"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 November 2009

weekend review

* The Deadpod*

The Deadpod

The Dead Show on KOPN 89.5 FM Podcast


Ft Hood Tragedy Sparks Islamophobic Response

Carver County GOP: Rahn Emmanuel told to back off by Committee on Oversight & Govt. Reform

Was DHS Created To Protect Those Who Betrayed America?

YouTube - Australia Law Makes Cameraman Felons? WTF

Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 1

Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 2

Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 3

Simple Analogy - Marxism Summed Up In A Few Sentences

BU student caught bacterial infection from lab, tests show - The Boston Globe

Death Park Slaughterer: “We euthanized 312 deer in 3 nights…” « Thomas Paine's Corner

Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 3

Muslims must quit British Forces, says Iranian envoy Abdolhossein Moezi - Times Online

Elderly and disabled could be 'forced to commit suicide' under changes to rules - Telegraph

China admits secretly salvaging British submarine HMS Poseidon - Telegraph

Barack Obama bows and talks of green tea icecream as he pushes US ties in Asia - Telegraph

Most 'Creative' Election Campaign Video Ever

Water On The Moon: LCROSS Kicks Ice! | GeekDad | Wired.com

News - Africa: French navy storms pirate ship

We Can't Sit Back and Allow the Loss of Our Freedoms - FOXNews.com

Debating The Holocaust - A New Look At Both Sides

Pakistan’s Army Plans to Enter Taliban Strongholds - Bloomberg.com

"Dead Man Musings":LDS Church Support for Gay Rights Confounds Many

AfricanCrisis:More Farm murders in South Africa in 2009 than soldiers deaths in Afghanistan

Was Homeland Security Created to Protect Those Who Deceived the U.S.?

Lindorff - On Abortion, Hypocrisy Reigns

Is the Case Against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Strong Enough? - TIME

American Medical Association Calls For Scientific Review Of Marijuana's Prohibitive Status - NORML

YouTube - Obama Promise To End The War, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

Farmers scramble to finish harvest from hell | U.S. | Reuters

Op-Ed Columnist - Of Fruit Flies and Drones - NYTimes.com

Michael Jackson - 'The Jews Do It On Purpose' -Vid

How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito a wow bow (Updated with video, pic) | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Hasan Of Ft Hood - A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?

The Israel lobby and the Jewish kings

Recycled Water - Concentrated Hyper-Infectious Human Prions

New steriliser to save lives (Science Alert)

America: An Evil Empire Ruled by Corporations and Powerful Interest Groups

EclippTV :: Video :: FT Hood Shooter-Will Confess To 9/11 Involvement - American Freedom Radio

Ft. Hood: Official story full of holes

Hasan Of Ft Hood - A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama And The Democrats SELLING OUT AMERICA To The "One-World Government" !

EclippTV :: Video :: Tarpley-FT Hood Shooter - Nothing More Then A Patsy

New Eyewitness To WTC Basement Level Explosions

*New World Order Videos

Guess Who Owns BioPort - The Only US Anthrax Vaccine Producer?

Emptywheel » FAA and NORAD Changed Records to Accord with Cheney Lies

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama Promise To End The War, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents - JustGetThere

New geologic evidence of past periods of oscillating, abrupt warming, and cooling « Watts Up With That?

FBI Wants us to Work for Mossad » Nationalist Coalition Blog

PLO Plans Gov’t Reform To Phase Out Hamas

Morality vs. Material Interests : Information Clearing House - ICH

En Passant » Fort Hood: the logical consequence of US terrorism

Refreshing News: Sarah Palin should succeed O in 2012 - Oprah, that is, not Obama

Broken Promises Of Who? Microsoft or Mac? : Funny Video Stop


Refreshing News: 30 Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid (GOOG)

Refreshing News: Hey, Google! There’s Another Programming Language Called Go!

Police Handing Out Tickets For Air Fresheners - PoliceLink

Predator Drones: Obama Is Waging A New War | Gather

YouTube - NASA Confirms Water on Moon

Do We Still Have Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Sons?

YouTube - Medical Doctor Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert!

Germany drops charges against Dmitri Kovtun over Litvinenko poisoning - Times Online

Evangelist Who Took Child ‘Brides’ Is Sentenced to 175 Years - NYTimes.com

YouTube - George W. Bush Protest - Calgary

AFP: China dissidents 'detained ahead of Obama visit'


EclippTV :: Video :: Bush To Spend MILLIONS REWRITING History

EclippTV :: Video :: Bilderberg busted in EU parliament

Oh Bummer: Pelosi,Obama violate First Amendment on healthcare abortion amendment

Oh Bummer: Boehner: 9/11 Show Trial an “Irresponsible Decision”

Refreshing News: Barack Obama bows and talks of green tea icecream as he pushes US ties in Asia

*Obama Presidency*

How Rahm Emanuel Made Mega-Millions and Bought His Way to Power

Son of a Zionist Terrorist: Rahm Emanuel’s Dirty Secret

Refreshing News: US sees progress on arms control talks with Russia

Refreshing News: World’s first flying car may soar the skies by 2011


State Secession: Trying To Beat the World’s Worst Record by Russell D. Longcore

OpEdNews - Article: Ron Paul is right: Audit the Federal Reserve Bailout Money

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul Rocks on CNBC Squawk Box 11/13/2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on CNBC Squawk Box 11-13-09 "Do Not Give The Fed More Power!"

