"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 March 2010

24 March

Obama's health care reforms show that America has become an 'elective dictatorship' – Telegraph Blogs

Whom Will Obama Bomb?


The Truth About Healthcare in America


Obama Awarded Hundreds of Thousands in Airport Grants to Stupak’s District Two Days Before Vote

DEAL WATCH: Obama Administration Awarded Hundreds of Thousands in Airport Grants to Stupak’s District Two Days Before Vote

YouTube - Biden to Obama at Health Care Signing: 'This is a Big F*#cking Deal'

Houston Police To Begin Training Officers To Staff Checkpoints

Obamacare: Taxing The American People Into Oblivion

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Census, the Constitution, and Civil Disobedience

Federal Reserve Power Grab Bill Moves to Senate

The Cost Of Defying Obamacare: $2,250 a Month And IRS Goons Pointing Guns At Your Family

U.S. judge orders release of Guantanamo detainee | Reuters

72% of Democrats, 84% of Republicans and 80% of Independents Think the Economy Could Collapse

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

Kerry Exploits Obamacare Passage to Propose Carbon Tax

Obamacare To Be Enforced By Armed Thugs

Declaration of Dependence: The Founding Fathers Roll in their Graves

Health-Care Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year (Correct) - Bloomberg.com

Underemployment At Record 20% According To Gallup | zero hedge

Right-winger Ann Coulter silenced by angry protesters at University of Ottawa - Yahoo! Canada News

6,000 trees axed to prevent sex romps in forest - Mad, Mad World - World - The Times of India

Has Germany just killed the dream of a European superstate? - Telegraph

Why does the U.S. Healthcare Bill remind me of Logan’s Run?

CNSNews.com - IRS Needs $10 Billion to Be Nation's Health Enforcer

Nothing Outside the State by Robert Higgs

Data mining project benefits investigators, scares privacy experts - St. Petersburg Times

Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of “Social Justice”

KPBJ.COM | Broadband plan would vastly expand government power over the Internet | Economy Article | The KPBJ | KITSAP PENINSULA BUSINESS JOURNAL

Airport device follows fliers' phones - USATODAY.com

BBC News - Internet threatens rare species, conservationists warn

Health Measure’s Opponents Plan Legal Challenges

9 major changes in new health care bill

Having insurance 'going to be like Christmas' :: WRAL.com

The Politics of Obammunism « LewRockwell.com Blog

New Health-Care Taxes Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth’ (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

» The Heat is On: Congressman’s Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’ - Big Government

YouTube - Is Health-Care Reform Unconstitutional?


The well funded, well organized, global skeptic network laid bare /sarc



YouTube - SA@TAC - Shame on Everyone for Obamacare


YouTube - Hillary Clinton at AIPAC


Transforming TSA into a Military Intelligence Operation

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner

White House in the Sky

72% of Democrats, 84% of Republicans and 80% of Independents Think the Economy Could Collapse

Houston Police To Begin Training Officers To Staff Checkpoints

Whom Will Obama Bomb?

WikiLeaks Monitored by U.S., Icelandic Authorities Over Pentagon Murder Video

Clinton blames US for Mexican violence

Buying Votes for Health Care Bill With Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

The Truth About Healthcare in America

Obama Awarded Hundreds of Thousands in Airport Grants to Stupak’s District Two Days Before Vote

Rep. Dingell Admits Obamacare Will Eventually “Control the People”

Dates That Destroyed America | Chuck Baldwin Live

Tax-Refund Law Could Benefit J.P. Morgan - WSJ.com

Wall Street Despised in Poll Showing Most Want Regulation (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

German pensioners jailed for kidnapping and torturing financial adviser over investment losses | Mail Online

France ditches carbon tax as social protests mount - Telegraph

France Abandons Plan for Carbon Tax - NYTimes.com

Explain why you sold Britain's gold, Gordon Brown told - Yahoo! Finance

COP Program Has Cab Drivers Helping Local Police

US may try Sheehan for anti-war campaign

Obama's health care reforms show that America has become an 'elective dictatorship' – Telegraph Blogs

CNSNews.com - IRS Needs $10 Billion to Be Nation's Health Enforcer

U.S. judge orders release of Guantanamo detainee | Reuters

U.S. warns ships off Yemen of possible al Qaeda attack - Yahoo! News

The Department of Defense Covertly Dismantled a Terrorist Message Board...Created By the CIA - Terrorism - Gizmodo

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Census, the Constitution, and Civil Disobedience

Rotarix rotavirus vaccine contaminated, officials say - CNN.com

BBC News - UN body to look at meat and climate link

Why CNN exec fears social-networking sites Community Commons - MarketWatch

States Sue Over Overhaul That Will Bust State Budgets (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Superpower - Health Care Law Signals US Empire Decline? - CNBC

Kelleigh Nelson -- It Has Nothing to do With Healthcare

Internet usage overtakes television watching: Report

How government cash created the Climategate scandal

Health care dictatorship: A crime against America

Pay for Performance: An Early Target for Revolutionary Repeal of Obamacare

Are Kentucky Republicans Rigging Senate Race Against Rand Paul?

Gregg Aims to Use Health-Care Bill to Stir Town-Hall Backlash - BusinessWeek

Chimerica is Breaking Up: China Likely to go From Huge Trade Surplus to Trade DEFICIT In March

Hussman: I’m Not Saying There’s Going To Be Hyperinflation, BUT Inflation Is Going To Be Huge

“Passage Of The Healthcare Bill Means The Double-Dip Is Coming” – Market Insight From Permabull Jim Cramer Who Just Turned Bearish

Fictional Reserve Banking

Final tab for U.S. health bill doesn't add up - The Globe and Mail

New Health-Care Taxes Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth’ (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Why tax credits are better

New Taxes In The Healthcare Bill

YouTube - Congressman Paul Questions Geithner

YouTube - Ron Paul: Bill Makes Health-Care System Worse

YouTube - Conyers Good and Welfare full qt.mov

House Judiciary Chairman Says Constitution’s Non-Existent ‘Good and Welfare Clause’ Authorizes Congress to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Airport Worker Pervs Over Woman In Body Scanner: “I Love Those Gigantic Tits”

Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now

World is headed for a global revolution – authors

Healthcare Intervention: The Bigger Picture

Ron Paul: Bill Makes Health-Care System Worse

Ron Paul: Healthcare Reform Passes

72% of Democrats, 84% of Republicans and 80% of Independents Think the Economy Could Collapse

Here’s Why The Money Supply Has Exploded, But We Haven’t Seen Rampant Inflation Yet

Krauthammer Predicts European-Style VAT Tax

Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder Finally Explained: Too Many Chemicals

