"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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02 November 2009

2 Nov'09


savethemales.ca - Marranos -- The Original Crypto Jews

Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister

Israel confirms running spy networks in Lebanon

Staff maim lab mice with ballpoints - Times Online

Flight taxes hiked to bail out banks: It's nothing to do with environment, says Darling | Mail Online

Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine?

Aletho News: Texas Governor's Secret Jerusalem Trip Raises Questions

Passion & Denial

Be Prepared for the Worst - Forbes.com


Protecting Our Children In A World Gone Mad

Military, Public pressure mounts as Obama contemplates war strategy for Afghanistan

TAITZ = Major BS

MN Elk Herd Of 558 'Euthanized' By Gunshot?

Cut Wall Street Out!

Federal Reserve Policy Audit Legislation ‘Gutted,’ Paul Says - Bloomberg.com

Levy - "America, Stop Sucking Up To Israel"

TAITZ = Major BS

Labor's attack on Nick Griffin shows hypocrisy of globalist agenda

Count Me Out

Health fears over use of sweetener - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Rise in number of children treated with hyperactivity drugs - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Daily Express | UK News :: Dangers of fizzy drinks

Daily Express | UK News :: Mobiles to 'spark tumour rise'

On the quiet, the US is legalising marijuana - Times Online

The New Art of Alimony - WSJ.com

British nuclear expert's 17th floor UN death plunge 'was not suicide' | Mail Online

Second chance for Large Hadron Collider to deliver universe's secrets | Science | The Observer


"Dead Man Musings":The Illuminati and "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"

**The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion

"Dead Man Musings":The Protocols of Zion and the Illuminati Roadmap: Part 2

"Dead Man Musings":The Protocols of Zion and the Illuminati Roadmap: Part 3

"Dead Man Musings":The Protocols of Zion and the Illuminati Roadmap: Part 4

Refreshing News: Suicide attack in Rawalpindi kills 34


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 30th With Bob Chapman

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 29th With Debra Medina

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 28th With Hilmar von Campe


Elites Launch “Global Impact Investing Network”

Three More Children Injected Against Parents’ Wishes

Rep. Vern Buchanan Warns Against World Government

Kipling Haunts Obama’s Afghan War

Government booklet addresses Obamacare as if it is a done deal

(w/links)Pakistani-Pashtuns Say Blackwater USA (Xe Services) Responsible for Peshawar Bomb

Canadian Details Nightmare of “Free” Health Care

William Rodriguez on Russia Today

Hate Crimes Bill Double Jeopardy: Hate Crimes Bill Dual Sovereignty

Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister

Has Baxter International released a biological weapon?

More Government Propaganda: The Flu May Cause E-Commerce Site Outages

Banks Have Taken Over The Government And Made Taxpayers Slaves To Bank-Run Gambling Casinos

StorefrontBacktalk » Blog Archive » U.S. Govt. Report: The Flu May Cause E-Commerce Site Outages

Technology Review: How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

People will die after swine flu vaccine - but it's just coincidence - Telegraph

1,600 names suggested daily for terror list - Washington Post- msnbc.com

CNSNews.com - White House Says No ‘Veracity’ to Argument That Forcing Individuals to Buy Health Insurance Is Unconstitutional

Paranoia Watch: Ultrasecret NSA Has Conspicuous Role in New Federal Cybersecurity Center - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com

NSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center -- Cybersecurity -- InformationWeek

U.N. Reassessing Security After Deadly Kabul Assault - NYTimes.com

Report slams bank links to clusterbomb production | International | Reuters

How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash | McClatchy

The Copenhagen Agreement and a Scary U.N. Power Grab. - WSJ.com

Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Dollar Falls as Manufacturing Grows; Oil, Copper, Gold Rally - Bloomberg.com

Kitco Commentator's Corner:Zombie Government Reality Check

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Panic in Ukraine, Authorities deny aircraft are spraying aerosols over cities, Martial Law expected

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Panic, little ones, it’s the Carbon Monster

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Money Supply Timebomb and Fiscal Nightmare

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Laughing Gas Knocks Out CO2

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul 2012 Web Template Released

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » House Republican Leader: ‘Political Rebellion’ Going on in America

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Lawless State

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Kucinich: Health reform legislation ‘a bailout for insurance companies’

CSIRO bid to gag emissions trading scheme policy attack | The Australian

Detroit Imam says Abdullah killing 'pre-arranged'

US businesses at risk as lender CIT Group files for bankruptcy | Business | guardian.co.uk

TaxProf Blog: A 95.2% Income Tax Rate?

New names for Wall Street’s old games

The Raw Story | US congratulates Karzai on 'historic' re-election

Aletho News: Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs

Aletho News: Quotes from the great depression

Chased by their church: When you try to leave S - Flash Player Installation

Newsalert: Goldman Looks to Buy Fannie Tax Credits

Central Banks Will Become Net Buyers of Gold, WGC CEO Says - Bloomberg.com

Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes | McClatchy

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Analyst Calls for General Fraud Audit of Goldman Sachs Mortgage Securitizations

AP admits: Cheney equivocated to the FBI | Raw Story

A Whiff of This Should Send a Chill Up Your Spine « LewRockwell.com Blog

Panic, little ones, it's the Carbon Monster | The Australian

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones: US a powerslave serving aims of New World Order

EclippTV :: Video :: Geithner's crimes through AIG : will the truth come out?

