic Challenges: Past, Present, and Future

Roundtable on Possible New Taxes

Governor Rendell on Health Care Lawsuits

Rep. Nick Rahall on the Mine Accident

Analysts Debate Net Neutrality




Punk rock guru Malcolm McLaren dies aged 64 | The Sun |News


UPDATE 4-Netanyahu cancels trip to Obama's nuclear summit | News by Country | Reuters

Netanyahu ducks U.S. nuclear summit, fearing censure | Reuters

Rep. Bart Stupak to retire, putting seat in play - Mike Allen and Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

Union Memo Hints At Gov.'s Death - wcbstv.com

Muslim woman strangled by her burkha in freak go-kart accident | Mail Online

Tiger Woods Nike Commercial Parodies | PopEater.com

Gas Prices Are Up, But Is That A Good Thing? - cbs2chicago.com

FT.com / Commodities - Oil could give kiss of death to recovery

High and Low Finance - Why So Glum? History Suggests a Strong Recovery - NYTimes.com

Foreclosures Hit Rich and Famous - WSJ.com

Wal-Mart Cuts Prices, Polishes Discount Image - WSJ.com

Many of Haiti's most-wanted on the loose after earthquake

Obama Performs Statist-Assisted Suicide on the American Economy

YouTube - Mark Levin: Civil disobedience is coming

Palin Says Obama's Nuke Stance Is Like a Kid Who Says 'Punch Me in the Face' - The Note

Liz Cheney: Obama Putting America on Path to Decline - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

CNSNews.com - Sean Hannity: ‘If You Look Up the Dictionary Definition of Socialism, This Is It’

Risk and Debt: Major U.S. Banks Masked Risk Levels: Report - CNBC

NYPD Investigates Possible Bias Attacks On LES - wcbstv.com

Women tried to smuggle corpse onto plane? | Reuters

Margo Howard: The Blackballing of Kitty Kelley's Oprah Bio | wowOwow

CNSNews.com - Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages

My Way News - NKorea vows to keep building nuclear bombs

Tax Returns of the Living Dead | NBC New York

Parents have sixth-grader arrested | callaway, florida - News - The News Herald

Debbie Schlussel:Party Like It’s 1939: Obama Bans Israeli Nuke Scientists From US, Bans Sale of Radiation Detectors to Israel! Why Netanyahu Canceled @ Obama’s Nuke Summit (EXCLUSIVE Exact Translation of Ma’ariv Article)

Debbie Schlussel:Your Day in Islamic (Child) Marital Bliss

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya So: Shoe Bombing Muslim “Joker” Not Charged, Qatar Defends Him, Criticizes US; Blase Feds

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: ABC News Reporter on CAIR Story Was CAIR Official!

Debbie Schlussel:Here’s a Little “Diplomatic Immunity” For the Qatari Diplomat (VIDEO)

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim “Humor”: Now Even Islamic Ambassadors Are Doing Dry Runs

Debbie Schlussel:“You Stay Classy, Tiger Woods” Moment of the Day




FOXNews.com - Netanyahu Cancels Trip to Obama's Nuclear Summit

Robert Rubin: I learned of Citi's problems late - NYPOST.com

Voters Issue Strong Rebuke of Incumbents in Congress

Once-barred Muslim scholar arrives in NY for forum

China Offers High Speed Rail to California - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn't Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

Retirement delay seen key to solvent Social Security - Washington Times

Tax burden mounting for high earners - latimes.com

Asian-American Dems take offense at DCCC Hawaii move - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

FOXNews.com - Kyrgyz opposition says it will rule for 6 months

Adoption `lawyer' tied to child sex case - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Spitzer acknowledges he has toyed with political comeback

Tiger Woods ‘had fling with daughter of mates’ | The Sun |News

LESBIAN paedophile aged 26 ‘preyed on schoolgirls’ | The Sun |News

"Mind-Reading" Technology Showcased in NYC - CBS News

Britain's Gordon Brown - Yahoo! News Photos


*PROMO:A Revolutionary Reading List by Ron Paul


This Is War by Karen Kwiatkowski

Doug Casey: Public Service Announcement on the Census

Implausible Denial: Don’t Tell Me Nobody Knew the Housing Bubble Was Underway by Bill Sardi

