"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 February 2010

Sunday - 14 Feb -St. Valentine's Day

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

A second Texas Governor candidate also ‘not sure’ on 9-11. Should the Inquisition continue

AFP Obama signs law lifting debt ceiling

Caller Angus Calls Out Glenn Beck On His BailOut Hypocrisy

Climategate U-turn Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised

Climatology expert threatened for climate change views Michael Coren Columnists Comment Toronto Sun.

Control freaks want web licences to end bloggers' anonymity – be very afraid – Telegraph Blogs

Counties seek long-term solution to declining tax revenue - Somerset - Daily American

Critics Say Google Invades Privacy With New Service - NYTimes.com

Dem Sen. Rockefeller On Obama “He’s Beginning To Be Not Believable To Me”

Don’t trust Glen Beck, he is bought and paid for controlled opposition

During the Olympics, The Feds Will Be Reading Tweets, Drudge, and Huffington Post

Fear Takes the Wheell

Fort Worth 912 President Comes Out In Support Of Medinal

Goldman Sachs accused of rigging tax vote News.com.au

Hemingway and Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil War, but Jonathan Kay couldn’t handle an afternoon in the rain

Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East - Times Online

Israel not able to attack Iran, ex-IDF chief says

Leading Austrian Economist Some Conspiracy Theories Are True

Manufactured Controversy Backfires As Vast Majority Back Medina, Attack Glenn Beck

Obama Signs Law Raising Public Debt Limit from $12.4 Trillion to $14.3 Trillion

Obama waging economic warfare on several fronts, including Japan

Paul Craig Roberts The U.S. is a Police State

Perry Supporters Caught Posting Fake Pro-Medina Comments on Dallas Morning News

Police Spy Drone In Merseyside Makes Its First Arrest Using Thermal Imagine Equipment UK News Sky News

Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina strikes back after 9-11 comments - 2-12-10 - Houston News - abc13.coml

The battle of 9-11’s ailing first responders

The NRA Horns in on Supreme Court Gun Case

The Raw Story Microsoft co-founder Gates tackling climate change

Unlawful anti-terror powers planned for use during 2012 Olympics - Times Online

Utah delivers vote of no confidence for 'climate alarmists' Environment guardian.co.uk

With Glenn Beck leading the charge, mainstream media swarms on TX Gov. candidate Medina for not disavowing 9-11 Truthers

World may not be warming, say scientists - Times Online

Obama Declares He Will Rule by Authoritarian Decree.url


YouTube - Executive Orders from Hell! Why would an American President ever do this

YouTube - Michael Savage - Socialist Obama to Push Executive Orders Against Will of Americans - (2-12-10)


#Rothschild's Control of Central Banks

Timeline of the Rothschild family

Who Controls the Bilderberg Group? (2009) - Stormfront

Rothschild - History

The Rothschild Bloodline

Who Rules America?

The Rothschild Dynasty


*e book:"Descent Into Slavery"


The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit

Dr. David Ray Griffin Interview in Copenhagen and an Appeal to the European Community


*Talmud Unmasked

Jewish History, Jewish Religion

Jesus Is Yahweh God Almighty

The Thirteenth Tribe


1)THE HISTORY OF MONEY Rothschild Banking

2)THE HISTORY OF MONEY Abraham Lincoln's Greenback Dollar






The Constitution for the United States of America did not do away with the fundamental law established within The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, based on the Christian Law of the Colonial Charters




archived:American Dissident Voices:Shiny on the Outside, Rot on the Inside


Who Rules America?


Critics Say Google Invades Privacy With New Service - NYTimes.com

Frame-Up - Lone FBI Agent Trying To Create Sinclair Arrest

The Least-Trusted Banks in America

Croat scientist warns that ice age could start in five years

British oil dispute with Argentina escalates - Telegraph

Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East - Times Online

The new McCarthyism sweeping Israel - Middle East, World - The Independent

Letters: Terror and the birth of Israel - Letters, Opinion - The Independent

The Daily Life of Kawther Salam «Kawther Salam

Zimbabwe - Park The Bus

savethemales.ca - Feminism is Racism Against Men

Indicting the Supreme Court

Roy Tov – Rightwards


Is Judge Goldstone a Traitor? « Mantiq al-Tayr

YouTube - Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Control freaks want web licences to end bloggers' anonymity – be very afraid – Telegraph Blogs