EclippTV :: Video :: The Real Story - Peter Schiff

Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence?

Kucinich: Health reform legislation ‘a bailout for insurance companies’ | Raw Story

Webmaster's Opinion on Obama-Front Man for New World Order

Paul Craig Roberts: The US as Failed State

Warmists turn up the heat ahead of the Copenhagen climate conference - Telegraph

Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's Commander in Afghanistan

American Election: An Illusion Of Democracy

Refreshing News: Nasa to irradiate monkeys to study effects of long space trips on humans

Refreshing News: Japanese scientists create 'Alien' bionic arm

Ivy League Dunces Have Led America Off a Cliff

Refreshing News: European satellite to detect how water is cycled around Earth

President Obama: Nationalize the Fed and Create Our Own Money

Rothschild's Control of Central Banks

The Franklin Scandal at SanderHicks.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Collapse of Detroit: Ground Zero for the Globalist’s Deindustrialization Agenda

Clearwater’s Skyrocketing Retail Vacancies » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Pakistanis to Clinton: War on terror is not our war | McClatchy



Larry Flynt: Common Sense 2009

What's Behind the False Flag Flu Emergency? by Bill Sardi

Settler arrested for murder and bombings | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Oops! Civilian in joyride on fighter jet pulls ejection switch by mistake but still lands without a scratch | Mail Online

Registered Sex Offenders Attend Meeting While Kids Trick-or-Treat

“Juniper Cobra Drill to Help US Design Missile Shield” « Political Theatrics

Liberal White Boy: What Would Anne Frank Think About Jewish War Crimes In Gaza?

Oh Bummer: Obama's latest use of "secrecy" to shield presidential lawbreaking

Cross-border insurgents flood Afghanistan - MarineCorpsTimes.com


Second autopsy: Hampton's death likely murder

Missing GOP ballots counted in Nev. after months - Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009 | 3:57 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How the Obama Administration Is Fudging the Jobs Saved/Created Numbers

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: Government Can Quarantine People - H1N1

EclippTV :: Video :: Rahm Emanuel to Disarm America:"#1 Issue", Gun Owners are Terrorists

Marijuana growers upend hard-luck California town -- latimes.com

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Ancient wall found in Jerusalem

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

YouTube - Is THIS how the bank bailout money is being used?

YouTube - 9-11 Inside Job-Pentagon Attack

YouTube - 9-11 Inside Job-World Trade Center Attack

YouTube - 9-11 Inside Job-Political Landscape Prior To 9-11

A History of CIA Atrocities

Junk food as 'addictive as drugs' - Telegraph


JFK-Attempted to Disband FED


archive:The True Story of the Bilderberg Group - 2008 CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS

*Who Controls the Bilderberg Group? (2009) - Stormfront

*full/Bilderberg 2009 Attendance List

*Timeline of the Rothschild family

*Rothschild - History

The Rothschild Bloodline

THE HISTORY OF MONEY Rothschild Banking

THE HISTORY OF MONEY Abraham Lincoln's Greenback Dollar


Who Rules America?

How Jewish Supremacism Is Destroying America

*Site:~Talmud Unmasked~

The Truth Seeker - The House of Rothschild

The Truth Seeker - The History of the House of Rothschild Part I

The Truth Seeker - The History of the House of Rothschild Part II

*e book: Jewish History, Jewish Religion

The Rothschild Dynasty

Scripture Catholic - FAQ's on Freemasonry

Scripture Catholic - The Three Degrees of Freemasonry

Scripture Catholic - THE SECOND COMING

The Thirteenth Tribe

*The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit


Dr. David Ray Griffin Interview in Copenhagen and an Appeal to the European Community

Visibility 9/11 - With Michael Wolsey

YouTube - 9/11 Truth: OBL Had "Intimate Relations" With Elements Of U.S. Up Until 9/11


The Destruction of the World Trade Center:

Rigorous Intuition: The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11

Communism is Evil. Here’s Why. « Federal Way Conservative

The Raw Story | 'Change is hard': Obama one year on from election

Karzai declared elected president of Afghanistan - CNN.com

NASA To Irradiate Monkeys To Study Effects Of Long Space Trips On Humans

11-01-2009: Senate, White House agree on reporter protections

11-01-2009: 400,000 Names On FBI Terror Watch List

11-01-2009: Clinton: We Tax Anything And Everything In The United States

11-01-2009: Obama administration: Toss wiretap lawsuit

11-01-2009: Brain scanner could herald a new Big Brother era envisaged in Minority Report

The British State Bares its Fangs (Again). Police Rebrand Protesters "Domestic Extremists"

Bill Clinton unveils statue of himself in Kosovo

Obama’s Youth Corps

New Generation of Healing: Growing New Body Parts

Why Wasn't Military Notified When Northwest Flight Went Missing?

FBI Not Reviewing Terror Evidence, Report Says

Obama Administration, Pentagon Prepare for Homeland Deployment

Rats! City to Pay for Informing on Tax Cheats

Wal-Mart wants to bury funeral homes

Barack Obama Continues Bush Administration Policy Regarding Posse Comitatus

VIDEO: Let's get chipped and party! - Microchipping in Europe already happening bars!!!

Inside the shadowy (and very lucrative) world of Blair Inc

Chomsky: Palestine and the Region in the Obama era:

Big Bad Government Is Coming to Get You

Former U.S. president Bush calls on India to support U.S. in Afghan war

US Spy Agencies Spent Nearly $50 bn in 2009

Venezuela Strengthens Military Presence On Colombian Border

VIDEOS: War Crimes Multimedia

Dangerous People Needed

Crisis in the Post-industrial Age: Welcome to Role-play

US Workers Starved Into Service

President Barack H. Obama, One Year Later: 'C' for Effort

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

A Child is Born: Photographs of the foetus developing in the womb, by Lennart Nilsson

House's Final Version of Massive Health Care Bill Poised to Instigate Government-Funded Abortion

New Zealand Mayor: Pay "Appalling Underclass" Not to Breed

*Feds Post Monster Obamacare Bill

*10 Facts Every American Should Know About Speaker Pelosi's 1,990-Page Gov't Takeover of Health Care | Republican Leader John Boehner

1990 pgs./**H. R. 3962**

The Phony Radicalism of Michael Moore

Using Cash Sign Of Terrorist, According To FBI

N.J. Court Says Americans Have No Right To Buy Handguns

Rahm Emanuel to Disarm America: "#1 Issue", Gun Owners are Terrorists

White House Says No ‘Veracity’ to Argument That Forcing Individuals to Buy Health Insurance Is Unconstitutional

Read the Bills? How about Reading the Constitution?

Vaccinations for better or for worse?

Swedish media reporting fake swine flu cases to scare population

Immune Suppressing, Carcinogenic Hand Sanitizers in Schools to Prevent H1N1 Flu

Mass vaccination of schoolchildren to stop spread of swine flu

People will die after swine flu vaccine - but it's just coincidence

Ceding the Internet to "Global Governance"

Nanotechnology and Nanochips - Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

Obama Administration Invokes "State Secrets Privilege" To Seek Dismissal Of Lawsuit

FBI defends decision to shoot mosque leader

The Real Climate Change Catastrophe

The snooper's census: 2011 survey will ask for the name, sex and birth date of all our 'overnight visitors'

Federal Reserve Policy Audit Legislation 'Gutted,' Paul Says

Ultrasecret NSA Has Conspicuous Role in New Federal Cybersecurity Center

Ron Paul: Sanctions on Iran are an Act of War

Ron Paul Schools Tiny Tim Geithner at Financial Hearing

Households energy bills to increase by £800 under green tax proposals

Largest Banks Reported Funding Production Of Internationally Banned Weapons

Why boys are turning into girls

The Collapse of Detroit: Ground Zero for the Globalist's Deindustrialization Agenda

Police State America: Another Adventure with Rob Dew & Aaron Dykes on Alex Jones Tv (It's Time to Start Saying NO)

Dr. Scott Whitaker on the Alex Jones Show - Vaccines, MediSin, Monsanto

Harvard Scientists' Mysterious Poisonings Kept Secret For Two Months, Only Now Released

CNN Hunts Down Freemasons in U.S. Government (video)

Mind your Tweets: The CIA social networking surveillance system

The rich have stolen the economy

Beware a Times/Pentagon ‘virtual coup’ on Afghanistan

Empire in trouble

Elites Launch "Global Impact Investing Network"

*Site:Global Impact Investing Network

video:Fall of the Republic Excerpt: Global governance and the transfer of wealth

Alex Jones: It's Ron Paul's destiny to run for President in 2012

Secret Plan for Euro Income Tax

Rockefellers Fund Global-warming Protests as Earth Cools

video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

*Obama names 110 White House visitors

*WH visitor list

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

Sen. Hatch Questions Constitutionality of Obamacare: If Feds Can Force Us to Buy Health Insurance ‘Then There’s Literally Nothing the Federal Government Can’t Force Us to Do’

More than 3 Million Registered Voters are Dead, 12 Million More Ineligible, Analysis Finds

Joe Wilson: Obama Should Be ‘Held Responsible’ for Swine Flu Vaccine Shortage

Conyers to Sebelius: Don't Give Away U.S. H1N1 Vaccine Supply to Foreign Countries Until U.S. Need is Met

Bishops: All Catholics To Be Told To Urge Congress to Ban Abortion-Funding In Health Bill

43 Democrats Will Vote against Health Care Bill Unless Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Language Is Removed, Group Says

U.N. Wants Billions to Fight Pneumonia, Which Kills More People Than AIDS, Malaria, Measles Combined

New Group Helping U.S. Government Monitor Swine Flu Vaccine Safety

Health Care Plan Hits Rich With Big Tax Increases

GOP Candidate Drops Out of Special NY Congressional Race, Leaving Democrat and Conservative Party Candidate in Two-Way Race

