"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

30 March 2010

30 March

YouTube - Alex Jones Inside CNN Attack Piece 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones Inside CNN Attack Piece PT 2/2


Ricky Martin’s Out--Who Comes Next? (Slide Show) | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

YouTube - Ricky Martin announces that he is gay

Obama's Seder includes 10 drops of sympathy - Faith & Reason

FOXNews.com - Lindsay Lohan Tweets Her Rage at George Lopez Over White Powder Cracks

Usher Says Raymond V. Raymond Proves He Hasn't Lost His Swagger - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Howard Kurtz - Palin Inc. - washingtonpost.com

Rip Torn pleads not guilty to charges - The Mercury Entertainment: Pottstown, PA and The Tri County areas of Montgomery, Berks and Chester Counties (pottsmerc.com)

Michael Jackson Had Heartbeat at Hospital, Attorney Says - latimes.com


Obama signs final healthcare changes | Reuters

Obama promotes 'overlooked' changes to student loan program - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

FBI sees little chance of copycat militia plots - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - The Hutaree Christian Militia

Karl Rove speech cut short by anti-war protesters - washingtonpost.com

Man ordered to pay appeal costs of protesters at his son's funeral - baltimoresun.com

Obama: 'Core group' of Tea Party movement questions his legitimacy - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Obama: Not All Tea Partiers "On The Fringe" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Phoebe Prince Suicide: Some Parents Outraged That No School Officials Charged - ABC News

YouTube - Bullied to Death

Paul Using 9/11 Images In New TV Ad - Louisville Kentucky

Obama: Health care bill is a 'first step' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

High court restricts whistleblower lawsuits - washingtonpost.com

The Associated Press: Clyburn: Reid's dealmaking cost Mass. seat

Leader of Brown campaign now helping NH candidate - washingtonpost.com

1.6M more Census forms must be sent out - USATODAY.com

3/30/2010 - Citizens Group Files Ethics Complaint Against Deal - Breaking News - Chattanoogan.com

Romney defends Massachusetts health care law - The Boston Globe

2 charged with murder in Calif. dragging death - washingtonpost.com

Moscow metro: 19 black widows could launch fresh attacks - Telegraph

YouTube - Inside Story - Behind the Moscow bombing

BBC World Service - News - What is it like to live on death row?

Amnesty says China Executed Thousands in 2009 | Asia | English

Chinese hospital staff disciplined after babies' bodies found by river - CNN.com

German Catholics Set Up Abuse Hotline - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Criticism of Vatican in Wis. Over Abuse Scandal

Somali pirates hijack eight ships in three days / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - French PM advised against total Islamic veil ban

U.S. official: No plans to withhold veto on a Jerusalem UN resolution - Haaretz - Israel News

South Korea Cheonan warship sinking: Diver dies during rescue efforts / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Diver Dies in Search for SKorean Ship Survivors

Turkey asks Germany for help if EU bid stalls - washingtonpost.com

In blueprint for Haiti, U.S. takes new approach to aid - washingtonpost.com

As calls build to sanction Iran, Canada prods G-8 to action - washingtonpost.com

Families of 153 trapped Chinese miners fight for hope - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Over 100 miners trapped underground in China

Nato to launch surge against Taliban in Kandahar - Telegraph

Aung San Suu Kyi Calls Burma's Election Bluff - WSJ.com


YouTube - CNN's lies on Iran

CNN Attempt To Portray Patriots As Terrorists Backfires, Segment Fails To Air

YouTube - Potok Talks Of The New World Order On Anderson Cooper

CNN, SPLC Propaganda Connects Hutaree to Patriot Movement

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda


“The Reconciliation Act of 2010”

H. R. 3590

flashback:FDA approves computer chip for humans - Health care- msnbc.com

Reconciliation Act H.R.4872 Brings Microchipping to America


The Strange Case of Kristopher Sickles and the Hutaree Militia


YouTube - "Pale Horse" on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Is Pale Horse Real? You Be The Judge!!

YouTube - "Pale Horse" on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Is Pale Horse Real? You Be The Judge!!

YouTube - "Pale Horse" on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Is Pale Horse Real? You Be The Judge!!

YouTube - "Pale Horse" on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:Is Pale Horse Real? You Be The Judge!!


Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent


CPS Warrior Nancy Schaefer Gunned Down

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer on Alex Jones: "CPS criminality" 1of4

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer on Alex Jones: "CPS criminality" 2of4

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer on Alex Jones: "CPS criminality" 3of4

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer on Alex Jones: "CPS criminality" 4of4


Russia Attack: Will Media Propagandists Now Push for Naked Body Scanners?

Feds Release Indictment Against Michigan Militia

Moscow Metro Blasts: Another FSB Inside Job?

Another Poll Reveals Most Americans Oppose Obamacare

Obama Sets Sights on Merging Mexico and US?

YouTube - Target of FBI Raid May Be Christian Militia

Ron Paul Sees Dollar Disappearing

Sarah Palin Still Endorses McCain

Healthcare and Economic Realities

U.S. take if it sells its Citi stake to settle cost of bailout: $8 billion - washingtonpost.com

Inflation or Hyperinflation Is Coming, Healthcare Will Damage The Economy | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

It’s over: MPs say the special relationship with US is dead - Times Online

Border Rancher Rob Krentz And Dog Found Shot To Death After Aiding Illegal Alien : Diggers Realm

60 Minutes Exposes United States Financial Collapse

YouTube - Lehman Bros categorized loans as sales to hide debt

New Homeland Security Report claims “Right-wing Extremism” is on the rise

S. 277 / National and Community Service Act of 1990

YouTube - Ron Paul "We Have Only One Party! And They Fight Over Power & Influence!

Obamacare Not Such a Good Deal for Kids and Young Adults

Health premiums could rise 17 pct for young adults

Merida II: A New Phase in U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation


*Building a North American Community


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 3/29/10: Healthcare and Economic Realities

China Rushes To Bomb Its Clouds As Rice Prices Spike 10% In A Month

Biometric Scans for Traffic Stops

Advocate of 9/11 Censorship on Obama’s Short List for Supreme Court

The Great 9/11 Insurance Bonanza

Anti-Hate Group Finds Yet Another Group It Hates

Are Politicians Even Worried About The 2010 Elections?

