"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 November 2009





***The Black Vault - FOIA Documents / Research Center***

(1:07:24)Annie Machon, ex-MI5 agent, reveals government false-flag terrorism operations

(1:29:27)Codex Alimentarius


Population:National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974

Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan: Jeremy Scahill Reveals Private Military Firm Operating in Pakistan Under Covert Assassination and Kidnapping Program

Portland's Cannabis Cafe is the First Marijuana Coffee Shop of Its Kind in the Country

Naomi Klein on Climate Debt: Why Rich Countries Should Pay Reparations To Poor Countries For The Climate Crisis.

Shunning Dissidents, Obama Leaves China Without Firm Pledges on Trade, Climate


Swine Flu, Bio Weapons, Dictatorial Rule, FEMA Camps and other Fun Things | Dailycensored.com

archive:Chemicals can turn genes on and off; new tests needed, scientists say. — Environmental Health News

archive:Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Mail Online

Democracy Now!: Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009 | Free Speech TV


*Zapatista | Free Speech TV

*The Fourth World War | Free Speech TV

*Black & Gold | Free Speech TV

*Infiltrating the Underground | Free Speech TV

*The Godmachine | Free Speech TV

*Beyond Treason: Part I | Free Speech TV

*Beyond Treason: Part II | Free Speech TV

*Fed Up! | Free Speech TV

*Palast Investigates | Free Speech TV

*Abel Raises Cain Part One | Free Speech TV

*Abel Raises Cain Part Two | Free Speech TV

*An Act of Conscience Part One | Free Speech TV

*An Act of Conscience Part Two | Free Speech TV

*The Peace Patriots Part One | Free Speech TV

*The Peace Patriots Part Two | Free Speech TV

*Edward Abbey: A Voice in the Wilderness Part One | Free Speech TV

*Edward Abbey: A Voice in the Wilderness Part Two | Free Speech TV

*Free For All! Part One | Free Speech TV

*Free For All! Part Two | Free Speech TV


Episode #1:John Greenewald, Jr.

Audio:Episode #2:John Greenewald, Jr. as he weighs in on the Ft. Hood massacre

*Audio:Potter/Palast interview

Audio:Wendell Potter tells Greg Palast health insurers' dirty secret

*Audio:Jeff Rense Speaks With Dr. Cannell On Vit D In Depth



Obama/DOE - 2008


**The United States Government Manual 2009/2010


**The Black Vault Radio Network:Show Links**


Bribery Bill 2009 clause 12 - some Secret Intelligence Service MI6 or Security Service MI5 exemptions, but why should Local Authority Trading Standards etc. ever be allowed to bribe anyone ? - Spy Blog - SpyBlog.org.uk

Greg Palast » TALIBAN = 9/11??Afghanistan by Hypnosis

Greg Palast » The S-Word and Dr. Kevorkian’s AccountantHealth care Rx from my socialist fire department

The Black Vault TV - 2012 Doomsday Stonehenge Mayan Calendar link : UFO Sightings Footage caught on tape included.

The Black Vault TV - Ancient Stonehenge Alien 4000 yrs old found.

The Black Vault TV - UFO Crashes Into Earth (NOW IDENTIFIED)

Alex Jones: Americans Have A Gun To Their Heads | Disinformation

The War on Drugs: FAIL: An Interview With Clifford Thornton Jr. | Disinformation

Monbiot.com » The Knights Carbonic

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider progress delights researchers

Tom & Jerry Illuminati Pyramid & Satan Worship? | Disinformation

Joseph Moshe Arrested For Predicting Baxter Bioweapon Outbreak | Disinformation

Palin Fan Responds to O’Donnell Interview | Disinformation

Mystery 'dark flow' extends towards edge of universe - space - 16 November 2009 - New Scientist

Self-Assembling Nanoparticles into Complex Nanostructures | h+ Magazine

AFP: New map suggests Mars was wet and humid

Researcher: Faint writing seen on Shroud of Turin - Yahoo! News

Obama’s extra-judicial killers

Audit the Fed Attached as an Amendment

Where Has the Future Gone?

HR 3996, the Automatic Bailout Bill of 2009

The Pro-War, Anti-Gun Wing of the GOP

Fighting the National ID Card


**Complete 911 Timeline**

Movie: 911 Missing Links


Archive Site:Sherman Skolnick's Report

*Site:chomsky.info : The Noam Chomsky Website


YouTube - Congresswoman Questions Geithner on Constitution

YouTube - Ron Paul at End The Fed Houston 11-22-09 Part 1 of 3

YouTube - Ron Paul at End The Fed Houston 11-22-09 Part 2 of 3

YouTube - Ron Paul at End The Fed Houston 11-22-09 Part 3 of 3

YouTube - Pt 1/2 Ron Paul / HR 1207 on CNBC's Squawk Box 11/23/09

YouTube - Pt 2/2 Ron Paul / HR 1207 on CNBC's Squawk Box 11/23/09

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul HR 1207 on Squak Box pt 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul HR 1207 on Squak Box pt 2

**Congressman Ron Paul - Legislative Information**


YouTube - Peter-Schiff - Fed Face Off (Yahoo Finance)

