"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 November 2009



**links and resources:EPIC Terrorism (Total) Information Awareness Page**

YouTube Tries to Help Media Find More Free Video

*YouTube - Direct's Channel

*Slideshow:Traveling Through Time and Stars


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/16/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/13/09

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-16, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-15, Sunday

Nov. 16, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 13, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Man Arrested, Faces 5 Years In Jail For Reporting Firearm To Police

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Competition With the Government?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Emerging Medical Dictatorship

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » (w/document)Special Inspector: AIG Counterparty VOLUNTEERED to Take a Haircut, But Geithner Refused

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » At Least One Central Bank Held Fake Gold

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Tiny Mauritius Tells US To Shove Its Dollar, Buys 2 Metric Tons Of Gold From IMF At $1,115 An Ounce

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Revised CDC swine flu figures to triple number of deaths

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 100 new militia groups since Obama elected; watchdog alarmed

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Genetically engineered hormones used by dairy industry promote cancer

Demand Congress stop withholding taxes now

YouTube - Michael Savage Takes Call From Crazy Liberal Obama Worshipper Praising Obama's Low Bow to Japanese Emperor -- Sound Clip Aired on November 16, 2009

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

A New System For The Privileged Is Not A Remedy For The Economy

Illegal Alien Amnesty Thugs Attack Tea Party Protesters in Ft. Lauderdale

New Derivatives Legislation “Was Probably Written by JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs”

Wall Street Banks Tricking Little Guys Into Lobbying for Them

Washington's Blog:Big Banks Have ALREADY Killed Reforms

Gun sales shoot up amid America’s fear of rising crime and terrorism

Apple Patents Technology That Would Force Users to Interact with Ads

A Tale of Two Stories: The European BioWar outbreak and the censoring of it by the mainstream news media

Empowering the Slave Class: Astounding Facts About Illegals

TruthAlliance.net > News > 300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False

In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - NYTimes.com

US border-security cash leaves towns on the hook | www.azstarnet.com ®

APS rejects plea to alter stance on climate change - physicsworld.com

World leaders back delay to final climate deal | World | Reuters

Constitutional Candidates for Congress

How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop

Feds, Media Link Fort Hood Shooter to al-Qaeda and 9/11

Government Determined to Connect Hasan and al-Qaeda

Reaction to Fort Hood: Stupidity Beyond Belief

Brady Campaign Exploits Fort Hood Tragedy

More GWOT Grist: Taliban Support Murder of Soldiers at Fort Hood

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, jihadist or patsy?

U.S. dying to prosecute Hasan

Obama Plays the al-Qaeda Card in Shanghai

Order Out of Chaos: CIA, Blackwater Responsible for Bombings, Assassinations in Pakistan

Hannity Says Ron Paul is Nuts

Chuck Norris: Copenhagen Talks To Forge “One World Order”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Under Obamacare, The Government Would Indoctrinate Your Kids


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is The Federal Reserve A Secret Society?

*Site:Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

**Audio:The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve"/ 89 minutes

video:(1:11:11)The Birth of the US Federal Reserve Bank - How usury destroyed America

video:(1:13:31)The Creature from Jekyll Island , G Edward Griffin

video:(42:15)G Edward Griffin Creature From Jekyll Island Second Look at the Federal Reserve


Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

*Audio:Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

**The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

**19 pg/pdf:g20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank of Governors Meeting;Nov '09

Soros Calls for World Currency and “New World Architecture”

Project Syndicate - A New World Architecture


Press TV talks to Alex Jones on Fort Hood shooting

Americans see China as economic threat - CNN.com

Health and safety snoops to enter family homes - Times Online

CNN reporter detained in Shanghai over Obama-Mao T-shirt | Raw Story

Scared Of Planet Nibiru? NASA Would Like To Help : NPR

CERN's particle collider could be re-launched this week | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

'Something may come through' dimensional 'doors' at LHC • The Register

11-16-2009: High Costs Weigh on Troop Debate for Afghan War: $1 Million Per Soldier

The Folly Of A Drone War

11-16-2009: UK seeking new world order by Afghan war

11-16-2009: Bernanke: Fed will keep eye on sliding dollar

11-16-2009: 46 Other Leaders Didn't Bow To Japanese Emperor

11-16-2009: CIA Says It Gets Its Money's Worth From The Pakistani ISI

11-16-2009: Federal Safety Oversight For Subways And Rail-Systems Proposed

11-15-2009: DARPA in bid for shark-portable laser rayguns

Chevron Sued for Billions After Poisoning Waterways in Ecuador; One of the Largest Environmental Damage Cases in History

Bomb-Proof Wallpaper Is Stronger Than the Wall It Papers

China's Hidden Night of State Bloodshed

Kabul’s ‘Obama Market’ Where You Can Buy All Sorts Of US Military Goods

Beloved Enemy: Paying for the Privilege of Perpetual War

80% Of Consumers Say They Would Not Pay For Online Content

Would Our Government Really Start a War to Try to Stimulate the Economy?

EU presidential candidate proposed “Green Tax” to fund “Welfare State” at secret Bilderberg meeting

EU strong-armed nations into submitting to a single president over all Europe

A Tale of Two Stories: The European BioWar outbreak and the censoring of it by the mainstream news media

Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon

Arctic ownership update

Poverty, Global Trade Justice, and the Roots of Terrorism

How the U.S. funds the Taliban

A Helmet For Happiness: NeuroStar TMS Depression Therapy System First To Be Given FDA Approval

Want To Upgrade Yourself? Head To The Bionic Body Shop

Your Next Body Is Growing In a Lab Right Now

WTF?: Soon, Babies May Have Three Biological Parents

Should Palestine Declare Itself a State?

Would Israel Accept A State-and-a-half Solution?

