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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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22 March 2010

322(illumanati) : * click here *

****Final Vote Results for Roll Call 165****

*Obamacare: Names to Remember Come November

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care


YouTube - Ron Paul: National Bankruptcy will Repeal Obamacare - Not Republicans


Health Care Mandate to Be Enforced by IRS ‘Bounty Hunters’

Democrats Pass Obamacare in House

False Flag Imminent?

Obama urges Senate action on controversial finance reforms | Raw Story

Stopping Obamacare Rests With the States

IMF Urges Advanced Economies to Pare Deficits and Debt - WSJ.com

British Police State Kicks Into High Gear

Lebanese army fires on Israeli jets

Cult of Cyberwar Chieftain Admits Cult Has Overdone It

Nothing Outside the State by Robert Higgs

Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of “Social Justice”

Buying Votes for Health Care Bill With Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Arizona Fights Back on Obamacare

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

U.S. warns ships off Yemen of possible al Qaeda attack - Yahoo! News

The Department of Defense Covertly Dismantled a Terrorist Message Board...Created By the CIA - Terrorism - Gizmodo

BBC News - Internet threatens rare species, conservationists warn

New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ - Bloomberg.com

» The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’ - Big Government

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

House Member Appears to Yell ‘Baby Killer’ at Stupak

YouTube - House Member Appears To Yell 'Baby Killer' At Stupak

YouTube - KHammer: "I Dont Think This Will Ever End Up Repealed - In Terms of Our Debt, It's Going to Be Huge"

YouTube - boehner

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering

YouTube - Healthy without health insurance in America

House sends health care overhaul bill to Obama - Yahoo! News

Breaking: “Fix” Bill May Not Advance In Senate

Pittsburgh Activist Group Targeted By S.P.L.C. Calls Report “Defamatory Propaganda”, Plans Public Demonstration and Information Session

Ron Paul on John King USA

Bankers attack Darling's plans for a global tax - Business News, Business - The Independent

Civil Liberties in Obama’s America


Flashback: Obama’s Promise on Using Executive Power to Change Laws


False Flag Imminent?

9/11 commission members doubt official story

Government Warned 9/11 Commission ‘Not To Cross The Line’

“Passage Of The Healthcare Bill Means The Double-Dip Is Coming” – Market Insight From Permabull Jim Cramer Who Just Turned Bearish

Fictional Reserve Banking

Obama Urges Expansion Of Fed Powers

Schlafly: Health Care Vote Set to Expose the Myth of the ‘Pro-Life Democrat’

Climate craziness of the week: global warming “leads to more violence”

Colbert Skit Characterizes Census Paranoia as Right-Wing Kookery

Should Conspiratorial Thinking Be The Default Position?

Has Germany just killed the dream of a European superstate? - Telegraph

WWF hopes to find $60 billion growing on trees - Telegraph

The Imedi TV hoax makes one thing clear: Georgia's president is out of control | Salome Zourabichvili | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Obama Pays More Than Buffett as U.S. Risks AAA Rating (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

First Lady Michelle Obama escapes health debate by taking daughters to Broadway's 'Memphis'

About New York - Rough Justice on the Subway at 1 - 30 a.m. - NYTimes.com

Political activists call for inquiry after revelations about undercover police | UK news | The Observer

160 plastic policemen charged with crimes - Telegraph

There is nothing cuddly about the WWF – Telegraph Blogs

YouTube - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

AmericanCrisis:[YouTube] USA: Obama invents a huge lie & is caught out: A HUGE Obama Gaffe - He is caught LYING About his Uncle!


YouTube - 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

YouTube - A HUGE Obama Gaffe - He is Caugh LYING About his Uncle!

AmericanCrisis:[YouTube][Video] USA: UNBELIEVABLE OBAMA GAFFES, Mistakes, Lies, and Confusion

YouTube - UNBELIEVABLE OBAMA GAFFES, Mistakes, Lies, and Confusion


*article links:Weekly Southern African Report


Report - Navy Anti-Terror Drill Will Go Delta Level Security

Illegal Immigration & The SPLC

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Son of Sam Murders and the Occult

Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

Health Care Reform - Communist Style

Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully - Politics - The Atlantic

Da Vinci ‘predicted world would end in 4006’ says Vatican researcher - Times Online

savethemales.ca - "We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

savethemales.ca - Patriots Like Deer 'Frozen in the Headlights'?

