"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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11 November 2009

Veterans Day(click here)




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**Billboard Live(http://live.billboard.com)**


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Vaccine Victim Desiree Jennings Viciously Attacked By Medical Establishment

*video:Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Jesse Ventura Back on Alex Jones: Jesse’s New Show ‘Conspiracy Theory’ on TruTv

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Czech officers caught wearing Nazi symbols in Afghanistan – report

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Group of Satanic Trillionaires have Created the Goldilocks Matrix

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Healthcare Reform Is Economic Malpractice

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Perfect Inverse Correlation Between the Dollar and the Dow

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Speculative recovery sows seeds of an even greater economic crash

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Dead at 9:11: Reporter Describes Execution of D.C. Sniper

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Revolutionary rapper talks 9/11 conspiracy

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Conflicts of interest? Dr. Mehmet Oz owns 150,000 option shares in vaccine technology company

Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

Brady Campaign Exploits Fort Hood Tragedy

Is The Day Of Great Leaders Past?

*Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

On a New Form of Indentured Servitude

Jehadi Déjà Vu: Hasan, 9/11 Muslims, and Strip Clubs

‘These people just want to be left alone’

*videos:Flashback: Alex Interviews Climate Lord David Mayer de Rothschild

*Radio Talk Show Host Calls Gore a Traitor

Eco barons lead the way - Sunday Times Rich List

Berlin Wall: Angela Merkel challenges US power - Telegraph

Hugo Chavez intensifies conflict threat with Colombia - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | US warns over Koreas naval clash

State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search - Telegraph

Big Government » Blog Archive » Chicago Mayor Daley Blames Fort Hood On America’s Love Of Guns!

CNSNews.com - Democrats’ Health Care Plan Will ‘Shred Constitution,’ Hoekstra Says

FBI tracked Hasan in December 2008 - UPI.com

CNSNews.com - Mark Levin: Congressmen Who Want to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance Are Saying ‘The Hell With the Constitution'

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Plant experts unveil DNA barcode

The Raw Story | Google says Murdoch stories can be taken off

News Corp Boss Rupert Murdoch Suggests Online Newspaper Pages Will Be Invisible To Google Users | Business | Sky News

Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Christopher Craft Surrenders: Bob Hess Released By Pine Plains Hostage Taker

Reid puts House healthcare bill on Senate calendar - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


NASA -The 2009 Leonid Meteor Shower

Clearchannel Hosts Thwarted During Maj. Hasan/ 9/11 Propaganda Session

YouTube - PTSD, Meds, and the Back Door Gun Ban

Refreshing News: Is Yemen the most dangerous new front in the war on terror?

The Sorry State of Modern Economics

Refreshing News: Deadliest lung cancer breakthrough

YouTube - CNBC - Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order

Michael Hoffman Moves Beyond The *Gatekeepers At Fort Hood And Unveils

Predictions of climate change induced natural disasters falling flat

President Of Special Interests

Webmaster's Opinion-Obama Will Not Prosecute Bush/Cheney

Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance

Swedish Member Of Parliament: Leading Politicians Support 9/11 Truth Movement

Abbas Threatens to Dismantle PA, Declare Peace Process Failed

*Reflections in a Petri Dish: Fort Hoodlum, Fort Hoodwink and those the Gods Drive Mad.

Kucinich Withdraws as Palm Beach County Democratic Keynoter Amid Uproar over His Israel Stance | CommonDreams.org

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Wear | Noisy sex woman loses appeal bid

Police say 2 die in Oregon office park shooting - Yahoo! News

Three more drug advisers quit over sacking of Professor David Nutt - Telegraph

White Powder Sent To Foreign Missions In New York | AHN

*Author of book exposing CAIR ordered to remove supporting documents from Web

*90,000 Casualties, but Who’s Counting? by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Gold To 5K-Peter Schiff on Fox Business-11-9-09

Revolutionary Politics/If You Thought the Housing Meltdown Was Bad…

YouTube - Germany's sovereignty restricted by US and allies?

Gorbachev Says Obama Should Start Afghan Withdrawal - Bloomberg.com

Obama Meets With Bibi:The Unusual Media Blackout

Declassified FBI File Alleges an Israeli Intelligence Agent Worked at AIPAC | Reuters

YouTube - Do Flu Shots Work Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer

Welcome Back to Pottersville: Congress Pulls the Trigger

US Rep. Cantor: Answer Enemies with Renewed Vigilance'

Government is top employer in southern Calif., report reveals

*UK scholars linked to 'stolen' bowls of Babylon | World news | The Observer

YouTube - What's In A Flu Shot

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Homeowners Pay Off Their Bankers in Violence?


YouTube - Plague Released on Purpose?

Fort Hood Mystery by Michael Gaddy

The Israeli Spy Ring(w/video)

Suicides raise worries about recession’s real cost - The Elkhart Project- msnbc.com

YouTube - 'Fahrenheit 9/11' - Peace Fresno

Larry Langford, Jeffrey Dahmer and Adolf Hitler | JAMES EDWARDS

**Martian landscapes - The Big Picture - Boston.com

Framed for child porn — by a PC virus - Security- msnbc.com

George Washington's Blog:Evidence is Growing: Continuity of Government Plan is Currently in Effect

George Washington's Blog: Continuity of Government Measures WERE Implemented on 9/11 . . . Were They EVER Revoked?