Manufacturing a Terror Threat in Latin America

Shining a Light on the Roots of Terrorism

Too Fearful to Publicise Peak Oil Reality

Climate Rage

Global Warfare USA: The World is the Pentagon's Oyster

British scientists testing Ukrainian 'super flu' that has killed 189 people

Human Rights: Barack Obama's Double Standards. Aung San Suu Kyi versus Omar Khadr

War and Remembrance: About Patria, Pageants and Poppies

U.S. Army Underreporting Suicides, Says GI Advocacy Group

VIDEO: Is Obama a Man of Peace?

The Fed's Policy of Near Zero Interest Rates

Welcome Home, War! Creating the "Domestic Surveillance State"

Academic Freedom in Israel: Campus Watch Copycats Close in on Israeli Professors

Worlwide Corporate Control of Agriculture: The New Farm Owners

The Audacity of Failure: The 4-year presidency of Barack Hoover Obama

Copenhagen Treaty: Premises and Motivations

Unbelievable Video: Candidate Obama States Unequivocally He Is Against Mandated Health Insurance

AP Poll: Fine print in health care prompts worries

Ukraine, WHO And The Geopolitics Of Swine Flu Panic

U.S. Constitution vs. U.N. Treaty

Corporate agriculture industry plans “organic” genetically engineered crops to fight climate change

The Illuminati Agenda For The Coming New Order « Pak Alert Press

Population Reduction: Globalist Endgame Begins?

VeriChip Buys Steel Vault, Creating Micro-Implant Health Record/Credit Score Empire | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

* Video /Lost Tapes: Attacked by Cave Demons?

Aung San Suu Kyi, Omar Khadr and Barack Obama: A dreadful tale of what America has become

video:Italian MP Denounces Bilderberg Influence During European Parliament Meeting

IAEA suspects Iran of hiding information

Medvedev says Russia to step up navy presence

Chicago’s Extensive Big Brother Surveillance System Raises Concerns About Privacy Abuses « Aftermath News

British politician forced to apologize to the Queen for calling her ‘vermin’ and a ‘parasite who milks the country’ « Aftermath News

Goldman Sachs boss says banks do “God’s work” « Aftermath News

Environmental laws put gaps in Mexico border security « Aftermath News

US Troops Wearing UN Colors by Chuck Baldwin

Devvy -- Demand Congress stop withholding taxes now -- 11/16/09

Fars News Agency :: Remote-Controlled Nanocomposite Invented for Drug Delivery inside Body

Poor man's gold may be an investor's treasure Commodities Corner - MarketWatch

*Video: Gerald Celente – American public losing everything to fascist oligarchs « Dprogram.net

Don't Fool Yourself: America Is Now a Communist Nation :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Organic foods are exploding in popularity. But fears of biotechnology—and a widespread mistrust of science—won’t help efforts to create a truly sustainable agriculture.

Questions of extraterrestrial life rest on theories of Martian history.

Biochemist Oliver Peoples explains how his polymer-producing microbes could transform the plastics industry and why both oceans and landfills will benefit.

Synthetic Biology: Why Not Pursuing Crazy Biotech Is Dangerous - synthetic biology - Gizmodo

Wake from Cryonics / h+ Magazine

Darpa: Freeze Soldiers to Save Injured Brains | Danger Room | Wired.com

Palin Slams Newsweek Cover

Palin Confides in Oprah: Economy Beat GOP Ticket

Palin Book Officially Releases with Media Splash

Sarah Palin Coy About 2012 Run, but Door Is Open

Palin Rates Obama 4 Out of 10

Palin Tells Winfrey She Prays for Levi Johnston

Army Suicides to Top 2008, but Progress Reported

Obama, Hu Vow Cooperation but Produce Few Deals

Security Threats Inside and Out for 9/11 Trial

Report: Foreclosure Crisis Hits Blacks, Latinos

Watchdog: Gov't Overpaid to Bail Out AIG

IRS Settles With 14,700 Over Foreign Accounts

Report: Billions Wasted in AIG Bailout

Bush Aide Urges Weapons Ban to Slow Mexican Drug War

FBI Watched Studs Terkel for Decades, File Shows

One in Seven Americans Short of Food

U.S. Senators Push To Ramp Up Nuclear Energy

Hutchison Won't Resign Seat Before Texas Primary

Communist China Keeps 'Obamamania' in Check

Fearless Kids More Likely to be Adult Criminals

NASA Launches Shuttle Atlantis to Space Station

Viacom's Cable Networks Win Rights to Jackson Film

Crawford's Attempted Blackmailer Turns Self In

Giuliani: Palin ‘Exciting Figure in Republican Party’

O'Reilly and Beck Launch National 'Bold' Tour

GOP's Coburn Plans to 'Read' Healthcare Bill

Bishops Defend Their Role in Healthcare Debate

House Health Care Bill Provides Grants to Increase Teen Contraception Use

Sessions to Filibuster Obama’s Judicial Nominee David Hamilton

Video Addresses 'Growing Concerns About Racial, Ethnic and Language Disparities in Health Care'

Sen. Merkley: Authority to Force People to Buy Health Insurance is Part of Congress's 'Very First Enumerated Power'

Religious Freedom Group, GOP Seek Dismissal of Lawsuit Banning References to God at Capitol Visitors Center

United Nations Accused of Censoring Criticism of China at Internet Event

Stevie Wonder: Obama's Approval Down Because ‘People Are Afraid of Change'

Majority of Americans Say It’s Okay to Tax the Rich to Pay for Health Bill

Tobacco Companies Find A Way Around Democrats’ Plan to Sock Them With Much Higher Taxes

Business Opponents of Health Care Overhaul Outspending Those Who Support Overhaul

Millions Will Have to Repay Part of Tax Credit

Obama, Hu Play Up Cooperation, but Divisions Remain

Obama Mixes Pleasure With Business; Tours Forbidden City

In Bowing to Japanese Emperor, Did Obama Grovel?

