"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 March 2010

23 March '10

The Emperor Wears No Clothes

YouTube - American National strike 15th - 18th April


**Obamacare: Names to Remember Come November


*20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms


Kerry Exploits Obamacare Passage to Propose Carbon Tax

Obamacare To Be Enforced By Armed Thugs

YouTube - Ron Paul: Bill Makes Health-Care System Worse

Declaration of Dependence: The Founding Fathers Roll in their Graves

Idahoans Blazing a Trail Against Federal Government Takeover

Are Kentucky Republicans Rigging Senate Race Against Rand Paul?

Virginia Calls Health Bill Unconstitutional, Files Suit

YouTube - Republican Whip Eric Cantor Urges Congress To Vote Against Democrat Health Care Overhaul Bill

Health Care Mandate to Be Enforced by IRS ‘Bounty Hunters’

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

YouTube - Ron Paul: National Bankruptcy will Repeal Obamacare - Not Republicans

Obamacare: Culling the Baby Boomers

YouTube - Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill

Ex-Governor George says Bank deliberately fuelled consumer boom - Business News, Business - The Independent

Obama urges Senate action on controversial finance reforms | Raw Story

Data mining project benefits investigators, scares privacy experts - St. Petersburg Times

» The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’ - Big Government

YouTube - Democrats, GOP Prep for Possible Weekend Vote on Health Reform

YouTube - Rep. Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk The Unconstitutionality of the Vote on Healthcare"

Obama to Sign Health Care Bill Into Law as Republicans Challenge Constitutionality - ABC News

Nothing Outside the State by Robert Higgs

China stirs anti-US feeling ahead of expected Google shut down - Telegraph

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com

IMF Urges Advanced Economies to Pare Deficits and Debt - WSJ.com

AT A GLANCE: Health-Care Stocks Up After House OK's Overhaul

Underemployment At Record 20% According To Gallup | zero hedge

Has Germany just killed the dream of a European superstate? - Telegraph

Arizona Fights Back on Obamacare

Lebanese army fires on Israeli jets

Cult of Cyberwar Chieftain Admits Cult Has Overdone It

Why does the U.S. Healthcare Bill remind me of Logan’s Run?

SPLC Attacks Colorado Public TV For Programming on 9/11

Pink Elephant Collective – We Are Change Atlanta

Civil Liberties in Obama’s America

Stopping Obamacare Rests With the States

Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of “Social Justice”

Buying Votes for Health Care Bill With Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Internet usage overtakes television watching: Report

British military intelligence 'ran renegade torture unit in Iraq' - Home News, UK - The Independent

New Health-Care Taxes Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth’ (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

The Politics of Obammunism « LewRockwell.com Blog

Having insurance 'going to be like Christmas' :: WRAL.com

Florida says several states to file healthcare lawsuit | Reuters

Health Measure’s Opponents Plan Legal Challenges - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Internet threatens rare species, conservationists warn

The Department of Defense Covertly Dismantled a Terrorist Message Board...Created By the CIA - Terrorism - Gizmodo

U.S. warns ships off Yemen of possible al Qaeda attack - Yahoo! News

CNSNews.com - Health Care Legislation: Here Come the Lawsuits

CNSNews.com - Congress Votes to Socialize Health Care in United States

Flashback: Obama’s Promise on Using Executive Power to Change Laws

Civil Liberties in Obama’s America

Flashback: Obama’s Promise on Using Executive Power to Change Laws

“Passage Of The Healthcare Bill Means The Double-Dip Is Coming” – Market Insight From Permabull Jim Cramer Who Just Turned Bearish

Fictional Reserve Banking

Obama Pays More Than Buffett as U.S. Risks AAA Rating (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Bankers attack Darling's plans for a global tax - Business News, Business - The Independent

First Lady Michelle Obama escapes health debate by taking daughters to Broadway's 'Memphis'

YouTube - KHammer: "I Dont Think This Will Ever End Up Repealed - In Terms of Our Debt, It's Going to Be Huge"

Secret Service probing conservative blogger’s call for Obama assassination

Schlafly: Health Care Vote Set to Expose the Myth of the ‘Pro-Life Democrat’

Barack Obama's £600bn healthcare reform bill is passed in Congress | Mail Online

YouTube - House Member Appears To Yell 'Baby Killer' At Stupak

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering

Climate craziness of the week: global warming “leads to more violence”

YouTube - TSA Discriminates against disabled people then violates rights to privacy

Man with 'wires coming from his rucksack' sparked terror alert on London Underground | Mail Online

Man with ‘wires coming from his rucksack’ sparks terror alert on London Underground

The well funded, well organized, global skeptic network laid bare


*chart:skeptic alarmist network

Arctic winds and not global warming ‘responsible for much of record loss of sea ice’


before the fall: Part 1 : Obama - We Will Pass Health Care !!!

Part 2 : Obama - We Will Pass Health Care !!!


Health care dictatorship: A crime against America

Virginia Calls Health Bill Unconstitutional, Files Suit

U.S. Information Warfare Operation Takes Down Website Used to Plan Attacks on Americans Inside Iraq; The Website Was Set Up and Run by CIA and Saudi Intelligence

Pay for Performance: An Early Target for Revolutionary Repeal of Obamacare

Continue the Fight for Free Market Health Care

‘Hell No!’: Boehner Makes Impassioned Statement on House Floor

Chimerica is Breaking Up: China Likely to go From Huge Trade Surplus to Trade DEFICIT In March

Hussman: I’m Not Saying There’s Going To Be Hyperinflation, BUT Inflation Is Going To Be Huge

FEMA Detention Site Plans Exposed

Obama’s Bloody War in Mexico

Should Conspiratorial Thinking Be The Default Position?

