"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

01 April 2010



*Video Proves Tea Party Activist Did Not Spit On Dem

YouTube - Capitol Hill Conspiracy

YouTube - spit take


Left-Wing Icon: America Is Still Headed Towards Fascism Under Obama

FOX frames Alex Jones as instigator of ‘violent’ web comments

YouTube - FOX frames Alex Jones as instigator of 'violent' web comments


Exclusive: Court Rules in Favor of Rundus in “Million Dollar Bills” Case

YouTube - WB News 33 reports on the Secret Service's illegal confiscation of GNN's Million Dollar Bills

*court document


Anderson Cooper/Southern Poverty Law Center step-up propaganda against American people

YouTube - CNN Psyop: "NEW WORLD ORDER" Anderson Cooper & Mark Potok


FCC Adviser Advocates State-run Propaganda “Megaphone” to Counter Alternative Media

Climategate Investigation A Monumental Whitewash

Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

Americans Fear Totalitarian Obamacare Will Result in Violence

Fox News Trawls Infowars Comments, Reports Alex Jones To Authorities

Republicans Plan to Avoid Obamacare Repeal Demands of the American People

Fox News Reports Feds Investigating Infowars.com

FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Alleged Hutaree Conspiracy

YouTube - Bob Schulz - We The People Go After The Banksters

60 Minutes Exposes United States Financial Collapse

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

Another Militia Group Indicted by Feds | Sex+Metropolis

"Reporting" on Iran should seem familiar - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com


Ed Asner /911

YouTube - Ed Asner for 9/11 Truth

Ed Asner voices AE911Truth TV spots airing in New York


Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The horrible prospect of Supreme Court Justice Cass Sunstein « Aletho News

Advocate of 9/11 Censorship on Obama’s Short List for Supreme Court


**McVeigh and the ‘Hispanic man’ — what did the feds know?

Ron paul

YouTube - Ron Paul "We Have Only One Party! And They Fight Over Power & Influence!


YouTube - Tea Party Patriots vs. Patriot Majority


YouTube - Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America


archive:Robert Welch founder of the John Birch society predicted it all 50 years ago. « The Darkhorse Trader Newsletter


*The Political Graveyard: Politicians Killed in Aircraft Accidents and Disasters


How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the FBI « Orwell's Dreams

Shakespeare and the Article V Convention: Creating our Own Animal Farm « Orwell's Dreams

Slavery returns to Amerika: Necessity Used To Steal Liberties « Orwell's Dreams


**Bilderberg Group Members List « The Darkhorse Trader Newsletter


YouTube - Overview Of America 1 of 3

YouTube - Overview Of America 2 of 3

YouTube - Overview Of America 3 of 3


Who is John Birch? A Secret War Story 50:28

Man, Freedom, and Government 23:51


flashback:Report of Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer on CPS Corruption



gainesvilletimes.com - Schaefer's husband was shooter, law authorities say

We Spoke Loudly… But It Didn’t Matter At All

In Lyon we try to cross the H1N1 virus and influenza H5N1de

Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools

The K Street Hustlin’ of Obamacare

Sell-off in US Treasuries raises sovereign debt fears - Telegraph

The next wave of inflation is on the way - Mar. 31, 2010

Star lawyer calls for criminal probe into Winnipeg emergency room death

BBC News - Heathrow worker warned over body scanner misuse

'Super-Taser' shotgun bullet assessed by Home Office | Mail Online

Police union HQ ransacked after protests | kgw.com | KGW News | Portland, Oregon

- Tea Party Shuns We Are Change

BBC News - David Cameron promises to create 'neighbourhood army'

Health Care Reform Law: Expanded IRS a Threat to Taxpayers? - ABC News

Supreme Court may weigh coverage mandate - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Lawmakers Demand Administration Deploy National Guard, Border Patrol After Killing

Is a Biometric Identity Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - Yahoo! News

Speeding 'cushion' may dwindle due to recession - USATODAY.com

t r u t h o u t | Student Loans: The Government Is Now Officially in the Banking Business

FT.com / US & Canada - Senators work on bipartisan climate bill

Obama Takes More Aggressive Tack - WSJ.com

Iran Nuclear Scientist Shahram Amiri Defects to U.S. In CIA 'Intelligence Coup' - ABC News EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

flashback:Supreme Court rules corporate political speech “okay.” « The Darkhorse Trader Newsletter


Top Ten Myths About Money. « The Darkhorse Trader Newsletter


*George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Index page

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Part I

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Part II

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Part III

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Appendix: The principles of Newspeak

*George Orwell: 'Animal Farm: A Fairy Story'


YouTube - Philip J. Berg on Alex Jones Tv 1/6: Is Obama The First "illegal Alien" President?

YouTube - Philip J. Berg on Alex Jones Tv 2/6: Is Obama The First "illegal Alien" President?

YouTube - Philip J. Berg on Alex Jones Tv 3/6: Is Obama The First "illegal Alien" President?

YouTube - Philip J. Berg on Alex Jones Tv 4/6: Is Obama The First "illegal Alien" President?

YouTube - Philip J. Berg on Alex Jones Tv 5/6: Is Obama The First "illegal Alien" President?

YouTube - Philip J. Berg on Alex Jones Tv 6/6: Is Obama The First "illegal Alien" President?


Boehner: Obama Administration’s Decision Keeps Vast Majority of America’s Offshore Energy Resources Off Limits

Mumbai Terrorist Was US Agent

Media weren’t as quick to point out so-called ‘vitriolic’ rhetoric during 1990s congressional debate over welfare reform

‘Capitol Hill Conspiracy’: Filmmaker Dissects ‘Agitprop’ of Congressman’s ‘Spitting’ Incident

YouTube - You are being counted: Census 2011 begins

You are being counted: Census 2011 begins

YouTube - Reports: Suicide bomber dressed as cop set off blast in Dagestan's Kizlyar


Nullify Obamacare!

Can ObamaCare Be Repealed, Nullified?


What about Financial Reform?

Americans Fear Totalitarian Obamacare Will Result in Violence

An Imperial Presidency In The Making?

YouTube - Talk show phone in discussing the new "super tasers".

New Obama Law Places ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

CNN Attempt To Portray Patriots As Terrorists Backfires, Segment Fails To Air

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

Left-Wing Icon: America Is Still Headed Towards Fascism Under Obama

Russia’s Security Council head: “Georgia’s trace” behind the blasts not excluded

Arctic Sea Ice about to hit ‘normal’ – what will the news say?

