"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

19 November 2009



Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-18, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-17, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-16, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-15, Sunday

Nov. 18, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 17, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 16, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/18/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/1709

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/16/09

11/18 The Mark Levin Show

11/17 The Mark Levin Show

11/16 The Mark Levin Show

*Audio Archives*

Republic Broadcasting Network: THE GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR/ Archived Months in 2009

Republic Broadcasting Network: THE GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR Archived Months in 2008

**WING TV Archives


With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

Obama renews threats against Iran

Top US officer: We have until May to reconsider Iraq drawdown plan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows 7 Security

FDA openly allows criminally-convicted doctors, researchers to keep working on pharmaceuticals and clinical trials

6 Congress Members Demand Complete Audit of Fed in Light of AIG Counterparty Fiasco

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CNN Propaganda Segment on Oath Keepers Demonizes Fall of the Republic

Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home

**Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home - InterNACHI Message Board

**H.R. 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)

Senate bill weighs in at 2,074 pages

The ADL's Three "Extremist Conspiracy Theories" In Context And With Evidence

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » According To The ADL’s Criteria, Hedge Fund Manager Vickers Is Also A Dangerous Extremist For Talking About A “New World Order”

videos/Catherine Austin Fitts on Alex Jones TV

6 Congress Members Demand Fed Audit in Response to AIG Payments to Bankers

The Day the Dollar Died

Remote-Controlled Nanocomposite Invented for Drug Delivery inside Body

Questions and Gunmen Remain Missing in Bizarre Florida False Hostage Paramilitary Operation

Apple Patents Technology That Would Force Users to Interact with Ads

Obama Critic Rev. Mannings Says Homeland Security Visited Him

Political Brainwashing in 90s Show Northern Exposure


Big Government » Blog Archive » Is FCC Declaring ‘Open Season’ on Internet Freedom?

Herman Van Rompuy, front-runner for presidency, wants EU-wide tax - Times Online

Does having children contribute to climate change? - Telegraph

Mouth Of The Potomac - NY Daily News

Your smart meter is watching - thestar.com

Big Brother quiz for new school parents:Officials launch 83-point probe into families' lives

AFP: Main 9/11 plotter will be convicted, executed: Obama

Ex-Military Officer in Pakistan Is Linked to 2 Chicago Terrorism Suspects

Suthers: Medical marijuana dispensaries subject to sales tax, retail license laws

Rothschild/Warburg Mouthpiece ADL Mouths Off « LewRockwell.com Blog

Iraqi election measure vetoed

The wrong arm of the law | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Daily Bruin | Protest of fee increase gets raucous at UCLA

Iran Began Preparing for U.S. Bombing in 2002 | AfterDowningStreet.org

Top US officer: We have until May to reconsider Iraq drawdown plan | Raw Story

Is $6,300 fair value for gold? – Telegraph Blogs

Tulsa World: Inhofe declares victory in speech on global warming

Large Hadron Collider ready to restart this weekend - Telegraph

Calls rise for new global currency - The Globe and Mail

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 6 Congress Members Demand Complete Audit of Fed in Light of AIG Counterparty Fiasco

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is Goldman Sachs About To Drag Down The Federal Reserve?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Michael Moore says Democrats’ healthcare bill is giveaway to insurance industry

CNN Political Ticker: Blogs from CNN.com

Fire Geithner and Summers, prominent Democrat says | Raw Story

Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

U.S. ship thwarts second pirate attack

Sex slave breaks silence

In-ear cams will reduce drunken street fights - Northern Territory News

Health-Care Bill To Start With Illegal Aliens

Environmental Laws Put Gaps In Mexico Border Security

ACLU Defends Gilchrist's Free Speech

Senate Health Care Debate Set to Begin with Immigration a Key Issue | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

Final Vote Results for Roll Call 882

Health bill could get 34-hour reading in Senate - Washington Times

Joe Lieberman slams public option; brushes off critics - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Jesse Jackson: 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man' - TheHill.com

Republican Leader John Boehner | Sen. Reid’s Government-Run Health Plan Requires a Monthly Abortion Fee

Senate bill includes the Botox tax - Live Pulse - POLITICO.com

Barack Obama rewards big donors with plum jobs overseas - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Big Government » Blog Archive » Finally, A Congressman With a Solution: Stop Complaining So Much

Work site arrests of illegals fall dramatically - Washington Times

My Way News - Upscale McDonald's brings European style to NYC

I'm not losing weight, says Obama as he hits back at claims the stress of the presidency is causing him to shed the pounds | Mail Online

Six arrested over woman left to die in London street

My Way News - China holds, mistreats US man on secrets charges

FT.com / China / Politics & Foreign Policy - Obama in Nixon’s footsteps at Great Wall

Bigger U.S. Role in Broadband Is Likely - WSJ.com

White House aides: No Afghan decision before Thanksgiving

Sarah Palin gives Oprah biggest audience in two years--The Live Feed | THR

The Associated Press: Israel brushes off Obama criticism over Jerusalem

Syria suspected of concealing nuclear activity - wtop.com

AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book 'Fact Check' - FOXNews.com