Algae to solve the Pentagon's jet fuel problem | Environment | The Observer

Bolivia to launch satellite into space | World news | guardian.co.uk

Citizens For Legitimate Government

Dead Man Musings: Masonic Expose Leads to Death Warrant

UFO sceptic has close encounter with 'alien' on Phear Park bowling green | Metro.co.uk

Medina says she doesn't have position on whether U.S. government helped 9/11 attackers | Postcards

YouTube - Wheel Wars: Clone cars attack Russian roads

Dreyfus, The Protocols And Goldstone

Israel, US and Iran: an environmental perspective

Verizon Said to Be Planning to Put Skype on Its Mobile Phones - Bloomberg.com

My Way News - US, Afghan troops sweep into Taliban stronghold

US 'Star Wars' lasers bring down ballistic missile | Science | The Guardian

My Way News - Astronauts hit snag with new space station room

Toyota recalls 8,000 Tacoma trucks - CNN.com

Princess Diana's letters reveal personal details - CNN.com

545 People

Beware - Aspartame Has Been Renamed 'AminoSweet'

YouTube - US-China relations could get worse

Inexplicata - This Week's Mexican UFO Incidents

How to invest for the debt-bomb explosion Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

YouTube - 4 Month Air-Force UFO Investigation - Brazil 1977 Pt1 of 9

Meteorite Hits Mexico Leaving 30 Meter Crater in Ahuazotepec Municipality | NEWSOLIO

YouTube - The Zionist Matrix of Power in America

DC And Wall Street Are Wall-To-Wall Liars

Roy Tov – The Cross of Bethlehem

YouTube - Black On Black CRIME; Sick BLACK MEN Killing Eachother

Europe's Five "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States"

Journalists Jailed for Comment on CIA Suicide Bombing «Kawther Salam


YouTube - New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'


The Mysterious Death of Bush's Cyber-Guru | Maxim.com

Illegal Immigration And You

Dead Man Musings: Alex Jones and Free Masonry

The BRAD BLOG : 'Maxim' Feature on Death of Bush/Rove/GOP IT Guru Mike Connell is Now Posted Online



YouTube - The CFR Controls American News/Media

YouTube - 1961 speech Eisenhower Warns us of New World Order

YouTube - JFK - Exposing the New World Order



*Fluoride /Lead/ Arsenic Comparison Chart


EclippTV :: Video :: World bankers secret meeting - Top Police and Law Enforcement RESIGNING

Police chiefs resigning/fired all over the country

Police Chiefs Resigning/Fired All Over The Country


YouTube - Ex-Mossad Agent Ostrovsky: the "anti-semite" label

Sarah Palin Supports A New 9/11 Investigation : Deadline Live with Jack Blood

“Tea O Cons” Vs Paleo-Constitutionalists for the soul of the T Party movement. Who will win? : Deadline Live with Jack Blood

Palin the Wrecker? Impalin’d? The Tea Party is DEAD! : Deadline Live with Jack Blood

Debra Medina, Glenn Beck, 911 Truth and the Importance of Private Property : Deadline Live with Jack Blood

Chris Matthews tries to smear Debra Medina and the Constitution as Racist! : Deadline Live with Jack Blood

Liberal White Boy: The CIA... Why Do We Call It An Intelligence Agency?

'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' | www.tpuc.org

Press TV

Ahmadinejad: Iran doesn't need nukes, they haven't helped Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews


America's deadly robots rewrite the rules

Ex-IDF chief: Israel can't handle nuclear Iran alone - Haaretz - Israel News

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon

Cash4Gold: A King Among Predators - Stephen C. Webster - Brave New Hooks - True/Slant

Romans 13 Invoked at Los Angeles Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast 2010 - SoCal Martial Law Alerts (Los Angeles, CA) - Meetup.com

Japanese accidentally cover themselves with pepper spray in whaling war | Mail Online

Dennis Kucinich declares emperor has no clothes: US government assassinations of citizens unlawful


Passengers who refuse body scan at Heathrow and Manchester airports to be barred from flights | Mail Online


EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense - 11 Feb 2010 - Part 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense - 11 Feb 2010 - Part 2

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense - 11 Feb 2010 - Part 3

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense - 11 Feb 2010 - Part 4


EclippTV :: Video :: Chinas Economic Revenge?

