"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 November 2009

23 Nov '09


Bill Cunningham 11/22/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 11/22/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 11/22/09 Hour 3

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-22, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-20, Friday


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Al Gore: ‘I’m gonna start acting crazy’

Global body needed to direct green technology, G77 says | Environment | The Guardian

Climate change scientists reject claims they 'manipulated' data to prove global warming is caused by humans

Hold Off On Calling This Pandemic Overblown or “A Dud” Just Yet

Reconfirm Bernanke?

(video)Alex Jones TV: Doom & Gloom Climate Fraudsters Exposed

JPMorgan Chase Bankster Dimon Mentioned for Treasury Post


*Council on Foreign Relations Membership List

*The Global Elite: Who are they?

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - List of Participants 1954-1977

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - Particpant List — 1978 - 1991

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - Particpant List 1992 - 2000

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - Particpant 2001-2008

Bilderberg 2009 Attendee List (revised)


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is Gold Set To Hit $1,200 Within 24 Hours?

Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes

Healthcare reform faces challenges in Senate | U.S. | Reuters

Your smart meter is watching - thestar.com

House Financial Services Committee APPROVES Bill to Audit the Fed (Rejecting Watt’s Fake Alternate) and Votes to Rein In Foreign Currency Swaps

*Ron Paul Still Getting 1 Million Google Searches A Month

CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to “hide” the real data on manmade climate change

Death By Treaty: Lord Monckton on The Crisis of Copenhagen

Audio:Lord Monckton ;The Corbett Report

- The Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty Draft

The Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty Draft – wealth transfer defined, now with new and improved “dignity” penalty « Watts Up With That?

Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home

*H.R. 2454 *

*H. R. 3590*

- Text of H.R.3590 (OC Prepared)

HR 3996 Draft ; October 2009

H.R. 2609;House Financial Services Committee


TowneForCongress.com » Economy » Fractional Reserve Banking in Pictures (PART 1/2)

TowneForCongress.com » Economy » The Money Matrix - Who Owns the FED?

TowneForCongress.com » Economy » Unlocking the Money Matrix - The Real Interest Rate (PART 12/15)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » HR 3996, the Automatic Bailout Bill of 2009

Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born

*Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born

t r u t h o u t | The Logic of the 9/11 Trials, the Madness of the Military Commissions

CNN Propaganda Segment on Oath Keepers Demonizes Fall of the Republic

Ron Paul and Jim DeMint: Americans Deserve a Transparent Fed - WSJ.com

Pelosi: Wall Street Tax Must Be International

Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax

*Audio:Corbett Report’s interview with Estulin

*Nov 2009 G20 Meeting notes

The ADL’s Three “Extremist Conspiracy Theories” In Context And With Evidence

Antidepressant Drugs Put People Into "Drug-Induced States"

Japan to build fleet's biggest helicopter destroyer to fend off China - Telegraph

Forced labour and rape, the new face of slavery in America | World news | The Observer

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Wells Fargo Says It Doesn’t Have to Reserve Against Its Off-Balance Sheet Residential Exposure Because the FHA (Meaning the Taxpayers) Will Pay For It

The Raw Story | Police confirm failed car bomb attack in N. Ireland

EU president wants Copenhagen to give us “global management” of planet

Bilderberg Appointee Van Rompuy Is First EU President

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Thousands Demand Closure of Fort Benning’s School of the Americas

Would-be Mexican president accuses ‘mafia’ of usurping government | Raw Story


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 20th With Neil Fallon

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 19th With Alan Colmes

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 18th With Catherine Austin Fitts


YouTube - Obamanomics - Lew Rockwell on Economics 101

YouTube - The Cook Plan - Richard C. Cook on Economics 101

YouTube - "Green Shoots" - Gerald Celente on Economics 101

YouTube - The Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin on Economics 101


Former British policeman backs Barack Obama 'birthers' conspiracy theory - Telegraph

11-22-2009: Obama's Feeble Dollar Sparks Gold Rush

KKK Demonstration Draws Hundreds Of Protesters

11-22-2009: U.S. Builds Up Its Bases In South America

11-22-2009: SAS set to lift veil of secrecy over elite operations

11-22-2009: The Rumor About London Good Delivery Gold Bars That Are Allegedly Filled with Tungsten

11-22-2009: Intel: Chips In Brains Will Control Computers By 2020

11-22-2009: Agents for 'world peace' -- inside the United Nations International School

11-21-2009: Scientology Trial Reveals Alleged Work Camps and Baby-Killing

Jesus Christ's Death Certificate Claimed To Be Found On Shroud Of Turin

Economic Meltdown -- A Call for Systemic Change

Support for Health Care Plan Falls to New Low

Secret report: Blair misled public throughout 2002

‘Global temperatures are declining’

Prison Factories: Slave Labor for the New World Order?

Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government

Lessons from Saturday’s vote

Marines Use Brain Scans to Spot PTSD Triggers Before and During War

The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a Health Risk and Environmental Nightmare

As millions of Americans struggle to hold on to their homes, Wall Street has found a way to make money from the mortgage mess.

VeriChip Buys Steel Vault, Creating Micro-Implant Health Record/Credit Score Empire

Medibots: The world's smallest surgeons

Scientists create Star Trek-style phaser that can both stun and revive creatures

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Obama’s Extra-judicial Killers

Should Obama Fire Gen. McChrystal?

Are Hate Crime Laws A Threat To Liberty?

As US Debt Tops $12 Trillion, Obama Calls for Austerity

U.S. Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt

Drug Makers Raise Prices in Face of Health Care Reform

The Placeholder Presidency of Barack Obama

Modern Warfare 2: Massacre Civilians to Save the World

Warmist conspiracy exposed?

Thankstaking Day, USA

NSA eavesdropping more widespread than reported

What’s Thanksgiving really all about?

Flimflamming America into a pseudo-services economy

NSA’s public relations spinmeisters

American Exile: American Oligarchy: A legacy of betrayal

Greg Evensen -- The Anatomy of an American Revolution


Frosty Wooldridge -- Muslims in 21st Century America: Turning Our Country Into Their Country

Chuck Baldwin -- Questions Regarding The Fort Hood Massacre

End of the cheque book: Traditional paper payment could be abolished by 2018 | Mail Online

American Exile: In 2010, a revival of 1776 must win

Climate Change Bombshell: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as "first year of global governance"

Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes


The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

The Road to Copenhagen part III: A “Planetary Regime” in the Making


Rep. Kucinich Says Everyone, Including Osama Bin Laden, Should Get the Same 'Basic Rights'

Patrick Kennedy: Catholic Church Fanning ‘Flames of Dissent and Discord’ by Opposing Health Bill Over Abortion Funding

House Health Care Reform Adds $89 Billion to Debt When Medicare Adjustments Are Considered, Says CBO

While There Are About 12 Million Illegal Aliens in U.S. Today, CBO Estimates That Senate Health Reform Would Leave About 8 Million Illegals Uninsured

Gaps for Consumers in Democrat Health Care Bills

Indian Prime Minister Getting Warm Reception From Obama, but Analysts See Troubling Trend

Lawyer Says 9/11 Defendants View Their Upcoming Trials As Platform for Their Views

Former NIH Chief: Ignore New Mammogram Guidelines

Mexican Drug Smugglers Taking Advantage of New Program That Speeds Truckers Across the Border

Medical Marijuana Finds Social Outlet in Oregon Cafe

Schumer: Democrats Ready to Go-It-Alone on Health Care

Denmark: 65 World Leaders Expected at Climate Change Summit in December

Federal Reserve Under Fire As Public Anger Mounts

Leading U.N. Critic Sees Political Agenda Behind U.N.’s Decision to Bar Her

Wilmington Diocese Will Pay Retirement Benefits to Pedophile Priests

Dumbo Univeristy

When Big Labor Bullies and Volunteers Collide

The Global Carbon Footprint Scam

The Landrieu Bribe

Free to Choose

Red Alert: The Second Wave of The Financial Tsunami

PLO Slams Israel for Approving New Settlement Buildings

Obama Leaves Asia Empty-Handed

U.S. Enlists Allies in New Surge

Towards an Alternative to Globalization

Healthcare under Capitalism

"Why we fight": The Nature of Modern Imperialism

Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban

*Audio:2012...The End Of Life As We Know It?

