"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 March 2010

17 March (click here)

Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America

Texas Architects & Engineers call for a Real Investigation of the Destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11

Top Ratings Agency Warns Austerity Riots Could Hit America

Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans

Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government “Hate”

US Readies Cyberwar, Virtual Flag Terrorism

The next big bailout is on the way. Prepare to get reamed!

John McCain’s Attack On Liberty(w/article links)

All American Blogger » Maurice Strong and the Collapse of Industrialized Civilizations

The Globalist Push To Crush The Rich Nations In Preparation For Global Carbon Tax And New World Order

Social Security Marks First Deficit in Decades - Finance - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Let Me Know When You See Fire: The Flaming Inferno Story on 9/11

David Ray Griffin says hijackers were alive after 9/11

Bruce Ivins' attorney calls for case to be re-opened | Bio Prep Watch

"JihadJane" was laughable, Web watchers say | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/12/2010

Former President Of Just Failed Park Avenue Bank Arrested On Bank Bribery, Embezzlement And Fraud Charges | zero hedge

Tulsa World: 6,000 cheer Palin, Beck

News Reports On Possible Iran Attack Pick Up Momentum

Hundreds Of Americans File Complaints Over Naked Body Scanners

SPLC Caught On Tape Repeating Lies About Alex Jones and Cop Killer Poplawski

In Austerity We Trust

Invisible Empire: All Conspiracy, No Theory

More Retirement Disasters

Thailand braced for huge demonstrations as protesters seek to bring down Government - Times Online

PhRMA plans $6 million pro-reform ad buy in 38 House districts -- Kucinich announcing vote decision at 10 a.m. -- Dems 11 votes shy of 216 -- Poll: Public split on reform -- 'Pay for delay' dead


* H.R. 645 - GovTrack.us


HR 646: U.S. Preparing for Civil Unrest


Cynthia McKinney and Dr. Nafeez Ahmed discuss 9/11 in UK Parliament

Tarpley: Virtual Flag Terrorism Next Threat

A Constitutional Dollar

Vatican official cautions against GMOs

U.S. Court Rules Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism

Would U.S. Troops Fire On Americans?

MSNBC Says Kucinich Will Flip Flop and Vote for Obamacare

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

Saudis may allow Israel’s use of air space in Iran attack

Congress Democrats Plot Against Constitution and Bill of Rights in Meeting

Where Are Your Papers? Judge Napolitano Covers the Biometric ID Scheme

Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower ‘Protections’

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph

Fed gets new oversight powers under Dodd bill | Reuters

Curry house owner foils burglary... and then HE'S thrown in cell when yobs complain | Mail Online

FBI uses phony profiles on social networks to track suspects -

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - NYTimes.com

eCanadaNow » TSA To Make Full Body Scans Mandatory At US Airports

Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush | Raw Story

Campaign For Liberty — Do the Healthcaremongers Hold Us in Contempt? | by David McKalip, M.D.

Bigeye Blog - The 911 Cat is Out of the Bag, by Stewart Ogilby

Ventura: ‘You’re not allowed to ask’ about 9/11 | Raw Story

Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says - Washington Times

HeraldNet: Jihad Jane: Terror by reason of insanity

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Dallas police seek blood tests for all DWI suspects | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas News on Yahoo! | The Dallas Morning News

D.C. home to most cyber-criminals - wtop.com

Mind-Control Coming To A Computer Near You? - Technology News - redOrbit

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

Hawaii considers ban on requests for Obama's birth certificate - Telegraph

CNSNews.com - Dreier Says Health Bill Would Pass if Dems Can Use Slaughter Rule

Hundreds Of Americans File Complaints Over Naked Body Scanners

Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans

Pelosi: 'Once we kick through this door,' more reform will follow | Washington Examiner

Invisible Empire: All Conspiracy, No Theory

Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government “Hate”

Dopamine, Wall Street and the Financial Meltdown

Ron Paul – “The ED Show” MSNBC, 03/15/10

SPLC Caught On Tape Repeating Lies About Alex Jones and Cop Killer Poplawski

US ‘used plague bomb’ in Korea War

House Democrats' tactic for health-care bill is debated

MEP: Euro will collapse, ‘Pig States’ to bring EU down

FOIA Review: More Government Secrecy Under Obama Than Bush

Neocon Witchhunters and Dictatorship

Colleen Rowley: Minders Ensured She Didn’t Say Anything About 9/11 the FBI Didn’t WANT Told, Even to Government Officials With Top Security Clearance

Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv

Supporting the War Instead of the Troops

Clinton vows loyalty to Israel, rejecting any tensions

Martin Feldstein: The Greek Austerity Measures Will Fail, And The Country Will Quit The Euro

Worldwide arms trade flourishing despite recession, report warns | World news | guardian.co.uk

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

Jim Rogers Sizes Up Two Global Bubbles

More Evidence that Banks Create Credit Out of Thin Air

Rich Chinese Communists Channel U.S. Tea Party in Tax Debate - Bloomberg.com

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Norad Flight Exercise Planned For Washington, D.C.

DWP rates may rise between 8% and 28% to pay for mayor’s green initiatives

Barack Obama threatens to withdraw support from wavering Democrats - Telegraph

ACLU sues to obtain basic data, legal justification for Predator drone program

MSNBC’s Shuster: ‘Far Right’ Protesters Are ‘Going Nuts’ on Capitol Hill

Contestants turn torturers in French TV experiment - Yahoo! News

Protecting agencies from oversight, Obama threatens to veto intelligence funding

Schools 'break law' to spy on pupils | Education | guardian.co.uk

Direct Evidence that Most U.S. Warming Since 1973 Could Be Spurious

Climategate: two more bricks fall out of the IPCC wall of deceit – rainforests and polar bears – Telegraph Blogs

Top Ratings Agency Warns Austerity Riots Could Hit America

Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage

Secret Service - Sinclair Never Under Investigation


Paul A Drockton M.A.: More Numb3rs of the Occult

Our Corrupt And Incompetent US Congress

DNA from fossilised eggshells could help reconstruct lives of extinct birds | Science | The Guardian

