"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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15 March 2010

15 March


Weekly Southern African Report:(article links)


Think tank: Hit the City with a Robin Hood tax


savethemales.ca - Darwin Was an Instrument of the Illuminati

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars | Economy | AlterNet

Government rebuked over global warming nursery rhyme adverts - Telegraph

Search on for Death Star that throws out deadly comets - Telegraph

Comet's dramatic death dive into the sun - Times Online

Clive Stafford Smith: The spooks are being sold down the river - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

US to lobby for endangered species listing for polar bear | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Strong earthquake rocks central Japan - Asia, World - The Independent

Chinese PM rebuts criticism over Copenhagen role | World news | The Guardian

UN climate change claims on rainforests were wrong, study suggests - Telegraph

Don't look to Rahm Emanuel to explain Barack Obama's woes | John McQuaid | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama tries to find a scapegoat for his own hubris - Telegraph

Liberal Americans choke on their pretzels as Karl Rove rewrites history | World news | The Observer

Chavez calls for curbs on internet - Americas, World - The Independent

Mexico drug wars reach tourist resort of Acapulco - Times Online

Irish cardinal refuses to quit amid court case over paedophilia 'cover-up' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pope being set up over Munich sex abuse case, says Vatican | World news | The Observer

The GM war in Europe starts here - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Fuel soars to bail out banks

Chinese facing debt time bomb - Telegraph

Final destination Iran? - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Not your mother's Girl Scouts

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

‘Invisible Power’ of London Money Exposed as Mayor Fights Back - Bloomberg.com

From the Huffington Post to Rethink Afghanistan

Clinton Family Pockets Haiti Assets in Telephone Company Privatization, Says Pumphrey :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Spike In H1N1 In Texas and Alabama Raises Concerns

Another US Atrocity In The Bush-Obama Afghan War

Justice versus The System

Zionist Schumer’s National ID Card | Real Zionist News

Anti-Semitism makes it to China? - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

savethemales.ca - Geert Wilders -- Dutch Rising Star is Zionist Shill

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back To Church « The Ugly Truth

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully - Politics - The Atlantic

The Vatic Project: A million library books to be sent down the mines

A million library books to be sent down the mines - Manchester Evening News


YouTube - Sam Cohen on the Neutron Bomb MVI 4790

YouTube - Part II Sam Cohen Interview re: The Neutron Bomb

YouTube - Sam Cohen on "using the neutron bomb in the persian gulf war"


The Sky Before Katrina Struck


promo:Book Review: Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol | Terrorism and the Illuminati


*Paul A Drockton M.A.: Sign the Official Online Petition for Holly Greig and Robert Green

Dead Man Musings: L3 Communication's Ties to Terror.

Gastroenteritis strikes cruise ship in Brazil - Yahoo! News


Elk tests positive for CWD


*Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary


Getting from Here to There with the Law of Attraction - Watching the Watchers

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah: Fury Grows at Editor Involved in Pedophile Cover-up

*50 Strange Buildings of the World | Village Of Joy

Desert gives up avenue of lost sphinxes - Times Online

Native Hawaiian government may become reality | World news | guardian.co.uk

Undercover policeman reveals how he infiltrated UK's violent activists | UK news | The Observer

Gordon Brown¿s four-letter rant at Baroness Ashton for ¿letting UK down¿ | Mail Online

YouTube - 9/11 Controlled Demolition clearly visible (rare evidence)

3,000 police officers around Temple Mount - Israel News, Ynetnews

Guns Used in Pentagon and Las Vegas Courtroom Shootings Originated with Tennessee Police

Mother Jones Cover Story on Oathkeepers: 'Age of Treason' | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Gender-Bender Chemicals are Turning Boys Into Girls

EclippTV :: Video :: The Philosophy of Liberty

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff 03/12/10 Dollar, Yellen, Geithner, retail sales, unemployment

American's Journey: Don't Tell Me There aren't Jobs out there for Americans!

Federal Reserve Bank Scam and Monetary System Videos

AFP: Iran says US-funded cyber network group busted

Cynthia Mckinney and Dr Nafeez Ahmed discuss 9/11 in UK Parliment | 911Blogger.com

Was the Toyota Incident a Hoax? « LewRockwell.com Blog

Spiegel: 2009 swine flu pandemic a boost for Big Pharma/R. C. Camphausen - 12160.org

Does anyone else find it odd that Israel is the most visited foreign country by US politicians?


* 1 Million Digits of Pi


YTMND - 3.141592653589793...


*Israel’s Chronological Nuclear Profile


*Frontline: Behind Taliban Lines » Nationalist Coalition Blog


Groundwater Levels Continue Downward Spiral Around Coca-Cola Plant | CommonDreams.org

United States of Foreclosures: How 'Bankquakes' Shake People from Their Homes | The Smirking Chimp

The Obama Administration Asked for the East Jerusalem Fiasco


EclippTV :: Video :: Census 2010... More Government WASTE

EclippTV :: Video :: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Get Local News Time


YouTube - Wars sending U.S. into ruin

YouTube - Wars sending U.S. into ruin

YouTube - Wars sending U.S. into ruin Pt.2

YouTube - A libertarian take on health care

YouTube - What happened to health reform?