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

President Sarkozy Of France Says Europe And America Must Come Up With New Answers – Talk Radio News Service

Athens bomb blast kills one and badly injures two | World news | The Guardian

French Endorse Sarkozy’s Scrapping of Carbon Tax, Poll Shows - BusinessWeek

City ramps up subway firepower over suicide bombings on Moscow trains - NYPOST.com

BBC News - Warning over pupil fingerprinting

Supreme Court may weigh coverage mandate - Washington Times

WHO accused of losing public confidence over flu pandemic | World news | The Guardian

Mysterious Whale Die-Off Is Largest on Record | LiveScience

Scientists stumped as bee population declines further

CNSNews.com - Rep. Burgess: Government Can Force Us to Buy General Motors Products If Obamacare Mandate Upheld in Court

Is a Biometric Identity Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - Yahoo! News

U.S. lobbies a hurdle in Mexico drug war: Calderon | Reuters

Obama Takes More Aggressive Tack - WSJ.com

Dana Loesch: ‘Intellectually Dishonest’ to Equate Anti-Big Government Stance with Racism

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

Russian leaders vow retaliation after Moscow blasts

'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man – Telegraph Blogs

CNN, SPLC Propaganda Connects Hutaree to Patriot Movement

YouTube - CIA Officer- Robert Steele stresses the importance of Blogging - MONTAGE

YouTube - Obama Mocks Republican 'Armageddon' Rhetoric (Again)

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

Are Progressives Singing a New Tune on the Wars?

A U.S. Biometrics Agency

Insurers find loophole in health bill, say they don’t have to cover sick kids

New wave of swine flu approaching in spring

AMS/NWA sponsored survey of TV weathercasters: 63% Believe Global Warming is Mostly Natural

Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

Raid on Hutaree puzzles Adrian | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Final Hutaree Suspect in Court Today || WXYZ.com | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More

Large Hadron Collider hits problems as scientists bid to start high energy collisions - Telegraph

Scientists discover how to ‘turn off’ brain’s morality center | Raw Story

Californians may have to pay tax on canceled mortgage debt - San Jose Mercury News

China Gold Demand May Double Within Decade, WGC Says (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

President Sarkozy Of France Says Europe And America Must Come Up With New Answers – Talk Radio News Service

'Schools taking fingerprints of pupils without their parents knowing' | Mail Online

School laptop spy case prompts Wiretap Act rethink

MTA Beefing Up Security Following Moscow Bombing | NBC New York

Metro heightens security - wtop.com

Global warming 'is not slowing down Gulf Stream' | Mail Online

Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings - NYTimes.com



Stocks Soar, but Many Analysts Ask Why

Teachers reveal toll of violence against them in schools | Education | The Guardian

Following the herd: Fear dictates what music teenagers listen to | Mail Online

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: I never imagined the town hall Nazis would go quite so mad | Mail Online

Pope dismisses 'petty gossip' of sexual abuse allegations | World news | The Guardian

Catholic priests are not the only child abusers - Telegraph

Russia loses two time zones - Telegraph

Large Hadron Collider to start high energy 'God Particle' hunt - Telegraph

US voices 'concerns' over Australia's internet filter - Telegraph

New York to buzz to the sound of bees - Telegraph

Christian militia group members arrested by FBI - Telegraph

Junk food 'as addictive as heroin and smoking' - Telegraph

How Mossad blew it: The gripping story of how Israel's 'brutally efficient' secret service botched that Dubai assassination | Mail Online

Iran 'building two new nuclear enrichment plants' - Telegraph

Are America’s hawks really preparing to swoop on Iran? - Herald Scotland | Comment | Guest Commentary

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists - Telegraph

Astronomers discover 90 per cent more universe | Mail Online

China 'set to produce more legal highs' - Home News, UK - The Independent


Israel’s Delusion=The World’s Misery « The Ugly Truth

Sell-off in US Treasuries raises sovereign debt fears - Telegraph

Roy Tov on The Da Vinci Nazi

U.S. Congressman Cantor: I've been threatened because I'm Jewish - Haaretz - Israel News

Nearly 300 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond - Haaretz - Israel News

'Dispute won’t harm $3b. aid to Israel'

Israel has Breached Peremptory Norms of Humanitarian Law «Kawther Salam

Searches Prove NO Mandatory Chipping In Health Bill

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO

Utah gov. OKs eminent domain use on federal land : 24 Hour Breaking News : The Buffalo News

The Federal Reserve: An Astounding Exposure 1934

'When Silence Becomes Betrayal'

An archaeological mystery in a half-ton lead coffin

Human Bones Successfully Grown in Lab From Stem Cells | Popular Science


*5 part video:Judge Napolitano On Alex Jones TV: Obamacare is Unconstitutional


America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version 1:51:16

*911 Mysteries - All 10 segments


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 29th With Rep. Phil Hart


YouTube - 1981 Movie Rollover Predicts Today's News

YouTube - Treason by Members of the United States Congress

*The Oklahoma City Bombing

OK City: The Ryder Truck On The Army Base

The Oklahoma City Bombing Were there additional explosive charges and additional bombers?

032910 New Militia Standoff? - 12160.org

Michigan-based Christian militia group raided by the FBI over the weekend is preparing for battle with the Antichrist, according to a Web site purportedly run by the group - 12160.org

FOXNews.com - Michigan Militia Group Preparing for Antichrist, Web Site Says

Local News on Hutaree militia Federal Indictment - 12160.org

Washington's Blog:Leaked CIA Report: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters" In Waging Endless Wars


YouTube - A Journey Through The Guide Stones


American's Journey: Looking for Meaning in the Georgia Guidestones: Fun with Extrapolations

Chris Hedges: Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’? - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Health Care Battle Ends; War on Social Security Begins

EclippTV :: Video :: Michele Bachmann: Government Controls 51% of U.S. Economy

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul The People Are Catching On That The Government Is Bankrupt

High School Students Becoming Part of Mexican Drug Cartels » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Now it's CowGate: expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false – Telegraph Blogs

Top up Vitamin D in the sun or pop a supplement, say researchers - Times Online

Staying optimistic 'keeps you healthy' - Telegraph

BBC - Gavin Hewitt's Europe: The storm buffeting God's Rottweiler

The Myth of the Pathocrats: This "crisis" between Tel Aviv and Washington is a non-event -- Signs of the Times News