Société Générale tells clients how to prepare for 'global collapse' - Telegraph

My Way News - FAA glitch causes widespread delays

W.H. shrinks Hanukkah Party - Patrick Gavin

Sarah Palin Tells Sean Hannity: I Read Newsmax

The Media Persecution of Sarah Palin

McCain Defends Advisers Against Palin

Outrage Among Palin Fans Over Newsweek Cover

Democrats Want Probe of AIG Bailout

TV Ad Recruits Arab-Americans to CIA

Giuliani Against Trying Mohammed in Civil Court

Ex-First Lady Laura Bush Unveils Bush Library Plan

Author: Obama Letting Liberals Run the Show

9/11 Family Member Grills Holder on NY Trials

Kyl, Graham Slam Holder on 9/11 NYC Trial

Cheney's Gay Daughter, Partner Have 2nd Child

Sarah Palin Coy About 2012 Run, but Door Is Open

Obama Treasury Nominee Has Tax Problems

Reid Bringing Out New Healthcare Bill

U.S. Advisory Panel Warns of Rampant Chinese Spying

Senate Girds for Historic Debate on Health Bill

GAO: Fraud in Gov't Contracts for Disabled Vets

New Probe of Watergate's Famous 18-Minute Gap

Ex-Alaska Lawmaker Wants Conviction Dismissed

Senate Hears Need for Bank Overdraft Controls

U.S. Senators Push To Ramp Up Nuclear Energy

Ex-NASA Astronaut Builds Space Trash Haulers

Rahm Emanuel: Obama Will Cut Deficit

Bernanke: Low Rates to Stick Around

Super X-Ray Detects Heart Attacks Faster, Cheaper

Pain Drug May Speed Cancer Growth

Strength Training Can Help People With Lung Disease

Daily Drink Cuts Heart Disease for Men

Big Hubble Instruments Now Smithsonian Artifacts

Feud Not Mentioned in Obama Interview

List of Top 20 Prime-Time Programs in the Nielsens

No sign of compromise before EU jobs summit

GOP Rips Medicare 'Doc Fix'

*Senate and House Health Care Bills Compared

U.S., S. Korea Forge Ahead on Trade Despite Criticism

Mysterious Card Charges From Internet Shopping?

John Kerry's Daughter Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

Mo. Girl Allegedly Killed 'to Know What It Felt Like'

Kathy Hilton: Paris Wanted Breast Implants - FOXNews.com

slideshow:Stars Who Have Lost Fortunes - FOXNews.com

slideshow:More Stars Without Makeup - FOXNews.com

Report: Pam Anderson tells sons about her sex tape with Tommy Lee « Entertainment

OpEdNews - Diary: The New World Order, Verichip and the Microchip Agenda

henrymakow.com - exposing feminism and the new world order

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Nazi Plan, Part 1

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Nazi Plan, Part 2

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 3

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 4

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 5

U.S. Military Operations in All Major Regions of the World

Who Are You and What Have You Done With the Community Organizer We Elected President?


Campaign For Liberty — Hamilton's Betrayal | by George C. Leef

Campaign For Liberty — Krugman's Magical Solution to Budgetary Woes | by Robert Murphy

Campaign For Liberty — US Health Care in Crisis - Where's the Outrage? | by Nima Mahdjour

*Campaign For Liberty — Competition With the Government? | by Ron Paul

Campaign For Liberty — The Emerging Medical Dictatorship | by Adam Murdock, MD

Campaign For Liberty — Origins of the Federal Reserve | by Murray Rothbard

Campaign For Liberty — The Media As Enablers of Government Lies | by James Bovard

US Troops Wearing UN Colors

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Karzai sworn in as Afghan president

Fed Up! Genetic Engineering, Industrial Agriculture, and Sustainable Alternatives

Mammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)

Total government convictions for IRS 'tax crimes': 666

4 pg./Thomas A Barthold, Chief of Staff of the Congressional 'Joint Committee on Taxation

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

Copenhagen Treaty: Premises and Motivations

Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood & Corporate Power

VDARE.com: Myths of Our Time

Barton Kunstler, Ph.D.: Biolabs Multiplying Like Rabbits: A Clear and Present Danger

Tory flyers targeting Jewish votes raise hackles - The Globe and Mail

Khaleej Times Online - Scaremongering Muslim Interns, Undermining Democracy

Soceite Generale - Get Ready For Global Collapse

Cuban repression has continued under Raúl Castro, says watchdog | World news | The Guardian