The Government Is One Giant Cult by Phil Maymin

FOXNews.com - 'Big One' Quake Could Devastate California Despite State's Preparations

The Best Fire Starter Ever Invented

The mystery of Zomia - The Boston Globe

Cleverest women are the heaviest drinkers - Telegraph

Masters quiz - thestar.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: On the Multiple Death Threats I Have Received


*4/9-Politics VideoJustice John Paul Stevens To Retire From Supreme Court

Dem Congressman Grayson Has Meltdown At GOP Gathering

GOP Senator: Expect More Senate Retirements

Jon Stewart Skewers FOX News For Reporting On Nuclear Treaty

Obama: Nuclear Treaty "Absolutely Vital"

Rep. Barney Frank Blames Gingrich, Media For Hyper-Partisan Political Climate

CBS' Schieffer: GOP Firing Up The Base

Matthews: GOP Has Gone "Topsy-Turvy"

Maddow: Coburn Not Discouraged By Hypocritical Record

Ingraham: Pro-Pot People Push For Palin

Countdown: Will Republicans Block The Nuke Treaty?

Krauthammer: U.S. Got "Very Little" From Russia On Iran

*4/8-AZ Gov. Brewer On The Border: "It's Out of Control"

Raw: President Obama Arrives In Prague

Dan Quayle on Tea Partiers

New Nuclear Arms Pact Signed

Jesse Ventura: “We Have Been Practicing Terrorism For 50 Years”

Gingrich: Obama Has "Most Radical Administration In American History"

Obama Slams Palin In ABC News Interview On Nuclear Treaty

CA-Sen: Fiorina (R) Launches First Ad

Mother Of Man Who Threatened Pelosi Blames FOX News

Sen. Specter Says He Would Still Vote For Health Bill If He Was A Republican

Rep. Aaron Schock On GOP Making Gains In 2012

Obama, Medvedev Sign START Pact

Taliban Releases Video Of Captured US Soldier

Obama Seeks "Secure, Strong & Tough Sanctions On Iran" This Spring

Dem Senator: Public Option Legislation Could Return Next Year

MD-Gov: Ehrlich Kicks Off Campaign To Win Old Job Back

Palin, Bachmann Discuss Conservatism On "Hannity"

MSNBC's Matthews: Democrats Failing To Sell "Advantages Of Social State"

Krauthammer: To Deny U.S. Is Fighting Islamic Extremism Is 'Absurd'

Maddow: Obama Is Reaganesque With Opposition To Nukes

Ingraham: How Does Banning 'Offensive' Language Improve National Security?

Olbermann: Virginia Focuses On Selective State History

Lights Go Out At Greenspan Hearing

Palin: RNC's Michael Steele "Doing A Great Job"

04-09-2010: Iraq War Vet: "We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us"

04-09-2010: Soros: It's Not Easy Being God

04-09-2010: Amnesty International report: US is guilty of Katrina-related human rights abuses

04-09-2010: Israeli organ-trafficking ring, including retired army general, arrested

04-09-2010: State Governments Delay Tax Refunds

04-09-2010: Feds Say Texas Pipe Bomb Suspect Mad at Government

04-08-2010: U.K. Approves Crackdown on Internet Pirates

04-08-2010: IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund

04-08-2010: Round Rock, Texas, citizens allowed to pass out parking tickets

04-08-2010: Romney Defends Massachusetts Health Reform Attacks Federal Reform

04-08-2010: At the Geopolitical Crossroads of China and Russia: Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asia

04-08-2010: 'Mysterious' dark object observed in star system

04-07-2010: The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practically Empty

Cameras make Chicago the most closely watched U.S. city

Big Brother pre-crime quiz used on children

Meet The 26 Members Of George Soros’s Secret Team To Rewrite Economics

Enhanced Vision Creates ‘Sixth Sense’