3D televisions 'the norm' within five years, experts predict - Telegraph

The Siege Of The Fictional City Of Marja

David Duke--the Russian Mafia is a Jewish Mafia, not Russian

The Beck Deception « Grand Delusion

50 Facts About U.S. Nuclear Weapons - Brookings Institution

Intrigue soars as 75 starlings fall out of sky - Nature, Environment - The Independent

Meteorites may have kick-started life on Earth - Telegraph

Google to scan one million books from Rome and Florence libraries - Telegraph

American lecturers banning laptops from the classroom - Times Online

Roy Tov – Pilgrim's Guide: 0000-0000

Illegal Immigration & The SPLC

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Son of Sam Murders and the Occult

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Brain scan can read people's thoughts: researchers - Yahoo! News

Manchester Police blame David Askew's death on council | Mail Online

Response: Scientists should stop deceiving us | Comment is free | The Guardian

What the devil is going on at the Vatican? - Telegraph

James Brown's body is 'missing from its crypt', alleges singer's daughter | Mail Online

The March To Bankruptcy - Only A Matter Of Time

On Satan’s trail with Don Gabriele, the world’s most famous exorcist - Times Online

Pope knew priest was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry -Times Online

Cro Magnon skull supports theory that human brains have begun to shrink - Times Online

Google news tax could boost local papers, report says | Media | The Guardian

Obesity: The killer combination of salt, fat and sugar | David A Kessler | Life and style | The Guardian

Israel and America: Foolish tricks | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Roy Tov: On a Good Pope, a Bad Politician and an Evil General

Health Care Reform - Communist Style

savethemales.ca - Darwin Was an Illuminati Shill

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars | Economy | AlterNet

Search on for Death Star that throws out deadly comets - Telegraph

Don't look to Rahm Emanuel to explain Barack Obama's woes | John McQuaid | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama tries to find a scapegoat for his own hubris - Telegraph

Pope being set up over Munich sex abuse case, says Vatican | World news | The Observer

50 Strange Buildings of the World | Village Of Joy

YouTube - Sam Cohen on the Neutron Bomb MVI 4790

YouTube - Part II Sam Cohen Interview re: The Neutron Bomb

YouTube - Sam Cohen on "using the neutron bomb in the persian gulf war"

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Da Vinci ‘predicted world would end in 4006’ says Vatican researcher - Times Online

One in five Britons 'descended from aristocracy' | Mail Online

Princess Diana book claims her driver was framed - Telegraph

Life, but not as we know it | Paul Davies | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama aide calls Israeli settlement announcement an 'insult' to the US | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cornell copes with second gorge death in week | theithacajournal.com | The Ithaca Journal

Five Features the iPad Needs for Business - PCWorld Business Center

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah: Deseret News Editor No Stranger to Scandal

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Linda Stone, Victim of Multi-Generational SRA, on Paul Drockton Radio

Opec fears losing its grip as Iraqi oil output surges - Times Online

savethemales.ca - "We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

Texas Removes Thomas Jefferson From Teaching Standard - AOL News

The Federal Reserve: The Greatest Scam in History (revision C) the Yellen Effect

How going green may make you mean | Environment | The Guardian

Russian mafia suspects held across Europe | World news | guardian.co.uk

Black boys are too feminised | Tony Sewell | Comment is free | The Guardian

Toyota Prius's 90mph runaway ride 'not feasible', says leaked government memo | Business | guardian.co.uk

Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' - Telegraph

Roy Tov – Pharisaic Pride: On a Sunny Sabbath, a Good Apostle and Talmudic Judaism

America's Secret Prisons

Owning The 'United States®'

Rahm's Secret War On The House Black Caucus

YouTube - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

Senate passes ‘Termination Era’ PACT Act; tribal leaders will continue fight | Indian Country Today | Content

Crime Families, B*gg*ry And Boat Riding Dreams

The Robin Hood Tax.

Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv

Fluoride & the Kidneys

Israeli Spy Under the Guise of a Journalist «Kawther Salam

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jewish Accessories by Gilad Atzmon

Council wants clone produce under novel foods – for now

Amil Imani - America: Break the Silence on Islam

savethemales.ca -

savethemales.ca - Opus Dei -- Catholic Church Embraces Satanic Cult

YouTube - Walter E Williams on the Census

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 16th With Kevin Booth

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 15th With Karen Quinn-Tostado

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 12th With Jesse Ventura


YouTube - CIA's European Secrets: Clandestine prisons investigated

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage-Obama Ripped Apart America in only One Year!

American's Journey: Don Robertson to RTB at Congress.org

Marian Rippy;1991-1992: Possible Link between Racist Harassment at USAMRIID and Later Anthrax Attacks

EclippTV :: Video :: International Effort to Grab Your Guns




Cops: U.S. diplomat swindles widow, vanishes - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

Bigeye Blog - The 911 Cat is Out of the Bag, by Stewart Ogilby


No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner

Campaign For Liberty — Do the Healthcaremongers Hold Us in Contempt? | by David McKalip, M.D.

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it - washingtonpost.com

US Media And Israel Military, All In The Family « Dprogram.net

Chertoff Family Member Wrote Popular Mechanic 9-11 Propaganda

The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics

The Most Powerful Destructive Corporate Business Club Most Americans Have Never Heard of | Global Empire |Axisoflogic.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The New U.S. Government Off Balance Sheet Scam

EclippTV :: Video :: Celente on 2010: Wave of Terror, Internet revolt & War on migration

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: The Crisis Starts Now!

EclippTV • View topic - US Readies Cyberwar, Virtual Flag Terrorism

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Competition for the IMF’s Gold?

Anti-Semitism – what is it? > Zionism > Redress Information & Analysis

That's Mister Fuck the Drug War to You, Man Petitions to change his name - 12160.org

President endorses National Crime DNA database | ZDNet Government | ZDNet.com

A Fake War In Serbia ~ Muslims Against Christians - 12160.org


Vitamin D better than vaccines at preventing flu, report claims - Times Online

BBC News - Lords pass controversial internet piracy bill

Flyer calls on non-Jews to 'leave the land' :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

From CNN's lower third: 'Jewish lobby runs America' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Treason in America Conference: stating the painfully obvious to save America


Federal Reserve Bank Scam and Monetary System Videos

EclippTV :: Video :: 2010 census: Title 13 does not require Americans to respond!

