"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 November 2009

Friday;13 Nov'09

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 12th With G. Edward Griffin

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 11 With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill?

**US Health Care Bill

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, jihadist or patsy?

Myths of Our Time

Pakistan Uncovered

Goldman’s Global Oil Scam Passes the 50 Madoff Mark

Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 Truth & Corporate America

How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop

Jehadi Déjà Vu: Hasan, 9/11 Muslims, and Strip Clubs

Constitutional Candidates for Congress

9/11's delayed legacy: cancer for many rescue workers | World news | The Guardian

Fat mothers banned from giving birth at hospital | Mail Online

ksl.com - City surveillance: Crime deterrent or invasion of privacy?

TruthAlliance.net / 300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False

Bill Clinton, Schwarzenegger to attend Saban Forum in Israel

Four days late, U.S. releases photo of Netanyahu-Obama meet - Haaretz - Israel News

Assad, in Paris: Israel doesn't want peace with Syria - Haaretz - Israel News

Jordan: Jerusalem is a ticking time bomb | Jerusalem Post

Report: PM says Israel willing to withdraw from Golan

Yossi Sarid / Abbas must unilaterally declare Palestinian state - Haaretz - Israel News

NASA: Water found in moon crater - USATODAY.com

Six party talks on N. Korea may exclude Russia, Japan - analyst | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Washington may lose itself in Afghanistan

Pros and cons of capital punishment

APEC: Toward a Stable, Safe and Prosperous Community

Recipe for modernization

Medvedev says Russia must rise higher on civilization ladder

Fighting pirates is fighting phantoms

Russia to develop nuclear-powered spacecraft for Mars mission

Small arms: present and future of warfare

FOXNews.com - Homicide Bombs Kill 10 in Pakistan, Spy Agency Targeted - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Chinese leader speaks out against trade, investment protectionism | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

gulfnews : 23 die as Philippine communists, security clash

Catholic Church -- Same-Sex Marriage: A threat to social service contracts in D.C.? -

U.S., Japan vow to revitalize strained ties | U.S. | Reuters

Medvedev Promises to Bring Democracy to Regions | News | The Moscow Times

Get ready, America: Here comes Sarah Palin | U.S. | Reuters

White House to Begin Push on Immigration Overhaul in 2010 - NYTimes.com

Obama to Hold Jobs Summit in December - FOXNews.com

Republicans Edge Ahead of Democrats for 2010 House Elections, Poll Shows - FOXNews.com

Israel wants production role in F-35 | Jerusalem Post

NIS 75 million budget allocated to Religious-Zionist education | Jerusalem Post

History is calling. Will Obama answer? | Washington Examiner

Rewarding Russian Aggression

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's failure, Netanyahu's opportunity

Is terror returning to America?

Obamacare Endorsements: What the Bribe Was

Dorothy Rabinowitz: Dr. Phil and the Fort Hood Killer - WSJ.com

Josh McDowell's advice to Palin on Oprah grilling

Will talk of peace strengthen coalition? | Jerusalem Post

Sacrificing Americans - Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner on National Review Online

N.Y. terrorist trial raises stakes

Palin: AP 'erroneously reporting'

After spending binge, W.H. says it will focus on deficits

GOP irate over trial move

RNC to opt out of abortion coverage

Reconciliation could kill Stupak rider

U.S. seizing assets of alleged Iran front

Rosenthal will be anti-Semitism envoy

Infighting leads to Tea Party lawsuit

Palin: Health bill should be DOA

CNN doubles down on straight news

Alaska gov. sits out Obama visit

Tancredo preps gubernatorial run


AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily/ Hasan's 'eyes would light up' over 9/11 imam

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily /Congressman seeks 'state secrets' in Fort Hood probe

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily/ Health-care agenda more important than U.S. troops?


Ayers, Dohrn accuse Hillary of 'white supremacy'

How U.N. redefined 'pandemic' to heighten alarm over H1N1

Lou Dobbs, real newsman

Advocacy groups claim victory after Dobbs leaves

Reid speeds confirmation of anti-Jesus, pro-abortion judge

Bloomberg 'dialogues' with WTC bomb 'plotter'

Montel alarmed by anti-Muslim 'rhetoric'

Hasan Had Multiple E-mail Accounts, Officials Said - ABC News

Classmates: Hasan defended suicide bombings, held Islamist views - CNN.com

Investigators Follow Hasan's Money for Possible Terrorist Links - FOXNews.com

Does Fort Hood shooter's Muslim garb tie him to al-Qaida?