Obama targets US citizen for 'kill or capture'

Your Credit Card Is Spying on You

Ensnared by Error on Growing U.S. Watch List

Taleban release new footage of US soldier Bowe Bergdahl

Taliban Offer Prisoner Exchange

Gingrich: GOP Must Offer Voters a New Vision

Jason Mattera: U.S. Youth 'Brainwashed' for Obama

Tea Party Leaders Announce New Federation

GOP 2012 Hopefuls Edge Right As Tea Party Watches

Republicans Look Ahead to 2012 Battle Against Obama

Tea Party Target Stupak Won't Seek Re-election

Sarah Palin to Address Gathering of GOP Faithful

Liz Cheney: Obama's Healthcare Push Arrogant

McConnell: Nuclear Treaty Not a Done Deal

GOP Senators Have Reservations on Agreement

Plane Scare Diplomat Was to Meet Jailed Terrorist

Spike in Murders, Shootings Shakes New York

DA's Sex Ed Warning Befuddles Wis. Teachers, Kids

Enola Gay Crewman Who Armed Bomb Dies

Adam Clayton Powell to Challenge Rangel

Palin: Steele's Doing a 'Great' Job

Poll: Brady Leads Quinn in Illinois Governor Race

Press Freedoms Suffer in Arab World

Soros: Greece Needs Cheaper Loans from Germany

Cramer: BP, DuPont Lead Obamacare-Proof Picks

Expert: Mortgage Market Won’t Suffer Fed Withdrawal

EU President: We're Ready to Intervene on Greece

9 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda Now

Moderate Drinking Helps Younger Hearts

CO2 May Explain Near-Death Experiences

NASA Chief: Space Agency Positioned to Grow

FCC Plans to Move Forward With Broadband Plan Soon

Oprah Winfrey Plans Nighttime Show On Her Network

Congress Is Finally Recognizing Border Violence Needs Attention

International Arrest Warrants Awaiting Scores of Top-Ranking Israeli Officials



Pat Buchanan: The New Intolerance

Rand Paul Could Save the GOP

Today's News: Substance No Match for BS

US Developing New Missiles to Strike Anywhere in Under One Hour

Iran Says Detained US Hikers Linked to US Intel

Reuters Families Demand US Soldiers Go on Trial for Murder

The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

The Coming European Debt Wars

US Moves From Nuclear Arms to Conventional Missiles With Global Reach

Imported Islamists? Wahhabi Group Launches Conversion Campaign In Bosnia

Rwanda Genocide: Honoring the Dead Without Honoring the Lies

Political Prisoners in Venezuela?

“Job Creation”–Stupid Is as Stupid Does

VIDEO: Journalists Killed in Iraq: Does it Reveal a U.S. Military Cover Up?

The Major Jewish American Organizations Defend Israel’s Humiliation of America

Convince People of Absurdities and get them Acquiescing to Atrocities: The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science

Obama's Nuclear Surprise

Federal Judge Slams Obama Administration Lawyers’ Defense of Illegal Wiretapping

Unemployment in America: No Economic Recovery for the Working Class

Billions of Dollars of Stolen Money; Key Findings on the Wall Street Bank Bailout Tally

Great Power Rivalry. China's Role as America's Creditor

The American Workplace: Sweatshop USA

Public Service Announcement: 'Where do we get the free Obama care, and how do I sign up for that?'

How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't

Obama-Backed Financial Reform Bill Would Create New Bureaucracy with Power to Subpoena 'Any Data' from 'Any Financial Company'

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

When the Holy See pretends not to see

Expressing and suppressing dissent in D.C.

What happens when we don’t see the tipping points?

Protectionism didn’t cause the Great Depression

Gross anomalies of the British legal system

YouTube - America: The Silence of a Nation.