Schiff Destroys Krugman | Young Americans for Liberty

Goldman's Worries - FOXBusiness.com

Montana man spends 4 days stuck in car in snowbank

Cause of fatal bus crash in Texas unknown

Few blacks serve in top U.S. diplomatic posts

Fed signals optimism over US economy

House could bypass vote on US healthcare bill

Madoff relatives try to fend off lawsuits

State prison numbers drop for 1st time since 1972

Fed maintains low rates, upgrades view on US economy


AOL launches Seed.com for Internet Age news operation



Orcas have big brains to go with their brawn

$75 million in drugs stolen from Connecticut warehouse

Democrats may use shortcut to pass healthcare overhaul


*Transcript: Interview with Yusuf Raza Gilani


*Fed statement: Full text


Medvedev: Russia must tap Arctic resources

Vatican studies visions of Virgin at Medjugorje

Staffer suspected of poisoning soup at UK school

More Ex-Vienna Boys' Choir members allege abuse

Oil above $82 as traders eye US supplies, OPEC

Merkel: Sex abuse scandal major challenge

Russian secrets for sale, no questions asked

Mexico announces austerity plan to save $3 billion

Winning numbers drawn in 'MEGA Millions' game

Autopsy reports released in AZ sweat lodge deaths

Catholic nuns urge passage of Obama's health bill

Obama praises GOP lawmakers for jobs bill support

Obama's health care plan picks up support

Senate OKs jobs bill for Obama's signature

Fed boss to make case to keep all banking duties

Poll: Whitman, Brown tied in matchup for Calif gov

House leaders joust over use of parliamentary rule

Making Informed Choices When Choosing Office Furniture can Lower Your Company's Carbon Footprint

Recent cases show challenge of US terrorists

FACT CHECK: Premiums would rise under Obama plan

Parliamentarian is rock star in health care debate

Michelle Obama talks anti-obesity to food giants

US Senate bill introduced to punish China on yuan

YouTube sets its sights on independent musicians

YouTube takes on MySpace Music at SXSW

But It Fit the Narrative! Media Falls for Phony Toyota Prius Story

The Stupidity, Futility, and Fantasy of “Earth Hour”

NewsBusted: How is Obama Better than Bush?

Presenting Pisco, the Surfing Alpaca

Overnight Thread, Sad Commentary Division: How Ignorant Are Today’s Journalists?

Man Dogs

The New York Times and the CIA’s Sour Grapes of Wrath

Obama Libels Israel, MSM Continues to Lie, Snooze

Why Does the Mainstream Media Ignore Black Conservatives? Racism, Pure and Simple

Jayson Blair’s Editor, The New York Times and “Dishonest” Journalism

Early Morning Thread: MSM’s ‘Great Communicator’ Unplugged/’Young Frankenstein’ Song and Dance

Yet Another Government Takeover: Student Loan Edition

Obama’s Scheme to Gut the Coast Guard

Rigging the Healthcare Debate with Dishonest Numbers

Modern Day Mutually Assured Destruction


Thread: Breitbart Guest-Hosts ‘The Savage Nation’

*audio:Andrew Breitbart guest-hosts Michael Savage’s radio show,


ACORN’s Maryland Chapter Shuttered

Dodd’s Main Street Punishment Bill

Braceletgate Update: Left, White House Actually React to Silly ‘Doubtful’ Theory

Arrogant Approach to Health Care

Stimulus!: Cosmetology and Massage Schools Win Big Under Obama

ClimateGate: What Will Television Do With All Their Scare-Programming?

Hollywood’s Broke Part 1: Recognizing There’s a Problem

My Weekly Date with a Liberal – ‘The Mile High Club’

Sean Penn Exposed: Useful Idiot

Daily Gut: Hugo Hearts Seany

Caracas weeps for its dead after bloody weekend

Broken drive shaft likely caused Texas bus crash




Democrats Consider New Moves for Health Bill - NYTimes.com

Attorney General Eric Holder says Osama bin Laden will not be captured alive - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Pakistani Court Charges Five Americans With Planning Terror Attacks, Lawyers Says

CNSNews.com - Nearly One-Third of Doctors Could Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill Passes, According to Survey Reported in New England Journal of Medicine

How going green may make you mean | Environment | The Guardian

Aide: Karzai 'very angry' at Taliban boss' arrest - Yahoo! News

Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Mexican Drug Gang to Blame for Killings of U.S. Consulate Workers

Temporary foreign workers threaten immigration deal - Washington Times

Jim DeMint on mission to install “rock-solid” conservatives in Senate | greenvilleonline.com | The Greenville News

Jim Inhofe slams Al Gore on climate 'hoax' - Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

My Way News - PROMISES, PROMISES: Is gov't more open with Obama?

Mexico Drug Violence Worries Spring Break Revelers - ABC News

Islamic group protests Obama's visit to Indonesia - Yahoo! Singapore News

***Savage:Health Care***


Debbie Schlussel

Debbie Schlussel :Alhamdillullah: Obama, Biden, Hillary Ignite Violent Muslim Riots in Israel – “Third Intifada”

Debbie Schlussel :Priorities, Shmiorities: Barack Obama Takes Major Step in Dying Economy

Debbie Schlussel :Meet the New “Green Police”: The Girl Scouts “Teach” Your Daughters

Debbie Schlussel :On Those “Disputed” 1600 Israeli “Settlements”

Debbie Schlussel :How Iraqis “Embrace” “Democracy”: 30% of Christian Ballots Tossed

Debbie Schlussel :Quote of the Day: When Will Jihad Jamie’s Mommy Wake Up?