Reporter: NATO covering up, lying about civilian killings

YouTube arrest film prompts investigation of B.C. cops

Superpower - Health Care Law Signals US Empire Decline? - CNBC

Health-Care Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year (Correct) - Bloomberg.com

Oops: Chief Climategate investigator failed to declare eco directorship • The Register

News | Mail Online

China fails to act against Google as it tries to defuse row - Telegraph

Obama Signs Health Care Bill Into Law as Republicans Challenge Constitutionality - ABC News

After health, Obama allies zero in on climate

Sales of New U.S. Homes Dropped in February to Lowest on Record - Bloomberg.com

The Economist: not a serious journal – Telegraph Blogs

U.S. aviation security pick favors Israeli model - Yahoo! News

The Raw Story | Geithner says Fannie, Freddie overhaul must wait

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 23rd With Mike Adams

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 22nd With James Delingpole

House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here...We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

03-24-2010: Green Shoppers More Likely To Lie, Cheat and Steal

03-24-2010: CatholicTV rolls out shows in 3-D to attract youth

03-24-2010: Fourteen US states sue to block health reform

03-24-2010: Proposed US law would single out cybercrime havens

Rep. Dingell: ObamaCare Will Eventually Control The People

03-23-2010: Rio Tinto exec facing commercial secrets charges

03-23-2010: Google Faces Fallout as China Reacts to Site Shift

03-23-2010: Offices Of 5 Democrats Vandalized

Neptune may have eaten a planet and stolen its moon

03-23-2010: EPA To Issue Stricter Drinking Water Standards

03-23-2010: 3 earthquakes recorded in central Oklahoma

03-23-2010: US may try Sheehan for anti-war campaign

03-23-2010: Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card

03-23-2010: Injection could cure phobias

03-23-2010: 6,000 trees axed to prevent sex romps in forest

03-23-2010: Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia's 30-year stone mystery

03-23-2010: 5.9 magnitude earthquake rocks northern Philippines

03-23-2010: Graham proposes framework for handling terrorism suspects, rules governing indefinite detention

What in the World Are They Spraying? Part II

TSA nominee wants more 'behavior detection'

Secretary Napolitano and Mexican Counterparts Sign Arrangements to Bolster Bilateral Border and Aviation Security

Gene-specific pesticides kill off individual species

The influence of the Israeli Lobby on America's Iran policy

Harris poll: 24% of Republicans think Obama "may be the Antichrist"

Geithner: Taxpayers Are Likely to Face "Very Substantial" Losses From Government's Takeover of Fannie and Freddie

The well funded, well organized, global skeptic network laid bare /sarc

Obamacare Winners: Big Pharma / Hospitals / MDs / Insurance Companies ... The People: Who Knows ?

The Rogue Nation

SEC Employees Were Getting Off To Porn While Your Economy Tanked

Unions Want to Take Over Your 401(k)

Nano-based RFID tag, you're it

Collective Intelligence is the New Measure of Smart

New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’

CIA chief authorizes every drone strike

U.S. Turns a Blind Eye to Opium in Afghan Town

Alleged private spy ring prompts wider US probe: Pentagon

Halliburton drops high court appeal in rape case

US aviation security to adopt Israeli model

Supreme Court declines case: US can move detainees without notice

Defense secretary orders review of military information programs

Why Democracy Is “The Biggest Scam in the World”

Walking With The Comrades

Carl Boggs, The Crime of Empire.

Militarizing Latin America

Congress Speaks in 'One Voice' in Support of Israel: Lawmaker

UK Expels Israeli Diplomat Over Dubai Murder Case

Israel & Aid

Anti-Semitism – What is it?

An Absence of Class

Scary New GOP Poll

Chris McGreal : The Ties that Bind America to Israel are Beginning to Fray and Break:

Chomsky: Health bill sustains the system’s core ills

Intense lobbying behind health reform - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Are Americans Too Broken by Corporate Power to Resist? | | AlterNet

Lehman Scandal: Where’s the Follow Up? » New Deal 2.0

Massive Change in US Student Loans Slipped in to Bill | CommonDreams.org

Soldiers on Sale... Who’s In Charge of These Hired Killers?

War, Racism and the Empire of Poverty

Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy

Selling South Africa: Poverty, Politics and the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Obama the Cold Warrior? Hostile Relations with Russia and China

The Afghan Ant Hole:The New US-NATO Offensive will run into Trouble

Iran: US ‘works on’ China to Isolate Iran

The US Mexican Border: Obama's Bloody War in Juarez

Social Inequality in America: Widening Income Disparities.

The Blackmail of America: How the U.S. Is Still on the Wrong Side in Serbia

Disinformation and the Capitalist Economic System: What Is To Be Done

Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime

The Organization of American States (OAS) without the US. An Alternative

Destroying Educational Institutions or Using them for Military Purposes is a War Crime

The Lies of America's Corporate Media and the "Global War on Terrorism"

How Sovereign is Europe? Washington has Murdered Privacy Rights at Home And Abroad

The Anti-Venezuela Election Campaign

Tony Blair's Secret Deal with a Multinational Oil Giant

Colin Powell Acknowledges that Iran does not Possess Nuclear Weapons

Iraqi Elections: A Crucial Step in the National Reconciliation Process

NAFTA Highway: Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor

U.S. Interceptors Will Target Russian Nuclear Capability: Commander

Coca-Cola Causes Serious Depletion of Water Resources in India

US-NATO "Strategic Concept": Global Warfare

Reasons to be pissed about the health insurance bill

Declaration of Dependence: The Founding Fathers Roll in their Graves

Obamacare: Culling the Baby Boomers

Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now

New Health-Care Taxes Help Obama 'Spread the Wealth'

Perpetual Childhood: Having insurance 'going to be like Christmas'

Census time heightens privacy concerns

Consuming Our Capital

IRS to Enforce Health Reform

More on those "neutralized" special interests

Congress Votes to Socialize Health Care in United States

Bernanke Tells Congress That Fed Needs to Police All Banks

House approves government takeover of student loan program

Civil Liberties in Obama's America

No More Events on 'Public Property'

Congressional Leadership Aides Exempt From Bill?

Ohioans May Get To Vote On Healthcare Reform

Obamacare To Be Enforced By Armed Thugs

Kerry Exploits Obamacare Passage to Propose Carbon Tax

The Health Care Hindenburg Has Landed

Leaders with a Common Purpose

‘Has the FBI Infiltrated the Tea Parties?’