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Economic Collapse 1

YouTube - Economic Collapse 2

YouTube - Economic Collapse 3

YouTube - Economic Collapse 4

YouTube - Economic Collapse 5


The Bright Side of Hyperinflation « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Alex Jones: Ruled by The Banking Family Crime Syndicate


* (MP3):Jesse Ventura speaks out about conspiracy theories in NaturalNews interview – Mike Adams


YouTube - If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!


YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 1/4

YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 2/4

YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 3/4

YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 4/4





YouTube - Peter Schiff on Student Loan Bill included in Barack Obama's Health Care Bill


Health Ranger Report #87: Interview with Charlotte Gerson on reversing cancer

Health Ranger Report #88: Interview with Gov. Jesse Ventura, author of "American Conspiracies"

Health Ranger Report #83: Interview with Dr. Jane Goodall

Health Ranger Show #75: Interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the Dangers of Vaccines

Health Ranger Show #72: Interview with Ed Group from GHChealth.com - Cancer Myths and Cancer Cures

Health Ranger Show #71: Interview with Ed Group from GHChealth.com - Why Health Begins in the Colon

Health Ranger Show #62: Interview with Jon Selene from Mushroom Science

Health Ranger Show #56: Health Myths and Dangerous Beliefs

Health Ranger Show #52: The Food Irradiation Plot

Health Ranger Show #48: Interview with Dana Ullman on Homeopathy

Health Ranger Show #45: Interview with David Rain on Juice Feasting

Health Ranger Show #32: Pet Health Secrets with Kay Chimene

Health Ranger Show #30: The Racist Cancer Industry, Blacks and Chemical Enslavement

Health Ranger Show #28: Water Health Myths Exposed

Health Ranger Show #26: Interview with Dr. Fred Baughman on ADHD

Health Ranger Show #24: Cyanotech Talks about Spirulina and Astaxanthin

Health Ranger Show #22: FDA Censorship of Truthful Health Claims

Health Ranger Show #19: The Pharmaceutical Contamination of Public Water Supplies

Health Ranger Show #18: Q&A on Nutrition

Health Ranger Report #10: Energetic Contamination of Beef Products

Health Ranger Report #9: Nutritional Supplements for Pets

Health Ranger Report #8: Processed Meats Cause Cancer: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

Health Ranger Report #7: The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren

Health Ranger Report #6: Gunpoint Medicine: The Forced Vaccination of Schoolchildren and Criminalization of Healthy Parents

Health Ranger Report #2: The Energy of Weight Loss

Health Ranger Report #1: Health Transformation Secrets Revealed


US birth rate falls for first time in a decade, figures show - Telegraph

SPACE.com -- NASA Plans New Robot Generation to Explore Moon, Asteroids

My Way News - Census Bureau concerned about head count problems

NASA Maps Plans for Revamped U.S. Space Program - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Russia Sends Paratroopers to Air Base in Kyrgyzstan

FCC Seeks New Plan After Setback on 'Net Neutrality' - WSJ.com

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

YouTube - The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101

The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Document: Bush, Cheney Knew They Sent Innocent Men To Gitmo, Kept Them There For 'Political' Reasons

CNN's "Fox Envy": Details Behind Their Fawning Tea Party Coverage Exposed

IRS more popular than Tea Parties

Media Uses McDonnell's 'Confederate History Month' to Trot Out the Racists

Michael Steele As Muppet

That creepy Tiger Woods-Nike ad

Matthews and Buchanan Gush Over the 'Dazzling' 'Rodeo Queens' Palin and Bachmann

Mark Koernke resurfaces: Those familiar '90s militia faces are back like bad pennies

King and Rep. Rahall Carry On About What Can Be Done to Improve Mining Safety While Ignoring Unionization

Conservatives Unhinged By Obama's Nuke Strategy

Will the deficit hawks agree to cut defense spending?

Palin, Bachmann and Hannity rip black hole in fabric of the universe

Wisc. DA threatens teachers who teach sex ed

Uprising in Kyrgyzstan

Rachel Maddow: Taking the Human Cost Out of the Cost of Mining Coal

Sean Hannity predicts Obama will go down as the worst president in history. It'll be tough meeting the Bush standard, won't it?