George Washington's Blog: Has the Government Already Implemented Continuity of Government Plans?

Washington's Blog:Military Spending is INCREASING Unemployment and REDUCING GDP


*#1/Men of Courage, JFK Assassination Discoveries & Suspects by Don Roberdeau: (1) Men of Courage, JFK Assassination Discoveries & Suspects by Don Roberdeau

*#2/Men of Courage, JFK Assassination Discoveries & Suspects by Don Roberdeau: (2) Men of Courage, JFK Assassination Discoveries & Suspects by Don Roberdeau

*#3/Men of Courage, JFK Assassination Discoveries & Suspects by Don Roberdeau: (3) Men of Courage, JFK Assassination Discoveries & Suspects by Don Roberdeau

The Existentialist Cowboy:The Controlled Demolitions of 911 b


Real History Blog: Gerald Posner has private cell number of Afghanistan's leader's brother - accused of CIA ties

The Karzai Brothers Fight Back - The Daily Beast


Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » The Purpose of Money

51 Reasons To Say No To Global Governance: Alternating Between Colorless & Grey: The Smart Money Is On The Least Known Puppet Candidates For Top Two EU Jobs: Spiegel Explains

51 Reasons To Say No To Global Governance: Cliff Kincaid's Vaticans Push For Socialist Healthcare Article Breaks Mainstream Gatekeeprs

Is Israel a Threat to the West?

Goldstone Report 2009

China Signals It May Allow Currency to Rise Against Dollar - China * Asia * News * Story - CNBC.com

Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance? - Political Punch


The Protocols Of Zion & The Illuminati Road Map - Pt 1

The Protocols Of Zion & The Illuminati Road Map - Pt 2

The Protocols Of Zion & The Illuminati Road Map - Pt 3

The Protocols Of Zion & The Illuminati Road Map - Pt 4

The Protocols Of Zion & The Illuminati Road Map - Pt 5


Mormon Prophecies & Coming Judgements On America - Pt 1

Mormon Prophecies & Coming Judgements On America - Pt 2

*US Underground Bases

'It's the Islam, stupid!'

Hidden In Plain Sight - On Beyond The X-Files

Diversity Kills

The New Media Journal | Pelosi 'Healthcare' Bill: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail

Today’s Ancient Warfare: Facts vs. Beliefs

Ernst Zundel's Words Proven True - See For Yourself

Michigan farm expert opens Marijuana U. - Washington Times

Airport rules changed after Ron Paul aide detained - Washington Times

The Fight Of Our Lives - Destroying The Lisbon Treaty

Lisbon And The Zionist Nightmare

MEMRI: Al-Jazeera TV Report: Taliban Militants Seize Weapons and Ammunitions in Military Posts Evacuated By U.S. Forces in East Afghanistan

The New Media Journal | Hatch Explores Cap-and-Trade Legislation’s Impact on American Job

The New Media Journal | 'Carbon Credits' Permits Could Become Useless Under Proposed Law

The New Media Journal | Despite Ban, Holder to Speak to CAIR-Linked Group

YouTube - Glenn Beck: Global Warming greatest scam in history

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Al-Masri Recommends Tricking Jews into Becoming Muslims

MEMRI: Sunni Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Explains His Objection to Muslim-Christian Interfaith Dialogue

The American form of government. [VIDEO]

YouTube - Glenn Beck: The Cloward-Piven Strategy (AKA the "Crisis Strategy") [FOX News]

Muslims In America - Violent Clashing Of Cultures - Pt 1

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'


YouTube - Part 1: The History of Political Correctness

YouTube - Part 2: The History of Political Correctness

YouTube - Part 3: The History of Political Correctness


The New Media Journal | Gaza & The One-World Media’s Propaganda by Frank Salvato

Online NewsHour: Al Qaeda's 1998 Fatwa

Basics Project | Terrorism: Radical Islam's End Game

Basics Project | Terrorism: Wahhabism

The Militant Ideology Atlas ;Executive Report

The Militant Ideology Atlas ;Research Compendium

**e Book:The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism


*Audio: The United States Is Not a Democracy

***Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: A Balance of Rights

Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: US Constitution - Federalism

Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: US Constitution - Incorporation

Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: Judicial Activism Undermines the Integrity of the Constitution

Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: Ideology

Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: The Bill Of Rights - Its Intent & Application

The New Media Journal | The Right to Defend Sovereignty by Nancy Salvato

Basics Project | Constitutional Literacy: US Constitution - Types of Government

From revolution to Reconstruction: Essays: Was the American Revolution a Revolution?: Background, History, and the Beginning of the Revolution (2/10)

Conservatives, Liberals, and the Founding: The Meaning of the Debate Over Natural Rights

Declaration of Independence historical background

David Armitage | The Declaration of Independence and International Law | The William and Mary Quarterly, 59.1 | The History Cooperative

