"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 March 2010

29 March '10

"Assassination of Russia" False flag Govenment sponsored terrorism Russian style 43:57

Moscow Metro Blasts: Another FSB Inside Job?

YouTube - Subway bomb: First video, photos moments after Moscow metro suicide blasts

Russia Suspects Northern Caucasus in Moscow Subway Bombing | USA | English

Large FBI, Homeland Security Operation Targets Militias in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio


YouTube - Homeland Security, FBI Raid Hutaree Militia in Michigan 1/2

YouTube - Homeland Security, FBI Raid Hutaree Militia in Michigan 2/2


*YouTube - A Chilling Proposal by Barack Obama


*Obama Just Got His Private Army


YouTube - Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation

Good News: Former Pentagon Spook Withdraws TSA Nomination

Don’t Be Fooled: Republicans Love Government Enforced Healthcare


YouTube - Alex Jones Inside CNN Attack Piece 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones Inside CNN Attack Piece PT 2/2


Alex Jones Behind the Scenes of CNN’s Attack Piece

Libertarian Attacked for Heckling Tea Party Sarah

YouTube - Caught on video Heckler Arrested At McCain Palin Rally

Obama Sets Sights on Merging Mexico and US?

Another Poll Reveals Most Americans Oppose Obamacare

YouTube - Ron Paul "We Have Only One Party! And They Fight Over Power & Influence!

The States, and 10th Amendment, will Thwart Obamacare

Bill Murphy of GATA Reveals Whistle-Blower in Gold Price Suppression

Engdahl: Wall Street pulled Greek plug to distract from dollar disaster

The Great 9/11 Insurance Bonanza

Anti-Hate Group Finds Yet Another Group It Hates

Good-bye, Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It

Next Power Grab: Cap-and-Trade

Inflation or Hyperinflation Is Coming, Healthcare Will Damage The Economy | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Pro Libertate: Resistance

OpEdNews - Article: The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

CNSNews.com - Obama Transportation Secretary: ‘This Is the End of Favoring Motorized Transportation at the Expense of Non-Motorized’

U.S., Mexican drug gangs form alliances - Washington Times

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports™

South Korea attempts to comfort relatives of missing sailors - Monsters and Critics

The trillion-dollar question is: who will now lead the climate battle? | Environment | The Observer

Ford to sell Volvo to China's Geely for $1.8 bln - MarketWatch

Chinese city is world’s hacker hub - Times Online

Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the West - Times Online

Barack Obama: a question of respect - Telegraph

Financial Armageddon: All Bubbly Again

Former diplomat slams Harper’s foreign policy

The Voluptuousness Of Living

Hollie tells police she was abused by sheriff - Press & Journal

savethemales.ca - Leaderless Resistance: Divorcing the System

Stupak’s Health Care Vote Aborts The Pro-Life Movement | Real Zionist News

Credibility gap: Pope needs to answer questions | National Catholic Reporter

CAFR1 Challenge to the San Francisco Chronicle

The Forgotten Populists who had the Answer

New catalytic converter material could make for cleaner, cheaper cars

FOXNews.com - Gun Rights Supporters Tote Weapons at Rally Outside Kentucky's Capitol

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Satanic Ritual Abuse in Utah, Satanists at Large

South Korean navy ship was 'split in two' by mystery explosion | Mail Online

So all Tea Party members are racists? – Telegraph Blogs

James Cameron takes feud with Fox News commentator to new dimension - Telegraph

Earth Has NO PLAN To Avoid Extinction

savethemales.ca - I'm Wary of Anti- NWO Groups Like LaRouche's

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Satanic Ritual Abuse in Utah, The Glenn L Pace Memo

Is Catholicism Satanic?

YouTube - The IRS is Not An Agency of the US Government

On the Führer channel: baddie gets just deserts | Frank Skinner - Times Online

The world is an internet forum | Colin Horgan | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Herman Van Rompuy coins new 'EUphemism' - Telegraph

Earth 'entering new age of geological time' - Telegraph

Spell-checkers are creating a tidal wave of illiteracy in books and newspapers – Telegraph Blogs

The Power Behind The Scenes

Think BEFORE Using ANY Online Backup Service

The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

Health Care Mandate - Now The Legal Fight Begins

Paul A Drockton M.A.: When Big Brother IS the Pedophile

savethemales.ca - Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936

The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

The Shadow Government's Healthcare Bill Rules

CNSNews.com - Obama Transportation Secretary: ‘This Is the End of Favoring Motorized Transportation at the Expense of Non-Motorized’

Court told 'citizen' Obama actually may be alien

Amish, Muslims Exempt from Obamacare Mandate? | The FOX Nation

Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It

YouTube - The Dynamics of the Jewish Elite (updated)