EclippTV :: Video :: World bankers secret meeting - Top Police and Law Enforcement RESIGNING

How to invest for the debt-bomb explosion Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

The U.S "Odious Debts" used to Finance Illegal Wars

Debra Medina for Texas Governor | Single Post

US Launches Massive Attack On Taliban Despite Olympic Truce | NEWS JUNKIE POST

Pro Libertate: The Most Liberating Word

The Canadian National Newspaper: Twilight of the Psychopaths

U.S. Envoys Head Out on a Mission to Rally Iran’s Neighbors - NYTimes.com



Is the Holocaust Torah rabbi a fraud? | The Telegraph | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Climate change deniers are ‘unpatriotic’ | Raw Story


*Site:JFK Link

JFKLINK: Links & Resources


Download:Esoterica Episode 5: Project Bluebeam

Download:Esoterica Episode 4: Ramblin Secret Societies...

Download:Deadline Live – February 12 2010

Download:Deadline Live – February 11 2010

Download:Deadline Live – February 9 2010

audio:Jason Bermas - 2010-Feb-07, Sunday


Obama Regime Readying Executive Orders on Several Issues

02-13-2010: Students Brains Rewired By The Internet

02-13-2010: Flu.Gov Myths

China surprises by raising banks' required reserves

Zionism: A Fairy Tale That’s Become a Terrifying Nightmare

Not All Iranians Hate Their Regime

The Goal of Modern Propaganda: Mythocracy

It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is a Police State

Indicting the Supreme Court

VIDEO: Is the US a Police State?

Robert Gibbs Admits KSM 9/11 Trial in NYC Is Just For Show

Ron Paul Talks Tea Parties With Rachel Maddow 2/9/2010

How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't

Senate Jobs Bill Contains Patriot Act Extension

John Yoo Confronted by WeAreChange and Many Others At The Common Wealth Club SF

The battle of 9/11’s ailing first responders

YouTube - Serco Group - Your New World Order

The Age of Egocasting

Neo-Conned: Ron Paul Explains How the Conservative Movement Has Been Co-Opted by Trotskyites

Henry Paulson: My close ties with Wall Street were ‘a huge help’

Surveillance Drones To Zap Protesters Into Submission

Police sent on hypnosis courses

Universal DNA Reader Will Advance Faster, Cheaper Sequencing Efforts

Did Obama Consult Homeland Security Secretary on Day of Christmas Attack? Napolitano Says She Was in Contact with ‘President’s Office’

McCain, Inhofe Oppose Repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;' Lieberman Thinks Repeal Won’t Hurt Recruitment

Airport Body Scanners Violate the Teachings of Islam, Says Muslim Group

John Murtha: Requiem for a Corruptocrat

The Green Police Take Over the Country

The Bush Family's Project Hammer

Depopulation by Government Edict

Deficit to Explode Under Obama Even With Recovery

Obama: New Budget Rules Will Rein in Spending

Cheney: Biden 'Dead Wrong' on Terror Threat

Repeal of Pentagon's Gay Ban Could Take Years

No Easy Solutions to Ailing Healthcare System

Cheney: Biden Should Give Credit for Iraq to Bush

Obama Adviser Jones Dodges Cheney's Criticism

Vatican's Top 10: Jacko to Beatles

GOP Divided on Invitation to Obama Health Summit

McCain Faces Toughest Re-Election Challenge

Hillary to Build Case for Iran Sanctions on Gulf Tour

New Uncertainty Surrounds Sept. 11 Trial

Detained Americans Seek Distance From Adviser

Obama Nuke Plant Loan Reflects New Energy Strategy

Ark. Candidate Likens Stem Cell Work to Nazi Tests

Buffett: Bush Did Good Job During Crisis

People Have Power to Beat ‘Money Trust’

Rachel Maddow Calls Out Rep. Schock for Hypocrisy on Stimulus Bill

Biden: Cheney's Entitled To Opinions But Not His Own Facts

Dick Cheney: Waterboarding should have been an option for underwear bomber

Foxheads wonder why 'liberal media' laugh when right-wingers claim blizzards disprove global warming

Evan Kohlmann Refutes Republican Fear Mongering on Terror Trials

Driftglass and Bluegal: The Sarah Palin as Porn Podcast (plus Brooks and Broder)

Online Poll on Taxing Wall St. Hacked; Allegedly Tied To Goldman Sachs

Michigan militiamen insist they're just ordinary folks with guns and a deep paranoia about the government

The Rachel Maddow Show: Filibuster, Abuse It and Lose It?

Sherrod Brown Proposes Tax On Banker Bonuses Over $25K. Give 'Em Hell!

Pledge To Make 1,000,000 Calls To Congress To Pass Health Reform!