Rupert Murdoch says Fox News shouldn't be supporting the Tea Party movement. He actually said that.

Mother of Man Accused of Threatening Speaker Pelosi Blames Fox News for Behavior

flashback:Alan Greenspan - Bubble Man - 2005

Alleged militia leader rants on secretly recorded tape - CNN.com

Taxes: Are the Rich Paying Their Fair Share?

PrisonPlanet Entry – ScanWOW from NWO Solutions featuring Mr Tinkles

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn’t Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

*Bernanke: We Must Raise Taxes and Cut Services • Sane People: No, We Need to Stop Endless Bail Outs, Imperial Adventures and Fraudulent Schemes

Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK

YouTube - Jay Rockefeller "Internet should have never been invented"

YouTube - Ron Paul- US Apache Murder

YouTube - Jim Wallis on MSNBC: Social Justice, Economic Justice, & H'care "Are At The Heart Of The Gospel"

Geithner In Beijing: The Dangers of Exporting The Depression

YouTube - Currency manipulation: Geithner to China

Social workers take baby boy after mom refuses to feed him processed junk food

Girl, 8, found hanged at home was locked in 'squalid, filthy' bedroom for 12 hours a night | Mail Online

YouTube - The Obama Spin Machine Fights Trial

Bilderberg Found In Spain

Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #1 – The Council on Foreign Relations

The Bush Secrecy Legacy

U.S. says Kyrgyz events not Russian-backed coup | Reuters

Deadly Riots in Kyrgyzstan: Coming to America Soon

'US banks reduced debt levels to mask risks': Rediff.com Business

Deputy uses Taser on Leadville students, apparently at their request - The Denver Post

Ashtabula County: Judge tells residents to "Arm themselves"

Off the radar: Private planes hidden from public view

Climate change and “The Birds”

“Dealing a Mortal Blow” to the MWP

Cows absolved of causing global warming with nitrous oxide - Telegraph

Soros Dems Say American People Rank IRS Over Tea Party

Alex Jones: ‘Invisible Empire’ exposes a hidden history the public must learn

Video Shows Captured U.S. Soldier Still Alive in Afghanistan

Agents Provocateurs Disrupt Washington State Protest

What do your IRS taxes really pay for?

The Oklahoma City Bombing: Still seeking the truth, 15 years later

Hay fever may lay half of us low within 20 years | Mail Online

53% Oppose FCC Regulation of the Internet - Rasmussen Reports™

FOXNews.com - Mexican 'Assassin Teams' May Target U.S. Law Enforcement, DHS Warns

Rupert Murdoch to limit Google and Microsoft's access to his newspapers - Telegraph

Possible New Human Ancestor Discovered | Wired Science | Wired.com

Fishzilla on way to Far North Queensland- Local Cairns News | cairns.com.au

Earth struck by most powerful space storm in three years - space - 06 April 2010 - New Scientist

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: UFO's: Not So Strange After All?

Hand-reared owl is scared of heights | The Sun |News

U.S. forecaster sees increased 2010 hurricane threat | Reuters

Newly Discovered Asteroid Will Pass by Earth April 8 | Universe Today

Mysterious Planet-like Object Challenges Simple Definition, Reveals Its Surprising Identity

Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

7 Disruptive Foods Changing the Way We Eat | Epicenter | Wired.com

Hitler 'wanted to steal' Turin Shroud - Telegraph

Is there life after bodily death?