*Official Standards List

Codex Alimentarius - the REAL threat to World health


*Understanding the Codex Alimentarius *

*site:Codex Alimentarius:usda


Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs 40:07


Codex Alimentarius 1:29:27


eve hillary codex alimentarius medical conspiracy/57:25


Codex Alimentarius - Interview Alex Jones with Mr/Mrs Stubblebine/Laibow 37:54

Media Twists Research and Distorts Health Supplement Effectiveness


Pelosi Calls All Female Democratic Members Into Meeting - Roll Call

Limbaugh prompts healthcare calls, ties up House phone lines - TheHill.com

Do Pelosi and the Democrats Have the Health Care Votes? Here's the Math - The Note

The Associated Press: FACT CHECK: Premiums would rise under Obama plan

House leaders joust over use of parliamentary rule

Capitol Hill cops decry bullying staff members - TheHill.com

Defamation suit against Oprah Winfrey to proceed | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/17/2010

U.S. puts brakes on virtual border fence | Reuters

Panasonic 3-D TVs Sell Out as ‘Avatar’ Technology Reaches Homes - Bloomberg.com

Abuse of pain pills by troops concerns Pentagon - USATODAY.com

San Juan Regional Medical Center staff surprised by canine patient - Farmington Daily Times

Christie's puts record price tag on key Picasso | Reuters

Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says - Washington Times

My Way News - Thai Red Shirts hurl own blood at PM's house

Sony chairman Michael Lynton calls for healthy alternative to popcorn in cinemas - Times Online

AG: Mass. dentist used paper clips in root canals

Few blacks serve in top U.S. diplomatic posts - latimes.com

My Way News - Bernanke to wage fresh battle for Fed powers

China in Midst of ‘Greatest Bubble in History,’ Rickards Says - Bloomberg.com

FT.com / Technology - Facebook becomes bigger hit than Google

Airline Crew Face Jail In Dubai Over Sexy Texts - NYTimes.com

Softer tone coming from Washington

AFP: US may be seeking Israel 'regime change'

Rep. Bachus demands hearing on Lehman report, says Fed, SEC may have 'turned a blind eye' on fraud

E-mails suggested Fort Hood suspect subpar for Army - Washington Times

National Debt Up $2 Trillion on Obama's Watch - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

U.S. air travelers complain about body scans | Reuters

"All Black People" Asked to Leave S. Jersey Wal-Mart | NBC Philadelphia

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Deception Gets Uglier & Uglier

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Will Nancy Pelosi Find the Votes?

Al Sharpton Becomes Obama's Ambassador to Black Community - WSJ.com

States’ Rights Is Rallying Cry for Lawmakers - NYTimes.com

Schools reform: The next test | The Economist

Dems' 'deem' scheme - NYPOST.com

Editorial - Will China Listen? - NYTimes.com

Editorials | The U.S. House should reject the health care bill and start over | Seattle Times Newspaper

Grace-Marie Turner: The Failure of RomneyCare - WSJ.com

Dana Milbank - Republicans now facing Democrats' Deem Team on health-care reform - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Reading Tea Party Leaves

What will the Supreme Court be like without Justice John Paul Stevens? : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Politicians Smother Cities

RealClearMarkets - Bankrupting of the United States Bonds

America's Debt Gets Scary - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

The Crisis | The New Republic

What's good for House leaders is bad for members | Washington Examiner

It's all about Democratic unity - Will Marshall - POLITICO.com

The American Spectator : Democrats Against Democracy

What Democrats must at last learn from the GOP - Healthcare Reform | Obama Health Care Plan - Salon.com

John Kass: Washington’s health care reform meets the Chicago Way - chicagotribune.com

Democrats Consider New Moves for Health Bill - NYTimes.com


*3-17/Politics VideoCafferty: House Process 'Beyond Sleazy'

Hoyer, Cantor On The Latest HC News

Kaine: There Will Be A Vote

Panel On House Health Care Process

Kucinich Announces His Support For The HC Bill

AHIP Head On Stopping The HC Bill

Senator Lincoln on "Morning Joe"

NRSC Video Criticizes Democratic Corruption


*3-16/Treasury Secretary Geithner On Jobs

O'Reilly: All Hell Will Break Loose

Geithner On Wall Street Bonuses

Rep. Boccieri Says He's Still Undecided

Rep. Dreier Slams House HC Process

Rep. Clyburn Defends 'Deem & Pass'

Altmire 'Listening To My Constituents' On Health Care

Democrats Still Searching For 'Yes' Votes

Rep. Gutierrez Still Opposes HC Bill

Graham Comments on Holder's Remarks

Reid Speaks On His Family's Accident

Brownstein: Democrats Have A Lot Of Problems

Special Report Panel on Health Care

Price: Americans 'Won't Stand' For HC Bill

Dodd Explains His Wall St. Reform Proposals

Sen. Stabenow On The Tea Party Efforts

Kaine 'Optimistic' About Health Care Reform

Tapper Interviews Obama On Health Care

C-SPAN To Place Entire Archives Online

Rep. Pence Blasts House Process on the Floor

Rep. Connolly Wants W.H. Call On Health Care

Bill Clinton Meets With Kerry

Clinton Welcomes Ireland's Foreign Minister

Robert Baer on the CIA


*3-15/TranscriptsObama's Remarks in Strongsville, Ohio

Panel on How the Dems Can Pass Health Care

Interview with Rep. James Clyburn

Stupak Still Against the Health Care Bill

Senator Chris Dodd on His Financial Reform Package

Interview with Rep. John Larson

Interview with J.D. Hayworth

Clinton's Interview with The New York Times


AG Holder's Remarks at DOJ's Open Government Event


Are you an Enemy of the State?

Corporate Shills and Apologists (Blaming Toyota Drivers)

Obama Believes Pro-Life Democrats Fodder for Gifts

The modern national embarrassment equal to slavery

Tenure and the Teachers Union


S 3081 and the American Police State


*Text of S.3081 as Introduced in Senate: Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010... OpenCongress


Revisiting 9/11

Supreme Court will Uphold our Right to Gun Ownership

An Historic Synagogue Reopens to Joy and Sadness

Why the Rules Matter

Wake-Up Call for the Tea Party

Hope(fund) and Change: Breaking the Obama Code

Soros's Deal

The Coffee Party Con

'Deem and pass' or a Demon Pass?

Hillary and Israel; You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Moveon.org threatens wavering Dems on health care reform

The left doesn't know what anger is until health care reform is passed

Voting present - DC Style

Is Fox News tilting toward the Arabs?

