"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 November 2009

3 Nov '09

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11 - 02

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10 - 29

The Michael Savage Show

10 - 28

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10 -27

The Michael Savage Show

10 - 26

The Michael Savage Show


**No Rapture In the Bible(www.solarsabbath.org)**


Space arms race inevitable says Chinese commander - Telegraph

North Korea says it possesses weapons-grade plutonium | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hillary Clinton counters Arab anger over Israel settlements - Telegraph

American-Israeli settler questioned over terror attacks | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran opposition to apologise to US for embassy siege - Telegraph

As elections loom, Nicolas Sarkozy picks moment for national debate | World news | The Guardian

David Miliband snubbed during visit to Russia - Telegraph

Why Africa welcomes the Chinese | Paul Kagame | Comment is free | The Guardian

*Planets 'spotted' outside our own galaxy for first time - Telegraph

Cash-strapped US media scrambles to cover Afghan war - Telegraph

New California gold rush thwarted by migrating salmon - Telegraph

Planned Parenthood leader resigns after watching abortion ultrasound - Telegraph

Cameron's EU treaty treachery | Barry Legg | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Cameron risks wrath of Tory Eurosceptics as he signals there won't be vote on Lisbon Treaty | Mail Online

Former Israeli double agent shot dead near Putin's office - Telegraph

Hillary's mistakes | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Jewish extremist held for hate crimes - Middle East, World - The Independent

Victory (for a crooked, corrupt and discredited government) - Asia, World - The Independent

Afghanistan: West hails Hamid Karzai as 'legitimate' president - Telegraph

Global protocol could limit Sub-Saharan land grab | Business | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama love affair with Google ends - Times Online

Riddle of 200-year-old Irish grave in New York - Americas, World - The Independent

Former Scientology members tell of group's efforts to track them down | World news | guardian.co.uk

Great white shark grins for camera close-up - Telegraph

Web could run out of addresses next year, warn web experts - Telegraph

Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire - Telegraph

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth sequel stresses spiritual argument on climate | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Revealed: hidden misery of children trafficked to Britain - Crime, UK - The Independent

Half of secondary school girls considering cosmetic surgery, Guides study finds - Times Online

Girls of today are 'stressed, drunk and discriminated against', report finds - Telegraph

Watching TV makes toddlers aggressive | Mail Online

Meat off the menu as Windsor Castle goes vegan - Telegraph

Sacked drugs adviser accuses Gordon Brown of meddling in cannabis decision | Politics | guardian.co.uk

ADL Applauds Itself For Hate Bill Victory

Wafa Sultan's message to America

Too Hot to Handle: The New Yorker Magazine Censors the Word ‘Censored’ in Report Criticizing Israel

The Social Contract - Our Society And The Future

Aaron Belkin: Marine Commandant Defies White House on Gay Troops

IRIN Middle East | Middle East | Iraq | IRAQ: Swine flu panic shuts down 2,000 schools | Flu Children Education | News Item

Israel Shamir - Hang 'Em High!

Welcome To The Masquerade

Obama Quietly Pulls Plug On SPP/NAU?

Does the American Empire Deserve to Die?

Steven M. Gillon: A New Wrinkle in the JFK Assassination Story

Being Muslim At The Wrong Time In America

Argentina - Resident Reports Standing Under A Flying Saucer

US drops demand for Israeli settlement freeze - Telegraph

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Al Gore Set To Become First “Carbon Billionaire”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Government Statistics and Lies

YouTube - 11/2/09 Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk: Government Statistics and Lies

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Twenty reasons why vitamin D is better than a swine flu vaccine

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Libertarian 9/11 truth leader Jim Duensing shot in the back by cops…

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Government Appoints Task Force To Handle H1N1 Vaccine Propaganda

YouTube - Group to Monitor H1N1 Vaccine Safety

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Autism Spikes, Toxins Suspected

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Feds See Every Emergency as an Opportunity

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ex-diplomat says Afghanistan in ‘civil war,’ calls for US withdrawal

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » “Rendition is the CIA term for illegal kidnapping”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » North Korea heralds ‘remarkable achievements’ in nuclear program

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones: US a powerslave serving aims of New World Order

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » New Zealand: “You are no longer innocent till you’re proven guilty.” Police Minister responds: “It’s fantastic, isn’t it?”

*(w/links)Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Team of Scientists’ Open Letter To U.S. Senators: ‘Claim of consensus is fake’

Barack Obama faces triple election defeat on anniversary - Telegraph

Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland - Telegraph

Study: In US, 90 percent of black children will be fed by food stamps | Raw Story

CFR: Vaccines No More Harmful Than Tuna Sandwich

LiveLeak.com - Artificial scarcity and the anatomy of the 2009 swine flu pandemic

Al Gore Set To Become First “Carbon Billionaire”

Good Banks Fed Toxic Waste And Turned Into Zombies

Truthdig - McChrystal Doesn’t Get It—Does Obama?

Here Comes Stimulus 2.0

**Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence?

*Site:Reinvestigate 9/11

2nd meeting in the House of Commons, London | 911Blogger.com

Gold Trades Near Record as Indian Central Bank Buys From IMF - Bloomberg.com

Soldiers Nearly Killed with Military's Bioterrorism Vaccine

BBC NEWS | Americas | 'Twin Towers' warship enters NY

Report slams bank links to clusterbomb production | International | Reuters

Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes | McClatchy

11-03-2009: Gore Compares Global Warming Skeptics To Moon Landing Deniers

11-03-2009: Gore's Dual Role - Advocate And Investor

*Ron Paul: Government Statistics And Lies

11-02-2009: AP sources: House health bill totals $1.2 trillion

11-02-2009: Matrix producer plans Muhammad biopic

Tortured in far-off Countries: Obama Resuming G. W. Bush's "Extraordinary Renditions"

Economic Crisis Hits States and Municipalities

Colour-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III

A Step towards a War-free World: Criminalise War

Her Majesty's Big Brother: Britain's Protesters Rebranded "Domestic Extremists"

VIDEOS: War Crimes Multimedia

Crisis in the Post-industrial Age: Welcome to Role-play

US Spy Agencies Spent Nearly $50 bn in 2009

VIDEO: Swine Flu Government Data Scam

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

A Child is Born: Photographs of the foetus developing in the womb, by Lennart Nilsson

House's Final Version of Massive Health Care Bill Poised to Instigate Government-Funded Abortion

House to vote on resolution to reject Goldstone report findings and recommendations

Nearly fully operational: The final countdown to Lisbon success

Dollar trouble

US joins ranks of failed states

Elites Launch "Global Impact Investing Network"

video:Fall of the Republic Excerpt: Global governance and the transfer of wealth

**Alex Jones: It's Ron Paul's destiny to run for President in 2012

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Planned Parenthood Leader Resigns After Watching Ultrasound of Abortion

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

Former Scientology members pursued, detained, interrogated and enslaved by Church intelligence officers

Space arms race inevitable says Chinese commander

IMF Sold 200 Metric Tons of Gold to India

*Rep. Ron Paul's Bill to Audit the Federal Reserve 'Gutted' in Committee

Continuing Its Path of Health Destruction: Canada Approves Harmful Airport Scanners

VIDEO: Geithner’s crimes through AIG – will the truth come out?

Obama’s Youth Corps

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Russia 'Simulates' Nuclear Attack on Poland

Author Says G-20 Meeting in Scotland this Week about Dumping U.S. Dollar

Plague: A New Thriller of the Coming Pandemic

US Patent Application 20090010962 - Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof

*Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Obama creates 640,329 jobs at a cost of $323,739.83 per job

Devvy -- About that new car you bought a stranger in America -- 11/02/2009

*Cliff Kincaid -- Controversial New Video of Obama’s Pastor

Rev. Jeremiah Wright at Monthly Review’s 60th Anniversary – Common American Journal

YouTube - No Nonsense

Reptoids Research Center:TheMenInBlack

NSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center -- Cybersecurity -- InformationWeek

Congress Funds Study on How To Avoid Constituents, Stay in Office » The Foundry

Top gun advocate has message of survival

U.S. sees shortage of ammunition

Taliban Decline US Offer Of 6 Provinces for 8 Bases

Kucinich: Health Reform Legislation ‘a Bailout for Insurance Companies’

Osama bin Laden Responsible for 9/11 Attacks?

video:Life & Debt

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: 'Land of the greed and home of the slave'

Before Dreams , There Was Roots

Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich: The Visionary and the Hack

Is Barack Obama Anti-American?

Why English Is Not the "Official Language" of the United States

Keeping Corporations Honest

Commander in Chief or Commander in Least?

But What About the Poor?

Bye-Bye, RINO

No Health Care in the Constitution

Glenn Beck, FOX's 'Rodeo Clown'

The Vilification of Rush

Election 2009 Forecasts

An O-Care victory will make him more narcissistic

Twenty-five years after the Reagan landslide

'Net neutrality' nets out to government control

A liberal whiff of panic

Health care reform in the breach

Should Iran Worry that We'd Nuke Them If They Nuked Us?

Will Obama Try to "Split the Difference" on Afghanistan?

Power to the People

High School student in danger for disagreeing with Obama

Citizen power comes to DC Thursday

Planned Parenthood official has eyes opened on abortion

Dems admit paying for Daggett robocalls in NJ

Can Obama's changes be reversed?

Al Gore, the first 'carbon billionaire' (updated)

Oh joy. 108 new federal bureaucracies created by health care reform bill

Soros action group looking to limit small arms exports

The World Trade Center comes home

Operation Orchard: a real life thriller

Biden vs. Palin: No contest

Police called in to NY-23 polling stations because of voter intimidation by teabaggers!

Countdown: Alan Grayson Confident House Bill Will Pass and Will Be Reform

The Hatch Truth: GOP Blocking Health Care to Prevent Permanent Democratic Majority

NOM's Maggie Gallagher Admits Rival's Same Sex Partnership May Be Better, But Still Not Marriage

David Vitter Confronted by Rape Victim at Town Hall Meeting Over Franken Amendment Vote

Independent Health Experts Will Track Swine Flu Side Effects

Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's ties to Shawna Forde were close right up to her arrest for murders

Even Without Opt-In, Reform Bill May Delegate Major Decisions to States

Matthew Hoh: There is No Winning in Afghanistan

COIN v. CONV - A Significant Difference

Krugman: Without More Stimulus, Joblessness Is Here To Stay

Chris Wallace shows no journalistic integrity when he interviews Rush Limbaugh: "He's very nice, very sweet and vulnerable"

Jon Krakauer: McChrystal's Explanation For Pat Tillman Cover-up Is 'Preposterous' 'Not Believable'

John Boehner Blames the NY-23 Republican In-Fighting on Those Not 'Actively Involved in the Political Process'

Conyers: Obama Is Sucking Up To The Wrong People

John Fund helps cover Lou Dobbs' extremist tracks after 'Reliable Sources' panel skewers 'they shot at my wife' tale

Lieberman: I Wish People Would Come Out and Debate Me on the Public Option

Hail Mary: Long Shot to Get Kucinich Single-Payer Amendment Back In Bill

Lieberman prefers 'nothing' to reform with public option

George Stephanopoulos Asks Valerie Jarrett If Barack Obama Is Responsible For Divisiveness in DC

GOP Takes Clean Energy Bill Obstructionism To Yet Another Level

Bill Moyers: Bring Back the Draft

The Purpose of Money and the Dangers of Fiat Currency

*2012 Election: Which Candidate Is Best?

Dan Hoffman: The Clear Choice for Conservatives

The new entitlement: Canadians and others as de facto Americans

Why Ron Paul will not be President

Free Markets & Free People


What Physicians Know

Using the Criminal Justice System to Reward Political Support

What Will The FDIC Do For Funds In 2011?

Arab anger as Hillary Clinton backs Israel on settlements | World news | guardian.co.uk

Congresswoman Fears Health Care Bill More Dangerous Than Any Terrorist


at-Largely: Ace investigative reporter dead - said to be suicide...

'Nude X-ray' scans scuppered by child porn fears | Mail Online


Truthdig - Reports - Opium, Rape and the American Way

EclippTV :: Video :: Farrakhan Exposes Rothschilds and Warburgs

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Eco-employee wins bid to appeal

Al Gore Explains How Call For Climate Change Action Is Similar To Civil Rights Movement (Video)

Book Review - 'Ayn Rand and the World She Made,' by Anne C.­Heller - Review - NYTimes.com

White House Quietly Working To Weaken Investor Protection

The silence about vaccine deaths in media is due to the contracts with the vaccine manufacturers.

One million homes in Britain are empty - Home News, UK - The Independent

Districts see growing number of homeless students - San Bernardino County Sun

Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect

Social Decay in America: The 'I Didn't Do It' Culture - Pravda.Ru

EclippTV :: Video :: FOX News arguing over H1N1 vaccine

EclippTV :: Video :: Operation Health Freedom: Peter Schiff

Arrest of Jewish terrorist raises questions | Israel | Jewish Journal

Clive James isn't a climate change sceptic, he's a sucker - but this may be the reason | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

Geithner “Burned Billions,” Shafted Taxpayers on CIT Loan, Prof. Bill Black Says » Nationalist Coalition Blog

The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies

Top 10 Americans for monetary reform: #3: President Andrew Jackson

Media Lies And The War Drive Against Iran

Laughing Gas Knocks Out CO2 | The Resilient Earth

Sheen Blasts Cowardly Media Response To ‘20 Minutes’ Letter

EclippTV :: Video :: Rockefellers "Joked" About Taking Over The World

EclippTV :: Video :: 10/30/09 Peter Schiff on Fox Business: Double-Dip Recession

The Right To Resist « Political Theatrics

Baltimore Jewish Times - International News | Arrest Warrant Issued for Alleged S. African Ponzi Schemer

Cheney Failed to Answer 72 FBI Questions - CBS News

Forget Global Warming, The Sky Really Could Fall | The Resilient Earth

Israel Official Says Hamas Rockets Can Reach Tel Aviv - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Israel: Gaza rockets can reach metro Tel Aviv

NKorea claims to expand arsenal of atomic bombs

Fists fly at Washington Post - Michael Calderone

Archbishop's blog slams Gray Lady's

'V' aims at Obamamania -- chicagotribune.com

After a flurry of stimulus spending, questionable projects pile up | Washington Examiner

In Iowa, Euphoria Gives Way to Second-Thoughts on Obama - NYTimes.com

Kane Kellett Of McHenry County Flips Off Judge, Goes To Jail - cbs2chicago.com

Nasa to irradiate monkeys to study effects of long space trips on humans - Telegraph

The War Between the Sexes by Burt Blumert

Selecting Your Optimal Armory by Terence Gillespie

Mr. Flash Crashes by Eric Margolis

Feds See Every Emergency as an Opportunity by Bill Bonner

Secession: Timing Is Everything by Russell D. Longcore

Dangerous People Needed by David Swanson

*Be Prepared for the Worst - Forbes.com

The American Way of Abandonment - HUMAN EVENTS

'Ayn Rand and the World She Made'

BBC NEWS | Health | Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'

It is Japan we should be worrying about, not America - Telegraph

The Paranoid Center

Currency crisis on way, says investor

First, Silence the Whistle-Blower;The United Nations' shameful complicity in this year's corrupt Afghan elections. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Races an early test of Obama influence - Yahoo! News

Clinton offers U.S. aid to help boost Muslim ties - Yahoo! India News

Saudi court upholds child rapist crucifixion ruling | World | Reuters

GilroyDispatch.com | Red Phone: UFOs in South Valley?

Giant Crack in Africa Will Create a New Ocean | LiveScience

Long-range Taser raises fears of shock and injury - tech - 02 November 2009 - New Scientist

Snowcap vanishing from Mount Kilimanjaro - World environment- msnbc.com

Japanese fishing trawler sunk by giant jellyfish - Telegraph

I saw UFO beam up a buffalo | The Sun |News

Magnetic 'eyesight' helps birds find their way - life - 01 November 2009 - New Scientist

7 ghoulish archaeological discoveries - Science- msnbc.com

Team Discovers New Dinosaur Species From Montana

BBC NEWS | Africa | Somali man, '112', weds girl, 17

BBC - Earth News - Logging 'caused Nazca collapse'

Tweance, the Twitter seance, 'contacts Michael Jackson and Kurt Cobain' - Telegraph

A good day to get spooked at the Stanley Museum - The Denver Post

Scientifically Haunted House Suggests You’re a Sucker | Wired Science | Wired.com

Halloween: How Britain became a nation of ghost hunters | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

Where do ghosts come from? - life - 30 October 2009 - New Scientist

Einstein was right! Nasa Fermi telescope uncovers proof of famous space-time theory

'Miracle' as communion wafer becomes heart tissue - Telegraph

See ghosts? There may be a medical reason - The Body Odd - msnbc.com

Bad Driving May Have Genetic Basis, Study Finds

Big Hollywood Report Card: NEA Chairman Landesman’s First 12 Weeks

Judicial Watch: ‘NEA Propaganda Effort Grew Out of Obama Campaign’

How the MSM Might Survive: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

Elvis Disease: Bill Maher Needs an Intervention

Daily Gut: Tenure

Read Between The Lines of: The Hollywood Green Message of Importance.

‘The Onion’: Tragic News — Glenn Beck Not Dead

‘Sesame Street’ Trashes Fox News

Hollywood Receives Government Help — Why No Salary Caps?

Christ Gets Pissed On, Muhammad Gets a $150 Million Biopic

Ted Danson Trashes Limbaugh, Religious Right

Ace of Spades HQ

Dem Spin Begins: Why, Obama Hasn't Even Been In Virginia For Weeks (Except for Five Days Ago)

The "New Majority" Revealed: It's David Frum!

Rand-O-Rama: The Long Shelf Life of Ayn Rand’s legacy

Obama’s Working Families (ACORN) Party Looks Set To Lose In NYC

ACORN Operative Patrick Gaspard Received Colleague at White House

Stimulus Job Creation = Bigger Government

BREAKING: New Jersey Dems Paying for Independent Candidate’s RoboCalls

Exclusive: New Poll Finds 59% of Likely Voters Say Nation Is on the Wrong Track

Jerry Brown: Doing His Best to Kill Voter ID in California

Exclusive: Rep. Michele Bachmann On Health Care

Senator Harry Reid’s Hide and Seek ObamaCare Bill

Global Warming Fringe Is Coming For Your Pet

Brietbart News Video

State Elections an Early Test of Obama Influence

Claim: New Jersey Dems Using Known Criminals for Get-Out-the-Vote Effort

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: Today’s GOP ‘Can’t Support a Liberal Like Ronald Reagan’

Audio: Palin, Huckabee Call Virginia Voters

Rhode Island Waiter: Kevin Spacey Got Me Fired

Advocate and Investor: Gore Denies Conflict of Interest in Global Warming Fight

Bachmann Calls on Americans to Bring the Town Hall to DC on Thursday

Could Conservative Win in NY-23 Be Rebirth of Conservative Revolution?

Denver Sends Ballot to Resident Who Died in 2003

The B-Cast: What Does the Dede Drop Out Mean for the GOP?

More Than 10K Turn Out for Houston Tea Party

Newsweek’s Fineman: ‘Of Course’ Obama is ‘Much Smarter’ Than Us

Meet President Obama’s Most Frequent White House Visitor

Woman Tosses Three-Diamond Ring Along With Candy in Trick-or-Treater’s Bag

GOPer: Right Now Health Care Bigger Threat to Country Than a Terrorist

Rush: Scozzafava Guilty of ‘Bestiality’ for Screwing Every RINO in the Country

Planned Parenthood Leader Resigns After Watching Ultrasound of Abortion Procedure

New Video: Rev. Wright Praises Magazine’s ‘No Nonsense Marxism’

HBO Obama Documentary: 9-Year-Old Makes Campaign Calls

Chased by Their Church: Scientologists Pursue Those Who Leave the Faith

Limbaugh Predicts Obama Will Be One-Term President

Scramble to ID Six Bodies Found in Cleveland Home of Convicted Rapist

Merkel Pledges to Remain ‘Strong’ U.S. Partner

Buffett’s Berkshire Buying BNSF Railroad

Limbaugh: NY-23 Race a ‘Turning Point’

SEPTA’s Largest Union Goes On Strike

Couric: Al Gore ‘Godfather of Green, the King of Conservation’

Bartiromo Predicts Bush Tax Cuts Extended

Showdown in NYC: Bloomberg vs. Thompson

Woman Dies After Being Hit With Car by Iraqi Father for Becoming Too Westernized

Russia Today Posits: Is World Seeing New Form of Global Capitalism?

Water Rationing for Venezuela’s Capital City

Ukraine Issues Swine Flu SOS

Clinton Moderates Statement On Settlements

MSNBC’s Maddow Talks to Boing Boing Blogger About a More ‘Worldly’ Web

Palestinians Say Clinton Hurt Peace Talks

Congressman Pence: Let Your Voice Be Heard

Pro-Palin Group Responds to DNC Attack With Fact Checking Ad of Its Own

Rush on Fox News: ‘It’s Gonna Be the Biggest Snatch of Freedom’

Madoff Mocks SEC’s Incompetence

Cops Catch Man Wanted for Murders of Four Men in ‘Mayberry’

Update: Man Who Attacked Indiana State Rep on Suicide Watch

New Apple Ad Will Take Over Front Page of 20 Major Websites

Rush Tells Fox: Obama May Be ‘Destroying’ Private Sector on Purpose

German Engineers Create Car That Is Remotely Controlled by an iPhone

New Military Robot Prototype Walks on Two Legs Like Humans

Actor Nicholas Cage Says He Is Broke

Leno Says He Liked 11:30PM Timeslot Better

Springsteen Crowd Surfs At DC Show

The B-Cast B-Side: Is the White House Refocusing Attention on Rush Limbaugh?

Scott Baker Gives Keynote Address at Pittsburgh ‘Pink Slip’ Tea Party


AnnCoulter.com : I'LL PASS ON 'OPTING OUT'

Uncivil War: Conservatives to challenge a dozen GOP candidates - Charles Mahtesian and Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Britain's Savage free speech attack | nyunews.com

Dr. Michael Savage Cites The Bulletin In Thursday Opening Monologue - The Philadelphia Bulletin

Chinese chicken: Which fast food chain may serve you this scary import?

Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al Megrahi discharged from hospital - Telegraph

Gore’s Dual Role - Advocate and Investor - NYTimes.com

Death to conservatism? - Anne Schroeder Mullins

**White House Visitors Release;2009_10_30

Clinton offers U.S. aid to help boost Muslim ties | Reuters

Ford reports $1 billion 3Q profit - Washington Times

Colleagues say Newsom could use a wake-up call

Boehner Regrets Backing Scozzafava in NY Race

VIDEO:Terrified Voter says NJ Dems Using Gangbangers for GOTV | Election Journal

Queens imam pleads not guilty in terror case

French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss dies

Chinese mafia godmother jailed in Chongqing - Telegraph

On Afghanistan, time's up

Girly men of Japan just want to have fun - Times Online

Rihanna "Humiliated" by Leaked Photo After Attack - ABC News

Music review: Chris Richards on Carrie Underwood's third album, "Play On" - washingtonpost.com

'This is It': 'I'm happy for Michael' says director Ortega | EW.com

A Christmas Carol gets thrill ride movie treatment | Entertainment | Reuters

YouTube - Disney Premiere of A Christmas Carol in London UK press conf

Army Apologizes for Ryan Seacrest Stalker - Crime & Courts, Ryan Seacrest : People.com

InnerTube: Jay Leno says, if asked, he'd go back 'Tonight'

Kate Hudson's Weight Loss Secret: Cut the Cocktails - Kate Hudson : People.com

Going Gaga

Scozzafava's Defection Creates Uproar - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Seventh Suspect Arrested in California Gang Rape - ABC News

Flash Points Linger in Health Bill - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Police: Lake search finds no trace of ND students

Democrats Start Climate Debate as Republicans Boycott - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Obama budget dir. pledges deficit action next year

Biden, Obama, Palin Root for Candidates in New Jersey, New York and Virginia - ABC News

The Associated Press: Mayor chooses deputy chief to head LA police

Robert Gibbs is adviser, friend and mouthpiece for Obama - CNN.com

The Associated Press: RI gov signs bill banning indoor prostitution

YouTube - Gov. to sign indoor prostitution ban

VOA News - New US Warship's Bow Contains Steel from World Trade Center

Hearing set in Planned Parenthood director case | AP Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

VOA News - African Delegates Call For Stronger Greenhouse Gas Cuts

YouTube - African delegates boycott climate talks

EU to Choose Leaders After Reform Treaty Ratified - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Barroso: "No Further Delays" on Lisbon Treaty

German chancellor prods U.S. on global warming - washingtonpost.com

YouTube - Obama Thanks Merkel for Afghan Help

The Associated Press: Egypt-Israel frictions complicate US peace efforts

YouTube - Israel Arrests American in Series of Hate Crimes

Karadzic ends boycott of trial seen as key to Balkans closure | csmonitor.com

YouTube - International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Simon Mann coup plot documents

YouTube - Simon Mann gets unexpected pardon

Iran's Khamenei rejects U.S. outreach, warns against talks - washingtonpost.com

Pakistani forces say enter a main Taliban base | Reuters

The Associated Press: New video on missing British girl Madeleine McCann

YouTube - New Video on Missing UK Girl Madeleine

Gaza rights group criticizes Hamas over tunnel deaths toll | Middle East Conflict

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia oil well leak 'plugged'

YouTube - Raw Video: Oil Rig Catches Fire in Australia

Rick Steves' Europe | Berlin Then and Now | Seattle Times Newspaper

AFP: Iran began nuclear arms plants in 2000: opposition

YouTube - Iran bides its time over nuclear deal - 2 Nov 2009

World's largest passenger ship sets sail - with a squeeze - Telegraph

Boatpeople seek talks on future | The Australian

Election Day November 2009: five things to watch | csmonitor.com

Five things to watch in New Jersey - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Racial disparity: All active ethics probes focus on black lawmakers - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

W.H. diplomacy 'back down to earth' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

GOP trails in money chase - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

It's the spending, stupid - Rep. Cynthia Lummis - POLITICO.com

Obama taps Hollywood headliners - Nia-Malika Henderson - POLITICO.com

Obama: Time to get to work on jobs - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Sen. Barbara Boxer considers climate power play - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

Feds: No true count of Iraq contractors - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Michelle Obama launches mentoring program - Nia-Malika Henderson - POLITICO.com

GOP health bill focuses on lower costs - Patrick O'Connor - POLITICO.com

Health bill could slip into next year - Chris Frates and Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

McMorris Rodgers: health reform is "internal" terrorist attack - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

POLITICO.com: VIDEO: Pundits predict elections

Obama Doctrine's Honduran 'Deal' Diminishes U.S.

Look for Conservative Sweep in Three Key Races Tuesday

Mainstream Media Ignore Democrats' Ethics Probes

Rise of Homegrown Islamic Radicalism Raises Concerns

The Fallacy of 'Social Justice'

Tea Party Activists Are the New GOP

Democrats Engage in Deficit Doublespeak

Election 'Trifecta' Could Derail Obama's Agenda

ACORN Aims to Tip New Jersey Election in Corzine's Favor

Lieberman's Chairmanship Threatened

White House: No Flu Vaccine for Gitmo Detainees

House GOP Pens 230-Page Health Bill Draft

Democratic Abortion Opponents May Sink Healthcare Bill

George W. Bush Throws Out First Pitch in Japan

Gore Expects Obama to Attend Dec. Climate Talks

Aborted Fetus Cells Used in Beauty Products

Clinton Wishes He Had Left White House 'in Coffin'

GOP Senators Talk of Boycotting Climate Bill

Poll: 70% Say 'President Hillary' Better Than Obama

GOP's Coburn Seeks Gays to Stop Obamacare

Largest Business Groups Slam Pelosi Health Plan

Obama: New Jobs Last in Line As Economy Rebounds

Calif. Man Gets Prison for Aiming Laser at Planes

Best Buy Embraces Digital Delivery of Home Video

Health, fitness and medical advice

Health, fitness and medical advice

Soros: $50 Million to End Free Markets

Report: Cash for Clunkers a Huge Waste

Perry leads KBH by 12 | The Texas Tribune

Feds: Gun, Cash Seizures up at Mexican Border

Vatican Seeks to Clarify Review of U.S. Nuns

$1 Million Bail Offered in Chicago Terrorism Case

Neighbors Griped About Odor at Ohio Home for Years

Lawmakers Seek Ban on Laptops in Airliner Cockpits

Middle Class Would Pay Thousands for Healthcare

Obama Warns Karzai: Get Your Act Together

Clinton Says Nuke Offer to Iran Won't Be Changed

3 Contests in New Jersey, New York and Virginia Could Signal Political Winds - NYTimes.com

American Mainstream Is Looking More Like Republican Mainstream - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

RealClearPolitics - A Record You Can Believe In

The Week Magazine - News reviews and opinion, arts, entertainment & political cartoons

Column: Don't bury GOP yet - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - The "Costs" of Medical Care

Op-Ed Columnist - A Glimpse of the Future? - NYTimes.com

Blue State Exodus - Forbes.com

Will a Racial Divide Swallow Obama?

RealClearPolitics - Behind Obama's Berlin Wall Snub

Job-Creation Panel Leery of Spending - WSJ.com

Liberal group eyes conservatives' connections - washingtonpost.com

War chests give staffers extra money - TheHill.com

Our opinion: Billion dollar Ford - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Fuzzy math so far on stimulus - The Denver Post

No, we can't just spend our way out of trouble

RealClearMarkets - Junk Science Returns to the White House

Election 2009, Democrats Rally to Prevent GOP Wins - ABC News

"Tea Party Activists Are the New GOP"

Did Karzai Play Us? | The New Republic

The Weekly Standard:Kristol: Why Pelosi May Fail


*Politics Video/Limbaugh: NY-23 Is A Real "Turning Point"

CNN Previews VA, NJ Gov Races

Clinton On Giving Aid To Pakistan

Gov. Pawlenty On NY-23, GOP & Olympia Snowe

Gibbs Denies Guantanamo Bay Detainees Receiving H1N1 Vaccine

Rep. Pete King On NY-23

Gibbs: Afghanistan Decision Still "Weeks" Away

RCP Rounds Up NJ, VA & NY-23 Races

Karl Rove Previews NJ, VA & NY-23 Races

Maddow: GOP Turns Away From the Middle

Gore Denies He Is Profiting From Global Warming

Rep. Grayson On Upcoming House Health Care Bill Vote

NY-23: Hoffman On "Hannity" With Fred Thompson

Rep. Bachmann On Health Reform Bill Protest

Olbermann On FOX News' Interview With Limbaugh

O'Reilly On Criticizing President Obama

NY-23: Biden Defends Palin After Crowd Boos Her

NY-23: Scozzafava Robocalls For Democrat Owens

Axelrod: "Nobody Should Feel Satisfied"

Hatch: Health Bill "Goal" Is To Keep Democrats In Power

GOP Rep: Health Care Reform Bigger Threat To US Than A Terrorist

Biden Slams Palin For "Drill, Baby, Drill" Slogan

Gibbs: Karzai "Legitimate" Leader Of Afghanistan

NJ: Christie: Obama Campaigning For Corzine Won't Matter

NJ: President Obama Robocalls For Gov. Corzine

Obama: We Have Pulled The Economy "Back From The Brink"

Romney On Obama, Economy, Gov. Races

Biden Says He's "Great Match" For Obama

Gov. Haley Barbour On Gov. Races & NY-23

VA: Palin Robocall Urges Voters To "Vote Your Values"

Coulter, Geraldo Spar Over Limbaugh's FOX News Interview

NY-23: RNC Ad Encourages Voters To "Vote Conservative"

Tavis Smiley On Obama's Promises

VA: McDonnell: "We're On The Right Track"

NJ: Obama Stumps For Corzine Before Election

*World Video/Kashmir Kids Escape Violence with Soccer

Karzai Win Puts Pressure on Obama

Lisbon Treaty Closer to Full Backing

Karzai Declared Elected Afghan President

Bush, Gorbachev, Kohl Mark Wall's Fall

Challenger Withdraws from Afghan Election

Pakistan Blast Kills Dozens

Rio Police Attempt to Fight Fear of Crime

Clinton Stops in Israel

Myanmar Builds Pipline to China

Maoists March on Kathmandu

Expanding Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Leaking Timor Sea Oil Rig Catches Fire

*Markets Video/Ford: On the Road to Recovery?

BRIC is Back? Energy "Crisis" Jolts BRIC Stocks

Goldman Bidding for Fannie Mae Tax Credits?

China Manufacturing Roars Ahead

What's Driving Gold?

Money Managers Are Still Bullish

RyanAir Grows Despite Recession

Wilbur Ross: Commercial Real Estate to Cause 'Tragedies'

Ferry: Fed Should 'Come Off the Pedal' on Rates This Week

UK to Take 84% Stake in RBS

Holmes: Gold Will Hit $2,300

U.S. Automaker Rebound?


*Transcript - Hamid Karzai’s Acceptance Speech - Text - NYTimes.com

*Transcripts:Guests: Secretary Geithner, David Plouffe

Interview with Rush Limbaugh

Interview with Minority Leader John Boehner

Guests: Senator Lieberman, David Axelrod

Interview with Valerie Jarrett


When sports-lefties go political

Husband is allergic to his wife | The Sun |News

Ex-Jackson teacher suffers breakdown | clarionledger.com | The Clarion-Ledger

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Caught on TV with her pajama pants down, she's suing -- chicagotribune.com

This transgender custody battle is odd, even for New York

EBay removes anti-abortion memorabilia from site - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

El Dorado Hills couple sues neighbor over cigarette smoke - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Religion gets behind fight against climate change

Fear detector may sniff out terrorists, British scientists say

Man accidentally ejects himself from plane | World news | guardian.co.uk

Med, nursing schools teaching alternative remedies

Online holiday sales seen up 8 percent | Technology | Internet | Reuters

Obama warns on job losses, urges export boost | Reuters

'Pay czar,' Fed move forward on compensation plans

U.S. pay czar: Will soon decide how to use clawback | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters

Please come to Washington

Using a fallen hero as a prop

I'll ask, and I'll tell

What's at stake Election Day

Democratic deficit duplicity

The 'costs' of medical care

Nancy Pelosi's New Health-Care Bill - WSJ.com

Why doesn't Obama listen to famed neurosurgeon?

Venerating lawyers more than doctors

By what authority?

The American way of abandonment

Extend, pretend and defend

Glenn Beck Peddles Populism for Rich Guys | Politics | AlterNet

Psychographics: What Your Taste in Beer Says About You - Advertising Age - News

I saw UFO beam up a buffalo | The Sun |News

Answer: An Inside Look at Jeopardy! - ABC News

Psychic computer shows your thoughts on screen - Times Online


*American Minute for November 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute

WND Player

World Net Daily Player:GOP sweep an omen for 2010?

World Net Daily Player:Pollster: No GOP civil war in New York

World Net Daily Player:Does Obama want to win in Afghanistan?

World Net Daily Player:'Bogus methodology' behind job numbers


CAIR files suit against 'Muslim Mafia' author

Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress

Man fired after saying homosexuality wrong

Ian McKellen 'Proudly' Rips Leviticus 18:22 Out of All Bibles | PopEater.com

Support grows for teen girl who fled Islam

Vote for winner: Fox News vs. White House

Tribune Co. newspapers won't use AP next week

'Everyone hates Jews' declares Islamic cleric

How Israel scuttled deal worth billions to Syria

Reid reassures left Lieberman on board - TheHill.com

Health insurance mandate alarms some -- latimes.com

Republicans Are Poised for Gains in Key Elections - WSJ.com

Economist warns of president's financial 'bubble'

49% Blame Bush for Economy, 45% Blame Obama - Rasmussen Reports

Rev. Wright: U.S. 'land of greed and home of slave'

Excerpt: Mortgage bubble bursts

Russians charge Georgia harboring al-Qaida

Valerie Jarrett: GOP 'more and more extreme' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

NSA to store yottabytes of surveillance data in Utah megarepository (update: not so much)

Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity

Judge dismisses California eligibility challenge

Campaign chief: We did 'zero research' on 'the One'

Michelle contradicts Obama nativity story


*Site:NOAA's National Weather Service

*Site:National Weather Service - Central Region Headquarters Home Page

*Site Page:Glossary - NOAA's National Weather Service


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 30th With Bob Chapman

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 29th With Debra Medina

11/02 The Mark Levin Show

10/30 The Mark Levin Show

Bill Cunningham 11/1/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 11/1/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 11/1/09 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 10/25/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 10/25/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 10/25/09 Hour 3


Read, don't just dismiss, Goldstone's report on Gaza - Rep. Keith Ellison - POLITICO.com

*575 pgs./HUMAN RIGHTS IN PALESTINE AND OTHER OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES: Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict


**The most influential US conservatives

**The most influential US liberals


*The Weekly Standard:archives

*Christopher Hitchens:(2002-2009)Fighting Words - A wartime lexicon/Slate Magazine

AP sources: House health bill totals $1.2 trillion - Yahoo! News

*Datapages:Frosty Wooldridge

Frosty Wooldridge -- Archive

Frosty Wooldridge -- Archive

*Site:Frosty Wooldridge.Com


*Site:Reptoid Research Center

*STARstream Research :(www.starpod.org/)

*Audio : Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" RBN Audio Archives

**9-11 Videos**

**Obama Presidency Videos**