"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 November 2009



**Site:Constitution Party

**Site:Constitution Society

Talk Radio

Bill Cunningham 11/15/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 11/15/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 11/15/09 Hour 3

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-15, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-13, Friday

Nov. 13, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 12, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


(satire)YouTube - The 12 Days Of Global Warming

Netbooks are dead. Long live the notebook. | Tech Sanity Check | TechRepublic.com

Do Doctors Always Tell the Truth? : CJR

Aletho News: How ABC News' Brian Ross Cooked His 'Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda' Scoop

Obama says al Qaeda still greatest threat to U.S. | Reuters

*Fake Al Qaeda

The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion « INTIFADA

Police warn German extremist may be planning attacks in Afghanistan | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 16.11.2009

Supreme Court refuses to hear Redskins' naming case - washingtonpost.com




The Rise Of The US Surveillance State & The Jews Behind It | Real Zionist News

Cray blows by IBM to regain supercomputing crown - Network World

Aletho News: Gordon Brown: Britain can lead new world order

'Nobody considers that a tax increase?' Ask the Justice Dept. and joint commitee on taxation

Delegates to NATO join anti-war demo / Britain / Home - Morning Star

Some Fear Bush Administration Could Become Target in 9/11 Trial - FOXNews.com

Iowa girl suspended for empty shotgun shell at school | Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ

Suit strips Raptor invisibility cloak

Obama Talks Human Rights in China - FOXNews.com

Drug Makers Raising Prices Before Reform - NYTimes.com

China Criticizes U.S. Financial Management During Obama Visit - FOXNews.com

EclippTV :: Video :: David Icke Speaks about H1N1 - magyar felirattal

EclippTV :: Video :: Woman Reporter Dragged Away by Obama Security

YouTube - Bilderberg busted in EU parliament

EclippTV :: Video :: CIA in Afghanistan - The Smack Game

EclippTV :: Video :: Gordon Brown Calls for EU-US Global Order

EclippTV :: Video :: New CNN Skull And Bones Piece

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama And The Democrats SELLING OUT AMERICA To The "One-World Government" !

EclippTV :: Video :: Tarpley-FT Hood Shooter - Nothing More Then A Patsy

*Israel Videos*

*New World Order Videos*

Refreshing News: Patricia Cornwell in real-life mystery over millions in missing earnings

Refreshing News: Hey, Google! There’s Another Programming Language Called Go!

Refreshing News: The Russian and American presidents have made an unusual combined demand on Iran to agree a deal over curbs to its nuclear programme or face the conse

Refreshing News: Barack Obama criticises censorship in meeting with Chinese students

Refreshing News: NASA readies space shuttle Atlantis for launch

Refreshing News: Sky gazers in India can expect celestial fireworks tomorrow

Refreshing News: JFK Dallas autograph sells at auction

Refreshing News: Copenhagen climate change agreement is impossible

FBI Wants us to Work for Mossad » Nationalist Coalition Blog

New Eyewitness To WTC Basement Level Explosions

Netherlands to levy 'green' road tax by the kilometre - Yahoo! News

Hasan Of Ft Hood - A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?

Nightlife Made Sustainable: Street Lights That Match Evening Sensitivities Save Considerable Energy : TreeHugger

Spirit's Last Stand? : Discovery News

Israel Worried As Support for Unilateral Declaration of Palestinian State Grows

Obama To Iran: You’re Running Out Of Time

Giuliani Criticizes Terror Trials in New York - NYTimes.com

Goon Squad: "Israel--NOT Muslims-- DID 9/11"

Nuclear disposal put in doubt by recovered Swedish galleon | Environment | The Observer

US lies about Iran's nuclear program and "threat" to Israel, escalates aggression for war

YouTube - What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't


Swedish museum in Hawaiian skull handover - The Local

Raw Story » Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

Gore speech: Former Vice President Al Gore heckled during climate speech in Boca Raton -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Inside American Jail: Getting Busted Is Just the Beginning

Ex-soldier faces jail for handing in gun

Hawaii to host 2011 APEC summit: Obama

Do We Still Have Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Sons?

Americans getting raped by Goldman Sachs mafia « noworldsystem.com

Husband__8217_s suit faults IRS for wife__8217_s suicide | The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Ind.

