"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 March 2010

Sunday ... the Vote, the Bill ... God Save Us!!

*film:Ron Paul - The American Power Structure (1988) 47:22


Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA

Corporate Media Calls Obamacare Opponents Racist, Homophobic

If Republicans Think Going Into Iraq Was a Mistake, Why Are We Still There?

YouTube - GOP Congressmen Admit Most Republicans Think Iraq War Was a Mistake

YouTube - DC Protest - It's Tyranny Not Health Care

Democrats predict win in historic U.S. health vote - CTV News

Obamacare: It’s About Enriching Bankers and Wall Street

YouTube - Howard Dean: Senate Health Care Bill Written By Insurance Industry

flashback:YouTube - Kucinich: What Do We Stand For: Insurance Companies Or The People?

German Central Bank Admits that Credit is Created Out of Thin Air

Synagogue Bomb Plot Directed by Federal Provocateur

John Yoo Says War Could be Used to Strike “Suspected Enemies” with Drones Inside U.S.

Obama urges Senate action on controversial finance reforms | Raw Story

Ex-Governor George says Bank deliberately fuelled consumer boom - Business News, Business - The Independent

Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records - BusinessWeek

Buying Votes for Health Care Bill With Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Obama urges Senate action on controversial finance reforms | Raw Story

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - NYTimes.com

Drones may be sent soon to help with border security, Napolitano says | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

Nothing Outside the State by Robert Higgs

Data mining project benefits investigators, scares privacy experts - St. Petersburg Times

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Out: Deem and Pass; In: Executive Order on abortion

House health-care vote Sunday may hinge on abortion issues

House Democrats Drop Plans for Deem and Pass Vote, Waxman Says - BusinessWeek

16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare | Washington Examiner

The Final Battle on Health Care: Everything You Need to Know

Full List of Backroom Health Deals in
"Deem and Pass" Healthcare Bill

ObamaCare: By the Numbers

Obamacare's 24 Percent Cap Gains Tax

What Would Investment Tax Rates Be
Under the House Reconciliation Bill?

UPDATE: ATR Double Rate on Healthcare
Now Applies to Senate Bill Passage

Temple Bomb Suspects: The Feds Put Us Up to It! | NBC New York

YouTube - John Yoo: A President Can Nuke the US

Obama/Fox News

YouTube - Part 1 : Obama - We Will Pass Health Care !!!

YouTube - Part 2 : Obama - We Will Pass Health Care !!!


Obama Glosses Over Legislative Process On Health Care

Colbert Skit Characterizes Census Paranoia as Right-Wing Kookery

China won’t turn blind eye to possible US sanctions

Pittsburgh Activist Group Targeted By S.P.L.C. Calls Report “Defamatory Propaganda”, Plans Public Demonstration and Information Session

Ron Paul on John King USA

Obama Urges Expansion Of Fed Powers

North and Booker on Amazongate: A billion dollar cash cow

Government Warned 9/11 Commission ‘Not To Cross The Line’

Should Conspiratorial Thinking Be The Default Position?

British military intelligence 'ran renegade torture unit in Iraq' - Home News, UK - The Independent

UN chief backs Palestinian state on Mideast mission - Yahoo! News

Health plan means bigger deficits and higher taxes | Washington Examiner

Bankers attack Darling's plans for a global tax - Business News, Business - The Independent

Dodd wants criminal probe of Lehman ‘manipulation’ | Raw Story

US police to get Robocop's car - Yahoo! Cars

Political activists call for inquiry after revelations about undercover police | UK news | The Observer

