"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 March 2010

16 March/ *Special:Tons of Video*

Think tank: Hit the City with a Robin Hood tax


Justice versus The System

Zionist Schumer’s National ID Card | Real Zionist News


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism


A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully - Politics - The Atlantic

Muslim gangs imposing sharia law in British prisons - Telegraph

The Catholic church should free its priests from celibacy | Editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Priest's victims forced into vow of silence - Times Online

Ireland to hold referendum on blasphemy law | World news | guardian.co.uk

Briton is recognised as world's first officially genderless person - Telegraph

One in five Britons 'descended from aristocracy' | Mail Online

Water firms making boilers break by cutting pressure - Telegraph

Kandahar bombings a warning to Nato, says Taliban | World news | guardian.co.uk

Worldwide arms trade flourishing despite recession, report warns | World news | guardian.co.uk

Life, but not as we know it | Paul Davies | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama aide calls Israeli settlement announcement an 'insult' to the US | World news | guardian.co.uk

White House goes on the offensive against Netanyahu - Middle East, World - The Independent

Telegraph | Error 404 | Sorry, the page you have requested is not available

Five Features the iPad Needs for Business - PCWorld Business Center

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph

Final destination Iran? - Herald Scotland | News

savethemales.ca - "We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

Opec fears losing its grip as Iraqi oil output surges - Times Online

Google may end site in China - Mar. 15, 2010

The Petraeus briefing: Biden’s embarrassment is not the whole story, by Mark Perry | The Middle East Channel

Final destination Iran? - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Another Israeli Watchtower On Stolen Land

savethemales.ca - Would US Troops Fire on Americans?

Terror In Perspective - Fix Immigration With Moratorium

Saudi child marriage rampant

savethemales.ca - Geert Wilders -- Dutch Rising Star is Zionist Shill

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back To Church « The Ugly Truth

Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary

Barack Obama tries to find a scapegoat for his own hubris - Telegraph

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars | Economy | AlterNet

savethemales.ca - Darwin Was an Illuminati Shill

Cro Magnon skull supports theory that human brains have begun to shrink - Times Online

On Satan’s trail with Don Gabriele, the world’s most famous exorcist - Times Online

Pope knew priest was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry -Times Online

50 Facts About U.S. Nuclear Weapons - Brookings Institution


Her Name Was Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie: April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003 « Mantiq al-Tayr

Rachel Corrie: Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied « The Ugly Truth


Hollie had the potential to topple government!

Scottish Government Cover Up of Hollie Greig Part 1 - How it all came to light

Scottish government cover-up of Hollie Greig, part 2: notification of crime & reaction


*34 PG/U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks


The Federal Reserve: The Greatest Scam in History (revision C) the Yellen Effect


The Protocols And You - Zionism Unchained


YouTube - Sam Cohen on the Neutron Bomb MVI 4790

YouTube - Part II Sam Cohen Interview re: The Neutron Bomb

YouTube - Sam Cohen on "using the neutron bomb in the persian gulf war"


Princess Diana book claims her driver was framed - Telegraph


Da Vinci ‘predicted world would end in 4006’ says Vatican researcher - Times Online


Canadian scientists uncover poppy's painkilling power - The Globe and Mail

Dead Men Walking


Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah: Deseret News Editor No Stranger to Scandal

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Linda Stone, Victim of Multi-Generational SRA, on Paul Drockton Radio


Vital FDA 'Corruption' Letter Authenticated

Texas Removes Thomas Jefferson From Teaching Standard - AOL News

Jell-O Cranberry Gelatin Contains Unlabeled Aspartame

“Freedom Or Death” T-shirt Described As “An Incitement To Terrorism” By Airport Security

Department of Homeland Security’s Mobile Precrime Modules

Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage

28 FEB:Mike McConnell on how to win the cyber-war we're losing - washingtonpost.com

US Readies Cyberwar, Virtual Flag Terrorism


Story on Mystery Substance Distracts from Fact Fluoride is a Deadly Killer

YouTube - TEAM 5 NEWS Investigates Fluoride Fears


YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 1/4

YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 2/4

YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 3/4

YouTube - Alex Jones: Sodium Fluoride and the Forced Drugging of America 4/4


The Globalist Push To Crush The Rich Nations In Preparation For Global Carbon Tax And New World Order


All American Blogger » Maurice Strong and the Collapse of Industrialized Civilizations


YouTube - 9/11 Truth - Cynthia Mckinney and Dr Nafeez Ahmed talk in UK Parliment part 1/3

YouTube - 9/11 Truth - Cynthia Mckinney and Dr Nafeez Ahmed talk in UK Parliment part 2/3

YouTube - 9/11 Truth - Cynthia Mckinney and Dr Nafeez Ahmed talk in UK Parliment part 3/3


YouTube - Jesse Ventura censored by The Huffington Post


Ventura: ‘You’re not allowed to ask’ about 9/11 | Raw Story


YouTube - LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE - the flaming inferno is mind control


Tarpley: Virtual Flag Terrorism Next Threat


Dallas police seek blood tests for all DWI suspects | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas News on Yahoo! | The Dallas Morning News

Former President Of Just Failed Park Avenue Bank Arrested On Bank Bribery, Embezzlement And Fraud Charges

Former President Of Just Failed Park Avenue Bank Arrested On Bank Bribery, Embezzlement And Fraud Charges | zero hedge

Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans

Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government “Hate”

The next big bailout is on the way. Prepare to get reamed!

Vatican official cautions against GMOs

U.S. Court Rules Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism

Would U.S. Troops Fire On Americans?

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

Iraq premier Maliki sweeps votes in Baghdad

Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower ‘Protections’

TalkSport UK: Is Your Neighbor a Terrorist?