‘Future of GOP and Moderate Republicans Uncertain,’ AP Says

Obama Lifts Ban on US Entry for Those with HIV

Homeland Security Department Gags Local Law Enforcement to Protect 'Privacy' of Illegal Aliens

New Study Reveals Connection Between Enforcing Immigration Laws and National Security

Republicans Say Obama Administration Is Limiting Arrests of Illegal Aliens

Millions Spent on Small Border Stations Justified

Obama: Private, Public Sectors Must Create Jobs

Romney Calls Obama’s Stimulus Plan a ‘Failure,’ Credits Private Sector

Handful of Elections May Offer Clues About Voters’ State of Mind

Cheney’s FBI Interview: 72 Instances of ‘Can't Recall’

Climate Delegates Call on US for Robust Policy

Mexico Reaches Record 100 Extraditions to U.S.

U. N. Secretary-General Makes Surprise Visit to Afghanistan Amid Election Uncertainty

Man Charged with Killing 4 in Mayberry Model Town

Tower of London Beefeaters Suspended for Bullying

Southern Christian Leadership Conference Elects MLK's Daughter as Its President

Oklahoma Hearing Aimed at Shaping 'Sexting' Measure

Texas Law on Children Seeing Porn Being Challenged

Controlling Climate? More Like Controlling Humans

Getting the News, Weakly

Candidates Dropping Out

Every Day is Groundhog Day in the Middle East

Evolution: A Theory Headed for Extinction?

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Spanish Flu : Born Again Bioweapon?

Has Baxter International released a biological weapon?

The Canadian Press: Do seasonal flu shots impede little kids' ability to fight off pandemic flu?

**Bohemian Grove Exposed!


The 10 largest U.S. bankruptcies - Lehman Brothers Holdings (1) - FORTUNE

Asia Times Online :The idiot twins of American idealism

Retreat Security: I Am Your Worst Nightmare

Family Security Matters » Publications » The Muslim Mafia in America

Dead horse found in Homestead is 21st slaughtered in South Florida this year

Feds’ Smart Grid Race Leaves Cybersecurity in the Dust | Threat Level | Wired.com

Steps Toward The American Police State are Always Tried-Out in Britain First - BlackListed News

Brussels 'Home Office' plot to snoop on all of Europe | Mail Online

Asia Times Online :NATO forces turn to warlords

Election 2009 Forecasts

The Vilification of Rush

Glenn Beck, FOX's 'Rodeo Clown'

No Health Care in the Constitution

Bye-Bye, RINO

But What About the Poor?

Commander in Chief or Commander in Least?

The Mental Dry-Run

Keeping Corporations Honest

How fast has Obama Fallen? This fast!

A new (terrible) paradigm for America

Obama's Mideast tutor bemoans Hamas' inability to fire more rockets into Israel

Conversation with my teenager

Taking care of the home folks - Chicago style

'The Worst Bill Ever'

Is Japan heading for a fiscal catastrophe?

Democrats attempting a coup at new Consumer credit protection agency

Obama: Tax increases for thee, not for me.

That's 'Sir' Charlie Rangel to you, buddy

Dede Scozzafava proves her detractors right!

Before Dreams , There Was Roots

Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich: The Visionary and the Hack

O isn't dithering on Afghanistan! It's a Harvard Law Seminar!

Is Barack Obama Anti-American?

Power Derives from Lawful Authority

Will We Lose It All?

Why English Is Not the "Official Language" of the United States

Campus Critics on Trial

OPT-OUT Is the Solution

John Boehner Blames the NY-23 Republican In-Fighting on Those Not 'Actively Involved in the Political Process'

Conyers: Obama Is Sucking Up To The Wrong People

John Fund helps cover Lou Dobbs' extremist tracks after 'Reliable Sources' panel skewers 'they shot at my wife' tale

Lieberman: I Wish People Would Come Out and Debate Me on the Public Option

Hail Mary: Long Shot to Get Kucinich Single-Payer Amendment Back In Bill

Lieberman prefers 'nothing' to reform with public option

George Stephanopoulos Asks Valerie Jarrett If Barack Obama Is Responsible For Divisiveness in DC

GOP Takes Clean Energy Bill Obstructionism To Yet Another Level

Clinton: Israeli Concessions on West Bank Settlements 'Unprecedented'

Bill Moyers: Bring Back the Draft

Bill Kristol: If You Like the Government’s Swine Flu Program You’ll Love Pelosi-Care

Limbaugh: Obama doesn't care about Afghanistan

Bobbleheads Are Very Concerned About The Deficit - After BushCo Leaves The Scene of the Crime

Limbaugh: Palin is ready to be president

Michele Bachmann Urges People to 'Pay a House Call' on Congress to Protest Health Care Bill

Administration Hints At Tax Increases, Spending Cuts - Just Like FDR Did In 1937, Making Unemployment Worse

Bob Herbert: Our Brightest Grads Are Still Struggling to Find Work.

The Senate Announces Deal On Reporters' Shield Law; Bloggers Included

IL Teacher Suspended For Assigning Article On Homosexuality In Animals

Ahmadinejad: Iran's Enemies a 'Mosquito' - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

Newsom pulls out of governor's race

Cartoonist 'not so afraid' of threats - Washington Times

Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart

Russian Billionaire Blows $52,000 on Lunch!!!!!! | TMZ.com

NY1 rips 'abuser' for bigshot act

Grayson's remarks drive voters 'Nuts' - Washington Times

Republican Scozzafava Endorses Democrat After Exiting N.Y. Congressional Race - FOXNews.com

The Worst Bill Ever

The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult by Murray N. Rothbard

Dollar Meltdown by Doug French

Climate Change Treaty a Precursor to Global Government? by Chuck Baldwin

Gold and Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger

Kissing was developed 'to spread germs' - Telegraph

Congress divided over whether they will be receiving the swine flu vaccine - TheHill.com

Cash for Clunkers costs taxpayers $24,000 per car - Oct. 28, 2009

The Lawless State - Karl Hess - Mises Institute

American Cancer Society Reverses Its Strong Position on Mammograms and PSA Testing

Free Markets & Free People


What Physicians Know

Using the Criminal Justice System to Reward Political Support

What Will The FDIC Do For Funds In 2011?

Mere Conservatism: The Beginning

An Implication of Liberty

Is the US Medical Crisis a Tax Crisis Instead?


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 10 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 11 by Gary North


Truth Inc.

Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

Truth Inc. Pt 7

Truth Inc. Pt. 8

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-THREE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SEVEN: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-EIGHT: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government


Tribulation Date Setting - When will the Antichrist come to power, when is Armageddon?

Symbols on the Great Seal - Ten Images from History and Nature

Audio:Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 1

Audio:Apollyon Rising 2012 - Part 2

*"1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die" | Listology




#About Prophecy - Prophecy Central Links

#Prophecy Central - News Links and Resources

*Prophecy Central - Prophecy Cafe Podcasts

*Prophecy Central - Videos

#Prophecy Central: Antichrist 2009

*Calvary Chapel

*Calvary Chapel/Player

#Overview of the Great Seal of the United States


*The Hal Lindsey Report

video:'If you're going to heaven, I don't want to be there'

video:Who says legalism is a bad thing?

Even more proof! No wise men at Jesus' manger


How Israel scuttled deal worth billions to Syria

Porn publisher asked Jennings for help

Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress

Delaware beats Switzerland as most secretive financial center | U.S. | Reuters

Geithner: Economy rebounding, but job growth lags

Obama says U.S. economy moving in "right direction" - People's Daily Online

Stiglitz Says U.S. Recession ‘Nowhere Near’ End After GDP Jump - Bloomberg.com

'Chicken Little' swine flu: A preview of Obamacare

Swine-flu hysteria

President Obama, time to make a decision

Way to go, Obama

Extend, pretend and defend

Memo to Obama: Cars are not like pizzas

Teaching the Bible for progress in Sudan

What makes a 'great' president?

Has the mainstream media blacklisted Joe Farah? | Dan Casey's blog: Roanoke Times metro columnist writes what's on his mind - Roanoke.com

How to save the country

EDITORIAL: A pay-to-play White House - Washington Times

Hallowe’en is the devil’s work, Catholic church warns parents -Times Online

The real-life Harry Potter reveals why sharing the wizard's name has made his life a misery | Mail Online

If only Jesus were as awesome as Michael

‘This Is It’ a fascinating work-in-progress - At the movies- msnbc.com

video:Answer: An Inside Look at Jeopardy! - ABC News

Psychic computer shows your thoughts on screen - Times Online

Is this haunting picture proof that chimps really DO grieve? | Mail Online

The Day Berlin Was Divided: Kennedy Surprised by 'Such Strong American Outrage to the Wall' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Where do ghosts come from? - life - 30 October 2009 - New Scientist

Teenage girl who was a boy premieres video in UK – Video – Austrian Times

Forgiveness on the eve of Holocaust

Author exposes 'seedy underbelly of Washington'

'2012: The Bible and the End of the World'

Silencing the airwaves as 'hate speech'

Erie face on door no devilish prank, says homeowner - Quad Cities Online

Iranian cleric shuns Mecca - Israel News, Ynetnews

Exaggerated claims undermine drive to cut emissions, scientists warn - Times Online

Jimmy Carter Joins ‘The Elders’ in Istanbul to Tackle Climate Change

Polygamy challenged as renegade Mormon group's trial grips Texan town - Telegraph

Planet of the ape zappers

Taiwanese face death with 'living funerals'

Naked cheat gets frozen out | The Sun |News

It's a wonderful, mixed-up world - Telegraph

Porn publisher asked Jennings for help

'Personhood' movement explodes in 32 states

One year on, Obamamania gives way to luke warm support

Innocent blood: How lying marketers sold Roe v. Wade to America

New Coalition Targets Limbaugh, Beck, Dobbs, Buchanan and Brown | NewsBusters.org

Barack Obama faces triple election defeat on anniversary - Telegraph

Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress

Health insurance mandate alarms some -- latimes.com

Just 4% Trust Reporters More Than Themselves on What’s Good for America -

Deal in Senate on Protecting News Sources - NYTimes.com

Republicans warn: Rationing medicine has already begun

Defections, court fights test Scientology

Valerie Jarrett: GOP 'more and more extreme' - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

A few elections, a few clues about our politics

Winning Dede Scozzafava: How Democrats got her nod - Jonathan Martin and Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com

Rush on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace

Limbaugh Assails Obama's 'Radical' Agenda, Predicts One-Term Presidency - FOXNews.com

Andy Kessler: Galleon and the Trouble With Insider Trading - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - Junk Science Returns to the White House

The Amazon Wal-Mart price war : The New Yorker

Ben Bernanke Is A Walking Economic Fallacy - Forbes.com

Health Reform Cheat Sheet « Emac's Stock Watch | Fox Business

O'Grady: Hillary's Honduran Exit Strategy - WSJ.com

Al Qaeda's Man in Afghanistan - The Daily Beast

Know Thine Enemy | Foreign Affairs

Afghanistan: The election where everyone lost | Comment is free | The Guardian

Talking Tough - The Times of India

The European Council on Foreign Relations | Towards a post-American Europe: A Power Audit of EU-US Relations

Kennan Institute :Russia Today: Political and Foreign Policy Implications of the Economic Crisis


*Articles:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity

Judge dismisses California eligibility challenge

Michelle contradicts Obama nativity story

Campaign chief: We did 'zero research' on 'the One'


Breitbart.tv » New Video: Rev. Wright Praises Magazine’s ‘No Nonsense Marxism’


*American Minute for November 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute


**Transcripts:Guests: Secretary Geithner, David Plouffe

Interview with Rush Limbaugh

Interview with Minority Leader John Boehner

Guests: Senator Lieberman, David Axelrod

Interview with Valerie Jarrett

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton


*Politics Video:Biden Slams Palin For "Drill, Baby, Drill" Slogan

NY-23: Biden Defends Palin After Crowd Boos Her

Hatch: Health Bill "Goal" Is To Keep Democrats In Power

Romney On Obama, Economy, Gov. Races

Gibbs: Karzai "Legitimate" Leader Of Afghanistan

NJ: Christie: Obama Campaigning For Corzine Won't Matter

Biden Says He's "Great Match" For Obama

Gov. Haley Barbour On Gov. Races & NY-23

VA: Palin Robocall Urges Voters To "Vote Your Values"

Coulter, Geraldo Spar Over Limbaugh's FOX News Interview

NY-23: RNC Ad Encourages Voters To "Vote Conservative"

Tavis Smiley On Obama's Promises

VA: McDonnell: "We're On The Right Track"

NJ: Obama Stumps For Corzine Before Election

Limbaugh: Obama Is A "Threat To Liberty"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On House Health Care Bill

Lieberman On Public Option, Afghanistan

"This Week" Roundtable On Obama One Year Later

Rep. Boehner On GOP Health Bill

David Plouffe On Palin, FOX News & Afghanistan

Jarrett: GOP Getting "More And More Extreme"

Axelrod On Afghanistan, Limbaugh & FOX News

Geithner: Recovery Will "Take A While"

Markets Video:BRIC is Back? Energy "Crisis" Jolts BRIC Stocks

Goldman Bidding for Fannie Mae Tax Credits?

China Manufacturing Roars Ahead

Money Managers Are Still Bullish

RyanAir Grows Despite Recession

What's Driving Gold?


_RealClearPolitics - Up Against a Wall of Debt

Conservative revolt good news for Republicans | Washington Examiner

GOP moderates aim for 2010 rebound

Shared interests define Obama's world - washingtonpost.com

Stalled Out All Over the World - The Daily Beast

The Caucus - If Fox Is Partisan, It Is Not Alone - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Hearts, Minds and Health Care

Captives; What really happened during the Israeli attacks?

Forget Guy Fawkes – remember, remember the Ninth of November for the fall of the Berlin Wall - Telegraph

Editorials | Keep consumers safe by bringing back Glass-Steagall Act | Seattle Times Newspaper

Featherbedding stimulus job numbers | Washington Examiner

GOP Set to Propose Its Own Health Bill - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Nov 01, 2009 - After all the fuss, public health plan covers few

As votes near, insurers make last stand - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Senate, House Move Closer on Health Bills as Battle Goes Public - Bloomberg.com

What Do You Mean the Federal First-Time Home-Buyer Tax Credit Attracts Fraud?

Exclusive: Interview with GOP Leader John Boehner, Discusses Health Care, Afghanistan, And Elections

Government Still Trying to Take Over Health Care

Boeing Heads South For Better Business Climate: Washington State Politicians Are Surprised?

Calbuzz: Jerry Brown Must Fire Flack Who Secretly Taped Reporters

Mike Flynn Talks Big Government on the ‘Kudlow Report’

ObamaCare: Insurance Premiums Soaring Up, Up, and Away

ObamaCare Vs. The Hippocratic Oath

White House Visitor Logs: Pay No Attention to Socialized Medicine

McDonnell Favors Use of State Troopers in Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law

Will Corzine Allies Steal the Election in New Jersey? ACORN, Dirty Tricks and Absentee Ballot Fraud

The Long, Dark Tea-Time of the GOP’s Soul

Obama Funder Jodie Evans Calls for Kidnapping of George and Laura Bush

Pelosi Health Care Bill: The Worst Bill Ever

Rand-O-Rama: The Long Shelf Life of Ayn Rand’s legacy

How the MSM Might Survive: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

‘A Dimension Not Only of Sight and Sound, But of Mind’

Obama Nation: Volpesphobia

Review: ‘The Good Wife’ Off to Great Start

NEWLY UNCOVERED EMAILS REVEAL: Federal Volunteer Agency Misrepresented Involvement in White House, NEA Conference Call

NEA Chair Rocco Landesman Mocks Critics

Big Hollywood Report Card: NEA Chairman Landesman’s First 12 Weeks

Judicial Watch: ‘NEA Propaganda Effort Grew Out of Obama Campaign’


Rush: Scozzafava Guilty of ‘Bestiality’ for Screwing Every RINO in the Country

Planned Parenthood Leader Resigns After Watching Ultrasound of Abortion Procedure

HBO Obama Documentary: 9-Year-Old Makes Campaign Calls

RNC Runs ‘Vote Conservative’ Radio Ad in NY-23

Birch Tree Snaps and Kills 10-Year-Old Trick-or-Treater

Daredevil Base Jumper Hits Building in Karachi

Russian Forklift Driver Wipes Out $150k in Cognac & Vodka

Chased by Their Church: Scientologists Pursue Those Who Leave the Faith

Limbaugh Predicts Obama Will Be One-Term President

‘Zombies for Obama’ Return to New York’s Village Halloween Parade

Lieberman Sides With Obama Over Rush in Dover Debate

Perturbed Fox News Guest Declares Interview ‘Not Fair and Balanced’

House Republican Leader: ‘Political Rebellion’ Going on in America

Body of Missing CA 4-Year-Old Found Stuffed in Dryer

Update: Ref Hit in Face With Helmet Undergoes Reconstructive Surgery

Obama’s Campaign Manager Slams Palin as ‘Pied Piper in Republican Politics’

Axelrod Fires Back at Scathing New Comments From Limbaugh

Carville: Reagan’s Big Tent Has Collapsed in Upstate NY

Jarrett: GOP Becoming ‘More and More Extreme’

Rush Tells Fox: Obama May Be ‘Destroying’ Private Sector on Purpose

‘Death Panels’ Measure Survives in House Health Care Bill

Taliban Radio Wars: Fiesty DJ Takes on Militant Commander’s Pirate Broadcasts

Pro-Palin Group Responds to DNC Attack With Fact Checking Ad of Its Own

Clinton Moderates Statement On Settlements

NYC Voters Consider Third Term for Billionaire Bloomberg

Madoff Mocks SEC’s Incompetence

Scarborough & Guest Debate Idea of 17% Lead as ‘Real Toss-up’ in NY-23rd Race

Warship Forged With ‘9/11 Steel’ Sails Into New York

Palestinians Say Clinton Hurt Peace Talks

Cops Catch Man Wanted for Murders of Four Men in ‘Mayberry’

Scott Baker Gives Keynote Address at Pittsburgh ‘Pink Slip’ Tea Party

Rush Says Palin is Ready to Be President

MSNBC’s Maddow Talks to Boing Boing Blogger About a More ‘Worldly’ Web

iPhone Is Now on Sale in China

Australian Mother Recounts Horror of Seeing Baby Hit by Train

Afghan Challenger Drops Out Of Runoff Election

Rush on Fox News: ‘It’s Gonna Be the Biggest Snatch of Freedom’

Obama Lifts Entry Ban For Those With HIV

Update: Man Who Attacked Indiana State Rep on Suicide Watch

Obama: New Signs of Economic Growth

Wal-Mart Adds Caskets, Urns to Inventory

Cast of FOX Hit ‘Glee’ Sing National Anthem at World Series

YouTube Star Explains Halloween Word Origins on O’Reilly

Dennis Hopper Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

‘Slumdog Millionaire’ Kids May Lose Fortune

Rush Has a Question for Obama

The B-Cast: A Halloween Filter on Stimulus Analysis


Does the American Empire Deserve to Die?

Steven M. Gillon: A New Wrinkle in the JFK Assassination Story

Being Muslim At The Wrong Time In America

Azzaman:Iraq restricts movement by TV journalists

Argentina - Resident Reports Standing Under A Flying Saucer

AFP: Under pressure Iran wants review of nuclear fuel deal

Ban Ki-moon pledges to stand by next Afghan government | World news | guardian.co.uk

Tehran set to lose status as Iran capital | World news | guardian.co.uk

Al-Qaeda arms cache discovered in Riyadh - Telegraph

Suicide attack kills at least 34 near Pakistani army HQ in Rawalpindi - Times Online

Matrix producer plans Muhammad biopic | Film | guardian.co.uk

Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland - Telegraph

Japanese fishing trawler sunk by giant jellyfish - Telegraph

Solar power from Sahara a step closer | Environment | The Guardian

Lorca's grave awakens other ghosts - Europe, World - The Independent

Lead-mining: the ugly truth about Mount Isa - Australasia, World - The Independent

Americans get together in hunt for bargains - Times Online

First a convert, now a mystery

Two U.S. deaths possible in beef recall | U.S. | Reuters

Snow Leopard Update Blocks Intel Atom, Kills Hackintoshes | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Female only gun camps on rise in US - Telegraph

Disney and Nintendo reinvent Mickey Mouse as an action hero | Business | The Guardian

Ancient Peruvian Nazca turned land to desert | Environment | The Guardian

Prediabetes: the hidden health timebomb - Telegraph

David Nutt's sacking causes mass revolt against Alan Johnson | Politics | guardian.co.uk

PETER MCKAY: Why Tony Blair's eyes were always on the money | Mail Online

Parents who lie to get children into schools face new penalties - Telegraph

David Miliband clashes with Russian counterpart over Litvinenko murder in key Moscow visit

Putin Given Shocking Report Saying Obama “Ousted” In Right-Wing US Coup

Cheney Failed to Answer 72 FBI Questions - CBS News

Why being grumpy like Victor Meldrew is good for you, as scientists find it improves memory


**No Rapture In the Bible**

*57 pgs/Jesus Christ: in His Nature as Yahweh God


**Israelite calendar**

*YHVH's Solar Calendar*






Lunar Sabbath??? Setting Solid Solar Foundations

*Balanced Divine Govt

14 pgs/The Constitution for the United States of America did not do away with the fundamental law established within The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, based on the Christian Law of the Colonial Charters


America Bequeathed Part One

America Bequeathed Part Two

30 pgs/America Bequeathed Part 3

15 pgs/The office of Servant in our Constitutional form of government.


10/30 The Mark Levin Show


__Karzai win complicates White House strategy for Afghanistan - washingtonpost.com

DNA sought from rapist linked to bodies - CNN.com

The Associated Press: GOP victory Tuesday won't erase party's problems

Candidates Enter Final Push Ahead of Election Day - FOXNews.com

Pausing by Ground Zero, U.S.S. New York Reaches Manhattan - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Ship Built With WTC Steel Comes to New York

Justices reject appeal in 1964 kidnapping case related to civil rights - CNN.com

McDonnell Could Lead GOP 'Landslide' in Virginia Race - FOXNews.com

Obama urges 'bold innovative action' to create jobs -- latimes.com

Boxer Pushes Ahead With Climate Markup Tomorrow; GOP Still Plans to Boycott - NYTimes.com

Poll: Bloomberg lead down to 12 points - Crain's New York Business

YouTube - Bloomberg Seeking Third Term As NYC Mayor

Bush's Stream-Buffer Rule for Mining Will Remain Until 2011 - NYTimes.com

Obama One Year Later -- Small 'Change' - FOXNews.com

Rep. Alan Grayson on Health care, Afghanistan, Elections, Heated Rhetoric, More - washingtonpost.com

NY1 | 24 Hour Local News | Top Stories | Queens Imam Pleads Not Guilty To Federal Charges

Confirmed: Mel Gibson's a Dad – for the Eighth Time - Babies, Mel Gibson : People.com

'Michael Jackson's This Is It' Banks $100 Million Around The Globe - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Jay Leno Likes Being an Underdog - TV News, Jay Leno : People.com

News – Ed Norton, Alanis Morissette Finish NYC Marathon for Charity – Healthy Lifestyle – UsMagazine.com

EXCLUSIVE: Paris Hilton - "That Rumor Was A Complete Lie" | RadarOnline.com

La-Z-Boy-Mobile -- $43,000 Diamond in the Rough | TMZ.com

Boehner: Obama Is Out of 'Excuses' in Delaying Afghanistan Troop Decision - FOXNews.com

AFP: Arab League chief Mussa backs Abbas on Israel talks

The Associated Press: Suicide bomber kills 35 near Pakistan's capital

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran urged over enrichment plan

Sudan negotiator warns against dismantling Kyoto Protocol_English_Xinhua

Hopes fade in boat disaster search - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BBC NEWS | Europe | Karadzic 'will appear at trial'

VOA News - 20 Years After the Fall: the Berlin Wall, East Germany and the Cold War

YouTube - Raw Video: Bush, Gorbachev Mark Berlin Wall Fall

AFP: N.Korea presses US for talks on nuclear stand-off

Britain, Russia, others urge Iran to respond to uranium proposal - CNN.com

YouTube - Miliband in Moscow: Litvinenko case slows Russia-UK reset?

VOA News - Iran Warns Opposition Over Anti-US Day Rallies

The Associated Press: Half Iraqis killed in October died in one attack

U.N. cuts aid to Congo army brigade - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Beefeaters in harassment inquiry

David Nutt's controversial lecture conformed to government guidelines

Coffers are dry in Maine: We need you