160 plastic policemen charged with crimes - Telegraph

Ground Zero workers settlement unfair: judge | Raw Story

AFP: China orders probe after unsafe vaccine report

Language of Religious Fervor Inflames Climate Change Debate - NYTimes.com

03-20-2010: 5.3-magnitude quake hits in Guatemala

03-20-2010: 5.6 Quake Hits Cuba

Additional Bidder Could Enter Tanker Competition

Gates, Mullen, To Join U.S. Delegation to Mexico

Military Gears Up for 2010 Census

Forces Arrest Suspected Insurgents

Fineman Predicts Healthcare to Pass, Media Skepticism of Obama to Grow

Price: Obamacare Means 159 New Gov't Agencies

Obamacare Grants IRS Perilous Power, GOP Says

Obama: Republicans Fear Health Bill Popularity

Reid Insists He Has Obamacare Senate Votes

Ohio's Kaptur Says She'll Vote for Obamacare

Panetta Steps Up Drone Strikes

Stupak: Pro-Life Group May Support Obamacare

Hoyer: 'We Clearly Have Votes' for Obamacare

Larson: Votes in Place for Obamacare

Calif. Dem Sanchez MIA for Obamacare Vote

States Gear Up to Block Obamacare

Clinton Pokes Fun at Dems, GOP and Himself

Healthcare Demonstrations Turn Ugly, Dems Say

Boehner: Pelosi's 'Scheme and Plot' Unprecedented

Cardoza Won't Back Obamacare Vote Tactics

Tea Partiers March on Capitol to Stop Obamacare

GOP's Barton Fights Terms of Healthcare Vote

China Warns US Against Sanctions Over Currency

Mexico's Drug War Takes Growing Toll On Americans

Papal Letter Fails to Calm Anger Over Irish Abuses

Squeeze Israel by Cutting US Aid? Not Likely

US Official: India to Question US Terror Convict

Pope Blasts Irish Bishops, Orders Vatican Probe

Clinton Says Agreement With Russia Near On Nukes

Army, Drug Gangs Battle in Mexico Amid Blockades


*Newmax Columnists : 10 Reasons Against Obamacare


Final Health Bill Omits Some of Obama's Promises

Former Interior Secretary Udall Dies at Age 90

New Threat Puts Calif. Police On Heightened Alert

New Tip Leads Aruba to Search for Missing US Teen

Black Support High for Obama's Race-Neutral Stance

Police: Arrest in NJ Walmart Racial Comment Case

Conservative Party Backs Ex-Rep. Lazio for NY Gov

Levy Announces Switch to GOP and N.Y. Gov Run

Subpoenas Reportedly Issued in Sen. Ensign Probe

Geneva Atom Smasher Sets Record

House Republicans: Phase Out Fannie, Freddie

Net Produces New Generation of China Activists

Newsmax - Lack of Trust Dooms Healthcare Gambit

Conyers Changes His Tune: Now Claims He Will ''Not Sleep' Until He Has Read Full Health-Care Bill

Obama, Democrats Push Hard Ahead of Health Vote

SC, Florida Ready to Sue over Health Care Deal

White House Extends Status of Liberians in US

Gov. Douglas: ‘I Don’t Support The Mandate’ in Health Care Bill That Individuals Must Buy Health Insurance

Sanford Agrees to Pay Ethics Fine, Gets Divorced

Rep. Pence: Dems 'So Desperate’ to Pass Health Care They'll ‘Trample Upon The Constitution’

Immigration Reform Activists Plan to Rally in Washington Sunday

Obama Backs Immigration Plan That Includes Pathway to Citizenship, Biometric Social Security Cards

Obama Tells Democrats, Our Fates Are Tied to Health Bill

Obama's Cancellation of Indonesia Visit Could Have Implications for U.S. Interests, Trade

The Deem-o-crats’ Towering Deception

Health Care Will Pass

The Wars of Tribe and Faith

The Warmers Strike Back

CNSNews.com - Mark Levin:'Gibbs Incoherence Is An Attempt to Deceive' Thursday, March 18, 2010 EST

An Ominous Drilling Sign for the Truth « Dprogram.net

Who is the thief?

Darfur aid dollars funding West Bank settlements

Congressmen are abused by protesters at D.C. demonstration against health care bill

Health Scare

**Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill | FDL Action

**supporting document**


Another Half-Baked Idea in Nazi York City

Latest Fascist News: Rudeness Is Now a Capital Crime

Lew Rockwell talks on the tyranny of the census and the history of America

Obama Urges Senators to Drastically Expand Fed Power

Bill Automatically Allows Power Company To Regulate Your Home Temperature

Lord Monckton: World government: they're at it again

Obamacare: It's About Enriching Bankers and Wall Street

U.S. Bishops’ final plea to Congressmen: Do not pass pro-abortion health care bill

Obama Approval Rating Keeps Tanking as He Sells America Out

Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

Ex-Pfizer Worker Cites Genetically Engineered Virus In Lawsuit Over Firing

Wachovia Admits It Laundered Millions in Mexican Drug Cash

Does fluoride help cause lead poisoning?

Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy

The US-NATO Conquest of Africa

Canada’s Long Embrace of the Honduran Dictatorship

The Criminal Invasion of Mesopotamia, the "Land between Two Rivers"

VIDEO: Rick Rozoff: US-NATO Military Strike against Iran?