To War, to War, America’s Going to War — with Iran

Fed gets new oversight powers under Dodd bill | Reuters

Social Security Marks First Deficit in Decades - Finance - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Thailand braced for huge demonstrations as protesters seek to bring down Government - Times Online

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph

Man wearing ‘Freedom or Die’ t-shirt stopped at airport | Raw Story

Tories revive random roadside breath test

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - NYTimes.com

Cyberwar declared as China hunts for the West’s intelligence secrets - Times Online

D.C. home to most cyber-criminals - wtop.com

Mind-Control Coming To A Computer Near You? - Technology News - redOrbit

In Mexico, 13 killed in Acapulco area, 11 others elsewhere in Guerrero - latimes.com

CNSNews.com - Human Rights Report on Mexico Does Not Include Homicide Victims Who Are U.S. Citizens

Mexican military copter over U.S. neighborhood


YouTube - Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower "Protections" (1/5)

YouTube - Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower "Protections" (2/5)

YouTube - Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower "Protections" (3/5)

YouTube - Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower "Protections" (4/5)

YouTube - Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower "Protections" (5/5)


Mount Vernon Statement



6,000 cheer Palin, Beck


YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 1/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 2/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 3/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 4/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 5/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 6/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 7/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 8/9

YouTube - Cyber Shockwave 9/9


Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage


Equality Bill: Health clubs warning women not to lift heavy weights face prosecution | Mail Online

Cramer Declares Tax Avoidance within Code a 'Patriotic Duty'

Guns Used in Pentagon and Las Vegas Courtroom Shootings Originated with Tennessee Police

Graham to Axelrod: American People ‘Tired of This Crap’

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph

China rejects US demand to boost yuan's value

The true nature of certain ‘progressives’ finally being revealed

“People See What They’re Incentivized to See. If You Pay Someone Not to See the Truth, They Won’t See the Truth.”

Probe Of Chertoff Urged

The Census and the Welfare State

YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 3/15/10: Supporting the War Instead of the Troops

Supporting the War Instead of the Troops

Media says Nazis, Al Qaeda, Terrorists, and Conspiracy Theorists Targeting Children Online

FOXNews.com - Terrorists Targeting Children Via Facebook, Twitter

YouTube - CIA's European Secrets: Clandestine prisons investigated

Rove denies Bush admin said oil would help pay for war

YouTube - Obama Propaganda With Kids, Orchestra, and Everything

Schools to send letters to parents rating their children's fitness using the 'bleep test' | Mail Online

Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend’s Storm in Northeast

While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.


$650 Million Payout Proves Government Conspired To Lie About 9/11


Jesse Ventura: I Will Never Commit Suicide


YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 1/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 2/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 3/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 4/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 5/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 6/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 7/7


Shameful Anti-Free Speech Lobby Labels Questioning Government “Hate”

Top Ratings Agency Warns Austerity Riots Could Hit America

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

US lobby group warns against row with Israel

Dopamine, Wall Street and the Financial Meltdown

Glenn Beck ‘has teared up’ during rehearsals, staffers say

Do the Healthcaremongers Hold Us in Contempt?

Government Internet Censorship Begins In Stealth In New Zealand

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it - washingtonpost.com

Schools 'break law' to spy on pupils | Education | guardian.co.uk

Greens sacrifice babies to Satan, sell grandmothers into slavery, etc – Telegraph Blogs

'Government knew of Jewish terrorist's plan to open fire on Shfaram bus' - Haaretz - Israel News

The Raw Story | Israel envoy says crisis with US 'worst since 1975'

Meredith Whitney - Housing Market Sure to Double-Dip: Whitney - CNBC

Lehman Whistle-Blower's Fate: Fired - WSJ.com

UK taxpayer 'WILL pay tens of billions of euros for Greek rescue' | Mail Online

Child rape charge rocks TSA - BostonHerald.com

Jim Inhofe slams Al Gore on climate 'hoax' - Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

Sir John Houghton: AGW is real because I've got a knighthood, I'm a scientist and I say so – Telegraph Blogs

Alex jones

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 15th With Karen Quinn-Tostado



The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 12th With Jesse Ventura


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 10th With Dick Russell


YouTube - BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | William K. Black | PBS


American's Journey: Don't Tell Me There aren't Jobs out there for Americans!


YouTube - Rachel Corrie 5th Grade Speech I'm here because I care

YouTube - For Rachel


YouTube - Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran


Context of '1991-1992: Possible Link between Racist Harassment at USAMRIID and Later Anthrax Attacks'






Congratulations, Bankers -- You're Rich Again


EclippTV What is Fascism?

Who is John T. Flynn? - Justin Raimondo - Mises Institute


**DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government | KnowTheLies.com - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...***


Mother Jones Cover Story on Oathkeepers: 'Age of Treason' | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul


Foreclosures are still on the Rise in Illinois | The Chicago 77




White House Seems to Have New Policy On “Special Deals” in Health Care Reform Bill - Political Punch


American's Journey: FACT CHECK 2: Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan


EclippTV :: Video :: We're Doomed and Washington Can't Do Anything About It - Marc Faber


Monsanto admits their technology doesn’t work! | Datensatz


Video: George Soros Conspires with United Nations to Kill Second Amendment « Dprogram.net


truthjihad.com blog: Rahm's MOSSAD mafia


Remember, the Census Is “Just” About Federal Funding « LewRockwell.com Blog

Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe

Controlled Press Hides Chertoff's Israeli Roots


Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv


Israeli Audacity and Axelrod Angst » Nationalist Coalition Blog


APARTHEID ‘PLUS’ « Desertpeace














YouTube - The Shocking Truth About Public Schools


Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush | Raw Story

Palestine Think Tank » Biography Israel Newswire Palestine Resistance Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance Zionism » Mohamed Khodr – Letter to Rachel Corrie's family and Washington State legislators

Does Antarctic shrimp (lyssianasid amphipod) mean extraterrestrial life? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Bigeye Blog - The 911 Cat is Out of the Bag, by Stewart Ogilby

German Priest in Church Abuse Case Is Suspended - NYTimes.com

Worldwide arms trade flourishing despite recession, report warns | World news | guardian.co.uk




The South is rising again (OneNewsNow.com)

Smoking Mirrors: Crime Families, Buggery and Boat Riding Dreams.

