"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 November 2009


Video Playlists:rebel888 | Embedr

Peter Lance

(2:04:14)C-Span Book TV short: Peter Lance on TRIPLE CROSS: Gross Negligence Leading to 911

(1:43:07)Peter Lance on Triple Cross

(2:04:13)Triple Cross


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/20/09


Dr. Henry Audio:Swine Flu:Niman's Exclusive Reports With Jeff Rense - 19 Nov


Micro-Chipping Of US Citizens To Be Mandatory?

Jesus Christ's 'death certificate' found on Turin Shroud - Telegraph

Large Hadron Collider restarts after 14 months of repairs - Telegraph

UFO's? Chris Hardman Says He's Got Recorded Proof

LED Tattoos Could Turn Skin Into Screens (VIDEO)

Religious Leaders Call for Civil Disobedience if Laws Don’t Respect Faith

Video - Who Are The Oathkeepers : CNN.com

'No better time to be a communist in US' - India - The Times of India

Twitter chief to Murdoch: paying for internet content will not work | Technology | The Guardian

Americas' Freedoms Contradicted

Obama Must Toss Treasury, End Wars, Start Leading

MISSOSOLOGY • View topic - Dolphin Killing festival in Denmark

House of straw and hemp withstands 1,000°C fire test - Local & National, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

El Niño intensifies Latin American drought - Telegraph

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? – Telegraph Blogs

Climate scientists accused of 'manipulating global warming data' - Telegraph

Hackers 'expose global warming con': Claims that leaked emails reveal research centre massaged temperature data | Mail Online

Zionism - The Worst Plague In The History Of Mankind

The Zionist Elephant In The Room

The ADL Vindicates Michael Collins Piper « Mantiq al-Tayr

EasyJet Causes Controversy With Holocaust Memorial Fashion Shoot

France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying

Cows Pulled From Slaughter - Too Many Antibiotics

Economists - Wrong Again

savethemales.ca - "An Education" : Parable of Jewish Moral Seduction

BREAKING: Leaked UK government plan to create "Pirate Finder General" with power to appoint militias, create laws - Boing Boing

Britain's new Internet law -- as bad as everyone's been saying, and worse. Much, much worse. - Boing Boing

New Poll - Israelis Think Ethnic Cleansing Is The Solution

As The Light Onto The Nations

Most Read In World News

Real School Absence Excuse Notes

Schwarz - Yes, America, The Caca Grows Deeper

Karzai 'would fall in weeks' if Nato pulls out | World news | guardian.co.uk

David Headley: quiet American with alleged links to Mumbai massacre - Times Online

Tomgram: Chip Ward, The Ruins in Our Future | TomDispatch

Op-Ed Contributor - Addicted to Mammograms - NYTimes.com

Beginning of the end for the Internet in the UK

Herman Van Rompuy and Lady Cathy Ashton chosen to lead EU | World news | guardian.co.uk

Lynne Stewart...Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed

Ft. Hood-winked: Newest false-flag shooting story riddled with holes

Of Oil Changers And Churches

YouTube - Obama The Cat gets confronted (cat girlfriend betrayal mashup/remix)

Feature Video

Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis Uncut - Part 1 of 8

Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis Uncut - Part 2 of 8

Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Uncut Part 3 of 8

Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Part 4 of 8

Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Part 5 of 8

Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Part 6 of 8

Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Part 7 of 8

Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Part 8 of 8

*The Energy Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams


*Site:Immigration Control - Home



Video:Seeds of Deception/(84:53)Everything you HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods

(1:48:57)Controlling Our Food

(1:49:01)The World According to Monsanto

Archive Audio

Jeff Rense - Benjamin Fulford Interview - Part 1 07/05/07

Jeff Rense - Benjamin Fulford Interview - Part 2 07/05/07


*JFK Assassination - The Zapruder Film Stabilized

JFK Assassination - Did Jack Ruby work for Richard Nixon?

JFK Assassination - FBI letter links George Bush to CIA

JFK Assassination - Was George H. W. Bush in Dealey Plaza when Kennedy was killed?

JFK Assassination - Letter confirms George H. W. Bush was laying false trail for JFK assassination

JFK Assassination - Lee Oswald did work for CIA


US builds up its bases in oil-rich South America

Colombian military 'on maximum alert' | Herald Sun

Did Israel Kill JFK? Wouldn’t that Suck? « Mantiq al-Tayr

The Law Still Says That Federal Reserve Notes Are Not Money « Dprogram.net

Greenscam: Scientific Mass Manipulation in Action - Salem-News.Com

***A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

Refreshing News: JFK's nephew barred from communion: Report

YouTube - Man Bear Pig

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on House Floor: End the War in Afghanistan Part1

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on House Floor: End the War in Afghanistan Part2

EclippTV :: Video :: Tarpley - Operation Safe Haven

EclippTV :: Video :: Tim Geithner - Here Comes Tarp Gate

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff For Senate 2010

How heavy is the Internet? - Crave at CNET UK

Power Line - The Alarmists Do "Science": A Case Study

New Documentary Challenges Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' on Global Warming - FOXNews.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Truth Behind China’s Currency Peg

Towards an Alternative to Globalization

New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as "first year of global governance"

The Pending Collapse Of The U.S.A. : Information Clearing House - ICH

WikiLeaks is overloaded. We need your support for more servers.

