"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 March 2010

19 March

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann:Ways and Means Republicans’ Report: Democrats’ Health Care Bill Contains Massive Expansion of IRS’s Power


9 pgs/The Wrong Prescription: Democrats’ Health Overhaul Dangerously Expands IRS Authority


Health Care Bill Text - H.R. 4872 - Reconciliation Act of 2010 - OpenCongress

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Amendment in Senate)

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Amendment in Senate)

H.R.3962 Affordable Health Care for America Act (Introduced in House)

H.R.3962 Affordable Health Care for America Act (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)

H.R.3962 Affordable Health Care for America Act (Placed on Calendar in Senate)



Health Care Bill Text Summary Online Vote Sunday »


Corporate Media Hypes “Homegrown” Threat of Patsies, Dupes, and Mental Deficients

Colbert Makes Joke at Expense of Interned Japanese Americans

Expect a False Flag Terror Attack To Precede Invasion Of Iran

Should Conspiratorial Thinking Be The Default Position?

The Growing Movement for Publicly-owned Banks

IRS to Gain Power From the Health Care Bill

Invisible Empire Sneak Peak

Greenspan Concedes Fed Failed to Gauge Bubble - NYTimes.com

Now Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely

More Retirement Disasters

We Are Change Has Amy Goodman On the Run

Cynthia McKinney and Dr. Nafeez Ahmed discuss 9/11 in UK Parliament

Reading a Dead Osama His Miranda Rights

A Constitutional Dollar

Why Did Kucinich Cave In To Obama?

Liars, cheats, thieves: the terrible truth about the mean greens - Telegraph

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - NYTimes.com

Police swarm SRJC for drill | PressDemocrat.com

Pre-Crime Policing - Reason Magazine

TaxProf Blog: Your New Facebook Friend: The IRS

Tracking Electric Use Could Allow Utilities to Track You, Too - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com

Bigeye Blog - The 911 Cat is Out of the Bag, by Stewart Ogilby

Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says - Washington Times

HeraldNet: Jihad Jane: Terror by reason of insanity

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Emergency Internet control bill gets a rewrite | Politics and Law - CNET News

New password-stealing virus targets Facebook | Reuters

D.C. home to most cyber-criminals - wtop.com

Vitamin D better than vaccines at preventing flu, report claims - Times Online

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

Capitol Hill cops decry bullying staff members - TheHill.com

Hawaii considers ban on requests for Obama's birth certificate - Telegraph

Pelosi "Demon Pass" Strategy - Yet another Obama assault on the Constitution

Federal Employees Owe IRS Back Taxes - ABC News


YouTube - Part 1 : Obama - We Will Pass Health Care !!!


YouTube - Part 2 : Obama - We Will Pass Health Care !!!


Should Conspiratorial Thinking Be The Default Position?

Gerald Celente: Great 2010 Crash is Looming

Barack Obama’s “America [Must] Serve” Plan

Chairs of Both the 9/11 Commission and the Joint Intelligence Inquiry into 9/11 Said That Government Minders Obstructed the 9/11 Investigation

Investigate 9/11, Just Not Too Deep

The Anti-Savings Model – Offer 0.1% APY on Savings Accounts and Charge 15% on Credit Cards. A System Designed to Punish Savers and Encourage Extravagant Spending via Usury

Congressman Grayson Demands Release of AIG Emails

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010

Corporate Media Hypes “Homegrown” Threat of Patsies, Dupes, and Mental Deficients

Man Successfully Fights Unlawful Council Tax In UK

Dem: ‘If You Don’t Tie Our Hands, We Will Keep Stealing’

Obama Glosses Over Legislative Process On Health Care

Colbert Skit Characterizes Census Paranoia as Right-Wing Kookery

Democrats Gain Support as They Move on Health-Vote (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

EXCLUSIVE: Vice President Biden Says President Obama’s Rescheduled Trip Not a Bad Sign for Health Care Bill’s Prospects - Political Punch

KUHNER: Impeach the president? - Washington Times

Health Care: Bart Stupak a Firm 'No' Health Care Vote as Obama Continues to Push Democrats - ABC News

Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M - Chicago Breaking Business

EDITORIAL: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow - Washington Times

Google to flee China on April 10, says report • The Register

Tony Blair's secret dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corp | Mail Online

Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel

BBC News - Indian children may have been 'sacrificed'

Sarkozy Opposes IMF Loan to Greece, Widens Rift With Germany - Bloomberg.com

Halftime Report: Is Fed About To Hike Discount Rate, Again? - CNBC

Computer snafu is behind at least 50 'raids' on Brooklyn couple's home

Federal Employees Owe IRS Back Taxes - ABC News

Electricity prices to rise by up to 64%

FOXNews.com - Questions Swirl Around U.N.'s Climate Auditors

Ex-Pfizer Worker Cites Genetically Engineered Virus In Lawsuit Over Firing - Courant.com

Obama's Approval Rating Lowest Yet, Congress' Declines

Pelosi Tactic for Health-Care Vote Would Raise Legal Questions - Bloomberg.com

Microsoft Sees a Window in Google’s China Woes - China Real Time Report - WSJ

Stupak: Health fight has been 'living hell’ - TheHill.com

The Face Off - Obama vs the Fanatics of Israel

Traders’ Cell Phones Would Be Recorded Under FSA Plan (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

“The Reason For This Cover-Up Goes Right To The White House”

They Call It Dominating “The High Frontier”


*Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center…Now It’s Personal!