NASA’s Mini X-Plane Completes Initial Flight Testing | Autopia | Wired.com

New book claims Jesus 'was the son of a middle-class architect' | Mail Online

Senate Poised to Vote on Democrat-Sponsored Bill Banning Chemical That the FDA Says Is Safe

Planned Parenthood Guide Tells HIV-Infected Youth to Enjoy Sex, Denounces Laws on Disclosure of HIV/AIDS to Sexual Partners

Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages

Specter to Sestak: ‘Put Up or Shut Up’ On White House Job Offer

Palestinian Authority and Fatah Continue Their Longtime Practice of ‘Glorifying’ Terrorists

Israeli Prime Minister Cancels Trip to Nuclear Conference in Washington

Obama Administration Urged Not to Legitimize Sudan’s Election

If Security-Clearance Check Reveals Homosexuality, Info Can’t Be Used To Discharge Soldiers, Says Defense Dept

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn't Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

U.S. Intelligence Says Sinaloa Cartel Has Won Battle for Ciudad Juarez Drug Routes

Value Added Tax Not a Bad Idea, Says Top White House Economic Adviser

Obama Telling Voters That Government Is Not All Bad

IRS Says Health Care Coverage Fines Not Punitive, But Admits Govt Can Keep Refunds If Fines Not Paid

White House Touts New Transparency Rules, As Watchdogs Decry Administration’s Poor FOIA Responses

Obama White House Just As Reluctant as Bush White House to Share Intelligence With Congress, Says Former CIA Director Who Served Under Both

CIA Briefings Were Like 'Playing 20 Questions,' Says Former Ranking Member of Intel Committee

California Bill Would Create Annual Ronald Reagan Day

Solar-Powered Plane Makes Successful Maiden Flight

Driverless Audi to Climb Pikes Peak

Obama Pushes Back on Palin Criticism

Republicans Expected to Line Up Behind New START Treaty

Obama Adviser Says No U.S. Mideast Peace Plan Ready

Former Fannie Mae Executives to Face Special Panel

EPA Tightens Rules on Pesticide Linked to Deaths

District Attorney in Wisconsin Warns That Some Sex-Ed Instruction May Be Criminal

Nancy Kerrigan's Brother Charged with Manslaughter

The New Intolerance

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church

Resistance Is Futile?

No Longer Funny

Pitbulls attack, disfigure unattended baby | Local News | PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

13-year-old Yemeni bride dies of bleeding

John Edwards drama isn't going away - latimes.com

Ories have Zappalas in their sights

Facing backlash, Bob McDonnell apologizes - Jonathan Martin and Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

Justice bungles Abramoff figure's case - Washington Times

Potential Republican Rivals to Sarah Palin Cede the Spotlight to the Superstar - ABC News

Democratic lawmaker back from Haiti says Red Cross nowhere to be found - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

nrc.nl - International - Features - Zimbabwean authorities "institutionalised trade in blood diamonds"

'Bones' in serial killer trial were wood and glue - The Local

Can nutritional cocktail boost stem cells?

'Exposure to artificial light at night elevates cancer risk'

Mystery of honey bee die-off puzzles experts | News10.net | Sacramento, California | Local News

Baltimore archdiocese sues over pro-life signage - Washington Times

Humboldt County afraid of being uprooted from pot perch - latimes.com

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 8th With Peter Dale Scott

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 7th With Paul Craig Roberts

site:Slave Species

Don't give to the RNC!

Whither CNN, MSNBC?

Why doesn't Obama deny he's a socialist?

Understand the nature of evil

Ayers: 'To be young in Chicago was to be a n-gger'

Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews

Unprecedented: U.S. bargaining on behalf of Palestinians

Communist leader hails health care as 'historic victory'

EPA chief sees job as activist position?

Immigration radicals claim 'friend' in White House

Oops! ACLU caught in court without plaintiffs

States exempting guns from rules now total 7

Pediatricians warn educators not to promote being 'gay'

County to feds: They're our roads!

More than just tea partiers, a new generation strategizes

Is there anything worth dying for?

Don't give to the RNC!

Give me 'niceness' or give me death!