Media Camouflage: Seventh Anniversary of the War On Iraq


The Most Barbaric Wars in Human History: The Political Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi

*(4:39:35)video:Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi , 1869-1948


Special Forces now Report to McChrystal

West Bengal villagers pay with blood for a steel plant

All G7 countries, Except Canada and Germany, Will Have Debt-to-GDP Ratios Close to or Exceeding 100 Percent by 2014

Newly Released FBI Documents Support Explosive Claims by Former FBI Translator Sibel Edmonds

U.S. Forest Service Admits Putting Surveillance Cameras on Public Lands

Stumbling About In the Graveyard of Empires

US Lawmakers Stand Up Against Obama for Israel

Two Right-Wing Billionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit

A New Deal For Our Times

Robert Fisk: Into the terrifying world of Pakistan's 'disappeared'

Thousands in U.S. protest against war; seek troop withdrawal:

O’Henry..(Doesn’t this evil Fuck ever die?)

Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide

**National Security Study Memorandum 200


Jesuit teachers at top German school admit sexually abusing

Pope Benedict XVI's almighty battle in the Catholic Church

Unemployment soars in U.S. metropolitan areas

9/11 - The US Military Knows Israel Did It

The Anti-Venezuela Election Campaign

The Offshored Economy

Greenspan is Back

The Electronic Police State, 2010

Seeking a 'real' end to Iraq War

Revealed: Tony Blair’s secret oil links to Middle East

Is Afghanistan going back in time to 2001?

A Third World War?

Another Dubai? Syrian National Assassinated: Israeli Spy Planes Detected Over Hungary

UK has 5,700 "secret agents"

Democratic leadership: "We've got the votes"

Tea party protesters scream 'nigger' at black congressman

YouTube - (D) Congressmen Lynch opposed Obama care and calls it like it is.

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down McCain & Lieberman's "Enemy Belligerents" Bill on The Alex Jones Show


*The U.S. Personal Income Tax: It Goes to The Family Rothschild


YouTube - Everything you have ever learned is a Lie

YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge Ptech, Indira Singh, Yasin Al Qadi 12 6 2002 CBS

The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics

Chertoff Family Member Wrote Popular Mechanic 9-11 Propaganda

Zionism and the Third Reich


YouTube - The Federal Reserve caused the 700 billion dollar bailout and economic crash


The US military may set up an additional headquarters in Iraqi Kurdistan

YONHAP NEWS:U.S. denies reports on discussions with China over N. Korean contingency


**US Military: Biological Weapons


History Secret Experiments Conducted on U.S. Citizens

History Secret Experiments Conducted on U.S. Citizens 2




Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill


U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium in Afghan Town - NYTimes.com


Police under attack as right-wing group and anti-fascists clash in violent street protests | Mail Online

'Day of Wrath' brings Russians on to the streets against Vladimir Putin | World news | The Observer

When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties - washingtonpost.com

TV Pushes War And False Paradigms


WIDE EYE CINEMA – Free Conspiracy Videos » Mossad Did 9/11 Says Former US Army Director

Pope Slams Irish Church Over Sex Abuse Scandal, But No Mention of Vatican Responsibility

Another Mossad assassination, this time in Hungary? « intelNews.org

EclippTV :: Video :: Healthcare 2010, Fuzzy Math from Obama, 70 Trillion and China.

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente with Kevin Trudeau March 17, 2010

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Alan Greenspan - just admit you screwed up already!!

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage- TSA forcing 4 year old crippled boy to take braces off

The number of inmates in US state prisons is down – but only in an effort to save money | World news | The Observer

A Computer That Processes Faster Than The Speed of Light | Popular Science

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com

Smoking Mirrors: Watch Closely... at no Time does the Hand leave the Wrist.

The complicated faces of anti-Semitism > Zionism > Redress Information & Analysis

EclippTV :: Video :: New World Order Mind Control

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul : Government is Bankrupt!

Disrobing the Papacy – | Sophrosyne Radical

Berkeley Slammed for 'Bigoted, Illegal' Vote on Divestment - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

The homeless pay the price | Sasha Abramsky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Rules Committee meeting descends into chaos | Washington Examiner

American's Journey: Condi Should have talked to that Dick Cheney: Video

Democracy and Liberty

High-stakes Eurasian Chess Game: Russia’s New Geopolitical Energy Calculus

Possibility of Rand Paul Win in Kentucky is "Very Alarming"

Ask Not What Ron Paul Can Do for You… by Mark R. Crovelli

Medicating the military - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

Six women hospitalised after buttock injections

Why is Boston’s WBZ TV Covering up Critical 9-11 Evidence?