Campaign For Liberty — Do the Healthcaremongers Hold Us in Contempt? | by David McKalip, M.D.

No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner

US Media And Israel Military, All In The Family « Dprogram.net

Alien-Earth.org News - Break the law and your new 'friend' may be the FBI

Alien-Earth.org News - Psychopaths' Brains Are Wired Differently


**YouTube - 2012 The Online Movie Final Cut Updated


YouTube - 2012 Mayan Calendar Doomsday or Ascension (2009) 1 of 3

YouTube - 2012 Mayan Calendar Doomsday or Ascension (2009) 2 of 3

YouTube - 2012 Mayan Calendar Doomsday or Ascension (2009) 3 of 3


YouTube - 2012, 11:11, the Mayan Calendar and the Roman Catholic Church


YouTube - Dolores Cannon: The Mayan Calendar, 2012 and 5D Earth


Dannion Brinkley - The Changing Face of Time - 2012 is Coming 1:28:30


Terence McKenna - Timewave Zero (Fractal Wave Software, Accelleration of Time) 24:14


YouTube - David Icke: Spirituality & 2012


YouTube - Guided Meditation by Drunvalo Melchizedek


YouTube - Dr. Len Horowitz on Spirituality, Water and DNA


YouTube - The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Cover Up?


YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Meaning of In Lak'ech


YouTube - Dolores Cannon: Volunteer Souls and DNA Upgrades.


YouTube - Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Apocalypse 2012 (Part 1/6)

YouTube - Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Apocalypse 2012 (Part 2/6)

YouTube - Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Apocalypse 2012 (Part 3/6)

YouTube - Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Apocalypse 2012 (Part 4/6)

YouTube - Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Apocalypse 2012 (Part 5/6)

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 6 of 6


YouTube - LSD Human Experimentation / Research Documentary Film


CIA Brainwashing Experiments - MKULTRA


YouTube - Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Barack Obama are PROJECT MockingBird which is a CIA MK-ULTRA BRAINWASHINg experiment. So is ALL the media and the alternate media.


YouTube - Scientology: Inside the Cult

YouTube - Scientology: The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard

YouTube - Son of L. Ron Hubbard Outs His Father as Fraud part 1

YouTube - Son of L. Ron Hubbard Outs His Father as Fraud part 2


The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking by G. Edward Griffin 47:06


The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America 3:35:19


YouTube - TRN Intro 1008 04 high:The unions and Obama


YouTube - A libertarian take on the Tea Party movement


YouTube - The Mayan New Dawn


YouTube - Mayan Calendar Explained


911 PAGE

*article links;911; Conspiracy(freepressinternational.com)





Cancer Research

Cancer Herbs, Cancer Foods & Alternative Cancer Therapy



site:Vaccination Liberation



*24 pg/Aspartame:


Mark of the Beast


Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (1999) 47:22


Illuminati: The Hidden Agenda for World Government 50:32


Waiting for the Revolution


1: the delibarate dumbing down of America

2: the delibarate dumbing down of America

3: the delibarate dumbing down of America

4: the delibarate dumbing down of America

5: the delibarate dumbing down of America


Progressives vs. Democracy






The Original Thirteenth Amendment




Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States


History of the wealthy families of America


How Money Laundering Works


When Americans No Longer Own America


National Anxiety Center - The Subversion of Education in America


mhp: Noam Chomsky: Controlled Asset of the New World Order


mhp: The Federal Reserve Conspiracy


**Growing List of Government Crimes - A manifesto


The Brotherhood of Darkness 1:43:11


YouTube - Fire in the minds of men


Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 1

Stanley Monteith -- The True Story of 9-11, Part 2


THE BLACK POPE: THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD? . >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com



GET READY FOR THE ALL SEEING NATIONAL ID CARD >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

The Media Can Legally Lie >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Earth Axis Shift Prompts Russian ‘Doomsday’ Warning >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Yes We Can Finally Realize That the Globalists Are Manipulative Swines


Overview of America - Public Service - 29:21


America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version 1:51:16


FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution 58:53


*YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


One Nation Under Siege - Full Theatrical Release 1:27:15


Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition 2:02:15


We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom 28:37


THE EMPIRE OF "THE CITY" (World Superstate) part 1. 2:23:30


THE EMPIRE OF "THE CITY" (World Superstate) part 2 2:39:53


David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (July 6th 2008) 2:53:42


DAVID ICKE: The Lizards and the Jews 48:54




YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 1/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 2/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 3/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 4/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 5/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 6/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 7/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 8/9

YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 9/9


(PART 1) Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. 2003. (4 HRS) 4:02:53

(PART 2) Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. 2003. (4 HRS) 4:21:27


An Idea Whose Time Has Come - G. Edward Griffin - Freedom Force International 1:23:37


G Edward Griffin - Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve 42:15


G. Edward Griffin - Inflation 28:30


Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (1999) 47:22


Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve 41:25


What We Still Don't Know: Why Are We Here? 48:29


Frontline - Secret History of the Credit Card (2004) 56:08


Occult World of Commerce Jordan Maxwell And Whitney 1:07:00


In Debt We Trust (Full) 1:29:19


The Story of Stuff 21:19


Confessions of An Economic Hit Man - What Really Goes on Behind Global Affairs 1:42:05


The U.N. Deception 46:58


America: Destroyed By Design 2:07:22


Matrix of Power 1:07:04


Americas_Beginnings 2:45:55


Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination Alex Jones 911 Conspiracy 1:30:27


Connie Fogal On The Corporate North American Union 54:23


Order of Death 43:07


Ian R Crane - The Project for the New American Century 1:40:25


CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy (unaired documentary) 1:46:24


The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. 1:21:01


Death In Memphis - The Mysterious Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. 44:58

Illuminazi 1:22:55


The Iron Wall 57:18


Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade Against God and Family 24:01


One World Government - A look into the Futere 30:31


The Queen of England Exposed - Interview by Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion 47:54


YouTube - Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)