**Active 'Patriot' Groups in the United States in 2009 | Southern Poverty Law Center **


:America First Party

Camp FEMA: Evidence of Internment Camps in America

Constitution Party; National Political Headquarters

Oath Keepers

Restore The Republic

We The People

The John Birch Society


JSTOR:The Militia Clause of the Constitution, by Frederick Bernays Wiener © 1940


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 17th With Alan Watt

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 16th With Kevin Booth

YouTube - Walter E Williams on the Census

Stop The Census: Nothing But Fraud

Privatizing The Census


Christopher Bollyn:Bollyn 9-11 Archive

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2001

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2003

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2004

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2005

**Christopher Bollyn:Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - Online Book**


YouTube - Farmers Speak: Bust Up Big Ag


YouTube - Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 1

YouTube - Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 2


YouTube - Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service, Investigaiton by CoreOfCorruption.com

TruthAlliance.net > News > Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service


FUCK YOU DENNIS KUCINICH- What did you REALLY GET for Selling us out, you piece of shit? « American Everyman


YouTube - The Military KNOWS Israel did 911


YouTube - Douglas Christie: Thoughts on the Release of Ernst Zündel


YouTube - Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points


5 pg/Defacing Facebook: A Security Case Study


Teenaged girl kills child to attain occult powers

ACLU obtains document stating 9/11 commission told to "not cross the line"

Hide the decline and rewrite history? « JoNova

EclippTV :: Video :: Paul Armentano on cause of drug violence - FREEDOM WATCH

The American Dream Has Moved Abroad : Information Clearing House - ICH

Rising food prices may start with seeds - Los Angeles Times

Conspiracy of Silence: Child Sex Abuse

Madoff Computer Programmers Indicted: Jerome O’Hara, George Perez Rigged Computer, Feds Say

bernanke wants to eliminate reserve requirements completely: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

EclippTV :: Video :: Dan Burton - Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Think the American People Get It

EclippTV :: Video :: National Worker ID Card Freedom Watch - Judge Napolitano

6 Subtle Ways The News Media Disguises Bullshit As Fact | Cracked.com

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com


Password-stealing virus targets Facebook

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com

ah, mephistophelis.: Your Private Life Will Suddenly Explode: Narus's 'Hone'


Emergency Internet control bill gets a rewrite | Politics and Law - CNET News

Obama effigy hung at RI school with fired teachers

Blackstone President Throwing Swank Party For Nancy Pelosi


EclippTV • View topic - Architect Ron Avery Evidence of 9/11 Being an Inside Job

TaxProf Blog: House Health Care Bill Includes 3.8% Medicare Tax on Investment Income

Fake Al Qaeda

Disbelief - 1999 Russia Bombings

Scientists supersize quantum mechanics : Nature News

Former Lehman Executives ‘Giggle’ at ‘Nonprofessionals’ Who Think Losing Billions of Dollars Is a Big Deal -- Daily Intel

Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv


Pelosi "Demon Pass" Strategy - Yet another Obama assault on the Constitution

EclippTV :: Video :: Investigate 9/11 Just not to deep.

Underplayed Story of the Day: Arizona Drops Children’s Health Insurance Program - Swampland - TIME.com

Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa | | AlterNet

The Pentagon Church Militant and Us by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

Colorado Springs man allegedly sabotaged TSA computers - The Denver Post


YouTube - (1-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (2-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (3-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (4-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (5-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (6-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (7-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - (8-8) Christopher Hitchens - The Moral Necessity of Atheism

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens - Axis of Evil 1-6 (at Fora-TV)

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens - Axis of Evil 2-6 (at Fora-TV)

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens - Axis of Evil 3-6 (at Fora-TV)

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens - Axis of Evil 4-6 (at Fora-TV)

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens - Axis of Evil 5-6 (at Fora-TV)

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens - Axis of Evil 6-6 (at Fora-TV)


Exposed: CBO Number Touted by Democrats, Media is a Giant Sham

EIB Interview: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

As More "Yes" Votes Defect, Media Focuses on Pelosi, Obama

Brett Baier Challenges Man-Child President for the First Time in Year

Liberals Warn Democrats of the Approaching Electoral Cataclysm

The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Telephone"

03-18-2010: Obama endorses immigration blueprint

Republicans assail IRS provision in health care bill

Now Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely

03-18-2010: Tracking Electric Use Could Allow Utilities to Track You, Too

03-18-2010: Boeing Completes Design of Shipboard Superlaser

Condom requirement for porn film actors to be voted on in California

Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan, UBS Charged With Derivatives Fraud

03-18-2010: New RFID tech tracks you to the tomb

Carte Blanche for the Banksters: The Next Big Bailout "Any Day Now"

