"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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03 October 2009

Sat. / 3 Oct '09

Ahmadinejad's Jewish roots

State Department relaxes inspection deadline for Iran

White House, lefty blogs going ape over righty rejoicing at Obama's failure

Top 10 Reasons Chicago lost Olympic bid

Failed Olympic bid also hurt Daley

What Michelle Obama didn't tell the Olympics Committee

Come See the Blood in the Streets

Obama's bad week

Axelrod defends Copenhagen disaster: 'It's the world's loss'

President Perks

If I told You, Would You Have Believed?

Dog the Wags

Obama in Afghanistan: Will he flee?

Media Malpractice: Ayers 'Dreams authorship suppressed

The Swiss Health Care Model Won't Work in the United States

Energy Eco-Activists

Frontiers of Political Correctness: Going Blue

Palin's Revenge: Who's Laughing Now?

Czar seeks 'chilling effect' on internet

Obama's Deficit: The Devil Made Me Do It

The GOP and its Confusion

The New Ruling Class

FBI Director: Al Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Could Attack U.S. - Political News - FOXNews.com

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past - Telegraph

Russia expels Israeli diplomat - UPI.com .

Obama agrees to cover up Israel's nukes: report

Personal Bankruptcy Filings Soar - WSJ.com

White House Signals Afghan Exit Strategy? | Mother Jones

U.S. Unemployment Now Lasts Longer Than Benefits: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

The Polanski Hypocrisy - WSJ.com

Roman Polanski, Hollywood and Justice - WSJ.com

The Economic Recovery is an Illusion

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » John F. McManus: Dollars and Sense

cryptogon.com » Banks Changed Hands, Records Lost, People Unable to Cash CDs

BBC NEWS | Business | US unemployed despair as benefits run out

World Bank could run out of money 'within 12 months' - Telegraph

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers The Third Stimulus Package

BBC NEWS | Technology | Online thieves step up bank raids

Caution: Crash/Collapse Dead Ahead Say Faber, Rogers, Dent and Celente

Safe Haven | The Recovery That Isn't

The Associated Press: Political scientists report drop in US standing

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: U.S. Government Gold Manipulation Document Declassified

Energy Czar Raises Possibility Of EPA Implementing Cap-And-Trade - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Oh Bummer: Obama Regime Transgressions Censored by Most Media

Flawed climate data

Nation Sways Back To Neutral On Abortion - The Atlantic Politics Channel

'The Red Threat is Far From Gone' - The Sleeping Giant Will Stir (2010) - Red Dawn Preview

Brenda Norrell: Lazy Journalists are the Darlings of the Corporations

If The Russians Did This To Us, We’d Kill ‘Em

Government Riots Against The Public

Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?

Lockerbie bomber defends internet campaign - Telegraph

Rio Gets It...Is It Unpatriotic To Be Happy? A Moral Conundrum. - The Atlantic Politics Channel

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/28/09 Judge Napolitano on Iran War Rhetoric

Vaccine Skepticism Grows in US

US paid reward to Lockerbie witness, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi papers claim | World news | guardian.co.uk

Web of Debt - Dollar Deception: How Banks Secretly Create Money

EclippTV :: Video :: 911 Insider Richard Grove talks with Webster Tarpley about an Inside Job

YouTube - Terry Yeakey knew too much

Unresolved Deaths In Oklahoma


The Strange Death of Terry Yeakey by Wendy S. Painting | 911Blogger.com

YouTube - Philip Zelikow

Who Is Philip Zelikow?

Complete 911 Timeline: Role of Philip Zelikow

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » On the Edge with Max Keiser – The U.S. Dollar is Collapsing!

Why women have sex | Life and style | The Guardian

YouTube - Candidate Obama: "Promises, Promises!"