March 15 UFO 10:30pm Video


YouTube - JBS Dollars and Sense- Fixing Todays Economy With Sound Practices 1 of 5

YouTube - Dollars and Sense: Fixing Todays Economy With Sound Practices 2 of 5

YouTube - JBS Dollars and Sense- Fixing Todays Economy With Sound Practices 3 of 5

YouTube - Dollars and Sense: Fixing Todays Economy With Sound Practices 4 of 5

YouTube - Dollars and Sense: Fixing Todays Economy With Sound Practices 5 of 5


Secret Weapons: Scalar Wave Weaponry 2:43:39


Globalism.The.Program.(General.Partin-Oklahoma.City.Bombing.Cover-up 2:24:15


Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill 2:51:37


David Rivera: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order 2:42:31


Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 2 - Riddles in Stone - Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C. 2:55:30


Edward Griffin - Leninism and Fabianism 23:02


Edward Griffin - The Dangerous Servant - A Discourse on Government 1:28:32


Aaron Russo - Mad As Hell 1:30:06


The Real Face of the European Union 42:32


William Norman Grigg on Tragedy by Design Conspiracy for The New World Order 46:48


OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism 1:17:41


Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR 59:43


Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq war 56:08


Jeremy Scahill - Blackwater:The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army 47:2


911 - Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 (1 of 3)

911 - Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 (2 of 3) - Live Panel

911 - Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 (3 of 3) - Additional Interviews


911 Octopus - New World Order (Full Length High-Quality) 1:33:13


John Pilger - Truth Game 1:19:11


Taxi to the Dark Side - BBC


Noam Chomsky - Imperial Grand Strategy 1:08:22


Control Room 1:26:30


The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers 1:26:29


The New Clinton Chronicles 1:41:07


U.S. Space Command: The Military Arm of Corporate Globalization. 55:18


Sibel Edmonds Documentary - Kill The Messenger 52:04


Weapons of Mass Deception 1:38:07


9/11 American Scholars Symposium Panel Discussion 1:31:46


We. Featuring the words of Arundhati Roy 1:04:19


9/11 Truth Rising 1:55:06


THE TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11 2:17:37


The Elephant In The Room: Full Movie 1:32:24


WKJO: Who Killed John O'Neill? 1:40:23


Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie) 1:42:16


Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime 1:11:43


The Best Enemies Money can buy 53:33


WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER: Stan Monteith interviews Anthony Sutton 53:33


911: The Greatest Lie Evers Sold - By Anthony Hilder 2:06:00


911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (1 of 2) 58:22

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (2 of 2) 54:54


The 9/11 – 7/7 Connection 52:00


OKLAHOMA CITY: What Really Happened? (alex jones police state martial law) 1:16:25


Coverup in Oklahoma 1:47:57


OKC Bombing Revisited 1:07:40


Coverup in Oklahoma 1:47:57


The Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception 1:08:17


HIV = AIDS: Fact or Fraud? 20:57


Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS (Gary Null) 2:09:49


G. Edward Griffin - The Science and Politics of Cancer (2005) 25:33


Green House Conspiracy 51:49


The Energy Non-Crisis 1:15:08


Hemp Revolution part 1 of 2

Hemp Revolution part 2 of 2


Angels Dont Play This HAARP weather manipulation 1:36:46

Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP 1:17:53


Mind Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, (Edmonton 2006-07-21) 1:44:17


Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs 40:07


Eustace Mullins: Murder By Injection 28:04


Cannabis Cures Cancer - "Run From The Cure" The Rick Simpson Story 58:01


Hemp For Victory 58:29


Earthlings 1:35:28


Grass The History of Cannabis 1:17:09


TheDisappearingMale 44:18




American Dictators 1:30:41


Matrix Of Evil 2:02:44


Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties 1:08:20


WACO: The Big Lie (alex jones police state martial law new world order) 31:12


Waco - A New Revelation (1999) (Part 1 of 2)

Waco - A New Revelation (1999) (Part 2 of 2)


WACO: The Rules of Engagement (1/2)

WACO: The Rules of Engagement (2/2)


CNBC "Big Brother, Big Business" Recorded Nov 1, 2006 2:00:00


Ruby Ridge Documentary 49:33


Taking Liberties (Since 1997) 1:41:04


This Is What Democracy Looks Like 1:08:28


Peg Luksik: Who Controls Our Children ? (Public Education Dumb Down Kids) 59:38


Brian Springer - Spin 57:26


Edward Griffin - Seduction of a Generation (Sensitivity Training, Brainwashing) 31:00


Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols) 1:57:32


Sons of God Jordan Maxwell 1:26:12


Suns Of God - Acharya S 1:18:49


Jordan Maxwell Toxic Religion - Illuminati - Alex Jones - David Icke - Masonic 58:02

KYMATICA 1:23:56




Lloyd Pye - Everything you Know is Wrong 1:58:34


The Disclosure Project May 9th 2001 National Press Club Conference 1:55:35


Megaliths and Ancient Calendars 58:28


The Hour of Our Time - The Legacy of William Cooper 1:26:11


Jordan Maxwell Private Interview with Zecharia Sitchin. 40:53


Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins Of Civilization Excerpts 1:33:57


The Death of Vince Foster - What Really Happened? (1995) 1:11:41


Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance 27:06



mhp: The Power Elite Exposed

mhp: The Spiritual Impulse Behind the United Nations

mhp: Homosexuality and the Nazi Party

mhp: Satan: Prince of This World

mhp: Louis McFadden on the Federal Reserve

mhp: Zionism Is a Fallacy


YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 1

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 2

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 3

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 4

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 5

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 6

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 7

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 8

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 9

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 10

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 11

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 12

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 13

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 14

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 15

YouTube - What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 16


Monkey Blood - Pt. 1 - Channel: soca7 on LiveVideo.com

Monkey Blood - Pt. 2 - Channel: soca7 on LiveVideo.com

Monkey Blood - Pt. 3 - Channel: soca7 on LiveVideo.com

Monkey Blood - Pt. 4 - Channel: soca7 on LiveVideo.com

Monkey Blood - Pt. 5 - Channel: soca7 on LiveVideo.com


YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 1

YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 2

YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 3

YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 4

YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 5

YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 6

YouTube - RFID: Tracking Everything Part 7 (Final)