New Policy at D.C. Federal Courthouse Restricts Liquids, Gels - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

*Mt.Vernon Statement*



GOP Testing a New Contract With America - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

YouTube - CNBC's Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Proposed vitamin supplement limits scientifically flawed

Natural compound in bananas could hold key to stopping HIV

Cordyceps mushroom is an effective cancer treatment, says new research

Last Chance - How they Voted - Kill the Health Care Bill

Reject The Census

YouTube - Obama is still Israel's bitch


My Way News - Obama urges Dems to come together for health care

Preparations for a Hit against Iran: Stopping Israel’s Next War

Netanyahu To The West–Destroy Iran Before Israel Destroys You « The Ugly Truth

savethemales.ca - Television Replaces God in Our Lives

Fear? What Fear?

H&M Whitewashing Squatter Colonization in Palestine «Kawther Salam

Violations of Iraqi Children Rights Under the American Occupation :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Joe Biden Got What He Deserved And So Will America « Mantiq al-Tayr

AWARD WINNING JOURNALIST MOHAMMED OMER BARRED FROM ENTRY TO US :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Roy Tov: No Problemo, Schwartz!

The Death Of American Populism

UK has 5,700 "secret agents" - Telegraph

Middle East quartet's cut-and-paste diplomacy | World news | guardian.co.uk

Benjamin Netanyahu rebuffs Hillary Clinton demands - Telegraph

Judge rejects 9/11 worker payouts | World news | guardian.co.uk

General David Petraeus tipped as Republican 2012 presidential candidate - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Society - NY parents turn up heat on ‘bake sales’ ban

Mexico president struggles as drug war explodes across the country - Telegraph

I am infected by the peace virus, says President Lula as he seeks UN job - Times Online

'I was a victim of abuse. This is what the Pope must do to stop it' - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Calamity for pope as the past – and case of Peter Hullermann – returns to haunt him | World news | The Guardian

Darwin’s theory of evolution included marriage to his first cousin - Times Online

Sandstorms hit Beijing - Telegraph

West German spy agency ‘employed about 200 former Nazi criminals’ - Times Online

Large Hadron Collider smashes record for achieving highest energy - Times Online

Is there a sinister Labour plot to stop British troops voting in the election? | Mail Online

AMANDA PLATELL: His moral compass? No, Blair follows his greedometer | Mail Online

Every citizen to have personal webpage - Telegraph

Residents powerless to remove illegal immigrants from their gardens | Mail Online

Google Street View shows 'secret' SAS base in major security breach | Mail Online

Health warning over statin taken by millions - Telegraph

Antibiotics don't cure colds, so why do patients think they do? | Science | guardian.co.uk

Boy's windpipe replaced in pioneering stem cell operation | Science | guardian.co.uk

Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal! - Restore The Republic

Court orders Fed to release bailout records

savethemales.ca - Aldous Huxley's Dictatorship by Seduction

Kevin MacDonald: Pat Buchanan is Censored by Human Events « The Occidental Observer Blog

Young Men Disappearing from Palestine «Kawther Salam

Asymmetric War Comes To America

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Vietnam, Western Intelligence and Ho Chi Minh

America's 'Houdini Recovery' Under IMF-Type Austerity

Up close and personal with Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

 | Movies | NewJerseyNewsroom.com -- Your State. Your News.

MSNBC reports Bart Stupak is a "Yes" Vote

Rove loses his cool in debate with Obama aide

Rep. Tim Ryan Denounces Hate-Filled Teabagger Protests

Guess Which Cable News Network Didn't Want Its Viewers To Hear Obama Talk About Real People Affected By Our Healthcare Crisis?

WorldNetDaily's Peterson unleashes nutty rant: Obama is 'destroying America based on lies'

Open Thread with Driftglass and Bluegal Weekly Podcast: Palin, Rove, and the Tyranny of "Centrism"

Hey CNN! Where's My TV Gig?

The 10 Republican No's on Health Care

Arizona's morally bankrupt message: Save the children, then abandon them

Laura Ingraham badgers Rep. Luis Guitierrez about his Catholic faith because he backs HCR

Staying KKKlassy: Tea Baggers Call Congressmen "N****rs" and "F****ts" At HCR Protest. Hate Rules The Day

Blue Shield of California To Salon's Cary Tennis: Drop Dead

Rules committee fun and hackery

House Leadership Dumps 'Deem and Pass', Will Take Separate Votes

Blue America Welcomes Doug Tudor (FL-12)

No Deal With Stupak so far and there never was: UPDATED: Pelosi says No vote for Stupak

Anthony Weiner Smacks Down Peggy Noonan


**The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 19th Health Care Special


Democrats Close In as Health Vote Approaches - Roll Call

The Take: Historic win or not, Democrats could pay a price - washingtonpost.com

Why we fear Bam big gov't - NYPOST.com

Closing Arguments | The New Republic

Op-Ed Columnist - Eraser Duty for Bart? - NYTimes.com

Health care designed in a rug bazaar - JSOnline

George Gallup, Health Care and the Peril of Legislating by Polls -- Politics Daily