Will "Other Shoes Drop" For Letterman? - The Early Show - CBS News

YouTube - CBS Employee Pleads Not Guilty in Letterman Plot

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Court reveals Polanski settlement

ESPN sportscaster's 'voyeur' arrested

YouTube - Arrest Made in Erin Andrews Nude Video Case

Reid's at the Reins in Health-Care Battle - washingtonpost.com

Palin, Limbaugh, Beck … now it’s Republicans seeing the downside | csmonitor.com

GOP: Dems Ignoring Public's Health Care Concerns - CBS News

VOA News - Obama Energy Advisor: Climate Bill Unlikely in 2009

Police: Kidnapped newborn found safe in Alabama | KATU.com - Portland, Oregon | National & World News

Obama to Consider ‘Options’ as Republicans Seize on Jobs Losses - Bloomberg.com

YouTube - Obama: Latest Unemployment Numbers 'Sobering'

Push for South Carolina governor to resign growing - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

The Associated Press: New term and new justice for nation's higher court

Sonia Sotomayor not selling Greenwich Village pad over weak housing market

The Escapist : News : Obama Bans Texting While Driving for Federal Employees

The Associated Press: Todd Palin resigns from oil job

WNYC - News - Bloomberg Spends Much More in Third Bid

Climate summit delegates like state's planned carbon trading market -- latimes.com

Ex-pupil defends Obama aide over controversial advice in 1988 - CNN.com

Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar Admits He Poorly Handled Underage Sex Case - Political News - FOXNews.com

Perry defends removal of 3 before arson hearing | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas-Fort Worth Crime News | Dallas-Fort Worth News

Is Perry trying to cover up wrongful execution in Texas? - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

VOA News - Partial Results: Ireland Voters Back EU Treaty

News Analysis - U.S. Wonders if Iran Is Playing for Time or Is Serious on Deal - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Focus in Samoa moves from rescue to survivor aid

VOA News - UN Human Rights Council Defers Vote on Gaza Resolution

General Flown to Denmark to Discuss Troop Needs With Obama - washingtonpost.com

YouTube down for maintenance

Sri Lanka lodges protest over Clinton remarks_English_Xinhua

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Communist China's founding lauded in film

VOA News - Aung San Suu Kyi Meets With Burmese Official

VOA News - Honduras Leaders Ready for Dialogue

AFP: Pakistan Taliban chief may be dead: US

VOA News - US Officials Believe Pakistani Taliban Leader Dead

Brown Agrees to U.S.-Style Debates - WSJ.com

Romania leftists to support IMF reforms-party chief - Forbes.com

Media Mocks Cyberbullying Bill

Iran's Nuclear Program: Iran truthful, in treaty compliance; US/Israel lying, in treaty violation

savethemales.ca - Thoughts On Religion & Love

The Myth of Overpopulation as the Illuminati's Excuse for Genocidal Population 'Control' (Oct 2, 2009)

Governor Bush told Houston Journalist: If Elected. "I'm Going to Invade Iraq"

Regina Weinreich: Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story

Government Riots Against The Public

New, Broader US Missile 'Shield' - US/Russia Tensions Grow

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Greco-Roman Polanski Method.

MontanaWithKids.com » Hardin, Montana town officials hornswoggled by American Police Force

Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories


David Letterman's rivals twist the knife after talkshow host admits affairs with female staff | Mail Online

More troops are all very well, but what exactly are they going to do? - Times Online

Back your general and send more troops, David Miliband urges Barack Obama - Times Online

Revealed: millions spent by lobbyists fighting Obama health reforms | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US energy bill backs nuclear industry

Poll: 56% of American Jews think U.S. should strike Iran - Haaretz - Israel News

Why gold if deflation is the threat?

