"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 November 2009

4 Nov.'09: 1 YR - "We Won't Get Fooled Again!"

Three More Years!


Episode:3 Nov 09/The_Michael Savage Show


*Site:Climate Change Exchange

*Site:Chicago Climate Exchange

Climate Exchange announces Monthly trading update


CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity To Drive Up Demand For H1N1 Vaccine

Oil Companies Support Global Warming Alarmists, Not Skeptics

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Oil Companies Support Global Warming Alarmists, Not Skeptics

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones: US a powerslave serving aims of New World Order

Defending The Right to Poison

(w/links)Pakistani-Pashtuns Say Blackwater USA (Xe Services) Responsible for Peshawar Bomb

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Survey USA: Rand Paul surges for GOP, Mongiardo maintains lead in Dem. race

The porous walls between Mayor Bloomberg, Bloomberg L.P. and private deals

Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

YouTube - World Trade Center on 9/11 - Sounds of Explosions

YouTube - John Gross denies existance of molten metal

YouTube - Barry Jennings - 9/11 WTC7 Full Uncut Interview - 1 of 2

Resistance is NOT Futile — The Rise of “Resistance Journalism”

Has Baxter International released a biological weapon?

It’s Time To Bring Back The BBS Network

Spanish Doctor Reveals Important Information About Swine Flu

Hate Crimes Bill Double Jeopardy: Hate Crimes Bill Dual Sovereignty

Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister

Persistent Rumor: U.S. Helicopters Ferrying Taliban

The Oath Keepers

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Keeping the Pressure On to Audit the Fed

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » NOAA deletes an “inconvenient” kids science web page


Archive:JetStream - An Online Weather School Learning Lesson: Go with the Flow

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Karzai’s re-election ‘not legitimate’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Kennedy Assassination: New Details About the Transfer of Power

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Take the Power to Create Credit Away from the Giant Banks and Give It Back to the People

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » New ABC Show ‘V’ Takes Aim at ‘Obamamania’

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth sequel stresses spiritual argument on climate | Environment | guardian.co.uk

*IBM Knew About Pandemic in 2006

*Speculation Mounts Over Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Bid

*Ron Paul vs. Michael Moore

*Alex Jones Drafts Ron Paul for 2012 Presidency Bid

Bush TV Propaganda Program Continues Under Obama

*Elites Launch “Global Impact Investing Network”

Climate Change Treaty A Precursor To Global Government?

Video of Monckton’s Speech on Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen

*86 pgs./Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Dominion of Canada and United States of America September/October 2009

YouTube - Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

flashback:Thatcher adviser: Copenhagen goal is 1-world government

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen, Claims British Lord Monckton « Watts Up With That?

Leading Climate Scientist: Cap and Trade Could Ruin US Economy

California moves closer to pay-by-the-mile auto insurance | McClatchy

IBM IBM: Global Report: Climate Change Exposes the Oil and Gas Industry to Risk

How Cap And Trade Will Finally Kill The Rust Belt

McClatchy: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Urgent Action Needed to Save Audit the Fed

Fall Of The Republic: Millions Of People Worldwide Take The Red Pill

Continuing Its Path of Health Destruction: Canada Approves Harmful Airport Scanners

9/11 Commission Members Doubt Official Story

Awareness of Military Cell at FAA Headquarters of Events on Day of 9/11

Re-investigate 9/11: 2nd meeting in the House of Commons, London

*Site:Reinvestigate 9/11

Capitol Security Stifling Freedom of Speech!

Al Gore still addicted to nonexistent hurricane-climate link in new book

Senate Bill Would Give President Obama Authority to Pull the Plug on Your Internet

Ammo sales, prices skyrocket - UPI.com

Researchers ask how best to engineer the planet | Green Tech - CNET News

Oops: Backscatter x-ray machines "tear apart DNA" : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

One year on, Obamamania gives way to luke warm support

Panic, little ones, it's the Carbon Monster | The Australian

Daily Times - Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan: Hillary Clinton

Psychic computer that can read people's minds developed - IBTimes

US puts climate debate on hold for five weeks despite plea by Merkel | Environment | The Guardian

U.S. adults shun H1N1 flu vaccine | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

How junk food diet 'can give you depression' | Mail Online

NSA to store yottabytes of surveillance data in Utah megarepository (update: not so much)

Al Gore 'profiting' from climate change agenda - Telegraph

Republican Senators boycott debate of climate change bill | csmonitor.com

UN secretary general calls for increase in pledged funding for climate change | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Gold Spells Trouble for Greenback: Charts - Economy * Europe * News * Story - CNBC.com

China's military making strides in space: US general

Coast Guard to step up enforcement on many area lakes - Timberjay.com

AFP: Gorbachev 'proud' of role in fall of Berlin Wall

Congress divided over whether they will be receiving the swine flu vaccine - TheHill.com

Report slams bank links to clusterbomb production | International | Reuters

Fewer illegal migrants flown to Mexico

Elites Launch "Global Impact Investing Network"

Alex Jones: It's Ron Paul's destiny to run for President in 2012

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

*22 pgs/mar 09/A Leadership Review of the Barack Obama Administration

henrymakow.com - exposing feminism and the new world order

Obama's new world order - Washington Times

**THE CLUB OF ROME - A New Path for World Development

House Financial Services Committee Democratic Co-sponsors of HR1207 Phone/Email/Fax Bomb!!! | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