New Health-Care Taxes Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth’ (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Obama to sign health care reform into law, then promote it on the road - CNN.com

Climategate: the whitewash continues – Telegraph Blogs

Britain To Expel Israeli Diplomat Over Cloned Passport Used By Assassins In Dubai Murder | UK News | Sky News

Google Ends Self-Censorship, Defies China Government (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

U.S. may expand use of its prison in Afghanistan - latimes.com

Nicolas Sarkozy's Union for a Popular Movement thrashed in regional elections - Times Online

Why tax credits are better

TSA plans to double its use of whole-body scanners

Veggies are wrong and eating less meat will NOT save planet | Mail Online


**The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/22/2010





Power Line - Solidarity


New Taxes In The Healthcare Bill


**20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms


Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Introduced in House) HR 3590 IH

Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House) HR 3590 EH

Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Placed on Calendar in Senate) HR 3590 PCS

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Amendment in Senate)

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Print)

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Engrossed Amendment as Agreed to by Senate)

H.R.3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate)

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That in the enrollment of the bill H.R. 3590, the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall make the following... (Introduced in House) HCON 254 IH

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That in the enrollment of the bill H.R. 3590, the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall make the following... (Introduced in House) HCON 254 IH

House Calendar No. 178 111th CONGRESS 2d Session H. RES. 1203

Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to debate the topics addressed by the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 3590) to amend the Internal Revenue... (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House) HRES 1203 EH

Providing for consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 3590) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members... (Reported in House) HRES 1203 RH

Service Members' Homebuyer Tax Credit Extension Act 2009 (Introduced in House) HR 3780 IH

H.R.4872 Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Reported in House)

H.R.4872 Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Reported in House)

H.R.4872 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)

H.R.4872 Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Reported in House)

H.R.4872 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)

H.R.4872 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)

Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Introduced in Senate) S 1728 IS


**page w /links:Amendments For H.R.3590


YouTube - Jesse Ventura: Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies

Paul Ryan Is Not Ready to Give Up on Health Care - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Netanyahu, defiant, stands his ground - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Dem win is built on sand - NYPOST.com

Al Sharpton: 'The American Public Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism When They Elected President Obama' | NewsBusters.org

Opposing view: ‘It must be repealed’ - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Breitbart.tv » ‘Hell No!’: Boehner Makes Impassioned Statement on House Floor

Obama plans blitz to boost public opinion of health-care effort - washingtonpost.com

GOP governors hold morning-after summit - Washington Times

Poll: Low Favorability Ratings For Pelosi, Reid - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Holder's future uncertain amid terror trial disputes

Obamacare wins: Now the pain begins - NYPOST.com

MichaelSavage.com - Home of The Savage Nation

» Banned in Britain for ‘Hate Speech’ — Unless You’re the Daughter Of a Mass Murderer - Big Journalism

Chinese Academics’ Paper on Cyberwar Sets Off Alarms in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Newsmax - Price: Obamacare Means 159 New Gov't Agencies

FOXNews.com - Why This Doctor Dropped Out of Medicaid

Girl Scouts hiding secret sex agenda?

Los Angeles Times - California, L.A., Entertainment and World news - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Final Defendant in Haditha, Iraq Killings Seeks Dismissal of Charges

Truth is, everybody lies - NYPOST.com

Postal exec taps former associate for no-bid pact - Washington Times


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 22nd With James Delingpole


** The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Fall of the Republic HQ full length version


*The Obama Deception Guide - Alex Jones Video


03-22-2010: Navy warns of possible Cole-like attack in Yemen

03-22-2010: Propaganda: "Jihad Jane" Part of Growing US Jihad; "American like Apple Pie"

03-22-2010: Schlafly: Health Care Vote Set to Expose the Myth of the 'Pro-Life Democrat'

03-22-2010: Reasons to be pissed about the health insurance bill

03-22-2010: 'Faggot' and 'Nigger:' Language used by health care reform protesters

03-22-2010: Poll: Low Favorability Ratings For Pelosi, Reid

03-22-2010: Health Care Bill Spurs Assassination Calls on Twitter

Health Care Bill Spurs Assassination Calls on Twitter - ABC News

White House All-a-Twitter in Historic Healthcare Vote - ABC News

Health Care Bill: House Passes Sweeping Reform Legislation - ABC News

03-22-2010: Chinese Media: Google Is Tied to U.S. Intelligence

03-22-2010: Data mining project benefits investigators, scares privacy experts

03-22-2010: U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium in Afghan Town

03-22-2010: PepsiCo Develops 'Designer Salt' to Chip Away at Sodium Intake

03-22-2010: SpaceShipTwo Makes First Flight

Mars as you've never seen it before

03-22-2010: New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama "Spread the Wealth Around"

03-22-2010: Nano-based RFID tag, you're it

03-22-2010: Collective Intelligence is the New Measure of Smart

GooTube: Google Traffic Dominates the Internet

03-22-2010: Nation's Largest Force Protection Exercise Begins

03-22-2010: Chairs of Both the 9/11 Commission and the Joint Intelligence Inquiry into 9/11 Said That Government Minders Obstructed the 9/11 Investigation

Fact Sheet: The Truth About The Health Care Bill

FDA Attempting to Determine Why GlaxoSmithKline Rotavirus Vaccine Contains a Pig Virus Called Porcine Circovirus 1

Use Your Idle Computer Time to Save the World | Singularity Hub

CIA chief authorizes every drone strike

Graham proposes framework for handling terrorism suspects, rules governing indefinite detention

AP: Charges eyed for ex-Blackwater chief

Iraq Inquiry asks to question George Bush's senior officials

Nuclear terror risk to Britain from Al-Qaeda

Suspected bomber in lawyer's wig causes terror alert on London Underground

UK: London 2012 Olympics pose greatest terror risk

US facing home-grown Islamic terror threat

Secret Service Investigating Obama Assassination Tweets

College grad posts Obama assassination threats on Twitter

Gates admits concerns on US assassins in S. Asia

Who’s In Charge of These Hired Killers?

Hilary Clinton Threatens Iran With "Painful Consequences"

AIPAC's Talking Points On Iran and Palestinians

Zionism’s Dark Forces Don’t Want the Lights On

Wealth Creates Poverty?