France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying

Cows Pulled From Slaughter - Too Many Antibiotics

savethemales.ca - "An Education" : Parable of Jewish Moral Seduction

The state of Obama's nation - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Democrats: Health care bill saves money and jobs

US army killer talked to extremist imam about cash transfers | World news | The Observer

As deaths in Afghanistan rise, so does the growth of opium - Asia, World - The Independent

Iraq report: Secret papers reveal blunders and concealment - Telegraph

NRC: Three Mile Island radiation not significant | 6abc.com - 11/23/09 - Philadelphia News - 6abc.com

Lord Mandelson 'went behind Gordon Brown's back' in bid for EU foreign post

Sister of British UN death plunge scientist rescues evidence from destruction in bid to disprove suicide theory | Mail Online

Did Israel Kill JFK? Wouldn’t that Suck? « Mantiq al-Tayr

The Terror Which Begot “Israel”

Scottish invention promises power revolution - Times Online

Flowing air 'could be used to generate electricity for planes and cars' - Telegraph

The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | The Public Record

"Dead Man Musings":The Recipe for Disaster

Irvin Rosenfeld Nears Pot Smoking Record

At Concord Bridge « The Gospel Truth

Are Hate Crimes Legalizing Treason?

CTV News | The Liberation Treatment: A whole new approach to MS

Researcher's labour of love leads to MS breakthrough - The Globe and Mail

How 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world | Mail Online

The devastating book which debunks climate change | Mail Online

Hospital Falters as Refuge for Illegal Immigrants

Subway riders sealed in murder car

Payback Time - Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government - Series - NYTimes.com

Ed Driscoll » All The News That’s Fit To Bury

The Health Benefits of Mushrooms | Washington Times Communities

Complaint Box | Picky Eaters - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Al Qaeda's prospects - Washington Times

Mexican American former anti-drug chief's reputation on trial -- latimes.com

Dana Milbank - Sweeteners for the South

US Foreign Policy: Obama's Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


Muslims in 21st Century America: Violent Clashing Cultures

Muslims in 21st Century America: Racial-Religious Chasm

Muslims in 21st Century America: Political Correctness Deadly

Muslims in 21st Century America: Jihad the Core of Islam


*Site:The Greatest Service(cliffordshackforum.blogspot.com)


Which America Do Americans Want?

Profiling the Psyclops

Deliberative Analysis: RIP

Obama -- and Reagan -- Go to China

CRU Files Betray Climate Alarmists' Funding Hypocrisy

Sports broadcasters suspended because of one viewer complaint

'Climate change' blamed for increased prostitution in Philippines

Nidal Hasan's defense

'Rules for Radicals' and civilian trials for terrorists

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer notes CRU hack

A Death in the Family

Word fun in the senate health care bill

Drink Coca Cola -- Save the Planet

Terrorism under the radar

Samuelson: health care reform and the generational conflict

ACORN dumps documents; Breitbart has them and will release

Obama's Failed Asia Trip

Academic Cheerleaders for Terrorists

Mary Landrieu Takes Louisianans for a Ride

Why Obamanomics Will Not Improve the Economy

Cloward-Piven Government

Farewell, Oprah: How About a Gift to Black America Before you Go?

Obama the Racist?

Hume: President Seems Quite Willing to Embrace Weakness as Position for United States

Tea Baggers Laugh As Woman Describes Losing Her Daughter-in-Law and Unborn Grandchild

Leaked British Report: No Preparation for Iraq Invasion So Blair Could Keep Lying

SNL Palin 2012 Disaster Movie Parody

Weekend Talkshows Past - American Forum Of The Air: The McCarran/Walter Immigration Bill - 1952

Upping the Ante: Catholic Bishop Bans Rep. Patrick Kennedy From Communion

Cheney Finds Lack of Decision on Troop Increases in Afghanistan "Inexcusable"

Dear Associated Press: Stop Calling Joe Lieberman a Democrat

Is Joe Sestak Too Difficult To Work For - And Why Should Anyone Care?

Chris Matthews Allows Haley Barbour to Tout Mississippi as a Model for Health Care Reform

Fox News Sunday Names Club for Growth's Chris Chocola Their "Power Player of the Week"

Is Luke Russert the reincarnation of 'Clara Bow?'