Refreshing News: Obama asks Americans for patience on economy

Hyphenated American: "Intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy"


EclippTV :: Video :: Fed Transparency - Here Comes Ron Paul & HR 1207


US to drop shooting case against Blackwater guard - Yahoo! News

Georgia State Prof Calls Elie Wiesel 'A Con Man'

A Prominent False Witness - Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel - A Fraud

Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science – Telegraph Blogs

Mossad role in Turkey coup plot revealed

American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

Yes, Virginia, there really are government conspiracies!


Worried pimp 'called off Rabbi Baruch Chalomish's three-day drug-fuelled orgy' - Times Online

Obama Restores Mossad Spy’s Visa | Tikun Olam-תקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place

Hacked files show warming scheme, skeptics say

Bill to audit Federal Reserve passed in committee

Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists | Environment | guardian.co.uk

'Summers were the worst,' says woman in Missouri sex abuse case - CNN.com

Drilling into volcano will not make it erupt, scientists say - Times Online

Refreshing News: First human trials for stem cell blindness therapy

YouTube - Chimp Vs Human - Memory Test

US Yet To Sign United Nations Children’s Rights Treaty – 20 Years On

EclippTV :: Video :: "RON PAUL and the Libertarians are RIGHT" Robert Scheer pt1

EclippTV :: Video :: Behind the Meltdown and Bailouts prt 2

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff - Healthcare Reform IS Socialized Medicine

EclippTV :: Video :: Alan Grayson and Eliot Spitzer take aim at the Fed


ClimateGate - Climate center's server hacked revealing documents and emails

Free Advice: Global Warming Bombshell--or "Mushroom Cloud"?

Michael Crichton Annihilates Al Gore And Global Warming - Home - The Daily Bail

Refreshing News: Herman Van Rompuy: Europe's first president to push for 'Euro tax'

Warmist conspiracy exposed? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

American Thinker Blog: Govt-Funded Research Unit Destroyed Original Climate Data

The card payments you cannot stop - Telegraph

NORAD may ground costly 9/11 air defense system | Raw Story

Secret CIA Prison Discovered

International Law And Israeli Propaganda

The Global Warming Scam

Refreshing News: Hillary and Miliband: a very special relationship

pdf/State of the Population 2009

highway to hell

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome « Dprogram.net

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

The Road to Copenhagen part III: A “Planetary Regime” in the Making


11-22-2009: Agents for 'world peace' -- inside the United Nations International School

11-21-2009: Scientology Trial Reveals Alleged Work Camps and Baby-Killing

11-21-2009: Expert: U.S. Losing Its Lead In Space

Health Bill Clears Senate Hurdle

11-20-2009: The Vatican Condemns New Twilight Film

11-20-2009: Modern Warfare scriptwriter defends airport "massacre" scene

11-20-2009: High Income Tax Needed For Afghan War Says Senator

11-20-2009: Military experiment seeks to predict PTSD

Hasan's Supervisor Warned Army In 2007

Medibots: The world's smallest surgeons

Scientists create Star Trek-style phaser that can both stun and revive creatures

Under H.R. 2454 Cap and Trade Bill, homeowners need upgrades and a license to sell a house


US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun

Intel: Chips in brains will control computers by 2020

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Global Warming Buffs Baffled by Lack of Global Warming Over Past Ten Years

Pentagon Manhunters: America's New Murder, Inc.?

Pelosi: Wall Street Tax Must Be International

Revealed... the 515 chemicals women put on their bodies every day

Norwegian scientists raise concerns about mutated form of swine flu

Obama’s Extra-judicial Killers

Should Obama Fire Gen. McChrystal?

SATIRE:U.S. Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt

Drug Makers Raise Prices in Face of Health Care Reform

Red Alert: The Second Wave of The Financial Tsunami

U.S. Enlists Allies in New Surge

"Why we fight": The Nature of Modern Imperialism

Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban

Modern Warfare 2: Massacre Civilians to Save the World

Warmist conspiracy exposed?

NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows 7 Security

NSA’s public relations spinmeisters

The Great Depression meets the Great Recession

Men from Opposite Spectra Agree: Power of Fed Must Be Diminished

CCR Files Opening Brief in First Supreme Court Case to Challenge Patriot Act

**The Silver Bear Cafe:The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society

DollarDaze Economic Commentary Blog - Gold, Oil, Stocks, Investments, Currencies, and the Federal Reserve: What Has Government Done to the Dollar? by Mike Hewitt

Shenandoah » The Day the Dollar Died

Shenandoah » American Hangover (The Day the Dollar Died, Part II)

Shenandoah » “I Have Been to the Fields of Gettysburg” (The Day the Dollar Died Part III)

Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon deployment - Target: Freedom

Artificial Triple-Helixed DNA: Will It Trigger Unintended Consequences?