Rabbit Hole by Don Cooper

EclippTV :: Video :: Max Keiser on Dollar-Buffet's Toilet Paper Opium For China

Ft. Hood ‘hero’ story changes - Yahoo! News

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

YouTube - New CNN Skull And Bones Piece

Europe: News, Links of the Day, Ukrainian Plague, Economic Crisis, Coming Third World War, Swine Flu

Fake Al Qaeda

'The moon is alive,' NASA says after water discovery -- latimes.com

US monetary system: Robber Baron-era design makes US debt peons forever. You knew that, right?

YouTube - George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is

Between the Lies (2009) - full length film

ARCHIVE: SEPT. 11, 2003 / D.C. mosque tied to 9-11 extols martyrdom virtues

'Political correctness caused Fort Hood terror attack'

Wnd Player

AUDIONETDAILY / 'An affront to every American killed'

flashback: JUNE 19, 1994 Clinton: 'Obsequent' president meets emperor

AUDIONETDAILY : Obama displays 'lack of will' with Afghan delay

AUDIONETDAILY : The truth about abstinence-based sex ed


Longtime conservative talk show host gets booted

Obama revives talk of U.N. gun control

CAIR boasts of media influence after Fort Hood

'Moderate' terror pals

My Way News - Mourners grieve for soldiers killed at Fort Hood

Montel alarmed by anti-Muslim 'rhetoric'

Mukasey: Obama refusing 'to face facts' of war on terror

New Yorkers cry for 9/11 plotters' executions

Breitbart.tv » Bombshell: Uncovered Obama Statement — KSM Will Get ‘Full Military Trial’

Blinded Prison Guard: Don't House Terror Suspects in NYC - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

NYC mayor 'dialogues' with WTC bomb 'plotter' City Hall roundtable on Fort Hood massacre includes CAIR figure Siraj Wahhaj

What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?

The Standard | Online Edition :: Obama grandmother to skip Saudi Hajj ceremony

Supreme Court asked to boot Hillary

CMS: House health bill will hike costs $289B - TheHill.com

Axelrod Signals Obama Will Try to Strip Abortion Language From Health Care Bill - FOXNews.com

Health timebomb hits baby boomers: Over-60s suffer more illnesses caused by bad diet and lack of exercise | Mail Online

Iran opposition: Ayatollahs worse than Shah - Israel News, Ynetnews

US expert urges all-out financial war on Iran - Israel News, Ynetnews

YouTube - Muslims take over paris street

Anger as students, not soldiers, will guard stars from terror threat at 2012 London Olympics | Mail Online

'Dangerous' speed camera rakes in £500,000 a year - Telegraph

9/11 memorial dedicated in Israel

State tries to deny homeschoolers vaccinations

How U.N. redefined 'pandemic' to heighten alarm over H1N1

Billboard companies allow slam against God

Legislator in Twitter trouble over 9/11 language

Barack Obama 'risks Suez-like disaster' in Afghanistan, says key military adviser | World news | The Guardian

How the US army protects its trucks – by paying the Taliban | World news | The Guardian

Global groups reject Islam 'protection' plan

Signature of consciousness captured in brain scans - life - 12 November 2009 - New Scientist

Teen fights vaccination for sexually transmitted virus

Reid speeds confirmation of anti-Jesus, pro-abortion judge

Ayers, Dohrn accuse Hillary of 'white supremacy'

Churches targeted by 'gay' intimidation campaign

Obama to attack guns as public-health threat?

Sarah Palin Speaks Out to Barbara Walters - ABC News

'Flasher' causes bus to hit police station - page 1 - National - NZ Herald News

Photographic artist Ruth Kaiser spots happiness everywhere as she finds smiley faces in everyday objects - Telegraph

Breitbart.tv » ‘South Park’s’ Cartman Channels Glenn Beck in ‘Socialist’ Conspiracy

YouTube - 300,000 birds

'Magical' Great Dane From California Named World's Tallest Dog - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Israel displays coins from ancient Jewish revolt - The Boston Globe

