"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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*Site:Whole Health Healing(www.naturalhacker.com)

*Ann Louise’s News Archive


Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: 9/11 and Beyond

Memoirs of Hitler aide could finally end Holocaust claims - Telegraph

Internet regulator Icann approves web addresses in multiple languages | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama: so much for superhero - Telegraph

President Obama alleged to have given White House perks to top donors - Times Online

Freed paedophile ‘raped boy of five after prison doctor gave him Viagra’ - Times Online

America, born July 4th 1776, died Nov 4th 2008 | Gather

Pissing On Jesus­Just a "Drop in the Bucket" as Far as Jewish Interests are Concerned

Tantamount To Treason

Obama Lifts a Ban on Entry Into U.S. by H.I.V.-Positive People - NYTimes.com

The Kim Jong-il that Clinton met was a fake, says academic - Asia, World - The Independent

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - The Vietnam moment

US scientist faces death for plot to spy for Israel - Telegraph

Eighth severed foot washes up on Canada's Pacific coast - Telegraph

Tickets to see George Bush on sale for $4.95 - Telegraph

Chemical alert as six passengers faint on transatlantic flight to Heathrow - Telegraph

New Russian combat robot to replace soldiers | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Police find 6 bodies in Cleveland; convicted rapist sought - CNN.com

Sunday Express | UK News :: Vatican condemns ‘dangerous’ Halloween

Insane new food labels

Here's why pandemic flu vaccine programs fail more often than not

Malta to investigate key Lockerbie evidence - Herald Scotland | News | Home News

New technique harvests electricity from nature's motions

Virgin: the world's best passenger complaint letter? - Telegraph

Robert Bernstein - A Human Shield For Criticism Of Israel

44,000 Americans Die!

The History Of The House Of Rothschild

Abdullah Will Quit Afghan Election, Officials Say

Technology Review: How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

Sunday Express | UK News :: EU to ban all shop refunds

EU to police drivers with black boxes

Second World War blunder that doomed 50,000 British PoWs | World news | The Observer

Why are we paying child benefit in Poland? - Telegraph

Britain pays child benefit for more than 50,000 children living abroad - Telegraph

Schools penalised for excluding violent pupils - Telegraph

Now, we go live to a breaking sex scandal... - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Polygamy challenged as renegade Mormon group's trial grips Texan town - Telegraph

Republican gangs of New York wage civil war - Telegraph

Study claims meat creates half of all greenhouse gases - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Obama faces criticism as US state tops secrecy table

Jet named in torture flight report is met by SAS at British airport | Mail Online

It's a wonderful, mixed-up world - Telegraph

Ethiopia on brink of famine again as Midge Ure returns 25 years after Band Aid - Telegraph

The Berlin wall had to fall, but today's world is no fairer | Mikhail Gorbachev | Comment is free | The Guardian

Silvio Berlusconi says he will stay on as Italy's PM even if convicted in court | World news | The Observer

Second chance for Large Hadron Collider to deliver universe's secrets | Science | The Observer

US drops demand for Israeli settlement freeze - Telegraph

Junk food is almost as addictive as heroin, scientists have found.

Steven M. Gillon: A New Wrinkle in the JFK Assassination Story

Israel, US hold largest ever war games

VIDEO: Ron Paul Schools Tim Geithner at Financial Hearing

CIA Invests In Social Media Monitoring Technology

FBI Demands Tattoo Shops Rat On Customers

VeriChip markets RFID Microchip implants to ID WORLD International Congress

Body Worlds plans cadaver show dedicated to sex

Dozens in Congress Face Inquiries About Defense Lobbying and Corporate Influence Peddling

NATO forces turn to warlords

‘Impossible’ Device Could Propel Flying Cars, Stealth Missiles

Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy

$1.2 billion in stimulus contracts goes to the most egregious offenders of state and federal laws

Loosening of F.B.I. Rules Stirs Privacy Concerns

Harvard: Lab Workers Were Poisoned

Clunkers: Taxpayers paid $24,000 per car

10-31-2009: Report slams bank links to clusterbomb production

Documents Detail Conditions Found at Secret C.I.A. Jails

Chomsky: Palestine and the Region in the Obama era:

Obama Goes Wobbly Over More Stimulus

Big Bad Government Is Coming to Get You

Propping Up a Broken Capitalism

The Fruits of Intervention

Government considers cutting home internet service during pandemic

The Collapse of Detroit: Ground Zero for the Globalist's Deindustrialization Agenda

Police State America: Another Adventure with Rob Dew & Aaron Dykes on Alex Jones Tv (It's Time to Start Saying NO)

Dr. Scott Whitaker on the Alex Jones Show - Vaccines, MediSin, Monsanto

Harvard Scientists' Mysterious Poisonings Kept Secret For Two Months, Only Now Released

CNN Hunts Down Freemasons in U.S. Government (video)