O'Reilly thinks the rest of the media disrespect the Tea Party protesters. Unlike how Fox treated anti-war protesters.

The Real Battle: Deficit Reduction is Class War

John Brennan Should Be Fired! He's Playing Politics With The Republicans!

As Senator Ackbar warns, "It's a trap!" Jon Stewart on those "[cough]pussies[cough]"


?shit!/YouTube - DayTripper~ Mae West

?shit!/YouTube - Mae West "Great Balls of Fire"


Johann Hari: Obama's secret prisons in Afghanistan endanger us all - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

U.S. To Be Hit By Massive Cyber Attack On Feb. 16. Asterisk. - The Atlantic Politics Channel

During the Olympics, the Feds Will Be Reading Your Tweets - ABC News

FDL Action » Tea Partiers: Ron Paul Bad, ConAgra & Bombing Iran Good

Ron Paul: ‘Neocon influence’ is infiltrating tea parties | Raw Story

Climategate: Plausibility and the blogosphere in the post-normal age | The Corbett Report

Should We Clone Neanderthals?

Yahoo! News Search Results for 'Yes we can be ecologist

My Way News - Biden says Iraq war wasn't worth `horrible price'

Sarah Palin and Scott Brown set the United States frothing - Times Online

My Way News - Spacewalking astronauts turn plumbers, hook hoses

Taliban vow guerrilla warfare against NATO troops - Yahoo! News

Star-studded We Are The World 25 video premieres one month after devastating Haiti quake | Mail Online

FT.com / Europe - Greece turns on EU critics

German protesters stop neo-Nazi march in Dresden - Yahoo! News

Dutch tourist shot in Carnival mugging in Rio: police

The Hindu : News / National : No breakthrough in Pune blast probe

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Ukraine confirms Yanukovych win

Missile strike kills 12 civilians as Afghan offensive gets under way - Times Online

Hillary Clinton urges Iran to reconsider 'dangerous' nuclear policy | World news | guardian.co.uk

Burma frees pro-democracy deputy leader Tin Oo | World news | guardian.co.uk

Lebanon marks five-year anniversary of Hariri assasination / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: Only 1 in 5 blacklisted Iraqi candidates to run

BBC News - Clinton warns Iran not to 'build their bomb'

Power line hits Nigerian bus, kills 20

BBC News - Sex claim investigated as Palestinian aide suspended

Yemen rebels to hand over Saudi soldiers: report | Reuters

The Associated Press: Sri Lankan Buddhists: Release opposition leader

channelnewsasia.com - Southeast Asia's first Universal Studios theme park opens in Singapore

Vactican meetings are 'not just a cosmetic excercise' - The Irish Times - Sun, Feb 14, 2010


*flashback:R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter

*Robert Parry and Gary Webb - "Cocaine and the Contras" -1996 - ...

*Gary Webb on CIA Trafficking of Cocaine


The Dark Allience - Gary Webb / SJMN Series




Records of Lawrence Walsh relating to Iran/Contra


Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv 5/5

"Silent Bob" Thrown Off Southwest Flight For Being Too Large - Kevin Smith, Clerks - latimes.com

Scorsese Eyes New Film Project With Robert De Niro - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Tina Fey: I Like to Fly My 'Normal' Flag

Crime writer and former jockey Dick Francis dies | Reuters

Singer Adkins says 'tragic day" saw band's fatal bus wreck | shreveporttimes.com | Shreveport Times

The Associated Press: Preteen Carnival queen set to parade in Rio

EXCLUSIVE: Tiger Woods' Wife Goes Out On The Town, Leaves Him Home Alone | RadarOnline.com

China Ushers in Year of the Tiger | Asia | English

Cheney Attacks Obama on National Security - WSJ.com

Dueling VPs: Biden, Cheney Parry on Terror - Face The Nation - CBS News

The Associated Press: Biden: White House wants to hear GOP health ideas

Obama names U.S. envoy to Islamic Conference - washingtonpost.com

U.S. Envoy Is to Be Link to Muslims - NYTimes.com

Rehab and Recovery for Clinton - ABC News

Can Sarah Palin translate celebrity into real political power? - washingtonpost.com

2 Democrats declare run for Kennedy’s R.I. congressional seat - The Boston Globe

Gates donates handcuffs from arrest to Smithsonian

Senate Democrats race to regain bipartisan coalition on jobs bill - washingtonpost.com

UPDATE 1-ConocoPhillips' Alaska head dies in avalanche | Reuters

Southern Gets Conditional Nuclear Loan Guarantee - WSJ.com

Economic View - What’s Sustainable About Obama’s Budget? - NYTimes.com

Robert Gibbs gets Twitter account - gets insulted immediately / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: Biden: Military trial possible for 9/11 suspect

Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Texas/Southwest

YouTube - Debra Medina's Post Glenn Beck Interview Comments

Margaret Sullivan: Paterson flap a sign of Web-age dilemma : Opinion : The Buffalo News

On Leadership: Is Sarah Palin offering a plan -- or just an attitude? - washingtonpost.com

4 kids die in Michigan townhouse fire - Life- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: China warns US on Dalai Lama, but tensions to cool

One Deal Too Many Costs Billy Tauzin His Job - NYTimes.com

flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room: Huey P. Long - May 2, 1935 | Newstalgia

Fair Game - A Price Tag for Future Bailouts, Not Just Fannie and Freddie - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Progressives and the Growing Dependency Agenda

Some Democrats keep distance from Obama - latimes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Palin’s Cunning Sleight of Hand - NYTimes.com

Obama’s Very Weak Hand - James C. Capretta - National Review Online

Politics And The Planet | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - The Reckoning and The Restructuring

'Try' harder, Bam - NYPOST.com

The Fable of Market Meritocracy - Reason Magazine

Can Sarah Palin translate celebrity into real political power? - washingtonpost.com

The duplicitous candidate - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - A Sure-Fire Legal Recipe for Airport Insecurity

The case against banning the word 'retard' - washingtonpost.com

Op-Ed Contributor - The Myth of the One-Term Wonder - NYTimes.com

A White House in denial / Poor poll numbers driven by policy, not ‘anti-incumbent’ mood - SignOnSanDiego.com

Tea Party Hypocrisy

Big answers to big lies: Israel refutes UN's despicable Goldstone Report

Senate Democrats race to regain bipartisan coalition on jobs bill - washingtonpost.com

Democrats Could Lose Powerful Anti-Bush Message - WSJ.com

In Black Caucus, a Fund-Raising Powerhouse - NYTimes.com

Lobbyist spending jumps 5 percent last year despite nation's recession woes - TheHill.com


*2-14/Politics VideoCheney: Obama Administration is "Dead Wrong" On Terror

Cheney Supports Obama Afghanistan Strategy

Biden: Cheney Is Trying To "Rewrite" History

Harold Ford Jr.: No Decision On Senate Run

Sen. Graham: Brennan Has "Lost My Confidence"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Obama Agenda, Jobs

Gen. Jones: Afghanistan Plan Is "Solid"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Biden, Cheney, Bipartisanship

Biden: "Thank God The Last Administration Didn't Listen" To Cheney

Liz Cheney: "Incompetence" From Obama Administration Scares People

"This Week" Roundtable On Biden, Cheney

Poll: Palin Not Qualified To Be President


*2-13/Dean: Republicans Don't Believe In Science Anymore

Obama Weekly Address On Pay As You Go

"Special Report" Panel On Health Care Summit

Maddow: Palin Is Camera Shy

Sen. Graham Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Trials For Terrorists

O'Reilly: Two Worrisome Situations

Olbermann: Obama Claims A Partial Victory


*2-14/Transcripts:Interview with Former Vice President Cheney

Interview with Vice President Biden

Interview with Vice President Biden (PDF)


Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power - NYTimes.com

U.S. debt threatens to be overwhelming - Washington Times

Some Democrats keep distance from Obama - latimes.com

President Obama to Announce Special Envoy to Muslim World - Political Punch

Terror reviews avoid word 'Islamist' - Washington Times

Reuters AlertNet - Looming NATO offensive raises few Afghan spirits

The ugly truth about Jack Murtha - NYPOST.com

Lebanese troops open fire on Israeli warplanes

Support builds for Murtha's wife to take U.S. House seat - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House prepping for possible high court vacancy « - Blogs from CNN.com

Only 8 percent say incumbents should be reelected - Jake Sherman and Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Government vs. civil liberties

Satire:WND RADIO 'Hole in the Ozone'

WND RADIO 'Cap-and-trade buried under the snow'

WND RADIO Voters gunning for every incumbent?


Declining U.S. Navy facing Chinese challenge

Peevish China recalls panda Tai Shan due to Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama - Times Online

Watch MSNBC's hosts duel during angry tirade

Rockefeller on Obama: Prez isn't 'believable'

Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power - NYTimes.com

ACORN and other leftist groups eligible to get nearly $4 billion in Obama's fiscal 2011 budget - Water Cooler - Washington Times

When Dick Cheney attacks - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

U.N. jump-starting cash collections for 'climate change'

China's fears of rich nation 'climate conspiracy' at Copenhagen revealed | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Utah delivers vote of no confidence for 'climate alarmists' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Under Mallorca: Measuring Climate Change in Mediterranean Caves - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

FOXNews.com - Global Warming Debate Heats Up in Wake of Record Snowstorms

Obama accused of helping Iran

Israel girds for Iran battle - Israel News, Ynetnews

Court stands behind cross necklace prohibition

Gibbs jokes about Boy Scouts' fight for survival

12 civilians killed in Afghan assault - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

BUSTED! Undercover video nails largest abortion provider

Sex Valentines issued by Planned Parenthood

nrc.nl - International - As late abortions double, Dutch debate ultrasound again

Chief: Ala. prof held in 3 killings shot Mass. kin - Yahoo! News

Ala. prof accused of killing 3 was denied tenure - Yahoo! News

Reality TV father raped long lost daughter | News.com.au

Tagger runs afoul of dozens of L.A. County deputies gathered in Commerce | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

Regulators Hired by Toyota Helped Halt Investigations - Yahoo! News

Gerry Adams to talk forgiveness with relative of victim of IRA in Jesus documentary | Politics | The Observer

Agent Sues ATF for His Trouble With Hells Angels - AOL News

Killian O'Brien Sues Anderson Cooper After Fallling at His House - AOL News

Olympians slide with heavy hearts | NBC Olympics

Johnny Weir staying in Olympic Village because of anti-fur activists - Fourth-Place Medal - 2010 Olympics Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Thin Alpine air has slimming effect on the obese - The Local

Orthorexia: Can Healthy Eating Be Labeled a Disorder? - TIME

Monks reviving Canfield motel - Vindy.com, The Vindicator

Singapore denounces pastor for ridiculing Buddhists | Lifestyle | Reuters

The Associated Press: Tension among Haiti's religions grows after quake

Warren: Megachurches, Multi-Site Venues Are Biblical | Christianpost.com

Is Sarah Palin Lucky or Savvy? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Sarah Palin story as told through Google search / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Cloning Neanderthals: Not a Pipedream - CBS News


*American Minute for February 14th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

FOXNews.com - Gubernatorial Candidates Echo Theories of Birthers, 9/11Truthers

Attorney facing penalties wants birth docs for defense

Obama's missing year

Obama is Eligible to Serve and ‘Birthers’ are Vindicated?

American Thinker: Another Look at Obama's Origins

American Thinker: A Further Inquiry into Obama's Origins


*Hillary's eligibility challenged in Supreme Court


Climategate's Phil Jones Confesses to Climate Fraud

Obama and the Horizontal Axis of Faith

The Anachronism of Apostasy

Is It Possible for a Practicing Muslim Soldier to Swear Allegiance to the U.S. Constitution?

Common Criminals or Enemy Combatants?

Ezekiel's Tomb on the Edge of Destruction

DHS and its trouble with enemy identification

Remembering Abraham Lincoln this President's Day weekend

It's not too late to get the Himalayan glacier melt back on schedule

Comparative religion 101: Climate change and Islam

Is Iran trying to provoke Israel to attack it?

Biden on Obama's 'great achievement' in Iraq

Personal privacy in the Age of Obama

The persistent practice of tying conservatives to Nazis

American Islamist Headley reportedly cased sites for India terror attack

The Ambassador and His Twitter Account

Why Tenure Harms Education

Obama and 'First Americans'

'Tis the Tax Season

Obama and the Government Employees

Why Obama Can't Drop Health Care Reform

9-11 Truth Litmus Test

Chemtrails -- In Retrospect...

Glenn Beck & Rick Perry Do The Texas Two Step

State-Controlled Media versus Debra Medina et al.

Is Glenn Beck Obama's "Female Canine Companion"?

Open Letter to Congressman Charlie Dent from Jake Towne on HR 4061, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act

Climate Change and Weather

Individual Liberty & the Founding Fathers

US seeks to shore up support for tough Iran stance


#Video: Raw Video: Florida Condo Goes Boom in Implosion

Video: Limited Resistance to Massive Afghan Assault

Video: Forces Forge Ahead in Massive Afghan Offensive

Video: Police: Alaska Oil Firm Head Dies in Avalanche

Biden: Iraq War Wasn't Worth 'Horrible Price'

Biden 'Confident' 9/11 Plotter Will Be Convicted

Displaced in Afghanistan

Video: Jaco Report: Could The Rams Still Leave St. Louis?