Archaeology: Ancient Lost Army Found? : Video : Discovery News

Celebrated mountaineer Tomasz Humar found dead in Himalayas | World news | The Observer


video:Philosophy and vain deceit

video:I worship a god made in my image


Desperate climate times call for oddball measures -- latimes.com

Playing with fire lands 11-year-old with million kronor debt - The Local

Ohio: 1 lethal injection drug should end lawsuit - Yahoo! News

BBC NEWS | Europe | 'Body sold' to Russia kebab shop

Japanese Official Puts Down Christianity, U.S. and Europe - Washington Wire - WSJ

Swedish comic to exact TV revenge on Vatican - The Local

Dundee to celebrate Christmas with no reference to Christianity - Scotsman.com News

Sixty people hurt in crush to see JLS at Christmas lights event in Birmingham - Telegraph

Swastikas and Tinsel: How the Nazis Stole Christmas - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Play portraying Jesus as gay man set to hit California church stage | ksdk.com | St. Louis, MO

Teacher sex case nets 12-year prison sentence | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Iraq's lessons, on the home front

How 'gun control' aided and abetted Hasan

Political correctness kills 14 at Fort Hood

By the sweat of … someone else's brow?

Comparing science and socialism

Congress: Read the Constitution!

Lunch with Billy Graham

15 Awful Things Republicans Would Do If They Had the Chance | | AlterNet

The most oppressed minority in America

Pajamas Media » America, Here’s Your Change Candidate for 2012

Mr. Obama, tear down this Gorelick Wall!

Let's bring the boys home now


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

So where is the birth certificate?

Obama's Brother Remembers

'Birther' stories led to Lou Dobbs' resignation

American Minute

American Minute for November 15th:William J Federer's American Minute


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Future EU president attends Bilderberg dinner

Meet Haiku Herman, Will Europe make him, A very famous Belgian? - Europe, World - The Independent

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Italian MP Denounces Bilderberg Influence During European Parliament Meeting

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Performs Another Botched Bow; Proving He Is Just A Servant For The Elite

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hayek: “Emergencies Have Always Been the Pretext on Which the Safeguards of Individual Liberty Have Eroded”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Public Says Health Care Not Government’s Responsibility

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama’s Betrayals in the War on Terror

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » David Icke: The Global Spiritual Awakening Of Humanity

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Former Vice President of Dallas Fed: Tarp Didn’t Restore Health of Banking System

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Boehner: 9/11 Show Trial an “Irresponsible Decision”

Obama Says Time Running Out for Iran in Negotiations - Bloomberg.com

China dissidents 'detained ahead of Obama visit'

China and US spar over currencies ahead of Obama visit - Asia, World - The Independent

Illinois prison top contender to house Gitmo detainees, official says - CNN.com

Mukasey: 'very high' risk of attack over NYC 9/11 trial - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 12th With G. Edward Griffin

Order Out of Chaos: CIA, Blackwater Responsible for Bombings, Assassinations in Pakistan

The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome

How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop

Jehadi Déjà Vu: Hasan, 9/11 Muslims, and Strip Clubs

H1N1: Fact or Fiction?

Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans

MPAA shuts down entire town’s muni WiFi over a single download

YouTube - Feds to seize 'Iran-linked' mosques, NYC Tower

A Sign of Things to Come? You Decide!

DNA of protesters could be held for life - Telegraph

TruthAlliance.net > News > 300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False

Constitutional Candidates for Congress

More than half of the UK population doesn't accept climate change is man-made

Genzyme Drugs May Be Contaminated With Steel, Rubber - Bloomberg.com

State seeing new rise in anti-government, hate groups

After spending binge, White House says it will focus on deficits - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

Worried about U.S. debt? Send your donation here - Yahoo! News

U.S. Moves to Seize Properties Tied to Iran

Why Dobbs Quit CNN: Birthers, Politics

Liberals cry ‘unfair’ after Fox orders unbalanced YouTube purge | Raw Story

ksl.com - City surveillance: Crime deterrent or invasion of privacy?

Commentary » Blog Archive » An Ideologue Instead of a Statesman

A loss for America

America is on trial as much as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - The Globe and Mail

Holder's Hidden Agenda, cont'd . . . - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online

Obama's Muslim Problem;Has he been too conciliatory?

Mark Steyn: A jihadist hiding in plain sight | one, hasan, diversity - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Scott Rasmussen and Douglas E. Schoen: Obama Is Losing Independent Voters - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Passion of the Right - NYTimes.com

Obama’s swelling ego - The Boston Globe

KSM Hits Manhattan—Again

William Jefferson's judgment day: An editorial | Opinions - - NOLA.com

White House Plan on Immigration Includes Legal Status - NYTimes.com

Obama Aide Dunn Renews Criticism of Fox, Hails Jon Stewart - Bloomberg.com

Obama must rethink rethinking Afghanistan -- latimes.com

Sarah Palin, the GOP's blessing and curse -- latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Decline of the Left

RealClearPolitics - Will Obama Apologize for Hiroshima & Nagazaki?