Iranian warships set sail for Gulf of Aden

Hundreds Of Americans File Complaints Over Naked Body Scanners

UK has 5,700 "secret agents"

Links with torture countries to go on

MI5 and MI6 have to deal with torturers, government says

Taliban rises again in Kunduz, forcing more U.S. troops toward north


Citizens For Legitimate Government:9/11 'ODDITIES' BREAKING NEWS

THE TOP 40 - 911truth.org

9-11 Research: Insider Trading:Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge


Genetically modified mosquitos could be used to spread vaccine for malaria

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July

Attorney General Eric Holder Says 9/11 Trial Decision 'Weeks Away'

UnPACking AIPAC’s White House Slam, Israeli style

Obama Won't Restrain Israel - He Can't

US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent

"This Bill is a Death Sentence"

Zero Point of Systemic Collapse

Money Out Of Thin Air: Now Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely?

Census resisters cite distrust of government in balking at 2010 forms

Have You Received Your Unconstitutional Census Form Yet?

FLASHBACK: Census blamed in internment of Japanese

Cybersecurity bill introduced in Senate

Ford Introduces New Taurus-based Police Car (Revamped to Look More Evil)

War Pimp Neocons Plotting To Smear Rand Paul

Tenth Amendment: The Last Hope

59% Say U.S. Should Continue To Build Fence on U.S.-Mexico Border

NH: Marijuana bill passes house, faces veto if passed

9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush

President Obama Promotes OFA Astroturf Campaign (with Bonus Plagiarism)

Gentlemen and ladies of the free world, I present the Third Bill of Rights: The Right to a Pony.

A complete list of things caused by global warming

Early butterflies linked to global warming

City Hall Debate On Proposed Tax On Sugared Beverages Gets Heated

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

UK Lords pass bill to create Internet anti-piracy enforcement office

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

Media says Nazis, Al Qaeda, Terrorists, and Conspiracy Theorists Targeting Children Online

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010

Hide the decline and rewrite history?

Fluoride rally fails to gain support

Senate passes ‘Termination Era’ PACT Act; tribal leaders will continue fight

The Welfare State Kills Children

In U.S., Many Environmental Issues at 20-Year-Low Concern

Vatican official cautions against GMOs

'Government knew of Jewish terrorist's plan to open fire on Shfaram bus'

Schools 'break law' to spy on pupils

The Founding of the Federal Reserve

Feds Create Fake Accounts on Social Network Sites to Collect Evidence (For the Childen, Of Course!)

Hitler's National Security Court

Treason in America Conference: stating the painfully obvious to save America

FLASHBACK: Candidate Obama States Unequivocally He Is Against Mandated Health Insurance

Rep. King Calls For Velvet Revolution Against The Government

Darfur aid dollars funding West Bank settlements

Anti-Semitism: Zionism’s indispensable alibi

YouTube - Invisible Empire Sneak Peek

Rep. Pence: Dems 'So Desperate’ to Pass Health Care They'll ‘Trample Upon The Constitution’

Republican Senator Warns Health Care Vote-Switchers, the Secret Deals You’ve Made Won’t Work

Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart: Not Decided on Constitutionality of Passing Health Care Bill With No Up-or-Down Vote

Rep. Sessions: ‘Slaughter Rule’ to Pass Health Care With No Up-Down Vote on Bill is Unconstitutional

Pelosi Confirms New Medicare Tax on ‘Unearned Income, Whatever Category That Is’

Democrats Push Toward Sunday Passage of Health Care Bill

Rep. Steven King: Slaughter Rule ‘Shenanigan’ to Pass Health Care Could Face ‘Constitutional Challenge’

Obama Backs Immigration Plan That Includes Pathway to Citizenship, Biometric Social Security Cards

Obama Tells Democrats, Our Fates Are Tied to Health Bill

Taliban Lose Control of Marjah but Remain Strong Elsewhere

Obama's Cancellation of Indonesia Visit Could Have Implications for U.S. Interests, Trade

New Smithsonian Exhibit on Human Origins Devoid of References to God, Creation or Pre-Natal Existence

Retired U.S. General Says Homosexual Troops Made Dutch Weak in Bosnia

Immigration Reform Activists Plan to Rally in Washington Sunday

The Deem-o-crats’ Towering Deception

Health Care Will Pass

TV Torture in Old Europe

The Wars of Tribe and Faith

The Warmers Strike Back

Grassley: Democrats Using 'Devious' Means to Push Obamacare to Final Vote

Obamacare Grants IRS Perilous Power, GOP Says

Michele Bachmann: Obamacare Is 'Political Poison'