The creepy tyranny of Canada's hate speech laws

The two Calvins: Sacramento man sues police, sheriff over mistaken identity

Gordon Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of "Social Justice"

Virginia Calls Health Bill Unconstitutional, Files Suit

Tennessee Father Outraged After 9-Year-Old Twins Suspended for 'Gang' Haircuts

NJ Town To Fine Dog Owners If Pets Bark


*flashback:YouTube - Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"


20 Promises for $2,500: All Americans Now Await Lower Premiums Promised by Obama


YouTube - Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama


YouTube - Congressional Black Caucus 3 20 2010 - original video


Continue the Fight for Free Market Health Care

Bagram Eyed as Latest ‘New Guantanamo’

Liberal Activist Says 'Cognitive' Brain Patterns Prevent Conservatives From Accepting Threat of Global Warming

Stocks, led by health care companies, end up (all hail reform!)

Flashback: U.S. Census Uses Telenovela to Reach Hispanics

Climategate: the whitewash continues

U.S. Information Warfare Operation Takes Down Website Used to Plan Attacks on Americans Inside Iraq; The Website Was Set Up and Run by CIA and Saudi Intelligence

Conclusion to Lies The Government Told You by Andrew P. Napolitano

3rd 9/11 Truth International Conference in Tokyo, Huge Success

Your Government at Work: Secret Service Paid TJX Hacker $75,000 a Year

15 New Taxes to Pay for the New Health Care Bill

49% Support State Lawsuits Against Health Care Plan

Mexican-style Drug Gang “Urban Terrorism” Against Police Comes to California

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

Judge Hellerstein says: Renegotiate 9/11 settlement

Trying to defeat the Taliban is futile

Washington murdered privacy at home and abroad

How Sovereign is Europe?

The far-right fringe: Armed, bigoted, and dangerous

Boss Rahm decides who is a worthy Democrat


YouTube - Mike Adams Tells Alex-"We are Now Under a Medical Dictatorship" on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Mike Adams Tells Alex-"We are Now Under a Medical Dictatorship" on The Alex Jones Show 2/2

Forget IQ, Collective Intelligence is the New Measure of Smart (video) | Singularity Hub


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 1/3:Alex Breaks Down Obama's Copenhagen Speech

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 2/3:Alex Breaks Down Obama's Copenhagen Speech

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 3/3:Alex Breaks Down Obama's Copenhagen Speech


YouTube - Alex Jones: Free speech under fire


YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 1/4

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 2/4

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 3/4

YouTube - Alex's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Speech at The Doubletree Hotel in Austin, Texas 4/4


YouTube - Gerald Celente on Dori Monson 18 March 2010.


YouTube - Gerald Celente on CNN Radio 10 Feb 2010


Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent


Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy? | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog


*United Nations Governing Council of the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)


The Purposes And Pitfalls Of Revolution : Neithercorp Press

Mexican officers dismembered, put in bags

Render Unto Caesar: A Most Misunderstood New Testament Passage by Jeffrey F. Barr

Dick Armey: 'Emboldened Obama' Just Getting Started on Expanding Government

Fox Poll: 79% Fear Economic Collapse

Palin Assails Healthcare Process as 'Corrupt'

White House on Health Lawsuits: Bring 'em On

Protest Cancels Coulter Speech in Ottawa

Palin Travel Show Coming to Discovery

Obama Tackles Boys Club Image

Gap in Healthcare Law's Protection for Kids

Durbin, DeMint Wrangle Over Healthcare

Pacifist College Begins Playing National Anthem

Coulter: Canadian U Provost Guilty of Hate Crimes

Geithner, Lawmakers Spar Over Mortgage Firms

Palin Reveals Democratic Targets for Midterms

Pentagon Near Changes on Gay Ban

Biden Drops F-Bomb in Praising Obamacare

Report: Pentagon Hasn't Met Main Threats

Immigration Plan Would Create Backlog

Healthy Tax Increases, Not Only on Wealthy

Senate Writing Final Chapter to Healthcare Bill

Obama Officials Say U.S. Drug Demand Fuels Violence

Gates Orders Study of Pentagon 'Information Ops'

Top Obama Security Advisers in Mexico for Talks

Obama Signs $938B Healthcare Overhaul Into Law

Democrats Turn Attention to Cap-and-Trade Tax

Trucks Burned in Possible Threat to Calif. Police

Reading Scores Hold Steady On Nationwide Test

Banks On Verge of Losing Student Lending Business

Big Cities See Gains As Boomers Delay Retirement

Fed Cracks Down On Gift Card Abuses

Bush Adviser Senor to Announce for N.Y. Senate

GOP Sharpens Health Bill Amendments

Debate On the Future of Fannie, Freddie Heats up

N. Korea's Kim Has Chronic Kidney Failure

Raul Says Fidel Doing 'Well For His Age'

Blair Assures World Will Stop Nuclear Iran

Hussman: Inflation Will Be Huge in Years to Come

Faber: Stocks, Bonds Force New Gold Standard

5 Best Snacks for Your Mood

EPA to Tighten Water Standards

Butch Cassidy Sequel Filming in Bolivia; No 'Kid'

Oprah Winfrey Settles Headmistress' Lawsuit

Newsmax - Tea Party Unfettered by Special Interests

Newsmax - Obama and Pelosi Stand by Their Healthcare Convictions

Newsmax - Social Security and Medicare Are Big Ponzi Schemes

Newsmax - Obamacare: Massive Abuse of Power

Newsmax - Props to Obama on Healthcare Win

Obama Transportation Secretary: ‘This Is the End of Favoring Motorized Transportation at the Expense of Non-Motorized’

Reconciliation ‘Fixes’ to Health Bill Will Ride on Back of Taxpayers and Medicare Recipients, Republicans Say

CBO Says Govt to Collect $69 Billion in Tax Penalties From Health Care Law’s Insurance Mandate in First 10 Years

Rep. Hoyer Suggests Mandate Requiring Every Person To Buy Health Insurance Is ‘Constitutional’

Justice Dept Should Probe Alleged White House Offer to Rep. Sestak, Legal Experts Say

Obama Excludes Private and Catholic School Children From Easter Egg Roll Ticket Giveaway

Republican Lawmaker Expects Supreme Court to Decide Constitutionality of Health Care Law’s Individual Mandate


Sen. Inhofe Backs 47-Word Bill To Repeal 2,400-Page Health Care Law


Sen. Carper: ‘Not Likely’ That States Can Overturn Individual Mandate in Health Care Law

Republican Calls It 'A Tragedy' for Pro-Life Democrats 'to Cave to Most Pro-Abortion President' in History

Flaw Emerges in New Health Care Law Regarding Protection for Children

House Judiciary Chairman Says Constitution's Non-Existent ‘Good and Welfare Clause’ Authorizes Congress to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance

IRS Needs $10 Billion to Be Nation's Health Enforcer

Obama Signs Health Care Into Law, Declares ‘A New Season in America’

Senate Debating ‘Fixes’ to Just-Signed Health Care Law

White House Not Worried About States’ Constitutional Challenge to Health Care

Fattest State's Lawmakers Promote Healthy Living by Losing Weight

Tainting the Tea Party

Forget About Repeal

The Fat Lady Sings

A Tyrannical Act

Open Borders Is Undermining the Republican Party

Former Miss America Colleen Kay Hutchins Dies

Men Accused of Killing 5 NJ Teens Plead Not Guilty

Police: 13 Shots Fired in I-95 Road Rage Incident

London Science Museum Goes Climate Science Neutral

Elusive Monkey Romps in Tampa Bay Area

Man Who Bought Gun Used in Ala. Rampage Won't Talk

Ohio Officer Takes Murder Appeal to US High Court

Airport Worker Warned for Scanner Ogling

Fattest State's Lawmakers Shed Pounds, Fried Stuff

Carbon Monoxide Suspected in 3 Deaths on NY Boat

Want Kids to Eat Veggies? Keep It Simple, Study Says

Urban League: Health, Jobs Legislation Fall Short

Parents of Girl Killed by Boat Sue Calif. City

U.S, Mexico Eye New Phase in Drug War

Two Charged in '78 Murder of 5 Teens

Kirkpatrick Sale: the Collapse of the American Empire

On Health Care Day, Obama Skips Signing Executive Order on Abortion; Stupak, on Defense, Compares Order to Emancipation Proclamation « Row 2, Seat 4

Gap in health care law's protection for children - Yahoo! News

Rush Limbaugh: Elections could end thanks to Obama

Washington Times - EDITORIAL: No Obamacare for Obama

Prisoners forced to submit to radiation experiments for private foreign companies | San Francisco Bay View

Navy laser weapon goes through early tests - UPI.com

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

Gerald Celente Predicts “Crash of 2010″ | Phil’s Stock World

Poster’s Paradise » Via Midas and the NIA

The Stealth Palladium Bull Market :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

322 - Secret Societies, Depopulation And The Health Care Plan

The backlash: Reform turns personal - Jake Sherman and Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com

Decoding the new health care politics - Jonathan Allen and Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

FBI investigates Virginia incident - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

How C-SPAN summit aided final push - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Steny Hoyer: Vote won't cost many seats - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

GOP gears up for Senate theatrics - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Cheney boosts Grayson on security - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

Dem leaders: House can't go yet - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Health bill may exempt top Hill staffers - Erika Lovley and Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Obama to sign abortion exec order in private - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Immigrants key to economy's revival - Joel Kotkin - POLITICO.com

Timothy Geithner, Chris Dodd at odds over N.Y. Fed - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

After meeting, deafening silence - Laura Rozen and Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Health Care and Detroit: Killed By Government by Gary North

National Health Caress by Butler Shaffer

From the Genesis Garden to Galapagos and Back by Bill Sardi

The Israeli Libertarians by Phil Maymin

Taki’s Magazine, edited by Taki Theodoracopulos

The creepy tyranny of Canada's hate speech laws - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Had Enough? by Rob Natelson

A brief history of political scandals - Telegraph

Letter Re: Another Experience with Stockpiling Nickels - SurvivalBlog.com

Waiting for the End of the World: Georgia's 30-Year Stone Mystery by Matt Smith

A Spy Unsettles US-India Ties by M.K. Bhadrakumar

Hit the Ground Running Barefoot

Pelosi Cautions Insurance Companies: Behave, Or You Won't Be Listed On Exchanges | Crooks and Liars

Health care reform rollout timetable | Crooks and Liars

Michael Moore: Insurance Companies 'Thieves and Jackals.' Wolf Blitzer: Isn't That The Nature Of Capitalism? | Crooks and Liars

Join The Netroots In Saying "Thank You/Happy Birthday" To Speaker Pelosi! | Crooks and Liars

Infallible | Crooks and Liars

Demand the GOP stop inciting and supporting hate | Crooks and Liars

Rep. Louie Gohmert Wants To Eliminate Voting For Senators | Crooks and Liars

NY Times admits being played for fools on ACORN | Crooks and Liars

The ominous side of the Tea Partiers' defeat: They really believe their own outlandish rhetoric | Crooks and Liars

House Democrats Walked Arm in Arm Through Protests Despite a Weekend of Intimidation | Video Cafe

Frum: Republicans work for FOX News Now | Crooks and Liars

"Baby Killer!" shouter outed | Video Cafe

Country First McCain: NOT | Crooks and Liars

After HCR Passed, Militia Leader Said: 'Break Democratic Party Windows'. So They Did. | Crooks and Liars

Yes, the health-care reform bill is now law. Read it and weep, Republicans | Crooks and Liars

The Party Of 'No No No!' Kicks Their Feet And Holds Their Breath As Obama Signs Historic Bill | Crooks and Liars

President Barack Obama Signs Health Care Reform Bill | Crooks and Liars

Kevin Madden: "American people have been sold a bill of goods." | Crooks and Liars

Bill Kristol Predicts 'The Bulk' of the Health Care Bill Will be Repealed by 2013 | Video Cafe

Lawrence O'Donnell: Senate Parliamentarian Rules Against the GOP | Video Cafe

Plouffe dares Rove to pull out 'Mission Accomplished' banner | Video Cafe

My chat with Numbers USA's Roy Beck: Those 200,000 immigration marchers are all 'thieves' | Crooks and Liars

Roy Beck of anti-immigrant NumbersUSA at the March For America: Bodyguards get rough with mimes, SWAT team intervenes | Crooks and Liars

Will Chris Matthews apologize to Alan Grayson? | Crooks and Liars

Congratulations, Madame Speaker. Last Night, You Got The Job Done. | Crooks and Liars

Wasserman Schultz on Health Care Bill: This Passed Without Any Republican Support by Their Choice | Video Cafe

'Baby Killer' Shouted at Stupak During Health Care Debate | Video Cafe

Last-Minute Change In HCR Bill Makes Student Loan Reform Disappear | Crooks and Liars

John Boehner's Final Speech on Health Care Bill: Yells Shame on You to the Democrats | Video Cafe

Fox News Splits Screen, Shows Teabagger Protests During Stupak Presser | Crooks and Liars

David Frum: This is GOP’s Waterloo, Points Finger at ‘Radicals’ Like DeMint | Video Cafe

YouTube - Mag-Fed 20MM Rifle with Suppressor

Magfed 20mm Rifles - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities

YouTube - Dems Push Financial Reform to Full Senate

YouTube - Lehman Bros categorized loans as sales to hide debt

YouTube - Time to Strike


*film:The Iron Wall 57:18


YouTube - Re: Exposethefrauds; any government is socialism

YouTube - They're Back! AIPAC Confab Returns to D.C.