Settlements shouldn’t unsettle peace talks - The Boston Globe

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Indonesia Snub Will Have Far Reaching Effects

Under Panetta, a more aggressive CIA - washingtonpost.com

Stalking the CIA | The Weekly Standard

New Jersey - A Blue State Deep in Debt Rethinks What’s Important - NYTimes.com

In defense of deficits

RealClearPolitics - Mrs. Jellyby, Stuck in the Sixties

The Public Editor - The Acorn Sting Revisited - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

RealClearSports: Sports News, Opinions & Analysis

Health stakes never higher | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

Investors.com - Health Overhaul's Assault On Business

The FCC's visible hand - washingtonpost.com

The Senate inches toward financial reform | OregonLive.com

First step begins in the healthcare fray: Committee setting up ground rules - latimes.com

Kyl sees Senate health debate starting Tuesday if House passes bill Sunday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Health-care legislation's insurance subsidies prompt questions of affordability - washingtonpost.com

Acorn on Brink of Bankruptcy, Officials Say - NYTimes.com


*3-21/Politics VideoEmanuel: Fringe Group Has Taken Control of GOP

Fox News Sunday Panel Plus (03/21/10)

Rove vs. Plouffe on Cost of Health Care Reform

Meet the Press Roundtable (3/21/10)

Sens. Durbin and McConnell on Health Care

Pro-Life Dem Switches Vote To "Yes" After Receiving "Assurances" From White House

Hoyer Says House Doesn't Have 216 Confirmed Votes

House Dem Accuses "Teabaggers" Of Using Racial Epithets

Pence: GOP Doesn't Have The "Votes To Stop Anything"

Dem Congresswoman: "We Don't Have A Hard 216"

House Dem: "There Are No Rules Here, We Make Them Up As We Go Along"


*3-20/Rove: Dems Could Lose House if HC Passes

Hoyer: We're Going To Have The Votes

Obama: Rein In The Financial Industry

Nuns Back Health Care Reform

Rep. Altmire To Vote 'No'

Rep. Rahall Still Undecided

Biden: We're Going To Control The Insurance Companies

GOP Congressman Accuses Democrat Of Selling His Vote

GOP Rep: Deem And Pass "Corrupts And Prostitutes The System"

Rep. Cao A Firm 'No'

Rep. Boccieri Plans To Vote 'Yes'

Rules Committee Meeting Attacks Ryan's Roadmap

Obama: Health Care Is About America's Character

Reps. Wasserman-Schultz, Broun On Health Care

Rep. Smith: Leaning Toward Voting 'Yes'

Boehner: We Can Win This Fight

Rep. Fattah: "This Is Going To Pass Tomorrow"

Rep. Courtney To Vote 'Yes'

GOP Address: 'Scrap This Health Care Bill'

GOP Reps: "Coverage Doesn't Mean Access"

Rep. Cuellar Not Taking Obama's Calls


*Transcripts:3-19/Obama's Speech on Health Care Reform


Administration Actuary Can’t Analyze Health Bill Before Final Vote


Boehner to Speaker Pelosi: “Every Member Should Stand Before the American People and Announce His or Her Vote”


video:Rep. Boehner: Dems ‘don’t have the votes yet’


U.S. Bishops’ final plea to Congressmen: Do not pass pro-abortion health care bill :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

House health-care vote Sunday may hinge on abortion issues

Hatch Says It’s ’Nuts’ to Think House Vote Ends Health Issue - Bloomberg.com

Rules Committee meeting descends into chaos | Washington Examiner

Iranians train Taliban to use roadside bombs - Times Online

Two attacked in Philadelphia’s violent playground ‘game’ | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/20/2010

Rosie O’Donnell Back to Daytime TV « Showbiz411's Blog

Liberals Getting a Taste of How ‘Balance’ Feels: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

Reuters AlertNet - L.A. eatery charged with serving whale meat closes

Chinese Academics’ Paper on Cyberwar Sets Off Alarms in U.S. - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Key House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

The Take: Historic win or not, Democrats could pay a price

EXCLUSIVE: Plouffe and Rove Battle It Out Over Health Care Reform - The Note

Clinton Returns to Washington, Needling Himself, Obama and the Press - Washington Wire - WSJ

Damning ambulance report that could put star's medic behind bars. | News Of The World

Arizona sheriff launches immigration sweep - Yahoo! News

My Way News - PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama in immigration dance