Top Republican says White House hiding info on Fort Hood

'Christian' praises Fort Hood shooter as 'hero'

CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg

Prosecutors tie Iran, U.S. assets - washingtonpost.com

Mosque Seizure Bid Has Local Muslims Worried

Maj. Hasan’s Attempted Romance with Al-Qaeda – by Jamie Glazov

'Moderate' terror pals

The Associated Press: AP: Palin book goes after McCain camp but not Levi

Churches targeted by 'gay' intimidation campaign

MSNBC's Nancy Snyderman Lobbies IRS: Go After Catholic Bishops for Opposing Abortion in Health Care Bill | NewsBusters.org

Global groups reject Islam 'protection' plan

Former clinic director: Church chilly to my pro-life turn - Washington Times

Pakistan, India trade terror charges

Supreme Court asked to boot Hillary

My Way News - Official: Craig to step down as White House lawyer

Perry: Obama 'hell-bent' on socialism - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Bush warns of threats to freedom, economic growth - Washington Times

State Sen. Schultheis' "let's roll" tweet criticizing Obama stirs ire - The Denver Post

ACORN sues government for stripping funding after scandal with couple dressed like pimp, hooker

Obama: Decision soon on Afghanistan troops - White House- msnbc.com

U.S. Army: Troop morale falls in Afghanistan - Military- msnbc.com

Paratrooper's Mom Begs Obama: 'End It' - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

Obama declines offer to visit Hiroshima - Washington Post- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: APNewsBreak: Sources: Iran nuke plant 7 years old

EXCLUSIVE: Iran advocacy group said to skirt lobby rules - Washington Times

More in U.S. Say Health Coverage Is Not Gov’t. Responsibility

Apple's Rejection of iPhone App Showing Political Caricatures Rankles Creator - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Patrick Kennedy clashes with outspoken RI bishop

Obama to attack guns as public-health threat?

Investigation vindicates inspector general

Student prez punished for allowing free speech?

MS-13 gang leaders puts out hit on ICE agent assigned to crackdown

NASA: Evidence of water found in moon crater

Do we Americans still care to be free?

Fort Hood: Obama's wake-up call?

The Jew Flu: The strange illness of Jewish anti-Semitism - Haaretz - Israel News

What were the Republicans smoking? - Salon.com

Brigitte Gabriel Takes the Gloves Off on Fort Hood and CAIR – by Jamie Glazov |

Polk: Forgotten great

The Congress of Catholic Bishops?

The most oppressed minority in America

More White House economic baloney

Obama: The world's greatest menace

Your government's jihadi-protection program

Father, Daughter Reunited After 30 Years - Atlanta News Story - WGCL Atlanta

Warhol’s dollar bills painting fetches millions - Arts, books, more- msnbc.com

Is Google spying on you?

Can you really smell memories? How childhood scents get 'etched' onto the brain

Report warns of encroaching new Fairness Doctrine


religion;video/I worship a god made in my image

religion;video/Philosophy and vain deceit


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'Birther' stories led to Lou Dobbs' resignation

Hey, Pennsylvania! 'Where's the birth certificate?'


*American Minute for November 13th:William J Federer's American Minute


Electricity for Americans From Russia’s Old Nuclear Weapons - NYTimes.com

China signal it may let currency rise could aid US - AOL Money & Finance

East Bay Express:Activists Try to Block Green Tech in Berkeley

Houston sheriffs round up thousands of illegals - Washington Times

TV host's face shattered 'like an egg'

"John" allegedly paid mom, had sex with girl - The Denver Post

Was priest's beating a hate crime?

Framed for child porn - by a PC virus

2012 fears are down for Maya 'Long Count' calendar

2012' a teachable moment for Maya culture experts - KansasCity.com

Ex-pastor Haggard expects packed prayer meeting - The Denver Post

Hooking Up for Sex: Sluts or New Feminists?

RealClearPolitics - Explaining Away Mass Murder

Op-Ed Columnist - Free to Lose - NYTimes.com

Andrew R. Heinze: What Health Reform Will Do to My Insurance - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Can the Clinton Coalition Survive Obama?

The Perils of Palinism

Matthew Continetti: Can Sarah Palin Make a Comeback? - WSJ.com

Phony fixes for the Wall St. mess

Peggy Noonan: Just the Facts, Mr. President - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - What White Women Want, Surprisingly the GOP

Who Are the Blue Dogs? - The New York Review of Books

RealClearPolitics - Anita Dunn: Going, Going, Gone

Beyond Berlin: Europe's new chapter starts now - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - The Curious Case of Communist Nostalgia

America and Afghanistan: General disarray | The Economist

Tensions brewing between Republicans and CEOs over healthcare reform - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Testing Next Year's Lies Today

A Senate Trifecta the Dems Want to Avoid Losing

Oily health bill fails to build trust | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Mass Appeal | The New Republic

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Obama losing Ohio?

Seeking Benchmarks and "Off-ramps," President Obama Sends Pentagon Officials Back to their Desks - Political Punch

Afghanistan: When On Earth Will Obama Make a Decision? - Iain Martin - WSJ

Rosen: Liberal elitists aren't elite - The Denver Post

Why Did the Iraq Surge Work?

Noemie Emery: Washington Post talking non-points on election 09 | Washington Examiner

No more 'too big to fail'

TARP: The Bank Bailout, One Year Later | Newsweek Business | Newsweek.com

Congress to Healthcare Market: Drop Dead — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Edward Pinto: Acorn and the Housing Bubble - WSJ.com

When homeownership is the wrong choice -- latimes.com

Seriously Off Track - Forbes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Free to Lose - NYTimes.com

The Europeanization of America | Capital Gains and Games

The Impact Of Trillion-Dollar Deficits

Obama to press Asia to open markets and buy more U.S. imports -- latimes.com

Pakistani nuclear scientist's accounts tell of Chinese proliferation - washingtonpost.com

Barack Obama and Hu Jintao: can these unlikely bedfellows ever share the same dreams?