RealClearPolitics - The Fed in the Crosshairs

Editorial: The nation's jobs conundrum | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Editorials

Burris and Senate ethics -- chicagotribune.com

The Vietnam parallel - BostonHerald.com

Obama Backers Fear Opportunities to Reshape Judiciary Are Slipping Away - NYTimes.com

Dems risk losing Catholics over abortion - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

A Republican on every ballot - washingtonpost.com

FT.com / Americas - Obama rules out Copenhagen treaty

FT.com / In depth - Q&A climate change: No legally binding agreement but there is still hope for progress

Editorial - A Return to American Justice - NYTimes.com

Federal safety oversight of subways, light rail proposed - washingtonpost.com

O's F on Iran

Recession influx takes advantage of 'welfare magnet' NY

Immigration bill is promoted for 2010 - Washington Times

**Radical Muslim attacks – here's just a fraction

Army psychiatrists ordered Hasan to attend lecture series on Islam - washingtonpost.com

Top Republican says White House hiding info on Fort Hood - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Inside Nidal Hasan's Apartment - ABC News

1993 World Trade Center bombing co-conspirator, Siraj Wahhaj, meets with Mayor Bloomberg

Fort Hood shootings suspect may have wired money to Pakistan

Civilian Criminal Trial for Mohammed: a Mistake

Tyrants and Their Tantrums

Rand Paul, Are You Really a Republican? KY Wants to Know.

The audacity of extremism

Obama's Man-Caused Disaster Chickens Come Home to Roost

The Income Tax and Government Spending

A Cracking of the Heart - Interview with David Horowitz

Bill Clinton in Kosovo

The Carpetbagger

'Islamism or Islam? Islamist or Islamic?'

The Differences Between Marriage and Cohabitation

The Peculiar Exploits of the 111th Congress

Fort Hood and the Academic Apologists

Fomenting Anti-Semitism in Europe

The Decline of the Left

Homeland Insecurity

How America created the Fort Hood shooter

The anything-but-Islam pundits strike out

The AT Readers' Complete Lexicon of Political Speech

The Republican and the Iranians

Fun with Deficit Numbers

The purpose of the KSM trial is not to seek justice

'Legalized stealing' in Michigan helps close the budget gap

Mixed Marriage

Get ready for 'Amnesty II - The Sequel'

It's time Obama apologizes to the Barbary Pirates

More on the post-election ballot question in NY 23

CBO using wrong numbers of uninsured

How many at Fort Hood died because of the Army's gun ban?

Presumed Ignorant

The AP goes rogue fact checking Sarah Palin

Can't we all just get along?

Our 'Constitutional Moment'

Would Obama have saved General Custer at Little Bighorn?

Iran rejects nuclear deal trumpeted as a 'victory' by Obama

Senator Obama in 2006: Try KSM in a military tribunal

Coming soon: Draconian Medicare cuts

No world climate deal at Copenhagen

Mark Steyn: Hasan was hiding in plain sight

While Obama dithers, Iran makes its move in Afghanistan

Obama's botched bow

DeMint and Honduran Democracy 1 - Obama Administration 0

NYT derisive over Jewish claims to Temple Mount

Gingrich: Contract with America round 2: The Swamp

My Way News - 2012 already? GOP wannabes jockeying early

Colombian chefs unveil Viagra-laced passion fruit dessert

Studio settlement reported for fake movie news

World's biggest cruise ship arrives in Fla. port

My Way News - Dutch drivers to pay tax on road time, not on car

Dems at risk of losing Obama's old Senate seat :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

Barrick shuts hedge book as world gold supply runs out - Telegraph

My Way News - Dobbs says his departure from CNN was 'amicable'

Tenn. trooper suspended over white pride e-mail - Yahoo! News

Gore's presentation on climate change draws 800 as 200 protestors gather outside

S.Korea keeps military on alert over N. Korean threat

The Associated Press: Obama urges Congress to put off Fort Hood probe

World leaders back delay to final climate deal | World | Reuters

The Associated Press: Obama wants domestic spending cuts in next budget

Weak dollar no quick fix for narrowing trade gap - Yahoo! News

U.S. Treasury Confident Congress Will Increase Debt Ceiling - Bloomberg.com

Rudy Giuliani praised 2006 terror trial , but now says KSM trial is bad; Jack Reed refutes his fear-mongering

Going Rogue...From The Facts

David Brooks: Sarah Palin is 'a joke'

Clinton defends 'appropriate' NYC trial for 9/11 accused

Liz Cheney suggests Cheney presidential ticket in 2012

Peggy Noonan Thinks She Knows What's Good for Democrats

Lets Go Into Space! It'll Be More Fun Than Idiotic Wars & Banking Schemes!