Carbon Market Rift Over Hungary May Shrink Trading (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Campaign For Liberty — Health Care Reform: We're Being Fooled Again | by Sheldon Richman

EDITORIAL: No Obamacare for Obama - Washington Times

Proof That Vaccines Didn't Save Us | Gene's Green Book

Healthcare Intervention: The Bigger Picture - Doug French - Mises Institute

2 Philadelphia Homeowners Facing Foreclosure Resort To Suicide - cbs3.com

GOP Responsibility for Obamacare « LewRockwell.com Blog

The new arms race: China planning high-speed rail network to Russia, India, Europe - SmartPlanet

Metro to stage anti-terrorism drills - 12160.org



EclippTV :: Video :: Vote Them ALL Out...


EclippTV :: Video :: Journalist James Delingpole Foresees State Rationed Healthcare (1/4)

EclippTV :: Video :: Journalist James Delingpole Foresees State Rationed Healthcare (2/4)

EclippTV :: Video :: Journalist James Delingpole Foresees State Rationed Healthcare (3/4)

EclippTV :: Video :: Journalist James Delingpole Foresees State Rationed Healthcare (4/4)


EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente : when Government gets involved it is a guaranteed failure


EclippTV :: Video :: House Democrat: "There Are No Rules Here...We Make Them Up As We Go Along"


EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage Reacts to ObamaCare Passing - Discusses Flaws in Bill


CODEPINK : CODEPINK to Build Settlements in Congress Today

At White House, Biden’s Expletive Caught on Open Mike - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Judge Napolitano: Why State Efforts Against Obamacare Are Doomed

United States - Message Boards - Passage of Health Care = IRS + YOUR Medical Records! - iPolitics.com

Defeat in Victory: the Democrats' Health Care Bill

How Sovereign is Europe? Washington has Murdered Privacy Rights at Home And Abroad

Auschwitz Death Camp Doctors' Documents Found

SEC Employees Were Getting Off To Kiddie Porn While Your Economy Tanked

FOXNews.com - States Plot to Block, Limit Health Care Reform Law

Obamacare: Taxing The American People Into Oblivion

Cheneyism with a Human Face: Obama's New Imperial Presidency :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

JT Coyote: Rewriting history in Texas | SummitDaily.com


Closing Time: An Historic Confirmation of Corporate Power :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

Americans: Are You With Gen. Petraeus And Adm. Mullen Or With Israel ?

Health care dictatorship: A crime against America

Testing Phobia: Texas Today Will Execute Another Possibly Innocent Man | This Can't Be Happening!

Imploding America by Jack D. Douglas

Supreme Court Battle Quietly Brews As Future Nominations Loom - ABC News


***Republicans who voted for amnesty in 2006***






*site:ACLJ : Support Our Efforts


YouTube - Dingell: It will take some time for ObamaCare to "control the people"

Breitbart.tv » Obama Advisor Jim Wallis Explores Wealth, Marxism & Social Justice

Obama to sign executive order on abortion limits Wednesday - CNN.com

ACORN SWAP? « Liveshots

Paul Ryan Is Not Ready to Give Up on Health Care - Robert Costa - National Review Online

PMW Bulletins

World's cleverest man turns down $1million prize after solving one of mathematics' greatest puzzles | Mail Online

» Banned in Britain for ‘Hate Speech’ — Unless You’re the Daughter Of a Mass Murderer - Big Journalism

'I burned 5 NJ kids alive in '78'' - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - In California, Killers Sit on 'Symbolic' Death Row for Decades, Costing Billions

States Sue Over Overhaul That Will Bust State Budgets (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Gap in health care law's protection for children - Yahoo! Finance

Breitbart.tv » Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’

Deborah Peel: Your Medical Records Aren't Secure - WSJ.com

Superpower - Health Care Law Signals US Empire Decline? - CNBC

Health-Care Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year (Correct) - Bloomberg.com

U of O speech cancelled

Right-wing U.S. firebrand Ann Coulter will file grievance with rights panel

After meeting, deafening silence - Laura Rozen and Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Patient Billed for Liposuction as Medical Theft Rises (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Press-Boxed: WSJ Adds Sports Beats to Take on The Times | The New York Observer

Massive Job Cuts To NYC Workforce Projected - wcbstv.com

4-Day School Weeks Might Be Coming In Illinois, Now That State House Has Passed Bill - cbs2chicago.com

James Cameron trashes Glenn Beck

China state media says Google 'is not god'

My Way News - European privacy battle looms for Facebook, Google

Killer icicles terrorise Russians - Yahoo! News

Police: Woman swapped girl, 10, to man for cocaine

The Associated Press: New Mexico zoo investigates dismembered giraffe

Tom Shales - ABC's choice of Amanpour for 'This Week' has critics inside the network and beyond

D.C. in The Weed(s) | NBC Washington

Reuters AlertNet - Riyadh says arrests militants planning attacks

U.S. aviation security pick favors Israeli model - Yahoo! News

Chinatown Rings in the Year of the Tiger | NBC New York

Mother furious after in-school clinic sets up teen's abortion | KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional

Britain to expel Mossad's man in London over Dubai assassination - Telegraph

Obese man 'too heavy to lift into ambulance' - Telegraph

James Cameron Calls Glenn Beck Out: Let’s Debate You ‘F—ing A–hole’

‘Undercover Boss’ Celebrates Common Man, Shows Human Side of Corporate America

How to Fight the Hollywood Left’s Fighting Words

Daily Gut: Acorn: The Movie

Feasting on Hannity: Cannibal Conservatives Aren’t Conservatives

Disney’s Degrading Booby Test: Imagine if Walmart Did This

REVIEW: ‘Shooting Michael Moore’ Debunks the Debunker

There Will Be Revolution!

Daily Gut: Daddy Got Us a Pony!

Obama’s Emboldened: Our Fight Has Just Begun

Sean Penn Is Not a Smart Man Or a Patriot

Beware of Greeks Bearing Bailout Plans

On The Streets Of Chicago: ‘People Wanted Change, This Is Change. They Need To Shut Up.’

SEIU Renews Attack on Its $94 MILLION Creditor

Native American Child Molesters Are People Too!

Obama’s Transparency Haze

Deceiver in Chief: Peter Orszag

We Must Repeal The Health Care Bill!

ObamaCare Is the Democrats’ New Kansas-Nebraska Act

The 2010 US Census Is So 1990: Lack of an On-Line Option Is Embarrassing

Stupak Can’t Hyde

Laying the Cornerstone of a Socialist Utopia

Depend On The Government For Your Health Care? Good Luck…

It’s Morning in America


NewsBusted: What Will Obama Do Next?

Overnight Thread: Why Is This Woman Laughing?

Zombie ACORN, Bertha Lewis (Laughter) Vow to Fight On

Farewell To the Legalized, Government-Supported Mafia Known as ACORN

As ACORN Folds, the ‘Guys and Dolls’ at Media Matters Offer the ‘Big Jule’ Defense

Brad Friedman’s Lies Fail to Save ACORN

Media Boogeyman: If Activists Scare You Away from Fish Oil, They Save the Fishes!

MSM Discovers Christians Marketing to Christians — How Dare They!

USA Today and NASA’s Bogus Data: ‘Global Warming’ Handmaiden

As America Trots Down The Same Doomed Path, Chicago Tribune Notices Illinois Is Broke


Hollywood’s Broke Part 1: Recognizing There’s a Problem

Hollywood’s Broke Part 2: The Diagnosis

Hollywood’s Broke Part 3: The Details

Hollywood’s Broke Part 4: The Innovation Deficit

Hollywood’s Broke Part 5: The Solutions

Hollywood’s Broke Part 6: Fixing Television


Marlon’s Mao: Part One

Marlon’s Mao: Part Two

Marlon’s Mao: Part Three

Marlon’s Mao Part Four: Mao’s Apprentices — Pierre Trudeau and Barack Obama


Divide and Conquer

What the Passage of the Health Care Bill Means to Americans

Freedom From Fascism

How to Destroy the Private Sector via Health Care Reform

Obamacare and Bleeding-Heart Liberals

Obama and Clinton Flunk the Pinocchio Test at AIPAC

Dissembling, Death, and Deficits

How Many Pounds of Flesh Will It Take to Kill Israel?

Obama's Audacity of Tenacity

Here's the good news about Obamacare

Amish, Muslims to be excused from Obamacare mandate?

Stupak's 30 pieces of silver

Fun with Obamacare numbers

The Left's war on America

Some questions about the future of insurance in America

The 'Root' of Disproportionate Representation

Rep. Dingell: It's taken a long time to 'control the people'

California AG probably won't join state suits against Obamacare

Obama's Empty Health Care Victory

Anatomy of a Racial Smear

The ObamaCare 'Acceptance' Strategy

Stupak and His Sheep

Roosevelt Redux?

Our Problem Is a Lack of Health Care -- the Moral Variety

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:Photo of the Day: Illegal Aliens Set Free by Obama White House Mock ICE, Show Off “Bracelets”

DEBBIE SCHLUSSELDid Hillary Clinton Endorse Removing Muslims From Israel?; AIPAC: Obama’s Partner in Amputating Israel

DEBBIE SCHLUSSELTrial Lawyer on ObamaCare: “Get Ready for $25 (or $30) Hamburgers”

DEBBIE SCHLUSSELMuslim UN Peacekeepers Committed Rape, Dodge Discipline

DEBBIE SCHLUSSELMuslim “Democracy”: Iraq Refuses Recount After Rejecting 50% of Christian Votes

GOP Rolls Out Last-Ditch Efforts to Stop Health Care Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Joe Biden's potty mouth: In Delaware, this is not news / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: Postal Service moves toward five-day delivery

Bing offers more business, less flash | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

The Associated Press: US says relationship with Pakistan on the mend

Chicago Schools Chief, Now an Obama Aide, Had V.I.P. List for Top Choices - NYTimes.com

Duncan's selective-schools list in Chicago symbolizes haves/have-nots split - washingtonpost.com

Brand X Files: Kim Jong ill. Rachel Maddow not running for Senate. Americans like healthcare reform. | Brand X | Los Angeles Times

Cheney Steps to the Line in Kentucky - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Man who bought gun used in Ala. rampage won't talk

Tea Party 'racism': Truth or fiction? - The Week

Obama court nominee faces opposition - latimes.com

Proposed US law would single out cybercrime havens | Reuters

BBC News - Palestinians denounce new East Jerusalem homes plan

YouTube - Obama Meets with Netanyahu

BBC World Service - News - UK expels Israeli diplomat in forged passports row

The Associated Press: Saudi Arabia arrests 113 al-Qaida suspects

Security guards shoot dead Somali pirate in attack on MV Almezaan cargo ship - Times Online

Catholic Church says reported U.S. cases of child sex abuse lowest since 2004 - washingtonpost.com

Breakthrough Is Reported in U.S. Arms Pact With Russia - NYTimes.com

China joins big-power talks on Iran sanctions | Reuters

Nigerian Cabinet Takes Shape, Senate to Vet Nominees - NYTimes.com

Russian Dubbing Controversy in Ukraine – New Tang Dynasty Television

AFP: Run-away train leaves three dead in Oslo: police

Hillary Clinton Mexico visit: US and Mexico shift drug war approach / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Ex-Nazi Guilty in Wartime Murders - NYTimes.com

UN: Clashes on Rise in South Sudan as Polls Near | East Africa | English


*Earth hour is March 27 - latimes.com


James Cameron vs. Glenn Beck: Let's get it on! | EW.com

Brad Pitt reveals why he won't shave his straggly beard: 'It's boredom'

'American Idol' Recap: Idols Take on Billboard No. 1s | Billboard.com

California Offical Wants to Revoke Jackson Doctor’s Medical License : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

Why Wait Until 2014? Demand All Obamacare Provisions Right Now

Democrats Must be Defeated

War, Racism and the Empire of Poverty


**Transcript Of States Lawsuit/HEALTHCARE (pdf) **


**The Communist Congress Betrayal - Roll Call Vote


**Devvy -- National Archives — The Seventeenth Amendment — March, 2010


*Hillary Clinton’s AIPAC speech: The video, the transcript | Capital J | JTA - Jewish & Israel News



EDITORIAL: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow - Washington Times

Experts say states' health care lawsuits don't stand a chance | McClatchy

savethemales.ca - Patriot Elder: "Militias Will Not Be Allowed"

Reporting the Dirty, Nasty, Stinking, Accurate Truth About Our Government | Before It's News

Who Is The British Dog?