The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion [Part 1 of 6]

The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion [Part 2 of 6]

The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion [Part 3 of 6]

The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion [Part 4 of 6]

The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion [Part 5 of 6]

The Origins Of Evil by Michael Tsarion [Part 6 of 6]


The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed 48:04






*The Daily Tzolk'in | The Mayan Calendar Portal

The MCP Wheel | The Mayan Calendar Portal


The Long Count Calendar: Relevant Today? | The Mayan Calendar Portal


The Year Lord in Mayan Astrology | The Mayan Calendar Portal


The Mayan Philosophy of Numbers | The Mayan Calendar Portal


The Mayan Calendar and the Art of Dreaming | The Mayan Calendar Portal


Download Part 1:Am I in a New World Order Church?

Download Part 2:The Right Wing of the New World Order Church

Download Part 3:The New World Order Church of End Times Prophecy

Download Part 1:Deciding On a God

Download Part 2:Participating Churches


*SITE:Biblical Correctness Ministries


Prof Steve Jones USVC 9-11 Scientific and Ethical Questions - Feb 1 2006 1:47:43


United States vs. United Nations 22:55


- Obama's Doublespeak

- Texas Board of Education Tries to Correct History

- McCain-Lieberman Bill Would Deny Civilian Trials for "Enemy Belligerents"

03-16-2010: China trims holdings of Treasury securities

03-16-2010: Study finds 55 percent of newspaper stories are placed

03-16-2010: Mind-reading technology being researched to foil terrorist attempts

03-15-2010: The World's First Genderless Person

03-15-2010: Secretive Catholic Order Founded by Accused Pedophile Under Fire

Junk Bond Avalanche Looms for Credit Markets

Worldwide arms trade flourishing despite recession, report warns

Pakistani Scientist Khan Describes Iranian Efforts to Buy Nuclear Bombs

The Petraeus Briefing:

Spy Takes US/Israeli Secrets to Grave

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants

Noam Chomsky on Obama’s Foreign Policy

Geithner and Bernanke's Possibly Criminal Roles

The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Governing

Democrats' Crack-cocaineCompromise Is Still 'Racist'

Israel's Extrajudicial Assassinations: Alternative Reading of the Al-Mabhouh Murder

Why Teachers Unions Matter

Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010

How Is Credit Created? What is the Best Public Banking

VIDEO: Corruption of International Justice

Capitalism Cut Adrift

Capitalism Cut Adrift: Looking Sideways

Wikileaks on the Culture Show - Friday 29th January 2010

WikiLeaks Release 1.0

Rahm Emanuel's brother lobbies for 'three strikes' law against downloaders

Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview On The Alex Jones Show

Jesse Ventura Explains Why WTC7 Is The Key To 9/11 Being An Inside Job!

WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video

BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell

4409 -- (Unseen Footage) Tower 7 blasted into rubble from NEW angle!

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it

'Factually Innocent' California Couple on Child Abuse Registry to Stay

We Are What We Watch

Obamanoid Coffee Party Event A Flop Despite Vigorous Corporate Media Coverage

George Soros Conspires with United Nations to Kill Second Amendment

Kucinich in Obama's crosshairs

Medical marijuana lobbyist protects life from home invasion robbers

Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop

Republican Witch-hunters Embrace Dictatorship


Marc Faber Says We're All Doomed and Washington Can't Do Anything About It

No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

Europe trashes ACTA as Obama praises it

Obama Sides with RIAA, MPAA; Backs ACTA

EU Parliament rejects ACTA in 663 to 13 vote for openness

Rising food prices may start with seeds - Los Angeles Times

Earth under attack from Death Star | The Sun |News

McCain/Dorgan Anti-DSHEA bill dies… or does it?

Stupak: Dems See Health Bill as "Opportunity" to "Change the Law" on Federal Funding of Abortion

Who will replace Judge Stevens if he retires?

Moody's Tells U.S., Great Britain, France And Germany: Cut Spending Or Pay Higher Interest

J.D. Hayworth Takes Advantage of McCain's Cover Up of Abramoff Scandal in Indian Affairs Committee

Meet Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli – America’s Most Powerful Teabagger

Michele Bachmann Ups the Crazy With Her Rhetoric on the Health Care Bill

Fearing Peak Oil, Saudi Arabia Seeks To Diversify Their Economy

Alexander: Passing Health Care Bill is 'Political Kamikaze Mission' for Democrats

Kurtz: Fox News Employees 'Worried' That Glenn Beck Is The Face Of The Network

Lindsey Graham rewrites history and omits the psycho right wingers who caused Bush's immigration bill to fail.

J.D. Hayworth Compares Gay Marriage To Bestiality

Judge Orders Federal Agencies to Resume ACORN Funding.

Our Sewer Systems Are Collapsing While Local Governments Are Broke. Yoo Hoo, Federal Stimulus Programs!

Bill O'Reilly Responds to Howard Raines by Attacking the New York Times' 'Standards of Fairness'

Rick Santelli still shills for Predatory Lenders

Bart Stupak is whining the night away: Blue America PAC Supports Connie Saltonstall

Michael Lewis Talks to 60 Minutes About His New Book, 'Wall Street: Inside The Collapse'

Boehner: We're Going to do Everything We Can to Make it Difficult or Impossible to Pass Health Care Bill

Obama Nominates Young Liberal To San Francisco's 9th Circuit Court And Conservatives Of Course Have Conniptions

The sick mind of Dan Riehl

O'Reilly: You Always Hear Cops Are Picking on African Americans But Whites Are Arrested Way Higher

The wife of Clarence Thomas launches Tea Party Group and is intrigued by Glenn Beck

What Did The Pope Know, And When Did He Know It? Another Sex Scandal Threatens Vatican

The Texas textbook two-step

Boehner: I Would Not Vote to Close Gitmo 'If You Put a Gun to My Head'