Jewish politicians: Liberals first and always

A better liar than even the Clintons

How the right can court labor and fix the economy

War on white South Africa

The new intolerance

The world's worst public-relations campaign

Dennis A. Henigan: "Gun Rights" and Political Violence

Correcting the collectivist course

Kupelian on Hannity: Obama staging 'socialist coup'


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Kyrgyzstan and the Afghan surge

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive John Gizzi talks headline-making news with WND

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Congressman: 'Adding insult to injury' with VAT


Black man arrested for slashing 'racist' dog

Weapons grade: Students fight to pack heat

Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews

Roger L. Simon » BREAKING: Obama Administration Denies Visas to Israeli Nuclear Scientists

Unprecedented: U.S. bargaining on behalf of Palestinians

Health care fight fuels big DNC, RNC takes - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

GOP govs bypass Dem AGs - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Atheists: Ban Pledge of Allegiance from schools

Government banishes nurse's cross

International pilots' group wary of Israel's anti-hijacking system - Haaretz - Israel News

Iran will not beg to avoid sanctions: Ahmadinejad | Reuters

Pediatricians warn educators not to promote being 'gay'

Blind Marine re-enlists

Navy Bans Smoking on Submarines - ABC News

Mennonites cut deal with Selective Service

UK military apologizes for firing range 'mosques' - Israel News, Ynetnews

FRC Buys 500K in Ads Against Pro-Life Democrats on Abortion, Health Care

Jim DeMint: The right's rainmaker - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Arrested Qatari Diplomat Likely to Lose Job After Shoe Incident With Air Marshalls - ABC News

Once-barred Muslim scholar arrives in NY for forum

UN Judge: Pope Should be Prosecuted at International Criminal Court for "Crimes against Humanity"


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

No birth certificate? No Obamacare!

3rd Circuit picks June 29 for eligibility case

Officer to Obama: Burden of proof must rest with you

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

YouTube - Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya

Obama critic hit with charges

New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility

Upping ante on eligibility

*American Thinker: President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief


*American Minute for April 9th:William J Federer's American Minute


video:Hell is no laughing matter

video:God's forgotten 'universal proclamation'

CO2 link to near-death experiences: Is carbon dioxide in the blood responsible? | Mail Online

Congressional budget office: Fiscal policy is 'unsustainable' - The Hill's On The Money

Greenspan deflects blame for crisis - Washington Times

Tax burden mounting for high earners - latimes.com

1.2 million households lost to recession - Eye on the Economy- msnbc.com

EPA lead rule will cover more than half of U.S. homes - Green House - USATODAY.com

Markey sees risks in cleaning chemical - The Boston Globe

Solar, Wind Power Trouble: Green Renewable Energy May Destabilize Electrical Grid - DailyFinance

Obama's hope to control the Net

El Al ordered to compensate humiliated Israeli Arab passengers - Haaretz - Israel News

Dairies study possibility of turning dead cows into compost - latimes.com

Biblical Zoo is Israel's No. 1 tourist destination - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

YouTube - Mike Rivero - The Dangers of Belief

Justice John Paul Stevens to retire

Obama’s Afghan Policy Is Tantamount to Treason

Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Video on TED.com

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian


Bringing a Battle to Their Kids by Jay Barr -- Antiwar.com

US-Russia Disarmament Treaty on Shaky Ground -- News from Antiwar.com

BBC News - World powers hold UN meeting on Iran nuclear sanctions

Kyrgyzstan: a Russian revolution? | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Raw Story | US banks understate debt, masking risk: report

Former music minister at St. Eugene Catholic Church cops porn plea - The Catholic Cover Up

Former Catholic priest in Grand Prairie gets prison in child porn case | Dallas - Fort Worth News | wfaa.com | Crime

Priest faces "kiddie" porn probe - NYPOST.com

Another Priest Caught with Laptop Porn. Testimony on Motion to Suppress Evidence, Feb. 4 in Salinas CA « City of Angels on Alternet

Veteran of "Collateral Murder" Company Speaks Out | CommonDreams.org

Alexander Cockburn: The Cover-Ups That Exploded



Dylan Ratigan Explains 'Con Job': Greenspan, Banks, Congress To Blame

Acid Oceans Due to Undersea Volcanoes?: New Study Refutes Theory Humans Are Responsible for Acidification

The 'Full Version' of The Wikileaks Video Is Missing 30 Minutes of Footage - wikileaks - Gawker

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

ah, mephistophelis.: Submit, or Fight.