Fort Hood Shooter a product of "invade the world invite the world" agenda

*Lendman - Universal Single Payer Health Care Coverage

SteveLendmanBlog: Media Disseminated Myths about Obamacare

Fruit and vegetables 'improve complexion more than tan' - Telegraph

Heart disease was rife among ancient Egyptians | Science | The Guardian

US Army Suicides Set Another Yearly Record

Cryptomundo » First Baby Coelacanth Photos Taken

US, NATO Target Latin America

Rabbi 'offered cocaine for sex' - Crime, UK - The Independent

Barnardo's warns of Britain's secret trade in child sex - Times Online

"Dead Man Musings":The Book of Revelation

"Dead Man Musings":The Book of Revelation and Endtimes Prophecy: Part 2

Military Doublespeak by Laurence M. Vance

Why Did Lou Dobbs Quit? by Mark Thornton

*The Paul-Grayson Amendment by Ron Paul and Alan Grayson

Police State USA by Tom Engelhardt and Alfred McCoy

Mummy's CT scans show heart disease came before fast food - USATODAY.com

More evidence that Transcendental Meditation helps the heart | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | Man killed wife 'during a dream'

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Hundreds of birds seem to mourn deaths of fellow ravens

Arianna’s PC Delta Force

channelnewsasia.com - World economy setting itself up for a bigger bust, says Marc Faber

Well-Written, Well-Timed: The Dollar Meltdown

Kanwa Minerals - The Clay Cure - Healing From The Earth

Architectural magazine’s editor questions Global Warming: hysteria ensues – Telegraph Blogs


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 11 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 12 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 13 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 14 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 15 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 16 by Gary North


Majority of Americans Like Obama Personally But Not His Policies, Poll Finds - FOXNews.com

audio:The Boiling Frogs Presents Peter Lance

Oh Bummer: Internet Under Siege

David Freddoso: Your congressman's padded retirement plan | Washington Examiner

Feds: False congressional districts removed from stimulus site - CNN.com

Oh Bummer: Obamacare A Bonanza For Drug Companies, A Pain For the Public

The Illusion of Democracy in the Modern World

YouTube - Palin: Jewish Settlements Should Be Allowed to Expand, Because More Jews Are 'Flocking' to Israel


**Bernanke 2005-2007 a video compilation - "I Have Confidence in Bank Regulators and There’s No Bubble in Housing" - 12160.org


Court Lacks Jurisdiction to Order IRS to Apologize to Taxpayer

Former evangelist: Religious right is ‘trawling for assassins’ | Raw Story

YouTube - CO2 does not cause dangerous Global warming

Smoking Mirrors: The Hour of Judgment and the Hour of Need.

The US is Dismayed? » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Refreshing News: Two arrests in Zeus internet inquiry

Utah teen to challenge citation for McDonald's rap - Boston.com

Stefan Karlsson's blog: How "Stimulus" Increases Unemployment

Iranian Laptop With Nuclear Data Stolen in Tehran - Bloomberg.com

US Senate: Banksters the new Enron; manipulating markets to add trillions to consumer prices

EclippTV :: Video :: 100% PROOF Gov. has tested DIRTY RAIN to infect AMERICAN CITIZENS! 15y ago!

Thousands of web sites compromised, redirect to scareware | Zero Day | ZDNet.com

US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun - tech - 21 March 2008 - New Scientist

Goldman Says "Sorry" And The World Moves On: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

***The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society - Amped Status***

Can the law keep up with technology? - CNN.com

Court Filing Suggests Philadelphia Top Cop Lied About D.C. Mass Arrests - FOXNews.com

Aletho News: Local Currencies -The missing link in the quest for sustainability

Man trying to harm self shot dead | National Breaking News | News.com.au

American's Journey: U.S. Money: Will Pay to the Bearer on Demand ? Two Photos

YouTube - Richard Gage AIA and Jan Utzon of Sydney Opera House discuss 9/11 truth

Whistleblower Protections and Signing Statements and the Obama Administration

YouTube - Obama Promise To End The War, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

YouTube - The Case Against Barack Obama - David Freddoso Interview 1

YouTube - The Case Against Barack Obama - David Freddoso Interview 2

YouTube - The Case Against Barack Obama - David Freddoso Interview 3

Zogby International: Whistleblower Protections and Signing Statements and the Obama Administration


Video: CJ: Palin, 'Precious,' Pigment of Sosa

Video: FAA computer problem causes delays, cancelations

Video: Bike Group Opposes Registration Bill

Video: Police investigating at Woonsocket City Hall

Video: Afghan President Sworn in to 2nd Term

Video: Healthbeat - Low Nicotine Cigarettes

Video: Bill Limits Cell Phone Use While Driving

Mixed feelings greet inauguration of Afghan President Karza

Geithner Gets Testy With Congressman

Clinton: Afghanistan Outlines Security Agenda

Romania's countryside empties of able-bodied workers

Karzai sworn in, vows to fight corruption

Savage attack on guide dog

S.C. Panel Recommends Charges for Sanford

Pa. Pool Accused of Racism Goes Bankrupt

Cancer drug too 'expensive'

Deadly Courthouse Bombing in NW Pakistan

Blair slipping down in EU presidency running

Terra cotta warriors arrive in Washington

Obama Warns N. Korea, Iran on Nukes

Now hiring: EU president

X Factor twins prepare for another showdown

Dictionaries Differ on "Word of the Year"

