"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 March 2010


Da Mayor!

Green Police: Trash Inspectors To Fine Families For Compost Infractions

*There Is No Right to Health Care

Cybersecurity bill introduced in Senate | Reuters

What’s in Obamacare? Who Knows

Kucinich Kisses the Ring as Obama Deceptively Sells Totalitarian Care in Ohio

YouTube - Kucinich Announces He'll Vote for Health Care Legislation

Kucinich Sells Out On Health Care After Ride In Air Force One

Now Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely

Feb 10:FRB: Testimony--Bernanke, Federal Reserve's exit strategy--February 10, 2010

More Retirement Disasters

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph


*HR 646: U.S. Preparing for Civil Unrest


FBI uses phony profiles on social networks to track suspects -

TaxProf Blog: Your New Facebook Friend: The IRS

EFF Posts Documents Detailing Law Enforcement Collection of Data From Social Media Sites | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Pre-Crime Policing - Reason Magazine

New password-stealing virus targets Facebook | Reuters

D.C. home to most cyber-criminals - wtop.com

Vatican official cautions against GMOs

Mind-Control Coming To A Computer Near You? - Technology News - redOrbit

Would U.S. Troops Fire On Americans?

YouTube - National Worker ID Card: Freedom Watch

Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower ‘Protections’

YouTube - Walter E Williams on the Census

YouTube - Glenn Beck: Secret Audio Tape of Chuck Schumer

Mind-Control Coming To A Computer Near You? - Technology News - redOrbit

Capitol Hill cops decry bullying staff members - TheHill.com

Hawaii considers ban on requests for Obama's birth certificate - Telegraph

CNSNews.com - Dreier Says Health Bill Would Pass if Dems Can Use Slaughter Rule

44 - Kucinich drops opposition to health-care bill

The New ‘Forgotten’ War | Dahr Jamail - Independent Reporting from Iraq and the Middle East

Huffington Post's Ventura Censorship Backfires | Dr. Goldstein's Blog

YouTube - We Are Change has Amy Goodman on the run

Cynthia McKinney and Dr. Nafeez Ahmed discuss 9/11 in UK Parliament

Another Paul nettles GOP

The 911 Cat is out of the bag

A Constitutional Dollar

Reading a Dead Osama His Miranda Rights

U.S. Court Rules Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism

Tracking Electric Use Could Allow Utilities to Track You, Too - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says - Washington Times

HeraldNet: Jihad Jane: Terror by reason of insanity

Vitamin D better than vaccines at preventing flu, report claims - Times Online

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - NYTimes.com



*Levin Foundation to File Constitutional Challenge If Dems Try to Pass Health Care Without Voting on It

CNSNews.com - Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation to File Immediate Constitutional Challenge If House Dems Try to Pass Health-Care Without Actually Voting on It

*Site:Landmark Legal Foundation

*Landmark Complaint*


YouTube - Is war impending with Iran?

Standing Your Ground Against Police

The American Dream Has Moved Abroad

Hide the decline and rewrite history?

Webster Tarpley: US & UK Want to Sabotage China’s Economy

They Call It Dominating “The High Frontier”

Global Hawk Pacific (GLOPAC) « Notes from the Field : Blogs

Economy Outlook - Marc Faber: We Have a New Gold Standard - CNBC

Puzzling Statement: Obama Says ‘Louisiana Purchase’ Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii

YouTube - Obama Says 'Louisiana Purchase' Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii

Wharton: If Spain Goes Down, The ENTIRE Global Economy Is In Trouble

Puzzling Statement: Obama Says ‘Louisiana Purchase’ Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii

Postal Service pot seizures up over 400 pct. since 2007: report

Junk Food Nearly as Addictive as Heroin

Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government “Hate”

Invisible Empire: All Conspiracy, No Theory

FOIA Review: More Government Secrecy Under Obama Than Bush

Idaho challenges national health care proposal; more states may follow - CNN.com

Mexico Tourism Suffers as Drug Gangs Rain on Spring Break Party - Bloomberg.com

Barack Obama does not hate Israel, says Binyamin Netanyahu | World news | The Guardian

AFP: US may be seeking Israel 'regime change'

Economy Outlook - Marc Faber: We Have a New Gold Standard - CNBC

Failed Banks May Get Pension-Fund Backing as FDIC Seeks Cash - BusinessWeek

IRS to Track Online Sellers' Payment Transactions Beginning Next Year

Local News | Walgreens: no new Medicaid patients as of April 16 | Seattle Times Newspaper

Could an ID card replace the bus pass for over-60s? | Mail Online

Man thrown off train over set list - Yahoo! News UK

Microsoft Sees a Window in Google’s China Woes - China Real Time Report - WSJ

YouTube - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

Owning The 'United States®'

Obama Is Being Destroyed By Rahm Emanuel And AIPAC « Culture of Life News

Rahm's Secret War On The House Black Caucus

Senate passes ‘Termination Era’ PACT Act; tribal leaders will continue fight | Indian Country Today | Content

Fluoride & the Kidneys

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jewish Accessories by Gilad Atzmon

Council wants clone produce under novel foods – for now

savethemales.ca - Opus Dei -- Catholic Church Embraces Satanic Cult

YouTube - Walter E Williams on the Census

Meet the 'chubby boy with the curly hair': New photographs of Barack Obama's childhood in Indonesia emerge | Mail Online

Hamid Karzai held secret talks with Mullah Baradar in Afghanistan - Telegraph

Iran 'falls behind' in bid to build nuclear bomb - Americas, World - The Independent

Caring For Our Pets

Jordan Maxwell - Illuminati Eye/Sunrise Right In Your Face

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Sexual Abuse Leads Catholic Church to Takeover of Legion of Christ

Kucinich Switches Vote on Health Care - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

US clinic sparks debate with UK human egg raffle - Yahoo! News

Simon Wiesenthal Center launches PR campaign to whitewash Jerusalem desecration

Round Two - Who Owns This Country?

