"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 November 2009

10 Nov '09

**The Problem Reaction Solution Paradigm



*DIAC Link Chart*

*Triple Cross :Timeline 2009



Out There

YouTube - Vatican Astronomer: Aliens Are God's Creation (May 13, 2008)

The Vatican joins the search for alien life - Telegraph

Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted “planetary level” whistleblower for Mars life and time travel

Marc Kaufman -When E.T. phones the pope - washingtonpost.com

(1:15:22)UFO - Billy Meier interview by Randolph Winters

(1:24:29)UFOs Are Here ! - The Deyo Diaries Volume 1 with Stan Deyo

YouTube - The Coming UFO Hoax by Bill Cooper

**US Underground Bases

2012: Startling New Secrets on SyFy -- Live Blogging as we watch! By David Wilcock - Starseeds.Net

The Final Mayan calendar steps to 2012: November 8, 2009 – the beginning of the Sixth NIGHT

YouTube - LOST SYMBOL RA COVER UP Pt1 - Dan Brown Freemason Ra star lost symbol

YouTube - LOST SYMBOL RA COVER UP Pt2 - Dan Brown Freemason Ra star lost symbol

YouTube - LOST SYMBOL RA COVER UP Pt1 - Dan Brown Freemason Ra star lost symbol


The Hidden Records - LEGEND OF STAR MAM

The Hidden Records - DI VINCI'S BIG SECRET

The Hidden Records - LOST SYMBOLS

YouTube - Oneism - COSMIC TREE OF LIFE... Face of God? Hidden Records

*SITE:Cosmic Tree of Life - Oneism –

Solomon Key parchment deciphered by author - Ancient Freemason Vatican secret questioned


Truth Hertz 11/10/09

Eye to the Sky - The UFO Synopsis Guest: Kyle Lovern

The Prophesy Chronicles Guest Pastor Lindsey Williams

Truth Hertz 11/02/09

Eye to the Sky-The UFO Synopsis guest: Peter Robbins

The Prophesy Chronicles Guest Dr. Leonard Horowitz

NASA on a crusade to debunk 2012 apocalypse myths

Underground Reptilian City Discovered In Egypt Video

Lost Kingdom of the Maya 1/6

Lost Kingdom of the Maya 2/6

Lost Kingdom of the Maya 3/6

Lost Kingdom of the Maya 4/6

Lost Kingdom of the Maya 5/6

Lost Kingdom of the Maya 6/6



Astro Physics


In The Days: Current news events in the light of biblical prophecy » Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent


ATS Video: ATS News 05 - China Developing Anti-Gravity Technology

Is Obama a space alien? « The Confluence

(2 More Shooters? ) Fort Hood Mystery Grows

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » Reaction to Fort Hood–Stupidity Beyond Belief

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'

'It's the Islam, stupid!'

"Dead Man Musings":Mormon Prophecies and the Coming Judgements on America II

U.S. Concentration Camps

Republican Senators Skip ENDA Hearing

Man confesses to shooting Kansas abortion doctor - The Globe and Mail

Desiree Jennings Experiences Amazing Recovery with Nature-based Therapies (Nov. 8, 2009)

Face-To-Face With A Cobra

Hidden In Plain Sight - On Beyond The X-Files

Muslims In America - Violent Clashing Of Cultures - Pt 1

Paid LIARS - Major Media 'Journalism'

Tens of Thousands Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Collapse

Chile - A History Of Chilean Ufology

Peru Ufologists Say Planet Is 'Monitored' By ETs

ALIPAC - Protests Against Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill in Over 50 Cities on November 14!

Fort Hood PSYOP Test Fails, Leaves 13 US Soldiers Dead, Muslim Officer Blamed

US Newsmen Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs Targeted By Assassins

News blackout on PM, Obama meeting | Jerusalem Post

Digest: Goldman blocked from buying Fannie Mae assets - washingtonpost.com

House Committee on Ways & Means - PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail

Britain eyes 10 new nuclear plants - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Iran not to retreat one step from nuclear rights: chief negotiator_English_Xinhua

Obama Pushes Japan as Both Sides Work to Solve Base Dispute - Bloomberg.com

Chavez says Ahmadinejad to visit Venezuela | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Obama has forgotten about Latinamerica, claims Lula da Silva — MercoPress

YouTube - 'Fahrenheit 9/11' - Peace Fresno

Where Will They Get the Troops? Preparing Undeployables for the Afghan Front

Government impose ‘carbon capture levy’ to fund coal-fired power plants - Times Online

Colour-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III by Andrew Gavin Marshall

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff on Obama Nov 10 2009 part 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter schiff on Obama Nov 10 2009 part 2

Goldman Sachs CEO: "doing God's work." Enron CEO: "We are on the side of angels."