It was never going to be any different

Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretaps Were Illegal - NYTimes.com

Daniel Henninger: Would the Founding Founders Love ObamaCare? - WSJ.com

Man rams car into parked plane in Nigeria | Top News | Reuters

'Lying, cheating, defrauding taxpayer are all OK' announces panel of MPs – Telegraph Blogs

BE CAREFUL:Cops giving out more speeding tickets due to recession. | The Smirking Chimp

Government set to unveil offshore drilling plan | Reuters

Roy Greenslade: Moscow bombings not breaking news on Russian TV | Media | guardian.co.uk

Drivers face green tax rises twice rate of inflation | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 31st With Frederic Whitehurst

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 30th With Webster Tarpley

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 29th With Rep. Phil Hart


Debbie Schlussel:Girlie-Man Nation: Western Women Don’t Want Masculinity & Why (Decade of the Palin)

Vatican: Why Catholic Church is not liable for sexual abuse and cover-ups | Mail Online

AmericanCrisis:Obama - Alleged to be Hated by the Chicago Law School Faculty

The third sex: The truth about gender ambiguity - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

Barack Obama faces potential Chinese death trap - Telegraph

Chinese censors disable Google searches - Telegraph

Obama opens up East Coast for oil drilling - Times Online

Obama Oil Drilling Plan Draws Critics - NYTimes.com

Obama, Sarkozy push for UN sanctions on Iran | World news | guardian.co.uk

Israel lobby presses Congress to soften Obama's tough stance on Netanyahu | World news | The Guardian

Moscow metro: 19 black widows could launch fresh attacks - Telegraph

American Capitalism - Gone With A Whimper

Crime up 13% in B'klyn's 81st Pct. where whistleblower accused chiefs of lowering felony stats

Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State by Michael Hampton

Very Good Reason to Believe Home Prices Will Collapse : Information Clearing House - ICH

Credit Crisis, Outrage, Far From Over - The International Forecaster

The Convenient Media Rope-A-Dope With The Pope

Paul A Drockton M.A: Canada to Lose its Sovereignty Under New Law.

ALIPAC - ALIPAC Calls for National Guard Troop Deployment To Southern Border

Arianna Huffington's LAME Solutions

Aafia Siddiqui - Victimized By American Depravity

Things We've Known That Are On The Way Out

Words To The Wise - 'Multi-Vitamins Allegedly Linked To Breast Cancer'

YouTube - American Patriot Foundation: FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund

NASA - Sunset Planet Alert

We Spoke Loudly...But It Didn't Matter At All

38 Yr Old Woman Slaughterhouse Worker Dies Of Mad Cow

Christian nurse says NHS 'persecuted' her faith and favours Muslims employees - Telegraph

Great-grandmother given an electronic tag and curfew for selling a goldfish to a 14 year-old - Telegraph

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Health Care Battle Ends; War on Social Security Begins

Is AIPAC Still the Chosen One? | Mother Jones

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Haiti Watch: Disease Threatens Infants and No Plans to Stop It

Shulman’s IRS Tax Police To Enforce Health Care | Real Zionist News

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

savethemales.ca - US Corporate Elite Funds Radical Left & Islam

Bloomberg.com: In Strip Flap Steele Has No Clothes: Margaret Carlson

The Washington Monthly:March 31, 2010 POST-HEALTH CARE PLOTTING

RealClearMarkets - How Much Debt Is Too Much for Voters?

RealClearPolitics - The Racism Smear

Finding the Forgotten Man -- In These Times

The (Latest) Return of Jerry Brown: 'I've Seen a Lot' -- Politics Daily

Daniel Henninger: Would the Founding Founders Love ObamaCare? - WSJ.com

The Republican crackup - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Embracing Liberty, Not Big Government

Health care's next chapter: A play for hearts and minds - USATODAY.com

Op-Ed Columnist - China, Concubines and Google - NYTimes.com

Kicked By The Great White North - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Harvesting Democracy in Afghanistan - TIME

Bret Stephens: About That Playboy in My Drawer . . . - WSJ.com

The Professor of War | Politics | Vanity Fair

Break Up the Banks - Arnold Kling - National Review Online

Opposing view: Helping everyone - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Obama and America’s 20-year bust | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Offshore Outrage | Mother Jones

Obama To Open Up Offshore Drilling, But Not That Much - Investors.com

Why Liberals Have Grown to Love Joe Biden - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - Shootout at the Arizona Corral

What Pope Benedict Must Do -- Politics Daily

America's economy: Hope at last | The Economist

The elitists vs. the rest of us | Washington Examiner

Debate on foreclosures — Our view: Get out of the business of mortgage modifications - Opinion - USATODAY.com

No one likes TARP, but it's working - washingtonpost.com

Obama Drilling Plan May Aid Democrats on Climate Bill (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Conservative leader tells donors to stop giving to RNC - CNN.com

Recess Appointments End Deadlock on Labor Relations Board - NYTimes.com

Citizens United challenges the strident side of Supreme Court ruling - washingtonpost.com

Why Do They Want to Do Us Harm? [Part One] -- In These Times

Why Do They Want to Do Us Harm? [Part Two] -- In These Times

Secrets of the Tea Party -- In These Times


*Transcripts:3-31/Obama's Remarks on Energy Security

*3-30/Obama's Remarks with President Sarkozy

Panel on Health Care Premiums

Interview with Secretary Duncan

Analysts on Obama's Legacy and Health Care

Interview with California Gov. Candidate Meg Whitman

Chuck DeVore & Carly Fiorina on Facing Sen. Boxer

Obama's Remarks at Reconciliation Bill Signing

G8 Foreign Ministers on Their Meetings


*4-1:Politics Video/Chris Wallace on Obama, Michael Steele

KY-Sen: Rand Paul On Tea Party Momentum

Obama's Drilling: Environmentally Safe?

NRSC Ad: Democrats' Rainbows and Unicorns

Rep. Granger: "We Need More Commitment" On The Border

FRC's Tony Perkins: RNC "Tone Deaf" To Supporters

Sen. Alexander: There Will Be "Big Changes" In Health Care Law

Rangel Compares Health Care Protesters To Groups That Attacked Civil Rights Movement

Geithner: Unemployment Will Stay "Unacceptably High" For A Long Time

Dennis Miller: I Want God To "Smite" Westboro Baptist Church

Clinton Chides Canada: "You Cannot Have Maternal Health" Without Access To Abortion

AR-Sen: Halter Responds To Lincoln Attack Ad

Dem Congressman: Guam Might Tip Over If It Gets Overpopulated

LL Cool J Takes On Sarah Palin

CA-Sen: Boxer Says Incumbents Should Not Take Their Seat For "Granted"

Black Tea Partier Refutes Racism Charges

Maddow: Obama Compromised on Drilling in Exchange for What?