The night a guru tried to kill me on TV | Sanal Edamaruku | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The End of Government -- Signs of the Times News

Michigan Christian Militia Hutaree Targeted Law Enforcement - ABC News

DiManno: A church sex scandal where the truth is crucified - thestar.com

Legislating Away Your Freedoms - One 'Homegrown Terrorist' At A Time -- Signs of the Times News

Vatican Declined to Defrock U.S. Priest Who Abused Boys - NYTimes.com

Searchers: Remains of Errol Flynn's son found - MSNBC Articles

From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

San Francisco Sentinel » Blog Archives » CONSERVATIVE MEXICAN PRIEST SEXUALLY ABUSED SONS HE FATHERED - MARCIAL MACIEL, Founder of $2 BILLION, 75,000-Member Order Of The Legion Of Christ

ABCNEWS.com : Sexual Abuse Allegations Covered-Up by Vatican

Did Iraq Just Elect a Mass-Murderer? | World | AlterNet


Harry Shearer: Obama's Bagram Fly-In: What He Didn't Visit

Pope's Resignation Demanded By British Protesters

America’s looming trade war with China — Mike Whitney

The trillion-dollar question is: who will now lead the climate battle? | Environment | The Observer

Listecki "Cannot Believe" Attemped Cover-Up Happened at Vatican | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

Pope Benedict XVI: Vatican Calls Attacks Regarding Sex Abuse Crisis Unfair - ABC News

KSAX.com - SNAP Criticizes Vatican Handling of Scandal

Busted World: I Must be Weird

Exposed--White House visitors list shows unsavory characters Obama denied knowing

Cultural Obamalypse: the Attack on the Pope » Spengler | A First Things Blog

If you can leave the United States, I would suggest you GET OUT NOW | Shenandoah

Biblical Plagues Due To ‘Climate Change’ | Sweetness & Light

Enjoy Your Health Care Shit Sandwich | Black Sun Gazette

News - Europe: 20 priests accused of sex abuse - diocese

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura "American Conspiracies" interview on Unfiltered Part 2

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers Speaks About the Dollar Index and Euro - CNBC18

Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant

Catholic Church sex scandal: French priest avoids charges over choirboy abuse claims | Mail Online

Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler: Benedict XVI Harboring Sexual Predators in Scranton

Scranton Catholic schools superintendent investigated over sex abuse allegation | - PennLive.com

Liberty 101: Health Care Tyranny

Allen L Roland's Weblog: What Is The Pope Hiding ?

EclippTV :: Video :: Examples of HOLLYWOOD pre-conditioning

Understanding the Mechanics of the Police State by Michael Hampton

DC communication outage! - 12160.org

Bill Maher and Christopher Hitchens Pontiff-icate on the Vatican Sex Scandal - 12160.org

Ancient doorway to afterlife discovered in Egypt - Yahoo! News

Chinese Co. to Buy Volvo From Ford for $1.8 Billion - ABC News

Contextualizing Papal Profligacy with Obscured Histories - | Sophrosyne Radical

Explorers fail to strike oil in test sites off Falklands - Business News, Business - The Independent

Cold Fusion Proven True by U.S. Navy Researchers - Will Suppression of this Science be Repeated?

HSBC Ejects Carbon Traders From Index - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com

Who are the Christian militia 'Hutaree' and why was the FBI targeting them? - Yahoo! News

American's Journey: Glenn (shoot him in the head) Beck launches remote control attack on Jesse Ventura

Stupak’s Health Care Vote Aborts The Pro-Life Movement | Real Zionist News


Revolution for Dummies » Nationalist Coalition Blog

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedomwatch - Will SCOTUS Overturn Health Care Law?

EclippTV :: Video :: We Need Scientists NOT Landscapers...

Gov't, certificate authorities conspire to spy on SSL users?

The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website

Researchers discover papaya is effective against breast, pancreas and other cancers

Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class

Exclusive: FEC commissioner helped RNC conceal role in 2004 vote suppression | Raw Story


Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The horrible prospect of Supreme Court Justice Cass Sunstein « Aletho News

9/11 Reconstruction: Mental Before Physical

"No Offshore Drilling"--Administration up to Something?

The Roots of Washington's Failures in Dealing with Rogue Regimes

Sucking the Blood of the Ambitious

Islamist GĂĽlen Movement Runs U.S. Charter Schools

Making the Housing Crisis Worse

Capping Insurance Rates: Engineered Chaos

Charlie Rangel Faces His Scott Brown

The Supreme Court and FDR's Power-Grab

Big Brother Becomes Big Bully

Oh, that inconvenient growing polar ice cap

Post office 'reforms' a harbinger of troubles with Obamacare

A primer on how high taxes will stifle investment

We welcome our new bosses - the nomenklatura

Liberal media death spiral intensifies

Why is this man so angry?

Not your mother's Girl Scouts of America

Apple iPhone: 'Che, si, Glenn Beck, no'

A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy

We Are Expected to Believe

Listen to the Panther

So You Say You Want a Revolution?

Whom Do You Trust?

Obama's Ire, Not U.S. Interests, Directs Israel Policy

ObamaCare and the Forces of History

Obama Blames China

Sinead O'Connor writes a wonderful op-ed on the Irish Catholic Church's sex scandal

The Virtual Wall Was Always A Dumb Idea

Court Orders Dead Soldier's Father To Pay Westboro Baptist Church's Legal Fees

"How Dare They Call Us Racist!" Andrew Breitbart at Tea Party Rally Ups Ante to $100K for Proof


The Tea Party and the Ancien Regime

Frank Luntz's Newest Memo? How To Kill Financial Regulations Reform

Republican C-SPAN caller upset at too many black callers getting on, calls it: 'Black-SPAN'

Hutaree militia planned to attack, kill law-enforcement officers and their families

Insurance companies, what part of "No pre-existing conditions exclusions for kids" don't you understand?

Krugman Gives Noonan and Will a Dose of Reality on the Lack of Bipartisanship

Sarah Palin tries to denounce violence as violence erupts at her McCain event

GOP Chairman Michael Steele spends $1,946.25 of RNC money at sex-themed Hollywood nightclub

Andrew Sullivan: There is No Establishment Now That Can Say No to Limbaugh and Beck

The Legion of Christ is another Catholic order covered in Sin : UPDATED 1,2,3

FBI busts of Michigan militias' Hutaree sect once again rip the facade away from Patriots' civil pose

'J.D. Man' Buchanan on Hayworth's Birther Problems: 'So What!'