Chuck Norris indulges violent eliminationist fantasies about liberals if he ran for office

O'Reilly thinks letting terrorists have their day in court is a waste of taxpayer money

Send A Coat Hanger To An Anti-Choice Democrat

Glenn Beck gets to ask dumb white-guy questions to a room full of black conservatives

Blitzer Rolls Out the Right Wing Talking Points on Terrorist Trial Decision

9/11 Widow Kristen Breitweiser On "9/11 Terrorist" Going To Trial In New York City

Cowardly Kit Bond Carries Water for the Bush Administration and Whines About Terror Trials in NY

Republican Obstructionism Cut Benefits in Newest Unemployment Extension

Countdown: Terror Trials

Stephen Claims Lou Dobbs' Audience

Alleged 9/11 Masterminds To Be Tried In NYC

Fox's mass leap to label Ft. Hood shootings 'terrorism' is classic ethnic/religious hysteria

Newest Swine Flu Statistics Show Close To 4000 Deaths

Dylan Ratigan Celebrates the Birthday of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

RNC To Stop Offering Insurance Plan That Covers Abortion - After Politico Points It Out

Jon Stewart explores the true costs of having to watch Hannity (and bids adieu to Lou Dobbs)

Halperin: 'It Paints Such a Different Picture' if Obama's Standing With Republicans When Announcing Afghan Policy

flashback:When Unemployment Insurance Was New - 1939 | Newstalgia

Five Things the U.S. Can Learn from China - TIME

Is Obama playing the Prince Hamlet of Afghanistan? - The China Post

James Fergusson: Obama is haunted by Gorbachev's ghost - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Knitting the alliance | The Japan Times Online

The New York Fed's Secret AIG Deal

In Japan, Obama stresses Asia's role in U.S. economy - washingtonpost.com


*Transcripts:Guests: Secretary Clinton & Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Senators McConnell & Reed; Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Clinton; Duncan, Gingrich, & Sharpton

Guests: Senator Leahy & Representative Hoekstra

Press Conf. with President Obama & PM Hatoyama

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Rep. Sestak & George Pataki Debate Terror Trials

Obama: "Created or Saved More Than 1M Jobs"

Roundtable on Obama and the Economy

Panel: "Is Obama Too Busy?"

Interview with Al Gore

Interview with OMB Director Peter Orszag

Interview with Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell

Media Availability with Secretary Gates

Obama's Veterans Day Remarks at Arlington

Lou Dobbs Announces His Departure from CNN

Interview: Fmr. NY-23 Candidate Dede Scozzafava

Analysts on the Financial Regulation Debate

Clinton's Remarks at APEC Singapore Conference

Interview with Matthew Hoh

Secretary Gates on the Berlin Wall Anniversary

Interview with OMB Director Peter Orszag

Rep. DeGette on the Stupak Amendment

Judd Gregg on Health Care in the Senate

Roundtable on Abortion & Health Care

Obama's Remarks at the Fort Hood Memorial Service


*Markets Video:Exxon CEO: Weak Dollar Adding $20 to Oil

Tim Mahoney Is 'Incredibly Bullish'

TARP to Pay for Deficits?

Another Housing Bailout?

Debating the U.S. Government's Portfolio

*World Video:Sept. 11 Mastermind to Face Trial in New York

Inside Iraq: Improved Democracy

Pakistan Spy Agency Hit in Peshawar

US Moves to Seize Mosques, Tower Tied to Iran

Counting the Cost of China-Africa Ties

Saudis Tighten Yemen Border Control

El Salvador's Gold Fight Goes International

The Berlin Wall's Fall: Economic Costs

UN Tribunal Reduces Sentence for Bosnian Gen.

Is China a Global Economic 'Prime Mover?'

N. Korea Threatens S. Korea over Clash

Nigerian Soccer Player to Be Lashed in Sudan

Sec. Clinton in the Phillipines

Blair to Give Evidence at Iraq War Inquiry

Calls for Czech Army Neo-Nazi Purge

*Politics Video:Clinton Welcomes 9/11 Trials In New York

Axelrod Responds To 9/11 Trial Critics: "Justice Will Be Done"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Education

Giuliani On Running For Governor Of NY

Sen. Reed On Trial Of KSM, Gitmo Detainees

Clinton: Karzai "Must Do Better" For U.S. Backing

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Putting 9/11 Conspirators On Trial

Krauthammer: Giving KSM The Rights Of An American Citizen is Unconscionable

Obama Weekly Address: Veterans Day And Fort Hood

Giuliani Reacts Strongly To KSM Trial: "Dangerous And Irresponsible"

Rep. Kirk Blasts Democratic Health Bill In GOP Weekly Address

O'Reilly: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Gets A Break

Obama Refuses To Defend Bombing Of Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Reid Calls Himself "Most Powerful Senator" In New Ad