NY Ex-Lawyer in Terror Case Ordered to Prison

Factory Production Dips; Wholesale Inflation Muted

Fed Reduces Length of Emergency Loans

Denmark: Countries Must Make Specific Pollution-Reduction Pledges at Climate Talks

EU Rejects Palestinian Statehood Appeal

Colorado Medical Pot Suppliers Will Have to Pay Taxes

Abuse Suits Target Mormons, Boy Scouts

President of All the World

Celebrating Our Veterans

Time to Bury the ‘Death Tax’

Is America a Serious Nation?

A Man-Made Financial Disaster

Beck on health care: "We're the young girl saying 'no, no, help me,' and the government is Roman Polanski"

Countdown Goes To Free Clinic: 'Hard To Believe I Was In America'

Bill O'Reilly asks Lou Dobbs if Obama is the "Devil"."

ADL report on tide of anti-Obama rage calls out Glenn Beck as 'fearmonger in chief'

Countdown's Worst Person--Bloody Bill Kristol

Arkansas 10-Year-Old Won’t Pledge Allegiance Until Gays Gain Equality

CNN parachutes in to Michigan to interview militiamen

Corporatist Dems: Let Us Gut Medicare and Social Security, or We'll Sabotage Health-Care Bill

Carrie Prejean falls short as being the new Queen of the Conservative Victim Whine

John King Allows Rudy Giuliani to Claim That Bill Owens Voted Against the Health Care Bill

Webb - Wrong on Detainee Trials

Today's Roundup: The Usual Suspects Are Doing Their Best To Sandbag Health-Care Reform

Mitch McConnell Vows to Stall Health Care Bill With a Lot of Amendments Over a Lot of Weeks

Born Again Deficit Virgins

Teabaggers punk'd by anti-racists who get them to cheer rant against European-American immigrants

CNN to Dobbs: Here's $8 Million, Now Just Go Away

Leahy: If Somebody Murders Americans in America They Ought to be Prosecuted in America

"Dean" Broder to Obama: Make A Decision On Afghanistan! It Doesn't Have To Be The Right One!

Cheney Worried About Terrorists Having a 'Public Platform Where They Can Spew Venom'

savethemales.ca - How the Illuminati Took Back Russia (I)

savethemales.ca - How the Illuminati Took Back Russia (II)

savethemales.ca - George Soros Plundered Russia for Illuminati (III)

Alzheimer's disease and chronic heart failure linked - Telegraph

Iran could have more secret nuclear sites, warns UN nuclear watchdog | World news | The Guardian

Miliband calls for vast majority of Taliban fighters to be reintegrated into Afghan society | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Men file abuse suits against Mormons, Boy Scouts | World news | guardian.co.uk

Body of child 'sold as prostitute by mother' found - Telegraph

Why Obama faces a brush off from China - Telegraph

WWII Japanese submarines designed to carry bomber aircraft - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US military supplier accused of prices fraud

Hundreds of British children could be being trafficked, Barnardo's says | Society | guardian.co.uk

Girl recalls sex trafficking ordeal - Crime, UK - The Independent

Speed cameras – the bigger picture | Geoffrey Alderman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

DNA of protesters could be held for life - Telegraph

Royal Navy aircraft carrier may be sold to India | Business | guardian.co.uk

How Hitler and the Nazi's tried to steal Christmas - Telegraph

Russia is getting bigger, physically - Telegraph

Children turned into 'mini-adults' - Telegraph

Child mental health fears prompt rise of 'quick fix' drugs - Telegraph

Children left 'vulnerable' by therapy culture - Telegraph

FT.com / Companies / Pharmaceuticals - GSK deal draws smokers’ vaccine closer

Expert Says Number of Children's Books About Obama Is Astounding

Lesbians parents better at raising children - Times Online

Against All Enemies: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11

Global Warfare USA: The World is the Pentagon's Oyster

ADL covering up for crimes of financial elites

Financial Armageddon: Fueling an Even Bigger Public Safety Problem

Government Is This Public's Enemy!

911 Was Not An Attack It Was Murder

From The Smoke And Flames - The Truth Is Rising

YouTube - What You Didn't Know About The War

Federal safety oversight of subways, light rail proposed - washingtonpost.com

Barack Obama criticises internet censorship at meeting in China | World news | The Guardian

Obama branded 'Groveller-in-Chief' after an exaggerated bow to Japan's Emperor Akihito, son of ruler who authorised Pearl Harbour attack | Mail Online

Are we too selfish to survive? | The question | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

"Dead Man Musings":The Book of Revelation

Norwegian doctor: Israel terrorist state

Congress.org - : Letter to President Barack Obama (D): Our Freedom of Speech and the press

U.S. would veto Palestinian state move: Senators | Politics | Reuters

Boy on milk carton still missing after 30 years - CNN.com

The Struggle For Internet Neutrality


**Michael Geist - The Leaked ACTA Document

**pdf/ACTA negotiations


Obama - Don't Lecture China On Censorship

President Obama: Don't Lecture China on Censorship | This Can't Be Happening!