Army softens training for recruits

Clyburn says health care vote may slip until after Easter

VA nightmare a harbinger of what we can expect under Obamacare

How to really be accurate on 'race' on the Census

Obama Is a Stranger in a Strange Land

Bill Maher to God: Stand Aside for ObamaCare

Hanks, Hollywood, and History

The Subtext of the Obama-Israel Dispute

Neo-Soviet Russia and America

The Keynesian Fraud

America's Political Crisis

03-17-2010: Tehran aiding al Qaeda links, Petraeus says (Don't Laugh!)


*MSNBC reports on Euclid, Ohio UFO sightings now 9 days in a row


03-16-2010: Broadband plan for high speed internet sent to Congress

03-16-2010: Biden: "I See Myself As A Zionist"

03-16-2010: China trims holdings of Treasury securities

03-16-2010: Study finds 55 percent of newspaper stories are placed

03-16-2010: Mind-reading technology being researched to foil terrorist attempts

03-15-2010: The World's First Genderless Person

03-15-2010: Secretive Catholic Order Founded by Accused Pedophile Under Fire

03-15-2010: Corporate entity becomes "candidate" - kicks off bid for Congress

Riots erupt across Jerusalem as Hamas leader calls for renewed ‘intifada’

Suspicion over Murdoch’s pan-Arab foray in Egypt

Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’

Hillary Clinton contracts purchases of $5.4M in crystal stemware for American Embassies


HR 646: U.S. Preparing for Civil Unrest?


New RFID tech tracks you to the tomb

*RosettaStone: Technology Enhanced Memorial Products


Alleged “Terroristic Facebook Post” Leads to School lockdown, Race a Factor

Break the law and your new 'friend' may be the FBI

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010


*5 pg/The Electronic Police State 2010 National Rankings


Oil? We’re Here for the Heroin! (at $19,923,200 per barrel!)

Monsanto admits their technology doesn’t work!

Report: US shipping arms ahead of strike on Iran

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July

Petraeus paints bleak picture for Afghanistan in 2010

Loud Sex Justified Warrantless Search That Led to Drug Bust, Says Court

Aide: Karzai 'Very Angry' at Taliban Boss' Arrest

US Military Created Private Spy and Murder Squad in Afghanistan

'U.S. Administration is Ignoring a Host of Palestinian Provocations'

AFRICOM’s First War:

Prepare To Get Reamed!

We're Doomed and Washington Can't Do Anything About It

Huffington Post's Ventura Censorship Backfires

Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary

Jesse Ventura and US Conspiracies

The Art of Corporate Mind Control

Obesity: The Killer Combination of Salt, Fat And Sugar

US-NATO "Strategic Concept": Global Warfare

"The Big Short" Is A Bit Short In Missing The Reasons for The Financial Crisis

Israel's Extrajudicial Assassinations: Alternative Reading of the Al-Mabhouh Murder

Why Teachers Unions Matter

The Great Irish Famine Was Genocide

Universal Health Care and Religious Faith

Evidence of a Financial Coup in America

How Is Credit Created? What is the Best Public Banking

VIDEO: Corruption of International Justice


US spooks plotted to destroy Wikileaks


*34 pg/U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks


Wikileaks on the Culture Show - Friday 29th January 2010

WikiLeaks Release 1.0

Rahm Emanuel's brother lobbies for 'three strikes' law against downloaders

Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview On The Alex Jones Show

Jesse Ventura Explains Why WTC7 Is The Key To 9/11 Being An Inside Job!

WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video

BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell

4409 -- (Unseen Footage) Tower 7 blasted into rubble from NEW angle!

Princess Diana book claims her driver was framed

George Soros Conspires with United Nations to Kill Second Amendment

YouTube - ABC News Fail, Iceland Rising, Frankenfoods EU - Sunday Update

The Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides: An inconvenient truth

Cubans are hated for their way of life

Mideast peace or fascism?

DA refuses to prosecute animal cruelty case

Dodd financial reforms won’t fix banks

Champions of neoliberal economics are reversing New Deal economics

YouTube - National Worker ID Card: Freedom Watch

YouTube - Walter E Williams on the Census

video:Primetime Panic: Spoof report sparks fear and protests in Georgia

Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage

MEP: Euro will collapse, 'Pig States' to bring EU down

US 'used plague bomb' in Korea War

PROMISES, PROMISES: Records not so open with Obama

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

House Republicans Join Tea Party Rally and Promise to ‘Kill the Bill’

Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation to File Immediate Challenge if House Dems Try to Pass Health-Care Without Actually Voting on It

Top Rules Committee Republican: I Will Do Everything I Can to Stop Outrageous Slaughter Rule

Rep. Hoyer: House Does Not Need to Hold Direct Vote on Health Care Bill to Make It Law

S.D. Governor: Federal Government Should Not Require Citizens to Buy Health Insurance

Saudi Lawyer Hopes to Win ‘Significant’ Damages Over Mohammed Cartoons in British Courts

Senate Parliamentarian Has Central Role in Health Care Debate

State Department Official Admits Murder of Federal Employee in Mexico Treated Differently than Other U.S. Victims

Health Care Hardball: Gives ‘New Meaning to March Madness,’ Republican Says

Pacific Smelt Listed as Threatened; Impact Unclear

UN Chief Recommends Tony Lake to Head UNICEF

U.N. Animal Conference Tackles Mideast Trade in Endangered Species

Mexico Announces Austerity Plan

US Clinic Offers Chance to Win Human Eggs

CAIR Says Textbooks on Islam Are Inflammatory

PepsiCo Cuts Sugary Drinks from Schools Worldwide

Obama’s Budget Will Crash the U.S. Economy

The Slaughter on the Southern Border

A Fraud Fights Fox News

Wagging the Dog With the Obama Intifada

WTF?!: NYTimes Fails to Report Fed Judge Finding on 'Unconstitutional' ACORN Defunding Legislation

Jonathan Turley for the U.S. Supreme Court

Covering the Coverage: Reaction to ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax, Condemnation of NYTimes Continues...

New Hampshire Town Citizens Prohibit Concealed Vote Counting by Computers or Any Other Method

'The Times Botched the Story,' Author Says About ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax on 'Democracy Now!'

ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax Comment of the Moment...