Obama Not Meeting Americans' Lofty Expectations on Issues

The Raw Story | Republicans dump gay leader, pick House Whip Blunt

Rising food prices may start with seeds - Los Angeles Times

Census 2010 The Trademark of the Beast

Stop The Census: Nothing But Fraud

FDA Approves First Totally Implanted Hearing System

Interview With Radical Activist 'Splitting The Sky'

44 - Health-care bill not yet a law, but Republicans already organizing to repeal it

Virginia Politics Blog - Cuccinelli's office confirms Virginia will sue over health care

Celente - The Political Atheist's Gospel

Army drops bayonets, busts abs in training revamp

Idaho to Sue If Health Care Bill Passes - CBS News

savethemales.ca - Bursting the Malachi Martin Bubble

Jerusalem Under the Fire of Death Squads «Kawther Salam

Pacific Coast Shark Attacks During 2009

Report: Petraeus Warns Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mullen that Israel Is Jeopardizing US Security Interests

WorldNetDaily 'No To Obamacare' FaxGram Hustle?


Scottish Government Cover Up of Hollie Greig Part 1 - How it all came to light

Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig, part 2: notification of crime & reaction

Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig, part 3 – The death of Robert Greig

Scottish Government Cover up of Hollie Greig Part 4 – The Scottish Legal System rejects Hollie’s


Barack Obama threatens to withdraw support from wavering Democrats - Telegraph


Norad Flight Exercise Planned For Washington, D.C.

*Site:North American Aerospace Defense Command


Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv

9/11 September 11th 2001 A Cheap Magic Trick



*Site:(www.vinesbranch.com/)INTERNATIONAL BRANCH Of LION Of JUDAH


Neocon Witchhunters and Dictatorship

Colleen Rowley: Minders Ensured She Didn’t Say Anything About 9/11 the FBI Didn’t WANT Told, Even to Government Officials With Top Security Clearance

YouTube - Cafferty: Pelosi "Beyond Sleazy" for Plan to 'Deem' ObamaCare Passed - "This Reeks"


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 17th With Alan Watt

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 16th With Kevin Booth

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 15th With Karen Quinn-Tostado


Wake Up And Smell The Evil

Government Warned 9/11 Commission ‘Not To Cross The Line’

Pelosi Tactic for Health-Care Vote Would Raise Legal Questions - Bloomberg.com

Stephen Lynch calls health care vote plan ‘disingenuous’ - BostonHerald.com

Roberts: Expect a False Flag Terror Attack To Precede Invasion Of Iran

11 Mar/The Rogue Nation by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com


**Fall of the Republic ;HQ full length version**

*The Obama Deception; HQ Full length version*


*site:The Attack of the B-Movie Muzak

*Site:Music Box Magazine

*Site:Secret Music Box

*Site:Revolution Muzak


YouTube - David Icke: Who Controls The Web?


YouTube - New World Order On Trial


YouTube - How The Media Controls Your Mind (Alan Watt)


YouTube - Open Your Mind - Illuminati Symbolism


YouTube - 10 Links To Find The Truth!


YouTube - Secret Societies Behind Empire City State


YouTube - Death of 911 Key Witness Barry Jennings: New Info Points To Foul Play (1 of 4)

YouTube - Death of 911 Key Witness Barry Jennings: New Info Points To Foul Play (2 of 4)

YouTube - Death of 911 Key Witness Barry Jennings: New Info Points To Foul Play (3 of 4)

YouTube - Death of 911 Key Witness Barry Jennings: New Info Points To Foul Play (4 of 4)


YouTube - How The Elite Control Politics


U.S. Commander Claims Bringing Bin Laden To Justice Remains Goal

03-17-2010: Suspicion over Murdoch's Pan-Arab Foray in Egypt

03-17-2010: New Photos Smooth Way for Mars Moon Landing

Closest Ever Look At Martian Moon Phobos

03-17-2010: Hawaii considers ban on requests for Obama's birth certificate

03-17-2010: Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about "line" it should not cross

E-Mails Suggested Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Subpar For Army

03-17-2010: U.S. puts brakes on "virtual" border fence

03-16-2010: Broadband plan for high speed internet sent to Congress

The Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides: An Inconvenient Truth

The power of TV revealed in disturbing French ‘torture’ game show

Britain: Clinic Opens for Children Addicted to Video Games and the Internet

Wachovia pays $160 million to stop drugs probe

Flash Back: Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor:

EFF Posts Documents Detailing U.S. Law Enforcement Collection of Data From Social Media Sites

Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely

Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow

Pre-Crime Policing

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI's Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

New RFID tech tracks you to the tomb

Why The Facts of 9/11 Are Suppressed

Why I'm Voting 'Yes'

The Filibuster Flim Flam

The Green They Steal, The Greed They Wear

Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy

American Naifs Bringing Ruin to Other Lands

"The Big Short" Is A Bit Short In Missing The Reasons for The Financial Crisis

AUDIO: We are ALL Americans! Cindy Sheehan interviews Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales

Israel's Extrajudicial Assassinations: Alternative Reading of the Al-Mabhouh Murder

United States to Retain Manas Base in Kyrgyzstan for Another Year

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

UK Lords pass bill to create Internet anti-piracy enforcement office

Media says Nazis, Al Qaeda, Terrorists, and Conspiracy Theorists Targeting Children Online

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010

Hide the decline and rewrite history?

