"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

31 March 2010

31 March

Roy Tov on The Da Vinci Nazi

Searches Prove NO Mandatory Chipping In Health Bill

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO

Utah gov. OKs eminent domain use on federal land : 24 Hour Breaking News : The Buffalo News


**The Federal Reserve: An Astounding Exposure 1934**


'When Silence Becomes Betrayal'

An archaeological mystery in a half-ton lead coffin

Human Bones Successfully Grown in Lab From Stem Cells | Popular Science

Freedom is not found online | Aditya Chakrabortty | Comment is free | The Guardian

Archaeologists find door to the afterlife - Telegraph

Large Hadron Collider smashes protons, record - latimes.com

YouTube - Israeli Terrorism Against America

Paul A Drockton M.A.: BBC Denies Holly Greig Cover-up

White House Passover Seder: Obama Celebrates The Holiday

New Health Care Law a Republican Plan That Should Make Insurance Companies Proud | FDL Action

Obama Opening Pieces of US Coastline to Offshore Drilling | FDL News Desk

It’s Not Just Health Care | Firedoglake

“Race to the Top” Actually Forcing States To Hew To Arne Duncan’s Particular Favorite Policies | FDL News Desk

Geithner: We’ll Fix $700 Billion CRE Crash With $30 Billion Unrelated Community Bank Fund | FDL News Desk

Obama Deals Stunning Blow to Bank Subsidies on Student Loans, and Sallie Mae Stock Soars | FDL Action

Texas Congressman Latest Republican to Admit Repealing Health Care Reform is Just a Right-Wing Fantasy | FDL Action

USA Today/Gallup Poll: There Is Too Much Government Involvement in Health Care – And We Need More Government Involvement | FDL Action


Part 1: Overpopulation in 21st century America--our risky future | Before It's News

Overpopulation In The 21st Century America - Part 2


Part 4: Overpopulation in 21st century America--nobody ever dies of overpopulation | Before It's News



OpEdNews - Article: Part 7: overpopulation in 21st century America--quality of life in an overcrowded world

Part 8: Overpopulation in 21st century America--endless growth leads to lowered quality of life | Before It's News

Part 9: Overpopulation in 21st century America--expand into what? | Before It's News

Part 10: Overpopulation in 21st century America--too many people | Before It's News

Overpopulation In 21st Century America - Part 11


The Health Care Reform Law Contains a Hidden Tax on Annuities - DailyFinance

Anti-Zionist Jews Met Ahmadinejad In NY Hotel

savethemales.ca - The US Wasn't Founded as a Christian Nation

Pro Libertate: Casus Belli


Most Americans hip to Easter's real meaning?

The Baptist Standard :: The Newsmagazine of Texas Baptists - Fewer than half of Americans link Easter to Resurrection

Easter: The Resurrection of Spring

Easter: Christian or Pagan?

YouTube - Easter - Christian or Pagan?

Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled


video:Interview with Acharya S on the Christ Conspiracy

Rare Austin which stood in garage for 50 years discovered... and starts first time! | Mail Online

Pupils fingerprinted without parental consent, ATL conference hears - Times Online

Children will face full-body 'naked' airport scanners, Labour rules | Mail Online

Any Doubt About Who's Running Our Country?

Piglosi, Marxist Zionists Laughing At YOU - Pics

Rahm Emanuel And Nancy Pelosi's Photographic Chemistry (SLIDESHOW)

Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It


*site pageJordan Maxwell


Asia Times Online :Karzai's China-Iran dalliance riles Obama

Campaigner for victims of China's tainted milk scandal goes on trial | World news | guardian.co.uk

Scientists discover moral compass in the brain which can be controlled by magnets | Mail Online

New turn in Toyota investigation as US turns to Nasa - Times Online

20 Million US Unemployed - Immigration Moratorium Needed

Israel's blood diamonds :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

The Forgotten History And The Progression Of Lies

YouTube - Was God a Volcano?


*e book:The Dark Bible: Contents



Did a historical Jesus exist?

Problems with Creationism

The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

*History to consider


FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Alleged Hutaree Conspiracy

YouTube - Potok Talks Of The New World Order On Anderson Cooper

Fox News Reports On Alleged Threatening Comment Posted on “Radical” Infowars.com

CNN, SPLC Propaganda Connects Hutaree to Patriot Movement

*The Strange Case of Kristopher Sickles and the Hutaree Militia

CNN Attempt To Portray Patriots As Terrorists Backfires, Segment Fails To Air

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

Reconciliation Act H.R.4872 Brings Microchipping to America

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

YouTube - Bob Schulz - We The People Go After The Banksters

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

60 Minutes Exposes United States Financial Collapse

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

New Blasts in Russia Kill 12, Injure 28

Are Politicians Even Worried About The 2010 Elections?

YouTube - CNN Psyop: "NEW WORLD ORDER" Anderson Cooper & Mark Potok

Anderson Cooper/Southern Poverty Law Center step-up propaganda against American people


YouTube - Ed Asner for 9/11 Truth

Ed Asner voices AE911Truth TV spots airing in New York


*McVeigh and the ‘Hispanic man’ — what did the feds know?