Media Watchdog FAIR Finds NYT Was 'Duped' in 'Wildly Misleading' Coverage of ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax

Breaking: Another ACORN Court Victory; Federal Judge Strikes Down Funding Ban as Unconstitutional

Paterson Breaks Silence on Top Aide's Accuser

Judge Rejects Request to Delay Blagojevich Trial

Internet Piracy Taking Big Toll on Jobs

Search of Woods, Water for Wash. Mom and Son Ends

Edinburgh Festival Follows the Sun to the Americas

Cause of Death Sought for Ala. Snack Food Heir

Judge Admonishes Pa. Woman Who Ran Cat Sanctuary

Millennium Plotter Appealing Sentence Decision

Cornell, Campus of Gorges, Fights Suicide Stigma

Old Age Starts at 58, Britons Think

Alaska Vet Determining If 2 Wolves Killed Jogger

Fire at Royal Tomb Prompts Uganda Clash

Judge in Ohio Orders Reporter's Arrest in Leak

Beach Jogger Killed by Plane Likely Never Heard It

Top Private School in Poison Soup Mystery

NYC Doctor Credited With Exposing Taxi Meter Scam

Friends to Search Utah Campsite for Missing Mom

Christie's Puts Record Price Tag on "Key" Picasso

Drive a Porsche? Up Your Status With a Phone

Shin Shuns Limelight as Korea Life Goes Public

Woman Tells of Attack Similar to San Diego Teen's

Indonesian Village Snacks on Soil for Better Health

*NBC Poll: Only 17% of Americans Approve of Congress

Pelosi Plots End Run to Pass Obamacare

36 Democrats Will Decide Obamacare's Fate

Obama to Speak With Fox News On Wednesday

Bill Clinton: House Healthcare Plan Will Pass

Pollsters: Healthcare May Mean Debacle for Dems

Senators Back Bill to Pressure China On Currency

American Was Kidnapped, Killed in Haiti

Pope Hopes Letter to Irish Helps Healing

FBI: No Evidence Mexico Hit Men Targeted Americans

Reagan 'GE Theater' Tapes Restored, Go to Library

Sharpton Obama Envoy to Black Community

Gore: Global Warming Caused Storm

Bernanke to Wage Fresh Battle for Fed Powers

Vatican Responds to Increasing Sex-Abuse Claims

King: GOP Can't Give Up on Healthcare Vote

Army Drops Bayonets, Busts Abs in Training Revamp

Sen. Kerry Moves to Protect Whales

Clarence Thomas' Wife a Tea Party Activist

Dodd Seeks Difficult Consensus On Financial Rules

Ohio Opponents Would Fight ACORN Attempt to Return

Chavez Held Talks With Colombian Rebels

Japanese Celebrate Sex Organ Festivals

Roubini Economist: World of Inflation Is Near

Balding Early Indicates Lower Cancer Risk

Ebay Spent $415,000 On Lobbying in 4Q

Smithsonian Opens $21M Human Evolution Hall

3,400-Year-Old Statues Unearthed in Egypt

Girlfriend of Michael Douglas' Son Sentenced

Heavyweight to Featherweight: Tyson Races Pigeons

Scholar Says He Found Shakespeare's 'Lost' Play

Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower 'Protections' | The Corbett Report

A Guide to the 9/11 Whistleblowers | The Corbett Report

archive:Sex Pistols, Smashing Pumpkins members discuss HAARP, GM Foods, Illuminati

archive:Signal to Noise: A three-way conversation on the media and the message | The Corbett Report

archive:A New Generation of North American Citizens | The Corbett Report


**Census Law « LewRockwell.com Blog


Human Events Censors Pat Buchanan’s Latest Column « Patrick J. Buchanan

Big Brother: Obama Calls for the Integration of State and Federal Military Forces

The South Bronx, Plagued by Obesity, Tops a Hunger Survey - NYTimes.com

Does anyone else find it odd that Israel is the most visited foreign country by US politicians?

Iran hacks US spy sites, arrests 30 activists - Cybercrime & Hacking - ComputerworldUK

Rachel Corrie: Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied « The Ugly Truth

The Associated Press: Aide: Karzai 'very angry' at Taliban boss' arrest

Economy Kept On Life Support While Global Governance Is Organized : Neithercorp Press

As Health Vote Awaits, Future of a Presidency Waits, Too - NYTimes.com

US Readies Cyberwar, Virtual Flag Terrorism

Mind-Control Coming To A Computer Near You? - Technology News - redOrbit

Hand germs could join fingerprints, DNA in forensics labs - Yahoo! News UK

savethemales.ca - "We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

Washington's Blog:Colleen Rowley: Minders Ensured She Didn't Say Anything About 9/11 the FBI Didn't WANT Told, Even to Government Officials With Top Security Clearance

Deutsche Bank *really* wants us to trade carbon « Aletho News

Man screams abuse at Pope Benedict XVI | Herald Sun

Payback Time - Avalanche of Maturing Junk Bonds Looms for Markets - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: China trims holdings of Treasury securities

StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide - Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment

Mike Whitney: Carte Blanche for the Banksters

FUCK YOU DENNIS KUCINICH- What did you REALLY GET for Selling us out, you piece of shit? « American Everyman


Foreign Policy Journal » Néjàd Vu, All Over Again: The Media, ‘Pretext’, Context, & 9/11 » Print

BBC News - It's still real and it's still a problem

AFP: Bloggers battle corruption in Russia

t r u t h o u t | Michael Moore | The Green They Steal, the Greed They Wear ... a St. Patrick's Day Lament

Thimerosal : Beware of The Allergy Symptoms - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

CIA: What Really Happened in the quiet French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit [Voltaire]

French guillotine exhibition opens 33 years after the last head fell | World news | The Guardian

Standing Your Ground Against Police | copblock

EclippTV :: Video :: 100 Reasons Why 9/11 Was An Inside Job

EclippTV • View topic - A *Very Serious* Warning To Nancy Pelosi

EclippTV :: Video :: 2010 census: Title 13 does not require Americans to respond!