Rockefellers Fund Global-warming Protests as Earth Cools

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

Councils get ‘Al Capone’ power to seize assets over minor offences

No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

Third-Party Challenges Reveal Voters' Foul Mood

Boehner Says GOP Wants Moderates

Limbaugh: 'Radical' Obama Won't Be Re-Elected

Republican in N.Y. House Race Drops Out

Year After Obama's Romp, GOP Set for Va. Comeback

Hillary Calls Israeli Concessions 'Unprecedented'

John Hope Bryant: U.S. Fear Killing Prosperity

After All the Fuss, Gov't Health Plan to Cover Few

Geithner: Recovery Could Be 'a Little Choppy'

Video: Biden Admits Job Numbers Not Accurate

GOP Urges Simpler, Less Expensive Health Plan

McCain: Obama Hasn't Brought Change

Video: Liz Cheney Slams Obama's Dover Visit

Ill. Lawmakers OK Caps on Political Donations

Steps Toward The American Police State are Always Tried-Out in Britain First - BlackListed News

Brussels 'Home Office' plot to snoop on all of Europe | Mail Online

Asia Times Online : Doubles, toil and trouble in Pyongyang

Dark Comet in 2012? Researcher Unravels Potential Doomsday Culprit

Of Coconut Futures and Thermonuclear Fusion Power | h+ Magazine

Organ transplant horrors: Diseased organs routinely implanted into donation recipients

The Vicon Life Recorder – Lifelogging Takes Another Step Forward | Singularity Hub

Hey Kids, Don't Forget to Take My Brain Out of the Freezer | h+ Magazine

Obama Goes to N.J. for Final Pitch of '09 Elections

Conyers to Sebelius: Don't Give Away U.S. H1N1 Vaccine Supply to Foreign Countries Until U.S. Need is Met

Bishops: All Catholics To Be Told To Urge Congress to Ban Abortion-Funding In Health Bill

Homeland Security Department Gags Local Law Enforcement to Protect 'Privacy' of Illegal Aliens

Republicans Say Obama Administration Is Limiting Arrests of Illegal Aliens

New Study Reveals Connection Between Enforcing Immigration Laws and National Security

Taxpayers Fund Research on Bugs, College Sex Lives, Facebook, and Rabbit Droppings with Stimulus Bill

House Health Care Bill Includes New Taxes, Fees, Government Mandates

White House Changes Its Rhetoric on Abortion Funding in Health Bill; Pro-Life Democrat Says ‘There Have Been Good Conversations’ About It

43 Democrats Will Vote against Health Care Bill Unless Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Language Is Removed, Group Says

By 2-to-1 Margin, American Women Prefer Private Health Insurance Over Government-Run Plan, Poll Finds

Millions Spent on Small Border Stations Justified

Hard-to-Find Swine Flu Vaccine Going to Some Who Are Not in High-Risk Groups

Obama Lifts Ban on US Entry for Those with HIV

Obama Has Mixed Message on Economic Recovery, AP Says

Southern Christian Leadership Conference Elects MLK's Daughter as Its President

Oklahoma Hearing Aimed at Shaping 'Sexting' Measure

Texas Law on Children Seeing Porn Being Challenged

China Expands Language Institutes at U.S. Colleges

The Fruits of Intervention

The Obama White House: Bundlers’ Paradise

Evolution: A Theory Headed for Extinction?

Controlling Climate? More Like Controlling Humans

Dangerous People Needed

Crisis in the Post-industrial Age: Welcome to Role-play

Lest we forget?

US Workers Starved Into Service

Argentina: Disappearing Farmers, Disappearing Food

President Barack H. Obama, One Year Later: 'C' for Effort

Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz

Palestinians accuse U.S. of killing peace prospects | International | Reuters

Big Government » Blog Archive » Pelosi Health Care Bill Blows a Kiss to Trial Lawyers

Health care bill: Calorie counts for Big Macs, vending machines - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Jeb Bush: Obama trying to ‘attack capitalism’ « - Blogs from CNN.com

Daily Times - Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan: Hillary Clinton

Dollar Homes Lack Buyers | NBC Chicago

The Associated Press: Senate, White House agree on reporter protections

The Associated Press: Obama administration: Toss wiretap lawsuit

Italy arrests Naples mafia boss in chicken farm raid

Sick Elton John postpones US gigs with Joel

White candidate scrambles vote, attitudes in Atlanta race - Washington Times

The Associated Press: US admiral concerned about China military buildup

The Associated Press: Castro: more US visitors mean more Cuban swine flu

Larry David’s God-Given American Right to Be a Jerk

Daily Gut: Murder Needs No Footnote

Dennis Miller: Ahem…All Not So Quiet on the Cable Front

Jonah Goldberg: NEA Chair Kowtows to His Caesar

‘A Dimension Not Only of Sight and Sound, But of Mind’

Anguish of the Apostate: Second Thoughts Are Best

Alleged Corruption In Obama’s Working Families Party: ‘Inside The DFS Experience’

What Do You Mean the Federal First-Time Home-Buyer Tax Credit Attracts Fraud?