**Oddities in the Nancy Schaefer “Suicide” Case


YouTube - Glenn Beck on Jesse Ventura 03/09/10

YouTube - Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions"

Glenn Beck For Dummies

YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 3/29/10: Healthcare and Economic Realities


YouTube - Jesse Ventura on Ron Paul 2012

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on Weed

YouTube - Jesse Ventura On Bonnie Hunt (part 1)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura On Bonnie Hunt (part 2)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura "American Conspiracies" interview on Unfiltered part 1

YouTube - Jesse Ventura "American Conspiracies" interview on Unfiltered part 2

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on Freedom Watch 03/22/10 (part 1)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on Freedom Watch 03/22/10 (part 2)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on Russia Today (part 1)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on Russia Today (part 2)

YouTube - Jesse the body Ventura on the Howard Stern Show March 9th 2010 2

YouTube - Jesse the body Ventura on the Howard Stern Show March 9th 2010 3

YouTube - Jesse the body Ventura on the Howard Stern Show March 9th 2010 4

YouTube - Jesse the body Ventura on the Howard Stern Show March 9th 2010 5

YouTube - Jesse the body Ventura on the Howard Stern Show March 9th 2010 6

YouTube - Jesse the body Ventura on the Howard Stern Show March 9th 2010 7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 1/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 2/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 3/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 4/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 5/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 6/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 7/7

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan (part 1)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan (part 2)

YouTube - They Never Intended A Serious Investigation Of 9/11! Jesse Ventura

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Explains The J.F.K. Assassination

YouTube - Jesse Ventura On Larry King 03/08/10 (part 1)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura On Larry King 03/08/10 (part 2)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura On Larry King 03/08/10 (part 3)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura On Larry King 03/08/10 (part 4)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura tells it like it is. 03-08-10 Part 1

YouTube - Jesse Ventura tells it like it is. 03-08-10 Part 2

YouTube - Jesse Ventura tells it like it is. 03-08-10 Part 3

YouTube - Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 1

YouTube - Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 2

YouTube - Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 3

YouTube - Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 4

YouTube - Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 5

YouTube - Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 6


Americans Fear Totalitarian Obamacare Will Result in Violence

Fox News Trawls Infowars Comments, Reports Alex Jones To Authorities

Republicans Plan to Avoid Obamacare Repeal Demands of the American People

Fox News Reports Feds Investigating Infowars.com

Advocate of 9/11 Censorship on Obama’s Short List for Supreme Court

New Homeland Security Report claims “Right-wing Extremism” is on the rise

Top Eco-Fascist Calls For End Of Freedom To Fight “Global Warming”

The K Street Hustlin’ of Obamacare

National Guard Trainees in Funny Blue Helmets

The next wave of inflation is on the way - Mar. 31, 2010

ADP Says U.S. Companies Unexpectedly Cut Payrolls (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Wall Street cabal seen derailing serious swap reform | Reuters

'Super-Taser' shotgun bullet assessed by Home Office | Mail Online

Police union HQ ransacked after protests | kgw.com | KGW News | Portland, Oregon

Subway riders question NYPD’s ‘ridiculous’ show of force | Raw Story

BBC News - David Cameron promises to create 'neighbourhood army'

Health Care Reform Law: Expanded IRS a Threat to Taxpayers? - ABC News

Supreme Court may weigh coverage mandate - Washington Times

Large Hadron Collider hits problems as scientists bid to start high energy collisions - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - Lawmakers Demand Administration Deploy National Guard, Border Patrol After Killing

t r u t h o u t | Student Loans: The Government Is Now Officially in the Banking Business

Exclusive: FEC commissioner helped RNC conceal role in 2004 vote suppression | Raw Story

FT.com / US & Canada - Senators work on bipartisan climate bill

Obama Takes More Aggressive Tack - WSJ.com

Iran Nuclear Scientist Shahram Amiri Defects to U.S. In CIA 'Intelligence Coup' - ABC News EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

Fox News Trawls Infowars Comments, Reports Alex Jones To Authorities

Obama: Tea Party Built Around Core Group Who ‘Question My Legitimacy’

Health Care Reform Law: Expanded IRS a Threat to Taxpayers? - ABC News

Are Progressives Singing a New Tune on the Wars?

Large Hadron Collider hits problems as scientists bid to start high energy collisions - Telegraph

YouTube - CIA Officer- Robert Steele stresses the importance of Blogging - MONTAGE


A U.S. Biometrics Agency


*site:Biometrics Task Force - Home

20 pg/(2008)Department of Defense DIRECTIVE

25 pg/'09 report


Scientists discover how to ‘turn off’ brain’s morality center | Raw Story

New wave of swine flu approaching in spring

Raid on Hutaree puzzles Adrian | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Dana Loesch: ‘Intellectually Dishonest’ to Equate Anti-Big Government Stance with Racism

Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools

Rancher's murder fuels firestorm

AMS/NWA sponsored survey of TV weathercasters: 63% Believe Global Warming is Mostly Natural

Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings - NYTimes.com

Global warming 'is not slowing down Gulf Stream' | Mail Online

Gordon Brown could remain PM if Queen blocks second General Election | Mail Online

YouTube - Theyre Coming for Our Children: Rep. John Lewis Compared GOP to Nazis on House Floor in 1995

Media weren’t as quick to point out so-called ‘vitriolic’ rhetoric during 1990s congressional debate over welfare reform

ACLU: Truancy Courts Violate the Law, Threaten Parents and Children

Blackwater Taking Over Florida Prison? Hardin, Montana Déjà vu.

Greenspan: 100 • Geithner: 40 • Dimon: 7 • Johnson: Economic Crises Happen Every 5 Years In Our Current System

As Predicted, FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Alleged Hutaree Conspiracy

New Obama Law Places ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans

Mumbai Terrorist Was US Agent

It was never going to be any different

Top Eco-Fascist Calls For End Of Freedom To Fight “Global Warming”

America the Pacified: Atrocities in Afghanistan

Obamacare is just the beginning of a total take over of America

Peter Schiff: ‘Very Good Reason’ to Believe Home Prices Will Collapse

Whatever You Think of Global Warming … Fascism is Not Cool

BBC News - Twelve killed by twin bombings in Russia's Dagestan

Chinese hospital staff disciplined after babies' bodies found by river - CNN.com

'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man – Telegraph Blogs

Companies Push to Repeal Provision of Health Law - CNBC

The Tax Attack on America - CNBC

Government set to unveil offshore drilling plan | Reuters

City ramps up subway firepower over suicide bombings on Moscow trains - NYPOST.com

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Snoopers check we don't split atoms...

