"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 March 2010

12 March


YouTube - Jesse Ventura on The View 03/10/10


YouTube - Pt 1/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 2/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 3/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King


Fears Over Global Warming In Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals

Fuel bills will pay for eco-upgrades - Telegraph

15 Feb:EUobserver / EU wants answers on Wall Street role in Greek debt

$650 Million Payout Proves Government Conspired To Lie About 9/11

10,000 claims over 9/11 illness, injuries settled - CNN.com

A leading Japanese politician espouses a 9/11 fantasy - washingtonpost.com

Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous(w/links)

Internet helped Flight 253 suspect radicalize, attack plane 'within weeks' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Is inflight videochat in the US illegal? United Airlines thinks so - Boing Boing

'JihadJane' indictment alleges threat from within U.S. - latimes.com

Reuters AlertNet - More Americans say global warming exaggerated - poll

YouTube - Monckton On Climate Hoaxers: "Jail The Lot"

Monckton On Climate Hoaxers: “Jail The Lot”

An end to cross-border trucking dispute remains elusive

Obama laying plans for "immigration reform"

National Worker ID Proposed in Comprehensive Immigration Bill

Gov't workers feel no economic pain - Washington Times

Why the U.S. can't inflate its way out of debt - Mar. 11, 2010

Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others(w/links)

Flu shots futile: study

Robert Auerbach: Stop the Federal Reserve From Shredding Its Records

YouTube - Your Neighbour Is a Terrorist According to talkSport UK

YouTube - Author claims CIA still testing drugs on people

AIPAC of Raving Lunatics

NYPD stop-and-frisk policy feels heat from City Council members

YouTube - Helicóptero de la Armada de México sobrevuela en Estados Unidos.

While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.

YouTube - Congressman Paul discusses NationalID with Megyn Kelly

Another WWF assisted IPCC claim debunked: Amazon more drought resistant than claimed

Amazon forests did not green-up during the 2005 drought

YouTube - White House Backs Off March 18 Deadline for Health Bill

YouTube - Charlie Brooker's Newswipe S2E1P1

YouTube - Ron Paul Says Giving Fed More Power `Makes No Sense': Video

YouTube - Alex Jones: Free speech under fire

While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.

Climategate: Three of the Four Temperature Datasets Now Irrevocably Tainted

AIPAC of Raving Lunatics

Lehman Fraudulently Cooked Its Books, Accounting Giant Ernst & Young Helped, Geithner and Bernanke Winked and Slapped Them on the Back

NY Fed Under Geithner Implicated in Lehman Accounting Fraud Allegation

Russia, Greece, Chile, and the Narcissism of Harvard Debt Lords

Cyberwar declared as China hunts for the West’s intelligence secrets - Times Online

Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

Environmental Finance Online News

Fed Gets Credit for Rescue - WSJ.com

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment - Telegraph

Herod orders top UN scientists to investigate mysterious infant slaughter in Judaea – Telegraph Blogs

Tesco's 'green' bags are WORSE for the environment | Mail Online

Home Sec says 17m ID cards in circulation by 2017 • The Register

'Psychic' computer invented that can tell what you're thinking | Mail Online

Chicago police expand Taser use - chicagotribune.com

Financial system reforms won't wait - washingtonpost.com

The Raw Story | US budget deficit hits record high in February

Internet helped Flight 253 suspect radicalize, attack plane 'within weeks' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Lehman Brothers' bosses 'manipulated' balance sheet with accounting tricks, scathing report finds | Mail Online

$650m compensation settlement for heroes of September 11 - Times Online

WRAPUP 1-Toyota discounts boost sales, US mulls 'black box' | Business News | Regulatory News | Reuters

The $100 Billion Medicaid/Medicare Fraud Claim

Oregon's monster mushroom is world's biggest living thing - Science, News - The Independent

U.S. gave Israel green light for East Jerusalem construction - Haaretz - Israel News

savethemales.ca - Advice from Foreign Dating Service Operator

U.S.. taxpayers on hook for $5 trillion of fannie, freddie debt ... no matter what barney frank says: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Brain scan can read people's thoughts: researchers - Yahoo! News

The BRAD BLOG : Breaking: Another ACORN Court Victory; Federal Judge Strikes Down Funding Ban as Unconstitutional


Paul A Drockton M.A.: Son of Sam Murders and the Occult


Paul A Drockton M.A.: Laurel Canyon, Occult and Hippie Movement: Part 1

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Laurel Canyon, Part 2: James Dean and the Beatnik Generation

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Laurel Canyon, Bob Dylan and the Boston Strangler


FOXNews.com - Whether Accused or Convicted, Some Teachers Remain on Payroll –


Illegal Immigration & The SPLC

Roy Tov – Pilgrim's Guide: 0000-0000

America nears 'tipping point' where babies born to minority parents outnumber whites for first time | Mail Online

Obama's chief-of-staff undone after setbacks - Americas, World - The Independent

American lecturers banning laptops from the classroom - Times Online

65 years after the war, Japan needs convincing of the need for US bases - Times Online

Dalai Lama: China aims to annihilate Buddhism - Telegraph

Google to scan one million books from Rome and Florence libraries - Telegraph

Meteorites may have kick-started life on Earth - Telegraph

Hard work? No thanks! Meet Generation Y | Mail Online

System failed family of ‘the British Fritzl’