The Radical Press » Blog Archive » AND THERE THE JEWS! from A PROPHET AT HOME, Chapter 5 by Douglas Reed. 1941

America Is One Big Clunker and No Amount of Cash Will Buy Us a New One

cryptogon.com » Cost of Keeping One U.S. Soldier in Afghanistan Per Year: One Million Dollars

Mystery of the dying budgies: Dozens of prized birds drop off their perches in front of judges during show

Last Ice Age took just SIX months to arrive

TaxProf Blog: Zsa Zsa Gabor Blames Bernie Madoff for $118,321 Tax Bill

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Significance Of The Bow: Obama Is A House Servant For The Global Elite

The Ostroy Report: Republicans Once Again Shamelessly Exploiting Terrorism For Political Purposes

BBC NEWS | Health | Plastic chemicals 'feminise boys'

Debating The Holocaust - A New Look At Both Sides

A thorn in the world’s side - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

The Israel lobby and the Jewish kings

11-16-2009: Health and safety snoops to enter family homes

11-15-2009: Blackwater Said to Pursue Bribes to Iraq After 17 Died

11-15-2009: DARPA in bid for shark-portable laser rayguns

Poverty, Global Trade Justice, and the Roots of Terrorism


A Helmet For Happiness: NeuroStar TMS Depression Therapy System First To Be Given FDA Approval

Want To Upgrade Yourself? Head To The Bionic Body Shop

Your Next Body Is Growing In a Lab Right Now

Police Robot Negotiator Ends Standoff With Armed Man

Pakistani secret service given millions by CIA

WTF?: Soon, Babies May Have Three Biological Parents

Copenhagen Agreement on Climate Change–Beginning World Government

Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children

Poverty, Global Trade Justice, and the Roots of Terrorism

VIDEO: Contaminated H1N1 Vaccines?

President Obama: Don't Support the Illegal Coup Regime in Honduras

Enforcing Privacy in America

Would Our Government Really Start a War to Try to Stimulate the Economy?

Worlwide Corporate Control of Agriculture: The New Farm Owners

Poverty, Global Trade Justice, and the Roots of Terrorism

Global Warfare USA: The World is the Pentagon's Oyster

Feds Wanted Private Data on All Visitors to Liberal Internet News Site

What Is At Stake With Free Trade

USA Prepares to Attack Russia in 3 or 4 Years?

VIDEO: Swine Flu H1N1 Used for Political Aims

Nov2009l:The Swiss

Sept2009:ARMINIUS: The Liberator of Europe

July2009:Abraham Lincoln Destroyed George Washington’s America

'Spokesjerk' Revolution Fails To Materialize: FreeCreditReport.com Front Man Sticks To His Guns

In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - NYTimes.com

*Ron Paul: 'Too early' to decide on 2012 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Forget the Audit: Just Go Ahead & Abolish the Federal Reserve

Chaos Manipulation a Forte of Global Elite

Controversial Speakers Explain Zionist Supremacy

Men from Opposite Spectra Agree: Power of Fed Must Be Diminished

Giuliani calls Obama soft on terrorism - Washington Times

Danger from al Qaeda is strong as ever, warns Gordon Brown - The Daily Record

Obama says al Qaeda still greatest threat to U.S. - washingtonpost.com

Obama Bow to Japanese Emperor Stirs Outrage

Obama Unlikely to Push China Hard on Currency

U.S. Limiting its Afghan Goals, Hillary Says

15 Million Americans May Have to Repay Tax Credit

McCain Aides Attack Palin Over Book

Carter Defends Handling of Iran Hostage Crisis

Imam Says He Didn't Pressure Hasan

Gregg: U.S. Facing Fiscal Meltdown

Obama to Meet Gitmo Deadline, Axelrod Says

Axelrod: GOP, Dems Crafting Immigration Bill

Hillary: I'm Not Running for N.Y. Governor

Pope To Address U.N. Rome Hunger Summit

Census: Small U.S. Cities Lose Luster in Downturn

Pelosi's 'Christmas Present' — Socialized Medicine

Palin-McCain Camp Battle Heats Up

Record For Journalist Murders In Mexico

George Will: Spending Destroying Dollar

Egypt Applies for First Arabic Domain Name

Twitter to Scrap Suggested User List

Broadcast Pioneer NBC Prepares for Cable Takeover

CBS Launching Turn-Of-Decade Project

No American President Ever Bowed to a Foreign Leader — Until Now

Obama Will Accept Nobel Prize With 'Humility'

Goldstonewalled! US Congress endorses Israeli war crimes

Washington Post opposes health care reforms

The US government and the assassination of Tupac Shakur

Buyer beware: Climate change and the Ventura case study

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

Splash! NASA moon strikes found significant water

Wake from Cryonics

Darpa: Freeze Soldiers to Save Injured Brains | Danger Room | Wired.com

Synthetic Biology: Why Not Pursuing Crazy Biotech Is Dangerous - synthetic biology - Gizmodo