O'Reilly: Militarize the Mexican Border

Olbermann on Rubio: "You Imperil This Country"

Special Report Panel On Obama's Drilling Decision


*3-31/Cell Phone Cam Captures Second Russian Bombing

Dodd Frustrated Over Financial Bill: GOP "On The Side Of Wall Street"

Jon Stewart: Palin Makes McCain Look Bad

TX-Gov: Hutchison Announces She Will Stay In Senate

Obama on Iran: "We Think We Can Get Sanctions Within Weeks"

Gibbs On Oil Drilling: "If We Don't Do This Our Dependence Simply Grows"

Krauthammer On Oil Drilling: "A Quarter Loaf At Best"

Obama To Health Care Supporters: Thank You

Gibbs Concedes KSM Could Be Tried In A Military Commission

Obama Announces Expansion Of Offshore Drilling

MD-Gov: Ehrlich (R) Announces His Candidacy

Obama Against Domestic Drilling In 2008: "It Won't" Save Money

Bolton: Iran Sanctions Effort "Doomed to Fail"

Code Pink Protester Explains Attempt To Arrest Karl Rove

Salazar: Cap-And-Trade Not "In The Lexicon Anymore"

Rep. Maxine Waters: Tea Party Behavior "Outlandish"

Rep. Shadegg: Americans Don't Like Things "Crammed Down Their Throats"

Rove: Dems Didn't Restrain Themselves When They Were "Attacking" George W. Bush

Jake Tapper On Obama's Offshore Drilling Plans

Joe Biden On Taxes: "You Call it Redistribution of Income," I Call It "Just Being Fair"

Is RNC Chairman's Job in Peril?

O'Reilly: Media Ignores Left-Wing Hate

Special Report Panel on Iran's Nuclear Program

Countdown: GOP Tries to Take Credit for Popular HC Reform Measures

Maddow: Hutaree Militia Not an Isolated Case of Anti-Government Extremism


Not-guilty pleas entered for 8 Michigan militia members - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - U.S. Navy Captures 5 Pirates After Gun Battle in Indian Ocean

FOXNews.com - Chavez Seals Arms-for-Oil Deal With 'Europe's Last Dictator'

FOXNews.com - Accused Militia 'Heavy Gunner' Denies Plot Involvement

N.Y. Times still pays Obama's nominee to Army post - Washington Times

Ft. Hood suspect apparently being moved to jail

Sarkozy to U.S.: Help regulate capitalism - Washington Times

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

New York to End Program to Give Cash to the Poor - NYTimes.com

CIA says ACLU-backed plan endangered Gitmo officers - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Democrats Accused of Trying to 'Intimidate' Firms for Airing Health Care Concerns

President Obama's new push meets Capitol Hill resistance - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

'Right-wing white brothers' may 'attempt to kill' Obama

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - GOP Sees Risks in Push to Repeal Health Law

'Climategate' inquiry largely clears scientists - Climate Change- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - Texas Town on High Alert as Mexican Town Across Border Braces for Cartel Gun Battle

Attorney charged in fake-crash insurance scam

Matthew Modine: Why Can’t We Just Sit Down With Bin Laden And Say: Hey Man, Why Are You Mad At Me? |

Jennifer Aniston stuck in a rom-com rut - NYPOST.com

21st Century Mob: How the Mafia learned to adapt for the future


archive:The Raw Story » White supremacist radio host Hal Turner was an FBI informant, as hackers claimed a year ago

archive:Neo-Nazi Threatmaker Accused of Working for FBI | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

archive:Lawyer: Accused blogger was FBI informant - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

archive:Supremacist arrested after threat to judges - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

YouTube - Hal Turner - Rocket Roll'd

archive:Daily Kos: Did Sean Hannity Have Sex With Hal Turner?

archive:News Hounds: Hannity Denies Past Association With White Supremacist But Evidence Suggests Otherwise


Nine Members of the Hutaree Militia Indicted in Plans for ‘Armed Conflict’ | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

YouTube - Rage on the Right

New SPLC Report: "Patriot" Groups, Militias Surge in Number in Past Year | Southern Poverty Law Center

IRS Long a Target of Antigovernment Extremists | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center


Hate Map / Southern Poverty Law Center




flashback:Barry Sotero (imatt.us)


YouTube - The October Surprise—Suit To Remove Barack Obama From The Ballot. Barack Obama Is A Citizen Of ?


YouTube - Jesse Lee Peterson: Obama elected by black racists and guilty white people


Imperial Overstretch

Amnesty for Tea Partiers

Critque of 2012: Democrats

Rude Awakening, Indeed

Obamacare is Unconstitutional - Part 1

9/11 Reconstruction: Mental Before Physical

03-31-2010: Bill Donohue shifts goalposts on Church scandals

03-31-2010: 53% Worry Opposition to Obama's Policies Will Lead To Violence

The father of civilisation: Alexander the Great's hunger for knowledge gave us everything from the Old Testament to algebra and even robots

03-31-2010: Bush-ordered wiretaps illegal, judge says

Court OK's Repeated Tasering Of Pregnant Woman

03-31-2010: Queen Elizabeth could suspend elections under ancient code

03-31-2010: Gov't set to ban texting by truck, bus drivers

03-31-2010: Moscow bombings leading to censorship, political spying and silencing of opposition protests


Well, Well, Well ... the 'David Icke Is A Freemason' Picture Before It Was Photoshopped - David Icke Website




03-30-2010: Vatican offers 3 reasons it's not liable for abuse

Aliens Up The Ante As V Returns

03-30-2010: Romney defends Mass. health care law

Ex-members spar with Scientology over beating allegations

03-30-2010: Rove Gets Branded 'War Criminal' At Book Signing

03-30-2010: Google, Microsoft Push Feds to Fix Privacy Laws

Connecticut White Wolves Militia Group Indicted by Feds

Banks Could Be Biggest Winners in Obama's New Foreclosure Plan

Gamification: Turning Work Into Play

'Militia' Probe Included Undercover FBI Agent...

A Hidden Tax on Annuities Lurks in the Health Care Reform Law

‘Lying, cheating, defrauding taxpayer are all OK’ announces panel of MPs

Police: Teaching Kids to Mistrust Government Makes Couple ‘Unsuitable’ Parents

Mike McConnell, the WashPost & the dangers of sleazy corporatism


*Eulogy for Nancy Schaefer

**Oddities in the Nancy Schaefer “Suicide” Case - BlackListed News


VIDEO: Talks Of The New World Order On Anderson Cooper

Military Helicopters May Get Gunshot Location System

Video: DHS Global Biometric Plan, Facial Recognition Billboards – Plus More

EM field, behind right ear, suspends morality

satite:Supreme Court: As "People," Corporations Can Run For President

CCR Asks Supreme Court to Rule Government Cannot Keep Secret Whether It Spied on Guantánamo Attorneys

Special U.S. prisons unconstitutional: lawsuit

CCR Challenges Experimental Prison Units that Restrict Communication and Forbid Physical Contact with Family Without Due Process


**Homeland Security Today - preparedness and security news - CIA Aided DOJ Prosecutors in 1995 OKC Bombing Case


'Defection' of Iranian nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri 'a CIA coup'

Missing Iran N-scientist 'defected to US,' helping CIA

Afghanistan Has World Lead in Hashish Production, UN Reports

The bionic-arm of the law: Police unveil new metal detector glove

Train crews threaten boycott over personality test

Barack Obama opens up vast areas of US coast to oil and gas drilling

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

ConocoPhillips to expand Alaska offshore drilling

“Our President Is Deceiving the American Public”:

"Reporting" on Iran Should Seem Familiar

Iran, Israel and an Obama Miscalculation in the Works?