GOP Rep Insists New Breast Screening Guidelines Will Be Government Mandate

Lieberman says nobody ran on the public option during 2008 presidential election; then admits they did

Dem Leadership Negotiating Option Trigger to Get ConservaDem Votes. Thanks, Harry!


Christian and Jewish Zionist Diaspora, Part 1: What Does The IAJLJ Truly Believe In?

Christian and Jewish Zionist Diaspora, Part 2:What they Have in Mind for Israel and the Palestinians

Christian and Jewish Zionist Diaspora Part 3 (USA): Who Control The Finances And Manipulates Gov'ts

Is Gold in a Bubble? by Robert Blumen

The Sponge Is a Mess! by Robert Anderson

The Department of Gomer Pyle by Don Cooper

Coffee or Tea in Your Agony? by Burt Blumert

Optional Obedience by Becky Akers

On Federal Health Care Reform Constitutionality: Congress, Use the Article V Safety Valve by Paul Galvin

Night of the Living Dead Newspaper by Bill Walker

Deadlier than Cocaine, Heroin, and the Swine Flu? by Joseph Mercola

Gold won't fall below $1000/oz level ever again: Marc Faber

FT.com / Personal Finance - Jim Rogers: My First Million

OpEdNews - Article: New JFK assassination bombshells

Legacy of Secrecy:Robert Kennedy, National Security, the Mafia, and the Assassination of Martin Luther King

ClimateGate emails provide unwanted scrutiny of climate scientists

Israel Oil Rothschilds with chonology.

Payback Time - Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government - Series - NYTimes.com

The Biggest Rip-off of All Time | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

For Obama, the world doesn't revolve around Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

The US Congressman who sold his soul to the Israel lobby

The Democrats’ War Tax by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Copenhagen will fail – and quite right too | Nigel Lawson - Times Online

Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science – Telegraph Blogs

YouTube - 9/11: NIST engineer John Gross denies WTC molten steel (extended)

Thirty Reasons to Doubt the Official Account of 9/11

How Governments Use Terrorism to Control Us

The War On Consciousness

Prison Factories: Slave Labor for the New World Order?

My Way News - Lawyer: 9/11 defendants want platform for views

Israeli Spokesman,Doing What They All Do Best: Making A Fool Out Of Himself

*Site:Friends of Science

The Death Blow to Climate Science

List Of The Dead In The Course Of Operation Cast Lead

Richard Gage’s Wellington Presentation Draws Biggest Blueprint For Truth Audience Ever | 911Blogger.com

Secret files show UK courts were misled over 9/11 suspect Lotfi Raissi | UK news | The Guardian

I'm A Pimpin Turtle...: JOSEPH MOSHE UPDATE: November 18, 2009

EclippTV :: Video :: The Fed Copies Weimar Hyperinflation

*Site:The American Open Currency Standard

The Law Still Says That Federal Reserve Notes Are Not Money « Dprogram.net

Creepy insurance company pulls coverage due to Facebook pics

Obama Thanks Hollywood With Coveted Invites To First White House State Dinner – Deadline.com

The Weekly Standard:Cheney: Holder Wants "Show Trial" for KSM

Prisoner exchange could see Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit released this week - Times Online

Bloomberg.com: Cuomo Took Campaign Cash From Lawyers Seeking Access

The 'Real' Jobless Rate: 17.5% of Workers are Unemployed - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

FT.com / Media - Microsoft and News Corp eye web pact

Big Government » Blog Archive » BREAKING: San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal

FT.com / US & Canada - Splits widen for Democrats over health reform

Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama: The approval gap silently shrinks to a few points | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Pope tells artists beauty can be a path to God | Lifestyle | Reuters

Pledge of Allegiance to Dissent: An Intolerant ‘Excess of Liberty’?

Daily Gut: Sarah Palin’s Books Sales Prove We’re All Racists (Again)

Conservatives, It’s Time to Listen to Our Friends in the Mainstream Media

NewsBusted: What Makes Sammy White?