Gld ETF Warning, Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Steve Quayle News Alerts:H1N1 Suspected in Death of U of O Professor

Copenhagen Treaty: Premises and Motivations

Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax

Unbelievable Video: Candidate Obama States Unequivocally He Is Against Mandated Health Insurance

AP Poll: Fine print in health care prompts worries

Israel proposes work camps for illegal migrants

U.S. Constitution vs. U.N. Treaty

Constitutional Candidates for Congress

Corporate agriculture industry plans “organic” genetically engineered crops to fight climate change

Flashback: Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

*VIDEO:EndGame ; full length version

CNN to Dobbs: Here's $8 Million, Now Just Go Away

Leahy: If Somebody Murders Americans in America They Ought to be Prosecuted in America

"Dean" Broder to Obama: Make A Decision On Afghanistan! It Doesn't Have To Be The Right One!

Cheney Worried About Terrorists Having a 'Public Platform Where They Can Spew Venom'

Axelrod Responds to Romney's Attacks

Kurtz Brings on Right Wing Talker to Play Concern Troll for Lou Dobbs

Joe Sestak Responds To Rush Limbaugh's Attack

Wanda Sykes Takes On OBAMA CARE Fear Mongers!

Mitt Romney Slams President Obama on Afghanistan

SNL: Joe Biden Goes Rogue

Rudy Giuliani praised 2006 terror trial , but now says KSM trial is bad; Jack Reed refutes his fear-mongering

Job Losses Demystified by Peter Schiff

A Little Perspective, Please by Ralph Raico

The Hope of Victory by Bob Murphy

Government Is Good, Don’cha Know by William L. Anderson

'The Principle of the Excluded Moderate'

Sarah Palin's Walmart Strategy

The California T Party (T is for Tax)

Obama's NYC Show: Starring Khalid Mohammed

Obama and Plummeting Military Morale

The future is now

Devaluing the Dollar by Trashing Private Health Care

Bad news for Dems in Iowa

Obama and the 'Palin effect'

Here comes the Sarahlanche

Hidden land mines in health care reform bill

Crackdown on Protestors in China

Sequel to bestselling conservative kids book features Pelosi as villain

Terrorists in Pakistan in 'open war" against the government and military

Myths and realities in our response to terror

Canada calls honor killings 'barbaric'

The wages of Privilege

NYT derisive over Jewish claims to Temple Mount

The AT Readers' Complete Lexicon of Political Speech

The Anything-but-Islam Pundits Strike Out

How America Created the Fort Hood Shooter

Homeland Insecurity

The Decline of the Left

Fomenting Anti-Semitism in Europe

Fort Hood and the Academic Apologists

The Peculiar Exploits of the 111th Congress

Prominent Russian Scientist: 'We should fear a deep temperature drop -- not catastrophic global warming' | Climate Depot

Raw Honey: The Healthy Benefits of Locally-Grown Nectar | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Brushing your teeth could reduce your risk of dementia | Mail Online

Women prefer nerds! - Man-Woman - Relationships - Life - The Times of India

Ft. Hood: Just the beginning

t r u t h o u t | A Morally Bankrupt Military: When Soldiers and Their Families Become Expendable

Health: Weight loss through Ayurveda - Health – Lifestyle – MSN India

In Shanghai, Obama Urges Free Internet Access; ‘Forces Me to Hear Opinions I Don’t Want to Hear’

CDC Task Force Says Sex Ed Better Than Abstinence Ed But Won’t Release Full Data to Public

Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens

Republicans’ Efforts to Keep 9/11 Terrorists Off U.S. Soil Rejected by Democrats

Democrats, Republicans Split on NY Trials for Sept. 11 Terrorists

Officials Discuss Plans to Bring Gitmo Detainees to Illinois

Islamic Nations Seek Legally Binding Way to Counter Religious ‘Defamation’

Americans Worried About Cost of Democrats’ Health Care Plan

GM Expected to Begin Repaying Taxpayer Aid by Year-End

Congress Mandating That People Buy Health Insurance Like States Requiring Driver’s Licenses, Warner Says

Feds Ignored Medicare Scam Warnings for Years

Company That Figured in Connecticut’s Eminent Domain Fight Is Relocating

Arrest at Walmart Leads to Charges of Racism

Republican Leader: ‘Irresponsible Decision’ to Try 9/11 Mastermind in Federal Court

U.S., Russia Say Sanctions A Possibility for Iran

Australia Apologizes for Long-Ago Migrant Program That Shipped Children From Britain to Colonies