FOXNews.com - NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits

Too much cola causes male infertility: Study

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 30th With Webster Tarpley

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 29th With Rep. Phil Hart

03-30-2010: Vatican offers 3 reasons it's not liable for abuse

03-30-2010: Romney defends Mass. health care law

03-30-2010: Naked songtress hits raw nerve at JFK killing scene

03-30-2010: Google, Microsoft Push Feds to Fix Privacy Laws

03-30-2010: Eric Cantor Threatened by Pig-Hating YouTube God

03-30-2010: Christian Militia Group? Militia Insider Denies it, Says Hutaree Was "Terrorist Organization"

03-30-2010: Homelessness set to surge among US elderly: report

03-30-2010: The moon of Saturn that looks just like Pac-Man

03-30-2010: Feds: Christian militia needed to be 'taken down'

03-30-2010: Militia Probe Included Undercover FBI Agent

IRS Investigates Death Threats to Employees After Health Bill Approval

03-30-2010: Military Helicopters may Get Gunshot Location System

03-29-2010: James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change

03-29-2010: Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy

03-29-2010: Video: DHS Global Biometric Plan, Facial Recognition Billboards - Plus More

03-29-2010: Biblical plagues really happened say scientists

Mike McConnell, the WashPost & the dangers of sleazy corporatism

Neuroscientists Influence People’s Moral Judgments by Disrupting Specific Brain Region

School Bus Driver Part Time Preacher arrested for child porn

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

$10.5 million U.S. media project aimed at local news gap

Sell-Off in U.S. Treasuries Raises Sovereign Debt Fears

EM field, behind right ear, suspends morality

Newspeak Revision 3.4RC: NPR Retires 'Pro-Life' and 'Pro-Choice' in Futile Attempt at Neutrality

ACTA would make Internet service providers copyright police

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Obama Is Out-Bushing Bush and the Quote, Unquote Left Will Not Act

Half of NYC subway cams not working --Bloomberg says MTA needs more funding

Russian police release subway bomb suspects' photos

At least 9 people shot in D.C.

IAEA chief opposes new Iran sanctions

Two-Thirds of Boys in Afghan Jails Are Brutalised, Study Finds

9/11 Reconstruction: Mental Before Physical

Bill Moyers: The Health Bill Is a Bonanza for the Insurance Industry

Big Government, Budget Deficits, Entitlements and the “Centrist” Ploy

Eighteen Million, Out in the Road

Tent Slums Spring Up in America

The Plight of Mass Unemployment in America. What are the Causes

YouTube - The crisis of neoliberalism

On kids’ care, insurance weaseling begins - The Boston Globe

Bubble Meter: Elizabeth Warren: Half of commercial RE mortgages to be underwater

Pedophilia in the Catholic Church: Coverup Operation at the Vatican?

VIDEO: US-NATO versus Russia. The Battle for Arctic Supremacy

The Illusion of Nuclear Disarmament. US-Russian START Treaty: A Comprehensive Flicker

100 Million Americans Question or Find Fault with the Official 9/11 Story

Making a Killing: US-NATO Fuel New Arms Race in the Middle East

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament: Shifting the Mindset

Argentina's Oil Battle with the United Kingdom

It’s time to start a ‘Never Vote Republican Again’ national pledge campaign

Approaching spiritual death: The prophetic words of Martin Luther King

Castro’s secret archives: US Special Ops prepares to snatch five decades of damaging material

YouTube - Fluoride in Campbell's soup; Hutaree thoughts; political comments


YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 1/4

YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 2/4

YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 3/4

YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 4/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Calls About "Forced Medication" on The Alex Jones Sunday Edition 1/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Calls About "Forced Medication" on The Alex Jones Sunday Edition 2/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Calls About "Forced Medication" on The Alex Jones Sunday Edition 3/4

YouTube - Alex Takes Calls About "Forced Medication" on The Alex Jones Sunday Edition 4/4


Video: Story on Mystery Substance Distracts from Fact Fluoride is a Deadly Killer « Dprogram.net

The Price of Too Much Fluoride « Dprogram.net

video:John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation

Obama: Think Smart Cards

YouTube - The Internet of Things

Cowboy economics

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Hutaree Raid: An extremely well-executed federal operation aimed at the threat represented by the revitalized militia & Oath Keepers.

LaRouche Reiterates Danger of Assassination Attempt on Obama

The Healthcare Bill Is Soviet Central Planning All Over Again

Abu Dhabi sheikh, sovereign fund head, found dead | Business News | Reuters

Golden times at Royal Canadian Mint

CNSNews.com - FCC Adviser Backs ‘Public Media’ as ‘Filter’ and ‘Megaphone’ for Govt-Funded Internet Journalism

CNSNews.com - Hillary Clinton’s Comments on ‘Legal, Safe Abortion’ Stir Canadian Debate

CNSNews.com - Too Expensive: Wind Power Contract Rejected by R.I. Public Utilities Commission

CNSNews.com - Rep. Bachmann: Obama’s ‘Redistribution of Wealth’ Goal Reached by Forcing People to Buy Health Insurance

CNSNews.com - Rep. Bachmann: Do We Want ‘To Watch Ourselves Collapse From Our Own Welfare State?’