Cheney: Waterboarding Should Have Been Option with Underwear Bomber

Cheney Undecided on Palin

Cheney: Palin Wrong on Iran War Politics

Cheney: 'Reconsider Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Cheney: Biden 'Dead Wrong' on Terror

Michael Reagan Counters Brother’s Claims About Dad & Palin

Danica Patrick in 12-Car Accident in NASCAR Debut

Bill Maher: ‘We Love The Troops The Way Michael Vick Loves Dogs’

How Badly Can CNN Misspell ‘Massachusetts?’

Savage on Palin: ‘She’s Not Electable as President’

Rogue Waves Injure Spectators at California Surfing Competition

Biden Slams Cheney: ‘Let Me Choose My Words Carefully Here’

Fox News Features Video of Sen. Feinstein’s 1990 ‘Hand-Note’ Moment

Palestinian Video Mixes Scenes From Avatar With Na’vi-Style Protest in West Bank

Update: Professor Charged in Campus Shooting

Dems Take Aim at SCOTUS Ruling

Daycare Teacher Accused of Stepping on Children

Poll: Palin Not Qualified to Be President

Earnhardt Involved in Scary Daytona Crash

Toddler Found Wandering Without Pants in Single-Digit Temps

Anarchists Smash Windows in Vancouver

Krauthammer Details How Republicans Should Approach Obama’s Health Care Summit

Dem: Reid Scrapped Jobs Bill Because He Thought GOPers Wouldn’t ‘Play Fair and Square’

The B-Cast C-Side: A ‘Freaky’ Look Inside North Korea

The B-Cast: MSNBC Analyst Charges Bush With Inviting 9-11

The B-Cast Interview: Was Obama a Committed Marxist in College?

Glenn Beck: Who to Support in Texas…

Gretzky Grimaces as Technical Malfunction Hits Olympic Flame Lighting Ceremony

‘We Are the World’ for Haiti Debuts During Olympic Opening Ceremony

George Lopez Calls Palin a ‘B*tch’ in Spanish

Republican Gregg Sees Scope on Financial Regulation

Teacher Accused in Campus Killings Shot Her Brother Decades Ago

Cars Sprayed With Racial Slurs

Horror: Mentally Challenged Woman Tortured, Stuffed in Garbage Can in PA School Parking Lot

Holy Smokes: Drug Smugglers Hide Pot in Framed Jesus Pictures

Alabama College Teacher Kills Three Co-Workers

Biden ‘Confident’ 9/11 Plotter Will Be Convicted

Cheney: Waterboarding Should Have Been Option with Underwear Bomber

Cheney Undecided on Palin

Cheney: Palin Wrong on Iran War Politics

Cheney: ‘Reconsider Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’

Cheney: Biden ‘Dead Wrong’ on Terror

Taliban Stronghold Under Siege in NATO Offensive

Caught on Video: Turkey Buzzard Collides With Helicopter


Palace Guard Comedians: George Lopez Calls Sarah Palin a ‘B*tch’

NewsBusted: Will Health Care Legislation Die?

Rise of the Massachusetts Right: Scott Brown Was Only the Beginning

Obama’s Financial Hope and Change: Free Money for Wall Street

Abraham Lincoln: ‘A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand’

SEIU’s Shameless Abuse of Olympic Games Tragedy

President L-Dopa

The Folly of Financial Reform

Remembering Lincoln: What is ‘The New Birth of Freedom’?

What I Saw at the Tea Party Convention

Is the Great ‘Global Warming’ Snowjob Finally Coming to an End?

Why Does the MSM Ignore Al Gore’s ‘Global Warming’ Million$?

Al Gore, Call Your Agent: It Really May Be Time to Give Back That Oscar

Overnight Thread: Pat Condell on Geert Wilders, the Netherlands, and the Death of Free Speech

Another Reason Nobody Watches CNN Anymore: ‘Go Gangsta?’

Breaking News: ‘Global Warming’ Really Means ‘Cooling,’ or maybe ‘Climate Change’

The Child Molester Scandal That Isn’t: What the MSM Doesn’t Report

The Future of Journalism — Online, Youthful and Unafraid


#Video:Olympics/Luge: Luge death a 'tragedy', says IOC chief

Welcome to 'Savewood': Hollywood sign gets makeover

Rio residents head to beach at night to escape heat

Chavez buys out shopkeepers

2010 Winter Games declared open

The lowly sandwich goes up-market

Fully restored 'Metropolis' makes Berlin homecoming

Obama: New Budget Rules Will Rein in Spending

GOP: Civilian Terror Trials 'dangerous'

Major Afghan assault claims first Taliban casualties

Father remanded over river plunge

Shooting Suspect: 'They Are Still Alive'

Limited Resistance to Massive Afghan Assault

Soldier killed in Taliban assault

Major assault on Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan

Man Training to Be 911 Operator Saves Son's Life

Major assault on Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan

'Wall Street of Roses' does brisk Valentine's trade

Czechs sip pink beer for Valentine's Day

Olympics/Luge: Sombre mood as lugers get back to business

Raw Video: China Welcomes Year of the Tiger

Raw Video: Scuffles Mark Dresden Anniversary

Accused Ala. Shooter Killed Brother Years Ago

Raw Video: Rogue Waves Mar Surfing Contest

Olympic flame fenced off to the public

The science of love

Whistler transformed

Crowds flock to temple fairs for Chinese New Year

Raw Video: Man Sets Hugging Record

Raw Video: Spacewalkers Attach Vital ISS Links

Lebanon 'March 14' supporters rally for slain Hariri

New series of Masterchef

Rare geese descend on Lindisfarne

River girl dies

Civilians die in Afghan strike

Haiti quake victims search the debris for precious objects

60-year-old Grandmother Survives Shark Attack

Cheeky Valentine's Day stunt

Polanski absent from premiere

Police: Alaska Oil Firm Head Dies in Avalanche

Forces Forge Ahead in Massive Afghan Offensive

Limited Resistance to Massive Afghan Assault

Raw Video: Florida Condo Goes Boom in Implosion

Raw Video: NYPD Cop Crashes Outside Tiffany's


The Real American Narrative

Obama and Liberals Must Be Stopped In the November Elections or Our Country Will NOT Survive

Messiah-less, but NOT Leaderless…

Obama Believes He Has the Secret Blueprint to the Universe

The Railroading of Geert Wilders

Terrorist trials may still be held in Manhattan, says President

Corruption, collusion, or legal thievery

A Threat Analysis of RFID Passports

CAIR Continues Legal and Propaganda Assault on Counterterrorists

Iran’s Brinkmanship is Paying Off

Kennedy Opts to Retire Rather Than Face the Music

The History of RINO’s

Obama’s Invisible Homeless and Hungry

When It Comes to National Debt, Obama Eschews Transparency

The Temperature at Which Global Warming Freezes

Mullen: Attack on Iran could have 'unintended consequences'

Jpost - 'Population swap as part of peace'

Ultraconservative jihadists challenge Hamas rule in Gaza - Haaretz - Israel News

U.S. official: We want to boost ties with Syria - Haaretz - Israel News

Bolton: Obama 'Crippled' By Desire to Negotiate With Iran - Hannity - FOXNews.com

8 killed in suspected terrorist attack in India - South and Central Asia- msnbc.com

Bill Gates: We need global 'energy miracles' - CNN.com

Demonstrators thwart neo-Nazi bid to stage Dresden bombing rally | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 13.02.2010

Foreign Doctors Say They Are Haunted by the Haitians They Couldn’t Save - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - White House Issues Jobs Report, Blames Bush for Weak Economic Recovery

Israel upholds legality of Jews-only housing complex in Jaffa - Haaretz - Israel News

The Struggle for Iran | The Weekly Standard

No Compromise on Enemy Combatants - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Caroline B. Glick: Sarah Palin's friendship

It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

The Clinton Voters Jump Ship | The Weekly Standard

California Tree Carving Hints at Early Chumash Astronomy - TIME

Martian Dune Mystery Solved by Bouncing Sand Grains | Wired Science | Wired.com

BBC News - Genes behind stammering uncovered

Brain surgery boosts spirituality : Nature News

In Internet Era, an Unwilling Lord for New Age Followers - NYTimes.com

The Other Side of Truth: Are Military and Police Witnesses Any More Reliable Than Civilians?

Scientists Freeze Water with Heat | LiveScience

SPACE.com -- Cosmic Winter Olympics: Moon Skiing and Mars Skating