Interview with Judge Richard Goldstone

Demystifying Zionism

The Truth About The Economy

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

A tale of two speeches: Ahmadinejad’s and Netanyahu’s

Document shows rejected Mosaddeq’s outreach to United States and America’s collusion with Britain

Iran’s nuclear theater meant to divert attention

U.S. corporations are destroying the economy

America’s minority threat

Iran is being dangerously cornered

Israeli state of extortion

Investigation Could Sink American Police Force

Bilderbergers Want Global Currency Now

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

La Raza President Wants Health Care Reform for ‘Everyone,’ Including Illegal Aliens

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

Hispanic Caucus Calls for Ending Program That Identified 100,000 Illegal Aliens, Many With Criminal Records

Hoyer Hasn't Given ‘Significant Thought’ to Whether Someone Can Exclude STDs, Other Problems from Health Record System He Voted to Create

Obama Offers Iran Better Relationship, But Says US Patience Not Unlimited

Should Government Have E-Record of Every Woman Who’s Had an Abortion?

Bitter Fruits of Mideast Wars

"Systemic Failure Approaches" by Jim Willie, CB, FSU Editorial 10/01/2009

Obama economist jokes: Strategy is communism

Does money contraction signal serious trouble? – Telegraph Blogs

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann : Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty at G-20 Summit - Townhall.com

Hardin, Montana, tip of the iceberg?

FDA Approved H1N1 Vaccines Contain Ingredients Known to Cause Cancer and Death | VacTRUTH

Swine flu shot protests may be the next Tea Party - Kingsport Times-News Online

Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection | Reuters

The Imperial Presidency Comes in Green, Too | Gene Healy | Cato Institute: Commentary

*Congressman Ron Paul - The Real Reasons Behind Fed Secrecy - Texas Straight Talk

Be Careful What You Call 'The Word of God'

Brussels Welcomes U.S. Move Toward Global Governance Of Internet

Roman Polanski was to pay Samantha Geimer a $500,000 settlement | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

2016 Olympics: Did Derrion Albert Beating Footage Kill Chicago's Dream? - Crimesider - CBS News

Shocking first-punch knockout for Chicago :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago 2016

Breitbart.tv » Man Bites Dog Biting Dog

2016 Olympics: Rio De Janeiro To Host The Games, Beating Madrid, Tokyo And Chicago | World News | Sky News

Slap in the face for Obama as his personal plea to back Chicago backfires for the U.S. and the 2016 Olympics goes to Rio

Obama's Olympian gamble collapses | Reuters

Full-Court Press by White House Fails to Sway Committee - WSJ.com

Breitbart.tv » ‘Pandemonium Here in the Broadcast Center’: Chicago Loses Olympics Bid

Rahm Emanuel: Olympic critics get seats: The Swamp

Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency - Times Online

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Problems await Obama after Chicago loss

New post-Soviet force begins military exercises

My Way News - Obama adviser says no climate change law this year

My Way News - Big police depts back anti-terror citizen watch

FT.com / Iran - France warns US on deal with Iran

You know what's creepy? Telling a story about having sex with your employees to people who LAUGH and APPLAUD | TV Barn

My Way News - Leno, Fallon among those taking shots at Letterman

Viewers react with sympathy, disgust for Letterman

FT.com / Media - Magazine publishers plan digital store

Debbie Schlussel : Lies, Damn Lies & Michael Moore Cinema Screeds

Debbie Schlussel : Worldwide (Get In Your) Pants, Inc.

Debbie Schlussel : Buy This Book: Papercut – The Apophis Conspiracy

Debbie Schlussel : Shut Up: Stop Calling for Gilad Shalit’s (& a Gazillion Terrorists’) Release; 20 Terrorists for a Video

Debbie Schlussel : “JonBenet” Suri Cruise: Startin’ ‘Em Young

Debbie Schlussel : What the UAE Does, But US & Israel Don’t Have the Guts to

Debbie Schlussel : LIAR!: Under Fire, Sean Vannity Lies About Anti-Semitic Traficant Yom Kippur Episode

Debbie Schlussel : LIAR!: Under Fire, Whoopi Now Claims She Never Said Polanski Didn’t Rape

Debbie Schlussel : Who is Leslie Touma?: Woman w/ Terror Ties Hijacks Homeland Security Millions

Debbie Schlussel : About Roman Polanski’s Defenders & NBC News

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-SIX: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Hand gel faulted for fouling up Swedish bus service - The Local

Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: How to Play Next Week's Market (Final) | Mad Money Recap | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

The Chinese Oil Grab - Forbes.com

The Secret World of Oil - The Daily Beast

How Google Plans to Stay Ahead in Search - BusinessWeek

Ask the Boss: Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive of Google - Times Online

Interview with John Mackey: The Conscience of a Capitalist - WSJ.com

Lawmakers would curb Federal Reserve's power, not expand it -- latimes.com

The Colbert Report: Send Your Medical Bills to Max Baucus

Conservatives make fools of themselves as they cheer against America over the Olympics

"Sarah Palin? She's A Dope! Write A Book? She Can't Read A Book!" Don Imus

'Moderate' Tim Pawlenty Hires A 'Boatload' of GOP Dirty Tricksters to Run His PAC

Michael Moore's new thought provoking film : Capitalism: (Not So Much Of) A Love Story

The Reason Insurance Company Execs Aren't Scared of the Public Option

Hannity and Coulter make a lovely wingnut couple, bashing Jennings gleefully, but not because he's gay. Heavens no.

CDC Monitors High Number of Deaths from H1N1 in Pregnant Women

Sen. Ensign in more trouble because of affair: "Got any work for Douglas Hampton?"

Guess whose election Bill O'Reilly thinks they should investigate. Yep -- Al Franken's

Roger Simon smears Rep. Alan Grayson

For $503 A Year, Members of Congress Have A Top-Notch Hospital On Call In The Capitol. But They Don't Want 'Government Care'?

Michele Bachmann's insane 'Sex clinics and abortion" rant

Glenn Beck's sobbing secrets revealed: A little Vicks Vaporub gets the tears flowing

Ted Williams' frozen head for batting practice at cryogenics lab: book

McCain Campaign Chief Says Palin 2012 Could be "Catastrophic" for Republicans - George's Bottom Line

How Sarah Palin Embodies the Countercultural Evangelical Ethos - God & Country (usnews.com)

Senator Helped Mistress’s Husband, Raising Ethics Flags - NYTimes.com

Obama sending aides to discuss teen's fatal beating :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

video::Blackmailed Letterman Admits to Sex With Staffers

Letterman Admits Sexual Affairs, Claims He Was Extorted -- PopEater

Stephanie Birkitt: Letterman's Former Lover, Assistant (PHOTOS, VIDEO, INFO)

Viewers react with sympathy, disgust for Letterman

Relative held in family's slaying -- chicagotribune.com

'Kill Obama' Facebook Poll Case Closed

Savoie's lawyer says he deserves leniency | The Japan Times Online

Iceland exposed: How a whole nation went down the toilet - Times Online

Breitbart.tv » Jimmy Carter Denies Saying Many Obama Critics Are Driven by Racism

Negligence factor in Russian power plant accident

Big Government » Blog Archive » Sen. Burris: Bush Cost Us The Olympics

Big Government » Blog Archive » Turning Tea Party Patriots into Political Petitioners

Big Government » Blog Archive » Olympics: Just a Reminder, Obama Wasn’t the Only One Who Lost Today

Big Government » Blog Archive » Climate Change: The ‘Planned Recession’ Strategy

Big Government » Blog Archive » Scrapbook Earmark Headed to the Scrapheap?

Big Government » Blog Archive » Chicago Drops From ‘Second City’ to Fourth City

Socialism and Christian-Bashing Crash at Box Office

SHOCK! Rush Limbaugh Embraces Capitalism

Retailers turn away from baby boomers, focus on younger customers -- DailyFinance

Retail Stores Closing Doors - WalletPop

Labor Department: 15+ million Americans now unemployed; highest jobless rate in 26 years

Boehner to Obama: 'Where are the jobs?': The Swamp

Scalia: ‘We Are Devoting Too Many of Our Best Minds to’ Lawyering - Law Blog - WSJ

Brown's Chicken, Domino's -- Crimes Hurt Stores, Restaurants - ABC News

video:Climate,Nuclear Arms Top U.N. Agenda

ACORN Founder Wade Rathke: “There Is a Different Culture.”