The Federal Reserve: The Greatest Scam in History (revision C) the Yellen Effect

America's Secret Prisons


Jordan Maxwell - Illuminati Eye/Sunrise Right In Your Face


*Site:Jordan Maxwell/(www.jordanmaxwell.info)


Facebook row as Middle East officials ban user 'who insulted Islam' - Telegraph

An inquiry is vital, but the church's moral authority is lost for ever |

Kevin MacDonald: Pat Buchanan is Censored by Human Events « The Occidental Observer Blog

Medicating the military - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times


UK has 5,700 "secret agents" - Telegraph


Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill

DNA experts reveal China's ancient open door to West - Scotsman.com News

Lights, Camera, Distraction! « Revolt of the Plebs

ADL’s Attempt To Sodomize America | Real Zionist News

Ignorance In America - A Disgraceful Epidemic

One step remains in Senate; GOP set for battle to the end

Some Dems walk plank with 'yes' vote - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Historic health-care bill narrowly passes House | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Carter pollster calls health bill ‘political Jonestown’ for Dems | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Republicans will campaign this fall on repealing health-care bill, Sessions says | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Bart Stupak is either not very smart or he’s not very honest. There really is no other option | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama plans blitz to boost public opinion of health-care effort - washingtonpost.com

Remember when Stupak said he’d vote ‘yes’ last year? [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Will Obama now blame GOP for faults in his health care plan? | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Jesse Jackson says that Tea Party’s fears not well-founded | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Pelosi: This bill is ‘for the education of our children’ [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Sizing up the Supreme Court after Justice John Paul Stevens retires - latimes.com

WRAPUP 2-Chinese media launches new attack on Google | Reuters

U.S. ignores Taliban cash cow to appease Afghans | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Health-Care Bill Hits Euro Drugmakers - Forbes.com

YouTube - Jesse Ventura: Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies

YouTube - Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story' DVD Extra Preview - Bank of North Dakota


cartoon:Make Mine Freedom (1948)


YouTube - Starbucks: Something TERRIFYING is brewing....

U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium in Afghan Town - NYTimes.com


When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties - washingtonpost.com

Washington's Blog:German Central Bank Admits that Credit is Created Out of Thin Air

YouTube - Howard Dean: Senate Health Care Bill Written By Insurance Industry

Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism | Emptywheel


EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Health Care Reform & Socialized Medicine

EclippTV :: Video :: Howard Stern - Democrats Are Communists - Obama

The Death of American Populism -- Signs of the Times News

POPC 260: Survey of the Field: The Paradox of the Matrix

Refreshing News: Neanderthals go to Washington

Refreshing News: Michelle Obama appears on The Simpsons

Liberty 101: Health Care Bill Worse than 911

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul vs. Stephen Baldwin : Marijuana Legalizing

Mr Obama turns up the socialist ratchet | Samizdata.net

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente Interview by Helen Skopis of Athens International Radio

Obamacare is the democrats synonym for “new taxes”.


16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare | Washington Examiner


Objectivist Individualist: Our Illegitimate, Fascist Socialist Federal Government

States rebel against Washington / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Strategies for Revolutionaries: Animals, Humans & the Implications of Consciousness – | Sophrosyne Radical

Obama’s Lie Built Upon a Lie (Built Upon Another Lie) « LewRockwell.com Blog

The Politics of Obammunism « LewRockwell.com Blog

U.S. may expand use of its prison in Afghanistan - latimes.com


*Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds


YouTube - The Truth about Facebook!


YouTube - Everything you ever learned is a Lie.

YouTube - Everything you have learned is a LIE(2)

YouTube - Everything you have ever learned is a Lie(3)


American's Journey: Vids: Firefighters for 911 Truth+Explosions

House passes historic healthcare overhaul - latimes.com

The Unlikeliest Conspiracy-Monger: Colorado Public TV | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

SPLC Attacks Colorado Public TV For Programming on 9/11 | 911Blogger.com

By way of deception, the Mossad executes » Nationalist Coalition Blog

US Plots Against Iran While Offering Dialogue

Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn From Inception

Conservative Blog: Socialized Medicine Horror Stories: Ripped from Britian and Canadian Papers : THE CONSERVATIVE POST

The Problems with Socialized Health Care

EclippTV :: Video :: WTC7 "Collapse" after secondary explosions reported

A People’s Guide to the Health Care Bill « P U L S E

03-22-2010: Chairs of Both the 9/11 Commission and the Joint Intelligence Inquiry into 9/11 Said That Government Minders Obstructed the 9/11 Investigation