Obama Cheered By Troops In Surprise Visit To Kabul

Breaking: Dozens killed by two blasts in Moscow subways

New Rule: You Can't Use There Will Be No Cooperation as a Threat When There Was Already No Cooperation

FBI Raids Midwest Towns In Operation Believed To Target Michigan Militias

Tea Party organizers are out of work

Rachel Maddow on Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas

The Entitlement Mentality in Academia by Daniel Coleman

The Abrahamic Legacy: The Jewish Ideal of Freedom by Mordy Oberstein

The Costs of Human Action by Butler Shaffer

Green Zone Puts the Hurt on The Hurt Locker by Gil Guillory

The Lottery: A Monopoly Upon State Malevolence by Jeremiah Dyke

Turkey in Afghanistan: Obama Sneaks into Kabul to Beg Karzai to Clean Up His Act | This Can't Be Happening!

The rise of the middle-aged ironman - Times Online

Officials worry anger at D.C. is behind low Texas census response | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Iceland volcano: tourists flock to see erupting Eyjafjallajokull | Mail Online

In gold we trust - The Globe and Mail

"Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?" - Laura Miller - Salon.com

The misguided war on fat may be making us sicker. - By Melinda Wenner Moyer - Slate Magazine

Russian security services hunt 21-strong 'Black Widow' cell - Times Online

Netanyahu denies reports a close aide slammed Obama as a 'disaster' in wake of meeting | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - Illegal Immigrant Suspected in Murder of Arizona Rancher

Supreme Court may weigh coverage mandate - Washington Times

BBC News - US 'may not veto UN resolution on Jerusalem'

Philadelphia man charged with threatening GOP’s No. 2 in Congress | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/29/2010

Vienna Boys’ Choir caught up in sex abuse scandals -Times Online

Case against 3 SEALs weakens - Washington Times

White House defends special appointments - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Obamacare bait & switch - Washington Times

Same healthcare arguments, just decades earlier - latimes.com

Hate crimes force Jews out of Malmo - Washington Times

Warm greeting for Pelosi at San Francisco church

My Way News - STIMULUS WATCH: Weatherizing program slow to start

Meeks' new Katrina slap - NYPOST.com

Drug lab scandal jeopardizes hundreds of cases

Modern parenting is rubbish: let's change it - Times Online

Off-meds cab driver admits guilt, but avoids jail in death of passenger - NYPOST.com

Matthew Modine: Why Can’t We Just Sit Down With Bin Laden And Say: Hey Man, Why Are You Mad At Me? |

City ramps up subway firepower over suicide bombings on Moscow trains - NYPOST.com

Obama Takes More Aggressive Tack - WSJ.com

CIA: Iran capable of producing nukes - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Video - Rove Shouted Down, Called "War Criminal" At Book Signing

Iowa Town Renames Good Friday - ABC News

Ricky Martin: 'I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man' - Stop The Presses!

My Way News - Chaz Bono asks judge to change name, gender

US general apologises for anti-gay remarks

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change | Environment | The Guardian

BBC News - Indian holy man calls sex tape 'false campaign'

Singer Erykah Badu strips at JFK assassination site in new video - CNN.com

Yale Daily News - ITS delays switch to Gmail

Police Investigate Why 7 Heads, Torso Shipped To KCK Morgue - Kansas City News Story - KCTV Kansas City

Marine's dad ordered to pay protesters' court fees | News Updates | Wichita Eagle

FT.com / Global insight - Tories eye electoral panic button

Robbers tunnel into Parisian bank | Entertainment | Reuters

The Associated Press: Cardinal accuses Hugo Chavez of persecuting foes

The real anti-Americans

9 Militia Members Charged In Police-Killing Plot - cbs2chicago.com

My Way News - Christian militia accused of plotting to kill cops

Matt Drudge and the Republican delusion - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Barack Obama faces potential Chinese death trap - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q

Health Reform Law: Expanded IRS a Threat to Taxpayers? - ABC News

Canada tells Clinton troops are leaving

Putin: Bombing masterminds will be caught - Yahoo! News

Man arrested for Eric Cantor death threat - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

My Way News - SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast

Google CEO's compensation for 2009 falls 52 pct - Yahoo! News

FT.com / US & Canada - Senators work on bipartisan climate bill

Sex infection gonorrhea risks becoming superbug | Reuters

Hotel Staffer Calls in Fake Bomb Threat for Day Off | NBC Miami

03-29-2010: Undersea Volcano Could Threaten Southern Italy With Tsunami

03-29-2010: Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy

03-29-2010: Video: DHS Global Biometric Plan, Facial Recognition Billboards - Plus More

03-29-2010: Feds thinking outside the box to plug intelligence gaps

03-29-2010: Large Hadron Collider to start high energy 'God Particle' hunt

03-29-2010: ACTA would make Internet service providers copyright police

UN Chief Calls For A New Haiti

03-29-2010: Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

Bio Metrics

03-29-2010: A U.S. Biometrics Agency

A U.S. Biometrics Agency | Secrecy News

*site:Biometrics Task Force


New National Security Agency: Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA) | -Homeland Security Digital Library Weblog


*'09 report


Steele Under Fire for RNC Spending on Topless Club, Private Planes, Limos

Flashback: Steele Has Lost the Support of His Party

Palin Slams Liberal P.C. 'Language Police'

Clyburn: Reid's Dealmaking Cost Mass. Seat

Rasmussen: 54% Favor Repeal of Healthcare

O’Reilly: Obama Turning U.S. Into 'Nanny State'

Majority of Forecasters Doubt Warming Man-Made

RNC Wants Erotic Club Spending Repaid

Border-Guarding Minutemen Disband

Obama Vows to Press Ahead

Obama's Surprising Sense of Humor

Catholics Find Ties to the Church Tested by Crisis

Shirley: Tea Party Now More Important than GOP

CNN, MSNBC Plunge as Fox Ratings Surge

Benedict Honors John Paul 5 Years After Death

Survey: Kids Spurn Celeb Chef's Healthy Lunches

5 Years After Schiavo, Few Make End-Of-Life Plans

NASA Will Help Probe Toyota Acceleration Problem

Militia Accused of Plotting War On U.S. Government

Flight From Chicago to Washington, D.C., Diverted

Criticism of Vatican in Wis. Over Abuse Scandal

UAE Royal's Body Found in Moroccan Lake

Opposition Twitter Messages Anger Chavez

Roof in Nero's Roman Gallery Collapses

At a Loss: Recovery Has Yet to Create Jobs

Junk Food as Addictive as Heroin

Does Selenium Reduce Diabetes Risk?