Is America Becoming a Third World Country?



South Africa to Kick Homeless Off Streets before World Cup

Chavez: Clinton thinks US owns 'the continent'

Media Bias Directed against Palestinians

NATO Boss Pushes For More Europe Defense Spending

'At war' US justifies drone attacks in Pak as act of 'self-defence'

Mongolia: The Pentagon's Trojan Horse. US-NATO Partner Wedged Between China And Russia

Is Blogging Useful or a Waste of Time?

Pedophilia in the Catholic Church: Coverup Operation at the Vatican?

VIDEO: US-NATO versus Russia. The Battle for Arctic Supremacy

The Illusion of Nuclear Disarmament. US-Russian START Treaty: A Comprehensive Flicker

AFRICOM and the USA's Hidden Battle for Africa

100 Million Americans Question or Find Fault with the Official 9/11 Story

Making a Killing: US-NATO Fuel New Arms Race in the Middle East

The Biggest Threat to Our Freedom and Well-Being

Digital Economy Bill could block websites

FCC Adviser Backs 'Public Media' as 'Filter' and 'Megaphone' for Govt-Funded Internet Journalism

You Say You Want a Revolution? Think Again

Blog that! CIA Officer Robert Steele Stresses the Importance of Blogging

Your slave driver is yourself

Former head of NSA calls for the internet to be "re-engineered" so as to eliminate anonymity

FCC Calls on Congress to Spend More Money to Push PBS-Style Government-Sponsored Journalism Onto Internet

'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

The Strange Case of Kristopher Sickles and the Hutaree Militia

Obama: Tea Party Built Around Core Group Who 'Question My Legitimacy'

Beware of the Agave Nectar Health Food Fraud

Code Pink Attempts Citizens Arrest of War Criminal Karl Rove

National Sales Tax Still Unpopular

IRS Says It Needs More 'Resources' to Implement Tax Provisions of New Law

Pro-Life Democrats Who Switched Vote for Health Bill Request 3.4 Billion in Earmarks

Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings

Esquire Mag. Profiles Climate Depot's Morano in 6500 Word Feature Article

Hilarious And Insighful Peter Schiff Mortgage Bankers Speech Nov/13/06

The Silent Entitlements Monster: Social Security, Medicare And Interest On The Debt Will Gobble Up Every Single Tax Dollar By 2020

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

When Utopianism Is Shattered By Reality

Bin Laden threatens US over purported 9/11 perp

The chicanery of the Democratic Party foxes

Arab voices weakened by disunity

US-Russian START treaty: A comprehensive flicker

Pacified Americans

Approaching spiritual death: The prophetic words of Martin Luther King


*Army 'showdown' at eligibility corral


archive:Blackwater involved in Bhutto and Hariri hits: former Pakistani army chief « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Alan Keyes rightly calls Obama a radical communist


MP3 Download:“Our President Is Deceiving the American Public”: By Democracy Now!

YouTube - Alex Jones Interviews Matt Bellamy


video:John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation


Obama: Think Smart Cards

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change

video:IBM: The Internet of Things

Obama’s EPA Gave Energy Star Certification to ‘Gas-Powered Clock Radio’ and 14 Other Phony Products, GAO Says

More Voters Than Ever View Obama as a ‘Partisan Democrat’; 70 percent of Voters 'Angry' with Government Policies

Obama Travels to Maine Thursday, Still Selling His Already-Passed Health Care Law

Four Michigan Pro-Lifers File Federal Lawsuit Saying Health-Care Bill Makes Them Complicit in ‘Grave Moral Disorder’ of Abortion

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Will Tour Flooded New England, AP Reports

Obama Administration Suggests China Has Shifted on Iran Sanctions, But Has It Really?

Obama’s Student Loan Takeover Adds $52 Billion to Deficit According to 'Fair Value' Accounting, Says CBO

Presidential Candidate Obama Slammed Opponent McCain’s Offshore Drilling Plan as ‘Political Posturing from Washington’

Obama Energy Proposal Irks Pro- and Anti-Drilling Advocates

Credibility of Sudan Election in Doubt as Key Candidate Withdraws

U.S. Aid Going to U.S. Partners Helping to Fight the War in Afghanistan

DEA Says Afghan Opium Seizures Soared in 2009

Militia Suspect Denies Involvement in Any Plot

Surgeon General Says Health Care ‘Moving in Wrong Direction,’ Even With Expansion of Government Entitlements

Geithner Says Disparity in Recovery Is 'Deeply Unfair'

CDC Says It’s Not Too Late to Get Swine Flu Vaccination

Russian President Vows 'Crueler' Measures Against Terrorists

18 Gunmen Killed in Coordinated Attacks on Mexican Army Bases

Chinese President to Attend Nuclear Summit in Washington

Pope Sees Sex Scandal As Test; Bishops Urge Reform

VA Doctors Barred From Prescribing Medical Pot

Hillary Clinton’s Comments on ‘Legal, Safe Abortion’ Stir Canadian Debate

Report: Paying for Good Habits Doesn't Change Lives

Obama’s Defining Lie

Conflict or Cooperation

Why Didn’t Catholic Bishops Join Protestors at Capitol Against Pro-Abort Health Bill?

Liberals in Vitriol Denial

US: Air Services Shouldn't Pay Cuba Legal Judgment

APNewsBreak: New Charges for Ohio Murder Suspect

Cornell Student From NZ on Trial in Wife's Murder

Conn. Murder Suspect Wants to Plead Guilty

Atty: Kan. Abortion Doctor's Death Was 'Terrorism'

Karzai Lashes out at West Over Afghan Elections

U.S. Navy Captures Pirates in Clash off Seychelles

Mayor of SW Illinois Village Fatally Shot

Judge: Lejeune Improperly Banned Anti-Islam Decals

Pentagon Tightens Security in Wake of Shooting

Mosque Building Brings Islam Fears to Poland

WWII Tuskegee Airman, FAMU Dean Jenkins Dies at 85

2 Exonerated Conn. Inmates Ordered Freed

Ohio Crash Kills 3 Heading to Marine Enlistment

Members of Assisted Suicide Group Plead Not Guilty

Russia's Medvedev Visits North Caucasus After Bombings

Hormones Indicate Possible Panda Pregnancy in DC

Obama Focuses on Businesses in Healthcare Pitch

In Holy Land, Palestinians Say Easter Not What It Was

Jailhouse Audio OK'd for Mass. Teen's Murder Trial

Special Report:Holy Bubble! Churches Struck Down by Foreclosures

Pope Has Immunity in Abuse Trials: Vatican

NY Teacher Goes Into Stranger's Home, Is Shot Dead

Small Croat Firm Has Big Dreams for Electric Car

Will Hoffa Mystery Be Buried With Giants Stadium?