For Everyone Who Wants HR 1207 to Happen, A Must Read By Edwin Vieira. | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Converting a Neo-Con | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul


Audio:Dr. Peter Beter: Henry Kissinger Organic Robotoid

Dr. Peter Beter: Henry Kissinger Organic Robotoid Pt. 2

The Mozart Myth

AUDIO: Total Obama Bio Vol 1: Ancestry Through Conception

Total Obama Bio Vol. 2: Gestation thru Qaeda

Total Obama Bio Vol. 3: Chicago through Apocalypse

*Audio:Nov. 3, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Audio:Nov. 2, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Audio:Oct. 30, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Audio:Oct. 29, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

New World Order

*The Copenhagen Agreement and a Scary U.N. Power Grab. - WSJ.com

**181 pgs./United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

**The Global Elite: Who are they?

**Trilateral Commission Membership - 2008


***Where to Find Government Information | Free Government Information (FGI)

**Government Podcasts /Free Government Information (FGI)


Derry Brownfield -- Obama's Youth Corps

The Deaths of Four Ukraine Doctors Raising Suspicions of a Cover-Up in The Ukraine

Estulin: G-20 Meeting in Scotland this Week about Dumping U.S. Dollar « Dprogram.net

Video: Alan Johnson orders review of expert panel at centre of drugs row - Times Online

The Gods of Technology « Star Theory

Kellogg's claims sugary "Cocoa Crispies" cereal can boost your child's immunity (opinion) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

'Fear detector' being developed that will be able to sniff out terrorists | Mail Online

Nanotechnology and Nanochips - Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

EU to police drivers with black boxes

**The World Within « Star Theory

Reclaiming the Rainbow « Star Theory

11-03-2009: Having more than 3 cats now requires a license

11-03-2009: Gobachev Calls For New World Order

11-03-2009: Half of secondary school girls considering cosmetic surgery, Guides study finds

11-03-2009: TV exposure may be associated with aggressive behavior in young children

11-03-2009: Web could run out of addresses next year, warn web experts

11-03-2009: Former Scientology members pursued, detained, interrogated and enslaved by Church intelligence officers

11-03-2009: Gore Compares Global Warming Skeptics To Moon Landing Deniers

11-03-2009: Gore's Dual Role - Advocate And Investor

*Ron Paul: Government Statistics And Lies

11-02-2009: Space arms race inevitable says Chinese commander

Secret copyright treaty leaks. It’s bad. Very bad.

Secret Plan For Euro Income Tax

Goldman takes on new role: taking away people’s homes

Robert Fisk: America is performing its familiar role of propping up a dictator

Obama creates 640,329 jobs at a cost of $323,739.83 per job

IMF Sold 200 Metric Tons of Gold to India

Former spy killed outside Putin office

Karzai Was Hellbent On Victory. Afghans Will Pay The Price

Opium, Rape and the American Way

US Used "False Pretext" to Invade Iraq in 2003, ElBaradei Says

India, China, Russia and Several EU Central Banks Buying Gold

VIDEO: Swine Flu Government Data Scam

The Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of the Continent

Cut Wall Street Out! Own Your Own Bank

America's Democracy in Crisis: Is "Executive Privilege" Undemocratic

Overseas Contingency Operation: America's "Jihad" on Muslims, abroad and at home

A Step towards a War-free World: Criminalise War

Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence?

VIDEOS: War Crimes Multimedia

An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III

Colour-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III

Steele: Election Returns Show 'Transcendent' GOP

Carville: GOP ‘Gassed Up’; Obamacare in Trouble

Obama Election Defeat Termed 'Astonishing'

GOP Rides Wave of Discontent

Democrats: GOP Backlash Likely in '10

Kerik Expected to Plead Guilty

Bloomberg Stunned by Surprisingly Close Victory

MSNBC Poll: Obama Not a Factor in Voting

Elections May Force Pelosi to Delay Health Vote

Brit Hume: Intensity Has Shifted to GOP

GOP Sweeps Governor Races in Virginia, New Jersey

Lieberman's Chairmanship Threatened

House GOP Pens 230-Page Health Bill Draft

House Calls on Obama, Hillary to Oppose U.N. Report

N. Korea Claims to Expand Arsenal of Atomic Bombs

No Bond for Rapist Who Had 10 Bodies at Ohio Home

Jeb Bush: Florida Needs McCollum as Governor

House GOP Pens 230-Page Health Bill Draft - TIM - Flash Player Installation

What physicians know

Are you ready for the next crisis?

*flashback:Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”

Steve Quayle News Alerts: Pneunomic Plague and Aerosol Delivery

Family Security Matters » Publications » It’s Radical Islam, Stupid

Jihadi Training Compounds, U.S.A. – by Ryan Mauro | FrontPage Magazine

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Foreign Policy and National Security ‘On Hold’

Chuck Baldwin -- Choosing Federalism, Choosing Freedom

Chuck Baldwin -- Freedom's Destruction by Constitutional De-Construction

*Site:Liberty Defense League

*Site:Chuck Baldwin Live

SurvivalBlog.com:Letter Re: Some Ground Truth--The "Us" and the "Them" in a Societal Collapse

LA Times Article Proposes 10,000 MPH Tube-Shuttle Network?

Italy, Vatican in uproar over court crucifix ruling | Reuters

Steve Quayle News Alerts: Come Against One of God's Ministries, God Will Smite You

flashback:Big Brother antics mocking openness | Daily Telegraph Piers Akerman Blog

C&L's Book Chat : Craig Crawford Discusses Listen Up, Mr President

Good Morning, Campers. Here Are Last Night's Election Results.