President of All the World

A Man-Made Financial Disaster

Adult Stem Cells Saved My Life

Why the Consequences of Stupak Matter – And What You Can Do


audio:Health Care Bill Important to Everyone but the American Public 11.12.09

audio:More White House Economic Baloney 11.12.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Democrats May Regret 'Pass Anything' Strategy 11.12.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Another Bogus ACORN Lawsuit 11.12.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Veterans Speak 11.12.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Polk: Forgotten Great 11.12.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Fire Gen. Casey 11.12.09 (5:00 min)

audio:History Is Calling -- Will Obama Answer? 11.11.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Fort Hood: Obama's Wake-Up Call? 11.11.09 (5:00 min)

audio:She Is Gone: Bye Bye Anita Dunn 11.11.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Using Dead Soldiers as Props 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Pelosi's New Payroll Tax: A Whip for Socialized Medicine 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Fort Hood Horror 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:The Folly of Unilateral Disarmament 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Blind Diversity Equals Death 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:The Myth of the Moderate Democrat 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Hasan's Treason 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Hillary in 2012? 11.10.09 (5:00 min)

audio:Constitutional Contempt 11.9.09 (5:00 min)

audio flashback

Hour 1:Sam & Trish on "Mark Dankof's America" 01.08.07

Hour 2:Sam & Trish on "Mark Dankof's America" 01.08.07


*The Timothy McVeigh Story: The Oklahoma Bomber - Crime Library on truTV.com

*Osama bin Laden, the Islamic terrorist believed responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks - Crime Library on truTV.com

*Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber - Crime Library on truTV.com


Who’s Afraid of Hiroshima? Obama’s nuclear hypocrisy

Faber Predicts War to Distract from Bad Economy

How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop

*Empowering the Slave Class: Astounding Facts About Illegals

Federal safety oversight of subways, light rail proposed - washingtonpost.com

TruthAlliance.net > News > 300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False

Constitutional Candidates for Congress

White House Plan on Immigration Includes Legal Status - NYTimes.com

In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - NYTimes.com

After spending binge, White House says it will focus on deficits - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

Genzyme Drugs May Be Contaminated With Steel, Rubber- Bloomberg.com

State seeing new rise in anti-government, hate groups

U.S.-Mexico task force seeks renewed ban on assault weapons - washingtonpost.com

Mineweb - South African gold on final deathwatch as top grade scientist finds residual gold is more than 90% less than claimed

World leaders back delay to final climate deal | World | Reuters

A Muslim man to get behind

Joe Legal And Jose Illegal

DailyTech - British Government May Stop UFO Hacker From Being Extradited

Christian and Jewish Zionist Diaspora, Part 1: What Does The IAJLJ Truly Believe In?

savethemales.ca - Brazil Firmly in Illuminati Grip

savethemales.ca - How the Illuminati Took Back Russia (I)

Israeli ‘portable pain ray’ raises fears of non-lethal weapons proliferation

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer

YouTube - Idiot America

YouTube - Ukraine Pneumonic Plague Bio Weapons 2009 Nov

YouTube - Ukraine Pneumonic Plague Research Nov 2009

Thought Police Drive Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Barney Frank vows to "wall off" Fed from monetary scrutiny, warns Bernanke to brace for audit

Bernanke fearmongers that Fed audit would be ‘takeover’ by Congress, trigger economic collapse

Bush torture ‘architect’ sits on court that will rule on another torture ‘architect’

Fort Hood Fear-Mongering, Enabled By Media, Breeds Strange Bedfellows

Soros Calls for World Currency and “New World Architecture”

Project Syndicate - A New World Architecture

Video of Monckton’s Speech on Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen

*YouTube - Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul

British scientists testing Ukrainian 'super flu' that has killed 189 people | Mail Online

Obama branded 'Groveller-in-Chief' after an exaggerated bow to Japan's Emperor Akihito, son of ruler who authorised Pearl Harbour attack | Mail Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Farmers, Ranchers Fighting Back Against FDA Tyranny Over Animal Farms

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “War ALWAYS Causes Recession”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hayek: “Emergencies Have Always Been the Pretext on Which the Safeguards of Individual Liberty Have Eroded”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » H1N1 “super flu” plague in Ukraine spark concern, conspiracy theories about origins

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Medvedev says Russia to step up navy presence in world’s oceans

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Future EU president attends Bilderberg dinner

Report: ObamaCare Would Reduce Care For Seniors

SEIU President Andy Stern Discusses Health Care, Obama, ACORN

2010: The Kyoto Election

Truth and Consequences of Health Care Reform

Union and Whistleblower Complaint Documents SEIU Ballot Fraud

The World Shakes Hands With the Emperor; Obama Bows

SEIU: Building a New American Health Care Empire?