My Way News - Member of Texas polygamist sect sentenced 75 years

Mega Sign Stirs More Debate Plan to Save 'Hollywood' Comes With a Hefty Price Tag; Tom Hanks Chips In - WSJ.com

Community Organizing 2.0: 'Climate Community Activism'

Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

Taxpayer-Funded Abortion on Demand, Courtesy of a Catholic and a Mormon

Ha'aretz poll: Most Israelis see Obama as fair and friendly

Democrats take the long view on Obamacare political fallout

States seek to protect gun rights

Lockerbie bomber still kicking

Iran is training the Taliban; Obama grovels

Rules: 'We make 'em up as we go along'

About those racial slurs allegedly tossed at black congressmen yesterday

America's new standing in the world

Scurrilous charge or outrageous racism?

Aristotle's Warning

Is BHO the New FDR?

The Demon Pass and Its Self-Executing Slaughter Solution

Process Is Liberty

When Freedom Fails: The Myth of Decolonization

Bin Laden, Manson, and Martha

Faith, Charity, and the Atheist

The Injustice of Social Justice

Debbie Schlussel:The Freedom Alliance’s Weak, Empty “Response”; More to Come on This Fraud

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim U.S. Census Power Grab: “You Ain’t White!”

Debbie Schlussel:Moron: Obama’s Immigration Chief Orders Agents to Leave Illegal Aliens Alone During Census

Debbie Schlussel:Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

Banned in Britain for “Hate Speech” — Unless You’re the Daughter Of a Mass Murderer

Newsmax - Price: Obamacare Means 159 New Gov't Agencies

Boyd's fiscal fantasy - EDITORIAL - The News Herald

High demand for Muhammad cartoons - The Local

Girl Scouts hiding secret sex agenda?

Hatch Says It’s ’Nuts’ to Think House Vote Ends Health Issue - Bloomberg.com

FOXNews.com - Why This Doctor Dropped Out of Medicaid

FOXNews.com - Illegal Immigrant Murderer Lived in U.S. Off Federal Subsidies

New Threat Puts Calif. Police on Heightened Alert - ABC News

Secret Service helped crack Porsche hit-and-run, police records show

Marijuana 'school' opened by Newport Beach couple | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

British Airways claims victory as the first day of the Unite strike turns nasty - Telegraph

Peggy Noonan: Now for the Slaughter - WSJ.com

Sceptic challenges guru to kill him live on TV - Times Online

Truth is, everybody lies - NYPOST.com

Hell on wheels: New York's 10 worst cabbies - NYPOST.com





REBOOT: Obama Lies

Open — ObamaCare: The Movie — Thread

Elvis at the Senior Center

Jon Voight Speaks At Today’s DC Tea Party Rally

Socialism Vs. Capitalism: Illustrated on Film

Frum Forum: Evidence Shows Accusations Against Sean Hannity Are Not True

Slandering Military Charities a New Low

Daily Gut: The Spurning of Chris Matthews

Obama Admits HealthCare-Not Jobs or the Economy-Is ‘Most Important Domestic Priority’

ObamaCare: To Pass Or Not to Pass

Obamacare: A Social Justice Nightmare for the Whole World

Catholic Bishops Ask Pro-Life Democrats to ‘Hold the Line’

Media Lying About Racist Attacks on Black Reps By Tea Party Protesters…VIDEO PROOF

Tipping the Scales Against Washington

Hundreds Rally as Russ Carnahan Is ‘Booted’ and ‘Torched’ in St. Louis

Dems Ditch ‘Deem and Pass’

VP Biden Says Obama Plans to ‘Control Insurance Companies’

Why Michigan is the Worst: Moronic Governor Proclaims Today ‘Meatout Day’

ObamaCare: The Slaughter House Three


**Podcast: Obamacare’s Endgame**


Madame Speaker, Let Every Member Stand and Be Counted

Obama Supporter: ‘What’s Wrong With A Little Bit Of Socialism?’

Play Ball! How Rotisserie League Baseball Crashed the World Economy

Hello, Suckers! Happy Birthday to the Ponzi Generation

NewsBusted: Is Obama Upset with Budget Deficits?

To Boldly Go Where No Man… Aw, Fugeddaboutit; ‘Health Care’ Is More Important Than the Future

In Which Mediaite’s Tommy ‘We Got Him!’ Christopher Fails To Get MSNBC’s David Shuster To Attack Andrew Breitbart

Obama Pal Alexi Giannoulias and his Hinky Broadway Bank: Is A Democrat Machine Bait-n-Switch Of Its Senate Candidate in Play?