03-21-2010: Why this AIPAC conference is different from all other years

03-21-2010: China State Media Accuses Google of Political Agenda

NASA Lunar Orbiter Spots Old Soviet Moon Landers

03-21-2010: Cash-Strapped State Governments Hike Traffic Fees

03-21-2010: More homeowners are opting for 'strategic defaults'

03-21-2010: Broadband plan would vastly expand government power over the Internet

03-21-2010: Comet's dramatic death dive into the sun

Comet-Kaze Strikes The Sun

Bonds Show U.S. Losing AAA

The Digital Dictatorship

Revealed: Tony Blair’s secret oil links to Middle East

Stumbling About In the Graveyard of Empires

US Lawmakers Stand Up Against Obama for Israel

Two Right-Wing Billionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit

VIDEO: US-China Relations Could Get Worse

Kill the Bill, Invoke the 10th

'Hell No!': Boehner Makes Impassioned Statement on House Floor

50% Say States Should Have Right to Opt Out of Health Care Reform Plan


*Obamacare: Names to Remember Come November



The Lunatic Left Is Getting Desperate

House Member Appears to Yell 'Baby Killer' at Stupak

64% Say Congress Is Doing A Poor Job

86% Say What People Eat Is Not Government's Business

At AIPAC conference, Clinton pledges White House commitment to Israel security

How government cash created the Climategate scandal

The mystery deepens: Where did that decline go?


Laughable Propaganda: 'The Top Ten Immediate Benefits You'll Get When Health Care Reform Passes'

Not Worth the Paper It's Printed On: Dems' Fantasy Executive Order an Admission Senate Bill Funds Abortion

Boehner: "Pro-Life" Democrats Can't Hide Behind an Executive Order

Stupak sells out America over highly questionable abortion agreement

Congressmen are abused by protesters at D.C. demonstration against health care bill

Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill (If you read this you're a racist)


*C-SPAN Video Player - House Speaker Pelosi on Passage of Senate Health Bill

C-SPAN Video Player - House Votes on Senate Health Bill and Reconciliation

C-SPAN Video Player - House Debate on Senate Health Care Bill

C-SPAN Video Player - Pres. Obama on Senate Health Care Bill Passage in the House


Senators push Obama for biometric national ID card

Latest Fascist News: Rudeness Is Now a Capital Crime

Lew Rockwell talks on the tyranny of the census and the history of America

Obama Urges Senators to Drastically Expand Fed Power

Synagogue Bomb Plot Directed by Federal Provocateur

Bill Automatically Allows Power Company To Regulate Your Home Temperature

Lord Monckton: World government: they're at it again

Obama Approval Rating Keeps Tanking as He Sells America Out


*Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill (It's a Total Takeover)

*myth/fact sheet - health care


YouTube - We have failed to listen to America. And We have failed to reflect the will of our constituents

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

video:The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative - Professor Salvör Gissurardóttir

US states sue EPA to stop greenhouse gas rules

A Divided House Passes Health Care Bill After Obama Deal Defuses Abortion Rebellion

Congress Votes to Socialize Health Care in United States

Health Care Legislation: Here Come the Lawsuits

Stupak Decision Blasted As ‘Unconscionable’

Report: White House Plans PR Blitz to Boost Acceptance of Health Care Bill

AP: Passage of Health Care Bill Is ‘Much-Needed Boost’ for Obama

Hugs, High Fives, and Relief As Obama Gets the Vote He Wanted on Health Care

'Online Tax Revolt' to Create a First-Ever Virtual Protest of Current U.S. Tax System

Netanyahu, on Eve of U.S. Visit, Insists on Israel’s Right to Build in Jerusalem

Virginia Is First to Announce Lawsuit Over Health-Care Bill

Abortion Compromise Doesn't Satisfy Critics

Supreme Court Stays Out of Mass. Abortion Clinic Case

Supreme Court Says Student Can't Sue Over 'Ave Maria' Ban

More Foreign Firms Feel Unwelcome in China

Snowmobiles, ATVs, Lobster Boats Used for Census

Tens of Thousands Rally for Immigration Reform

Bush, Clinton to Visit Haiti As Part of Fund-Raising Mission

Health Care Passes

Talk of Impeachment

Executive Order Traded For Bart Stupak's Vote On Healthcare Reform: UPDATED

'March for America' is on in DC

Gregory Allows Boehner to Tell His 'Best Healthcare System in the World' Lie Again

Federal Insurance Rate Regulation Dropped From Bill To Meet Reconciliation Rules

Marsha Blackburn Attacks Social Security

David Dreier and Louise Slaughter Dust Up Over Reconciliation

March For America: Over 100,000 gather in D.C. to demand immigration reform

Twitter Echos With The Moaning and Gnashing Of Conservative Teeth As Healthcare Bill Passes

Roland Martin: These Folks Probably Can't Even Spell Communism and Socialism, Much Less Identify It

Twitter Tea-Parties like it's 1861? Violent rhetoric from the TeaBaggers.