Exclusive: Interview with GOP Leader John Boehner, Discusses Health Care, Afghanistan, And Elections

Government Still Trying to Take Over Health Care

Pelosi Health Care Bill Blows a Kiss to Trial Lawyers

Politicians Fiddle While America’s Corporate Tax System Burns

Washington Post: ACORN Video Creates New Conservative Star

Boeing Heads South For Better Business Climate: Washington State Politicians Are Surprised?

Senator Harry Reid’s Vapor Bill

Calbuzz: Jerry Brown Must Fire Flack Who Secretly Taped Reporters

Mike Flynn Talks Big Government on the ‘Kudlow Report’

ObamaCare: Insurance Premiums Soaring Up, Up, and Away

ObamaCare Vs. The Hippocratic Oath

'Wahhabi terrorism helps West achieve goals'

Obama Administration Seeks To Block Wiretap Suit

Paranoia Watch: Ultrasecret NSA Has Conspicuous Role in New Federal Cybersecurity Center - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com

Refreshing News: New battery can supply non-stop power for thousands of hrs

Federal Reserve Policy Audit Legislation ‘Gutted,’ Paul Says - Bloomberg.com

Obama Quietly Backing Congressional Moves on Iran Sanctions -- News from Antiwar.com

Boulder's Naked Halloween Streak May Be Coming to an End - WSJ.com

Cut off, hemmed in and slowly running out of food - The National Newspaper

Automated Precision Satellite Guidance Of 9/11 Type Aircraft Largely Possible Just Before Attacks | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Rothschild's Control of Central Banks

Why Propaganda Trumps Truth

CRG -- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

Trick or Tweet? Malware Abundant in Twitter URLs | Threat Level | Wired.com

Understanding Money

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul - Important News - The Fed tries to Hijack The Audit!

Oops: Backscatter x-ray machines "tear apart DNA" : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

Junk food as 'addictive as drugs' - Telegraph

Ron Paul: Government Intervention in Healthcare a Failure » Nationalist Coalition Blog

YouTube - 9-11 Inside Job-Political Landscape Prior To 9-11

YouTube - 9-11 Inside Job-World Trade Center Attack

YouTube - 9-11 Inside Job-Pentagon Attack

YouTube - Is THIS how the bank bailout money is being used?

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

Has Canada Got the Cure?

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Ancient wall found in Jerusalem

Marijuana growers upend hard-luck California town -- latimes.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Rahm Emanuel to Disarm America:"#1 Issue", Gun Owners are Terrorists

FBI documents reveal secret CIA prisoners ‘manacled to the ceiling’ | Raw Story

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: Government Can Quarantine People - H1N1

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: How the Obama Administration Is Fudging the Jobs Saved/Created Numbers

Second autopsy: Hampton's death likely murder


TaxProf Blog: Chicago Property Taxes Increase 9.6%; Obama's Property Tax Increases 1.0%

Oh Bummer: Obama's latest use of "secrecy" to shield presidential lawbreaking

“Juniper Cobra Drill to Help US Design Missile Shield” « Political Theatrics

Aletho News: Texas Governor's Secret Jerusalem Trip Raises Questions

GlobalGulag.com » Fall Of The Republic: Millions Of People Worldwide Take The Red Pill

Pro Libertate: Obama and the "Predator Left"

US issues health warning over mercury fillings - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Widespread availability of online video means less P2P use - Ars Technica

The Origins of the “Global Warming” Scare « Time to Think

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - Economic Cover up

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul Geithner Fed Res As Lender Last Resort Contributes to Moral Hazard

Climate Change Treaty A Precursor To Global Government? – Chuck Baldwin « Dprogram.net

The Mainstream, Corporately Owned Media is Anything but Honest « Dprogram.net

Facing A Total Breakdown Of Financial Markets – Bob Chapman « Dprogram.net

Microbiologist alleges Baxter "swine flu" vaccine is a bioweapon

YouTube - Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Coverup

YouTube - Mercury is good for you! - US Mainstream Media Report

YouTube - Censored 9-11 Police Radio Transmissions Urban Moving Vans

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Using Cash Sign Of Terrorist, According To FBI

On The Edge with Max Keiser and Catherine Fitts » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Hallowe’en is the devil’s work, Catholic church warns parents -Times Online

Refreshing News: Security center opens to battle computer attacks

House Committee Investigates Jane Harman

EclippTV :: Video :: Ethics Probe Hits Congress

Public Option, RIP?

22 Things Dick Cheney Can't Recall About the Plame Case | Mother Jones

EclippTV :: Video :: Contaminated Food

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Anti-Semitism Continues to Surge on College Campuses

YouTube - GOP: Dems Health Care Plan Will Kill Jobs

Brewerstroupe: Bill Moyers bought?