Why Obama’s ‘Health-Care Reform’ Will Ruin Health Care in America

Racist Liberal Media Attempts to Brand Tea Parties Racist, Fails

Useful Idiots: Angry White Man

hr3962/Oct '09

FOXNews.com - Stupak Says Deal Looming for Abortion Funding Ban in Health Care

Immigration reform rally draws tens of thousands to Washington - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Health Care Bill Would Strain States By Expanding Medicaid, Analysts Say

Iraq's electoral commission rejects request for recount - washingtonpost.com

Iraq's Talabani, Maliki call for vote recount in Iraq's elections

BBC News - Iranian leader accuses US of plotting against Iran

Thousands Mourn Nepal's Former Prime Minister - NYTimes.com

Greece Doesn't Need Financial Support, Says Germany's Merkel - WSJ.com

10 Afghans killed in suicide attack on market - CNN.com

Russia protests: Thousands rally in 'Day of Wrath' against Putin / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

South Africa Marks 50th Anniversary of Sharpeville Massacre | Africa | English

Sarkozy faces heavy defeat in French regional poll | Reuters

Officials: US missiles kill 4 in NW Pakistan - The Denver Post

D.C. antiwar march draws thousands on seventh-anniversary of Iraq invasion - washingtonpost.com

Ukrainians urged to support Earth Hour campaign

BBC World Service - News - Former UN envoy Kai Eide explains why he held talks with the Taliban

Health Care: Obama, House Democratic Leaders Confident They Will Have Enough Votes - ABC News

YouTube - Obama "Confident" Health Insurance Reform Will Pass

Immigrants, supporters gather for major rally on The Mall - washingtonpost.com

FOXNews.com - Thousands Expected to Rally for Immigration Overhaul in Washington

FOXNews.com - Tea Party Leader, GOP Condemn Racial Slurs Hurled at Black Lawmakers

GOP, Tea Party try to distance themselves from racial taunts - Health - bnd.com

In West Wing, Obama working phones on health care - washingtonpost.com

Nurses group backs Brown for governor - San Jose Mercury News

Liz Carpenter dies; former aide to LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson - washingtonpost.com

2 Baltimore officers shot, wounded - UPI.com

Tea party stirs things up - The Boston Globe

'This Week' Transcript: Karl Rove and David Plouffe - ABC News

Acorn on Brink of Bankruptcy, Officials Say - NYTimes.com

Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks talk about 'The Pacific' | EW.com

Lazio Wins Shaky Conservative Party Endorsement; Levy Heats Up - Gothamist

Two suspected suicides confirmed at Cornell; total now at six - CNN.com

What's the Point of Nuclear Weapons on Instant Alert? - ABC News

Access denied | RadarOnline.com

Alex Chilton's Life, Music Honored At SXSW | Billboard.com

Star Jones recovering from cardiac surgery - USATODAY.com

Cheryl Cole's Divorce Held For 6 months, Cheryl Cole, Ashley Cole | Dating News

If Tiger Woods Plays Well, Retailers Will Smile - NYTimes.com

Rosie O'Donnell Developing New Daytime TV Show - TV News, Rosie O'Donnell : People.com

Court says no oil money for Anna Nicole's heirs | Reuters

Lady Gaga - Lady Gaga Counter-Sues Producer - Contactmusic News

Natalee Holloway's Remains? Aruba Divers to Examine Area Where Couple Thinks They Photographed Missing Teen's Skeleton - ABC News

Lisa de Moraes - ABC snags foreign reporter Amanpour from CNN to host 'This Week' - washingtonpost.com

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

President: Obamacare deals 'privileged'

Critical 'personhood' plan revived by volunteers

The new Palace Guard

Obama's desperate demagoguery

Son of Hamas chief, ex-Israeli spy now exposes 'Muhammad's lie'

WND RADIO 'They're paying off all these people for their votes'

WND RADIO '$569 billion in new taxes and a whole lot of mandates'

WND RADIO 'It will tear our country apart'

America denounces 'Obamacare' threat

Anger at Washington reaches full throttle

Democratic Leaders Nail Down More Votes, Predict Passage of Health Reform -- Politics Daily

Obama and health care – how low can he go?