ACORN Plans Massive Layoffs

To Understand ACORN, Look To the Early 20th Century

Questions About ACORN’s NOLA Contracts

Bertha Lewis: Help ACORN, Vote Obama!

Big Government » Blog Archive » Bertha Lewis Part II: I’m ACORN, No Wait, I’m Working Families Party

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN’s Tax Problems

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN ‘Advisory’ Committee Has Huge Stake in Success of Group

The Globe in China: 1959-2009 - The Globe and Mail

Useful Idiots

The Constitution of Kim Jong Il - WSJ.com

Obama's Olympic Defeat - WSJ.com

RealClearSports - Arrogance Dooms Olympic Dream

RealClearWorld - The War over Roman Polanski

Memo to GOP: No guts, no glory

A call to arms

Why should I spread the wealth?

Teach Christians not to covet

The meaning of 'sacrifice'

Polanski's pedophile paradise

Abortion outrage: AWOL

2 quick ways to lower health-care costs

Hoover Institution :Here’s a Second Opinion

Vidal, Keillor: 2 infantile liberals

A case for prayer

Tea Party Movement Returns Christian Right to Its Racist Past | Politics | AlterNet

Putting Darwin to the test

Which end of the leash do we prefer? | dog, own, doesn, leash, one - Opinion - OCRegister.com

The agony of Obama's defeat - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

President Obama is no loser just because Chicago didn't get 2016 Summer Olympics

Editorial - We Like Chicago, Too - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Olympics, Obama, and the Permanent Campaign

RealClearPolitics - What the American People Really Want to Stimulate the Economy: Entrepreneurship-Friendly Policies

Clout St: Olympic-sized loss of political face for Obama and Daley

PostPartisan - Don't Blame Obama on Olympics

Obama's visit to Denmark criticized after bid defeat - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Hollywood's Shame

Hollywood shows its true colors

Jackson Diehl - The Coming Failure on Iran - washingtonpost.com

Détente and the Bunker

RealClearPolitics - Is Obama Like Gorbachev?

Where's Health Care's Star Power? - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Raphael Alexander: Why people like Palin - Full Comment

Editorial: Polanski must face justice | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/03/2009

Panel Split on Need to Probe VIP Loans - WSJ.com

House Dems have often waived read-the-bill transparency rules - TheHill.com

Social Security Applications Almost Double Because of Recession - Bloomberg.com

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Obama’s not-so-secret plan to raise taxes | Blogs |

RealClearPolitics - Will Reform Cut Health Care Costs? Don't Bet on It


*Markets Video;9.8% ... Stocks Slide On U.S. Jobs Data

2 Bullish Housing Stocks

Intervention Returns To Currency Agenda

We Must Lend More: World Bank Chief Zoellick

Shakeup at HP

**Politics Video;Obama Weekly Address: Health Reform Urgent for the Economy

GOP Response: Obama, Pelosi Have "Job-Killing Agenda"

Countdown: Right-Wing Cheering America Lost Olympics

Axelrod Blames "Politics" And "Internal Currents" For Failed Olympic Bid

Schmidt: Palin Would Be "Catastrophic" For GOP

Axelrod On Chicago Losing Olympic Bid

Senate Dem: Health Care Bill Is "Among The More Confusing Things I've Ever Read"

Sen. Bernie Sanders On Capitalism

Obama Makes Pitch For Olympic Games In Chicago

Rove On Rep. Joe Wilson vs. Rep. Grayson

Rachel Maddow On Sen. Ensign's Ethical Misconduct

Grayson: The GOP Is A "Lie Factory"

