"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

20 November 2009


War made easy pt1 - World News Forum - Open Publishing

War made easy pt2 - World News Forum - Open Publishing

Featured Film

*(2:19:30)YouTube - EndGame HQ full length version


Conspiracy Planet - Mind Control - Fort Hood-Winked Conspiracy:'Legend' Full of Holes

Nuclear Attack On Denver Fails, US Air Force Explodes Missile In Sky

Front Row Washington : Obama nominates Bush spokeswoman to broadcast board | Blogs |

Psalm 109:8 bumper stickers -- a wrong-hearted prayer for President Obama? - Faith & Reason

US Credibility as Peace Broker Eroding by the Day by Ellen Massey -- Antiwar.com

NYT: Anti-terror air defense reviewed - The New York Times- msnbc.com

FAA Glitch Impacted Military Air Defense - ABC News

The Real News Network - Must be a new jobs program or Dems will pay

The Real News Network - Copenhagen: 'We need a legally binding treaty'

Extraterrestrial Life Official Disclosure Imminent

The Associated Press: Forest Service says trees can slow climate change

US Senate: Banksters the new Enron; manipulating markets to add trillions to consumer prices | NWOTruth

Obama rewards big donors with plum jobs overseas | NWOTruth

Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax

FLASHBACK: Obama Stating He’s Against Forced Insurance

Liberals refuse to admit Obama’s policies look a lot like Bush’s

World Trade Center ‘Cross Finder’ Calls for 9/11 Truth

YouTube - POLICE STATE: Cops to get Gun Fire Tracking Systems

More Police Using Gunfire Detection System (The Nassau County PBA)

Fort Hood Fear-Mongering, Enabled By Media, Breeds Strange Bedfellows

Thought Police Drive Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Developing nations outstrip rich on greenhouse gases | The Australian

The ADL’s Three “Extremist Conspiracy Theories” In Context And With Evidence

Purging The Undesirables: ADL Attempts To Pin A Yellow Star On Grass Roots America

CNN Propaganda Segment on Oath Keepers Demonizes Fall of the Republic

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Allies Want New Tax To Pay For Cost Of Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » House Financial Services Committee APPROVES Bill to Audit the Fed (Rejecting Watt’s Fake Alternate) and Votes to Rein In Foreign Currency Swaps

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Geithner Savaged On Unemployment During Fiery Capitol Hill Hearing

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Still Getting 1 Million Google Searches A Month

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CNN Propaganda Segment on Oath Keepers Demonizes Fall of the Republic

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won’t)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pelosi: Wall Street Tax Must Be International

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Gold’s ‘Money’ Value is $4,000 to $11,000: Market Strategist

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » How we discovered Verizon’s Spamdetector could be twisted into a disguise for censorship!

Cap and Trade

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home

** H.R. 2454**


savethemales.ca - "Pro-Choice" Icon Renounced Abortion & Lesbianism

Cancer industry desperately needs mammogram screenings to recruit patients and generate repeat business

The Truth Seeker - European Union gets medieval with ultra-secret elections

The Truth Seeker - Blackwater involved in Bhutto and Hariri hits says former Pakistani army chief

The Truth Seeker - The Illusion of Democracy in the Modern World

Another Kosher Hoax Is Exposed

Chicago's Camera Network Is Everywhere - WSJ.com

Swinderls List

Swindlers List: Obama's Zionist Jews in Power

Life After Death: Taxidermy’s Most Macabre Creations

Human Rights: Barack Obama's Double Standards. Aung San Suu Kyi versus Omar Khadr

Psychic Discovers Skeleton in the Walls of Wellsburg Mansion

Shroud of Turin Reveals Levitating Man

Bold sculpture of Michelle Obama with American flag across her bare chest - Telegraph

Is Algae the Biofuel of the Future?

Another Extremist Conspiracy Theory? The Elite’s Own Statements

Bilderberg Van Rompuy the New EU President

Looking for reason not to use Tasers? Here are 400 of them

Go to the Hospital in Illinois and Lose Your Gun Rights

*Site:Illinois State Rifle Association

Your smart meter is watching - thestar.com

Ron Paul’s Amendment To Audit The Federal Reserve Approved

Campaign For Liberty — Health-Care "Reform": It's All About Power | by Sheldon Richman

The Top New Dinosaurs of 2009 - Dinosaur Discoveries - Popular Mechanics

Could Jupiter Moon Harbor Fish-Size Life?

BBC News : FBI hunting elderly bank robber

Giant Lungless "Worm" Found Living on Land

MSNBC's Matthews Injects Phony Race Talking Point Into His Program AGAIN

Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out

Ron Paul and Jim DeMint: Americans Deserve a Transparent Fed - WSJ.com

13 VS. 2,000,000

Obedience to God or Obedience to Orders?