The Zionist Face Of American Government

Water plant visitor says he’s been there before » Opinion » Cumberland Times-News

'A New Dawn And A New Day For America'

CNSNews.com - Congress Votes to Socialize Health Care in United States

Devvy -- It won't be just the States suing to nullify unconstitutional health care "law" -- 03/23/10

Venezuela In Washington's Crosshairs

Slavery Of Blacks In 1860 - Slavery Of Mexicans In 2010

Is the pope a reactionary or a prophet? | World news | The Guardian

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Healthcare in America

Wars sending US into ruin Pt..2

Ananova - 'Robo-hawk' takes to the skies


Part 1: Overpopulation in 21st century America--our risky future | Before It's News

Part 2: Overpopulation in 21st century America--frog in the pot metaphor | Before It's News

Part 3: Overpopulation in 21st century America--1,700 people added to California daily | Before It's News

Part 4: Overpopulation in 21st century America--nobody ever dies of overpopulation | Before It's News

Part 5: Overpopulation in 21st century America--poisoning our world | Before It's News

Part 6: Overpopulation in 21st century America--accelerated poisoning of our world | Before It's News

Part 7: Overpopulation in 21st century America--quality of life in an overcrowded world | Before It's News

Part 8: Overpopulation in 21st century America--endless growth leads to lowered quality of life | Before It's News


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism


RealClearPolitics - A Glorious Mess

RealClearPolitics - Yoke of Government Tightens Around the Public Neck

RealClearPolitics - 5 Dems Who Wish They Had Last Week Back

RealClearPolitics - Passage of Health Care Marks a New Season in America

Health-Care Law Will Push Costs 'Out of Sight': Jack Welch - CNBC

Arianna Huffington: Health Care Post-Mortem: Dems Feel the Wind at Their Back, GOP Hoisted With Its Own Cynical Petard

Act II: Slaying the health care legislation - chicagotribune.com

Harold Meyerson - Democrats have proved they can govern. Can they keep it going? - washingtonpost.com

Noemie Emery: Congress lags behind public mood | Washington Examiner

Economic Scene - In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality - NYTimes.com

Costs of this debacle will be high - JSOnline

RealClearPolitics - A Generous Dose of Caution on Health Reform

RealClearMarkets - Health Care Reform: Welcome to NY, America

Now, a war for public opinion - The Boston Globe

The American Spectator : Winning Washington, Losing America

Op-Ed Columnist - Hail the Conquering Professor - NYTimes.com

O's ego booster shot - NYPOST.com

Health Care’s Ugly Losers Blame Antichrist: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

RealClearMarkets - Pin the Bogeyman On the Tea Party

Ralph Benko: It's Tea Partiers and Republicans against the Elitists Democrats | Washington Examiner

Dispute with Israel underscores limits of U.S. power, a shifting alliance - washingtonpost.com

Battered Binyamin Netanyahu comes out fighting | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Editorial - The Day After the Health Care Bill - NYTimes.com

After health reform, is anyone willing to compromise? - washingtonpost.com

Great wall: Google stands up to China on flow of information

Op-Ed Columnist - A Tea Party Without Nuts - NYTimes.com

Some Dems use votes on healthcare bill for new fundraising push - TheHill.com

Treasury Takes First Steps to Reshape Fannie and Freddie - NYTimes.com


*Transcripts:3-23/Passage of Health Care Marks a New Season in America


*3-22/Panel on the Passage of Health Care Reform

Interview with David Axelrod

Senator John Thune on Health Care

Interview with Vicki Kennedy

Virginia's Attorney General on Challenging Health Care

Interview with Senator Lamar Alexander

Interview with Fmr. Gov. Jeb Bush

Secretary Clinton Addresses AIPAC


*3-21/President Obama on Health Care's Passage


*3-19/Obama's Speech on Health Care Reform


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 39 states fighting health-care mandate

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Repeal: GOP legislation gathering co-sponsors

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'A thorn in Obama's side'


Forget amnesty, look where Democrats now stoop for votes!

New rally cry: Don't submit!

Citizens sue feds to block Obamacare

49% Support State Lawsuits Against Health Care Plan - Rasmussen Reports™

Breitbart.tv » Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’

FOXNews.com - Health Bill Faces GOP Roadblocks in Senate

Durbin to GOP: Accept health care change - Washington Times

Leadership Aides Exempt From Bill? - Hotline On Call

Tea partiers target top 10 legislators to be 'fired'

The problem with the Contract from America

Republicans Begin Strategy Rethink - WSJ.com

Outrage over porous borders too hot to handle

DHS IG: Immigration plan will bury agency - Washington Times

I'm the victim of a hate crime, Ann Coulter tells Canadian audience

The Censorship Brigade is on the march

'Peace partner' accused of working with al-Qaida allies

FOXNews.com - Netanyahu Pushes Back, Says Jerusalem 'Not a Settlement'

Breitbart.tv » Son of Hamas Founder: Biggest Terrorist in This World is the God of Islam

Born-again 'Son of Hamas' now fights 'Islam's god'

Music can be banned if it even sounds religious

Homeschoolers win U.S. asylum, now face deportation

Meet President Obama's 'spiritual cabinet'

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN poll: Majority disapprove of Obama for first time « - Blogs from CNN.com

The Associated Press: Gap in health care law's protection for children

Healthy tax increases, not only on wealthy - Washington Times

Stupak pushes back against claims airport grant bought his vote - TheHill.com

No media at Obama abortion-order signing - Washington Times

Stupak defends district's Planned Parenthood clinics - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Baca participates in community forum with Muslim Americans - LA Daily News

Paul Sperry to speak at D.C. conference

Terrorists 'could use exploding breast implants to blow up jet' - Telegraph

Radical's deadly 'booby trap' | The Sun |News

Bosom bombers: Women have explosive breast implants

Airport device follows fliers' phones - USATODAY.com

Justices to weigh citizenship rule - Washington Times

Alinsky trainer developed 1st Obama volunteers

'Peace partner' accused of working with al-Qaida allies

'Peace partner' plans 'resistance' in Israel's capital

Obama adviser's group compared self to Tea Party

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy'

Hamas advises Obama: Get your act together

Flood of challenges rising against 'Obamacare'

Homeschoolers win U.S. asylum, now face deportation

The problem with the Contract from America

When building homes is bad

How tea party can go bad

The states strike back

In response to an adoring 'fan'

Can pro-lifers ever support Democrats again?

Congress' legalized corruption

Bankrupting our posterity

The lesson of new cows and poison weeds

It's over – the fat lady has sung

Was Donald Rumsfeld a torturer?

BLANKLEY: Sunday's socialist triumph - Washington Times

Peter Dreier: The Right's Conspiracy Theory Attack on Frances Fox Piven

It's a civil war: What we do now

Jillian Bandes : Obama Amps Up Liberal Court Nominee - Townhall.com

VIDEO:Why would Christians celebrate that?