Chris Van Hollen Points Out the Republicans Hypocrisy on Earmark Reform

Rove Denies Bush Administration Said Oil Revenues Would Pay for the War in Iraq

Huckabee: Once the Tea Party Movement Gets 'Taken Over' by Special Interests 'They're Done'

David Axelrod: When You Go Into The Details, People Support The Healthcare Bill

Chris Matthews Calls Obama a Progressive and Asks if He Can 'Pretend to be a Centrist'

Dodd To Present New Financial Regulations Proposal On Monday

According To The 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals, God Is "Patriotic" And No Longer "Religious"


Man, Freedom and Government 23:51


Overview of America - Public Service - DVD 29:21


The Privileged Planeti 1:00:06



CNSNews.com - Nearly One-Third of Doctors Could Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill Passes, New England Journal of Medicine Says

How going green may make you mean | Environment | The Guardian

Pelosi: 'Once we kick through this door,' more reform will follow | Washington Examiner

FOXNews.com - Mexican Drug Gang to Blame for Killings of U.S. Consulate Workers

Slaughter House Rules - WSJ.com

Aide: Karzai 'very angry' at Taliban boss' arrest - Yahoo! News

Jim Inhofe slams Al Gore on climate 'hoax' - Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

Debra Burlingame and Thomas Joscelyn: Gitmo's Indefensible Lawyers - WSJ.com

Issa accuses WH of 'Nixonian' cover-up - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Justice Stevens Weighs Retirement Date - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Son of Hamas: The Q: GQ

Hillary Clinton contracts purchases of $5.4M in crystal stemware for American Embassies to Swedish firm Orrefors/Kosta Boda USA - NYPOST.com

Mexico Drug Violence Worries Spring Break Revelers - ABC News

Islamic group protests Obama's visit to Indonesia - Yahoo! Singapore News

Rielle Hunter Kiss & Tell Photo Gallery - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Israeli Envoy: U.S. Ties in 'Crisis of Historic Proportions'

ACORN branches rename, rebrand after video scandal - Yahoo! News

Justice's wife launches 'tea party' group - latimes.com




Drug industry preparing pro-reform ads – Anti-abortion groups mount final push – Pelosi leaning toward 'deem and pass' – Obama uses crowd to try swaying Kucinich

Clyburn says health vote could push past Easter holiday - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it

'Nobody Wants to Vote for the Senate bill' - WSJ.com

My Way News - GOP assails Dems on approach to health bill

Pelosi: 'Once we kick through this door,' more reform will follow | Washington Examiner

FOXNews.com - Clinic: Cancer Patient Who Wrote to Obama Will Not Lose Home, May Get Aid

My Way News - China trims holdings of Treasury securities

Clinton: Israel must prove commitment to peace

Obama runs out of patience with Israel - Middle East, World - The Independent

PROMISES, PROMISES: Records not so open with Obama

My Way News - AP Source: Jackson in $200M-plus recording deal

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Fred Hiatt - Obama's happiness deficit

44 - Kucinich in Obama's crosshairs

My Way News - PROMISES, PROMISES: Is gov't more open with Obama?

FT.com / Americas - US citizens shot dead by Mexican drug gangs

Reuters AlertNet - U.S. vows FBI help after Mexico killings

Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast

As Climate Change debate wages on, scientists turn to Hollywood for help / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

C-Span Puts Its Full Archives on the Web - NYTimes.com

D.C. home to most cyber-criminals - wtop.com

Army drops bayonets, busts abs in training revamp

World’s smallest man dies | The Sun |News

The Washington Monthly:A FIGHT TO THE FINISH

Officials move to raise 2010 Census response rates - washingtonpost.com

FCC Broadband Plan Faces Hurdles - WSJ.com

Health-reform vote deserves a reasonable process - washingtonpost.com

Questions for Davis, Filner / Will health care overhaul live up to Obama’s two key promises? - SignOnSanDiego.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Spirit of Sympathy - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - LBJ, Obama and Hiding Sausage Recipes

Opinion: What American Population Will Look Like in 2050 - AOL News

What if a college education just isn't for everyone? - USATODAY.com

How Mexico gets it wrong - latimes.com

Obama and Israel: Not Smart

RealClearPolitics - Talking Points vs. Reality

RealClearPolitics - Palestinians' Destructive Veneration of Terrorists

Pelosi Explains The Way Forward | The New Republic

Dead Congress Walking | The Weekly Standard

Another view: 'The only sensible choice' - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama Evokes Fear, Calls for Courage

Op-Ed Contributor - The Health Care Letdown - NYTimes.com

Robert Reich: Why All House Democrats Must Vote for Health Care Reform

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Will Nancy Pelosi Find the Votes?

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Deception Gets Uglier & Uglier

Playing the History Card - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Health Care Nightmares - Business - The Atlantic


*3-16/Politics VideoSpecial Report Panel on Health Care

Democrats Still Searching For 'Yes' Votes

Brownstein: Democrats Have A Lot Of Problems

Robert Baer on the CIA

Rep. Connolly Wants W.H. Call On Health Care

Dodd Explains His Wall St. Reform Proposals


*3-15/O'Reilly: Counting The Votes For ObamaCare

Rep. Nunes On The Cost Of The Health Care Bill

Pelosi Takes Questions on Health Care

Hayworth Discusses His Primary Challenge To McCain

Obama in Ohio for Health Care

Stupak Firmly Against The Bill

Rep. Larsen On If The Dems Have The Votes

Sen. Brown On The Future Of Reform

Reid Thanks Colleagues For Their Support

Price: Obama Plan Raises Costs, Limits Choice

Sen. Gregg on Obama's Debt Commission

Secretary Duncan on Education Reform

Sen. Barrasso On How To Stop The Democrats

Obama Tells Ohioans To Make Kucinich a 'Yes' Vote

Rubio Defends Spending

Towns, Cantor Discuss Health Care

Edwards' Mistress Shares New Details

Dodd Introduces Financial Reform Package

Tapper Previews Obama's Ohio Speech


GOP Rules Chief Resigned to Letting Dems Make Obamacare the Law Without Actually Voting on It