Limbaugh: Sarah Palin Sells Because Conservatism is Popular

Ann Coulter On Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Sex Scandal


**Transcripts:President and Mrs. Obama's Remarks to the IOC

Obama's Statement on the P5+1 Meeting with Iran

Gen. McChrystal's Speech on Afghanistan

Reps. Sanchez and Rogers Debate Iran

Analysts Discuss Iran's Weapons Program

Chairman Bernanke's Testimony on Regulatory Reform

Clinton's Press Conference with Vietnam's FM

Interview with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger


*American Minute for October 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute*


World Net Daily Player:American Minute for October 3rd:

World Net Daily Player:U.S. virtually deadlocked on rights for unborn


Obama's 'safe schools' chief praised child-sex promoter

Missing national motto restored in Washington

Judge tosses challenge to 'under God'

Feds lift ban on 'Jesus' on Capitol Christmas tree

'Lake Wobegon' author: Let GOPers die

Bart Stupak, Leader of Antiabortion Democrats: 'Not Very Confident' on Healthcare - God & Country (usnews.com)

How health care overhaul could change Medicare - Yahoo! News

Muslims Not 'Free of Being Mocked,' Danish Cartoonist Says - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Palin co-author probed, Obama's ignored

House support for Fed audit passes 300

Capital On High Alert: Berlin Boosts Security Amid Terror Fears - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

'Huge threat to power grid'

White House economist jokes: Obama strategy is communism

It's party time as Rio wins 2016 Olympics - Olympic Sports- nbcsports.msnbc.com

Samba! Rio wins right to host the 2016 Olympics - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports

White House Calls Chicago’s Olympic Loss 'Disappointing' - Political Punch

Baptist, Brethren, Lutheran, Methodist Churches Ask Senate for Abortion Funds

Clinton Issues Holiday Greetings to Muslims, Not Jews - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Judge: Prop 8 campaign must release campaign data - San Jose Mercury News

Treemometers: A new scientific scandal • The Register

APF spokesperson holds emotional press conference; lawyer quits project

Police departments back anti-terror citizens watch - Yahoo! News

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Recently Surfaced Video Shows Numerous Mass Grave Crypts in Houston

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Real Reason the Giant, Insolvent Banks Aren’t Being Broken Up

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Journalists ‘outraged’ at Obama for media shield bill changes

Staged Al-CIA-da “Internal Suicide Bomber” Allows Pretext for Mandatory Full Body Scans

ksl.com - Chaffetz defends run-in with TSA

Airport security bares all, or does it? - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Fears over 'internal' terror bomb

Technology Review: Blogs: Wireless Network Modded to See Through Walls

Politicians and celebrities granted permission to keep their names off child database | Mail Online

CIA working in UK, anti-terror chief tells MPs - Telegraph

450 Mayors Petition Obama To Adopt Broad Gun Reform - washingtonpost.com

Savage to address free-speech conference


*Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama eligibility to see its day in court?

Senator says Obama's birth location doesn't matter

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Was Obama's birth out of wedlock?

Congressman: Obama has something to hide


**All stations & times for The Savage Nation**

10/02 The Mark Levin Show

10/01 The Mark Levin Show

09/30 The Mark Levin Show

09/29 The Mark Levin Show

09/28 The Mark Levin Show

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 2nd With Peter Dale Scott

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 1st: APF Montana Special

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 30th With Ray McGovern


***Podcasts @ Libertarian Papers***


YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.1

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.2

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.3

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.4

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.5

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.6

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.7

YouTube - hidden discoveries. part.8

YouTube - Hidden Discoveries Pt.9

YouTube - The most dangerous 911 video ever!!!!!

Ufos Angels and God(s) (Part 1 of 3)

Ufos Angels and God(s) (Part 2 of 3)

Ufos Angels and God ( s ) ( Part 3 of 3)