Hoekstra: Uproar Over Obamacare Law Will Be Worst

Big Vote Change: Rep. Arcuri Switches to No

Desperate Democrats to Vote in 72 Hours on Obamacare

Obama Legacy at Stake as Health Vote Looms

Obama Backs Plan to Legalize Illegals

Official Defends Alleged Off-the-Books Spy Program

Putin: Iran's Nuclear Plant Launch Set for Summer

Report: Madoff Assaulted by Inmate in December

FBI Director Mueller: Al-Qaida Still Wants Nuclear Bomb

House Dems on Track for Vote on $940B Health Bill

Healthcare Bill Picks Up Two Ohio Votes

Meese: 'Deem and Pass' Undermines Law

Fox News Poll: 55% Oppose Healthcare Plan

Cable Networks Eye Palin Reality Show

Poll Finds Stubborn Suspicion of Census

Hoyer: Democratic Majority in House Is Safe

Activists Make Noise on Immigration Reform

Grassley: High Court Should Boycott State of Union

Cornhusker Kickback Gets the Boot in Health Bill

Higgins: Voters Don't Buy Obamacare's Estimates

Massive State Revolt Brewing Against Obamacare

Obama Backs Graham-Schumer Immigration Plan

Dems Pass Out More Pork to Woo Health Votes

Ore. Lawsuit Claims Boy Scouts Sex Abuse Coverup

Bruce Mandelblit: Credit Card Scams Abound

Pa. Suspect Is Rare U.S. Woman Facing Terror Trial

Health Bill Extends Wage Tax to Investments

Sheriff Arpaio Launches Arizona Sweep for Illegals

Medical Marijuana a Frequent Target for Criminals

Polanski Lawyers Seek Inquiry Into Misconduct

Subpoenas Reportedly Issued in Sen. Ensign Probe

Synagogue Makeover Exasperates Egyptians

Greenspan: Soviet Collapse Caused U.S. Recession

Robertson: Obama Always Thinks He's Smartest

Faber and Shedlock: D.C. Boneheads Won't Save Us

Fed Withdrawal May Also Pull Certainty from Market

Omega-3 Reduces Dangerous Colon Polyps

Net Produces New Generation of China Activists

U.S. Company Accused of Exporting Military Tech

Conan O'Brien in Talks With Fox for Talk Show

Ex-Porn Star Reveals Purported Tiger Woods Texts

Barack Obama and the date-rape of America

Take Back Washington

Peggy Noonan: Now for the Slaughter - WSJ.com

You and Your Neighbors Will Determine the Fate of ObamaCare

More homeowners are opting for 'strategic defaults' - latimes.com

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Future bio-nanotechnology will use computer chips inside living cells

The Myth of the Techno-Utopia - WSJ.com

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Saturn may have oxygen atmosphere, reveals Cassini's latest snapshot

NASA - The Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater


'Wall Street' sequel an omen of U.S. collapse Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

Chuck Baldwin -- John McCain's Attack On Liberty

American Thinker: ObamaCare is Tyranny, Not Legislation

Tony Blankley : Constitutional Law 101 - Townhall.com

EDITORIAL: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow - Washington Times

Paul Proctor - ‘Social Justice’ Is Not Christian Charity

Rebellion in America heats up as 5th state exempts guns : STATESMAN SENTINEL

ClubOrlov: Corn Madness

Battling The Antichrist By Outlawing Microchips | Religious Right | ReligionDispatches

Why Should Your Children Pay for My Retirement? by Gary North

Nothing Outside the State by Robert Higgs

Lies the Government Told You by Judge Andrew Napolitano

Doug Casey on All Things Fun (ATF)

Ron Paul on the Dodd Proposal's Treatment of the Fed by Daniel Indiviglio

Meet Otis MacDonald by Massad Ayoob

You Have No Say About Your Military by Tom Engelhardt and William Astore

More Homeowners Are Opting for 'Strategic Defaults' by Alana Semuels

Mount St. Helens Reawakens: The Thirtieth Anniversary

Cafferty: Rate Obama on foreign policy

Drones to patrol U.S. border with Mexico?

How would you rate Pres. Obama on foreign policy?

Should Pelosi be allowed to push health care through House without a vote?

As concerned about our privacy as we used to be?

Ultimate solution to long-term unemployment?


YouTube - Pyramid Explains Obama Total Information Awareness


YouTube - ECHELON, Total Information Awareness NSA


*File:Total Information Awareness -- system diagram


Information Awareness Office (IAO): How's This for Paranoid?


Creating our Own Credit: The Growing Movement for Publicly-Owned Banks

US/NATO Death Squads Killing Indiscriminately in Afghanistan

VIDEO: Prof. John McMurtry: Why The Facts of 9/11 Are Suppressed

Did Addington Oppose 9/11 Commission Questions to Avoid Independent Evaluation of Torture Program?

Activism is Change, Not academic Squabbles and Bickering

AUDIO: We are ALL Americans! Cindy Sheehan interviews Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales


film:THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS — Michel Chossudovsky Jan 2009, Montreal 1:18:37


YouTube - CNN - Liar in the White House


YouTube - www. resistnwo.com FLASHBACK Obama Stating Hes Against Forced Insurance


Fox News Can't Believe Those Torture-Lovin' Frenchies

Senator Coburn: "Holder-in-Chief"

Why Is Fox Funding Ops Research On A Minister Simply For Preaching Social Justice?