Federal Judge Runs Amok: Can Joe Bruno Get a Fair Trial?

The Future of Wade Rathke and ACORN, Part III: Wade Rathke Wants to Rule the World

Coffee and Markets: The Retail Numbers and Federal Reserve Transparency

Net Neutrality Fight Causing New Rifts On the Left

Obama Nation: A Big Mess They Made

Another 9/11 Travesty

NBC’s ObamaVision: GE Uses Network To Push Obama’s Green Agenda — And Rakes In the Dough

NBC’s ObamaVision: Will Peacock’s News Division Expose the Alarmism?

Edward Woodward Dead at 79: ‘Shoot straight ya’ bastards, don’t make a mess of it…’

Video News

Video: Hebrew Academy Teachers Go On Strike

Video: Woman Shoots Man Before Killing Herself

Video: Preserving Memories with Scrapbooks

Video: Suspect Search: Modesto Serrano

Video: 2 Men Found Dead In Volusia Co. Residence

Video: Sneak Peek: Oprah Interviews Sarah Palin

Video: Rasmussen Reports for Nov. 16, 2009

Video: Obama to China: Uncensored Society Is Healthy

Video: Book Highlights Great Cowboys Moments

Obama hold town hall meeting in Shanghai Agence France-Presse Nov. 16, 2009. 12:28 PM EST

More women in France living on breadline Agence France-Presse Nov. 16, 2009. 12:21 PM EST

Green Gadgets Unveiled at Environmental Expo Associated Press Nov. 16, 2009. 12:11 PM EST

Raw Video: Grenade Tossed Into Inmate's Cell Associated Press Nov. 16, 2009. 12:01 PM EST

Rare Glimpse of Troubled Iranian Women on Film

Victims of child migration come forward

Raw Video: Man Drives SUV Into Jail

'2012' Opens With a Box-office Bang

ShowBiz Minute: Bacall, '2012,' Springsteen

Edward Woodward dies

Nearly a Week Since N.C. Girl Was Last Seen

Baby Survives After Being Trapped in Washer

AP Poll: Americans Conflicted About Health Care

Stars Gush Over Gaga

Apology for Kids Shipped From UK to Australia

Albania moves to heal scarred coastline

Czech 'Velvet Revolution': 20 years on

Africa's Green Revolution

Shooting at D.C. Apt. Bldg; 9-year-old Killed

Obama Pushes for More Freedom in China

3 Dead, 1 Wounded in Flint, Mich. Shooting

3 Dead in Nevada Medical Helicopter Crash

Republicans divided over Palin's presidential prospects

Raw Video: Clinton Visits Jerusalem Holy Sites

Film Offer Rare Look at Troubled Iranian Women

IIlinois Prison Eyed for Housing Terror Suspects

Mother of Missing 5-Year-Old NC Girl Charged

'Un-Bee-Lievable': 60,000 Bees Infest Home

Birmingham Christmas lights disaster

US, Russia warn Iran 'running out of time'

Miro-Alfred Jarry: an encounter over Ubu King

Brown apology to migrant children

Contrast: 46 Other World Leaders Did Not Bow to Japanese Emperor

Obama Bow to Japanese Emperor Called ‘Not Appropriate’

‘Going Rogue?’: Anita Dunn Hints That Obama Knew She Would Attack Fox News

Nidal Hassan’s Fate Predicted in Ten Seconds

Stampede at UK Concert Injures 60

Wily Goats Attempt to Board Bus

Hillary Clinton Likes Idea of Coffee With Palin

GOP Congressman Calls NYC Terror Trial Decision ‘Ideology Run Wild’

British Scientist Admits She Is Famous Prostitute ‘Belle de Jour’

‘She’s a Joke’: NY Times Resident Conservative Calls Palin a ‘Talk Show Host’

Update: Vegas Strip Club Stops Running Mobile Dance Van

Rush on ‘Going Rogue’: ‘One of the Most Substantive Policy Books I’ve Read’

Guiliani Blasts NYC Trials as Unnecessary Benefit to Terrorists

Russian Cops Flood YouTube With Anti-Corruption Calls

Protesters Heckle Al Gore During Open-Air Speech in Florida

SNL Mocks Lou Dobbs Resignation at CNN

SNL Goes ‘Biden-Style’ on Health Care: ‘We’re Gonna Cave in Like Crazy’

White House Defends Obama’s Bow to Japanese Emperor as ‘Protocol’

Oprah Talks About Sex Addiction Interview She Refused to Air

‘The Stupid Virus’: Al Gore’s ‘Current’ Goes After Beck, Palin & Limbaugh

CNBC’s Jim Cramer: The Real Unemployment Rate Is ‘Closer to 17-18%’

Distracted Driver Plunges Million Dollar Bugatti Into Texas Lagoon

Neo-Nazi’s Hitler Flag Triggers Scuffle at Arizona Tea Party Protest

Is Your Cell Phone Spying on You?