Out There

Alien Implant Surgery







video:NASA: Water Found in Moon Crater

video:Stanton Friedmon-pt.-1

video:Stanton Friedmon pt- 2

video:Stanton Friedmon pt. 3

video:Stanton Friedmon pt.-4

THE HISTORY CHANNEL:Interview:Zecharia Sitchin

Sumerian Artifacts - JASON MARTELL'S RESEARCH - Ancient Astronauts, Anunnaki

video:UFOs and the US Military

*(xfacts.com)Slide Page

Kyle Hunt - The Gods of Technology

Kyle Hunt - The Gods of Technology Continued


Nov. 19, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 18, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 17, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 19th With Alan Colmes

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 18th With Catherine Austin Fitts

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 17th With Webster Tarpley


$4.8 trillion - Interest on U.S. debt

CIA Secret 'Torture' Prison Found at Fancy Horseback Riding Academy

United Nations claims ‘Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution’

Bilderberg appoints Herman Van Rompuy as EU President

Postal Service Limits Letter To Santa Program

Hasan's Supervisor Warned Army In 2007

11-20-2009: Military experiment seeks to predict PTSD

11-20-2009: Senate Health Vote Set For Saturday Night

11-19-2009: Health bill could get 34-hour reading in Senate

11-19-2009: Judge allows secret services to hide evidence in civil lawsuits

11-19-2009: House Attacks Fed, Treasury

11-19-2009: McAfee Warns Of Cold War Styled Computer Attacks

11-19-2009: UN: Having Fewer Children Is Good For The Environment

The "Double Dip Economic Depression"

The Pentagon Budget: Largest Ever and Growing

(54:46)Charlie Rose: November 15 1994

Documentary: Fed Up! Genetic Engineering, Industrial Agriculture, and Sustainable Alternatives

Mammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

Copenhagen Treaty: Premises and Motivations

Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax

Total government convictions for IRS 'tax crimes': 666

Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power

NSA’s public relations spinmeisters

American jihad in Pakistan

With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

FLASHBACK : Middle Ages were warmer than today, say scientists

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

**The Silver Bear Cafe:The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society

What Has Government Done to the Dollar? by Mike Hewitt

Major Hasan's E-Mail: 'I Can't Wait to Join You' in Afterlife - ABC News

Ft. Hood-winked: Newest false-flag shooting story riddled with holes

Paul Proctor -- The Idolatry of Celebrity Worship

Artificial Triple-Helixed DNA: Will It Trigger Unintended Consequences?

Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon deployment - Target: Freedom

YouTube - Joseph Moshe whistle-blower on Baxter releasing outbreak (mutated H1N1 flu?) in Ukraine!

The Debt Economy

Creating Artificial Personalities -Should We be Worried?

The Future of Evolution: What Will We Become?

CBO: By 2019, Taxpayers Will Pay $196 Billion A Year for Obamacare, But 24 Million People Will Remain Uninsured

Obama Administration to Fine Employers as GOP Pushes to Replace Illegals with U.S. Workers

Pelosi Won't Say Whether Osama Bin Laden Should be Told He Has the Right to Remain Silent and Get a Lawyer

Leading U.N. Critic Sees Political Agenda Behind U.N.’s Decision to Bar Her

Evangelicals Give Away 170,000 Copies of Darwin’s Book With ‘Special Introduction’ to College Students

Holder Can’t Say Whether Osama Bin Laden Would Be Tried in Civilian or Military Court

Decision to Try KSM in Civilian Court is 'Asinine' and Has Terrorists ‘Laughing At Us,' Says Republican Member of Judiciary Committee

In May, Obama Said He’d Use Military Commissions to Try Terrorists ‘Who Violate the Laws of War’ and to Protect Intelligence Sources and Trial Participants

Health Care Bill As Important As Civil Rights Act, Creation of Social Security, Senator Says

GOP Governors Push for 2010 Party Rebirth

Pentagon Launches 45-Day Emergency Investigation Into Management Lapses Like Those at Fort Hood

House Panel Sets Fees for Large Financial Firms but Delays Regulatory Overhaul Bill

Kerry's Daughter Arrested in LA on DUI

Wife of Sen. Lugar Charged with DWI, Hit-and-Run

Rudy Giuliani Leaning Toward Run for U.S. Senate

Muslim Countries Seek Blasphemy Ban

UN Says More Children in School and Fewer Dying

Military Experiment Seeks to Predict Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Group Decries Saturated Fat in Movie Popcorn

Dumbo Univeristy

When Big Labor Bullies and Volunteers Collide

Words for Potent Jerks

Drafting the Army of the Uninsured?

