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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 November 2009


10 November,2009

Fort Hood suspect warned of threats within the ranks - washingtonpost.com
PM on US talks: All will become clear
The Associated Press: White House: Obama eyeing host of Afghan choices
YouTube - Eight-year vigil condemns US war in Afghanistan - 10 Nov 09
In Germany, the East-West divide is still alive and kicking | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post
Pakistani Islamists attack civilians for 3rd day, killing 24 - World AP - MiamiHerald.com
Barack Obama visit to Japan overshadowed by hit and run accident - Telegraph
Lebanon announces unity government with Hezbollah members - Times Online
The Hindu : China criticises India for ignoring its ‘concerns’
Con Coughlin: Obama's Iran Diplomacy Isn't Working - WSJ.com
The Associated Press: Brazil, US urge talks in Venezuela, Colombia spat
Nicolas Sarkozy accused of rewriting Berlin history after Facebook slip - Times Online
U.S. says Iran shipped arms to Lebanese fighters | Reuters
VOA News - Iran Denies Backing Yemeni Rebels
The Associated Press: Japan police arrest suspect in slain Briton case
YouTube - Lindsay Ann Hawker murder: prime suspect arrested
VOA News - China Ready to Welcome President Obama

Text of Obama's interview with Reuters | Reuters

AFP: Afghanistan FM pledges clean, honest cabinet
New George Lopez Talk Show Overplays Race Angle - ABC News
‘Sesame Street’ turns 40 with American Apparel T-shirts and totes | All The Rage | Los Angeles Times
ShePop: Carrie Prejean's tale of an ultra-modern pageant girl | EW.com
Aerosmith 2.0: Who should replace Steven Tyler? | EW.com
Suspect in Letterman extortion case seeks dismissal | EW.com
YouTube - Lawyer: No Extortion by Letterman Suspect
Joe Jackson's Ultimatum | TMZ.com
Twitter Hit Gets TV Deal: CBS Options Sh*tMyDadSays - ABC News
King Tut's tomb to get makeover - Discovery.com- msnbc.com
Katt Williams released, facing burglary charge - CNN.com
Obama: Gunman in US base rampage to pay for crimes | Reuters

The Associated Press: Text of Obama's remarks at the Fort Hood ceremony

Clinton Tries to Rally Democrats on Health Bill - WSJ.com
YouTube - Democrat on Health-Care Bill
YouTube - Obama Salutes Fort Hood Shooting Victims
Gunman kills two in Portland, Oregon | U.S. | Reuters
Ex-Astronaut Lisa Nowak Pleads Guilty to Burglary, Battery but Gets Light Sentence - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com
YouTube - Ex-astronaut Pleads Guilty to Attacking Rival
DC sniper execution: why his case moved so quickly | csmonitor.com
YouTube - D.C. Sniper's Ex-wife: 'Purged Myself of Shame'
The Associated Press: White House communications chief to step down
Was Anita Dunn Forced Out or Out Foxed? - FOXNews.com
Anita Dunn's White House Legacy - The Atlantic Politics Channel
Powder Sent to 3 U.N. Foreign Missions - NYTimes.com
The Associated Press: White House names foreign aid chief
Shah to be named head of USAID - washingtonpost.com
The Associated Press: Ex-NY Post editor: Cartoon flap led to firing
The Associated Press: Kennedy says he's troubled by bishop's comments
The Associated Press: UK police suspect United pilot of being drunk
Appearance by Convicted "Domestic Terrorist" From Maine Stirs Controversy(W/AUDIO)
MEDIA:40 Years Of Lessons On 'Sesame Street'
Lawmakers Meet After Paterson Cites Budget ‘Progress’ - Bloomberg.com
The Associated Press: Police: 42-year-old man held NY principal hostage
YouTube - Gunman at New York School Surrenders to Police
When it comes to Twitter, Sarah Palin's no follower | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
The Associated Press: Police surround office near Mo. governor's mansion
Tavis Smiley ; Kris Kristofferson/Monday, November 2, 2009 | PBS
Films take a hard look at our food industry - Entertainment - Fresnobee.com
What He Said;President Obama's small masterpiece of a speech at Fort Hood.
US Officials Begin Push Against Human Trafficking - CBS News
Obama: 'We are a Nation That Endures' (W/AUDIO)Nov. 10, 2009 | PBS
Competing Senate, House Financial Reform Bills Differ Over Fed's Role | Online NewsHour | Nov. 10, 2009 | PBS
VIDEO:A Mind for Music
NOVA ;Anthrax Investigation / PBS