House Budget Committee Votes Against Including Stupak Amendment in Health-Care Reconciliation Bill

State Department Official Admits Murder of Federal Employee in Mexico Treated Differently than Other U.S. Victims

Investigators Seek Motive in Three Slayings in Mexico

FCC Recommends ‘Robust, Affordable’ Internet for All Americans

Islamic Organization Urges Indonesian Muslims Not to Protest Obama Visit

White House Mum On Democrat’s Charge of Job Offer In Exchange for Not Running Against Sen. Specter

Abortion Debate Thwarts U.S. Fight Against China’s One-Child Policy, Activist Says

Obama Administration Specifically Recruited Homosexual Activist to Be 'Safe Schools Czar'

No Democrat-Controlled Congress Has Balanced Federal Budget in 40 Years; No Republican President Has Balanced Federal Budget in 50 Years

Conservative Group Calls for Taxpayers to 'Honk Against Health-Care Takeover'

Obama, Pushing Health Care Bill, Targets Wavering Democrats

Sebelius Claims Senate Health Care Bill Does Not Provide Federal Funds for Abortion

New HIV Infections Increasing Among Homosexuals, Drug Abusers and Prostitutes

Obama Administration Under Fire for Its Stance on Israel

Actor Tom Hanks Says of Bill O’Reilly Labeling Him ‘Ideological Sniper’: ‘Everybody Has a TV Show To Do -- That’s Fine’

Michelle Obama Takes Her Anti-Obesity Message to Food Companies

UN Chief Recommends Tony Lake to Head UNICEF

Magnitude-4.4 Earthquake Shakes Southern California

NJ Court OKs Tea Party Group's Bid to Oust Senator

China, Russia, Japan Defeat US Proposal for Shark Conservation

More Charges in Alleged Child-Punching at Walmart

A Rush to Regulate

Beware the Ides of March

Blazing the Trail to Personhood, California Style!

We Want a ‘Fair Tax’ Now

Moody's fears social unrest as AAA states implement austerity plans

VIDEO:Primetime Panic: Spoof report sparks fear and protests in Georgia

In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI’s Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted

Americans Are Still 21 Percent Poorer Than Before The Recession

Brain scan can read people's thoughts: researchers

Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest

'Minority Report' digital billboard 'watches consumers shop'

Big power from tiny wires

Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?

The Digital Dictatorship

Debbie Schlussel : Meet the New “Green Police”: The Girl Scouts “Teach” Your Daughters

Debbie Schlussel :On Those “Disputed” 1600 Israeli “Settlements”

Debbie Schlussel :How Iraqis “Embrace” “Democracy”: 30% of Christian Ballots Tossed

Debbie Schlussel :Quote of the Day: When Will Jihad Jamie’s Mommy Wake Up?

Debbie Schlussel :Does Your Local Bank Have a Muslim, er . . . “Arab Affairs Manager”?

Debbie Schlussel :Fed to the Wolves: Our Soldiers in Afghanistan Don’t Have Bullets!

Debbie Schlussel :Four Things I Warned You About: The Jihad Jamie Story

Debbie Schlussel :Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

REVIEW: ‘Stoning of Soraya M.’ Deserved Some Academy Attention

Wars of Race, Wars of Terror, & the World According to Tom Hanks

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part II

Big Hollywood Visits Hillsdale College: The Films of 1939, Part III

OBAMAGANDA: Another School Sings Praises to Dear Leader

TRANSCRIPT: ‘Hope’ — Composed By Gary Fry, Performed By Midwest Young Artists Organization

Daily Gut: Slow Motion and Random Acts of Coolness

Tom Hanks Clarifies: WWII & War on Terror Represent Wars of Terror and ‘Ignorance’

Conservative or Conservationist?

‘Will and Grace’ Star: Leno ‘Insane’ for Appealing to Red State Viewers

Braceletgate Update: Left, White House Actually React to Silly ‘Doubtful’ Theory

Arrogant Approach to Health Care

Stimulus!: Cosmetology and Massage Schools Win Big Under Obama

That Thin Envelope: Time to Resist Racist Education Policy

Obama Orders Army NOT To Fly U.S. Flag in Haiti

ObamaCare and the ‘Buzzsaw’ of Opposition

Why Is Obama Trying to Make America More Like Sweden when Swedes Are Trying to Be Less Like Sweden?

Immigration Reform: Terrorists Have Applied for Green Cards

Republic on the Precipice

Reason.tv: Fix The Schools!: Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey, episode 2

The Consent of the Governed

Five Offensive Attacks On Conservative Women

Swing Districts Oppose Health Reform

Unconstitutional Procedure Being Used to Pass Unconstitutional ObamaCare

Time to Pay the IOUs out of the ‘Lock Box’

Robert Gibbs’ and Andy Stern’s Purple Bracelets a Mark of Clintonesque Solidarity?

Which Democrats Get Free Passes?

Why Does the Mainstream Media Ignore Black Conservatives? Racism, Pure and Simple

Jayson Blair’s Editor, The New York Times and “Dishonest” Journalism

Early Morning Thread: MSM’s ‘Great Communicator’ Unplugged/’Young Frankenstein’ Song and Dance

Overnight Thread: Who Wants to Pay for MSM News Online? Survey Says: Hardly Anybody — Pinch Disagrees!