Michael Steele on the CBO Report: 'That's a Lie'

"In the Public Interest" - With Friends Like The FCC . . . 1995

Senate Votes To Lessen Discrepancy Between Crack, Powdered Cocaine Sentencing

John Shadegg Slips and Says He Would Support Single Payer Health Care

What is it with Republican sex with animals?

Grayson Has 50 Sponsors for His 'Medicare You Can Buy Into' Act

Flood Of Money Pouring Into State Judicial Races, ABC Reports

Palin and Hannity agree: 'Procedural tricks' on health care are 'unconstitutional' and 'un-American'

Health Insurer Targets HIV Patients To Drop Them

CBO: HCR knocks $130 billion from deficit, extends Medicare solvency

Countdown: Bret Baier Interrupts Obama During Fox News Interview

Virginia's Wingnut AG Says He'll Sue Federal Government If Health Care Reform Passes

FCC TO Propose National High-Speed Internet

Before Badgering Obama, Bret Baier Compared Bush to Lincoln

Santorum: Democrats are Worried Obama May Go to Indonesia and Bow to More Muslims

Administration Economic Officials See "Extended" Period of Unemployment

Bill O'Reilly quotes false survey: 46% of Physicians May Leave Medical Profession: UPDATED

Tea Party Petitions Court To Remove Sen. Menendez. Is NJ Turning Into California?

Catholic nuns endorse HCR in defiance of bishops' mandate

Franken: A Perversion of the Filibuster

Beck steps up the eliminationist attacks on progressives as health-care reform effort comes to a head

"Live Chat " Blue America PAC endorses Connie Saltonstall, Progressive Challenger To Bart Stupak

Dennis Kucinich is voting for HCR

FOXNews.com - Not So Fast! Challenges Could Drag Out Health Bill Votes

Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M - Chicago Breaking Business

Republicans assail IRS provision in health care bill - The Hill's On The Money

Peggy Noonan: Now for the Slaughter - WSJ.com

Anti-abortion Democrats working on a vote deal with Senate on bill - TheHill.com

My Way News - Obama to Dems: Our fates are tied to health bill

Obama's Approval Rating Lowest Yet, Congress' Declines

Obama, Democrats push hard ahead of health vote - Yahoo! News

Democrats Gain Support as They Move on Health-Vote (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

EXCLUSIVE: Vice President Biden Says President Obama’s Rescheduled Trip Not a Bad Sign for Health Care Bill’s Prospects - Political Punch

Vice President Joe Biden Tells ABC in Exclusive Passing Health Care Will Help Democrats in November Elections - ABC News

» The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’ - Big Government

Computer snafu is behind at least 50 'raids' on Brooklyn couple's home

My Way News - Ore. lawsuit claims Boy Scouts sex abuse coverup

Dog DNA helps convict man who used pet as weapon

Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Arizona sheriff launches immigration sweep - Yahoo! News

Obama backs plan to legalize illegals - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - White House Won't Rule Out That Obama Will Sign Other Bills Such As Immigration Reform That Are Not Put to Yea or Nay Votes in Both Houses

FT.com / US & Canada - Putin vexes US over Iran nuclear power

Fire Kills Hundreds of Birds at Gilcrease Nature Sanctuary - Las Vegas Now

Cops: Blood Thirsty Suspect Bit Cabbie Repeatedly During Attempted Robbery - wcbstv.com

Munich diocese faces "tsunami" of abuse claims - Yahoo! News

Jesse James Apologizes to Sandra Bullock and His Children - Jesse James, Sandra Bullock : People.com

Gitmo suspects allowed laptops while in custody - Washington Times

Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee Nazi pics: Fetish photos of gal in eye of Bullock-James storm emerge

Joslyn James releases nasty texts sent to her by Tiger Woods : dBTechno

PHOTOS: Lady Gaga Sued by Ex-Lover - ABC News

Lisa de Moraes - ABC snags foreign reporter Amanpour from CNN to host 'This Week' - washingtonpost.com

Natalee Holloway's Remains? Couple Thinks They Photographed Missing Teen's Skeleton - ABC News

YouTube - Could Underwater Photo Show Holloway Remains?

American Idol: Brown knew her time was up - latimes.com

Review: Neil Young acts his age in 'Trunk Show'

Boy Scouts Accused of Massive Sex-Abuse Coverup - AOL News

Two gay men arrested in White House protest - washingtonpost.com

FOXNews.com - Obama, Clinton Reportedly Turn Campaign Enmity Into Strong Alliance

SC gov agrees to pay ethics fine, gets divorced - washingtonpost.com

Creep charged with stealing WTC donations - NYPOST.com

Sources: Subpoenas related to Sen. Ensign investigation are issued - CNN.com

Casey Anthony birthday: Casey Anthony has birthday in jail - OrlandoSentinel.com

Glenn Beck, FRC Shift Aim From 'Social Justice' to Jim Wallis | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Russia says Iran letting chances for dialogue slip | Reuters

Arrests of Top Taliban Figures Ended Talks, Ex-Envoy Says - NYTimes.com

Japan sighs relief as bluefin tuna ban fails / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - Catholic Church sex abuse scandals around the world

Dutch lash out at gay link in Srebrenica massacre | Reuters

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: Gaddaffi - Nigeria Recalls Ambassador