Ministers cancel 'Big Brother' database - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

What silver and gold should you buy? » Nationalist Coalition Blog

A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Dont Want Published

Benjamin Netanyahu Heckled At Major US Conference

Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour

The Murder of JFK: Bush Family Connection

It's a tragedy that you're here! | 911Blogger.com

New Eyewitness To WTC Basement Level Explosions

Both Parties Are Corporate Pawns

White House Leans Toward Sending More Than 30,000 Troops to Afghanistan - FOXNews.com

Obama Marks Fall of Berlin Wall as 'Rebuke of Tyranny' - FOXNews.com

Intelligence Officials Deny Sitting on Information About Fort Hood Shooting Suspect - FOXNews.com

Hillary’s Dope Deal? by Jeff Huber -- Antiwar.com

US Rep. Cantor: Answer Enemies with Renewed Vigilance' - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Fort Hood Mystery by Michael Gaddy

Larry Langford, Jeffrey Dahmer and Adolf Hitler | JAMES EDWARDS

Filibuster Could Tell Us Something -- Courant.com

YouTube - Police shoot student over marijuana; SSDP protests the Drug War

China’s Premier Warns Obama to Get America’s Deficit to an “Appropriate Size” » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Why Isn’t the H1N1 Pandemic Flu Being Investigated as a Designed Bioweapon? by Bill Sardi

House Health Bill Has Nowhere to Go in Senate - FOXNews.com

Ft. Hood Files : Shooting Story Collapses - 12160.org

A New System For The Privleged Is Not A Remedy For The Economy - The International Forecaster

Investigators look for missed signals in Fort Hood probe - CNN.com


Oswald's Mother: Who Bought The Guns?

Lee Oswald Was One Weird Dude, Part 1

Lee Oswald Was One Weird Dude, Part 2

Lee Oswald Was One Weird Dude, Part 3

Oswald's Mother: John Wilkes Booth vs. Lee Harvey Oswald


(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW: John Judge

(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW:Jim DiEugenio

(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW:Jim DiEugenio

(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW:Gil Jesus

(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW:Lisa Pease

(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW:Jim DiEugenio

(blackopradio.com) INTERVIEW:Jim DiEugenio










YouTube - Dr.Steven Jones- Thermate Evidence- 9/11- Part 7

YouTube - Dr Steven Jones - Thermate Evidence-9/11-Part 8


11-10-2009: The Fed's Lame Attempt Of Too Big To Fail

11-10-2009: UK starts study on using human DNA in animals

11-10-2009: Everyone In Britain Could Be Given A Personal Carbon Allowance

11-09-2009: WTO Chief Hails Architecture Of Global Governance

11-09-2009: Inside The Army's Far Out Acid Tests

11-09-2009: Report: 237 Members Of Congress Are Millionaires

Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

VIDEO: Peter Costa: “The US Government Will Be Totally Bankrupt In A Year And A Half”

CIA Asset Taliban Gets U.S. Ammo to Kill American Soldiers

Hasan Known to U.S. Intelligence Agencies; Congressional Requests for Information Refused

Afghanistan’s Sham Army

Kucinich Withdraws Amid Uproar over His Israel Stance

Free Market Flawed, Says Survey

Who is to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

VIDEO: Vaccine Coverup

VIDEO: Criminalize War. We Will Make War A Crime

VIDEO: Let's Criminalize War!

Why is the Stock Market Rising While Unemployment is Soaring?

Fort Hood: A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoods

The World Social Forum, A Sustainable Model?

Environment boss wants to put carbon tax on driving, heating and holidays

Chris Smith - the respectable radical who is plotting a green revolution

From Their Own Mouths: Global Warming is a Fraud

CNBC: Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed: Global Currency, New World Order

Man tries to sell $1100 one ounce gold coin for $50; no takers.