A Philosophical and Historical Analysis of Modern Democracy,on the American

**Site:Charters of Freedom - The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights

**The Declaration of Independence - Interpreting the Declaration

**Online Library of Liberty - The Declaration of Independence: A Study on the History of Political Ideas

**Constitution of the United States


Theories of Constitutional Interpretation

Is God Unconstitutional? - Christian-Faith.com


**Founders' Constitution: Table of Contents

From Revolution to Reconstruction: Biographies: George Mason I

Exploring Constitutional Law

National Constitution Center - Centuries of Citizenship

***National Constitution Center: Interactive Constitution



Senior Official: More Hasan Ties to People Under Investigation by FBI

Fort Hood suspect warned of threats within the ranks - washingtonpost.com

Hillary in 2012? - Washington Times

Washington sniper put to death: A needle stuck in each arm, he blinked repeatedly, took seven short breaths and he was gone

11-11-2009: General Electric To Spread Green Propaganda On NBC

11-10-2009: Dodd's super bank cop faces tough battle

11-10-2009: Senate intensifies climate bill efforts

Blackwater Used ‘Child Prostitutes in Iraq’

Ahmadinejad: "Global Economic Order" needs Islamic principles to replace capitalist values

US Rep. Cantor: Answer Enemies with Renewed Vigilance'

Can Attacks on a Military Base Constitute "Terrorism"?

What Will It Take to Break Our Trance?

The Science is In: Global Warming Is a Complete and Total Scientific Lie and an Outright Fraud

From Their Own Mouths: Global Warming is a Fraud

Soros Calls for World Currency and “New World Architecture”

Muslim Americans brace for backlash in the wake of Ft. Hood tragedy

Muslims need not be apologetic

Don’t believe everything the Oracle tells you

The senseless acts of mass murder continue

Estulin: After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

Catholic Bishops' Clout Forces Obamacare Away from Public-Funded Abortion

The American Spectator : The Man Who Despises America

CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg

Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- Smashing the Axis of Financial Fraud

Chuck Baldwin -- Is The Day Of Great Leaders Past?

Survival School;Why more Americans are learning to pick locks, bust out of handcuffs, and avoid surveillance.

*'Something may come through' dimensional 'doors' at LHC • The Register

CNS STORY: Vatican-sponsored meeting discusses chances of extraterrestrial life

*Mind Reading (Neural Decoding) Goes Mainstream | h+ Magazine

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Dream of 'Biblical' Flood

*Microchip Implants, Mind Control & Cybernetics

Entering a dark age of innovation - science-in-society - 02 July 2005 - New Scientist

Official Cites Benefits of Deploying Civilians

Details Emerge About Alleged Fort Hood Shooter

Kennedy's Disability Plan Could Snag Health Bill

Cao's Healthcare Vote Loses Him Support

Kerry Vows U.S. Climate Outline for Summit

DeMint Tries To Ban 'Permanent Politicians'

AMA Opposes Military Gay Policy

CNN Prime-Time Losing Big to Fox News

SC GOP Blasts Graham for Climate Bill Support

AIG Chief Threatens to Quit Over Pay Llimits

Blackwater in Iraq Bribery Scandal

N.Y. Post Editor: Obama Cartoon Got Me Fired

Blame Game Erupts Over Fort Hood Probe

Former Bush Aide Seeks to Toss Torture Memos Suit

Obama Distorts History of Federal Funding of Abortion

The U.S. House of Presumptuous Meddlers

Radical Muslim Ideology Underlying Cause of Fort Hood Massacre

American Fairness to a Fault — a Deadly One

No Time for Fort Hood Shooter Political Correctness

In Praise of the Unpopular Nancy Pelosi

Obama Redefines Rush to Judgment

Converting to Electronic Money Could Thwart Disease

Sotomayor Poses in Court for Latina Magazine Cover

CNN Finding That Prime-Time Success Is Illusive

Records: Michael Jackson's Funeral Cost Nearly $1 Million

NBC Goes With Green Message in Prime Time

New Dinosaur Species Found in S.Africa

Emotions Increase or Decrease Pain

Researchers Grow New Penile Tissue in Lab

Marc Faber: Gold Will Fall to $800

Kim Ups Security As Assassination Fears Escalate

Russian Whistleblower YouTube Sensation

Senators Debate Requiring Sick Leave for Flu

More Theatrics at Gotti Trial

Wounded on Stage Before Fort Hood Ceremony

Obama: Nation Must Never Forget Fort Hood Fallen

World Bank Warns Unemployment Threatens U.S.

Who Knew of Army Shooter's Radical Contacts?

Fort Hood Massacre Reveals Islamic 'Submission'

Evidence Supports Conclusion Hasan Is Terrorist

Fort Hood Shooter: War on Terror Is War on Islam

Fort Hood, Veterans Day And Defending America

Russia-India-China: The Bush Curse

Puerto Rico’s National Strike: “Peaceful Insurrection” Against the Wall Street Bankers

Sen. Reed: Forcing People to Buy Health Insurance is Constitutionally Justified Because It’s Like Making People ‘Sign Up for the Draft’

'Biological and Chemical Threats May Go Undetected' at Nation's Seaports, Report Says

Obama Should Address Human Rights Abuses during Trip to China, Group Says

Bishop 'Very Disappointed’ at Patrick Kennedy's Vote Against Amendment Banning Abortion Funding in Health Bill

Lieberman on Public Option Health Care: 'I Have No Other Choice ... I've Got To Stop It'

Democratic Leadership Would Not Allow Votes on 11 Amendments Requiring Congressmen to Enroll in Gov’t-Run Health Plan

Republicans Say Term Limits for All Members of Congress Would Bring About ‘Real Change’ in Washington

Democrats’ Cap and Trade Bills Would Dry Up Federal Permits for Businesses, Republicans Warn

House Health-Care Bill Does Not Prohibit Paying Federal Funds to Health Providers Who Withhold Food and Water From Patients

Bill Clinton Urges Senate to Pass Health Bill; ‘It’s Not Important to Be Perfect Here’

Salt Lake City Passes ‘Gay Rights’ Laws With Mormon Backing

Federal Judge Nixes SC License Tag with Cross

Finger Pointing: Who Knew of Fort Hood Suspect's Contact With Radicals?

Obama Salutes Fort Hood Victims, Promises Justice, Avoids Mention of Terrorism

NC School Sells Test Points for $20 to Raise Money

Defiant D.C. Sniper Executed in Virginia

EPA Finds Widespread Mercury Contamination in Freshwater Fish

Obama Honors Fort Hood Victims, Condemns Murders

Number of Wounded U.S. Troops Rising in Afghanistan

FBI Is Examining Serial Murder Suspect’s Time in the Military

Israel Trying to Counter Iranian Inroads in Latin America

Ex-Miss California Admits to Making Sex Tape

S.C. Republicans Censure Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham

Pelosi’s New Payroll Tax: A Whip for Socialized Medicine

Using Dead Soldiers as Props

Politically Correct Murder

Blind Diversity Equals Death

Counting the Cost

John Hannah Explains How CheneyBush Screwed Up Afghanistan

Dylan Ratigan Calls Out Family Research Council's Ruse for Lying About Stupak Amendment

Fox's Bill Sammon pushes right's favorite new meme: Ft. Hood shootings were 'terrorist attack' like Oklahoma City, 9/11

The Democratic Party: Still Looking Out for Women's Health!

Rupert Murdoch wants to charge for Internet service and wants to destroy "fair use" content

The Daily Show: The Men Who Stare at Votes

Email of the Day: 'Blanche Lincoln is losing her base'

CNN Finally Discovers the Red State Health Care Disaster

Neocons Say, Beware of China

Rep. Jim Cooper (Bluedog-TN) Defends Stupak Amendment

In MA Race, Martha Coakley Opposes Health-Care Bill Over Stupak Amendment

CBS Does Its Part In Fueling The “Blame Obama” Mentality

Bernie Sanders Could Filibuster Health Care Bill That Does Not Include a Public Option

Dodd to Propose Removing Fed, FDIC Supervision

The Rachel Maddow Show: Bart Stupak's C-Street Gang

Calling In The Big Dawg: President Clinton to Address Senate Dems on Healthcare Vote

Blue America's new Blanche Lincoln ad: Demand an Up or Down vote!

Rupert Murdoch says Glenn Beck 'was right' that Obama is a racist who hates white people

Obama's Middle East Policy Falls Apart

Losing Our Republic

The Purpose of Bureaucracy

One Wall Falls, Another Rises

Democrats' Pearl Harbor Attack on Health Care

GOP Branding Blunders

The Accidental Landlords

The President of Resentment

Ignoring Infiltration

It's still all about him

Mao could not be reached for comment

Gotta work on that sense of humor, Barry

Democrats continue slide in generic party poll

Saudi role in radicalizing US soldiers

A Partial Lexicon of Current Political Speech

Now the GOP are sexist pigs

Whitewashing ACORN

Sinking numbers for Obama, Democrats

General Casey's Diverse Army

When Our Military is Attacked, Obama is a Nowhere Man

Breaking Promises and Betraying an Ally at the U.N.

To Hell with the Constitution?

The "Good American" Who Was Taught to Hate

Rep. Cao vs. Retired Gen. Honoré

Obama's Post-American World

Victims, Villains, and Heroes

Remembering Our POWs Who Never Returned

A Lesson in Biofuels from Tennessee

videos:Bernanke as Mugabe's Apprentice: Marc Faber on the Dollar, Gold, Swine Flu, and Drinking With Canadians

How To Demilitarize Your Church by Laurence M. Vance

Liberty, the Mother of Order by Carl Watner

Foreign-Policy Blowback at Ft. Hood by Jacob G. Hornberger

*Healthcare Reform Is Economic Malpractice(w/audio) by Ron Paul

Pelosi's Health Care Means Rationing Politics - WSJ.com

Can't lose weight? Don't blame your metabolism! | Mail Online


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 11 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 12 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 13 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 14 by Gary North


*Free Times: This Just In/ Ron Paul Attracts Hundreds at Carolina Coliseum

Republicans Edge Ahead of Democrats in 2010 Vote

Gold Sets Records as Dollar Declines, Spurring Demand for Metal - Bloomberg.com

DADT Likely to Be Part of Defense Bill | News | Advocate.com

photo:A sculpture by Chinese artist Liu Bolin titled "Burning Man Obama"

Missing US soldier's body found in Afghan river - Yahoo! News

Asteroid scrapes past Earth just 8,700miles away - with only 15 hours warning | Mail Online