Sonic boom’s source still a mystery - Featured Story - SunHerald.com

Paul Proctor -- The Idolatry of Celebrity Worship

NWV News - Internationalists Push for the Creation of World Spy Agency

Eyes in the sky - Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca

YouTube - Plague or Plan? Ukraine's mystery disease 'burns out lungs'

U.S. House Speaker Says Afghan Leader 'Unworthy Partner'

Iranian Commander Announces Air Defense Maneuvers

Six powers urge Iran to accept UN scheme

Baptist Leader: Obama ‘Very Dangerous,’ Causing ‘Severe Damage’

Pope and Anglican Leader Agree on Closer Relations

Reid Health Bill Has Hidden Perks for Chiropractors

McCain Says He Enjoyed Palin Book

Levin: More Intel Exists on Fort Hood Shooter

Ethics Panel Slams Sen. Roland Burris

Fort Hood Shooter in Confinement in Hospital

Hasan Increased Emails to Jihadist Before Hood Attack

Levi Johnston's Mother Gets 3 Years in Drug Case

Health Bill Contains Millions to Sway Sen. Landrieu

GOP Governors Assail Healthcare Plans

Democrats Now Have 60 Votes for Healthcare

GOP: Health Test Recommendations Step Toward Rationing

Healthcare Bill Clears Senate Hurdle on Party-Line Vote

Dana Milbank - Sweeteners for the South

Healthcare bill passes first U.S. Senate test | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

David S. Broder - David Broder: Fears of health-reform cost are justifiable

Democrats hold line, but cracks show - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Reform tax would hit H1N1 vaccine manufacturers - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Upper-Bracket Tax May Be Needed for Afghan War Cost, Levin Says - Bloomberg.com

Unburied bodies tell the tale of Detroit — a city in despair - Times Online

Cuba: military exercise braces island for US attack

Jesse Jackson: 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man' - TheHill.com

Pope tells artists beauty can be a path to God | Lifestyle | Reuters

Radiation detected at Three Mile Island | 6abc.com - 11/22/09 - Philadelphia News - 6abc.com

New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as "first year of global governance"

Video - CNBC: A New Global Currency and a New World Order

Health and safety snoops to enter family homes

CBO: By 2019, Taxpayers Will Pay $196 Billion A Year for Obamacare, But 24 Million People Will Remain Uninsured

Obama Administration to Fine Employers as GOP Pushes to Replace Illegals with U.S. Workers

Pelosi Won't Say Whether Osama Bin Laden Should be Told He Has the Right to Remain Silent and Get a Lawyer

Leading U.N. Critic Sees Political Agenda Behind U.N.’s Decision to Bar Her

Evangelicals Give Away 170,000 Copies of Darwin’s Book With ‘Special Introduction’ to College Students

Holder Can’t Say Whether Osama Bin Laden Would Be Tried in Civilian or Military Court

Decision to Try KSM in Civilian Court is 'Asinine' and Has Terrorists ‘Laughing At Us,' Says Republican Member of Judiciary Committee

In May, Obama Said He’d Use Military Commissions to Try Terrorists ‘Who Violate the Laws of War’ and to Protect Intelligence Sources and Trial Participants

Health Care Bill As Important As Civil Rights Act, Creation of Social Security, Senator Says

Pentagon Launches 45-Day Emergency Investigation Into Management Lapses Like Those at Fort Hood

House Panel Sets Fees for Large Financial Firms but Delays Regulatory Overhaul Bill

When Big Labor Bullies and Volunteers Collide

Another 2,000-Page Bill

Lieberman says nobody ran on the public option during 2008 presidential election; then admits they did

Dem Leadership Negotiating Option Trigger to Get ConservaDem Votes. Thanks, Harry!

Why Chuck Todd is an idiot

Sen. Lamar Alexander Calls Medicaid a "Medical Ghetto"

Nate Silver: We Shouldn't Be Celebrating Just Yet on Healthcare Reform

Grayson on Auditing the Fed: We're About to See the Man Behind the Curtain in Emerald City

'Tea Party: The Documentary Film': No, really, this trailer is not a creation of The Onion

Dobbs lies to Telemundo about his phony leprosy story: 'I did not stand behind that reportage'

Blanche Lincoln whines about Blue America/outside group ads, but votes for cloture on health care

CafePress stops selling Psalms 109:8 items

All-night Campout at Sarah Palin Book Signing

Palin attacks Obama and Biden for their 'lack of experience' -- and can't tell us why she can do the job better

Mary Matalin "slaps" one on Sarah Palin

Thanks to CIGNA, A Six-Year-Old Girl May Never Hear Again. Each Day's Delay, Another Horror Story.

Alan Grayson: "Today was Waterloo for Fed secrecy"

The Arsonists Who Lit The Economic Match Complain About The Fire Department.