YouTube - Good as Gold

YouTube - Brian Johnson on Fox Business News, Post Office Failures

Nema and Aion of the Horus / Maat Lodge

Robert M. Place

BibliOdyssey: Codex Fejervary Mayer

How the USA faked the Moon Landing ; Video

How to protect yourself from the swine flu


Vlogging The Apocalypse :: Video :: CONSPIRACY - RELIGION AND SUN WORSHIP


Astronaut Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos: "God put it there"

The ECHR has barred crucifixes in Italian state schools. Are Nativity plays next? – Telegraph Blogs

Crypto-Eugenics Population Control: Policy and Propaganda | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Communism and Freemasonry: The Red Dragon and the Black Beast

The Keepers of the Great Seal: Conspiracy Theorists Take Note

Freemasonry and the U.S. One Dollar Bill, Great Seal and Flag

The Jesus Tomb and its trail of symbols « Voice of Healing

Fountain Of Youth Found On Easter Island? | Popular Science

TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS:9/11 'hard science' group linked to archaeology hoax

TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS:Obama scrubs website admitting to natural-born status as British subject

YouTube - Alien base found on moon

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Report: Obama using Blackwater for assassinations in Pakistan

Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan

Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Calls For Investigation Of UN IPCC

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes

Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over

History made as 'Big Bang' machine achieves first particle collisions, giving an initial idea of how the universe was created | Mail Online

YouTube - Buying and Selling in a RFID Chip for the FIRST TIME EVER - Positive ID

VeriChip Buys Steel Vault – Creating Micro-Implant Health Record / Credit Score Empire - Pseudo Anonymous

FT.com / Capital Markets - China derivative rule change hits banks

Inside Google's Advertising Empire - PC World

OpEdNews - Article: Rape in the Ranks: The Enemy Within


The Anti-Anti-Semite - by Allison Hoffman > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

New map suggests Mars was wet and humid

Ex-Soviet States - Battleground For Global Domination

How To Fix The Economy

Analysis: Fed under fire as public anger mounts - Yahoo! News

Support for legalizing marijuana gaining ground rapidly - washingtonpost.com

Targeting Muslim Charities In America

Roberts - The KSM Trial Will Convict Us All

ADL Blasts 'Paranoid' Right

Cow Manure To Power More Dutch Homes

Traffic fumes may cause dementia

Chinese Drywall Linked to Metal Corrosion, U.S. Says - Bloomberg.com

Write Naked Put Options in a Rising Market

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » CRU’s Phil Jones: “Maybe because I’m in my 50s, but the language used in the forecasts seems a bit over the top re the cold.”

Video:Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Emergency Viral: ClimateGate Fraud Exposes Dirty Tricks Agenda For Global Government

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » All Your Emails Are Belong To Us

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Climate Change Bombshell: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Lord Monckton: Prosecute the Climate Change Criminals

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones Tv:How to Expose The Climate Fraud!!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Climategate: Scientists Would Rather Change Facts Than Their Theories

Climategate: Monbiot makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire – Telegraph Blogs

How climate-change scientists 'dodged the sceptics' | Mail Online

The DNA snatchers: Police arresting innocents just to grab genetic details for Big Brother database | Mail Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » NSA eavesdropping more widespread than reported

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Pharmaceutical companies write their own drug information labels and leave out side effect information

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Here Is Why The Dollar Is Now Effectively Worthless

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » IMF Warns of Revolution if Another Round of Bailouts are Handed Out

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Audit the Fed Attached as an Amendment

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones TV: Hacked Emails Show Blatant Climate Change Fraud


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 23rd: ClimateGate – Global Warming Fraud Implodes

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 20th With Neil Fallon


Frosty Wooldridge -- Muslims in 21st Century America: Violent Clashing Cultures

Frosty Wooldridge -- Muslims in 21st Century America: Racial-Religious Chasm



Muslims In 21st Century America - Part 5


Alex Jones on Climategate: A Hoax and Ponzi Scheme

Climategate Exposes the Alarmist Machine

After the holidays, filing bankruptcy may be only option for many retailers

Britons back baby limit

Beginning of the end for the Internet in the UK

Superstar CBS Reporter Blows the Lid Off the Swine Flu Media Hype and Hysteria

Ukrainian Black Lung Deaths Doubling Every Two Weeks Throughout Europe

YouTube - Ukraine's Mutant 'Black Lung' Virus Spreading

Polk Coroner: H1N1 Deaths Understated - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born

5 pgs/Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born

Stewart to Dobbs: Your views are ‘abhorrent, wrong, but consistent’

CRU Commented Source Code Tells Story

ADL Blasts “Paranoid” Right: Are Millions of Anti-Obama Protestors “Conspirators?”

Climategate: CRU Source Code Confirms AGW Fraud From Hacked Documents

Flashback: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Climate Emails Stoke Debate - WSJ.com

Swine flu pandemic - revealed - Germanys secret virus vaccine contract - News - Bild.de

Your smart meter is watching - thestar.com

Teacher 'suspended over 9/11 creative writing task' - Telegraph

Obama Quietly Backs Patriot Act Provisions | CommonDreams.org

Health Care Reform Support for Health Care Plan Falls to New Low - Rasmussen Reports

EDITORIAL: Hiding evidence of global cooling - Washington Times

EclippTV :: Video :: Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

On the Climategate emails | Kyle Wingfield

Climategate – How Did Climate Change Come To This? « PA Pundits – International

Maj. Nidal Hasan As A Manchurian Candidate–Doesn’t Sound As Crazy Today As It Might Have Yesterday « The Ugly Truth

Leaked Emails Prove Global Warming is a Hoax « noworldsystem.com

The Evolution Of An Eco-Prophet

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: One in Four Borrowers Under Water

YouTube - ClimateGate Glen Beck

Flannery defends scientists in leaked emails row - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


***The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status***

*The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

*The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

*The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

*The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society | Amped Status

11 pg/pdf - The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society


YouTube - Obama Promise To End The War, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

The Dollar Bubble » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Hindsight is 20/20 - how israel duped US into fighting their wars

EclippTV :: Video :: Government Taking Newborn DNA Samples Without Permission

No Escape from Debt by Selling Jails | CommonDreams.org

The giant steps back on two GMOs. Why?