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism


The Truth About Healthcare in America

The Truth About Healthcare in America:

The Truth About Healthcare in America:

The Truth About Healthcare in America:


So The Government Doesn't Like Consequences? | Before It's News

Blacklight Power launches home page make-over | Before It's News

YouTube - A New Energy Source - Blacklight Power

archive:BREAKING NEWS: Obama and Dumanis named in federal 'Marijuanagate' scandal | Before It's News


*audio:An Evening With The Author - Secret Language of Money


YouTube - Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009 (new clips with dates)

BBC News - Heather Mills 'exploited loyal nanny'

Undersea volcano could destroy Italy 'as soon as tomorrow', expert warns | The Australian

Colony Collapse Disorder continues in 2009 as bees disappear from US | The Australian

Don't be poodle to America: British MPs tell government

CAPS - American Jackpot: The Remaking of America by Birthright Citizenship

Obama's strategy: 'Addict the people' / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - Moscow Metro hit by deadly suicide bombings

Jon Talton | China remains largest threat to world stability | Seattle Times Newspaper

Op-Ed Columnist - The Rage Is Not About Health Care - NYTimes.com

Anderson Cooper Confronts Cult of Scientology | Before It's News

Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Naval battle between UAE and Saudi Arabia raises fears for Gulf security - Telegraph

The Second Huge Stem Cell Breakthrough in a Week

Business News from TheStreet.com

A London trader walks the CFTC through a silver manipulation in advance | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

The Greatest Wilderness Medicine that You can Make

Prophecy Warns 2010 Start of Fatima Chastisement | Before It's News

The “Incredible” Family Retirement Formula: Proof You Don’t Need a Million Bucks to Live Like a Millionaire! Grandparents & Movie Heroes Taught Me How! « Wall Street Warzone

A Traditional Life Lived: Isn't that what a dictator does?

Sentiment of the nation on illegal immigration: American killed on border | Before It's News

Exposed--White House visitors list shows unsavory characters Obama denied knowing

AP Exclusive: `Smart' meters have security holes - Yahoo! News

Today’s New Atrocity: The Beginning of USA Disarmament

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Does George Soros Want to Get a Cut Out of the Entire U.S. Housing Mortgage Market?

Who’s Behind the Financial Crisis?

Reporting the Dirty, Nasty, Stinking, Accurate Truth | That's Just Plum Dumb

The Rothschild-Brzezinski Alignment: Does Fighting It Really Matter? | That's Just Plum Dumb


Part 1: Overpopulation in 21st century America--our risky future | Before It's News



Part 4: Overpopulation in 21st century America--nobody ever dies of overpopulation | Before It's News


Part 6: Overpopulation in 21st century America--accelerated poisoning of our world | Before It's News

Part 7: Overpopulation in 21st century America--quality of life in an overcrowded world | Before It's News

Part 8: Overpopulation in 21st century America--endless growth leads to lowered quality of life | Before It's News

Part 9: Overpopulation in 21st century America--expand into what? | Before It's News

Part 10: Overpopulation in 21st century America--too many people | Before It's News


YouTube - Global Population 100 Million

Large Hadron Collider to start high energy 'God Particle' hunt - Telegraph

US casualties double in Afghanistan

Responding to lawsuit, US justifies Predator drone program as ’self defense’

Alan Greenspan Discusses The Fed’s Inability To See Bubbles, Is Confident There Is A “Bubble Waiting To Burst In China”

Obama Bypasses Senate Process, Filling 15 Posts - NYTimes.com

YouTube - War on whistleblower: CIA spies on WikiLeaks for 'Pentagon murder cover-up' exposure?

WikiLeaks to release video of civilians, journalists being murdered in airstrike

YouTube - POLICE STATE - Milwaukee Cops Using Biometric Fingerprint Scanners on Drivers

Biometric Scans for Traffic Stops

Media-Newswire.com - Press Release Distribution - PR Agency

Washington Post Ties Iowa Protester to Violence, Even Though He Wasn’t

Dying hospital patient phoned switchboard begging for a drink after nurses said No | Mail Online

Obamacare “Same Doctor, Same Plan” Promise Is A Bald Faced Lie

YouTube - Obama Mocks Republican 'Armageddon' Rhetoric (Again)

Medical Companies: Taxes In Healthcare Bill Will Kill Jobs, Businesses

Police Recruit Internet Cafe Owners To Spy On Users

Loophole Exempts Washington Insiders From Obamacare Mandate

How Long Before Paid Propagandists Exploit Moscow Tragedy To Push For Ubiquitous Naked Body Scanners?