Hasselbeck on KSM "They Chucked Some Water on Him"--Hannity "I'm Glad We Waterboarded Him"

Students protest tuition hikes in California

Countdown on the 'Fearmonger in Chief': 'We cannot just dismiss him'

Bernard Goldberg Responds to Jon Stewart Slamming Him for Down Syndrome Statement

Size Does Matter for Fox News and Conservatives

Why Do Right Wing Pundits Accuse Democrats of 'Raping' Americans?

Palin's dog ate her homework: She 'booted' response to Couric because Katie was snotty to her

Obama Appoints Loyal Bushie Dana Perino To Broadcasting Board Of Governors

Grand Ole Tyrants by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Truth Behind China's Currency Peg by Peter Schiff

Thomas Frank v. Sarah Palin by Jeff Taylor

Begging and Bowing by C.J. Maloney

Major Victory With Swine Flu Scandal by Joseph Mercola

Fed Audit Shield Takes Blow After Ron Paul Proposal Advances - Bloomberg.com

Secession from Obama’s America

Dark Chocolate: The New Antianxiety Drug? - Healthy Living - Health.com

Michael Jackson's white glove brings in $350,000 at auction | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Oprah decides to sign off in 2011 - 21 Nov 09

John Travolta: 'We Know That We Are Loved' - John Travolta, Kelly Preston : People.com

Dallas residents remember JFK slaying - UPI.com

Record Exec Pleads Not Guilty To Tween Chaos At Mall - Gothamist

Man Marries Virtual Girlfriend ... With Public Reception - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

End of an era: Winfrey ending show after 25 years

Al Gore Takes "Green" Message to Saturday Night Live

Financial panel approves credit unions’ carve-out, Rep. Paul’s Fed audit - TheHill.com

Climate Change Advocate Calls E-Mail Hacking Appalling - FOXNews.com

Defense Attorney John Galligan Hasan Won't Plead Guilty, May Use Insanity Defense - ABC News

My Palin prediction: She won't run | Kathleen O'Brien - NJ.com

In The Villages, The Villages Florida, Villages Life, News, Entertainment, Weather, Sports, Travel, Local, US & World News, The Villages Magazine, WVLG 640 AM - thevillagesdailysun.com

New York Lawmakers Put Themselves Before State, Paterson Says - Bloomberg.com

Harvard, MIT, Yale Lead U.S. Rhodes Scholar List - Bloomberg.com

Federal officials tour Thomson prison

Durbin touts Thomson plan’s benefits at tour - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Will donor scandals doom Crist's Senate bid?

YouTube - Bill Clears Sen. Hurdle; Next Up a Full Debate

Iran Drills Simulate Defense of Nuclear Sites | Politics | English

Hamas halts rocket attacks on Israel - Times Online

26 dead as Indonesian ferry sinks - CNN.com

Indian PM says not clear who controls Pakistan army | Reuters

US pours millions into anti-Taliban militias in Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian

Climate change sceptics and lobbyists put world at risk, says top adviser | Environment | The Guardian

Hamid Karzai ministers face Afghanistan corruption charges - Times Online

YouTube - Karzai pledges to fight corruption and kick out foreigners

Police targeted in N. Ireland bomb attack - CNN.com

Don't want to be cause of Indo-China tensions: Dalai Lama - India - The Times of India

Israel's Peres Calls Settlement Building 'Marginal Issue' | War and Conflicts | English

YouTube - Ashton Answers to Critics on EU Foreign Post


**The American Open Currency Standard**

What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 11 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 12 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 13 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 14 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 15 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 16 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 17 by Gary North



How To Look At The Article V Convention

**END THE FED - HR 3996, the Automatic Bailout Bill of 2009

Article V Convention: No Reason to Fear Liberals

The People and Their State

Hospital Falters as Refuge for Illegal Immigrants

Hispanics blame Rahm for immigrant ban - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Islamic center in Maryland keeps ties to Iran - Washington Times

Schools' Iran $$ pipeline

The ADL targets WND

Central Park Jogger a lesson for gang rape case

Denver police arrest 32 in series of downtown assaults - The Denver Post

The Health Benefits of Mushrooms | Washington Times Communities

Subway riders sealed in murder car

Tibet thrown under the bus - Washington Times

The Evidence of Climate Fraud

The Obama/Holder Bushwhack

The EPA and Me

The Killers Within

Pirate Politics

It's Character, Stupid

Obama's Expatriate Years

Entrepreneurs Go on Strike

Obama's Indecision

Americans Are Messaging Each Other 'S.O.S.'

Masters of the Language

Will 2010 Be the Perfect Storm?

Healthcare disaster looms

'Climategate' Heats Up

The NYT and 'American Justice'

Obama bungle produces 'worst U.S.-Japan summit in history'

Our good friends, the Pakistanis

The FBI in peace and war

Was IG Walpin fired because he uncovered hush money scandal?

Another snub to American Jews

Obama hints he may not run in 2012

American satisfaction with their health care coverage growing

Real cost of senate reform bill: $1.625 Trillion

Scientific scandal appears to rock climate change promoters

Obama goes from radiant to radioactive

Today's Media Ethics Award goes to...

Oh to be an illegal alien under Obamacare...