CNSNews.com - Surgeon General Says Health Care ‘Moving in Wrong Direction,’ Even With Expansion of Government Entitlements

CNSNews.com - Physicians' Group Sues Sebelius Over Health-Care Reform Law

CNSNews.com - Republicans, Eying Midterm Election, Wary of Push for Health Care Repeal, AP Says

CNSNews.com - VA Doctors Barred From Prescribing Medical Pot

CNSNews.com - Iran Accused of Interfering in Iraq’s Attempt to Build a Coalition Government

CNSNews.com - Obama, Sarkozy Push for U.N. Sanctions on Iran

CNSNews.com - Study Suggests Toads Can Detect Coming Earthquakes

CNSNews.com - U.K. 'Climategate' Inquiry Clears East Anglia Scientists

CNSNews.com - Bodies of 21 Babies Found in River in Eastern China

CNSNews.com - Obama’s Defining Lie

CNSNews.com - Remembering Terri: 5-Year Anniversary Marked by Cruel Bigotry

CNSNews.com - Henry Waxman: The Witch Hunter of Capitol Hill

CNSNews.com - Is This Kristallnacht or the Reichstag Fire?

CNSNews.com - Liberals in Vitriol Denial

My chat with Rachel: Pondering the meaning of the rise of the militias

Elisabeth Hasselbeck calls Sarah Palin's "Target Map" Despicable

Bill Donohue: Child Molesting Priests Weren’t Pedophiles Because Most Boys Were Post Pubescent

Watching Tucker Carlson beat back right wing critics is awesome

I Can't Believe I Agree With Maureen Dowd: Yes, It's Time For A Female Pope

Tea Partiers Root and Loesch Say Get Rid of Social Security

President Obama on the teabaggers: "There were some folks who just weren’t sure whether I was born in the United States"

Elizabeth Warren: Commercial Mortgages Will Cause A 'Very Serious Problem' In The Economy, Will Take Years To Resolve

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin Could Take a Lesson from Minutemen Leader Carmen Mercer

Active Duty Generals and Politics Don't Mix

Hutaree Michigan Militia leader was a Ron Paul fanatic who believed the Antichrist was on the way

Insurers Tell Sebelius They'll Accept Pre-Existing Conditions In Children - But Warn It'll Cost More

Code Pink tries to arrest Karl Rove and the right wingers freak

O'Reilly says it's unfair to smear Tea Parties with the nutcases they attract. Also, it's possible Obama will take our guns.

Bill Clinton: Pushing Free Trade On Haiti Was A 'Mistake' That Contributed To Hunger

The GOP Brass want Steele to resign

Sinead O'Connor writes a wonderful op-ed on the Irish Catholic Church's sex scandal

The Virtual Wall Was Always A Dumb Idea

Court Orders Dead Soldier's Father To Pay Westboro Baptist Church's Legal Fees

"How Dare They Call Us Racist!" Andrew Breitbart at Tea Party Rally Ups Ante to $100K for Proof


The Tea Party and the Ancien Regime

Frank Luntz's Newest Memo? How To Kill Financial Regulations Reform

Republican C-SPAN caller upset at too many black callers getting on, calls it: 'Black-SPAN'

Hutaree militia planned to attack, kill law-enforcement officers and their families

Insurance companies, what part of "No pre-existing conditions exclusions for kids" don't you understand?

Krugman Gives Noonan and Will a Dose of Reality on the Lack of Bipartisanship

Sarah Palin tries to denounce violence as violence erupts at her McCain event

GOP Chairman Michael Steele spends $1,946.25 of RNC money at sex-themed Hollywood nightclub

Conservative News: Sajak - Opposed to Obamacare? Then You Must Be A Racist - HUMAN EVENTS


*The Lew Rockwell Show: Ron Paul


*Film declares Bush Sr involved in Kennedy assassination

How To Prepare For Obamacare Part I: Practice Self-Care by Bill Sardi

Census Numbers Uncensored by Vedran Vuk

David Frum, Neoconservative New Dealer by Bob Murphy

Bob Herbert: Government Is Magic by William L. Anderson

'Ben Bernanke Has Never Gotten Anything Right,' Peter Schiff Says: Fed Officials Respond

Constitutional Litmus Test by Ron Shirtz

Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism -- Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land? | News & Politics | AlterNet

From bucolic bliss to 'gated ghetto' - latimes.com

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

Sarah Silverman's Climate Change Showdown - The Daily Beast

Mexico drug violence claims dozens in 3 days


Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 1

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 2

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 3

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 4

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 5


Blowback: Aliens Up the Ante as V Returns | Underwire | Wired.com

VIDEO: Talks Of The New World Order On Anderson Cooper - BlackListed News

Trial Begins for LA Man Accused of Abusing Elderly

Police: NJ Teen Sold Stepsister, 7, for Party Sex

Barbara Bush Released From Houston Hospital

Happy 150th Birthday Fish and Chips. Or Is It?

US Navy Plane Crashes in Arabian Sea

Man Sentenced to Death for Killing 2 Ohio Teens

Ohio Man Gets 4-Year Sentence in Red Kettle Theft

Evangelist Alamo Loses Prison Phone Privileges

Wanted: Investors to Turn Saddam's Villas Into Gold

Learn Smarter, Not Longer, Crisis Teaches Hungarians


archive:Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

The Freedom Alliance’s Weak, Empty “Response”; More to Come on This Fraud

Semantics of Vannity: New Hannity Soldiers Scam – “Buy My Book, (Non-Existent) Profits Go to Troops Charity”

Big Business: Who Owns the Freedom Concerts? How Sean Hannity’s Private Jets, Luxe SUVs, Suites Were Paid


Debbie Schlussel:The Documents Don’t Lie: The Hezbollah Spy’s Lawyer v. Me

Debbie Schlussel:And the Award for Parents of the Year Goes to . . .