Nepali Sherpa to Scatter Hillary Ashes on Everest

Lives Altered by Mass Shooting a Year Ago in NY

DC Police Look to Stop Shooting Paybacks; 5 Dead

Study Links Chemical Exposure to Breast Cancer

Afghan Karzai Blames Foreigners for Vote Fraud

Senator Kerry: Syria 'Very Important' to Peace Efforts

British Museum Shows Sculptures that Revolutionized Western Ideas of African Art

1963 Letter Shows Vatican Knew About Child Abuse by Priests for Decades

Mexican Officials May Have Discovered Motive for Killing of US Citizens

Robots Kick Up Some Fun at Annual Tech Competition

Experience Hubble's Amazing View of the Cosmos in 3D

Anderson Cooper/Southern Poverty Law Center step-up propaganda against American people | America 20XY

YouTube - The crisis of neoliberalism

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Conservative News: Sajak - Opposed to Obamacare? Then You Must Be A Racist - HUMAN EVENTS

Dark side of illegal immigration: bankrupting America | Before It's News

Did Boy Scouts Keep "Perversion Files?" - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Ken Lewis Won’t Settle Civil Charges With Cuomo, Bernanke And Paulson Will Likely Appear As Defense Witnesses In Trial | Finance Blog

The Associated Press: US test-fires Trident missile in drill with Saudis

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Hutaree Raid: An extremely well-executed federal operation aimed at the threat represented by the revitalized militia & Oath Keepers.


YouTube - Webster Tarpley Covers Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Covers Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Covers Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Covers Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Showdown in Searchlight - March 27th


YouTube - American Patriot Foundation: FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund




The Family Research Council begs conservatives to not give money to the RNC

Tea Party Thanks President Obama for Tax Cuts

Who knew bashing the Census was a good thing

Rep. Alan Grayson To Smug Repug: 'Your Principles Are Anger, Hatred and Violence'

Alan Colmes: Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use

The Daily Show: 2 Girls 1 GOP

Hutchison Breaks Promise to Leave the Senate. Again.

Judge rules Bush illegally wiretapped Americans

End of the Quarter for Connie Saltonstall

Bill O'Reilly denounces the hate -- but wants to pretend it's the same on both sides

Hannity on Proceeds From His New Book: Every Penny I Would Make is Going to go to Freedom Alliance

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway Take Some Time Out From Battling The Teabaggers To Talk With Us Live


Drilling for Oil. Say, what?

Unreal Americans

More of the False Equivalency Game from the Cast of Morning Joe

Courting Another Oklahoma City

site:Vote for the Worst

Easter season, scandal prompt penitence, questions for Pope - Faith & Reason

Anna Paquin: 'I'm bisexual' | EW.com

LL Cool J Vs. Sarah Palin? Rapper Takes On Fox News - ABC News

'American Idol' In 60 Seconds: Meet New Lee Dewyze, Bizarro Ryan Seacrest - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

YouTube - 'Idol's Top 10 Takes on R and B

Hudson supports Weight Watchers, Boys & Girls Club - USATODAY.com

FOXNews.com - Report: Tiger paid mistress $10M to keep quiet

Obituary: David Mills, 48, journalist, Emmy-winning TV writer - washingtonpost.com

Human Trafficking: The Latest Internet Theories on Lost -- Vulture

April Fools' Day history? Be wary of those who say they know. / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

BBC - Celebrating Passover in Guernsey

News Analysis - Risk Is Clear in Drilling - Payoff Isn’t - NYTimes.com

Sarah Palin asks to be taken off invitation for Republican National Committee party

Census Day questions answered - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Obama to promote health bill's business benefits

Attorney says Roeder is a terrorist

FOXNews.com - T-Shirt Celebrating Health Care Legislation Features Biden F-Bomb

Beaver County Times: Atty: Kan. abortion doctor's death was 'terrorism'

USA fumes over politics - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Women and health care reform

U.S. Finalizes Car-Mileage Rules - WSJ.com

Militia Draws Distinctions Between Groups - NYTimes.com

Boeing to Study Its Options for Tanker Contract - NYTimes.com

Press Start: Top video game sellers, Japanese rape game resurfaces and new Gears of War? - Game Hunters: In search of video games and interactive awesomeness - USATODAY.com

12-Year-Old Kayleah Wilson Missing: Disappeared on Way to Birthday Party - Crimesider - CBS News

Schools head defends response to bullying - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Superintendent Gus Sayer speaks out

DeLeo: 'Time to act on casino proposal is now' - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

SC Senate OKs 50-Cent Cigarette Tax Increase - NYTimes.com

Reed: Special election for 29th in doubt - Hornell, NY - Hornell Evening Tribune

Chinese leader to attend nuclear summit in U.S. - latimes.com

Medvedev Calls for Tough Tactics Against Militants - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Bombs in Dagestan, Chechens Claim Moscow Blasts

Haitian Earthquake: World Promises Billions in Aid to Help Rebuild - ABC News

YouTube - Haitians skeptical of foreign aid

Catholic bishop understands arguments for condoms | Top News | Reuters

YouTube - Archbishop Defends Pope

Workaholic ICC prosecutor hunts war criminals | Reuters

BBC News - Sudan opposition parties join SPLM election boycott

E.U. Finds Serbia Censure Lacking - NYTimes.com

Empowered Sadrists Organize New Ballot in Iraq - NYTimes.com

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Karzai lashes out at UN over fraud

Gov't still open for 3rd round of talks with red shirts: Thai PM

Russian FM urges Hamas to halt rocket fire - Israel News, Ynetnews

YouTube - Government fee delays Gaza reconstruction

AFP: Sherpa to carry Hillary's ashes to Everest summit

Facing food shortages and sanctions, Kim Jong Il appears to reach out to China - washingtonpost.com

The Associated Press: 12 dead, 32 trapped in latest China mine disaster

Pakistan's President Zardari closer to losing powers / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

No caning sentence for beer-drinking Malaysia woman | Reuters

UN climate change officials told to cut carbon footprint with permanent home - Times Online