Retesting The Greenhouse Gas Theory With A New Experiment. - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Halloween's Top 10 Scary Creatures | World Of Mysteries

Oh Bummer: Detroit Imam Assassinated by FBI Agents

Why We Carve Pumpkins, Not Turnips | World Of Mysteries

The CIA no longer trusts Jews -- and for good reason | j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California

British nuclear expert¿s 17th floor UN death plunge ¿was not suicide¿ | Mail Online

Did Richard Goldstone hide more sinister crimes in Gaza? - Part 1: White Phosphorus and Flechettes

Did Richard Goldstone Hide More Sinister Crimes in Gaza? Part 2 – DIME and Uranium Weapons

Did Richard Goldstone Hide More Sinister Crimes in Gaza? Part 3: Members of Congress Reject Report

Bobbleheads Are Very Concerned About The Deficit - After BushCo Leaves The Scene of the Crime

Limbaugh: Palin is ready to be president

Michele Bachmann Urges People to 'Pay a House Call' on Congress to Protest Health Care Bill

Administration Hints At Tax Increases, Spending Cuts - Just Like FDR Did In 1937, Making Unemployment Worse

Bob Herbert: Our Brightest Grads Are Still Struggling to Find Work.

The Senate Announces Deal On Reporters' Shield Law; Bloggers Included

IL Teacher Suspended For Assigning Article On Homosexuality In Animals

Morning Joe Crew Thinks This Week Has "Been a Mess" for Democrats on Health Care Reform

The mainstreaming of the radical right: Conservatives run and hide from their culpability in spreading hate

Caution: Using Twitter During A Demonstration Can Make You A Terrorist

Shorter Mitch McConnell: Americans "Don't Go Without Health Care" But Public Option May Kill You

Crazy Sheriff Joe Arpaio facing FBI investigation for abusing his power by arresting his critics

Scozzafava Dropping Out of NY-23

Ben Nelson's hair is in love with the state "opt in" plan for the public option

Beck's prediction: Sarah Palin positioning herself for third-party run -- and a third party will win in 2012

Lawrence O'Donnell Rips into Liz Cheney For Dover AFB Criticism

Washington Post Accesses Online Files On Congressional Ethics Investigations

For Fox Sake!

Congressman Grayson: Stories Of Those Who Died Because They Didn't Have Health Insurance

Progressives Urge Obama to Man Up On The Public Option

Beck says Net Neutrality would 'destroy the free market that created the Internet'. Oh really?

Here's The Lowdown: Are The Affordability Credits in The Reform Bill Affordable?

South Carolina Republican Caught With 18 Yr. Old Stripper, Sex Toys and Viagra In Cemetery

Stray bullet hits Lou Dobbs' home, he claims victimhood, and Bill O'Reilly buys it

Fox News is the 'Most Ideological Network,' according to Pew Research

The Rachel Maddow Show: Bayh Won't Filibuster Health Reform Debate

Howard Dean on Health-Care Bill: 'This Is Real Reform'

Before Dreams , There Was Roots

Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich: The Visionary and the Hack

O isn't dithering on Afghanistan! It's a Harvard Law Seminar!

Is Barack Obama Anti-American?

Power Derives from Lawful Authority

LIVE from Aboard the Tea Party Express II

Will We Lose It All?

Why English Is Not the "Official Language" of the United States

NY 23: Perhaps Not All Politics Are Local

Campus Critics on Trial

21-Gun Salute

Why Marriage?

OPT-OUT Is the Solution

What happened to all the Christmas Trees?

Princeton professor: 'I ought to torture a terrorist' to save New York

The human capacity for innovation is limitless

'Whiner in Chief'

Buffalo Gas

Karzai rival pulls out of run off election

NY 23 and the Congressional Liberal Hydra

Steyn on Obama's 'Blame Czar'

Please check the weather report for hell

ObamaCare's Scary October Surprise

Charity and Sacrifice in a Free Society

Are the Democrats Really This Desperate?

Obama's Myopic Vision for America's Education

Arguing With Liberals Idiots

When Fidel Castro Dictated to the Old U.S. Media

The Pillars of Liberal Progressivism

Time to Eat the Dog : PETA Won't Like This

Democrats' Healthcare Scheme Is Pure Insanity

The Recoveryless Recovery

Health insurance is too cheap and covers too much. Really.

Dodging the Label 'Party of No'

Can Islam reform from within?

Rethinking Health Care and History

Brietbart News Video

Rush Tells Fox: Obama May Be ‘Destroying’ Private Sector on Purpose

Axelrod Fires Back at Scathing New Comments From Limbaugh

Carville: Reagan’s Big Tent Has Collapsed in Upstate NY

Jarrett: GOP Becoming ‘More and More Extreme’

Indiana State Rep Injured In ‘Inexplicable’ Attack

German Company Attaches Banner Ads to Flies at Trade Show

Obama’s Campaign Manager Slams Palin as ‘Pied Piper in Republican Politics’