Debbie Schlussel:How ‘Bout a Little Jihad with That Cruise? (Guess the Religion #671,214)

Debbie Schlussel:Dumb to the Nth: Anti-Corporate Thugs Want Ronald McDonald Out

Debbie Schlussel:Touching VIDEO: Holocaust Survivor & Family Thank US Soldier Who Saved His Life

Debbie Schlussel:Sleeping w/ the Enemy: Obama Hires Muslim Extremist to TSA Senior Policy Advisor

Debbie Schlussel:UPDATED w/ Full 60 Mins Video- SICKENING: “60 Minutes” Whitewashes Hezbollah Spy Nada Nadim Prouty (& Cites My NY Post Column)

BBC News - Today - Lovelock: 'We can't save the planet'

U.S. seeks 4-month Jerusalem building freeze: report

Great-grandmother is tagged for selling a goldfish | Mail Online

McDonald's Customer Crawls Through Drive-Thru for Fish Sandwich | NBC New York

The risks of lending to the government - chicagotribune.com

Transgender woman Edelbuerto Gonzalez-Andujar found dead, naked in ransacked apartment

Israeli MP plans 'popcorn law' for movie munchers

St. Luke's Hospital In Bethlehem Plans To Stop Hiring New Employees Who Are Smokers - cbs3.com

FOXNews.com - Feds Investigate Death Threats to IRS Employees After Health Bill Approval

Boehner: Obama Administration’s Decision Keeps Vast Majority of America’s Offshore Energy Resources Off Limits | Republican Leader John Boehner

French President Nicolas Sarkozy - Yahoo! News Photos

New York City Rat Control Worries

Putin talks tough after Moscow subway bombings - Yahoo! News

PREVIEW-Putin Venezuelan trip to focus on energy, arms | Reuters


Hissa Hilal set to win Arabic X Factor after TV attack on hardline Muslim clerics | Mail Online


*militia indictment

Militia arrests timed to prevent violence, official says - CNN.com

flashback:Probe finds terrorists in U.S. 'training for war'

Right Truth: Interview With Dr. Paul L. Williams

Paul Williams details 'American Hiroshima'

video:Paul Williams - American Hiroshima

YouTube - Terrorism Speech in Ames, Iowa - Dr. Williams Summ (1 of 5)

YouTube - Terrorism Speech in Ames, Iowa - FBI Drops the Ball (2 of 5)

YouTube - Terrorism Speech in Ames, Iowa - Not An Imagination (3 of 5)








N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

FOXNews.com - Texas Town on High Alert as Mexican Town Across Border Braces for Cartel Gun Battle

'Right-wing white brothers' may 'attempt to kill' Obama

Hutaree Christian Militia Group: Stone Family Wedding - ABC News

Marine's dad ordered to pay protesters' court fees but says he won't | Featured Story | Wichita Eagle

The article requested is not available.

FOXNews.com - RNC Staffer Fired Over 'Bondage Club' Tab Had Been Warned Ahead of Time

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Companies Push to Repeal Provision of Health Reform - NYTimes.com

Radio Business Report/Television Business Report - Voice of the Broadcasting Industry

Christian nurse Shirley Chaplin in crucifix row at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital | Mail Online

Obama Defends Health Care Law - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

21st Century Mob: How the Mafia learned to adapt for the future

Risks Seen in Wider Use of Statins Like Crestor - NYTimes.com

Catholic students attack media over abuse charges - washingtonpost.com

Dagestan suicide bombings have Russia looking to Putin / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

EU Welcomes Serbia's Srebrenica Apology - NYTimes.com

Israel silent on Obama's four-month building freeze in East Jerusalem / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Rural tradition eyed after China dead babies find - washingtonpost.com

Committee backs banning veil in public | Reuters

Hamas releases footage of 'Gaza clashes' - Haaretz - Israel News

Explosion Kills At Least 13 in Southern Afghanistan | Asia | English

Trial Concludes of Pakistani Gunman Captured In Mumbai Terror Attacks | Asia | English

Hostage freed after 12 years in Colombian jungle - Times Online

Sudan opposition mulls boycotting elections - washingtonpost.com

Iran Nuclear Scientist Shahram Amiri Defects to U.S. In CIA 'Intelligence Coup' - ABC News EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

BBC News - Swiss Roman Catholic bishops apologise over abuse

Ruling means Kenyan leaders could face charges - CNN.com

Pakistan Clash Kills 6 Soldiers, 20 Militants | Asia | English

Immigrant wins case over bad legal advice | Reuters

RNC says risque outing was unofficial, and news to party officials - latimes.com

Empire State Building jumper identified as Yale student - NYPOST.com

Dem AGs rebuff GOP govs on health-care lawsuits - washingtonpost.com

FOXNews.com - Burning Body Found Near Calif. High School

BINGO: Electronic games bill passes Alabama Senate - BusinessWeek

Sarah Palin 'Real American Stories' has LL Cool J clip knocked out after rapper blasts Fox News

'American Idol' Top 10 Report Card: Who Scored High On R&B Night? - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

SCENE: Easter extravaganza – from egg hunts to Handel | SnowMassSun.com

News - Lindsay Lohan: I Had "Baby Powder" on My Shoes, Not Cocaine! - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

Carrie Underwood: I 'Definitely Have Motherly Instincts' - Carrie Underwood : People.com

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists - Telegraph

BBC News - Probe sees 'Pac-man in the moon'

Atom smasher achieves 'Big Bang' collisions (Update)

An archaeological mystery in a half-ton lead coffin

MU’s “Spirited” Interview with Psychic Medium Rebecca Rosen | Mysterious Universe

Geneva Atom Smasher Sets Collision Record - ABC News

BBC News - Gulf Stream 'is not slowing down'

Teen sees with 'kaleidoscope eyes'

Bullet-in-bible auction attracts $100,000 bid | Stuff.co.nz

Seat of Temptation Found in the Brain | LiveScience

Can Science Explain the Concept of Heaven? - Newsweek.com

Durango Herald News, 'There was a crash'

More evidence for 'Arizona Lights' as a holographic projection?