Camille Paglia - Pelosi's victory for women - Salon.com

Israel says photos prove weapons ship came from Iran - Yahoo! Canada News

Ahmadinejad: Obama must choose between Israel and Iran | Iranian - Iran News | Jerusalem Post

Jay slips even more

Free Speech Rights Prevented Probe Into Hasan E-Mails, Investigators Say - FOXNews.com

Army Wasn't Told of Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Hasan's Emails - WSJ.com

Zucker to head new NBCU-Comcast venture: sources | U.S. | Reuters

China proves to be an aggressive foe in cyberspace - washingtonpost.com

Killer Country

Total War Against the Taliban

Without Power, There Can Be No Corruption

The Weaponization of Language

Plan to pierce heart of urban monster volcano - environment - 09 November 2009 - New Scientist

World’s Freakiest Worm Gets Expanded Family Tree | Wired Science | Wired.com

The amazing man who drives car with thought-powered arms after losing limbs in accident | Mail Online

BBC NEWS | Europe | Hindenburg airship beer auctioned

Cavern could collapse, taking part of city - Environment- msnbc.com

The UnMuseum - The Missing Chronovisor:The Missing Time Machine


Freeman - Obama, Cloning & The Coming Space War

YouTube - The Cloning of Barack Obama

YouTube - Obama, Which One Did You Vote For?

YouTube - Obama: Born On Krypton

YouTube - The Grid

The "1984" Macintosh Ad and the "New Age" of EnLIGHTenment (Illuminati)




David Icke - Origins and Symbolism of the EU

I Guess Religion Had Nothing to Do With This, Either

On Veterans Day, a Sad Pall of Political Correctness

Hilarious “Color Commentary” Video of the Day: Profanity Has its Place

Quote of the Day: Supremes Reconsider Life Sentences for Juvie Thugs

Politico “Scoop” Out-Scooped By Schlussel: Flashback – “FBI Still Mtg w/ CAIR,” April/Feb ‘09

I Stick to My Guns: The Call from That Albanian Muslim Chick

Die Schlussel in Der Spiegel

“Justice” for Bernie Kerik, But NOT for Shi’ite Muslim Majida Mourad

The Berlin Wall’s Last Prisoner

Sex & the Islamic Terrorist, Part Deux (or Gazillion)

Michael Jackson's Former Lawyer, Music Exec Named Estate Executors - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Tyler, onstage with Perry, says not leaving Aerosmith | Entertainment | Reuters

Big Bird Celebrates Big Day with 'Sesame Street' Anniversary/Nov. 10, 2009 | PBS

YouTube - First Lady Michelle Obama Plants Garden on Sesame St. for Se

David Letterman Attorney Says Extortionist Claims Are Bogus - ABC News

YouTube - Letterman Case Gets Ugly

News – Expert: Stars Make Sex Tapes Because They're "Narcissistic"– UsMagazine.com

'Chimp maul' gal on Oprah, may be discharged soon

Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood gets quickie divorce | Entertainment | Reuters

The Associated Press: Death penalty rare, executions rarer in military

YouTube - President Obama Attends and Speaks at FT. Hood Memorial Cere

AFP: We will not betray trust like in Vietnam, Obama tells troops

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Places Wreath at Arlington Cemetary

Despite Uphill Climb, Reid Is Poised to Muscle Health Care Through Senate - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Breaking Down the House Health-Care Bill

Muhammad's family declines to share contents of sniper's final letter -- baltimoresun.com

YouTube - The execution of D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad

American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars posts struggle - USATODAY.com

Father, 4 Sons Charged in Missouri Child Rape Case - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

McCain calls Fort Hood shooting 'act of terror' | AP Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Civilian charged with wearing Navy medals - CNN.com

Taking World War II veterans to see memorial before time runs out - CNN.com

Rupert Murdoch: Unalloyed, Unbound - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Probation for love triangle attack

YouTube - Astronauts' Love Triangle

Senate panel considers climate change bill's impacts - Oil & Gas Journal

After Saluting Fallen Soldiers, Obama to Meet on Afghan War - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Yemen, US Sign Military Cooperation Deal

YouTube - Iran warns against Yemen meddling - 10 Nov 09

NATO expects more resources for Afghan training | Reuters

Life sentence for killer of 'veil martyr' Marwa al-Sherbini - Times Online

YouTube - Anger over slain Muslim mother - 11 Nov 2009

S. Korea hopes naval clash not leave negative impact on inter-Korean ties_English_Xinhua

YouTube - North, South Korean Ships Exchange Fire

At Arafat Memorial, Abbas Lays Out Continuing Struggle - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Palestinians Mark Arafat Death Anniversary

VOA News - Activists Urge President Obama to Question China's One Child Policy

YouTube - Media Kept From Dalai Lama

VOA News - Pirates Seize Cargo Ship in Indian Ocean

Barak: PM's meeting with Obama was constructive - Israel News, Ynetnews

Obama Pushes Japan as Both Sides Work on Base Dispute (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - The U.S. House of Presumptuous Meddlers

RealClearPolitics - 'Choice', 'Freedom' and the Democrats

RealClearPolitics - Health Scare Tactics

Al Gore crusades against global warming

Everyone Out of the Water!

Op-Ed Columnist - Virtuous Bankers? Really!?! - NYTimes.com

Stimulus dishonesty

Congress must find answers on massacre :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Congress Has History of Reversing Cuts - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Two Dots Don't Make a Political Map

Op-Ed Columnist - The Rush to Therapy - NYTimes.com

Brushfires & Fantasies: How long before health care bill is too big to pass? - The Note

What Ails the Senate

Gene Healy: Obama's arrogance of power | Washington Examiner

Are Republicans too giddy? - CNN.com

Reason.tv: UPS vs. FEDEX—Ultimate Whiteboard Remix Reason Magazine

Does Obama Have a Plan B for the Middle East?

Obama Still Can Save His Presidency - Forbes.com

Out of the Blue: Islands Seen From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com

Futuristic TV, online ads 'know what you're watching' | News | News.com.au

Madoff jewels, clothes set for New York auction

Madoff associate wills bulk of fortune to charity

Anti-Anglo racist tripe

Massachusetts Man Says He Was Fired for Telling Colleague Her Gay Marriage Is Wrong - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Senators debate requiring sick leave for flu | Reuters

Op-Ed Contributor - The Taliban Solution - NYTimes.com

Bernanke Learns Flexibility in the Debate Over Fed’s Role - NYTimes.com

Henry Kaufman: The Real Threat to Fed Independence - WSJ.com

Currency that kills - Washington Times

Antarctica's ice loss helps offset global warming: study

Man charged with statutory rape in ‘marriage’ to 14-year-old girl - KansasCity.com

UPDATE - Springer show guest arrested in Stamford hotel assault - NewsTimes.com

Bibb inmate used flip-flop to unlock cell, escape - Local & State - Macon.com

Morning in America

video:'Professor Obama' and the Constitution

Constitutional contempt

How much jihad should we endure?

Using dead soldiers as props

Questions central planners can't answer

What health-care 'status quo' means to pro-aborts

Democrats Leave Women Behind | The American Prospect

Celebrate Veterans Day with a hero

Who needs trials? Kill terror suspects!

Americans are waking up

GOP still doesn't get it

YouTube - Eye on the Flu Shot

Obama refuses public photo ops with Netanyahu

CNN fretting: 'Right-wing' backlash against Muslims

Syria warns of 'resistance' against Jewish state

Obama's No. 2 Iran man on Soros-funded council

9/11 imam calls Hasan 'hero'

Secret Obama deal for Palestinian state?

Left-leaning magazine rips Fort Hood 'Islamophobia'

U.N. fails to act after Iran caught 'red-handed'

U.S. troops' continental insignia bears U.N. colors

Dispute over Texas fair's speech restrictions heats up

Sheriff to Marines: Your service is not over!

'Gay' blogger calls church-bomb threat a 'joke'


AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Either bankrupt them or bomb them'

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive GOP's DeMint: 'Career politicians' ruining America

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive What's ahead for health-care bill in Senate

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Fines and jail time' for failing to buy insurance

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive GOP 'couldn't counter' Pelosi's pro-life surprise


Jeremiah Denton: War hero, cultural crusader

CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg

Rep. Sue Myrick Takes a Stand on Obama, Fort Hood and CAIR | FrontPage Magazine

Obama refuses public photo ops with Netanyahu

CNN fretting: 'Right-wing' backlash against Muslims

Blame game erupts over probe of Fort Hood suspect - Yahoo! News

What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Suggests Still Possible Hasan May Have Cracked Under Stress

Daley weighs in on Fort Hood shooting - Chicago Breaking News

video:Mayor unveils expansion of Arabic language program. comments on Ft Hood - wgntv.com

This Week In Conservative Media: When it Comes to Fort Hood, Why Ask Why? - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

Obama Honors Fort Hood Victims as Heroes, Says 'Justice' Awaits Killer - FOXNews.com

Senate Panel Conducting Fort Hood Probe Warned of 'Homegrown' Threat - FOXNews.com

U.S. tracked Fort Hood suspect before shooting

Dark secrets of AARP finally exposed to light

Google honors Veterans Day for 3rd straight year

America's forgotten heroes

White House communications chief to step down

Obama's Maoist media controller

GOP chief: Republican 'mojo' is back

CDC anti-abstinence sex report debunked by insiders

Judge rejects Planned Parenthood injunction request

Inside 42's lunch with Senate Dems - POLITICO.com

Secure-border advocate praises tunnel discovery

'America For Sale' author to address 2nd Amendment Forum

YouTube - Book TV: Jerome Corsi, "America For Sale"

Georgia, Russia spat focuses on passport

Exclusive: *Audio From ACORN Claims Jerry Brown Will Whitewash Investigation

Obama Adviser Dismisses Reports of Afghanistan Troop Decision - Bloomberg.com

Airport rules changed after Ron Paul aide detained - Washington Times

Former Spanish Prime Minister Aznar Speaks On Radical Islam

Media Matters: ACORN Police Report Good, Gladney Police Report Bad

The Truth About Fort Hood

Robert Rubin: The Nexus Of Big Government and Wall Street

Nidal Hasan: It’s Not Islam, It’s a ‘Military on the Brink’?