Fluoride rally fails to gain support

Senate passes ‘Termination Era’ PACT Act; tribal leaders will continue fight

City annouces new tax for residents who use well water... If local residents don't pay the $17 monthly charge or hook up to the water line, city officials will fine them of $20 per day.

The Welfare State Kills Children

In U.S., Many Environmental Issues at 20-Year-Low Concern

Did the CIA test LSD in the New York City subway system?

'Government knew of Jewish terrorist's plan to open fire on Shfaram bus'

Schools 'break law' to spy on pupils

The Founding of the Federal Reserve

Over half your news is spin (planted PR propaganda)

Hitler's National Security Court

Treason in America Conference: stating the painfully obvious to save America

FLASHBACK: Candidate Obama States Unequivocally He Is Against Mandated Health Insurance

Rep. King Calls For Velvet Revolution Against The Government

Just 13% Say It's Illegal Not To Answer Census Questions

Walmart fires employee with inoperable brain tumor for legally using marijuana outside of work

Dems tap drug maker millions for PhRMA-friendly bill

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment

CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again'?

Jim Inhofe slams Al Gore on climate 'hoax'

Climate 'fix' could poison sea life

FCC: Wireless spectrum 10x more valuable for wireless broadband than for TV (and so we're going to steal it)

Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage

GOP Pushes for Up-or-Down House Vote on Obamacare

Pelosi Plan May Be Unconstitutional

Obama on Fox Defends 'Louisiana Purchase'

Weekend Vote Now Likely on Obamacare

Hoekstra: Uproar Over Obamacare Law Will Be Worst

FBI Director Mueller: Al-Qaida Still Wants Nuclear Bomb

Fear Grips Mexican Border Families Amid Violence

FBI: Christmas Bomber Has Been Cooperating

Rep. Altmire Wants Assurances On Bill's Cost

Gov't Bank Auditors Got Big Bonuses

Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother

Hoekstra: Enact Law to Recall Federal Officials

Jimmy Carter: Partisan Divide 'Unprecedented'

Paterson's Press Secretary Resigns Amid Scandal

Cantor, Hoyer Fight over Healthcare Vote Maneuvers

Reagan 'GE Theater' Tapes Restored, Go to Library

Senate Votes to Change Cocaine Sentencing Rules

Calif. Considers Smoking Ban at All State Parks

Authorities: Prius Seen With Flashing Brake Lights

Blacks Must Leave, N.J. Walmart Announcer Says

Subpoenas Reportedly Issued in Sen. Ensign Probe

Poll: Boxer in Tough Fight to Keep CA Senate Seat

Illinois GOP Borrows Brown's Strategy

Paterson Breaks Silence On Top Aide's Accuser

California Governor's Race Tightens: Poll

Nigerian Speaker: Gadhafi is 'Mad Man'

N. Korea Executes Currency Reform Official

Muslim Veil Controversy Rocks Canada

Lula Visits Arafat's Tomb as Israelis Fume

Stiglitz: State Budget Cuts Foolishly Hinder Recovery

Hoyer: Health Bill Will Cut Deficit $100 Billion

Reich: Economic Recovery Is Government 'Sham'

Guru Trio: Bull Martket Isn't Going Away Soon

Vitamin B6 Helps Prevent Colon Cancer

Kraft Will Cut Salt in Foods

U.S. Company Accused of Exporting Military Tech

Viacom-Youtube Secrets to Be Exposed in Lawsuit

Soyuz Spacecraft Lands Safely in Kazakh Steppe

Facebook Beats Google in U.S.

Influential Big Star Member Alex Chilton Dies

First 'American Idol' Finalist Booted

Picasso Portrait, Once Center of Dispute, for Sale

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Odds and Ends


American Thinker: ObamaCare is Tyranny, Not Legislation

Tony Blankley : Constitutional Law 101 - Townhall.com

ClubOrlov: Corn Madness

Battling The Antichrist By Outlawing Microchips | Religious Right | ReligionDispatches

Hand germs could join fingerprints, DNA in forensics labs - Yahoo! News UK

savethemales.ca - "We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

Newsmax - Government Gambles With Education

Newsmax - Obamacare Would Prompt Devastating Medicare Cuts

Newsmax - Voters Are Wise to Pelosi's Healthcare Tricks

Newsmax - Don't Bash Michelle Obama

Newsmax - Global Warming Alarmist: 'Americans Should Go Childless'

Newsmax - ‘When China Rules the World’ Pays Homage to China

The Last Hope by Fred Reed

A Low-Tech Solution to the Health Care Crisis by Mark Sisson

Census resisters cite distrust of government in balking at 2010 forms - chicagotribune.com

American Military: Trust in the Last Vestige of US Dominance by Bill Bonner

Walter Williams:The Warmers Strike Back

Dems tap drug maker millions for PhRMA-friendly bill | Washington Examiner

How I found God and peace with my atheist brother

Countdown: Bret Baier Interrupts Obama During Fox News Interview

Virginia's Wingnut AG Says He'll Sue Federal Government If Health Care Reform Passes

FCC TO Propose National High-Speed Internet

Before Badgering Obama, Bret Baier Compared Bush to Lincoln

Santorum: Democrats are Worried Obama May Go to Indonesia and Bow to More Muslims

Administration Economic Officials See "Extended" Period of Unemployment

Bill O'Reilly quotes false survey: 46% of Physicians May Leave Medical Profession: UPDATED

Tea Party Petitions Court To Remove Sen. Menendez. Is NJ Turning Into California?