Indonesia disappointed after Barack Obama delays trip / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Kim Jong-il keeps $4bn 'emergency fund' in European banks - Telegraph

Sahil Saeed's father speaks of joy as kidnapped boy brought home - Telegraph

BBC News - Egypt prayers for Hosni Mubarak's recovery

Panel Discuss Obama-Baier Interview on Health Care Reform - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

YouTube - President Obama Postpones Asia Trip for 2nd Time


*Explained? New Mexico's Hebrew Ten Commandments


*Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'


(1:30:21)Hillary;The Movie

(1:41:06)The New Clinton Chronicles


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Gimmicks produce 'laughable' CBO score

WND RADIO 'Wired ... stacked ... rigged ... packed'

WND RADIO 'Obamacare will drive doctors out of business'

WND RADIO Confirmed: Al-Qaida alliance with Iran


Critics call Census pages 'involuntary colonoscopy'

Census threat: $5,000 fines

Anger at Washington reaches full steam

Republicans assail IRS provision in health care bill - The Hill's On The Money

FOXNews.com - Health Bill Extends Wage Tax to Investments

KUHNER: Impeach the president? - Washington Times

Health-care 'trickery' called overthrow of Constitution

Mark Levin: We will sue over health-care trick

GOP gears up for health bill lawsuits - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Exclusive: House Minority Leader John Boehner on the Health-Care Vote - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online

Health Care: Bart Stupak a Firm 'No' Health Care Vote as Obama Continues to Push Democrats - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Coburn: GOP on High Alert for Sweetheart Deals in Health Bill

Republicans plot ways to block health reform in Senate - Carrie Budoff Brown and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Hard Habit to Break: 'Nuns' vs. the Health-Care Bill - Kathryn Jean Lopez - Critical Condition on National Review Online

Congressman: 'We will keep stealing'

'Muslim Mafia' counters in battle to quash book

Gitmo suspects allowed laptops while in custody - Washington Times

White House correspondents snub WND

No ruling on Anthony indigency

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

Being proud to say No

Critical 'personhood' plan revived by volunteers

Gibbs' briefing blocks questions on honor for child-killer

‘Arab-Israeli conflict hurts US’

States to feds: Take a hike!

AGAIN! City orders Bible study closed

Another Paul nettles GOP - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Poll: Boxer in tough fight to keep CA Senate seat - Yahoo! News

Election 2010: Arizona Republican Primary for Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama tied with Romney in new poll - The Hill's Ballot Box

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Injured illegal immigrant ends challenge to transfer back to homeland » TCPalm.com

Tea Party for Amnesty? - Mark Krikorian - The Corner on National Review Online

Girl, 15, beaten, critically hurt at Deerfield Beach Middle School; boy charged

Everyday terror at 'Intifada' HS - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Fired Rhode Island Teacher Hangs Effigy of Obama in Classroom

How Privacy Vanishes Online

States give inmates access to personal data of others - USATODAY.com

Business & Technology | Parents oppose Philly school webcam spying lawsuit | Seattle Times Newspaper

Judge marries defendant to alleged victim - baltimoresun.com

Roger Ailes to Fox News' Glenn Beck haters: Stop 'shooting in the tent'

Somali pirates attempt attack on Dutch warship - Yahoo! News

Barack Obama must pull US troops out of Afghanistan, says Indonesian cousin - Telegraph

Secret Service Needs to Update Technology IT Network, Speed up Recruiting; Asks Congress for $1.57 Billion - ABC News

At Correspondents' Dinner, Biden Quips They're Obama’s 'Base' | NewsBusters.org

Joe Biden: I Got Tips From Tiger - AOL News

Gun ownership still won’t be an issue for adoption prospects under bill on its way to governor | Post on Politics

Campus-gun bill advances despite police opposition

Tuesday's Los Angeles-area earthquake occurred on a fault 'that could eat L.A.' | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility lawyer says 'standing' a no-brainer

President's birth certificate: right-wing propoganda? | KETKnbc.com | The News Station

Elections official frets over eligibility attorney's run


*American Minute for March 19th:William J Federer's American Minute


**1948 Cartoon on Freedom!**


‘Allah is'… angering Muslims?

Christians, it's time to celebrate ... the goddess

Miley: 'I'm Not a Girl's Girl' - Crush: Hollywood's Next Generation - omg! on Yahoo

Is the afterlife heaven, hell or outer space?

Pies-in-face attack roils anarchist-vegan world

The Oldest Trees on the Planet | Wired Science | Wired.com

Honey bees secret world of heat revealed - Telegraph

Critical 'personhood' plan revived by volunteers

Mark Levin: We will sue over health-care trick

Obama's desperate demagoguery

The tea-party manifesto

Why we really need government health care

Addams Family to release original cast recording - What's a Boy To Do

To 3D or not to 3D? That is the question [PHOTOS] - RedEye

Obama's overthrow of the Constitution

Obama's desperate demagoguery

Health care: Strike with chaos

Heeere's health-scare

Thank you, Bret Baier

Fred Barnes: The Health-Care Wars Are Only Beginning - WSJ.com

'Civil servants': Neither civil nor servants

Glenn Beck hates Christians!