A 'Great Leap Forward' for Cuban healthcare

Warming's 'Pentagon Papers' continues to unravel the fraud.

Whose responsibility is the health care of illegal immigrants?

Our national debt: How much would 12 trillion eggs weigh?

And the blame for Obamacare goes to...

What does a senate vote on health care reform cost these days?

Big victory for Reid but plenty of hurdles still remain

Iran's lobby exposed

Praising Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven

CRU Files Betray Climate Alarmists' Funding Hypocrisy

Sarah Palin and the Bard

Obama -- and Reagan -- Go to China

Deliberative Analysis, RIP

Profiling the Psyclops

If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem

Which America Do Americans Want?

Obama needs some progress with Asia now after his trip - The China Post

Reality Check: The Hajj | Foreign Policy

RAND - Our Man in Kabul

Dangerous Game: The Next Round of the U.S.-Iran Nuclear Face-Off - TIME

The Week Magazine - Hospital Falters as Refuge for Illegal Immigrants

The Daily Star - Apathy, as Mahmoud Abbas abandons an irrelevant presidency

The Rally Was Nice While It Lasted... at SmartMoney.com

Obamanomics 101

Unforeseen climate 'crisis' - Washington Times

Climate requires a careful choice Thomas Kostigen's Ethics Monitor - MarketWatch

Hospital Falters as Refuge for Illegal Immigrants

RealClearPolitics - Economy Is Weak, Voters Are Angry -- Time for Third Party?

RealClearPolitics - Holder's True Motive

Holder's decision on Mohammed trial defended - washingtonpost.com

Murder In The Bronx, Business As Usual: A Suggestion For Obama In 2014 | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Criminalizing Health Care Freedom

Why Not Tax Wall Street?

Malign Neglect

Article;Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Talks to Jonathan Van Meter About Her Unexpected Appointment

Andrew Winston: Why Going Green -- And The Climate Negotiations In Copenhagen -- Matter Now More Than Ever

Investors.com - The Day Global Warming Stood Still

Health care's 'public option' would cover little of population - USATODAY.com

Senate healthcare vote clears the way for formal debate to begin -- latimes.com

President Obama has developed tin ear in reform debate - BostonHerald.com

Sarah Palin, weapon of mass distraction

Leveraging the Obama Brand

Barack Obama dream fades as China visit fails to bring change - Times Online

Eric Holder's Baffling KSM Decision - WSJ.com

We can still afford to act like America - Leonard Pitts Jr. - MiamiHerald.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Vendetta Against Bush

Why America Must Learn to Bow - The Daily Beast

Partisan divide widens as Obama considers Afghanistan policy

Goldman gambit won't work

RealClearPolitics - Oil's Expanding Frontiers

Obama needs to feel the heat

The Adventures of Low Impact Man

EDITORIAL EXCLUSIVE: On terrorists, Justice recused - Washington Times

Editorial - Goldman’s Non-Apology - NYTimes.com

'Too high a price' -- chicagotribune.com

RealClearPolitics - Nov 22, 2009 - Analysis: Fed under fire as public anger mounts

Upper-Bracket Tax May Be Needed for Afghan War Cost, Levin Says - Bloomberg.com

McCaskill still working toward goal of reading the healthcare bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

GOP eyes McDonnell strategy - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com


*Transcripts:Candian-Indian Friendship

The U.S.-Indian Partnership

Secretary Gates Press Conference w/Canadian DM MacKay

Interview with Sarah Palin

Geithner's Testimony to the Joint Economic Comm.

Panel on the Senate Health Care Bill

Analysts on Obama's Trip to Asia

Sen. Hatch on the Senate Health Care Bill

Rep. Pete Hoekstra on NYC Terror Trials

Secretary Clinton's Press Conference in Kabul

Senate Democrats at odds over health care bill

News Video

Video: Seattle Woman Denied Credit, Told She's Dead

Video: Assisted Living During the Holidays

Picking Your Mutual Fund

Video: Raw Video: Building Collapses After Flooding

Video: Creating A Perfect Roast Turkey, Dressing And Cranberry Sauce

Michael Scott Laid to Rest

Video: Deadly Ferry Sinking in Indonesia

Rep. Kennedy Says He's Banned From Communion Associated Press Nov. 22, 2009. 11:07 AM EST

Retro motorbike on the comeback trail Agence France-Presse Nov. 22, 2009. 10:30 AM EST

Democrats Try to Explain ‘$300 Million Dollar Bribe’ in Health Care Bill

Senate Minority Leader on Health Bill: ‘Wrong Direction to Go’

Senate Dem: I’ll Risk My Job to Vote for Health Reform

Tina Fey on Palin: ‘They Recently Made a Porn Movie…About Sarah…’

Phoenix Family Uses Road Kill As Main Dish

Car Dealership Billboard Links Obama With Jihadists

Palin Fans Express Frustration After Book Signing Debacle

Miss Gay Brazil Loses Wig to Angry Rival During Post Pagaent Interview

Caught on Tape: Political Party Activists Ransack Indian Newsroom

McCain Urges Arizona Senior Citizens to Tear Up AARP Cards

Landrieu Votes ‘Yes’ to Move Senate Health Bill Forward

New Hampshire Reporter Announces Candidacy for ‘Phantom’ Congressional Seat

GOP: ‘This Is Not True Health Care Reform’