AG Holder Announces Trial For 9/11 Terror Suspects

Doug Hoffman On Running For NY-23

9/11 Suspect Khalid Shaikh Mohammed To Face Trial in New York

New RNC Ad Calls Landrieu A Flip-Flopper

Jon Stewart On Lou Dobbs Leaving CNN

Obama Calls For Revamped Relations With Japan

Sen. Kerry: We Can't Just Leave Afghanistan

Rep. Moran On Mission In Afghanistan

Rep. Hoekstra On Hasan's Connection To Pakistan

MSNBC's Schultz: Fort Hood Massacre Was An Act Of Terror

Olbermann: Bush Admits Role In Financial Meltdown

O'Reilly: The Media Has Not Covered Fort Hood Accurately


Obama’s Big Climate Change Tool: Yes, It Is a Big Deal

Another Gem From a 2,000 Page Bill: ‘Botox Carve-Out’ Survives in PelosiCare Bill

The Future of Wade Rathke and ACORN, Part II: Tea Parties and Protests

Obama’s ACORN Connection Can’t Survive Inspection

Congress Creating Big Brother for Wall Street

A Victory Against Obama’s Unionism in New Hampshire

Obama Ally Code Pink Justifies Fort Hood Terrorist Attack, Cashes in on Massacre in Veterans Day Fundraising Appeal

What If ObamaCare Had a Rally and Nobody Showed Up? St. Louis Edition

Tax Increases Mean Less Revenue: Your Common Sense Guide

The Magna Carta

Medicare Paid $47 Billion in Suspect Claims Last Year

Report: ObamaCare Would Reduce Care For Seniors

SEIU President Andy Stern Discusses Health Care, Obama, ACORN

ObamaVision: Brace Yourselves For the NBC-GE ‘Green Week’ Push

‘The Demands of Political Correctness’

‘Poliwood’: One-Sided, Occasionally Fascinating Look at Politics and Celebrity

NewsBusted: How Did Obama Make History?

The Future of Comics and Other Publishing

Obama: The Woody Boyd Candidate

Top Ten Power Pop Albums of ‘09

Death of the Movie Star: Hollywood Rethinks use of A-list Actors

video:The History of Political Correctness

Rush on 'Going Rogue': 'One of the Most Substantive Policy Books I've Read'

Video: Weather Looks Good for Monday Shuttle Launch

Guiliani Blasts NYC Trials as Unnecessary Benefit to Terrorists

Russian Cops Flood YouTube With Anti-Corruption Calls

Mother of Missing 5-Year-Old NC Girl Charged

Millionaires toast Lotto's 15th birthday

Knives cut to heart of Yemeni identity

Obama joins APEC leaders for dress-up dinner

Brown apology to migrant children

Man Utd stars trek desert

Zhu Zhu Robotic Hamsters Sell Out at Walmart, Target: Video

In Asia, Obama, Medvedev See Nuke Pact Progress

Mourners Grieve for Soldiers Killed at Fort Hood

Madoff's Personal Belongings Auctioned in NYC

Books Returned to Library After 50 Years

Raw Video: Obama Mixes and Mingles in Singapore

White House Defends Obama’s Bow to Japanese Emperor as ‘Protocol’

Rush on ‘Going Rogue’: ‘One of the Most Substantive Policy Books I’ve Read’

Protesters Heckle Al Gore During Open-Air Speech in Florida

SNL Goes ‘Biden-Style’ on Health Care: ‘We’re Gonna Cave in Like Crazy’

Guiliani Blasts NYC Trials as Unnecessary Benefit to Terrorists

SNL Mocks Lou Dobbs Resignation at CNN

Oprah Talks About Sex Addiction Interview She Refused to Air

‘The Stupid Virus’: Al Gore’s ‘Current’ Goes After Beck, Palin & Limbaugh

Pakistani Pop Musicians Propel Anti-American Conspiracy Theories

Taser Cam: Speeding Grandma Tased Twice by Texas Police Officer

CNBC’s Jim Cramer: The Real Unemployment Rate Is ‘Closer to 17-18%’

Raw: Wall Collapse Injures Dozens During SC Football Game

Distracted Driver Plunges Million Dollar Bugatti Into Texas Lagoon

O’Reilly & Beck Announce ‘Bold & Fresh’ Arena Tour

Obama Declines to Defend US Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Gore Mocks Prejean on Larry King: ‘Thank You for Not Being Inappropriate’

CNN Special Investigation: Inside Yale’s Secret ‘Skull and Bones’ Society

Urn With Veteran's Ashes Stolen Before Burial

FIFA warns Egypt on security after Algeria attack

GOP Bashes Dems Health Care Proposals

Obama warns North Korea

Obama Urges Congress to End Fort Hood Probe

Crops for food or crops for energy in Mozambique?

'Pacific' President Obama vows full US role in Asia

Update: Vegas Strip Club Stops Running Mobile Dance Van

Chilling: 67-Year-Old Rape Victim Targeted Twice

Is Your Cell Phone Spying on You?

National Geographic Asks What It Would Take To Colonize Mars

Catholic Church Investigates Existence of Aliens

Jefferson Gets 13 Years in Freezer Cash Case

Obama: U.S. Won't Be 'Cowed by North Korea'

Man Arrested but No Sign of Kidnapped Girl

Dugard Kidnap Suspect Apologizes in Jail Letter

Mosque Seizures Leaves Muslims Wary

Subway Hammer Attacker Gets 4 to 10 Years

Talk Radio

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/13/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/12/09

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-13, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-12, Thursday

Nov. 13, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 12, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

11/13 The Mark Levin Show

11/12 The Mark Levin Show

**Cutting Through the Matrix - 2009 Transcripts: Alan Watt

Cutting Through the Matrix - (Year 2008) Transcripts/ Alan Watt

Cutting Through the Matrix - (Year 2007) Transcripts :Alan Watt

Cutting Through the Matrix - (Year 2004 - 2006) Transcripts: Alan Watt


Mysterious Sun Gate ‘Time Wave’ Blacks Out South America

Obama Trades Threats Of War With Netanyahu In Secret White House Meet

Market Skeptics: USDA Declares Half Of Midwest As Agricultural Disaster Area

The Associated Press: Official: Craig to step down as White House lawyer

Both sides blame America for worsening relations between India and China - Times Online

Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower | Environment | The Guardian

11-15-2009: Obama urges Congress to put off Fort Hood probe

Your Next Body Is Growing In a Lab Right Now

Police Robot Negotiator Ends Standoff With Armed Man

China's 'black jails' still operating, report says

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Blackwater Said to Pursue Bribes to Iraq After 17 Died

Pakistani secret service given millions by CIA

WTF?: Soon, Babies May Have Three Biological Parents

China's Weather Manipulation Brings Crippling Snowstorm to Beijing

Bomb hits Pakistan's spy agency in northwest

Copenhagen Agreement on Climate Change–Beginning World Government

Jesuit University professor cheerleads “evolution of international governance”

U.S. and Colombia bases deal signed, but what are the real intentions?:

VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire

Corporate agriculture industry plans “organic” genetically engineered crops to fight climate change

Mind Reading (Neural Decoding) Goes Mainstream

Chemical in plastic bottles linked to impotence

Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children

Poverty, Global Trade Justice, and the Roots of Terrorism

The 4-year presidency of Barack Hoover Obama

How the Servant Became a Predator

A Science Fiction Story

The Truth About The Anthrax Attacks

Silent And Inactive

President Obama’s Opportunity To Speak Truth To Power

VIDEO: Contaminated H1N1 Vaccines?

Feds Wanted Private Data on All Visitors to Liberal Internet News Site

What Is At Stake With Free Trade

USA Prepares to Attack Russia in 3 or 4 Years?

Morality versus Material Interests: Myths of Our Time

Enforcing Privacy in America

President Obama: Don't Support the Illegal Coup Regime in Honduras

The Global Land Grab

DC Sniper: Evidence of Conspiracy

**video:EndGame: full length version

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Population Reduction: Globalist Endgame Begins?

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, jihadist or patsy?

video:Italian MP Denounces Bilderberg Influence During European Parliament Meeting

Chuck Norris: Copenhagen Talks To Forge “One World Order”

Video - CNBC: A New Global Currency and a New World Order

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Splash! NASA moon strikes found significant water

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens

Republican Leader: ‘Irresponsible Decision’ to Try 9/11 Mastermind in Federal Court

Republicans’ Efforts to Keep 9/11 Terrorists Off U.S. Soil Rejected by Democrats

Congress Mandating That People Buy Health Insurance Like States Requiring Driver’s Licenses, Warner Says

Sen. Akaka Says ‘I’m Not Aware’ of Constitution Giving Congress Authority to Make Individuals Buy Health Insurance

Northern Va. Mosque of Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Connected to Jihadists and Islamic Terrorist Groups

‘Climate Change’ Summit in Denmark: A Bust Before It Begins, Clinton Indicates

Chairman Michael Steele Ends Abortion Coverage for Republican Party Employees

AmeriCorps Inspector General Shredded White House Documents at Request of Agency’s Spokeswoman

Democrat Questions Catholic Group’s Tax-Exempt Status After Bishops Pressed for Ban on Abortion Funding

Feds Ignored Medicare Scam Warnings for Years

Ethics Watchdog Seeks Records on White House Officials, Failed Olympics Bid

2012 Games Pose Biggest Security Risk in Decades

Palin Book Goes After McCain Camp but Not Levi Johnston

Another Bogus ACORN Lawsuit

P.C. Can Kill

The Rapture of the Atheists

Don't Fool Yourself: America Is Now a Communist Nation :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

City of Symbols

American Exile: There is little HOPE, but CHANGE is inevitable

Campaign For Liberty — Obama's Betrayals in the War on Terror | by Sheldon Richman