President: Obamacare deals 'privileged'

Democrat Says Medicare Dispute Resolved - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Pelosi to Abortion Foes: No Health Care Deal

Medicare fix would push health care into the red - Yahoo! Finance

Chinese Academics’ Paper on Cyberwar Sets Off Alarms in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Icelands fears 2nd even larger volcanic eruption - Yahoo! News

The truth about Republicans and the 'Hispanic vote'

Climate change debate now a one-man show - Salt Lake Tribune

Boom time for Arctic animals - environment - 20 March 2010 - New Scientist

Feeble wind farms fail to hit full power - Times Online

The nonexistent, evil chick called Easter

Legal action considered for snub by correspondents

Watch CNN's Anderson Cooper get 'smoked' on 'Jeopardy'

Billboard Takes a Swipe at Obama - ABC News

Paralysed woman demands right to die - The Local

The suicide voyeur nurse who 'encouraged people to kill themselves online' | Mail Online

Hannity charity fights 'smear'

Did White House 'organizing' step over line?

Congressman: 'We will keep stealing'

High demand for Muhammad cartoons - The Local

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

Explained? New Mexico's Hebrew Ten Commandments

Critics call Census pages 'involuntary colonoscopy'

'Muslim Mafia' counters in battle to quash book

Iranians train Taliban to use roadside bombs - Times Online

Report: Saudi Arabia Seeks Strike on Iran - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Texas Church Bans Child's Photograph of Passion - ABC News

Gibbs' briefing blocks questions on honor for child-killer

AGAIN! City orders Bible study closed

Saving Moon Trash: Urine Containers, 'Space Boots' and Artifacts Aren't Just Junk, Argue Archaeologists - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Business & Technology | Lawmakers wnt to limit txt msgs and e-mails | Seattle Times Newspaper

Court fines Stockholm couple for faked sex - The Local

Boulder Housing Partners takes on nudist couple after topless gardening complaints - Boulder Daily Camera

Teen Drug Use Rises Again - ABC News

Ex-Helper teacher gets 120 days in jail for sex with teen - Salt Lake Tribune

New Bill Addresses Teacher, Student Sex 031910 | myfoxatlanta.com

The big list: Female teachers with students

Will reclusive mathematician accept $1 million prize? - physics-math - 19 March 2010 - New Scientist

Coronary Plaque May Plague Long-Distance Runners - ABC News

Apple CEO Steve Jobs joins Schwarzenegger to push organ donor registry - San Jose Mercury News

The new Palace Guard


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

President's birth certificate: right-wing propoganda? | KETKnbc.com | The News Station

American Minute

*American Minute for March 21st:William J Federer's American Minute


Banned ... by Google - Mar. 19, 2010

U.S. won't tell Google what to do in China dispute, Clinton says - San Jose Mercury News

Bernanke Says Bailouts of Banks ‘Unconscionable’ (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Report: IRS dogged by information security lapses that make taxpayer records 'vulnerable' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

'Dustin': a comic-strip antihero for our recessionary times - San Jose Mercury News

'Credit card theft? There's an app for that' - tech - 19 March 2010 - New Scientist

Unknown health risks cause Treasure Coast residents to walk away from homes with Chinese drywall » TCPalm.com

Credit scores can drop after getting loan help - Yahoo! Finance

Daily Dispatch Online:Mountain fog used to provide water

Study: Lesser-known bug a bigger hospital threat

Was idyllic French village driven crazy by LSD in a secret American mind experiment? | Mail Online

BBC News - Velociraptor's cousin discovered

SPACE.com -- The Big Bang: Solid Theory, But Mysteries Remain

Unexplained 'boom' generates calls to 911 center

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record again

Solar sails take shape - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Scientists develop ‘invisibility cloaks’ - Times Online

Google Street View shows 'secret' SAS base in major security breach | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Couple Believes They Have Underwater Photo of Natalee Holloway's Remains

Earthfiles.com Environment | Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB

The predictioneer: Using games to see the future - science-in-society - 17 March 2010 - New Scientist

Florida Vampire to Run For President - CBS News

Scientists supersize quantum mechanics : Nature News

BBC News - New exoplanet like 'one of ours'

March 21, 2010 Key House Democrat: We make up rules ‘as we go along’ [video]

Ryan tag-teamed at testy Rules Committee hearing [video]


*CARTOON : Make Mine Freedom (1948)


Health Care Vote Begins - Open Thread

Republican Congressman: 'These Are Some Crazy, Totalitarian Tactics They're Engaged In'

Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime

Why this AIPAC conference is different from all other years - Haaretz - Israel News

Report: Current Knesset most racist of all time - Israel News, Ynetnews

Lights, Camera, Distraction! « Revolt of the Plebs

Memo to US: only fools rush in | Sarah Anderson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

What does O-B-A-M-A Stand For? | Young Americans for Liberty

The US-NATO Conquest of Africa

Bailouts Were an Extortion of the American People

U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium in Afghan Town - NYTimes.com

Conservative Blog: Socialized Medicine Horror Stories: Ripped from Britian and Canadian Papers : THE CONSERVATIVE POST