Beijing, Global Free-Rider | Foreign Policy

An Agenda for Obama in China - WSJ.com

Fidel Castro's long goodbye -- latimes.com

Policy, Pressure, and Peace | The American Prospect

Banyan: Barack Obama's Asian adventure | The Economist


*Transcripts: The UK Prime Minister's Speech to G20 Finance Ministers

Secretary Clinton's Remarks at APEC Conference

Obama's Veterans Day Remarks at Arlington

Lou Dobbs Announces His Departure from CNN

Interview: Fmr. NY-23 Candidate Dede Scozzafava

Analysts on the Financial Regulation Debate

Clinton's Remarks at APEC Singapore Conference


*World Video:Sept. 11 Mastermind to Face Trial in New York

Inside Iraq: Improved Democracy

Pakistan Spy Agency Hit in Peshawar

US Moves to Seize Mosques, Tower Tied to Iran

Counting the Cost of China-Africa Ties

Saudis Tighten Yemen Border Control

El Salvador's Gold Fight Goes International

The Berlin Wall's Fall: Economic Costs

UN Tribunal Reduces Sentence for Bosnian Gen.

Is China a Global Economic 'Prime Mover?'

N. Korea Threatens S. Korea over Clash

Nigerian Soccer Player to Be Lashed in Sudan

Sec. Clinton in the Phillipines

Blair to Give Evidence at Iraq War Inquiry

Calls for Czech Army Neo-Nazi Purge

Walls That Still Divide

President Medvedev Key Address to Nation

Refugees On the Run

European Citizen's Initiative Proposal

China Responds to Unrest in Xinjiang

Troop Plan Back to Drawing Board

Americans Split on What to Do in Afghanistan

Palestinians Mark Arafat Death Anniversary

Canadian Teen Rescued on Arctic Ice

*Markets Video:Exxon CEO: Weak Dollar Adding $20 to Oil

Tim Mahoney Is 'Incredibly Bullish'

TARP to Pay for Deficits?

Another Housing Bailout?

Debating the U.S. Government's Portfolio

Is BofA Considering Jon Corzine for Top Job?

Top Housing Stocks

Retailers Brace for Holidays

Obama's China Dollar Drama

Fed in the Crosshairs

Jim Chanos & Robert Sloan: Lessons from Crisis

HP Takes Aim At Cisco

*Politics Video:Obama Refuses To Defend Bombing Of Hiroshima, Nagasaki

AG Holder Announces Trial For 9/11 Terror Suspects

New RNC Ad Calls Landrieu A Flip-Flopper

Sen. Kerry: We Can't Just Leave Afghanistan

Obama Calls For Revamped Relations With Japan

9/11 Suspect Khalid Shaikh Mohammed To Face Trial in New York

Rep. Hoekstra On Hasan's Connection To Pakistan

MSNBC's Schultz: Fort Hood Massacre Was An Act Of Terror

Rep. Moran On Mission In Afghanistan

Olbermann: Bush Admits Role In Financial Meltdown

O'Reilly: The Media Has Not Covered Fort Hood Accurately

Half of Audience Walks Out Of Dem's Town Hall

Palin On Couric Interview: "I Knew It Wasn't Good"

John Bolton On Afghan Troop Levels

Rove On Effect Of Jobs, Afghanistan, Health Care In 2010

Obama Dissatisfied With Troop Plans

Bush Warns of "Temptation" To Abandon Free-Market System

Carrie Prejean Threatens To Leave Larry King During Interview

Limbaugh: Obama's Purging Republicans From The Civil Service

Report: Major Hasan May Have Wired Money To Pakistan

Gov. Perry: Obama Taking U.S. Toward Socialism

Hasan To Be Charged With 13 Counts Of Premeditated Murder

Education Sec. Unveils School Aid Program

Obama Claims He's Created Or Saved 1 Million Jobs

Scozzafava On NY-23 Race, GOP

O'Reilly: The Military And The Fort Hood Massacre

Olbermann: GOP Town Halls & Teabaggers Are Back


Nov. 12, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 11, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 10, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-12, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-11, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-10, Tuesday

11/12 The Mark Levin Show

11/11 The Mark Levin Show

11/10 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/12/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/11/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/10/09


BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | US warns over Koreas naval clash

Thousands of guns U.S. sent to Afghanistan are missing - CNN.com

Scrooge police 'ban' Christmas carol singers because of stranger dangers | Mail Online

Church bells to ring out warning on climate change

Barrick shuts hedge book as world gold supply runs out - Telegraph

The Raw Story | Alleged 9/11 plotters to be tried in New York: report

Citing Iran Ties, U.S. Moves to Seize Alavi Foundation Properties - NYTimes.com

Worried about U.S. debt? Send your donation here - Yahoo! News

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ADL and Holder Team Up to Fight “Hate Crimes”

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » To Preserve Liberty, We Must Understand Monetary Policy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Britney — The Devil Made Me Do It!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Quantitative Easing Has Been A Monetary Failure; Persistent Deflation Means More Fed Intervention Coming Soon

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Southpark makes fun of Glenn Beck, Beck responds

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Other Side Of China’s 8% GDP “Growth”: Ghost Cities

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Goldman On Why A Second Stimulus Is Merely Months Away

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bernanke Lobbying Hard for Status Quo Federal Reserve

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » NBC Kicks Off Annual ‘Green Week’ with Primetime Climate Hype

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » No Warming for Fifteen Years?

