"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 November 2009

Wednesday / 18th Nov


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/1709

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/16/09

11/17 The Mark Levin Show

11/16 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-17, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-16, Monday

Nov. 17, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 16, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 1/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 2/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 3/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 4/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Alex Jones & Paul Watson 5/5:Obama Czar's Nightmarish Sterilization Plan

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? "Here We Go Again!"

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 2/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes? "Here We Go Again!"

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on Alex Jones Tv 3/3:CIA-Bin Laden Tapes?"Here We Go Again!"

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 1 of 4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 2 of 4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 3 of 4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson on The Alex Jones Show 5-11-09 4 of 4


Purging The Undesirables: ADL Attempts To Pin A Yellow Star On Grass Roots America

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » About “Our Choice”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Struggle for Net Neutrality

Developing nations outstrip rich on greenhouse gases | The Australian

US Wants China to Buy into Its Small Banks - Financials * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » According To The ADL’s Criteria, Hedge Fund Manager Vickers Is Also A Dangerous Extremist For Talking About A “New World Order”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 4C, 6C, 10C? Ramping Up The Numbers Game Ahead of Copenhagen

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Rumor About London Good Delivery Gold Bars That Are Allegedly Filled with Tungsten

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Gen. Wesley Clark calls for exit from Afghanistan

ADL Calls Alex Jones “Conspiracy King,” Insinuates He Should be Removed from Society

Ukraine, WHO and the Geopolitics of Swine Flu Panic

Maximum Alert: Establishment Launches Huge Purge Against Alex Jones, Patriot Community

ADL Special Reports: Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies

Editorial: Crossing the line | Editorials | Jerusalem Post

Rage Nation 2.0 - Coop's Corner - CBS News

Oath Keepers: Constitutional Care Packages for the Troops

Political Brainwashing in 90s Show Northern Exposure


Obama Critic Rev. Mannings Says Homeland Security Visited Him

YouTube - Pastor Manning Visited By CIA, Expects To Be Arrested

video:Tea Party Please Go Birth Certificate Viral

URGENT Homeland Security Launches Investigation of Pastor James Manning

Tea Party Please Go Birth Certificate Viral | ATLAH Media Network

Empowering the Slave Class: Astounding Facts About Illegals

*More than you ever wanted to know about Squalene

Apple Patents Technology That Would Force Users to Interact with Ads

Kilometer tax avoiders face jail, fines

UK seeking new world order by Afghan war

Remote-Controlled Nanocomposite Invented for Drug Delivery inside Body

Acclimating Civilians to the Police State: Armed Military at Jones Beach, New York

Damon Vickers Mentions Alex Jones On Glenn Beck Show

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » NBC’s ObamaVision: ‘Law and Order’ — ‘This Is Why We Need Health-Care Reform’

US border-security cash leaves towns on the hook | www.azstarnet.com ®

The wrong arm of the law | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Obama popularity below 50 percent for first time: poll - Yahoo! News

NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows 7 Security - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR

Gun sales shoot up amid America’s fear of rising crime and terrorism - Times Online

Nato chief: quick exit from Afghanistan will unleash 'global jihad' - Telegraph

Holder Downplays Concerns Over War-Time Prisoners Entering Civilian Court - FOXNews.com

Does having children contribute to climate change? - Telegraph

Teens help SWAT team practice | swat, team, exercise - News - The Orange County Register

'Something may come through' dimensional 'doors' at LHC • The Register

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 4C, 6C, 10C? Ramping Up The Numbers Game Ahead of Copenhagen

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Gen. Wesley Clark calls for exit from Afghanistan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Rumor About London Good Delivery Gold Bars That Are Allegedly Filled with Tungsten

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » About “Our Choice”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession

YouTube - 'Double-Dip Recession'

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Michael Moore says Democrats’ healthcare bill is giveaway to insurance industry

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 5% Of U.S. Taxpayers Account For 60.6% Of All Tax Revenue, 47% Will Pay No Federal Tax In 2009

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CO2 still going up, but temperature not following the same trend

Police prevent teen high school massacre

Secret CCTV cameras fitted INSIDE people's homes to spy on neighbours | Mail Online

Herman Van Rompuy, front-runner for presidency, wants EU-wide tax - Times Online

TruthAlliance.net/ 300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False

*Site:Global Carbon Project : Homepage


Taliban Blame ‘Blackwater’ for Pakistan Bombings

Big Brother quiz for new school parents: Officials launch 83-point probe into families' lives

Congress examines China's coercive one-child policy

'Basket' should replace U.S. dollar as reserve currency, IMF says

Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon deployment

More than $98 billion in improper gov't payments

Bank of America, UBS, JPMorgan Sued Over Derivatives

The worst is yet to come: Unemployed Americans should hunker down for more job losses

Who is training junta recruits in Guinea?

T-Mobile staff sold millions of mobile phone records illegally

US Military Wants Armed Spy Bots in Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

Silicon Sweatshops. Who really made your iPhone?