What’s Constitutional Money Anyway? « LewRockwell.com Blog

Federal Reserve Bank Scam and Monetary System Videos

Host George Noory brings talk of the supernatural back to earth - Los Angeles Times -

Company boss compares troops to paedophiles after refusing request to provide jobs for former soldiers | Mail Online

This lunacy about Latin makes me want to weep with rage - Telegraph

SPACE.com -- The Great Storm: Solar Tempest of 1859 Revealed

Humiliating America by Eric Margolis

Moody's fears social unrest as AAA states implement austerity plans - Telegraph

Wrong Side of the Border by Allan Stevo

Career Opportunities in the Torture State by William Norman Grigg

**Render Unto Caesar: A Most Misunderstood New Testament Passage by Jeffrey F. Barr

Healthy, Moving, Modern Humans – Not Cavemen by Karen De Coster

Is There Gold in Fort Knox? - CBS MoneyWatch.com

Blinded soldier now able to 'see' with his tongue - Telegraph

Cryptomundo » Sierra Sasquatch: Habituation Dissected

Red in Jupiter’s Spot Not What Astronomers Thought | Wired Science | Wired.com

CultureLab: The mysterious case of the frogs' legs

Spider silk research could lead to new super-materials - Telegraph

Replica of big skull from 28,000 years ago suggests human brains have started to shrink | Mail Online

New Jersey Woman Wants to Weigh 1,000 Pounds - Nutrition | Physical - FOXNews.com

We feel your pain: Extreme empaths - life - 15 March 2010 - New Scientist

Briton is recognised as world's first officially genderless person - Telegraph

SPACE.com -- Secret Military Space Plane Primed For Test Launch

Brazil’s president refuses visit to Herzl’s grave | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

J.D. Hayworth Compares Gay Marriage To Bestiality

Lindsey Graham rewrites history and omits the psycho right wingers who caused Bush's immigration bill to fail.

Kurtz: Fox News Employees 'Worried' That Glenn Beck Is The Face Of The Network

Alexander: Passing Health Care Bill is 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats

Fearing Peak Oil, Saudi Arabia Seeks To Diversify Their Economy

Michele Bachmann Ups the Crazy With Her Rhetoric on the Health Care Bill

Meet Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli – America’s Most Powerful Teabagger

J.D. Hayworth Takes Advantage of McCain's Cover Up of Abramoff Scandal in Indian Affairs Committee

Who will replace Judge Stevens if he retires?

Stupak: Dems See Health Bill as "Opportunity" to "Change the Law" on Federal Funding of Abortion

Sen. Graham: If You Don't Follow Our Rules, We Won't Be Nice Anymore. Huh?

Dick Armey Calls Tancredo Destructive to Republicans on Immigration

New book I just ordered: Michael Lewis: Big Short

Military Trying to Lead the Politicians to Water

Problems Bill Donohue can't make go away

Michael Moore: 'Waiting To See If People Rise Up - And If So, I'll Rise With Them'

What If You Threw A Tea Party, And No One Came?

Rep. Louie Gohmert on the Health Care Reform Bill "I Brought An Abortion To Show You" And Washington DC Is Surrounded By Demons

Mitch McConnell Accuses the Democrats of 'Scheme and Deem'

CNN hires RedState's Erick Erickson, officially descends to the ninth circle of hell

Right Wing Attacks an 11 Year Old

Tea Partiers Mock And Scorn Man With Parkinson's

The Associated Press: Nation, world go green for St. Patrick's Day

Drake Promises 'You Won't Even Notice' Lil Wayne Is Gone - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Today In Coco: A Docu Feature? A Fox Deal? Syndication? at Hollywood.com

Conan O'Brien in talks to get documentary treatment for 'Prohibited' live show: report

Sony, Michael Jackson Estate Sign Recording Deal - WSJ.com

YouTube - Michael Jackson Posthumous Deal

Corey Feldman's New Tattoo Translated - Tributes, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim : People.com

Charlie Sheen returns to closed 'Men' set - USATODAY.com

Defending the dream: 2,000 activists gather in Dells

Jobs bill headed to Obama's desk - latimes.com

Judge denies request for delay in Blagojevich trial :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Obama to Be Interviewed by Bret Baier of Fox News - NYTimes.com

Obama to Talk Health Care on FOX But Conservatives Won't Be Swayed - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

If bin Laden is found, he'll be killed, Holder says - washingtonpost.com

Shantina Smiley Family Fears She May Have Been Abducted - ABC News

White House fountain dyed green for St. Patty's Day - 3/17/10 - San Francisco News - abc7news.com

Virginia Shakes Up IT Leadership Structure -- Government IT -- InformationWeek

Facilities plan for Detroit schools sparks worries | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

After 3 Suspected Suicides, a Shaken Cornell Reaches Out - NYTimes.com


Historians blast proposed Texas social studies curriculum - washingtonpost.com

wbur.org » News » Texas Textbook Tussle Could Have National Impact

Monserrate Loses Bid to Keep State Senate Seat - WSJ.com

U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube - Washington looking for Israeli sign of commitment to peace

BBC News - Iraq's Nouri Maliki in tight race with rival Allawi

BBC News - Nigeria leader Goodluck Jonathan dissolves cabinet

BBC News - Ransom was paid to free Sahil Saeed - Pakistan minister

Basque Militants Suspected in Death of French Police Officer - NYTimes.com

At Least 13 Killed in New Nigerian Sectarian Clash | Africa | English

China envoy urges Iran to compromise, wary on sanctions | Reuters

BBC News - Trial of Sri Lanka ex-army chief Fonseka adjourned

U.S. missile strikes kill 9 militants in Pakistan | Reuters

Kim Jong-il keeps $4bn 'emergency fund' in European banks - Telegraph

Al Jazeera English - Americas - Haiti unveils reconstruction plan

Breaking News, Kenya, Africa, Politics, Business, Sports, Blogs, Photos, Videos - Zuma in talks over Zimbabwe power row

Fire at royal tomb prompts Uganda clash | Reuters

US military behind Haiti quake, says Innsbruck scientist - General News - Austrian Times Online News - English Newspaper

Flap flies in Haiti over U.S. flag absence - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

Wal-Mart probes racial comment at Gloucester County store | courierpostonline.com | Courier-Post

City cop sues Lucky Strike Lanes for discrimination after being barred over dress code