RealClimate: Mind the Gap!

RealClimate: A warming pause?

Education, School Safety: Do 'Zero Tolerance' Polices Lack Common Sense? - ABC News

New account of Fort Hood shooting may put another officer in spotlight | World news | guardian.co.uk

CN&R > Local Stories > Open mouth, insert soap > 11.12.09

Climate change study shows Earth is still absorbing carbon dioxide - Telegraph

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » David Icke: The Global Spiritual Awakening Of Humanity

Health Care Reform: DOA

"Dead Man Musings":The Bible and Homosexuality

You're as old as you eat... Our guide to foods that fight off age | Mail Online

Ben H. Winters: Robert Rines: The Death of a Monster Hunter

How the US army protects its trucks – by paying the Taliban | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama demands exit strategy in Afghanistan - Telegraph

UN food summit 'fails before it begins' - Telegraph

True extent of Ukraine famine revealed in British journalist’s diaries - Times Online

US mosques and New York skyscraper seized over alleged Iran links | World news | The Guardian

Thousands of family doctors 'being paid not to give out antibiotics' - Telegraph

150,000 dementia sufferers 'being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs unnecessarily' - Telegraph

And the ugliest people are... - Yahoo! News

The Economist The Obama Administration Should Have Listened To

Charles Gasparino: Robert Rubin: The Man at the Nexus of Big Business and Big Government

Devvy -- Health Care: Tell the Senate NO, we will sue -- 11/12/09

Too Much Beef;Why Arby's is so low on the restaurant food chain.

Schwarz - America's Shameful Neglect

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'

A Haredi Town Confronts Abuse From The Inside

Israel Lobby Routs Obama, Rules US

Revolutionary Guard Tightens Security Grip - WSJ.com

BAE Jockeys With Lockheed for Gulf Sales Amid Iran Arms Threats - Bloomberg.com

UN investigator accuses US of shameful neglect of homeless | World news | guardian.co.uk

Health-Bill Battle Won't Get a Recess - WSJ.com

Holder Pledges Hate Crimes Cooperation with ADL

Pelosi & Her Zionist Jew Enablers | Real Zionist News


savethemales.ca - Putin's Russia -- Illuminati Controlled & Corrupt

NASA records search comes up empty on Pa. UFO | PoconoRecord.com

Mind Control Victim: Lady Gaga's Most Disturbing And Revealing Video Yet

11-12-2009: Ring Church Bells Against Climate Change

11-12-2009: Spilled Drink Powder Causes Train Evacuation

Google Helps You Find A Flu Shot

NASA Launches Web Resource For 2012 Predictions

11-12-2009: Gold Price Won't Drop Below $1,000 An Ounce Again Says Marc Faber

Three Parent Babies Take A Step Closer To Reality

11-12-2009: Jesuit University professor cheerleads "evolution of international governance"

Bomb hits Pakistan's spy agency in northwest

*Copenhagen Agreement on Climate Change–Beginning World Government

U.S. and Colombia bases deal signed, but what are the real intentions?:

*VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire

Corporate agriculture industry plans “organic” genetically engineered crops to fight climate change

Mind Reading (Neural Decoding) Goes Mainstream

Barrick shuts hedge book as world gold supply runs out

Chemical in plastic bottles linked to impotence

America’s Dismal Future

Lack Of Health Care Killed 2,266 US Veterans last Year: Study

Business Aims to Relax Bans on Products Made with Child & Slave Labor

VIDEO: Vaccine Coverup

VIDEO: Bell Tolling for the Swine Flu H1N1

Strategies and Tactics at the World Trade Organization (WTO)

The Disastrous Presidency of Mahmoud Abbas

Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans

Department of Justice Threatens the Internet

America's Labor Movement: The Political Winds are Shifting

Clinton appoints former embassy hostage as point person on Iran

A Real "Green Deal"

VIDEO: Boy Almost Dies From Swine Flu Vaccine

Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women

Doctors Bribed To Push Swine Flu Vaccine On Reluctant Public

Conflicts of interest? Dr. Mehmet Oz owns 150,000 option shares in vaccine technology company

Vaccine Victim Desiree Jennings Viciously Attacked By Medical Establishment

Marine reservist attacked Greek priest he mistook for terrorist

Police prepare drill for plague at school

'The Economist' Praises Falling Fertility Rates, Calls for Carbon Tax Scheme and Global Governance To Coerce Population Reduction

Global Rich Embrace Environmentalism

Is Tony Blair CIA?