‘Death Panels’ Measure Survives in House Health Care Bill

Taliban Radio Wars: Fiesty DJ Takes on Militant Commander’s Pirate Broadcasts

Six Decomposing Bodies Found at Cleveland Home of Convicted Rapist

Beck Hosts Lord Monckton & John Bolton to Discuss Copenhagen Treaty

Human Bones Found at Texas Ritual Site

Rep. Bachmann Calls Pelosi Plan ‘The Crown Jewel of Socialism’

Southwest Apologizes for Kicking Mom & Cranky Kid Off Plane

MSNBC Host Slams Liz Cheney for Criticizing Obama’s Dover Salute

Woman Calls 911 to Report That She Is Driving Drunk

Rush on Fox News: ‘It’s Gonna Be the Biggest Snatch of Freedom’

Leaked Report Reveals Ethics Scrutiny of House Lawmakers

YouTube Star Explains Halloween Word Origins on O’Reilly

House Majority Whip: ‘The Magic Number Is 50′ to Pass Health Care

Biden Concedes Stimulus Numbers Not 100% Accurate

Liz Cheney on Obama’s Dover Photo-Op: Bush Did It Without Cameras

Lieberman Sides With Obama Over Rush in Dover Debate

House Republican Leader: ‘Political Rebellion’ Going on in America

Update: Southwest Reimburses Mom Tossed From Flight with Cranky 2-Year-Old

Slain NJ Priest Remembered for Quiet Wisdom

Obama Family Celebrates Halloween with 2,000 Children

‘Enough is Enough’: House Republican Leader Blasts Democratic Health Plan

Artist Finds Missing Works at Estate Sale

Radicals Wanted in Connection to MI FBI Raid Captured In Canada

Obama: New Signs of Economic Growth

Scuba Divers Carve Pumpkins Underwater

Afghan Challenger Drops Out Of Runoff Election

China’s Communist Party Maintains Firm Grip on Power

Dutch Court Nixes Teen’s Round-The-World Sail

Chirac Faces Trial Over Paris ‘Ghost Jobs’

Kohl, Gorbachev, Bush and Merkel mark fall of Berlin Wall

German Visitor Spends 13 Days in Brazil Airport

Security Camera Captures Murder of Italian Mafia Boss

MSNBC Airs Uncensored Breast Self-Exam Video From Local TV Report

The B-Cast Media Recap: Pelosi Blocks Public From Public Option Event

Motorized La-Z-Boy Used In DUI Now On EBay

Wal-Mart Adds Caskets, Urns to Inventory

What Happens When You Give a 3-Year-Old an iPhone?

Warning: Hackers May Use Wi-Fi to Target Your Laptop

Google Unveils Music Search Capability

Dennis Hopper Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

Storm Blows Steeple Off LA Church

The B-Cast: A Halloween Filter on Stimulus Analysis


Abdullah Won’t Complicate Obama Decision, Aides Say - Bloomberg.com

Palestinian officials criticize U.S. over Israeli settlements - washingtonpost.com

Clinton in Pakistan encounters widespread distrust of U.S. -- latimes.com

Trio of fugitive Mafia brothers arrested near Naples

Honduran opposition leader key to ending conflict | International | Reuters

E.U. Reaches Funding Deal on Climate Change - NYTimes.com

Obama's Afghan decision not likely before Nov. 11 | Reuters

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Bombers strike across Iraq

Iraqi Officer Delving Into Bombings Is Killed - NYTimes.com

Pope offers olive branch after move to 'poach' traditionalist Anglicans -Times Online

The Associated Press: Limbaugh says Obama 'in over his head'

The Associated Press: Search for Calif. crash survivors now recovery

Obama Says New Data Shows Economy Recovering - ABC News

Newsom exit gives huge boost to Brown campaign

Crews focusing on Alameda shore in oil cleanup - San Jose Mercury News

Republicans Plan To Block US Climate Vote This Week - WSJ.com

San Francisco cops made 8 arrests in Castro, Mission on Hallowee night - San Jose Mercury News

The Associated Press: HBO filmmakers get inside Obama campaign

Ethics inquiry looks into several House panel members -- latimes.com

California’s Fiscal Health Continues to Deteriorate, Despite Many Deep Cuts - NYTimes.com

Barack and Michelle Obama: Mr&Mrs show irks voters - Times Online

Edible Ebonics & Other Intentional Cakes

Muslim Chick Tries to Honor-Kill “Western” Husband; Male Reporters Focus on Her “Pretty, Petite” Looks

What You Won’t Hear About the Detroit Islamic Terror Raids: Priorities, Shmiorities; The CAIR Connection

Scientific Study: This Is Your Brain Without Dad

Helga Zepp-LaRouche to Rhodes: New Strategic Alliances for a New World Financial System | LaRouchePAC

LaRouche: Wealth Is Increasing the Productive Powers of Labor | LaRouchePAC

LaRouche: On China Turning U.S. Debt into an Asset | LaRouchePAC

LaRouche: Only "Damned Fools" Think Administration Health-Care Policy Is Not Nazi | LaRouchePAC