Forcing Us to Buy Health Insurance Is Not the Same as Mandatory Car Insurance

The Center for LESS Responsible Lending

Words Will Never Hurt Me – The Art of the Political Insult

A Second SEIU Attack in St. Louis: The Kelly Owens Story

YouTube - Campaign for Liberty Coordinator Kelly Owens Attacked by Obamacare Supporter - Carnahan Town Hall

Jerry Brown: Acorn, Suspicion and the Rule of Law

Former Bear Stearns Hedge Fund Managers Found Not Guilty of Fraud

DeMint Proposes Constitutional Amendment Targeting Career Politicians

‘By the People’: Ed Norton and Hollywood’s Mindless Obama Praise

Headline Roundup: Troubled American Psychiatrist Allegedly Turns Gun on Warmongers at Ft. Hood

‘Mad Men’ Finale: Bringing It All Back Home

NewsBusted: What Does 10.2% Unemployment Mean?

PRESENTING: The ‘Fourth Graders For Obama’ YouTube Channel

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Fallen Heroes and Terrorists

Who You Calling Republican?

‘The Surge’ Shows That Numbers Matter

Prime-time Threesome: ‘Gossip Girl’ Hits New Low?


*American Minute for November 11th:William J Federer's American Minute*


religion/video:If Jesus is the image of the invisible God ...

religion/video:Philosophy and vain deceit

religion/video:I worship a god made in my image


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Rep. Deal wants Obama to prove citizenship | ajc.com

Analysts: Fuzzy Obama draft doc doesn't prove forgery


**Politics Video:Pelosi On Jail Time For No Health Care: "The Legislation Is Very Fair In This Respect"

Sen. Nelson Won't Vote For Health Bill That Looks Like House Version

Obama Lays Wreath At Tomb Of The Unknowns

Sen. Dodd: Fed Must Return To "Core Functions"

Ann Coulter On Fort Hood, Media Coverage & Terrorism

Congressman: WH Withholding Information On Fort Hood

Sen. Graham: Health Reform DOA In Senate Thanks To Lieberman

Hasan Had More Ties To People Under Investigation By FBI

Liberal Group Demands Lincoln Allow A Vote On Health Care

Olbermann: Palin Suffers Backlash Over NY-23

O'Reilly On Media Reaction To Fort Hood

Clinton On Health Care: The Worst Thing To Do Is "Nothing"

Watch Live: Fort Hood Memorial Service

Dem: Majority Of House Is Pro-Life

Sen. Collins On Investigating Fort Hood And Maj. Hasan

Obama Blames "Twisted Logic" For Fort Hood Massacre

Sen. Warner: Obama Misplayed Health Care Debate

Rep. Kucinich On Health Care Bill

WH Communications Director Anita Dunn Stepping Down

Maddow: Health Reform Bill's Tough Abortion Restrictions

Krauthammer: Health Care Bill Will Be "Millstone" For Dems

Obama Doesn't Rule Out Jail Time for Not Complying with House Health Care Mandate

Ingraham On Fort Hood & Political Correctness

UPS vs. FedEx On Using Unions As Weapons

Sen. Whitehouse On Health Bill Hurdles

O'Reilly: The Truth About Major Nidal Malik Hasan

*World Video:President Obama Off on Asian Tour

Human Rights Protesters in China

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton on Charlie Rose

Former Stasi Political Prisoners Share Memories

H1N1 Outbreak in Afghanistan

The U.S.-Japan Alliance

Indonesians Stand Up to Corruption

Czech Troops Wear Nazi Insignia in Afghanistan

Somaliland at Crisis Point

Pakistanis Bury Bomb Victims

PM Singh Spells Out Reform

Iran Warns Against Yemen Meddling

Lights Back on in Brazil After Hours of Darkness

Two Korean Navies Exchange Shots

Gordon Brown on Afghanistan

More Troops to Afghanistan

Kenya Also Tries to Pass Health Insurance

Ban Ki-moon on Climate Change Treaty

*Markets Video:Will AIG's CEO Quit?

Comm. Real Estate: An Orderly Massacre?

2 Gold Stocks Poised to Skyrocket?

Dodd's Plan to Rein in the Fed

UPS vs. FEDEX: Ultimate Whiteboard Remix

Citi worth $5, Even $10

Costa: 'Not Drinking the Kool-Aid; Market's Way Ahead of Itself'

$1,500 Gold?

A Red-Ink Train Wreck? The Real Cost of Govt-Run Healthcare

Google's New Mobile Ad Plan

India Powers Out of Downturn

Economy: Half Full or Half Empty?


**Transcripts:Obama's Remarks at the Fort Hood Memorial Service

Minority Leader McConnell on the House Health Care Bill

Rep. DeGette on Abortion & Health Care

Panel on the House Health Care Bill

Sens. Conrad & Barrasso, Rep. Cooper & Cecile Richards

Senator McCain on the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Interview with Afghan President Hamid Karzai


Boston Train Operator Describes Close Call With Drunk Woman on Tracks

Conservatives, Liberals Join ‘Eleven Eleven Campaign’ to Give Back to America’s Veterans

ABC: Plight of Muslim Soldiers Toughest Since Japanese-Americans in WWII

O’Reilly: ‘We Can’t Kill All the Muslims’

Caught on Video: Rock Slide Covers Road in Tennessee

Fallen Pastor Ted Haggard Plans To Lead Worship Again

Stray Hunting Bullet Travels a Mile to Strike Woman in Face

Strippers Pole Dance In Clear Truck On Vegas Strip

Newsweek Rewinds the First 10 Years of the New Century in Seven Minutes

Beck Literally Phones It In

Is the Media Excusing the Fort Hood Suspect?

Neighbors Knock Calvin Klein Billboard Featuring Sweaty Eva Mendes

Dead at 9:11: Reporter Describes Execution of D.C. Sniper

Retired Lt. Col. ‘Offended’ That Obama Called Ft. Hood Act ‘Incomprehensible’

Controversy on Campus as Convicted Domestic Terrorist to Speak at UMass

Palin Remains a GOP Player

Obama: Hasan May Have Cracked From ‘Stress’

Latest Issue of Esquire Uses Augmented Reality to ‘Invade Your Computer’

Fort Hood Memorial: Obama Blames ‘Twisted Logic’ for Killings

Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Jail Time for Not Having Health Insurance

Anita Dunn to Step Down as White House Communications Chief

White House: No Final Decision Has Been Made on Afghanistan Troop Increase

Al Jazeera Broadcasts Video of Afghan Insurgents With US Ammo

Rupert Murdoch Seems to Side With Beck on ‘Racist’ Obama

Prejean Tells Hannity Sex Video Was ‘Biggest Mistake of My Life’

The B-Cast: Twenty Years of Lessons Since Fall of the Berlin Wall

Virginia 12-Year-Old Can’t Stop Sneezing

Touching Tribute to America’s Veterans

Half of Florida Congressman’s Town Hall Audience Walks Out

Netanyahu Addresses the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America

Chinese Artist Makes Himself ‘Invisible’

The B-Cast: Obama Speaks at Fort Hood

Bill Clinton Meets With Dems as All Eyes on Senate in Health Care Push

White House Refuses to Take Position on Amendment to Ban Federally Funded Abortions

National Geographic Asks What It Would Take To Colonize Mars

Nokia’s Vision for Technology in 2015

‘No Factual Basis’: NASA Sets Out to Debunk ‘2012′ Myths Ahead of Movie Release

Two Guys in a Newsroom (Nov. 11, 2009)

The dark side of skin whiteners

A different angle on Iraq

11/11 Risk Appetite Rises

Kelly Osbourne and her boyfriend Luke Whorell dress as Eggs and Bacon for Halloween, They also appear to have the same hair styl

Jewel Performs Live in Miami Beach

Mom, Sister Recall Paratrooper's Bravery

Spiderman Rickshaw

Priest and Stripper in Court


Savage Nation 11/10/09

Nov. 10, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 9, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-10, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-09, Monday

11/10 The Mark Levin Show

11/09 The Mark Levin Show


***Red Ice Radio***

**Radio Archives:"Voices from the Heartland" Archives With Host Greg Evensen



*Audio:Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, Time Travel, Teleportation & The Chronovisor Device

Alfred Webre - Exopolitics, NASA Bombing of the Moon, Outer Space Treaty & E.T.

Kathleen McErlain - Too Many Secrets, Humanity's Fight to Expose The Secret Underground Worlds

Mike Bara - Dark Mission, The Occult NASA Moon Mission

Freeman - Obama, Cloning & The Coming Space War

The "1984" Macintosh Ad and the "New Age" of EnLIGHTenment (Illuminati)

Freddy Silva - Ancient Sacred Sites, Invisible Temples, Giants & Our Ancestors

Robert Bauval - Black Genesis & The Ancient People of Nabta Playa

Peter Levenda - Chinese Alchemy

Patrick Heron - The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse

Dennis Price - The Missing Years of Jesus

George J. Haas & William R. Saunders - The Martian Codex

George J. Haas & William R. Saunders - The Martian Codex

David Icke - Swine Flu, Mass Vaccinations & G20

Ellen Brown - The Web of Debt & The Manufactured Financial Crash

Nick Pelling - Deciphering of the Mysterious Voynich Manuscript

Aaron Kaplan - Operation Highjump, The Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd & The Nephilim Agenda

Rand Flem-Ath - Atlantis in Antarctica, Solar Typhoons & When the Sky Fell

Philp Willan - The Last Supper, Vatican, Masons, P2, Mafia & the Murder of Roberto Calvi

Dominick Ohrbeck - Reptilian Marketing vs. The HeartBrain Model

Lenon Honor - The Borg Agenda & The Sexualization of Technology

Neil Kramer - The End of the Fourth Age

Henry Makow - Free Speech Threatened in Canada, Zionism & The Elite Satanic Bankers

Gary Biltcliffe - The Legacy of the Etruscans & The Mysterious Pelasgi

Cort Lindahl - Geomantic Information Systems Part Two - The Baalbek Hexagon

Sofia Smallstorm - 9/11 Mysteries


*Audio: The Threat of Radical Islam

*Audio: Islam vs. Islamists

*Audio:Hamas, Gaza & Clandestine Influences


*Audio:Dr. Henry Niman's Exclusive Reports With Jeff Rense

*Audio:Jeff Rense Speaks With Dr. Cannell On Vit D In Depth