Car dealer alleges Carrollton police roughed him up; incident reports differ | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Carrollton/Farmers Branch News

Cherry Hill police sued over bathroom video | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/16/2010

Uncle Sam Wants to "Friend" You - CBS News

Gov. Perry aims to put more boots on the border | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Attention, Please! This Is a Zzb Frzzkd Sxpldts! - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Man Retrieves $250K Lottery Ticket From Trash - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Pennsylvania: Waynesboro sophomore saves freshman from choking

Boy, 3, with police for two days, unclaimed after birthday party - The Macomb Daily News: Breaking news coverage for Macomb County, Michigan

Tulsa World: Police arrest man in sword attack at Broken Arrow park

Bond set for man in kid punchings | The Columbus Dispatch

Baby abandoned Universal Studios: A baby was abandoned near Universal Studios Orlando - OrlandoSentinel.com

Judge: Winfrey must defend ex-headmistress's suit

Bizarre title deeds in Gallatin County resemble case of alleged house theft in Polson

What do you mean I can't see the road, officer? Woman pulled over driving with a VERY faulty bonnet | Mail Online

MTV reality show sculpture angers Truckee officials | News10.net | Sacramento, California | News

Mullet Place street signs never go out of style | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette

Phone a frenzy for stroke victim David Stopher | The Sun |News

Obesity: Food kills, flab protects - health - 10 March 2010 - New Scientist

How politicians kill U.S. cities

Why we really need government health care

A socialist coup

Publicly funded eugenics

A heroic Commie-fighting feline

The warmers strike back

Bring SCOTUS to TV!

Who is left to protect Israel?

The Obama Intifada

Texas boots liberal bias from textbooks

Bill Boyarsky: The Americans Who Can’t Wait for a Better Bill - Truthdig

Without firing a shot?

American Thinker: The Coffee Party Con

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

National Debt Up $2 Trillion on Obama's Watch - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Hamas advises Obama: Get your act together

Hamas chief cannot rule out 3rd intifada

Not again! Meet Obama's new controversial pastor

The eyes of Obama are everywhere – even on Temple Mount

States to feds: Take a hike!

5th state exempts guns. Is Washington noticing?

City that banned Bible studies has Judgment Day

Audit of Federal Reserve inches closer

Health care reform in Washington meets the Chicago Way - Chicago - Fwix

Person turns self in after fatal I-55 crash - Chicago - Fwix

Ricketts Family Wants 75-Foot Billboard At Wrigley Field - cbs2chicago.com

West Suburban Man Arrested For Trying To Hit Cop With Car - cbs2chicago.com

Ananova - End of road for dancing trucker

Video: World Record House of Playing Cards - CBS News

Tails Of The City : No more Mr. Brown Eye

video:Christians, it's time to celebrate ... the goddess

How Do You Make A Yugo Cool? Turn It Into A Book : NPR

Sexist thinking still present in writing: Mr and Mrs is 16th century throwback | Mail Online

Twitter is watching you... New technology tells the world where you're tweeting from



WND Player

WND RADIO Unconstitutional 'gimmick' to pass Obamacare

WND RADIO 'Who's the dumbest Democrat in town?'

WND RADIO 'Subterfuge and sleight of hand'

WND RADIO Obama dissing Israel to appease Arabs?


Girl Scouts taught how to be 'hot'

Census threat: $5,000 fines

Hamas advises Obama: Get your act together

Deficits making U.S. military nervous

Moody's fears social unrest as AAA states implement austerity plans - Telegraph

Why Team Obama thrives on creating crises

Tea parties win key victory in ousting Congress

Capitol knee-deep in Constitution

Secession Proposal Fails, Officials Question Spending

Is it too late to save U.S. from God's wrath?

FOXNews.com - Critics Challenge Legitimacy of Plan to Avoid Direct Vote on Health Care

Bachmann: We Won't Obey 'Illegitimate' Health Care Bill | The FOX Nation

FOXNews.com - Under Obama Plan, Health Premiums Would Rise

Obama's health care plan picks up support

Limbaugh prompts healthcare calls, ties up House phone lines - TheHill.com

Cahill bashes state -- and national -- health care reform law - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

FOXNews.com - Irish Shamrock Shortage Has St. Patrick's Day Celebrations on Shaky Ground

The Real St. Patrick | Christian History

How to stop federal spending? Try constitutional amendment

Capitol Hill cops decry bullying staff members - TheHill.com

Dennis Kucinich is voting for HCR

*See who signed Declaration of Health Care Independence



*Congress Site


American Minute

*American Minute for March 17th:William J Federer's American Minute


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

My Way News - Hawaii considering law to ignore Obama 'birthers'

Appeals court upholds $20,000 in sanctions against birther movement attorney Orly Taitz - News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

Glenn Beck: Eligibility 'not winnable argument'

Virginia questions Obama's eligibility

Eligibility lawyer says 'standing' a no-brainer

archive:Obama's eligibility becomes war among the states

archive:Obama banks on 'no standing' decision

Talkers +

03/16 The Mark Levin Show


*YouTube - Ronald Reagan speaks out on Socialized Medicine - Audio


YouTube - Ayn Rand - Saving American Liberty


*site:Tea Party Patriots


*YouTube - Michael Savage Interviews J.D. Hayworth(Running for Mccain Senate Seat (02.15.2010)


*(A.Breitbart) : The Michael Savage Show 02/16/2010


March 16, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-16, Tuesday



MP3 audio from Alan Watt: NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN - Revealing Magazine Article Published In 1929 By Lord Birkenhead *


MP3: Analysis from Alan Watt on brain-chips *


MP3: Mass mind and technology analysis by Alan Watt (includes a 1962 revealing speech by Aldous Huxley) *




*As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. - WSJ.com


Igor Panarin; Encyclopedia Article

archive:Wise Up Journal - » Telegraph: Tiny Brain Implant/’Chip’ Powered By Electrical Impulses *


archive:Wise Up Journal - » Fox News: Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ebert Promote Benefits Of Insane RFID Brain-Chips (Video) *


YouTube - The EU & RFID Chips: Springing the Trap


archive:Wise Up Journal - » National Geographic: Animal-Human Hybrids Announced To Public - Animals with Human Brains & Blood *