Detroit News Hearts Publik Edukashun, Smears Homeschoolers

The MSM, Gone Fishing While U.S. Bond Rating Sinks

Subliminal Messianic Interpretation 101, New York Times/Easter Division

Typical: AP Conflates ‘Catholic’ Group With Catholic Church

Army to Army

Charlie Sheen back at work today | EW.com

Sony and Michael Jackson Estate Sign Sweeping Contract - NYTimes.com

The 25th Annual Rock And Roll Hall of Fame - washingtonpost.com

The Associated Press: ESPN reporter's stalker gets 30 months in prison

Can Paula Abdul make you watch 'Star Search'? | EW.com

Lady Gaga Says Beyonce Is Her 'Vehicle' For Change In 'Telephone' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Kings of Leon Announce Summer Tour - Spinner

Chasing Transparency

The Fix - The politics of health care passage

Obama to go on Fox News to promote health care - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Associated Press: NJ court: Tea party bid to oust senator must wait

Plane kills Woodstock jogger in S.C. beach emergency landing | ajc.com

Dad of sex offender victim urges tougher Md. laws - Florida AP - MiamiHerald.com

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers Rally on Capitol Hill in Opposition to Health Care Bill

Obama, Biden spend day out of public eye - UPI.com

Thai Protesters Dump Blood at Government House - NYTimes.com

President Mubarak appears on Egypt TV after surgery, quelling health rumors / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

AFP: Family of world's shortest man shocked by his death

Vatican Moves Into Damage Control on Sex-Abuse Scandal - TIME

The Associated Press: SAfrican president arrives in Zimbabwe to mediate

World Bank Report Claims 'Quiet Corruption' in Africa | Africa | English

WND RADIO Obama's education overhaul under scrutiny

WND RADIO 'A career-killing vote on toxic bill'

5th state exempts guns. Is Washington noticing?

Not again! Meet Obama's new controversial pastor

My Way News - PROMISES, PROMISES: Is gov't more open with Obama?

City that banned Bible studies has Judgment Day

Church opens Shroud of Turin to public

Mexico drug war: A cancer spreading to U.S.

Temporary foreign workers threaten immigration deal - Washington Times

Justice Department confirms CAIR terror ties

E-mails suggested Fort Hood suspect subpar for Army - Washington Times

CNN's Amanpour Tells Colleagues: I've Been Offered ABC Job - mediabistro.com: FishbowlDC

U.N. worried Mideast tension escalating

Hamas chief cannot rule out 3rd intifada

The eyes of Obama are everywhere – even on Temple Mount

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers Rally on Capitol Hill in Opposition to Health Care Bill

DNC mocks tea party numbers - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Bachmann: We Won't Obey 'Illegitimate' Health Care Bill | The FOX Nation

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it

Barack Obama threatens to withdraw support from wavering Democrats - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - Clinic: Cancer Patient Who Wrote to Obama Will Not Lose Home, May Get Aid

GOP to use amendments as tactic - Washington Times

Killing of Americans escalates Mexico drug war - Focus on Mexico- msnbc.com

Mexico Drug Violence Worries Spring Break Revelers - ABC News

wnd diversions

Florida vampire to run for president | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects


*American Minute for March 16th:William J Federer's American Minute


Audit Obama

Obama's alchemy

Obama virtual waterboarding?

2 battles: 1 solution

The bigger government, the less you are needed

Kansas crazies' merciless malediction

Critical history of Vietnam – and beyond

BOOK REVIEW: Vietnam War's true victory - Washington Times

Talking points vs. reality

Without firing a shot?

U.S.: Israel's poodle

Is automatic bill pay wise?

Is Ethical Capitalism Possible? - STWR - Share The World's Resources

Don't mess with Texas … textbooks!

Dodd unveils sweeping financial regulation plan




*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Audio: Virginia AG strategizes birther legal challenge | Raw Story

Attorney general outlines test of Obama's eligibility

Martin Smiles in Silence as Supporter Spouts Birther Nonsense | Fired Up! Missouri


High-Tech Headstones Let You Speak From Beyond the Grave - ABC News

Indian Spice and Religious Powders Can Cause Lead Poisoning in Children, Says Study - ABC News

Spider silk research could lead to new super-materials - Telegraph

Replica of big skull from 28,000 years ago suggests human brains have started to shrink | Mail Online

New Jersey Woman Wants to Weigh 1,000 Pounds - Nutrition | Physical - FOXNews.com

We feel your pain: Extreme empaths - life - 15 March 2010 - New Scientist

Briton is recognised as world's first officially genderless person - Telegraph

SPACE.com -- Secret Military Space Plane Primed For Test Launch

Straight Dope Chicago: Did a phantom kangaroo once haunt Chicago?

UFOMystic » Mac Revelations

Psychopaths' brains wired to seek rewards, no matter the consequences


Senate passes ‘Termination Era’ PACT Act; tribal leaders will continue fight | Indian Country Today | Content

YouTube - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

Rahm's Secret War On The House Black Caucus

Israeli Historian: Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe

Obama Is Being Destroyed By Rahm Emanuel And AIPAC « Culture of Life News

Owning The 'United States®'

Euro Crisis - Latvia And The PIGS

America's Secret Prisons

Roy Tov – Pharisaic Pride: On a Sunny Sabbath, a Good Apostle and Talmudic Judaism

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah: High Ranking Republican Pedophile had Other Victims:

US-Israeli relations: White House sets out demands to Netanyahu | World news | guardian.co.uk

Delhi officials unveil giant public air freshener to scrub atmosphere clean - Times Online

Michael Jackson's fatal drugs syringe 'to go on sale' - Telegraph

Toyota Prius's 90mph runaway ride 'not feasible', says leaked government memo | Business | guardian.co.uk

The Biggest Dump in the World - Telegraph

Russian mafia suspects held across Europe | World news | guardian.co.uk

China defends detention of lead poisoning victims who sought medical help | Environment | The Guardian

Catholic bishop says sex abuse scandals will cause ‘generations of damage’ -Times Online

Black boys are too feminised | Tony Sewell | Comment is free | The Guardian

How going green may make you mean | Environment | The Guardian

Schoolchildren 'routinely monitored' by CCTV - Telegraph

Fifth member of staff jailed for indecent relationship with pupil at sex scandal-hit school - Telegraph

Saudi child marriage rampant

YouTube - Israeli Apartheid and The Nakba

Truth - You Cant Give it Away in America


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/15/2010

03/15 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-15, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-14, Sunday


*Thought Provoking Quotes*


*TrueWorldHistory.info - Great Historical Quotes