Hacker Gets 7 Years for Stealing Credit Card Data

'Smart' Electricity Meters at Risk

Superman Comic Sells for $1.5M, Setting Record

Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools

video:John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation

Obama: Think Smart Cards

Senators push Obama for biometric national ID card


YouTube - Campaign For Liberty at CPAC 2010

YouTube - Ron Paul: Healthcare will drive US to bankruptcy

YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk- this healthcare bill will lead to singlepayer

YouTube - Ron Paul Reveals Plan To Eliminate The Middle Class!

YouTube - Congressman Ron Paul on Healthcare


*Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction - Richard Gage

9/11 reconstruction: Mental before physical


Castro’s secret archives: US Special Ops prepares to snatch five decades of damaging material

9-11 Truth makes HUGE appearance at Los Angeles Anti-War March

When Utopianism Is Shattered By Reality

Police Shoot 42 Bullets Into Car With 2 Year Old Inside!

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

Alex Breaks Down McCain-Graham S.3081 Indefinite Detention & Torture Bill

Enemy Congress

Letter: Get fluoride out of our city water supply

Ron Paul tells 1,500 in Boise the health care bill is a 'disaster'

Fed Face-Off: Peter Schiff Goes Toe-to-Toe With Alan Blinder, Jim Bullard

Former CIA asset Allawi touted as next Iraqi prime minister

Video Surveillance deployed inside London Public Bathrooms

Report From Liberal Cable Outlet Shows That More Guns Equals Fewer Firearms Deaths

Insurers find loophole in health bill, say they don't have to cover sick kids

Buried in Health Care Bill: Restaurants Required to Add Calorie Counts to Menus

Chinese farmer dies after self-immolation over land seizure

Why Taxes Are DEFINITELY Going Up

Trey Grayson's Fruedian Slip: "Remember, it's the government's money. It's NOT your money."

Obama's Civilian Army is now LAW and is Funded

Kremlin accused of honey-trap campaign against opposition

Global Warming Activist Freezes to Death in Antarctica

Utah gov. OKs eminent domain use on federal land

Libertarian Hecklers Assaulted at McCain-Palin Rally; Palin Falsely Accuses Protester of Being Violent As McCain Thugs Violently Assault Him

100 Million Americans Question or Find Fault with the Official 9/11 Story

US-NATO Atrocities Committed in Afghanistan: How Did We Become this Pacified to War?

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament: Shifting the Mindset

We Need to End Insurance Market-based Health Care

Did Iraq Just Elect a Mass-Murderer?

Is America ‘Yearning For Fascism?’

Modern Slavery

It's Time for the Pope to Go

Obama Is Out-Bushing Bush and the Quote, Unquote Left Will Not Act

CIA 'suggests' Europe should understand suffering of women under Taliban

Taliban claims shooting down NATO chopper in S Afghanistan

Report: Israel copied thousands of passports

Rachel Corrie's family takes case to court in Israel

Declare 'Confederate Southern American' on Census forms, group says


8 House Members to Mull 2nd Draft Bill on Science-Tech Probe of WTC Destruction Causes

Military Helicopters May Get Gunshot Location System

Sell-Off in U.S. Treasuries Raises Sovereign Debt Fears

Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools

Elderly patients being executed with medicines in UK hospitals

EM field, behind right ear, suspends morality

Data Theft Hits 3.3 Million Borrowers

Newspeak Revision 3.4RC: NPR Retires 'Pro-Life' and 'Pro-Choice' in Futile Attempt at Neutrality

Obama Sets Sights on Merging Mexico and US?


Leaked CIA Report: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters" In Waging Endless Wars

Ageing spies unable to use the internet

CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP

03-29-2010: Obama's Celebrate Jewish Holiday Of Passover

Sec. Napolitano says airport full-body scanners 'do not see everything'

Social Inequality in America, Widening Income Disparities :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

EUobserver / EU prepares new bank data deal with US

LaRouche Reiterates Danger of Assassination Attempt on Obama

CNSNews.com - IT Problems Put Accuracy of Census at Risk, Say Government Auditors

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

Defend our Freedoms Foundation

Indictment: Hutaree militia planned to kill law officer, attack the funeral procession | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Hitler’s and Obama’s health enabling acts

The Healthcare Bill Is Soviet Central Planning All Over Again

LBMA OTC Gold Market Cited as a Ponzi Scheme in CFTC Hearing | Before It's News

JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named in Bid-Rigging Conspiracy (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Moneynews - Central Banks Stashing Away Gold at Brisk Pace

Jim R. Schwiesow -- The Rule of the Heathen

Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution

CFTC whistleblower injured in London hit-and-run | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

Dates That Destroyed America | Chuck Baldwin Live

Obama Packs Debt Commission with Social Security Looters | | AlterNet

Bill Moyers: The Health Bill Is a Bonanza for the Insurance Industry and Other Monied Interests | | AlterNet

Comparing Military Spending

Newsmax - Female Suicide Bombers Raise Deadly Stakes

Newsmax - Immigration Reform Gears Up to Restructure America

Newsmax - Prepare for Obamacare Backlash

Newsmax - Obama's Wrecking Ball Swings at Military

Newsmax - Searching for Mr. Conservative

Newsmax - Democrats Gloating Over Obamacare

*5 pg/World Recovery Possible Only With a Four-Power Agreement

LAROUCHE WEBCAST The Ides of March 2010

Rx for Rebuilding U.S. Health Care: Hill-Burton Hospital Principle

Dire Shortage of U.S. Hospital Beds

Crash Anti-Pandemic Program: Rebuild Nations, Public Health, Food Production

LaRouche: Obama Has Revived Hitler’s Genocide Program

full:LaRouche: Obama Has Revived Hitler’s Genocide Program

Nazi Precedent for Obama Health Plan: It’s Now Time To Insist—‘Never Again!’