Priest named in sexual abuse lawsuit

Roy Tov – Netanyahu’s Zigzag: Bravo Bibi!

It's Ponzimonium In The Gold Market

15 Reasons to Eat Organic Food | Care2 Healthy & Green Living

HIV Drugs Might Combat Two Other Diseases

Pfizer Ordered To Pay Up Over 'AIDS-Like' Virus Infections


savethemales.ca - Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response

The Wikileaks Video Missing Moments

9/11 Was, Is and Will Always Be a Crime

YouTube - 9-11 in High Definition

YouTube - Illuminati Symbolism In Movies (NEW VERSION - MUST SEE ALL OF VIDEO!) - High Definition


#video:Rep. Stupak Announces Retirement Citing Stress of Congressional Job

Rep. Grayson Crashes GOP Meeting at Perkins Family Restaurant

Stepdad of NJ Girl Defends Three Accused of Raping Her

Limbaugh: Obama Is ‘Inflicting Untold Damage on This Country’

Liz Cheney: ‘President Obama Is Playing a Reckless Game’

Barney Frank Says Gingrich, Media to Blame for Angrier Politics

Burkha Strangling: Muslim Women Dies in Freak Go-Kart Accident

Savage Slams Obama: ‘He Is Our Destroyer-in-Chief’

Gingrich: Obama Is ‘Most Radical President Ever’

Health Inspector Caught on Tape Groping Bakery Worker

Obama Advisor on MSNBC: Social Justice & Health Care ‘Are at the Heart of the Gospel’

Scoop the Pelican Bites Man’s Groin on Live TV — Twice

Obama Ridicules Palin: She’s ‘Not Much of an Expert on Nuclear Issues’

MSNBC’s Matthews: Would Lincoln Be a Republican Today?

Tiger Woods Ad Ripped Audio from 2004 Documentary

Donald Trump: China Is Laughing at Us

Poll: Obama’s Overall Job Approval Rating Drops to New Low

Pentagon Analyzes Wikileaks Video of U.S. Forces in Iraq

Update: ‘Survivor’ Producer Arrested After Missing Wife Found Dead

Palin on Obama’s Nuclear Strategy: Like Asking for a Punch in the Face

Miner Left Poignant Note for Girlfriend Just Days Before Deadly Explosion

Mark Levin: Civil Disobedience Is Coming

Obama: ‘Unacceptable’ to Omit Slavery From Confederate History Month

Ann Coulter Talks the Hypocracy of Democrats

Rare Blue Diamond Fetches $6.4m

Obama and Medvedev Toast Historic Treaty

Obama, Medvedev Sign Arms Reduction Treaty: ‘An Important Milestone for Nuclear Security’

‘Bring Me Home’: Taliban Releases New Video of Captured US Soldier

WH Won’t Say If Karzai Is Still an Ally

Afghan President Karzai’s Mental Stability Questioned

GOP Rep: Ensign a ‘Wounded’ Senator

Hannity: Would You Like to See a Palin-Bachmann Ticket?

Rep: GOP to Roll Out New ‘Contract’ as Early as Late Summer

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn’t Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

Sebelius: ObamaCare Lawsuits Are About GOP Careers Not Constitution

CNN Exclusive: Feds Play Audio Recording at Hearing for Hutaree Militia Members

Cat Nailed to Pole Clings to Life

Millionaire Son of Powerhouse Gym Founder Wanted for Brutal Murder

Demi, Duchovny: keeping up with the Joneses

SCORE Partnership to Increase Small Business Success via Broadband - Video

Punk founder McLaren dies

Video: 'After.Life' Probes Death

Video: FMA - Where Science Rocks

Video: Funeral for South African White Supremacist


The Michael Savage Show 04082010

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-08, Thursday

04/08 The Mark Levin Show

April 8, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN