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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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20 March 2010

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IRS to Gain Power From the Health Care Bill


Obama, Congress, and Treason Against the Constitution


YouTube - On Cavuto The Great One Mark Levin - 100 Times Worse Than Watergate


YouTube - Gibbs on Levin


KUHNER: Impeach the president? - Washington Times

» The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’ - Big Government

YouTube - Democrats, GOP Prep for Possible Weekend Vote on Health Reform


9 major changes in the new health care bill - Health care- msnbc.com


Pelosi "Demon Pass" Strategy - Yet another Obama assault on the Constitution

YouTube - Obama - Health Care Magic in Ohio

Why Did Kucinich Cave In To Obama?


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority



YouTube - We Are Change has Amy Goodman on the run

Bigeye Blog - The 911 Cat is Out of the Bag, by Stewart Ogilby

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Emergency Internet control bill gets a rewrite | Politics and Law - CNET News

New password-stealing virus targets Facebook | Reuters

Congressman Grayson Demands Release of AIG Emails

Blair's fight to keep his oil cash secret: Former PM's deals are revealed as his earnings since 2007 reach £20million

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - NYTimes.com

Police swarm SRJC for drill | PressDemocrat.com

Pre-Crime Policing - Reason Magazine

TaxProf Blog: Your New Facebook Friend: The IRS

Nothing Outside the State by Robert Higgs

Data mining project benefits investigators, scares privacy experts - St. Petersburg Times

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

YouTube - Hannity, Morris Agree with Conspiracy People About New World Order

Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal!


YouTube - New World Order


Thousands of Illegal Aliens to March On D.C. to Demand They Be Legalized

Buying Votes for Health Care Bill With Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Brown calls anti-police booby traps in Riverside County 'urban terrorism' - Los Angeles Times

Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records (Update5) - BusinessWeek

Celente: The Stimulus Game is Up

Putting a price on Afghan life

YouTube - POLICE STATE 2010: Homeland Security Unveils Mobile Mind Screening Checkpoints

Power-tripping TSA thug threatens to bar travel

YouTube - Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out Infowars, censors real questions

The Reykjavik Grapevine - News from Iceland / Read Article

Latvia government collapses amid economic crisis - Telegraph

Court Case On Gun Control and State Sovereignty are Popping Up Everywhere

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA

YouTube - POLICE STATE 4 TRAILER: The Rise of FEMA: Pre-Order Your Copy Today!

Dem Congressman On Health Bill: Insurance Companies Are “Holding Hostages”

Laid Off Worker Remotely Disables Over 100 Cars

Vitamin D better than vaccines at preventing flu, report claims - Times Online

Should Conspiratorial Thinking Be The Default Position?

Greenspan Concedes Fed Failed to Gauge Bubble - NYTimes.com


Now Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely

*Feb10/FRB: Testimony--Bernanke, Federal Reserve's exit strategy--February 10, 2010


American's Journey: Jesse Ventura on RT: Challenges Bill O'Reilly to Interview Him on American Conspiracies


EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul-Great Interview With CNN John King-Health Care, Liberty,Tea Party


YouTube - Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points

YouTube - Facebook - CIA Profile Database

YouTube - John Yoo: A President Can Nuke the US



Whiff of Eugenics: Ginsburg Tells NYT Roe Was About 'Populations That We Don't Want .... Too Many Of' | NewsBusters.org

The Big Health Care Vote « LewRockwell.com Blog

Republicans assail IRS provision in health care bill - The Hill's On The Money


EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage Mocks Obama Care


EclippTV :: Video :: Reagan Explains Inflation


YouTube - Make Mine Freedom (1948)


Obama, Clinton Money Man Guilty Of Major Fraud Scheme | Judicial Watch

Op-Ed Columnist - A Ruinous Meltdown, State After State - NYTimes.com


EclippTV :: Video :: Obama & Congress's Treasonous Act to Pass Health-Care without a Vote

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama & Congress's Treasonous Act to Pass Health-Care without a Vote p2

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama & Congress's Treasonous Act to Pass Health-Care without a Vote p3

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama & Congress's Treasonous Act to Pass Health-Care without a Vote p4

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama & Congress's Treasonous Act to Pass Health-Care without a Vote p5


EclippTV :: Video :: ISRAELI INVOLVEMENT In The 9/11 WTC ATTACKS, 1 of 2

EclippTV :: Video :: ISRAELI INVOLVEMENT In The 9/11 WTC ATTACKS, 2 of 2


The Dark Face of Jewish Nationalism 9/11 - The US Military Knows Israel Did It




YouTube - The Military KNOWS Israel did 911


NO ONE TO VOTE FOR: The American Military now KNOWS Mossad carried out 9/11 Attacks


EclippTV :: Video :: Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11


Goon Squad: A History of Israeli-MOSSAD False-Flags Against the USA and others


Unemployment soars in U.S. metropolitan areas | Reuters

saukvalley.com | A deal is a deal: U.S. will buy prison even if it won’t hold terror suspects

Zionism and Nazism: Is there a difference that makes a difference?, by Roger Tucker (One Democratic State)

Tide Turns for GOP Candidate in Hawaii - WSJ.com

YouTube - Dr. Norman Finkelstein at the University of Waterloo - Arabic

Temple Bomb Suspects: The Feds Put Us Up to It! | NBC New York

CNSNews.com - White House Won't Rule Out That Obama Will Sign Other Bills Such As Immigration Reform That Are Not Put to Yea or Nay Votes in Both Houses

EclippTV :: Video :: Preparing America for Hyper-Inflation


Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records - 12160.org

Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records (Update5) - Bloomberg.com


Could Israel Drag America into a War with Iran? - Newsweek.com

YouTube - Inhofe: Al Gore, Global Warming Alarmists Running for Cover After Climategate

Jesuit teachers at top German school admit sexually abusing boys - Times Online

Pope Benedict XVI's almighty battle in the Catholic Church - Telegraph

Boy Scouts sex files now evidence in Ore. lawsuit


**Film Of 1906 SF Street Car Ride 4 Days Before Quake, Fire


YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs story (pt1 of 2)

YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs oligarchy (pt2 of 2)

A Little Known Fact About The 9/11 Planes

Charred Meat May Double Risk of Cancer

Not all nonbelievers hate religion

Blatant US Census Corruption: Counting Illegals & Non Americans as 'Residents' (March 18, 2010)

Medicating the military - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

savethemales.ca - Aldous Huxley's Dictatorship by Seduction


Madoff In Jerusalem

Markets spooked as Greek rescue plan crumbles - Telegraph

IMF calls for new body to save taxpayers from burden of failing banks | Business | guardian.co.uk

Israel Is Boss

Young Men Disappearing from Palestine

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Vietnam, Western Intelligence and Ho Chi Minh

Kevin MacDonald: Pat Buchanan is Censored by Human Events « The Occidental Observer Blog

The US-Israel 'Rift' - More Conjured Than Real

Federal Eye - Retired Army general to lead TSA

Asymmetric War Comes To America

America's 'Houdini Recovery' Under IMF-Type Austerity

An inquiry is vital, but the church's moral authority is lost for ever | Madeleine Bunting | Comment is free | The Guardian

Facebook row as Middle East officials ban user 'who insulted Islam' - Telegraph

Ghost Photo - Victorian Lady In UK Baby's Room?

Happy 1st birthday: Mother keeps McDonald's Happy Meal for a whole year... and it still hasn't gone off | Mail Online

The 'toxic fat' that can strangle your organs and how to shed it | Mail Online

Egyptian writer's call for new Ka'bah shrine causes international uproar | World news | guardian.co.uk

Russia and US clash over Iran nuclear plant - Telegraph

Iranian weapons seized in Afghanistan - Telegraph

Pakistan arrests put stop to Taliban talks – UN envoy | World news | guardian.co.uk

France offers to join forces with UK's nuclear submarine fleet | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gay Dutch soldiers responsible for Srebrenica massacre says US general - Telegraph

The anti-Venezuela election campaign | Mark Weisbrot | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Cloaking device makes objects invisible – to infrared light anyway | Science | guardian.co.uk

Harry Potter: 'invisibility cloak' prototype created by scientists - Telegraph

China recruits classroom snoops to fight violence and pornography | Education | guardian.co.uk

World votes to continue trading in species on verge of extinction - Times Online

Climategate: two more bricks fall out of the IPCC wall of deceit – rainforests and polar bears – Telegraph Blogs

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Hey diddle diddle, they're all on the fiddle | Mail Online

Greens sacrifice babies to Satan, sell grandmothers into slavery, etc – Telegraph Blogs

Sir John Houghton: AGW is real because I've got a knighthood, I'm a scientist and I say so – Telegraph Blogs

No police officer disciplined over G20 protests, says report | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Moscow: British troops to march on Red Square under Stalin portrait | Mail Online

How the US and the EU sustained the Castro dictatorship – Telegraph Blogs

Mitt Romney and the mysterious case of two daggers – Telegraph Blogs

Privatizing The Census

Drug-Resistant TB Might Be Worsening

Boehner asks Pelosi for ‘call of the roll’ on final vote

FOXNews.com - Not So Fast! Challenges Could Drag Out Health Bill Votes

Ron Paul on John King USA

Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M - Chicago Breaking Business

YouTube - Alex Catches Pay off for Anti-Gun Testimony on The Alex Jones Show 2001

Court Cases On Gun Control And State Sovereignty Are Popping Up Everywhere

Biden: “We’re Going To Control The Insurance Companies”

Saying insurance firms have ‘hostaged’ Congress, Democrat won’t vote for health bill

Health Care: Bart Stupak a Firm 'No' Health Care Vote as Obama Continues to Push Democrats - ABC News

Democrats Gain Support as They Move on Health Vote (Update4) - Bloomberg.com

Obama's Approval Rating Lowest Yet, Congress' Declines

***The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 19th Health Care Special

Dodd wants criminal probe of Lehman ‘manipulation’ | Raw Story

Paul Krugman vs. Reality

Residents powerless to remove illegal immigrants from their gardens | Mail Online

US Forest Service admits putting surveillance cameras on public lands

Language of Religious Fervor Inflames Climate Change Debate

Ground Zero workers settlement unfair: judge | Raw Story

UN chief backs Palestinian state in West Bank visit - Yahoo! News

Multiple strikes over new tax 'cripple' Athens

New Policy at D.C. Federal Courthouse Restricts Liquids, Gels - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