Campaign For Liberty — Job Losses Demystified | by Peter Schiff

Campaign For Liberty — We Can't Sit Back and Allow the Loss of Our Freedoms | by Andrew Napolitano

Campaign For Liberty — The Triumph of Socialism | by Lew Rockwell

In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - NYTimes.com

IDF Chief Rabbi: Troops who show mercy to enemy will be 'damned'

Federal safety oversight of subways, light rail proposed - washingtonpost.com

British UN scientist's death was 'not suicide', Gordon Brown is told | Mail Online

Irish government to pay immigrants to go home | World news | The Observer

British soldiers sexually abused us, claim Iraqis - Home News, UK - The Independent

Google clears digital library hurdle - Telegraph

Obesity in America linked to 'liquid Satan' from Iowa corn fields - Times Online

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer

The 40 million children who just didn't exist - World Politics, World - The Independent

Teachers given powers to search pupils for drugs | Mail Online

Children's rights 'being systematically breached' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Stop the game, ref. We’re all too cross to play by the rules | Jeremy Clarkson

Health and safety snoops to enter family homes - Times Online

The disgrace of Britain's jails: Institutions short-change inmates and society

Anniversary of "West Lothian Question" UFO mystery - WestLothian Courier

Water discovery fuels hope to colonize moon - Space- msnbc.com

World Not Ending in 2012, Says NASA

Top 5 Plans to Ensure the Continuity of our Species

2012 Doomsday Not Likely

Human Extinction: How Could It Happen?

Where Are You Hiding Planet X, Dr. Brown?

Top 10 Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2012

Nibiru - Armageddon Planet or Astronomical Baloney? : Discovery News

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

Are Earth's Oceans Made Of Extraterrestrial Material?

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Significant' water found on Moon

2 Japanese subs sunk after World War II found -- latimes.com

Alberta scientists probe possible human causes of earthquakes

Can thinking of a loved one reduce your pain?

Mona Lisa 'had eyebrows' - Telegraph

"Have you seen the saucers?"_English_Xinhua

UFOMystic » 2009 Crash Retrieval Conference

A Viewers Guide to THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS | Films In Review

Police worker fired for backing psychic investigations claims religious discrimination - Telegraph

Contact lenses to get built-in virtual graphics - tech - 12 November 2009 - New Scientist

Origins of the Federal Reserve by Murray N. Rothbard

New York Will No Longer Be Among World’s Five Largest Cities by Chris Mayer

Hong Kong Is New Target of U.S. Crackdown on Taxes - Bloomberg.com

TSA Changes Rules On Airport Searches ... Very Quietly

Neither God nor Devil by Daniel J. Flynn, City Journal 11 November 2009

Best Of What's New 2009 | Popular Science

Is a Bailout for the FHA In the Works? « Emac's Stock Watch | Fox Business

Gold will stay above $1,000 an ounce forever, says Swiss Dr. Doom -- DailyFinance

Cops Search Home Connect to Crawford Case | TMZ.com

Sarah Palin Was 'Devastated' by Daughter's Pregnancy - Sarah Palin : People.com

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean made 7 other sex tapes, dozens of nude pics - report

Ashlee Simpson: My Sister Has an Incredible Body - Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Simpson : People.com

BBC NEWS | Europe | Serbian Orthodox patriarch dies

Economy has begun to recover, says APEC

Obama Begins First Visit to China - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Arrives in Shanghai

VOA News - Obama, Medvedev Discuss New START Treaty

Administration Lowers Bar for Success in Afghanistan War, Seeks Exit Strategy - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Afghan Corruption Continues

Chavez 'Won't Accept Mediation' in Tensions With Colombia - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Hillary Clinton is open to coffee with Sarah Palin - washingtonpost.com

Some Fear Bush Administration Could Become Target in 9/11 Trial - FOXNews.com

Leahy: U.S. Not Afraid to Try Terrorists - Face The Nation - CBS News

Fort Hood deaths bring new scrutiny to Army | Military | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Police Search Home Near Sowell's as Victims' Families Hold Funerals - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Green Inc. Column - Sheer Political Will Is Needed for Climate Fix - NYTimes.com

Suspect arrested in missing 5-year old case

YouTube - Man Arrested but No Sign of Kidnapped Girl

The Associated Press: Former New Mexico Gov. Bruce King dies at age 85

2011 APEC meeting to be held in Honolulu - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Perzel accused of 'dirty tricks' on GOP, too | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/15/2009

A rising China is changing the way Americans live overseas and at home - washingtonpost.com

Beijing puts foot down on ‘Oba Mao’ T-shirts - World Blog - msnbc.com

Bush warns of threats to freedom, economic growth - Washington Times

10 Ways to Cut Health-Care Costs Right Now - BusinessWeek

1,200 janitors fired in 'quiet' immigration raid | Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