*How To Prepare For Obamacare: Create Your Own Natural Medicine Chest by Bill Sardi


Gerald Celente: What to Do in a Crisis


YouTube - 1/3 Gerald Celente: what to do in a crisis

YouTube - 2/3 Gerald Celente: what to do in a crisis

YouTube - 3/3 Gerald Celente: what to do in a crisis


Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Auto Sales Rebound From Extremely Depressed Levels; Ford Kills Volvo; Think's Electric Cars Roll Into New York

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Three Reasons Public Sector Workers Are Killing The Economy; Pittsburgh's Pension Liability Hits $1 Billion; Pittsburgh Is Bankrupt

A MINORITY VIEW:Conflict or Cooperation


*(w /audio)Healthcare and Economic Realities by Ron Paul


You Might Be a Statist If…? by Wilton D. Alston

How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the FBI | The Beacon

The Arctic Seems To Be Warming Up by Brian Maher

Review: A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, by H.W. Fowler - The Globe and Mail

U.S. housing market shifts from liar loans to hard cash - The Globe and Mail

The Great College Hoax - Forbes.com

Change of Subject: Seeing red over yellow lights. Experts say three seconds is not long enough

Follow our experts' simple tips to put a spring back in your step | Mail Online

Pope has immunity in abuse trials: Vatican - Yahoo! News

Satan behind media attacks on the Pope, asserts Italian exorcist :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Obama fills out census form - Yahoo! News

Nightmarish tumor took her to brink | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

Poll: More blame Obama for poor economy, unemployment - USATODAY.com

Oil rises above $84, extending 2-month rally - Yahoo! Finance

Sarah Palin to host first Fox News TV show - Telegraph

CNN.com International - Breaking, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Video News

Lawyer: Saudi could behead Lebanese for witchcraft - Yahoo! News

Blessed is the Blackberry: How Barack Obama worships with prayers on his trusty phone prayers on his trusty phone | Mail Online

Hollywood snubs proposed betting on ticket sales

No Sex Please, I’m Neal McDonough… – Deadline.com

Clinton Blasted for Pushing Abortion in Canada’s G8 Maternal Health Plan

Reuters AlertNet - U.S. Democrats lie low after healthcare victory

My Way News - Google has censorship balancing act outside China

My Way News - DC crowd sprayed with bullets had been to funeral

Toyota's US sales jump 35.3 percent in March

Rodney Alcala sentenced to death for murders of four women and girl, 12 | Mail Online

Putin Visits Chavez in Russian Bid to Grow in Obama’s Backyard - Bloomberg.com

Officers Accused Of Using Taser On 10-Year-Old - Indiana News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

YouTube - Introducing Google Translate for Animals

Newsalert: Chicago Police Torture Against Blacks?: Federal Grand Jury Investigates Crew of Police Officers

YouTube - George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.

YouTube - Inventing the Internet


**50 lie's told by Obama, Does he tell the truth?


*The 10 Greatest April Fools Pranks Ever Played On The Public | Ranker - A World of Lists


Clerical Whispers: Most priests accused of sex abuse were never tried, admits Vatican


Cover up of pedophile child sexual abuse by Scientologists

Republican List of paedophiles – shocking! « Exposing myth, distortion, corruption and the TRUTH

SHTF411.com • Democrat Pedophiles

A partial list of democratic pedophiles



Mantiq al-Tayr:A New Way to Celebrate Passover

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

Police “Welfare Check” Leaves Woman Dead « LewRockwell.com Blog

Best New Catholic Church Defense: It's Not Pedophilia If the Boys Were Post-Pubescent - Catholic Church - Gawker


kenny's sideshow: Is WikiLeaks a CIA/Mossad Front?

The Roman Catholic Church is Big Business | resbak - Right Back At You!

Los Angeles, Toledo, Other Cities and States Press Municipal Labor Unions to Cut Pension and Health-Care Costs - WSJ.com

Left-Wing Icon: America Is Still Headed Towards Fascism Under Obama

Global Warming Science and Public Policy - 35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore’s movie

My Way News - Music group EMI in dire straits

Planned Sarah Palin CSU speech stirs California protest - Yahoo! News

Fascist Take-Over of the U.S.

Rammy M. Haija - The Armageddon Lobby: Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy Towards Israel-Palestine - Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal 5:1

Origin and Rise of Compulsory Medicine - Melchior Palyi - Mises Institute

EclippTV :: Video :: Alan Greenspan Discusses U.S. Jobless Rate, Treasuries

Holy man resigns over sex scandal - Yahoo! News

EclippTV :: Video :: Secret Heartbeat of America - The CIA and Drugs

EclippTV :: Video :: Bob Schulz - We The People Go After The Banksters


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Fox Nation Punks Itself with Global Warming “News” Story

Gambler Says She Won $42M But Casino Won't Pay Up - cbs4denver.com

Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

State And Local Tax Revenues Inch Higher

Letter shows Pope Paul VI knew of child abuse decades ago | Raw Story


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats 'interrogating' foes of Obamacare

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama providing 'political cover' for climate bill

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Nothing short of a kangaroo court'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Afghanistan: Troops winning, Karzai failing


Shock claim: Obama encouraged Palestinian 'resistance'

U.S. military seeking role on West Bank

Posters: Destroy mosque, build 3rd Temple now!

RNC Chairman Meets Immigration Group, Sides Differ on Outcome - Washington Wire - WSJ

Border violence threatens Americans - Washington Times

Democrats squeezed by health care lawsuit - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » Axelrod: Health Care Bill Will Grow More Popular

Reuters AlertNet - U.S. Democrats lie low after healthcare victory

Judge says seizing 'Million Dollar Bill' tracts illegal

Judge to ACLU: Where are plaintiffs?

Muslim mob burns Christian man

FOXNews.com - Fort Hood Suspect Apparently Sent to Jail

Algerian charged with threatening Dearborn attorney also suspected of plot against Swedish cartoonist | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Press slams of pope ignored

N.Y. Times still pays Obama's nominee to Army post - Washington Times

Kerry open to Obama drilling plan - The Hill's E2-Wire

Homosexuality: The choice of a new generation?

School to Bill Ayers: Thanks but no thanks!

'Right-wing white brothers' may 'attempt to kill' Obama

Dem lawmaker cancels town hall due to security concerns - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The politics of death threats - Kenneth P. Vogel and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Rare hearing set for decorated soldier

CIA says ACLU-backed plan endangered Gitmo officers - Washington Times

German CIA rendition victim sentenced to jail for assault - The Local

Hate crimes force Jews out of Malmo - Washington Times

Shock claim: Obama encouraged Palestinian 'resistance'

Obama Medicare pick urges 'radical transfer of power'

Marine base can't censor criticism of Muhammad

Judge to ACLU: Where are plaintiffs?