End HMOs and Rebuild the Hill-Burton Hospital System

Obama’s Nazi Doctors And Their ‘Reforms’


**2009 LaRouche Webcast Archive**

**The LaRouche Show:The LaRouche Show Archive**

*The LaRouche Show:rss


audio:The LaRouche Show, Mar. 27, 2010

LaRouche: Look to British Intelligence Behind the Moscow Bombings

Defining Life's Actual Purpose: The Brutish Theology of Sex, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., (Mar. 19, 2010)

LaRouche on Passage of Obamacare: Start from the Fact It's Fascist

A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World Credit System

LAROUCHE TO PRIVATE WASHINGTON SEMINAR Sovereign Nations Can Solve The Global Economic Crisis

London’s ‘Our Men’ in Moscow Keep Poisoning Russian Policy

Social Inequality in America, Widening Income Disparities :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

EUobserver / EU prepares new bank data deal with US

CNSNews.com - IT Problems Put Accuracy of Census at Risk, Say Government Auditors

Militia Raids Part Of Government Effort to Provoke Violence, Purge Dissent

Defend our Freedoms Foundation

Indictment: Hutaree militia planned to kill law officer, attack the funeral procession | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Hitler’s and Obama’s health enabling acts

The Healthcare Bill Is Soviet Central Planning All Over Again

LBMA OTC Gold Market Cited as a Ponzi Scheme in CFTC Hearing | Before It's News

JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named in Bid-Rigging Conspiracy (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Moneynews - Central Banks Stashing Away Gold at Brisk Pace

Jim R. Schwiesow -- The Rule of the Heathen

Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution

CFTC whistleblower injured in London hit-and-run | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

Dates That Destroyed America | Chuck Baldwin Live

Obama Packs Debt Commission with Social Security Looters | | AlterNet

Bill Moyers: The Health Bill Is a Bonanza for the Insurance Industry and Other Monied Interests | | AlterNet

Comparing Military Spending

Newsmax - Female Suicide Bombers Raise Deadly Stakes

Newsmax - Immigration Reform Gears Up to Restructure America

Newsmax - Prepare for Obamacare Backlash

Newsmax - Obama's Wrecking Ball Swings at Military

Newsmax - Searching for Mr. Conservative

Newsmax - Democrats Gloating Over Obamacare

FCC Plan Calls for ‘Additional Funding’ for New ‘Public Media’

Rep. Bachmann: Media Falsely Portray Tea Partiers as ‘Toothless Hillbillies’ and 'Rubes From the Backwater'

Attorney General Eric Holder Rules Out Death Penalty for Illegal Aliens Charged With Murder in Washington Suburb

Obama Ignores Senate Republicans, Uses Recess Appointment to Place Embattled Union Lawyer Craig Becker on NLRB

Likely Voters Say Tea Partiers More Ethical, Understand Issues Better Than Members of Congress, Poll Finds

Obama Says ‘Core Group’ in Tea Party Opposes Him

84 Percent Say Middle Class Will Have to Suffer to Reduce Federal Budget Deficit

G-8 Nations Press for New Sanctions on Iran, As China Resists

Mexico Detains Suspect in Murders of Two Americans

NASA Joining Probe of Toyota’s Acceleration Problems

Sean Hannity Previews ‘Conservative Victory': We Can Take Our Country Back and Ensure Liberty is Preserved

Education Secretary Denies Govt Takeover of Student Loan Programs Will Hurt Private Sector, Cause Job Loss

Obama to Sign Legislation Putting Government in Charge of Student Loans

Consumer Spending Rises, but Incomes Stagnant

Bodies of 21 Babies Found in River in Eastern China

Growing Interest in Lentils Is Good News for Farmers

Madonna and Daughter Team Up on Clothing Line for Girls

Opposing an Intolerable Act

The Next Steps on Abortion

The Real Anti-Americans

Superpower China


*LaRouche Webcast Text Transcript: March 13, 2010 | LaRouchePAC


#Question 1: What are the Effects of Ending the NASA Science Driver?

Question 2: The Original Design for the SDI?

Question 3: The Effects of Impeaching Obama?

Special Statement by Kesha Rogers

Question 4: Did the US Economic Decline Begin After FDR?

Question 5: The Difference Between Statistical and Physical Economy?

Question 6: Is Nuclear Power the Only Option for Nations?

Question 7: Should Healthcare be Basic Infrastructure?

Question 8: The Present Foreclosure Crisis?

Question 9: How Should People Respond to the Chile Earthquake?


Download:"The Ides of March 2010" March 13, 2010 Webcast


Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 1

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 2

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 3

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 4

Marsha West -- Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 5


Matthew Modine: Let’s Ask Bin Laden Why He’s So Angry With Us

Lonewolf Diaries: Hollywood Liberals Say “Proof is For Fruitcakes!”

Lenny Bruce: ‘We agree to be offended by certain words.’

A Toast to the Administrative State

REVIEW: Cynical, Strained ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ Hates the 1980s

Daily Gut: The Burden of Poop

TRAILER: Michael Caine’s ‘Harry Brown’ Opens April 30th

The Best of ‘The Stage Right Show’ – 3/21 – 3/26

REVIEW: ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ Comes Out Strong

Google Buzz Privacy Flaw Snags Another Victim: White House Deputy CTO Andrew McLaughlin

VIDEO – The Egg Man Of Seachlight, Nevada

Stopping Runaway Washington Spending One Seat at a Time

The Searchlight Eggsperience

QUESTION AUTHORITY! Take a Stand Against the Man; Buy a Ford

Tuesday Open Thread: Alaska Edition

BREAKING VIDEO: Reid Supporters Throwing Eggs And Assaulting Andrew Breitbart

Prelude To Card Check? President Racks Up Dems on Key Labor Board

The Score: First Amendment Two – Book Banners Zero

Climategate Shows ‘Big Science in its Natural State’

The Flat Tax: Good for America, Bad for Washington

The Economy Needs A Psychological Jolt

A Tale of Two Donors, Media Bias Division

Hey, Steve Jobs — Boycott Beck At Your Own Peril

Taking a Bite Out Of the Apple

Tracking Acorn’s Rebranding Process: A Handy Guide

‘Every Statement by Barack Obama Comes With an Expiration Date’

Obama’s Rx for America: Green Jobs and Healthcare Blues

‘To Serve Man’ — Mmm, Mmm, Mmm… Sound Familiar?