US Forest Service admits putting surveillance cameras on public lands | islandpacket.com

Language of Religious Fervor Inflames Climate Change Debate - NYTimes.com

Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal! - Restore The Republic

03-19-2010: Federal Judge Orders More Talks on 9/11 Deal

03-19-2010: TV presenter gets death sentence for 'sorcery'

03-19-2010: US military pushed for closure of CIA-Saudi website: report

03-19-2010: Geneva atom smasher sets record for beam energy

*Hannity's Freedom Charity A Huge Scam Says Conservative Columnist

South America To Create New EU Styled Bloc

NASA's Ames director envisions role of 'interplanetary Internet

03-19-2010: Yuan Poised to Become Reserve Currency

03-19-2010: 16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare

The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" | The Vigilant Citizen

03-18-2010: Obama endorses immigration blueprint

03-18-2010: Tracking Electric Use Could Allow Utilities to Track You, Too

U.S. kids even fatter than believed, study shows

Carbon market chaos strikes again

Total Sellout: American Academy of Family Physicians Lets Coca-Cola Sponsor Health Advice

Taliban Controlling Marjah by Night

The Offshored Economy

Greenspan is Back

The Electronic Police State, 2010

Seeking a 'real' end to Iraq War

UnPACking AIPAC’s White House Slam, Israeli style

US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent

"This Bill is a Death Sentence"

Zero Point of Systemic Collapse

Homeland Security seeking clearance to fly drones over Texas

World votes to continue trading in species on verge of extinction

Credit Card Firm: We Were Subpoenaed By Feds In Ensign Case

MI5 and MI6 have to deal with torturers, government says

Russians Give Message to U.S. Generals in Afghanistan: Bribe the Taliban

Taliban rises again in Kunduz, forcing more U.S. troops toward north

Yemen preacher urges jihad on United States


Secret Document Calls Wikileaks 'Threat' to U.S. Army


*34 pg/U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks


Antiwar coalition fined by US government

Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy

Nato's Baltic Military Exercises Rouse Suspicion

Ukraine’s Presidential Election: The Geopolitical Landscape of the Entire Eurasia Space is Affected

VIDEO: Was 9/11 an "Inside Job"?

High-stakes Eurasian Chess Game: Russia’s New Geopolitical Energy Calculus

AUDIO: Why The Facts of 9/11 Must Be Suppressed

Mass Unemployment and the Current Economic Crisis

The Supreme Court's "Make Believe Law"

Economic Bubbles and Financial Crises, Past and Present

11 Years Later: NATO Powers Prepare Final Solution In Kosovo

The New Cuban Missile Crisis: The "Missile Defense" Arms Race.

Creating our Own Credit: The Growing Movement for Publicly-Owned Banks

US/NATO Death Squads Killing Indiscriminately in Afghanistan

VIDEO: Prof. John McMurtry: Why The Facts of 9/11 Are Suppressed

Did Addington Oppose 9/11 Commission Questions to Avoid Independent Evaluation of Torture Program?

Activism is Change, Not academic Squabbles and Bickering


16,500 more IRS agents needed to enforce Obamacare


Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill (It's a Total Takeover)

**The Fact Sheet :HEALTH CARE**


Ex-Pfizer Worker Cites Genetically Engineered Virus In Lawsuit Over Firing

Wachovia Admits It Laundered Millions in Mexican Drug Cash

Does fluoride help cause lead poisoning?

The Incredible Bread Machine Film

Nearly One-Third of Doctors Could Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill Passes, According to Survey Reported in New England Journal of Medicine

YouTube - Future of Health-Care Reform

YouTube - Ron Paul-Great Interview With CNN John King-Health Care-Liberty-Tea Party

Oregon governor decides to squander $250,000 of public funds to rename a highway after his friend, then hides from reporters

Emergency Internet control bill gets a rewrite

Do You Want to Pay a 'National Broadband Fee'?

Excessive Intrusion, Less Security

Corporate Media Hypes “Homegrown” Threat of Patsies, Dupes, and Mental Deficients

Ruling: State Can Dump Non-Sex Offenders Into Registry

Colbert Makes Joke at Expense of Interned Japanese Americans

Ashcroft Can Be Held Accountable For Post-9/11 Wrongful Detention

Your Papers, Please

Medicare fix would push health care into the red

Exclusive: Next-generation super ID card on the cards for 2012 (It will control your entire life)

Barack Obama’s “America [Must] Serve” Plan

White House Won't Rule Out That Obama Will Sign Other Bills Such As Immigration Reform That Are Not Put to Yea or Nay Votes in Both Houses

Medical Marijuana Store Owner Refuses to Shut Down

Police: Six illegal immigrants raped Alexandria woman

Hawaii Residents: Taxed to Death and After

Ron Paul: There Is No Right to Health Care

YouTube - Operation Health Freedom - Peter Schiff

Nothing Outside the State

Obama Says Procedures Don’t Matter


YouTube - Bret Baier Interviews President Obama (Part 1) - 03/17/10

YouTube - Bret Baier Interviews President Obama (Part 2) - 03/17/10


Obama, Congress, and Treason Against the Constitution

Dem Congressman On Health Bill: Insurance Companies Are “Holding Hostages”

Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’

Republicans assail IRS provision in health care bill

Biden: "We're Going To Control The Insurance Companies"

YouTube - Opening Statement in Financial Services Hearing

Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records

Global warming? Al Gore quotes poor Peruvian farmer who complains: 'We have freezing temperatures when we shouldn't have freezing temperatures'

As Climate Change debate wages on, scientists turn to Hollywood for help

YouTube - Who is this man? 9-11 official story started minutes after.

Drug criminals block roads in Mexico

Fox News Poll: 68% Say Vote Out All Incumbents

Only 20% Say Most in Congress Will Understand Health Care Plan Before They Vote On It

56% Oppose Medicare Cuts in Health Care Proposal

YouTube - 9/11 truthers attend Treason in America

More homeowners are opting for 'strategic defaults'


YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 1/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 2/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 3/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 4/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 5/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 6/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 7/8

YouTube - Alan Watt Talks About Fabian Technocracy and America's Endgame on The Alex Jones Show 8/8


FEMA Detention Site Plans Exposed


The Wars of Tribe and Faith « Patrick J. Buchanan


Synergy in Security : Dollars & Sense

Money Out Of Thin Air: Now Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely?

Netanyahu’s Brother-in-Law: Obama’s an Anti-Semite - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Michele Bachmann: Obamacare Is 'Political Poison'

Bret Baier's Interview Reveals Obamacare Priorities

Lack of Trust Dooms Healthcare Gambit

Nuns Oppose Bishops on Healthcare Bill

Democrats' Tactics Just Plain Bad

Democrats Don't Have the Votes for Healthcare Takeover

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage

MEP: Euro will collapse, 'Pig States' to bring EU down

Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’

YouTube - War veterans and resisters say "All Out for March 20th-National March on Washington!"

Synagogue makeover exasperates Egyptians

Dutch Fury Over U.S. General's Gay Remark

Geneva Atom Smasher Sets Record

Trade Ban on Bluefin Tuna Fails

Newsmax - Boehner: Pelosi's 'Scheme and Plot' Unprecedented in American History

Newsmax - Stupak Still Opposed to Obamacare's Abortion Language

Newsmax - Obamacare Grants IRS Perilous Power, GOP Says

Newsmax - Obama to Dems: Our Fates Are Tied to Health Bill

Newsmax - Fox News Poll: 55% Oppose Healthcare Plan

Newsmax - Tea Party's Final Bid to Derail Obamacare

Newsmax - Bernanke: Keep Fed As Watchdog of Small US Banks

Newsmax - Waxman: No Health Deal With Abortion Opponents

Newsmax - Times: ACORN Facing Bankruptcy

Newsmax - Obama's Radiologist Cousin Slams Obamacare

Newsmax - Obama Uses YouTube to Reach Iranians

Newsmax - Obama Making Capitol Push for Healthcare Votes

Newsmax - Health Care Overhaul Fight Exposes Catholic Rift

Newsmax - Medicare Fix Would Push Health Care Into the Red

Newsmax - Dick Morris: Obama Selling Out Voters on Healthcare

Newsmax - Bond Blasts Holder's Bin Laden Comments

Newsmax - Group Led by Justice's Wife Cited for Fundraising

Newsmax - S.C., Fla. Ready to Sue Over Healthcare Deal

Newsmax - Pope Blasts Irish Bishops, Orders Vatican Probe

Newsmax - Clinton Says Agreement With Russia Near On Nukes

Newsmax - Army, Drug Gangs Battle in Mexico Amid Blockades

Newsmax - Newmax Columnists Weigh In: 10 Reasons to Oppose Obamacare

Newsmax - Final Health Bill Omits Some of Obama's Promises

Newsmax - Pentagon: Web Sites Publishing Classified Documents

Newsmax - Obama Legacy at Stake as Health Vote Looms

Newsmax - Deal Near for Guantanamo Closure

Newsmax - Obama Backs Plan to Legalize Illegals

Newsmax - Police: Arrest in NJ Walmart Racial Comment Case

Newsmax - Regulators Shut 7 Banks in 5 States; 37 in 2010

Newsmax - The Four Cities That Best Weathered the Recession

Newsmax - Judge Orders Renegotiation of 9/11 Settlement

Newsmax - Employers, Citing Mass. Law, Leery of Health Rules

Newsmax - Credit Card Scams Abound During Recession

Newsmax - Levy Announces Switch to GOP and N.Y. Gov Run

Newsmax - Subpoenas Reportedly Issued in Sen. Ensign Probe

Moneynews - FedEx CEO Smith: U.S. Rebound Could Shrivel

Moneynews - Roubini: Runaway Fiscal Deficits Worry Me

Moneynews - Rosenberg: Raw Data Show Retail Sales Are Really Falling

Moneynews - Meltzer: Fed Has No Clue How to End Financial Support

Omega-3 Reduces Dangerous Colon Polyps

Barack Obama and the date-rape of America

You and Your Neighbors Will Determine the Fate of ObamaCare

The Myth of the Techno-Utopia - WSJ.com

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Saturn may have oxygen atmosphere, reveals Cassini's latest snapshot

NASA - The Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater


Future bio-nanotechnology will use computer chips inside living cells

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record again

Daily Dispatch Online

Solar sails take shape - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Scientists develop ‘invisibility cloaks’ - Times Online

Google Street View shows 'secret' SAS base in major security breach | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Couple Believes They Have Underwater Photo of Natalee Holloway's Remains

Earthfiles.com Environment | Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB

Florida Vampire to Run For President - CBS News

Scientists supersize quantum mechanics : Nature News

BBC News - New exoplanet like 'one of ours'

Medieval child's brain to unlock human thought processes - Telegraph

In a Desert in China, a Trove of 4,000-Year-Old Mummies - NYTimes.com

'Therapeutic ringtones' for mobile phones create a buzz in Japan - Times Online

Ananova - Vatican to probe Virgin Mary sightings

SPACE.com -- NASA Lunar Orbiter Spots Old Soviet Moon Landers


Oath Keepers



*Kingdom Identity Ministries

*Christ First Discipleship Ministries:AUDIO/VIDEO LINK PAGE

*ZIONIST NEWS ARCHIVE:(/www.jewwatch.com/)Video Archive


YouTube - End Close, Health Care Battle Tilts Obama's Way

First step begins in the healthcare fray: Committee setting up ground rules - latimes.com

House committee to determine rules for voting on health plan - washingtonpost.com

Obama Tells Congress: Act Soon on Financial Reform - ABC News

Latinos press Obama to deliver immigration reform - washingtonpost.com

One more census question: Anyone want these jobs? - The Boston Globe

5 things you need to know about: the census - SignOnSanDiego.com

Acorn on Brink of Bankruptcy, Officials Say - NYTimes.com

Levy Enters Race for New York Governor as Republican - NYTimes.com

Booby traps targeting California police lead to $200K reward offer - CNN.com

Autopsy of boy yields few clues - South Sound - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington

YouTube - Autopsy: Boy Found on Wash. Beach Drowned

Sarah Palin Talks Health Care, Tea Party Movement on 'Glenn Beck' - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com

Roger Ailes to Fox News' Glenn Beck haters: Stop 'shooting in the tent'

Glenn Beck, Steve King: Health Care Bill Vote an Affront to God - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

44 - Reid to visit House with "whip check" in hand

FOXNews.com - Memo Purportedly Urges Dems to Keep Quiet on Critical Health Care Topics

Romancing the Health Care Memo Hoax | The Moderate Voice

Democrats question credibility of memo - Craig Gordon - POLITICO.com

Holder defends lawyers for terror detainees - washingtonpost.com

AG Holder Fights Back Against Critics of Guantanamo Lawyers - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

Revamped student loan bill tucked into massive health bill - USATODAY.com

Chicago forum to discuss how Obama can help African Americans - washingtonpost.com

Smiley brings 'black agenda' discussion here :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell

Swarm of bees attacks 2 women in north Phoenix, stinging them hundreds of times - latimes.com

ABC News Under Fire For Payment To Murder Suspect : NPR

FOXNews.com - Lawyer: ABC News Paid Casey Anthony $200,000

Sandusky man arrested in gay protest at White House

Boehner to Speaker Pelosi: “Every Member Should Stand Before the American People and Announce His or Her Vote” | Republican Leader John Boehner

Michael W. McConnell: The Health Vote and the Constitution—II - WSJ.com

Final health bill omits some of Obama's promises

House Leaders Work to Alleviate 11th-Hour Medicare Concerns - Bloomberg.com

Hatch Says It’s ’Nuts’ to Think House Vote Ends Health Issue - Bloomberg.com

Medicare fix would push health care into the red - Yahoo! Finance

Malcolm X Killer Paroled - March 19, 2010

Playmate Anna Nicole Smith's heirs, left penniless

Rosie O’Donnell Back to Daytime TV « Showbiz411's Blog

Liberals Getting a Taste of How ‘Balance’ Feels: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

Jihad as American as apple pie, says US-born cleric - Yahoo! News

US states sue EPA to stop greenhouse gas rules | Reuters

Thousands rally against Putin, dozens detained - Yahoo! News

Russian 'Day of Anger' rallies tests Putin's rule - Yahoo! News

Arizona sheriff launches immigration sweep - Yahoo! News

My Way News - PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama in immigration dance

My Way News - Member of Texas polygamist sect sentenced 75 years

Mega Sign Stirs More Debate Plan to Save 'Hollywood' Comes With a Hefty Price Tag; Tom Hanks Chips In - WSJ.com

Fire Kills Hundreds of Birds at Gilcrease Nature Sanctuary - Las Vegas Now

Cops: Blood Thirsty Suspect Bit Cabbie Repeatedly During Attempted Robbery - wcbstv.com

Wal-Mart to slash grocery prices | Reuters

REALITY REPORT – Patrick Wood from August Review 3-17-10 - Restore The Republic

Ferris Geithner's Day Off by Gary North

Ask Not What Ron Paul Can Do for You… by Mark R. Crovelli

Say ‘Yes’ to Capitalism by Walter Block

Paul Krugman Versus Reality by Peter Schiff

Jim Rogers: Economy Will Run Out of Gas by 2012

We already have a new gold standard, says Marc Faber - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Up close and personal with Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

 | Movies | NewJerseyNewsroom.com -- Your State. Your News.

It Was a Wonderful Life by Jim Quinn

Compensate for the Deficiencies of the Average American Diet

View from the Lab: Who is a Jew? DNA can hold the key - Telegraph

Reality Report Special Interview- Kathrine Albrecht - Restore The Republic

Court: Anna Nicole Smith Gets None of Oil Fortune - ABC News

YouTube - Court: Anna Nicole Estate Won't Get Oil Fortune

Lady Gaga responds to suit filed by ex-boyfriend | EW.com

A Chat With the Brains Behind the Jaw-Dropping 'Life' | PopEater.com

2 actresses tweet teen's suicide threat | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/20/2010

Octomom may lose home to foreclosure: report | EW.com

Lisa de Moraes - ABC snags foreign reporter Amanpour from CNN to host 'This Week' - washingtonpost.com

The Stoopid It Burns: Palin says Obama's 'lack of experience' leaves him 'a bit over his head' on HCR

GOP Touts Hoax Memo To Back Up Their HCR Propaganda

Hannity Attacked From The Right - His Charity Spends More On His Private Jets & Consultants Than Wounded Soldier's Kids

Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck

Joseph Califano: Fun and Games with Swine Flu, National Health Insurance and Saccharine - and it's only 1977

Stupak still denies logic on HCR and then talks about his new abortion play: "Enrollment corrections bill"

Democracy Now: Kucinich and Nader Debate the Health Care Bill and Government Reform

Fair Use For Viacom?

Psychiatrist: I Warned Church About Abusive Priest

An Anniversary Too Sad To Celebrate

Beck: Health-care reform will affect America like the bombing of Pearl Harbor

ABC Poaches Christiane Amanpour to Host 'This Week'. Good News For Public Debate!

Bart Stupak hates Nuns

Will Southwest Washington State Opt For A Fresh Start? Or More Of The Same Tired Special Interests Politics?

Retired General says "Gay" Dutch soldiers and Liberalism were the reason for Serbian massacre

Fox News Can't Believe Those Torture-Lovin' Frenchies

Senator Coburn: "Holder-in-Chief"

Why Is Fox Funding Ops Research On A Minister Simply For Preaching Social Justice?

Michael Steele on the CBO Report: 'That's a Lie'

"In the Public Interest" - With Friends Like The FCC . . . 1995

YouTube - Fed Up with Mehico Border Patrol

Victims disappointed by Pope abuse letter - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

YouTube - Pope's apology 'not enough'

Iranians celebrate Persian New Year, Nowruz

BBC News - UN chief Ban Ki-moon demands Israel settlements halt

Taliban Arrests Have Halted Early Talks, Former Envoy Says - NYTimes.com

Thousands rally against Putin, dozens detained | Reuters

Putin offers U.S. hints of support | Reuters

UN chief mourns death of former Nepalese prime minister

US Holds Firm on Issue of 1915 Massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks | Europe | English

Japan sighs relief as bluefin tuna ban fails / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Sierra Leone minister denies mine collapse | Reuters

Dutch outrage as US general blames gay soldiers for Srebrenica - Times Online

YouTube - Retired gen. Sheehan blames Dutch gay soldiers for Srebrenica

BBC News - China sandstorm leaves Beijing shrouded in orange dust

Iyad Allawi marginally ahead of PM Maliki in Iraq election vote count - Middle East - World - The Times of India

Men Shown on French Video Not ETA Suspects - Court - NYTimes.com

Ukrainians urged to support Earth Hour campaign

Indonesia disappointed after Barack Obama delays trip / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Slandering Military Charities a New Low

Daily Gut: The Spurning of Chris Matthews

REVIEW: ‘Damages’ Ranks as TV’s Best Legal Thriller

You Can’t Remake ‘The Rockford Files’

REVIEW: ‘Kimjongilia’ Exposes the Evil of North Korea

War on Terror Films: Dear Hollywood, You’re Doing It Wrong

ObamaCare: The Slaughter House Three


**Podcast: Obamacare’s Endgame


How Obamacare Will Reshape the Workforce | The New Ledger

A First Look At The House Health Care Fix: More Bad News | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.





Madame Speaker, Let Every Member Stand and Be Counted

YouTube - Leader Boehner Delivers Weekly GOP Address on Health Care

Obama Supporter: ‘What’s Wrong With A Little Bit Of Socialism?’

YouTube - What's Wrong With A Little Socialism

ACORN Preparing for Bankruptcy

Why Health Care Reform Must Pass

Health Care Deform Would Be More Than a Pest for Caterpillar

The Perversion of Honest Law Making: The Slippery Slope that Lies Ahead

Freedom Alliance Responds to Allegations Against Sean Hannity

The Educated Idiots Award (Vol. 1, No. 3): ‘Redemption Song’

Sabbath: Vote On Abortion

Dem Memo: ‘Do Not Allow Yourself to Get into a Discussion’ of Health Bill Score

Don’t ‘Slaughter’ the Healthcare Bill—Kill it!

Breaking: While An Anxious Nation Is Transfixed By The Healthcare Debate, The Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding

AmeriCorps: Obama’s Scandal-Plagued Indoctrination Machine

The Obamacare Deficit Fraud

To Boldly Go Where No Man… Aw, Fugeddaboutit; ‘Health Care’ Is More Important Than the Future

In Which Mediaite’s Tommy ‘We Got Him!’ Christopher Fails To Get MSNBC’s David Shuster To Attack Andrew Breitbart

Obama Pal Alexi Giannoulias and his Hinky Broadway Bank: Is A Democrat Machine Bait-n-Switch Of Its Senate Candidate in Play?

Why Obama’s ‘Health-Care Reform’ Will Ruin Health Care in America

Racist Liberal Media Attempts to Brand Tea Parties Racist, Fails

Useful Idiots: Angry White Man

How Political Correctness Continues To Get Americans Killed

John Edwards, Sleazeball: Another Story the MSM Didn’t Bother To Tell You About, Until It Was Almost Too Late


AUDIO:Katherine Albrecht/ HR 1

AUDIO:Katherine Albrecht/ HR 2

E BOOK $$$

E BOOK:Mises on Money




*Aaron Russo UNPLUGGED 1:22:28

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview. 36:49

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version 1:51:16

Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order Watch this video on veoh.com 1:09:23

The Real Story RFID with Katherine Albrecht 33:10

YouTube - CTDM: America Restoring A Heritage - Katherine Albrecht


SATIRE:WND RADIO '10 pills and you're fine'

YouTube - O MAMA

Watch CNN's Anderson Cooper get 'smoked' on 'Jeopardy'

YouTube - Cheech Marin Smokes Anderson Cooper!

WND RADIO 'They're paying off all these people for their votes'

Oops! Did Dems mean to start this fire?

WND RADIO '$569 billion in new taxes and a whole lot of mandates'

WND RADIO 'It will tear our country apart'

Rapist jailed 20 years after committing crime following new DNA evidence - Telegraph

24 years for 'weapon dog' murderer - News, People - The Independent

PIX Exclusive: Man Dubbed 'Serial Urinator' Nitinkuma Patel Caught by Jersey City Police - WPIX

Nannycam Video Lands Babysitter In Jail - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

Sub Commander Relieved for Misconduct

Talk show host DeGeneres presents $30K scholarship to lesbian student in Miss. prom flap - chicagotribune.com

Report: IRS dogged by information security lapses that make taxpayer records 'vulnerable' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Cloak of invisibility takes a step forward - Yahoo! News

America’s top 20 conservative-friendly counties | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

10 ways you might be breaking the law with your computer: UPDATED | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com

FOXNews.com - Artist in Hot Water for Posing Baby as World's Most Evil Leaders

Book makes new claims about Anne Frank - Yahoo! News

Political autism

Progressive control-freaks

The truth about Republicans and the 'Hispanic vote'

The new Palace Guard

America's undermining of Israel

Why intellectuals evangelize

Union-controlled disasters

What was God thinking?

The nonexistent, evil chick called Easter

The Lord of Life

New Survey by Former Bush Speechwriter Finds Tea Partiers Largely Ignorant about Taxes, Lots of Other Stuff | Firedoglake

Glenn Beck hates Christians!

American Thinker Blog: Why isn't this man happy?

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

President: Obamacare deals 'privileged'

Critical 'personhood' plan revived by volunteers

Explained? New Mexico's Hebrew Ten Commandments

Critics call Census pages 'involuntary colonoscopy'

The new Palace Guard

Obama's desperate demagoguery

The tea-party manifesto

Why we really need government health care

Audit Obama

All issues are 'social issues'

Girl Scouts hiding secret sex agenda?

President: Obamacare deals 'privileged'

UPDATE 1-Obama optimistic on weekend healthcare vote | Reuters

Bachmann: Democrats are going to ‘profane the Sabbath’ « Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

Pelosi Calls on Catholic Saint to Pass Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill, Flubs Date

Boehner wants 'call of the roll' on healthcare vote - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

'Don't count on courts to uphold Constitution'

Anger at Washington reaches full throttle

Brick thrown through window in Slaughter's Falls office : Latest Local News : The Buffalo News

Mark Levin: We will sue over health-care trick

Bill to Opt Out of Health Care Passes - WSB News on wsbradio.com

Cancer scans delayed in NHS funding crisis as doctors fear 'slash and burn' cuts | Mail Online

Ants eat coma patient's eye: News24: World: News

Temple Institute wants to Offer Biblical Passover Sacrifice - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Legal action considered for snub by correspondents

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Attacks Michele Bachmann: 'She's A Freaking Dwarf'

TV presenter gets death sentence for 'sorcery' - CNN.com

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

» Breaking: While An Anxious Nation Is Transfixed By The Healthcare Debate, The Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding - Big Government

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Rasmussen: Obama more disliked than Bush?

Hannity charity fights 'smear'

Did White House 'organizing' step over line?

Coming Attractions: Rep. Paul Ryan Warns of a Top Marginal Tax Rate of 88% « Three Fingers of Politics

Congressman: 'We will keep stealing'

Natalee Holloway's Remains? Couple Thinks They Photographed Missing Teen's Skeleton - ABC News

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

General David Petraeus tipped as Republican 2012 presidential candidate - Telegraph

Explained? New Mexico's Hebrew Ten Commandments

Critics call Census pages 'involuntary colonoscopy'

The 2010 Census Form Has No Category For People Who Consider Their Race To Be Hispanic Or Latino - WPIX

'Muslim Mafia' counters in battle to quash book

Gitmo suspects allowed laptops while in custody - Washington Times

Chicago man David Coleman Headley admits scouting for Mumbai massacre that left 166 dead

Gibbs' briefing blocks questions on honor for child-killer

AGAIN! City orders Bible study closed


*American Minute for March 20th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Elections official frets over eligibility attorney's run

President's birth certificate: right-wing propoganda? | KETKnbc.com | The News Station


Anthony Weiner Smacks Down Peggy Noonan

Who's Anxiety is it, Anyway?

New American Nightmare

House Democrats Vote to Uphold Slaughter Rule; Mark Levin Prepares Lawsuit

Nancy from Nevada and Levin on Article I, Sec. 5 of the Constitution


*Listen:Congressman Paul Ryan on the Mark Levin Show


YouTube - SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance

Focus on What's in the Senate Bill

President Obama Declares All-Out War on the US Insurance Industry

El Rushbo Clears Up the Confusion Surrounding the Slaughter Solution

On Ethics, Let the Minority Rule

Is the White House Emotionally Lashing Out at Israel?

How Obama Is Turning America against Israel

There's No Caring in ObamaCare

Generational Theft

Putin scolds Clinton, US, as if we were children

SCOTUS may yet intervene on Slaughter rule

Pro-Life fix for senate bill might seal Obamacare's fate

How is Obamacare like the sub-prime mortgage mess?

Media ignoring Obama 'gotchya moment' from Fox News interview

Obama needs a history lesson on Israel

Union teacher 'just kidding' about hanging Obama in effigy

Taxpayer-Funded Abortion on Demand, Courtesy of a Catholic and a Mormon

Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

The Exploitation of Israel's Vulnerability

Beware the 'Expert'

Community Organizing 2.0: 'Climate Community Activism'

The Politically Correct Libertarian

Obama and Israel: Making the Same Mistake Again and Again

Mr. McDonald's Handgun

Debbie Schlussel:The Freedom Alliance’s Weak, Empty “Response”; More to Come on This Fraud

Debbie Schlussel:Is Simon Cowell Really Converting to Islam?

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim U.S. Census Power Grab: “You Ain’t White!”

Debbie Schlussel:Tragic Detroit: Heroic Father Gives His Life to Save Mentally Disabled Son From Gunshots

Debbie Schlussel:CNN Upset Over Israeli Ad Mocking Dubai Assassination

Debbie Schlussel:Moron: Obama’s Immigration Chief Orders Agents to Leave Illegal Aliens Alone During Census

Debbie Schlussel:Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Freedom Alliance Statement on Debbie Schlussel Attack

Will Democrats in Congress stop at nothing? - baltimoresun.com

New Gallup Poll finds Americans suddenly souring more on Obama; Now, why could that be? | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Rep. Darrell Issa: The lackluster record of government-run health care | Washington Examiner

Frenzied push for health care bill - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - Why Democrats Are Doomed if ObamaCare Passes

Dana Milbank - Health reform and the specter of Alf Landon - washingtonpost.com

Michael W. McConnell: The Health Vote and the Constitution—II - WSJ.com

Fight Republicans’ hypocrisy - The Boston Globe

The Process Is the Substance | The Weekly Standard

White House Memo - For Obama, Health Care Pushes Other Issues to the Margins - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Difference Between a President and a King

The Obama "Narrative" Narrative - Reason Magazine

Immigrants to Obama: It's Time

Paul Krugman, the Nobel prize winner who threatens the world - Telegraph

Health Care Reform: Through The Looking Glass - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

The ObamaCare Crossroads - WSJ.com

Democrats' healthcare bill isn't perfect, but it's a necessary start - latimes.com

EDITORIAL: For bankruptcy and socialism - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Kyl sees Senate health debate starting Tuesday if House passes bill Sunday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Health-care legislation's insurance subsidies prompt questions of affordability - washingtonpost.com


*Transcripts:19 MAR/Obama's Speech on Health Care Reform


*18 MAR/Panel on Special Health Care Deals

Interview with Rep. Henry Cuellar

Interview with Minority Whip Eric Cantor

Interview with Senator Scott Brown

Senator Mary Landrieu on Health Care

Health Care Analysts Discuss the Bill

Obama Signs HIRE Act Into Law

Clinton's Remarks with Russia's Foreign Minister


*Politics Video/3-20Nuns Back Health Care Reform

Hoyer: We're Going To Have The Votes

Boehner: We Can Win This Fight

Rep. Cao A Firm 'No'

Rep. Boccieri Plans To Vote 'Yes'

Obama: Health Care Is About America's Character

Reps. Wasserman-Schultz, Broun On Health Care

Rep. Smith: Leaning Toward Voting 'Yes'

Rep. Courtney To Vote 'Yes'


*3-19/Biden: We're Going To Control The Insurance Companies

CNN: Several Special Deals Still In The Health Care Bill

Rep. Ryan Blasts The CBO Report On Health Care

Reid "Proud" Of Fighting For Earmarks

Rep. Weiner On The CBO Report

Sources: 'Distrust' Looms Over House Health Care Vote

Pelosi Prays To St. Joseph To Pass Health Care

Corporate Membership (as of March 20, 2010)/Corporate Roster - Council on Foreign Relations


March 19, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

03/19 The Mark Levin Show


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/19/2010


