"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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11 March 2010

11 Marck '10

Rep. Kennedy Denounces Mockingbird Media Over War

YouTube - Rep. Kennedy Rips Media in Afghan Speech

Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist

YouTube - Your Neighbour Is a Terrorist According to talkSport UK

Pondering Our Collapse While We Watch Others Fall

Stock Up on Incandescent Light Bulbs: In Fact, Buy a Lifetime Supply of Them

Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?

archived:U.S. planned for attack on al-Qaida - Security- msnbc.com


archived: US 'planned attack on Taleban'

flashback:Washington's Blog:Torture, Iraq and 9/11

archive:How We Support Our False Beliefs


*21 pgs/“There Must Be a Reason”: Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification


Neocon Bloggers Celebrate Indictment of “Crazy” Patsy Jihad Jane

YouTube - 'Jihad Jane' Accused of Terror Ties

Perversion Is Fine, So Long As You’re In A Position Of Authority

YouTube - School Spy on Kids with Laptops and Snap Pics with Web Cam

Defaulted Loans May Haunt Seniors

Minneapolis schools on lockdown amid Internet threat

A leading Japanese politician espouses a 9/11 fantasy - washingtonpost.com

*Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous

'JihadJane' indictment alleges threat from within U.S. - latimes.com

Fuel bills will pay for eco-upgrades - Telegraph

Hundreds more town hall staff to get police-style powers - Telegraph

Cyberwar declared as China hunts for the West’s intelligence secrets - Times Online

Chris Wallace defends Obama to Mitt Romney, pointing out that he’s a bigger Neocon than Bush | America 20XY

YouTube - Mitt Romney misleadingly attacks President Obama's foriegn policy


Department of Education Posts Order for Police Shotguns

+ Remington Shotguns - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities


YouTube - Author claims CIA still testing drugs on people

Robert Auerbach: Stop the Federal Reserve From Shredding Its Records

Virginia State Police Help With Budget Crunch | The Truth About Cars

Mercury in vaccines: “No more dangerous than the mercury in a tuna sandwich”

H1N1 clinic tied to tournament game / LJWorld.com

Police act swiftly after gun purchases | MailTribune.com

Congress, Ariz. school district sues taxpayers to stop questions | Goldwater Institute


An end to cross-border trucking dispute remains elusive


Obama laying plans for "immigration reform"

Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform - Los Angeles Times


*Site: Reform Immigration For America

*Site:The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)


archive:Immigration reform: 2010 could see overhaul - chicagotribune.com

Young immigrants declare illegal status

Young illegal immigrants 'coming out' in US - Taiwan News Online

Karl Rove says George Bush missed chance for immigration reform | IrishCentral

Immigration Reform Is Back on the Agenda: What's the Political Strategy? - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com


Deepak Bhargava: A Little Momentum on Immigration Reform

Ezra Klein - Do Americans oppose health-care reform? Why?

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Immigration another obstacle for ObamaCare?

Immigration reform: Little chance Congress will act, or that the administration will have a bill to sign - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Immigration provision has Hispanic Caucus threatening ‘no’ health vote - TheHill.com

FOXNews.com - Senate Health Care Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro-Life House Democrats Say

The rush for health care bill explained - Obama's accelerator is stuck: Kevin O'Brien | cleveland.com

Washington Post Omits Fact That Saddam’s Nuke Salesman Was Protected By U.S. Government

Daily Kos Founder Slams Kucinich For Not Capitulating On Government Run Health Care

YouTube - Charlie Brooker's Newswipe S2E1P1

Putting the Constitution Back into the Oval Office

YouTube - CrossTalk on 9/11: Whodunit?

Pondering Our Collapse While We Watch Others Fall

Saakashvili pays US firms to lobby for him in Washington - RT

Citizens Of Illinois Get Slapped With Staggering 33% Income Tax Hike To Fill Deficit

School Crisis Rattles Missouri

Obama’s Message to Schoolchildren

Primary schoolchildren in tears after they are told they will be removed from families as part of Holocaust 'game' | Mail Online

Climate of fear

UN brings in top scientists to review IPCC report on Himalayan glaciers | Environment | The Guardian

Billboard watches you shop | The Sun |News

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

Obama to Ban Recreational Fishing? - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Bush’s ex-spokesman: Rove ‘living in his own world’

$2000/oz Gold by Year End – Rob McEwen

Canadian dollar likely to trump US greenback: experts - Yahoo! News

YouTube - AP-GfK Poll: Obama More Popular Than Congress


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 10th With Dick Russell


YouTube - Jesse Ventura exposes government's 'dirty' lies in new book 'American Conspiracies'


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 9th With Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer


YouTube - Pt 3/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 1/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King

YouTube - Pt 2/3 Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "American Conspiracies" 3/8/10 - CNN's Larry King


Cell-All: Super Smartphones Sniff Out Suspicious Substances


*13 pgs/Basket Case Currencies: Why Our Financial System is Predicated on the Assumption That You’re An Idiot And What You Can Do About it


The Beck Deception « Grand Delusion


YouTube - Ventura talks 9/11, makes Fox idiot leave stage

YouTube - 9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You

YouTube - Obama Marching Us Toward Martial Law - Building a Coalition of Forces Within the US

Alex Jones

YouTube - Michael Springman on Alex Jones Tv 1/4: CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah

YouTube - Michael Springman on Alex Jones Tv 2/4: CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah

YouTube - Michael Springman on Alex Jones Tv 3/4: CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah

YouTube - Michael Springman on Alex Jones Tv 4/4: CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah


New FBI Files Alleging AIPAC Theft of Government Property and Israeli Espionage Released -- WASHINGTON, March 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Decade Of The Drone: America’s Aerial Assassins

ah, mephistophelis.: Operation Titstorm – Anonymous declares war on Australian Censorship

Facebook pushing 'Suicide Machine' into an open-source afterlife | NetworkWorld.com Community

YouTube - Russian Mafia is in fact Jewish (part 1)

YouTube - Russian Mafia is in fact Jewish (part 2)


Email Leak: New Campaign Planned Against BDS Movement


YouTube - Settlers pouring cement into spring


YouTube - The Solution part 1

YouTube - The Solution part 2

YouTube - The Solution part 3

YouTube - The Solution part 4

YouTube - The Solution part 5

YouTube - The Solution part 6

YouTube - The Solution part 7

YouTube - The Solution part 8

YouTube - The Solution part 9

YouTube - The Solution part 10

YouTube - The Solution part 11


Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch - Tea Party Silver - Silver Snowball: The Reality Report - The real news not reported by the fringe media


YouTube - The "Holy Roman" 14th Amendment American Empire inc.


YouTube - The IRS, the Federal Reserve Bank & the Income Tax

*site:Truth Attack



Ahmadinejad: Israel World’s Most Hated Regime,Will Disappear Soon


7 Years After Killing, Family of Slain US Peace Activist Rachel Corrie Heads to Israel for Wrongful Death Suit Against Israeli Gov't

Rachel Corrie Family Finally Puts Israel in Dock

YouTube - Rachel Corrie, 23yo American killed by Israli troops

*50 Facts About U.S. Nuclear Weapons - Brookings Institution

YouTube - Five Minute Speech in Support of Kucinich's Afghanistan Resolution

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff Vlog 03/09/10 - Fast Money, unemployment, big government

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The National Worker ID Card as an Evil Instrument of Control

YouTube - Congressman Paul discusses NationalID with Megyn Kelly

archive:The Nation - Not for Identification Purposes (Just Kidding) - NYTimes.com

pastblast:Congressman Lindbergh: Articles of Impeachment Against Federal Reserve

Grayson urges vote on new Medicare buy-in bill | Raw Story

YouTube - Rep. Alan Grayson: Vote Now on the Public Option

*Jesse Ventura on The View 03 10 2010 - Gulf of Tonkin, Pat Tillman , JFK, and WTC-7 9/11 - 12160.org

*Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses*

All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company «

FEMA's Prior Knowledge of 9-11 Put to Rest

YouTube - CBS FEMA arrived in New York the night before 9 11

Salon.com News | Waterboarding for dummies

Vladmir Putin forging ahead with vision of Eurasian empire - Times Online

YouTube - LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE - the flaming inferno is mind control

YouTube - Buying A Home - Comedy Skit

Virginia Hands Out 6996 Traffic Tickets In One Weekend In An Effort To Raise Revenue For The State Government

BBC News - Israel supermarket spoof parodies Dubai killing

Capitol Briefing - Rep. Conyers' Wife Pleads Guilty to Bribery Charge

Japanese Have Washington Post Running Scared over 9/11 | JapanToday.info

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » China is being threatened by the United States says Michel Chossudovsky

*Food Security Threat: Goverment Set to Ban Public Fishing, Individual Food Production : Deadline Live with Jack Blood

The Census and History: It Is Not a Pretty Picture! by Gary D. Barnett

Parents Angry Over CCTV In School Toilets - Yahoo! News UK

***whatreallyhappened.com: The New McCarthyism


*How Old is the Earth?


Senators McCain and Liebermann: indefinitely detain Americans if they say so

Census Law « LewRockwell.com Blog

Just How Fast Is Cisco’s New Router? Really Freaking Fast | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Naked Obama aide 'berated Congressman'

Jesse Ventura claims gov’t involved in 9/11 Former Minnesota governor says Bush administration tied to attacks - The Galactic roundtable

YouTube - The 9/11 hijackers are alive

Gateway Pundit:Obama White House to 60,000,000 Anglers: We Don’t Need You

It's Going To Implode: Buy Physical Gold - NOW | zero hedge

Another Obama Tax Hike - WSJ.com

U.S. Taxpayers on Hook for $5 Trillion of Fannie, Freddie Debt ... No Matter What Barney Frank Says


How the British Establishment is conspiring to prop up the AGW myth – Telegraph Blogs

McGCSE: Work at McDonald's for two weeks and get equivalent of a B grade exam pass | Mail Online

Primary schoolchildren in tears after they are told they will be removed from families as part of Holocaust 'game' | Mail Online

Former TSA analyst charged with computer tampering - TSA, terrorism, tampering, analyst - Good Gear Guide

Obama facing uprising over new NASA strategy - Yahoo! Asia News

FOXNews.com - GMAC Bailout Could Cost Taxpayers $6.3B

ENVIRONMENT: Violent Backlash Against Climate Scientists - IPS ipsnews.net

American's Journey: Dr. David Ray Griffin on 911: "We're Really in the Level of Proof Now - not conjecture"

03-11-2010: Senate Bill on Finance to Include Agency That Tracks Financial Risk

03-11-2010: NSA Communication System Interfering with Garage Door Openers?

03-11-2010: Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa

03-10-2010: U.S. "cap and trade" rebranded "pollution reduction"

03-10-2010: Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest

President Obama backs DNA test in arrests - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

03-10-2010: Behind the scenes, crafting the US no-fly list

03-10-2010: Global agency reconsiders `.xxx' for porn sites

03-10-2010: Large Hadron Collider "to shut down for a year"

03-10-2010: Google sets its sights on television dominance

03-10-2010: Drudge Virus Warning Blasted as Latest Free Speech Incursion

03-10-2010: Immigration reform rests on a national worker ID

03-10-2010: The Phoenix Lights 13 Years Later


*03-10-2010: Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican

*e book:The Two Babylons--Alexander Hislop


Stop the Federal Reserve From Shredding Its Records

Taxpayers Footing the Bill for Breast Augmentations

Pelosi on health care: ‘We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it…’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi : Press Releases

N. Korea Says It Is Ready to 'Blow Up' U.S.

Pacific North American Regional Integration and Control

Apple’s Secret iPhone Developer Agreement Goes Public

Abu Dhabi is future base for News Corp: Murdoch

Gendercide: The worldwide war on baby girls

Biometric ID Card for Workers Is at Center of Immigration Plan

'US might manipulate Iraq election results'

Patrick Kennedy: Media Doing "Despicable" Job Covering Afghanistan

'US Determined to Prevent Nuclear Iran'

Two Humiliations - Can Obama Live With A Third?

Welcome To The World’s First Murdochracy

Normalizing The Police State

Brazilian president warns sanctions against Iran could lead to war

Irish arrest "Al-Qaida suspects" in murder conspiracy

Breaking Up The Middle East: Who Benefits?

Where Seldom is Heard a Discouraging Word ... Like "Bribery"

Collapse of the American Empire: Swift, Silent, Certain

The Washington Post on ‘Lunatic’ 9/11 ‘Conspiracy Theorists’


Adam "Pearlman" Gadahn lived with ADL board member Grandpa when he converted to Islam

*Democratic Underground - Here's the real story: Blackwater managers ran the CIA unit that allowed 9/11 hijackers into the US - Democratic Underground

Public input period for federal fishery strategy has ended - ESPN

Russia Denounces US Missile System in Europe Again

Threatening Russia with Nuclear War

Iranian Missiles Pose no Threat to U.S. and Europe - Lavrov

Japan Confirms Secret Nuclear Pacts With U.S. During Cold War

Educational Reform or Ineptitude?

VIDEO: The 800 Mile US-Mexico Wall

Pentagon Accuses Pacifists of Undermining the Quest for World Peace

Obama's National Cybersecurity Initiative: Privacy and Civil liberties are Damned

The Fight to Save Public Education in America

A Guide to the 9/11 Whistleblowers

VIDEO: Biological Weapons and the New Arms Race

Utah: To legally collect rainwater you must register with the state and buy a "standardized container"

New York: Bill Would Make It Illegal For Restaurants To Use Salt "In Any Form In The Preparation Of Any Food"

Fluoride: We shouldn't need 40 years to learn lesson

Obama's Army? White House Hiring 750,000 Workers to Do Census

Climategate: George Monbiot despairs of the AGW cause – 'There goes my life's work'

9/11: Blueprint for Truth - WTC Building 7

Schumer, Graham Use Immigration to Push National Biometric ID Card

Immigration Bill Includes Biometric National ID Card For All Americans

How Wall Street cashed in on the American Dream, and nearly killed it

McCain-Lieberman bill flirts with totalitarianism

Census data not so confidential after all

Obama Appointee Says Price Hikes by Broadband Providers 'Raise A Red Flag' for the FCC

GOP Senators Warn House: Vote for Senate Health Care Bill Is Vote for Federally Funded Abortions

‘Final Agreement Nearly in Hand’ on Health Care Bill, AP Says

Democrats Still Losing on Key Issues of Health Care Debate, Survey Shows

Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Their Kids' Textbooks Place Political Correctness Above Accuracy

Texas Planned Parenthood Holds Gala to Raise Money for Abortion ‘Super Center’

48 Hawaiian Species Listed As Endangered, Putting 40 Square Miles of Kauai Off-Limits

Seventy Days After Deadline, Sanctions Against Iran Appear No Closer

Defense Secretary Gates Seeks Saudi Backing for Economic Sanctions Against Iran

Indirect Mideast Talks Off Again, Arab League Says

Al-Qaida May Be Eyeing Smaller, One-Man Attacks to Shake U.S.

Durbin Implies Obama Not ‘Telling the Truth’ about Health Care Premiums

Stupak 'Remains Optimistic' He Can Work Out Abortion-Funding Language to Save Health Care Bill

Safe Schools Czar Ducks Questions on Past Statements about Homosexuality, Says Department of Education Won’t Dictate Curriculum

White House Still Checking to See If It Offered Congressman a Job So He Wouldn't Run Against Specter

Republicans Press Defense Secretary Gates to Explain Why Air Force Excluded Conservative Leader from Prayer Event

Auto Safety Agency Comes Under House Scrutiny

GOP Wants Massa Ethics Probe Reopened

Author Pretends to Be 10-Year-Old to Get Responses to His ‘Little Billy’ Letters

Highway Deaths Drop to Lowest Levels Since 1950s

Coast Guard Sees Increasing Need for Icebreakers

Eight Reporters Abducted in Mexico; Press Association Demands Action

Indian Tribes Lag on Sex Offender Registration

Pelosi Maintains That Senate Health Care Bill Doesn’t Fund Abortion

Is Health Care A Right?

An Obama Nominee and Disappearing Persons

The Shameless Abortion Carnival

IF You Are Going To "Demonstrate".... - The Market Ticker

60 Years of Drug Trafficking at the Venice Municipal Airport | Dinapharm.com


YouTube - Dr. Ron Paul 3/8/2010 OSU 1 of 5

YouTube - Dr. Ron Paul 3/8/2010 OSU 2 of 5

YouTube - Dr. Ron Paul 3/8/2010 OSU 3 of 5

YouTube - Dr. Ron Paul 3/8/2010 OSU 4 of 5

YouTube - Dr Ron Paul 3/8/2010 OSU 5 of 5


Conan O'Brien Taking His 'Prohibited' Act on the Road - Conan O'Brien : People.com

News - What Happened the Night Corey Haim Died - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

Jessica Simpson Jokes: John Mayer 'Gave Away My Game' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Betty White Confirmed To Host 'Saturday Night Live' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Pink Floyd win court battle against EMI over online sales | News | NME.COM

Hitting the Yellow Brick Road again - latimes.com

Hollywood considers at least four 'Wizard of Oz' remakes -

Madonna, daughter Lourdes team up for fashion line for teen girls that debuts at Macy's

FOXNews.com - Senate Health Care Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro-Life House Democrats Say

Immigration provision has Hispanic Caucus threatening ‘no’ health vote - TheHill.com

House Democrats looking at 'Slaughter Solution' to pass Obamacare without a vote on Senate bill UPDATED! | Washington Examiner

Michael Barone: Can Nancy Pelosi Get the Votes? - WSJ.com

Gov't workers feel no economic pain - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Vatican criticizes condom machines in Rome school

Iran warns neighbors over U.S. presence in the Gulf | Reuters

My Way News - 2-second video causes headache for ABC News

70-Year-Old Delaware Man Accused Of Drugging, Sexually Assaulting Woman - cbs3.com

Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request - Yahoo! News

CDC uses shopper-card data to trace salmonella - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Democrats Reveal Facts About Health Care

Some Democrats shun Obama event in St. Louis - Washington Times

Obama's liberal base 'disengaged' - USATODAY.com

Karl Rove has 'sympathy' for David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop

Police clash with protesters as Greeks fight cuts - Yahoo! News

Google Maps' new biking feature has plenty of flaws - NYPOST.com

Joe Biden snubs Israeli PM after surprise announcement to build homes on war-won land during U.S. vice president's visit | Mail Online

Woman arrested; 60 dogs seized from small home - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

This Cop “Nose” a Drug Ring When He Smells One | NBC Philadelphia

Smartphones will shake up paid content debate | Reuters

3D TV: Avatar director James Cameron hails it as 'the future' | Mail Online

NEWSMAKER-World's richest man, Slim, a born wheeler-dealer | Reuters

The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com

Nancy Pelosi's office was told of concerns about Eric Massa - washingtonpost.com

How to smoulder when you're older, by Sophia Loren, 75 | Mail Online

Study: Old Men Stay Frisky Longer | NBC Chicago

YouTube - Boyfriend: 'Jihad Jane' Wasn't Religious

Democrats try to finish health care reform - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - Pelosi's Office in the Loop on Massa Months Ago, Sexual Allegations Persist

Pelosi's Office Heard Concerns about Eric Massa in October - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Associated Press: House votes to impeach US judge from Louisiana

Obama outlines strategy to boost exports | Reuters

More Americans say global warming exaggerated: poll | Reuters

Texas Hearing Considers Deeper Conservative Stamp on Textbooks - NYTimes.com

Defense.gov News Article: Employment Program to Resume for Enrolled Spouses

Ex-New Orleans officer pleads in shooting cover-up | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

U.S. Census 'reminder' letters save taxpayer dollars

Chief justice unsettled by Obama's criticism of Supreme Court - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Feud over Supreme Court

Chief justice chides State of the Union as 'political pep rally' - CNN.com

Va. Gov. McDonnell prohibits bias against gay state workers - washingtonpost.com

Governor Urges Illinois Lawmakers to Boost Income Tax - WSJ.com

Strong Earthquakes Rock Chile as Pinera Takes Office | Americas | English

BBC News - US and Israel dodge settlement confrontation

The Associated Press: Afghanistan welcomes Pakistani role in peace talks

The Associated Press: Ukraine creates new ruling coalition, gets new PM

Secularist list ahead in two Iraqi provinces | Reuters

The Associated Press: France's Sarkozy faces whipping in regional vote

YouTube - Nicolas Sarkozy, Carla Bruni's Rumored Affairs

Former Bosnian leader Ejup Ganic released on bail - Telegraph

BBC News - Japanese protest over proposed ban on tuna trade

Japanese fishmongers protest over move to bring in tuna trade ban - Times Online

BBC News - Cartoonist plot suspects' detention extended in Ireland

After U.S. visit, Haiti president optimistic on direct aid - Haiti - MiamiHerald.com

'Miracle' baby elephant growing stronger - Telegraph

BBC News - Six killed in attack on World Vision office in Pakistan

Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, Top Cleric, Dies at 81 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

Controversial Egyptian cleric leaves mixed legacy - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

Turkey still frosty with U.S. over Armenian genocide move - CNN.com

YouTube - Call it a crime: Turkey warns US over Armenian 'genocide' decision

China Increases Security in Tibet to Prevent Protests - NYTimes.com

43% have less than $10k for retirement

archive:Depopulation by Government Edict | Deanna Spingola

The Bush Family's Project Hammer - BlackListed News

Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Believe Nation 'Less Safe' Under Obama

Biden Bashes Israelis in Meeting With Palestinians

Pa. Woman's Indictment Shows Evolution of Terror

Biden Backtracks on Israel Criticism

GOP Backs 'Don't Ask' Advocate

GOP Senators Wage War on Reconciliation

7 Pro-Life Democrats Can Stop Obamacare

House GOP Leaders Press Earmark Moratorium

House Ethics Panel Suddenly Ends Massa Probe

Pelosi: Dems Close On Healthcare Agreement

Obama Blames Washington for Health Woes

House Rejects Call for Withdrawal From Afghanistan

FBI Looking Into NJ Man Linked to Attack in Yemen

Census Campaign Targets Tech-Savvy Hispanic Youth

Dodd to Offer His Own Financial Regulation Bill

Report: Senator Sought Work for Ex-Lover's Husband

Former Rep. Shays Aide Expected to Plead Guilty

Ga. Bill Would Outlaw Abortion for Race, Sex

Elvis' Clash With Media On View at DC Museum

Huge 'Botnet' Amputated, but Criminals Reconnect

MySpace Upping Ante in Online Social Games

Web Weaves Evidence Against 'Jihad Jane'

Soviet Russia Enslaved Spiritually As Well As Physically

How Long Did Speaker Pelosi Know About Massa Scandal?

Are Germs Making You Fat?

Zionism Laid Bare


(reverse speech)David John Oates On Latest Iran Nuke Predictions


Panel Proposes Single Standard for All Schools - NYTimes.com



*ALIPAC - Tea Party Against Amnesty Protests Announced for April 15

*Get out your phones!!!



Finally - A Bill To Get The US Out Of NAFTA

US Military Trains To Clear ‘Civilian’ Homes (Kill All Inside) | Real Zionist News

Ex-MI5 boss claims U.S. waterboarded 9/11 chief 160 times | Mail Online

*Israeli spy with Iran-Contra scandal links dies - Telegraph

Google sets its sights on television dominance - Telegraph

3D televisions 'the norm' within five years, experts predict - Telegraph

Japan owns up to Cold War deal that broke nuclear taboo - Times Online

DNA from fossilised eggshells could help reconstruct lives of extinct birds | Science | The Guardian

A new EU treaty? I see trouble ahead – Telegraph Blogs

Woman tries to shut down Large Hadron Collider over apocalypse fears - Telegraph

Large Hadron Collider ‘to shut down for a year’ - Telegraph

Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni 'both having affairs' - Telegraph

Robert Fisk: Once again, a nation walks through fire to give the West its 'democracy' - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Rupert Murdoch: Gulf states should open up to foreign media | Media | guardian.co.uk

Murdoch says Middle East must reject censorship - Times Online

Call for Gordon Brown to face fresh grilling by Iraq inquiry over funding for troops | Mail Online

Obama administration is 'brilliant'? What planet is David Miliband on? – Telegraph Blogs

Patients' medical records go online without consent - Telegraph

Obama's visit is the cause of anti-terrorism raids in Indonesia - Telegraph

Miss me yet? George Bush advertising board stirs US public debate - Telegraph

US creationists unswayed by evolution exhibition - Telegraph

Holland proposes giving over-70s who 'consider their lives complete' the right to die | Mail Online

Marlboro man Philip Morris sues Norway over cigarette ban - Telegraph

Obama Employs Bush Administration Tactic, Blocks Photos - Kevin Gosztola - Open Salon


Dead Man Musings: 911 by the NUMB3RS

Dead Man Musings: More 911 by the Numb3rs

Paul A Drockton M.A.: More Numb3rs of the Occult

Dead Man Musings: Egyptian Mystery Religions and our "New Age" Illuminati Religion

Dead Man Musings: The Beast of Global Government

Dead Man Musings: The Avatar, Maitreya and our "New Age" Illuminati Religion

Dead Man Musings: Maitreya and the coming Global Religion

Dead Man Musings: Maitreya and the coming Global Religion

Dead Man Musings: The Avatar, Maitreya and our "New Age" Illuminati Religion: Part 2


savethemales.ca - Archeological Finds Disprove Darwinism

e book

* e book:Forbidden Archeology - Hidden History of the Human Race


Inside the cat and dog meat market in China - CNN.com

Barack Obama order aides to stop in-fighting over troubled first year - Telegraph

Joe Biden pledges 'unvarnished' support for Israeli security - Telegraph

The Hebronisation of Jerusalem | Mick Dumper | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Our Corrupt And Incompetent US Congress

Maker Drops Hip Device, Then Warns of Failures - NYTimes.com


*Radio legend to run for president?


Intuitive L.I. man hopes to connect with spirits of those whacked by mob for new show 'Ghostfellas'

Scientists tease DNA from eggshell of extinct birds

BBC News - DR Congo ring may be giant 'impact crater'

Britain's 'big cat X files' revealed - Telegraph

97. Rupert Sheldrake and Richard Wiseman Clash Over Parapsychology Experiments | Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point

Bio weather: Cloudy with a chance of kidney stones? - The Local

Ananova - Giant python loose on housing estate

flashback:YouTube - Biometric ID cards to be issued to 20 Million People

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment - Telegraph

Sites ; (in trouble)




Rachel Maddow Asks Who Are The Stupak Dozen And Who's Paying Bart Stupak's Rent?

Like Mother like Daughter: Lynne and Liz

65 Congress Members Voted Against The War In Afghanistan. But Will They Vote Against The Funding?

Kennedy Rips Media For Lack of War Coverage

Meg Whitman's Bizarro World Understanding Of Media Events--Bar Them From Asking Questions

Eric Massa Gets Under Glenn Beck's Skin

From LA to the Dept. of Treasury and Back

Republican Makes Deal With Dodd To Protect Predatory Payday Lenders

The Rachel Maddow Show: Go Canada!

Charlie Crist Suggests Rubio Used Republican Party Credit Card to Pay for Back Wax

Bart Stupak to Get Democratic Primary Challenge

The Very Troubling Partisanship of John Roberts

Ralph Reed To Announce Congressional Candidacy

Sanchez Paints Blanche Lincoln as an Independent to Feel Good About For Bucking Her Party

Alan Grayson introduces Public Option Act

10,000 Turn Out In DC To Attack Insurance Co. Profits; Network News Ignores Them

Howard Dean: Reconciliation Should Include Medicare Buy-In or Restore House Version

Bank of America To Drop Overdraft Fees On Credit Cards, Expected To Lose Millions

Glenn Beck Urges Listeners To Leave Churches Preaching Social Justice

David Corn Bets Brad Blakeman $1000 He's Wrong on Iraq Weapons Inspectors

Ultimate Guns vs Butter Debate

Another Reason To Pass Sweeping Health Care Reform Legislation

The Health Care Bill and Reconciliation

The Curious Case Of Eric Massa

Lard: The New Health Food? | Food & Wine

Fidel Castro TV series charts 638 assassination attempts | World news | The Guardian

Census Data Not So Confidential After All: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

In Their Sights: Lawsuit challenging Chicago's 1982 handgun ban to be heard by Supreme Court - Chicago magazine - January 2010 - Chicago

Is it water or Kool Aid that politicians drink? It certainly isn’t coffee, espresso or latte!

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » REFLECTIONS ON McDONALD

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » MORE ON THE MCDONALD CASE

Market Medicine in El Salvador by James Dunlap

*National ID Cards Won't Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration by Rep. Ron Paul

Exhibitionists for the State by Jim Fedako

Gold: Get Some by Bill Sardi

Doug Casey: Profit From the Euro-Crash


*site:TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy

*A List Of Biblical Contradictions

*Skeptic's Annotated Bible

The Skeptical Review Online:The Jeremiah Dilemma by Farrell Till

*e book:Is It God's Word?




**The Bible Skeptic

*Historicity of Jesus

*Christian Origins Website

Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth

Mind-Brain Dependence as Twofold Support for Atheism

**Ebon Musings: A Ghost in the Machine

*Arguments for the Existence of God

*The Theism Articles

*Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason*

Did We Evolve?

A Closer Look at Genesis 1-25


The Power Elite Playbook, Promoting War Part 1 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam, a Prototype Part 2 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Creating & Controlling Chaos Part 3 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, the Anglo-American Chessboard Part 4 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Bankers & Their Bombers Part 5 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Population Reduction Through Genocide Part 6 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Killing the Competitors Part 7 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam - Democratized and Ready to Plunder Part 8 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam - Plundered Part 9 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Government by Gunpoint Part 10 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Recruiting Willing Puppets Part 11 | Deanna Spingola

U.S. Military Targets Southeast Colorado Part 2 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Oil War One, 1914-1918 Part 13 | Deanna Spingola

Deanna Spingola -- The Power Elite Playbook: Burn All, Steal All, Kill All!

The Power Elite Playbook, China: Shanghaied by Communism Part 15 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Japan, Land of Western Industrialization Part 16 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Fascism and False Flags = War Part 17 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Corporate Generals Part 18 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Establishing Precedents Part 19 | Deanna Spingola

The Power Elite Playbook, Controlled Conflict and Staged Incompetence Part 20 | Deanna Spingola


RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Bart Stupak Has Problems

Matt Miller - Heaven can wait: The health-care edition - washingtonpost.com

The Unkindest Cut - Business - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - Obama in the Wilsonian Tradition

Editorials & Opinion | You have everything to fear, including fear itself | Seattle Times Newspaper

Obamacare, whether you want it or not | health, bill, care - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Dems in Both Chambers Look at Obscure Rules to Force Health Care Through - Swampland - TIME.com

Unready For His Close-Up? | The New Republic

Michael Barone: Can Nancy Pelosi Get the Votes? - WSJ.com

Never Trust a Naked Massa in a Tickle Fight: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

Campaign Redux? Obama vs. His “Opponents” - Political Punch

Opposing view: Don't scapegoat the teachers - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Enhancing Democracy by Banning Speech

Op-Ed Contributor - Sudden Acceleration Often Caused By Drivers - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - China's Bubble Trouble

Built on a Lie: The Fundamental Flaw of Europe's Common Currency - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Maliki Vs. Allawi | The New Republic

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Senate jobs bill: the perils of extended unemployment benefits / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

EDITORIAL: Reid files - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Debate on school reform — Our view: Unions protect bad teachers, harming kids’ education - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Immigration provision has Hispanic Caucus threatening ‘no’ health vote - TheHill.com

John Ensign inquiries broaden - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Census Struggles to Hire Bilingual Workers - WSJ.com

Employers plan to shift more health-care costs to workers, survey reports - washingtonpost.com


*Politics Video:3-11/Michelle Obama Nearly Calls Hillary Clinton "President"

Obama: "We Prevented Another Depression"

Jon Stewart Mocks Glenn Beck's Interview With Eric Massa

Jake Tapper on Fired-Up Democrats

Blagojevich: Shower Story Sounds Like The "Rahm I Know"

Sen. Gillibrand: Health Bill Would Be Good

AZ-8: GOP Ad Slams Dem For Supporting Obama, Pelosi

Maddow Interviews Michael Moore On Democrats' Majority

O'Reilly: Did The New York Times Fabricate A Front Page Story

Countdown: Bill Maher And O'Donnell Discuss How Gay Is The Navy

Krauthammer On Citizen United Case, Justice Roberts


*3-10/Flashback: Massa Debates Hunter Jr. On "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Obama Vs. Durbin On Health Care Premiums

Letterman Mocks Rahm Emanuel In "Top Ten"

Sen. Inhofe: Senate Policy On Drudge Is Politically Motivated

"Special Report" Panel On Abortion Deal For Health Reform Passage

Obama: "Tax Dollars Are Often Treated Like Monopoly Money"

Obama: Half The Letters I Receive Call Me An "Idiot"

Rep. Patrick Kennedy: Media Doing "Despicable" Job Covering Afghanistan

Romney: "I Never Really Called Myself Pro-Choice"

Pelosi: House Has Votes To Pass Health Bill

Meg Whitman Ducks Her Own Press Conference In Oakland

FL-Sen: Marco Rubio Airs First Ad

Durbin Admits Premiums Will Go Up If Health Care Bill Is Passed

CBS' Harry Smith Undergoes Live Colonoscopy

Obama Says Health Premiums Will Go Down

Kos Warns Kucinich: Vote For Health Bill Or We'll Primary You

White House's Romer: "Pound-Foolish" To Clamp Down On Spending

Karl Rove Sets The Record Straight On Bush Administration

Dem Rep. Boren Defies Health Care Bill

Krauthammer: "Procedural Labyrinth" Problem With Health Bill

Rep. Hoyer: Opponents Using Massa For "Political Purposes"

Countdown: Liz Cheney Keeps America Scared

Maddow: Rove Heedless Of Facts

Rep. Ryan: Health Bill More About "Ideology" Than Health Care Policy

O'Reilly: Obama Declares War On The Health Insurance Industry


*Transcripts/mon/Obama's Remarks with President Preval


*tues/Roundtable on Health Care Compromises

Eric Massa Explains His Resignation

Interview with Eric Massa

Interview with Rep. Paul Ryan

Interview with General Odierno

Secretary Clinton's Remarks with Haiti's President

Obama's Remarks on Health Insurance Reform

Panel on Rep. Massa's Allegations

Analysts Discuss Obama and Insurers

Interview with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist

Press Conf. with Secretary Gates & President Karzai


The Philosophic Roots of Eco-Theology

Obama Aims to Impose a Solution on Israel

Reconciliation and the Senate Bill

Tax the Top, Hit the Middle

Obama and the Left at the Brink

Obama through the Looking Glass

How to Pollute a Mind: Lessons from John Dewey and Van Jones

Emperor Obama and the Kamikaze House Democrats

Obamacare and Las Vegas

The 'Progressives' Are Really 'Oppressives'

I'm Sorry, Madam Speaker -- the Republicans Won't Let Me Vote for It

House dems to 'Slaughter' opponents to pass reform

Was Massa right about a conspiracy?

Almost all the news that's fit to print

Dubai to spies: Clear out

Democrats intruding on our 'favorite point' of freedom

America Swings Like a Pendulum Do...

Sarah Palin's family used socialized medicine?

Obama's Car Czar in Pay-to-Play probe

KC Schools, A Case Study in Liberal Stupidity

Update on ACORN RICO suit while Obama administration shuts down criminal probe

We should implement Asimov's 3 laws to protect us from our inhuman creations-not robots but corporations.

Obama's health care campaign sells bad medicine

Rove's comments on Limbaugh troublesome for Religous Right

Revisiting The Bill of Rights

Why Isn't Health Care Reform Socialism?

Don't look now! Amnesty is back

*WND RADIO 'Illegal immigration enthusiasts are fanatical'

FDA urged to let homosexuals donate blood

WND RADIO 'Women and children butchered to spread Sharia'

*CBS poll: Obama flunks 1st year

Targeted: Does this photo of Barack Obama go too far?

WND RADIO 'Virtual' town hall counters Obama in Missouri

Did Focus On The Family Board Force Dobson Out? | TPMMuckraker

Focus denies Dobson 'pushed out' of radio

WND RADIO 'Approached ... indoctrinated ... mobilized'

Another state to feds: Take your gun regs and stuff 'em

District sues parents ... to shut them up!

Poll: Americans say textbooks are too PC

The Associated Press: NYC judge: Govt must stop blocking money to ACORN

Court: Christian's stand on 'gay' unions 'not important'

Disney rejects nondiscrimination proposal

Islamic authorities expelling Christians

Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican -Times Online

Happy 70th birthday, Chuck Norris! - Pop Candy: Unwrapping pop culture's hip and hidden treasures

Bush's union transparency rules retracted under Obama - Washington Times

Evangelical Pastor Sending President Obama Bible Verses from Book of Mark

FOXNews.com - Hearing Delayed for Obama Judicial Nominee Who Supported Serial Killer

Nancy Pelosi's office was told of concerns about Eric Massa - washingtonpost.com

Silver bullet from U.S. states kills 'mandatory' Obamacare

House Democrats looking at 'Slaughter Solution' to pass Obamacare without a vote on Senate bill UPDATED! | Washington Examiner

Democrats, White House close in on health bill - Yahoo! News

WOLF: Obama family health care fracas - Washington Times

Entire Senate GOP vows to block policy changes in health bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Health care reform draws protest before Obama’s arrival | St. Louis Globe-Democrat

God Helps with Personal Decisions, Most Americans Say - Yahoo! News

Hamas chief: 'Israel preparing for new war'

Patrick Kennedy: Media Doing "Despicable" Job Covering Afghanistan - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

My Way News - 2-second video causes headache for ABC News

CNSNews.com - Sen. Inhofe: Basis for Senate's Ban on Drudge Report Was Bogus, We Encourage People to Visit Drudge

FBI Probes N.J. Man Linked to Al Qaeda, Hospital Attack in Yemen - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Mitt Romney Says He Was Never Pro-Choice on Abortion as Mass Governor

Ex-Obama adviser: Democrats may get 'slaughtered' in fall - CNN.com

azcentral.com blogs - AZ/DC Blog - azdc - Radio ad introduces 'good Christian' J.D. Hayworth

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - A Tea Party Fake? « - Blogs from CNN.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Meet McCain 'birthers': ABC, CBS, NBC, FactCheck, N.Y. Times, more


*American Minute for March 11th:William J Federer's American Minute


Attack on disabled man 'sickening' - ABC Melbourne - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

Burbank middle school teacher arrested for allegedly having unlawful sex with a student [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

The big list: Female teachers with students

Litchfield County killer signs himself out of mental hospital- The Register Citizen News - Northwest Connecticut's Daily Newspaper

Pensioners taught to use walking stick in self-defence - Telegraph

Slaughter of horses in U.S. could resume, in Missouri - STLtoday.com

LA sushi restaurant The Hump 'serves whale meat' - Telegraph

Republican collectivism

Hey Beck! Geert Wilders is a hero


*Jackie Mason:I've grown accustom to your lies ...


Socialist government versus the people

The great cotton-ball 'hate crime'

Remembering a Dissident | FrontPage Magazine

Our military needs your help

What's Arabic for 'You're no Atticus Finch'?

No, liberals aren't smarter than conservatives

Final 'reform' push: twisting arms - NYPOST.com

Ten Wrong Reasons to Oppose Health Reform -- Politics Daily

Call me a 'birther'

Obama and the L-Word - Reason Magazine

Couponing Is an Extreme Sport, Fueled by a Recessionary Spurt of Frugality - WSJ.com

Advertising - ‘Mad Men’ Dolls in Barbie’s World, but Cocktails Stay Behind - NYTimes.com

Hamas chief: 'Israel preparing for new war'

Jews to world: 'Help non-Muslims pray on Temple Mount'

Another state to feds: Take your gun regs and stuff 'em

religious video:New father sees work of God in baby boy

religious video:Church renames Jesus' resurrection after pagan goddess

Debbie Schlussel: FUNNY Video: Tickle Me Eric – Etiquette Lessons For Congressmen Who Tickle Male Staffers

Debbie Schlussel:Was This TSA Guy Just Disgruntled . . . or Working for Islamic Terrorists?

Debbie Schlussel:ICE Busts Middle Eastern Student Visa Fraud Ring

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS: Jake Byrd @ Night of 100 Stars

Debbie Schlussel:BREAKING: Rep. John Conyers’ Wife Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Debbie Schlussel:Another Dumb Actress Attacks Israel, Supports Residential Redlining of Jews

Debbie Schlussel:“Rocky, Rainbow, Rocky, Rainbow”: HILARIOUS Schwarzenegger/Stallone Video

Early Iraq results: PM battling secular challenger

Gates: Gulf allies understand Iran sanctions next

Pair picked for DOJ unit probing public corruption

German schools angry over church abuse scandal

Toyota troubles put spotlight on US safety agency

Americans' net worth up for 3rd straight quarter

Lithuania commemorates split that doomed Soviet Union

Biden steers past spat over Israel settlement plan

Warning: Ancient sex on show in Paris

Rep. Patrick Kennedy rips media in Afghan speech

GOP wants Massa ethics probe reopened

Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer

Does Michael Moore Hate Working People?

Television and Gun Accuracy Don’t Mix

Daily Gut: Rules to Avoid Failure

Sean Penn: Journalists who Call Chavez a Dictator Deserve to Go to Prison

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » REVIEW: Soderbergh’s ‘Che’ and Historical Accuracy

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Soderbergh’s ‘Che’ and Historical Accuracy, Part II

Useful Idiots Are Coming! Useful Idiots Are Coming!

In Health Care Battle Royal, It’s the ‘300′ v. the Obama/Media Hordes

Overnight Thread: The ‘Three Generations and Out’ Rule Strikes Again

Elected to Office, Then Off To Jail: The ‘Chicago Way’ Of Barack Hussein Obama

‘Bold New Play’ Boffo in Gaza Strip; Media Marvels

Time for President Obama, MSM, To Tell the Truth About the Armenian Genocide

Credit Where Credit Is Due: Timesman Tom ‘I, Me, Mine’ Friedman Gets It Right on Iraq; MSM Yawns

If Muslims Gay-Bash In San Francisco, Do They Make a Sound?

Pssst, MSM — About That Fabulous Free Cuban Health Care…

Is the Declaration of Independence Still Relevant?

Raising Tobacco Taxes is Dumb

VICTORY! Senator Corker Calls Off Deal With Dodd

Breaking: House GOP Adopts Unilateral Ban on All Earmarks

The Constitutional Case Against Progressives

Stimulus Dollars Buy Greyhound Buses in Missouri

Heads Up Talk Radio: The President’s Foot Soldiers Have Your Number

If Pelosi Has the Votes, Then Why Does the House Need the Slaughter Solution to Pass ObamaCare

If Guantánamo Closes, use ADAK!

California Regulators: Climate Change a Bigger Threat than Felons

The Little Fed Report that Could…and Did Create a Housing Bubble

Gibbs: If Senate Bill Passes House It Will Go to the President’s Desk

ShoreBank: A Key To Green Jobs

National ID Card Being Considered By Senators

Its Only Money: Democrats Prepare $100 Billion Jobs Bill for Local Governments

Ryan: ‘This Bill Is More About Ideology Than Health Care Policy’

Drudge By Numbers: Gov’t Spends $71,433 Surfing Drudge Report In First 9 Days Of March

The Corker-Dodd-Alinsky Bill? : Center-Right Coalition Letter Warns about ‘Proxy Access’

Who Is The Stimulus Money Stimulating? Teachers

With No Primary Fight, Brown Launches ‘Reasonable Jerry’ Tour

Please Sir, May I Have Some More? John Olver (MA-1), Earmark King

The Stimulus Bill’s Hidden Attack on What We Eat, Drink, and Smoke

Reason.tv: Pork Party House! Where DC Insiders Go for Tax-Subsidized Fun

Pilgrims and Minutemen: Lessons for the Left from 1623 and 1776

Former Apartheid Spy Appointed to Head UN Climate Change Effort

Milwaukee Police Ignored ACORN Voting Fraud Cases

The United States of Argentina: Obama’s Pension Grab

Ergo Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

US Census Form Letter Promises ‘Fair Share’ of Federal Money

Rep. Mike Pence and Americans for Prosperity team up to rally the troops

AIPAC of Raving Lunatics « Revolt of the Plebs

Graham to Obama: Time to 'step it up'

Schumer explores filibuster buster

GOP Senators Pen Letter to Reid Vowing to Block Reconciliation

* Uncovered Shocker: Sen. Byrd Single-Handedly Stopped President Clinton From Using Reconciliation

Chief Justice Roberts: Obama’s Attack on the Supreme Court at SOTU Was “Very Troubling” (Video)


Domes, Obelisks, and Magic Squares, O My! How the Most Powerful Nation on Earth Beckons the Evil One

Freemasonry, The Lost Symbol, & Secrets of 2012: Tom Horn at Radio Liberty 2009 Parts 1 - 7 (The Playlist Below Will Automatically Play All 7 Parts)


*AUDIO:Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 1

*AUDIO:Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 2




The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/10/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/09/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/08/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/05/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/04/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/03/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/02/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 03/01/2010

Alan Watt

March 10, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones

Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-10, Wednesday

Mark Levin

03/10 The Mark Levin Show