Senate Minority Leader: It’s a ‘Monstrosity of a Bill’

Reid: Everything Is Fully Paid For

‘Bury Them’: Fresno Homecare Workers Describe SEIU Threats

Kyl: Saturday Vote on Senate Health Bill is ‘Beginning of the End’

CA Cops Say Man Paid Teens to Spit in His Face

The B-Cast Interview: Creator Explains Objectives of ‘2011: Obama Coup Fails’ Online Game

Crowd Boos Palin After Hundreds Are Turned Away at Book Signing

Muslim Revenge? Masked Gunman Kills Orthodox Priest in Moscow Church

Person in Chicken Costume Crashes Colorado Council Meeting

Media Matters Says Media Conservatives Are Obsessed With Rape

Mom Says Marijuana Treats Saved Autistic Son

Huffington Says Beck is ‘Morally Liable’ if ‘Violence Ensues From What He Says’

Train Door Suddenly Separates Father From 3-Year-Old Son

Tearful Oprah Tells Audience Why She’s Ending Her Show

Explicit: Elvis Costello Doesn’t Think Much of O’Reilly & Dobbs

Bernie Goldberg Responds to Jon Stewart’s ‘F*** You’

Peruvian Gang Murdered Dozens to Get Body Fat for European Cosmetics

Baby Born While Astronaut Dad Spacewalks

Celebs honour everyday heroes

Supporters Line Up Hours in Advance to See Palin in Roanoke

Oklahoma Senator on Health Care Reform: ‘It’s Really Malpractice’

Glenn Beck Reveals ‘The Plan’

Veteran Killed Trying to Make VFW Deposit

Bill Clears Sen. Hurdle; Next Up a Full Debate

Bikini Clad Baristas at Colorado Coffee Shop

Raw Video: Is Accused Robber Eating Holdup Note?

Prosecutors Ask for Life Sentence in Knox Case

French ‘Hamster Hotel’ Lets Humans Live Like Rodents

Italy Debates: Should Crosses Be Displayed in Public?

LHC back online

Rome's new contemporary art museum

Gun sales firing up in the US

GOP: 'This Is Not True Health Care Reform'

Obama Talks Up His Trip to Asia

Grotto open for Xmas

House Judiciary Chair: ‘I’m Getting Tired Of Saving Obama’s Can’

YouTube Adds Automatic Subtitling

Jerry Springer on Oprah’s Departure From Daytime: ‘She’s the Best’

The B-Cast C-Side: Is the ‘Prayer for Obama’ Secret Message a Serious Threat?

The B-Cast B-Side: MSNBC vs. Palin

It's hair today, gone tomorrow for hard-up Spaniards

Russian youth learn ancient craft of painting icons

Court Says Teacher Can't Pack a Pistol

Bond at $100k for Man Accused of Taping Reporter

Raw Video: Driver Hits 10 People Outside School

Police: NC Girl Killed on Day She Was Taken

New Advice on Women's Cancer Tests

Oprah: '25 Years Feels Right'

Nov. 20: Dollar Pushes Stocks Lower Yet Again

What's New at the Macy's Parade?

Obese Man Dies After 8 Months in His Recliner

Opel; Smuckers; Dell

Attorney: Mo. Teen Murder Suspect Tried Cutting Self

Computers for all, in Uruguay's schools

Presidential race too close to call in Romania

Raw Video: Death in Miley Cyrus Tour Bus Crash

Canine lifeguard's: man's best friend

Sick Pets Get High-tech Health Care

Raw Video: Frantic 911 Call of Fla. Home Attack

New nude of French first lady Carla Bruni up for auction

Tributes paid to officer killed in floods

Astute submarine arrives at Faslane on the Clyde


More Proof That America is a Racist Country

‘So Stoned’ Director’s Health-Care Ad Selected By Obama Celeb Panel

Why the Gratuitous Bush-Bash in ‘Blind Side’? — I’ll Tell You Why…

Watch Joy Behar and George Lopez Trash Sarah Palin’s Family

NBC’s ObamaVision: ‘30 Rock’ Offers Up An Appealing Al Gore

‘Newsweek’s’ Snobbish Stand-Up Slam

It’s Morning-After In America

Pledge of Allegiance to Dissent: An Intolerant ‘Excess of Liberty’?

Daily Gut: Sarah Palin’s Books Sales Prove We’re All Racists (Again)

Conservatives, It’s Time to Listen to Our Friends in the Mainstream Media

Steve Ditko’s ‘The Ever Unreachable’

ZoNation: Defending Palin, Calling Out Liberals

Book Excerpt: ‘Seize the Day Job’ — Part 1

Fools Wanted: A Lesson from ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’

‘New Moon’: Selling Your Soul for Puppy Love

Obama Nation: Show Trial of the Century

Detainees to Illinois: Can Obama’s Home State Sink Even Lower?