Normal for Norfolk? Glowing green UFO by East Anglia windmill | Mail Online

Intrigue soars as 75 starlings fall out of sky - Nature, Environment - The Independent

Walmart under fire for selling black Barbies at half price of white dolls - Telegraph


*Chief exorcist says Devil is in Vatican - Telegraph


*50 Facts About U.S. Nuclear Weapons - Brookings Institution


Zionism Laid Bare

Tomgram: John Feffer, Will NATO's 60th Anniversary Be Its Last? | TomDispatch

Most Americans still unprepared for retirement - survey - Mar. 9, 2010

Primary schoolchildren in tears after they are told they will be removed from families as part of Holocaust 'game' | Mail Online

Over 13 Honor Killings in Two Months in Palestine «Kawther Salam

Doomsday Seed Vault Hits 1/2 Million Mark - Google Search

Video: Israeli advert re-enacts Dubai assassination - Telegraph

CDC says genital herpes is still a 'serious health threat' - CNN.com

Roy Tov – Statan

Bullish Trump presses ahead with $1.6bn golf course in Scotland - CNN.com

St Hilary's Primary kids traumatised by teachers’ Holocaust game - East Kilbride News

defaulted-loans-may-haunt-seniors: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Why is the EU failing to comply with its international law obligations over Israel? - Times Online

Analysis: Netanyahu outwits Obama again - Telegraph

Leading article: Israel shows what it really thinks - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Iran and US trade insults over Taliban-led violence - Telegraph

'Smoking gun' memo reveals Toyota workers' safety fears - Times Online

Half of all food sent to Somalia is stolen, says UN report | World news | The Guardian

Police forces face threat of 'racist' label over stop and searches | UK news | The Guardian

OECD: UK has worse social mobility record than other developed countries | Business | guardian.co.uk


Dead Man Musings: More 911 by the Numb3rs


Wyoming Governor Signs Sovereignty Resolution | Tenth Amendment Center

Russia, Greece, Chile, and the Narcissism of Harvard Debt Lords

Obama: Serving Ambitions, Not Citizens

Can the Republican Party Take Power Only to Give It Up?

Obama openly Rules against the Will of the Governed and now their Lives

Obama & Authority – Or, How to Analyze Barack’s Theory of Power

How the Democrat Abortion Dilemma Kills Healthcare Reform

A Democrat Meltdown over Healthcare

Democrats, Reconciliation and 1/6th of the U.S. Economy

Coffee Party Astroturf

Nutty Court Ruling: ACORN Has A Constitutional Right To Your Money


British activist saw Rachel Corrie die under Israeli bulldozer, court hears | World news | guardian.co.uk

'I saw Israeli bulldozer kill Rachel Corrie' - Middle East, World - The Independent


audio:Robert Green, Anne and Hollie Greig Interviewed on Manchester Radio Online 7th March 2010


YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 1 of 7

YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 2 of 7

YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 3 of 7

YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 4 of 7

YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 5 of 7

YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 6 of 7

YouTube - Anne Greig, Paul Drockton Show 7 of 7


YouTube - David Icke - Alex Jones - Hollie greig - Robert Green - Aberdeen 18-02-10 (1 of 2)

YouTube - David Icke - Alex Jones - Hollie greig - Robert Green - Aberdeen 18-02-10 (2 of 2)


YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 1 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 2 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 3 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 4 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 5 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 6 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 7 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 8 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 9 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 10 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 11 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 12 of 13

YouTube - Robert Green on Manchester Radio Online 13 of 13


*The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 10th With Dick Russell

*The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 9th With Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer


Remarks by Vice President Biden: The Enduring Partnership Between the United States and Israel | The White House

*TVNL Reminder: Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests'

Feds raid Hilo cannabis ministry




CIA Shrinks Drugged the Unabomber;Ted K., the CIA & LSD

flashback:Government Experiments on U.S. Soldiers: Shocking Claims Come to Light in New Court Case | Personal Health | AlterNet

flashback:VA testing drugs on war veterans - Washington Times

flashback:Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Gulf War toxins in swine flu vaccine

flashback:Report links vaccines to Gulf war syndrome | UK news | guardian.co.uk

flashback:Ecstasy trials for combat stress | Science | The Guardian

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Sneaky anti-terror cameras used in war on the motorist

EclippTV - Is China actually bankrupt?

Sovereign: Elvis Presley's Ultra-Secure, 2008 Passport? | The Sovereign Society

Don’t Like the Message? Shoot the Messenger! | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

*EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul-The Fed Is To Blame For The Financial Crisis

Dick Fuld Unaware of Lehman’s ‘Cooking the Books’? STOP IT!! | Sense on Cents

EclippTV :: Video :: Chasing Windmills: American reality in Afghanistan

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Cindy Sheehan, Treason in America Conference

YouTube - 9/11 truthers find home in New Hampshire

Largest Private Refinery Discovers Gold-Plated Tungsten Bar | Coin Update News

Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox | Pakistan Daily

Pro Libertate: Czars to Serfs: Pay Up and Shut Up


YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Gerald Celente's Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


American's Journey: Video: They hate us for our liberty? ... Rabid Rabbit Rant

YouTube - how to complete a census

Washington's Blog:Chairman of the Department of Economics at George Mason University: Politicians Are NOT Prostitutes ... They Are Pimps

YouTube - "Sept 11 was good for Israel." -- Netanyahu


**Full Court Press on the Slaughter Rule - Daniel Foster - The Corner on National Review Online

**House Democrats looking at 'Slaughter Solution' to pass Obamacare without a vote on Senate bill UPDATED! | Washington Examiner


**Is the New Madrid Fault Waking Up There Was A Quake There Tuesday and look at all these other ones | Before It's News

Kennedy Denounces The CIA Mockingbird Media Over Illegal Wars « The Tonka Report

Cocaine users 'making global warming worse' - mirror.co.uk

*The Health Care Reform Bill: Welcome To The Biggest Tax Increase In U.S. History

Bruce Ivins' attorney calls for case to be re-opened | Bio Prep Watch

*EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Social Security Is Going Cash Flow Negative Six Years Earlier Than Expected

Is The U.S. Temperature Record Reliable? - wbztv.com


video:Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods on Vimeo


YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 1

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 2

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice - Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America - Pt 3

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice- Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America- Pt 4

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 5

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice --Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America--Pt 6

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 7

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 8

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 9


video:Jim Marrs - Rule by Secrecy - Hidden History Trilateral Freemasons

video:The New American Century

video:The Illuminati 2-The Antichrist Conspiracy


video:YouTube - A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Moon


EclippTV :: Video :: Defiance of 2010 federal census

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » ABC interviews FBI 911 Whistleblower Coleen Rowley

For some, the search for what happened on 9/11 isn't over - RT

Cities Find New Ways To Reach Into Your Wallet : NPR

EclippTV :: Video :: Protect your country against GOLDMAN SACHS

archive:BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Freak waves spotted from space

"friday-lunch-club": Exclusive: Hillary to headline AIPAC conference

American's Journey: FACT CHECK: Jesse Ventura on Larry King: American Conspiracies

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul - National ID - Welcome to USSA

American's Journey: Q&A: Homeland Security's Michael Chertoff Gets Pounded With 9/11 Questions By C-SPAN Callers-2009

Is Quality Health Care a Fundamental Right?

DHS - Cell-All: Super Smartphones Sniff Out Suspicious Substances

Washington's Blog:Congress Calls for New Investigation Into Anthrax Attack T

Washington's Blog:Lehman Fraudulently Cooked Its Books, Accounting Giant Ernst & Young Helped, Geithner and Bernanke Winked and Slapped Them on the Back

Is the IRS the Most Trustworthy Agency in the Country? Even Republicans Seem to Think So

Russia criticizes U.S., NATO over Afghan drug trafficking fight - USATODAY.com

Industries hoarding greenhouse gas emission permits | Environment | The Guardian

US carbon traders fear pink slips

TaxProf Blog: Buchanan: The IRS Is the Most Trustworthy Agency in the Country

ACLU sues Corrections Corp. over ‘extraordinarily violent’ Idaho prison | Raw Story

"JihadJane" was laughable, Web watchers say | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/12/2010

Internet Radio Host’s Case Ends in Mistrial - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

States may hold onto tax refunds for months - USATODAY.com

House panel to consider healthcare bill Monday - Yahoo! News

Pelosi: Public option will not be in health bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

My Way News - Obama delays Asia trip to deal with health care

Obama Delays Trip as Health-Care Faces New Hurdle - Bloomberg.com

If Democrats ignore health-care polls, midterms will be costly

Mexican military copter over U.S. neighborhood

*James Brown's body is 'missing from its crypt', alleges singer's daughter | Mail Online

*Twitter adds location tool to reveal users' whereabouts | Metro.co.uk

'Net Posse Tracked 'Jihad Jane' for Three Years

*Media heavyweights spar over charging for news online

Debbie Schlussel: Islamic Terrorist Sharif Mobley: Story, Lessons Are Old Hat; But US Keeps Ignoring Them

Debbie Schlussel:This is Civil Rights?: When Coach is a Chick, the Sequel

Debbie Schlussel:Sad Sign of the Times or Natural Progression of Carnivores?: Horsemeat . . . It’s (Maybe Soon) What’s For Dinner

Debbie Schlussel:“First” Muslim Legislatrix Committed Election, Tax Fraud to Run: Lied About Residency

Debbie Schlussel:FUNNY Video: Tickle Me Eric – Etiquette Lessons For Congressmen Who Tickle Male Staffers

Debbie Schlussel:Was This TSA Guy Just Disgruntled . . . or Working for Islamic Terrorists?

Debbie Schlussel:ICE Busts Middle Eastern Student Visa Fraud Ring

Debbie Schlussel: Rep. John Conyers’ Wife Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Oil prices near $83 on upbeat IEA report

China calls U.S. a hypocrite over human rights - Yahoo! News

Leave yuan to us, China tells Obama - Yahoo! News

Lesbian teen sues to force school to hold prom - Yahoo! News

U.S. setting bad example on protectionism - Sarkozy | Reuters

Obama Hosts White House Movie Night with Hanks, Spielberg

Yeas & Nays reporter booted from Sean Penn event | Washington Examiner

The Associated Press: Chavez thanks Sean Penn for slamming his critics

Why no one cares about privacy anymore | Politics and Law - CNET News

Russia to build 12 nuclear reactors in India - Yahoo! News

FT.com / Companies / Banks - New York ties with London for finance crown

NYC, 9/11 First Responders Reach Settlement - wcbstv.com

'American Idol' Top 12 Announced: Can We Just Start Over? - Reality Rocks

3D TV: Avatar director James Cameron hails it as 'the future' | Mail Online

My Way News - Senators question $1 million pay for charity's CEO

Sushi chef, restaurant charged with serving endangered whale | Reuters

NYPD Tows Funeral Van With Corpse Inside | NBC New York

Woman fatally struck by subway train after jumping on tracks to retrieve bag - NYPOST.com

Appeals Court says 'Under God' not a prayer

Internet helped Flight 253 suspect radicalize, attack plane 'within weeks' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

The Associated Press: Critics of Justice Dept. lawyers under fire

Liz Cheney Group Defends Attack on Holder, Justice Department Lawyers - ABC News

Police Release Photos Calif. Serial Killer Took of Girls - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Immigration provision has Hispanic Caucus threatening ‘no’ health vote - TheHill.com

Pajamas Media » Climategate Stunner: NASA Heads Knew NASA Data Was Poor, Then Used Data from CRU

Plans to build giant mosque next to Sandhurst scrapped following wave of local protest | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Yemen holds NJ man after al-Qaida sweep, shootout

Conyers' wife sentenced to 3 years - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Durbin Implies Obama Not ‘Telling the Truth’ about Health Care Premiums

Teacher Candice Berner Mauled to Death by Wolf While Jogging in Alaska

Daniel Rubin: A reluctant farewell to Phila. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/11/2010

'Hated Israel will be annihalated'

The Associated Press: US police departments seeking more bilingual cops

FOXNews.com - 5 Reasons Why America Should Steer Clear of a National ID Card

Op-Ed Contributor - P.S.A. prostate screening is inaccurate and a waste of money. - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - EyePoppers: The Best Science Photos of the Week


*Savage contributes another $50,000 to Behenna Defense Fund

*Vicki Behenna's March 12 letter

document:Lieutenant Michael Behenna




The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/11/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/10/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/09/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/08/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/05/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/04/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/03/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/02/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/01/2010


YouTube: A terrorist's friend

YouTube: A terrorist's dissemination and recruiting tool

YouTube's Complicity In Terrorism

Google: helping make terrorist dreams come true

YouTube: Gateway drug to violent jihad

YouTube: Free server space for the enemy (6th in a series)

Dear Terrorists, Merry Christmas! Love, YouTube (part 7 in a series)

YouTube Continues to Carry Water for the Terrorists


03-12-2010: Lehman Cooked Books before Collapse, Report Finds

03-12-2010: Scientology insider's nightmare childhood

03-12-2010: Earth under attack from an invisible star?

03-12-2010: CDC says genital herpes is still a 'serious health threat'

03-12-2010: Mexican drug cartels step up efforts to corrupt U.S. border officials

03-12-2010: Another Ridiculous Public Relations Stunt By Alex Jones

GATA Claims To Have Evidence Of "Massive Physical Short Gold And Silver Positions That Can Not Be Covered"

03-11-2010: Feds: TSA Worker Tried to Sabotage Terror Database

03-11-2010: Meteorites may have kick-started life on Earth

03-11-2010: 3.3 Magnitude Earthquake At 3:30 AM (AEDT) Around Southern 33rd Degree Parallel

03-11-2010: Gov't may seek more authority on vehicle safety

03-11-2010: Pentagon trains workers to hack Defense computers

03-11-2010: Warning: Ancient sex on show in Paris

03-11-2010: Senate Bill on Finance to Include Agency That Tracks Financial Risk

British Airways computer expert 'planned suicide bombings'

Industries hoarding greenhouse gas emission permits

Stop the Federal Reserve From Shredding Its Records

The Rogue Nation

US / Israel: The Special Relationship?

The New McCarthyism

Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa

Tea Partyers Are White Nationalists, Pure and Simple

Decoding The Language Of Social Control

Workers, Banking, and Crisis in Mexico

Foreclosures Are Rising: Not Just Homeowners Are Affected

Court Allows Torture Suit Against Rumsfeld

Six Theories On Why the Stock Market Has Rallied

Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920

Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest

Smutty Scanners and Private Planes

Perversion Is Fine, So Long As You’re In A Position Of Authority

Pondering Our Collapse While We Watch Others Fall

Czech Republic Prez Václav Klaus: Global Warming Alarmism is a Grave Threat to our Liberty

Reality Reversals Continue: Scientists Now Propose That Ritalin Boosts Learning

Alex Jones on CBC Radio

Ron Paul on Bloomberg 3/11/10: Giving Fed More Power 'Makes No Sense'

Jesse Ventura on NBC Today Show

Neocon Bloggers Celebrate Indictment of "Crazy" Patsy Jihad Jane

Why do journalists expect to have credibility?

Urgent Action Starts Today: Senate Out To STRIP "Audit The Fed" H.R. 4173 - Call Your Senators

Ask the Chamber of Commerce: Why is too much not enough?

Shading corruption for the appearance of truth

Arresting Taliban to cover America’s backside

Alternative reading of the Al-Mabhouh murder

How Wall Street cashed in on the American Dream, and nearly killed it

Identifying Israeli nationals

The Washington Post on ‘lunatic’ 9/11 ‘conspiracy theorists’

Fears Over Global Warming In Rapid Decline Following Climate Scandals

video:Carbon Eugenics, Whistleblowers Muzzled, RIP Mainstream Media

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: how will technologically enhanced Individuals collaborate with "normal" employees

Big power from tiny wires

Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?

The Digital Dictatorship

Obama Urged to Establish an Office of Maternal Health -- Because Health Care Bill ‘Won’t Fix Crisis’

For First Time, U.S. Will Submit Criticism of Its Own Human Rights Record to U.N. Human Rights Council

State Department’s Annual Human Rights Report Does Not Examine U.S., But the Next One Will

U.S. Census Bureau Changes Its Interpretation of DOMA To Allow Same-Sex Couples to Self-Identify as ‘Married’

New Pay Discrimination Bill Would Let Government Collect Payroll Records of Private Companies

Two Members of Congress Say That If Administration Offered Sestak Job to Drop Senate Race It Could Be a Crime

Specter Says Nobody Told Him They Would Clear Democratic Primary Field for Him

Democrats Still Lack Votes to Pass Their Health Care Bill

Harry Reid’s Wife, Daughter Injured in Traffic Accident

Morocco Rejects Criticism for Expelling Christians Accused of Proselytizing Abandoned Muslim Children

Court Upholds 'Under God' in Pledge of Allegiance

Obama Appointee Says Price Hikes by Broadband Providers 'Raise A Red Flag' for the FCC

GOP Senators Warn House: Vote for Senate Health Care Bill Is Vote for Federally Funded Abortions

Texas Planned Parenthood Holds Gala to Raise Money for Abortion ‘Super Center’

Experts Say U.S. Doctors Are Overtesting, Overtreating

Need for Results Drives Obama's Domestic Agenda, AP Says

ACORN Agrees to Give Up Its Ohio Business License

Gov't Official Warns on Home Down Payment Hikes

Utah’s House Republican Leader Says He Paid Woman to Keep Quiet About Hot Tub Incident

PETA Offers Anti-Meat Trash Cans for Colorado Parks

Eight Reporters Abducted in Mexico; Press Association Demands Action

The Disemboweling of America

NBC’s Special Victims

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Deficient Cleaning Service

Health Care Sequel: The Empire Strikes Back

Jefferson and Nullification by Clyde Wilson

*The Economist on Ron Paul and the Fed, a Critique by Walter Block

Czars to Serfs: Shut Up, and Pay Up by William Norman Grigg

Job Creation Squeezed by John Browne

End Daylight Saving Time by Sheila Danzig

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The National Worker ID Card as an Evil Instrument of Control

75 years of funny money - FP Comment

Federal pay ahead of private industry - USATODAY.com

savethemales.ca - Archeological Finds Disprove Darwinism

Nasa photographs 'trees' on Mars - Telegraph

Inside the cat and dog meat market in China - CNN.com

*EXPLOSIVE: Lehman - Where Are The Cops? - The Market Ticker

Christopher Thornberg: Double Dip Is Coming in 2011 -- Seeking Alpha

War without death? How non-lethal weapons could change warfare - Yahoo! News

Democrats pare differences over health overhaul

Another hassle for Illinois Senate candidate

US terror suspect in Yemen worked at 5 nuke sites

Pope's former diocese admits error over priest

AP Source: Clinton sends tough message to Israel

Infant deaths prompt gov't warning on slings

India inks contract with Russia to buy Mig-29 fighters, aircraft carrier

Rove 'proud' of waterboarding

Toyota says U.S. sales up 40% YoY through first 10 days of March

Toyota has made no decision on extending incentives, Reuters reports

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi says House vote could come next week

Pelosi says student loan program overhaul to be included in healthcare bill

Student loan proposal gains new life, Politico reports

Wal-Mart introduces new Hometrends line

The Bridge

Useful Idiots: Snow Job

Reuters Has New Rules for Journalists: Don’t Tweet On the Job!

Overnight Thread: Thank ‘God’ — Ninth Circuit Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance, Motto Still Legal

In Rifqa Bary Case, Dhimmi Media Cheers on Sharia Law in Ohio

Come See the People’s Paradise of Cuba with NBC News — Just Don’t Expect Your Property Back

Wired Magazine, Conde Nast Scoop Breitbart, the ‘Bigs’ — HUD next O’Keefe Video Sting Target

Useful Idiots Are Coming! Useful Idiots Are Coming!

In Health Care Battle Royal, It’s the ‘300′ v. the Obama/Media Hordes

Overnight Thread: The ‘Three Generations and Out’ Rule Strikes Again

Elected to Office, Then Off To Jail: The ‘Chicago Way’ Of Barack Hussein Obama

ACORN Cracked, Run Out of State Under RICO Act in Ohio

Tea Party vs. 1960s Radicals

Financial Regulation, Health Care, and Could Insurers Demand the Next Bailout?

Morning Constitutional

Monckton On Climate Hoaxers: ‘Jail The Lot’

The Educated Idiots Award (Vol. 1, No. 2): ‘Hurt so Good’

How Republicans Can Stop The Health Care Bill in 3 Steps

Friday Free For All: Can You Hear Me Now Edition

Senate Parliamentarian Rules Obama Must Sign Senate Bill BEFORE Reconciliation

Obama Spiked ACORN Investigation: Judicial Watch Releases FBI Documents

Court Dismisses ACORN Suit vs. ‘Pimp’, ‘Hooker’ and Breitbart.com

Raising Tobacco Taxes is Dumb

VICTORY! Senator Corker Calls Off Deal With Dodd

House GOP Adopts Unilateral Ban on All Earmarks

The Constitutional Case Against Progressives

No ‘Rectal Cancer’ Questions, Please: Reporter Booted From Sean Penn Event

Tom Hanks: War on Terror, War in Pacific Driven By ‘Racism and Terror’

ZoNation: Government Playing Doctor is Naughty

Daily Gut: Slime Is Almost Always Green

Does Michael Moore Hate Working People?

Tax the Top, Hit the Middle

Obama and the Left at the Brink

Obama through the Looking Glass

How to Pollute a Mind: Lessons from John Dewey and Van Jones

Emperor Obama and the Kamikaze House Democrats

Obamacare and Las Vegas

The 'Progressives' Are Really 'Oppressives'

I'm Sorry, Madam Speaker -- the Republicans Won't Let Me Vote for It

Democrats running away from Obama

What does the Education Department need 27 Remington shotguns for?

9th Circuit upholds 'under God' in Pledge

Why does the MSM distinguish between 'liberal' and 'black?'

The problem is brainlock, not gridlock

Did the Senate Parliamentarian just save the day?

No, Nancy - We don't need to pass health care reform to find out what's in it

Byrd may be key figure in reconciliation debate

A health care reform lesson in the problems with Toyota's Prius

Senator Sessions Calls Holder's Breach 'Extremely Serious'

Massa and the military

NBC's Castro-Driven Journalism

The Soul of America

Lessons from the Coffee Party

Biden Trip Reveals Ominous Side of Obama's Treatment of Israel

Free Citizens or Tail-Wagging Pets?

Step Away from the Computer


Revisiting 9/11

Supreme Court will Uphold our Right to Gun Ownership

Not All the News that's Fit to Print

Obama's health care campaign sells bad medicine

Rove's comments on Limbaugh troublesome for Religous Right

Growth as the driving force in the economy must be replaced

Revisiting The Bill of Rights

Conan O'Brien hits the road - latimes.com

GLAAD supports skater Johnny Weir - USATODAY.com

Lesbian Teen Speaks Out on Cancelled Prom - The Early Show - CBS News

Kendra Wilkinson Wants to Make a Cast of Her Boobs - Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson : People.com

Lady Gaga and Beyonce dial up music video for 'Telephone'

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

YouTube - Pelosi: Health Care Reform to Be Historic

San Francisco Mayor Expected to Run for California Lieutenant Governor - NYTimes.com

Seattle police stop man with device taped to body | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Appeals Court says 'Under God' not a prayer

'Drinking tea' movement connects Chinese activists

Obama Names Charities Receiving His Nobel Prize Money - NYTimes.com

Is the "Coffee Party" the Next Big Thing? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Pentagon's future fighter aircraft doubles in cost - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - Specter Accuses Sestak of Lying About White House Offer for Job

N.Y. Woman Killed by Subway After Jumping on Tracks to Retrieve Gym Bag - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Another hassle for Illinois Senate candidate - washingtonpost.com

Gov. Paterson: Don't blame scandals for stalled budget in Albany

YouTube - Cuomo transfers Paterson case to judge

Senate leader Reid's family hurt in car wreck - CNN.com

Howell Raines: Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News? - washingtonpost.com

Readers weigh in on who should replace Massa in Congress | Rochester Business Journal New York business news and information

Senators Try To Block Funding To Boys & Girls Clubs of America - WSJ.com

Liz Cheney Group Defends Attack on Holder, Justice Department Lawyers - ABC News

2 blasts target military vehicles at Pakistan bazaar, killing at least 43 - latimes.com

India and Russia Sign Development Pacts - NYTimes.com

Swedish Parliament Labels Armenian Killings in Turkey Genocide | Europe | English

Russia dismisses U.S. human rights report | Reuters

BBC News - "Red shirts" gather ahead of Thailand election rally

UPDATE 1-Sarkozy slams U.S. for protectionism on tanker deal | Reuters

Japanese Coast Guard Arrests Anti-Whaling Skipper - NYTimes.com

UN: Civilians in Somalia Increasingly at Risk | East Africa | English

Anti-Berlusconi strike paralyzes Italy

The Associated Press: Cuban hunger striker in hospital after passing out

BBC News - Ex-Bosnian leader 'owed apology by British government'

Chinese zoo blamed for death of 11 Siberian tigers

Celibacy debate re-emerges amid Church abuse scandal | Reuters

Fed agencies seize toys, call them 'machine guns'


**Congressional Vote Score Card with Progressive List**

*SITE:Congressional Progressive Caucus


*WND RADIO 'Illegal immigration enthusiasts are fanatical'

Don't look now! Amnesty is back

*Another state to feds: Take your gun regs and stuff 'em

California lawmaker would outlaw 'open carry' gun right / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Governor signs concealed guns in restaurants bill « New Mexico Independent

*Obama czar in 'clean energy' corruption?

Spokesman 'skips' addressing congressional racism

*WND RADIO 'Doesn't that sound a little tortured?'

WND RADIO Obamacare roadblocks: 'Abortion, vacancies, distrust'

FOXNews.com - Senate Health Bill Would Up Costs for Millions in Middle Class, Analysis Finds

Is Goldman Sachs a bubble ready to burst?

Surprise! Guess who's biggest Islamic threat

Bill requires U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA

Obama gives Nobel money to charity - Giving- msnbc.com

Obama Justice Department shut down ACORN probe

ACORN is out of Ohio's elections | Columbus Dispatch Politics

Progressive policies earn DeFazio congressional challenge

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Ryan: Dems Ramming "Shell" HC Bill Through Committee Monday

Graham: Health Care Reconciliation Could Stall Immigration Reform - Roll Call

Obama delays Asia trip to deal with health care | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Jail for dissing 'gays' pulled after publicity

Disney rejects nondiscrimination proposal

Court: Christian's stand on 'gay' unions 'not important'

Islamic authorities expelling Christians

Jews displaced from Arab lands finally recognized - Haaretz - Israel News

Expert: Reagan Gets the Shaft in Textbooks « Liveshots

Reid Caring for Injured Wife, Daughter and Health Care Negotiations - The Note

State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules

Eric Massa and situational ethics

Hey Beck! Geert Wilders is a hero

Meet the 'Wingnuts'

Obama: 'We can't control nature'

The coming runaway inflation

The effect of normalizing homosexuality

Ready for cross-dressing Army generals?

Obama, the cellophane man

Heads liberals win, tails we lose

Meghan McCain? Libs, you can have her

Beck, Wilders and his boosters' blind spot

The battle between POTUS and SCROTUS

Remembering a Dissident | FrontPage Magazine

Paul Ryan's Plan to Tax You More | Mother Jones

The great cotton-ball 'hate crime'

The American Spectator : U.S. House Cleaning

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Rush Limbaugh Propels Forgotten Composer To Number One In Music

VIDEO:Church renames Jesus' resurrection after pagan goddess

Duke of Edinburgh asks female sea cadet if she works at a strip club - Telegraph

Opposite's do attract as 'stressed men make odd sexual decisions', study says - Telegraph

The Plight of the Pretty Girl | Psychology Today

So much for freedom of the Internet

Topeka: US city 'renamed Google' in bid for super fast broadband network - Telegraph

Disney restyles 'Rapunzel' to appeal to boys - latimes.com

Journalism's hidden agenda


**See who signed Declaration of Health Care Independence


Tallahassee Democrat - www.floridacapitalnews.com - Tallahassee, FL.

The Associated Press: Success of lone gunmen may shift al-Qaida strategy

Holder Failed To Alert Senate To Old Brief « Liveshots

Boycott urged for Muslim imam's prayer in Virginia House - washingtonpost.com

Bloggers Mock Rep. Patrick Kennedy's Meltdown on House Floor - AOL News

House GOP votes to ban all earmarks - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Karl Rove has 'sympathy' for David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Holland proposes giving over-70s who 'consider their lives complete' the right to die | Mail Online

Murderer of pro-life activist found guilty

Mailman delivers drugs Kissimmee: Federal authorities accused a Kissimmee mailman of delivering drugs - OrlandoSentinel.com

'British Fritzl' made daughters pregnant 18 times after social services failings | Mail Online

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Woman tries to shut down Large Hadron Collider over apocalypse fears - Telegraph

Vatican criticizes condom machines in Rome school - Yahoo! News

Hate Blogger Wins Second Mistrial | Threat Level | Wired.com

Nigerians recall night of fury - New York Times - Starbulletin.com


*American Minute for March 12th:William J Federer's American Minute


Road to the Nut House

House Democrats face tough odds on health care - CNN.com

We're not buying it, O - NYPOST.com

The bogus Republican claim that Obamacare is a government takeover of one-sixth of the economy. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Wrong Bill At The Wrong Time - Forbes.com

A disgrace for the Democrats | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | The Guardian

Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen - If Democrats ignore health-care polls, midterms will be costly - washingtonpost.com

Washington, Not The Individual, Gets Control In President's Plan - Investors.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Health Reform Myths - NYTimes.com

The White House Kindly Requests You Do Not Refer to Its Health Care Budget Gimmicks as "Gimmicks" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Kneale: Obama as Ahab, Strapped to Moby Dick - CNBC

Is Obama winning? - The Week

Memo to President Obama: Get back in touch - Dee Dee Myers - POLITICO.com

Drop KSM trial -- and discard the logic behind it: Republican Senator tells Obama to change course

National Journal Magazine - Time To Depolarize Terror Policy

RealClearPolitics - In Praise of the Rotation of Power

RealClearWorld - The Enduring Partnership Between Israel and America

Toyota suffers from a rush to judgment | detnews.com | The Detroit News

The American Spectator : A Matter of Bad Taste

Lehman Examiner Finds Fraud, Probably - The Curious Capitalist - TIME.com

Inside Man - Magazine - The Atlantic

Editorial: Obama failing to keep pledge to focus on jobs | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Cost control's the key - latimes.com

EDITORIAL: Going all in - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Senators give Obama a bipartisan plan on immigration - latimes.com

U.S. Falters in Screening Border Patrol Near Mexico - NYTimes.com

Democrats target Vitter - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Mar 12, 2010 - Senators question $1 million pay for charity's CEO


*Transcripts:3-10/Obama's Health Care Speech in Missouri

Senator Kyl on Health Care Reform

Insurer Representative & Reform Advocate Debate

Interview with Karl Rove

Obama's Remarks with President Preval

Geithner's Testimony to the Appropriations Comm.

Gates' Press Conference with the Afghan Defense Minister


*Politics Video:3-12/Crist Defends Taking Stimulus Funds

Boehner Vows to Defeat Health Care Bill

Rep. Pence: "They Don't Have the Votes"

Update on Sen. Reid's Family Following Car Accident

Rove: Bush Will Be Appreciated Like Truman


*3-11/Michelle Obama Nearly Calls Hillary Clinton "President"

Jon Stewart Mocks Glenn Beck's Interview With Eric Massa

Obama: "We Prevented Another Depression"

White House Backs Off March 18 Deadline For Health Bill

Speaker Pelosi on Stupak & Abortion

Roundtable Discusses Health Care Deadline

Speaker Pelosi on Eric Massa

Rubio Responds to Crist's Allegations

Jake Tapper on Fired-Up Democrats

O'Reilly: Patrick Kennedy is Angry

Romanoff Discusses His Challenge to Sen. Bennet

Speaker Pelosi on Republican Obstructionism

Blagojevich: Shower Story Sounds Like The "Rahm I Know"

Rubio Shares His Views on Medicare, Global Warming

Sen. Gillibrand: Health Bill Would Be Good

AZ-8: GOP Ad Slams Dem For Supporting Obama, Pelosi

Krauthammer On Citizen United Case, Justice Roberts

O'Reilly: Did The New York Times Fabricate A Front Page Story

Maddow Interviews Michael Moore On Democrats' Majority

Tom Hanks Visits White House Press Room

Countdown: Bill Maher And O'Donnell Discuss How Gay Is The Navy


Karl Rove proud of using waterboarding and says it's not torture.

DNC's Woodhouse: Republicans are Sitting in a Glass House Throwing Stones

Help Connie Saltonstall Defeat Bart Stupak

Bill Maher: They Should Have Started With Single Payer on the Health Care Bill

Arizona Can't Have A Spanish Census Banner Flying

Senate Votes To Extend Unemployment Benefit Eligibility, No Tier 5 Extension For 2M Americans

Will Tom Brokaw take down Karl Rove?

R.I.P. Granny D

Jon Stewart questions Marc Theissen's twisted soul

Bernie Sanders prepared to introduce public option amendment

Glenn Beck Knows That The Maoists In The WH Are Getting Secret Messages From That Communist Woody Guthrie. Huh?

The Debate on Afghanistan Continues

Chris Dodd ditches Bob Corker on Financial regulations.

Mark Thiessen Compares DOJ Attorneys To "Mob" Lawyers

Rep. Mike Pence and Americans for Prosperity team up to rally the troops

Rachel Maddow Asks Who Are The Stupak Dozen And Who's Paying Bart Stupak's Rent?

Like Mother like Daughter: Lynne and Liz

Obama Moves For National ID Card, Military Prison For All Dissenters

“You’re Next”, US Warns Iran After Turkey Earthquake Hit

Parliament Of Owls Gives ‘Final Warning’ To America

Obama’s ‘Muslim Move’ Sparks Fear In Russia, EU, China

CIA may have poisoned entire French village

Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment - Telegraph

Many young American Jews choose to wait out recession in Israel - subsidized by government

Obama delays Asia trip to focus on health care - washingtonpost.com

Germany fights to keep Holocaust organiser's files sealed - Telegraph

Anti-Semitism rising worldwide, US report finds - Telegraph

West Bank rises up in a new 'white' intifada - Middle East, World - The Independent

Israeli army to seal off West Bank as tensions rise - Telegraph

How Bibi lost a best friend | Aluf Benn | Comment is free | The Guardian

Miliband's grand Middle East delusion | Chris Phillips | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Deadly attacks hit Pakistani city

Doomsday man ‘raped five daughters to save bloodline' - Times Online

Liz Cheney accused of McCarthyism over campaign against lawyers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Venezuelan energy crisis threatens the Chávez revolution | World news | guardian.co.uk

Sean Penn: Journalists who call Hugo Chávez a dictator should be jailed | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cuban TV program charts 638 assassination attempts on Fidel Castro - Telegraph

What the devil is going on at the Vatican? - Telegraph

Call girl ring ‘of 350 women’ linked to alleged corruption over Rome G8 contracts - Times Online

Scientologists try to block 'intolerant' German feature film | World news | The Guardian

Response: Scientists should stop deceiving us | Comment is free | The Guardian

Prada ordered manager to get rid of 'old, fat and ugly' staff - Telegraph

Britain voted worst place in the world to bring up children (while Australia is the best) | Mail Online

Foreign intelligence agencies hack into British companies - Telegraph

MP calls for burkas to be banned in Britain - Telegraph

Manchester Police blame David Askew's death on council | Mail Online

The $100 Billion Medicaid/Medicare Fraud Claim

THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! « Desertpeace

A Follow Up To “I Hate What America Has Become” « BuelahMan’s Redstate Revolt

Tesco`s ``green`` bags are WORSE for the environment

Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Climate Change, Financial Terrorism -- Signs of the Times News

Gurus facing testing time in India


March 11, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-11, Thursday

03/11 The Mark Levin Show