Radio Talk Show Host Calls Gore a Traitor

Alex Jones Audio

Hour 1:The Alex Jones Show - November 09, 2009 - Global Government, Carbon Taxes, New Global Warming Religion

Hour 2:The Alex Jones Show - November 09, 2009 - Global Government, Carbon Taxes, New Global Warming Religion

Hour 3:The Alex Jones Show - November 09, 2009 - Global Government, Carbon Taxes, New Global Warming Religion

Hour 4:The Alex Jones Show - November 09, 2009 - Global Government, Carbon Taxes, New Global Warming Religion


The Iron Wall

Milton Friedman on Donahue 1979

The senseless acts of mass murder continue

Two soils, common ground

Hillary Clinton’s multi-million dollar rip-off of the US taxpayers

Dirty coal czar confirmed by Senate

11/9 and 9/11: And we thought we were free

The dangers of voting on civil rights

America: An evil empire ruled by corporations and powerful interest groups

Passing on the mantle of deep North American integration

Overpopulation Mantra Overheating as Copenhagen Approaches

VIDEO:Council on Foreign Relations discusses artificial scarcity as vaccine propaganda strategy

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Justice Dept. Demands News Site Server Logs

New Legislation Tabled to Stop RCMP From Investigating Itself

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

10 Percent of U.S. Mosques Preach Jihad, FBI Estimates

FBI Reassessing Past Look at Fort Hood Suspect

Fort Hood Shooter Contacted Islamist: Sources

Obama in Spotlight at Fort Hood Service

Army: Fort Hood Shooter Acted Alone

Hasan Frequented Strip Club

Fed Officials Warn Weak Recovery Won't Spur Jobs

*Slideshow: Reagan's 'Tear Down This Wall' Dream

Official: Gunman at N.Y. School Surrenders to Police

D.C. Sniper Mastermind Set to Be Executed Tuesday

Prosecutors Say Chicago Man Had al-Qaida Video

Huckabee Tells Newsmax: We Have Plan for 2010

Obama Aide Who Slammed Fox News Resigns

Pelosicare Not Liberal Enough For Kucinich

Obama Implies Opposition to Abortion Restriction

'Fuzzy Math' Could Inflate Health Bill Cost

Dodd Set To Unveil Financial Reform Bill

Horowitz: Fire Gen. Casey

Murdoch: I May Block Google from Web Sites

Michael Steele: White Republicans 'Scared of Me'

Fort Hood Shooter Reached Out to Terrorist Imam

No Time for Fort Hood Shooter Political Correctness

Demand Intensifies for Fort Hood Answers

Evidence Mounts That Jihad Motivated Fort Hood Shooter

U.S. Reaction to Muslims in Military Must Be Well-Calculated

Lieberman Presses Probe of Fort Hood Terror Possibility

Google Says Murdoch Stories Can Be Taken Off

King Tut's Tomb Set for 5 Year Renovation

Joseph Jackson, Singer's Father, Lobs Accusations

Letterman Scheme Suspect to Ask Court to Drop Case

What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?

Army shooter's mosque run by Muslim Mafia

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph

Justice Dept. Asked For News Site's Visitor Lists - Taking Liberties - CBS News

Christianity Today Movies Blog: 'Hollywood picking on us Christians'

Mexican Pot Gangs Infiltrate Indian Reservations in U.S. - WSJ.com

The Ancients are Watching:UFOs as Vanguards of a Post-Biological Intelligence

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTY: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

Virginia’s Governor-Elect Says No to Gov’t-Run Health Care Option

Democrats’ Health Care Plan Will ‘Shred Constitution,’ Hoekstra Says

House Health-Care Bill Does Not Prohibit Paying Federal Funds to Health Providers Who Withhold Food and Water From Patients

Obama Has Said Health Bill Won’t Fund Abortion, But White House Won’t Say If He Supports Amendment to Bill That Prohibits Funding of Abortion

Dems Rejected 11 Amendments Requiring Congress to Enroll in Gov’t-Run Health Plan

Intel Committee Republican Says Administration is Withholding Information on Fort Hood Attack, Demands Preservation of Documents for Possible Congressional Probe

EPA Ready to Dole Out ‘Environmental Justice’ Grants for Budding Activists

Obama Says He Wants to Visit Hiroshima in Future

Obama Decision on Afghanistan Strategy May Come in Late November

AP Describes Obama As ‘National Healer’

US Supreme Court Refuses to Stop Sniper Execution

Obama Encourages Federal Hiring of Veterans

Bill Clinton Meets With Senate Democrats on Health Care

Ex-Miss California Admits to Making Sex Tape

Roman Catholic Church’s Celibacy Rule for Clergy Same, Though Allowing Married Anglican Priests

FBI Is Examining Serial Murder Suspect’s Time in the Military

The Two Faces of Nidal Hasan

Counting the Cost

Energy ABCs: Playing Americans for Fools

Changing the Narrative

Cameras in Every Room on Capitol Hill Will Bring Transparency to the Federal Government, Congressman Says

Answers Sought On Fort Hood Suspect's Link To Imam : NPR

Fort Hood Suspect Warned of Muslim Threat Within Military - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Fort Hood suspect was under FBI probe in 2008 | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Fort Hood Suspect Communicated With Radical Cleric, Authorities Say - NYTimes.com

Fort Hood Shooter Tried to Contact al Qaeda Terrorists, Officials Say - ABC News

Republicans take aim at vulnerable Democrats in health war - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance? - Political Punch

Betting Against Obama Health Care Increases as Time Grows Short - Bloomberg.com

Suspected US serial killer blamed stench on sausage factory - Yahoo! News

Gorbachev Says Obama Should Start Afghan Withdrawal - Bloomberg.com

CCTV captures the moment a drunk woman falls into the path of an oncoming train... and walks away uninjured

Venezuela, Russia to boost technology cooperation - Yahoo! News

NASA on a crusade to debunk 2012 apocalypse myths

FT.com / Media - Murdoch hints he will sue BBC and Google

News Corp Boss Rupert Murdoch Suggests Online Newspaper Pages Will Be Invisible To Google Users | Business | Sky News

Blue America's new Blanche Lincoln ad: Demand an Up or Down vote!

Rupert Murdoch says Glenn Beck 'was right' that Obama is a racist who hates white people

Pat Robertson denounces Islam: 'Not a religion,' but 'a violent political system,' wants adherents treated like Communists

Michael Steele says that he scares white Republicans

Dylan Ratigan: Is Goldman Sachs Doing "God's Work"?

Bolder by the day: Unapologetic Nazis are coming out of the woodwork

Dr. Nancy on Stupak Amendment: This is About One More Burden for Women Navigating the Health Care System

Lawsuit Filed Against Iraq Contractors Charges Soldiers Were Poisoned

Peggy Noonan: Obama Has 'Damaged His Brand' by 'Governing From the Left'

Michael Steele talks tough: 'We will come after you.' Rep. Cao: OK, whatever

Poll: CA Voters Reluctant To Change State Budget Process

Meet the New Boss - Same as the Old Boss

The Stupjack Amendment: Because Every Sperm is Sacred

McClatchy: Stupak Amendment Written Because Catholic Bishops Wanted A Tougher Law

Donna Edwards: Giving voice to the real need for health-care reform

Lieberman Says He'll Filibuster Health Care Bill That Includes a Public Option

The Fall Of Tea Bagging Conservatives In Tea Party Land

John Bohener wanks the night away

Rep. Ed Markey: G.O.P. Now Stands for Grandstand, Oppose and Pretend

Meet Obama's New Where-To-Go & What-To-Kiss CZAR

The Wall

FLASHBACK:JFK Visits The Berlin Wall During His German Visit of 1963 | Newstalgia

**(26:43 )"Berlin Wall" Speech - President Reagan's Address at the Brandenburg Gate - 6/12/87

Breitbart News Video

The B-Cast B-Side: Fort Hood Soldier May Have Had Contact With Al Qaeda

The B-Cast: Twenty Years of Lessons Since Fall of the Berlin Wall

VA Imam Condemns Support of Fort Hood Suspect

US Officials Knew Fort Hood Shooter Tried to Contact al Qaeda Terrorists

Radical NYC Muslim Group Praises Fort Hood Shooter

Marion Barry Filming Reality Show?

Friend of Suspect in Letterman Scandal Predicts Jaws Will Drop Today

High Budget Guinness Ad Brings ‘A World To Life’

Rupert Murdoch Seems to Side With Beck on ‘Racist’ Obama

Prejean Tells Hannity Sex Video Was ‘Biggest Mistake of My Life’

MSNBC’s Matthews on Ft. Hood Suspect: ‘Not a Crime to Call al Qaeda, Is It?’

Barney Frank to MSNBC Host: ‘Don’t Condescend to Me’

Sykes Takes Shots at Bush During TV Show Debut

SEIU’s Stern Responds to Beck Regarding ‘Workers of the World, Unite!’

Lauer Questions If It’s ‘Egocentric’ to View Fall of Berlin Wall as ‘American Victory’

Huckabee Interviews Planned Parenthood Worker Who Is Now Pro-Life

‘No Factual Basis’: NASA Sets Out to Debunk ‘2012′ Myths Ahead of Movie Release

Levi Johnston Says Tweets Shatner Read on ‘Tonight Show’ Penned by Imposter

Latest Issue of Esquire Uses Augmented Reality to ‘Invade Your Computer’

NASA Picks Winner of Space Elevator Contest

Murdoch: News Corp Sites May Be Removed From Google

Obama Administration Orders Edits to Couple’s ‘Cap and Trade’ YouTube Video

Neighbors Knock Calvin Klein Billboard Featuring Sweaty Eva Mendes

Strollers Recalled For Fingertip Amputations

Obama: ‘We Were Dealt a Tough Hand’ on Economy

Allegations of Nationwide Scheme by Banks, Mortgage Companies to Defraud Veterans

Man Confesses to Shooting Kansas Abortion Provider

Husband Speaks Out: Florida Woman Faked Abduction in $50k Scam

White House Refuses to Take Position on Amendment to Ban Federally Funded Abortions

Lone GOP Supporter of House Health Care Bill Defends Vote

Sen. Graham Declares House Bill ‘Dead on Arrival’ in Senate

Sen. Lieberman Restates Vow to Fillibuster House Health Bill

Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Jail Time for Not Having Health Insurance

Anita Dunn to Step Down as White House Communications Chief

White House: No Final Decision Has Been Made on Afghanistan Troop Increase

South Korean Court Allows Taxi Drivers to Watch TV While Driving

Al Jazeera Broadcasts Video of Afghan Insurgents With US Ammo

Caught on Video: Woman Falls in Front of Oncoming Train

Did Political Correctness Play a Part in Military’s Handling of Major Hasan?

Steele: White Republicans Are Scared of Me

Domino Effect: Germany Celebrates Fall of the Berlin Wall

Flashback: The Fall of the Berlin Wall Twenty Years Ago Today

Neo-Nazis Rally Against Illegal Immigration in Phoenix


‘Sesame Street’: Habitat for Political Correctness

A New Morning of Race in America

Mr. Obama, Tear Down Your Wall!: Reflections After 20 Years

Klavan on the Culture: God in 60 Days

Daily Gut: Backlash Against the Backlash

Nobody Knows Joe Biden’s Name

Ambush of the Common Sort

Green Push on ‘Sesame Street’: Programming Your Kids For ‘Sustainable Living’

How to Kill a Terrorist

Jon Voight: Like the Tea Party People, Left Dismisses Me With Slurs

Semper Films: The Top Ten Marine Corps Movies


Media Spin on Fort Hood: Catching Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at the Office

The Fall of the Wall Didn’t Kill the Left: They’re Back and Attacking Us Again

Remembering the Berlin Wall: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Remembering the Victims of Communism

Obama’s Pet Goat Moment

Exclusive: Police Report on Gladney Beating by SEIU Thugs

Coburn to Senate: You Actually Have to Pay For These Bills

Fall of the Wall: The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance

Obama’s Rush to Judgment

The Fall of the Wall: A Resounding Victory for Freedom

Tearing Down and Building Up Walls

Cap and Trade’s Potemkin Village

Obama Ally Code Pink Targets Children of Military Families for Psychological Abuse

The Incredible Shrinking CAIR

FCC Falling Afoul of Key Senators

St. Louis Protects SEIU: A DA Ignores Charges in the Gladney Beating

Raising on Aces and Eights: The GOP’s Bad Bet Against Poker

RE: SEIU Arson, We Didn’t Start The Fire

Now Democrats Are Throwing ACORN Under the Bus

Chicago Mayor Daley Blames Fort Hood On America’s Love Of Guns!

YouTube - Chris Matthews: Was Religion A Factor In Shootings At Fort Hood? - 11/06/09

Ignoring Infiltration

The President of Resentment

The Accidental Landlords

GOP Branding Blunders

Democrats' Pearl Harbor Attack on Health Care

One Wall Falls, Another Rises

The Purpose of Bureaucracy

Losing Our Republic

Obama's Middle East Policy Falls Apart

The liberal colonization of America

AARP gone wild

Holder to speak at CAIR-sponsored event despite ban

'Freedom Memorial' shut down by university authorites - 'offensive'

$1.64 million in earmarks for employers of Congressman's wife

The RNC Funded 40% of Cao's Campaign

Code Pink deliberately targets kids from military families

Liberal terror at Fort Hood: Hasan could be misjudged

Reframing the Ft. Hood massacre

NoKo's fire on South Korean vessel - Big Mistake

Pentagon, White House at war over Afghan troop levels

Obama's Wall

Fatal Correctness

Bush or Obama: The Quiz

Fresh Faces Require Fresh Techniques

Jihad and America: The Land that Cried Sheep

American Medicine Through the Looking Glass

Constitutional Chess

The Left and Terror

Religious Extremism or Traditional Values?

The True Cost of ObamaCare

Obama's Unnecessary War

National Health Care Reform

Loyalty and the Lunatic Fringe

The Price of the Public Option

Blackouts and Bankruptcies

Doug Casey on the Biggest Danger to Your Wealth

Day That Shook the World by Eric Margolis

Fork in the Road: President Obama, Don’t Repeat LBJ’s Mistake by Charles Davenport

Gold heading to $2000 as predicted by Jim Rogers? | 10 November 2009 |

Looking for a Bailout? Just Call Your Congressman

How the Beans of Egypt, Maine, Sprouted a Militia - TIME

Hasan e-mails to Islamic cleric did not result in FBI inquiry

Report: CIA aware Ft. Hood shooter tried to contact terrorists

James Gandolfini Still Channeling Tony Soprano, Assaults GofG Photographer In West Village On Halloween!

Berlin Wall blunder

University Claims 'Academic Freedom' in Inviting Convicted Bomber - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Dunn to Step Down as White House Communications Chief - FOXNews.com

DEBKAfile - Congressional probe to say if Fort Hood shooting was worst post-9/11 terror attack in US

Hillary in 2012? - Washington Times

PRUDEN: Fatal reluctance to see evil - Washington Times

Total War Against the Taliban

Without Power, There Can Be No Corruption

The Weaponization of Language

Where is our representation?

HR 3962 (Health Care) - on Balance a dangerous bill

The Threat of Entangling Alliances

The Necessary Alliance of Social Welfare and State Corporatism.

WND Player

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'U.S. military infiltrated by radical Islamists'

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!'

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive Reagan's role in stopping 'cancer' of communism

AUDIONETDAILY WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Our children will be slaves forever'


Shocking numbers: Real unemployment tops 22%

Obama's Maoist media controller

Obama's No. 2 Iran man on Soros-funded council

Who's watching the watchers?

Council recruits army of snoopers to spy on Londoners | News

'Gay' blogger calls church-bomb threat a 'joke'

CNN: 'Right wing' may generate backlash against Muslim soldiers

Fort Hood suspect warned of threats within the ranks - washingtonpost.com

NYT: Fort Hood suspect tracked before shooting - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Obama to meet families at Fort Hood - Tragedy at Fort Hood- msnbc.com

Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

9/11 imam calls Hasan 'hero'

Alleged Fort Hood shooter's lonely life - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Despite ban, Holder to speak to CAIR-linked group - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Judge orders return of 'Muslim Mafia' docs

Unborn baby 'fighting for its life' during abortion

Gibbs says Obama reads 'voraciously'

Obama Adviser Dismisses Reports of Afghanistan Troop Decision - Bloomberg.com

TV footage shows Afghan insurgents with US ammo

U.S. troops' continental insignia bears U.N. colors

Students tear down 'Berlin Wall'

After the Berlin Wall: German unity proves elusive - Washington Times

Massacre survivor: 'I shoot to stay alive'

Josh McDowell's advice to Palin on Oprah grilling

ABC News Exclusive: Obama On Jobs, Health Care, and Ft. Hood - ABC News

Senior Democrat is 'confident' that Stupak amendment will be stripped - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Lawmakers Detail Obama’s Pitch - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

Syria warns of 'resistance' against Jewish state

Secret Obama deal for Palestinian state?

Left-leaning magazine rips Fort Hood 'Islamophobia'

Israel, Palestinian Authority probing Texas shooter

Abortion business announces its own 'termination'

Confirmed: Buy insurance or go to jail

Muslims: 'America's chickens have come home to roost'

Texts lead to girl's killing 16-year-old stabbed in fight at Bandshell

Palm Beach Post - AP IMPACT: Framed for child porn _ by a PC virus

Govt asks 27 years in prison for ex-Rep. Jefferson

SKorean woman passes driver's exam on 950th try - washingtonpost.com

Vanished Persian army said found in desert - Discovery.com- msnbc.com

Girl, 12, gives birth to boy

Is that a banana in your pocket ... -- themorningcall.com

Bottle of lager from Hindenburg to sell for £5,000 - Telegraph

Is Google spying on you?

Futuristic TV, online ads 'know what you're watching' | News | News.com.au

British couple become world's oldest divorcees aged 98 - Telegraph

BlueRidgeForum » “Muslim Mafia” Raises Alarms Nationally and in Virginia

Working mom takes down meth ring

GE, Comcast agree on NBC Universal valuation: source | Deals | Reuters

Online auction site launches for rich and famous | Technology | Internet | Reuters

The demon of diversity

The 2 faces of Maj. Hasan

Suicidal political correctness

Let soldiers pack heat on post

Hasan's motive unknown?

Keep up the health-care pressure

The only good kind of unemployment

GOP still doesn't get it

The forced March to Mediocrity

Obama's snub of beloved Maryland Gov. Schaefer

Of Hasan, Obama and baseball technology

Atheists, It's Time to Stand Up to Jesus | Belief | AlterNet

Enemies within

The Lords of Entitlement

American Minute

*American Minute for November 10th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Analysts: Fuzzy Obama draft doc doesn't prove forgery

Rep. Deal wants Obama to prove citizenship | ajc.com


Dow surges 203 points to highest close in more than a year -- latimes.com

RealClearMarkets - How Did Paul Krugman Get It So Wrong?

The Dow Is Too High | The Big Money

Anil K. Kashyap and Frederic S. Mishkin: The Fed Is Already Transparent - WSJ.com

Peter Schiff: The Government Chose Wrong - Features and Interviews - Hard Assets Investor

How the Government Is Swallowing the Economy - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

G20's greatest ever roll of the economic dice

State of the Stimulus — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

RealClearMarkets - Conservatives Must Rethink Spending Caps

Keynes, Friedman Give Way to the Master of Gloom: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

The Fort Hood Killings: Murder in the Name of Islam -- Politics Daily

Commentary » Blog Archive » The Hasanity Defense

Fred Hiatt - A high price for health reform

Forget Bipartisanship - The Daily Beast

The Rise of the Right | Print Article | Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - The Shrink and the Terrorist

RealClearPolitics - When a Time Bomb is Ticking

Democrats Raise Alarms Over Costs of Health Bills - NYTimes.com

No matter what happens, the top issue is jobs | Washington Examiner

Op-Ed Columnist - A Word, Mr. President - NYTimes.com

Not enough about him? Barack Obama skips Berlin Wall ceremonies – Telegraph Blogs

The Week Magazine - The referendum on Obama

Past may be prologue for congressional races - Rhodes Cook - POLITICO.com

Obama course, obstacles all too familiar :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Robert Kagan and Dan Blumenthal - The referendum on Obama

UnionLeader.com - New Hampshire news, business and sports - PC'd to death: The Army must give answers - Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009

Guarding the ranks -- latimes.com

John Cassidy - Confessions of an ObamaCare Backer

White House won’t rule out budget reconciliation rules on healthcare - TheHill.com

Congress, President Obama will pass health care reform bill by Christmas, Sen. Schumer tells News

Effort to Assist Older Voters May Raise Costs for the Young - WSJ.com

Some key Obama administration jobs still unfilled - USATODAY.com


*transcripts: Guests: Van Hollen, Pence; Lieberman; McDonnell

Guests: General Casey, Governors Rendell & Barbour

Guests: General Casey; Tim Kaine & Michael Steele

Guests: Senators Reed & Graham and Rep. Skelton

The UK Prime Minister's Speech to G20 Finance Ministers

Secretary Clinton's Keynote Address at the Atlantic Council Gala Dinner


*Markets Video:Costa: 'Not Drinking the Kool-Aid; Market's Way Ahead of Itself'

Citi worth $5, Even $10

A Red-Ink Train Wreck? The Real Cost of Govt-Run Healthcare

$1,500 Gold?

Economy: Half Full or Half Empty?

Google's New Mobile Ad Plan

India Powers Out of Downturn

Kraft's Hostile Bid for Cadbury

Strategists: Best Sectors Now

Charlie Gasparino's Heroes and Villains

Goldman Sachs's Fred Hu on China's Recovery

Forbes on Capitalism

Selling Your Gold: Payoff or Rip-off?

*World Video:Interview with Victor Yushchenko

Goodbye, Lenin: Relics of the Berlin Wall Era

Commemorating the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Putin's Take on Berlin Wall

Iraq Security Walls Stand Firm

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner at CFR

Mahmoud Abbas on His Way Out?

Germans and the Berlin Wall

Investigating Terror Ties at Fort Hood

Indian PM Spells Out Reform Agenda

Iraq Passes Election Law

Dalai Lama Visits India

Suicide Bombing in Pakistan

*Politics Video:Obama Doesn't Rule Out Jail Time for Not Complying with House Health Care Mandate

Sen. Warner: Obama Misplayed Health Care Debate

Dem: Majority Of House Is Pro-Life

WH Communications Director Anita Dunn Stepping Down

Ingraham On Fort Hood & Political Correctness

Sen. Whitehouse On Health Bill Hurdles

Rep. Kucinich On Health Care Bill

Sen. Collins On Investigating Fort Hood And Maj. Hasan

Maddow: Health Reform Bill's Tough Abortion Restrictions

O'Reilly: The Truth About Major Nidal Malik Hasan

Krauthammer: Health Care Bill Will Be "Millstone" For Dems

CBS: Obama To Send Nearly 40,000 More Troops To Afghanistan

Brit Hume Commentary On United GOP

Sen. Gregg: GOP Will Filibuster Health Care If It Resembles House Bill

Frank: More People Need "Protection From Criminals" Than al-Qaeda

Steele: White Republicans Are Scared Of Me

Grassley On Health Care, Public Option & House Bill

House Dem Hopes Health Vote Will "Galvanize" Senate

Rep. Weiner: Abortion Amendment Unnecessary, Divisive

Dem Congresswoman Schultz: GOP "Repulsed" By Women

Armey: Health Care Reform Will Kill Innovation

McCaskill On HC: Moderate Dems Working On Cost Control

Officials: U.S. Aware of Hasan Efforts To Contact al Qaeda

Hatch: House Health Bill Won't Pass Senate

Cao: GOP Treated His Yes-Vote "Professionally"

Gorbachev On Obama, Berlin Wall

talk radio

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-09, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-08, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-06, Friday

Nov. 9, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 6, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

11/09 The Mark Levin Show

11/06 The Mark Levin Show

The G. Gordon Liddy Show - 11-10-09 H1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show - 11-10-09 H2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show - 11-10-09 H3

*Audio:The Lew Rockwell Show - 142. Is the US Government Too Big To Fail?

The Michael Savage Show 11/09/09

The Michael Savage Show 11/06/09

**The Lew Rockwell Show - Podcast Archive**

The G. Gordon Liddy Show :feed

The Alex Jones Show/ FEED


Calling In The Big Dawg: President Clinton to Address Senate Dems on Healthcare Vote

Obama's War And Remembrance Day

'At Least We Knew What We Were Fighting For In 1944'

YouTube - Germany's sovereignty restricted by US and allies?

State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search - Telegraph

Ten nuclear stations to be built in bid to prevent energy shortage - Times Online

Ahmadinejad tells US: ditch Israel and fulfil your promises | World news | The Guardian

Big Brother plan to log all texts and internet searches on hold... until after the election

Fertility crisis in Japan: let the state find you a mate - Asia, World - The Independent

Japan plans solar power station in space - Telegraph

The First Ladette: How Germaine Greer's legacy is an entire generation of loose knickered lady louts | Mail Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Al Jazeera Broadcasts Video of Afghan Insurgents With US Ammo

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Carbon trading may cause collapse

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » UPI Editor Equates 9/11 Truth Activists With Fort Hood Killer

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Congressional Requests for Information From CIA On Hasan Refused

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Healthcare Reform Is Economic Malpractice

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » 9/11 Commission Passed on NEADS Tapes Month before Issuing Subpoena for Them

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Freaking Out over Global Warming

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Flashback: David Mayer de Rothschild Denies CO2 Tax

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Youtube Video: Ron Paul on Alex Jones TV

The Raw Story | Unemployment to dog US economy for years: Fed official

Dodd circulates bill to strip Fed of regulation powers - washingtonpost.com

DNA of innocent still to be retained for six years - Telegraph

Pupils terrified after arriving at school to bloody crime scene... which was lesson on 'problem solving' | Mail Online

On a New Form of Indentured Servitude

Parents to be fined if they take their children out of sex lessons | Mail Online

Obama’s New Bill of Rights


Fort Hood Vendetta

**Radio Talk Show Host Calls Gore a Traitor

Environment boss wants to put carbon tax on driving, heating and holidays | Mail Online

CNSNews.com - Mark Levin: Congressmen Who Want to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance Are Saying ‘The Hell With the Constitution'

FBI tracked Hasan in December 2008 - UPI.com

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Plant experts unveil DNA barcode

GOP senators claim ObamaCare legislation is DOA

Obama Remembers What Fort Hood Victims Left Behind

FBI Reassessing Its Past Look at the Fort Hood Suspect

Israel Trying to Counter Iranian Inroads in Latin America

Taser Wars: The Real Dangers of Loose Triggers | Wired Science | Wired.com

Marc Kaufman - When E.T. phones the pope

Music Improves Brain Function | LiveScience

Extraterrestrial rafting: Hunting off-world sea life - space - 09 November 2009 - New Scientist

A chilling precursor

BBC NEWS | Health | Experts map the body's bacteria

Psychic Spies, Acid Guinea Pigs, New Age Soldiers: the True Men Who Stare at Goats | Danger Room | Wired.com

Japan eyes solar station in space as new energy source

Piece Of Apollo 11 Up For Auction - Expected To Fetch Over A Thousand Pounds | UK News | Sky News

NASA's Messenger probe reveals new clues about Mercury | csmonitor.com

All News Web - Scientific analysis suggests Billy Meier UFO photos may be genuine

Snake pictured slithering across car windscreen - Telegraph

The Martian Torture Chamber | Popular Science