The wars of tribe and faith

After Health Care, Immigration | The American Prospect

Shoe fly

Obamacare scheming smells of Jekyll Island

Founders Plan - How to argue with loud mouthed liberals about any constitutional issue - and win every time!

War on Terror Films: Dear Hollywood, You’re Doing It Wrong

Open — ‘I Will Never Vote For a Democrat Again’ — Thread: Howard Stern

BAD ASS ARTWORK: Stallone’s ‘The Expendables’

REVIEW: HBO’s ‘How to Make it in America’ Celebrates New York City & Entrepreneurship

Lindsay Lohan: Reality is Calling, Please Pick Up

Daily Gut: I Explain the Sexes

Call to Arms: Join Me in DC Saturday to Stop ObamaCare

REVIEW: ‘Oscar’s Cuba’ Brings a Hero to Life, Exposes Fidel’s Cuba

The New York Festival Scene: Rendezvous with French Cinema

Steven Spielberg Pays Tribute to Veterans Past & Present

Dem Memo: ‘Do Not Allow Yourself to Get into a Discussion’ of Health Bill Score

Don’t ‘Slaughter’ the Healthcare Bill—Kill it!

Breaking: While An Anxious Nation Is Transfixed By The Healthcare Debate, The Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding

AmeriCorps: Obama’s Scandal-Plagued Indoctrination Machine

The Obamacare Deficit Fraud

Friday Free For All: Howard Stern Edition

Our Man Ken–There He Goes Again!

Sen. Coburn Vows To Block Special Deals for House Members Who Switch Obamacare Vote from ‘No’ to to ‘Yes’

House Reconciliation Bill-Full Text

President Obama Proves Glenn Beck’s ‘Fundamental Transformation’ Argument

‘Countrywide’ Chris Dodd Proposes Blank Check to Bailout Big Banks

It’s Time for A Federal Government Garage Sale

Racist Liberal Media Attempts to Brand Tea Parties Racist, Fails

Useful Idiots: Angry White Man

How Political Correctness Continues To Get Americans Killed

John Edwards, Sleazeball: Another Story the MSM Didn’t Bother To Tell You About, Until It Was Almost Too Late

Call to Arms: Join Me in DC Saturday to Stop ObamaCare

The Problem with Bad Headlines Is That They Don’t Tell You What the Story Is Really About, Like This One

Is Patriotism Dangerous? Publicly Funded NPR Wants You To Think So

With ‘Health-Care Reform’ Looming, Is It Time for the MSM to Brush Up On Its History?


**The Declaration of Independence**


FOX News’ Bret Baier Shows Why Obama Has Been Dodging FOX News

‘Paradise Lost’ Overnight Thread: ‘God’ Obama Meets ‘Satan’s News Network’

CBS News Warns of Indonesian Protests Against U.S. President, Depending On Which President

In the Wake of Massa Madness, Watch For MSM Examination of ‘Military Culture’

The MSM and Obama’s ‘Medi-Grab’: Let Their Punishment Fit the Crime

Obama's Trade Policy Agenda

No Reason for Economic Optimism

Breaking the Obama Code: The Green Money Machine

Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

Is government at all levels falling apart?

No freedom in Muslim Bethlehem

Our gaffetastic Vice President

Obama's unfulfilled pledge to restore Black-Jewish relations

Stupak's Last Stand

A plan to increase aid to Haiti

About those CBO numbers...

President Ahab and Moby ObamaCare

Coffee Party 'founder' in Astroturf hole, keeps digging

The Fearful Forty; 40 Dems who are persuadable on health care reform you should call NOW

There's No Caring in ObamaCare

How Obama Is Turning America against Israel

Switching Sides

Is the White House Emotionally Lashing Out at Israel?

What Crisis?

Global Warming on Trial

On Ethics, Let the Minority Rule


Congress is Still a Rotten, Stinking Corpse

Blockbuster Bailout?

The un-American Empire

March Came In like a Hermit and Out Like a Delegate

Capitalism Failure--NOT

Health Care Reform: The Road to Socialism


Are you an Enemy of the State?

Mark Levin:Gibbs Can’t Answer Question About Levin Lawsuit (Updated)


**Blue Dog Democrats - Smart Girl Politics


House Democrats Vote to Uphold Slaughter Rule; Mark Levin Prepares Lawsuit

YouTube - Obama:"Help Me Finish The Fight" On Health Care Reform

The Early Word: Health Care Score - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Gibbs Dodges on Levin Suit

There's No 'I' in 'Deem' - WSJ.com

Health Care Reform's Finished Draft (Updated) | The New Republic

Pelosi Defends Deem-and-Pass Tactic - Roll Call

‘Deem and Pass’ Shows Democrats’ Healthcare Arrogance Problem - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

Is Passing the Health Care Bill Really a Bad Idea? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Why the SEIU Wants Health Reform