Guest Blog: Neuroscientists don't believe in souls--But that doesn't mean they can't sell theirs

Nuclear reactors could become safer after scientists discover effect which self-repairs radiation damaged materials | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Undersea Volcano Threatens Italy, Says Scientist

Joint Recon Study Group: Can troops find hidden bombs with sixth sense?

Microbes thrive in harsh, Mars-like lakes - space - 26 March 2010 - New Scientist

Computer recreates Jesus' face for History Channel - NYPOST.com

New RFID Tag Could Mean the End of Bar Codes | Wired Science | Wired.com

BBC News - Tiny cube will tackle space junk

Universe Has Billions More Stars Than Thought : Discovery News

'I want to be a ballerina': Girl, 9, stuns doctors with miraculous recovery after half her brain is removed during surgery | Mail Online

Object Lesson: Pluto's Smallest Neighbors Prove Tough to Find: Scientific American

Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery - CNN.com

BBC News - Cuts cast doubt on asteroid plan


*site:(justmindpower.com)Mind Power Magic

*site:50 States - NETSTATE.COM


Edge: BRAIN TIME By David M. Eagleman

Q & A with David Eagleman about Synesthesia

PLoS ONE: Does Time Really Slow Down during a Frightening Event?


Death and Time Traveling


Does light exist between events?

Edge: THE ENERGY OF EMPTY SPACE THAT ISN'T ZERO: A Talk with Lawrence Krauss

It All Began with an End "“ New Theory on Origin and Future of the Universe

When Religion Steps on Science's Turf

EDGE 3rd Culture: Is Science Killing The Soul?


Richard Dawkins on science, evolution, Darwin, religion, belief, atheism, children, selfish gene, virus- Beliefnet.com

Epoch Times - Is Time an Illusion?

History of atoms

Could there be a Darwinian Account of Human Creativity?


Google Translate


Edge:EINSTEIN AND POINCARÉ: A Talk with Peter Galison


RealClearPolitics - The Far Right's Hate Element

Attacking promoters of moderate government - chicagotribune.com

Barack Obama struggles to capitalize in polls - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Lo, the Mideast Moves - NYTimes.com

Bart Stupak meets his match - BostonHerald.com

America in the Red > Publications > National Affairs

RealClearPolitics - Frustrating, Stubborn Facts

The next attacks on health-care reform : The New Yorker

The Numbers Don't Lie - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

Noemie Emery: Dems break spirit of law when enacting law | Washington Examiner

The Sheriff | The New Republic

How's Koch doin'? Great - NYPOST.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope? - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Hostility Follies

Column: Is mandate constitutional? - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Ann Lee: Economics for a New Century

Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Cuba's True Martyrs

Fairness for the Pope: Pontiff not at fault in Wisconsin pedophile priest case

Health care hit didn't take long - The Denver Post

John Boehner: Drilling decision falls short - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Jarrett Says AT&T, Deere Not Undermining Health Law (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Groves brings scholarly depth to bear in leading census, winning over critics - washingtonpost.com

Advocates: Earmark database needed - TheHill.com


*Transcripts:3-30/Obama's Remarks at Reconciliation Bill Signing

*3-29/Roundtable on Obama's Trip to Afghanistan

Analysts on Obama's Recess Appointments

Interview with Secretary Sebelius

Secretary Clinton's Interview with CTV


*Politics Video:3-31/Dodd Frustrated Over Financial Bill: GOP "On The Side Of Wall Street"

TX-Gov: Hutchison Announces She Will Stay In Senate

Joe Biden On Taxes: "You Call it Redistribution of Income," I Call It "Just Being Fair"

Gibbs On Oil Drilling: "If We Don't Do This Our Dependence Simply Grows"

Cell Phone Cam Captures Second Russian Bombing

Obama on Iran: "We Think We Can Get Sanctions Within Weeks"

Jon Stewart: Palin Makes McCain Look Bad

MD-Gov: Ehrlich (R) Announces His Candidacy

Obama Announces Expansion Of Offshore Drilling

Obama Against Domestic Drilling In 2008: "It Won't" Save Money

Gibbs Concedes KSM Could Be Tried In A Military Commission

Bolton: Iran Sanctions Effort "Doomed to Fail"

Salazar: Cap-And-Trade Not "In The Lexicon Anymore"

Rep. Shadegg: Americans Don't Like Things "Crammed Down Their Throats"

Rep. Maxine Waters: Tea Party Behavior "Outlandish"

Rove: Dems Didn't Restrain Themselves When They Were "Attacking" George W. Bush

Jake Tapper On Obama's Offshore Drilling Plans

Is RNC Chairman's Job in Peril?