More Nations Buying Gold From The IMF By The Ton

Court Orders Fed to Disclose Emergency Bank Loans

Remote-Controlled Nanocomposite Invented for Drug Delivery inside Body

Farmers, Ranchers Fighting Back Against FDA Tyranny Over Animal Farms

British politician forced to apologize to the Queen for calling her ‘vermin’ and a ‘parasite who milks the country’

Chicago’s Extensive Big Brother Surveillance System Raises Concerns About Privacy Abuses

Who Needs Trials? Kill Terror Suspects!

God, the Army, and PTSD

The Real Story Of The Terrorist "Mad Doctor Hasan"

Why Did Obama Win?

Hawkish Hillary Pro-Surge & Anti-Savvy Majority, Again

"We're Opening Doors for Wall Street and Nothing More"

VIDEO: The Criminalization of War

Global Warfare USA: The World is the Pentagon's Oyster

VIDEO: Making War a Crime. Towards a War Free World

Globalization Unchecked: How Alien Media is Suffocating Real Culture

Climate Rage

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

Copenhagen Treaty: Premises and Motivations

Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax

Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power

Total government convictions for IRS 'tax crimes': 666

Unbelievable Video: Candidate Obama States Unequivocally He Is Against Mandated Health Insurance

AP Poll: Fine print in health care prompts worries

Today’s ancient warfare: Facts vs. beliefs

The US needs to be censured for its immoral behavior

The Hague’s the place for trials

For Obama it’s one (term) if by war, two if by peace

Dying to prosecute Hasan

Aung San Suu Kyi, Omar Khadr and Barack Obama: A dreadful tale of what America has become

China’s yuan, not the dollar, is too cheap

The Catholic Church plays victim, again

The US government and the assassination of Tupac Shakur

Video - CNBC: A New Global Currency and a New World Order

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

FLASHBACK : Middle Ages were warmer than today, say scientists

Your Next Body Is Growing In a Lab Right Now

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

11-18-2009: Scientists at Cern hold their breath as they prepare to fire up the LHC

U.S. Army Arrests Single Mother Who Fails To Show Up For Deployment

11-18-2009: NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows 7 Security

11-18-2009: Congress examines China's coercive one-child policy

11-18-2009: Obama: Too Much Debt Could Cause Double Dip Recession

11-18-2009: Commodity Rally Drives Mining Stocks Higher as Dollar Drops

11-17-2009: Former sheriff charged as radio pirate: Alex Jones Denies Any Knowledge Of His Show Being Broadcast On That Station

11-17-2009: National Debt Now Tops $12 Trillion

Church Of Scientology Accused Of Torture And Forced Abortions

11-17-2009: Senate Panel: 80 Percent of Cyber Attacks Preventable

Arnold Wants Military Tactics Used In Iraq To Be Used In California

11-17-2009: Hospital Doctor Accused Of Masturbating In Front Of School Girls

11-17-2009: Soldiers could get uniforms for urban jungle

11-17-2009: Front Runner For EU Presidency Wants To Levy Green Taxes In EU

Men from Opposite Spectra Agree: Power of Fed Must Be Diminished

Controversial Speakers Explain Zionist Supremacy

Chaos Manipulation a Forte of Global Elite

Forget the Audit: Just Go Ahead & Abolish the Federal Reserve

ADL covering up for crimes of financial elites

UK seeking new world order by Afghan war

The Silver Bear Cafe:Robbed Blind by A Lipstick Wearing Pig

Arrogant Fed hasn't learned a thing - MSN Money

Major Hasan Of Fort Hood: A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live? « Pak Alert Press

Population Reduction: Globalist Endgame Begins?

Is America at war, or not?

UK to build robot stealth raygun jet/copter • The Register

US Troops Wearing UN Colors by Chuck Baldwin

Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon | Paul and Phillip D. Collins