Steve Ditko’s ‘The Ever Unreachable’

ZoNation: Defending Palin, Calling Out Liberals

Fools Wanted: A Lesson from ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’

Obama Nation: Show Trial of the Century

Shock: SNL Takes On Obama in Earnest

Day by Day: Proof of Ownership

I Didn’t Quit Drinking to Get High On Hope and Change

Leftist Website Declares Jihad on Conservative’s Book

Harlan Ellison: The Original Hollywood Rebel

Review: Bob Dylan’s Christmas Album

Sen Reid: Opposition to Health Care Vote is ‘Orwellian’

Inside ACORN’S Political Plans: Ensuring a Democrat Majority

Congress, We Don’t Trust You With Health Care At All

Sen. Lincoln on Board as 60th Vote: Enjoyed Her Senate Career

60 US Senators Vote For Government Take Over of Health Care

Is Medicare the Real Target of ‘Health Care Reform?’

Obama’s Labor Department Ignores Freedom of Information Act

US Media Ignores Obama’s Muffed Japan Visit

Black Friday Expectations and Stimulus Exaggerations

Media Missing the Plot on ‘Climate Gate’: It’s the Fraud, Stupid!

Would ObamaCare Kill Medical Innovation?

Why Isn’t Anyone Really Investigating ACORN?


Video: Tips to Avoid Facebook Hacking

Business Update: Home sales surge

Video: Obama to Honor Young Inventors at Science Fair

Video: S.R. 408 New Lanes Should Improve Commute

Video: Man Critically Hurt In Gas Station Shooting

Video: 50 Cent Returns to Gritty Roots on New CD

Video: Is holiday shopping online safe?

Video: Social not-working

Video: Loved Ones Of Suicide Victims Reunite In Mesa

Video: Pizza Diet

Video: Cops grab a ton of cash and lots of drugs

Party leaders ramp up campaign Press Association UK Nov. 23, 2009. 11:58 AM EST

AMA Red Carpet Stars Associated Press Nov. 23, 2009. 12:00 PM EST

Rescuers Search for Ferry Survivors in Indonesia Associated Press Nov. 23, 2009. 12:54 PM EST

Cop jailed for fiancee murder Press Association UK Nov. 23, 2009. 01:03 PM EST

University Adds BMI Requirement to Graduate

News Anchor Calls for Review of Band Director’s Firing

Gitmo Suspects Plan to Plead Not Guilty

Fort Hood Suspect to Remain Hospitalized

Lieberman: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Thinks That This Bill Will Pass’

CO Businessman’s Anti-Obama Billboard Raises Birth Certificate Questions

JLo Falls During Live Performance on American Music Awards

‘American Idol’ Runner-Up Simulates Sex Act on Stage at ‘American Music Awards’

Oklahoma Senator on Health Care Reform: ‘It’s Really Malpractice’

Al Gore Tells SNL He Has New Plan Involving Trees and Toy Guns

Rep. Kennedy Says He’s Banned From Communion

SNL Imagines Consequences of Palin Victory in ‘2012′

SNL Slaps Obama Over Budgetary Nuttiness

Supporters Line Up Hours in Advance to See Palin in Roanoke

Senate Minority Leader on Health Bill: ‘Wrong Direction to Go’

Glenn Beck Reveals ‘The Plan’

Senate Dem: I’ll Risk My Job to Vote for Health Reform

Democrats Try to Explain ‘$300 Million Dollar Bribe’ in Health Care Bill

Tina Fey on Palin: ‘They Recently Made a Porn Movie…About Sarah…’

Phoenix Family Uses Road Kill As Main Dish

Bulls Escape Tom Cruise Film Set in Spain

Raw Video: Glass Shatters As Officer Arrests Man

New Climate Change ‘Shock Ad’ Features Polar Bears Falling to Bloody Deaths

Caught on Tape: Political Party Activists Ransack Indian Newsroom

Miss Gay Brazil Loses Wig to Angry Rival During Post Pagaent Interview

Car Dealership Billboard Links Obama With Jihadists

McCain Urges Arizona Senior Citizens to Tear Up AARP Cards

New Hampshire Reporter Announces Candidacy for ‘Phantom’ Congressional Seat

GOP: ‘This Is Not True Health Care Reform’

Senate Minority Leader: It’s a ‘Monstrosity of a Bill’