YouTube - What happened to health reform? Pt2

YouTube - Obama's State of the Union

YouTube - Corporate "personhood" and election financing


Justice's wife launches 'tea party' group - latimes.com


*Site:Coffee Party


Christian right leaders deeply troubled by the growing Tea Party movement - Yahoo! News


*World's Billionaires 2010


YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 1/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 2/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 3/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 4/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 5/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 6/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 7/7


Jesse Ventura: I Will Never Commit Suicide

US Federal Reserve Dealing in Magic and Secrets

Jihad Jamie: Corporate Media Hypes Another Blond Terrorist

All American Blogger » Maurice Strong and the Collapse of Industrialized Civilizations

SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!: The Globalist Push To Crush The Rich Nations In Preparation For Global Carbon Tax And New World Order

*20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State*

YouTube - Jesse Ventura censored by The Huffington Post

YouTube - LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE - the flaming inferno is mind control

Let Me Know When You See Fire: The Flaming Inferno Story on 9/11

Tarpley: Virtual Flag Terrorism Next Threat

YouTube - Fluoride from CHINA IN OUR WATER!

YouTube - Your Neighbour Is a Terrorist According to talkSport UK

YouTube - Author claims CIA still testing drugs on people

Census Data Not So Confidential After All

U.S. Court Rules Thimerosal Not Linked to Autism

Final destination Iran? - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Mexico gunmen kill American consulate staff - Yahoo! News

Environmental Finance Online News

Tories revive random roadside breath test

Man fined over Facebook insult to ex-girlfriend - Telegraph

Ventura: ‘You’re not allowed to ask’ about 9/11 | Raw Story

Bruce Ivins' attorney calls for case to be re-opened | Bio Prep Watch

"JihadJane" was laughable, Web watchers say | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/12/2010

Chinese Fluoride In Mass. Water Raises Concern - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

2nd mistrial declared in case against NJ blogger - BusinessWeek

Mexican military copter over U.S. neighborhood

US buys Mexico helicopters to fight drug violence - Telegraph

National Worker ID Proposed in Comprehensive Immigration Bill

The Scavenger : PG&E customer refuses to take smart meter, locks up old meter

Why Bibi Humiliated Biden - Yahoo! News

Iran predicts disunity over sanctions - Yahoo! News

Differences Emerging Between Israel And US Over Iran - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives

YouTube - CIA's European Secrets: Clandestine prisons investigated

Rove denies Bush admin said oil would help pay for war

YouTube - Zombies are real


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 12th With Jesse Ventura

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 10th With Dick Russell


YouTube - Pt 1/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 2/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King


Graham to Axelrod: American People ‘Tired of This Crap’

Cramer Declares Tax Avoidance within Code a 'Patriotic Duty'

YouTube - 'Jihad Jane' Arrest: Muslims radicalised every day

Black and White Homegrown al-Qaeda

*Dr. Nicola Scafetta summarizes “why the anthropogenic theory proposed by the IPCC should be questioned”

US lobby group warns against row with Israel

Probe Of Chertoff Urged

The Census and the Welfare State

Battling the Bipartisan Consensus for War

There Are Still Jobs In Broke England, But Only If You Speak Polish

It’s Going To Implode: Buy Physical Gold – NOW

More Fed minutes document gold market manipulation

IRS Cranks Up Hysteria in Wake of Joe Stack Attack

Equality Bill: Health clubs warning women not to lift heavy weights face prosecution | Mail Online

Second NOLA police officer pleads guilty in post-Katrina shootings

Google faces storm over naked child on Streetview | Mail Online

Washington Post Omits Fact That Saddam’s Nuke Salesman Was Protected By U.S. Government

Daily Kos Founder Slams Kucinich For Not Capitulating On Government Run Health Care

While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.

Oregon Department of Precrime? Man Arrested For Buying 3 Legal Guns - KUDA 1610 AM REXBURG - SAINT ANTHONY, IDAHO

Fed gets new oversight powers under Dodd bill | Reuters

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph

China rejects US demand to boost yuan's value

US ponders denying Israel arms needed for Iran war

Child rape charge rocks TSA - BostonHerald.com

FT.com / Technology - Google ‘99% certain’ to shut China engine




*Site:U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time



Gibbs says health-care will become law this week, but House Democrats still short of votes

Axelrod threat to GOP: 'Make my day' | Washington Examiner

Moderates' demand for Obama wanes - POLITICO.com Print View

It Gets Worse

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Mar 14, 2010 - Dem House vote-counter lacks health care votes now

Undecided Democrats hold power over health bill - USATODAY.com

Heather Higgins and Kellyanne Conway: Swing Districts Oppose Health Reform - WSJ.com

Democrats, Forever Changed - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Proposal is the Illusion of 'Reform'

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - A needed reform descends into farce

How To Stop The Bleeding | The New Republic

Washington Needs Back-to-Work Program of Its Own: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg.com

Think Washington is partisan now? Wait until after Obamacare | Washington Examiner

Glutton for Punishment - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

GOP surges, but storm could fade - Tom Davis - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers Bring Energy, Change and Tumult to GOP

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Analysis: Settlements or us

RealClearPolitics - Will Gordon Brown Mount an Upset in Britain?