CNBC Reporter: NYC Marathon Winner Is A Citizen, But Not An "American"

Pat Boone wants to rid the White House of its occupying vermin

HALF of U.S. Kids Will Get Food Stamps

Orrin Hatch Puts Christian Science Treatments Into Health-Care Reform Bill -- With Kerry and Kennedy's Help.

Giuliani on GOP Party Purification with a little Hoffman whining thrown in

Bill Kristol Tries to Down Play Republican Infighting

Sestak Legislation Would Extend COBRA Coverage, Subsidies

Lyin' John Fund just can't help himself, makes up tale of current NJ 'voter fraud' taken from 1993 incident

Hoffman won't denounce Limbaugh's "bestiality" comments about Scozzafava in NY-23

Finally, Congress Is On Track With Unemployment Benefits Extension.

Glenn Beck: Health-care reform is just like the 9/11 attacks. And my followers are standing up before it hits

Rep. Virginia Foxx: Health Care Reform "A Bigger Threat" To The Country Than Terrorism

Police called in to NY-23 polling stations because of voter intimidation by teabaggers!

Countdown: Alan Grayson Confident House Bill Will Pass and Will Be Reform

The Hatch Truth: GOP Blocking Health Care to Prevent Permanent Democratic Majority

NOM's Maggie Gallagher Admits Rival's Same Sex Partnership May Be Better, But Still Not Marriage

David Vitter Confronted by Rape Victim at Town Hall Meeting Over Franken Amendment Vote

Independent Health Experts Will Track Swine Flu Side Effects

Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's ties to Shawna Forde were close right up to her arrest for murders

Even Without Opt-In, Reform Bill May Delegate Major Decisions to States

Virginia Governor-Elect Bob McDonnell Emphasizes Conservative Values in His Acceptance Speech

Democrat Party: Republican Victories Do Not Predict Future or Reflect National Mood

Republican Chris Christie Plans to ‘Turn Trenton Upside Down’

White House Not Planning to Ask Congressional Democrats to Adopt Obama's Stated Position of Opposing Abortion Funding in Health Care Bill

House Leader Hoyer Ducks Question on ‘Morality’ of Taxpayer-Funded Abortions in Health Reform Bill

Pelosi’s Health Care Bill Would Regulate Snack Machines at Estimated Cost of $56 Million the First Year

Obama Administration Says Health Care Reform Bill Will Benefit Small Business

GOP Sweep: Big Governor Victories in Virginia, New Jersey

AP Analysis: Nervous Voters Send Message to Obama

White House: Tuesday's GOP Wins Not About Obama

RNC Chairman Michael Steele: Election Returns Show 'Transcendent' GOP

Sarah Palin Promises More Cities on Book Tour

Liberals Targeting Moderate Democrats in Health Care Debate

Health Care Delay Would Frustrate Obama, Push Back Other Domestic Priorities

*111 New Federal Bureaucracies Created in Democrats’ Health Care Bill

Obama Coaxes States to Change with School Dollars

Republican Chris Christie Rides Wave of Discontent to N.J. Governorship

Economy Was Big Issue in Virginia Governor’s Race

Pakistan Taliban: 'We Are Prepared for A Long War'

Obama Warns Afghan President: Time for New Chapter

Obama's Half Brother Recalls Their Abusive Father

Michigan County Seeks to Prevent Shouting at Inmates

Rhode Island Governor Closes Indoor Prostitution Loophole

NFL Commissioner Seeks Change in Labor Law

The Last Unsubsidized American

If I Owned a Network

Who Are You Calling ‘Extremist’?

Curbing a Constitutional Crisis

The American Way of Abandonment


AUDIO:Why Markets Fail 11.3.09 (5:00 min) By ben shapiro

The Last Unsubsidized American 11.3.09 (5:00 min) By terence p. jeffrey

Obama's Hidden Fees 11.3.09 (5:00 min) By jacob sullum

Cracking the Berlin Wall 11.3.09 (5:00 min) By austin bay

Who Are You Calling "Extremist"? 11.3.09 (5:00 min) By michelle malkin

A Curious Lack of Curiosity Over Intelligence Outrage 11.3.09 (5:00 min) By tony blankley

The Health Care Disaster in Canada 11.3.09 (5:00 min)

A Society that Venerates Lawyers More than Doctors 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By dennis prager

Can Washington Make You Buy Health Insurance? 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By william murchison

The "Costs" of Medical Care 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By thomas sowell

The "Costs" of Medical Care: Part II 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By thomas sowell

The "Costs" of Medical Care: Part III 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By thomas sowell

The "Costs" of Medical Care: Part IV 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By thomas sowell

The American Way of Abandonment 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By patrick j. buchanan

Economic Myths and Irrelevancy 11.2.09 (5:00 min) By walter williams

'V' aims at Obamamania

Obama and the Ultimate Revolution: "People will be made to love their servitude"

ServeUs in the New Age: "I Pledge to be a servant to our President"

Obama Administration, Pentagon Prepare for Homeland Deployment

Barack Obama Continues Bush Administration Policy Regarding Posse Comitatus

Copenhagen Treaty is Open Global Government

35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore’s movie

Herbal drug crackdown: Millions face having to buy remedies on black market as Europe tightens the rules

"Conspiracy Theorists"

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

A Child is Born: Photographs of the foetus developing in the womb, by Lennart Nilsson

House's Final Version of Massive Health Care Bill Poised to Instigate Government-Funded Abortion

The Phony Radicalism of Michael Moore

Using Cash Sign Of Terrorist, According To FBI

Rahm Emanuel to Disarm America: "#1 Issue", Gun Owners are Terrorists

White House Says No ‘Veracity’ to Argument That Forcing Individuals to Buy Health Insurance Is Unconstitutional

Read the Bills? How about Reading the Constitution?

Eyeblast.tv:Obama Watched HBO Special About Himself Instead of Election Results

Eyeblast.tv:A Video Portrait Of Barack Hussein Obama

Exclusive: Rep. Michele Bachmann On Health Care

Senator Harry Reid’s Hide and Seek ObamaCare Bill

Global Warming Fringe Is Coming For Your Pet

Exclusive Poll of Likely Voters: Strong Opposition to Health Reform Plans

GOP Takes Virginia Governorship

Will New Jersey Be Called Soon for GOP?

GOP Sweep: New Jersey Called for Republican Christie

Hoffman Concedes NY-23 Race

Maine Agrees With Obama: No Same Sex Marriage

House Conservatives Break With GOP Leaders in Fight Against ObamaCare

Lindsey Graham: For Cap and Trade, Except When He’s Not

ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama

LA Times Issues Correction on its Op-ED: The War on ACORN

Ted Danson Trashes Limbaugh, Religious Right

Chicago Tribune: ABC’s ‘V’ Takes Aim at ObamaMania

‘Sesame Street’: All Monsters Are Equal?

New PBS Doc Embraces Big Gov’t, Criticizes Individual Freedom

Great Britain Loses One of its Finest

NewsBusted: How Big is the Health Care Bill?

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Esther Ralston: Why Do All My Husbands Want to Kill Me?

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Esther Ralston: Why Do All My Husbands Want to Kill Me? Part II

Esther Ralston: Why Do All My Husbands Want to Kill Me? Part III

HBO Obama Doc: The Bland Leading the Blind

Glenn Beck, CNN, John Nolte, the Canadians and Me

U.S. Consumer **Product Safety Commission: Podcasts

Israeli Navy Seizes Lebanon-Bound Ship Allegedly Carrying Arms to Hezbollah - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Israel: Hamas rockets can now reach Tel Aviv - Telegraph

Iran's new chant is 'Death to no one!' - CNN.com

Hamid Karzai reaches out to 'Taliban brothers' in Afghanistan - Telegraph

Karzai rules out sacking corrupt Afghan ministers - Asia, World - The Independent

Lisbon treaty signing leads to new dawn in Europe - Times Online

Lisbon Treaty: more of Britain's powers surrendered to Brussels - Telegraph

The monster devouring us: Even the men who created the internet are beginning to fear its power to destroy our freedom | Mail Online

Climate change belief given same legal status as religion - Telegraph

Al Gore's green investments prompt conflict of interest row | World news | The Guardian

CO2 from forest destruction overestimated – study | Environment | The Guardian

London gun crime rises as shootings nearly double | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Childminders 'forced out of business' - Telegraph

Government's chief scientist backs David Nutt on cannabis - Telegraph

Confused? Try our A-Z of conflicting health advice - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

FDA Hid Research That Damned Aspartame

ALIPAC - Amnesty to be 'coup de grace' to United States?

How The Jews Took The White House | Real Zionist News

Atone Zionist Terrorists...For 9 Holocausts

Why Isn't Larry David's Talmudic Mentality Exposed?

savethemales.ca - Feminism is Key to the "Making of a Slave"

Doctors Protest Discrimination in Europe «Kawther Salam

Heart Attack Killed Man in Beehive Encounter | NBC Miami

Can Marijuana Help Kids with Autism? | momlogic.com

Will Fed.Government's Proposed Mandatory Health Insurance Work?

*Queen Elizabeth Is Hitler's Niece Says King Edward's Daughter

TV exposure may be associated with aggressive behavior in young children

Arutz Sheva - IsraelNationalNews.com

Arutz Sheva - IsraelNationalNews.com

AfricanCrisis:Utterly shocking facts about the South African army in 2009... 60% HIV+ ... and much more...

AfricanCrisis:Zimbabwe Shocker: Matabele Genocide: Robert Mugabe's murder & genocide of Black people even in 2009...

Coup plotter Simon Mann pardoned with 32 years still to serve in Equatorial Guinea | Mail Online

Tomorrow Is Dark On The Horizon

North Korea says it possesses weapons-grade plutonium | World news | guardian.co.uk

Country Joe, Kenny Rogers & Obama

*Country Joe McDonald, The Rag

Welcome To The Masquerade

Revealed: hidden misery of children trafficked to Britain - Crime, UK - The Independent

Former Scientology members tell of group's efforts to track them down | World news | guardian.co.uk

Riddle of 200-year-old Irish grave in New York - Americas, World - The Independent

Barack Obama love affair with Google ends - Times Online

New California gold rush thwarted by migrating salmon - Telegraph

Global protocol could limit Sub-Saharan land grab | Business | guardian.co.uk

Why Africa welcomes the Chinese | Paul Kagame | Comment is free | The Guardian

Victory (for a crooked, corrupt and discredited government) - Asia, World - The Independent


AUDIO:Can It Be? A Party for Capitalism? 11.3.09

AUDIO:The Death of Democratic Capitalism?

AUDIO:Obama vs. Capitalism

AUDIO: 3 NOV/Unhealthy Taxes

**OutloudOpinion Podcasts /FEED

**Oracle Broadcasting Network - Archives / Podcasts


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 11 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 12 by Gary North


Eyeblast.tv:Yes, We Can -- Without The Government



Not-So-Safe-Deposit Boxes: States Seize Citizens' Property to Balance Their Budgets - ABC News

IBM Internal Document Outlines Knowledge of Planned Pandemic With 100% Certainty

The Associated Press: Premature births worsen US infant death rate

Secret copyright treaty leaks. It’s bad. Very bad. « Dprogram.net

Obama’s Outreach to Muslim World Teetering by Jim Lobe -- Antiwar.com

CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity To Drive Up Demand For H1N1 Vaccine

Leaked ACTA Internet Provisions: Three Strikes and a Global DMCA | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Refreshing News: ‘Holy Grail’ of regenerative medicine found?

FLASHBACK:American Thinker Blog: Al Gore Ducks Warming Debate (Updated)

SHTF411.com • Breaking News: Ukrainian Flu is not just H1N1

Pelosi Arrested Us for Asking for Healthcare | AfterDowningStreet.org

Alaskan Victim of 1918 Flu Yields Sample of Killer Virus - The New York Times

EclippTV :: Video :: Leaked CFR File: How to get the public to take the h1n1 vaccine

The New “S&L” Crisis: Bailouts for States Likely » Nationalist Coalition Blog

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff On CNBC Fast Money 11-3-09 "Indian Investing in IMF Gold"

American Thinker Blog: Gallup: GOP would win the House of Representatives

Ex-moderate Muslim to form 'anti-Zionist' party in Sweden - The Local

Jesse Ventura: Democrats & Republicans Should Wear Nascar Racing Suits So We Can See Who Owns Them - Democratic Underground

Pipeline-Istan: Everything You Need to Know About Oil, Gas, Russia, China, Iran, Afghanistan and Obama

U.S.'s Blatant State Terrorism

"Wiped Off The Map" - The Rumor of the Century

9-11 Coincidences-Series of Videos

The Mega-Lie Called the "War on Terror": A Masterpiece of Propaganda

Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney

Asia Times Online : Chinese general on a long march

Ellen Brown: Financial Meltdown: Why it Happened and How It Can Be Reversed Video

Al ‘Godfather’ Gore « LewRockwell.com Blog

Rainbow in the dark: Bright Moon creates stunning arc at night | Mail Online

Judge rules activist's beliefs on climate change akin to religion | Environment | The Guardian

Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?

**Selection of Videos Showing Fascist Take-over of U.S. by Military/Industrial/Oil/Central Banking Complex

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » LBJ On JFK Assassination: ‘It’s All A Conspiracy’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Special Ops Report Suggests Assassination Program Aimed at “Enemies of the State”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Voters Repudiate Democrats Because Dems Sold Out on Financial Reform

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Anti-gun ObamaCare bill Coming to the House Floor Very Soon

Health Bill

**1990 pages:H. R. 3962**


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Psych Setback: New Study Demolishes Genetic Link to Depression

audio:C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics: Fiscal Irresponsibility Clouds the Future of the United States

audio:Cybersecurity: A Critical Infrastructure Challenge and the Need for Global Cooperation

audio:Foreign Affairs; Featuring Zbigniew Brzezinski

audio:U.S. Immigration Policy

Newsalert: Madoff Accountant Pleads Guilty To Fraud

flashback:Newsalert: Chicago Democrats and The Chicago Mob

The universe is beige - Telegraph

Pak Friends: Find out who is benefited by Swine flu!

VIDEOS:9-11 Inside Job

Congresswoman Fears Health Care Bill More Dangerous Than Any Terrorist

Federal Food Police Coming Soon To A Farm Near You | Ready Nutrition

Freedom 2 Txt by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Cancer in the Skies by Becky Akers

Mr. Party’s Gun Bible by Terence Gillespie

Your Ideal Job for the Greater Depression by David Calderwood

Argentina: Disappearing Farmers, Disappearing Food by Marie Trigona

US Workers Starved Into Service Sandy Leon Vest

*SITE:Solar Times

Inside Google Books: LIFE magazine now available on Google Books

Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets | Danger Room | Wired.com

Time change could prove hazardous to your health




FILE:Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

AUDIO - Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962

FLASHBACK:Influenza: Battling The Last Great Virus | CBC Archives

Exercise? A fat lot of good that is for weight loss - Times Online

Swine Flu -- One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History


**LIFE photo archive hosted by Google**

**LIFE - Google Books**



How to understand Globalization

Democrats, incumbents get wake-up call - John F. Harris and Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Associated Press: Chris Christie Elected As Governor Of New Jersey - cbs3.com

Republicans Win Governor's Races in New Jersey, Virginia - FOXNews.com

Uncivil War: Conservatives to challenge a dozen GOP candidates - Charles Mahtesian and Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

VIDEO:Terrified Voter says NJ Dems Using Gangbangers for GOTV | Election Journal

Iranian protesters, police clash at embassy rally - Washington Times

DEBKAfile - Israel Navy commander: Hizballah arms ship carried hundreds of tons of hardware

Donald Sterling to pay $2.725 million to settle housing discrimination lawsuit [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Election 2009: Virginia, New Jersey Exit Polls - From Obama to the Economy - ABC News

Clinton offers U.S. aid to help boost Muslim ties | Reuters

CNSNews.com - AP Analysis: Nervous Voters Send Message to Obama

Emmerich 'feared fatwa for 2012 scene' - Digital Spy

The Genie's People Speak at the Polls

Forget the 2-1 Spin; It Was a Rout

The Sociopathic Epidemic

Obama Pal Edward Said Another Fraud

Conservatives, End the Apology Tour

The Gray Lady Goes Gaga

Revenge of the Do-Gooder

American Doc in American Samoa: Update

A Privileged Press?

Day Two of Boxer's Disdainful Dems-Only Climate Bill Hearings

Soros and Russia

Will Obama's Health Care Deadline Change Again?

Reading the tea leaves - elections have consequences

Michigan town near bankruptcy due to public pension obligations

Radicals on the Run?

Iran's Supreme Leader spurns Obama overtures

Another radical judge gets a lifetime appointment

Our 'President of Leisure' can't be bothered with the world's problems

Obama didn't follow election returns?

An O-Care Victory Will Make Him More Narcissistic

Twenty-Five Years after the Reagan Landslide

"Net Neutrality" Nets Out to Government Control

A Liberal Whiff of Panic

Health Care Reform in the Breach

Should Iran Worry that We'd Nuke Them If They Nuked Us?

Will Obama Try to "Split the Difference" on Afghanistan?

Power to the People

GOP sweep: Big governor victories in Virginia, NJ - Yahoo! News

Some Democrats concerned over abortion provision in health bill - washingtonpost.com

UPDATE: Academy Picks Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin As 82nd Annual Oscar Hosts – Deadline.com

FT.com / Europe - France tries to calm reactor concerns

Controversy: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Whitney Isleib Allegedly Does Black-Face Lil' Wayne Costume - Crimesider - CBS News

Man Stabbed Self To Keep Job - November 3, 2009

Saudi court upholds child rapist crucifixion ruling | World | Reuters

azdailysun.com :Plea deal in abortion scuffle

UPDATE 1-Pentagon eyes crash analysis on 1,300 satellites | Industries | Technology, Media & Telecommunications | Reuters

Proposed law would require pay for sick workers | Health | Reuters

Police discover at least 10 victims at Anthony Sowell's home | Metro - cleveland.com - cleveland.com

LA Doctor Allegedly Faked Exams For Immigrants | NBC Los Angeles

SC man gets 3 years in prison for sex with horse

Democrat wins House seat in heavily GOP area in NY

Gibbs: Obama 'not watching returns'

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November!!

Minimum Wage, Maximum Impact

The Purpose of Money and the Dangers of Fiat Currency

2012 Election: Which Candidate Is Best?

Why Ron Paul will not be President

Breitbart News Video

Iranian Protestors Chant: ‘Obama Are You With Us or With Them’

Obama’s Half Brother Writes About Abusive Father

Tea Party Leader to Chris Matthews: ‘You’re Making My Leg Tingle’

11 Uncovered School Videos Feature Songs Praising Obama

Man Accused of Using HIV as Weapon in Lip Biting Attack

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Caught Up in Blackface Costume Controversy

New Zealand Police Contend With Drunken Underground Fight Club

Krauthammer: Obama’s Campaign Resembled China’s Cultural Revolution

Ben Stein Cuts to the Core of Conservative Loss in NY-23

Same-Sex Marriage Proposal Interrupts Same-Sex Marriage Hearing

Rush Relishes Media Freak Out Over ‘Fabulous’ Bestiality Line

John Stossel: ‘Now That I’m at Fox Critics Are Leaping to Attack Me’

Olbermann to Beck: ‘Go to Hell’

New ABC Show ‘V’ Takes Aim at ‘Obamamania’

‘Do You Hear Shep?’: Audio Glitch Enlivens Fox News Broadcast

New Book on Palin Claims McCain Team Turned Off Lights to Keep Her Silent

‘My Eyes Were Red’: NYC TV News Anchor Admits Drinking Before Broadcasts

Diane Sawyer Hits Gore on Profits From Global Warming

Ted Danson Tees Off on Limbaugh & Religious Right

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: Today’s GOP ‘Can’t Support a Liberal Like Ronald Reagan’

Anti-Government Protestors in Iran Face Tear Gas & Batons

Adobe Premier: Putin the Moviemaker

NBC’s Chuck Todd: No ‘Core Set of Principles’ in Obama Movement

Steele: Elections Show ‘Transcendent’ GOP

Republicans to Read Health Bill Aloud on House Floor

GOP Releases More Details for Health Care Bill Alternative

‘Horrorcore’ Rapper ‘Syko Sam’ Charged in Virginia Murders

Suspected Cleveland Serial Killer Makes Initial Court Appearance

Ten Victims: Police Find More Bodies Behind Rapist’s Home

Scramble to ID Six Bodies Found in Cleveland Home of Convicted Rapist

Verizon Gets Stealthy With Latest ‘Droid’ Ad

‘Green’ FBI Building Opens in Houston

Gold Hits 13-Month High

Buffett’s Berkshire Buying BNSF Railroad

Audio: Voicemail Message Reveals Lindsay Lohan’s Desperate Cry For Help

LA Justice Quits After Interracial Wedding Flap

LA Church Putting Pets In Pews

New Video: Rev. Wright Praises Magazine’s ‘No Nonsense Marxism’

Chased by Their Church: Scientologists Pursue Those Who Leave the Faith

The B-Cast B-Side: Is the White House Refocusing Attention on Rush Limbaugh?

MSNBC’S O’Donnell Congratulates Steele on ‘Disastrous Loss’


*Markets Video:Equity Investors Should be Careful What They Wish

Is Google Feeling Lucky?

Roubini: 'Mother of Carry Trades' Leading to 'Asset Bust'

Is Oil the New Reserve Currency?

China's Investment Boom

Schwab Launches First ETFs

Ferry: Fed Should 'Come Off the Pedal' on Rates This Week

Buffett On His $44 Billion Railroad Bet

UK to Take 84% Stake in RBS

Holmes: Gold Will Hit $2,300

Wilbur Ross: Commercial Real Estate to Cause 'Tragedies'

U.S. Automaker Rebound?

*World Video:Karadzic Attends UN War Crimes Court

U.S.- European Union Summit

Vaclav Klaus Signs Lisbon Treaty

Clinton Emphasises U.S. Opposition to Settlements

US House Rejects Goldstone Report

Mousavi Supports March in Tehran: Raw Video

Five British Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

Interview with Al Qaeda Militant in Pakistan

Kashmir Kids Escape Violence with Soccer

Karzai Win Puts Pressure on Obama

Lisbon Treaty Closer to Full Backing

*Politics Video:Speaker Pelosi: "We Won Last Night"

FOX: Obama Watched Documentary About Himself Last Night

Steele: Victory In New Jersey Is "Huge"

Dem: NY-23 Shows Republicans Are "Eating Themselves"

DNC's Kaine: "It Didn't Go Our Way"

RCP Wraps Up VA, NJ, NY-23 Races

Christie Gives Victory Speech: "We Did It"

Dem Bill Owens Wins NY-23 Race

Corzine Congratulates Christie In Concession Speech

Krauthammer On Races, Compares Obama Campaign To Cultural Revolution

Gibbs Denies Guantanamo Bay Detainees Receiving H1N1 Vaccine

NJ: Christie, Corzine Cast Their Vote

Clinton On Giving Aid To Pakistan

CNN Previews VA, NJ Gov Races

Deeds Concedes VA Gov Race

Rep. Pete King On NY-23

Karl Rove Analyzes NJ, VA & NY-23 Races

Sen. Boxer Lone Senator At Climate Bill Hearing

Republican Bob McDonnell Declared Winner In VA Gov Race

Karl Rove Previews NJ, VA & NY-23 Races

VA Gov.-Elect McDonnell Gives Victory Speech

Gov. Pawlenty On NY-23, GOP & Olympia Snowe

Hume, Williams On NJ Governor Race

Limbaugh: NY-23 Is A Real "Turning Point"

Dem Congressman Compares GOP To Taliban

O'Reilly On Criticizing President Obama

Rep. Grayson On Upcoming House Health Care Bill Vote

RCP Rounds Up NJ, VA & NY-23 Races

Gibbs: Afghanistan Decision Still "Weeks" Away

DCCC Chair Downplays NY-23, Elections

Maddow: GOP Turns Away From the Middle

NY-23: Hoffman On "Hannity" With Fred Thompson

Gore Denies He Is Profiting From Global Warming

Olbermann On FOX News' Interview With Limbaugh

Rep. Bachmann On Health Reform Bill Protest


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks with Chancellor Merkel

Interview with House Candidate Doug Hoffman

Interview with Secretary Hillary Clinton

Clinton's Remarks with Morocco's FM


Contests serve as warning to Democrats: It's not 2008 anymore

Lessons from the 2009 election results | Washington Examiner

Mixed Messages | The New Republic

A Deathblow for ObamaCare

Obama wasn't on the ballot | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

'Change has come' ... or has it? - John F. Harris - POLITICO.com

David Plouffe: No Difference Between President Obama and Candidate Obama

It's Barack Obama's first anniversary - but there's precious little to celebrate - Telegraph

Investors.com - Health Reform Faces Moment Of Untruth

Behind the Democratic Wipeout - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - The Double Standard About Journalists' Bias

Op-Ed Columnist - Who Are You Calling a Narcissist, Rush? - NYTimes.com

Column: Judge the person, not the résumé - Opinion - USATODAY.com

American elections: The shine coming off | The Economist

GOP wins in NJ and VA - WSJ.com

Shooting for the Moon -Times Online

White House Tally Appears to Overstate Stimulus Jobs - WSJ.com

Health Care Debate Focuses on Legal Immigrants - NYTimes.com

Contests serve as warning to Democrats: It's not 2008 anymore

Phantoms and Monsters:other interesting events Saturday, October 31, 2009 James Gilliland Declares ECETI Ranch Off Limits

Thousands await Knock's new Virgin Mary vision | World news | The Observer

All News Web - UFO plunges Sicilian town into darkness, Photos

Theme-park dummy trick becomes teleconference t - Flash Player Installation

4 True Stories of Alien Abduction - Mania.com

Ida only a distant relative

Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape: The UFO Spy Games Blog: Sources: CIA Knew Passenger Planes Were About to be Used As Missiles

X - File

Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape: The UFO Spy Games Blog: CIA's Glomar Explorer and "USO" Alien Recovery Mystery Part One

Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape: The UFO Spy Games Blog: CIA's Glomar Explorer and "USO" Alien Recovery Mystery Part Two

Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape: The UFO Spy Games Blog: CIA's Glomar Explorer and "USO" Alien Recovery Mystery Part Three

**Sunshine Project**

*SITESunshine Project

FLASHBACK:the sunshine project:Pentagon Tests Ethnically-Targeted Crowd Control Weapons

**Sunshine Project: Online Clearinghouse of US 'Non-Lethal' Weapons Documents

**Biosafety Bites from the Sunshine Project

WND Player

World Net Daily Player:Blue Dogs should 'just vote no' on Obama agenda

World Net Daily Player:Obamacare 'the golden ring' of socialism

World Net Daily Player:GOP's 'market-based approach' to health care

World Net Daily Player:Congressman touts 'The Patients' Choice Act'

World Net Daily Player:Steve Forbes talks 'capitalism' with WND

World Net Daily Player:GOP's Joe Wilson: Obama 'indecisive' on Afghanistan


Republican plan keeps government bureaucrats out of health-care decisions


Judge orders return of 'Muslim Mafia' docs

Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress

Democrat Bill Owens wins hard-fought race for 23rd congressional seat | News from The Post-Standard -

Fulton County machines break; court order issued - NewsChannel 9 WSYR

CNN Political Ticker: Aides: Obama not watching election returns « - Blogs from CNN.com

New Jersey Hospital Denies Claim That ACORN Workers Collected Absentee Ballots - FOXNews.com

Petition seeks FCC probe into 'hate speech' in media

Christians to take 'hate crimes' challenge to Holder

If they feel 'offended,' you're fired

NEA raves to teachers about Alinsky 'guidebook'

Obama coaxes states to change with school dollars | AP | 11/04/2009

'Enough weapons for month of war with Israel'

Even Europe fears Muslim immigration

Christmas carols to be required in public schools?

Obamacare is worse than terrorism

Obama nominee embroiled in crime-stats scandal

Amnesty to be 'coup de grace' to United States?

Ordinance attacking abortion opponents struck down

Reid reassures left Lieberman on board - TheHill.com

Blacks Far More Satisfied With U.S. Under Obama

What really caused the Great Depression

Obama: Clueless on the free market

The truth about journalists' bias

The bottom-dwellers at the U.N.

Power to the people – and no one gets taxed!

Is Hollywood tipping pro-life?

Pelosi's 'final solution'

Americans' lost identity

Obama's polygamy pushers

Capitalist Excess? A Review of Michael Moore’s “Capitalism”

Truthdig - Reports - A Record You Can Believe In

CAIR: We Have a Problem – by Jamie Glazov | FrontPage Magazine

How hate-crime law works

'Enough weapons for month of war with Israel'

Even Europe fears Muslim immigration

How Israel scuttled deal worth billions to Syria

'Everyone hates Jews,' declares Islamic cleric

Economist warns of president's financial 'bubble'

Rev. Wright: U.S. 'land of greed and home of slave'

Ordinance attacking abortion opponents struck down

Christians to take 'hate crimes' challenge to Holder

Petition seeks FCC probe into 'hate speech' in media

Porn publisher asked Jennings for help

Stroudsburg Ruby Tuesday sexual harassment payout: $255,000 | PoconoRecord.com

Fed expected to hold rock-bottom rates

Obama warns on job losses, urges export boost | Reuters

Ex-Madoff auditor pleads guilty, denies he knew of fraud | Reuters

'Legendary' soldier who defused 64 Taliban bombs... only to be killed by the 65th, on his last day

wgrz.com | Buffalo, NY | Police Mistakenly Use Building For K-9 Training

L.A. council committee favors law against declawing cats, calling it animal cruelty | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Man Arrested After Hidden Camera Found in Bathroom of Christian Bookstore - KTLA

Virgin Mary will return to Knock shrine in Ireland, claims 'clairvoyant' | Irish News | IrishCentral

Diocesan priest removed for displaying 'inappropriate' photos before Mass - News - The Times-Tribune

Bear mauls, kills two high-ranking separatists hiding in cave in Kashmir

Gotti judge on squabbling jurors: Let them eat Twizzlers!

The Associated Press: Report: Gay couples similar to straight spouses

Ex-Jackson teacher suffers breakdown | clarionledger.com | The Clarion-Ledger

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Religion gets behind fight against climate change

Seventh Suspect Arrested in California Gang Rape - ABC News

Man In Breathalyzer Costume Accused Of Drunken Driving | NBC4i.com

French lose the accent of love... as the Irish lilt is voted world's sexiest | Mail Online

Mother of Baby Run Over By Train Credits Harness And God For Saving Son's Life - ParentDish

VIDEO:If Jesus is the image of the invisible God ...

VIDEO:I don't believe a word you're saying

'Legendary' soldier who defused 64 Taliban bombs... only to be killed by the 65th, on his last day

Lottery commission won't pay Grand Prairie man $1 million prize | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

Scientists restate Tsavo lions' taste for human flesh -- chicagotribune.com

I saw UFO beam up a buffalo | The Sun |News

Psychographics: What Your Taste in Beer Says About You - Advertising Age - News

Concord Monitor - That's-a giant meatball


*American Minute for November 4th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Campaign chief: We did 'zero research' on 'the One'

Michelle contradicts Obama nativity story

Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity

Judge dismisses California eligibility challenge

Talk radio

11/03 The Mark Levin Show

11/02 The Mark Levin Show

10/30 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-03, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-02, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-01, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-30, Friday