The nonexistent, evil chick called Easter


*SATIRE:WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive '10 pills and you're fine'


VIDEO:Is the afterlife heaven, hell or outer space?

Pictured: amazing X-ray of Chinese teenager with 10 inch knife embedded in his head - Telegraph

Study: Last Supper paintings supersize the food - Health AP - MiamiHerald.com

Ten best "Extreme Ironing" stunts from around the world | Gadling.com

Telling time with a wristful of dinosaur poo and meteorite

Notorious Reality TV 'Brat' Sues ABC for $100 Million | PopEater.com

young me now me photo contest :: zefrank.com

In the brick of it: When an NYC artist recalled his childhood Legos, something snapped into place

First health care, now the Internet

Are 'Babies' the New Penguins?

Baby boys who have a nanny 'turn into womanisers' - Telegraph

Maiden flight for Virgin Galactic's 'SpaceShipTwo'

Ananova - 'Robo-hawk' takes to the skies

Married people 'twice as likely to be fat' - Telegraph

The idea of the cassette: A gallery with musings

The Führer Cult: Germans Cringe at Hitler's Popularity in Pakistan - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

UC Davis study shows dogs can help youngsters read - SacPaws.com - sacbee.com

Another underage child star in sex movie

Doctors let death-wish Qantas pilot keep flying - World - NZ Herald News

Man stabbed 47 times by Fenton girlfriend: 'If it was self-defense, then why wasn't I arrested?' - Crime & Controversy - bnd.com

‘Trapped’ by police, woman calls 911 :: Naperville Sun :: Local News

Teacher tirade MP3: Winter Springs teacher may be fired after tirade caught on MP3. - OrlandoSentinel.com

World's cleverest man turns down $1million prize after solving one of mathematics' greatest puzzles | Mail Online

Ousted ROTC may go back to school - Washington Times

My Way News - Jerry Springer hosts new GSN dating game show

O'Donnell looking to come back to daytime TV

Mom accused of driving to school drunk | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

NorthJersey.com: Hungry burglar leaves behind cash, dirty dishes

Fitness program whipping SAfrican cops into shape - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

Older women need 1-hour workouts to fend off flab

Naked man subdued with Taser on I-35 near Forest Lake - TwinCities.com

Vodka drinking is top killer of Russians: study

Women Still Lag Behind, 40 Years After Newsweek Sex Discrimination Suit Narrowed the Gender Gap - ABC News

Saving the Middle Class: Whistle-Blower Says Banks Not Helping Americans Modify Mortgages - ABC News


*American Minute for March 24th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

MSNBC’s Fineman: ObamaCare is ‘Preservation & Enhancement of Existing System,’ Obama ‘From Country of Long-Distance Runners’ | NewsBusters.org

Hawaii asks Obama for presidential library - washingtonpost.com


*3-24/Politics VideoUS Empire Will Decline Rapidly, Says Hedge Fund CIO

Frum: Republicans Work for Fox News Now

Gregg: Dems "Going to Vote Everything Down"

Durbin: More Taxes For Health Care Is The "America We Want To Have"

Hoyer: Bill Won't Cost Dems "A Lot of Seats"

Gingrich: Don't Assume Any Democrat is Safe This Fall

Dem Senator: Health Bill Will Break Obama Tax Pledge

Rep. King: GOP Should "Avoid Demonizing" Health Debate

Rep. Neugebauer "I'm Not Going To Ever Apologize" For Baby Killer Remark

Pence On Health Bill: "This Will Not Stand"

Carville, Madden Debate Health Care "Hysteria"

NJ-12: Sipprelle (R) Runs First TV Ad

Leno: The Rush Limbaugh Deportation Act

Obama: Bill Not "Armageddon"

Romney: Obama "Betrayed" Oath to Nation

Maddow Denies She is Running Against Scott Brown

O'Reilly: "No Need for Hysteria on the Right"

Countdown: McCain Still Smarting Over Election Loss

Special Report Panel on Political Impact of Health Care Reform


*3-23/Biden On Health Care: This Is A Big "F**king" Deal

Giuliani: Health Care Bill Part of Larger Government "Intrusion"

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Considers Run for Ariz. Governor

Biden Drops F-Bomb

Maddow: Republican Party Subpoenaed in Ensign Scandal

Obama Signs Health Care Bill

Sen. Hatch: Government will "Botch" Health Care Reform

O'Reilly: Is This Change We Can Believe In?

Fla. Attorney General: Bill is "Unconstitutional"

Axelrod: Health Care Bill Will Sell Itself

Olbermann: Racism is in the Tea Party's Heart

Special Report: All-Star Panel Discusses Health Care Fallout

GOP Senate Leader: "Repeal And Replace" With Be Fall Campaign Slogan

Ted Kennedy's Widow Visited Grave on Day of Vote

GOP Congressman Says "Baby Killer" Comment Not Meant For Stupak

Steele: Most Americans Would Like to See Whole Bill "Undone"

Flashback: Obama Promises Public 5 Days To View Bills Before He Signs Them

Bobby Jindal: Health Care Bill "Bad for Our Country"

Bill Clinton: They "Couldn't Filibuster" Health Care This Time


flashback:American Thinker: Pelosi and Marx on 'Freedom'

NRSC's Cornyn: We Won't Call For Repealing All Of Health Care

FOXNews.com - IRS to Serve as Health Reform Enforcer, but Lacks Authority to Enforce

The Fix Is In by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal 22 March 2010

Poll: Democrats Losing Middle America - Daniel Foster - The Corner on National Review Online

The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Is the tax power infinite?

Lawrence O'Donnell: Country First or Revenge?

Armed Tax Police Prepare To Sweep Across America As Revolution Feared Near

World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America


**Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives Members By State**


Who's Who in Smart Grid Technology--pdf


Implementation of the Global Health Initiative: Consultation Document, February 2010 - Council on Foreign Relations


22pg/Implementation of the Global Health Initiative: Consultation Document, February 2010


National Broadband Plan, March 2010 - Council on Foreign Relations


376pgs/National Broadband Plan, March 2010


*site(www.echelon.com/solutions/home/)The smart home. Powered by Echelon.

flashback:Obama’s Power-Grid Grants May Revive Industry in ‘Paralysis’ - Bloomberg.com

*Smart Grid: Associations - Smart Grid News - Grid Modernization and the Smart Grid


March 23, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

03/23 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-23, Tuesday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/23/2010


*site:Journalism.org- The State of the News Media 2009