"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 February 2010

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Mediafly Player : The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/12/2010


Frame-Up - Lone FBI Agent Trying To Create Sinclair Arrest

YouTube - The Zionist Matrix of Power in America

YouTube - Black On Black CRIME; Sick BLACK MEN Killing Eachother

YouTube - New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

Dead Man Musings: Alex Jones and Free Masonry

YouTube - Alex Jones on Tom Cryer's Freemasonry

Greenest Olympics? NO - Reddest Olympics Ever? MAYBE

Beware - Aspartame Has Been Renamed 'AminoSweet'

YouTube - US-China relations could get worse

Inexplicata - This Week's Mexican UFO Incidents

How to invest for the debt-bomb explosion Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

savethemales.ca - American Celbrates Life ... in Romania

YouTube - 4 Month Air-Force UFO Investigation - Brazil 1977 Pt1 of 9

Meteorite Hits Mexico Leaving 30 Meter Crater in Ahuazotepec Municipality | NEWSOLIO

DC And Wall Street Are Wall-To-Wall Liars

Roy Tov – The Cross of Bethlehem

Britain’s Inquiry into the Iraq War and the Israel Lobby Taboo

Europe's Five "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States"

Journalists Jailed for Comment on CIA Suicide Bombing «Kawther Salam

'Breaking The Silence' - IDF Women Soldiers Speak

The Mysterious Death of Bush's Cyber-Guru | Maxim.com

Illegal Immigration And You

Monsanto 'faked' data for approvals claims its ex-chief: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

AppleInsider | App Store developer interest nearly triples from Apple iPad hype

Reduce Immigration To America To 100,000 A Year

U.S. in talks with Bulgaria on missile shield | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Moscow wants answers from U.S. on Romania missile shield plan | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

NASA Probe Finds Trees on Mars (photo) - Pravda.Ru

With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9/11 Truthers

Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

I’d dial 911, but it’s still a joke

Debra Medina, Texas gubernatorial candidate, raises eyebrows with comments on 9/11, Obama's birth certificate

YouTube - Debra Medina's Post Glenn Beck Interview Comments

*NEOCON GUERRILLA’S IN THE MIDST: Glenn Beck’s Take-down of Debra Medina

YouTube - KAVU Interview With Debra Medina

From Sept. 11 to the birth certificate - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Glenn Beck 'On the Record' on the Tea Party Revolution - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com

Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck Top Tea-Party Picks - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

News Hounds: Glenn Beck Smears Meghan McCain, Calls Her A “Useful Idiot”

*A Warning To The Tea Party Nation

*Global Two Class Society: Microsoft Grooming Workforce to Accept Two Class Society

American Grand Jury:Investigators declare, “Obama never attended Columbia University”

Surveillance Drones To Zap Protesters Into Submission

Refuse to Pay Government Debt Incurred for Unlawful and Oppressive Purposes

Credit Suisse Declares the U.S. a Riskier Investment Than Indonesia

Uruguay’s former dictator Bordaberry jailed for 30 years

Ferguson and Faber: Sovereign Debt Crisis Will Spread World-Wide, U.S. Debt Is Unsafe

Airport absurdity hits the US

Leading Austrian Economist: Some Conspiracy Theories Are True

Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful

The Tyranny of Emergency – Gun Rights Suspended…Again

The Skin Game

Majority in unscientific FOXNews.com poll pegs Tea Party movement ‘racist’

Gun Control and the War on Drugs

Shahrukh Khan Tells BBC About His Naked Scanner Printout

CQ Politics | New Extension Likely for Key Patriot Act Provisions

1,000 Children a Year Forced Into Sex Slavery in Trafficking Hub Ohio

Counties seek long-term solution to declining tax revenue - Somerset - Daily American

Climate change sceptics 'playing Russian roulette with planet' - Telegraph

UK govt forced to publish U.S. torture allegations | Reuters

Raising the Bar for Nullification by Michael Boldin

The Enemy Within

10,000 TSA staff to get secret intel - USATODAY.com

Daniel Rubin: Arabic flash cards got him detained at airport | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/10/2010

CNSNews.com - Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam, Says Muslim Group

Totally Occupied: 700 Military Bases Spread Across Afghanistan | World | AlterNet

Civilized World Must Protect Iran and Consequently Itself - Pravda.Ru

The Raw Story | Shiite rebels rupture Yemen truce: army

Rothschild names first non-family chief executive | Deals | Mergers & Acquisitions | Reuters

Lawyer of co-accused Mumbai attacker shot dead - Haaretz - Israel News

Negative Equity Crisis: Harbinger of Foreclosures to Come? | ecreditdaily.com

YouTube - The Dollar Bubble

YouTube - Japanese car recalls a sign of economic warfare

Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina strikes back after 9/11 comments - 2/12/10 - Houston News - abc13.com

Medina blames opponents for 9/11 flap

Medina questions any US role in 9/11 attacks

video:Medina clarifies her 9/11 comments | Video | abc13.com

Caller Angus Calls Out Glenn Beck On His BailOut Hypocrisy

With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9/11 Truthers

Perry Supporters Caught Posting Fake Pro-Medina Comments on Dallas Morning News

Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck Blows His Cover

YouTube - Glenn Beck Radio: Debra Medina is a 9/11 truther

YouTube - Ron Paul avoids the bait on Rachel Maddow 01/06/2010

NEOCON GUERRILLA’S IN THE MIDST: Glenn Beck’s Take-down of Debra Medina

Fort Worth 912 President Comes Out In Support Of Medina

New 9/11 photos ‘prove WTC exploded from inside’

Don’t trust Glen Beck, he is bought and paid for controlled opposition

The Pre-Iraq War Lies Conspiracy-Conspiracy: Nice Try, Tony

Hemingway and Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil War, but Jonathan Kay couldn’t handle an afternoon in the rain

Ahead of Olympics, Vancouver assaults civil liberties

Twitter diplomacy: Envoy says Russia will 'kick ass' of US

AFP: Obama signs law lifting debt ceiling

Gold falls as China hikes reserve ratio Metals Stocks - MarketWatch


YouTube - NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"1/2

YouTube - NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"2/2

YouTube - Alex Jones - Matt Shae - Washington State Claims Sovereignty 1/3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Matt Shae - Washington State Claims Sovereignty 2/3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Matt Shae - Washington State Claims Sovereignty 3/3


YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma) on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 1/3

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma) on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 2/3

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma) on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 3/3


YouTube - State Sovereignty


Few Want Members of Congress Re-Elected, Poll Finds - Yahoo! News

Climategate: the official cover-up continues – Telegraph Blogs

Durbin: D.C. residents panic as if snowstorm is 'a nuclear attack' - TheHill.com

Global Warming and Weather Psychology - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com

Becoming vegetarian 'can harm the environment' - Telegraph

Shocked Investor: Gold is Now in a Trading Range

Shocked Investor: Roubini: Another Hard Landing Coming, Dollar Will Not Weaken Much From Now On, Where Will the Growth Come From? It Won't

TruthSeeker24's other works.: Ron Paul, the Jesuits, etc.


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 11th With Richard Reeves

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 10th With Bruce Levine


*Zionism & Zionists

The Roman Catholic Church and the Jehovah's Witnesses

The History of the Roman Catholic Church

The Apocrypha Exposed!

Why the Apocrypha Isn't in the Bible.

Watch Out For Rapture Watch!

The Apocrypha: Is it scripture? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Roman Catholic and Orthodox Faith Examined and The Apocrypha


Textual Criticism: Fact and Fiction (1/4)

Textual Criticism: Fact and Fiction (2/4)

Textual Criticism: Fact and Fiction (3/4)

Textual Criticism: Fact and Fiction (4/4)



Session I: America’s Foundational Principles


Session II: The Founders’ Constitution


Session III: The Constitution and the Civil War


Session IV: The Progressives’ Constitution


Session V: The Administrative State and the Duties of Citizens


Educating For Liberty


Mark Steyn Live Free or Die


Town Hall Reader:Hillsdale College


**Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power - NYTimes.com


EclippTV :: Video :: Caller Angus Calls Out Glenn Beck On His BailOut Hypocrisy

The Obama Retirement Trap Has Started!

Washington's Blog:Leading Austrian Economist: Some Conspiracy Theories Are True

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Climate change deniers are ‘unpatriotic’ | Raw Story

US Treasury Dept: Pakistan Must Raise Taxes -- News from Antiwar.com

2008 habeas ruling may pose snag as U.S. weighs indefinite Guantanamo detentions

HINKLE—Surveillance Society: Obama Takes a Blue Pencil to the Bill of Rights | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Microsoft halts Windows Update distribution of security fix after blue-screen reports | All about Microsoft | ZDNet.com

THE LINDBERGH KIDNAPPING HOAX Bruno Richard Hauptmann: Wrongly Executed April 3, 1936

USA accidentally admits that Iran has no nuclear weapons program

Al-Shabab declares all-out war in Somalia

Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East - Times Online

Both Democrats and Republicans face hostility of voters, poll shows - The Boston Globe

issuer-of-79.9-interest-rate-credit-card-defends-its-product: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Russia temporarily restricts food imports from U.S., Brazil, EU | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Detroit schools offer class in how to work at Walmart | Raw Story

Claims Conf. Fraud Put At $350,000; No Survivor Funds Bilked

Monsanto 'faked' data for approvals claims its ex-chief: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

The republic is dead « EarthBlog News©

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Dreyfus, The Protocols and Goldstone by Gilad Atzmon

New Statesman - Why the Eurosceptics were right all along

Welcome to cremationofcare.com - You are currently in the 'The New World Order' section.

Moazzam Begg: 'British intelligence were there at every stage of my detention' | World news | guardian.co.uk

US 'Star Wars' lasers bring down ballistic missile | Science | The Guardian

The Existentialist Cowboy: The Empire Falls Back

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on 'grim' economic report

EclippTV :: Video :: George Carlin on Airport Security

OpEdNews - Article: Barack Obama has severely crippled his presidency and the Democrat Party

Taliban Spokesman Says Afghan Insurgents Still Holding Out In Marjah, Dismisses NATO Claims - CBS News

EclippTV :: Video :: Keiser 'Chilly Moscow' Report: Kremlin Special

US State Dept: Covert US intelligence agency put “Christmas/Underwear bomber” on plane

Clown Party USA: 545 People

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama is not living up to his promises

Palestine Think Tank » Features Israel Newswire Opinions and Letters Palestine War Zionism » Paul J. Balles – Zionism Unmasked: "Anti-Semitic" – the label that stops criticism

Time Magazine: Uproarious Laughter Forces Headline Change as Ice Age Threatens the Magazine's Global Warming Agitprop - 12160.org

The Schools Are Doing a Wonderful Job! by Butler Shaffer

Zionism: A fairy tale that’s become a terrifying nightmare : Information Clearing House - ICH

YouTube - US-China relations could get worse

Child Rapists Protected By The State « The UK Column

Live TV Stream Huntsville Shooting - 12160.org

The new McCarthyism sweeping Israel - Middle East, World - The Independent

Abraham Lincoln: pre-emptive wars (Iraq, Iran) are lies, “war at pleasure,” impoverish the US

Greece debt bailout: EU leaders split over euro crisis | Mail Online

Losing patience with squabbling “two-rump” Palestine > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis

What locals in USA know – and what the big guys could learn (but won't) > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

The Effect Of The Contrary To A Castration

EclippTV :: Video :: Flushing Blackwater: Iraq expels 'Xe' private contractors

William Blum: That Which Can Not be Spoken

Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

FOXNews.com - Obama Signs Bill Lifting Federal Debt Limit to $14.3 Trillion

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber talks Greece Bailouts, Market Correction

- Stick a Fork in it, The Dollar is Done

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Plunge Protection Team Cover-Up

Justin Wolfe - Wrongfully Convicted

The Raw Story | Shiite rebels rupture Yemen truce: army

The Coming Christianizing Of Public School Textbooks | Disinformation

SocGen’s Edwards Sees Euro Breakup as Feldstein Predicts Change - Bloomberg.com

Abraham Lincoln: Defend the US Constitution from unlawful tyrants within our government

Paramilitary Thugs Steal Private Arms Collection « LewRockwell.com Blog

UN panel to mobilize climate change funding - Yahoo! News

More Information on Senator Gronstal

Think tank: Israel faces global delegitimization campaign - Haaretz - Israel News


*Site:IBM - Smarter Planet



Search Tempest


NOAA’s new website climate.gov – a first day sin of omission « Watts Up With That?

FOXNews.com - Harvard Hometown Plans Coercive Taxes, Veganism to Stop Climate 'Emergency'

Three killed in University of Alabama-Huntsville shooting | Comments Blog | Los Angeles Times

Professor Is Charged After 3 Are Killed in Alabama - NYTimes.com

Huntsville shooting another 'gun free zone' failure

Amy Bishop

02-13-2010: CDC Claims 57 Million H1N1 Cases In U.S. (Yeah Right)

02-13-2010: Report: Iran disrupting satellite transmissions

During the Olympics, The Feds Will Be Reading Your Tweets - And The Blotter

02-13-2010: 49 states dusted with snow

02-12-2010: U.S. Successfully Tests Airborne Laser Missile

Fake Cyber Terrorist Attack To Get Real Government Response

Eye Scanners Going To Colorado Police

02-12-2010: U.S. To Expand Military Centers In Pakistan

02-11-2010: Surveillance Drones To Zap Protesters Into Submission

02-11-2010: GOP candidate labeled truther after Glenn Beck ambush

Global Banking Tax on Transactions Draws Near

How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt

The FBI knows where you have been and where you are going

The Great Highway Robbery Continues: How The FDIC Is Legally Transferring Billions In Taxpayer Money To Hedge Funds

Henry Paulson: My close ties with Wall Street were ‘a huge help’

Not All Iranians Hate Their Regime

*A Conversation with Ellsberg and Dean

Indicting the Supreme Court

The Lobbying-Media Complex

Which Way to the Bastille?

Why the European Way Is the Best Hope for an Insecure Age

Top 10 Problems with America Killing Its Own Citizens

Is US a Police State?

Man Up, Obama, or Make Way for President Palin

Army to Discharge Single Mom, Rather Than Court-Martial Her

Who demonizes Eritrea and why?

The Useless Logic of Round Numbers: A Massacre is a Massacre, a War of choice is a Crime

Socialism or Barbarism: the Choice is Ours

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

Can Capitalism Save Haiti ?

VIDEO: The Real Story Behind Israel's Invasion of Gaza: Deliberate Attacks against the Civilian Population

Big Food Inc. will do everything to stop you talking about this

A Warning To The Tea Party Nation

AP Pulls Iran Nukes Story After Antiwar.com Expose`

Reuters photographer held without charge says reborn after freed by U.S.

Kansas Senate Affirms Sovereignty Under the 10th Amendment

The Untold History of Nullification: Resisting Slavery

State Sovereignty is About You!

Questions over awards given by world's top climate scientist

Rachel Maddow Comedy Hour: TV Scientist Bill Nye Says Record Snow Proof of Global Warming, Calls Nonbelievers 'Unpatriotic'

NY Times: "Unusual amounts of snow or lack of snow are all signs of global warming"

Obama "agnostic" on tax pledge: Real problem "just a mismatch between money coming in and money going out"

A Day with Debra Medina -- Reporter reports on day of Beck Interview

Chicago Mayor Moves to Shut Down All Gun Stores in Illinois

Man Arrested for Practicing Second Amendment, Warning About Martial Law

8 Bloodthirsty Dictators Who Benefited From U.S. Aid

Glenn Beck: BLOWBACK from Debra Medina Interview -- Callers Support Medina

Tenth Amendment Center Destroys Glenn Beck Over Medina Attack

Who is Glenn Beck and why would he attack Debra Medina?

Debra Medina Says Comments on Glenn Beck Show about More than 9/11

Glenn Benedict Attacks Patriot Debra Medina

Go Back To Sleep, There's No New World Order

Insiders, Neocons Plan Simulated Cyber Attack

TEA-O-CONS! The new term for Neo-cons who co-opted the Ron Paul Tea Party!

The Tea Party Primer: What You Need to Know

Ron Paul Warns Of Neo-Con Takeover Of Tea Party Movement

Warning: NeoCon Palin’s tea party takeover will facilitate Obama reelection

75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies

Goldman Sachs Wants You to Pay-by-the-Mile to Drive on U.S. Roadways

A New Generation of North American Citizens

*audio:Corbett Report:Episode #115 - The Alternative Alternative Media

*The Rising Tide of Internet Censorhsip | The Corbett Report


Timothy N. Baldwin -- A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 1

Timothy N. Baldwin -- A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 2

Timothy N. Baldwin -- A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 3


Happy-Face Totalitarian Commercials


The Limits of Bioethics


*e book: The Homebrew Industrial Revolution


Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism: The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low Overhead Manifesto

Campaign For Liberty — The Drug War vs. the Bill of Rights | by Anthony Gregory

Insiders, Neocons Plan Simulated Cyber Attack

GOP Divided on Invitation to Obama Health Summit

Obama: New Budget Rules Will Rein in Spending

Hoyer: Paying for Overhaul Holds up Health Bill

No Easy Solutions to Ailing Healthcare System

Obama Signs Bill Allowing More U.S. Debt

McCain Faces Toughest Re-Election Challenge

Forbes: Jerry Brown May Back Flat Tax

Obama to Campaign for Sens. Reid, Bennet

Terror Reviews Avoid Word 'Islamist'

Dems Skeptical Healthcare Summit Is Answer

Thousands of Haitians Apply, Pay for Legal Status

Forecast: A Washington Recall This Fall

As Obama Slips, Spotlight on Republicans

Obama Wages Misguided War on U.S. Business

Ark. Candidate Likens Stem Cell Work to Nazi Tests

10 Free Ways to Fight Depression

Gabriel to Miss Genesis Rock Hall Induction

FDL Action » Tea Partiers: Ron Paul Bad, ConAgra & Bombing Iran Good

Ron Paul: ‘Neocon influence’ is infiltrating tea parties | Raw Story

PROMISES, PROMISES: Jobs bill might help Obama and Republicans but not many of the unemployed - latimes.com

Time to Tax Financial Speculation by Sarah Anderson — YES! Magazine

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Obama Moves to Unravel Twenty Years of 'Law & Order' Episodes, Seeks Optional Miranda


Secret War Being Waged Between Obama, Neo-Cons

Same Empire, Different Emperor by Laurence M. Vance


YouTube - President Ahmadinejad Speech on Iran's 31st Revolution Anniversary Part 1 of 6

YouTube - President Ahmadinejad Speech on Iran's 31st Revolution Anniversary Part 2 of 6

YouTube - President Ahmadinejad Speech on Iran's 31st Revolution Anniversary Part 3

YouTube - President Ahmadinejad Speech on Iran's 31st Revolution Anniversary Part 4 of 6

YouTube - President Ahmadinejad Speech on Iran's 31st Revolution Anniversary Part 5 of 6

YouTube - President Ahmadinejad Speech on Iran's 31st Revolution Anniversary Part 6 of 6


Secession in the Air

John Murtha: Requiem for a Corruptocrat

The Green Police Take Over the Country

O'Reilly thinks the rest of the media disrespect the Tea Party protesters. Unlike how Fox treated anti-war protesters.

The Real Battle: Deficit Reduction is Class War

John Brennan Should Be Fired! He's Playing Politics With The Republicans!

As Senator Ackbar warns, "It's a trap!" Jon Stewart on those "[cough]pussies[cough]"

Oh Canada.....

David Brooks thinks 11,000 a year in health care vouchers for the elderly is an awesome prescription

Tea Party should take over the Republican Party, convention organizer says

The Nation Documents The Long Reach Of The Lobbying-Media Complex

Fox News poll: Public thinks the Tea Party movement is a black helicopter-racist crowd

Lawrence O'Donnell slams Marc Thiessen for his hypocrisy, but Scarborough shuts him down

Reid Pares Down Baucus-Grassley Jobs Bill

The Glenn Beck Apocalypse Now Hour: Guest advises audience to buy farms, 'take up arms' to prepare for anarchy

White House Jobs Report: Eh, Not So Much

Sarah Palin takes a nosedive in the new ABC/Washington Post poll

Marvel Comics Draws Fire For Accurately Depicting Dangers Of Tea Party Movement

The Age of Egocasting

video:Government takes and keeps your baby's DNA, even without your consent

Neo-Conned: Ron Paul Explains How the Conservative Movement Has Been Co-Opted by Trotskyites

Universal DNA Reader Will Advance Faster, Cheaper Sequencing Efforts

Nano-sized silicone implant could power cellphone, pacemaker

The age of the killer robot is no longer a sci-fi fantasy


YouTube - Serco Group - Your New World Order


American's Journey: Video: International Bankers Finance Both Sides in War

US seeks cell phone tracking of suspects without warrant

james fetzer: New 9/11 photos released

Professor Is Held After Three Are Killed in Alabama - NYTimes.com

Prof. charged in 3 fatal shootings on Ala. campus - washingtonpost.com

Obama will help select location of Khalid Sheik Mohammed terrorism trial - washingtonpost.com

Citizens For Legitimate Government

Climategate: Plausibility and the blogosphere in the post-normal age | The Corbett Report

Should We Clone Neanderthals?

Pentagon Ignores the Warnings of Splice and Jurassic Park in Breeding Artificial Life - SciFi Scanner - AMC

After America, There is No Place to Go

Pentagon Wants Magnetic Muscle Makers | Danger Room | Wired.com

APOCALYPSE 2010 by Deshpal Sandhu: The Truth is Not Out There (in Medialand)

Advance Warning of Afghan Offensive Part of Strategy | Asia | English

More Congressional Retirements on Road to 2010 Mid-Term Elections | USA | English

Republicans: Military Should Try 9/11 Suspects | USA | English

Republicans Challenge Obama Administration on Economy | Economy | English

More US Schools 'Greening' Their Curriculum | Education | English

The BRAD BLOG : 'Maxim' Feature on Death of Bush/Rove/GOP IT Guru Mike Connell is Now Posted Online

The BRAD BLOG : Most Incredible Example of ACORN Crimes Yet!

The BRAD BLOG : Rightwing Blogger 'Patterico' Whiffs, Hugely, In Attacking Our NYTimes O'Keefe Pimp Reporting

The BRAD BLOG : ACORN Calls NYT Sr. Editor's Email on Misreported O'Keefe 'Pimp' Story 'Troubling and Disturbing'

The BRAD BLOG : Follow-up: On NYTimes Sr. Editor of Standards Refusal to Correct O'Keefe/Pimp/ACORN Stories

The BRAD BLOG : Toon of the Moment: 'Undercover w/ Conservative Jones'

The BRAD BLOG : Exclusive: New York Times Editor 'Stands Behind' Contested 'Pimp' Reporting on James O'Keefe

The BRAD BLOG : 'Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us' in March Issue of Hustler (Now on Newsstands)

Eyeing midterms, Democrats to push Republicans to go on record against key bills - washingtonpost.com

CNSNews.com - Did Obama Consult Homeland Security Secretary on Day of Christmas Attack? Napolitano Says She Was in Contact with ‘President’s Office’

CNSNews.com - McCain, Inhofe Oppose Repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;' Lieberman Thinks Repeal Won’t Hurt Recruitment

CNSNews.com - NARAL Dedicates Annual Report to Late-Term Abortionist Who 'Compassionately and Heroically Served Women'

CNSNews.com - NARAL Seeks Pro-Choice License Plate With Proceeds Going to Planned Parenthood Clinics

CNSNews.com - Construction Industry Opposes Obama Pro-Union Order

CNSNews.com - Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam, Says Muslim Group

CNSNews.com - Administration ‘Just Not Responding’ to Questions on Fort Hood, Said Vice Chair of Senate Intel Committee

CNSNews.com - Amid Turmoil at Home, Iran Eyes Seat on Top UN Human Rights Body

CNSNews.com - Shah's Son Calls Obama’s Support for Iranian Opposition Tepid

CNSNews.com - Obama Goes Easy on Multi-Million-Dollar Bonuses for Wall Street Bankers He Knows

CNSNews.com - Smuggler Uses Jesus to Try to Sneak Pot into U.S.

CNSNews.com - Sex Tape Scandal Puts Abbas Aide’s Position in Jeopardy


Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project

EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: 2012 AND THE ANCIENT GAME: VENUS-SOPHIA AND RECRUITMENT TO MARS by Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: 2012 EARTH TIMELINES AND THE SECRET MARS AGENDA by Ki' Lia

2012 Earth Timelines and the Secret Mars Agenda


YouTube - 1/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 2/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 3/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 4/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 5/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 6/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 7/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 8/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 9/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 10/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 11/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012

YouTube - 12/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012


**ExopoliticsRadio.org :Interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower


Interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower(FULL)


Watch MSNBC's hosts duel during angry tirade

YouTube - 9-11 Conspiracy Theorist Lawrence O'Donnell Goes Crazy On Air

YouTube - Rude MSNBC Host Attacks Peter Schiff 8/6/09 on The Ed Show


WND RADIO Government vs. civil liberties

WND RADIO 'Cap-and-trade buried under the snow'

WND RADIO Voters gunning for every incumbent?


Obama accused of helping Iran

Rockefeller on Obama: Prez isn't 'believable'

Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power - NYTimes.com

Luge officials tweak track before re-opening | NBC Olympics

U.N. jump-starting cash collections for 'climate change'

Being vegetarian does more harm to the environment than eating meat | Mail Online

Gibbs jokes about Boy Scouts' fight for survival

Oops. National GOP rips Griffith in letter - al.com

NATO attack on Afghanistan Taliban going 'without a hitch' - Haaretz - Israel News

Dubai not ruling out Mossad hand in murder of Hamas official - Haaretz - Israel News

BUSTED! Undercover video nails largest abortion provider

Sex Valentines issued by Planned Parenthood

YouTube Excludes Pro-Life Tim Tebow Commercial on Super Bowl Ad Voting Site

Three Dead in Shooting at University of Alabama-Huntsville - WSJ.com

Mentally disabled woman's family baffled by her killing - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Nation & World | 3 persons of interest sought in Texas church fires | Seattle Times Newspaper

'Barefoot Bandit' thought to have struck again after stolen plane was found near robbed store | Mail Online

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Berkeley's ardent recycling is costing the city money - Inside Bay Area

It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

Listener power earns even liberals' respect

Is Your Haiti Money Being Well Spent?

Man, 79, says he's Lindbergh's 'baby' - Inside Bay Area

Til Death Do Us Part: A New Look at Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Adolf Hitler painting may have hung in Sigmund Freud's surgery - Telegraph

Remembering the Frisbee inventor and his simple sports innovation / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

10 ways to spot a pretentious restaurant - Times Online

Local surfer, 12, signs with major surf company - OC Beach Blog


*American Minute for February 13th:William J Federer's American Minute


RELIGION/VIDEO:Why should I concern myself with death?

RELIGION/VIDEO:Thou shalt not make my law so complicated


ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Attorney facing penalties wants birth docs for defense


The uncivil debate over civic illiteracy

Islamic scholar explains Fort Hood

Purveyors of hate

Crossing the Delaware vs. casting a vote

Social Security? Ownership, not socialism

Alexander Cockburn: The Goat in the Clearing

Saving lives by making abortion rare

Angry young women

Sowellian economics

Divorce-proofing your marriage

GOP elite: 'Liberal,' not 'moderate'

American Thinker: Why Obama Can't Drop Health Care Reform

Next Little Thing 2010

Is Sarah Palin Lucky or Savvy? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Vice President Joe Biden and His Wife, Dr. Jill Biden, Discuss Long Marriage With ABC's Juju Chang. - ABC News

Priest's 'submissive women' sermon splits congregation

Warren: Megachurches, Multi-Site Venues Are Biblical | Christianpost.com

Atheist groups spread message on Sacramento-area billboards - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Law.com - Magazine's Planned Law Firm Rankings Raise ABA's Hackles

Western Union $94M settlement broadens border states' investigative powers

Change in Census Bureau data on prison population could reshape political map - latimes.com

PSU students seek Colbert moniker | Penn State News | Local - Centre Daily Times

Student hackers: Broward investigates whether students broke into district computer system to change grades - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

NCAA trying to ban messages on eye black under the 'Tebow Rule'

Eco-friendly washing machine that uses almost no water - Telegraph

National Journal Magazine - Tea Parties Defined By What They Oppose

Should We Stop Worrying and Love the Iranian Bomb?

Where Are The Next Jobs Coming From? - Forbes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - What’s Next, Mr. President? - NYTimes.com

YouTube - 2/13/10 - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Trials For Terrorists

Feeding the Blue Beast - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Op-Ed Columnist - Crucible of Change - NYTimes.com

Glenn Harlan Reynolds: What I Saw at the Tea Party Convention - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - Society & the Fallacy of "Fairness"

Obama's Mistakes on Health-Care Reform - Eleanor Clift - Newsweek.com

Mark Steyn: Getting our groupthink on | way, nick, audi - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - The Washington, D.C., Disconnect

Feds push for tracking cell phones | Politics and Law - CNET News

Cyber Warriors - The Atlantic (March 2010)

It's time for U.S. to consider targeting Iran's gas imports - washingtonpost.com

Blocking progress - Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010 | 2:05 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

As the Kennedy era ends, Kennedys continue to serve - The Boston Globe

3 House retirements spur debate on whether Republicans are losing momentum - washingtonpost.com

Taxing times ahead for Democrats - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Republican Breaks Ranks on Finance Bill - WSJ.com

Senate Confirms 2 Dozen Obama Nominees - NYTimes.com


*2-11/Transcripts:Roundtable on the Protests in Iran

Interview with Obama Economic Adviser Romer

Rep. Van Hollen on the 2010 Elections

Interview with Senator Judd Gregg

Interview with NY Governor David Paterson


*2-10/Interviews with Vice President Biden & Sen. Kerry

Bernanke's Remarks on the Fed's Exit Strategy

Roundtable on DNI Brennan's Performance

Interview with Senator Bond on John Brennan

Analysts on Talking to the Taliban in Afghanistan


*:2-13/Obama Weekly Address On Pay As You Go

Sen. Graham Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Trials For Terrorists

Maddow: Palin Is Camera Shy

Dean: Republicans Don't Believe In Science Anymore

O'Reilly: Two Worrisome Situations

Olbermann: Obama Claims A Partial Victory

"Special Report" Panel On Health Care Summit


*2-12/Dem Sen. Rockefeller On Obama: "He's Beginning To Be Not Believable To Me"

Rachel Maddow Messes Up Using Teleprompter

CT-Sen: McMahon Looks To Close Gap In Race

Durbin: D.C. Residents Panic As If Snowstorm Is A "Nuclear Attack"

O'Donnell: Bush "Invited The First [Terrorist] Attack"

Howard Dean On The Filibuster And Health Care

AG Holder Open To Military Trial For KSM

Andrew Young On Elizabeth Edwards Lawsuit Threat

Gregg: Financial Reform Should Have "All Republicans At The Table"

Senator Bond Not Apologizing to WH, Brennan

Rep. Patrick Kennedy Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

FOX's Wallace Responds To Scarborough: "I'm Offended That People Watch Him On MSNBC"

Update: Bill Clinton Leaves Hospital

O'Reilly: Are You A Socialist?

Maddow: Medicare, Social Security In GOP Cross Hairs

Paterson: Rumors Against Me Are "Kafkaesque"

Olbermann: Keeping Health Care Negotiations In The Dark

"Special Report" Panel On Calls For The Head Of John Brennan


*2-11/Iranian Opposition Cries "Death to Dictator"

Biden: Iraq Will Be One Of Obama's "Great Achievements"

GIbbs To Press Corps: Obama Saved Iraq

Bill Nye: Denying Climate Change Is "Unpatriotic"

Vice President Biden: Another 9/11 "Unlikely"

McCain Jabs Obama For Teleprompter Use, Defends Palin

Gibbs Discusses Civilian KSM Trial In NYC

Bill Clinton Gets Two Stents in Coronary Artery

"Daily Show" Mocks RNC's Hawaii Retreat

Biden: Sarah Palin Is "Far Out There"

Elizabeth Warren: Financial System Using Wrong Rules

Maddow On Shelby: Spending For Me, Not For Thee

O'Reilly: Are You Scared Of Al Qaeda?

"Special Report" Panel On Record Snow Fall And Global Warming

Olbermann On Mixing Religion And Politics


Debbie Schlussel:Olympics, Shmolympics: It Ain’t 1980; Where’s the Israeli Memorial?

Debbie Schlussel:US Imam Issuing Muslim Fatwa Against TSA Scanners is Top Hezbo Agent

Debbie Schlussel:Shhh!: FBI Keeps Lid on Hezbollah-Related Raids on Dearbornistan Homes

Debbie Schlussel:Your Day in Palestinian Statehood & Islamic “Modesty”

Debbie Schlussel:Checking Under the Hood: Another Reason Islamic Face Veils Are Ridiculous

Debbie Schlussel:Beware the Death of Hunting in America

Debbie Schlussel:Partners in Sleaze: Remember, This Guy Endorsed Obama

Debbie Schlussel:Who is Shahid Khan?: No Limbaugh for NFL; But Tax Cheat Muslim (Named for “Martyrdom”) A-OK


*Graphic Video: Olympic Luger Thrown From Sled, Dies - CBS News Video


During the Olympics, the Feds Will Be Reading Your Tweets - ABC News

U.N. climate panel admits Dutch sea level flaw | Reuters

Utah delivers vote of no confidence for 'climate alarmists' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

My Way News - Senate Dems ax bipartisan jobs bill

Reid's about-face stuns Dems, W.H. - Lisa Lerer and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION: Reid criticizes lawyers group - Breaking News - ReviewJournal.com

Palestinian protesters pose as Na'vi from "Avatar"

At Rio Carnival, a pressing problem | Entertainment | Reuters

Mortimer B. Zuckerman Is Said to Mull Run for Senate - NYTimes.com

Woman Sues CNN Anchor After Fall At NYC Home - wcbstv.com

Toyota to recall 8,000 Tacomas in U.S.: document | Reuters

Taliban vow guerrilla warfare against NATO troops - Yahoo! News

Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East - Times Online

FT.com / Europe - Greece turns on EU critics

Greece debt bailout: EU leaders split over euro crisis | Mail Online

German protesters stop neo-Nazi march in Dresden - Yahoo! News

New tax bombshell: 20% VAT - Times Online

Man Up, Obama, or Make Way for President Palin: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Astronauts hit snag with new space station room

Race & Gender of Judges Make Enormous Differences in Rulings, Studies Find - News - ABA Journal

Police find gun used in UAH shooting in bathroom, more charges pending against Amy Bishop | Breaking News from The Huntsville Times - al.com

Professor charged in shooting is mother of four | Breaking News from The Huntsville Times - al.com

UAH professor in custody for questioning in shooting deaths of three faculty members | Breaking News from The Huntsville Times - al.com

The Ambassadow and his Twitter Account

Whatever Happened to Toni Morrison?

Why Tenure Harms Education

Obama and 'First Americans'

A Different Kind of Avatar

'Tis the Tax Season

Individual mandate in Obamacare an unconstitutional tax on individuals

Another Victory for Strength over Appeasement

Mukasey on how not to deal with terrorists

Muslim resistance to full body airport scanners

Sarah Palin Isn't Cooperating

Police Officer jokes on Facebook about shooting gun rights advocates

Taxpayers can't afford to be agnostic like Obama

Curious omissions from the Olympic opening ceremony

Pakistan agrees to talk, sort of

Obama scrambling for a way out of KSM trial dilemma

Obama and the Government Employees

Dear Mr. President: Why We Are Not Hiring

The Dangerous Linkage of Naïveté and Good Intentions

Glenn Beck & Rick Perry Do The Texas Two Step

State-Controlled Media versus Debra Medina et al.

Is Glenn Beck Obama's "Female Canine Companion"?

Open Letter to Congressman Charlie Dent from Jake Towne on HR 4061, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act

Climate Change and Weather

Individual Liberty & the Founding Fathers

Fear Takes the Wheel by Peter Schiff

True conservatives condemn military tribunals for terrorists - Rick Ungar

Terrorism Is Terrorism: An American Contradiction in Terms by Gary D. Barnett

Warning Signs: Rumblings from Mother Earth

Inhofe Senate floor speech

YouTube - Thomas Sowell Blames Housing Bust on Frank, Bush, Greenspan

Power Up Your Longevity Genes Without Starving by Margaret Durst

Col. Russell Williams Tied to Paul Bernardo

Snow in Washington Has Climate Alarmists Showing Ignorance of Climate Science

The Fall of the House of Kennedy

Obama Administration Broken Memories and Broken Promises

Modern Liberalism’s Hidden Religious Foundations

The History of RINO’s

Shrieker Pelosi Heads to Haiti: Why?

Black Panthers Alleged Voter Intimidation Case Remains in Limbo

The Stupid Weather Still Won’t Cooperate with the Leftist’s Global Warming Science

Who is influencing and controlling FOX?

Leftwing Pseudo-science Threatens Freedom

Americans Are On Obama’s Runaway Express!

By endorsing Rand Paul Palin confirms she’s pro-choice (for states) ~ Alan Keyes is LOYAL TO LIBERTY

Moral renewal, key to ending U.S. debt slavery- I ~ Alan Keyes is LOYAL TO LIBERTY

Moral renewal, key to ending U.S. debt slavery- II ~ Alan Keyes is LOYAL TO LIBERTY

Moral renewal-turning the key ~ Alan Keyes is LOYAL TO LIBERTY

Palace Guard Comedians: George Lopez Calls Sarah Palin a ‘B*tch’

NewsBusted: Will Health Care Legislation Die?

Daily Gut: Socialism and Stuff

‘110 Stories’: The Stories of 9/11 To Benefit the American Red Cross

‘RedEye’ Interviews Robot Andrew Sullivan

Does Teen Movie Claim Obama’s a Demigod?: Exclusive Interview With ‘Percy Jackson’ Screenwriter Craig Titley

AP: Palestinian Protesters Pose as Na’vi From ‘Avatar’

Klavan on the Culture: President Me! The Musical

Castro Catches Useful Idiot Celebs on Candid Camera

President L-Dopa

The Folly of Financial Reform

Remembering Lincoln: What is ‘The New Birth of Freedom’?

What I Saw at the Tea Party Convention

Repeat After Me: Tax Credit for Employers is a Dumb Idea When These Guys Have No Customers

Census 2010: Up to 800 Canvassers With Criminal Records

A Disgusting Media Lie– TPM Publishes Bogus Story Citing Texas Racist As Tea Party Leader

Ensuring Liberty PAC: Creating a Tea Party Caucus

My Country ‘Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Dependency

Senior Obama Official Steers Sole-Source Contracts to Former Business Associates

Now Obama Discovers GOP Health Care Proposals?

Your Time Is Up, Chuck

Why Obama’s Going to Have to Raise Taxes on the Middle Class

Google ISP Initiative Raises Eyebrows, Privacy Concerns

The Official Unraveling of the Obama Presidency

The Child Molester Scandal That Isn’t: What the MSM Doesn’t Report

The Future of Journalism — Online, Youthful and Unafraid

‘We’re Socialists, We’re Not Marxists’ — Lawrence O’Donnell Goes Nuclear on ‘Morning Joe’

Um — About Those Vanishing Polar Bears…

Climate Change: A Canadian Newspaper Prints the Obituary of a Man-Made Hoax

Taliban Rape Tapes: A ‘Muslim Abu Ghraib’

Full Version of Haqqani Video Text – What the Mullah Read

Totentanz: The Global Warmist’s Desperate Dance of Death

The Death of ‘Global Warming?’ We Still Need To Drive In The Stake

Climategate, UK Edition: Following the Money, All €4 Trillion of It

Snow Buries Washington, MSNBC Cries ‘Global Warming’

Downgraded US Credit Rating ‘Inconceivable,’ Mr. Geithner?

Inventing a Bogeyman: Despite Media Hysterics, Bisphenol-A (BPA) Won’t Kill Us All

President Obama to Announce Special Envoy to Muslim World - Political Punch

My Way News - US, Afghan troops sweep into Taliban stronghold

Obama ‘Agnostic’ on Deficit Cuts, Won’t Prejudge Tax Increases - BusinessWeek

Reuters AlertNet - Looming NATO offensive raises few Afghan spirits

Terror reviews avoid word 'Islamist' - Washington Times

Editor of Nature forced to resign from climate review panel « Watts Up With That?

The ugly truth about Jack Murtha - NYPOST.com

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House prepping for possible high court vacancy « - Blogs from CNN.com

Support builds for Murtha's wife to take U.S. House seat - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Shrink reveals Michael Douglas' son is an informant - NYPOST.com

'Honeymoon Bandit' Cons Wives Out of Thousands of Dollars - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Tarzana woman convicted of setting exotic dancer on fire - latimes.com

L.A. sees 29% jump in bike thefts, prompting some vigilante justice - latimes.com


#VIDEO:Dem: Reid Scrapped Jobs Bill Because He Thought GOPers Wouldn’t ‘Play Fair and Square’

Obama Sends Message Congratulating U.S. Olympic Team

Horror: Mentally Challenged Woman Tortured, Stuffed in Garbage Can in PA School Parking Lot

Taliban Stronghold Under Siege in NATO Offensive

Caught on Video: Turkey Buzzard Collides With Helicopter

Holy Smokes: Drug Smugglers Hide Pot in Framed Jesus Pictures

Clinton: ‘I Feel Great’

Gretzky Grimaces as Technical Malfunction Hits Olympic Flame Lighting Ceremony

The B-Cast Interview: Was Obama a Committed Marxist in College?

Threat of Terrorist Breast Implant Bombs Challenges Security

Alabama College Teacher Kills Three Co-Workers

6-Year-Old Girl Handcuffed, Committed Because of Classroom Behavior

Graphic Video: Olympic Luger Thrown From Sled, Dies

Durbin: D.C. Residents Panic As If Snowstorm Were ‘A Nuclear Attack’

Sen. Rockefeller on Obama: ‘He’s Beginning to Not Be Believable to Me’

Beck Boosts Sales of ‘Evil’ Book

George Lopez Calls Palin a ‘B*tch’ in Spanish

Lawrence O’Donnell to Bush Speechwriter: ‘Your Administration Invited the First Attack’

Clinton Leaves Hospital After Heart Procedure

Father’s Death Causes Patrick Kennedy to Not Seek Reelection

NATO continues Afghanistan offensive

Video: Behind The Scenes At The AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am

Video: Limited Resistance to Massive Afghan Assault

Video: Monster Jam Rolls Into Sprint Center

Video: Fatal fire

Video: Special Report: '5 Love Languages' Of Romance

Video: Police Hunt Teen In Stolen Gun Case

Video: Police Investigate Shooting Near Apartments

Video: Floats, Crowds Gear Up For 2010 Mardi Gras Parade

Video: Shooting Suspect: 'They Are Still Alive'

Raw Video: DC Metro Train Derails

Police: Man With Ax Attacks Baby Stroller

Car plunges into river

Emotional gatherings mark one month since Haiti quake

Diary Excerpt: Jaycee Dugard Longed for Freedom

Woman's Tortured Body Found at Pa. School

Raw Video: Three Killed in University Shooting

Twilight Wannabe Vampires Flock to Conventions

3 Persons of Interest in Texas Church Fires

Olympics/Luge: Luge death a 'tragedy', says IOC chief

Prof. Charged in Triple-homicide at University

Welcome to 'Savewood': Hollywood sign gets makeover

Rio residents head to beach at night to escape heat

Chavez buys out shopkeepers

Czech film industry suffers as Hollywood stays away

2010 Winter Games declared open

The lowly sandwich goes up-market

Olympic luge to go head after tragedy

Over 1,000 Olympics protesters take to Vancouver's streets

UK troops in Afganistan offensive

Fully restored 'Metropolis' makes Berlin homecoming

British luger on traumatic accident

Obama: New Budget Rules Will Rein in Spending

GOP: Civilian Terror Trials 'dangerous'

Major Afghan assault claims first Taliban casualties

Tragedy overshadows Olympic opening

Father remanded over river plunge

Winter Olympics opening ceremony

Limited Resistance to Massive Afghan Assault

Naomi Campbell's McQueen tribute

Soldier killed in Taliban assault

Peter Andre's Valentine scent

The B-Cast C-Side: A ‘Freaky’ Look Inside North Korea

The B-Cast: MSNBC Analyst Charges Bush With Inviting 9-11

The B-Cast: Obama Changes Tune on Bonuses for Bank Execs

Glenn Beck: Who to Support in Texas…

Winter Weather Creates ‘Storm of TV Bloopers’

Reporter Razzes FNC’s Kelly: ‘You Look Fabulous in That Dress You’re Not Wearing’

Wallace Takes Shot at Scarborough: ‘I’m Offended People Watch Him on MSNBC’

Astronauts Spacewalk for Ambitious Construction of ISS Observation Deck

Republican Gregg Sees Scope on Financial Regulation

Reid Outlines Priorities For First Jobs Bill

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’: ‘Almost Unpatriotic’ to Say DC Snow Disproves Climate Change

Obama: New Budget Rules Will Rein in Spending

GOP: Civilian Terror Trials ‘Dangerous’

ABC News: Bill Clinton Has Two Stents Placed in Coronary Artery

Surveillance Video Shows Man Smashing 29 Flat Screens at Wal-Mart

Canadian Lawmaker Gives Finger to Colleague Inside Legislature

Argentinian Man Pushes Stalled Van off Track as Train Approaches

Perino: Shoe Bomber & Underwear Bomber are ‘Apples And Oranges’

Sen. Bond: Obama Administration Is Going Back to Pre-9/11 Mentality


Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-12, Friday

02/12 The Mark Levin Show

Feb. 12, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN



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