Sarah Palin on Politics: President Obama 'Disingenous' on 'Death Panels' - ABC News

Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News

W.H. denies Drudge report - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Hoffman 'unconcedes' in N.Y.-23 House race - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Opinion: Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Police Push On With Probe Of Chicago School Board President Michael Scott's Death - cbs2chicago.com

Scott sought big profit on city deal

Daley: Officials may never solve Scott's death

YouTube - Autopsy Shows Chicago Leader's Death a Suicide

NYC's First Non-Smoking Apt Building Set To Open - wcbstv.com

Soldiers' mutiny raises concern in Israel | International | Reuters

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Abortion clause raises problems for Obama

Carter defends his handling of Iran hostage crisis

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » China questions costs of U.S. healthcare reform | Blogs |

The diplomacy of deference - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Failed anti-depressant drug could be 'women's Viagra'

Internet inches closer to 'internationalisation'

My Way News - Israel displays coins from ancient Jewish revolt

India puts nuclear plants on alert-report | Reuters

No Mandarin Word for 'Town Hall': Obama Introduces China to U.S. Political Tradition

Is America at war, or not?

The Associated Press: Security threats inside and out for 9/11 trial

China Upbraids Obama: For Wild Central Planning, Inflation, and Low Investment by Jack D. Douglas

Teuton and Gaul Will Never Again Fight by Eric Margolis

President Obama: Don't Lecture China on Censorship by David Lindorff

The Second Front in My War Against the Armies of Multi-Culturalism and Social 'Justice' on Campus at Loyola University New Orleans by Walter Block

Awake and Joosed by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting | The Resilient Earth

Fix Your Terrible, Insecure Passwords in Five Minutes

Buy gold, not miners: Jim Rogers - The Globe and Mail

A Case For Secession-Introduction | Gather

One Nation, Under Surveillance - Homeland Stupidity

Some Fear Bush Administration Could Become Target in 9/11 Trial - FOXNews.com


AUDIONETDAILY Obama offering 'perverse incentive' to terrorists

AUDIONETDAILY 'She's going to the grass roots'

AUDIONETDAILY 'Anti-Jesus' judge OK with prayers to Allah

AUDIONETDAILY Palestinian declaration of statehood in U.N.?


'The Secret of Oz' exposes devious financial wizards

Is world uniting in Copenhagen?

'Green' speakers: Obama adviser, Pentagon bomber

U.S. lawmakers defend 'In God We Trust'

Speech-protecting student president restored

Sarah Palin: Levi Johnston busy doing 'porn' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Al Gore's Current TV Calls Sarah Palin a 'Gun-Ho' and a 'TWILF' | NewsBusters.org

Congress Demands Answers from Health and Human Services Department Over H1N1 Vaccination Campaign - ABC News

Nation's No. 1 'gay' newspaper publisher closes

Lou Dobbs: My downfall at CNN started when Barack Obama became President

Big Government » Blog Archive » The LA Story, Part III: ACORN Employee of the Year, Felix D. Harris

Freedom for imprisoned Christian 'apostates'

Muslims raid worship service

Activists hold 'Rally for Rifqa' outside courthouse | The Columbus Dispatch

Gaddafi tries to convert 200 women to Islam - World Faith- msnbc.com

SEIU: Investigate Boy Scout volunteer

Less-Rigorous Guidelines for Breast-Cancer Screenings - WSJ.com

ABC News Exclusive: Obama Administration Slashed 60,000 Jobs From Recent Stimulus Report - ABC News

Fines for too-tall grass could rise to $1,000 a day in Jupiter

Obama green-lights Arab land grab

Vladimir Putin to finally learn real Christian truth?

New mysteries of the Shroud unveiled

A nation in fear of being seen as anti-Muslim - Analysis, Opinion - Independent.ie

Army Plans Fort Hood Probe - WSJ.com

Imam Reportedly Says He Didn't Pressure Hasan - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Senate Committee Postpones Fort Hood Hearing At Request of White House - FOXNews.com

Hasan Wanted Soldiers Prosecuted, Officials Said - ABC News

NBC’s ObamaVision: Will Peacock’s News Division Expose the Alarmism?

Health Care and the Moral Imperative

‘Gossip Girl,’ CW Network and Entertainment Media Engage in Threesome

‘WWII In HD’ Provides Riveting History Lessons

Daily Gut: Publicly Shaming Your Carbon Footprint


‘The Onion’ Targets Obama’s Teleprompter Reliance

ZoNation: What Conservatives Are For

Political Correctness, Ft. Hood, and Hollywood

‘Equalizer’ Star Woodward Played Exemplary Heroes

Guantanamo Bay: Up Close and Personal

NBC’s ObamaVision: ‘Law and Order’ — ‘This Is Why We Need Health-Care Reform’

Federal Reserve chief: 'We are attentive to implications of changes in the value'

Fed eyes dollar drop, but hews to low-rate pledge | Reuters

Fed proposes crackdown on excessive gift card fees | Reuters

Will General Motor Spend Taxpayer Bailout Money on Overseas Operations? - ABC News

Report: House Health Care Bill INCREASES Costs By $289 Billion

How Andy Stern Got Around Obama’s “No Lobbyist” Policy; He Just Didn’t Register

ACORN Still Owes $2.3 Million in Overdue Taxes

Al Gore and the Great Debate: Will He or Won’t He?

Has CAIR Violated the Iranian Assets Control Regulations?

Calif. Attorney General Brown Will Face Independent Investigation for Secretly Recorded Conversations

Tuesday Open Thread: Bolshevik Edition

SEIU’s Targeted Townhall Violence: You Started It And Now You Don’t Like it

Buzz Kill: The FDA Wants to Regulate How You Party.

Illinois’ Gov And Senator Think Terrorists Bring ‘Good-Paying Jobs’

Coffee and Markets: Is Obama Making America More Like China?

Real Obama Miracle: Creates Jobs AND Congressional Districts With Wave of Hand

Is FCC Declaring ‘Open Season’ on Internet Freedom?

Health Care ‘Reform:’ $500 Hammers and the Reverse Economies of Bureaucratic Scales

ObamaCare: Show Me the SEIU Money!