Racial agitprop at the Capitol

As debtor, Obama doubles down Jefferson

Obamacare scheming smells of Jekyll Island

When losing argument, just change the subject

video:Selling Easter to the highest bidder

The nonexistent, evil chick called Easter

video:Why 9/11 faith falls short


*American Minute for April 1st:William J Federer's American Minute

*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

**site:the Birthers

Obama: Tea party based on eligibility issue

Why Obama is ineligible – regardless of his birthplace

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Letterman’s shocking interview with a tea-party leader


*Jackie Mason: Today's hateful McCarthyites

Racial agitprop at the Capitol

Against Obamacare? You're a fascist racist hater

Prescriptions for disaster now covered under Obamacare

I like Jack Bauer, but …

The blackface of tyranny

Planned Parenthood deepens link to breast-cancer group

When technology enables despotism

Good Thursday or Good Friday?

Media's Obama org chart

Exposing the Deep Swamp of Republican Hypocrisy -- How a Party Alienated the Nation | News & Politics | AlterNet

Beer or wine? How government brings conflict

Pajamas Media » Middle East Cage Match: Bibi or Barry?

Terri Schiavo's Brother Bobby Schindler Recalls Five Years Since Sister's Death

Terri Schiavo's Family Boycotts Fox's Family Guy Sponsors After Recent Attack

Supreme Court restricts whistleblower lawsuits - Washington Times

Fired staffer recruited young donors - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Fox News drops LL Cool J from Palin's new show

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Liberal Cable Channel MSNBC Uses Smear Campaign To Bring Down Competitor

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Brits forking out for EU migrant workers to have babies in UK

Woman Sues Tulsa Doctor For Being Set On Fire During Surgery - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

Nine people sue Solon woman, two Cleveland lawyers for alleged African inheritance scam | cleveland.com

Christian faith: Calvinism is back / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Sacramento-area churches add extra round of entertainment to Sunday's Easter basket - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists - Telegraph

At 13, UConn student letting no challenge slip past - The Boston Globe

Study: Chocolate could reduce heart risk - DailyFinance

Billionaire suing Christie's over wine supposedly owned by Thomas Jefferson

1st Census Signed by Jefferson up for NYC Auction - ABC News

University students to live like ancient Roman gladiators - The Local

Drunk man found in engine of Indian Airlines Airbus | News.com.au

Timer device limits civil servants to ten minutes in toilet - Telegraph

Ananova - Razor sharp beard artist

Men owe women for 'creating beer' - Telegraph

Killer whale attacks dolphin in front of tourists - Telegraph

Taxpayers Loaned Bank $100 Million; Bank Leased Pittsburgh Steelers Stadium Suite - ABC News

EMP Risk: Washington, Military Warned on Nuclear Threat - TIME

BBC News - Rosslyn Chapel was haven for bees

Can't get rid of your memories? Call Death Bear - latimes.com

'Lough Ness Monster' devours ducks at popular lake - Telegraph

Virgin's 'Flying Submarine' | GDS Publishing

BBC News - Probe sees 'Pac-man in the moon'

Atom smasher achieves 'Big Bang' collisions (Update)

An archaeological mystery in a half-ton lead coffin


*site:Robert Lanza



FromTheBalcony.com Presents The Devil's Hammer by Victoria Alexander


FromTheBalcony.com Presents The Devil's Hammer by Victoria Alexander

Video Feature

Xcon 2004 - Richard Sauder - Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnels 55:33


Phil Schneider - Underground Bases & Greys - last video before being killed (1995) 1:11:00


Alien Drug Trade - Underground Bases 23:09


video:Secret Underground Bases


Author Says America Has Bases Underground; Even Under Ocean

Additional information from Dr. Richard Sauder

US Underground Bases


Election Theft Underway in Wisconsin

When Media Become Obama PR Agents

The Abolition of the Family

Is a State-Based Recall of a U.S. Senator Constitutional?

Fatal Thinking

The Scandal Driving the Church Sex Scandal

The Left's Ludicrous Accusations against Tea Partiers

A Mysterious Appearance

How Quickly Spread the Tea Party Smear

Red state, blue state, pork state,

If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over?

Dumb workers working too efficiently derailing Obama recovery

Obama is no Jack Kennedy

Fuzzy feelings, fuzzy math

What about left wing violence?

For Chechen separatist, going jihad pays dividends

Obama's 'Now you see it - Now you don't' drilling policy

Well, we know our virtue is intact

A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy

Obama and Wilson

Israel's Crisis and Opportunity

The Ruins of Byblos

Natural Law and the 'Right' to Health Care

Tea Parties and the Republican Party

We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight

The Shock of Barack

‘Generation Zero’ Premieres in Los Angeles

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Tom Hanks’ Latest Stroke of Genius — ‘American Idiot: The Musical’

TRAILER: ‘The Expendables’ — God! Guns! Guts!

Daily Gut: Grassy Knoll? More Like the Assy Knoll

Conservative Cannibalism: A Pattern of Unjustified Smears

When David Letterman Met a Tea Partier

REVIEW: MTV’s ‘16 and Pregnant’ Rewards Teen Mothers With Reality Show

It’s Time For the Black Caucus Race Hustlers to Apologize For Slandering Tea Party Patriots

The Great Voter Silencer: CA’s Prop 14

Article V: Repealing ObamaCare

ObamaCare, 9/11 and Me

ACORN ‘Dissolves’ Today: APRIL FOOL’S!!!

A Political Stimulus, Not A Job Stimulus

Victor Davis Hanson on America’s Approach to War

Obama Funder and Terrorist Supporter Jodie Evans Assaults Karl Rove in Beverly Hills

It’s Time For Out-a-Thug: Help Us Identify These Men

The Cap and Tax Man is Coming

Uh-Oh: Another Dem Acknowledges Health Bill is ‘Wealth Redistribution’

Border Murder Highlights Administration’s Failure

Killing Free Speech and Free Enterprise With One Stone

ObamaCare: A Fairy Tale – or How the Gay Community Lost Its Magic Power

Miss Tea Party USA? More Like a Rebel With a Cause

Inside the Cult of Insanity: The Westboro Baptist Church

Sarah Palin Switches Parties, Becomes Democrat; Media Rejoices

Early Morning Thread: Mother of Mercy, Is This the End of Newspapers?

Let’s Hear It for the Bloody Peace and Tolerance Party


Life Imitates ‘The Godfather’ — Did Somebody Make the Dems ‘An Offer They Couldn’t Refuse?’