Reid: Everything Is Fully Paid For

Kyl: Saturday Vote on Senate Health Bill is ‘Beginning of the End’

Raw Video: Astronaut Becomes Dad in Space

Swiss adventurer bets on solar-powered air travel

Detroit Gala Marks Motown's 50th

ShowBiz Minute: Jackson, Murray, 'New Moon'

Turkey Problems? Microwave It

Gitmo Suspects Plan to Plead Not Guilty

French ‘Hamster Hotel’ Lets Humans Live Like Rodents

YouTube Adds Automatic Subtitling

Google Reveals Their New Operating System: Chrome OS

Jerry Springer on Oprah’s Departure From Daytime: ‘She’s the Best’

Explicit: Elvis Costello Doesn’t Think Much of O’Reilly & Dobbs

The Highs and Lows of the AMAs

Dozens Hurt in Philly Apt. Building Blaze

EADS executives testify in insider trading case

'Ghosts' of Khmer Rouge victims haunt Cambodia

Oregon Cafe Caters to Medical Marijuana Users

Raw Video: Cruise Passenger Goes Overboard

Record sell on Jackson glove

Katie Price quits jungle

Ariz. Cops Bust Pot Ring, Net 2,000 Lbs.

Raw Video: Gay Men in Mexico Crown a Queen

UK Checks Safety of 1,800 Bridges After Storms


How health care reform could fall apart - Carrie Budoff Brown and Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Wall Street’s Spin Game - NYTimes.com

Payback Time - Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government - Series - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Phantom Menace - NYTimes.com

Amateur Hour at the White House - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Immigration Looms as the Next Test for Congress

Where conservatives have it wrong - The Boston Globe

Slipping in Turkey - washingtonpost.com

Editorial - The Church and the Capital - NYTimes.com

Debating ObamaCare honestly

Forecast for Dem primaries: Ugly - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Copenhagen will fail – and quite right too | Nigel Lawson - Times Online

Geithner’s Crisis Sleepwalk Is Reason He Must Go: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

The world still can learn from Keynesian economics -- latimes.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Could sovereign debt be the new subprime?

Words from the (investment) wise for the week that was (November 16 – 22, 2009) » Investment Postcards from Cape Town

Angry Bear: Reform: Looking at the Glass Half-Full, Part 2

Dead Battery of the Decade Award: Alan Greenspan | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

Jackson Doc Conrad Murray Treating Patients Again - ABC News

What's Next for Oprah? Gayle King Weighs In - ABC News

‘Curb’ finale: Pretty, pretty good or just OK?- msnbc.com

Susan Boyle turns morning songbird on 'Today' show, as new album 'I Dreamed a Dream' arrives

YouTube - Notebook: Susan Boyle's Dream

Miley Cyrus Celebrates 17th Birthday With '80s Bash - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

'Heidi Klum of Foot Models' in Lawsuit Against Her New York Co-op - ABC News

Children in home-based day care watch more TV | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

U.S. to Propose Emissions Reduction Target at Copenhagen Next Month - FOXNews.com

At least 30 killed in 'gruesome massacre of civilians' in the Philippines -- latimes.com

Israel faults "distorted" reports on possible prisoner swap with Hamas_English_Xinhua

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh | Asia | English

Brazil’s President Defends Visit of Iranian Leader - NYTimes.com

Romanian President, Chief Rival Face Run-Off Vote | Europe | English

27 died, 12 missing in Indonesian capsized boat_English_Xinhua

EU Appointments Divide Internet Commentators - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Official: China mine that exploded was too crowded

BBC News - Second Russia weapons depot blast kills eight soldiers

Al Qaeda Yemen wing poses special menace: U.N. official | Reuters

Assessing Obama's Visit to China

Democratic candidate Tom Schieffer quits Texas governor's race 11:26 AM CT | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Tarrant County News

With dissension in the ranks, health care bill moves ahead - CNN.com

YouTube - Face The Nation, 11.22.09

Congressman No Moore | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

Obama: Math and science are keys to health care, energy, and the economy - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Hate crimes against blacks, religious groups rise - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Pentagon: Fort Hood review due Jan. 15

YouTube - Ft. Hood Suspect to Remain Hospitalized

Who's confused by Palin parody? | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times