David Frum: This is GOP’s Waterloo, Points Finger at ‘Radicals’ Like DeMint

The Lunatic Left Is Getting Desperate by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Health Plan's Devilish Principles by Murray N. Rothbard

YouTube - Gerald Celente: US-China financial relations in turmoil

Consuming Our Capital by Butler Shaffer

God, Socialism, and the Free Market: Paul Kengor interviews Shawn Ritenour

Washington Private Pension Attack

November, 2010: More Rearranging of Deck Chairs by Scott Lazarowitz

A Strategy Manual for the Liberty Movement by James Ostrowski

U.S. Census Tracks Mail, Raising Fears Among Some

Vermont Secession Strategy by Kirkpatrick Sale


**Best Movies to Watch: 100 Must See Movies For Men | The Art of Manliness


Health Care Bill: Congress Passes Landmark Reform, Obama to Sign Bill - ABC News

This Will Not Stand: Newt On the Passage of Obamacare - HUMAN EVENTS

After healthcare vote, Democrats turn to damage control - latimes.com

Health Care: Cue Up the Legal Fights - Law Blog - WSJ

Breaking: “Fix” Bill May Not Advance In Senate

Senate Fight Starts: GOP Says Senate Parliamentarian Will Kill Fix-Its Bill - The Note

Tens of thousands rally for immigration reform - Yahoo! News

Bagram prison in Afghanistan may become the new Guantánamo - Times Online

PepsiCo Develops 'Designer Salt' to Chip Away at Sodium Intake - WSJ.com

Half of New York Voters Support Medical Marijuana: Poll | NBC New York

Chinese Academics’ Paper on Cyberwar Sets Off Alarms in U.S. - NYTimes.com

ScienceDirect - Safety Science : Cascade-based attack vulnerability on the US power grid


**Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Schlafly: Health Care Vote Set to Expose the Myth of the 'Pro-Life Democrat' - Yahoo! News

Abortion compromise doesn't satisfy critics - Yahoo! News

Flowers losing scent due to climate change

UPDATE 2-Venezuela punishes 80 firms for power use | Reuters

Holder's future uncertain amid terror trial disputes

Breitbart.tv » 20 Promises for $2,500: All Americans Now Await Lower Premiums Promised by Obama

Bricks Shatter Glass at NY Democratic Offices - NYTimes.com

Barack Obama and the date-rape of America


NASA - The Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Saturn may have oxygen atmosphere, reveals Cassini's latest snapshot


**Newsmax - White House Announces Executive Order On Abortion


Eating Fish Has No Effect on Abnormal Heart Rhythms

Add Rosemary to Beef to Reduce Carcinogens

Asia's nuclear dilemma

Newsmax - Obamacare Amounts to Ponzi Welfare Scheme

Newsmax - Obama's Fox Interview Reveals Dismissive, Unprepared President

Newsmax - Obamacare Passage Spells Doom for Democrats

Newsmax - Democrats Have Crafted a Political Suicide Pact

Iran Arrests Grandson of Powerful Cleric

Anti-Putin Rallies Grow in Numbers

Newsmax - Democrats Pass Trillion-Dollar Healthcare Bill on 219-212 Vote

Newsmax - Boehner: Health Bill Fails the Country

Newsmax - Pelosi Heckled While Leading Dems to Capitol

Newsmax - Santorum: Healthcare Reconciliation DOA in Senate

Newsmax - Abortion Compromise Doesn't Satisfy Critics

Newsmax - Price: Obamacare Means 159 New Gov't Agencies

Newsmax - Obama Lauds House for Passing Healthcare Bill

Newsmax - House Roll Call: Changes to Senate Health Bill

Newsmax - A Look at the Healthcare Overhaul Bill

Newsmax - House Sends Health Care Overhaul Bill to Obama

Newsmax - ACLJ: Healthcare Vote Fails to Protect Life

Newsmax - Ron Paul: Stupak Deal Unconstitutional

Newsmax - White House Adds Skilled Fundraiser

Newsmax - McCain Says Democrats Have Not Heard End of Debate

Newsmax - Rep. Kennedy Calls Bill Testimonial to Late Father

Newsmax - Sebelius: Public Will Embrace Healthcare Reform

Newsmax - Canadian Official Threatens to Prosecute Ann Coulter

Newsmax - Holder's Gaffes May Cost Him Job

Newsmax - In Student Loan Plan, Obama Looks for Another Win

Newsmax - Pro-Life Leaders Blast Stupak Abortion Deal

Newsmax - Court Rejects New Challenge From Gitmo Detainees

Newsmax - Conservative Party Backs Ex-Rep. Lazio for N.Y. Gov

Newsmax - Levy Announces Switch to GOP and N.Y. Gov Run

Moneynews - Rogers: The Euro Is Headed for Extinction

Moneynews - Home Loans Going Bad Faster Than They’re Being Helped

Moneynews - Sebelius: Public Will Embrace Healthcare Reform

Newsmax - Museum Takes New Look at Air, Water, Land and Life

Newsmax - Enviros, Growers Agree On Farmland Reuse for Solar

Newsmax - Venezuela's Chavez Rules out Internet Controls

Newsmax - PETA Feathers Ruffled by Mike Tyson Pigeon Show

Newsmax - Buzz Aldrin Among Stars Set for 'Dancing' Debut

Op-Ed Contributor - The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com

How Health Care Reform Reduces the Deficit in 5 Not-So-Easy Steps - Newsweek.com

The Dems bring the pain - NYPOST.com

Can the U.S. still tackle big problems? Lessons from the health-care battle. - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Columnist - America’s Real Dream Team - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Yes, They Made History

News Analysis - Obama’s Health Care Victory Carries a Cost - NYTimes.com

Congress health care vote: a dark day for freedom in America – Telegraph Blogs

A Historic Vote for Health-Care Reform

Opposing view: ‘It must be repealed’ - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Now The Argument Really Begins | The Plum Line

Special Editorial: Repeal | The Weekly Standard

Op-Ed Columnist - Fear Strikes Out - NYTimes.com

» ObamaCare: To Pass Or Not to Pass - Big Government

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Obama and Israel : The New Yorker

Kimberley A. Strassel: Inside the Pelosi Sausage Factory - WSJ.com

Obama's Place In History | The New Republic

Works and Days » We’ve Crossed the Rubicon

Editorial - Health Care Reform, at Last - NYTimes.com

Democrats to America: Drop dead | Washington Examiner

Obamacare Isn’t Inevitable - The Editors - National Review Online

Editorial: An American cure for an ailing system | StarTribune.com

Senate GOP skeptical of chances to take down healthcare reform - TheHill.com

New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ - Bloomberg.com

How to Prepare for Health-Care Changes - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Education Lessons Are Lost on Obama


*3-22/Politics VideoMcCain On Health Bill: "We're Going To Repeal This"

CBS' Leslie Stahl: Obama Is The Apollo Ohno Of Politics

McCain: "When You Go Against The Will Of The People, You Pay A Price"

Secretary Sebelius On Health Care Bill's Details

GOP Gov. Otter Plans To Bring Lawsuit Against Health Care "Insanity"

Biden Promotes Tax Credits

Rep. Patrick Kennedy Near Tears Over Success Of Health Bill

Sharpton: "American Public Overwhelmingly Voted For Socialism When They Elected Obama"

Caddell: Health Bill Is "Political Jonestown" For Dems

Cornyn: Health Care Not Finished Yet

Bill Kristol: "Bulk" Of Health Bill Will Be Repealed By 2013


*3-21/Obama On Health Bill Passage: "A Victory For The American People"

Boehner: GOP Will Work To Repeal Health Bill

Krauthammer: "We'll Be A Different Country" After Tonight

Barney Frank Heckled During FOX News Interview

Rove: Obama Could Be One Termer

Stupak Announces Abortion Deal With White House

Boehner: "Hell No" You Haven't Read The Bill

Krauthammer: "Stupak Caved Completely"

Pelosi Urges House To "Make History"

Pro-Life Dem Stupak Announces He Will Vote For Health Bill

Stupak Called "Baby Killer" On House Floor During Health Bill Debate

Pelosi Heckled As She Walks Through Protesters With Gavel In Hand

Liberal Protestors Throw Cash, Curse At Sen. McConnell

Fox News Sunday Panel Plus (03/21/10)