Alleged militia members indicted for plotting attack on police | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy

N Korea accused of sinking South’s ship

YouTube - Ron Paul: Healthcare will drive US to bankruptcy

Howard Dean: Of Course Health Care Law Is Redistribution of Wealth

YouTube - AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads

Moscow Metro Blasts: Another FSB Inside Job?

Dozens dead in twin blasts on Moscow metro - Yahoo! News UK

US Bagram Airbase hit during Obama visit

Insurers find loophole in health bill, say they don’t have to cover sick kids

CFTC whistleblower injured in London hit-and-run

The Tea Party protests are nothing compared to the seething rage of the anti-Bush crowds

Specter To Lead Hearing On Laptop Case

China Rushes To Bomb Its Clouds As Rice Prices Spike 10% In A Month

WHO accused of losing public confidence over flu pandemic | World news | The Guardian

Web of intelligence gets more complex | Tim Stevens | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

U.S. take if it sells its Citi stake to settle cost of bailout: $8 billion - washingtonpost.com

US voices 'concerns' over Australia's internet filter - Telegraph

Police criticised for staging mock burglaries | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports™

Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings - NYTimes.com


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 3/29/10 on Disastrous Healthcare Bill


*5 part video:Judge Napolitano On Alex Jones TV: Obamacare is Unconstitutional


Romneycare and Obamacare are the same whether Graham admits it or not


*audio:The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 26th With Bob Chapman


YouTube - health reform american style

YouTube - The Wile E Coyote Government

YouTube - CIA Officer- Robert Steele stresses the importance of Blogging - MONTAGE

film:Conspiracy of Silence Movie

YouTube - Treason by Members of the United States Congress

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS

YouTube - By the Maps: Understanding Israel's Increasing Grip On Jerusalem

Subway Blasts Kill Dozens in Moscow - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Another Mossad assassination?


America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy!

China: Closing for Business? - BusinessWeek

Sec. Napolitano says airport full-body scanners 'do not see everything' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

kenny's sideshow: Marijuana Legalization ~ Grassroots Industry or Corporate Takeover

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Obama's New Housing Program Is a Huge Gift to Banks

The Raw Story | Pope uses popemobile for first time on a Palm Sunday

Diocese penalizes homeless aid group | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Vatican knew of abuse in Ontario: Victim - thestar.com

AllGov - News - Chertoff Joins Defense Firm that Defrauded U.S.

The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground for Afghanistan

Vatican Official Says Rising Number of Sexual Abuse Cases Could Overload Staff - NYTimes.com

Deep Background - Assassinating Americans

Holy Father, I can stay no longer in this Church of Disgust | India Knight - Times Online

Pope Benedict condemns 'petty gossip' over child sexual abuse scandal | World news | guardian.co.uk

Too Big To Jail? DoJ: Wall St. Bailout Buds 'Co-Conspirators' In Plot To Rip Off State, Local Governments | Crooks and Liars

nrc.nl - International - Opinion - The net is closing around pope Benedict XVI

Opinion: The Fallibility of the Infallible Pope - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Catholic Church and Sex Abuse - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Trey Grayson: "Remember, it's the government's money. It's NOT your money."

EclippTV :: Video :: Trey Grayson Says It's Time to Get Rid of Private Ownership of the Economy

Official: Gun charges after FBI raids in Midwest - Yahoo! News

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls | zero hedge

CTV Edmonton - Many Catholics unwilling to address sex-abuse allegations - CTV News

Former music minister at St. Eugene Catholic Church cops porn plea - The Catholic Cover Up

Sexual Abuse Suit Names Priest, Archdiocese | New Haven Independent

The Truth About the Health Care Bills - Connelly

From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

How Chechen rebels threaten Russian stability - CNN.com

U.S. Jewish group demands apology from Hillary

My Way News - In Texas, fear follows Mexicans who flee drug war

Vienna Boys’ Choir caught up in sex abuse scandals -Times Online

Same healthcare arguments, just decades earlier - latimes.com

White House defends special appointments - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Obamacare bait & switch - Washington Times

Withdrawal of 2nd TSA nominee leaves Obama with big security hole - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income'

Meeks' new Katrina slap - NYPOST.com

My Way News - STIMULUS WATCH: Weatherizing program slow to start

Prom dresses going risqué this year - NYPOST.com

Modern parenting is rubbish: let's change it - Times Online

Nepalese doctor a sight for sore eyes - Washington Times

Frank Cruthers, second-in-command at FDNY, gets tax-free disability pension that is largest in department history - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - HC Reform Less a Monument to Idealism Than Act of Hubris

RealClearPolitics - In the Drug War, Drugs Are Winning

Obama - A Giant-Killer, Feeling His Oats - NYTimes.com

VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: Please don't call it 'state socialism' - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Principled and passionate: how Obama sealed his place in history | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer

Pass the arms treaty - The Boston Globe

If the US declares economic war on China, we should all tremble | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer

STEYN: A healthy dose of catastrophe - Washington Times

Obama's Power Surge - The Daily Beast

Queen Tea | The New Republic

What is the Cocoon?