Ex-CNN anchor Lou Dobbs is considering running for president in 2012

Beck announces voter-education events - Florida AP - MiamiHerald.com

Glenn Beck Announces a Hundred-Year-Plan for America - Tuned In - TIME.com

Poll: Most Iowa Republicans like Palin for 2012 - USATODAY.com

Alleged Robber Eats Evidence Before Cops Get to It - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Landscaper sentenced to life for killing elderly woman - washingtonpost.com

Democratic Lawmaker to Americans: Stop Complaining - FOXNews.com

It's time to probe frequent-flier accounts, senator says - Flights: Airfare, flight tracker, delays, miles tracker & airport news - Today in the Sky - USATODAY.com

American Music Awards become 'modern Sodom'

'Saturday Night Live' scorches Obama policies

Lawyer: Sept. 11 defendants want to air views - Security- msnbc.com

The Weekly Standard:Cheney: Holder Wants "Show Trial" for KSM

Lawyer: Hasan ‘has no sensation’ below chest - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Watch scientists 'prove Darwin wrong'

Ultimatum: Investigate ACORN or more videos coming

Thankful for fading freedoms

Iran holds its largest-ever war drills

Syria accused of aiding al-Qaida against U.S.

U.N. judge jailed 13-year-old for protesting apartheid

'Peace partner' – not Hamas – targeted Jews

Look who's drinking 1-world Kool-Aid

Democrats worry about damage from Obama agenda

Democrats Unite to Hold Off Senate GOP Health Care Filibuster

Schumer: Dems ready to go-it-alone on health care

Senate Democrats at odds over health care bill

Comparison of Democratic health care bills - Yahoo! Finance

Oklahoma's Two U.S. Senators Ready To Debate Health Care Bill - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

Breast-check ban for Accrington hospital ‘cancer error’ doctor (From Blackburn Citizen)

For sale: Benito Mussolini's brain and blood - Haaretz - Israel News

Business & Technology | Hawaii anxiously watching year-end tuna supply | Seattle Times Newspaper

Business & Technology | Restored machine to explore mysteries of Big Bang | Seattle Times Newspaper

Water load of rubbish! Drinking eight glasses a day does NOT make your skin glow, say nutrition experts

Cuba offers free penis implants - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The secrets on your smartphone

Obama's handlers set him up to fail

Why sin cannot be condoned by state

The great 'global warming' hoax

The global warming fraud exposed

This Climate Email-Hacking Episode is Generating More Heat than Light | CommonDreams.org

Spell it, R-A-T-I-O-N-I-N-G

Nancy's Christmas wish

Gross national happiness

Report: GOP needs 'stupid'

The ADL targets WND

Why we should leave Afghanistan

Newspaper circulation may be worse than it looks

A Big Loophole in Cap and Trade - BusinessWeek

Obama, The Nobel Prize And The IRS - ABC News

Thousands of strange creatures found deep in ocean

Mexican labs target adulterers with DNA testing - inSing.com

Galileo's teeth, fingers found | World News | News.com.au

High-tech WWII Japanese Subs Found

Sounds During Sleep Aid Memory, Study Finds

Tiny insect brains can solve big problems - Discovery.com- msnbc.com


American Minute for November 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute


**Markets Video:Dicker: How to Trade Natural Gas

Dennis Kozlowski's Life in Jail

Mundell: Don't Buy Gold Now

Fear or Greed: What Really Moves Markets?

2010 Forecast: Strong 1st Half, Tough 2nd?

*World Video:Dalai Lama on China, Politics

Ahmadinejad Visits Brazil

Armenians Nervous About Opening Turkish Border

Northern Ireland Firefight Leads to Arrests

Amanda Knox Murder Trial Nears End

Indian Prime Minister Visits U.S.