NJ teen barred from abortion protest sues school

Woman pleads guilty to charges in Smart kidnapping

Bowing to 'world opinion'

Obama's 9/10 state of mind

We cannot see the burkas for the trees

How to make Obama nightmare go away

Finally, our message is being heard

Houston, we have a morality problem

The silver lining of the left in power

New book uncovers CIA–Cold War intrigue

A 'feel-good' label for 'at-risk' kids?

Visiting Maj. Nidal Hasan's hospital

The Coming of Caesar

John Yoo: The KSM Trial Will Be an Intelligence Bonanza for al Qaeda - WSJ.com

Shark bite victim recovering at hospital |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

CPS board chairman's death ruled a suicide :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Soldier nixes deployment to care for baby - Military- msnbc.com

Jews raise millions to be ready for coming of the Messiah

Unusual Partners Study Divisive Jerusalem Site - NYTimes.com

Astrologer threatened over ‘horror-scope’ - Washington Post- msnbc.com

73-year-old man is arrested in L.A. vandalism -- latimes.com

Undercover Video Shows Pig Farm Employees Allegedly Abusing Pigs - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Owner says he's picking pet pig over his home -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Brazilian police hunt lone blogger exposing 'unfaithful' wives online | Mail Online

Internet inches closer to 'internationalisation'

Man picking up marriage license finds clerk's office closed by furloughs - JSOnline

Century-old whisky to be retrieved from polar ice

Where have all the protests gone? US students in limbo

Nintendo Wii may provide actual exercise: study | Technology | Reuters

The Brady Bunch: Where are they now?

Families spend four days a year arguing - Telegraph

Internet to 'speak Arabic'

Spain's amazing bull leapers: They fly through the air with the greatest of ease... and avoid a pair of very sharp horns | Mail Online


*Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

video:I worship a god made in my image

video:Philosophy and vain deceit


American Minute for November 17th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Link:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Billboard companies allow slam against God

Copenhagen climate talks: No deal, we're out of time, Obama warns | Environment | The Guardian

Copenhagen climate change agreement is impossible - Telegraph

Fort Hood and the Academic Apologists

The Decline of the Left

How America Created the Fort Hood Shooter

The AT Readers' Complete Lexicon of Political Speech

Devaluing the Dollar by Trashing Private Health Care

Obama and Plummeting Military Morale

Obama's NYC Show: Starring Khalid Mohammed

Sarah Palin's Walmart Strategy

Obama's Copenhagen Suicide Pact

The Liberals' 'Other' Problem

Obama's Polls

A Double-Blow to the Laws of War

Debating Obama's health care clichés

Trita Parsi: Iran's nuclear helper?

Obama's Mind Game

An economist who lives up to his name

About that Holder rationale for trying KSM in New York...

Top Ten Reasons Black America Fears Rush Limbaugh

Encouraging, Discouraging

Coming soon: Medicare rationing board

Stim money 'creates or saves' jobs in congressional districts that don't exist

'Loonie' tunes and Obama's path to US membership in the Third World

Obama promotes internet freedom in China while trying to stifle it at home

Steve Schmidt: Sore loser

Nidal Hasan's own words - in Powerpoint

The real reason we're trying terrorists in civilian courts

Disputes Continue Over Jackson Estate and Public Memorial - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

Levi Johnston does not go full Monty for Playgirl. Shucks? Or Whew? | The Dish Rag | Los Angeles Times

Movie: ‘2012' an epic failure, slap in face of movie fans

U.S. troops battle both Taliban and their own rules - Washington Times

Fair Haven woman set on fire- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut

Islamic militants boosting role in drug trade - Washington Times

Breitbart.tv » Illegal Alien Amnesty Supporters Assault Tea Party Protesters

Gadaffi's Girls: When in Rome...colonel orders in 500 beauties but there's no booze and definitely no hanky-panky

Buddhism and Violence - Sangam.org

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer

Newsweek Admits 74 Percent of Gore Letters Are Critical, But Fails to Publish Any | NewsBusters.org

Officials: Major Hasan Sought 'War Crimes' Prosecution of U.S. Soldiers

Free South Africa? Free Israel from Mandela (& Tutu & Jimmuh)

Ban Single Moms From the U.S. Military

Watching The Oprah Sarah Palin Interview; Palin Shameless Suck-Up / “Inspired” by Oprah

A Better, More Disturbing Preview of KSM’s Trial on U.S. Soil

HUH?!: Geller “Anti-”Honor Killing Rally Features Mother Who Conspired to Kill Daughters

Should I Get the H1N1 Vaccine?

Smackdown: AP v. Sarah Palin, Round One – “Going Crony”

Canada Emulates America’s Worst: Apologizes to Muslims For Arrests

HOprah Watch: Oprah Previews Palin Interview

EXCLUSIVE: Great News – Man Who Gets It Is New Immigration Top Cop

The “Heroes” of Conservative Desperation; Plus HILARIOUS Video: Hannity & Prejean

Student Drivers To Be Force-Fed Environmental Propaganda?!

More “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness” on US Soil: Can’t Wear a Cross @ the Mall?!

Hassan Attack Could Have Easily Been Avoided

Trading Liberty For Security

Civilian Criminal Trial for Mohammed: a Mistake

Tyrants and Their Tantrums

Doctors Divided Over New Mammogram Guidelines - Cancer - FOXNews.com

YouTube - New Mammogram Advice

'Going Rogue' review: Sarah Palin is complainer in chief in new book

YouTube - Sarah Palin tells Oprah 2012 Presidential run not on radar

Charlie Beck named L.A.'s new chief of police | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

2nd UPDATE: Obama Administration Forms Financial Fraud Task Force - WSJ.com

More charges expected in North Carolina girl's death - CNN.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Moment Searchers Found Girl's Body

House GOP bashes Dems - First Read - msnbc.com

Imam: Fort Hood suspect asked help finding wife - CNN.com

U.S. lawyer convicted in terrorism case imprisoned | U.S. | Reuters

The Associated Press: More charges against dad, sons in child sex case

Dobbs tells O'Reilly he'll stay in 'public arena'

The Associated Press: Man deemed unruly pulled from transatlantic flight

Barzee agrees to 15 years for Smart abduction - Salt Lake Tribune

Police: Drunk 'ninja' impaled on First Hill fence post

Police Investigate Suicide of Chicago Schools Chief - NYTimes.com

Republicans bash Obama on jobs - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

NAACP, others call for more stimulus jobs - UPI.com

The Associated Press: Conservative 'unconcedes' in NY US House race

US labor group unveils plan to tackle joblessness | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

Bloomberg Act Humble? Experts Suggest How Mayor Could Try - NYTimes.com

Fort Hood captain: Hasan wanted patients to face war crimes charges | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Headline | National News

During Visit, Obama Skirts Chinese Political Sensitivities - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Obstacles Remain for Obama in China

BBC NEWS | Business | Somalia still top of corruption list

VOA News - EU says it is Not Time to Recognize Palestinian State

Climate talks make progress, pressure on U.S. | Reuters

YouTube - Brown announces Afghan exit summit

New nuclear site shows Iran immune to threats | U.S. | Reuters

Pirates Free Spanish Ship, Crew of 36, Zapatero Says - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Czechs celebrate fall of communism 20 years ago

Pakistani army eager to show progress in fight against Taliban - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Pakistan's Taliban issues video denial - 16 Nov 09

Iran military denounces Saudi "killing" in Yemen | Reuters

The Associated Press: Ship with 100 tourists stuck in Antarctic ice

S Korea awaits Obama's visit for FTA, DPRK issues_English_Xinhua

AFP: Former SS member, 90, charged over Nazi massacre

VOA News - Nigerian Militants Accuse Military of Threatening Cease-Fire

Japanese Mortified By Obama's Bow - Hannity - FOXNews.com


Elmo Schools Ricky Gervais on 'Sesame Street'

Pharmaceuticals See Big Money in Vaccines

England vow to silence boo boys

Raw Video: Shuttle Astronauts Look for Damage

Tokyo overtakes Paris as 'culinary capital'

Crunch time for British parties as election looms

Giant Jellyfish Invade Japanese Waters

Troops' Families Cope With Holiday Separation

Dennis Rodman Temporarily Detained in Germany

Sir Elton John Raises Money to Fight AIDS

More Yves Saint Laurent items go under hammer

Raw Video: Moment Searchers Found Girl's Body

Runaways at risk of sex abuse

Police: Man Set Girlfriend on Fire

AP Poll: Experiences Shape Health Care Views

Memories of Mortimer

Myanmar: Suu Kyi Proposes Cooperation With Junta

AP's Frazier Moore Not Down With Pop Ups

Big cats seek new homes in South Africa

Abu Dhabi exhibition paves way for new Guggenheim

The risky life of wine lovers in Gaza

Obstacles Remain for Obama in China

Brothers File Lawsuit Against Mormon Church

Change the Package, Avoid the Taxes?

Fifteen Minutes that Shook the World

Twin Girls Joined at Head Now Separated

Ammonia Leak Kills 1, Injures 3 in Minnesota

Brown wants Afghan handover talks

New York Woman Saved From Subway Tracks

Raw Video: Landslide Buries Chinese Village

Hong Kong's 'spiders' stick to bamboo scaffolding

Jackson's Doctor Avoids Jail in Support Case

12 Injured After Shooting Outside Concert

Palin, Winfrey Talk About Book and Levi Johnston

Autopsy Shows Chicago Leader's Death a Suicide

Security Threats Inside and Out for 9/11 Trial

Raw Video: One of Pa.'s 'Worst' Bridges Imploded

Raw Video: Aboard Madoff's Yacht, Up for Auction

A billionaire on a green mission

Video: TX Lotto Theft Victims Fights for Money

NASA Twitter Followers Invited to Watch Atlantis Shuttle Launch

Krauthammer Attacks ‘Narcissism’ of Obama’s ‘First Pacific President’ Claim

Rupert Murdoch Knocks NY Governor: ‘Blind and Can’t Read Braille’

SEIU Helps Organize After-Dark Health Care Protest Outside Sen. Lieberman’s House

Qaddafi Hires Hundreds of ‘Leggy’ Italian Models for Surprise Lecture on Islam

Shock Pics Show Crocodile’s Deadly Mistake Crossing Tanzanian River

Dash Cam Catches Curious Kitten Climbing Cop During Traffic Stop

Dobbs Does O’Reilly: ‘A Lot of Things Are on My Mind’

Beck Takes on ‘South Park’ Spoof of His Many Questions

Palin Tells Oprah: Levi’s Porn Aspirations Are Heartbreaking

Fox News Exclusive: Disturbing Video Shows Animal Cruelty at PA Pig Farm

The Onion: Obama’s Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner

‘The Perky One’: Palin Tells Oprah She Found Katie Couric Annoying

CNN Hosts Palin Forum With No Palin Supporters

Neo-Nazi’s Hitler Flag Triggers Scuffle at Arizona Tea Party Protest

‘Hello, Ohio’: Springtsteen Slips Up During Concert

Obama Bow to Japanese Emperor Called ‘Not Appropriate’

‘Going Rogue?’: Anita Dunn Hints That Obama Knew She Would Attack Fox News

Contrast: 46 Other World Leaders Did Not Bow to Japanese Emperor

Nidal Hassan’s Fate Predicted in Ten Seconds

Hillary Clinton Likes Idea of Coffee With Palin

GOP Congressman Calls NYC Terror Trial Decision ‘Ideology Run Wild’

British Scientist Admits She Is Famous Prostitute ‘Belle de Jour’

‘She’s a Joke’: NY Times Resident Conservative Calls Palin a ‘Talk Show Host’

Update: Vegas Strip Club Stops Running Mobile Dance Van

New Mammogram Guidelines Spark Debate

Failed Anti-Depressant Drug Could Be ‘Women’s Viagra’

NASA Twitter Followers Invited to Watch Atlantis Shuttle Launch

Rep: Amnesty Will Give Illegal Immigrants Access to Taxpayer-Funded Health Care

Can Congress Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance?