11-10-2009: Dodd's super bank cop faces tough battle
11-10-2009: Senate intensifies climate bill efforts
11-10-2009: State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search
‘By the People’: Ed Norton and Hollywood’s Mindless Obama Praise
Part 1: The Super-Hero’s American Exceptionalism
Disney’s ‘Christmas Carol’ Disappoints at Box Office, Carrey Slams Capitalism
Now Democrats Are Throwing ACORN Under the Bus
Chicago Mayor Daley Blames Fort Hood On America’s Love Of Guns!
Commerce Department’s Rejection of ACORN Application Belies Alternative Funding Sources
The New Voodoo Economics: Jobs ‘Saved’ by Federal Stimulus Dollars
New Hampshire Will Bailout Failing Newspaper
Using Unions As Weapons: UPS v. FedEx
Obama as Climate Strongman: Taking the Chavez Adoration a Step Too Far
The Official Forecasts Are Nonsense: Obamacare Would Be a Budget Buster
Exclusive: Audio From ACORN Claims Jerry Brown Will Whitewash Investigation
**Exclusive: Audio From ACORN Claims Jerry Brown Will Whitewash Investigation
Happy 234th Birthday to the Marines
Former Spanish Prime Minister Aznar Speaks On Radical Islam
Media Matters: ACORN Police Report Good, Gladney Police Report Bad
Big Government » Blog Archive » Chicago Mayor Daley Blames Fort Hood On America’s Love Of Guns!
Betting Against Obama Health Care Increases as Time Grows Short - Bloomberg.com
Jerry Brown again? Some Calif. Dems express unease
Calif. AG's office: Press aide taped 6 interviews
Pentagon: 300 doses of H1N1 vaccine at Guantanamo
Golf balls: 'Humanity's signature litter' - CNN.com

Breitbart video
Fort Hood Memorial: Obama Blames ‘Twisted Logic’ for Killings
Palin Remains a GOP Player
Obama: Hasan May Have Cracked From ‘Stress’
Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Jail Time for Not Having Health Insurance
Latest Issue of Esquire Uses Augmented Reality to ‘Invade Your Computer’
Supreme Court to Review: Nashville Man Serving 15 Years for Flushing Toilet
Anita Dunn to Step Down as White House Communications Chief
Friend of Suspect in Letterman Scandal Predicts Jaws Will Drop Today
Al Jazeera Broadcasts Video of Afghan Insurgents With US Ammo
Clemency Denied: D.C.-Area Sniper Set to Be Executed Tonight
Bill Clinton Meets With Dems as All Eyes on Senate in Health Care Push
Verizon Ads Spark Lawsuit from AT&T
Obama Administration Orders Edits to Couple’s ‘Cap and Trade’ YouTube Video
‘No Factual Basis’: NASA Sets Out to Debunk ‘2012′ Myths Ahead of Movie Release
Marion Barry Filming Reality Show?
VA Imam Condemns Support of Fort Hood Suspect
US Officials Knew Fort Hood Shooter Tried to Contact al Qaeda Terrorists
Radical NYC Muslim Group Praises Fort Hood Shooter
The B-Cast B-Side: Fort Hood Soldier May Have Had Contact With Al Qaeda
The B-Cast Live: See the Finalists in Beck’s Video Contest
The B-Cast: Twenty Years of Lessons Since Fall of the Berlin Wall
Car Cuts Car in Half
Domestic Terrorist To Speak At UMass
See it: Smash-and-grab burglary at SW Military tax office
Kerik Goes Home
Fort Hood Memorial Invocation
Collins' Request For New Trial Denied
Life Sentence For Killer Rapist
Melodie Wilson Succumbs To Cancer At Age 59
Lisa Nowak Apologizes To Victim
Landlord Fights To Keep Property Open After Police Bust Rave Party

Ahmadinejad: "Global Economic Order" needs Islamic principles to replace capitalist values
VIDEO: Peter Costa: “The US Government Will Be Totally Bankrupt In A Year And A Half”
Hasan Known to U.S. Intelligence Agencies; Congressional Requests for Information Refused
US Rep. Cantor: Answer Enemies with Renewed Vigilance'
Can Attacks on a Military Base Constitute "Terrorism"?
What Will It Take to Break Our Trance?
Who is to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
VIDEO: Vaccine Coverup
Environment boss wants to put carbon tax on driving, heating and holidays
Chris Smith - the respectable radical who is plotting a green revolution
From Their Own Mouths: Global Warming is a Fraud
CNBC: Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed: Global Currency, New World Order
Radio Talk Show Host Calls Gore a Traitor
What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?

Steve Quayle News Alerts: The Beast

***Steve Quayle News Alerts: Overthrown - Death of America - Index***

Steve Quayle News Alerts: So, Here We Are


*The Q Files:2009*
*The Q Files:2008*

The senseless acts of mass murder continue
Taki’s Magazine:Diversity Kills
savethemales.ca - Our Leaders Worship Pagan Gods
Report: 237 millionaires in Congress - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com
Obama's War And Remembrance Day
In MA Race, Martha Coakley Opposes Health-Care Bill Over Stupak Amendment
CBS Does Its Part In Fueling The “Blame Obama” Mentality
Bernie Sanders Could Filibuster Health Care Bill That Does Not Include a Public Option
Dodd to Propose Removing Fed, FDIC Supervision
The Rachel Maddow Show: Bart Stupak's C-Street Gang
Calling In The Big Dawg: President Clinton to Address Senate Dems on Healthcare Vote
Blue America's new Blanche Lincoln ad: Demand an Up or Down vote!

WND PLAYER:'U.S. military infiltrated by radical Islamists'
WND PLAYER:'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!'
WND PLAYER:Reagan's role in stopping 'cancer' of communism
WND PLAYER:'Fines and jail time' for failing to buy insurance
WND PLAYER:What's ahead for health-care bill in Senate?
WND PLAYER:GOP 'couldn't counter' Pelosi's pro-life surprise

White House communications chief to step down
CNN fretting: 'Right-wing' backlash against Muslims
Blame game erupts over probe of Fort Hood suspect - Yahoo! News
RealClearPoliticsVideo:Obama Suggests Still Possible Hasan May Have Cracked Under Stress
Daley weighs in on Fort Hood shooting - Chicago Breaking News
VIDEO:Mayor unveils expansion of Arabic language program. comments on Ft Hood -
Obama Honors Fort Hood Victims as Heroes, Says 'Justice' Awaits Killer - FOXNews.com
Senate Panel Conducting Fort Hood Probe Warned of 'Homegrown' Threat - FOXNews.com
NYT: Fort Hood suspect tracked before shooting - The New York Times- msnbc.com
Fort Hood suspect warned of threats within the ranks - washingtonpost.com
Army shooter's mosque run by Muslim Mafia
Obama's Maoist media controller
Obama's No. 2 Iran man on Soros-funded council
Gibbs says Obama reads 'voraciously'
Sheriff to Marines: Your service is not over!
Lawmakers Detail Obama’s Pitch - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com
MediaPost Publications ; Arguing With An Idiot: Glenn Beck's Lawsuit Against Parody Site Rejected 11/09/2009

*AUDIO:The Lew Rockwell Show - 142. Is the US Government Too Big To Fail?

Overpopulation Mantra Overheating as Copenhagen Approaches
Lieberman on Public Option Health Care: 'I Have No Other Choice ... I've Got To Stop It'
Democrats’ Health Care Plan Will ‘Shred Constitution,’ Hoekstra Says
ACTA Treaty is DMCA on Steroids
Treasury Officials Received Millions from Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs in Talks to Acquire Treasury Department - Borowitz Report
North and South Korean Warships Exchange Fire
Pyongyang demands apology from Seoul for Yellow Sea 'provocation'
US Urges North Korea Not to Escalate Tensions in Yellow Sea
Official Cites Benefits of Deploying Civilians
FBI Memos Flagged The Green Party As A Terrorist Group | Disinformation
New Synthetic Molecules Trigger Immune Response To HIV And Prostate Cancer
Absolute Immunity on Trial - Reason Magazine
Advocates: Cops cracking down on subway musicians, - am New York
t r u t h o u t | Supreme Court to Review Cases of Juveniles Sentenced to Life in Prison