National Geographic Asks What It Would Take To Colonize Mars

The B-Cast: Obama Speaks at Fort Hood

The B-Cast: Rush Deconstructs Obama’s Fort Hood Speech

Video: Crash Victims Remembered

Video: Salvation Army Bell Ringer Applications Increase

Video: Prudential Financial on Jobs for you

Video: Patient Shares Medical Billing Debacle

Video: 80-Year-Old Bridge Tumbles Into Mon River

Video: AP Poll: Americans Conflicted About Health Care

Video: Taking control of your future


Russia's Medvedev warns of climate catastrophe | Green Business | Reuters

Reuters AlertNet - Chavez asking Cubans to 'bomb clouds' amid drought

Senate won't rush health bill: top Republican | U.S. | Reuters

Lieberman Independence Hinders Democrats’ Health-Care End Game - Bloomberg.com

Gingrich: Contract with America round 2: The Swamp

My Way News - 2012 already? GOP wannabes jockeying early

Standard Journal Online - News

Obama retreats on climate change - The Denver Post

Federal safety oversight of subways, light rail proposed

Dems at risk of losing Obama's old Senate seat :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

My Way News - Dobbs says his departure from CNN was 'amicable'

Dollar falls, sending gold to record high - Yahoo! News

Health and safety snoops to enter family homes - Times Online

Al Gore's Current TV Calls Sarah Palin a 'Gun-Ho' and a 'TWILF' | NewsBusters.org

'Butchered man used for kebabs' | The Sun |News

Web site's cash handout stunt horrifies French minister | Technology | Reuters

Obama Aide Dunn Renews Criticism of Fox, Hails Jon Stewart - Bloomberg.com

China dissidents 'detained ahead of Obama visit'

Outrage in Washington over Obama's Japan bow

Cleric says he was confidant to Hasan

India puts nuclear plants on alert-report | Reuters

President Obama Holds Town Hall in China, Discusses Human Rights, Censorship - ABC News

By the numbers: 71 vehicles - Patrick Gavin

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Romney accuses Obama of not protecting troops « - Blogs from CNN.com

Cops: Initial investigation indicates Scott shot himself - Chicago Breaking News

Iran says nuclear 'enemies' defeated

AUDIONETDAILY 'She's going to the grassroots'

New mysteries of the Shroud unveiled

Obama green-lights Arab land grab

U.S. troops battle both Taliban and their own rules - Washington Times

Bring the troops home now!

Illegals could be legal as quickly as next year

Environmental laws put gaps in Mexico border security - Washington Times

Obama revives talk of U.N. gun control

Vladimir Putin to finally learn real Christian truth?

Ex-NJ Gov McGreevey training to become priest

Longtime conservative talk show host gets booted

Dobbs says his departure from CNN was 'amicable'

CNN gave reporter Lou Dobbs $8 million in severance pay to leave network

CAIR boasts of media influence after Fort Hood

'Moderate' terror pals

Report: Imam Says He Didn't Pressure Hasan - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Visiting Maj. Nidal Hasan's hospital

Mukasey: Obama refusing 'to face facts' of war on terror

New Yorkers cry for 9/11 plotters' executions

Trial in New York is triumph for al-Qaida

Breitbart.tv » Bombshell: Uncovered Obama Statement — KSM Will Get ‘Full Military Trial’

Billions for state, but where are jobs? | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

In China, President Obama speaks against censorship on Internet before meeting with Chinese leader

CMS: House health bill will hike costs $289B - TheHill.com

Axelrod Signals Obama Will Try to Strip Abortion Language From Health Care Bill - FOXNews.com

Intel to remain open on Sabbath in Jerusalem

Walmart Moves Black Friday to Thursday - Holidays News - Holidash

Obama vows 'serious' bid to cut US deficit

The Chinese are 'changing us'

Selling Lesson Plans Online, Teachers Raise Cash and Questions - NYTimes.com

Bush warns of threats to freedom, economic growth - Washington Times

10 Ways to Cut Health-Care Costs Right Now - BusinessWeek

Sorry darling, I can't do the vacuuming. It might damage my sperm count: The best excuse yet for men not to do the housework.. | Mail Online

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

Is America Losing Its Mojo?