When Malthusians Become Messiahs - Phillip D. Collins

Obama Offers Tough Talk on North Korea, Iran

Uranium swap must take place inside Iran - Mottaki

Going on a Cruise? Avoid Public Restrooms

Vitamin D Could Ease Symptoms of MS

Almost Half of 'High Priority' Groups Avoid H1N1 Vaccine

Johnny Depp Wins His 2nd 'Sexiest Man Alive' Title

FedEx Launches Sensor Device for Packages

IBM Takes a Step Toward Thinking Machines

Talk of Wyoming Wind Tax Whips Up Debate

U.S. Senators Push To Ramp Up Nuclear Energy

Senate Hears Need for Bank Overdraft Controls

Bush Aide Urges Weapons Ban to Slow Mexican Drug War

IRS Settles With 14,700 Over Foreign Accounts

Egyptian mummies show signs of heart disease -- latimes.com

Small Firms Scrapping, Scaling Back Health Plans

Feds Raid N.Y. Times, Post Circulation Offices

GAO: Los Alamos Computer Security Has Weaknesses

Reich: Public Option Increases Health Costs

Holder: Don't Fear Trial of 'Coward' 9/11 Plotter

FDIC Owns $1.8 Billion in Homes, Buildings

Karzai Brother Drawing International Scrutiny

Poll: Majority Rejects NYC Terrorist Trials

Obama Gets Delay of Fort Hood Probe

Grassley: U.S. Not Responsible for Climate Talks

Shadegg: What If Terrorists Took Bloomberg's Kid

Obama Talks with Fox in China

Palin Slams Newsweek Cover

Sarah Palin Coy About 2012 Run, but Door Is Open

AP Lays Off Employees to Hit Cost-Cutting Goal

Poll: Gov't Health Plan Divides Public

Exclusive: Palin Slams Obama for Bowing, Breaking Promises

Palin-Beck Ticket? Sarah Doesn't Rule it Out

Sarah Palin Says Newsmax 'Very Valuable'

Obama 'Probably Won't' Read Palin's Book

American's Journey: U.S. Money: Will Pay to the Bearer on Demand ? Two Photos

YouTube - Pakistan's Taliban issues video denial - 16 Nov 09


Whistleblower Protections and Signing Statements and the Obama Administration

White House Appears Ready to Drop 'Public Option' - ABC News

UNFPA - Women Central to Efforts to Deal With Climate Change, Says New UNFPA Report

YouTube - Obama Promise To End The War, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

Think Progress » FLASHBACK: Obama Promised To End ‘Secret Meetings’ And Make The White House The ‘People’s House’


ACTA: Internet Users Guilty Until Proven Innocent | bytestyle.tv

Obama: NAFTA not so bad after all - Jun. 18, 2008

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Fed Trying to Hide Smoking Gun

First U.S. marijuana cafe opens for business in Portland -- DailyFinance

Obama: 9/11 mastermind 'will be convicted' | courierpostonline.com | Courier-Post

Civilian Trials for 9/11 Suspects Aren’t Enough by Ivan Eland -- Antiwar.com

Our Chief Industry: War by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Obama Calls Potentially Harmful Israeli Settlement Building in East Jerusalem - FOXNews.com

Rep. Defends Saying Detainees Follow a 'Savage Religion' - FOXNews.com

Aletho News: Ukraine, WHO and the Geopolitics of Swine Flu Panic

OpEdNews - Article: Democrats to Obama: Get Out of Afghanistan

YouTube - Al Gore Takes Private Jet - 9/9/07 (Complete Version)

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Propaganda Show at Treasury follows Goldman Announcement

Glenn Beck is scarier than Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, says Anti-Defamation League

EclippTV :: Video :: Goldman Sachs Robbing and Thieving the Americans Again

Entertainment Web: Your ISP, if Net Neutrality disappears

Exclusive: Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist

YouTube - Joseph Moshe whistle-blower on Baxter releasing outbreak (mutated H1N1?) in Ukraine!

'Basket' should replace U.S. dollar as reserve currency, IMF says

Oh Bummer: Obama's Nuclear Option on the Yuan

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Soviet lessons from Afghanistan

American Enslavement

Fort Hood to Simulate Terrorist Attack Wednesday

YouTube - Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul USA is Bankrupt!!

EclippTV :: Video :: COMING SOON to a bank account near you ! HYPERINFLATION !

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama Sold Out America - A Long Standing Operation

Eggplant Cures Skin Cancer

The 15 Biggest Congressional Recipients Of Wall Street Campaign Cash

Global Warfare USA: The World is the Pentagon's Oyster

Refreshing News: Wen tells Obama that China seeks balanced trade

NWV News - Senate Pushes Climate Bill Through Panel; Ditch "Cap and Trade" Name

Nine in 10 savings accounts pay such paltry interest customers are 'losing' money | Mail Online

Islamabad: TTP leaders evacuated by mysterious airlifts | Overseas Pakistani Friends

Occupying Countries Responsible of Global Hunger

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Taxation, Inflation, and War

In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - NYTimes.com

The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster

Fact-Check This, Associated Press!

Honest Liberals on Mob-O-Care

Why the Left Fears Sarah

Of RINOs, Moderate Democrats, and Men

Cosby and Obama

Hit the Reset Button on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda

Obama's Mind Game

Debating Obama's Health Care Clichés

A Double-Blow to the Laws of War

The Liberals' 'Other' Problem

Obama's Copenhagen Suicide Pact

Obama and Plummeting Military Morale

Kos: 'Conservatives are 'cowards'

National debt now $12 trillion. Who's counting?

Obama's tide flows in, then it flows out

Absolutely sickening; Geithner gave away the store in AIG bailout

Who engineered the Ross-Limbert switch in the Iran chair at State?

Jimmy Carter still spinning his incompetent response to hostage crisis

Palin on the Run?