YouTube - Chicago Mayor Richard Daley: Rant

YouTube - Connecting the Dots in the Corrupted Chicago Politics--Blagojevich, Rezko, Obama, Emanuel, Axelrod


Open Thread: A Tale of Two Photographs

It’s Time For Out-a-Thug: Help Us Identify These Men

We’re Learning ‘The Chicago Way’: Union Thugs Won’t Intimidate Anonymously Anymore

Get Ready To Shiver, MSM: Citizen-Journalists Are Watching You

Welcome to the Real Revolution, Alinsky Fans: It Ain’t For Wimps Or Sissies

NewsBusted: Will ObamaCare Make Dems More Popular?

Who’s Really Behind the Glenn Beck Boycott?

Scores trapped on snowbound train in Scotland | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Chechen rebel Doku Umarov claims responsibility for Moscow blasts - Times Online

Wikileaks in the crosshairs | Joseph Huff-Hannon | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Jose Maria Aznar under fire over attempt to secure US Congressional medal - Telegraph

Probe launched into physical and sexual abuse of a six-year-old schoolgirl by her classmates | Mail Online

CIA given details of British Muslim students - Home News, UK - The Independent

Turin Shroud 3D glasses condemned by church - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - US Corporate Elite Funds Radical Left & Islam

Is AIPAC Still the Chosen One? | Mother Jones

Gendercide: The worldwide war on baby girls | The Economist

Mothers and fathers disappear from birth certificate to allow homosexual couples to be named as parents | Mail Online


March 31, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

March 30, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-31, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-30, Tuesday

03/31 The Mark Levin Show

03/30 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/31/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/30/2010

April Fools

The Origin Of April Fools' Day

Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes Of All Time

#video:April Fools' balloons surprise Turks

Video: Renters Caught In The Foreclosure Crisis

More Afghan detainee documents released

Video: Hundreds Of Ranchers Unite In Douglas

Video: Hundreds Of Ranchers Unite In Douglas

Video: Man Accused Of Taking Advantage Of Children

Indonesians boycott taxes

A baby HIV scandal hits Uzbekistan

Video: 2010 Census participation surpasses 50%

Video: Victim Thanks Workers For Saving His Life

Video: Police Issuing Notices of Median Ordinance

Video: Investigation Ongoing at Hutto Daycare

Progressive Humor: Beck Meets Wallis for ‘Social Justice Dialogue’

Conservative Leader Tells Donors to Stop Giving to RNC

Cause of Woman’s Nightmarish Hallucinations Turns Out to Be Tiny Tumor

MSNBC’s Olbermann Apologizes for Making Fun of TV News Anchor’s Fall

Boxer Warns Colleagues: Don’t Take Your Seats for Granted

White Supremacist Radio Ads Put Kansas City Station in Tricky Position

Gaza Can’t Separate Conjoined Twins

Michelle Malkin: It’s Time For a Spartacus-Type Revolt

Kids Use Axe Body Spray to Light Themselves on Fire

Gangsta Mickey Tells Imus: ‘Da Easter Bunny’s Buggin’ Yo’

‘Capitol Hill Conspiracy’: Filmmaker Dissects ‘Agitprop’ of Congressman’s ‘Spitting’ Incident

Congressman Worries More Marines Might Cause Guam to ‘Tip Over and Capsize’

The B-Cast: Little-Known Health Law Provision Could Cost Americans Thousands Annually

MSNBC’s Ratigan: Is Obama ‘Nothing More Than a Democrat in Name Only?’

Complete Interview: Letterman Has Surprisingly Pleasant Time With Tea Party Member

Pro-Spooning Air New Zealand Introduces Economy ‘Skycouch’

Casino Won’t Pay After Woman ‘Wins’ $42M Slot Jackpot

Are We Suckers for ‘Junk Science?’

Code Pinker on Rove Ambush: I Was Polite for an Hour

The B-Cast A-Side: Letterman Has Suprisingly Pleasant Talk With Tea Party Member

The B-Cast B-Side: Obama Sees Birthers at ‘Core’ of Tea Party

The B-Cast: Former Communist Says Rev. Wallis Is Wrong About Social Justice

Texas Church Offers $4M in Prizes for Easter Service Attenders

Rev. Wallis Reveals How Redistribution of Wealth Was Written Into DNC Platform & Obama’s Budget

O’Reilly Wants Fallen Marine Suit Taken to Supreme Court

C-SPAN Issues Response to ‘Black Span’ Backlash

Cavuto on the Markets: I’m Worried

Joy Behar: I Don’t Give a Flying ‘Bleep’ About Beck

Comic-Con Battle Breaks Out Online

Rip Torn Pleads Not Guilty in Bank Break-in

Iran Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. in CIA ‘Intelligence Coup’

Hot Air: The New Federal Menu Mandate Meets the Real World

Geithner: Unemployment Will Stay ‘Unacceptably High’ for Some Time

NC Store Owner Refuses to Let Guide Dog In

Gibbs: KSM Could Be Tried In Military Commission Or Federal Court

Raw: Iceland’s Eyjafjallajoku Volcano Erupts

Michelle Obama Plants W.H. Garden

WH: Not ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ – More ‘Drill Where It’s Responsible’

Bush Admin Official: Offshore Drilling Plan an Attempt to Gain Votes for Massive Climate Bill

Top Scientist: Trying to Save the Planet ‘A Lot of Nonsense’

Drill, Baby, Drill: Obama to Allow Oil Drilling Off Virginia Coast

What Parts of Health Reform Take Effect Before 2014?

WSJ’s Henninger: Would the Founders Love ObamaCare?

Study: Soda Tax Isn’t Curbing Obesity in Kids

Study: 40,000 Medical Mistakes Made Every Day in U.S.

Study: Chocolate Could Reduce Heart Risk

Lines to See Primary Care Physicians Expected to Get Even Worse With ObamaCare

Nevada AG Says Health Overhaul Suit Not Warranted

Bachmann on ObamaCare: ‘This is the Grounds for Redistribution of Wealth’

Little-Known Health Care Law Provision Is a Budget Buster, Critics Say

ObamaCare Hits Medical Device Companies with 2%-4% Tax Hike

Beck Guest Host: ‘Racist’ Tanning Tax Is Targeted at ‘Lighter-Skinned People’

Viral Video Parodies ObamaCare ‘Side Effects’

Army Physician Refuses to Obey Orders Until Obama Produces Birth Certificate

Krauthammer on US Claims of UN ‘Unanimity’ for Iran Sanctions: ‘This Is All a Charade’

Sisters Behind First Daughter Fan Club Heading to DC

Utah Governor Signs Bills to Seize Federal Land

Bad Grenade Toss Nearly Kills Chinese Army Recruit

Exploding Tires Make for Fiery Airbus Landing in Australia

France Declared Best Pizza Maker

Caught on Video: More Deadly Bombings Rock Russia

Women’s Groups Call for Ban of Japanese Rape Fantasy Video Games

Increasing Numbers of Venezuelans Trying to Get to Europe