Bachmann: Health Bill Will "Create Federally Funded Abortion"

House Dem Accuses "Teabaggers" Of Using Racial Epithets

Hoyer Says House Doesn't Have 216 Confirmed Votes

Congresswoman Admits Executive Order Can't Change Abortion Law

Dem Invokes Legacy Of Ted Kennedy To Pass Health Reform

Dem Congresswoman: "We Don't Have A Hard 216"

Pence: GOP Doesn't Have The "Votes To Stop Anything"

Sens. Durbin and McConnell on Health Care

Pro-Life Dem Switches Vote To "Yes" After Receiving "Assurances" From White House

Rove vs. Plouffe on Cost of Health Care Reform

House Dem: "There Are No Rules Here, We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

Emanuel: Fringe Group Has Taken Control of GOP

Meet the Press Roundtable (3/21/10)


Dem win is built on sand - NYPOST.com

Health reform passes House by 7 votes - NYPOST.com

Obamacare wins: Now the pain begins - NYPOST.com

MichaelSavage.com - Home of The Savage Nation

Boyd's fiscal fantasy - EDITORIAL - The News Herald

FOXNews.com - We're Headed Straight Off a Cliff If Health Care Passes

Newsmax - Price: Obamacare Means 159 New Gov't Agencies

Girl Scouts hiding secret sex agenda?

FOXNews.com - Why This Doctor Dropped Out of Medicaid

Filmmakers offer an inside look at NYC's 'rubber rooms' - NYPOST.com

Marijuana 'school' opened by Newport Beach couple | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Truth is, everybody lies - NYPOST.com





Debbie Schlussel : The ObamaCare Fiasco: Americans Are Ned Beatty in Healthcare “Deliverance”



Health Care Leviathan

The Battle of Kentucky

The Injustice of Social Justice

Faith, Charity, and the Atheist

When Freedom Fails: The Myth of Decolonization

Is BHO the New FDR?

Aristotle's Warning

Exposing hypocrisy from within the womb

Obamacare will haunt Democrats for years to come

Is Obamacare Smoot-Hawley II?

Stupak was for the bill all along

Sen. Durbin says HC bill will keep people out of emergency rooms

This Nurse No Angel of Mercy

Now for the Pain

Expect to see jump in Obama polling approval

Is ObamaCare Headed for a Supreme Court Smackdown?

Where Were You When the Republic Died?

Obamacare's Achilles Heel

America Lost

The One Preexisting Condition Getting a Cure

Third Act for the Jerusalem Crisis this Week

Voter Backlash Beyond ObamaCare

Church bans homeschooler's picture of 'Jesus'

Bloody Sunday, 2010: House OKs health bill

WND RADIO: Pro-Obama group hangs up on radio host

flashback:Finally, Israel gets it!

Obama: This is what change looks like

Obama to sign health bill, take it on the road - Yahoo! News

Obama plans blitz to boost public opinion of health-care effort - washingtonpost.com

Of the Land: After the vote, the sale, as health care stays where it’s been - The Note

Breitbart.tv » ‘Hell No!’: Boehner Makes Impassioned Statement on House Floor

Abortion compromise doesn't satisfy critics - Yahoo! News

Video: Bart Stupak Called "Baby Killer" on House Floor

YouTube - Rep. Bart Stupak speaking in Cheboygan, MI

Riders on the storm

America denounces 'Obamacare' threat

How tea party can go bad

FOXNews.com - Black Lawmakers Allege Health Care Protesters Hollered Racial Epithets at Them

Obama and health care – how low can he go?

YouTube - Key House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

Obama's policies slammed as 'racist'

Clinton says Israel settlements obstacle to peace | Reuters

Acorn on Brink of Bankruptcy, Officials Say - NYTimes.com

Born-again 'Son of Hamas' now fights 'Islam's god'

The nonexistent, evil chick called Easter

Legal action considered for snub by correspondents

Billboard Takes a Swipe at Obama - ABC News

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

Hannity charity fights 'smear'

Explained? New Mexico's Hebrew Ten Commandments

Critics call Census pages 'involuntary colonoscopy'

'Muslim Mafia' counters in battle to quash book


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Elections official frets over eligibility attorney's run

President's birth certificate: right-wing propoganda? | KETKnbc.com | The News Station


VIDEO:Is the afterlife heaven, hell or outer space?