Tibet, Dalai Lama thrown under the bus by Obama

IAEA shocked, shocked I tell you, that Iran may be hiding other nuke facilities

Protecting New York during terror trial

Sarah Amazing

'Fearmonger in Chief' Beck goes militia, warns of impending 'New World Order'

GOP Congressman: Terror Trial Held In NYC To Attract Terror Attack Because 'Rebuilding Will Create Jobs'

Frank Schaeffer Warns Against the Latest Threats From the Religious Right to President Obama

Well Mayor, How Are You Gonna Feel When It's your Daughter Kidnapped By Terrorist! Congressman John Shadegg

Perlstein on post-partisanship: 'Millions of Americans don’t consider a Democrat president legitimate'

Joe Scarborough Thinks Dick Cheney Should Run in 2012

Red State Reality: Unhealthiest Residents, Worst Health Care

Jon Stewart busts Rudy Giuliani's flip flop on terror trials

USDA Reports Stunning Rise In Number of Hungry In America

Hundreds attend vigil outside Joe Lieberman's home over health care

Dumb and Plumber

Sen. Sherrod Brown: 'Where Was The Compromise From Their Side?'

Please support Mike Stark and Credo's call for action against the Stupak Amendment

Judd Gregg: Deficit Worst Problem Behind Terrorism and WMD's--But No New Taxes to Fix It

Beck on health care: "We're the young girl saying 'no, no, help me,' and the government is Roman Polanski"

Countdown Goes To Free Clinic: 'Hard To Believe I Was In America'

Bill O'Reilly asks Lou Dobbs if Obama is the "Devil"."


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 11 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 12 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 13 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 14 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 15 by Gary North


Global Warfare USA: The World Is the Pentagon's Oyster by Rick Rozoff

Gorbachev and the Most Complete Test in Economic History by Bill Bonner

Shocking Revelations from the Rosenberg Grand Jury Files by Roger Roots

Buying a Used Handgun By Chuck Hawks

The Power of Multivitamins: Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease Death by Sylvia Anderson - Heart - Alternative Health Journal

Bloomberg.com:Desire Drug May Prove Sex Really Is All in Her Head

A College Primer With Schiffian Logic -- Courant.com

*Federal Reserve or Super Regulatory Agency? … Neither - American Banking News

If You Believe in IP, How Do You Teach Others? - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Institute

Gold Advances to Record as Investors Seek Dollar ‘Insurance’ - Bloomberg.com


‘I Know We Are At War’: AG Holder Defends His Decision to Try the 9-11 Conspirators in Federal Court

Obama Says 9-11 Mastermind Will Be Convicted and Put to Death

Obama Administration Has Achieved More in Middle East Than Bush Did in Eight Years, State Dept. Says

New ‘Dismay’ Over Israeli Housing Construction Underscores Deep Differences Over Jerusalem

Obama Enjoys A Choreographed Moment at China’s Great Wall

$98 Billion Taxpayer Dollars Wasted by Government Agencies, Report Says

Recovery.gov Shows Taxpayer Money Going to Congressional Districts That Don’t Exist


Stevie Wonder: ‘I Can’t Handle’ New Michael Jackson Film, ‘This Is It’

Reid to Draft New Health Care Bill that Won’t Add to Deficit

South Carolina Ethics Panel Weighing Gov. Sanford Charges

Senate Hears Need for Bank Overdraft Controls

Karl Rove Memoir Coming in March

Ford, Subaru, VW Win Insurance Industry Picks

Missouri Sex Abuse Case Could Include Slayings

Homebuilder Sentiment Index Unchanged in November

Fort Hood Slayings Prompt Full Pentagon Review

Illinois Congressman Defends 'Savage Religion' Comment

Public Divided on Government Health Care Plan; Depends on Wording of the Poll

Pirates Again Attack U.S.-Flagged Maersk Alabama

Afghan People Under Attack, Awaiting Decisions From Karzai, Obama

Critics Say UN Food Summit Wasteful, Ineffective

Door-to-Door Drug Dealer Picks Wrong Home

TSA Violated Rastafarian Screener's Rights, Judge Says

Trying KSM in Civilian Court: Inconsistent, Indefensible, Inexplicable

How I Saved or Created 4,730,400,003 Jobs

Thousands of Jobs Scammed or Created

So Many Jobs, So Little Time

Obama's Health Care Plan Not Out of the Woods Yet

Mammography outcry points to trouble for healthcare reform -- latimes.com

Paying More for Flights Eases Guilt, Not Emissions - NYTimes.com

Support wanes for curbs on credit-card interest rates - The Boston Globe

GOP's bid to filibuster judicial nominee fails - Washington Times

Release of Reid's health-care bill could come as early as Wednesday - washingtonpost.com

Republicans push for immediate Hill inquiries on Fort Hood - washingtonpost.com

Obama finds he holds little leverage in China | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/18/2009

Louisiana's Jindal chases campaign cash in Houston | Politics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Cheney endorses Hutchison, calling her the ‘real deal’ | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Controversial wind farm to build turbine plant in USA - USATODAY.com

N.J. restaurant offers customers 'pay what you can' option | New Jersey Real-Time News - - NJ.com

Dems alarmed as independents bolt - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Thousands of Jobs Scammed or Created

So Many Jobs, So Little Time

Obama's Health Care Plan Not Out of the Woods Yet

Paying More for Flights Eases Guilt, Not Emissions - NYTimes.com

Support wanes for curbs on credit-card interest rates - The Boston Globe

GOP's bid to filibuster judicial nominee fails - Washington Times

Release of Reid's health-care bill could come as early as Wednesday - washingtonpost.com

Republicans push for immediate Hill inquiries on Fort Hood - washingtonpost.com

Obama finds he holds little leverage in China | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/18/2009

Louisiana's Jindal chases campaign cash in Houston | Politics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Cheney endorses Hutchison, calling her the ‘real deal’ | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Controversial wind farm to build turbine plant in USA - USATODAY.com

N.J. restaurant offers customers 'pay what you can' option | New Jersey Real-Time News - - NJ.com

Dems alarmed as independents bolt - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

US demands Pakistan expands anti-Taliban offensive - Telegraph

Fort Hood shooting: Pentagon 'to investigate mental health in military' - Telegraph

Heart disease was rife among ancient Egyptians | Science | The Guardian

Fruit and vegetables 'improve complexion more than tan' - Telegraph

Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine create a joint military brigade - Telegraph

Stop and search of ethnic minority 10-year-olds doubles in London | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Awesome interview of the day: Zhang Yifang, physics professor and UFO enthusiast - Shanghaiist

World 'Peace' Through Anti-Hate Laws?

Unsettling Revelations Regarding U.S. Lease of Colombian Military Bases / Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Barack Obama has shares in Baxter | Fromtheold

savethemales.ca - On Turning 60

Cocaine, Spices, Hormones Found in Drinking Water

**Freshwater Information - National Geographic

savethemales.ca - George Soros Plundered Russia for Illuminati (III)

YouTube - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim

Panel Urges Mammograms at 50, Not 40

New mysteries of the Shroud unveiled

Report: Lou Dobbs Left CNN for $8 Million Good Reasons | PopEater.ca

Study: Heart attack patients receive radiation equivalent of 725 chest X-rays - CNN.com

The real rolling stones: Mystery of Death Valley's gliding rocks

*Letter;John Culberson - TX./Congress presses Hillary on Savage's behalf

House leader battles Britain's Savage ban

SAVAGE JUSTICE - Washington Times

Opinion: Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Taint of Corruption Is No Barrier to U.S. Visa - NYTimes.com

TARP Audit Finds Geithner Gave Away The Farm - Econwatch - CBS News

Terror lawyer Lynne Stewart ordered to prison after conviction upheld

Hasan Wanted Soldiers Prosecuted, Officials Said - ABC News

Tiny insect brains can solve big problems - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

Lion opens family's car door with his teeth - Telegraph

Time-travelling browsers navigate the web's past - tech - 16 November 2009 - New Scientist

American Chronicle | Movie '2012' helps us prepare for future

Mass Ignorance & The Death of the Republic

Hassan Attack Could Have Easily Been Avoided

Trading Liberty For Security


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-THREE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SEVEN: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-EIGHT: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-NINE: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTY: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government


NBC’s ObamaVision: Green Week and Lousy Writing

NBC’s ObamaVision Causes Facebook Brawl

NewsBusted: Who Will Replace Lou Dobbs?

Why Leftist Hollywood Loves Dictators

‘The Blind Side’: Predictable Critics, Predictable Criticism

NBC’s ObamaVision: Changing the Channel

The PETA Standard: Former Spokeswoman Dumps Inconvenient Puppies

Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism’ Flops: Even Liberals Stay Away in Droves

ObamaCare: Show Me the SEIU Money!

China Schools Obama on Free Market Capitalism

The Permanent TARP: Too Big to Fail as Permanent Federal Policy

Congressman Presses Clinton on Savage’s Behalf: UK Should Lift Travel Ban

GOP Leaders: AARP Should Reconsider Endorsement of PelosiCare

Jane Fonda: Obama Funder Jodie Evans Met With Taliban; Code Pink Gives Terrorists Direct Line to Obama

‘The Light of Day’ Exposes the Green Movement’s Roots in Tyranny

Los Angeles Robocall Proves ACORN ‘Internal Review’ Is a Scam

Five Common-Sense Steps to Change a Broken Congress

Do the Democrats Have Any Solutions on Jobs? Anything at All?

The IRS and CAIR

Finally, A Congressman With a Solution: Stop Complaining So Much


Helena Christensen goes behind the camera Press Association UK Nov. 18, 2009. 01:57 PM EST

Subaru Tops Safest Cars List Associated Press Nov. 18, 2009. 01:44 PM EST

Johnson brushes off criticism Press Association UK Nov. 18, 2009. 01:36 PM EST

American Implicated British Roommate's Murder Associated Press Nov. 18, 2009. 01:33 PM EST

President Obama "impressed" by the Great Wall Agence France-Presse Nov. 18, 2009. 12:50 PM EST

Video: One Baby Lost, Thousands Saved

Video: PC Holidays, Some Wonder Where's "Christmas?"