Better On a Camel; MSM Skips Two Minutes of Coulter Answer, Rides to Controversy

Return With Us Now To the Peaceful Protest Imagery Of the Bush Years


Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part II

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part III

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part IV


Debbie Schlussel:How ‘Bout a Little Jihad with That Cruise? (Guess the Religion #671,214)

Debbie Schlussel:Passover – Celebration of Our Freedom – 2010

Debbie Schlussel:Dumb to the Nth: Anti-Corporate Thugs Want Ronald McDonald Out

Debbie Schlussel:Touching VIDEO: Holocaust Survivor & Family Thank US Soldier Who Saved His Life

Debbie Schlussel:Sleeping w/ the Enemy: Obama Hires Muslim Extremist to TSA Senior Policy Advisor

Debbie Schlussel: Full 60 Mins Video- SICKENING: “60 Minutes” Whitewashes Hezbollah Spy Nada Nadim Prouty (& Cites My NY Post Column)


*3-28/TranscriptsFlorida Senate GOP Debate Between Crist & Rubio

Guests: Senators Mikulski & Alexander; David Axelrod

Guests: Senators Schumer & Graham

Guests: Valerie Jarrett, Govs. Rendell & Barbour

Guests: Sen. DeMint, Rep. Bachmann, Chairman Kaine


Dennis Ross Bats For Netanyahu - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Obamacare’s Consequence | The Weekly Standard

Game Changer | The American Prospect

A Long Post: The Complete List of Obama Statement Expiration Dates - Jim Geraghty

Resignation is not an option for the Pope | William Rees-Mogg - Times Online

After the Geely-Volvo deal, what China Inc. wants next - Mar. 29, 2010

Tea Party activism is not about political dissent - It's about vile, storm trooper sound bites

Conservative News: Sajak - Opposed to Obamacare? Then You Must Be A Racist - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama Takes More Aggressive Tack - WSJ.com

Health care law too costly, most say - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Why the Health Care Bill Could Be Repealed

What's the matter with white people? - Healthcare Reform | Obama Health Care Plan - Salon.com

Tea and Mockery - WSJ.com

The health care fight is not over - The Boston Globe

Op-Ed Columnist - The Magic Potion for the Economy - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Christie Moves Boldly to Fix Jersey's Budget

Dana Milbank - RNC spends nearly $2,000 at sex-themed Voyeur nightclub - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Shut Up, He Argues

RealClearPolitics - Note to Liberal Elite: It's Not About Race

Column: Israel insults the U.S. with go-it-alone tactics - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Russia Mourns Attack Victims and Considers Its Response - NYTimes.com

Google Co-Founder on Pulling out of China: 'It Was a Real Step Backward' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Stocks: A Rally That Defies Gravity - BusinessWeek

Decriminalizing pot would devastate cartels :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

RealClearPolitics - "Change" is Not New

The Carnage Continues at CNN - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Welcome to Fantasy Land - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Moscow bombings: Terror in Moscow | The Economist

What the Iraqis are building - washingtonpost.com

Arnold's global warming ardor cooling | regulations, global, warming - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The risks of lending to the government - chicagotribune.com

Companies Push to Repeal Provision of Health Reform - NYTimes.com

High court mulls speech rights and more - USATODAY.com

Chu: Don’t wait for ‘perfect’ climate bill - The Hill's E2-Wire

Obama backs secrecy for Bush pardon denials - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com


*3-30/Politics VideoDana Loesch Vs. Chris Matthews On Tea Party "Racism"

Obama: I Will Continually Reach Out to Republicans

Obama on Afghan Corruption: "Progress is Too Slow"

Obama on Tea Party: "Core Group" Questions My Citizenship

Douglas Brinkley On Health Care & Obama

Obama: Republicans Made "Calculated" Decision To Not Support HC

Obama On Health Care Victory: "It Is A Critical First Step"

Obama Signs Student Loan Legislation

Karl Rove on Why Obama & Democrats Are Struggling

Michigan Governor Vs. Michigan Attorney General On Health Care

RNC Scandal: Spending and Strippers

Maddow: Right-Wing Militias are Ideologically Diverse

O'Reilly: There is a Media Strategy to Brand Tea Party as Racist

Countdown: RNC Spent Money at Bondage-Themed Night Club

Special Report Panel on Obama's Surprise Afghanistan Trip

*3-29/Karl Rove on Obama and the White House Press Corps

Karl Rove on GOP Scandals and the 2006 Election

C-SPAN Caller Complains: Too Many Black People Call In

Pelosi: Obama Told Me He Was Happier To Pass Health Care Than To Be President

Gov. Rendell On Health Care Legal Battle

Howard Dean On Health Care: "This Is A Form Of Redistribution"

Mark Penn: Obama Has His "Mojo Back"

GOP Rep: If Health Mandate Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Gov't Can Force People To Buy

Frum, Dowd Clash On Health Care Strategy

PA-Sen: End Of The Road For Specter?

Female Suicide Bombers Target Moscow Subway

FL-Sen: Rep. Meek On Running As The Democrat

Pelosi: Protecting Incumbents After Health Reform Is "My Priority"

*3-28/FL-Sen: Marco Rubio And Charlie Crist Debate On "FOX News Sunday"

Axelrod: Obama Did Not Snub Israeli PM Netanyahu

Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett: "Iran Will Back Down"

President Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan

FL-Sen: Rubio Tells Crist "We Can't Trust You To Stand Up To Barack Obama"

Gov. Barbour Pushes For Lawsuit Against Health Care Bill

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Iraqi Elections, Israel

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: How Will Health Care Reform Affect Voters?

Sen. DeMint: Obama Is Mocking Americans

Sen. Graham: Health Bill Was A "Ponzi Scheme"

"This Week" Roundtable On Sarah Palin, Bipartisanship

Palin: "Reload" Is Not "Inspiring Violence"

Sen. Schumer: Health Bill Realistic In Savings


Fighting Injustice of CPS – Fighting Injustice of Child Theft | Truth-It

Child "Protective" Services —Introduction To Legalized Kidnapping And Adoption Rings by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.


CPS Warrior Nancy Schaefer Gunned Down

A great Passover-Easter read

Roe v. Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al.

Obama Medicare pick urges 'radical transfer of power'

U.S. Jewish group demands apology from Hillary

Next cramdown on taxpayers? It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!