***Senate Health Bill***

***(2074 pgs)Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act***

Another 2,000-Page Bill

Senate Health Care Bill Faces Crucial First Vote - NYTimes.com

*Key Provisions of the Senate Health Care Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Senate Embarks on Health Care Battle - CBS News

What's in the Senate Health Bill for You? - CBS News

Reid rolls out Senate healthcare bill -- latimes.com

Republican Governors Warn on Costs to States - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com


Why Do Right Wing Pundits Accuse Democrats of 'Raping' Americans?

Palin's dog ate her homework: She 'booted' response to Couric because Katie was snotty to her

Obama Appoints Loyal Bushie Dana Perino To Broadcasting Board Of Governors

Chris Matthews is Shocked at Poll Showing Republicans Believing ACORN Stole Presidential Election

Fred Thompson says the Afghanistan war is lost!

Mission accomplished, dude: Glenn Beck 'perfectly fine' being remembered as 'a complete nutjob'

Gene Lyons: Why Is There Always Money For The Latest War?

GOP Filibuster Fails Badly, but Jeff Sessions & George Bush May Get Last Laugh

Congressional Democrats Call For Investigation Into Drug Price Increases

The Daily Show: Lou Dobbs Interview


Video: Exclusive - Lou Dobbs Extended Interview Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Video: Exclusive - Lou Dobbs Extended Interview Pt. 2 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Video: Exclusive - Lou Dobbs Extended Interview Pt. 3 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central


How Many Troops Available for Afghanistan?

Pete DeFazio: We Need a New Economic Team That Cares More About Main Street Than Wall Street

Yep, It's A Jobless Recovery. Yoo Hoo, President Obama - Why Not A Jobs Program?

Crazed Michele Bachmann fan threatens a Ft. Hood-type bloodbath against a Michigan paper

Sarah Palin on Hannity: Just a regular transmission from Outer Wingnuttia

Republicans Block Dodd’s Effort to Immediately Stop Credit Card Rate Hikes

From The Karma Files: Texas Legislation To Ban Gay Marriage May Endanger ALL Marriages

PBS Newshour: Hunger in America

Hit the Reset Button on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda

Of RINOs, Moderate Democrats, and Men

Honest Liberals on Mob-O-Care

The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster

Islam-Bashers Repent

A Tale of Two Community Organizers

No Political Purge

Will 2010 Be the Perfect Storm?

Masters of the Language

Marriage Versus the Obama/Pelosi Nanny State

The Jewish Vote, One More Time

Americans are messaging each other 'S.O.S.'

Obama's Indecision

Entrepreneurs Go on Strike

Obama's expatriate years

Scientific scandal appears to rock climate change promoters

Obama goes from radiant to radioactive

Apology ideas submitted to Obama's Speechwriter

Progressive Taxation is punishing success

The farce of Obama not knowing

What's the right term for David Frum?

Top 10 Reasons you might be a progressive

Trouble in River City

San Francisco booksellers would rather lose money than go 'Rogue'

Democrats playing games with CBO numbers

A parable about debt

Article V Convention: No Reason to Fear Liberals

Dissident Wei asks why Obama "failed so much" in China?

The People and Their State

DDT: The Silent Killer...Only When It Was Gone

Elections do nothing to fumigate D.C. and rid us of our unelected pests.

Audio:Coast to Coast AM - George Noory - Sep 09 2009 - Hour 1 Alex Jones,, Whitley & Anne Strieber & Starfire Tor - Time Shifts

AUDIO:Coast to Coast AM - George Noory - Sep 09 2009 - Hour 1 Alex Jones,, Whitley & Anne Strieber & Starfire Tor - Time Shifts

AUDIO:Dreamland - 09-05-09 - Starfire Tor and Time Magic - dreamland_09_05_09

**Micro-Chipping Of US Citizens To Be Mandatory?

Zionism - The Worst Plague In The History Of Mankind

Our Chief Industry: War by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Of Oil Changers And Churches

Nuclear fuel won't go abroad, Iranian says -- latimes.com

As Bats Begin Hibernation, Deaths Expected : Discovery News

State environmental agency rejects request to repeal discharge ban

Health group finds high lead levels in several toys - The Boston Globe


Authorities allege additional taping of Erin Andrews by accused stalker - CNN.com

One Of These Could Become The Next EU President But Which One Is Guilty Of “War Crimes”?