Whistleblower Video Reveals SEIU Ballot Fraud

Your Move Mr. Holder: ACORN Received $200,000 From Justice Department

Reps. Bono Mack, Ehlers Co-Sponsor House Resolution to Investigate ACORN

SEIU’s Next Beatdown Victim: Joe Lieberman

Columbia Journalism Review: Breitbart ‘Blackmailing’ Attorney General

Thanks for Paying Attention Big Journalism

Landrieu: I’ll Vote for New Government Health Care, If You Fix Old Government Health Care

Manipulating Climate Change: Warming to RICO?

ACORN Statement on Latest Los Angeles Video: The Hallway Defense

Sen Reid: Opposition to Health Care Vote is ‘Orwellian’

Inside ACORN’S Political Plans: Ensuring a Democrat Majority

Congress, We Don’t Trust You With Health Care At All

Sen. Lincoln on Board as 60th Vote: Enjoyed Her Senate Career

60 US Senators Vote For Government Take Over of Health Care

Is Medicare the Real Target of ‘Health Care Reform?’

Obama’s Labor Department Ignores Freedom of Information Act


AUDIONETDAILY GOP's Brownback: 'This is fiscal insanity'

AUDIONETDAILY Abortion galore in Reid's health-care bill

AUDIONETDAILY GOP's Wilson seeks 'full audit' of stimulus program


Look who's drinking 1-world Kool-Aid

'2009 first year of global governance'

Democrats Unite to Hold Off Senate GOP Health Care Filibuster

*Comparison of Democratic health care bills - Yahoo! Finance

Kennedy: Barred from Communion | John Mulligan | projo.com | The Providence Journal

Obama Group Targets 'Dangerous' Palin - George's Bottom Line

My Way News - "Going Rogue" is going big

Business & Technology | Army relents, will allow media at Palin book event | Seattle Times Newspaper

Sarah Palin: my life with a Down's syndrome child - Times Online

Tina Fey Reprises Sarah Palin Impersonation - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

FIRST PLAYGIRL PHOTOS: Levi Johnston - dad of Sarah Palin grandson - bares a lot, but not all

The Associated Press: Levi Johnston's mother gets 3 years in drug case

U.S. official: Obama 'obstacle to peace'

Iran cleric: We'll hit 'heart of Tel Aviv' if attacked - Haaretz - Israel News

Barak: We must crush IDF refusal with an iron fist - Haaretz - Israel News

'We the People' demanding stimulus audit

Mullah Omar moved to Karachi by ISI: US - US - World - The Times of India

Call for stricter checks on Americans - Politiken.dk

Americans expect Islamic terror strike within 6 months

Protestors gather at billboard comparing Obama to terrorists

Obama may put Americans under world judges' power

New EU president confirms New World Order desire (19Nov09) - AOL Video

U.S. Fears Iraqis Will Not Keep Up Rebuilt Projects - NYTimes.com

Chavez praises Carlos the Jackal

Glenn Beck draws 1,500 to book signing » TCPalm.com

A Big Loophole in Cap and Trade - BusinessWeek

Don't pack your parachute: Totally free fall - tech - 17 November 2009 - New Scientist

'We the People' demanding stimulus audit

Democrats worry about damage from Obama agenda

Americans expect Islamic terror strike within 6 months

Plan to audit secretive Federal Reserve revived

U.S. supporting Palestinian land-grab

Foreign Policy In Focus | Fort Hood: The War at Home

Let Rev. Manning be heard!

**ATLAH Media Network :Video Archive

The way that seems right: the social church in America

Let's bring the boys home now

Bring our troops home, Part 2

Secretary Napolitano's nose is growing

Islam is not compatible with a republic

Sodom in America

They're still after your water

25 things I'm thankful for

Stepping out in faith: Worth the risk

Joseph Farah WorldNet Daily Right Wing Madman Inciting Treason and Violence | Pitchfork Uprising

Parade bars Mrs. Claus - Local/State - NewsObserver.com

Women kidnap, rape teenager in church

The Blotter | Family of alleged cop-killer 'horrified' by local band's T-shirt | Seattle Times Newspaper

Police: Teacher had sex with 12-year-old repeatedly, then threatened him with gun - TwinCities.com

*The big list: Female teachers with students

CBC News - Depressed woman loses benefits over Facebook photos

Atheist Groups Grow on College Campuses - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Business & Technology | Restored machine to explore mysteries of Big Bang | Seattle Times Newspaper

Findings - A Case in Antiquities for ‘Finders Keepers’ - NYTimes.com

Mysterious sea creature spotted in Madeira Beach canal | 10connects.com | Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater

'Hobbits' are a new human species, according to statistical analysis of fossils

Ventura County Reporter - Abduction happens

Ananova - Santa Clauses demand swine flu shots

The Big Study: Want to understand UFOs?: Get to know UFOlogy's Founders.