The Ultimate Revolution

Defeat in Victory: the Democrat's Health Care Bill

The Health Care Hindenburg Has Landed

Keep The Change

Cindy Sheehan Arrested At War Protest In D.C.

35 cities suffer unemployment above 15%:


FEMA Detention Site Plans Exposed

**4pg/The Truth About Healthcare Bill**

Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy

Disinformation and the Capitalist Economic System: What Is To Be Done

The Organization of American States (OAS) without the US. An Alternative

How Sovereign is Europe? Washington has Murdered Privacy Rights at Home And Abroad

War, Racism and the Empire of Poverty

United States Hypocrisy Knows No Rationale -Take it to the UN

Cheneyism with a Human Face: Obama's New Imperial Presidency

Tony Blair's Secret Deal with a Multinational Oil Giant

Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records

Colin Powell Acknowledges that Iran does not Possess Nuclear Weapons

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering

YouTube - Healthy without health insurance in America

Now That Obamacare Is Passed, Nationalized Health Insurance Is Inevitable

U.S. Census Tracks Mail, Raising Fears Among Some

YouTube - A 2010 Census Message from Nickelodeon's Dora the Explorer

Corruption alleged as tainted vaccines kill Chinese children

Broadband plan would vastly expand government power over the Internet

The Politics of Obammunism

50% Say States Should Have Right to Opt Out of Health Care Reform Plan


How government cash created the Climategate scandal

*YouTube - We have failed to listen to America. And we have failed to reflect the will of our constituents

Leaders with a Common Purpose

Boss Rahm decides who is a worthy Democrat

The U.S. and Israel are locked in a macabre dance

The F Word: Stupak vs. the nuns

Policing thought in America: Why can’t we discuss the events of 9/11?

Who is the thief?

The offshored economy


YouTube - New World Order Mind Control

YouTube - Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

YouTube - New World Order Monetary System Max Igan - Dprogram.net


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [1/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [2/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [3/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [4/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [5/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [6/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [7/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [8/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [9/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [10/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [11/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [12/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [13/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [14/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM 2/4/2010 [15/15] Mind Control & One World Order

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 4/4

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 1/4

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 2/4

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 3/4


archive:Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent | Deanna Spingola


Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?

pdf:United Nations Governing Council of the UN Environmental Programme

Wonders that need to be watched

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

US states sue EPA to stop greenhouse gas rules

Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’

US 'used plague bomb' in Korea War

PROMISES, PROMISES: Records not so open with Obama

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

'Minority Report' digital billboard 'watches consumers shop'

House Judiciary Chairman Says Constitution's Non-Existent ‘Good and Welfare Clause’ Authorizes Congress to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance

White House Not Worried About States’ Constitutional Challenge to Health Care

IRS to Enforce Health Reform

Polls: Majority of Americans Still at Odds with Obama on Health-Care Costs, Border Security

64 Percent of Voters Give Congress Low Marks, Poll Finds

Pro-Israel Gathering Hears Dueling Views on Building in Jerusalem

Liberal Activist Says 'Cognitive' Brain Patterns Prevent Conservatives From Accepting Threat of Global Warming

Sean Hannity, Freedom Alliance Refute Attack That Blogger Based on Unnamed Source Citing Unnamed 'Guy'

Hillary Clinton Heads to Mexico for Talks on Drug War

Congress to Debate the Future of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

'Online Tax Revolt' to Create a First-Ever Virtual Protest of Current U.S. Tax System

Obama to Sign Health Bill, Celebrate With Allies

Health Care Law Requires Calorie Counts on Menus of Restaurant Chains

Tea Partiers Vow Revenge Over Passage of Health Care Bill

Open Borders Is Undermining the Republican Party

Indian Military to Weaponize the World's Hottest Chili

ACORN Disbanding Because of Money Woes, Scandal

Court Sides with Debtor in Student Loan Case

EPA to Issue Stricter Drinking Water Standards

Pay Czar Expanding Compensation Review to 25 Top Execs at Bailed-Out Financial Companies

Axelrod, Steele Tangle on Health Care Overhaul

Catholic Clergy Abuse Claims Drop in U.S.

PETA Feathers Ruffled by Mike Tyson NY Pigeon Show

Slapping the Helping Hand

The Economics of Abortion

Talk of Impeachment

Video: Coast to Coast AM – Mind Control & One World Order « Dprogram.net

How Sovereign is Europe? Washington has Murdered Privacy Rights at Home And Abroad

US may try Sheehan for anti-war campaign

Chinese Academics’ Paper on Cyberwar Sets Off Alarms in U.S. - NYTimes.com

Synagogue Bomb Suspects: The Feds Put Us Up to It! by Jonathan Dienst and Hasani Gittens

Impeachment Time: Obama Grants Eminent Domain Rights to China to Secure Debt

Mexico's drug war takes growing toll on Americans

If Only We Were Smarter!

US Forest Service admits putting surveillance cameras on public lands | islandpacket.com

Dave Daubenmire -- Intellectual Bigotry

Residents powerless to remove illegal immigrants from their gardens | Mail Online

Is California Becoming a Third World Nation? - Japhy Grant - California Stars - True/Slant

Born-again 'Son of Hamas' now fights 'Islam's god'

Barack Obama and the date-rape of America

The Party Of 'No No No!' Kicks Their Feet And Holds Their Breath As Obama Signs Historic Bill

President Barack Obama Signs Health Care Reform Bill

Kevin Madden: "American people have been sold a bill of goods."

Bill Kristol Predicts 'The Bulk' of the Health Care Bill Will be Repealed by 2013

Lawrence O'Donnell: Senate Parliamentarian Rules Against the GOP

Plouffe dares Rove to pull out 'Mission Accomplished' banner

My chat with Numbers USA's Roy Beck: Those 200,000 immigration marchers are all 'thieves'

Roy Beck of anti-immigrant NumbersUSA at the March For America: Bodyguards get rough with mimes, SWAT team intervenes

Will Chris Matthews apologize to Alan Grayson?