Maddow: Hutaree Militia Not an Isolated Case of Anti-Government Extremism

Countdown: GOP Tries to Take Credit for Popular HC Reform Measures

Special Report Panel on Iran's Nuclear Program

O'Reilly: Media Ignores Left-Wing Hate

*3-30/Obama: I Will Continually Reach Out to Republicans

Dana Loesch Vs. Chris Matthews On Tea Party "Racism"

Obama on Afghan Corruption: "Progress is Too Slow"

Kaine "Cannot Say For Sure" That DNC Members Have Not Visited Strip Clubs

Axelrod: Obama Will Keep Trying To Work With GOP

Obama on Tea Parties: "Core Group" Questions My Citizenship

Obama: Republicans Made "Calculated" Decision To Not Support HC

Obama On Health Care Victory: "It Is A Critical First Step"

Douglas Brinkley On Health Care & Obama

Rove Shouted Down, Called "War Criminal" At Book Signing

Obama Signs Student Loan Legislation

Karl Rove on Why Obama & Democrats Are Struggling

Michigan Governor Vs. Michigan Attorney General On Health Care

RNC Scandal: Spending and Strippers

Maddow: Right-Wing Militias are Ideologically Diverse

O'Reilly: There is a Media Strategy to Brand Tea Partiers as Racist

Special Report Panel on Obama's Surprise Afghanistan Trip

Countdown: RNC Spent Money at Bondage-Themed Night Club


*Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Islamic terrorism and the future of Muslims in Europe [Audio, 17 min.]


*site: Islam-Watch

*site:Apostates of Islam

*site:Jihad Watch

*site page:Skeptic's Annotated Quran


Islam Watch - "What Is The Cost of Practicing Islam?" by Mumin Salih

Islam Watch - "Myth of Islamic Contribution to Human Civilization" by Muhammad A. Hussain

Islam Watch - "Islam Cannot Bring Peace and Guidance to Humankind" by Imran Hossain

Islam Watch - "Islamic Terrorism – Is it a New Threat?" - by MA Khan

To submit to the book is to exist in their hell - Opinion - smh.com.au


Martin Luther's dirty little book


Hitler's religious beliefs and fanaticism

Hitler's Christianity

Hitler's Henchmen and Nazi Sympathizers

Hitler compared to God/Jesus/Christians

Christianity in Europe during WWII

Hitler's Monumental Bible as History

Hitler Myths

*List of common fallacies



*The Jefferson Bible

The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826

*Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia


GOP Rep Voters Shouldn't Be Able To Elect Senators



YouTube - Rep. Gohmert On The 17th Amendment

*Freethinking about finances

Eyes: 'the window to your soul' - Telegraph

Geneva Atom Smasher Sets Collision Record - ABC News

Cigarettes may contain pig blood | News.com.au

Animal mass grave discovered at Chinese zoo - Times Online

'Jesus Guns': U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Still Carry Rifles Inscribed With Bible Codes - ABC News

Obama Medicare pick urges 'radical transfer of power'

New abortion plan: Doctor stays away!

City opens door a crack for home Bible studies

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Next cramdown on taxpayers? It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!

When losing argument, just change the subject

VIDEO:Selling Easter to the highest bidder

Killer whale attacks dolphin in front of tourists - Telegraph

Failing US banks must fear government closure: Obama adviser

When losing argument, just change the subject

Beer or wine? How government brings conflict

No, it's not 'gay genocide'

What we know that isn't so

Deeds over words

Is social justice a Christian doctrine?

Supreme Court needs at least 1 veteran

McCain and Lieberman channeling Cheney

The American Spectator : Sean Hannity and the Importance of Reagan Conservativism

The hysteria of 'violent' right wing

Eugene Robinson: There Are Crazies on One Side - Truthdig

Infiltrators posing as tea partiers?

American Thinker: Whom Do You Trust?

Pelosi's answered prayer

The parasitic income tax

Obama's attempt to impose peace on Israel

Wonder where the next 'crisis' will be manufactured

A handy guide to who is a racist in America

Iran nuke scientist defects to US

Certified by the EPA and DOE

What could be more wrong than climategate data? NASA temp readings

Obama's Offshore Oil Feint

'Stand and Deliver' math teacher dies at 79

The Shock of Barack

We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight

Tea Parties and the Republican Party

Natural Law and the 'Right' to Health Care

Israel's Crisis and Opportunity

Obama and Wilson

A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy

We Are Expected to Believe

So You Say You Want a Revolution?

Obama's Ire, Not U.S. Interests, Directs Israel Policy

ObamaCare and the Forces of History

Obama Blames China

REVIEW: MTV’s ‘16 and Pregnant’ Rewards Teen Mothers With Reality Show

Hollywood’s Broke: Fixing What Isn’t Broke — Overture Studios

Leftist Agenda Over Profit: Hollywood Resurrects Toxic Rosie O.

Have We Gone From Watching Movies to Just Looking At Them?

Daily Gut: Nice People Are Dangerous

REVIEW: ‘The Cartel’ is a Damning Expose of Public Education

Stand Ups for America: Fight the Power With Ridicule

Matthew Modine: Let’s Ask Bin Laden Why He’s So Angry With Us

Lonewolf Diaries: Hollywood Liberals Say “Proof is For Fruitcakes!”

Lenny Bruce: ‘We agree to be offended by certain words.’

Border Murder Highlights Administration’s Failure

Killing Free Speech and Free Enterprise With One Stone

ObamaCare: A Fairy Tale – or How the Gay Community Lost Its Magic Power

Reason.tv: 3 Reasons Why Public Sector Employees Are Killing The Economy

End ObamaCare, Don’t Mend It: 100% Repeal Is Only Option

1998 Redux: Clintons Political War against the Tea Party Movement

4 D Strategy: Clinton Redux and the War Against the Tea Party Part II

Meet Another One of Harry Reid’s ‘Rent-a-Thugs’: Edward ‘Eddie’ Gering

‘Education Is a Right’: The New Gateway Drug

The Ominous ‘S-Word’ – Secession

Take Back Congress to Stop Obamacare

I Am the Walrus; Jesse Walker, IBEW Local 357 in Las Vegas, Is the Eggman

Obama To Take Over Control of College Textbooks?