Zap! Light Used to Paralyze Tiny Creatures | LiveScience

Piloting the Astral Plane: Was Amelia Earhart’s Last Message a Psychic SOS? | Mysterious Universe

Dateline > Where the Wild Things Are by Stayton Bonner - The Texas Observer

Sushi DNA Tests Reveal Fraud | Wired Science | Wired.com

‘The Manchurian Candidate’: All-American Conspiracy

Bob Hope: Thanks for the (Sordid) Memories

Mark Lombardi: Global (Conspiracy) Networks


American Minute for November 21st:William J Federer's American Minute

American Minute for November 22nd:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Were Swine Flu Death Projections Hyped?

Is America Finally Starting to Stand Up To Wall Street?

Vaccines: A Bullet to the Head

The Great Stimulus Debate of ‘09: “Crybabies need not apply”

CIA Black Site and Lithuanian Complicty

Gold Market Breakdown

*Stewart to Dobbs: Your views are ‘abhorrent, wrong, but consistent’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Lessons from Saturday’s vote

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Wells Fargo Says It Doesn’t Have to Reserve Against Its Off-Balance Sheet Residential Exposure Because the FHA (Meaning the Taxpayers) Will Pay For It

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Shadow Banking Topology

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Britain’s new Internet law — as bad as everyone’s been saying, and worse. Much, much worse.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Government lays out digital plans

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Another Extremist Conspiracy Theory? The Elite’s Own Statements

*4 pgs/The Crisis, Global Governance and the Road to Copenhagen’



Obama’s feeble dollar sparks a new goldrush - Times Online

Forced labour and rape, the new face of slavery in America | World news | The Observer

*(2,074 PGS)HR 3590 *

**Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Call Your Senator, Demand Debate On HR 3590

*SITE:Americans for Tax Reform

Healthcare reform faces challenges in Senate | U.S. | Reuters

The Terror Which Begot “Israel”

English Russia » Kadykchan. The City of Broken Dreams

At Concord Bridge « The Gospel Truth

Are Hate Crimes Legalizing Treason?

Herman Van Rompuy: Europe's first president to push for 'Euro tax' - Telegraph

Sister of British UN death plunge scientist rescues evidence from destruction in bid to disprove suicide theory | Mail Online

The state of Obama's nation - Telegraph

Sunday's best: Obama's health care effort lives on - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

US army killer talked to extremist imam about cash transfers | World news | The Observer

Is Luke Russert the reincarnation of 'Clara Bow?'

GOP Rep Insists New Breast Screening Guidelines Will Be Government Mandate

'SNL' scorches Obama policies

WORLD NEWS: SAS set to lift veil of secrecy over elite operations - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

ECONOMY: The Rumor About London Good Delivery Gold Bars That Are Allegedly Filled with Tungsten - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Intel: Chips In Brains Will Control Computers By 2020 - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

Alex Jones Audio

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 20th With Neil Fallon

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 19th With Alan Colmes

Rev. Manning

**ATLAH Media Network :Video Archive

*Feature Film

(2:19:30)EndGame HQ full length version

(2:24:18)Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

(1:53:40)The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


*Politics Video:Sens. Alexander, Stabenow, Bond & Specter On Health Care

"This Week" Roundtable On Health Care, Afghanistan

Kyl, Schumer On Senate Health Bill, Landrieu

Lieberman: Geithner Should Keep His Job

Sen. Brown Defends Getting Landrieu's Vote

Sens. Nelson, Coburn, Reps. Wasserman Schultz, Blackburn On HC

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Geithner, Jobs & Health Care

SNL Mocks Obama & Jintao Press Conference

Reid On Health Care Vote: "Ted Was Watching Us"

Senate Health Passes Key Test

Reid: Opposition To Health Bill Vote Is "Orwellian"

McConnell On Health Care: "Americans Oppose This Bill"

Sen. Landrieu: "My Vote Is A Vote To Move Forward"

Sen. Mike Crapo Gives Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

Obama Weekly: Traveling Abroad For Our Economy At Home

O'Reilly: Fact-Checking Sarah Palin

Reuters: Obama To Host Singh

Sarah Palin On Iran, Afghanistan & Terrorism

Sen. Burris Cleared Of Wrongdoing By Ethics Panel

Sarah Palin Talks McCain Campaign, Katie Couric & Media

Sen. Barrasso On Saturday Health Care Vote

Rep. Grayson Wants To Audit Fed

Jarrett: White House Stands Behind Geithner

Mary Matalin On Sarah Palin, Health Care

Sen. Hatch: There Will Be A "Holy War" Over Health Care

Sen. Whitehouse On GOP Stalling Health Care Bill

Sen. Klobuchar On Conservative Dems & Health Care

Olbermann: Glenn Beck Is A Fear Monger

O'Reilly: Why Sarah Palin Matters


Nov. 20, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 19, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 18, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

11/20 The Mark Levin Show

11/19 The Mark Levin Show

11/18 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-20, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-19, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-18, Wednesday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/19/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/18/09


Citizens For Legitimate Government:Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Virginia Tech Shooting 'Oddities'

Citizens For Legitimate Government:NIU Shooting 'Oddities'


*109 pgs:On Liberty/ John Stuart Mill