Will Incoming NJ Gov Deliver on Lowering Taxes?

FDA: Are Caffeine & Alcohol Safe to Mix?

Officers Help Deliver 10-Pound Baby

Report Details Stimulus Money Spent in Nonexistant Congressional Districts

SNL Cast Member Confesses Truth About Palin’s Cameo on Show

Autopsy Shows Chicago School Board Leader’s Death a Suicide

News Crew Joins Pakistan’s Army on Terror Hunt

Men File Abuse Suits Against Mormons, Boy Scouts

Local News Blooper: When Robotic Cameras Collide

Breast MRI May Help Women With Early Detection

Warning: Facebook Quizzes Could Expose Personal Information

Lady Gaga Performs at MOCA NEW 30th Anniversary Party

Rush on ‘Going Rogue’: ‘One of the Most Substantive Policy Books I’ve Read’

Catholic Church Investigates Existence of Aliens

The B-Cast: Obama Speaks at Fort Hood

The B-Cast: Rush Deconstructs Obama’s Fort Hood Speech

The B-Cast: Twenty Years of Lessons Since Fall of the Berlin Wall


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Military Employs “Counterinsurgency” Strategy In Californian City

CIA paid millions of dollars to ISI since 9/11: Report « Dprogram.net

Verizon to AT&T: "Our ads are true and the truth hurts" | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com

Pentagon: Fort Hood Probe Will Review Missed Red Flags - FOXNews.com

Congressman Blasts White House for Faulty Job Data on Government Web Site - FOXNews.com

Campaign For Liberty — The Media As Enablers of Government Lies | by James Bovard

Informed Comment: 20-Year-Old Letterhead points to Israeli Forgery in Francop Affair

Aletho News: 500 Million New Terrorists!

Informant testifies on alleged Barcelona terrorist plot - CNN.com

Aletho News: CNN on our new "huge, huge bomb" to use against Iran

Gilad Atzmon - Britain must de-Zionise Itself Immediately by Gilad Atzmon

Campaign For Liberty — The Emerging Medical Dictatorship | by Adam Murdock, MD

Aletho News: If it was a war for oil, the US lost

EclippTV :: Video :: Horowitz - The Stupidity of "Greening" Vaccines

YouTube - Woman Reporter Dragged Away by Obama Security

EclippTV :: Video :: Bill O'Reilly - "I don't care about the Constitution." to Napolitano

What the Inventor of the Flu Shot NOW Thinks of the Vaccine...

Barack Obama has shares in Baxter | Fromtheold

Refreshing News: World's first universal quantum computer 'unveiled'

truthjihad.com blog: Warning! We're in the false-flag red zone for 911-2B

October 7, 2001: Stolen 9/11 Documents Appear in Mysterious Circumstances

Late 2001: German Intelligence Reportedly Prevents Arrest of Alleged Al-Qaeda-CIA Double Agent with 9/11 Foreknowledge

911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11

The Trial of the Century and the Long Shadow of 9/11 by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

David Icke: stunning analysis of what's behind US political/economic manipulative control

Government Is This Public's Enemy!

Missing Iranian General Found In Israel

Palin says she doesn’t believe in evolution | Raw Story

Raw Story » Bush memos parallel claim 9/11 mastermind’s children were tortured with insects

Microsoft allows advertising on PC desktops - Telegraph

Fluoridation Increases Infant Death Rates | Voxy.co.nz

John Ross - Legalize It!

Hiding Debt Just a Juggling Trick: Newsroom: The Independent Institute

Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?

Dissident Voice : Rush to Judgment: Talk Radio’s “Truth Detector” Blows a Fuse—Again


Defense Intelligence Agency Has a Positive Report on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions aka Cold Fusion

**US Defense Intelligence Agency Report - Technology Forecast: Worldwide Research on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Increasing and Gaining Acceptance (8 page pdf)


In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - NYTimes.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Taxation, Inflation, and War

President Obama: Don’t Lecture China on Censorship | The Public Record

Welcome Home, War!

EclippTV :: Video :: Court Orders Federal Reserve to Disclose 2 Trillion Loan Program Details

Faber Predicts War to Distract from Bad Economy « Dprogram.net

Fake 400 troy oz Gold bars found...from central bank transfer to Hong Kong.

Dobbs Was Forced Out Say Sources, CNN Insiders

Washington's Blog:Can We Save America? H

Reset Button | The New Republic

Op-Ed Contributor - Beating Kim at His Own Game - NYTimes.com

World Affairs Journal - Spoilers: The End of the Peace Process

Asia Times Online :The benefits of a nuclear Iran

America and China: Pleased to meet you | The Economist

How the US's Falling Dollar Affects Asia - WSJ.com

Al-Qaeda: the greatest threat - Telegraph

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Copenhagen is only the beginning

A tax hike that misses the mark

Everybody's Dissing the Dollar - Up and Down Wall Street Daily - R. Forsyth - Barrons.com

Smartphones: A Bigger Target for Security Threats - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - Capping Prosperity, Trading Away Freedom

Investors.com - Chasing Corporations Out Of The U.S.