Catholic nuns endorse HCR in defiance of bishops' mandate

Franken: A Perversion of the Filibuster

Beck steps up the eliminationist attacks on progressives as health-care reform effort comes to a head

"Live Chat " Blue America PAC endorses Connie Saltonstall, Progressive Challenger To Bart Stupak

Dennis Kucinich is voting for HCR

Tea Partiers Mock And Scorn Man With Parkinson's

Right Wing Attacks an 11 Year Old

CNN hires RedState's Erick Erickson, officially descends to the ninth circle of hell

Mitch McConnell Accuses the Democrats of 'Scheme and Deem'

Rep. Louie Gohmert on the Health Care Reform Bill "I Brought An Abortion To Show You" And Washington DC Is Surrounded By Demons

What If You Threw A Tea Party, And No One Came?

Michael Moore: 'Waiting To See If People Rise Up - And If So, I'll Rise With Them'


What’s Constitutional Money Anyway? « LewRockwell.com Blog


*16 pg/The U.S. Constitution and Money


Washington's Blog:Colleen Rowley: Minders Ensured She Didn't Say Anything About 9/11 the FBI Didn't WANT Told, Even to Government Officials With Top Security Clearance F

EclippTV :: Video :: 2010 census: Title 13 does not require Americans to respond!

Foreign Policy Journal » Néjàd Vu, All Over Again: The Media, ‘Pretext’, Context, & 9/11 » Print

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul - The Fed has no Exit Plan

StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide - Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment

Man screams abuse at Pope Benedict XVI | Herald Sun

Allen L Roland's Weblog: HR 645 / U.S. Preparing For Civil Unrest

The 800 Pound Gorilla - Israel did 9/11

FOXNews.com - Ancient Muslim Ruins Found in Israel ... Again

Op-Ed Contributor - Why the Fed is the wrong place to house a consumer financial protection agency. - NYTimes.com

national journal: The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews

Humans are no Angels, but they can aspire to modern-day sainthood « Time to Think

Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP): Nuclear Bunker Buster Animation (2005) | Union of Concerned Scientists

ACLU obtains document stating 9/11 commission told to "not cross the line"

The Growing Movement for Publicly Owned Banks by Ellen Brown — YES! Magazine

EclippTV :: Video :: Keiser Report №25: Markets! Finance! Scandal!


YouTube - Cryptome's John Young on Alex Jones TV 1/3: The Internet is a Police State Surveillance Grid

YouTube - Cryptome's John Young on Alex Jones TV 2/3: The Internet is a Police State Surveillance Grid

YouTube - Cryptome's John Young on Alex Jones TV 3/3: The Internet is a Police State Surveillance Grid


Fox News Exclusive: President Obama - Video - FoxNews.com


FNC Exclusive: President Obama - Video - FoxNews.com

FOXNews.com - Obama: 'Procedural' Spat Over Health Bill Vote Doesn't Worry Me




Alex Chilton: An appreciation | EW.com

Conan O'Brien, Fox in preliminary negotiations | EW.com

Donald Trump's 'The Apprentice' returns to featuring everyday people instead of celebrities - NYPOST.com

Miley Cyrus Hates ‘Being Thought Of As A Product,’ Admits Nick Jonas Was Not First Love » Hollywood Crush

'South Park' season premiere review: Tiger Woods got golf-clubbed | EW.com

BBC News - New US-Russia nuclear deal 'soon' says Hillary Clinton

Assad: Mideast peace 'impossible' with Netanyahu - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube - Inside Story - US-Israel ties 'unshakeable'

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: Impeachment - Intrigues That Swayed Senate in Favour of Yar'Adua

BBC News - Vatican ends "wall of silence" over child abuse scandal

YouTube - Pope steps into row over Irish sex abuse scandal

Q+A-What is behind Merkel's euro zone strategy? | Reuters

CIA Director: US Attacks Have Weakened al-Qaida | Asia | English

YouTube - CIA: Al Qaeda Leaders on the Run

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - UK kidnap boy reunited with family

Basque Group ETA Killed French Police Officer, France Says - NYTimes.com

China reiterates diplomcy on Iran nuclear issue

BBC News - Polish court jails three men for Auschwitz sign theft

AFP: US operations already started in Kandahar: commanders

Indonesia Islamic Leaders Urge President Obama to Address Mideast Policy | Asia | English

YouTube - Indonesia Remembers Obama As a Boy

House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Hawaii considering law to ignore Obama 'birthers'

Jihad Jane pleads not guilty to terrorism | Reuters

Capitol Hill cops decry bullying staff members - TheHill.com

Jerry Brown urges unions to 'attack'| PolitiCal | Los Angeles Times

Dubai hotel releases whale shark back into wild

Senator Smiley: Al Franken pulls no punches, but adds a few punch lines - washingtonpost.com

Arrest Made In Investigation Linked To Actor Haim - wcbstv.com

Man Accused of Urinating on Women in Jersey City

Condom requirement for porn film actors to be voted on in California | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Pooch poser: Dogs originated from Middle East wolves - Yahoo! News

Cable Network Rankings: FNC #2, MSNBC #26, CNN #32, HLN #37 in Prime - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Ellie Light revealed: I'm Barbara Brooks, a nurse, says Pro-Obama letter writer | cleveland.com

» President Obama Promotes OFA Astroturf Campaign (with Bonus Plagiarism) - Big Journalism

City Hall Debate On Proposed Tax On Sugared Beverages Gets Heated - cbs3.com

Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Government, Politics, Economics, Management

Federal Employees Owe IRS Back Taxes - ABC News

Sandra Bullock and Jesse James Having Marital Troubles, People Magazine Says - ABC News

Oscar love curse - NYPOST.com

Wal-Mart Paging Victims: "It Was Disgusting" | NBC Philadelphia

Conservative News: UPDATED: Democrats Touting 'Unofficial' CBO Score - HUMAN EVENTS