Police State USA

*Comparing the Health Plans - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com

Kitco - Zinc Dimes, Tungsten Gold & Lost Respect - Jim Willie CB

Oh Bummer: Internet Under Siege

The Daily Local News : Serving Chester County

t r u t h o u t | The Logic of the 9/11 Trials, the Madness of the Military Commissions

The Raw Story | China ramps up espionage against US: study

US concerned about definition of aggression as international crime | Raw Story

Lou Dobbs mulls run for White House, Senate | Reuters

EclippTV :: Video :: 1/2 Marc Faber on Bloomberg: Sky Will Be the Limit for Gold Prices 11/18/09

EclippTV :: Video :: 2/2 Marc Faber on Bloomberg: Sky Will Be the Limit for Gold Prices 11/18/09

EclippTV :: Video :: Congressman Burgess to Tim Geithner - You Should of Never Been Hired

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul introduces HR 1207 Again-Fed Reserve Running Scared

YouTube - Apologize to the World Mr. Wallace and Return that Emmy


Norwegian scientists raise concerns about mutated form of swine flu

YouTube - Airforce gets new 30,000 pound bomb for Iran

Were Americans behind the Mumbai terrorist attacks? Chicago men questioned by FBI over assault that killed 166 | Mail Online

EclippTV :: Video :: Tim Geithner - I Won't Resign


The Raw Story | Posthumous book claims Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination

The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt : Rolling Stone

**The Death Of John Kennedy

The JFK Page:Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.

**The Dissenting Warren Member

*Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized

washingtonpost.com: Study Backs Theory of 'Grassy Knoll'


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Zionist Control of Britain’s Government: 1940-2009 by William A. Cook

Zionist Control of Britain’s Government: 1940-2009

Did Hitler Inspire the U.S. Post-9/11 Tribunal System? by Jacob G. Hornberger

Say no to asbos for downloaders | Charlotte Gore | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Daily Kos: Alan Grayson: "Today Was Waterloo for FED Secrecy,"

Barton Kunstler, Ph.D.: Biolabs Multiplying Like Rabbits: A Clear and Present Danger

Refreshing News: The 10 biggest mathematical disasters in the world

Refreshing News: Unsolved Math Problem Turns 150

FOX: Prof. Jim Fetzer on Hannity & Colmes (28-Sept-06)

The Trilateral Commission, John, Hillary, Obama, and the NWO of Feudalism

Stagnating Temperatures: Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

BBC News - 'Fat for cosmetics' murder suspects arrested in Peru

Check every day? … Geesh, the identity thieves have won

Oh Bummer: The Washington establishment suffers a serious defeat

Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession

AIPAC Received Classified US Trade Docs from Israeli Embassy

How we lied to put a killer in power - Asia, World - The Independent

**TaxProf Blog: 17 Tax Increases in Senate Health Care Bill = $370.2 Billion

Fox News Poll: 52 Percent Think 9/11 Trial Should be in Military Tribunal - FOXNews.com

Fort Hood Shootings a Shocker:Why Not U.S. War Crimes?

US Makes Debut Attendance at Hague War Crimes Court | CommonDreams.org

Let the Internet Fix America

Prepare for Osama bin Laden trial - Jeremy D. Mayer - POLITICO.com

ksl.com - Meteor lights up early morning sky, alarms Utahns

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post:How we discovered Verizon’s Spamdetector could be twisted into a disguise for censorship!

AUDIO:boilingfrogspost - Peter Lance

Palin Confuses Iraq And Iran In Hannity Interview (VIDEO)

Keynes, the Man by Murray N. Rothbard

Leviathan’s Orphans by William Norman Grigg

Ganging Up On Switzerland by Michael S. Rozeff

The State’s Use of Hobgoblins To Outlaw Entrepreneurship by Chris Brown

How Did We Get Into This Mess? by James Ostrowski

BBC News - Alcohol 'protects men's hearts'

Black Friday: Debit card 'don'ts'

Société Générale tells clients how to prepare for 'global collapse' - Telegraph

Six factors and bulls like Jim Rogers drive gold rush | mydigitalfc.com

Cautious optimism as job losses slow | Reuters

Police: NC girl raped, killed on day she was taken


Video: Raw Video: Frantic 911 Call of Fla. Home Attack

Video: Oprah Fans: 'Emotional' That She's Leaving

Video: American Exchange Student's Murder Trial Nears End

Video: Police: Assassins Targeting People for Their Fat

Video: Turner gets life in prison, no parole

New nude of French first lady Carla Bruni up for auction

Astute submarine arrives at Faslane on the Clyde

New EU Figures Not Household Names

Stars Weigh in on Oprah

Little-known Belgian PM now the face of Europe

Az. Couple Indicted on Huge Luggage Theft Scam

Giuliani Eyeing a Run for U.S. Senate

Unknown bags EU presidency

Mixed feelings greet inauguration of Afghan president

3 Arrested Following Fla. Armed Home Invasion

Rape, Murder Charges in NC Girl's Disappearance

Pirelli calendar 2010

Military Looks for Stress Before Deployments

Raw Video: Bongs Disguised As Xmas Ornaments

Train Station Shooting Trial to Be Moved to L.A.