Video: Purchasing Pot On Plastic

Video: Real Deal: Black Friday TV Deals

Video: Basketball-Sized Chunk Of Ice Crashes Through Woman's Roof

Video: EU-Russia summit tackles thorny gas issue

Melting glaciers bring thirst, worry

Video: Raising Awareness for Pancreatic Cancer

Senator Presses Holder: Would Osama Bin Laden Be Mirandized?

Video: Raw Video: Cop Crashes Into Car Killing 2 Teens

Finding bargains in "short sales"

Obama in Seoul After China Wall Stop

Tooth Could Signal New Era in Organ Regeneration

Appeal begins in Kercher case

Paris Hilton's Beauty Secrets Revealed

Holder: Don't Fear 'Coward' 9/11 Plotter Trial

Chief: Need to Prove Where N.C. Girl Was Killed

Vatican Releases Books on Sistine Chapel

Fox News Interview: Obama Warns Debt Could Trigger ‘Double-Dip Recession’

Dad Says Facebook Prayers May Save Son’s Life

Obama Explains Why He ‘Probably Won’t’ Read Palin’s Book

Head Wound Killed Mutilated UK Woman Left to Die in Street

Hundreds of Rotting Deer in PA Yard Cause Big Stink

Levi Johnston Bares…Not Quite All

Ex-Marine Cagefighter Surrenders in Fiery Deaths of TV Hooker & Five Others

Two Kite Surfers Make Epic Jumps Over British Pier

Who’s Accountable When Stimulus Data is Erroneous?

Byrd Becomes Longest-Serving Congress Member

‘Teabagger’ Ranks as Runner-Up for Oxford’s ‘Word of the Year’

Detainee Debate: Should Illinois Prison House Gitmo Prisoners?

Dobbs Wouldn’t Vote for Palin: ‘She’s Left a Lot to Be Desired’

‘Seismic Shift’: New Mammogram Guidelines Spark Debate

Report Details Stimulus Money Spent in Nonexistent Congressional Districts

SNL Cast Member Confesses Truth About Palin’s Cameo on Show

Rupert Murdoch Knocks NY Governor: ‘Blind and Can’t Read Braille’

Krauthammer Attacks ‘Narcissism’ of Obama’s ‘First Pacific President’ Claim

SEIU Helps Organize After-Dark Health Care Protest Outside Sen. Lieberman’s House

Illegal Alien Amnesty Supporters Assault Tea Party Protesters

Dobbs Does O’Reilly: ‘A Lot of Things Are on My Mind’

Pirates Attack Maersk Alabama a Second Time

Round the world - the carbon-neutral way

Carla Bruni in Qatar to promote French university

Karzai faces one of the world's toughest jobs

D.A.: Wisc. Man Strangled Stepson With Necktie

Breitbart: Palin for ‘Red-State Oprah’, Not President of United States

‘Firing Offense’: Obama Expresses Outrage Over Leaks on Afghan Strategy

Obama Reveals He Didn’t Sign Off on Decision to Try KSM in NYC

Obama Discusses 5-Minute Meeting With His Half Brother in China

Controversial ‘Parental Notification’ Abortion Ballot Initiative May Return in CA

The Daily Show: Biden Struggles to Explain Democratic Divisions

Witnesses Describe Former President and Laura Bush’s Secret Trip to Fort Hood

CNN Investigates: Who Are the Oathkeepers?

AG on 9/11 Trial Plan: ‘We Need Not Cower in the Face of This Enemy’

Darwin Award: Store Robber Waits to Put on Mask

Does the Mob Control Newspaper Delivery in NYC?

Biden’s Advance Team Involved in NYC Crash

China Visit Inspires Unique Obama Art

Aussie PM Backs Probe Into Scientology After Accusations of Torture and Forced Abortions

Report of Black Lung Deaths in Ukraine Stirs New Flu Fears

‘Pigeon: Impossible’ Becomes Viral Hit

French Teacher Back in Iran Court Over ‘Western Plot’ to Destabilize the Government

News Crew Joins Pakistan’s Army on Terror Hunt

Entourage Actress Raises Awareness to Bipolar Disorder

Former KISS Drummer Battled Breast Cancer

Colorado Town’s ‘Frozen Dead Guy’ Celebrates 20 Years on Ice

Rep: Amnesty Will Give Illegal Immigrants Access to Taxpayer-Funded Health Care

Can Congress Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance?

FDA: Are Caffeine & Alcohol Safe to Mix?

Obama Administration Sets Sights on Financial Fraud

Toshiba Sends Chair Into Space to Make Commercial

Warning: Facebook Quizzes Could Expose Personal Information

Pastor Manning Probe: Is Homeland Security Investigating Well-Known Obama Critic?

Local News Blooper: When Robotic Cameras Collide

Men File Abuse Suits Against Mormons, Boy Scouts

The B-Cast: Was Obama’s First Political Boss a Soviet ‘Agent of Influence?’