House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill

Stupak: Health fight has been 'living hell’ - TheHill.com

Pelosi Tactic for Health-Care Vote Would Raise Legal Questions - Bloomberg.com

Breitbart.tv » Puzzling Statement: Obama Says ‘Louisiana Purchase’ Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii

Five myths about the health-care reform battle - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - House Leaders Face Off on Health Care

Lesson learned may help other institutions prepare, respond - chicagotribune.com

Right Wing: Bret Baier Outfoxes Obama, But Who Is Listening? - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

YouTube - Obama's Contentious Fox News Interview

Brewing tensions between the Tea Party and GOP | Reuters

Shantina Smiley Search Renewes After Evidence Washes Ashore - ABC News

No Child Left Behind: Obama overhaul takes flak from both parties / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Steve Levy Plans Switch to G.O.P., Stirring Governor’s Race - NYTimes.com

Episcopalians Confirm Mary Glasspool as a Second Openly Gay Bishop - NYTimes.com

JURIST - Paper Chase: Senate passes bill to reduce cocaine sentencing disparity

Gene researchers find Middle Eastern origins for dogs - Science Fair: Science and Space News - USATODAY.com

2 wolves shot; tests to determine whether they killed woman - CNN.com

Steven Spielberg Pays Tribute to Veterans Past & Present

‘Green Zone’ Brings to Cinematic Life All the Left’s Desperate Lies About Iraq

Lonewolf Diaries: Lady Gaga Sells Sex, MSM Predictably Buys

Daily Gut: Flying the American Flag in Haiti

Ratings Disappointment: Did Tom Hanks’ ‘War of Terror and Racism’ Comments Damage ‘The Pacific?’

Jay Leno’s Back on Top & Critics Remain as Irrelevant as Ever

ClimateGate: What Will Television Do With All Their Scare-Programming?

It’s Time for A Federal Government Garage Sale

Stimulus Springs Eternal: Building Roads In Upscale Illinois Neighborhoods

ObamaCare: Opposition Is Now Bi-Partisan

President Obama Promotes OFA Astroturf Campaign (with Bonus Plagiarism)

Daily Gut: Change Comes to ACORN (with ‘Red Eye’ Robots!)

Jerry Brown Urges Unions to ‘Attack’

Health Care Reform Meets the Chicago Way

Ohio Senator Acknowledges Any Health Reform Bill Will Lead to Public Option

Is Dodd Ending Too Big to Fail?

Richard E. Neal (MA-2), Nancy Pelosi’s and Ireland’s Tax Man on the Hill

Yet Another Government Takeover: Student Loan Edition

Obama’s Scheme to Gut the Coast Guard

Rigging the Healthcare Debate with Dishonest Numbers

Modern Day Mutually Assured Destruction

Thread: Breitbart Guest-Hosts ‘The Savage Nation’

With ‘Health-Care Reform’ Looming, Is It Time for the MSM to Brush Up On Its History?

FOX News’ Bret Baier Shows Why Obama Has Been Dodging FOX News

‘Paradise Lost’ Overnight Thread: ‘God’ Obama Meets ‘Satan’s News Network’

CBS News Warns of Indonesian Protests Against U.S. President, Depending On Which President

In the Wake of Massa Madness, Watch For MSM Examination of ‘Military Culture’

The MSM and Obama’s ‘Medi-Grab’: Let Their Punishment Fit the Crime

Top Ten Reasons Why the Me-Too ‘Coffee Party’ Won’t Amount To a Hill of Beans

But It Fit the Narrative! Media Falls for Phony Toyota Prius Story

The Stupidity, Futility, and Fantasy of “Earth Hour”

NewsBusted: How is Obama Better than Bush?

Presenting Pisco, the Surfing Alpaca

Overnight Thread, Sad Commentary Division: How Ignorant Are Today’s Journalists?

Debbie Schlussel:Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

Debbie SchlusselBig Brother v. St. Patrick’s Day; Luck O’the Muslims

Debbie SchlusselFine Whine of the Week: Star of Biggest 2009 Movies Cries “Racism”

Debbie SchlusselAlhamdillullah: Obama, Biden, Hillary Ignite Violent Muslim Riots in Israel – “Third Intifada”

Debbie SchlusselPriorities, Shmiorities: Barack Obama Takes Major Step in Dying Economy

Debbie SchlusselMeet the New “Green Police”: The Girl Scouts “Teach” Your Daughters

Debbie SchlusselOn Those “Disputed” 1600 Israeli “Settlements”

Debbie SchlusselHow Iraqis “Embrace” “Democracy”: 30% of Christian Ballots Tossed









China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S. - NYTimes.com

CSU East Bay professor charged with child porn

Everyday terror at 'Intifada' HS - NYPOST.com

Gov. Perry aims to put more boots on the border | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Dems' 'deem' scheme - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Mexican Drug Gang to Blame for Killings of U.S. Consulate Workers

FOXNews.com - Pakistani Court Charges Five Americans With Planning Terror Attacks, Lawyers Says

Janet Napolitano halts Mexico fence plan - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says - Washington Times

Al Sharpton Becomes Obama's Ambassador to Black Community - WSJ.com

National Debt Up $2 Trillion on Obama's Watch - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Uncle Sam Wants to "Friend" You - CBS News

Netanyahu's brother-in-law: Obama is an anti-Semite - Haaretz - Israel News

AFP: US may be seeking Israel 'regime change'

Madoff Was Beaten in Prison - WSJ.com

Sandra Bullock's husband allegedly having affair with tattoo model, moves out of house, cancels premiere - NYPOST.com

An Irishman goes into the confessional box after... | Bandit Design's Tumble Log

America's Political Crisis

The Keynesian Fraud

Neo-Soviet Russia and America

The Subtext of the Obama-Israel Dispute

Hanks, Hollywood, and History

Bill Maher to God: Stand Aside for ObamaCare

Obama Is a Stranger in a Strange Land

Bret Baier: 1; President Obama: 0

Chris Christie's New Jersey Revolution

Breaking the Obama Code: The Green Money Machine

No Reason for Economic Optimism

The President's Middle East Playbook

Obama's Trade Policy Agenda

Hillary Gives the Palestinians a Free Pass

A bluff? Or are we prepping an Iran strike?