UPI Editor Equates 9/11 Truth Activists With Fort Hood Killer

Al Jazeera Broadcasts Video of Afghan Insurgents With US Ammo

World Trade Center 'Cross Finder' Calls for 9/11 Truth

Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China

Depo-Provera Birth Control Injections Cause Withdrawal Symptoms

Pupils terrified after arriving at school to bloody crime scene… which was lesson on ‘problem solving’

The Science is In: Global Warming Is a Complete and Total Scientific Lie and an Outright Fraud

State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search

Russia-India-China: The Bush curse

Buyer beware: Climate change and the Ventura case study

Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

video:Council on Foreign Relations discusses artificial scarcity as vaccine propaganda strategy

Clinton Connects Overpopulation to Climate Change

Chuck Norris: Copenhagen Talks To Forge “One World Order”

Video - CNBC: A New Global Currency and a New World Order

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

'write directly to memory' of living brains

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

Stealing Money, Selling Heroin and Raping Boys

Feds Seize Mosques, NYC Skyscaper Sending Millions to Iran

FBI: 10% of U.S. Mosques Preach Jihad

Hoekstra: White House Blocks Fort Hood Probe

Fort Hood Suspect's Cleric On Run in Yemen

Investigators Didn't Share Early Hasan Info

Fort Hood Shooter May Be Paralyzed

N.Y. Congressional Race Not Over Yet

Iranian Cleric: U.S at War With God

Lawyer Says Hasan Alert During First Meeting

Craig to Step Down As White House Lawyer

Steele Ends Abortion Insurance for GOP Workers

ACORN May Be on Brink of Collapse

Palin Knew Couric Interview Went Badly

Illegal Immigration Groups: We Pushed Dobbs Out

Palin: McCain Kept Me 'Bottled Up'

Buffett, Gates Tell Students Worst Behind Us

Bloomberg Shakes Hands With Terrorist's Associate

Valerie Plame Loses Appeal Against CIA

ACORN Cries U.S. Funding Cut Unconstitutional

Clinton: No Binding Climate Deal at Denmark Talks

Obama Orders Review of Possible Fort Hood Signs

Famed Miss. Judge Faces Prison for Lying to FBI

Ron Paul's Son Borrows Tactics for Ky. Senate Bid

Chatty Fidel Obsessed With Obama Politics

Murdoch Backtracks On Obama 'Racist' Remark

Chavez Seizes Venezuelan Coffee Producers

Scientists Attempt to 'Regrow' Breasts Following Mastectomy

Acetaminophen Increases Asthma Risk

Too Much Selenium Can Increase Cholesterol

Food Poisoning Can Cause Lifelong Problems

Report: Playboy in Talks to Be Sold

Fort Hood Shooter Was a Jihadist

Fort Hood Shooter: War on Terror Is War on Islam

We're All Practicing Shariah With Fort Hood Terror Alibis

Global Warmers Must Seek Legit Cause as Issue Cools

Why Did Lou Dobbs Leave CNN?

Obama Shirks Responsibility for Disastrous Policies

Obamacare Vote Chicanery Debunks Moderate Democrat Myth

Obama, Reid Will Use Nuclear Option to Pass Healthcare

Don't Fool Yourself: America Is Now a Communist Nation :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Libertarian freedom activist forcibly hospitalized and drugged

City of Symbols

Lynn Stuter -- Are you angry yet?

Why America Depends on China in the Financial Crisis - ABC News

Do We Goldbugs Finally Have Your Attention? -- Seeking Alpha

China's End Run Around the U.S. - BusinessWeek

The Great Shrinking American Dollar - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Group of Satanic Trillionaires have Created the Goldilocks Matrix

On a New Form of Indentured Servitude - BlackListed News

Michael Cutler -- Politicians Continue to Mortgage Our Children's Future

IBM Internal Document Outlines Knowledge of Planned Pandemic With 100% Certainty : Health Freedom Alliance

What (Really) Killed The Helpless US Military Victims At Ft. Hood., page 1

Backlash in California: Muslim at mall kiosk tears crucifix from shopper's neck, shouts "Allah is power" - Jihad Watch

Frosty Wooldridge -- Muslims in 21st Century America: Racial-Religious Chasm

Power for U.S. From Russia’s Old Nuclear Weapons | BlueRidgeNow.com | Times-News Online | Hendersonville, NC

Large Hadron Collider: Damaged by a Time-Traveling Bird? - TIME

Improving Security With Face Recognition Technology

Animal and human hybrid research study under way - Telegraph

Genesis 2.0 -Creating Artificial Life from Scratch

This Is Your War Not Ours, Ms. Clinton | Foreign Policy Journal

Goldstonewalled! US Congress Endorses Israeli War Crimes | Foreign Policy Journal

Republican Leader: ‘Irresponsible Decision’ to Try 9/11 Mastermind in Federal Court

Sept. 11 Mastermind, 4 Other Gitmo Detainees to Be Tried in Federal Court in NYC

Congress Mandating That People Buy Health Insurance Like States Requiring Driver’s Licenses, Warner Says

Sen. Akaka Says ‘I’m Not Aware’ of Constitution Giving Congress Authority to Make Individuals Buy Health Insurance

Ethics Watchdog Seeks Records on White House Officials, Failed Olympics Bid

Obama Says He Would Be ‘Honored’ to Visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Northern Va. Mosque of Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Connected to Jihadists and Islamic Terrorist Groups

Swine Flu Toll Is Worse Than First Estimated As Vaccine Remains Scarce

‘Climate Change’ Summit in Denmark: A Bust Before It Begins, Clinton Indicates

Defense Secretary Gates to Lead 6-Month Push Against Roadside Bombs

‘Obama's Hesitancy on Afghanistan War Buildup Sends Messages,’ AP Says

ACORN Lawsuit Raises Question: Can It Survive?

AmeriCorps Inspector General Shredded White House Documents at Request of Agency’s Spokeswoman

Democrat Questions Catholic Group’s Tax-Exempt Status After Bishops Pressed for Ban on Abortion Funding

Obama Orders Review of Possible Fort Hood Warning Signs

Man Calls 911 To Report His Marijuana Stolen

McCain Aide Convinced Palin to Grant Interview to Katie Couric, Saying CBS Anchor Liked and Admired Her, Palin Writes in Book

2012 Games Pose Biggest Security Risk in Decades

Sarkozy Says Burqas Have No Place in France

Polk: Forgotten Great

Another Bogus ACORN Lawsuit

What Hollywood Can Teach Us About the Fort Hood Massacre

The Strange Case of Dr. Hasan

Constitutional Contempt

Top Republican says White House hiding info on Fort Hood - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance' - Telegraph

Trade Deficit in U.S. Increases by Most Since 1999 - Bloomberg.com

Balloon boy parents to plead guilty Friday; mother faced deportation to Japan | coloradoan.com | The Coloradoan,

Studio settlement reported for fake movie news

Suspicious wife posed as schoolgirl to trap paedophile husband, court hears - Telegraph

After spending binge, White House says it will focus on deficits - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

9/11 suspects to be tried in New York | U.S. | Reuters

Chinese greet 'Oba Mao' with flaming statue, fakes

The Associated Press: Swine flu causes surge of garlic sales in Serbia

Bush warns of threats to freedom, economic growth - Washington Times

U.S. Treasury Confident Congress Will Increase Debt Ceiling - Bloomberg.com

Russia's Putin wins respect at hip-hop party | Reuters

Dobbs gave up on $9M

Obama decision to try 9/11 defendants already drawing fire - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - Hasan's apartment

Obama seeks to ease U.S.-Japan strains at start of Asia trip -- latimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Arrives in Tokyo

Evidence Against Ray Clark Released in Yale Murder of Annie Le - ABC News

News – Sarah Palin Slams Katie Couric as "Badgering," Biased in New Memoir – Celebrity News – UsMagazine.com

YouTube - Palin Book: McCain Aides Had Me 'bottled Up'

GOP jettisons abortion coverage from own insurance - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

2010: Health care hurting Dems? - First Read - msnbc.com

Second suspect arrested in girl's disappearance :: WRAL.com

YouTube - Whereabouts of N.C. Girl Still a Mystery

Jon Stewart responds to Sean Hannity's apology -- chicagotribune.com

Washington Times Turmoil Continues Amid Resignations, Uncertainty, And Panic

Spitzer draws line between policy, personal ethics - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Ex-NY Gov. Spitzer Speaks at Harvard Forum

Perzel released on bond after handing over passport | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/13/2009

ACORN Sues Over 'Unconstitutional' Funding Cuts By Congress - FOXNews.com

The Dallas Morning News:New poll more good news for Perry

Tom Tancredo's comeback - The Scorecard - POLITICO.com

Cindy Crawford targeted in extortion plot | EW.com

Harry Potter star Radcliffe denies smoking cannabis | Reuters

'Michael Jackson's: This Is It' Passes $200 Million Worldwide - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

'Wipeout' reality contestant dies -- latimes.com

Mike Tyson beat me until there was blood everywhere: photographer Tony Echevarria said

Militants Hit Pakistan Spy Agency in Escalation - NYTimes.com

YouTube - More Deadly Pakistan Attacks, Spy Agency Hit

APEC Leaders Wary of Withdrawing Stimulus Too Early, Too Late - Bloomberg.com

Palestinian Affairs: Is Mahmoud Abbas becoming chairman Arafat?

India defends its climate-change strategy while calling for room to develop -- latimes.com

YouTube - US pressure builds for climate pact - 12 Nov 09

Nasrallah: Obama deceived Muslim world, loves Israel | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

VOA News - Brown: Britain Will Send More Troops to Afghanistan

Russia goes all out to develop nuclear-powered spacecraft_English_Xinhua

YouTube - START treaty: The devil is in the details

Obama: Key for Afghans to provide for own security | Reuters

YouTube - CEOs To Meet With Obama On Job Creation

Obama: Iran must uphold obligations on nuclear program - Haaretz - Israel News

VOA News - Afghanistan Suicide Attack Wounds More Than 20

Authorities move to seize U.S. properties allegedly tied to Iran -- latimes.com

YouTube - Feds to seize 'Iran-linked' mosques, NYC Tower

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Nepal Maoist protests continue

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Saudis flee villages in Yemen clash

YouTube - Saudis tighten Yemen border control - 12 Nov 09

Food majors triple investment in ending hunger | International | Reuters

India quietly bolsters disputed China border | Reuters

The Associated Press: Forbes: Mexico kingpin among world's most powerful

Blanche Lincoln can't hide under a "Little Rock"

CO Republican's Tweet Compares Obama To 9/11 Hijackers

Women Now Hold Half of U.S. Jobs - For Less Money Than Men

O'Neill on the Catholic Bishops: 'I Don't Know Where the Internal Revenue Service Is, But I Hope They're Paying Attention'

Keeping Extremisms Out of the U.S. Military

Bart Stupak Threatens Dems If His Amendment Is Removed

Worst. Idea. Ever.