Raw Video: Obama Meets With Chinese Premiere

Texas Teen Charged With Selling Pot Door-to-door

Brown prepares for Queen's Speech

Fears over swine flu vaccine

Soldier's Mom: Deployment Fight Wearing Me Down

Better Watch Out: Santas Want the Swine Flu Shot

Man Who Killed 6 in Wash. State Gets Life

Raw Video: Ruptured Pipe Triggered Massive Blast

Disabled Athletes Electrify Power Soccer

Friendly Feline No Distraction for Texas Cop

Warrant: Sex Abuse Case Could Include Killings

$79M Museum Expansion Puts Art in a New Light

Teacher Accused of Putting Hit on Student

Bowing to Tradition?


Janet Jackson: Michael in denial over drugs- msnbc.com

Father of Alleged Michael Jackson Molestation Victim Kills Himself - Michael Jackson : People.com

Thanksgiving, an American meal -- latimes.com

Levi Johnston Says No to Palin Thanksgiving - Scandals & Feuds, Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin : People.com

BBC News : Afghan corruption a political obstacle

AFP: Obama betrays frustration with Mideast stalemate

YouTube - Inside Story - The pending Palestinian issue - 17 Nov 09

AFP: Lack of top leaders hobbled UN Hunger summit: Diouf

BBC News : 'Critical moment' for Afghanistan

VOA News - Iran Rejects Notion It Has Not Responded to Nuclear Plan

Barack Obama to set out 'end game' for Afghanistan - Telegraph

AFP: Taliban declare guerrilla campaign in Pakistan

Talk of Plan B -- a Power Plant-Only Climate Bill -- Emerges in Senate - NYTimes.com

» Breaking: President Obama Tells Major Garrett GM Can Run its Own Finances Row 2, Seat 4 « FOXNews.com

AFP: Six-year jail term for Sears Tower plotter

The Associated Press: Bishops discuss authority over Catholic colleges

White House reports billions of improper payments in 2009 - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Va. student mistaken for deer, shot to death


VIDEONETDAILY Tea partiers brutally beaten by pro-amnesty group

AUDIONETDAILY KSM treated like 'crook holding up liquor store'

AUDIONETDAILY 'She's going to the grass roots'

AUDIONETDAILY Congressman: 'Can't exchange security for jobs'


Lawmakers ask IRS to investigate CAIR

Major Hasan Dined with 'Jihad Hobbyist'

Urgent message from WND's David Kupelian

Netanyahu colleague slams 'racist' Obama

Lou Dobbs: My downfall at CNN started when Barack Obama became President

Christians hit top campuses today with Darwin book

Congress Gets the 'Pink Slip' - FOXNews.com

Organizers of 'pink slip' protest claim 5 million sent to Congress - CNN.com

'Pink Slips' to Congress Hailed by Some

YouTube - More Pink Slips? Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Joseph Farah and Janet Porter

Somali Pirates Attack U.S.-Flagged Ship for Second Time - Africa - FOXNews.com

City vote opens women's restroom doors to men

Pastors to Holder: Bible still condemns homosexuality

Pastor shot, killed on way home from worship

'The Secret of Oz' exposes devious financial wizards

Is world uniting in Copenhagen?

UN: Fight Climate Change with Free Condoms - Economy * Europe * News * Story - CNBC.com

Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees' | NewsBusters.org

'Green' speakers: Obama adviser, Pentagon bomber

AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book 'Fact Check' - FOXNews.com

Palin: 'We need to cut taxes on the job creators'

Big Government » Blog Archive » The LA Story, Part III: ACORN Employee of the Year, Felix D. Harris

Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News

About Half in U.S. Would Pay for Online News, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

What Do Murdoch's Customers Think About His Pay-Wall Plans? - Advertising Age - The Media Guy

YouTube - Domino World Record 2009

Susan Boyle reveals she was beaten, bullied as a child | Irish News | IrishCentral

Computer 'geeks' strip for charity - Telegraph

The Brady Bunch: Where are they now?

What would a postwar world look like?

Sales of Marilyn Monroe pointy bras on rise - Telegraph


religion / video: Do you know what it means to be born again?

religion / video:The Lord of the Sabbath


American Minute for November 18th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Link:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

9th Circuit asked: Do courts enforce Constitution?


Dictionary word of the year: 'Unfriend' - CNN.com

VIDEONETDAILY:spoof/ Obama's home teleprompter fails

When America 'did' security

Death penalty: Foundation of government

Are the unborn really worth fighting for?

Pro-life need-to-knows on health care in Senate

Why the left excuses communist horrors

Obama's extrajudicial killers

Obama's kooks

Even worse than taxes

Thousands of jobs scammed or created

The silver lining of the left in power

The American Spectator : Palin's Popularity vs. Media Mania

Sara Libby - Ill Communication – It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like the War on Christmas - True/Slant

Pajamas Media » Role of ACLU Decisive in Moving KSM Trial to New York

Man with $600 on him arrested for allegedly stealing pencil

Customs agents find woman in suitcase

Settlement reached before start of Martin trial in illegal immigrant's death » TCPalm.com

Woman files suit over shampoo bottle being dropped on her head | press-citizen.com | Iowa City Press Citizen

Internet inches closer to 'internationalisation'

Norway puts jail brakes on Swedish 'son of God' motorist - The Local

Vaccines on horizon for AIDS, Alzheimer's, herpes

Congregation cheers as Irish Catholic priest says he's in love, quits Church | Irish News | IrishCentral

When a hug becomes a kiss of death - Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Shark bite victim recovering at hospital |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

Mimosa arrest hearing postponed again - Breaking News - Ledger-Enquirer.com

Clint Eastwood says America is becoming more 'juvenile'

Think Again: Africom | Foreign Policy

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - America must start treating China as a friend

Low Expectations for Climate Summit: Can Copenhagen Still Be Saved? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A Foolish View of America's Debt - Barrons.com


*Transcripts:The Outlook for the Economy and Policy

Panel on 9/11 Trials in NYC

Reps. Schakowsky & Biggert Debate Terror Trials

Experts on U.S.-China Relations

Rep. Fattah on His Health Care Vote


Obama's Bad Trip - The Daily Beast

In N.Y. trial, a treasure trove for terror - The Boston Globe

Jeffrey S. Flier: Health 'Reform' Gets a Failing Grade - WSJ.com

A tale of two American economies - The Globe and Mail

RealClearMarkets - And Now, On to Immigration Reform

How Copenhagen died during Barack Obama's Asia trip - Steve Clemons - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Worse Than Taxes: The Spending

House to Vote on Doc Fix - WSJ.com

Senate to Put Off Climate Bill Until Spring - WSJ.com

Federal agencies stiff-arm GAO on info - TheHill.com


*World Video:Giant Jellyfish Invade Japanese Waters

Pirates Attack Maersk Alabama a Second Time

Raw Video: Obama Meets With Chinese Premier

Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth

Adm. Mullen on Measures for Success in Afghanistan

Swine Flu Blood Money

Africa Demands Climate Change Compensation

Little Faith in Afghan Politics

Karzai Paved Way for Taliban?

Suu Kyi Proposes Cooperation With Junta

Pakistan's Taliban Issues Video

Security Concerns for 9/11 Trial

Brown Announces Afghan Exit Summit

Obstacles Remain for Obama in China

Kosovo Holds Election

*Markets Video:Government-Run Health Care Coming?

Which Retailers Are In Trouble?

Goldman Sachs Gives Back

A Goal of Shared Prosperity?

Ignore Buffett, Buy Chevron

Where Would You Invest a Billion Dollars Right Now?

Bernanke at Economic Club of New York

Is Commodities Bubble Fueling Stock Rally?

Speculation Over Yuan Rise Will Continue

Stead: Economy Is Back On Track

Rahm Emanuel Responds to Business Critics

*Politics Video:Obama Warns Of "Double-Dip" Recession

Obama: Gitmo Will Close By Next Year

Obama Confident Of KSM Conviction

Graham Presses Holder On Reading Osama Bin Laden Miranda Rights

9/11 Victim To Holder: We Are Heartsick Of Theatrics That Will Take Place At KSM Trial

Obama Expresses Confidence KSM Will Be Convicted; Says He Isn't "Prejudging" Verdict

Karl Rove Analyzes Senate Health Care Bill Votes

Holder: No One Needs To Be Afraid Of KSM Trial

Palin: Fort Hood Killer Should Have Been Profiled

Gov. Rendell: Don't Read Much Into NJ, VA Races

Biden Talks New Jobs, Health Care, Dems On "Daily Show"

Sen. Conrad On Debt, Deficits

Sen. Wyden Concerned About Fate Of Public Option

Olbermann: "Teabagger" Enters Popular Lexicon

O'Reilly: Why The Left Fears Sarah Palin

Obama: Forbidden City "Testament To The Greatness Of Chinese Civilization"

Obama Bows Again At Town Hall In Shanghai

ABC News: Stimulus Jobs "Created" In Districts That Don't Exist

Palin: Obama Has It "Backassward" On Economy

Rep. Schultz On Removing Anti-Abortion Amendment From HC Bill

Rep. Stupak On Anti-Abortion Amendment

Sarah Palin Discusses "Common Sense Conservative Solutions" On Limbaugh

Mukasey: NYC In Danger With KSM There

Lou Dobbs: Senate Run "On My Mind"

Durbin: Dems "Struggling" To Get Votes For Public Option

President Obama's Poll Numbers Dip

NY-23: Hoffman Takes Back Concession Speech

Sen. Brown On Public Option In Senate Health Care Bill

Liz Cheney On KSM Trial In NYC

O'Reilly On Lou Dobbs And CNN

Olbermann, Sen. Sanders On GOP Delay Tactics


**Site: UFO Magazine


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 17th With Webster Tarpley

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 16th With Damon Vickers