Massive 'maelstrom' to blast incumbents

Modern-day voice offering 'heaven's bailout'

1 in 4 Americans censoring thoughts under Obama

As debtor, Obama doubles down Jefferson

Obamacare scheming smells of Jekyll Island

Next cramdown on taxpayers? It's amnesty and it's ba-a-ck!

Watch high-profile Dems squirm over health-care questions

flashback:Outrage over porous borders too hot to handle

Volunteer force of Mexico border watchers disbands - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Lawmakers Demand Administration Deploy National Guard, Border Patrol After Killing

Young kids go crazy with 'F-word' in play

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Russian 'wake-up call' to threat of radical Islam?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive U.S. debt in 'very, very, very' dangerous territory


*audio:Aaron Klein Radio:How extremists hijacked U.S. government


Obama Medicare pick urges 'radical transfer of power'

Physicians group sues over health-care law

Obama signs law finalizing health care, loan redo | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

FOXNews.com - Pro-Life Democrats Who Switched Vote for Health Bill Request Billions in Earmarks

FOXNews.com - Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income'

Supreme Court may weigh coverage mandate - Washington Times

BBC News - US 'may not veto UN resolution on Jerusalem'

CIA: Iran capable of producing nukes - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - RNC Staffer Fired Over 'Bondage Club' Tab Had Been Warned Ahead of Time

Massive 'maelstrom' to blast incumbents

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

Iowa Town Renames Good Friday - ABC News

Jesus died and rose, but not on Friday or Sunday

Students want ‘Our Lord' phrase off diplomas

Joseph and Mary in bed – obscene or illuminating? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Israel closes West Bank for Passover | Video | Reuters.com

Christians marking Passover concern some Jews | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Federal judge upholds D.C. gun regulations; appeal expected - washingtonpost.com

More women may be turning to firearms - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - IT Problems Put Accuracy of Census at Risk, Say Government Auditors

Pelosi basks in health care victory in S.F.

FOXNews.com - Incumbents Beware: Term Limits Resurrected by Disaffected Voters

Airlines losing 3000 bags - every hour of every day | Gadling.com

HISD chief suggests schools swap troubled students | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

9 charged in death of South Hadley teen, who took life after bullying - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

Road rage, accident centers on Obama bumper sticker - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather, and Sports |

Cranston police officer fired for sex on duty | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal

$500 million launcher lacks one thing: rocket - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Saddam fugitive urges Arabs to talk to Iraq "resistance"

My Way News - In Texas, fear follows Mexicans who flee drug war

Graham: Obama done 'almost nothing' on immigration - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

An Open Letter to Sean Penn: Actress Maria Conchita Alonso Blasts Penn’s Comments on Hugo Chavez - The Note

Some in Indonesia praise, seek to replicate China's fight against United States - washingtonpost.com

Woman claimed FBI position, hid assistant in hotel, feds say | Washington Examiner

St. Paul man charged with beating up quadruple amputee; she blocked his view of TV - TwinCities.com

11-year-old girl arrested for throwing toy gun at dad | old, arrested, throwing - News - Northwest Florida Daily News

Reuters AlertNet - INTERVIEW-Economic crisis could worsen HIV/AIDS epidemic - UN

Cedar Hill teacher resigns over inappropriate hug with student | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | News: Education

Teresa McKenzie, her pupil and 600 calls and texts - Telegraph

Part of snake found in bag of frozen green beans

MI5 'slashing staff' to boost overall computer skills - Telegraph

Man arrested after allegedly running nude through Kingsport grocery store - Kingsport Times-News Online

The Associated Press: Mass. schools for blind gear up for fencing match

Power-drunk bullies have only just begun

Infiltrators posing as tea partiers?

The real anti-Americans

About that 'slur' leveled at Barney Frank ...

Obama: Wake up and smell the (yellow) roses

Barack Obama – our Pyrrhic president

On Jews and Christians who embrace the left

When scientists behave like politicians

Is buying a hybrid worth it?

Dopey Conservatives for Dope

Welcome to Glenn Beck's World: What If the Tea Partiers Ruled the Country? | | AlterNet

Roe v. Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al.

George Will : A Birthright? Maybe Not. - Townhall.com

City decrees: Name your firstborns 'Google'


*American Minute for March 30th:William J Federer's American Minute


American Idol company CKX in talks over sale | Reuters

Wanted: 1 social game that's fun on iPhone, Facebook, TV - USATODAY.com

video:Why would Christians celebrate that?

Immigration Reform Can Break the Political Deadlock

Science Sheds Light on Christianity's Biggest Mysteries - ABC News

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists - Telegraph

'Chilling' new video: How to slit throats


site:Vision America


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

California 'had duty' to examine Obama eligibility

Attorney links eligibility, health care challenges

Court told 'citizen' Obama actually may be alien

Obama: Tea party based on eligibility issue


Prophecies in the Feast of The Lord - Tape 1 of 4

Prophecies in the Feast of The Lord - Tape 2 of 4

Prophecies in the Feast of The Lord - Tape 3 of 4

Prophecies In The Feast Of The Lord Tape 4 Of 4


Dailymotion - The Fabric Of Time 1-3 - a Tech & Science video

Dailymotion - The Fabric Of Time 2-3 - a Life & Style video

Dailymotion - The Fabric Of Time 3-3 - a News & Politics video


Bill Clinton: Pushing Free Trade On Haiti Was A 'Mistake' That Contributed To Hunger

The GOP Brass want Steele to resign

YouTube - Israeli Terrorism Against America

YouTube - Hutaree - MSNBC Admits Group was Co-Opted - Truth Frequency Radio

Lithuania: Father Kills Pedophile Judge and Senior Politician | EUTimes.net

Christopher Hitchens Slams Vatican, Pope Over Sex Abuse Scandal (VIDEO)

APNewsBreak: Vatican mounts legal defense to shield pope from US sex abuse lawsuit

Abuse in the Church: The Demons of Pope Benedict XVI - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Church in Crisis: Cover story: Vatican prelates oppose move to report priests

FT.com / US & Canada - Senators work on bipartisan climate bill

Papalgate: The Pope's Nixon Problem - National - The Atlantic

Karl Rove battles protesters at Beverly Hills book-signing | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

GM crops cause liver and kidney damage

YouTube - Muslim Demographics