"No Offshore Drilling"--Administration up to Something?

Are the Attacks on the Pope a Prelude to Attacks on Iran?

The Scapegoating of Jews

The Obama Zone

What You Get with Free Health Care

Stealing Capitalism: The Crime of the Century

The Toyota Problem: Is It Driver Error?

The Protocols of the Elders of Christendom?

Positioning Israel as the Nazi of Nations

Democracy and Freedom

Uplifting the Poor One Lie at a Time

Hope and Change, as Predicted

Passover plagues from our Pharaoh

Obama rewards the SEIU

Bibi should talk to Senator Nelson about Obama's promises

Money for wind farms but not for military families

Civility and Hypocrisy Don't Mix

At Air America bankruptcy auction, private info of listeners for sale

Gun rights get a boost in South Dakota

Cap and Fat: a modest proposal to help fight the war on obesity

Constitutional separation of powers 'a real drag'

The Meaning of Exodus

The next move of the Alinsky left

Big Brother Becomes Big Bully

The Supreme Court and FDR's Power-Grab

Charlie Rangel Faces His Scott Brown

Capping Insurance Rates: Engineered Chaos

Making the Housing Crisis Worse

Islamist Gülen Movement Runs U.S. Charter Schools

Sucking the Blood of the Ambitious

The Roots of Washington's Failures in Dealing with Rogue Regimes

The Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Video

When Utopianism Is Shattered By Reality by Tim Case

The Power of What? by William L. Anderson

You Say You Want a Revolution? Think Again by C.J. Maloney

Ron Paul tells 1,500 in Boise the health care bill is a 'disaster' | Local News | Idaho Statesman

"DIY U": The end of university prestige - Nonfiction - Salon.com

The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Fed Face Off: Peter Schiff Goes Toe to Toe With Alan Blinder, Jim Bullard: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

'Caveman Diet' growing followers - ESPN

The calorie conqueror: Herbal pill 'can cut your appetite by a fifth ... and even cure a sweet tooth' | Mail Online

03-29-2010: Explosion Took Place Underneath Russia's Federal Security Service Offices

03-29-2010: EU Draws Up Plans for Single "Economic Government" to Prevent Crisis

03-28-2010: KBR Bills $5 Million For Mechanics Who Work 43 Minutes a Month


03-28-2010: Ageing spies unable to use the internet

03-28-2010: U.S. Plunges Central America Back To Era Of Coups And Death Squads

03-28-2010: Bank of America and Wells Fargo May Pay No Taxes for 2009

03-28-2010: Video Reports Of The Militia Raid In Michigan

03-27-2010: Earth 'entering new age of geological time'

It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls

Economic power grab by EU: Plan to control Britain’s economy as Europe bails out Greece

Leaked CIA Report: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters" In Waging Endless Wars

Too Big To Jail? DoJ: Wall St. Bailout Buds 'Co-Conspirators' In Plot To Rip Off State, Local Governments

Cash-strapped states using income audits to get funds

CFTC Whistleblower Injured in London Hit-and-Run

Manager of World’s Biggest Sovereign Wealth Fund Missing After Glider Crash

Central Banks Stashing Away Gold at Brisk Pace

U.S. Plunges Central America Back To Era Of Coups And Death Squads

CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan

Taliban claims shooting down NATO chopper in S Afghanistan

Moscow metro blasts: female suicide bombers kill 38

Discharged soldiers sue for millions over Anthrax experiment

NATO Killed School Children and Pregnant Women

CIA Paper Reveals Plans to Manipulate European Opinion on Afghanistan

Face to Face with Pakistan’s Most Wanted

Helen Thomas On Her one Question for Obama

Tony-gate: Blair Strikes Oil in Iraq

Washington Murdered Privacy at Home and Abroad

Hillary's Drug War

Health Reform in the United States

Libertarian Hecklers Assaulted at McCain-Palin Rally; Palin Falsely Accuses Protester of Being Violent As McCain Thugs Violently Assault Him

Developer asks Auburn to use eminent domain (to illegally steal private citizen's property)

Tea Party Patriot 'Lydia' Schools Alan Grayson in Health Care Debate

The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters

Democrats threaten companies hit hard by health care bill

Krauthammer: Obamacare's next trick: the VAT

Glenn Beck, Bill O'reilly Whore for VAT Tax and National Sales Tax Alongside Nancy Pelosi

John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation

U.S. and Israel sign a massive arms deal

Castro’s secret archives: US Special Ops prepares to snatch five decades of damaging material