U.S. Bishops To Vote On Mandatory Feeding Of Vegetative Patients In Catholic Hospitals

South Park Mocks Glenn Beck

Media reform and the ouster of Lou Dobbs: Yes we can

Report: President Obama Is Resisting Troop Increases for Afghanistan

Chuck Norris hears black helicopters whupping: Obama planning a 'one world order,' health-care bill means feds invade homes

Ain't Misbehaving, Saving My Contracts for You

ABC's Brian Ross Cooks Up A Dangerously Inaccurate Story About Hasan and Al Qaeda

Hannity 'Apologizes' to Jon Stewart for 'Inadvertent Mistake' Airing the Wrong Protest Footage

A Message From The Mayan People

The audacity of extremism

Race, Violence, and the Columbia Professor

Inside the Tea Party Express

Obama's Man-Caused Disaster Chickens Come Home to Roost


The Income Tax and Government Spending

Twisted and Nuts

Pelosi Health Care: Drill, Baby, Drill

US Attorneys seek to seize Iran-linked mosques and real-estate

Daily Kos attacks tea party column

'I am not supposed to exist'

Put Chris Dodd on the 'Most Endangered Incumbent' list

Unmitigated gall: ACORN sues government over de-funding

Between the Summits

Pro-Iranian group may have violated lobbying guidelines

The latest version of the 'Trial of the Century'

What was the federal deficit for October? Go ahead, guess.

'Obamao' frenzy in China

Should General George Casey Resign?

It Isn't Political Correctness; It's Shariah

Academic Freedom for Thee, but Not for Me

Tea Parties: Misunderstood and Vastly Underrated

It's Time to Surrender in Afghanistan

Why Wall Street Isn't Main Street

Behind the House Health Care Vote

Does Islam Breed Violence?

What's Wrong With Socialism?

When Our Military Is Attacked, Obama Is a Nowhere Man

Breaking Promises and Betraying an Ally at the U.N.

To Hell with the Constitution?

Obama's Post-American World

Victims, Villains, and Heroes

Tyrants and Their Tantrums

Rand Paul, Are You Really a Republican? KY Wants to Know.

Karadzic Trial Exposes Discrimination by UN War Crimes Tribunal

In Defense of the Confederacy

The Freedom of choice and the enemy among us!


Questions That Must Be Asked by Michael Gaddy

Army psychiatrists ordered Hasan to attend lecture series on Islam - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Has Obama Peaked? Yes, He Has

Fort Hood shootings suspect may have wired money to Pakistan | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

Who Shot Hasan During the Ft. Hood Massacre? - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

**Michael Savage:Radical Muslim attacks – here's just a fraction

Home-Purchase Index in U.S. Plunges to Lowest Level Since 2000 - Bloomberg.com

Commercial Real Estate ‘Crisis’ Looming for U.S.: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

Reid Considers Payroll Tax Hike for Health Care - FOXNews.com

Choosing Between Raw Milk and a Dead, White Liquid by Joseph Mercola

Hasan Called Himself 'Soldier of Allah' on Business Cards - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Uproar over Navy color guard at World Series - washingtonpost.com

Ft. Hood: Official story full of holes

GPs to get bigger bonuses if they meet swine flu jab targets | Mail Online

Desperately Seeking Shut-eye - Natural Solutions Vibrant Health Balanced Living

Clouds hang over the global-warming alarmists | Paul Mulshine - NJ.com

Inflation Is Worse Than You Thought by Michael S. Rozeff

Kentucky Joins Movement to Resist Abuses of Commerce Clause, 2nd Amendment | Tenth Amendment Center


Why Do We Submit? by David Calderwood

The Flu Vaccine Horror Story You Never Heard About by Bill Sardi

Napolitano pronounces US border more secure now

Evangelist gets 175 years for sex convictions

Chinese greet 'Oba Mao' with flaming statue, fakes

Obama eyes domestic spending freeze


George Chamberlin's Friday Business Report

Almost Famous: Aviary's Israel Derdik

Postcards From the Edge

What are the Rules for Contributing to an IRA for a Minor?

Disney Beats on Cable Business

China to lead Somalia piracy fight

Dow's Run To 10,000 Belies Volatility

A Merck/Amylin Tieup Could Suit Both Parties

Prius Driver Leads Police Chase

Killer on the loose in the Gulf -- diabetes

Obama Administration Announces 9/11 Plotters Will Be Tried in NYC

‘Relax, Brother’: ABC News Obtains Video of Taliban Attack on US Soldiers

Black Marine Approaches Beck in Harlem to Talk About Obama

Palin Talks to Oprah About ‘Bad’ Interview With Couric

Ex-Boyfriend Says Legal-Age Prejean Made 15-20 Sex Videos

Bush Warns: ‘I Went Against My Free-Market Instincts’

Chilling: 67-Year-Old Rape Victim Targeted Twice

Caught on Tape: University of Tennessee Football Players Busted for Armed Robbery

Tampa Wedding Turns Into Violent Brawl

‘Levi Is Loved’: Oprah Asks Palin if Johnston Is Invited for Thanksgiving

John Cusack Lets F-Bomb Slip on ‘Early Show’

Sosa Wants to Endorse Bleaching Cream

‘South Park’s’ Cartman Channels Glenn Beck in ‘Socialist’ Conspiracy

‘You Were Right’: Hannity Apologizes to Jon Stewart Over Video Mix-Up

Fallen Paratrooper’s Mom Begs Obama on Afghan War: ‘End It’

Live TV Moment: Beaver Urinates on CBS News Correspondent

Texas Governor Says Obama Taking U.S. Toward Socialism

Catholic Church Investigates Existence of Aliens

Chimp Attack Victim Reveals Face on ‘Oprah’

AP: Obama Rejects All Military Options for Afghanistan Given to Him

Bizarre Live TV Moment: Carrie Prejean Threatens to Leave Larry King Studio

The B-Cast: Rush Deconstructs Obama’s Fort Hood Speech

Virginia 12-Year-Old Can’t Stop Sneezing

1.5 Pounds of Nails Pulled From Peruvian’s Stomach

Pelosi: Health Care Will Be Nation’s ‘Christmas Present’

CNN Special Investigation: Inside Yale’s Secret ‘Skull and Bones’ Society

Is Your Cell Phone Spying on You?

Obama Announces White House Jobs Summit

Father, Four Sons Arrested on 14 Sex Charges

Australian Scientists Can Help Cancer Patients Re-Grow Breasts

Dem vs. Dem: MoveOn Targets Dems Against Health Care Reform Bill

Strippers Pole Dance In Clear Truck On Vegas Strip

National Geographic Asks What It Would Take To Colonize Mars

Howie Mandel Puts Leno Behind Desk

O’Reilly: ‘We Can’t Kill All the Muslims’

The B-Cast: Obama Speaks at Fort Hood


New Document Reveals: SEIU Will Conquer Using Any Means Necessary

Meet the Ratners: Defending ACORN is Their Family Business

The Hypocrisy of Jerry Brown, California’s Top Cop

The Future of Wade Rathke and ACORN, Part I

Ratner Family Ties: ACORN and Justice Department Plot Thickens

ACORN: The LA Story, Part I

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN–The LA Story, Part II: ‘We knew we were gonna put in Obama.’

Dodd Wants A Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Will It Regulate Congress?

ACORN Sues To Put Its Hand Back In Your Pocket

Big Government » Blog Archive » Rep. Steve King Discusses White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett

INTERVIEW: Former Miss California Carrie Prejean

Hollywood Studios’ Fight With RealDVD Is Counter Productive

Bizarro Planet News

The Hidden Truth Behind ‘V’

Review: Leave ‘The Box’ On the Doorstep

‘2012′: Silly Bombastic Fun

UFOMystic » 2009 Crash Retrieval Conference

"Have you seen the saucers?"_English_Xinhua

Police worker fired for backing psychic investigations claims religious discrimination - Telegraph

Contact lenses to get built-in virtual graphics - tech - 12 November 2009 - New Scientist

A Viewers Guide to THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS | Films In Review

flashback:Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

flashback:Is Obama Nobel Peace Prize prelude to extraterrestrial disclosure?


The Bible and the Paranormal - A New Perspective

Giants - Myth or Reality?

The Doctrines of Men - The Incredible Gospel of Jesus

The Terrible Truth - Humanity on the Edge of Annihilation

**UFO Videos**

The Bible UFO Connection - The Verses By Subject

flashback:River that nourished civilisation has no water

*Lloyd Pye:SLIDE SHOWS/ Intervention theory

YouTube - Introduction to the Starchild Skull by Lloyd Pye

*Site:(www.starchildproject.com/)Is the Starchild an alien-human hybrid or a hoax?

****Enterprise Mission Article Archive***

flashback:Statement from Barack Obama on India's Lunar Launch | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference

** Star Trek Re-Watch/ Index**

** Moon Landing Day/ Index**

**Project Camelot :Interviews and Reports**

*Site:The Mars Records

*Site:Majestic Documents.com: Evidence We Are Not Alone

**Project Camelot | Audio interviews**

**Project Camelot | Interviews and Reports**

Project Camelot /2009: A Tale of Two TImelines

#Project Camelot /Archive 1

Project Camelot | Archive 1

Project Camelot | Archive 2

Project Camelot | Archive 3

Project Camelot | Archive 4

Project Camelot | Archive 5

Project Camelot | Archive 6