Will DNC Chair Tim Kaine and Congressmen Connolly and Moran Attend the Dar Al-Hijrah Fundraiser?

Google Buzz Privacy Flaw Snags Another Victim: White House Deputy CTO Andrew McLaughlin

VIDEO – The Egg Man Of Seachlight, Nevada

Stopping Runaway Washington Spending One Seat at a Time

QUESTION AUTHORITY! Take a Stand Against the Man; Buy a Ford

Get Ready To Shiver, MSM: Citizen-Journalists Are Watching You

Welcome to the Real Revolution, Alinsky Fans: It Ain’t For Wimps Or Sissies

NewsBusted: Will ObamaCare Make Dems More Popular?

Who’s Really Behind the Glenn Beck Boycott?

And the Award For Online Investigative Journalism Goes To…

In Cantor Case, Media Fanned Flames of Violence: ‘There Will Be Blood’

Who Really Needs a Journalism Degree?

Apple Boycotts Glenn Beck — Promotes Che Guevara

The ‘Independent’ Fourth Estate, CBS Division

A Tale of Two Donors, Media Bias Division

Hey, Steve Jobs — Boycott Beck At Your Own Peril

Tracking Acorn’s Rebranding Process: A Handy Guide

School to Bill Ayers: Thanks but no thanks!

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's radical EEOC appointee

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Ex-CBO chief: 'Robbing Peter to pay Paul'

WND TV WorldNetDaily Exclusive Ambush! High-profile Dems squirm in health grillings

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive How Democrats make college more expensive

Obama Medicare pick urges 'radical transfer of power'

President Obama's new push meets Capitol Hill resistance - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Obama Takes More Aggressive Tack - WSJ.com

Posters: Destroy mosque, build 3rd Temple now!

Anti-Catholic critics 'framing' pope

City opens door a crack for home Bible studies

Muslim mob burns Christian man

No to crucifixion – bishops | Manila Bulletin

Homosexuality: The choice of a new generation?

FOXNews.com - Texas Town on High Alert as Mexican Town Across Border Braces for Cartel Gun Battle

FOXNews.com - Reward Offered for Arrest in Arizona Rancher's Killing

Rare hearing set for decorated soldier

FOXNews.com - Marine's Father Will Not Pay Court-Ordered Funeral Protesters' Fees

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Obama demands deadline for Iran - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Iran Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. In CIA 'Intelligence Coup' - ABC News

FOXNews.com - GOP Sees Risks in Push to Repeal Health Law

FOXNews.com - Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income'

Northeast floods cut roads, force evacuations - Weather- msnbc.com

U.N.: Haiti help falling short

Rocky kickoff to changes for student loans - Washington Times

Education Funding: Delaware, Tennessee Win Stimulus Money for Schools; 39 States Rejected - ABC News

'Climategate' inquiry largely clears scientists - Climate Change- msnbc.com

Obama calls for new Atlantic, Gulf oil drilling - Oil & energy- msnbc.com

John Boehner: Drilling decision falls short - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Militia Leader's Mistrust Festered, Friends Say - WSJ.com

Feds: Christian militia needed to be `taken down'


*ARTICLE:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama: Tea party based on eligibility issue

California 'had duty' to examine Obama eligibility

'Right-wing white brothers' may 'attempt to kill' Obama


*American Minute for March 31st:William J Federer's American Minute


Morality Study Narrows Gap Between Mind And Brain : NPR

AUDIO:Morality Study-Brain Manipulation-Nat. Public Radio

Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card | Threat Level | Wired.com

Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA [Voltaire]

CBC News - World - How can we North Americans move forward together?


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/30/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/29/2010

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-30, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-29, Monday

March 30, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

March 29, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

03/30 The Mark Levin Show

03/29 The Mark Levin Show


More of the False Equivalency Game from the Cast of Morning Joe

Courting Another Oklahoma City

Rude Awakening, Indeed

Obamacare is Unconstitutional - Part 1

Large Hadron Collider breaks high-energy records | Science | guardian.co.uk

Large Hadron Collider achieves success with high energy particle collisions - Telegraph

The third sex: The truth about gender ambiguity - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

Georgia accused over Moscow Metro bombing - Times Online

YouTube - Inventing the Internet

FLASHBACK:Banker in food scandal is found dead after Opus Dei meeting - Times Online

Opus Dei leaps to pope's defence - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 31, 2010

The Vatican Hotline Outrage - The Daily Beast

YouTube - Hutaree Militia Is An Israeli Mossad Zionist Front Group - True Sons Of Liberty Exposed Them In 2007

YouTube - Fox News Jokes About Killing Obama

Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

Chicago Sees Nation's Steepest Home Price Drop For January - cbs2chicago.com

Pedophilia in the Catholic Church: Coverup Operation at the Vatican?

New Obama Law Places ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans « 21st Century Wire


The "Pedophile's Paradise" - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

EIPS - Blood in the Vatican: A Fresh look at the Swiss Guard Murders

EIPS - A Fresh look at the Swiss Guard Murders - Conclusion

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley: Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State 1/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley: Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State 2/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley: Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State 3/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley: Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State 4/4

EclippTV :: Video :: Anderson Cooper 360 on Hutaree Militia 03/31/2010

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Is the Constitution being ignored?

The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

Homeland Security Today - preparedness and security news - CIA Aided DOJ Prosecutors in 1995 OKC Bombing Case

CIA can withhold records on Oklahoma City bombing - Salt Lake Tribune

Expired Obama Statements

Who owns you? The risk of ‘unlimited submission’

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Pot Prohibition - 03/29/10

EclippTV :: Video :: Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS