"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 February 2010

12 Feb '10

Happy Birthday , Abe!


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/11/2010

Panasonic Opens Full HD 3D Theatre At the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games Live Site - MarketWatch

YouTube - New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

YouTube - Alex Jones Talks with Russia Today About U.S. Plan to Build a Cyber Security Army

YouTube - Facebook Comment Stirs 'Open Carry' Debate

American Grand Jury:Investigators declare, “Obama never attended Columbia University”

Surveillance Drones To Zap Protesters Into Submission

Refuse to Pay Government Debt Incurred for Unlawful and Oppressive Purposes

9/11 Explosion: Manny Badillo Talks with RT About the New Photos

Insiders, Neocons Plan Simulated Cyber Attack

Ferguson and Faber: Sovereign Debt Crisis Will Spread World-Wide, U.S. Debt Is Unsafe

Civilian Casualties in Marjah “Inevitable” as Largest Military Operation of Afghanistan War Begins

NATO’s Role In The Military Encirclement Of Iran

Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful

NYPD World Trade Center 9/11 Aerial Photos

The Tyranny of Emergency – Gun Rights Suspended…Again

Gun Control and the War on Drugs

Iraq expels Blackwater employees

Ahmadinejad Announces Iran Is Now a ‘Nuclear State’

The Rachel Maddow Comedy Show: Record Snow Does Not Disprove Global Warming

The battle of 9/11’s ailing first responders

Obama ‘Agnostic’ on Deficit Cuts, Won’t Prejudge Tax Increases - BusinessWeek

Lawyer of co-accused Mumbai attacker shot dead - Haaretz - Israel News

Rothschild names first non-family chief executive | Deals | Mergers & Acquisitions | Reuters

Facebook Comment Stirs 'Open Carry' Debate - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Cop “Jokes” About Murdering Armed Citizens « LewRockwell.com Blog

Civil rights group says racial and religious profiling dogs people at border | CJAD

CNSNews.com - Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam, Says Muslim Group

Daniel Rubin: Arabic flash cards got him detained at airport | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/10/2010

10,000 TSA staff to get secret intel - USATODAY.com

Raising the Bar for Nullification by Michael Boldin

KTBS 3 News | Shreveport, LA: ArkLaTex News - Shreveport child diagnosed with rare disease

Climate change sceptics 'playing Russian roulette with planet' - Telegraph

Google AdSense now uses hours of search history - Feb. 11, 2010

1,000 Children a Year Forced Into Sex Slavery in Trafficking Hub Ohio

Iraq oil pipeline sabotaged

Iraq to Allow Kurds to Resume Oil Exports; DNO Surges (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

CQ Politics | New Extension Likely for Key Patriot Act Provisions

YouTube shows opposition protest at huge Iran rally | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

Iranian Intransigence: Tehran Has Little Reason to Fear Sanctions - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Marvel Comics' depiction of anti-tax protesters inspires anger, apology - Yahoo! News

Best Aphrodisiac Foods

Dead Body Found in Christian Bale's Old Backyard

Obama Is Acting Like a One-Term President - He refuses to move to the center, writes Noonan, when that could save him

Obama Will Help Choose 9/11 Trial Venue

Beck Calls Out Texas Gov. Candidate for Waffling on '9/11 Truthers'

Toyota Recall Spirals Into Lawsuit Frenzy

Muslims Issue Fatwa Against Airport Scanners

Fred Morrison, Frisbee Inventor, Dies at 90

Fla. Man Busted in Murder of Second-Grader

Jaycee Dugard Diary: 'I Want to Be Free'

Senate Confirms 27 Obama Nominees

President Obama in nominee showdown - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Investors Scramble for Stock in Buffett

Americans Line Up for a Piece of Warren Buffett - WSJ.com

Patrick Kennedy Won't Run for Re-Election in RI

Gov. Paterson: Someone Is After Me

David Paterson Tries to Escape His 'Kafkaesque Scenario' on Larry King - David Paterson - Gawker

Bill Clinton Home After Heart Procedure

Not News (but Good to Be Reminded): The Internet Is for Wankers

Public Supports Obama Over GOP

Poll - Obama Has Edge Over G.O.P. With Public - NYTimes.com

Google Tweaks Buzz, But Privacy Concerns Remain

Google Buzz: A Privacy Checklist - PCWorld

I Did Not Roll My Eyes at That Woman: Chris Wallace

Chris Wallace Denies Rolling Eyes At Sarah Palin, Trashes Joe Scarborough (VIDEO)

Alec Baldwin Attacks NY Post Photog

Michael Gerson - Guantanamo prison: Ugly but necessary - washingtonpost.com

Michael Gerson: Keeping Guantanamo Bay Open May Be Best Option

Pelosi-Obama Feud Has Roots in Senate

Hours Later, Reid Kills New Jobs Bill

CNN Redefines Constitutionalists as “Tenther Movement”

'Tenther' movement aims to put power back in states' hands - CNN.com


YouTube - NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"1/2

YouTube - NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"2/2

YouTube - Alex Jones - Matt Shae - Washington State Claims Sovereignty 1/3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Matt Shae - Washington State Claims Sovereignty 2/3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Matt Shae - Washington State Claims Sovereignty 3/3

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma) on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 1/3

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma) on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 2/3

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma) on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 3/3

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Cynthia Davis (Missouri) on Alex Jones (2-12-09) 1/2

YouTube - States Fight Back: Rep. Cynthia Davis (Missouri) on Alex Jones (2-12-09) 2/2

YouTube - State Sovereignty


*SITE:Goldstone Facts


United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict

Washington's Blog:Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful T

Demolish the myth that safety, in and of itself, is an absolute good

The Pre-Iraq War Lies Conspiracy-Conspiracy: Nice Try, Tony

Rand Paul Offers Populists Hope For the Future

C.S. Lewis and Sarah Palin

There are No Conspiracies Because Daddy Will Always Protect Us

Totally Occupied: 700 Military Bases Spread Across Afghanistan

Twitter diplomacy: Envoy says Russia will ‘kick ass’ of US

‘US to expand military centers in Pakistan’

European Union denies US snoops access to electronic banking data

Gold futures fall as U.S. dollar rallies after China move

Where did Pachuari get the money?

Refuse to Pay Government Debt Incurred for Unlawful and Oppressive Purposes … It Is the Personal Debt of Those Who Ordered It to Be Incurred

Surveillance Video Shows Man Smashing 29 Flat Screens at Wal-Mart

Angry Man Runs Naked Through Phoenix Airport

Not just ClimateGate – we must remember the entire paradigm of green lies over thirty years

Full-body airport security scanners to fry travelers with ionizing radiation

Ron Paul Warns Of Neo-Con Takeover Of Tea Party Movement

Exposed: More Lies Regarding Naked Body Scanners

Global Warming Doublespeak: Snowmageddon Blizzards Are Part Of Heating Trend

Go Back To Sleep, There’s No New World Order

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley-The 2nd Leg of The Banking Collapse

Passenger train derails in Washington, D.C. » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires -

Mullen to visit Jerusalem, TA

The Kick Them All Out Project - Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World

Checkpoint on I-95 targets illegal aliens - Bangor Daily News

The Useless Logic of Round Numbers: A Massacre is a Massacre, a War of choice is a Crime

American's Journey: Video: International Bankers Finance Both Sides in War

Obama’s Murder Inc. :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

Documents on Binyan Mohammed Interrogation and Abuse Pose Problems for Both British and U.S. The Seven Paragraphs on Torture :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

Goldman Sachs suspected of rigging the bank-tax vote in Richard Curtis internet campaign | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Labour’s ‘100 %' death tax

Offensive looms in Helmand province US military noose tightens on Afghanistan town :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

Letters: Intelligence, torture and the courts | World news | The Guardian

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 conspiracy: Was it an inside job?

EclippTV :: Video :: Neo-con Glenn Beck interviews/attacks Debra Medina/911 Truth

I cut my hair, but I'm not a terrorist: TSA in Philly Must Stand for Truly Stupid A******s | This Can't Be Happening!

Report: Feds probe Madoff’s brother, sons - U.S. business- msnbc.com

NYT: Missionaries’ aide eyed in trafficking ring - The New York Times- msnbc.com

YouTube - Girl attacked as security guards watch

Iceland aims to become an offshore haven for journalists and leakers » Nieman Journalism Lab

MI5 knew about torture of Binyam Mohamed and terror suspects | Mail Online

Chuck Baldwin -- A Warning To The Tea Party Nation

Agency Views Iran’s Stepped-Up Uranium Enrichment as a Violation - NYTimes.com

Palin's Poll Numbers Hit Historic Lows, Even Among GOPers | TPMDC

Iraq Panel: Vast Majority of Election Bannings to Remain in Place -- News from Antiwar.com

Haaretz - Israel News - Search Results

Ralph Fertig’s Case Pits Free Speech Against Terror Fight - NYTimes.com

ABC The Drum Unleashed - Keep doing that and you'll go blind

Indicting the Supreme Court

Airborne Laser Testbed Successful in Lethal Intercept Experiment

European Union denies US snoops access to electronic banking data | Raw Story

The Raw Story | North Yemen calm after truce with Shiite rebels: army

TARP Watchdog: Don't Be Fooled By The Calm, Banks Will Be Rocked By 2011's $300 Billion Commercial Real Estate Time Bomb

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Will Obama Destroy Any Hope of U.S. Energy Independence?

EclippTV :: Video :: Is Goldman responsible for Greek crisis?

YouTube - Do Jews Control the Media -- The LA Times Says Yes!

savethemales.ca - Greece is NWO Test Ground, Says Greek Reader

France falls under internet censorship - The Inquirer

KTAR.com - Bill hits `luxury' spending by welfare recipients

Aspartame renamed - 12160.org

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Thank Heavens for Debra Medina

'GMO-free' is fastest-growing retailer brand claim | bytestyle.tv

'Climate-gate' review member resigns - Channel 4 News

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Climate change deniers are ‘unpatriotic’ | Raw Story

Financial Armageddon: Forecasting with a Grain of Salt

YouTube - President Obama's Pledge Never to Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than $250,000 a Year

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Why Goldman Sachs Trained Punks and George Soros Don't Want You to Modify Your Mortgage...

Key 'climategate' scientist cleared of wrongdoing - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Emptywheel » FAA and NORAD Changed Records to Accord with Cheney Lies

A Novel Idea. Register non-gun owners - Patriotic Resistance

A Free Thinker's Journey: Texan Medina questions any US role in 9/11 attacks

Transcript: Cynthia McKinney's Speech In Germany - 12160.org

Global Financial Crisis is 'over' - Treasury boss Ken Henry | News.com.au

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 02/10/10 - This "Tea" Tastes Funny

EclippTV :: Video :: Is the US a police state?

Fortune Teller Killed Over Failed Love Spell, prosecutor says - KTLA

Torrance Man Gets 25 to Life for Throwing Bride off Cliff - KTLA

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff On FOX Business 02/08/2010 - Hedging Against The FED

EclippTV :: Video :: Dr. Bruce Levine on Alex Jones Tv 1/5: The Psychology of Tyranny

EclippTV :: Video :: Dr. Bruce Levine on Alex Jones Tv 2/5: The Psychology of Tyranny

EclippTV :: Video :: Dr. Bruce Levine on Alex Jones Tv 3/5: The Psychology of Tyranny

EclippTV :: Video :: Dr. Bruce Levine on Alex Jones Tv 4/5: The Psychology of Tyranny

EclippTV :: Video :: Dr. Bruce Levine on Alex Jones Tv 5/5: The Psychology of Tyranny

Following Georgia, Virginia moves to ban chip implants - 12160.org

How fleeing a 'bad crowd' led to a CIA rendition flight and scalpel cuts to his penis - The Scotsman

TaxProf Blog: President Obama Calls for 'Restoring Balance to the Tax Code'

How the Federal Reserve Created the US Recession

Kevin Trudeau held in criminal contempt, facing jail time :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

The Great Highway Robbery Continues: How The FDIC Is Legally Transferring Billions In Taxpayer Money To Hedge Funds | zero hedge

Internet Censorship Protest Shuts Down Australian Government Websites

You’re an Anti-Semite If You’re Against War : Veterans Today

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber: All governments will default on their debt including the US

Bush and CIA behind the Palmemurder - Palmemordet also in Swedish

Are they prepping for 9/11 PT 2? : Federal Jack

Rival automakers expect to gain from Toyota's pain- Yahoo! Autos Article Page

Iranian Web Site Reports Attack on Opposition Leader Karroubi | Middle East | English

China orders retreat from risky assets - Telegraph

Chip and PIN is broken, say researchers - ZDNet.co.uk

Obama may look past UN on Iran

Kitco - Commentaries - Darryl Robert Schoon

Feds push for tracking cell phones | Politics and Law - CNET News

NATO’s Role In The Military Encirclement Of Iran

Harvey Wasserman: Vermont's Radioactive Nightmare

Google Censors Free Speech

Bob Kerrey (911 comm) admits 911 was Pre-Planned, page 1

Climategate: the official cover-up continues – Telegraph Blogs

Global Warming and Weather Psychology - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com

Twitter diplomacy: Envoy says Russia will 'kick ass' of US

Gold falls nearly $10 as China hikes reserve ratio Metals Stocks - MarketWatch

Euro Area Headed for Breakup, SocGen’s Edwards Says (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Few Americans Want Members of Congress Re-Elected, Poll Finds - Yahoo! News

Body scanners present privacy, health risks - News - Hardware - ZDNet Australia

Income tax cheats, the IRS and whistle-blower rewards - MSN Money

Becoming vegetarian 'can harm the environment' - Telegraph


Alex Jones

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 11th With Richard Reeves

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 10th With Bruce Levine


02-12-2010: Elderly man faces judge after robbing banks to pay mortgage

02-12-2010: U.S. Successfully Tests Airborne Laser Missile

Fake Cyber Terrorist Attack To Get Real Government Response

02-11-2010: Donald Trump: I have the genes for success

02-11-2010: GOP candidate labeled truther after Glenn Beck ambush

02-11-2010: Senate Jobs Bill Contains Patriot Act Extension

02-11-2010: Euro Trashed

02-11-2010: Future police: Meet the UK's armed robot drones

02-11-2010: Court Keeps White House Spy Docs Secret

02-11-2010: Global Banking Tax on Transactions Draws Near

02-11-2010: Henry Paulson: My close ties with Wall Street were "a huge help"

WTF: Police stage burglaries on homes

Black box groups join hedge fund standards scheme

Bombs In Breast Implants?

Virginia delegates pass bill banning chip implants as ‘mark of the beast’

How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt

The FBI knows where you have been and where you are going

The Great Highway Robbery Continues: How The FDIC Is Legally Transferring Billions In Taxpayer Money To Hedge Funds

U.S. Claims Right To Assassinate Americans Overseas Without Trials

NYPD releases new World Trade Center 9/11 aerial photos

White House: Some Critics 'Serving the Goals of al Qaeda'*

Same Empire, Different Emperor

The Real Story Behind Israel's Attack On Gaza

Yes, America is Still in an Official State of Emergency

Faber: Sovereign Debt Crisis Will Spread World-Wide, U.S. Debt Is Unsafe

What Happens When Other Countries Have America's Money

From Democracy to Neoliberal Oligarchy

Obama Backtracking: Open to Taxes for Middle Class

Dems Skeptical Healthcare Summit Is Answer

White House Attacks Bond on Bomber Inquiry

U.S. Climate Skeptics Seize on Blizzard

Reid Puts His Bill Before Bipartisanship

CNBC'S Kudlow Weighs Bid for Senate

Terror Reviews Avoid Word 'Islamist'

Clinton: Tony Blair to Play Bigger Role in Mideast

Intelligence Ties Between UK and U.S. in Jeopardy

Moderate Republicans Crash Tea Party

Morris: Obama Lacks Courage to Halt Iran

Administration May Abandon Civilian 9/11 Trial

Iran Marks Revolution With Crackdown On Protests

Study: Iran Working on Nuclear Bomb, Not Energy

White House Dismisses Iran's Uranium Claims

Mandelblit: ATM Scam Sweeping the Country

Report: Father of Holloway Suspect Dies in Aruba

Newsmax - Blagojevich Pleads No to Corruption

As Obama Slips, Spotlight on Republicans

Forecast: A Washington Recall This Fall

U.S. Govt, Soros Fund Offshore Drilling in Brazil

Conditions Point Toward Inflation's Wallop Late This Year

Obama Wages Misguided War on U.S. Business

China Fumes at Obama, Dalai Lama Meeting

Greenspan: I Didn't Cause Housing Bubble

JPMorgan Analyst: Staggering Euro Will Fall Further

Battling Cancer? You Have Options, Says Suzanne Somers

Kill Cancer With Cabernet and Chocolate

10 Free Ways to Fight Depression

9/11 Dust, Fumes Still Cause Headaches

Google Tweaks Buzz After Privacy Concerns

Swiss Won't Extradite Polanski Til U.S. Case Is Done

Glenn Beck: BLOWBACK from Debra Medina Interview -- Callers Support Medina

Tenth Amendment Center Destroys Glenn Beck Over Medina Attack

Who is Glenn Beck and why would he attack Debra Medina?

Debra Medina Says Comments on Glenn Beck Show about More than 9/11

Glenn Benedict Attacks Patriot Debra Medina

TEA-O-CONS! The new term for Neo-cons who co-opted the Ron Paul Tea Party!

The Tea Party Primer: What You Need to Know

Ron Paul Warns Of Neo-Con Takeover Of Tea Party Movement

Warning: NeoCon Palin’s tea party takeover will facilitate Obama reelection

FLASHBACK: 9/11 Truth Launched 'Tea Party For Truth' Back In 2006!

75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies

Goldman Sachs Wants You to Pay-by-the-Mile to Drive on U.S. Roadways

A New Generation of North American Citizens

Internet Censorship Alert! Alex Jones exposes agenda to ‘blacklist’ dissenting sites and license users

Descent Into Barbarism: The US and NATO Wage War on the World

Canada's Copy and Paste NED: Foundation for "Political Warfare" Takes Cue from U.S. Strategy

Liberals Get a War President of Their Very Own

When the "War on Terror" Becomes Genocide

AUDIO: Obama's Republican Class War Presidency

Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail

Big Food Inc. will do everything to stop you talking about this

Food: New Bill Repeals Key Sections of Dietary Supplement Health

Should We Clone Neanderthals?

Pentagon Ignores the Warnings of Splice and Jurassic Park in Breeding Artificial Life - SciFi Scanner - AMC

Europe to Investigate the UN Over “Pandemic” Scam

Desolate malls, empty offices may come soon - Real estate- msnbc.com

Economic Warnings from an Elderly 3rd Grader

China surprises by raising banks' required reserves - Yahoo! Finance

Chapter XVII: Black Ice (The Day the Dollar Died Series) | Shenandoah

Depression 2010 - Western Fiat-Money Finished?


Just How Ugly Is The Sovereign Default Truth? How Self Delusions Prevent Recognition Of Reality | zero hedge

What Is Behind the Collapse of Civilization? » Publications » Family Security Matters

After America, There is No Place to Go

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

Montserrat volcano shoots ash 9 miles into sky - Americas AP - MiamiHerald.com

Tehran Uses China’s High-Tech Trucks to Squash Protests | Danger Room | Wired.com

Students brains 'rewired' by the internet - Telegraph

Pentagon Wants Magnetic Muscle Makers | Danger Room | Wired.com

APOCALYPSE 2010 by Deshpal Sandhu: The Truth is Not Out There (in Medialand)

Real-Life Unobtanium? The "Project X" Super Element

The Fight of Your Life--Get ready, it's coming: Psychological Warfare Blueprint Path To The Road Of Tryanny Ahead

YouTube - Rep. Parker Griffith: Obama Is 'Over His Head'

YouTube - Dick Morris: Sarah Palin Clearly the Most Popular Republican

Sept. 11 Photos: Newly Released 9/11 Photos Of World Trade Center Attack - ABC News

In Internet Era, an Unwilling Lord for New Age Followers - NYTimes.com

Brain surgery boosts spirituality : Nature News

BBC News - Genes behind stammering uncovered

Martian Dune Mystery Solved by Bouncing Sand Grains | Wired Science | Wired.com

California Tree Carving Hints at Early Chumash Astronomy - TIME

Unearthing Anthrax's Dirty Secret: Its Mysterious Survival Skills May Rely on Help from Viruses--and Earthworms: Scientific American

The battle of 9/11’s ailing first responders

Obama waging economic warfare on several fronts, including Japan

Team Washington can’t see the Palestinian end zone

Great Game playoff: Russia/Turkey vs Palestine/Israel

Secession in the Air by Patrick J. Buchanan

Alan Greenspan: Party Boy by Fred Sheehan

Dramatic Images of World Trade Center Collapse on 9/11 Released for First Time

Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful ~ Washington's Blog

Marc Faber sees 'no huge downside risk for gold,' more sovereign defaults - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Antal in Wonderland: Antal Feketes Theory of Monetary Hyperinflation That Creates a Boom in Bonds and a Falling CPI.

A Question for Glenn Beck on Global Warming and Conspiracy | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Feds push for tracking cell phones | Politics and Law - CNET News

Gap for Calif. retiree health care grows to $52B - Yahoo! Finance

Relaxation drinks take on the energy market - The Globe and Mail

Living Freedom » Blog Archive » Comfort with complexity

Living Freedom » Blog Archive » Comfort with complexity, II: Labels

Annoying Words by Joe Sobran

Sinclair - FBI, Secret Service Acting As Agents For Obama




U.S. in talks with Bulgaria on missile shield | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Moscow wants answers from U.S. on Romania missile shield plan | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Suicide bomber strikes U.S. base - CNN.com

NASA Probe Finds Trees on Mars (photo) - Pravda.Ru

Eurostar 'had no plan' to deal with train breakdown delays | World news | guardian.co.uk

Euro continues to fall as EU fails to agree Greece rescue plan | Business | guardian.co.uk

MI5 chief denies cover-up claims over detainees | World news | The Guardian

British sex addict Danny James moves town after sleeping with every girl in it | The Courier-Mail

ZIONISM UNMASKED: Chutzpah, thy name is Zionism - Salem-News.Com

David Broder Is Really Into Sarah Palin This Week

Top judge: Binyam Mohamed case shows MI5 to be devious, dishonest and complicit in torture | World news | The Guardian

Bill Clinton gets stents in artery after having chest discomfort - latimes.com

I Cut My Hair But I Am Not A Terrorist

Wrong kind of buzz around Google Buzz | Net Effect

Revising Book on Disorders of the Mind - NYTimes.com

Mumps outbreak in NY, NJ tops 1,500 cases - Forbes.com

Row over plan to build Jewish museum of tolerance on site of Muslim cemetery

Reid's Office Wins Best Lie Of The Year, So Far

Ahmadinejad tells Iran it is now a 'nuclear state' - MSNBC Articles

Dead Man Musings: Illuminati Symbolism: The Auto Industry

Roy Tov – Israel Technologies Transfers

CNSNews.com - Americans Most Satisfied in Cold Northern States, Least Satisfied in Nevada

CNSNews.com - NARAL Dedicates Annual Report to Late-Term Abortionist Who 'Compassionately and Heroically Served Women'

CNSNews.com - Construction Industry Opposes Obama Pro-Union Order

CNSNews.com - Administration ‘Just Not Responding’ to Questions on Fort Hood, Said Vice Chair of Senate Intel Committee

CNSNews.com - Poll: 61 Percent Say Start from Scratch on Health Care Reform

CNSNews.com - Senate Democrats Scrap Bipartisan Jobs Bill for Pared-Down Version

CNSNews.com - Rep. Patrick Kennedy 'Taking A New Direction,' Leaving Congress

CNSNews.com - Amid Turmoil at Home, Iran Eyes Seat on Top UN Human Rights Body

CNSNews.com - Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam, Says Muslim Group

CNSNews.com - Reagan PAC Supports Candidates Who Are 'Responsible to the People'

CNSNews.com - Poll: Majority Favor Military Courts for Terror Suspects

CNSNews.com - Poll: Majority Backs Ditching ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Rule

CNSNews.com - Shah's Son Calls Obama’s Support for Iranian Opposition Tepid

CNSNews.com - Texas Gov. Candidate Questions US Role in 9/11

CNSNews.com - Fox’s Chris Wallace: ‘I'm Offended’ People Watch Joe Scarborough on MSNBC

CNSNews.com - Russia’s NATO Envoy Says Stance on Missile Defense Has Not Changed

CNSNews.com - Dodd Hopeful for Bipartisan Bank Bill

CNSNews.com - Indiana-Made Humvee Could Soon Be an Army Relic

CNSNews.com - Federal Agency Releases 2,779 Photos of Terror Attack on New York

CNSNews.com - Secession in the Air

CNSNews.com - John Murtha: Requiem for a Corruptocrat

CNSNews.com - The Green Police Take Over the Country

CNSNews.com - Orwell Captures America’s Deadly Culture Perfectly

The Age of Egocasting

Government takes and keeps your baby's DNA, even without your consent

Neo-Conned: Ron Paul Explains How the Conservative Movement Has Been Co-Opted by Trotskyites

A New Generation of North American Citizens

Tax and Spend: U.N.'s Rx for New World Medical Order

Obama Administration Orders World Bank To Keep Third World In Poverty

U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity

NSA Teams With Google Over Cybersecurity

The Dark Brotherhood of the Takers

Police sent on hypnosis courses

Sarah Palin takes a nosedive in the new ABC/Washington Post poll

Marvel Comics Draws Fire For Accurately Depicting Dangers Of Tea Party Movement

President Obama Wins Showdown With GOP Over Appointments

Chris Wallace is very upset because John Brennan scolded the Republicans

Dylan Ratigan Responds to Glenn Beck's Attack on Him With His Own Chalkboard

House To Investigate Anthem BC/BS Over Obscene Rate Hike

Blanche Lincoln and Claire McCaskill hear from their constituents: Ads urge support for clean energy

Did he really say that?

11 FEB/ Bill Clinton hospitalized for heart problems, two stents installed

Fox News wants to proclaim blizzards proof that climate change is a hoax -- nevermind those pesky scientists

Rachel Maddow: Global Warming Isn't the Opposite of Snow

Sen. Franken Asks For Our Help In Opposing NBC/Comcast Merger

John Boehner Worried He's Going to Walk Into a "Setup" if He Comes to Health Care Summit

Sarah Broder

New National Security Distraction: Arabic Language Students

Republican Obstructionism On Jobs Bill May Cut Unemployment Lifeline

FLASHBACK:The Day It Got Strange - February 11, 1979 | Newstalgia

*OU Student Collecting Pictures of Snow in All 50 States - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

China surprises by raising banks' required reserves - Yahoo! Finance

Man Up, Obama, or Make Way for President Palin: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

DeGeneres’s Star Is Rising as Winfrey Prepares to Exit - NYTimes.com

Abbas aide sex tape scandal shakes Palestinians

Astronauts install space station observation deck

Kenya police stop gay wedding, make arrests | World | Reuters

Race & Gender of Judges Make Enormous Differences in Rulings, Studies Find - News - ABA Journal

Wannabe dancer set fire to woman in bikini bar feud - LA Daily News

Alexander McQueen's family to hold mother's funeral the day after his suicide | Mail Online

Factbox: Fashion world in shock over Alexander McQueen death | Reuters

U.S. successfully tests airborne laser on missile | Reuters

Airborne Laser Testbed Successful in Lethal Intercept Experiment

Reuters AlertNet - Looming NATO offensive raises few Afghan spirits

Taliban vow guerrilla warfare against NATO troops - Yahoo! News

Army discharging single mom who refused deployment - Yahoo! News

Report: Iran disrupting satellite transmissions

Reid's about-face stuns Dems, W.H. - Lisa Lerer and Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION: Reid criticizes lawyers group - Breaking News - ReviewJournal.com

The president's reality problem - NYPOST.com

CDC: Swine flu made 57 million Americans ill

Girl, 6, Handcuffed, Committed Because Of Classroom Behavior - Most Popular News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach

Exclusive: New Details on Naked Suspect at Sky Harbor

Brazil mayor bans funk, rap music as Carnival begins | Lifestyle | Reuters

General Election Campaigning Begins in Iraq | Middle East | English

Older Americans Find Lots to Love at the Movies | American Life | English

Comedians Give Big Morale Boost to Military in Conflict Zones | Arts and Entertainment | English

Republicans Challenge Obama Administration on Economy | Economy | English

Fewer Americans Filing for Jobless Benefits | Economy | English

More US Schools 'Greening' Their Curriculum | Education | English

Researchers Discover Stuttering Gene | Health | English

African Farmers Can Overcome Warming Climate, Says Study | Environment | English

Ousted from Church, Harare Anglicans Worship Outside | Religion | English

NASA Launches Observatory to Study Sun and Space Weather | Science and Technology | English





Living in a Material World § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Slate of the Union § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Nature’s Bizarre Bedfellows § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

SEEDMAGAZINE.COM § Life Imitating Life

Current TV’s Network Science § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

The Back-Channel of Science § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Spotlight on Science Diplomacy § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

When Science Asks, “What If?” § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Trust in the Twitterverse § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Obama and the Government Employees

Why Obama Can't Drop Health Care Reform

The Dangerous Linkage of Naïveté and Good Intentions

The (Re)Public(an) Option

The Insatiable Need

One hand washes the other

Europe ahead of America in ditching the bio-fuels boondoggle

Los Angeles school chief moonlights as school supply exec

Sessions skewers clueless Brennan's USA Today op-ed

'Uppity is' as 'uppity does'

Thinking outside the box on Iran

Our 'agnostic' president

Sometimes "No" Is More Than a One Syllable Word

The Rise and Fall of Frank Church: A Lesson for Conservatives

Deception as a Principle of Governance

Recommitting America to Missile Defense

Our National No-Energy Policy

Is Bipartisanship a Desirable Goal?

Climate Change and Weather

Individual Liberty & the Founding Fathers

Iran Revolution's End Will Be Heard Around World - WSJ.com

Ethiopian Airline crash off Beirut was an act of Al-Qaeda terror

Joe Biden update: Iraq one of Obama's 'great achievements' | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

President Obama tied in generic 2012 matchup - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Bond Ups Ante in Fight With White House - Washington Wire - WSJ

S.F. school board OKs new gay support program

American Indian tribes get $1B in stimulus funds

Winter overcomes 1,200-year-old oak - UPI.com

Israel Del Toro: Severely Burned Air Force Sergeant Re-Enlists After IED Blast in Afghanistan - ABC News

NYT: Food stamps find new acceptance - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Osama bin Laden's Son Warns Next Al Qaeda Leader Will Be Worse - Exclusive - ABC News

Winter Haven Man Gets 15 Years in Baby Daughter's Death | TheLedger.com

Atlanta's Yellow Line Has Some Asians Seeing Red - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

U.S. distrusts Iran nuclear breakthrough bragging - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - In Europe, Time for Tea

Kristol: I Agree with Paul Krugman | The Weekly Standard

Kim Strassel: Obama's Attack Machine—II - WSJ.com

Joan Walsh - When elites bash elitism - Salon.com

The Week Magazine - Will Republican tactics succeed?

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Peggy Noonan: The Off-Center President - WSJ.com

Era of No Consensus - TIME

National Journal Magazine - More Miranda Idiocy

Op-Ed Contributor - Tribunal and Error - NYTimes.com

They Ain’t With Main Street | The New Republic

Tea, anyone? - Hawaii Editorials - Starbulletin.com

RealClearPolitics - The President's Reality Problem

Op-Ed Columnist - Republicans and Medicare - NYTimes.com

Only one force can stop Iran now: its people | Richard Haass - Times Online

China's Iran Dilemma - TIME

Op-Ed Contributor - We Want China to Lead - NYTimes.com

Many in denial over China's quest for bases | The Japan Times Online

Geneive Abdo: The dissidents need some foreign support - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

Iran: Trials of strength | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Ignoring Iran / ISN

The Re-election of Hamid Karzai | Institute for the Study of War

How should Europe respond to China's strident rise? by Charles Grant, February/March 2010

Stephen A. Schwarzman - Lawmakers' rush to punish banks threatens recovery - washingtonpost.com

Cash-strapped local governments still wary of bankruptcy - Feb. 12, 2010

Forget those stories about Japan and Europe outpacing America. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Betting against stocks now could be stupid Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch

The Lobbying-Media Complex

Goldman Gets another bite of the apple | Capital Gains and Games

The Volcker Rule and Congress' Unlearned Lesson

How Many People Die From Lack of Health Insurance? - Megan McArdle


*2-10:Transcripts:Interviews with Vice President Biden & Sen. Kerry

Bernanke's Remarks on the Fed's Exit Strategy

Roundtable on DNI Brennan's Performance

Interview with Senator Bond on John Brennan

Analysts on Talking to the Taliban in Afghanistan


*2-9:Obama's News Conference

Panel on Obama's News Conference

Ron Wyden & Ron Paul on "Rachel Maddow"

Obama's Remarks at Meeting with Cong. Leadership

Reps. Moran & Garrett Debate Obstructionism

Interview with Michelle Obama

2-8/Interview with Secretary Robert Gates

2-9:Interview with Secretary Gates: Part Two


*2-12/Politics Video:Dem Sen. Rockefeller On Obama: "He's Beginning To Be Not Believable To Me"

Rachel Maddow Messes Up Using Teleprompter

CT-Sen: McMahon Looks To Close Gap In Race

AG Holder Open To Military Trial For KSM

O'Donnell: Bush "Invited The First [Terrorist] Attack"

FOX's Wallace Responds To Scarborough: "I'm Offended That People Watch Him On MSNBC"

Senator Bond Not Apologizing to WH, Brennan

Rep. Patrick Kennedy Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

Andrew Young On Elizabeth Edwards Lawsuit Threat

Howard Dean On The Filibuster And Health Care

Update: Bill Clinton Leaves Hospital

Gregg: Financial Reform Should Have "All Republicans At The Table"

Paterson: Rumors Against Me Are "Kafkaesque"

O'Reilly: Are You A Socialist?

Maddow: Medicare, Social Security In GOP Cross Hairs

Olbermann: Keeping Health Care Negotiations In The Dark

"Special Report" Panel On Calls For The Head Of John Brennan


*2-11/Iranian Opposition Cries "Death to Dictator"

Biden: Iraq Will Be One Of Obama's "Great Achievements"

GIbbs To Press Corps: Obama Saved Iraq

Bill Nye: Denying Climate Change Is "Unpatriotic"

Vice President Biden: Another 9/11 "Unlikely"

McCain Jabs Obama For Teleprompter Use, Defends Palin

Gibbs Discusses Civilian KSM Trial In NYC

Bill Clinton Gets Two Stents in Coronary Artery

"Daily Show" Mocks RNC's Hawaii Retreat

Biden: Sarah Palin Is "Far Out There"

Elizabeth Warren: Financial System Using Wrong Rules

Maddow On Shelby: Spending For Me, Not For Thee

O'Reilly: Are You Scared Of Al Qaeda?

"Special Report" Panel On Record Snow Fall And Global Warming

Olbermann On Mixing Religion And Politics


*PROMO:Film 'proving Bible true' getting major expansion


*BUSTED! Undercover video nails largest abortion provider

WND Player

WND RADIO 'This is due to cooling, not due to warming'

WND RADIO Who deserves credit for liberated Iraq?

WND RADIO Opposition awaits 'show of solidarity' by U.S.


Syria debating attacks against Israel

Extremists gone wild on 'green' energy bill

Van Jones was honored by Jimmy Carter, RFK daughter

State to 'subversives': Register or go to jail

Sex Valentines issued by Planned Parenthood

Ohio.com - Ohio speaker OKs honoring Right to Life winner

State to 'subversives': Register or go to jail

Terror reviews avoid word 'Islamist' - Washington Times

Chinese national gets probation for dead cats, dogs

POW hero: Obama usurping rights of God

Support builds for Murtha's wife taking seat - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Only 8 percent say incumbents should be reelected - Jake Sherman and Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Obama czar's 'homo-genda' proposed for U.S. schools

Girl, 6, Handcuffed, Committed Because Of Classroom Behavior - West Palm Beach News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach

History of England starts at 1700, says university - Telegraph

Look what they're erasing from U.S. history!

George Washington, a very un-PC president

Poll reads Palin's palm: no chance in 2012; 71% of Americans don't think she's qualified to be prez

Iran crushes opposition protests with violence - Times Online

It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

Pelosi Aide: Health Care Summit a Trick, Strategy on Pro-Abortion Bill Decided

The Right's Top 25 Journalists - The Daily Beast

Listener power earns even liberals' respect

Al-Jazeera comes to Canada: Is the U.S. ready?

Human error blamed for mud volcano

Who will tell the unvarnished truth?

GOP elite: 'Liberal,' not 'moderate'

Palin and Prelutsky sitting in a tree

Anderson Cooper's asininity

Singing 'Kumbaya' on health-care reform

Bipartisanship equals single-payer-ship

Global warming and Snowmageddon

Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories - Newsweek.com

E.J. Dionne: The Origins of Tea Party Radicalism - Truthdig


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama's missing year

Fox News entertainers can't get story straight


*American Minute for February 12th:William J Federer's American Minute


Jilted lover fly-posts pics of ex-boyfriend's privates - The Local

TV’s 50 biggest bombs and blunders- msnbc.com

Archaeological findings unveil 1,500-year-old Jerusalem road - Haaretz - Israel News

Daniel Henninger: The Scalia v. Stevens Smackdown - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - Don't Screw It Up, Republicans

Seven-year-old leads Rio carnival with Beyoncé and Madonna - Times Online

Officer boasts of 12,000 spies

Feds push for tracking cell phones | Politics and Law - CNET News

Google Buzz: Privacy nightmare | Molly Rants - CNET News

Va. Lawmakers Oppose Forced Microchip Implantation, and the Antichrist - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Man accused of using stun gun on "sinner"

Man allegedly tries to buy urine at school

Woman guilty of setting bikini dancer on fire

Court overturns milkshake murder conviction - China- msnbc.com

Holyfield's wife says boxer hit her several times | Stuff.co.nz

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Heartache: Tea Party candidate in Texas a 9/11 truther; Update: Medina responds

azcentral.com blogs - AZ/DC Blog - azdc - Arpaio lends name to Hayworth fundraising

American culture revealed in Facebook project - Tech and gadgets- msnbc.com

New online annoyance: the 'elationship' - Love in the Digital Age- msnbc.com

Street Clashes Pending?: Far-Right Gears Up to Mourn Dresden Bombing - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Sweden arrests Auschwitz sign suspect - The Local

Foul-mouthed surgeon blasts fat patient

Genetic link to stuttering raises hope of tailor-made treatments - Times Online

Elizabeth Edwards Threatens Husband's Ex-Aide Andrew Young With Lawsuit - ABC News

How gay uncles pass down their genes - Behavior- msnbc.com

Modern Day Flintstones: A Stone Age Subculture Takes Shape in the US - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Cheney vs. Biden, a veep smackdown - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Raw video: Metro train derails at Farragut North - washingtonpost.com


IRAN: A day after 22 Bahman rally, a conservative Ahmadinejad rival opens fire | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Massive Tehran rallies commemorate Islamic Revolution

Bolton: Obama 'Crippled' By Desire to Negotiate With Iran - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Iran Security Forces Clash with Protestors at Anniversary Rally – New Tang Dynasty Television

YouTube - Riz Khan - Which way Iran

Iran supreme leader lauds state rally, warns West

Russia losing patience with Iran?

YouTube - Helping Iran "communicate"

FOXNews.com - Iran Goes to War ... With Google

Shah's son wants help for Iran's opposition - washingtonpost.com

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Iranian Uranium Enriched to Higher Level, Ahmadinejad Asserts

Khamenei lauds pro-regime demonstrations - UPI.com

In Iran, A Government Show Of Force And An Opposition Display Of Courage -- Who Won And Who Lost? - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

AFP: IAEA board elects new chairman


Yemen says truce holds despite Shi'ite attack | Reuters


Haitians hold day of mourning on quake anniversary - washingtonpost.com

Suicide Bombers Attack Police Compound in Pakistan - NYTimes.com

8 killed in fighting in Somali capital - washingtonpost.com

Bodies found gagged, bound after Afghan 'honor killing' - CNN.com

India, Pakistan set date for talks - CNN.com

North Korea not eager to return to talks: U.N. envoy | Reuters

Thailand deports crew of NKorean weapons plane - washingtonpost.com

Mumbai terror lawyer Shahid Azmi killed in 'professional hit' - Times Online

Carbon targets pledged at Copenhagen 'fail to keep temperature rise to 2C' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

PPR May Struggle to Keep McQueen Going After Designer’s Death - BusinessWeek

YouTube - Alexander McQueen: Celebrity fan pays tribute

FOXNews.com - Has John Mayer's 'Hood Pass' Been Revoked?

John Mayer's Playboy Interview Caps A History Of TMI - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Polanski’s ‘Ghost Writer’ and Others - Visions of Victimhood - NYTimes.com

Questions Raised in Seattle Teen Beating Caught on Tape - ABC News

YouTube - Outrage After Guards Watch Teen's Beating

BBC News - Dennis Hopper's wife ordered to stay away

Hollywood sign temporarily covered with 'Save the peak' - latimes.com

Book Review - 'The Politician,' by Andrew Young - Memoir of John Edwards Scandal - Review - NYTimes.com

$2.5M Hoosier Lotto Jackpot Remains Unclaimed : NPR


*ARCHIVE:Obama Builds His Cabinet: Mentioned and Actual Nominees for President Obama's Cabinet Secretaries

The President's Cabinet - Departments and Cabinet Department Secretaries

More Information About the President’s Cabinet


Some key dates in Patrick Kennedy's life - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Rep. Patrick Kennedy: 'Won't Seek Reelection'

Price Derides Health Care Summit - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

UPDATE 1-W.House sees support for Sen Reid's jobs bill | Reuters

Obama administration weighs choices for prosecuting 9/11 mastermind - latimes.com

Politics - Debra Medina's 9/11 Conspiracy Remark Damaged her Campaign? - NY Breaking News

Skiles helps lead walk to observe NY plane crash - chicagotribune.com

YouTube - Day marks anniversary of tragic crash

FOXNews.com - Fox News Poll: Most Voters Say Allow Gays to Serve Openly

Paul Krugman vs. Paul Ryan on Medicare - The Atlantic Business Channel

Senate Confirms 2 Dozen Obama Nominees - NYTimes.com

Council of Economic Advisers Sees 8.2% Unemployment by 2012 - NYTimes.com

My Country ‘Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Dependency

Senior Obama Official Steers Sole-Source Contracts to Former Business Associates

Now Obama Discovers GOP Health Care Proposals?

Your Time Is Up, Chuck

Why Obama’s Going to Have to Raise Taxes on the Middle Class

Google ISP Initiative Raises Eyebrows, Privacy Concerns

The Official Unraveling of the Obama Presidency

14 Votes Cast…Total, for $1 Million Bond Issue

There’s Something About Sarah

Michigan And ACORN: When At First You Don’t Succeed

Congratulations to the ‘Tea Bashers’

Keep the Cheap Jobs Here

Klavan on the Culture: President Me! The Musical

Kevin Smith In a ‘Red State’ Of Mind

Castro Catches Useful Idiot Celebs on Candid Camera

Roger Ebert Trashes Big Hollywood Readers

Retraction Request: Roger Ebert

Daily Gut: Security Guards ‘Observe & Report’ a Beating

Doing the Research the ‘L.A. Times’ Won’t: James Cameron’s Own ‘Avatar’ Script Contradicts His Latest Spin

California’s Progressive Politics Are Hurting Hollywood

Yosi Sergant Blames White House & Right-Wing Media for NEA ‘Propaganda’ Scandal

Taliban Rape Tapes: A ‘Muslim Abu Ghraib’

Full Version of Haqqani Video Text – What the Mullah Read

Totentanz: The Global Warmist’s Desperate Dance of Death

The Death of ‘Global Warming?’ We Still Need To Drive In The Stake

Climategate, UK Edition: Following the Money, All €4 Trillion of It

Snow Buries Washington, MSNBC Cries ‘Global Warming’

You Knew It Had to Happen: ‘Retracto’ Robot Theatre

Downgraded US Credit Rating ‘Inconceivable,’ Mr. Geithner?

Inventing a Bogeyman: Despite Media Hysterics, Bisphenol-A (BPA) Won’t Kill Us All

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow No Entiende Inglés

The MSM Tries to Wrap Its Mind Around the John Edwards Scandal, Fails to Look In Mirror

The Politically Correct Politics of Mental Health – Rewriting the DSM Again

The New Fascists: Part 1 – A Political Primer


YouTube - Climate-Gate - Michael Coren with Lord Christopher Monckton - part 1 of 5

YouTube - Climate-Gate. Michael Coren with Lord Christopher Monckton - Part 2 of 5

YouTube - Climate-Gate - Michael Coren with Lord Christopher Monckton part 3 of 5

YouTube - Climate-Gate - Michael Coren with Lord Christopher Monckton part 4 of 5

YouTube - Climate-Gate. Michael Coren with Lord Christopher Monckton part 5 of 5

News Video

#Raw Video: NASA Launches Solar Observatory

Outrage After Guards Watch Teen's Beating

Huge Rally, Some Protests Mark Iran Revolution

Toyota announces mass Prius recall

South Africa hails Mandela on anniversary of release

McQueen: beloved bad boy of British fashion

Clashes, opposition heads 'attacked' on Iran revolution day

Amnesty International says protests in Iran will continue

Job Losses Lessen, but Foreclosures on the Rise

Haiti One Month Later

British army invest in gadgets for frontline

Manhole Explosion Blackens NYC Building

Hope, Despair on Haiti's Streets

Raw Video: Peru Crash Knocks Bus Into River

McQueen's body taken from home

Brilliant Designer Alexander McQueen Found Dead

Car in river plunge

U.S. Troops Close Off Taliban Escape Routes

Celebs, Fashion Community Remember McQueen

Raw Video: Hospital Where Clinton Was Taken

Ex-President Clinton Undergoes Heart Procedure

Valentine's Day London premiere

Cardiologist: Clinton May Resume Activities Soon

The big screen warms up to Valentine's Day

South Africa hails Mandela on anniversary of release

BCBG Showcases Its Fall 2010 Collection

Raw Video: Hillary Clinton Arrives at Hospital

Former President Bill Clinton Hospitalized

Clinton Cardiologist: His Prognosis Is Excellent

Person of Interest Named in Fla. Girl's Death

Rep. Patrick Kennedy: 'Won't Seek Reelection'

Raw Video: Hillary, Chelsea Clinton Leave Hospit

Sharing the love in a Malay polygamy club

Kerrigan: My Family's Standing Behind My Brother

'Barefoot Bandit' May Be Back in Washington St.

Father of Suspect in Holloway Disappearance Dies

What will the Year of the Tiger hold for the world?

Glimmers of hope in Zimbabwe after reconciliation

Haiti mourns one month after devastating quake

Clinton in heart scare

Gwen Stefani Rocks the Runway in New York

Raw Video: Endeavour Astronauts on 1st Spacewalk

Ohio Man Chills Out in Homemade Igloo

Berlin film fest gets into full swing

ShowBiz Minute: McQueen, Madonna, Jackson

Clinton Leaves Hospital After Heart Procedure

Tranquility room in space

Maggie's time capsule

Iraq election campaign begins

It’s carnival time in Rio

Rare snowfall in Rome marvels visitors, snarls traffic

Raw Video: Dallas Snow Collapses Warehouse Roof

Five years after 'Cedar Revolution', Lebanon reflects

Raw Video: DC Metro Train Derails

Police: Man With Ax Attacks Baby Stroller

Status Quo rock all over the palace

Flagellation ceremonies mark Islamic anniversary

No Serious Injuries in DC Metro Derailment

Car plunges into river

McQueen's Death Hurts London Fashion Scene

Passenger: 'The Train Was Off-track'

Senegal's cattle sidelined for imported powdered milk

Stars regret Polanski absence at Berlin premiere

Chinese artist slams 'censorship' of Sarkozy installation

Video: Learn To Prevent Heart Attacks

Video: Stimulus Money Awarded To Canadian Company

Video: Hammer Bandits Caught On Camera

Video: Longer Wait Periods For Divorce?

Video: Witness: I Tried To Stop Ax Attack

Video: 11-Year-Old Allegedly Lured For Sex

Video: Abandoned Animals On The Rise

Video: Your Car May Need A Repair You Don't Know About

Video: Thrift Shop Owner Helps Flood Victims

Video: GPS System Tracks Children

Video: Michelle Williams Faces Heartache in New Movie

CNBC Business Report with Courtney Reagan

Video: Police: Man With Ax Attacks Baby Stroller

Sen. Rockefeller on Obama: ‘He’s Beginning to Not Be Believable to Me’

Beck Boosts Sales of ‘Evil’ Book

George Lopez Calls Palin a ‘B*tch’ in Spanish

Lawrence O’Donnell to Bush Speechwriter: ‘Your Administration Invited the First Attack’

Father’s Death Causes Patrick Kennedy to Not Seek Reelection

Angry Man Runs Naked Through Phoenix Airport

Sen. Bond: Obama Administration Is Going Back to Pre-9/11 Mentality

Winter Weather Creates ‘Storm of TV Bloopers’

Perino: Shoe Bomber & Underwear Bomber are ‘Apples And Oranges’

Argentinian Man Pushes Stalled Van off Track as Train Approaches

Reporter Razzes FNC’s Kelly: ‘You Look Fabulous in That Dress You’re Not Wearing’

Canadian Lawmaker Gives Finger to Colleague Inside Legislature

Surveillance Video Shows Man Smashing 29 Flat Screens at Wal-Mart

ABC News: Bill Clinton Has Two Stents Placed in Coronary Artery

Wallace Takes Shot at Scarborough: ‘I’m Offended People Watch Him on MSNBC’

WH Quizzed on Biden Saying Iraq ‘Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration’

‘Narc That Car’: Company Claims Recording Car Tags Can Lead to Profit

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’: ‘Almost Unpatriotic’ to Say DC Snow Disproves Climate Change

Man Accused of Using Stun Gun on Dancing ‘Sinner’

The B-Cast: Obama Changes Tune on Bonuses for Bank Execs

The B-Cast B-Side: Is Haitian 27th-Day Rescue an Example of ‘The Third Man?’

Snarky BBC Commentator Explores ‘Treacherous’ Inanities of TV News Winter Weather Coverage

CNN’s Ali Velshi Called ‘Dumbass’ Live on Air by Prank Caller

John Mayer Breaks Down Onstage Over Playboy Interview Debacle

Astronauts Spacewalk for Ambitious Construction of ISS Observation Deck

Prius Recall Weighs Over Toyota

Republican Gregg Sees Scope on Financial Regulation

Reid Outlines Priorities For First Jobs Bill

Obama Now Says He Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Big Bonuses for ‘Savvy’ Bankers

Proposed Bill Would Allow Ads Inside, Outside Mississippi School Buses

Update: Teen Jumped in Seattle Bus Tunnel Says She Asked Guards for Help

Caught on Tape: Security Guards Stand By as Girl Brutally Attacked

Obama Sings for Civil Rights

Rep. Grayson: GOP Bad at Government But Good at Stalling

‘Totally Illogical’: Sessions Blasts Brennan’s USA Today Op-Ed

Tommy Thompson Considering Bid to Unseat Sen. Russ Feingold

Rep. Roskam: Obama Needs to Shed Pelosi’s Partisan Tactics

Elizabeth Edwards Threatens Husband’s Ex-Aide With Lawsuit

Omar bin Laden Warning: Father’s Successors Will Be Even More Cruel

Caught on Tape: Iranian Police Beat Opposition Protester

‘Freaky Trip’: VBS.TV Experiences Bizarre North Korean Hospitality

Caught on Video: Turkey Buzzard Collides With Helicopter

Ahmadinejad Announces Iran Is Now a ‘Nuclear State’

Biden: I Like Palin But She’s ‘Just So Far Out There’


Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-11, Thursday

02/11 The Mark Levin Show

Feb. 11, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


The Glenn Beck Apocalypse Now Hour: Guest advises audience to buy farms, 'take up arms' to prepare for anarchy

White House Jobs Report: Eh, Not So Much

Washington's Blog:Refuse to Pay Government Debt Incurred for Unlawful and Oppressive Purposes ... It Is the Personal Debt of Those Who Ordered It to Be Incurred

SocGen’s Edwards Sees Euro Breakup as Feldstein Predicts Change - Bloomberg.com

Canada’s Effort to Criminalize Criticism of Israel « Aletho News

Paramilitary Thugs Steal Private Arms Collection « LewRockwell.com Blog

UN panel to mobilize climate change funding - Yahoo! News

More Information on Senator Gronstal

The War on Guns

Think tank: Israel faces global delegitimization campaign - Haaretz - Israel News

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley-The 2nd Leg of The Banking Collapse

Danger Ahead For Small Banks - Daily Brief - Portfolio.com

Number of New Yorkers at risk of losing their home to foreclosure surges, new statistics show

Sipsey Street Irregulars: ATF's Acting Director Melson as Yosemite Sam: Dobyns' case burns agency's biscuits, stench starting to waft through the halls of Congress.

Feds push for tracking cell phones | Politics and Law - CNET News


*US Constitution - Articles, Amendments and Preamble of the US Constitution


*SITE:NOAA Climate Services