Reid: Bill Will Save Lives and Money

Fireball flashes night into day

Ill. Cemetery Where Graves Dug Up Set to Reopen

Tour Bus Crashes Off Minn. Interstate, Killing 2

Police: Teen Killed to See What It 'Felt Like'

Raw Video: Meteor Streaks Across Western Skies

Wild Turkey on N.J. Turnpike Captured

Police Release Burned Woman's 911 Call

1 Dead After Hunter Mistook Students for Deer

Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism’ Flops: Even Liberals Stay Away in Droves

If NBC Really Wanted to Save the Planet They’d Go Out of Business

How the Movies Spawned ‘The First Assassin’

‘Progressive’ Hollywood Fails Women Where Old Studio System Did Not

THR: Will Ferrell Is the Most Overpaid Actor In the World

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Dithering on Afghanistan

Fear, Children, & Video – Ingredients for Obama’s Weapon of Mass Persuasion

Patsy Ruth Miller and F. Scott Fitzgerald: Politically Incorrect in Hollywood

Health Nazis Target Movie Snacks

The IRS and CAIR

Surprise: Recovery.gov Has a Credibility Problem


How ACORN Profits from New York’s Eminent Domain Abuse

Twitter Invites Zealous Bureaucrats to Regulate its Service

Pelosi’s Healthcare Vision: Government Mandate or Jail

Harry Reid Wants to Vote on a Phantom Bill (Dem Dirty Tricks Edition)

Senate Health Care Bill: $370+ Billion Tax Hike

Obama Stimulus Numbers: The Return of Enron-Style Accounting

Internment, CSI and Eric Holder’s Disarming of America

Inside Harry Reid’s Massive Health Care Tax Plan

Geithner: Economy Is Better By Any Measurement

Finally, a Palestinian Charity Tells The Truth

The Coldness of Barack: Weirdest Obama Story Yet

New Nigerian Immigration Scam: Marry Your Daughter

Obama Post-Racialism Classic Video of the Day

Quote of the Day: Enjoy That Halal Nestle Bar

Germany Trying to Escape Obama’s Great Idea of German-Style Healthcare

Thanks, UAE: Gulf News “Cites” Schlussel on Oprah Lies re Islam, Dubai

Free South Africa? Free Israel from Mandela (& Tutu & Jimmuh)

Ban Single Moms From the U.S. Military

Obtuse Janet: Homeland Security Brainfart & Quote of the Day #2


House Dem: Growing Liberal Consensus to Dump Treasury Secretary

Revealed: 2007 Memo Criticizes Fort Hood Suspect’s Judgment, Professionalism

MSNBC’s Maddow Slams ‘Pray for Obama’ Secret Message

‘Obama Coup Fails’: Online Gamers Overthrow Administration in ‘Virtual Revolt’

Fox-TV’s ‘Glee’ Depicts ‘Heartless’ Dad of Pregnant Teen as Glenn Beck Fan

Texas Boy Sent Home for Skinny Pants

‘Palinocchio/Goppetto 2012′: ‘Countdown’ Mocks Palin/Beck Ticket

MSNBC’s Matthews Comments on ‘Monochromatic’ Crowd at Palin Book Signing

Palin to Critics on the Left: ‘Get a Life’

Reid: Senate Bill Cuts Deficit by $127 Billion in Next Decade

Obama ‘Not Going to Meddle’ on How GM Spends Bailout Bucks

Mother of Flight 93 Victim Appeals to Holder on NYC Trials

Aussie PM Backs Probe Into Scientology After Accusations of Torture and Forced Abortions

Obama Reveals He Didn’t Sign Off on Decision to Try KSM in NYC

Senator Presses Holder: Would Osama Bin Laden Be Mirandized?

AG on 9/11 Trial Plan: ‘We Need Not Cower in the Face of This Enemy’

Ex-Marine Cagefighter Surrenders in Fiery Deaths of TV Hooker & Five Others

Byrd Becomes Longest-Serving Congress Member

‘Teabagger’ Ranks as Runner-Up for Oxford’s ‘Word of the Year’

Who’s Accountable When Stimulus Data is Erroneous?

Virginia Gov-Elect Won’t Disavow Pat Robertson’s Islam Remarks

Graham Tells Greta Why He Accused AG Holder of ‘Making Bad History’

Santa’s Helpers Taking Precautions To Avoid Flu

Autopsy Released In ‘Housewives’ Death

Check Out the View From the Highest Point in the World: Top of Burj Dubai’s Spire

Fox News’ Major Garrett Questions Obama on South Korea Trade Agreement

‘Firing Offense’: Obama Expresses Outrage Over Leaks on Afghan Strategy

Report of Black Lung Deaths in Ukraine Stirs New Flu Fears

Vatican Releases Books on Sistine Chapel

Senate Floor Footage: Byrd Honored as Record Breaker

The B-Cast: Should We Be Worried That Obama Isn’t Reading Books Anymore?

Controversial ‘Parental Notification’ Abortion Ballot Initiative May Return in CA

Darwin Award: Store Robber Waits to Put on Mask

Wisconsin Man Strangles Stepson With Necktie in Walmart Parking Lot

Caught on Tape: Microsoft Store Employees Break Out into Song

Obama Administration Sets Sights on Financial Fraud

iPhone Rigged to Drive a Car

Best Ways to Save Money on Twitter

Toshiba Sends Chair Into Space to Make Commercial

SNL Cast Member Confesses Truth About Palin’s Cameo on Show

The Daily Show: Biden Struggles to Explain Democratic Divisions

Pastor Manning Probe: Is Homeland Security Investigating Well-Known Obama Critic?

The B-Cast B-Side: Dad of 9/11 Victim Upset Over Holder ‘Cower’ Comment

The B-Cast: Was Obama’s First Political Boss a Soviet ‘Agent of Influence?’

Elections do nothing to fumigate D.C. and rid us of our unelected pests.

Will 2010 be the Perfect Storm?

No Political Purge

Remember When

Jerusalem Stone and the Genocide of Titus

A Tale of Two Community Organizers

Islam-Bashers Repent

Death and Life on American Samoa

Miranda Rights on the Battlefield Unconstitutional?

Deleted 'Google bias' post in error

$50,000 to clean up a 2 oz mercury spill

Reid greenlights senate version of health care reform

Does Osama bin Laden need to be read his Miranda rights if we capture him?

A top psychiatrist at Walter Reed warned Fort Hood about Hasan

A failed presidency is now unavoidable

'We are all going to die!' - Well, maybe...

President Obama at Gettysburg

A view of Obama from across the pond

Wishful thinking?

Obama's Copenhagen Suicide Pact

The Liberals' 'Other' Problem

A Double-Blow to the Laws of War

Debating Obama's Health Care Clichés

Obama's Mind Game

Of RINOs, Moderate Democrats, and Men

Hit the Reset Button on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda

Why the Left Fears Sarah

Honest Liberals on Mob-O-Care

The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster

Crazed Michele Bachmann fan threatens a Ft. Hood-type bloodbath against a Michigan paper

Sarah Palin on Hannity: Just a regular transmission from Outer Wingnuttia

Republicans Block Dodd’s Effort to Immediately Stop Credit Card Rate Hikes

From The Karma Files: Texas Legislation To Ban Gay Marriage May Endanger ALL Marriages

PBS Newshour: Hunger in America

Fox News airs old footage from 2008 Palin rallies to pump up Palin's 2009 book tour. I filed an FCC complaint!

CBO Issues Report On Senate Health Bill: Costs $849B/10 Years And Reduces Deficit By $127B

William Kristol Hates American Soldiers

O'Reilly loses bet with SPLC, but still doesn't get why Dobbs' firing was a good thing

Why The New Mammogram Recommendation Doesn't Put Most Women At Increased Risk

Republican Flip Flops Abound

Senate Expected To Vote This Week On Bringing Health-Care Bill To Floor

John McCain bashes AARP over health-care bill after praising them in his 2008 presidential campaign

'Fearmonger in Chief' Beck goes militia, warns of impending 'New World Order'

GOP Congressman: Terror Trial Held In NYC To Attract Terror Attack Because 'Rebuilding Will Create Jobs'

Frank Schaeffer Warns Against the Latest Threats From the Religious Right to President Obama

Well Mayor, How Are You Gonna Feel When It's your Daughter Kidnapped By Terrorist! Congressman John Shadegg

Perlstein on post-partisanship: 'Millions of Americans don’t consider a Democrat president legitimate'

Joe Scarborough Thinks Dick Cheney Should Run in 2012

House leader battles Britain's Savage ban

Inside the Beltway - SAVAGE JUSTICE - Washington Times

Al Qaeda's Civil Liberties Union

Gov't Wastes $98B in Taxpayer Dollars in 2009 - FOXNews.com

Obama Calls Israeli Settlement Building in East Jerusalem 'Dangerous' - FOXNews.com

Dems alarmed as independents bolt - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Senate to Put Off Climate Bill Until Spring - WSJ.com

At Princeton U., Islam antagonist "unduly silenced" - The Trentonian News: Serving Trenton and surrounding communities. (trentonian.com)

Roger Mudd to give lecture today at Christopher Newport University -- dailypress.com

I was abused by a woman and it haunts me every day | Mail Online

BBC News - Liver cancer drug 'too expensive'

Seinfeld: marriage is like war

'I warned Nic Cage to cool it'

It’s All a Blur to Them

CNSNews.com - HHS Secretary Says Never Mind Those New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Made By an HHS Advisory Panel

Majority of Americans Like Obama Personally But Not His Policies, Poll Finds - FOXNews.com

Group terrorizes Winter Garden family for 2 days -- OrlandoSentinel.com

11-19-2009: McAfee Warns Of Cold War Styled Computer Attacks

11-19-2009: Big Euro Bank Warns Clients Of Global Financial Collapse

11-19-2009: Pontiac Silverdome Sold For $583,000

11-19-2009: UN: Having Fewer Children Is Good For The Environment

11-19-2009: Boys Are Mutating Into Girls

11-19-2009: Biolabs Multiplying Like Rabbits

11-19-2009: FCC Looking To Expand Federal Role In Broadband Business

11-19-2009: CIA Secret Torture Facility Found At Horse Riding Academy

11-19-2009: Hobbits A New Form Of Human Species According To Fossil Data

11-19-2009: Court: Army Corps Liable For Katrina Flooding

11-19-2009: CIA Unveils New Recruitment Commercials

Beck's Guest List Included White Supremacists, Other Extremists

11-18-2009: Local dad spoke only Klingon to child for three years

Senate Health Reform Bill: 2,074 Pages

11-18-2009: NATO Chief: Quick Exit From Afghanistan Would Unleash Global Jihad

11-18-2009: Big Pharma Developing Vaccines For Almost Anything And Everything

11-18-2009: Coincidence Or Business As Usual?

11-18-2009: Scientists at Cern hold their breath as they prepare to fire up the LHC

Former Monsanto Lawyer Hired by FDA as Key Advisor

Swine flu: One killer virus, three key questions: One Mad Scientist

Nanoparticles Used In Common Household Items Caused Genetic Damage In Mice

Eight Ways In-Vitro Meat will Change Our Lives

Nato chief: quick exit from Afghanistan will unleash ‘global jihad’

NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows 7 Security

Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon deployment

The 15 Biggest Congressional Recipients Of Wall Street Campaign Cash

The Pledge of Allegiance is un-American

Globalization unchecked: How alien media are suffocating real culture

Today’s ancient warfare: Facts vs. beliefs

The US needs to be censured for its immoral behavior

The Hague’s the place for trials

For Obama it’s one (term) if by war, two if by peace

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

Chuck Norris: Copenhagen Talks To Forge “One World Order”

Health and safety snoops to enter family homes

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

FLASHBACK : Middle Ages were warmer than today, say scientists

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

Stephen King: Gold prices are a dead giveaway

The Debt Economy

MUST WATCH: Glenn Beck And The Dollar Carry - The Market Ticker

McAfee warns of Cold War-style computer attack

US Military Wants Armed Spy Bots in Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

Taliban warns U.S. of more Fort Hood-like attacks

Pastor shot, killed on way home from worship

Creating Artificial Personalities -Should We be Worried?

The Future of Evolution: What Will We Become? | LiveScience

Reid Introduces Senate Health Bill That Mandates Federally Subsidized Abortion

Sebelius Touts H1N1 Vaccine Supply at D.C. Clinic That Lacks Doses Needed

HHS Secretary Says Never Mind Those New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Made By an HHS Advisory Panel

Decision to Try KSM in Civilian Court is 'Asinine' and Has Terrorists ‘Laughing At Us,' Says Republican Member of Judiciary Committee

Holder Can’t Say Whether Osama Bin Laden Would Be Tried in Civilian or Military Court

Senate to Vote Thursday on Appeals Court Nominee Who Said Judges Can Amend the Constitution with Judicial ‘Footnotes’

Exit Plan Likely to be Key Feature of Upcoming Afghanistan Announcement

Controversial Judicial Nominee Single-Handedly Blocked Indiana’s Informed Consent Law for Seven Years, Hatch Says

Ten Republicans Vote to Allow Obama's Appellate Court Nomination of Former ACORN Fundraiser to Go Forward

Obama Says Talks Are Under Way on Iran Sanctions

Obama Can’t Close Gitmo Until Detainees Are Dispersed; No Other Country Wants Them

Senate Heading for Historic Debate on Tax-Hiking Health Care Bill

Obama, Seeking Approval, 'Bows' to Foreign Countries by Allowing Civilian Trial of 9/11 Plotters, Gohmert Says

California Requires TVs to Be More Energy-Efficient

In May, Obama Said He’d Use Military Commissions to Try Terrorists ‘Who Violate the Laws of War’ and to Protect Intelligence Sources and Trial Participants

House Republicans Blast Civilian Terror Trials As Obama’s ‘Most Dangerous’ Decision

Moldovan Soldiers Use Onions, Garlic to Ward Off Swine Flu

Experts Say Radical Measures Such As Quarantines Won't Stop Swine Flu

Woman Left $40,000 in Rare Coins Near a Maryland Shrine for Safekeeping by the Virgin Mary—And It Worked

Trying KSM in Civilian Court: Inconsistent, Indefensible, Inexplicable

Excused Horrors

Ready to Pay Your $6 Trillion 'Climate Justice' Bill?

How I Saved or Created 4,730,400,003 Jobs

Thousands of Jobs Scammed or Created

Bilderberger and closed-door meetings: European Union gets medieval with ultra-secret elections

US Defense Secretary Gates to join world top brass at NATO security forum in Canada

The Global Land Grab

Venezuela: Socialists Prepare for Party Congress

The Plight of Workers and the Unemployed: Obama’s Fraudulent “Job Summit”

Washington: "Democratizing" the Military Coup in Honduras

Organized Labor in America: They Should Get a Union

VIDEO: Making War a Crime. Towards a War Free World

Globalization Unchecked: How Alien Media is Suffocating Real Culture

*Ron Paul and Jim DeMint: Americans Deserve a Transparent Fed - WSJ.com

Who Are You and What Have You Done With the Community Organizer

As Electric Cars Arrive, Where Will They Plug In?

What's Obama Bringing Home From Asia? - Forbes.com

Thank You, G2

The Break-Up | The New Republic

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - America must start treating China as a friend

The President, the Professor, and the Wide Receiver | Foreign Policy

Can Copenhagen Still Be Saved?

Think Again: Africom | Foreign Policy

Mr Obama’s modesty may yet mirror his success - The National Newspaper

Reid lays out $849B Senate health care bill - USATODAY.com

Harry Reid's plan ups pressure on moderates - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Taking Governmental Invasiveness Too Far

RealClearPolitics - The GOP's No-Exit Strategy

Column: Justice seems to have forgotten one crucial point: We're at war - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Obama in China: A wake-up call! « - Blogs from CNN.com

Karl Rove: The Permanent Campaign Continues - WSJ.com

What the generals won't tell the prez

Washington Sketch: In China, Obama leaves more questions than he takes - washingtonpost.com

EDITORIAL: A pre-9/11 approach to terror - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

House Financial Services Committee OKs powers to break up large firms - TheHill.com

Academic Researchers’ Conflicts of Interest Go Unreported

Reid joins Pelosi in mandating 'abortion premium'

'Anti-gunner' OSHA nominee advances without questions

9th Circuit asked: Do courts enforce Constitution?

Pastors to Holder: Bible still condemns homosexuality

Is world uniting in Copenhagen?

U.S. supporting Palestinian land-grab

Netanyahu party member slams 'racist' Obama

'Green' speakers: Obama adviser, Pentagon bomber

Obama intel pick accused Jews of assassination

Eric Steward drove 600kms in nine hours after leaving home to get a paper down the road

Trying terrorists, or Bush-Cheney?

KSM trial: Creative treason

It's hard to lead from a bowing position

Why 'Rogue' is a better book than 'Dreams'

Dangerous times

Diversity has jumped the shark, horrifically

It's killing a baby, plain and simple

Senators: Here's how to help your president

Why the left excuses communist horrors

Iraqi Christians Seek Return, Sense Extinction by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com

Bob Cesca: Famous for Being Famous: The Sarah Palin Show Is On the Air

Obama’s Prissy America

Crane smashes through Santa Rosa house | PressDemocrat.com | The Press Democrat | Santa Rosa, CA

South Africa: Runner Semenya to keep medal - Washington Times

Prostitution sting snares boy, 13 | pnj.com | Pensacola News Journal


Truth Inc.

Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

Truth Inc. Pt 7

Truth Inc. Pt. 8

Truth Inc. Pt. 9


Woman's Lawsuit: She Yelled Stop, Practitioner Continued With Forced Abortion

Hasan's Supervisor Warned Army In 2007 : NPR

Lawmakers seek more help from administration for Fort Hood investigations - washingtonpost.com

Proof that Fort Hood Shooting was Muslim Terrorism - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Ex-Military Officer in Pakistan Is Linked to 2 Chicago Terrorism Suspects - NYTimes.com

'Anti-gunner' OSHA pick advances without questions

Schools let students seek secret abortions

God's Word goes public for 90 straight hours

New Lutheran body to form after gay pastor vote - Nation - TheState.com

'Holy hip-hop' trying to break into mainstream

RealClearPolitics - Video - 9/11 Victim To Holder: We Are Heartsick Of Theatrics That Will Take Place At KSM Trial

YouTube - Senator Graham Questions Attorney General Eric Holder

A.G. Eric Holder Defends U.S. Trials of 9/11 Suspects - ABC News

Popular Santa letter program ends in Alaska

Russia tech decision called 'provocative'

US, China to step up military, space cooperation

Senate Health Bill to Cover 31M, Cost $849B | NewsChannel 8

Reid's Senate Heath Care Bill Has No Stupak Amendment to Ban Abortion Funding

AP Poll: Public favors gov't health plan

New mysteries of the Shroud unveiled

"Pink Slips for Congress" Campaign Hits Dem and GOP Offices - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Sarah Palin Thanks Conservative Media Figures In Her Acknowledgments: Who Are They?

News & Star | News | Cumbrian sculptor's plan to carve Christ's face into giant rock

Conyers: 'I'm getting tired of saving Obama's can' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

American Minute for November 19th:William J Federer's American Minute

religion video:The Lord of the Sabbath

religion video:Do you know what it means to be born again?