Avoiding health care 'I told you so' - Richard Benedetto - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Pushing Health Reform When Job Losses Are Rising

Put Osama bin Laden on trial - CNN.com

Her Side of the Story - WSJ.com

How Palin Could Win the 2012 GOP Nomination -- Politics Daily

EDITORIAL: Terrorism on trial - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

A $300 billion deception - washingtonpost.com

Drug Makers Raising Prices Before Reform - NYTimes.com

Report: Anti-Castro funds see dramatic shift to Democrats - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Make a Decision, Mr. President

New magazine targets those with appearance issues - The Mainichi Daily News

Jews raise millions to be ready for coming of the Messiah

Unusual Partners Study Divisive Jerusalem Site - NYTimes.com

Common cold may hold off swine flu - health - 12 November 2009 - New Scientist

Desperate climate times call for oddball measures -- latimes.com

Climate change 'sceptic' Ian Plimer argues CO2 is not causing global warming - Telegraph

nrc.nl - International - 'We will have a deal at Copenhagen,' says UN's climate czar

New citizenship guide says no to 'barbaric' practices

The graphic sexual imagery in many top 40 songs would appall most parents... So do you know what's on your child's iPod? | Mail Online

Preschoolers pacified with TV programming - Washington Times

Brazilian police hunt lone blogger exposing 'unfaithful' wives online | Mail Online

Race row as black stars are airbrushed from Couples Retreat film poster | Mail Online

Cocaine and pepper spray – a lethal mix? - health - 13 November 2009 - New Scientist

What's wrong with 'meep'? It's all in how you say it - SalemNews.com, Salem, MA

Japanese Official Puts Down Christianity, U.S. and Europe - Washington Wire - WSJ

CPS board chairman had gunshot wound to head :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Fort Hood fiction: People are jumping to dangerous conclusions about role of Nidal Hasan's religion

Robert Reich: An Open Letter to Harry Reid on Controlling Health Care Costs

Cleric says he was confidant to Hasan - washingtonpost.com

Vitamin D Shows Heart Benefits in Study - Well Blog - NYTimes.com

Obama intel pick accused Jews of assassination

Newsweek Admits 74 Percent of Gore Letters Are Critical, But Fails to Publish Any | NewsBusters.org

Frank, Dodd Will Fix Banking Regulation But Good: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

Op-Ed Contributors - The Great Wallop - NYTimes.com

Asia Sentinel - The Taliban's Winter Plans

Editorial - President Obama in China - NYTimes.com

The Nine Nations of China - The Atlantic (November 5, 2009)

The Global Reset Button -Times Online

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Accidental War On U.S. Exporters

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - American dream needs repair

Anthraxing New York by Peter W. Huber, City Journal Autumn 2009

RealClearMarkets - The Economics of Taxpayer Funded Abortion

America, the joke's on you

9/11 trial: If Flight 93 had hit the Capitol

Who's losing? Us or them?

So we're tea bag extremists, eh?

Fallacy of recovery

Elastic logic

How I Stopped Hating Thanksgiving and Learned to Be Afraid | CommonDreams.org

Nicole Gelinas: The Empire State and Eminent Domain - WSJ.com


American Minute for November 16th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Link:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Billboard companies allow slam against God

So where is the birth certificate?


**World Video - Scotland Tests Unique Green Project

Obama on Freedoms and Twitter in China

Obama Shifts Position on Myanmar

Bill Clinton in Jerusalem

Yemen Says Iran Funding Rebels

IIlinois Prison Eyed for Housing Terror Suspects

Serbs and Muslims Still Dispute Bosnian War

Australia Apologizes for British Migrant Children

*Markets Video - Dennis Gartman: There's a Gold Bubble

China & India Driving Gold

GM CEO on Govt. Repayment, Q3 Results

Price Wars Heating Up

Humbled GM Limps Toward Recovery

*Politics Video - Sarah Palin On Critics: "I'll Take The Blame"

Fmr. Sen. Kerrey: "Right" Thing To Have KSM Trial In New York

CBS' Schieffer: Sarah Palin Has No Future In Politics

Obama Bows Before Japan's Emperor As Other Leaders Shake His Hand

Napolitano On KSM, Gitmo Detainees On Trial

Obama Bows To Japanese Emperor

New Ad Hits Graham For Supporting Cap-And-Trade

Flashback: Obama Says KSM Will Get "Full Military Trial"