Peter J. Wallison: The Permanent TARP - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - Exposing Myths About China and the Yuan

Robert B. Reich: China and the American Jobs Machine - WSJ.com

Reuters Columns » Blog Archive » A world of worry on U.S. fiscal health | Blogs |

Active Government = Unstable Economy - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Malpractice

Op-Ed Columnist - Off the Chart - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Today's PC Army

Avoiding health care 'I told you so' - Richard Benedetto - POLITICO.com

For U.S., China, uneasiness about economic co-dependency

Her Side of the Story

How Palin Could Win the 2012 GOP Nomination -- Politics Daily

Her Side of the Story

Obama has lost the center: Here's how he can reclaim the broad middle of American politics

Why Sarah Palin Is Bad for the GOP -- Politics Daily

EDITORIAL: Terrorism on trial - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Is America Losing Its Mojo?

RealClearPolitics - Memo to Holder: Who's Accountable Now?

RealClearPolitics - Are We at War -- or Not?

RealClearPolitics - Our Rogue Evita

Cost Control, Still Not A Fantasy | The New Republic

Gee Thanks, Nancy

Turning to the left or to the center? - Mark Penn - POLITICO.com

Dr. Paul Hsieh: Mafia-style health insurance: An offer you can't refuse | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - GOP Dark Horses for 2012

Op-Ed Columnist - What the Future May Hold - NYTimes.com

The Assassination of Greg Craig - The Daily Beast

Responding to Fort Hood - The Atlantic (November 15, 2009)

Changing the climate on Capitol Hill - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - Bowing to "World Opinion"

Obama's error by trial: Civilian justice for 9/11 plotters is profound, dangerous mistake

Prosecuting terror -- baltimoresun.com

From Copenhagento Nopenhagen

Pelosi switches to jobs - TheHill.com

N.A.A.C.P. Prods Obama on Job Losses - NYTimes.com

Supreme Court ruling could play role in 2010 governor's races - USATODAY.com

Conservative club targets GOP - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

. Mystery 'dark flow' extends towards edge of universe - space - 16 November 2009 - New Scientist

BBC - Earth News - Starvation 'wiped out' giant deer

Invisibility visualized: New software for rendering cloaked objects

SPACE.com -- Strong Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Early Tuesday Morning

Essay - Doomsday Isn’t Coming, NASA Says; At Least Not in 2012 - NYTimes.com

Meditation 'cuts risk of heart attack by half' - Telegraph

UN nuclear chief in secret talks with Iran over deal to end sanctions - Times Online

Judd Gregg: Deficit Worst Problem Behind Terrorism and WMD's--But No New Taxes to Fix It


*Transcripts:President Medvedev Addresses the Federal Assembly

Guests: Secretary Clinton & Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Senators McConnell & Reed; Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Clinton; Duncan, Gingrich, & Sharpton

Guests: Senator Leahy & Representative Hoekstra


*Markets Video/Where Would You Invest a Billion Dollars Right Now?

Bernanke at Economic Club of New York

Speculation Over Yuan Rise Will Continue

Stead: Economy Is Back On Track

Rahm Emanuel Responds to Business Critics

Dennis Gartman: There's a Gold Bubble

Whitney: Stocks Overvalued, Recession Will Return

China & India Driving Gold

GM CEO on Govt. Repayment, Q3 Results

Price Wars Heating Up

Humbled GM Limps Toward Recovery

*World Video/Pakistan's Taliban Issues Video

Security Concerns for 9/11 Trial

Brown Announces Afghan Exit Summit

Obstacles Remain for Obama in China

Kosovo Holds Election

Scotland Tests Unique Green Project

Obama on Freedoms and Twitter in China

Obama Shifts Position on Myanmar

Bill Clinton in Jerusalem

Yemen Says Iran Funding Rebels

IIlinois Prison Eyed for Housing Terror Suspects

Serbs and Muslims Still Dispute Bosnian War

Australia Apologizes for British Migrant Children

*Politics Video/Obama Bows Again At Town Hall In Shanghai

Sarah Palin Discusses "Common Sense Conservative Solutions" On Limbaugh

Durbin: Dems "Struggling" To Get Votes For Public Option

ABC News: Stimulus Jobs "Created" In Districts That Don't Exist

President Obama's Poll Numbers Dip

Mukasey: NYC In Danger With KSM There

Rep. Stupak On Anti-Abortion Amendment

Sen. Brown On Public Option In Senate Health Care Bill

NY-23: Hoffman Takes Back Concession Speech

Lou Dobbs: Senate Run "On My Mind"

Liz Cheney On KSM Trial In NYC

Olbermann, Sen. Sanders On GOP Delay Tactics

O'Reilly On Lou Dobbs And CNN

Fmr. Sen. Kerrey: "Right" Thing To Have KSM Trial In New York

Gov. Paterson Rips WH For NYC 9/11 Trial

Palin Annoyed By Couric, Calls Her "The Perky One"

Obama Bows To Japanese Emperor

CBS' Schieffer: Sarah Palin Has No Future In Politics

Palin: Our Ticket Was Perceived As "Status Quo"

Durbin: Guantanamo Detainees In Illinois A "Dream Come True"

Sarah Palin On Critics: "I'll Take The Blame"

Obama Bows Before Japan's Emperor As Other Leaders Shake His Hand

Napolitano On KSM, Gitmo Detainees On Trial

David Brooks: Sarah Palin Is A "Joke"

New Ad Hits Graham For Supporting Cap-And-Trade

Flashback: Obama Says KSM Will Get "Full Military Trial"

Anita Dunn Hints Obama Knew She Would Attack FOX News

Obama On Freedoms, Twitter In China


*Site:(www.abigon.com) Heart Disease Prevention


**9-11 Article and Video Archives**