Debra Burlingame and Thomas Joscelyn: Gitmo's Indefensible Lawyers - WSJ.com

Editorial - More Than Onerous - NYTimes.com

Fallout is far-reaching - BostonHerald.com

Editorial: Ryan's 'Roadmap' reveals hard truth | StarTribune.com

Congress should make earmark ban permanent - St. Petersburg Times

Voter turnouts for primaries 'a concern' - USATODAY.com

GOP Senate candidates tear into Boxer at convention - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Curbing earmarks: Even with new restrictions, for-profits play a role - washingtonpost.com

Report Is Critical of Obama’s Efforts at Transparency - NYTimes.com


*3-14/TranscriptsGuests: Leader Boehner & David Axelrod

Guests: Sen. Durbin, Rep. Clyburn, David Axelrod

Guests: Sen. Alexander, Robert Gibbs (PDF)

Guests: Senator Graham & David Axelrod


03-15-2010: Secretive Catholic Order Founded by Accused Pedophile Under Fire

03-15-2010: Panic in Georgia After a Mock News Broadcast

03-14-2010: Proposal for European Monetary Fund Meets Resistance

03-14-2010: US to lobby for endangered species listing for polar bear

03-14-2010: SpaceX says Falcon 9 rocket test fire is a success

03-14-2010: IPCC Rainforest eco-tastrophe claim confirmed as bunk

03-14-2010: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

03-14-2010: Irish cardinal urged to quit amid court case over paedophilia 'cover-up'

03-14-2010: Obama seeks to overhaul No Child Left Behind

03-14-2010: 'Libertarian streak' in tea parties worries some evangelicals

03-14-2010: Search on for Death Star that throws out deadly comets


03-14-2010: Forests are a planetary asset and no longer the concern of individual countries

03-14-2010: Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs

03-14-2010: The Coffee Party kicks off movement to take on the Tea Party

03-13-2010: Vatican officials defend pope on abuse

03-13-2010: Telepathic computer can read your mind

03-13-2010: Apollo astronauts dismay at axing of Nasa mission to return mankind to the Moon

Rasmussen In Poland: Expeditionary NATO, Missile Shield And Nuclear Weapons

Billionaires Soar with Economic Crisis

Lehman’s $50 billion conjuring trick

Corporate entity becomes ‘candidate’, kicks off bid for Congress

YouTube - Murray Hill Incorporated is Running for Congress

Defense official ran private spy operation

'My Jason Bournes:' US Mercenaries Hired to Track and Kill Suspected Militants

David Cameron's rightwing 'allies' march in Riga to commemorate the SS

Obama backs national DNA database

Was "Jihad Jane" a Real Terrorist Threat? Or a Mentally Unstable Loner?

Forbes: Crisis Hits Only Low Income Earners

Ponzi Nation: How Get-Rich-Quick Crime Came to Define an Era

Back to Market Fundamentalism

Grassroots activists calling for ‘national strike’ by Americans; ‘warm up’ set for April 15-18

The video that will put Geithner behind bars | The Smirking Chimp

US-NATO "Strategic Concept": Global Warfare

The Financial System in America is on the Edge of Default

Life is Great ... But Only If You Are Already Mega-Wealthy

For Some, the Search for What Happened on 9/11 Isn't Over

How China Views America: The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009

VIDEO: Is Catastrophe Ahead for US-China Relations?

The Decline of Israel

World’s Billionaires Grew 50 Percent Richer in 2009

Europe trashes ACTA as Obama praises it

Obama Sides with RIAA, MPAA; Backs ACTA

EU Parliament rejects ACTA in 663 to 13 vote for openness

Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution of American Citizens: A Desired State Policy

Reports: The book police are coming to get you

Story on Mystery Substance Distracts from Fact Fluoride is a Deadly Killer


IPCC Rainforest eco-tastrophe claim confirmed as bunk

Citizen Stasi: Sometimes you have to break the law to enforce it

New Pay Discrimination Bill Would Let Government Collect Payroll Records of Private Companies

Dismantling America

Invitation to an Anti-Keynes Project

Dollar Bulls Beware

Chicago police expanding Taser use


Peter Schiff - Beacon Falls, CT - P1

Peter Schiff - Beacon Falls, CT - P2

Peter Schiff - Beacon Falls, CT - P3

Peter Schiff - Beacon Falls, CT - P4


Evidence Mounts NATO Report Lied on Afghan Civilian Killings

Wis. judge sides with Amish man in livestock-registration case

911 Ground Explosions: Firefighters: "7 Is Exploding" "I Know, I Know"

Grandma Killed in Fatal Drug Raid

Woman shot, killed by deputies was no drug dealer, family and friends say

Feds raided Big Island homes as well as The Hawaii Cannabis Ministry

Study: Law officers home from war 'quicker to use force'