Why Anarchists Should Hurrah the Recession

CRU’s Phil Jones: “Maybe because I’m in my 50s, but the language used in the forecasts seems a bit over the top re the cold.” « Watts Up With That?

Campaign For Liberty — Questions Regarding The Fort Hood Massacre | by Chuck Baldwin

Most global banks are still unsafe, warns S&P - Telegraph

**The Hard Evidence Down Under Tour 2009 - An Amazing Success!! - 911truth.org

Deadly flu spreads across Ukraine | zero hedge

Prostitution "journalism": Yup, mainstream media is intentional propaganda. Accept the evidence

YouTube - 20/20 - Is there really a global warming consensus?

News From The West: The Ferengi: FerShem’s Chosenoids

UNObserver & International Report

YouTube - Climategate: Scientists Would Rather Change Facts Than Their Theories

YouTube - Private climate documents hacked, published - Lateline (23 Nov 2009)

Your Candy Coated Massacres

The Red Planet was once blue... Giant ocean once covered third of Mars

YouTube - Fox News: Calls for Investigation of Climategate Grow

Big Bank Fraud, This Time with Student Loans | OurFuture.org

AMERICAN JUSTICE: Revealed through published federal cases--jk

Pajamas Media » Viscount Monckton on Climategate: ‘They Are Criminals’ (PJM Exclusive)

Hacked climate e-mails awkward, not game changer | Green Business | Reuters

Aletho News: How the financial "Big Players" gained their power

EclippTV :: Video :: Why No Hyperinflation....Yet? - Glenn Beck

EclippTV :: Video :: Private climate documents hacked, published - Lateline (23 Nov 2009)

Kissinger's Call for New World Order

A terrorist plot unearthed

BBC - Paul Hudson's Blog: 'Climategate' - CRU hacked into and its implications

**Alleged CRU Emails - Searchable

The Great Global Warming Swindle Video - sevenload

"Climategate": Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Calls For Investigation Of UN IPCC

‘We Have A Right To Confront The Occupiers’

NSA helped with Windows 7 development

The Higher Education Fiscal Crisis Protects the Wealthy

RealClearPolitics - ClimateGate: The Fix is In

The Cultural Impact Of World Of Warcraft

11-24-2009: Court Rules That New York Can Seize Land/Homes To Build New Sports Arena

11-24-2009: NJ Man Sent To Jail For Cyber Attack Against Church Of Scientology Web Sites

11-24-2009: Celebrities Lead Charge Against Scientology

11-24-2009: FDIC Falls Into The Red

11-24-2009: Al Gore's Church Of Climatology

11-24-2009: Is $6,300 A Fair Price For Gold?

Inhofe To Call For Investigation Into UN Climate Change Research

11-24-2009: Hiding evidence of global cooling

11-24-2009: Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Plans To Abolish Check Books By 2018

11-23-2009: Pressure Mounts For Geithner To Resign

Fake Populist Dobbs Considering Running For President In 2012

11-23-2009: Obama's Idiocracy

11-23-2009: Royal Mint's Gold Coin Production More Than Quadruples

Windows 8 Release Expected In 2012

Military Experiment Attempts To Predict PTSD

11-23-2009: Wave Of Debt Payments Facing U.S.

11-23-2009: Global body needed to direct green technology, G77 says

11-23-2009: Global Temperatures Are Declining

Hedge Fund Manager Who Made Killing In Real Estate Now Investing In Gold

11-23-2009: Historic photographs found dumped under FW bridge

11-23-2009: Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science

The ‘Real’ Jobless Rate: 17.5% Of Workers Are Unemployed

WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model

Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020

The Russo-Chinese Oil and Gas Agreements Initiate a New Era in Geopolitics of Oil

China Is Risking Japan 1980s-Style Bubble, BNP Says

Amateur Hour at the White House

Economic Meltdown -- A Call for Systemic Change

Secret report: Blair misled public throughout 2002

Global body needed to direct green technology, G77 says

Prison Factories: Slave Labor for the New World Order?

US in Back-channel Talks with Afghan Taliban

Have Israeli Spies Infiltrated International Airports?

The Memory Scrub About Why Ft. Hood Happened Is Almost Complete ...

Huge List of Scandalous Climategate Findings

Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes

Video: Alex Jones Pops Champagne in Celebration of Hacked Emails Showing Blatant Climate Change Fraud

Climategate latest

British climate change scientists ‘conspired to keep sceptics in the dark’

Britain's new Internet law -- as bad as everyone's been saying, and worse. Much, much worse.

Former Soviet states: Battleground for global domination

Defining ‘rich’

New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as "first year of global governance"

Microsoft denies that Windows 7 has a back door

Newt Gingrich: Republicans Poised for Big Gains in 2010

ACORN Dumped Documents Amid Investigation

Reid, Dodd Dogged by Re-election Worries

Winfrey to Interview Widow of Ted Kennedy

Glenn Beck Gets More Political

Israelis Positive on Tarantino Jewish Revenge Movie

Baptist Leader: Obama ‘Very Dangerous’

Obama Promises to 'Finish the Job' in Afghanistan

White House: Obama Afghan Decision 'Within Days'

SurvivalBlog.com:Surviving an Expedient Ambush Roadblock While Traveling by Vehicle, by M.W.

Family Security Matters : Trigger-Happy Muslims and Deluded Infidels in the Happy Land of Make-Believe

Hindu sacrifice of 250,000 animals begins | World news | guardian.co.uk

Strange creatures of the deep found in underwater 'twilight zone' - Telegraph

Rabbits Get Self-Assembling Contact Lenses; Soldiers Next? | Danger Room | Wired.com

Greg Evensen -- The Anatomy of an American Revolution

The Economic Crisis and What Must be Done

Reform in the U.S. Health Care Industry

The Pentagon's "Manhunting Agency"

Top NATO Military Brass Meet Behind Closed Doors

Top Catholic Cardinal Says 'No Way' Catholic Members of Congress Can Support Senate Health Care Bill That Funds Abortion

Former Obama Organizer Threatens to 'Out' Catholic Priests to ‘Encourage’ Them to Repudiate Church's Moral Stand on Homosexuality

White House Defends Stimulus Act Despite Government Audit Questioning the Job Numbers

Despite Obama’s Repeated Claims That Enacting $787-Billion Stimulus Was Urgent, 78 Percent of Money Remained Unspent by End of Fiscal 2009 Says Federal Auditing Agency

United Nations Says HIV Outbreak Peaked in 1996

Economy’s Slow Rebound Not Strong Enough to Boost Employment, Economists Say

Obama, Worried About Unemployment, Touts ‘Core Strengths’ of U.S. Economy

Tax on ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans Would Hit Many Middle-Class Americans

Iranian Death Penalty Upheld One Day After U.N. Criticized Iran for Human Rights Violations

President of Brazil Criticized at Home and in U.S. for Hosting Iran’s Ahmadinejad

Treasury Rethinks TARP As Banks Grow Stronger but Consumer Lending Remains Weak

Rep. Kucinich Says Everyone, Including Osama Bin Laden, Should Get the Same 'Basic Rights'

House Health Care Reform Adds $89 Billion to Debt When Medicare Adjustments Are Considered, Says CBO

As Obama Pushes Health Care Bill, His Job Approval Drops to 48 Percent, Says Gallup Poll

While There Are About 12 Million Illegal Aliens in U.S. Today, CBO Estimates That Senate Health Reform Would Leave About 8 Million Illegals Uninsured

Philippines Declares Emergency After 46 Killed in Political Violence

China Executes 2 for Role in Tainted Milk Scandal That Left Six Kids Dead, Sickened 300,000

5 Redheads Targeted in ‘Ginger’ Attacks at California School

Mom: Son in Coma Heard Everything for 23 Years

Our Pushover President

A Phony ‘Fix’ for Health Care

The Global Carbon Footprint Scam

The Landrieu Bribe

Free to Choose

Mexican American former anti-drug chief's reputation on trial -- latimes.com

Girl May Have Arranged Classmate's Gang Rape - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Gal, 95, beats Nazis, has 1936 record restored

Safe-Haven Dollar Higher on Consumer, Economy Data - NYTimes.com

Oklahoma's Two U.S. Senators Ready To Debate Health Care Bill - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

9/11 fiends to use trial as soapbox

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? – Telegraph Blogs

Panel Finds: Governor Sanford Broke The Law 37 Times

QuizTime: If Obama reduced the deficit, would the media and FOX report it?

AZ Woman Forced To Give Birth In Shackles By Sheriff Arpaio Deputy

Andrea Mitchell Reminds Michael Steele Palin Quit After He Calls Her a "Successful Governor"

Tweety Gets To The Heart of the Abortion Matter With Bishop Tobin

Indian Doctor Tagged 'Henry Ford of Heart Surgery' Drives Down Costs

Conason Reminds Scarborough That The Iraq War and Tax Cuts Ballooned the Deficit

For This Thanksgiving, Far Too Many Americans Will Go Hungry.

Howard Dean: Democrats Are Going to Rue the Day They Didn't Go To Budget Reconciliation to Pass This Bill

Now Even Renters Are Losing Their Homes Over Mortgage Foreclosures

Tucker Carlson: Palin More Experienced Than Obama and Smarter Than Al Gore

WaPo's Ruth Marcus says all the dirty hippy liberals have to bow down to the Gang of Four for health care reform

Fearmonger-in-Chief Beck reveals 'The Plan': Frighten people into joining a movement of bedwetters

Is Microsoft Behind Murdoch’s War Against Google?

Hume: President Seems Quite Willing to Embrace Weakness as Position for United States

Tea Baggers Laugh As Woman Describes Losing Her Daughter-in-Law and Unborn Grandchild

Leaked British Report: No Preparation for Iraq Invasion So Blair Could Keep Lying

SNL Palin 2012 Disaster Movie Parody

The Wilding of Sarah Palin

The KSM Show Trial

Free Speech Silenced at Columbia and Princeton

Sarah Palin and the Low Ebb of the Cultural Left

Obama and the Cult of Youth

Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Federal Trust Funds

CRU emails spur lawsuit

Warmists using suicidal animals to push discredited theory

'60 Minutes' segment shows that suffering is bad business

Cloward-Piven on steroids

A message for the president

Violating the principle of science as 'social contract'

Monbiot: Phil Jones should resign

More weather hypocrisy at the New York Times

Kiwi challenges Gore's 'settled science'

Winston Churchill and Senator Landrieu

Polls: So goes health care reform, so goes Obama

Which America Do Americans Want?

Profiling the Psyclops

Deliberative Analysis: RIP

Obama -- and Reagan -- Go to China

CRU Files Betray Climate Alarmists' Funding Hypocrisy

The Evidence of Climate Fraud

The Obama/Holder Bushwhack

The EPA and Me

Obama's Failed Asia Trip

Mary Landrieu Takes Louisianans for a Ride

Academic Cheerleaders for Terrorists

Why Obamanomics Will Not Improve the Economy

Cloward-Piven Government

Farewell, Oprah: How About a Gift to Black America Before You Go?

Obama the Racist?

Don’t Vote For Kelly Ayotte: GOP Candidate Helped Illegal Aliens

If the Races Were Reversed, We’d Be Hearing About This Beyond Denver

Sleazy Lawyers: Hurricane Katrina was Manmade; Let’s Sue Oil Companies

TMI Nation: Do We Really Need To Know About Capt. Sully’s Sex Life?

PC NBA: You Can’t Say That About “Eye-Ran”; FOX Yanks Sportscasters

KSM, 9/11 Suspects Trial: Let the Jew-Blaming, America-Hating Begin

ObamaCare, Anti-Christian E-Mail of the Day

Buh-Bye, Oprah & DLtDHYotWO*

Eric Holder & the Muslim Extremists in Detroit

Germany Trying to Escape Obama’s Great Idea of German-Style Healthcare

Islamic Terrorism & Political Correctness: Cartoon of the Year

The Economics of Recycling by Floy Lilley

'Why We Fight': The Nature of Modern Imperialism

Ten Worst Breakfast Cereals by Joseph Mercola

Al Gore's Science Illiteracy - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Letter to the Auditor of The New York Times Company by Eric Englund

The Pot Calls the Kettle Black by Eric Margolis

Gold’s Price Is Not A Bubble Price by Michael S. Rozeff

All You Zombies by Jim Quinn

French muck: Is this the new penicillin? - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

No Right to Know: A Wall Street Financial Sites Attack on Congress and Ron Paul

Mad science? Growing meat without animals - Innovation- msnbc.com

Doctors thought he was in a coma, but he was in fact conscious

Use Your Premonitions - All About Premonitions and How To Use Them

California man finds Charles Manson is his father

Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020 | Popular Science



**Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Toxicity Information Center


Time Travelers From Our Future by Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Fed rage boils over ahead of Bernanke's confirmation hearing - Nov. 23, 2009

ABC Cancels Lambert Appearance on Morning TV Show - ABC News

Lady Gaga Inspired To Write By Her 'Fears And Monsters' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Food Network's Paula Deen hit in face with ham while volunteering

YouTube - Ham Hits Celebrity Chef Deen in the Snout

Study: Kids in home-based day care watch more TV

YouTube - TV toddler study

Conviction in Sarah Jessica Parker surrogate theft - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Oprah Winfrey's impact felt around the world

Filmed concerts come to iTunes in Live Nation deal | Technology | Reuters

South Carolina lawmakers begin hearing on governor's frolics - USATODAY.com

Steele ally: Francis dismissal was in works since before election - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Driver leads police on tri-county high-speed chase - Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Interior Chief Slams Oil and Gas Groups' 'Election-Year Politics' - NYTimes.com

The ‘Going Rogue’ code: text reveals logic of Sarah Palin’s tour | csmonitor.com

YouTube - Obamas State Dinner Preview

Obamas' First State Dinner Do's and Don'ts - ABC News

Man Arrested in Philadelphia in Alleged Missile Smuggling Plot - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Opposition to health care legislation lingers - USATODAY.com

Exploring race: Google purchases ad explaining offensive First Lady photo

Teen says he's sorry for Florida boy's burning - CNN.com

Hate crimes up against religious groups, new FBI numbers show - Faith & Reason

Obama seeking to boost study of science, math | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/24/2009

Obama Says He Intends to ‘Finish the Job’ in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Obama: Goal to Finish the Job in Afghanistan

AFP: US ponders climate talks target

Marking first state visit, Obama welcomes Indian prime minister - washingtonpost.com

BBC News - How the US has investigated the Iraq war

AFP: Iranian leader greeted with military honors in Bolivia

AFP: Obama 'doing nothing' on Mideast peace: Abbas

Doctor in 'coma' case re-examining dozens more patients | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - China Executes Two in Tainted Milk Scandal

YouTube - Belgian Man Alert but Mute for 23 Years

AFP: EU parliament backs greater rights for telecoms, Internet users

Iraqi VP Threatens Veto of Election Law | Middle East | English

YouTube - Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton says the U.S. supports Iraq in 2010

Review: Bob Dylan’s Christmas Album

Ft. Hood and The Cult of Indiscriminateness

Daily Gut: Ignore the 9/11 Show Trials

LA Weekly: Hollywood Stimulus Funds Yield 1 Job Per $1.13 Million Spent

Missing Michael Moriarty: 10/19/94 — The Night ‘Law & Order’ Died

‘The Road’: Bleak and Unforgettable

NBC’s ObamaVision: Viewers Are the ‘The Biggest Loser’

BREAKING: San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal

Black Friday Expectations and Stimulus Exaggerations

Media Missing the Plot on ‘Climate Gate’: It’s the Fraud, Stupid!

Would ObamaCare Kill Medical Innovation?

Why Isn’t Anyone Really Investigating ACORN?

ACORN: The LA Story, Part I

ACORN Scandal, Part 2: The Evidentiary Phase

Hosting Terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The New Growth Industry

Exclusive: Ann Coulter on Obama, Terrorism and Afghanistan.

Cartoon: Global Warming Gets Hacked

D.C. Schools Chief Michelle Rhee Targets ‘Sacred Cow’ of Tenure

California ACORN Responds to Revelation of Massive Doc Dump, Data Breach at Its San Diego Office

Seeing Red Over Palin Parody

SEIU Leader Resigns After Threatening Legal Action Against Boy Scout

SEIU and the Law of Intended Consequences

Cleaning Up Illinois: The Putback Amendment

ACORN Document Dump: ACORN Throws Thanksgiving in the Dumpster

ACORN Document Dump: Why Did ACORN Spend $9,000 at Fertility Clinic?

ACORN Document Dump: California Voters, Prepare to Be ACORNed

ACORN Document Dump: Trashing a Person’s Credit History


Video: Raising Bullies In A Modern Home

Video: Tired Paramdeics Could Be Cause For Concern

Video: Checking Your Home For Toxic Chinese Drywall

Video: Centennial Residents Want Answers About Neighborhood Murder

Video: Air Quality Conference Raises Eyebrows

Video: Raw Video: Nuns Attacked in Broad Daylight

Video: Woman Accused Of Stealing $300K From HOA For Gambling

Video: Mom: State Cutbacks Threaten Daughter's Treatment

Video: Obama: Goal to Finish the Job in Afghanistan

Video: Expert: Keep Child's Computer In Common Area

Green Decorating Ideas for T-Day

Video: ATM Stolen In Smash-And-Grab

Ofsted reports poor teaching

Lead, Other Dangers With Holiday Toys

Will ‘ClimateGate’ E-Mails Cast Cloud Over Global Warming Summit?

TMZ Catches Schwarzenegger Parking Porsche in Red Zone

‘No God? No Problem!’ Ads Run on DC Metro

Does Katie Couric Holiday Poem Advocate for ObamaCare?

Security Camera: Glass Shatters as CA Officer Arrests Mentally Ill Man

Mother of Three Dies After Chiropractic Adjustment

NBC Rejects PETA TV Ad Offering Prayer for Thanksgiving Turkeys

Man Compacted Inside Texas Garbage Truck

NYC Tavern Serves Up 100-Proof Thanksgiving Bird

PA Man Kicks Puppy to Death for Misbehaving Before Steelers Game

Cheney Slams KSM ‘Show Trial’ & Calls Obama Bow ‘Fundamentally Harmful’

Seattle Woman Denied Credit, Told She’s Dead

University Adds BMI Requirement to Graduate

New Climate Change ‘Shock Ad’ Features Polar Bears Falling to Bloody Deaths

Lieberman: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Thinks That This Bill Will Pass’

‘American Idol’ Runner-Up Simulates Sex Act on Stage at ‘American Music Awards’

Oklahoma Senator on Health Care Reform: ‘It’s Really Malpractice’

Al Gore Tells SNL He Has New Plan Involving Trees and Toy Guns

SNL Imagines Consequences of Palin Victory in ‘2012′

SNL Slaps Obama Over Budgetary Nuttiness

Senate Minority Leader on Health Bill: ‘Wrong Direction to Go’

Senate Dem: I’ll Risk My Job to Vote for Health Reform

Democrats Try to Explain ‘$300 Million Dollar Bribe’ in Health Care Bill

China Executes Two in Tainted Milk Scandal

Shakira Breaks Out of Her Cage

Search for killer ex-royal aide

AIDS death toll passes 25 million mark

Victoria's Secret Angels Get Their Wings

Google Documents Iraqi Museum Treasures

Gov't Recalls 2.1 Million Cribs Amid Baby Deaths

Damage Assessed at UCSC Following Tuition Fee Hike Protests

Obama: U.S. Economy Has ‘Core Strengths’

Are Tar Sands the Future of Oil?

Caught on Tape: Bulls Break Through Blockade on Tom Cruise Film Set

Gitmo Suspects Plan to Plead Not Guilty

Fort Hood Suspect to Remain Hospitalized

Floating Supermarket in Kerala

Philippines: 46 Gunned Down, Emergency Declared

Alicia's 'State of Mind'

Dad Pleads Not Guilty to Killing 'Westernized' Daughter

Women living in fear in rural South Africa

Hajj pilgrimage from your armchair

French farmers: we're scapegoats in algae problem

YouTube Adds Automatic Subtitling

Google Reveals Their New Operating System: Chrome OS

JLo Falls During Live Performance on American Music Awards

Jerry Springer on Oprah’s Departure From Daytime: ‘She’s the Best’

The B-Cast Interview: Creator Explains Objectives of ‘2011: Obama Coup Fails’ Online Game

The B-Cast C-Side: Is the ‘Prayer for Obama’ Secret Message a Serious Threat?

First Person: Getting Schooled in Hip-hop

Fla. Man's Personal Story Worthy of James Bond

Swine flu: Few Jordanian hajj pilgrims vaccinated

Nev. Bandit May in Fact Be a Bear

Cambodian children face up to brutal past

DNA database criticised

Iraq Inquiry begins

Sen. Kerry's Daughter Won't Face DUI Charges

David Frost Honored at International Emmys

Candle Blamed for Huge Philly Apartment Fire

High Risk Patient Died Waiting for the H1N1 Vaccine

Tenn. Man Gets 14 Years for Bombing Mosque

Man Pleads Not Guilty in ESPN Reporter Videos Case

AP Enterprise: Bullet Tears Open Somali Boy's Face

Va. Teen Dies in Wood Chipper Accident

Lula: Iran has the right to "peaceful nuclear energy"

Iran's Ahmadinejad meets with Brazil's President Lula

Gypsies seen as outcasts in new, ultra-conservative Iraq

13 Is Nicole Fox's Lucky Number

Nov. 23: Home Sales Data Carry Stocks Higher

Money Minute: Recovery, Consumer Debt, Soup

Cause of Radiation Spike at Three Mile Island Found

Cop jailed for fiancee murder


**Literature.org - The Origin of Species; Charles Darwin


AUDIONETDAILY 'Atomic bombshell' in global-warming debate

VIDEONETDAILY 'Saturday Night Live' scorches Obama policies

AUDIONETDAILY 'Threat of force' only way to stop Iran nukes


America in trouble: Reagan to the rescue, again

Cass Sunstein: Censor Hannity, right-wing rumors

American Music Awards become 'modern Sodom'

ABC's Problem Child: Adam Lambert

No further! Christians draw battle line in culture war

Why sin cannot be condoned by state

Did White House overlook mayor's 'sexual misconduct'?

Top Republican lawmakers not attending State Dinner - Washington Times

Tea Party react: Conservatives seek litmus test for RNC funding - Washington Times

Half of voters oppose Congress members on health care

Reid joins Pelosi in mandating 'abortion premium'

Lieberman Digs In on Public Option - WSJ.com

Achtung! Prosecutor says only jail deters homeschooling

Gibbs cites Reid, Moussaoui as 'combatants'

Lawyer: Sept. 11 defendants want to air views - Security- msnbc.com

The Weekly Standard:Cheney: Holder Wants "Show Trial" for KSM

Look who's defending 'Muslim Mafia'

See it now: Terrorists and their plans for America

Watch scientists 'prove Darwin wrong'

'Continental Congress' abolishes income tax

Op-Ed Columnist - Terrorism That’s Personal - NYTimes.com

Anglican bishops: wear Christian symbols at Christmas - Telegraph

Only 20% of Americans Strongly Support Obama Terror Trials

Just 25% of Voters in Competitive 2010 Senate Races “Much More Likely” to Support Pelosi-Democrats Who Voted for Health Care Bill

Will Retailers or Consumers Come Out on Top on Black Friday? - Advertising Age - News

Bare necessities top holiday wish lists - Washington Times


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Former British policeman backs Barack Obama 'birthers' conspiracy theory - Telegraph


American Minute for November 24th:William J Federer's American Minute


Free speech suppressed at Columbia, Princeton

How politicians 'solve' problems

Joe and Barack: Our national nightmare

Tear up your AARP cards

A declaration of truth

Make 'em trip over pink

Dems' demographic must-haves

London's jihad protesters – and Harvard's porn-shirters

A troubled Thanksgiving 2009

The great 'global warming' hoax

Katherine Kersten: At U, future teachers may be reeducated | StarTribune.com

Diana West: Political Islam is bent on world domination | Washington Examiner

Mexican labs target adulterers with DNA testing - inSing.com


11/23 The Mark Levin Show

11/20 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/23/09

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/20/09

Nov. 23, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 20, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 19, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-23, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-22, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-20, Friday


The world still can learn from Keynesian economics -- latimes.com

The American Spectator : The Evening Keynote

Op-Ed Columnist - The Values Question - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Rationing, the Unspeakable, But Honest Solution

RealClearPolitics - How Far Will Democratic Leaders Go?

Can populism be liberal? - Salon.com

George Melloan: Government Deficits and Private Growth - WSJ.com

Afraid to kill

America's new crisis of confidence

RealClearPolitics - The United States -- Decline and Fall?

Op-Ed Columnist - Signs of Hope - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Missing Barack Obama

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Failing: Too Much Head, Too Little Gut

Matthew Dowd - Yes, she can: Palin has a shot at the presidency - washingtonpost.com

RealClearPolitics - Justice, The Chicago Way

Liberals and Mammography

Reid's Louisiana purchase

Ready for 2012?: Three Republicans are planting seeds in Iowa

Proposal to allow breakup of huge banks gains momentum -- latimes.com

Right and Left Join Forces on Criminal Justice - NYTimes.com

Justice probing lawmaker with oversight over department

'We're Not in Afghanistan to Build a Perfect Democracy' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A Modernization Lesson: Russia Is Not China | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Anne Applebaum - Anne Applebaum on the U.S. as a superpower without a partner - washingtonpost.com

Terence Corcoran: After Copenhagen, the end of the science - Full Comment

Obama's Afghanistan strategy must be more than more troops -- latimes.com

It's beginning to look a lot like a 'W' Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch

Jim Jubak - Another lost decade for investors? - MSN Money

Arianna Huffington: Will The Unemployment Disaster Be Obama's Katrina?

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Goldman Sachs: the case for the defence

Could Wall Street Actually Lose In Congress? | The New Republic

Goldman/AIG Conspiracy Theories: There’s a Reason They Won’t Go Away « naked capitalism

Geo-Graphics » Blog Archive » How “Global” Are Global Imbalances?

The Obama Folly

Human Gene Mutation Creates Resistance to Kuru -A Rare, Violent Epidemic

Obama's nuclear spring | Benny Morris | Comment is free | The Guardian

The mystery of Dr Aafia Siddiqui | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan to petition President Barack Obama for release of woman doctor accused of al-Qaeda links - Telegraph

Inquiry inspires no faith in Iraq | Sami Ramadani | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

U.S. congressman calls for 'war tax' as Barack Obama decides whether to send more troops to Afghanistan | Mail Online

US police release YouTube video of 'assault' - Times Online

Adolf Hitler's Mercedes bought by Russian for £5m - Telegraph

'Police targeting people for their DNA' - Crime, UK - The Independent

School-leavers are not up to the job, claims Sir Stuart Rose - Times Online

Iraq inquiry: Bush administration 'discussing regime change two years before invasion' - Telegraph

Patients face bitter choice: Pay up or lose care - Health care- msnbc.com

Beck calls Sen. Landrieu a prostitute -- "We know you're hookin' " -- for snagging post-Katrina Medicaid funds


** Transcripts: Speech to the Party Congress

Guests: Sens. McConnell, Bennet, Brown & Shaheen

Guests: Sens. Durbin, Feinstein, Lieberman & Hutchison

Sens. Nelson & Coburn, Reps. Wasserman-Schultz, Blackburn

Guests: Senators Stabenow, Specter, Alexander & Bond

Guests: Senators Schumer & Kyl


**Politics Video:Reuters: U.S. Downplays Climate Change Talks

Obama Takes Swipe At Bush: "My Intention To Finish The Job" In Afghanistan

Obama Hosts Singh At White House

Tina Brown: Palin's Confidence Based On Ignorance

Convicted Felon Martha Stewart Says Sarah Palin Is "Dangerous"

60-Plus Warns Seniors On Medicare, Health Bill

Pelosi: Americans Will "Absorb" More Deficit If It Means Jobs

Sen. Whitehouse On Dem Divide Over Public Option

Krauthammer On KSM Trial: Eric Holder Is "Utterly Clueless"

Obama's Afghan Strategy To Include "Benchmarks" And "Off-Ramps"

Palin On Media, Leading A Populist Movement In America

O'Reilly Interviews 9/11 Terrorist Suspect's Attorney

Sen. Brown On Finishing Health Bill By SOTU

Bolton: Family Will Not Be Safe During KSM Trial

Olbermann On Palin's Traveling Book-SIgning "Circus"

Sen. Sanders: Bill Needs Public Option

O'Reilly: Is The Right Making A Comeback In America?

Cheney: Holder Wants "Show Trial" For KSM

Obama: "I Will Not Rest" Until Businesses Are Hiring

RNC's Steele Targets Democrats Over Health Care

Fiorina: "I Would Have Voted No" On Health Bill

Lou Dobbs Considers Presidential Run

Sestak Hits Specter For Ties To Palin

Rove On Opposition To Health Care Reform

RealClearPolitics - Video - November 23, 2009 Archives

Carville, Matalin On Sarah Palin's Book

Biden: "Plenty More To Do" About Economy

Dean: Dems Should Have Used Reconciliation

Dem Rep. Obey Proposes Tax to Fund War

Ron Paul Explains Why He Wants To Get Rid Of Fed

Schumer: Senators Will Have To "Give A Little" In Health Bill Debate

*Markets Video:Fed Under Fire...

Gold: Room to Run or Time to Sell?

Investors Refuse to be Out of The Markets

Eye on Dividend-Paying Stocks

Is a Bubble Forming in China's Property Market?

"Dead Battery of the Decade Award": Alan Greenspan

Mundell: Don't Buy Gold Now

Dennis Kozlowski's Life in Jail

Fear or Greed: What Really Moves Markets?

Dicker: How to Trade Natural Gas

2010 Forecast: Strong 1st Half, Tough 2nd?

**World Video:Obama's Afghan Decision

Chinese Hajj

China Rescue Under Way After Deadly Mine Blast

Britain Opens Iraq War Inquiry

Tycoon Points Finger at Chirac in Arms-Smuggling Case

Gitmo Suspects Plan to Plead Not Guilty

Dalai Lama on China, Politics

Is Karzai in Control?

Indian Prime Minister Visits U.S.

Ahmadinejad Visits Brazil

Creating a Palestinian State?

Armenians Nervous About Opening Turkish Border

UK-US Military Tensions in Iraq

Northern Ireland Firefight Leads to Arrests

Amanda Knox Murder Trial Nears End