LaRouche: Obama Government is Lying about Swine Flu Vaccine | LaRouchePAC

Marijuana growers upend hard-luck California town -- latimes.com

The Prob w/ Chick Reporters: Chicago Trib Reports on Terrorist’s “Striking” Looks

Taking Bets: Will Sarah Palin Go on Letterman? Letterman Begins Campaign

WND Player

World Net Daily Player:Obamacare called '2,000 pages of bad news'

World Net Daily Player:Former GSA exec: Obama job claims 'baloney'

World Net Daily Player:Michigan representative says job 'savings' in dispute


Ron Paul: Audit Fed 'gutted' in committee

'Personhood' movement explodes in 32 states

Confirmed: Skin cream contains fetal proteins

Limbaugh Assails Obama's 'Radical' Agenda, Predicts One-Term Presidency - FOXNews.com

Rush on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace

Republicans warn: Rationing medicine has already begun

Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress

CAIR linked to FBI shootout

Muslim congressman defends CAIR

Christian groups bring different messages to Pride event | ajc.com

The Associated Press: Evangelical leader Dobson leaving radio show

Census count diminishes citizenship

Sting: Obama is 'sent from God'

Proof! White House part of push for 'Obama art'

Obama names 110 White House visitors - White House- msnbc.com

Duncan: States 'set bar too low' - UPI.com

Why the world won't end in 2012 - thestar.com

Libel tourists flock to 'easy' UK courts - Times Online

U.N. alarmed over chicken promotion

Merkel and Sarkozy bury Blair EU president idea - The Local

Islamic states pushing for 'global blasphemy law'

Planned Parenthood: 'Expect to have STD'

Companies get even 'gayer' as U.S. economy plummets

America's pro-homosexual giants: 2010

British nuclear expert's 17th floor UN death plunge 'was not suicide' | Mail Online

Revealed: Lockerbie bomber defies doctors' prediction of death - Telegraph

Rape case against APS teacher detailed | KRQE News 13 New Mexico

KOB.com - Cops get DNA evidence from teacher

Rape charges divide teacher's friends | KRQE News 13 New Mexico

*The big list: Female teachers with students

**Site:The 912 Project Radio Show

How to save the country

Needed: A tenting of the White House

A Halloween media nightmare story

The Constitution? How quaint!

Hate-crimes law = fascism

A hateful hate-crimes law

An 'option' we can't refuse

NBC show defends unborn

Jesus is the punch line … again

Don't waste your pain

Congressional Group Comes to CAIR’s Defense « NewsReal Blog

Detroit Jihad – by Robert Spencer | FrontPage Magazine

The new totalitarians

Exclusive: Ray Comfort Defends His Creationist Edition of 'On the Origin of Species' - God & Country (usnews.com)

Obama says U.S. economy moving in "right direction" - People's Daily Online

Schools are where stimulus saved jobs

Up Against a Wall of Debt

'New Madoff' fraud feared in Germany - The Local

Wicked new wrinkle: Scammers impersonate FTC officials - The Red Tape Chronicles - msnbc.com

Psychic computer shows your thoughts on screen - Times Online

Is this haunting picture proof that chimps really DO grieve? | Mail Online

McPrank: Teens Get A Bad Rap at McDonald's - Consumer Nation - CNBC.com

Jungle woman Rochom P'ngieng wants to return to the wild - Telegraph

The Day Berlin Was Divided: Kennedy Surprised by 'Such Strong American Outrage to the Wall' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Strange happenings at coroner's office - UPI.com

Where do ghosts come from? - life - 30 October 2009 - New Scientist

Teenage girl who was a boy premieres video in UK – Video – Austrian Times

Tweance, the Twitter seance, 'contacts Michael Jackson and Kurt Cobain' - Telegraph

A good day to get spooked at the Stanley Museum - The Denver Post

Scientifically Haunted House Suggests You’re a Sucker | Wired Science | Wired.com

Halloween: How Britain became a nation of ghost hunters | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

Nasa Fermi telescope uncovers proof of Einstein's space-time theory | Mail Online

'Miracle' as communion wafer becomes heart tissue - Telegraph

See ghosts? There may be a medical reason - The Body Odd - msnbc.com

Bad Driving May Have Genetic Basis, Study Finds

Human foot found on Canadian beach | World news | guardian.co.uk

‘Impossible’ Device Could Propel Flying Cars, Stealth Missiles | Danger Room | Wired.com

Neanderthals ‘had sex’ with modern man - Times Online

Woman swallows 78 items of cutlery - Telegraph

Do-it-yourself ghost hunt :: The Courier News :: Entertainment

Brain scanners can tell what you're thinking about - life - 28 October 2009 - New Scientist

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The map that changed the world

Mystery stone found near church linked to Knights Templar - Scotsman.com News

Mystery lump on beach mistaken for alien | Stuff.co.nz

Iranian cleric shuns Mecca - Israel News, Ynetnews

Worried Iran pilot asks passengers to pray - Yahoo! News

Exaggerated claims undermine drive to cut emissions, scientists warn - Times Online

