"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 March 2010

13/14 March

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-12, Friday

03/12 The Mark Levin Show

March 12, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/12/2010


Massachusetts SJC rules 2nd Amendment does not apply to states | SouthCoastToday.com


YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 1/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 2/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 3/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 4/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 5/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 6/7

YouTube - Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 7/7


Life is Great … But Only If You Are Already Mega-Wealthy

Obama Supports a National DNA Database

Deluded Obama Coffee Party Says Government is the Will of the People

$650 Million Payout Proves Government Conspired To Lie About 9/11

Black and White Homegrown al-Qaeda

While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.

Russia, Greece, Chile, and the Narcissism of Harvard Debt Lords

Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others

YouTube - POLICE STATE 2010: Homeland Security Unveils Mobile Mind Screening Checkpoints

IRS Cranks Up Hysteria in Wake of Joe Stack Attack

Story on Mystery Substance Distracts from Fact Fluoride is a Deadly Killer

Man fined over Facebook insult to ex-girlfriend - Telegraph

YouTube - Jesse Ventura censored by The Huffington Post

Let Me Know When You See Fire: The Flaming Inferno Story on 9/11

YouTube - The 9/11 hijackers are alive

Taboo Inhibits Frank Iran/Israel Talk

The Globalist Push To Crush The Rich Nations In Preparation For Global Carbon Tax And New World Order

20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

Tarpley: Virtual Flag Terrorism Next Threat

Census Data Not So Confidential After All

Mystery Substance Found in Chinese Fluoride Added to Massachusetts Water

Economy Kept On Life Support While Global Governance Is Organized : Neithercorp Press

The Mayor Of Detroit’s Radical Plan To Bulldoze One Quarter Of The City

All American Blogger » Maurice Strong and the Collapse of Industrialized Civilizations

Ventura: ‘You’re not allowed to ask’ about 9/11 | Raw Story

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

McLoud residents "hook up or pay up" - KFOR

Bruce Ivins' attorney calls for case to be re-opened | Bio Prep Watch

"JihadJane" was laughable, Web watchers say | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/12/2010

US carbon traders fear pink slips

Life is Great … But Only If You Are Already Mega-Wealthy

YouTube - HOAX NEWS: Russia attacks Georgia, Saakashvili killed

Georgian mock invasion broadcast "a provocation" - Kosachev: Voice of Russia

YouTube - Zombies are real

Ventura: ‘You’re Not Allowed to Ask’ About 9/11

YouTube - Justice or 'Just US'? Gerald Celente on Wall St. mafia

Cramer Declares Tax Avoidance within Code a 'Patriotic Duty'

FT.com / Technology - Google to shut China search engine


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 12th With Jesse Ventura

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 10th With Dick Russell


Battling the Bipartisan Consensus for War

US Federal Reserve Dealing in Magic and Secrets

Second NOLA police officer pleads guilty in post-Katrina shootings

Black and White Homegrown al-Qaeda

Epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency sweeping the world

Outrage in Georgia over fake Russian invasion report

Bob Shallit: IRS visits Sacramento carwash in pursuit of 4 cents - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee


YouTube - Pt 1/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 2/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 3/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King


China May Face ‘Massive’ Bank Bailouts After Stimulus Program - Bloomberg.com

Lehman Brothers' bosses 'manipulated' balance sheet with accounting tricks, scathing report finds | Mail Online

FEMA's sale of Katrina trailers sparks criticism - washingtonpost.com

Google faces storm over naked child on Streetview | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: How carbon gases ‘have saved us from a new ice age’

Al-Qaeda suspect, Sharif Mobley, worked at US nuclear plants - Times Online

Secret Service - Sinclair Never Under Investigation

YouTube - The Shocking Truth About Public Schools

The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

savethemales.ca - Canadian Military Hiring 20 Actors

What the devil is going on at the Vatican? - Telegraph

Call girl ring ‘of 350 women’ linked to alleged corruption over Rome G8 contracts - Times Online

Cuban TV program charts 638 assassination attempts on Fidel Castro - Telegraph

Liz Cheney accused of McCarthyism over campaign against lawyers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Germany fights to keep Holocaust organiser's files sealed - Telegraph

Democrats more hopeful on health-care vote - washingtonpost.com

Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

James Brown's body is 'missing from its crypt', alleges singer's daughter | Mail Online

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Sign the Official Online Petition for Holly Greig and Robert Green

The March To Bankruptcy - Only A Matter Of Time


savethemales.ca - "We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

Hate Blogger Wins Second Mistrial | Threat Level | Wired.com

Touring South America - Corridor Of The Giants

Physician - No Health Care Crisis, It's A Crisis Of Culture

World Billionaires Grew 50% Richer In 2009

Pope knew priest was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry -Times Online

On Satan’s trail with Don Gabriele, the world’s most famous exorcist - Times Online

Cro Magnon skull supports theory that human brains have begun to shrink - Times Online

Google news tax could boost local papers, report says | Media | The Guardian

Putin in deal to build nuclear reactors for India | World news | guardian.co.uk

Apollo astronauts dismay at axing of Nasa mission to return mankind to the Moon - Telegraph

Has the US gun lobby shot itself in the foot by unintentionally undermining states' rights? – Telegraph Blogs

9/11 rescue workers face court battle to pay for healthcare | World news | The Guardian

The amazing true story of Zeitoun | World news | The Guardian

Obesity: The killer combination of salt, fat and sugar | David A Kessler | Life and style | The Guardian

Clinton slams Israel on housing announcement | World news | guardian.co.uk

Israeli Historian: Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe

Israel and America: Foolish tricks | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

middle-class-money-angst: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

China to bid on US high-speed rail projects - Yahoo! Finance

Roy Tov: On a Good Pope, a Bad Politician and an Evil General

Bring on the Robin Hood tax | Polly Toynbee | Comment is free | The Guardian

Catholic Church Child Abuse Claims Sweep Across Europe

Health Care Reform - Communist Style


*Full Text of Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009


Paul A Drockton M.A.: This Website Forces Another Utah Republican Leader to Resign

savethemales.ca - Darwin Was an Instrument of the Illuminati

Peruvian Nazca Civilization Was Destroyed by Deforestation

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars | Economy | AlterNet

Truth, History And Integrity

Scottish Government Cover Up of Hollie Greig Part 1 - How it all came to light

Scientists should stop deceiving us

Doomsday man ‘raped five daughters to save bloodline' - Times Online

The modern national embarrassment equal to slavery

Tenure and the Teachers Union

S 3081 and the American Police State

Revisiting 9/11

Supreme Court will Uphold our Right to Gun Ownership

We should implement Asimov's 3 laws to protect us from our inhuman creations-not robots but corporations.

Obama's health care campaign sells bad medicine

Revisiting The Bill of Rights

Why Isn't Health Care Reform Socialism?

The Real Tea Party Story: Community Builders vs. Community Organizers

'Are Liberals, Atheists More Evolved than Conservatives?'

Logical Positivism and the IPCC: 'The Best-Laid Schemes...'

It's the Culture, Stupid

Backing Away from the Wall

Global Warming and Cold War Thinking

Islamists Respond to Terror Cases with Denial

The Cuba I Saw

What's Wrong with the Brits?

Contract FROM America: Giving the People a Voice in Congress

The Big Lie of Health Care Reform

The Problem with Blaming Insurance Companies

The Granularity of Climate Models

The Land of Entitlements

The Rube Goldberg Progressives

The Cut-and-Paste Doctrines of the Left

NBC's Castro-Driven Journalism

The Soul of America

Lessons from the Coffee Party

Biden Trip Reveals Ominous Side of Obama's Treatment of Israel

Free Citizens or Tail-Wagging Pets?

Step Away from the Computer


I'm Sorry, Madam Speaker -- the Republicans Won't Let Me Vote for It

The 'Progressives' Are Really 'Oppressives'

Emperor Obama and the Kamikaze House Democrats

A 'Back-Door' public option?

Organizing the Coffee Party

Obama pollster: America will heart Obamacare once it's passed

Pelosi: Being a woman is a 'pre-existing condition'

As Obama Fumbles Healthcare, Focus Shifts to Education Takeover

Obama to gut No Child Left Behind

Killing the best medical system in the world

An Orwellian redefinition of the Constitution

Virtually every Western Democratic Government is insolvent.

$13 trillion in inches is a lot of miles

While Obama Fiddles

Make him an offer he can't refuse

The Miss America President

Americans' 'confidence in leaders'

Will passing Obamacare jolt us into reality?

US fumes over Israeli home building while Iran builds nuke

Texas schoolbooks to reflect a more balanced worldview

Embarrassing and envious screed by former Times executive editor

Stupak and his dozen getting 'both arms twisted'

Pelosi waxes artistically about health care reform

Levin on Representative Slaughter - and the Slaughter Rule

Oh yes it is an abortion bill

Just a typical Obama appointee

A glimpse into our Kafkaesque future under Obamacare

Senator Sessions Calls Holder's Breach 'Extremely Serious'

Glenn Beck Knows That The Maoists In The WH Are Getting Secret Messages From That Communist Woody Guthrie. Huh?

Senate Votes To Extend Unemployment Benefit Eligibility, No Tier 5 Extension For 2M Americans

Bill Maher: They Should Have Started With Single Payer on the Health Care Bill

DNC's Woodhouse: Republicans are Sitting in a Glass House Throwing Stones

Karl Rove proud of using waterboarding and says it's not torture.

James Dobson out

Chuck Todd Can't Bother to Challenge John Boehner on Lies or Ethics Hypocrisy

New Right Wing Psychosis: Obama's War on Sports Fishing

New Wave of Foreclosures Ready to Hit Already-Battered Housing Market

Study Finds Median Wealth For Single Black Women Is Only $5

McCain and Alexander Continue to Lie About the Filibuster

Nancy Pelosi hammers down the coffin lid on the public option

Howell Raines calls out honest journalists for not exposing Roger Ailes and FOX News

SEIU to Congressman: Vote Yes On The Senate Bill Or We'll Find A Primary Challenger

Doocy: 'Makes a Lot of Sense' to Treat People Like Dogs to Reduce Health Care Costs

Larry Wilkerson on Countdown: Torture Cheerleaders Like Cheney And Rove Are 'Cowards'

New Rule: Let's Not Fire the Teachers When Students Don't Learn

Lehman's Bankruptcy and "Repo 105" could lead to criminal charges for many

Hannity Compares Passing the Health Care Bill to Giving the American People the Middle Finger

David Brooks Defends Liz Cheney: Liberals Called Dick Cheney Mean Names Too

Employers Rapidly Shifting Health Care Costs to Workers

Dems Done Negotiating With Stupak But C-Street Problems Aren't Going Away

Kelly O'Donnell Keeps Furthering Right Wing Media Meme That Massa Identical To Foley

Driftglass and Blue Gal's Weekly Podcast: End Times for the GOP, Jesus, Buddha and Susie Bright

Amy Holmes Plays Apologist for Bush Torture Lawyers

According To The 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals, God Is "Patriotic" And No Longer "Religious"

Dodd To Present New Financial Regulations Proposal On Monday

Chris Matthews Calls Obama a Progressive and Asks if He Can 'Pretend to be a Centrist'

03-14-2010: Forests are a planetary asset and no longer the concern of individual countries

03-14-2010: Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs

03-14-2010: Venezuela's Chavez calls for internet controls

03-14-2010: The Coffee Party kicks off movement to take on the Tea Party

03-14-2010: Strong earthquake rattles buildings around Japan

03-14-2010: U.S. to roll out major broadband policy

03-13-2010: Vatican officials defend pope on abuse

03-13-2010: Putin in deal to build nuclear reactors for India

03-13-2010: Telepathic computer can read your mind

03-13-2010: Apollo astronauts dismay at axing of Nasa mission to return mankind to the Moon

03-13-2010: Explosions across Afghanistan's Kandahar; 30 dead

03-13-2010: Why the U.S. can't inflate its way out of debt

03-13-2010: Nazis In Massachusetts Senate Approve Of School Soda And Snack Ban

03-13-2010: China warns Google to comply with censorship laws

03-13-2010: Kissinger Hospitalized in South Korea

03-13-2010: European Parliament Rips Global IP Accord

03-13-2010: Vladmir Putin forging ahead with vision of Eurasian empire

03-12-2010: Norway doomsday seed vault hits 1/2 million mark

03-12-2010: Supposed Freedom Movement Leaders Signed On To Declaration With Strange Masonic Language Back In 2009

03-12-2010: 20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

03-12-2010: Lehman Cooked Books before Collapse, Report Finds

03-12-2010: Scientology insider's nightmare childhood

03-12-2010: Earth under attack from an invisible star?

03-12-2010: Mexican drug cartels step up efforts to corrupt U.S. border officials

IPCC Rainforest eco-tastrophe claim confirmed as bunk

Primary schoolchildren in tears after they are told they will be removed from families as part of Holocaust ‘game’

Nasa searching for 'Nemesis,' Sun's Deadly Twin, Blamed for Comets

'Minority Report' digital billboard 'watches consumers shop'

Mexican military copter over U.S. neighborhood

Industries hoarding greenhouse gas emission permits

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars

Iran Pursuing Nuclear Weapons Out of Fear

War on the Horizon in Latin America

Was "Jihad Jane" a Real Terrorist Threat? Or a Mentally Unstable Loner?

Forbes: Crisis Hits Only Low Income Earners

How 'Bankquakes' Shake People from Their Homes

Ponzi Nation: How Get-Rich-Quick Crime Came to Define an Era

Back to Market Fundamentalism

The Rogue Nation

The New McCarthyism

Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa

Tea Partyers Are White Nationalists, Pure and Simple

Decoding The Language Of Social Control

Inaction in Fighting Drug Trafficking: Moscow accuses NATO of Waging Undeclared War on Russia

U.S. Taxpayers on Hook for $5 Trillion of Fannie, Freddie Debt ...

East Africa is Next Hot Oil Zone

For Some, the Search for What Happened on 9/11 Isn't Over

America's First War in Africa. US AFRICOM Launches Large-Scale Offensive In Somalia

VIDEO: Is Catastrophe Ahead for US-China Relations?

Workers, Banking, and Crisis in Mexico

Foreclosures Are Rising: Not Just Homeowners Are Affected

More Layoffs in America: No Letup in Attack on Jobs

"The Srebrenica Massacre" : Analysis of the History and the Legend

Gary Fielder Tells His Body Scanner Experience in Studio on The Alex Jones Show

Do You Feel Free Anymore?

Czars to Serfs: Shut Up, and Pay Up

The Health Care Reform Bill: Welcome To The Biggest Tax Increase In U.S. History

Jefferson and Nullification

Ron Paul: National ID Cards Won't Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration

Judge Andrew Napolitano On National I.D. Card

Ron Paul: If the Fed didn't exist there would be no deficits

Government Internet Censorship Begins In Stealth In New Zealand

Jesse Ventura Discusses 9/11 Conspiracies on The View

Jesse Ventura on Fox Business 03/09/10

Huffington Post Kills Jesse Ventura’s Piece On 9/11

Ventura: "You're not allowed to ask" about 9/11

Richmond, New Hampshire Passes Resolution For New 9/11 Investigation

Soviet Amerika: Federal pay ahead of private industry

Police Seize 'Sovereign Citizen' License Plate

Another state to feds: Take your gun regs and stuff 'em

Virginia approves bill banning mandated health care

US Constitution vs. The Patriot Act

Coalition of the Shilling

Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920

Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest

Ron Paul on Fox News - National ID. March 10th, 2010.

Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist

Arresting Taliban to cover America’s backside

How Wall Street cashed in on the American Dream, and nearly killed it

Fears Over Global Warming In Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals

video:Carbon Eugenics, Whistleblowers Muzzled, RIP Mainstream Media

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: how will technologically enhanced Individuals collaborate with "normal" employees

Americans Are Still 21 Percent Poorer Than Before The Recession


Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan (part 1)

Jesse Ventura on AlJazeera w/ Riz Khan (part 2)


YouTube - They Never Intended A Serious Investigation Of 9/11! Jesse Ventura

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Explains The J.F.K. Assassination

Democrats Lack Healthcare Votes as GOP Holds Firm Against Obamacare

Gibbs: Obamacare Will Be Passed Next Week

Scott Brown Bashes Obama's 'Bitter' Health Push

Catholic Hospitals Support Health Care Bill

Sarah Palin Lashes Out at Liberals, D.C. and Media

Obama Stands by Criticism of Supreme Court

Vatican Denies Celibacy Led to Sex Abuse Scandal

Axelrod Confident Health Overhaul Bill Will Pass

Despite Brashness, Bunning a Hero Back Home

Hill: Pelosi Doesn't Have Votes — Yet

Mexican Drug Gangs Target Border Journalists

Gun Used in Pentagon Shooting from Memphis Police

Agencies Lag in Following Obama's Openness Order

Lesbian Sgt. Discharged After Police Tell Military

Native Hawaiian Government May Become Reality

Fla. Woman Dies During Weeks-Long Religious Fast

NYC: Taxi Drivers Overcharged Riders by $8.3M-Plus

Fiorina Assails Washington, Boxer As out of Touch

Ohio Opponents Would Fight ACORN Attempt to Return

Newsom Declares Candidacy for Calif. Lt. Governor

Sarkozy, Brown Slam U.S. on 'Protectionism'

Venezuela's Murder Rate Quadruples Under Chavez

Obama Plans 'Backdoor' Tax to Pay for Health Plan

U.S. Doctors Over-testing, Over-treating

8 Tips to Save Your Bones

Health Care Sequel: The Empire Strikes Back

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Deficient Cleaning Service

The Disemboweling of America

Tom Hanks: America is Overcoming Racism, ‘It’s Just Taking an Awfully Long Time’

Obama Urged to Establish an Office of Maternal Health -- Because Health Care Bill ‘Won’t Fix Crisis’


savethemales.ca - Archeological Finds Disprove Darwinism

Nasa photographs 'trees' on Mars - Telegraph

Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican -Times Online


American Linked to Terror Plot 'Lost Her Mind' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Barack Obama tries to find a scapegoat for his own hubris - Telegraph

New Concerns in Bloody Border Battle - Video - FoxNews.com

Senate, Obama spar over health plan's pet projects - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Holding Holder in contempt - Washington Times

Clinton says Israel announcement 'insulting to the United States' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Soldier Awarded and Punished in Same Battle « Liveshots

Sean Penn snaps at young reporter - NYPOST.com

Iranian Jewish family nabbed at Ben-Gurion with 15 kg. opium

Suspect who beat woman in Midtown bar charged with assault, attempted rape - NYPOST.com

The Nazi Experience and Radical Islamic Fundamentalism « The Critical Thinker(tm)

UN climate change claims on rainforests were wrong, study suggests - Telegraph

Protesters succeed in ousting 5 paroled sex offenders | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Study: Long-Term Smokers Have Reduced Risk of Parkinson's - AOL News

FOXNews.com - EyePoppers: The Best Science Photos of the Week - Slide 4 of 56

Zebra cleans hippopotamus's teeth - Telegraph

Somalia: US backs puppet government’s planned military offensive

Corrie's sister to Haaretz: U.S. encouraged family to sue Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

ECONOMY: Detroit family homes sell for just $10 - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Lehman Brothers Hid Borrowing, Examiner Says - NYTimes.com

Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox | Pakistan Daily

YouTube - Raw Video: Ship Explodes in Missile Test

Feds raid Hilo cannabis ministry

*Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Zeitgeist : Religion

Pope is 'shocked' to hear of abuse case in Munich while he was archbishop | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - How Can The U.S. Support Israel When It Continues To Violate International Law? Helen Thomas

YouTube - Pelosi : We Have To Pass The Health Care Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It!

YouTube - The Internet: Where religions come to die

YouTube - 4409 -- Court PirateFRAUD exposed!

Washington's Blog:Lehman Fraudulently Cooked Its Books, Accounting Giant Ernst & Young Helped, Geithner and Bernanke Winked and Slapped Them on the Back

Revealed:Gordon Brown.....

Oh Rapture!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Cindy Sheehan, Treason in America Conference

Is China actually bankrupt?

Ecstasy trials for combat stress | Science | The Guardian

Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Climate Change, Financial Terrorism

Why Not Universal Car Insurance?

ID Cards - intergovernmental cooperation in worldwide implementation

San Diego Runaway Prius: Hoax or Legit? - KTLA


ID Cards - intergovernmental cooperation in worldwide implementation

Deluded Obama Coffee Party Says Government is the Will of the People

TVNL Reminder: Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests

Amy Goodman Interviews the Parents of Rachel Corrie

Family-farm advocates call for U.S. to ‘bust up big ag’

Michael Savage on the National ID card debate

No law requires Americans to respond to the 2010 federal census

This Common Food Ingredient Is As Addictive as Cocaine?

UK Official Contacts Paul Drockton: "No D-Notices Against Pedophile Exposure"

Neocon Glenn Beck on Jesse Ventura 03/09/10

Wanna get dissed as being 'anti-Semitic?' Just speak some 9/11 truth.

Gerald Celente: Financial cons run Wall Street


Truth, History and Integrity by Gilad Atzmon

20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

The Stunning Fact That Connects Every Single Toyota Case

Bookmaker slashes odds on Pope's resignation


CrossTalk on 9/11: Whodunit?

RIGHTS-GERMANY: 'Catholic Church Protects Paedophile Priests'


A Swiss abbot says 60 people have reported being victims of abuse by Catholic priests in Switzerland. - swissinfo

Vatican hit by gay sex scandal | World news | The Guardian

Press Release: AME Church Settles Sexual Molestation Lawsuit

What a daft way to stop your spaniel eating the milkman | Jeremy Clarkson - Times Online

CUI BONO??? THE Reason for the Recent Media Attack on Toyota

Vatican fights to distance Pope from child sex scandals

Politicizing the IAEA against Iran


Vatican to Drop Statute of Limitations for Pedophile Priests

Catholic School Rejects Children of Lesbian Parents, Sparking Faith Debate

Pope will struggle to survive abuse scandal


The Stimulus Scam - Antony P. Mueller - Mises Institute

ah, mephistophelis.: H1N1 Manufactured At Ft. Dietrich, and other oddities.

Fraudonomics: Full body scanner propaganda


EclippTV :: Video :: Are 9/11 first responders being tricked?


EclippTV :: Video :: Political State of Confusion - Judge Napolitano


EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Shattering the Left / Right Paradigm on Alex Jones

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Shattering the Left / Right Paradigm on Alex Jones p2

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Shattering the Left / Right Paradigm on Alex Jones p3


Zionism – the antithesis of historical truthfulness

ah, mephistophelis.: Dealing With Formaldehyde, or, So You Got Stuck With A Toxic Trailer

WH Chief Helped GOP Sink 9/11 Trial

Home > Technology Has Blogging Peaked? Twitter Is So Much Easier

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 : Flight 93 Second Debris Field at Indian Lake Six Miles Away

kenny's sideshow: 9/11 Critical Mass?

Goon Squad: Rachel Corrie: NEVER Forget she was MURDERED by Israel


Corporate entity becomes ‘candidate’, kicks off bid for Congress | Raw Story

/2010/03/14Justice For RachelCorrie

Catholic child abuse - nuns also accused

Groundwater Levels Continue Downward Spiral Around Coca-Cola Plant

The Democrats’ Tangled Web - James C. Capretta - Critical Condition on National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Soak the Rich, Keep the Change

WOLF: Obama family health care fracas - Washington Times

Paul Ryan And The Republican Vision | The New Republic

David Brooks: Obama "is still the most realistic and reasonable major player in Washington" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Health care: Going from broken to broke - Mar. 12, 2010

Joel Benenson - Most Americans want health care reform - washingtonpost.com

More Democrats come out against health care bill - CNN.com

There Is No Keynesian Miracle - Forbes.com

Back Page How America Can Create New Jobs | Parade.com

Commentary: In Cuba, it's business as usual | McClatchy

As Health Vote Awaits, Future of a Presidency Waits, Too - NYTimes.com

Five Ways Obama Can be More Like Reagan - Newsweek.com

The system's fine; politics gum it up

Will the 'Blue Dogs' hunt for Obama? - latimes.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Justices Will Prevail - NYTimes.com

Congress is long overdue for serious effort at tax reform - washingtonpost.com

Karl Rove is back to haunt Barack Obama - Times Online

Op-Ed Columnist - The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality - NYTimes.com

Flashpoint: The Chavez challenge - March 2010 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News? - washingtonpost.com

Questions For Mickey Kaus - The Blogging of the Candidate - Interview - NYTimes.com

Pull the plug, Barack: It's a mistake to try to ram through health care reform

Editorial: Money talks | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/14/2010

Democrats should avoid gimmicks that mask their votes on health care overhaul | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Roberts objects: The Supreme Court deserves presidential feedback

Senators give Obama a bipartisan plan on immigration - latimes.com

U.S. Falters in Screening Border Patrol Near Mexico - NYTimes.com

Democrats target Vitter - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Mar 12, 2010 - Senators question $1 million pay for charity's CEO



*Transcripts:3-14/Guests: Leader Boehner & David Axelrod

Guests: Sen. Durbin, Rep. Clyburn, David Axelrod

Guests: Sen. Alexander, Robert Gibbs (PDF)

Guests: Senator Graham & David Axelrod


NeverAStraightAnswer by Steve Candidus

Natural Health from A to Z - Can You Fix Your DNA?

Invitation to an Anti-Keynes Project by Gary North

Competition for the IMF’s Gold? by Jeff Clark

Dollar Bulls Beware by Peter Schiff

Buy Gold, Silver and Copper: Jim Rogers

Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution of American Citizens: A Desired State Policy by Gary D. Barnett

Prohibition-Lite by Kathryn Muratore

Two Arrested for Alleged Mumbai Plot - WSJ.com

Local Taliban officials may ignore leader's ethics code - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

The Associated Press: Vatican denies celibacy rule led to sex scandal

Former Secretary Of State Kissinger Released From Hospital | AHN

The Hindu : News / International : Verdict grotesque: Berlusconi

The Associated Press: Bluefin tuna tops CITES conference agenda in Doha

Russian official calls for night-time alcohol ban - washingtonpost.com

The Hindu : News / International : Panic over fake news in Georgia

BBC News - Iraq election: Nouri Maliki leads in seven provinces

Israel Arrests Senior Hamas Commander | Middle East | English

Kandahar attacks are a warning to NATO, says Afghanistan Taliban / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Israel's Netanyahu seeks to ease tension after Biden's Mideast trip - latimes.com

GLAAD honors Cynthia Nixon, Joy Behar

How Miracle Whip, Plenty of Fish Tap Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' - Advertising Age - Madison+Vine: News

Four Released in Ireland Terror Case - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - White House Challenges Republicans to Use Health Care for 2010 Election

Obama seeks to overhaul No Child Left Behind - latimes.com

Some perspective from the Census Bureau - chicagotribune.com

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: Pentagon gun was from Memphis police

McEntee: Garn's hot tub interlude much more than a 'mistake' - Salt Lake Tribune

Conservatives prevail in vote on Texas school curriculum - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Gov. Paterson: Don't blame scandals for stalled budget in Albany

Tom Hanks: War on Terror, War in Pacific Driven By ‘Racism and Terror’

REVIEW: ‘The Crazies’ Disappoints With Cheap Scares

No ‘Rectal Cancer’ Questions, Please: Reporter Booted From Sean Penn Event

VDH: ‘Is Tom Hanks Unhinged?’

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 1

CD REVIEW: Johnny Cash — American VI: Ain’t No Grave

Music Feature

*YouTube - Ella Fitzgerald - All the Things You Are



*site:Search Engine Land


YouTube - Pi Day Song: A Piece of Pi (violin music for Pi Day)

YouTube - Mathematical Pi Song

YouTube - The real Pi(ano)-Song

YouTube - Pi Rap

YouTube - Einstein Rap at Pi Day in S.F.

YouTube - Pi Day Song (Lose Yourself in the Digits)


*Politics Video:14th/O'Reilly: Blaming FOX News for Health Care Mess


*13th/Senator Scott Brown: Do Not Pass Bill Public Has Rejected

Is Hanks Rewriting History?

Obama Weekly Address: Education for a More Competitive America & Better Future

Some States Delaying Tax Refunds

Kissinger Hospitalized in South Korea

Gov. Daniels on the Health Care Bill

Husband, Wife Team Running for Gov., Lt. Gov. of Georgia


*12th/Reps. Van Hollen & McCotter Debate Health Care

Boehner: Democrats Don't Have the Votes

White House Updates on Obama's Trip, Health Care

Rep. Weiner on Working Around Republicans

Boehner Vows to Defeat Health Care Bill

Pelosi Confident on Health Care

Rep. Cummings on Obama's Trip & Health Care

Sen. Reid's Wife in Stable Condition

Rep. Gutierrez Says He Opposes HC Bill

Rep. Cantor on Opposing Democrats' Health Care Reform

O'Reilly: Blaming Fox News for Health Care Mess

Hildenbrand Warns Democrats of Voter Anger

Rove: Bush Will Be Appreciated Like Truman

Halter on His Primary Challenge to Sen. Lincoln

Update on Sen. Reid's Family Following Car Accident

Crist Defends Taking Stimulus Funds

Rep. Pence: "They Don't Have the Votes"

Gibbs Makes Good on U.S./Canada Bet


Pelosi confident House will pass health care bill - Yahoo! News

Vatican officials defend pope on abuse

‘They Just Want This Over’ - Robert Costa - The Corner on National Review Online

Obama-backed website on government spending is found lacking - latimes.com

China calls U.S. a hypocrite over human rights - Yahoo! News

Leave yuan to us, China tells Obama - Yahoo! News

On Satan’s trail with Don Gabriele, the world’s most famous exorcist - Times Online

Animal groups: Could ruling lead to hunters shooting cats? | dailyrecord.com | Daily Record

Porn career? It won’t worry my colleagues, says Anna Arrowsmith - Times Online

Why no one cares about privacy anymore | Politics and Law - CNET News

Twitter adds location tool to reveal users' whereabouts | Metro.co.uk

WRAPUP 1-Toyota discounts boost sales, US mulls 'black box' | Business News | Regulatory News | Reuters

Mexican military copter over U.S. neighborhood

States may hold onto tax refunds for months - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: 500 stranded on NJ Transit train for 5 hours

Texas Conservatives Win Vote on Textbook Standards - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Technology - Google to shut China search engine

Google 99.9 pct sure to shut China search engine-FT | Reuters

FCC's National Broadband Plan: What's in It? - PCWorld Business Center

Att'y general failed to give legal briefs to Senate | Reuters

Simon's £1m egomobile: High maintenance, a few miles on the clock... but which does he love more - his wheels or his woman? | Mail Online

Media heavyweights spar over charging for news online

Police: Man Drunk At DUI Sentencing - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha

The Associated Press: Jogger jumps off Calif. cliff to flee attacker

Monckton On Climate Hoaxers: ‘Jail The Lot’

Morning Constitutional

Financial Regulation, Health Care, and Could Insurers Demand the Next Bailout?

Tea Party vs. 1960s Radicals

ACORN Cracked, Run Out of State Under RICO Act in Ohio

Special Congressional Election in FL-19 has National Implications

The Unemployment Benefit Black Card

What is the Center for Responsible Lending?

U.S. Should Not Yield to ‘European Outrage’ over Tanker Deal

Big Labor’s Big Disappointment

The Star Players in the ShoreBank Story


New CATO Study Shows Educators Lie

Scott Brown Delivers GOP Weekly Address: Accuses Obama and Dems of ‘Bitter, Destructive and Endless’ Drive to Pass Health Care

Carly Fiorina Slams Boxer in New, Outrageous Video

The Healthcare Bill Would Be Obama’s ‘Enabling Act’

Keynesian Economics and the Wizard of Oz

Sunday Open Thread: Health Care Jihad Edition

The Debt-Sea Scrolls

Hey Obama, Keep Your Hands Off My Fishing Pole!

Reason.tv: Advice Goddess Amy Alkon on Beating Manners Into Rude People

In Health Care Battle Royal, It’s the ‘300′ v. the Obama/Media Hordes

Useful Idiots Are Coming! Useful Idiots Are Coming!

Wired Magazine, Conde Nast Scoop Breitbart, the ‘Bigs’ — HUD next O’Keefe Video Sting Target

Come See the People’s Paradise of Cuba with NBC News — Just Don’t Expect Your Property Back

In Rifqa Bary Case, Dhimmi Media Cheers on Sharia Law in Ohio

Overnight Thread: Thank ‘God’ — Ninth Circuit Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance, Motto Still Legal

Reuters Has New Rules for Journalists: Don’t Tweet On the Job!

Useful Idiots: Snow Job

The Bridge

Running Out the Clock On Rifqa Bary While the Dhimmi Media Sleeps

Stop ‘Healthzilla’ Monster Now, Or Live With MSM-Created Horror Forever

In the Clash of Conservatives, Truth Is the Only Way Forward

Overnight Thread: Jayson Blair’s Former Boss Speaks Out Against Fox News

Saturday Morning Thread: What Does Tom Brady Know About ‘Climate Change’ That You Don’t?

Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., Is Back and He’s Got ‘Global Warming With Him — the MSM Too!

Trying to Follow MSM Logic On ‘Global Warming’ Is Enough To Make Your Head Spin

Overnight Thread: Is the Media’s ‘Slobbering Love Affair’ With Obama Over — Or Is It All a Ruse?

The Phony ‘Coffee Party’ Astroturfing Continues: MSM Looks the Other Way

Weak Brew: Potemkin ‘Coffee Party’ No Match For Real Tea Party Passion

» The New Fascists: Part 1 – A Political Primer - Big Journalism

» The New Fascists: Foundation – Part 2 - Big Journalism

» The New Fascists: Execution – Part 3 - Big Journalism

» The New Fascists, Part 4: The Marching Minions of the Frankfurt School - Big Journalism

» The New Fascists: The Synthesis – Part 5 - Big Journalism

National Coffee Party Day flops

Would you believe 1 million to attend Christian concert?


WND RADIO 'Twister-like contortions to pass legislation'

WND RADIO 'Largest expansion of abortion in U.S. history'

WND RADIO Obama shows true colors with 'green jobs'

WND RADIO GOP ready to 'walk the walk' on fiscal discipline


Beliefs - Beliefs - A Christian Overture to Muslims Has Its Critics - NYTimes.com

Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes

Christians jailed – family expelled by Islamists

DOJ: CAIR's Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules

Another state to feds: Take your gun regs and stuff 'em

Pelosi to seek Senate 'assurances' before House health vote - TheHill.com

SCOPE - medical blog - Stanford University School of Medicine

Obama pollster: U.S. will like healthcare bill, despite poll numbers - TheHill.com

How Senate GOP hopes to trip up Dems - First Read - msnbc.com

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Stupak: Dems told me they want to fund abortions because more kids mean higher health-care costs; Update: Waxman?

Islamic 'lawfare' targets Rifqa Bary's friends

Muslim child brides on rise | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Netanyahu Gets Earful From Clinton on Eastern Jerusalem Building - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

PM convenes ministers amidst crisis with US

PA puts off honoring Coastal Road Massacre leader

Maliki appears to have narrow edge in Iraqi elections

State adopts 'cowboy' code of behavior

Yemen holds US man after al-Qaida sweep, shootout

Obama czar in 'clean energy' corruption?

How to stop federal spending? Try constitutional amendment

Rove condemns Washington's 'orgy of spending' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Bill requires U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA

Obama Justice Department shut down ACORN probe

Progressive policies earn DeFazio congressional challenge

Spokesman 'skips' addressing congressional racism

nrc.nl - International - Lives left in ruin by the 'Brothers of Love'


WND RADIO 'Doesn't that sound a little tortured?'

WND RADIO Obamacare roadblocks: 'Abortion, vacancies, distrust'

WND RADIO 'Illegal immigration enthusiasts are fanatical'


*Bill Gates: Use vaccines to lower population

(29:32)YouTube - Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero!


Board enraged by any mention of 'God'

Custodian of U.S. mosques promotes slaying Americans

U.S. Muslim leaders forbid aid to troops

Public-school imam: 'We could just kill you'

Dire warning: Israel must strike Iran now

Nuke hack attack puts military on high alert

EU shuts door on terror investigators

Obama's TSA pick has conflict of interest?

Obama's TSA pick: Hire on 'ethnic diversity'

Silver bullet from U.S. states kills 'mandatory' Obamacare

'Backroom deals' details wanted, now!

Disney rejects nondiscrimination proposal

Focus denies Dobson 'pushed out' of radio

Dan Rather: 'Obama couldn't sell watermelons'

Meet McCain 'birthers': ABC, CBS, NBC, FactCheck, N.Y. Times, more

Obama banks on 'no standing' decision

Rep. Broun wonders if Obama 'citizen'

Looook how many zeroes in deficit now!

video:Feasts of the Lord - The Meaning of Passover

Obama czar in 'clean energy' corruption?

Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes

State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules

Islamic 'lawfare' targets Rifqa Bary's friends

Jail for dissing 'gays' pulled after publicity

Fed agencies seize toys, call them 'machine guns'

Something's happening here …

Eric Massa and situational ethics

Hey Beck! Geert Wilders is a hero


*American Minute for March 13th:William J Federer's American Minute

*American Minute for March 14th:William J Federer's American Minute


***National Juggernaut: This Cartoon Seemed Far-Fetched In 1948***


Bulgarian media launch 'favourite' pothole campaigns

Twitter adds location tool to reveal users' whereabouts | Metro.co.uk

New father sees work of God in baby boy

Church renames Jesus' resurrection after pagan goddess

YouTube - Candor Chasma animation using HiRISE DTM

Flaming torches light up Britain's Hadrian's Wall - Yahoo! News

Germany fights to keep Eichmann files secret over claims officials colluded in escape | Mail Online

'Terminator' asteroids could re-form after nuke - space - 11 March 2010 - New Scientist

YouTube - WVLT Reporter Gordon Boyd Loses It

World's oldest malt whisky costing £10,000 a bottle goes on sale | Mail Online

Glenn Beck calls Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. 'anti-American' on radio show | - NJ.com

Evangelical leader takes on Beck for assailing social justice churches - CNN.com

Bono's Rosary beads sell for $6k in online auction | Amy Andrews Gossip Girl | IrishCentral

Pope helped priest accused of child abuse - The Local

Catholic priest called ethnic war victims 'dogs' | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Fla. Woman Dies at Home After Weeklong Religious Fast - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Ananova - Woods' Wife 'Not Allowed In Ambulance'

Internet porn destroying many Irish marriages | News from Ireland | IrishCentral

Detroiter accused of fraud kept confession in her Bible, investigators say | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Female cop charged with sex assault - Canada - Canoe.ca

Petty thief returns purse to police after 40 years - The Local

Georgia Man Arrested for Threatening Elton John’s Life : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

New Concerns in Bloody Border Battle - Video - FoxNews.com

West Cape May police ask 'Mystery Knitter' to apply for permit after local interest grows | - NJ.com

Israeli officials divided over mass nude photo initiative - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

CIA drone attacks produce America's own unlawful combatants - washingtonpost.com

Killer App: Drones Are Lynchpin of Obama's War on Terror - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Earth under attack from Death Star | The Sun |News

Solar Slumber May Have Been Caused by Magnetic Flows | Wired Science | Wired.com

Image of Jesus 'appears in a frying pan' - Telegraph

Unexplained Mysteries - Clock invented in the Stone Age

BBC News - Mystery of 75 starlings falling from the sky

Telepathic computer can read your mind - Telegraph

Indonesian villages cashing in on ‘hobbit’ craze - Active- msnbc.com

REVIEWS OF THE MYSTERIOUS KIND: The Coming of the Cryptoterrestrials

BBC - Earth News - Giant meat-eating plants prefer to eat tree shrew poo

A Disastrous Year: 2010 Death Toll Already Abnormally High | LiveScience

BBC News - LHC to shut down for a year to address design faults

Intuitive L.I. man hopes to connect with spirits of those whacked by mob for new show 'Ghostfellas'

Scientists tease DNA from eggshell of extinct birds

Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican -Times Online

BBC News - DR Congo ring may be giant 'impact crater'

Hearts may swoon when stocks do, study suggests

Honey bees secret world of heat revealed - Telegraph

BBC News - Obama Nasa plans 'catastrophic' say Moon astronauts

Dog Growls Contain Specific Information : Discovery News

'Terminator' asteroids could re-form after nuke - space - 11 March 2010 - New Scientist

Goodbye America, Hello China? Think again!- International Business-News-The Economic Times

Leave yuan to us, China tells US but issue clouding ties- Forex-Markets-The Economic Times

Something's happening here …

Joe the plumber, meet Frank the carpenter

New paradigm – conservatives vs. progressives

On Obamacare – just say no

Obamacare: Shortcut to socialism

Save the nation – kill the bill

Why I reject the government's 'help'

Liz Cheney and 'the DOJ 19'

God's definition of 'family'

In Defense of Political Anonymity by Bradley A. Smith, City Journal Winter 2010

Eugene Robinson: The Terrorists Newt Gingrich Wouldn’t Stop - Truthdig

The effect of normalizing homosexuality

Works and Days » Is Tom Hanks Unhinged?


YouTube - War Wary: NATO needs to win hearts or lose Afghanistan

YouTube - Primetime Panic: Spoof report sparks fear and protests in Georgia

YouTube - Iraq's PM Leads in Early Baghdad Vote Count

YouTube - Nigeria vows to tackle violence

YouTube - Drug gang violence in Mexico kills 24

YouTube - Abuse Scandal Falls on Vatican

YouTube - Call it a crime: Turkey warns US over Armenian 'genocide' decision

YouTube - Suspect's Mother Reveals Fears


The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars | Economy | AlterNet

savethemales.ca - Darwin Was an Instrument of the Illuminati

Paul A Drockton M.A.: This Website Forces Another Utah Republican Leader to Resign

Health Care Reform - Communist Style

Huckabee: Once the Tea Party Movement Gets 'Taken Over' by Special Interests 'They're Done'

David Axelrod: When You Go Into The Details, People Support The Healthcare Bill