You are now paying for the next Three Mile Island

In death row case, the Supreme Court came through but Texas remains guilty

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040


*audio:Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction - Richard Gage

9/11 Blueprint for Truth presented by Architect Richard Gage, AIA 1:59:38


Rep. Burgess: Government Can Force Us to Buy General Motors Products If Obamacare Mandate Upheld in Court

IT Problems Put Accuracy of Census at Risk, Say Government Auditors

After ObamaCare, Only 38% Think America’s Best Days Lay Ahead

Majority of Americans Wants Repeal of Health Care Reform Law, Poll Says

Report From Liberal Cable Outlet Shows That More Guns Equals Fewer Firearms Deaths

Education Secretary Denies Govt Takeover of Student Loan Programs Will Hurt Private Sector, Cause Job Loss

Despite Federal Mandates, Obama Says Health Care Law Helps Small Businesses

Health Overhaul Likely to Strain Doctor Shortage

Many Felony Pot Cases Are Tossed Out of Court

After Campaigning With McCain, Sarah Palin Rallies Conservatives in Harry Reid’s Territory

Treasury Says It Will Begin Selling Citi Shares

South Korea Says North Korean Mine May Have Sunk Naval Ship

Growing Interest in Lentils Is Good News for Farmers

Class on Pennsylvania Town's Immigration Fight Draws Fire

Superpower China

Recess Appointments

Planned Parenthood’s Obamacare Grand Slam

We’ve Been Had

Netanyahu’s Hollow Victory

The G. Gordon Liddy Show /3-26

O’Reilly: Obama Turning U.S. Into 'Nanny State'

Specter of Doctor Shortage Looms Over Obamacare

Barbour: Media Gave Obamacare 'Wet Kiss'

Utah Gov. Oks Eminent Domain Use On Federal Land

O'Reilly: Palin as Smart as Pelosi

Wright: Health Bill Foes Hate 'People of Color'

O’Reilly: MSNBC Hired 'Guttersnipes'

Drug Lobby's Healthcare Victory

Pope John Paul Miracle Under Scrutiny

Lawyer With Pope Docs Has Pursued Church

Napolitano: Court to Strike Down Obamacare

Christian Pilgrims Mark Palm Sunday in Jerusalem

Pope Opens Holy Week Amid Abuse Crisis

Obama Aide: Israel Bond Strong, Despite Difference

Top Vatican Cardinal Defends Pope Amid Scandal

Consumer Spending Up, Sign of Decent Recovery

Ill. Democrats Choose Nominee After Scandal

Missing Chinese Rights Dissident Believed Alive

Greenspan: Bond Yield Rise Predicts High Rates

Remember Magnesium for a Better Memory

100 Ways to Protect Your Heart

7 Tips to Keep Your Voice Healthy

Door to Afterlife From Ancient Egyptian Tomb Found

Scientists Stumped as Bee Population Declines

Follow the money

Chuck Baldwin -- Up Next: Open Gays In The Military And Amnesty For Illegals

America and China, the Next Major War

Is Hezbollah Ramping Up in the US? « Liveshots

The Associated Press: China drills more wells, seeds clouds amid drought

Jim R. Schwiesow -- The Rule of the Heathen

Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution

Newsmax - 14th Amendment Root of Immigration Woes

Newsmax - How to Train Your Dragon Reaches No. 1

Newsmax - Obamacare Advances Political Goals, not Health

Newsmax - Obama's Wrecking Ball Swings at Military

Newsmax - Searching for Mr. Conservative

Newsmax - Newsmax.com - Blogs

Newsmax - March Madness: A Much-Needed Break From Healthcare Madness

Lady GagaaaAARGGHHhhh…

ZoNation: ObamaCare — You’re Entitled

Obama Nation: He Strikes!

Day By Day: Declarative

‘Tonight Show’: Craig T. Nelson Thinks a Tax Revolt Might Be a Good Idea

The Flat Tax: Good for America, Bad for Washington

The Economy Needs A Psychological Jolt

Yes, It Can Happen Here

Liberty and Equality: Are They Compatible?

Franken Unhinged: Shutting Up Staffers and Journalist

Better Late Than Never: Top Senate Dem Admits Un-American Health Bill Was to Address “Mal-Distribution of Income”

Government-Devised Mortgage ‘Rescue’ Fails

GOP Politicians Must be Held to Their Promises on Limited Government

A National Ceasar Chavez Day? How Big Labor Hurt The Little People

Better On a Camel; MSM Skips Two Minutes of Coulter Answer, Rides to Controversy

Return With Us Now To the Peaceful Protest Imagery Of the Bush Years

The Battle for Kandahar: Part I

The Way We Were, 1974: When Liberals Were In Favor of ‘Free Speech’

Hey, Daryle Lamont Jenkins — Let’s Have a Real Debate On the Issues

A Black President, the Progressive’s Perfect Trojan Horse

AP to Breitbart: Prove Tea Partiers AREN’T Racist

The Price

Decline of the West, What Women Want Division: Caligula!

YouTube - Does Al Franken even know what was in the health-care bill he voted for? Um..nope

YouTube - Obama: "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America"

The Legion of Christ is another Catholic order covered in Sin

FBI busts of Michigan militias' Hutaree sect once again rip the facade away from Patriots' civil pose

'J.D. Man' Buchanan on Hayworth's Birther Problems: 'So What!'

Obama Cheered By Troops In Surprise Visit To Kabul

Breaking: Dozens killed by two blasts in Moscow subways

New Rule: You Can't Use There Will Be No Cooperation as a Threat When There Was Already No Cooperation

FBI Raids Midwest Towns In Operation Believed To Target Michigan Militias

Tea Party organizers are out of work

Rachel Maddow on Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas

Gov. Ed Rendell: The More People Learn About Healthcare Bill, The More They'll Like It

Howard Kurtz Allows Erick Erickson to Feign Ignorance on the Rhetoric Posted at His Blog

Marco Rubio: The Tea Party Movement Has Been Mischaracterized as an Organization

Haley Barbour: Media gave health reform 'longest wet kiss' in history

Rubio willing to 'work across the aisle' but only for GOP ideas

Pelosi To Members: Go Home And Go On The Offense About Healthcare Bill

John King Lets Erick Erickson Tell Latest Right Wing Lie on Racial Slurs: They Didn't Happen

Driftglass and Bluegal Weekly Podcast: The Best [Health Care] Reform We Never Had

Chatting with Laura Flanders: Why violent eliminationist rhetoric is becoming a real concern

Debbie Schlussel : Sleeping w/ the Enemy: Obama Hires Muslim Extremist to TSA Senior Policy Advisor

Debbie Schlussel : UPDATED w/ Full 60 Mins Video- SICKENING: “60 Minutes” Whitewashes Hezbollah Spy Nada Nadim Prouty (& Cites My NY Post Column)

Female suicide bombers in Moscow kill more than 30 in attacks on tube trains | Mail Online

Bombers kill at least 38 in Moscow subway

BBC News - Moscow Metro hit by deadly suicide bombings

Female suicide bombers kill 38 on Moscow metro - Yahoo! News

Double suicide bombings kill 38 on Moscow subway - Yahoo! News

MTA Beefing Up Security Following Moscow Bombing | NBC New York

Metro heightens security - wtop.com

Female suicide bombers blamed in Moscow subway attacks - CNN.com

Nearly nude, one-legged woman found dead on Brooklyn subway tracks

Independent experts to review pandemic handling - WHO - Yahoo! Asia News

Chanting Haitian voodoo celebrants honor quake dead - Yahoo! News

Hate crimes force Jews out of Malmo - Washington Times

9 charged with bullying Mass. teen who killed self

Israeli minister says U.S. boosts Arab hardliners - Yahoo! News

Police "Sometimes the Worst Drivers": AAA | NBC Washington

Op-Ed Columnist - The Rage Is Not About Health Care - NYTimes.com

Pawlenty: Don’t follow Mass. lead - NashuaTelegraph.com

My Way News - Palin to tea party rally: Don't sit down, shut up

Michigan Christian Militia Hutaree Targeted Law Enforcement - ABC News

UPDATE: Members of Milita Group Indicted || WXYZ.com | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More

9 Militia Members Charged In Police-Killing Plot - cbs2chicago.com

Indictment: Militia members sought to 'levy war' against U.S. | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Stunning Research Shows High Potential for DNA Damage from Nanoparticles

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS


Universal Healthcare and the Threat to American Liberty :: The Darkness Exposed

H. R. 3962

Text of H.R.3590 as Introduced in House: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

Text of H.R.3962 as Placed on Calendar Senate: Affordable Health Care for America Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

H. R. 4872

H.R. 4872 - Amendments: Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (GovTrack.us)

Statement from Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer | The White House

Executive Order -- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's Consistency with Longstanding Restrictions on the Use of Federal Funds for Abortion | The White House

Ignored: H.R. 3218 – Improving Health Care For All Americans Act « A Conservative Wanderer

*Dates That Destroyed America | Chuck Baldwin Live


Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part II

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part III

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part IV


Passover story goes digital

Search of Michael Jackson's Home Revealed Skin-Whitening Creams

Kiefer Sutherland and '24' draw a bead on a feature film

Lady Gaga's Early Career Analyzed In New York Profile

Robert Plant to Bring Joy to the World

YouTube - Lenny - Lenny Bruce hard words

A Majority of Americans Approve of Obama’s Afghanistan Effort | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

YouTube - Obama Commends U.S. Troops

Sexual Abuse Scandal Tests Catholics’ Trust in Leaders - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Pope Benedict 'not intimidated' by sex scandal 'gossip'

Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - Mines 'may have hit S Korean ship'

Turkey makes case against sanctions on Iran - Israel News, Ynetnews

Army of rescuers racing the clock to save 153 trapped in flooded coal mine

Opposition to Boycott Myanmar Vote - NYTimes.com

Uganda rebels deny mass killings in northeast Congo | Reuters

UPDATE 2-Berlusconi struggles with apathy in regional vote | Reuters

The Associated Press: Bomb explodes in Athens killing 1, injuring 2

The Associated Press: Sarkozy urges new world finance rules in US speech

Ministers Reaffirm Jerusalem Stance - NYTimes.com

George Osborne's national insurance plans put recovery at risk, say experts | Business | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - George Osborne: I'll halt National Insurance rise

Somali Pirates Hijack Merchant Ship with 24 Crew | Africa | English

BBC News - Car bombs kill five in Iraq city of Karbala

Search continues for missing UAE fund manager - CNN.com

Darfur rebels say shot down Sudan helicopters | Reuters

BBC News - Colombia's Uribe 'not against' hostage-rebel swap

'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police - CNN.com

YouTube - Target of FBI Raid May Be Christian Militia

FOXNews.com - Economic Trouble Hangs Over Obama Amid Push to Build on Health Care Win

US health reform faces big test with implementation | Reuters

NYC activates security plan after Moscow bombings | Reuters

YouTube - Video of Moscow subway bombing aftermath

Phila. man charged with threatening GOP congressman | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/29/2010

9 indicted in death of South Hadley teen, who took life after bullying - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

44 - FEC report details lavish Republican spending

Rude for Reid - WSJ.com

Nationals Journal - President Obama will throw out first pitch Opening Day at Nationals Park

Bomb hoax delays cruise ship off Florida | Reuters

Obama plays recess with Senate Republicans - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Couple charged with JELLO tampering

Tea Party Opposition Brews, Sarah Palin Gears Up GOP, Over an Emboldened President Obama - ABC News


*3-29/Politics VideoC-SPAN Caller Complains: Too Many Black People Call In

Pelosi: Protecting Incumbents After Health Reform Is "My Priority"

Mark Penn: Obama Has His "Mojo Back"

Howard Dean On Health Care: "This Is A Form Of Redistribution"

GOP Rep: If Health Mandate Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Gov't Can Force People To Buy

Gov. Rendell On Health Care Legal Battle

PA-Sen: End Of The Road For Specter?

Frum, Dowd Clash On Health Care Strategy

Female Suicide Bombers Target Moscow Subway

FL-Sen: Rep. Meek On Running As The Democrat


*3-28/FL-Sen: Marco Rubio And Charlie Crist Debate On "FOX News Sunday"

FL-Sen: Rubio Tells Crist "We Can't Trust You To Stand Up To Barack Obama"

Axelrod: Obama Did Not Snub Israeli PM Netanyahu

President Obama Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan

Gov. Barbour Pushes For Lawsuit Against Health Care Bill

Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett: "Iran Will Back Down"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Iraqi Elections, Israel

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: How Will Health Care Reform Affect Voters?

Sen. DeMint: Obama Is Mocking Americans

Sen. Graham: Health Bill Was A "Ponzi Scheme"

"This Week" Roundtable On Sarah Palin, Bipartisanship

Palin: "Reload" Is Not "Inspiring Violence"

Sen. Schumer: Health Bill Realistic In Savings


archive:informationliberation - Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret


Roe v. Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al.

U.S. Jewish group demands apology from Hillary

Massive 'maelstrom' to blast incumbents

Modern-day voice offering 'heaven's bailout'

1 in 4 Americans censoring thoughts under Obama

How is Pelosi faring in her own backyard?


*'Obamacare' cops: $1 billion to force new tax compliance

**Technical Explanation Of The Revenue Provisions Of The “Reconciliation Act Of 2010,” As Amended, In Combination With The “Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act”

Congressman Kevin Brady (TX08) :: Press Release :: IRS Explosion: 16,500 More Agents Needed to Enforce ObamaCare


9 pgs/COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS The Wrong Prescription: Democrats’ Health Overhaul Dangerously Expands IRS Authority



Watch high-profile Dems squirm over health-care questions

YouTube - David Obey's staff can't handle the heat

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

flashback:'Chilling' new video: How to slit throats


*audio:Aaron Klein/WND ON THE AIR How extremists hijacked U.S. government


Massive 'maelstrom' to blast incumbents

'Tea Party Express' stop in Phoenix draws crowd

Tea Partiers protest outside N.D. Dem convention | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota

Tea Party priorities split Ohio GOP | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

Tea Party activists protest in Buffalo | WIVB.com

I believe in the resurrection of America

Modern-day voice offering 'heaven's bailout'

Roe v. Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al.

Man Threatened To Kill Cantor In YouTube Video | TPM LiveWire

Utah gov. OKs eminent domain use on federal land - washingtonpost.com

U.S. Jewish group demands apology from Hillary

My Way News - Netanyahu tries to play down tensions with US

Case against 3 SEALs weakens - Washington Times

Pelosi basks in health care victory in S.F.

FOXNews.com - Incumbents Beware: Term Limits Resurrected by Disaffected Voters

White men shun Democrats -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY

My Way News - Crist, Rubio face off in 1st Fla. Senate debate

Universities encourage students to enroll in food stamp program | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

CBS' Harry Smith to Shoot Interview, Hoops with Pres. Obama - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin rallies tea party activists in Harry Reid's Nevada hometown - NYPOST.com

Sarah Palin’s Tea Party Speech in Searchlight, NV- The Right Scoop

Conservative pundit Coulter denounces Obama, Democrats in Henderson speech - News - ReviewJournal.com

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

Supreme Court may weigh coverage mandate - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income'

Breitbart.tv » Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Health Care Law Opposition Based on Hatred for ‘People of Color’

wnd diversions

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists - Telegraph

More underwater homeowners to get cuts in principal balance - latimes.com

video:Why would Christians celebrate that?


*American Minute for March 29th:William J Federer's American Minute


Rush to blame for Obamacare's passage?

The Inside Story of Spongebob Squarepants - ABC News

Universe may have billions more stars - Telegraph

New Proof Unknown "Structures" Tug at Our Universe

Monkeys taking over as London Zoo allows visitors and primates to interact - Times Online

The Democrats' walk of shame

We 'the stupid' intend to fight this

Our healthful future under Obamacare

No more Uncle Sam

Tea-party Woodstock in the desert

Conservatives are doomed

Helping souls recover from a living hell

American Thinker: Stealing Capitalism: The Crime of the Century

The Unbearable Lightness of Reform | CommonDreams.org

I'm so sick of being right

STEYN: A healthy dose of catastrophe - Washington Times


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Attorney links eligibility, health care challenges

Court told 'citizen' Obama actually may be alien


Road rage, accident centers on Obama bumper sticker - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather, and Sports |

Recipient to kidney donor: 'Hello my angel' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Saddam fugitive urges Arabs to talk to Iraq "resistance"

Whale Of A Tale: Humpback Whale In Biscayne Bay - cbs4.com

UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says sorry — and switches to neutral - Times Online

Russia eliminates 2 time zones

Sued Mistress Wants $9M Verdict Thrown Out - ABC News

Ex-Scientology lawsuits reveal elite Sea Org group - Yahoo! News

Cal State East Bay assistant professor charged with sex acts with 1-year-old - San Jose Mercury News

11-year-old girl arrested for throwing toy gun at dad | old, arrested, throwing - News - Northwest Florida Daily News

Enraged Floridal Dog Owner Tries to Strangle Vet over Failed Surgery

Flame-thrower scooter owner arrested - Telegraph

Cedar Hill teacher resigns over inappropriate hug with student | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | News: Education

Teresa McKenzie, her pupil and 600 calls and texts - Telegraph

Pa. man arrested after giving mouth-to-mouth to roadkill | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/26/2010

Lesbian Holocaust memorial plan upsets historians - The Local

Winner of £1m Templeton prize attacks ‘fundamentalism’ of Dawkins - Times Online

Irish museum gives leprechauns their due, to be sure

BBC News - Taking the school to Kenya's nomads

The Legion of Christ is another Catholic order covered in Sin : UPDATED 1,2,3

FBI busts of Michigan militias' Hutaree sect once again rip the facade away from Patriots' civil pose

'J.D. Man' Buchanan on Hayworth's Birther Problems: 'So What!'

Obama Cheered By Troops In Surprise Visit To Kabul

Breaking: Dozens killed by two blasts in Moscow subways

New Rule: You Can't Use There Will Be No Cooperation as a Threat When There Was Already No Cooperation

FBI Raids Midwest Towns In Operation Believed To Target Michigan Militias

Beyond the beltway – 21 March

Mar. 21, 2010 - Beyond the Beltway:podcast

Bill Cunningham

Bill Cunningham Sun 3/28/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 3/28/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 3/28/10 Hour 3