David Brooks: Sarah Palin Is A "Joke"

Anita Dunn Hints Obama Knew She Would Attack FOX News

Obama On Freedoms, Twitter In China

Giuliani: Terror Trials Unnecessary Benefit To Terrorists

"This Week" Roundtable On Terror Trials, Afghanistan & Palin

Clinton Welcomes 9/11 Trials In New York

Axelrod Responds To 9/11 Trial Critics: "Justice Will Be Done"

Sen. McConnell On Gitmo, Health Care, Afghanistan & 2010

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Putting 9/11 Conspirators On Trial

"Meet The Press" Panel On Education

Sen. Reed On Trial Of KSM, Gitmo Detainees

Giuliani On Running For Governor Of NY

Clinton: Karzai "Must Do Better" For U.S. Backing

Krauthammer: Giving KSM The Rights Of An American Citizen is Unconscionable

Rep. Hoekstra On Hasan's Connection To Pakistan

O'Reilly: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Gets A Break

O'Reilly: The Media Has Not Covered Fort Hood Accurately


**Transcripts: Guests: Secretary Clinton & Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Senators McConnell & Reed; Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Clinton; Duncan, Gingrich, & Sharpton

Guests: Senator Leahy & Representative Hoekstra

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Rep. Sestak & George Pataki Debate Terror Trials


Born Again Deficit Virgins

Teabaggers punk'd by anti-racists who get them to cheer rant against European-American immigrants

Copenhagen climate talks: No deal, we're out of time, Obama warns | Environment | The Guardian

Copenhagen climate change agreement is impossible - Telegraph

Are we too selfish to survive? | The question | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Palestinians 'to ask' UN to endorse independence - Telegraph

Palestinian push for an independent state causes Israeli alarm - Middle East, World - The Independent

Iran moves to silence opposition with internet crime unit | World news | The Guardian

Blue lights installed in Tokyo train stations to stop suicides - Telegraph

Italy's Foreign Minister says post-Lisbon EU needs a European Army - Times Online

Favourite to be EU president backs European national anthem - Telegraph

Barack Obama criticises internet censorship at meeting in China | World news | guardian.co.uk

Race against time to find five-year-old girl sold into prostitution by her mother | Mail Online

Texas accounts for half of executions in US – but now has doubts over death row | World news | The Guardian

Where have all the protests gone? US students in limbo - Telegraph

Hugo Chávez calls for dieting in streets of Caracas | World news | The Guardian

Chavez to 'seed' clouds with rain - Americas, World - The Independent

Ecuador's Amazonians sue Chevron over poison waterways - Telegraph

Bacteria 'glow near landmines' - Telegraph

Russian Orthodox and Catholic church may end 950-year rift - Telegraph

Friends in high places | Peter Oborne | Comment is free | The Guardian

Tackling the trafficking myths | Denis MacShane | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Has the battle against climate change been lost? - Telegraph

School lunchboxes with as much sugar as TEN doughnuts | Mail Online

Washington's Blog:Can We Save America?

Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children

How To Create A Terrorist

Christians In Jerusalem Want Jews To Stop Spitting On Them

Smoking Mirrors: The Industry of Guilt and the Way Beyond.

Washington's Blog:New Derivatives Legislation "Was Probably Written by JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs"

Report: House Health Care Bill INCREASES Costs By $289 Billion

How Andy Stern Got Around Obama’s “No Lobbyist” Policy; He Just Didn’t Register

The Paranormal Pastor: 2012 and the Coming Apocalypse

TV show V may reflect real UFOs, ET visitors

Hollywood: the paranormal fear factory | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Are Earth's Oceans Made Of Extraterrestrial Material?

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Significant' water found on Moon

Alberta scientists probe possible human causes of earthquakes

ChemTrails: What Are They Spraying?

World Not Ending in 2012, Says NASA : Discovery News

Water discovery fuels hope to colonize moon - Space- msnbc.com

Anniversary of "West Lothian Question" UFO mystery - WestLothian Courier

Jellyfish swarm northward in warming world

Lair of the Beasts: Paranormal Monsters of Texas - Mania.com

Something Different

*Challenging Einstein - A Review and Comments on Pari Spolter's Mathematical and Scientific Forensic

*Challenging Einstein - Time Lord…. Louis Essen D.Sc., F.R.S.

*The Enigmas on Mars

*The Enigmas on Mars

*Site:Ancient Future Radio - Broadcast

*The Enigmas on the Moon