Baby boys who have a nanny 'turn into womanisers' - Telegraph

Married people 'twice as likely to be fat' - Telegraph

Susan Boyle's birthday to bring £4million happy returns | Mail Online

Record label seeking talented singing nuns - Telegraph

The idea of the cassette: A gallery with musings

Sceptic challenges guru to kill him live on TV - Times Online

White Death: the Sniper Who Killed 700 Soviets in 100 Days | Environmental Graffiti

My Tenko Quilt: The 78-year-old reunited with quilt she made secretly in Japanese camp | Mail Online

The Führer Cult: Germans Cringe at Hitler's Popularity in Pakistan - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Findings - Chasing the Sound Barrier, in a Leap From 23 Miles Up - NYTimes.com

Video: Five-year-old child skydives - Telegraph

America’s top 20 conservative-friendly counties | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Journalists knowingly lie? You betcha

UC Davis study shows dogs can help youngsters read - SacPaws.com - sacbee.com

Wild 'boxing kangaroo knocks Australian jogger unconscious after assault' - Telegraph

Woman spends £50,000 on sick parrot which finally loses fight for life - Telegraph

Cloak of invisibility takes a step forward - Yahoo! News

10 ways you might be breaking the law with your computer: UPDATED | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com

Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff - 60 Minutes - CBS News


*American Minute for March 22nd:William J Federer's American Minute


Are cosmic rays really causing Toyota's woes? | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

My Way News - Toyota shareholders sue over fallen stock price

IMF warns wealthiest nations about their debt

10 Bad Habits and What They Cost You - WalletPop

*The big list: Female teachers with students

New Bill Addresses Teacher, Student Sex 031910 | myfoxatlanta.com

Ex-Helper teacher gets 120 days in jail for sex with teen - Salt Lake Tribune

Border Patrol spotlights bother Ariz. observatories

Saving Moon Trash: Urine Containers, 'Space Boots' and Artifacts Aren't Just Junk, Argue Archaeologists - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Asteroid Early Warning System: German Satellite to Help Detect Threats to Earth - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Fire on Harry Potter set as 'Hogwarts Castle' burns | Mail Online

Business & Technology | Lawmakers wnt to limit txt msgs and e-mails | Seattle Times Newspaper

Daily Herald | Doctor says texting caused teen's carpal tunnel syndrome

'Unchristian' Tai Chi classes banned from church hall - Telegraph

Teen Drug Use Rises Again - ABC News

Venezuela's Chavez: I'm pro-Internet | Reuters

No more denim; no more SpongeBob scrubs | Deseret News

Coronary Plaque May Plague Long-Distance Runners - ABC News

Skunk freed after sticking head in peanut butter jar | GJSentinel.com

Wish you were a genius? Just practise, says geneticist David Shenk - Times Online

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

President: Obamacare deals 'privileged'

Critical 'personhood' plan revived by volunteers

The new Palace Guard

Where do we go from here?

Blame Republicans

If he wins, we lose

Facts don't matter to Obama and Dems

Public be deemed

The Alinsky plan for America

Pay as They Go: The Cruel Calculus of Deportation | CommonDreams.org

Op-Ed Contributor - The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com

Hollywood’s Broke Part 1: Recognizing There’s a Problem

Hollywood’s Broke Part 2: The Diagnosis

Hollywood’s Broke Part 3: The Details

Hollywood’s Broke Part 4: The Innovation Deficit

Michael Marxist: A Love Story

ZoNation: The Fall of America

Day by Day: Offense/Defense

Obama Nation: Motivational Speakers

Open — ObamaCare: The Movie — Thread

Elvis at the Senior Center

Liberals in Congress Destroy Freedom in America and Their Own Re-Election Prospects This Fall

The Socialists Won A Battle; Now It is Our Turn

Census Stalkers

Capitalism and Health Care

ObamaCare: Time to Fire Speaker Pelosi

Hope and Change: Had Enough?

Monday Open Thread: Repeal Edition

Obama: Fame Junkie

Sean Hannity – A Stalwart Champion for our Troops: Don’t Listen to His Detractors

Lefty SOP: The Elevation of the Particular to the General, or, Tar Everyone With the Same Brush

America’s Day of Wreckoning — the Socialist Putsch Comes to Washington

Bart Stupak, Cheap Suit, Congresscritter of Easy Virtue, Rube, Hogarthian Trollop

Overnight Thread: ‘Health-Care’ Debacle; Congratulations, Sen. John McCain (R–Media) — You Made This Day Possible

Bart Stupak: Liar, Cheap Date, Soon-to-Be-Former Congressman from Michigan

Bart Stupak, Gullibility, Mendacity, and the Party of Death

- Big Journalism

‘Journalists’ Pelton and Jordan Get All Wet Carrying Water For Inept CIA

About Those ‘Racial Slurs:’ Real News or Media Propaganda?

Behind the Scenes of the Freedom Concerts Tours

Hello, Suckers! Happy Birthday to the Ponzi Generation

YouTube - Both Sides React to Health Care Vote

A New Dawn for Health-Care Stocks - Barrons.com

UPDATE 1-U.S. states launch lawsuits against healthcare plan | Reuters

Nanotech cancer treatment shown to work in humans – Paging Dr. Gupta - CNN.com Blogs

Few Shades Of Gray In Reaction To Health Care Bill : NPR

Sebelius: Americans Will Embrace Health Reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

HamiltonCountyStar.com | Hamilton County, Indiana, breaking news, photos, things to do | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star

Experts Talk Health-Care Reform Bill Impact - BusinessWeek


***Text of the Executive Order on Abortion - National - The Atlantic


'This Week' Transcript: Karl Rove and David Plouffe - ABC News


Johnny Depp: Playing Mad Hatter 'wasn't a great stretch' - USATODAY.com

Vivid Entertainment offers to pay Octomom Nadya Suleman's mortgage payments in exchange for porn

What's Next for Conan O'Brien: Fact vs. Fiction - Culture - The Atlantic

Courtney Love gets back to work -- and it's about time - Pop Candy: Unwrapping pop culture's hip and hidden treasures

FOXNews.com - Top Pathologist: Investigate Possible Holloway Find

PETA Takes On Tyson - Gothamist

EPA Chief: To Tighten Standards For Four Water Contaminants - WSJ.com

Islamic countries pledge $850 million to develop Darfur / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Turn out the lights on Saturday - The Boston Globe

Ayatollah Khamenei Denounces Overture by Obama - NYTimes.com

It's Catholicism Itself, Stupid | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Popular Educator Shot Dead in Pakistan | Asia | English

YouTube - Historic health care vote

YouTube - Raw Video: Rally for Immigration Reform

Obama Plans to Sign Health Overhaul Bill on Tuesday - NYTimes.com

Broad coalition packs Mall to urge overhaul of immigration laws - washingtonpost.com

Bank Bill Set to Pass Committee on Party Line Vote - ABC News

Public support for nuclear power at new peak - washingtonpost.com

The nuclear waste problem: Where to put it? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Crime Scene - Two life sentences, no parole for woman who killed girls, kept bodies in freezer

Congress approves historic health care legislation

UN report: 227 million escape world's slums

G20 policeman's trial in balance over missing 'victim'

Man jailed for 20 years for Matalan manager murder

Air pollution 'causing early deaths of 50,000 a year'

Seaweed bread 'may hold key to beating obesity'

Woman says RI officer raped her, came to hospital

Supreme Court refuses Noriega's rehearing request

Obama to sign health bill, take it on the road

NYC taxi scam smaller than first believed

UN: Polluted water killing, sickening millions

NYC settles jails strip search lawsuit for $33M

Cinergy Health Commentary on House Healthcare Bill

Statement by Irwin Redlener, MD, President, Children's Health Fund on Passage of a Health Care Reform Package by the House

AAHSA Statement on Passage of Health Reform Legislation

Fox News Splits Screen, Shows Teabagger Protests During Stupak Presser

Report - Navy Anti-Terror Drill Will Go Delta Level Security

ADL’s Attempt To Sodomize America | Real Zionist News

Op-Ed Columnist - A Ruinous Meltdown, State After State - NYTimes.com

ObamaCare To Be Enforced By IRS 'Bounty Hunters'

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The CIA, Project X and American Dissidents

Princeton University - A sweet problem: Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain

Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

SPLC Attacks Colorado Public TV For Programming on 9/11

Why does the U.S. Healthcare Bill remind me of Logan’s Run?

Civil Liberties in Obama’s America

Has Germany just killed the dream of a European superstate? - Telegraph

China stirs anti-US feeling ahead of expected Google shut down - Telegraph

The Politics of Obammunism « LewRockwell.com Blog

THE Most Important Chart of the CENTURY | FedUpUSA

New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ - Bloomberg.com

Internet usage overtakes television watching: Report


Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-21, Sunday

Bill Cunningham 3/21/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 3/21/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 3/21/10 Hour 3