As Illinois Democratic moderates go, so goes the nation?

Under Obama, change in the debt you can believe in

EPA to regulate the fleas and ticks on your dog

Obama's hypocrisy on the environment exposed

Go ahead, Barry. Make our day

China's hard line on economics

Obama: Vote on Healthcare, Then Evaluate the Bill

Which side in health care battle is bi-partisan?

Right and left join hands against Obamacare

No information FOIA you

Lawsuit readied challenging constitutionality of Demon Pass by Landmark Foundation

Republican Congressmen to force vote on Slaughter rule tomorrow morning

Moveon's empty threat

The Beast that Will Not Die

How to really be accurate on 'race' on the Census

VA nightmare a harbinger of what we can expect under Obamacare

Clyburn says health care vote may slip until after Easter

Army softens training for recruits

Is Fox News tilting toward the Arabs?

Voting present - DC Style

The left doesn't know what anger is until health care reform is passed

Moveon.org threatens wavering Dems on health care reform

Hillary and Israel; You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

'Deem and pass' or a Demon Pass?

The un-American Empire

March Came In like a Hermit and Out Like a Delegate

Capitalism Failure--NOT

Health Care Reform: The Road to Socialism


Are you an Enemy of the State?

Corporate Shills and Apologists (Blaming Toyota Drivers)

Obama Believes Pro-Life Democrats Fodder for Gifts

The modern national embarrassment equal to slavery

S 3081 and the American Police State

Revisiting 9/11

Supreme Court will Uphold our Right to Gun Ownership



*Crime Mapping


*Chicago crime data (formerly chicagocrime.org) | EveryBlock Chicago

*CLEARMAP:Chicago Police Department Geographic Information System

*National Sex Offender Registry

Criminal Searches

BIG $$$

*The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com*


Obama delays trip for health care

President Obama's pitch: Fate of presidency on the line - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Republicans plot ways to block health reform in Senate - Carrie Budoff Brown and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Congressional Budget Office releases health bill estimates - Patrick O'Connor and Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Steny Hoyer: Partisans 'inflame and incite' Americans on health care - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Dems' love-hate game with Wall St. - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Obama-Fox sitdown gets testy - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Twisting path to 216 for Pelosi - Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

GOP gears up for health bill lawsuits - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Senate Republicans split on earmarks - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

The truth about Massachusetts health care reform - Tim Murphy - POLITICO.com

Reform would seal Obama's fate - Grover G. Norquist - POLITICO.com

Why health care must be passed now - Jacob S. Hacker - POLITICO.com

GOP attacks on Nancy Pelosi have a familiar ring - John Aloysius Farrell - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Reform Threatens Alternative Medicine

A vote? We don’t need no stinking vote! - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Misleading Points - Ramesh Ponnuru - The Corner on National Review Online

O's middle-class squeeze - NYPOST.com

Pelosi's time

Dose of truth for Obama - BostonHerald.com

RealClearPolitics - Dems Wrong War: Health Care Amid Jobs Crisis

Op-Ed: Health bill is malpractice - Yahoo! News

Op-Ed Columnist - Access, Access, Access - NYTimes.com

Still a chance for the middle ground | ajc.com

Fred Barnes: The Health-Care Wars Are Only Beginning - WSJ.com

POTUS V. SCOTUS | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Why Can't Uncle Sam Learn?

Column: Air safety demands a global response - Opinion - USATODAY.com

A new low for health care bill? - The Denver Post

A self-executing rule for the healthcare bill might be an ugly procedure, but it's no abuse of power - latimes.com

End run by Dems is a travesty

44 - Democrats spar with AP over health-care fact check

Bernanke urges lawmakers not to slash Fed's regulatory authority - latimes.com

Lawmakers Say Needs of Rural Schools Are Overlooked - NYTimes.com

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Entrepreneurs — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

What American Dream? - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets - Why the SEIU Wants Health Reform

Small-Business Guide - How to Prepare Your Business for Succession - NYTimes.com

Lehman's collapse was all its own fault - latimes.com

Lehman’s Auditor Goes Blind From the Cooking: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg.com

Bailout bonanza - NYPOST.com

Sen. Dodd's regulatory rewrite - washingtonpost.com

Obama’s timidity threatens US leadership in the region - The National Newspaper

The Kremlin Loses Some, Wins More - By Julia Ioffe | Foreign Policy

Rupert Cornwell: Obama won't restrain Israel - he can't - Rupert Cornwell, Commentators - The Independent

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

North Korea’s Comic Propaganda | The Diplomat

China: the coming costs of a superbubble / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

The Slaughter on the Southern Border - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online

American-Israeli relations: Where did all the love go? | The Economist

Uncomfortable Truth -Times Online

Is the U.S. doing enough to help dying Juarez? - washingtonpost.com


*3-17/Transcripts Obama's Remarks at St. Patrick's Day Luncheon

Bernanke's Testimony on Bank Supervision

*3-16/Interview with Senate Minority Leader McConnell

Panel on the Health Care Process

Interview with Senator Lindsey Graham

Senator Richard Shelby on Regulatory Reform

Holder's Remarks to Appropriations Justice Subcommittee

Clinton's Remarks with Ireland's Foreign Minister


*3-15/Obama's Remarks in Strongsville, Ohio

Panel on How the Dems Can Pass Health Care

Interview with Rep. James Clyburn

Stupak Still Against the Health Care Bill

Senator Chris Dodd on His Financial Reform Package

Interview with Rep. John Larson

Interview with J.D. Hayworth

Clinton's Interview with The New York Times

AG Holder's Remarks at DOJ's Open Government Event


Hamas advises Obama: Get your act together

Hamas chief cannot rule out 3rd intifada

Not again! Meet Obama's new controversial pastor

The eyes of Obama are everywhere – even on Temple Mount

Obama czar in 'clean energy' corruption?