Congratulations, Madame Speaker. Last Night, You Got The Job Done.

Wasserman Schultz on Health Care Bill: This Passed Without Any Republican Support by Their Choice

'Baby Killer' Shouted at Stupak During Health Care Debate

Last-Minute Change In HCR Bill Makes Student Loan Reform Disappear

John Boehner's Final Speech on Health Care Bill: Yells Shame on You to the Democrats

Fox News Splits Screen, Shows Teabagger Protests During Stupak Presser

David Frum: This is GOP’s Waterloo, Points Finger at ‘Radicals’ Like DeMint

Twitter Tea-Parties like it's 1861? Violent rhetoric from the TeaBaggers.

Roland Martin: These Folks Probably Can't Even Spell Communism and Socialism, Much Less Identify It

Twitter Echos With The Moaning and Gnashing Of Conservative Teeth As Healthcare Bill Passes

March For America: Over 100,000 gather in D.C. to demand immigration reform

Kit Bond: Obamacare's Financial Cost to States Will Be 'Horrific'

Pro-Life Groups Help Stupak's GOP Opponents

Obama Aims to Sell Wary Public on Health Reform

Tea Party Rebellion Growing After Vote

States Move to Block Obamacare's Unfunded Mandates

Schlafly: Health Vote Exposes Myth of Pro-Life Dem

Steele: 'Fire Nancy Pelosi'

Price: Healthcare Major Issue in Fall Election

GOP Targets Democrats on Healthcare Reform

DNC's Kaine: Health Win Good for Campaign

Romney: Health Bill Will Cost Obama 2nd Term

Health Law Will Make Calorie Counts Hard to Ignore

Tea Partyers Vow Revenge Over Health Overhaul

Clinton Accuses Israel of Hurting U.S. Credibility

Kerry, Dems Seek Cap-and-Trade Bill

Hawaii Asks Obama for Presidential Library

Geithner: Banks Must Be Restrained

Gross: Nation Can't Afford Obamacare's Burden

Donaldson: Dems Face Trouble in Midterms

After Health, Obama, Allies Zero in on Climate

GOP Takes Health Battle to the States, Courts

Judge Orders Gitmo Release of Key 9/11 Terrorist

Obama, Calderon Discuss Drug Trafficking Issues

Obama to Iran: Seeking Talks but Eye on Sanctions

Bush, Clinton Visit Devastated Haitian Capital

Google Tries to Slip Past Chinese Web Censors

Last Haditha Defendant Seeks to Dismiss Charges

Fed Cracks Down on Gift Card Abuses

First Court Hearing for Professor in Ala. Shooting

Wanted: User Manual for Healthcare Overhaul

Charges Eyed for Ex-Blackwater Chief

Calif. Moves to Ban Smoking at All State Parks

Bill Aims to Speed up Air Traffic System Overhaul

Michael Jackson Doctor Interrupted CPR

Opponents of Gay Marriage Ban Must Release Memos

Ariz. Senate Votes to Ban Texting While Driving

GOP Sharpens Health Bill Amendments

Ex-Pa. Rep Guilty of 14 Counts in Corruption Case

Debate On the Future of Fannie, Freddie Heats up

Senate Rivals in Missouri Vie for 'Outsider' Role

Senators to Square Off Over Financial Reforms

Libya Promotes Controls on Radical Islam

Nazi Assassin, 88, Gets Life Jail Term

Jimmy Carter Wants Direct N. Korea Talks

Bond Buyers: Buffett a Better Risk Than Treasuries

Chicago Fed Chief Backs Extended Support Policies

Economist: China May Act on Yuan if U.S. Silent

Geithner: Revamp the Housing Finance System

Saffron May Save Aging Eyes

Seven Brain Games to Make You Smarter

Another Superbug Is on the Rise

Meat, Dairy Diet Not Tied to Global Warming

China Media Accuse Google of Violating Promises

Museum Takes New Look at Air, Water, Land and Life

Enviros, Growers Agree On Farmland Reuse for Solar

Jerry Springer Hosts New GSN Dating Game Show

Conclusion to Lies The Government Told You by Andrew P. Napolitano

Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now by William Norman Grigg

Civil Liberties in Obama's America by Anthony Gregory

Can You Help Me Find My Market? by Wilton D. Alston

Rent-A-Rambos by Eric Margolis

Krugman Strikes Out by William L. Anderson

Healthcare Reform Passes by Ron Paul

Moneynews - Rogers: The Euro Is Headed for Extinction

Census time heightens privacy concerns | Politics and Law - CNET News

Imploding America by Jack D. Douglas

Barack Hussein Obama and Indonesia: there's no place like home - Mail Online - Euroseptic: Mary Ellen Synon in Brussels

Iceland prepares for second, more devastating volcanic eruption - Times Online

Michael Jackson News | Dr. Conrad Murray Hid Evidence Before Calling Paramedics for Michael Jackson

YouTube - Witness: Dr. Murray Stopped CPR

Sarah Palin's Reality Series Headed To Discovery - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

News - Rosie O'Donnell Confirms New Talk Show - Movies, TV & Music - UsMagazine.com

TV and Internet use together growing | Reuters

Google in Hong Kong: Business as usual? - latimes.com

YouTube - Google to Stop Censoring its Search Engine

Israeli settlements buried two-state solution: expert | Reuters

YouTube - Clinton vs Netanyahu: US, Israel trade jabs at AIPAC over Jerusalem settlements

Ex-Nazi Guilty in Wartime Murders - NYTimes.com

Taliban say not involved in Kabul peace talks | Reuters

Putin pledges to double state support for small, medium business | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

The Associated Press: Man stabs, kills 8 children at Chinese school

YouTube - Chinese doctor stabs to death 8 school children

BBC News - Thailand government extends special security powers

Sudanese president threatens to expel election observers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Peru still faces severe challenges in water supply, sanitation

BBC News - David Cameron increases pressure for lobbying inquiry

Army dominates Pakistan agenda for U.S. talks | Reuters

YouTube - N-deal for Pak: Indo-US ties hit?

Dirty Water Kills More People Worldwide than War

N. Korea Identifies American Being Held - NYTimes.com

U.S. Officials Meet Iraqi Leader After Recount Call - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Sarkozy to tackle French Eta bases

Turkish PM Warns Judiciary Over Attacks on Reforms - NYTimes.com

Obama Signs Landmark Health Care Bill - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Obama's New Campaign

Senate Committee Passes Financial Reform Bill

ACORN to formally disband | Reuters

YouTube - ACORN Closing Its Doors for Good

Sen. Graham Peeved on Health Care but Will Stick With Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

YouTube - NRG Looks at the Senate Climate Bill

AFP: After health, Obama allies zero in on climate

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers to Congressional Democrats: You'll Pay in November

Calif. lawmakers approve tax breaks to create jobs - BusinessWeek

In Newark, Arrests Are Made in 1978 Killings - NYTimes.com

Condoleezza Rice Endorses Carly Fiorina for Senate « The Washington Independent

Abortion foe from Texas says he regrets outburst - washingtonpost.com

Texas Education's Giant Tent - Science and Tech - The Atlantic

Some Hispanics puzzle over race question on census form

Police: Ala campus shooting suspect denied role - Boston.com

Ex-Pa. rep guilty of 14 counts in corruption case - BusinessWeek

NY Senate Democratic leaders offer budget plan - BusinessWeek

Courthouse News Service

Senate OKs Bill To Upgrade Air Traffic Radar, Give Passengers Rights | AHN

Alabama AG to take over antigambling task force - BusinessWeek

YouTube - Biden to Obama at Health Care Signing: 'This is a Big F*#cking Deal'

RealClearPolitics - Video - Flashback: Obama Promises Public 5 Days To View Bills Before He Signs Them

Obama signs historic $938 billion health overhaul

Obama Signs Health Care Bill Into Law as Republicans Challenge Constitutionality - ABC News

Poll: Low Favorability Ratings For Pelosi, Reid - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Having insurance 'going to be like Christmas' :: WRAL.com

CNSNews.com - IRS to Enforce Health Reform

After health, Obama allies zero in on climate

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN poll: Majority disapprove of Obama for first time « - Blogs from CNN.com

Tea partiers vow revenge over health overhaul

Nancy Pelosi's Exclusive Interview With Diane Sawyer - ABC News

State Dems want to legalize medical marijuana to help plug budget gap

Are cosmic rays really causing Toyota's woes? | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Venezuela holds Chavez critic for conspiracy | Reuters

Right-wing U.S. firebrand Ann Coulter will file grievance with rights panel

Clips of Barry surface online - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Israel defies Obama over Jerusalem settlements - contains video

Mohawked Man Goes on Miami Airport Assault | NBC Miami

Mexican officers dismembered, put in bags

Supreme Court Battle Quietly Brews As Future Nominations Loom - ABC News

Airport device follows fliers' phones - USATODAY.com

U.S. to Beef Up Cybersecurity Overseas - WSJ.com

Britain to expel Mossad's man in London over Dubai assassination - Telegraph

Bill Gates, Toshiba in early talks on nuclear reactor - Yahoo! News

Flowers losing scent due to climate change

Nintendo Plans 3-D Hand-Held - WSJ.com

Pro Libertate: Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now


YouTube - Starbucks: Doing our part to IRRADIATE the planet....


***220 Socialists That Need to Be Sent Home

**House Vote 887 - H.R.3962: On Passage - NYTimes.com


Socialized Medicine: The Road to Wealth Destruction


old shit:EclippTV :: Video :: Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points


archive:Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds


*YouTube - The Truth about Facebook!


Joe Biden Got What He Deserved And So Will America « Mantiq al-Tayr

America’s Secret Prisons

Shoot To Kill Policy

Mossad Comes to America: Death Squads by Invitation

EclippTV • View topic - What's Really in Stalinist-like "Obamacare"

EclippTV :: Video :: Beware of the Superdollar

EclippTV :: Video :: Judge Napolitano - Health Care Bill Passed by Congress UNCONSTITUTIONAL

We are being watched more than ever in the US – Jesse Ventura - RT

Tinfoil Hat News: ADL’s Attempt To Sodomize America

Assassinating Hamas won't work | Arik Diamant and David Zoneshine | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

An attack on health care in the guise of reform

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: National Bankruptcy will Repeal Obamacare – Not Republicans

Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How ObamaCare Will End Up with Bernie Madoff Types in Charge of Your Diagnosis and Treatment

The 10 Step Final Countdown to Retirement Plan Nationalization by Ron Holland

A little secret about Obama's transparency - Los Angeles Times

The Politics of Obammunism « LewRockwell.com Blog

Strategies for Revolutionaries: Animals, Humans & the Implications of Consciousness – | Sophrosyne Radical

States rebel against Washington / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Objectivist Individualist: Our Illegitimate, Fascist Socialist Federal Government

A People’s Guide to the Health Care Bill « P U L S E

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura: Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente Interview by Helen Skopis of Athens International Radio

Obamacare is the democrats synonym for “new taxes”.

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul vs. Stephen Baldwin : Marijuana Legalizing

Mr Obama turns up the socialist ratchet | Samizdata.net

Liberty 101: Health Care Bill Worse than 911

Obamacare: It’s About Enriching Bankers and Wall Street

*site:Ready Nutrition

Divide and Conquer

What the Passage of the Health Care Bill Means to Americans

Freedom From Fascism

How to Destroy the Private Sector via Health Care Reform



The Injustice of Social Justice

Voter Backlash Beyond ObamaCare

The One Preexisting Condition Getting a Cure

Obamacare's Achilles Heel

Where Were You When the Republic Died?

The Federalist Papers and Obamacare

Senior Congressional Staff Exempted from ObamaCare

Mourning for America

Obama after ObamaCare

Inspired to earn less

Where the cliche 'Pyrrhic Victory' comes from

Just who have the Democrats 'defeated' by passing Obamacare?

Hillary sticks her foot in it in speech at AIPAC

Steely Determination

When freedom succumbs to 'necessity'

Obamacare and Bleeding-Heart Liberals

Obama and Clinton Flunk the Pinocchio Test at AIPAC

Dissembling, Death, and Deficits

Be Careful What You Wish For

How Many Pounds of Flesh Will It Take to Kill Israel?

Obama's Audacity of Tenacity

Healthy Community Initiatives: A Microcosm of What We're In For

The Moral Case Against Health Care Reform

In Defeat, Defiance

Debbie Schlussel: Trial Lawyer on ObamaCare: “Get Ready for $25 (or $30) Hamburgers”

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim UN Peacekeepers Committed Rape, Dodge Discipline

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim “Democracy”: Iraq Refuses Recount After Rejecting 50% of Christian Votes

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Anti-Semitic Rant @ City Council Mtg of Black-Controlled City

Debbie Schlussel:The ObamaCare Fiasco: Americans Are Ned Beatty in Healthcare “Deliverance”

REVIEW: ‘Shooting Michael Moore’ Debunks the Debunker

There Will Be Revolution!

Daily Gut: Daddy Got Us a Pony!

Obama’s Emboldened: Our Fight Has Just Begun

ObamaCare: A Good Night For Tyranny

Sean Penn Is Not a Smart Man Or a Patriot

Michael Marxist: A Love Story

ZoNation: The Fall of America

ObamaCare Is the Democrats’ New Kansas-Nebraska Act

The 2010 US Census Is So 1990: Lack of an On-Line Option Is Embarrassing

Stupak Can’t Hyde

Laying the Cornerstone of a Socialist Utopia

Depend On The Government For Your Health Care? Good Luck…

It’s Morning in America

*Ricochet Podcast: A Tri-Partisan Three Way

Obama’s Emboldened: Our Fight Has Just Begun

ACORN Folds! Will Cease All Operations Within Months

Bart Stupak, A Pocket Full of Mumbles

Is ACORN’s Bankruptcy Claim Just More Deceit?

What Now? Four Guiding Principles for Health Care

Liberals in Congress Destroy Freedom in America and Their Own Re-Election Prospects This Fall

The Socialists Won A Battle; Now It is Our Turn

Census Stalkers

Capitalism and Health Care

ObamaCare: Time to Fire Speaker Pelosi

Hope and Change: Had Enough?

Monday Open Thread: Repeal Edition

Obama: Fame Junkie

MSM Discovers Christians Marketing to Christians — How Dare They!

USA Today and NASA’s Bogus Data: ‘Global Warming’ Handmaiden

As America Trots Down The Same Doomed Path, Chicago Tribune Notices Illinois Is Broke

In the War of Ideas, Conservatives Like Erick Erickson and Ginni Thomas Are Always Under Fire

In CNN Hire, the Leftist Mask of ‘Tolerance’ Slips, Revealing the Skull Beneath the Skin

You Know, I Think I’m Gonna Like This ‘Health-Care’ Entitlement!

Lefty SOP: The Elevation of the Particular to the General, or, Tar Everyone With the Same Brush

America’s Day of Wreckoning — the Socialist Putsch Comes to Washington

Bart Stupak, Cheap Suit, Congresscritter of Easy Virtue, Rube, Hogarthian Trollop

Overnight Thread: ‘Health-Care’ Debacle; Congratulations, Sen. John McCain (R–Media) — You Made This Day Possible


Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Hollywood’s Broke Part 1: Recognizing There’s a Problem

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Hollywood’s Broke Part 2: The Diagnosis

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Hollywood’s Broke Part 3: The Details

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Hollywood’s Broke Part 4: The Innovation Deficit

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Hollywood’s Broke Part 5: The Solutions


Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Marlon’s Mao: Part One

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Marlon’s Mao: Part Two

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Marlon’s Mao: Part Three

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Marlon’s Mao Part Four: Mao’s Apprentices — Pierre Trudeau and Barack Obama

03/22 The Mark Levin Show

**Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives Members By State**


Benishek for Congress!


Bart Stupak: Liar, Cheap Date, Soon-to-Be-Former Congressman from Michigan

Bart Stupak, Gullibility, Mendacity, and the Party of Death


Breitbart.tv » 20 Promises for $2,500: All Americans Now Await Lower Premiums Promised by Obama


**The Boston Tea Party, 1773**


Speech of Benjamin Franklin - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net


Communist Manifesto ; summary quotations

Communist Manifesto / 10 Planks

45 pgs/Manifesto of the Communist Party


Al Sharpton: 'The American Public Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism When They Elected President Obama' | NewsBusters.org

YouTube - Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama


If Past is Prologue When it Comes to Guesstimating Actual Health Care Costs, Well, it Was Nice Knowing You All... - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

HSA Benefits Consulting » Blog Archive » Which Health Insurance Carrier Denies the most Claims?


Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-22, Monday


Digital Economy Bill approved by House of Lords - Telegraph


Government webpage for every citizen in the race to create a paperless society - Times Online


Exclusive: Next-generation super ID card on the cards for 2012 | Security | silicon.com

Exclusive: Next-generation super ID card on the cards for 2012 | Page 2 | Security | silicon.com

Exclusive: Next-generation super ID card on the cards for 2012 | Page 3 | Security | silicon.com


***The A to Z of ID cards | Public Sector | silicon.com


Roadside tests for fingerprints go nationwide - Yorkshire Post


March 22, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

March 19, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


**Corporate Roster - Council on Foreign Relations**


YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 1/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 2/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 3/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 4/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 5/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan


Yes, the health-care reform bill is now law. Read it and weep, Republicans

**Hillary Clinton’s AIPAC speech: The video, the transcript | Capital J | JTA - Jewish & Israel News


Slavery Of Blacks In 1860 - Slavery Of Mexicans In 2010


***Devvy -- National Archives — The Seventeenth Amendment — March, 2010***

*site:U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation

Full text of "Constitution Jeffersons Manual And Rules Of the House Of Representatives Of The United States Eighty Seventh Congress"


Inside Oklahoma's 16th Amendment lawsuit


17 th amendment ; archives

U.S. Constitution: Article V / Proposing a Constitutional Amendment

The Seventeenth Amendment: A Cancer on our Constitutional Republic


Mars Pictures: NASA's Most Extraordinary Images EVER (PHOTOS)

*322 - Secret Societies, Depopulation And The Health Care Plan

Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery - CNN.com

kraine And A Tectonic Shift In Heartland Power

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Internet as Agent of Political Change

*The Communist Congress Betrayal - Roll Call Vote

Wow, What A Guy...

video:Congressman Rips ObamaCare Supporters

savethemales.ca - Patriots Like Deer 'Frozen in the Headlights'?

The New Intolerable Act

Health Care Bill: What Does it Mean For You? Obama to Sign Bill Tuesday - ABC News

Charlie Brooker | The most dangerous drug isn't meow meow. It isn't even alcohol ... | Comment is free | The Guardian

Chinese media accuse US of 'information imperialism' amid Google row - Telegraph

China's corrupt Communists in the frame for graft - Telegraph

Silvio Berlusconi to push for change to Italian constitution for greater powers - Times Online

David M. Glantz Fights for the Truth About Stalingrad » HistoryNet

AIPAC Policy Conference 2010 | Follow the Conference Live

Pre-empting home-grown terrorists | Thomas de Maizière | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Barbecue summer really is on the cards this year, says firm that predicted the big freeze - Telegraph

Backpackers scavenge food from bins in wake of Cyclone Ului - Telegraph

Too many laws have created a climate of fear, bishop warns - Telegraph

How do we win back our freedom? - Telegraph

Why are we paying to educate EU students in our universities? - Telegraph

Gagging law to protect Prince Charles - Times Online

The Real Story of the Men Who Stare at Goats - NEWSMONSTER

E BOOK $$$

**e book:Banking and Currency and The Money Trust


Music can be banned if it even sounds religious

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive GOP's Inhofe 'declares victory' over cap-and-trade

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Unconstitutional to require Americans to buy anything'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Appalled at the perversion of our democracy'

Fan's 10,000-mile trip to see Blackburn Rovers hits the buffers (From Lancashire Telegraph)

Border Patrol spotlights bother Ariz. observatories

Gay couple turned away from B&B by Christian owners | World news | The Guardian

Wife Wins $9 Million From Husband's Alleged Mistress - ABC News


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Hawaii asks Obama for presidential library - washingtonpost.com

MSNBC’s Fineman: ObamaCare is ‘Preservation & Enhancement of Existing System,’ Obama ‘From Country of Long-Distance Runners’ | NewsBusters.org

President's birth certificate: right-wing propaganda? | KETKnbc.com | The News Station


'Peace partner' plans 'resistance' in Israel's capital

Obama adviser's group compared self to Tea Party

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

Flood of challenges rising against 'Obamacare'

Homeschoolers win U.S. asylum, now face deportation

When building homes is bad

How tea party can go bad

Rush Limbaugh: Elections could end thanks to Obama

Flood of challenges rising against 'Obamacare'

Federal health care? Not so fast, say states

GOP sharpens health bill amendments - Washington Times

Chambliss: GOP targets health provisions - Washington Times

GOP fighting mad about health bill - Washington Times

Congress didn't get the memo

Poll: Low Favorability Ratings For Pelosi, Reid - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Dems send Wall Street bill to full Senate - Washington Times

Homeschoolers win U.S. asylum, now face deportation

School to Ann Coulter: Watch your mouth!

I'm the victim of a hate crime, Ann Coulter tells Canadian audience

Obama adviser's group compared self to Tea Party

High school students' video inviting Obama to Martin County draws parents' ire » TCPalm.com

'Peace partner' plans 'resistance' in Israel's capital

FOXNews.com - Netanyahu Pushes Back, Says Jerusalem 'Not a Settlement'

Obama's policies slammed as 'racist'

Obama Signs Health Insurance Overhaul Bill « Row 2, Seat 4

Liberal caucus leader will introduce new public option bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

CNSNews.com - IRS to Enforce Health Reform

Health care fight energizes pro-life movement - Washington Times

Texas Republican Shouted ‘Baby Killer’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

GOP governors hold morning-after summit - Washington Times

Opposing view: ‘It must be repealed’ - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Of the Land: After the Vote, the Sale, as Health Care Stays Where It’s Been - The Note

White House fires back at Rove over e-mails sent during healthcare push - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Immigration rally draws thousands to Washington - CNN.com

Church bans homeschooler's picture of 'Jesus'

New NY Times video program features inside look at newspaper

Lesley Stahl Says House Victory Makes Obama Look Like...Reagan? | NewsBusters.org

video:Reinstate death penalty ... for adultery

It's a civil war: What we do now

The day the republic came to an end

Flippers and cheaters

A nation with blood on its hands

Obama builds his own 'foundation'

Yes, it is socialized medicine

Obamacare Bill: A Declaration of War | FrontPage Magazine

When building homes is bad

The Washington Post's smear of Fox News

A point of no return?

Immigration's killing the GOP

'Living trust' just a gimmick?

Wayne Allyn Root's Blog - Is Anyone in Washington D.C. Smarter Than a 12th Grader?

Op-Ed Columnist - Fear Strikes Out - NYTimes.com

An Open Letter to Republicans

Blame Republicans

Five Reasons Not to Despair - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

video:Christians, it's time to celebrate ... the goddess

video:Is the afterlife heaven, hell or outer space?


*American Minute for March 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute


In the brick of it: When an NYC artist recalled his childhood Legos, something snapped into place

Baby boys who have a nanny 'turn into womanisers' - Telegraph

Ananova - 'Robo-hawk' takes to the skies

Suffolk woman, 20, charged with using car to hit woman in cemetery - dailypress.com

Woman gets life for killing, freezing girls - Washington Times

TV and Internet use together growing | Reuters

Neptune may have eaten a planet and stolen its moon - space - 22 March 2010 - New Scientist

Virgin Galactic spaceship makes first test flight | Reuters

Tales of the Ouija – Volume 10 of Tales of the Ouija

New Proof Unknown "Structures" Tug at Our Universe

BBC News - Dinosaurs' dominance 'helped by mass volcanism'

Iceland volcano eruption triggers fears for glacier - Telegraph

Study: Daylight saving time a waste of energy

Abraham Lincoln Reborn As A Vampire Slayer : NPR

BBC News - 'Hobbit' island's deeper history

Cult steals a daughter's love, a grandson's life - Baltimore Sun

Ananova - 'Robo-hawk' takes to the skies

Was idyllic French village driven crazy by LSD in a secret American mind experiment? | Mail Online

BBC News - Velociraptor's cousin discovered

SPACE.com -- The Big Bang: Solid Theory, But Mysteries Remain

Unexplained 'boom' generates calls to 911 center

Solar sails take shape - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Daily Dispatch Online

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider smashes energy record again

Scientists develop ‘invisibility cloaks’ - Times Online


*site:The Worlds of David Darling

*site:Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog: Economic News and Breaking News Reports - USA Watchdog.com


**Getting it wrong: with his latest novel, William F. Buckley continues his effort to rewrite history to his liking, this time targeting the John Birch Society. (Conservatism). - Free Online Library

archive:Mises, Murray Rothbard: Was the National Review a CIA operation? | William Buckley Jr - Liberty Forest

Conservatism, Buckley style: the mainstream media used the occasion of Buckley's passing to credit him with making conservatism modern and respectable. But what kind of "conservatism" is that? | New American, The | Find Articles at BNET


The Price of Victory - The Daily Beast

With Health Care Reform, Obama Insures His Legacy | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - ObamaCare is Politically Vulnerable

The Lie of Fiscal Responsibility - Reason Magazine

How Obama revived his health-care bill

RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare Can Be Repealed

RealClearPolitics - Health Reform Makes US More Like Europe - Thank Goodness

Democrats, Health Care Reform, And The Center | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - A Victory for Obama's Agenda of Spreading Dependency

RealClearPolitics - It's a Civil War: What We Do Now

Pelosi's Moment - Politics - The Atlantic

Roger's Rules » Margaret Thatcher vs. Nancy Pelosi

Op-Ed Contributor - Health Care - For Democrats, a Win Is a Win - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Be Careful What You Wish For

Health care gives GOP new life - BostonHerald.com

How Will China Respond to an Uncensored Google? - TIME

Print: Attack of the Cheneys

How Obamacare hits industry and threatens jobs | Washington Examiner

Why the Double Dip Is Real | Markets | Minyanville.com

Four Ways to Fix Bank Regulations | Industry Insights | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

RealClearWorld - Address at AIPAC

Obamacare: Another Washington scam - Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2010

Health care is now an American right :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

The GOP and ObamaCare - WSJ.com

Step up for D.C. vouchers - washingtonpost.com

In Swing Districts, Voters Take Stock - WSJ.com

Healthcare finished, House Democrats switch to jobs agenda - TheHill.com

Senate Bank Panel Clears Bill on Regulation - NYTimes.com

White House to open a public debate on housing finance reform - washingtonpost.com

Obama's bogus bipartisanship is laid bare

Obama gains clout, place in history for role in House health care vote - The Boston Globe

The Future After Health Care - Business - The Atlantic


*3-22/TranscriptsSecretary Clinton Addresses AIPAC

3-21/President Obama on Health Care's Passage


*3-23/Politics VideoMaddow: Republican Party Subpoenaed in Ensign Scandal


Fla. Attorney General: Bill is "Unconstitutional"

Bill Clinton: They "Couldn't Filibuster" Health Care This Time

GOP Congressman Says "Baby Killer" Comment Not Meant For Stupak

Special Report: All-Star Panel Discusses Health Care Fallout

Olbermann: Racism is in the Tea Party's Heart

O'Reilly: Is This Change We Can Believe In?

Obama Signs Health Care Bill

Axelrod: Health Care Bill Will Sell Itself

Steele: Most Americans Would Like to See Whole Bill "Undone"

Ted Kennedy's Widow Visited Grave on Day of Vote

Bobby Jindal: Health Care Bill "Bad for Our Country"

*3-22/Jesse Jackson Tries To Bait Tea Party Protesters At The Capitol While His Son Films

Rush Limbaugh: "We Need To Defeat These Bastards"

Flashback: Stupak Says He Would Vote For Bill With Abortion Funding

Stupak Admits Obama Could Reverse Decision On Abortion Executive Order

Secretary Sebelius On Health Care Bill's Details

McCain: "When You Go Against The Will Of The People, You Pay A Price"

Clinton: Building For Jews In Jerusalem Is Bad For US

Biden Promotes Tax Credits

ABC's Sawyer Calls Pelosi "Most Powerful" Woman In History

McCain On Health Bill: "We're Going To Repeal This"

Gibbs: Health Care Passage Meant More Than Election Night To Obama

Rep. Patrick Kennedy Near Tears Over Success Of Health Bill

CBS' Leslie Stahl: Obama Is The Apollo Ohno Of Politics

GOP Gov. Otter Plans To Bring Lawsuit Against Health Care "Insanity"

Caddell: Health Bill Is "Political Jonestown" For Dems

Cornyn: Health Care Not Finished Yet

Sharpton: "American Public Overwhelmingly Voted For Socialism When They Elected Obama"

Bill Kristol: "Bulk" Of Health Bill Will Be Repealed By 2013

Ronald Wilson Reagan