Bus Company: Driver in Minn. Crash Had Aneurysm

Protests As Univ. of Calif. Approves Fee Hike

Oprah Winfrey's Ending Her Talk Show

Elaborate Pot Farm Found Near Police Station

Award Winners Changing the World Through Tech

Ark. Cop Uses Taser on 10-year-old Girl

FAA: Computers Could Not Talk, Leading to Delays

Pentagon Looking for Fort Hood Management Lapses

Diaries of Mussolini's Mistress Released

Future of Illegal Students Hinges on a DREAM

Raw Video: Chicken Suit Crashes City Council Mtg

Money Minute: You've Got Job Cuts

Telescope Array to Focus on the Past

Sen. Kerry's Daughter Allegedly Drove Drunk

Surgeon Hires Hitmen to Kill Business Partner

Raw Video: Elderly Women Gets Purse Snatched

New Look for Golden Cross at the Vatican

Conservative Writer on Palin’s Secret: ‘Very Powerful Sexual Signals’

Explicit: Elvis Costello Doesn’t Think Much of O’Reilly & Dobbs

PA Couple Arrested for Refusing to Pay Tip for ‘Terrible Service’

Gun-Toting Homeowner Catches Burglar in His Boxers

House Judiciary Chair: ‘I’m Getting Tired Of Saving Obama’s Can’

Graham Tells Greta Why He Accused AG Holder of ‘Making Bad History’

Virginia Gov-Elect Won’t Disavow Pat Robertson’s Islam Remarks

‘Obama Coup Fails’: Online Gamers Overthrow Administration in ‘Virtual Revolt’

MSNBC’s Maddow Slams ‘Pray for Obama’ Secret Message

Revealed: 2007 Memo Criticizes Fort Hood Suspect’s Judgment, Professionalism

House Dem: Growing Liberal Consensus to Dump Treasury Secretary

Fox-TV’s ‘Glee’ Depicts ‘Heartless’ Dad of Pregnant Teen as Glenn Beck Fan

‘Palinocchio/Goppetto 2012′: ‘Countdown’ Mocks Palin/Beck Ticket

MSNBC’s Matthews Comments on ‘Monochromatic’ Crowd at Palin Book Signing

Palin to Critics on the Left: ‘Get a Life’

Reid: Senate Bill Cuts Deficit by $127 Billion in Next Decade

Obama ‘Not Going to Meddle’ on How GM Spends Bailout Bucks

Train Door Suddenly Seperates Father From 3-Year-Old Son

Tearful Oprah Tells Audience Why She’s Ending Her Show

Huffington Says Beck is ‘Morally Liable’ if ‘Violence Ensues From What He Says’

Media Matters Says Media Conservatives Are Obsessed With Rape

Bernie Goldberg Responds to Jon Stewart’s ‘F*** You’

Pelosi: Wall Street Tax Must Be International

French ‘Hamster Hotel’ Lets Humans Live Like Rodents

Muslim Revenge? Masked Gunman Kills Orthodox Priest in Moscow Church

Italy Debates: Should Crosses Be Displayed in Public?

Check Out the View From the Highest Point in the World: Top of Burj Dubai’s Spire

Peruvian Gang Murdered Dozens to Get Body Fat for European Cosmetics

Youtube Adds Automatic Subtitling

AT&T Adds Ad to Lawsuit in Fight Against Verizon

Google Reveals Their New Operating System: Chrome OS

Autopsy Released In ‘Housewives’ Death

The B-Cast B-Side: MSNBC vs. Palin

The B-Cast B-Side: Dad of 9/11 Victim Upset Over Holder ‘Cower’ Comment

The B-Cast: Should We Be Worried That Obama Isn’t Reading Books Anymore?


Geithner: Economy Is Better By Any Measurement

Politics California Style: Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman

Obama to Taxpayers: America Needs More Picnic Tables

McCain Aides Attacks on Palin Grow Tedious

St. Louis County Counselor Redington: Gladney Beating ‘Has Not Been Swept Under the Rug’

Breitbart to AG Holder: Investigate ACORN or We’ll Release More Tapes Just Before 2010 Election

Mr. President, Where Are the Jobs?

Will Cap and Trade Resurrect ACORN?

Economy in the Lurch: Negative Interest Rates, the Fed Audit, and Geithner in the Dock

Ousted Goldman CEO and Ousted NJ Governor Jon Corzine to Head Bank of America?

Global Warming’s ‘Blue Dress’ Moment?

Detainees to Illinois: Can Obama’s Home State Sink Even Lower?

ACORN: The LA Story, Part I

ACORN–The LA Story, Part II: ‘We knew we were gonna put in Obama.’