The tea-party manifesto

Why we really need government health care

Audit Obama

All issues are 'social issues'

Census critics: Document 'involuntary colonoscopy'

States to feds: Take a hike!

Mark Levin: We will sue over health-care trick

5th state exempts guns. Is Washington noticing?

Microsoft Xbox: 'Impeach Obama' off limits

WND RADIO Hometown ads target pro-life Democrats

WND RADIO 'Subject Congress to same health-care plan'

WND RADIO 700,000 jobs lost under Obama health plan?

Obama taps NPR reporter's sister for federal bench

Health-care 'trickery' called overthrow of Constitution

Mark Levin: We will sue over health-care trick

Code Red! Americans fight to crush Obamacare

Republicans plot ways to block health reform in Senate - Carrie Budoff Brown and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Idaho first to sign law aimed at health care plan - Yahoo! News

Virginia Politics Blog - Cuccinelli's office confirms Virginia will sue over health care

Stephen Lynch calls health care vote plan ‘disingenuous’ - BostonHerald.com

FOXNews.com - Health Bill Estimated to Cost $940 Billion, Setting Up Possible Sunday Vote

Stupak: Health fight has been 'living hell’ - TheHill.com

Limbaugh inspires a half-million phone calls against the health bill - TheHill.com

Fox News Exclusive: President Obama - Video - FoxNews.com

Obama's Fox interview gets combative - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Obama: “The Louisiana Purchase would cover an earthquake in Hawaii”?

Excise tax questions re-emerging - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Cahill attacks health care law - The Boston Globe

Tea parties win key victory in ousting Congress

Inside Obama's manufactured crises

Obama Invited to Give a New Gettysburg Address - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Telegraph | Error 404 | Sorry, the page you have requested is not available

Meet the 'chubby boy with the curly hair': New photographs of Barack Obama's childhood in Indonesia emerge | Mail Online

U.S. accused of aiding terror

Al Qaeda websites present growing threat, FBI's Mueller warns / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Deficits making U.S. military nervous

Report: Drone killed al-Qaeda figure linked to CIA attack -

Census threat: $5,000 fines

Girl Scouts taught how to be 'hot'

NOW backs Stupak challenger - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Study Shows Money Flooding into Campaigns for State Judgeships - ABC News

Hamas advises Obama: Get your act together

American-Israeli relations: Where did all the love go? | The Economist

Netanyahu’s Brother-in-Law: Obama’s an Anti-Semite - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Robert Kagan - Allies everywhere feeling snubbed by President Obama - washingtonpost.com

How to stop federal spending? Try constitutional amendment

Muslim group calls textbooks discriminatory | Reuters

Birth tourism in US on the rise for Turkish parents - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Janet Napolitano halts Mexico fence plan - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Robbery suspect is still on the loose | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S. - NYTimes.com

Cops: Man lured by ex, sodomized | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/17/2010

Thieves grab up to $75 million in Eli Lilly drugs | Reuters

Charge: He prostituted wife via Craigslist | StarTribune.com

Local Man Jailed For Crossing Street - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh

Rape has become new fear for women struggling to survive in earthquake-ravaged Haiti

Russia: As Russian Lutherans come under suspicion for “terrorism”, police shows ignorance about religion | Spero News

Baltimore Jewish Times - Israeli News | Knesset Passes Civil Union Bill

Levi Johnston ordered to cough up 20 percent of his annual income for child support to Bristol Palin

Survey: Buzz Lightyear, Luke Skywalker first men on moon, say British students

Planned Parenthood Centers Using Dangerous Abortion Drug More, Survey Shows

US clinic offers chance for free human eggs - Minnmoms.com

The Real St. Patrick | Christian History

Israeli Company Develops Bionic Retina Implant - Health - Israel News - Israel National News

Health sense: Emotional tears are an individual thing. How tears developed is unclear, but they seem to be beneficial. So, go ahead and cry. - latimes.com

Ananova - Man has 12 fingers and 14 toes

BBC News - New exoplanet like 'one of ours'

Medieval child's brain to unlock human thought processes - Telegraph

In a Desert in China, a Trove of 4,000-Year-Old Mummies - NYTimes.com

'Therapeutic ringtones' for mobile phones create a buzz in Japan - Times Online

Blinded soldier now able to 'see' with his tongue - Telegraph

Did angels intercede to save Reagan's life?

video:Christians, it's time to celebrate ... the goddess

video:Is the afterlife heaven, hell or outer space?

Pies-in-face attack roils anarchist-vegan world

Sexist thinking still present in writing: Mr and Mrs is 16th century throwback | Mail Online

Simon Cowell to convert to Islam to marry girlfriend?