The American Spectator : AARP Received $18 Million In Stimulus Money (UPDATED with AARP response)


AUDIONETDAILY Holder's 'bravado' jeopardizes American lives

AUDIONETDAILY 'Snake-oil salesmen' hawking stimulus data

AUDIONETDAILY Mammograms '1st salvo' in health-care rationing

VIDEONETDAILY Tea partiers brutally beaten by pro-amnesty group

*Jackie Mason Videos

*Jackie Mason:Sarah Palin: Brilliant and fascinating



*hr 3692*


*Transcripts:Interview with Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin

Gregg: Democrats Will Be Able to Pass a Health Bill

Roundtable on Obama's Trip to China

Rep. Stupak on Abortion & Health Care

Analysts on Hunger in America

The Outlook for the Economy and Policy

Panel on 9/11 Trials in NYC

Reps. Schakowsky & Biggert Debate Terror Trials

Experts on U.S.-China Relations

Rep. Fattah on His Health Care Vote


**Politics Video/Fred Thompson: Afghanistan War "Has Been Lost"

Geithner To GOP: "You Gave This President An Economy Falling Off The Cliff"

Sen. Leahy: We Don't Need To Interrogate Bin Laden

Matthews: Palin Crowds Think In Terms Of "White Vs. Other People"

Giuliani On KSM: "Needless Risk And Economic Burden"

Dem Conyers: "I'm Getting Tired Of Saving Obama's Can"

Palin: Obama On A "Dangerous Path"

Dem Calls For Firing Of Geithner, Summers

Sen. Schumer On Health Bill In Final Stage

Reuters: Obama Dips Below 50% In 2 Polls

O'Reilly: A Rough Month For President Obama

Obama Confident Of KSM Conviction

Obama: Gitmo Will Close By Next Year

Obama: "We've Restored America's Standing In The World"

Karl Rove Analyzes Senate Health Care Bill Votes

Holder: No One Needs To Be Afraid Of KSM Trial

Graham Presses Holder On Reading Osama Bin Laden Miranda Rights

Palin: Fort Hood Killer Should Have Been Profiled

GOP Congressman Tells Obama To Take Time On Afghanistan

Obama Expresses Confidence KSM Will Be Convicted; Says He Isn't "Prejudging" Verdict

Biden Talks New Jobs, Health Care, Dems On "Daily Show"

Gov. Rendell: Don't Read Much Into NJ, VA Races

Sen. Wyden Concerned About Fate Of Public Option

Olbermann: "Teabagger" Enters Popular Lexicon

Sen. Conrad On Debt, Deficits

O'Reilly: Why The Left Fears Sarah Palin

Obama Warns Of "Double-Dip" Recession

*World Video/Henry Kissinger Interview

Karzai Sworn in for 2nd Term

Iran Rejects UN Nuke Proposal

Obama Warns N. Korea, Iran on Nukes

Forced DNA Tests for 'Dirty War' Children

Corruption Overshadows Karzai Inauguration

Protesters Gather in Seoul

Chinese Bloggers Meet in Cave in Mountains

Boycott Targets Israeli Settlement Products

Giant Jellyfish Invade Japanese Waters

Pirates Attack Maersk Alabama a Second Time

Raw Video: Obama Meets With Chinese Premier

Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth

Adm. Mullen on Measures for Success in Afghanistan

Swine Flu Blood Money

Africa Demands Climate Change Compensation

Little Faith in Afghan Politics

Karzai Paved Way for Taliban?

Suu Kyi Proposes Cooperation With Junta

*Markets Video/Time to Get Dollar Bullish?

Forget Gold, Buy Silver

Ron Paul vs the Fed

Stealth Correction On its Way?

Is Housing Stronger Than it Seems?

Government-Run Health Care Coming?

Which Retailers Are In Trouble?

Goldman Sachs Gives Back

A Goal of Shared Prosperity?

Ignore Buffett, Buy Chevron


Yep, It's A Jobless Recovery. Yoo Hoo, President Obama - Why Not A Jobs Program?

Prepare for Osama bin Laden trial - Jeremy D. Mayer - POLITICO.com

Fed Presidents, Lawmakers Step Up Clash on Appointment Process - Bloomberg.com

A firing offense? - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Barack Obama: new Israel homes 'very dangerous' for peace - Telegraph

Osama bin Laden's son wants to work for UN - Telegraph

Israel's ultra-Orthodox out of sync | Seth Freedman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Pakistan: suicide bomber kills 19 outside court | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hamid Karzai: foreign troops out of Afghanistan in five years - Times Online

Computer games fan 'planned school massacre' - Times Online

European Union to seek special status at United Nations - Times Online

Franco-German deal on European council president causes anger | World news | The Guardian

Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower' - Telegraph

Rise in soldier suicides leaves Pentagon looking for answers - Times Online

Obama's Beijing balancing act points to the new challenge for the west | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

How Lincoln put the school bullies in their place - Times Online

Revealed: The student howlers that show our dumbed down exams are still too much for some pupils | Mail Online

Revealed: The design flaw in energy saving lightbulbs means they become dimmer over time

Women put 515 chemicals on their face and body every day in beauty regime - Telegraph


**SpaceWeather.com: Sunspot Plotter**


*Audio/Dr. Henry Niman's Exclusive Reports With Jeff Rense - 16 Nov


*NGO Copenhagen Treaty - legal text


361 pgs/The Extortion SYSTEM of the Ruling Elite


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 17th With Webster Tarpley

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 16th With Damon Vickers