Man Who Carried Gun In Park Has Permit Revoked

Massachusetts SJC rules 2nd Amendment does not apply to states

Utah plans to take back land from feds through eminent domain

Gary Fielder Tells His Body Scanner Experience in Studio on The Alex Jones Show

Czars to Serfs: Shut Up, and Pay Up

The Health Care Reform Bill: Welcome To The Biggest Tax Increase In U.S. History


Download MP3:Know Your Toxins: BPA

Download MP3:Economics 101

Download MP3:Lessons in Resistance: Whistleblowing


The true nature of certain 'progressives' finally being revealed

Champions of neoliberal economics are reversing New Deal economics

The F Word: Aren’t we Cheneyed out yet?

Shading corruption for the appearance of truth

Alternative reading of the Al-Mabhouh murder

Fears Over Global Warming In Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals

video:Carbon Eugenics, Whistleblowers Muzzled, RIP Mainstream Media

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: how will technologically enhanced Individuals collaborate with "normal" employees

Americans Are Still 21 Percent Poorer Than Before The Recession

Leading Conservative Senator: Congress Has a Right, and Duty, to Earmark

Human Rights Report on Mexico Does Not Include Homicide Victims Who Are U.S. Citizens

Mexico’s Drug Violence Claims an American Couple Tied to U.S. Consulate

Homosexual Group Attacks Statement Signed by Generals, Admirals Opposed to Homosexuals Serving in Military

Obama Heads to Ohio Monday, Still Hawking Health Care

Tom Hanks: America is Overcoming Racism, ‘It’s Just Taking an Awfully Long Time’

Obama Urged to Establish an Office of Maternal Health -- Because Health Care Bill ‘Won’t Fix Crisis’

Government Cannot Explain Runaway Prius; Suspicions Mount

Pentagon Probing Alleged Spy Operation

Edwards Mistress: 'We Love Each Other Very Much'

ACORN Branches Rename, Rebrand After Video Scandal

Dems Seek Agreement, Quick Vote on Health Care

'Mission: Impossible' Star Peter Graves Dies at 83

Detroit City Workers Warned to Avoid ‘Scented Products’

Beware the Ides of March

We Want a ‘Fair Tax’ Now

Ohio Woman Says Pa. Doc Gave Wrong Breast Implants

Help Wanted: Space Flight Experience Required

Mass Grave World War One Soldiers to Be Named

Dad of Missing Ariz. Boy Says He's Moving to Texas

Female Guards Often Behind Sex Misconduct

Pope Stresses Christian Unity at Lutheran Church

Al Gore Shocked by 'The Great Cool-Down'

Sarah Palin Lashes Out at Liberals, D.C. and Media

Obama Stands by Criticism of Supreme Court

Gibbs: Obamacare Will Be Passed Next Week

Kingston: Dems 'Arm-Twisting' to Push Obamacare

Democrats Lack Healthcare Votes

GOP to Use Amendments as Tactic

Mistress Wanted Edwards to Quit Race

Holbrooke: Al-Qaida Has 'Blown It'

Richard Grenell: Obamacare's Slacker Coverage

Rep. Richardson Takes Chopper Joy Ride

House Vote Counter Hunting for Health Care Votes

White House: Israel Construction Plan an 'Insult'

Boehner: GOP Doing 'Everything' to Stop Obamacare

Vatican Denies Celibacy Led to Sex Abuse Scandal

Surging Global Weapons Transfers Raise Concerns

Tea Party Leaders: GOP Must Stop Obamacare

Investors Turn Attention to Fed Meeting

Dodd Seeks Difficult Consensus On Financial Rules

Gorbachev Says Putin Leads Russia Backslide

Man in 'Freedom or Die' shirt told to turn it inside out at airport - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

McLoud residents "hook up or pay up" - KFOR

The Most Powerful Destructive Corporate Business Club Most Americans Have Never Heard of | Economy | AlterNet

Tomgram: Andy Kroll, Welcome to America, Sucker | TomDispatch

Report escalates Lehman ineptitude to new level | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

JPMorgan, Citigroup helped trigger Lehman collapse, report argues - Telegraph

Normalizing the police state (and how it ends with taser-firing drones) - Allison Kilkenny - Unreported - True/Slant

The Patsy Revolt of 2010

State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules

Huntsville Bomb Squad investigates Amy Bishop's home - WAFF.com: North Alabama News, Radar, Weather, Sports and Jobs-

Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes

Anthrax Attack In Scotland - Ten Deaths So Far

Germany fights to keep Holocaust organiser's files sealed - Telegraph

YouTube - POLICE STATE 2010: Homeland Security Unveils Mobile Mind Screening Checkpoints

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent | Deanna Spingola

The Collins Bros Unleashed Episode 18: Elite Depopulation and Demographic Winter | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy? | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

P. Ph. Wolf: An Historical Account of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Newsmax - New Paradigm: Conservatives vs. Progressives

Newsmax - Newsmax.com - Blogs

Newsmax - Franken Stands Up for Victims of Crime

GOP Aide On 'Isolated' Ensign: 'I Almost Forget He's Still Here' | TPMMuckraker

Cocaine users 'making global warming worse' - mirror.co.uk

As Health Vote Awaits, Future of a Presidency Waits, Too - NYTimes.com

U.S., U.K. Move Closer to Losing Rating, Moody’s Says /Bloomberg.com

Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America? - Telegraph

My Way News - White House backs down on health bill deals

Pelosi confident House will pass health care bill - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: House vote counter hunting for health care votes

Graham blasts Axelrod: 'Tired of this crap' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Demand for Obama wanes among moderate Democrats - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - A needed reform descends into farce

Government rebuked over global warming nursery rhyme adverts - Telegraph

Hillary Clinton contracts purchases of $5.4M in crystal stemware for American Embassies to Swedish firm Orrefors/Kosta Boda USA - NYPOST.com

Ahead of visit, Obama reconsiders Indonesia military - Yahoo! News

Islamic group protests Obama's visit to Indonesia - Yahoo! Asia News

911 Systems Swamped In Weekend Storm - wcbstv.com

In Mexico, 13 killed in Acapulco area, 11 others elsewhere in Guerrero - latimes.com

Mexico gunmen kill American consulate staff - Yahoo! News

Mexico Drug Violence Worries Spring Break Revelers - ABC News

Vatican officials defend pope on abuse

Child abuse claims sweep Catholic Church in Europe - Yahoo! News

On Satan’s trail with Don Gabriele, the world’s most famous exorcist - Times Online

British pair faces jail time in Dubai over kiss | Reuters

Verizon Communications has allowed Federal Trade Commission to investigate Google's acquisition of AdMob - NYPOST.com

My Way News - Survey: Readers don't want to pay for news online

A Strategy for the Right by Murray N. Rothbard

Jealousy and Envy: The Christian and the State by Jim Fedako

Gold, Silver and Oil: Buying the Essentials in Tough Markets by Richard Daughty

How Dubai unraveled a homicide, frame by frame - latimes.com

Vitamin D 'triggers and arms' the immune system - Telegraph

Short blasts of exercise as good as hours of training, scientists find - Telegraph

Author claims the CIA released LSD into the New York City subway system in government test - NYPOST.com

Don’t mock my lentils: vegans to get discrimination rights - Times Online

On Pi Day, one number 'reeks of mystery' - CNN.com

Boehner: We're Going to do Everything We Can to Make it Difficult or Impossible to Pass Health Care Bill

Obama Nominates Young Liberal To San Francisco's 9th Circuit Court And Conservatives Of Course Have Conniptions

The sick mind of Dan Riehl

O'Reilly: You Always Hear Cops Are Picking on African Americans But Whites Are Arrested Way Higher

The wife of Clarence Thomas launches Tea Party Group and is intrigued by Glenn Beck

What Did The Pope Know, And When Did He Know It? Another Sex Scandal Threatens Vatican

The Texas textbook two-step

Boehner: I Would Not Vote to Close Gitmo 'If You Put a Gun to My Head'

Chris Van Hollen Points Out the Republicans Hypocrisy on Earmark Reform

Rove Denies Bush Administration Said Oil Revenues Would Pay for the War in Iraq

Huckabee: Once the Tea Party Movement Gets 'Taken Over' by Special Interests 'They're Done'

David Axelrod: When You Go Into The Details, People Support The Healthcare Bill

Chris Matthews Calls Obama a Progressive and Asks if He Can 'Pretend to be a Centrist'

Dodd To Present New Financial Regulations Proposal On Monday

According To The 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals, God Is "Patriotic" And No Longer "Religious"

Amy Holmes Plays Apologist for Bush Torture Lawyers

Woman aims to become world's fattest

SPACE.com -- Secret Military Space Plane Primed For Test Launch

Straight Dope Chicago: Did a phantom kangaroo once haunt Chicago?

UFOMystic » Mac Revelations


Psychopaths' brains wired to seek rewards, no matter the consequences

Hearts may swoon when stocks do, study suggests

Honey bees secret world of heat revealed - Telegraph

BBC News - Obama Nasa plans 'catastrophic' say Moon astronauts

Dog Growls Contain Specific Information : Discovery News

'Terminator' asteroids could re-form after nuke - space - 11 March 2010 - New Scientist

New World Order: JFK - New World Order - Original Documentaries

Corey Haim's Funeral: Toronto Not Paying, Corey Feldman Not Going - Corey Haim : People.com

An appreciation: How Peter Graves made his mission possible | EW.com

Lady Gaga Announces 31 Arena Tour Dates In North America - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Animated Tiger Woods to star in first episode of 'South Park's' 14th season on Comedy Central

Beware The Ides Of March: Wake-Up Video » MTV Newsroom

MTV Has Not Banned Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' Video - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Larry David Working on More "Curb Your Enthusiasm" - ABC News

The Associated Press: ABBA, Genesis ready for induction to Rock Hall

'Price of Beauty' shows why Jessica Simpson is a TV star - NYPOST.com

NY license exemption backed for yoga, martial arts - Health- msnbc.com

YouTube - Yoga teachers may not need licenses

Mother of 'Jihad Jamie' Describes Daughter as 'Lonely and Insecure' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Suspect's Mother Reveals Fears

American Woman Released in Ireland in Terror Case - WSJ.com


Virginia AG: Obama birth certificate will 'get tested' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Virginia Attorney General outlines birther legal challenge - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

VA Atty Gen, a birther? - First Read - msnbc.com

Report Is Critical of Obama’s Efforts at Transparency - NYTimes.com

Health care puts House Dems on the line - CNN.com

A Big Week for Health Care Reform: What Could Happen Next? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

2010 Census rolls out 120 million forms today nationwide. - ABC News

Obama to push 'No Child Left Behind' overhaul - CNN.com

U.S. lawmakers press for action on China currency - washingtonpost.com

Obama and the Supreme Court: The next big brawl? - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

O'Hare using full-body scanner - UPI.com

YouTube - Full-body imaging machine comes to O'Hare International Airport

Marine killed by wrong-way driver had just returned from Iraq; wife remains critical | ajc.com

Pedestrian death shuts down Malibu roadway - ContraCostaTimes.com

'Jerusalem construction will go on'

Mexico killings: How the drug war crippled the Juarez economy / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Mexico Spring Break Warning

Putin congratulates Nobel Prize winning physicist on 80th birthday | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: Bomb Explodes at Vanguard Amnesty Conference in Warri

Most priests accused of sex abuse were never tried, admits Vatican - CNN.com

YouTube - Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI in child abuse twist

Lights back on in Chile after huge blackout - CNN.com

Afghan Forces Kill 5 Suicide Bomber-Suspects in Eastern Afghanistan | Asia | English

YouTube - War Wary: NATO needs to win hearts or lose Afghanistan

New witness in Dubai British couple kissing case - Telegraph

U.N. chief urges donors not to forget Haiti - CNN.com

Enigma Wrapped in Rumor - Maliki’s Hospital Visit - NYTimes.com

Colombia Congress Vote Aids Santos Presidential Bid (Update1) - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: SAfrican youth leader convicted of hate speech

BBC News - Profile of Father Brendan Smyth

The Associated Press: Irish Catholic leader won't quit for abuse coverup

Germany third-biggest arms supplier worldwide

BBC News - 'Arms drive' in South East Asia

The Associated Press: Surging global weapons transfers raise concerns


Politics Video:3-15/Tapper Previews Obama's Ohio Speech

Secretary Duncan on Education Reform

Towns, Cantor Discuss Health Care

Sen. Gregg on Obama's Debt Commission

Edwards' Mistress Shares New Details

Rubio Defends Spending


*3-14/Rove On Health Care, His Book & His Critics

Robert Gibbs: "We'll Have the Votes"

Wasserman-Schulz, Insurance Lobbyist Debate Health Reform

Van Hollen, Cantor Debate Health Care

Axelrod: "This is the Moment"

Boehner: House Control 'Doable'

Rove: HC Bill is Stuffed With Pork

Clyburn: We're Still Looking For Votes

Axelrod on POTUS/SCOTUS Flap

Lindsey Graham on Health Care & Reconciliation

O'Reilly: Blaming FOX News for Health Care Mess


Arizona town opens time capsule, can't find brandy

Spain-bound cocaine found in Colombian sculptures

Iowa police seize really bad bogus bills

Police: Man, 77, ate hidden pot stash in squad car

Miami man allegedly had followers drink snail mucus in rituals, causing violent illness

Georgia offers prisoners to swap jail for monastery

Indian villagers set world record for dance troupe

Somali government signs deal with Sufi militia

German diocese suspends priest

Bin Laden's son calls on Iran to free his siblings

U.S. transfers prison, 2,900 ex-insurgents to Iraq

US military hands over prison to Iraqi government

Tongue device helps blind soldier 'see'

Obama heads to Ohio looking for health care votes

2010 Census Forms Arrive in 120 Million Mailboxes Across Nation

Nudity still shocks! NYC exhibit with naked performers causes discomfort

Army to Army

Obama To Ban Fishing? Not Yet, But… Give the Regulators Time

Is Geert Wilders the Canary in the Dutch Coal Mine — Or the Next Prime Minister?

Sex, Drugs and Cultural Euthanasia: Amsterdam, 1992

Heartbroken Howard Fineman Bemoans the ‘Crush’ MSM Had On Obama, Can’t Handle the Truth

Weak Brew: Potemkin ‘Coffee Party’ No Match For Real Tea Party Passion

The Phony ‘Coffee Party’ Astroturfing Continues: MSM Looks the Other Way

Overnight Thread: Is the Media’s ‘Slobbering Love Affair’ With Obama Over — Or Is It All a Ruse?

Time to Pay the IOUs out of the ‘Lock Box’

Robert Gibbs’ and Andy Stern’s Purple Bracelets a Mark of Clintonesque Solidarity?

Which Democrats Get Free Passes?

Gibbs: ObamaCare the Law of the Land by Next Sunday

‘Schoolhouse Barack’

Hit The Road, Jordan: OSHA’s New Head Brings Thuggishness to the Labor Department

Reason.tv: Advice Goddess Amy Alkon on Beating Manners Into Rude People

Hey Obama, Keep Your Hands Off My Fishing Pole!

The Debt-Sea Scrolls

Sunday Open Thread: Health Care Jihad Edition

Keynesian Economics and the Wizard of Oz

‘Will and Grace’ Star: Leno ‘Insane’ for Appealing to Red State Viewers

James Cameron Rewriting WWII & Undermining Christianity: Unwitting Fool or Willing Dupe?

Day By Day: Oui-Oui’d Up

Obama Nation: Much Needed Health Care

The New Fascists: Part 1 – A Political Primer - Big Journalism

The New Fascists: Foundation – Part 2 - Big Journalism

The New Fascists: Execution – Part 3 - Big Journalism

The New Fascists, Part 4: The Marching Minions of the Frankfurt School - Big Journalism

The New Fascists: The Synthesis – Part 5 - Big Journalism

Debbie Schlussel: Four Things I Warned You About: The Jihad Jamie Story

Debbie Schlussel:Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

Debbie Schlussel:Housekeeping: “Where is My Comment?”

Debbie Schlussel:Moron: Why is Obama’s Immigration Chief Feting Anti-Semitic America-Hating Muslim?

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH VIDEO: How Islam Treats Its Women & How America Rescues Them

Debbie Schlussel:Islamic Terrorist Sharif Mobley: Story, Lessons Are Old Hat; But US Keeps Ignoring Them

FOXNews.com - Israeli Envoy: U.S. Ties in 'Crisis of Historic Proportions'

The Associated Press: Obama heads to Ohio looking for health care votes

Democrats aren't suicidal. They're self-executing. | Washington Examiner

Jihad Jane's allies in the courts

Barack Obama tries to find a scapegoat for his own hubris - Telegraph

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Colorado's 'terror' blonde brainwashed 6-year-old son into becoming littlest terrorist - NYPOST.com

New Concerns in Bloody Border Battle - Video - FoxNews.com

Clinton says Israel announcement 'insulting to the United States' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Sean Penn snaps at young reporter - NYPOST.com

Suspect who beat woman in Midtown bar charged with assault, attempted rape - NYPOST.com

Iranian Jewish family nabbed at Ben-Gurion with 15 kg. opium

UN climate change claims on rainforests were wrong, study suggests - Telegraph

MichaelSavage.com - Home of The Savage Nation

"Selling New York" to show how Big Apple real estate is more than buying and selling - NYPOST.com

Protesters succeed in ousting 5 paroled sex offenders | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Sneaky cabbies' $8M meter rip-off went on for years - NYPOST.com

Rielle Hunter Kiss & Tell Photo Gallery - NYPOST.com

Contract FROM America: Giving the People a Voice in Congress

It's the Culture, Stupid

Logical Positivism and the IPCC: 'The Best-Laid Schemes...'

'Are Liberals, Atheists More Evolved than Conservatives?'

The Real Tea Party Story: Community Builders vs. Community Organizers

They Fought for You now You Fight for Them

Global Warming Nursery Rhymes

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - most of the time

What we need is a good old fashioned exorcism on Capitol Hill

Health care reform is not about helping people

Arctic Sea Ice Grows

Paul Ryan - Prophet of disaster

The Imperfect Rubio

*Slaughter Rule Unconstitutional

Pelosi and Marx on 'Freedom'

No Taxation with Misrepresentation?

What I Will Do If ObamaCare Passes

Class Conflict in Obama's America

The Attack on Netanyahu

International Condemnation of Israel - So What's New?

Obama the Entrepreneurship Expert

The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Pelosischlacht: Left Comes Out Swinging for the Slaughter Rule

Full Court Press on the Slaughter Rule - Daniel Foster - The Corner on National Review Online

Democrats lack health care votes, but not bravado | Washington Examiner

Pajamas Media » More Crazy Talk from ‘Muslims of the Americas’

Ethanol, the Fuel Only a Politician Could Love | RedState

Swindle and Forsmark Swing and Miss in Their Analysis of Moderate Islam | NewsReal Blog

If the Left Ends Bass Fishing-Where Will We Send Dan Rather? | NewsReal Blog

How To Pass Bills In Congress Without Voting On Them | NewsReal Blog

YouTube - The Slaughter Solution

Axelrod: Americans Are Too Stupid To Care About Congressional Procedures | NewsReal Blog

The ‘Slaughter Solution’ Is Nothing Short Of Treason Against The American Republic | NewsReal Blog




Obama administration monitors Jews on Temple Mount

Could this ad be Reid's downfall?

Demand for Obama wanes among moderate Democrats - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Audit of Federal Reserve inches closer

National Coffee Party Day flops

All issues are 'social issues'

Ahead of visit, Obama reconsiders Indonesia military - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Israeli Envoy: U.S. Ties in 'Crisis of Historic Proportions'

Don't mess with Texas … textbooks!

Pelosi to seek Senate 'assurances' before House health vote - TheHill.com

GOP to use amendments as tactic - Washington Times

SCOPE - medical blog - Stanford University School of Medicine

Obama pollster: U.S. will like healthcare bill, despite poll numbers - TheHill.com

Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes

Justice, CIA clash over probe of interrogator IDs - Washington Times

DOJ: CAIR's Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Mexico Drug Violence Worries Spring Break Revelers - ABC News

Yemen holds US man after al-Qaida sweep, shootout

U.S. to roll out major broadband policy | Reuters

Upside down house opened to visitors... just don't use the toilet | Mail Online

Artist Jan Vormann Uses Legos in Crumbling New York Buildings - AOL News

Nude and naked hiking trails | Germany, France, Australia

Twitter adds location tool to reveal users' whereabouts | Metro.co.uk

Church renames Jesus' resurrection after pagan goddess

Crocodile chases barramundi and almost lands in boat at NT fishing spot | Courier Mail

Meet Arnie, the Terminator Trout with the physique of a body-builder | Mail Online

Man working on home computer bit by stray snake - Weird News - Canoe.ca

Farm chickens' DNA traced back to red jungle fowl - latimes.com

Tim King and Students of Urban Prep Charter Academy Are the Persons of the Week - ABC News

YouTube - Candor Chasma animation using HiRISE DTM

Gloucester cheese-rolling event on Cooper's Hill cancelled after 200 years | Mail Online

Flaming torches light up Britain's Hadrian's Wall - Yahoo! News

Germany fights to keep Eichmann files secret over claims officials colluded in escape | Mail Online

Journalism's hidden agenda


*American Minute for March 15th:William J Federer's American Minute


If Obama makes history, America will remember

Against the New Atheism

Come on in – what's mine is yours

Our Subversive Founders - Fred Schwarz on National Review Online

Census or non-census?

Message to Obama: Act like a leader

3 heroes with political courage

Something's happening here …

gulfnews : Obama gravy train runs out of steam

100 million ‘missing’ girls - The Boston Globe

Roberts objects: The Supreme Court deserves presidential feedback

The Cost-Control Illusion - WSJ.com

Image of Jesus 'appears in a frying pan' - Telegraph

Fertility clinic raffling human egg

PHOTOS: 9-foot python discovered in Marco Island backyard » Naples Daily News

Evangelical leader takes on Beck for assailing social justice churches - CNN.com

On Satan’s trail with Don Gabriele, the world’s most famous exorcist - Times Online

Pope helped priest accused of child abuse - The Local

Catholic priest called ethnic war victims 'dogs' | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Fla. Woman Dies at Home After Weeklong Religious Fast - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Anaheim cop notches three DUI arrests in a year – and is still on payroll - OC Watchdog : The Orange County Register

Lincoln dealership owner tracks down stolen truck

Hounded by canine hitmen - Times LIVE

The Associated Press: Police: Woman in bust hid nearly $26,000 in bra

Female cop charged with sex assault - Canada - Canoe.ca

Elton John's lover committed suicide after struggling to come to terms with sexuality - Telegraph

Georgia Man Arrested for Threatening Elton John’s Life : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

Man hanging from car window dies when driver sideswipes pole in Clearwater - St. Petersburg Times

Hold the dog, please. China's proposed ban on sale of dog and cat meat | Gadling.com

Manny Pacquiao: Filipino Boxing Sensation Is a Rennaisance Man - ABC News

Drug Slayings in Mexico Rock U.S. Consulate - NYTimes.com

Want to Get Paid for Counting? Census Is Hiring - NYTimes.com

Immigration reform could be dilemma

Sen. Graham Says President Obama's Proclaimed 'Unwavering' Commitment to Immigration Reform‪ 'Doesn't Pass the Smell Test' - Political Punch

King: Stopping health reform will stop amnesty for immigrants « Iowa Independent

Calif. GOP governor contenders debating - San Jose Mercury News

FOIA-request audit shows response to Obama transparency pledge is uneven - washingtonpost.com

McCain Rival: Gay Marriage Ruling Might Lead To Bestiality | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

'Airplane!': Peter Graves-y things to say today | EW.com

‘Beware the Ides of March’ Means What Exactly? | KidGlue


Bill Cunningham 3/14/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 3/14/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 3/14/10 Hour 3

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-14, Sunday