*American Minute for March 18th:William J Federer's American Minute


YONHAP NEWS:N. Korean technocrat executed for bungled currency reform: sources

Hallandale alligator processor turns pythons into leather products

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

U.S. Cost of Living Probably Cooled as Fuel Prices, Rents Eased - Bloomberg.com

More than 100 complaints lodged over fixed Toyotas - Yahoo! News

Hillary Clinton contracts purchases of $5.4M in crystal stemware for American Embassies to Swedish firm Orrefors/Kosta Boda USA - NYPOST.com

Murders Of Kevin Clewer, Brad Winters, Which Shook Chicago's Gay Community, Remain Unsolved - cbs2chicago.com

The Chronicle | NIU report: Feb. 14 shooter angry at 'supportive family'

My health-care plan

Dawn of the Dems

Where this is going: Single-payer nightmare

Obamacare scheming smells of Jekyll Island

Fooling Granny

The tea-party manifesto

The social-networking police

Obamacare Slaughter Rule is without Precedent | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

How politicians kill U.S. cities

The Rutherford Institute - Commentary


*Jackie Mason:Clueless Joe Biden


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility lawyer says 'standing' a no-brainer

Virginia questions Obama's eligibility

‘Birther’ lawyer Taitz running for secretary of state - Total Buzz : The Orange County Register

Glenn Beck: Eligibility 'not winnable argument'



Congressional Vote Score Card with Progressive List



*Politics Video:3-18/McConnell: Fight Between "Democrats & Their Own Constituents"

Barrasso & Coburn: Bill Won't Expand Care

Nancy Reagan Receives 'GE Theater' Tapes

Daschle On Getting The Votes

Matthews: 'There Is Another Network, Fox, Where There's Absolutely No Debate'

Rep. Van Hollen: Bill Contains Costs

Chamber Of Commerce Opposes Dodd's Reforms

Secretary Napolitano On The Virtual Border Fence

Brzezinski: Nuclear Iran Can Be Deterred

Dunn, Perino Debate Health Care

*3-17/FOX New Special Report Interview with President Obama

Biden Delivers Punchlines at Correspondents Dinner

Obama: Ted Kennedy 'Watching'

Rep. Lipinski Now A 'No' On HC Bill

Secretary Napolitano On The 'Factor'

Rep. Woolsey on Kucinich's Change

Kucinich Defends Changing His Vote

Obama Meets With Irish PM Brian Cowen

Rep. Boustany Outraged Over 'Deem & Pass'

Rep. Smith: 'We're Not Rushing Health Care'

Rep. Cummings: Jobs Bill Doesn't Do Enough

Sen. Gregg: House Procedure 'Incomprehensible'

Kaine: There Will Be A Vote

O'Reilly: Why The Health Care Debate Is So Intense

NRSC Video Criticizes Democratic Corruption

Cafferty: House Process 'Beyond Sleazy'

President Obama: I Don't Spend Time Worrying About What the Procedural Rules Are

Graham: 'Democrats Have Lost Their Political Minds'

Sen. Nelson On The Space Program

Leaders Honor Irish Heritage

Hoyer, Cantor On The Latest HC News

Rep. Stupak Still a 'No' Vote

Rep. Larson: We Hope To Vote This Weekend

Panel On House Health Care Process

AHIP Head On Stopping The HC Bill

Senator Lincoln on "Morning Joe"

Kucinich Announces His Support For The HC Bill


Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-17, Wednesday

March 17, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

03/17 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/17/2010


Health Insurer Targets HIV Patients To Drop Them

CBO: HCR knocks $130 billion from deficit, extends Medicare solvency

ALIPAC - Poll: Hayworth Close To Defeating John McCain!

Obama signs $17.6 billion jobs bill - Yahoo! Finance

china-drawing-high-tech-research-from-us: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

House Dems on track for vote on $940B health bill - Yahoo! Finance

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Holly Greig, Sheriff Gets Court Order to Silence Abuse Claims

Tehran accused of arming Taleban with weapons and explosives - Times Online

Armenian genocide resolution may right history — but jeopardises future - Times Online

Haiti: All 'orphans' taken by US missionaires have parents - Telegraph

Wave of student suicides hits Ivy League campus - Americas, World - The Independent

Medieval child's brain to unlock human thought processes - Telegraph

Tony Blair got cash for deal with South Korean oil firm | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Labour has taken 13 years of diabolical liberties with Britain - Telegraph

Police or provocateurs? | Hannah Sell | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Vienna Boys’ Choir caught up in sex abuse scandals -Times Online

Lesbian bishop approval by US church causes outcry | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cloves are new healthy super-food, scientist - Telegraph



Outrage as Tom Hanks brands war veterans 'racist' after filming The Pacific | News.com.au

US Hoyer: Expects House To Vote On, Pass, Health Care Sunday | iMarketNews.com

Author Lewis says Wall Street reckoning is coming

Army Sees Document Web Site as a Potential Threat - NYTimes.com


Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Soaring IED attacks in Afghanistan stymie U.S. counteroffensive

YouTube - The Military KNOWS Israel pulled of 911

The Raw Story | US envoy 'due in Middle East on March 21'

DiManno: Sweden: A new hotbed of hatred? - thestar.com

Construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem to begin soon God willing ! « Godssecret's Weblog

China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S. - NYTimes.com

Carbon Eugenics | The Corbett Report

TruthAlliance.net > News > Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

6 Subtle Ways The News Media Disguises Bullshit As Fact | Cracked.com

Federal Employees Owe IRS Back Taxes - ABC News

Repo 105 on Vimeo

bernanke wants to eliminate reserve requirements completely: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Madoff Computer Programmers Indicted: Jerome O’Hara, George Perez Rigged Computer, Feds Say

Conspiracy of Silence: Child Sex Abuse

A Low-Tech Solution to the Health Care Crisis by Mark Sisson

American Military: Trust in the Last Vestige of US Dominance by Bill Bonner

Bombing of Dresden in World War II

YouTube - Buy, Buy American Pie