Hassan Nemazee Pleads Guilty to $292 Million Fraud - NYTimes.com

Hoyer: Democrats have strategy to fight legal challenges to health bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Editorial: Democrats risk undermining process with health care bill | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Health reform is a risk worth taking - washingtonpost.com

Health-Care Debacle in the House - WSJ.com

Editorial - On the Verge of Health Care Reform - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Eric Holder's Massive Ineptness

Eric Holder's Trials and Tribulations - TIME

Christine M. Flowers: A textbook case of hysteria | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/19/2010

Dan Dorfman: Drowning In Debts And Deficits

Mediscare: Our Government-Administered Insurance Looks into the Abyss — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Democrats use tactics they once reviled :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Peggy Noonan: Now for the Slaughter - WSJ.com

Why Democrats Deem They Need "Deem and Pass" on Health Care | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Op-Ed Columnist - Closing Arguments on Health Care - NYTimes.com

Corrupt politics as usual enough to make you sick - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Taking a Stand on Health Reform


*Transcripts3-18/ & Obama Signs HIRE Act Into Law


*3-17/Bret Baier's Interview with President Obama

Rep. Dennis Kucinich on His Health Care Vote

Senator Judd Gregg on Health Care

Rep. Gerry Connolly on Health Care

Reporter on the Latest Health Care News

Interview with Ireland's PM, Brian Cowen

Obama's Remarks at St. Patrick's Day Luncheon

Bernanke's Testimony on Bank Supervision


*3-19/Politics VideoCNN: Several Special Deals Still In The Health Care Bill

Sources: 'Distrust' Looms Over House Health Care Vote

Rep. Weiner On The CBO Report

Rep. Ryan Blasts The CBO Report On Health Care


*3-18/Boehner: 'They Don't Have The Votes'

Hoyer On The Latest Vote Count

O'Reilly: ObamaCare Edges Closer

Tapper On The Road With Biden

Coburn: "Be Prepared to Defend Selling Your Vote"

Cantor On The Latest Vote Count

Rep. Broun To Pelosi: "Are You So Arrogant...?"

Dem Congressman: "If You Don't Tie Our Hands, We Will Keep Stealing"

Pelosi Confident on Health Care

Sen. Scott Brown On The Health Care Bill

Virginia AG Vows To Sue Over Health Care

Obama: Health Reform Is Rx for Deficit

Governors Rendell & Otter On The HC Bill

Gibbs Defends 'Deem and Pass'

McConnell: Fight Between "Democrats & Their Own Constituents"

Obama Signs Jobs Bill Into Law

Rep. Schauer Announces His Support For The HC Bill

Senate Committee Holds 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Hearing

Chamber Of Commerce Opposes Dodd's Reforms

Rep. Van Hollen: Bill Contains Costs

Rep. Van Hollen: CBO Numbers 'Very Good'

Nancy Reagan Receives 'GE Theater' Tapes

GOP Leaders Protest Abortion In HC Bill

Brzezinski: Nuclear Iran Can Be Deterred

Dunn, Perino Debate Health Care

Secretary Napolitano On The Virtual Border Fence

Daschle On Getting The Votes

Barrasso & Coburn: Bill Won't Expand Care


YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs story (pt1 of 2)

YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs pt2 of 2 oligarchy


Retired General says "Gay" Dutch soldiers and Liberalism were the reason for Serbian massacre

YouTube - 9/11 truthers attend Treason in America

YouTube - Did The Exodus Really Happen?

whatreallyhappened.com: Un exode qui ne serait quun mythe - An exodus which was merely a myth

» The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’ - Big Government

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Recently Declassified FBI files on AIPAC

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Obama is still Israel's bitch


Virtually all kidney disease patients on dialysis have vitamin D deficiency

I bet we can find 1,000,000+ people who disapprove of the Health Care Bill | Facebook

US says base needed to defend Japan - Yahoo! News

TaxProf Blog: House Health Care Bill 'Dangerously Expands IRS's Power'



FOXNews.com - Ohio Democrat Flips to 'Yes' on Health Care

EDITORIAL: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Not So Fast! Challenges Could Drag Out Health Bill Votes

PRUDEN: Into the twilight zone - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Democrats Post Health Care Bill Online, Starting 72-Hour Clock

President Obama's pitch: Fate of presidency on the line - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Stupak: Health fight has been 'living hell’ - TheHill.com

Obama stumps for Boxer - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

Group condemns textbooks about Islam - Washington Times

Barack Obama must pull US troops out of Afghanistan, says Indonesian cousin - Telegraph

CSU East Bay professor charged with child porn

Treasure Coast residents walking away from homes with Chinese drywall because of unknown health risks » TCPalm.com

China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S. - NYTimes.com

Here comes the son: Rare images capture mother polar bear taking her cub outdoors for the very first time | Mail Online

New Finding Puts Origins of Dogs in Middle East - NYTimes.com

***health care***


(H.R. 3590)

H. R. 4872(17 March)



*Savage/Health Care*



New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

DCDC Strategic Trends 2007-2036

Global Strategic Trends Out to 2040



Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-18, Thursday

03/18 The Mark Levin Show

March 18, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-17, Wednesday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/18/2010