*Politics Video:Schumer: Senators Will Have To "Give A Little" In Health Bill Debate

Biden: "Plenty More To Do" About Economy

Rove On Opposition To Health Care Reform

RNC's Steele Targets Democrats Over Health Care

Ron Paul Explains Why He Wants To Get Rid Of Fed

Sestak Hits Specter For Ties To Palin

Dean: Dems Should Have Used Reconciliation

Fiorina: "I Would Have Voted No" On Health Bill

Dem Rep. Obey Proposes Tax to Fund War

Carville, Matalin On Sarah Palin's Book

Sens. Alexander, Stabenow, Bond & Specter On Health Care

Kyl, Schumer On Senate Health Bill, Landrieu

Sens. Nelson, Coburn, Reps. Wasserman Schultz, Blackburn On HC

"This Week" Roundtable On Health Care, Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Geithner, Jobs & Health Care

Lieberman: Geithner Should Keep His Job

SNL Mocks Obama & Jintao Press Conference

Sen. Brown Defends Getting Landrieu's Vote

Reid On Health Care Vote: "Ted Was Watching Us"

Senate Health Passes Key Test


* Transcripts:Guests: Sens. McConnell, Bennet, Brown & Shaheen

Guests: Sens. Durbin, Feinstein, Lieberman & Hutchison

Sens. Nelson & Coburn, Reps. Wasserman-Schultz, Blackburn

Guests: Senators Stabenow, Specter, Alexander & Bond

Guests: Senators Schumer & Kyl


*Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 1

*Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 2


It’s a grolar, the climate-change polar bear - Times Online

The Whaley House: Government ‘authentication’ of ghosts? - Paranormal Old Pueblo

Texas UFOs: 28 reports in 20 days

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider progress delights researchers

Life After Death: Taxidermy’s Most Macabre Creations

The Illustrated Man: How LED Tattoos Could Make Your Skin a Screen | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

OpEdNews - Diary: The New World Order, Verichip and the Microchip Agenda

Qualcomm: Face recognition phones will ID people on sight - mirror.co.uk

An Ultrasound Encryption Scheme Makes Artificial Organs Hack-Proof | Popular Science

Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020 | Popular Science

Controversial Human Cloning Company Applies Again for Embryonic Stem Cell Trial

Sarah Palin and the Rapture - Jeffrey Goldberg

Pentagon Manhunters: America's New Murder, Inc.? - BlackListed News

China could use its microchips to penetrate U.S. weapons systems

The Xerox Effect on the Importance of Pre-Biotic Evolution by Howard Bloom

Howard Bloom's Grand Unified Theory Of Everything In The Universe Including The Human Soul

Is Microsoft Behind Murdoch’s War Against Google?

Traffic fumes may cause dementia

YouTube - Buying and Selling in a RFID Chip for the FIRST TIME EVER - Positive ID

VeriChip Buys Steel Vault – Creating Micro-Implant Health Record / Credit Score Empire - Pseudo Anonymous

What if China did to the US what the US has done to Iran? An analogy to help embrace facts

Chinese Drywall Linked to Metal Corrosion, U.S. Says - Bloomberg.com

More Jewish Control of the Mainstream Media in America We Are Told Does Not Exist « The Ugly Truth

Putin derides tie-chewing Georgian leader - Telegraph

Virtual quests lead to real love and death for World of Warcraft fans - Times Online

Conscious man 'in coma' for 23 years - Telegraph

Pope John Paul II 'whipped himself in remorse for sins' - Telegraph

US pours millions into anti-Taliban militias in Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian

Hostility between British and American military leaders revealed - Telegraph

Hate Crimes Up in 2008, FBI Says - CBS News

Leaked documents reveal No 10 cover-up over Iraq invasion | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Iraq report: Secret plans for war, no plans for peace - Telegraph

Teacher 'suspended over 9/11 creative writing task' - Telegraph

Bickering parents to get state therapy - Times Online

The final insult: How family of innocent Brazilian shot dead on Tube will get just a fraction of £400k pay-off for blundering Met boss Blair

Lord Lawson calls for public inquiry into UEA global warming data 'manipulation' - Telegraph

The Biggest Rip-off of All Time | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Weighing the Dollar Alternatives

The Hidden Costs of Too Much Government Debt | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

China pumping millions into Afghanistan - Telegraph

Saudi Arabia goes to war | Mai Yamani | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Mystery lights pass over Moutere area | Stuff.co.nz

George Carlin's Views on Aging


*Big Bang file

*Corollary file

*Self file

*Soul file


Nov. 20, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 19, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


* Numerology