The LA Story, Part III: ACORN Employee of the Year, Felix D. Harris

The LA Story, Part IV: Program for Torture Victims

Health Nazis Target Movie Snacks

A Clue for Megan Fox: Trashing Your Audience is a Bad Idea

Daily Gut: ObamaCare Opponents Are All Child Killers

Christian Toto: ‘The Blind Side’ — Another Bush Sucker Punch?

Burt’s Eye View: Fox and Foes

Lonewolf Diaries: Church, State, Jesus and Obama.

More Proof That America is a Racist Country

‘So Stoned’ Director’s Health-Care Ad Selected By Obama Celeb Panel

Why the Gratuitous Bush-Bash in ‘Blind Side’? — I’ll Tell You Why…

RealClearPolitics - Travesty in New York

Another set of cooked books

REP. JASON ALTMIRE: Why I voted no on health reform

Geithner's Stock Plummeting - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Dysfunctional Decision-Making

Editorial: Stimulus aid isn't creating jobs | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Tea partiers turn on each other - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Christian Leaders Unite on Political Issues

Europe Chooses Nobodies

Is the Fed Creating New Bubbles? - BusinessWeek

Why Not Tax Wall Street?

JPMorgan May Hear Break-Up Talk in Health Debate: David Reilly - Bloomberg.com

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy - Forbes.com

Why Krugman Is Wrong About The Yuan - Forbes.com


*Markets Video:Congressman Calls for Geithner's Resignation

Best Energy Portfolio

Stocks Held Hostage by Dollar?

US & China's Tangled Web

Lou Dobbs Talks Shop with Larry Kudlow

Time to Get Dollar Bullish?

Forget Gold, Buy Silver

Ron Paul vs the Fed

Stealth Correction On its Way?

Is Housing Stronger Than it Seems?

*World Video:Herman van Rompuy Is EU's First President

Presidents Obama & Lee Joint Press Conference

New Argentina Media Law

Deadly Bomb Strikes Peshawar

Changing the World Through Tech

Orthodox Priest Shot Dead in Moscow

Ashton on Qualifications as EU Foreign Minister

U.S. Yet to Sign UN Child Rights Treaty

Diaries of Mussolini's Mistress Released

Gordon Brown Reacts to Floods

Tunnels Provide Lifeline for Gazans

Henry Kissinger Interview

Karzai Sworn in for 2nd Term

First Look at the Global Hawk

Iran Rejects UN Nuke Proposal

Obama Warns N. Korea, Iran on Nukes

Forced DNA Tests for 'Dirty War' Children

Corruption Overshadows Karzai Inauguration

Protesters Gather in Seoul

Chinese Bloggers Meet in Cave in Mountains

Boycott Targets Israeli Settlement Products

Just another pretty face?

Palin right, HuffPost wrong

Palin vs. WaPo's atheist

Weapons for the GOP punditocracy

A major disaster named Hasan

The Big Terrorist in the Big Apple

Let Rev. Manning be heard!

Church: Stop being 'evangelly-fish'

Rachel Maddow Interview with Former Evangelist Frank Schaeffer: Christian Right Is 'Trolling for Assassins' | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet

Why 'Rogue' is a better book than 'Dreams'

Institute on Religion & Democracy:Biblical Open Borders?


American Minute for November 20th:William J Federer's American Minute


religion/video:Do you know what it means to be born again?

religion/video:The Lord of the Sabbath


Wall Street tax must be international: Pelosi | Reuters

Echoing Democrat's Comments, Two Republicans Call for Geithner to Go

Music teacher jailed for student sex

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Woman leaves $40,000 at Md. shrine for safekeeping - Yahoo! News

Rosie O’Donnell admits wife moved out two years ago

'New Moon' stars Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning have steamy makeout scene in 'The Runaways'

The overzealous Photoshoppers strike again! Demi Moore missing a chunk of leg on W magazine cover

flashback:Reid fast-tracks anti-Jesus, pro-abortion judge

Senate Confirms David Hamilton, Obama's First Pro-Abortion Judicial Nominee


AUDIONETDAILY Democrat 'gimmicks' used for CBO score

AUDIONETDAILY GOP's Wilson seeks 'full audit' of stimulus program

AUDIONETDAILY 'Mischief in the form of murder'


Americans expect Islamic terror strike within 6 months

Obama may put Americans under world judges' power

Muslim Nations Seeking International Blasphemy Ban

Belgian PM is first 'president of Europe' - CNN.com

Firefighter catches heat for anti-Obama stickers

Reid joins Pelosi in mandating 'abortion premium'

The $100 Million Health Care Vote? - The Note

Senate health care bill creates new marriage penalty - Washington Times

Joe Lieberman slams public option, brushes off critics - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Report: Push Back Age of Cervical Cancer Tests - Women's Health - FOXNews.com

Prejudice Fuels Opposition to Obama’s Plans

Angry Congress lashes out at Obama - Washington Post- msnbc.com

CNN Political Ticker: Blame for recession shifting from GOP to Democrats

Hacked e-mails reveal global-warming fraud?

Report: Global warming to have severe impact on Arab states - Haaretz - Israel News

BBC News - Energy-saving bulbs 'get dimmer'

Expert: Bigmouth prez helps defense

Holder: Protect rights of Arab Americans, Muslims | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Army lacks guidelines to deal with jihadists in ranks - Washington Times

CNN Political Ticker: McDonnell won’t disavow Robertson’s Islam remarks

Plan to audit secretive Federal Reserve revived

Lou Dobbs mulls run for White House, Senate - Yahoo! News

Rudy Giuliani will very likely seek U.S. Senate seat, and if elected maybe 2012 White House: source

**Obama says it: There's a chance he won't run in 2012 | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

2011: Obama’s Coup Fails Injects Politics Into Strategy Game | Underwire | Wired.com

Miniter v. Wash Times, Round 2: Federal Lawsuit Coming | TPM LiveWire

Fox News again accused of airing misleading video - Yahoo! News

World Tribune — U.S. advisory panel warns of rampant Chinese spying

US advisory panel warns of rampant Chinese spying - Yahoo! News

'Anti-gunner' OSHA pick advances without questions

Schools let students seek secret abortions

Freedom for imprisoned Christian 'apostates'

Netanyahu party member slams 'racist' Obama

Illegal immigrant receives probation for 10th violation - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Hoffman alleges vote fraud in NY 23 - The Scorecard - POLITICO.com

At Princeton U., Islam antagonist "unduly silenced" - The Trentonian News: Serving Trenton and surrounding communities. (trentonian.com)

University of Calif. OKs 32 percent hike - Education- msnbc.com


*Politics Video/Sarah Palin Talks McCain Campaign, Katie Couric & Media

Mary Matalin On Sarah Palin, Health Care

Sen. Burris Cleared Of Wrongdoing By Ethics Panel

Sen. Hatch: There Will Be A "Holy War" Over Health Care

Jarrett: White House Stands Behind Geithner

Sen. Whitehouse On GOP Stalling Health Care Bill

Sen. Klobuchar On Conservative Dems & Health Care

Olbermann: Glenn Beck Is A Fear Monger

O'Reilly: Why Sarah Palin Matters

Sen. Inhofe To Boxer: "We Won, You Lost - Get A Life"

Palin Wanted To Do "O'Reilly Factor," Personally Called Him

Fred Thompson: Afghanistan War "Has Been Lost"

Obama Tells Troops: "You Guys Make A Pretty Good Photo-Op"

Dem Conyers: "I'm Getting Tired Of Saving Obama's Can"

Sen. Menendez: Illegals Should Be Able To Buy Health Insurance

McCain "Grateful" Palin Was Running Mate

Sen. Leahy: We Don't Need To Interrogate Bin Laden

Matthews: Palin Crowds Think In Terms Of "White Vs. Other People"

Geithner To GOP: "You Gave This President An Economy Falling Off The Cliff"

Dem Calls For Firing Of Geithner, Summers

Reuters: Obama Dips Below 50% In 2 Polls

Giuliani On KSM: "Needless Risk And Economic Burden"

Sen. Schumer On Health Bill In Final Stage

O'Reilly: A Rough Month For President Obama

Palin: Obama On A "Dangerous Path"


*Transcripts:Geithner's Testimony to the Joint Economic Comm.

Interview with President Barack Obama

Roundtable on Reid's Health Care Bill

Experts on Obama's Afghan Options

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions En Route to Kabul

Sen. Graham on His Questioning of AG Holder

Reps. Nadler & Lungren Debate NYC Terror Trials

Senator Harkin on the Senate Health Care Bill

November 18 State Department Briefing

Interview with Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin

Gregg: Democrats Will Be Able to Pass a Health Bill

Roundtable on Obama's Trip to China

Rep. Stupak on Abortion & Health Care

Analysts on Hunger in America

The Outlook for the Economy and Policy

Panel on 9/11 Trials in NYC

Reps. Schakowsky & Biggert Debate Terror Trials

Experts on U.S.-China Relations

Rep. Fattah on His Health Care Vote

Guests: Secretary Clinton & Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Senators McConnell & Reed; Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Clinton; Duncan, Gingrich, & Sharpton

Guests: Senator Leahy & Representative Hoekstra


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


11/19 The Mark Levin Show

11/18 The Mark Levin Show

11/17 The Mark Levin Show

11/16 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/19/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/18/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/1709

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/16/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/13/09


NY known for 'lethal' rejections

Health bill could get 34-hour reading in Senate - Washington Times

BBC News - Liver cancer drug 'too expensive'

TV Ad Seeks to Recruit Arab-Americans to CIA - FOXNews.com

Roger Mudd to give lecture today at Christopher Newport University -- dailypress.com

Missouri Girl Said Hobby Was 'Killing People'

President Obama's trip: Style over substance - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Mayor Daley Says Media Backlash May Have Driven Oprah Away - cbs2chicago.com

The Associated Press: Israel brushes off Obama criticism over Jerusalem

Syria suspected of concealing nuclear activity - wtop.com

Stem cells: the first human trial - Science, News - The Independent

Gordon Brown abandons Tony Blair to snatch EU second prize

Vatican sinks teeth into vampire film Twilight - Telegraph

Los Angeles ACORN Worker Turns Blind Eye to Underage Prostitution

Fox News Poll: Palin Going (Not So) Rogue - FOXNews.com

Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists

Jesse Jackson: 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man'

"Obama Fried Chicken" Sign Cut From Rap Video | NBC New York

My Way News - White House at odds with bishops over abortion

The Associated Press: The new EU chiefs: Rompuy-pumpy and Cathy Who?

Children's Rights Still Violated 20 Years After Convention

YouTube - Bangladesh probes child marriage - 20 Nov 09

Putin to travel to France next week | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Palestinians Say Israeli Move Could Kill Peace Process | Middle East | English

US, China May Set Emissions Reduction Goals | USA | English

YouTube - Wallace: Obama Didn't Achieve Much in Asia

BBC News - Will Hillary Clinton's gamble on Karzai pay off?

Supermodel Daul Kim found hanged after posting web messages - Telegraph

AFP: Korean supermodel found hanged in Paris: embassy

Colombia says will not be provoked by Venezuela | International | Reuters

Copenhagen Climate Change summit: do businesses need to be there? - Telegraph

Q+A: India, U.S. seek to move beyond cliches on ties | Reuters

Russian corruption fight explodes on YouTube - CNN.com

Iran’s Post-Election Rights Abuses Censured at UN - Bloomberg.com

UN General Assembly Condemns Post-Election Abuses in Iran | Middle East | English

Miley Cyrus tour bus rolls, killing the driver; singer wasn't onboard

Oprah Winfrey: 'It's Time to Say Goodbye' - TV News, Oprah Winfrey : People.com

News – Project Runway Winner Irina Shabayeva: "I Can't Believe I Won"

Hey, Heidi Klum! You said you wouldn't walk the Victoria's Secret runway!

Do shoot ‘The Messenger’ - BostonHerald.com

BBC News - Artist Jeanne-Claude dies aged 74

Dr. Murray Search Warrant in Jackson Case | TMZ.com

Senate Ethics Committee clears Illinois senator of legal wrongdoing - CNN.com

Ethics panel reprimands Sen. Burris - On Politics - USATODAY.com

Health care rhetoric heats up before key vote - CNN.com

Army Taps General to Run Probe of Fort Hood Shootings - WSJ.com

YouTube - Probe into Fort Hood Massacre

Obama group targets Palin on health care - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

Rudy Time, Again? - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Giuliani Eyeing a Run for U.S. Senate

Former GOP presidential candidate John McCain in fight of career for his Arizona Senate seat: poll

Palin's Brain Speaks - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Obama: Below 50% approval - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

South Carolina Lawmakers to Formally Consider Sanford Impeachment - FOXNews.com

Obama agenda: A very rough Thursday - First Read - msnbc.com

'Sarah Rules' Aren't Uniform at U.S. Military Bases - FOXNews.com

Casey Anthony Defense: Meter Reader Roy Kronk Killed Caylee Anthony

YouTube - Attorney on Caylee Case Suspect

Shaniya Davis' Accused Kidnapper Charged With Her Rape, Murder

YouTube - Rape, Murder Charges in NC Girl's Disappearance

US Senate Finance Focuses On China In Treasury Nominee Hearing | iMarketNews.com

CA man allegedly paid teens to spit in his face - San Jose Mercury News

Across the Board, GOP Senate Candidates Shy Away From Cap and Trade - NYTimes.com

A calm reserve for George W. Bush's presidential library - washingtonpost.com

Bernard Goldberg Responds to Jon Stewart Slamming Him for Down Syndrome Statement

Size Does Matter for Fox News and Conservatives


Hacked: Sensitive Documents Lifted from Hadley Climate Center - Environmental Capital - WSJ

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? – Telegraph Blogs

Hadley CRU hacked with release of hundreds of docs and emails

*(investigatemagazine.com)20 pg/pdf - Lead Article:Climate Centre Hacked

Breaking News Story: CRU has apparently been hacked – hundreds of files released « Watts Up With That?

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Do hacked e-mails show global-warming fraud?