Jimmy Carter Joins ‘The Elders’ in Istanbul to Tackle Climate Change

Kerik 'cracking'

New Andre Agassi drug revelations - Telegraph

Plastic nerves may give new limbs feelings - Times Online

Evangelical churches shake up the social order in Africa

American Minute

American Minute for November 1st:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Michelle contradicts Obama nativity story

Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity

Judge dismisses California eligibility challenge


All Hail Halloween! by Ryan McMaken

Flu Season Has Peaked; Vaccination Would Only Reduce Number of Infected Americans By 6 Percent; Young Children Would Receive No Benefit by Bill Sardi

The Fruits of Intervention by Patrick J. Buchanan

Hair of the Dog by Peter Schiff

Thirty Years On, the Holocaust In Cambodia and Its Aftermath Is Remembered by John Pilger

The real climate change catastrophe - Telegraph

SurvivalBlog.comPreparing for Uncertain Times--A Simple Guide to Getting Ready, by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patriot

A Few Good Kids? | Mother Jones

FAKED MOON LANDINGS ?;The Moon Shots Were Faked

*Ron Paul: Let the dollar prove itself - CNN.com

Jim Rogers, Marc Faber agree US dollar due for temporary rebound - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

What Physicians Know

Using the Criminal Justice System to Reward Political Support

What Will The FDIC Do For Funds In 2011?

Mere Conservatism: The Beginning

Landscapers Win ChicagoTurf War

An Implication of Liberty

Is the US Medical Crisis a Tax Crisis Instead?

Ahmadinejad: Iran's Enemies a 'Mosquito' - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

*White House ; visitors release (2009/1/ 30)

Sept. 11 chapel 'arsonist' gives up

Islamist group march for 'full sharia law in Britain' | News

Sir Charlie

NY1 rips 'abuser' for bigshot act

Grayson's remarks drive voters 'Nuts' - Washington Times

Sharpton's ex & kid in cop rage

Pelosi, Boehner vow to investigate House computer security - TheHill.com

10 months isn't rushing it, Mr. President - The Denver Post

The Pelosi-Reid train wreck

Editorial - The House Ethics Committee at Work - NYTimes.com

The End of Prohibition

Crushing the media

Mary Elise Sarotte - How it went down

Warren Kozak: The Missiles of October - WSJ.com

Mark Steyn: Obama makes Bush his blame czar | obama, powerful, most, power, truth - Opinion - OCRegister.com

Health reform: Dems' deep divisions

Stimulus: The Good News, and the Bad - BusinessWeek

National Journal Magazine - A Reaganite Or Jacksonian Wave?

McChrystal Lite

RealClearPolitics - Meet TARP on Steroids

Piloting a | bill, opt, health, public, option - Opinion - OCRegister.com

The Golden State isn't worth it -- latimes.com

Saved or created? W.H. can't tell - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Obama and friends in their own world - BostonHerald.com

RealClearPolitics - Liberals Using Disclosure to Intimidate

RealClearPolitics - Prelude to a 2010 Drama

Working Women: Strength in Numbers

THOMAS MITCHELL: Sacrificing free speech won't appease fanatics - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

The Case for Modesty, in an Age of Arrogance - TIME

RealClearPolitics - The NEA is Completely Committed to Obamaism

Moral hazards - washingtonpost.com

Copenhagen is only the start of climate change | Editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

UnionLeader.com - New Hampshire news, business and sports - Cash for whom? Clunkers program a lemon - Sunday, Nov. 1, 2009

Deal in Senate on Protecting News Sources - NYTimes.com

Alex Jones Show

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 30th With Bob Chapman

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 29th With Debra Medina

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 28th With Hilmar von Campe


*Transcripts:Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Minority Leader Boehner on Health Care

Majority Whip Clyburn on Health Care

Panel on Pelosi's Health Care Bill

Geithner's Testimony on Regulatory Reform

Interview with Matthew Hoh

Interviews with Michael Moore & Ron Paul

Obama's Speech on Small Business and Health Care


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: Important News on Audit the Fed

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Collapse of Detroit: Ground Zero for the Globalist’s Deindustrialization Agenda

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Profit Drive Swine Flu Propaganda — Pump Up the Volume

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Washington Post claims White House ‘appears committed’ to sending up to 15,000 more soldiers

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » US and Israel reiterate to Moscow: Military option is on the table

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Vaccinations for better or for worse?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Chairman of the Department of Economics at George Mason University: Politicians Are NOT Prostitutes … They Are Pimps

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Flu Season Has Peaked; Vaccination Would Only Reduce Number of Infected Americans By 6 Percent; Young Children Would Receive No Benefit

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Kucinich: Health reform legislation ‘a bailout for insurance companies’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » FBI documents reveal secret CIA prisoners ‘manacled to the ceiling’

*Be Prepared for the Worst - Forbes.com

Mass vaccination of schoolchildren to stop spread of swine flu - Telegraph

I've been betrayed by this Government, says Iraq War hero who won George Cross but now works in a call centre | Mail Online

Stiglitz Says U.S. Recession ‘Nowhere Near’ End After GDP Jump - Bloomberg.com

Obama signs bills for record Pentagon, Homeland Security spending

Flight taxes hiked to bail out banks: It's nothing to do with environment, says Darling | Mail Online

The Quiet Power of Europe | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com

In Latin America, weapons buying spreads mistrust - Americas - MiamiHerald.com

No stupid questions, only stupid investments Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch

Talking Business - CliffsNotes of Columns to Come - NYTimes.com

What We Learned From the GDP Number at SmartMoney.com

15 best cities for green jobs - Oct. 26, 2009 - Ask Annie

Bonuses For The People - Forbes.com

Doubts greet Obama's financial oversight plan - washingtonpost.com


YouTube - Palestinians Say Clinton Hurt Peace Talks

YouTube - Clinton Tries to Calm Angry Pakistanis

YouTube - U.N. Facility Attack in Kabul

YouTube - Deal May Return Ousted Honduran Leader

YouTube - Raw Video: Bush, Gorbachev Mark Berlin Wall Fall

YouTube - Afghan election

YouTube - Raw Video: Obamas Hand Out Halloween Treats

YouTube - Halloween Costume In's and Out's


*Politics Video:Rep. Boehner On GOP Health Bill

David Plouffe On Palin, FOX News & Afghanistan

Jarrett: GOP Getting "More And More Extreme"

Geithner: Recovery Will "Take A While"

Axelrod On Afghanistan, Limbaugh & FOX News

"This Week" Roundtable On Obama One Year Later

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On House Health Care Bill

Limbaugh: Obama Is A "Threat To Liberty"

Obama Signs Ryan White Act

O'Reilly On Campbell Brown Calling Out MSNBC's Bias

Clinton On Pakistan: "It's A Two-Way Street"

Biden: Job Stats "Not 100 Percent Accurate"

Sen. Cornyn On House Health Care Bill, Death Panels

Obama: Health Care Reform Helps Small Businesses

Bernstein On Promise Of Saving One Million Jobs

Gibbs On Gov Races: "I Don't Think They Portend A Lot"

CBS: Admin's Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Claims "Hard to Believe"

Countdown: Howard Dean On House Health Bill

NJ: Hannity Does Focus Group With Voters

Lieberman Says He Will Back Some Republicans In 2010

O'Reilly: Sarah Palin Re-Entering The National Arena

Gore Vidal Admits He Wanted To Murder Bush

Rep. Weiner On Centrist Appeasement & Public Option

"Daily Show" On FOX News & White House War

NY-23: Scozzafava, Hoffman and Owens Debate

Obama Weekly: Milestones On The Economy And The Recovery Act

NY-23: GOP's Scozzafava Drops Out Of Race

Boehner Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Health Care

Rove Previews Tuesday's Elections


Obama’s Youth Corps

Canadian Details Nightmare of “Free” Health Care

Hate Crimes Bill Double Jeopardy: Hate Crimes Bill Dual Sovereignty

Has Baxter International released a biological weapon?

Flashback: Former Finnish Provincial Medical Officer Says Vaccines Are Eugenics Weapon

Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

CNSNews.com - White House Says No ‘Veracity’ to Argument That Forcing Individuals to Buy Health Insurance Is Unconstitutional

Report slams bank links to clusterbomb production | International | Reuters

With big government boost, U.S. economy grew in 3rd quarter - washingtonpost.com

How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash | McClatchy

The Copenhagen Agreement and a Scary U.N. Power Grab. - WSJ.com


*SITE:Reptoid Research Center

*Streaming video: Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson looks at anti-Americanism in the Islamic world with guests Robert Higgs, Dinesh D'Souza, and author Gore Vidal

The Closing of the Conservative Mind, Part I by Dinesh D'Souza on National Review Online

The Closing of the Conservative Mind, Part II by Dinesh D'Souza on National Review Online

The Closing of the Conservative Mind, Part III by Dinesh D'Souza on National Review Online

The Closing of the Conservative Mind, Part IV by Dinesh D'Souza on National Review Online

Lincoln: Tyrant, Hypocrite or Consummate Statesman?

Brain Trust ; The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow Disease and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer's Disease

*SITE:Paul Kimball & Holly Stevens Paranormal TV Hosts and Investigators

Bill Kristol: If You Like the Government’s Swine Flu Program You’ll Love Pelosi-Care

Limbaugh: Obama doesn't care about Afghanistan

Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

Count Me Out

Health fears over use of sweetener - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Rise in number of children treated with hyperactivity drugs - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Sunday Express | UK News :: Dangers of fizzy drinks

Sunday Express | UK News :: Mobiles to 'spark tumour rise'

On the quiet, the US is legalising marijuana - Times Online

Thousands of women misled into breast cancer surgery - Times Online

The New Art of Alimony - WSJ.com

Writing Jews out of Jerusalem's history | Jeremy Sharon | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk