"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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04 October 2009


OCT 4 ‘09

BAE attack: America to ask SFO for files - Business News, Business - The Independent

Sunday Express | World News :: USA planning fresh Iran penalties

Israel names Russians helping Iran build nuclear bomb - Times Online

AFP: Israel gets two more German submarines

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Funny you don't look Jewish - Telegraph

Polanski sex case arrest provokes backlash against his supporters in Hollywood | Film | The Observer

Silvio Berlusconi under fire from protesters for his attacks on press freedom - Telegraph

Former Japanese finance minister Shoichi Nakagawa found dead - Times Online

Sunday Express | UK News :: The Irish vote Yes to EU 'silent coup'

Tony Blair, the EU president no one really wants - Times Online

Tory rift as Boris Johnson demands EU vote - Times Online

Czech leader is holding the door open for the UK to sink Lisbon | Mail Online

So as Ireland votes 'yes' to Lisbon treaty, our 1000 years of history ends like this | Mail Online

Nicolas Sarkozy told David Cameron he was 'stupid' for pulling out of European group - Telegraph

How safe are vaccines? - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Shock finding on salt levels in big-name brand foods | Society | The Observer

Expectant parents should be weighed to prevent fat children, says obesity charity - Telegraph

Up to 64,000 women in UK 'are child-sex offenders' | Society | The Observer

Smart energy meters in homes could be hacked - Telegraph

Are We Possessed?

Are We Possessed (partial article w/video)

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Problems await Obama after Chicago loss

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / Afghanistan - Afghan war divides Congress and a nation

Barack Obama holds runway summit with General Stanley McChrystal - Times Online

Vatican priest caught in red light district police chase | Mail Online

FT.com | Gideon Rachman's Blog | Rio runs rings around Obama

Moon crash will create six-mile plume of dust as Nasa searches for water - Times Online

Brown and Sarkozy rowed with Obama over Iranian nuclear announcement - Telegraph

Yet more rules? Can Mr Brown be serious? | William Rees-Mogg - Times Online

Ahmadinejad: Western media 'weapon of subterfuge'

Satanic symbols in modern schoolbooks

Ireland votes yes to Lisbon treaty | World news | guardian.co.uk

Italian lawyers seek jail for CIA agents - Justice : news, world | euronews

The Business Of Lobbying In American Politics

Veon - G20 And The Evolution Of Global Governance

My Way News - Obama adviser says no climate change law this year

Why Are We Unable To Resist?


KGB Agent - How To Brainwash A Nation

YouTube - How To Brainwash A Nation

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Expert on Structured Finance and Derivatives Gives the Big Picture

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Cycle 24 spotless days keeps moving up the hill – now “competitive with the Baby Grand minimum”

First Order of Business for Post-Lisbon EU: Appoint War Criminal As President

Detainees Face Severe Conditions if Moved to U.S. - washingtonpost.com

Red Dawn 2010

Cyberbullying Bill Gets Trounced During House Subcommittee Hearing

World Bank and IMF join global attack on the dollar! | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

World Bank and IMF join global attack on the dollar

New Footage of the 9/11 WTC Attack

Technology Review: Wireless Network Modded to See Through Walls

G7 Ditches Currency Communique | Forex Blog

CNN Political Ticker: Journalists target Obama over 'shield law'

EPA aims to cut emissions at factories, power plants - USATODAY.com

CNSNews.com - La Raza President Wants Health Care Reform for ‘Everyone,’ Including Illegal Aliens

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » First Order of Business for Post-Lisbon EU: Appoint War Criminal As President

FBI Data-Mining Programs Resurrect "Total Information Awareness"

EU embryonic Home Office set up in secret talks under Lisbon Treaty

In Health Care Today, It's Electronic All the Way

World Bank could run out of money 'within 12 months'

Iran agrees to ship enriched uranium to Russia for refinement

Nato commander warns of conflict with Russia in Arctic Circle

Ted Williams' Severed Head Abused In Cryonics Facility: Former Exec

Lockerbie papers say US secretly paid witness

The Singularity is not yet here, but its annual conference is, uniting futurists and their man-machine dreams.

The Use of Photographs in Psychological Operations

Test of laser from C-130H melts hood of car

U.S. Government Gold Manipulation Document Declassified

The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers

Video Shows 'Pakistan Army Abuse'

Who Are ‘The Deciders’?

Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair

Revealed: Millions Spent by Lobby Firms Fighting Obama Health Reforms

The Population Myth

Majority of U.S. parents wary of H1N1 vaccine: poll

Fox News' Shepard Smith: Trust The CDC And Get Injected

Harvard Survey: Only One Third Of Americans Believe Swine Flu Vaccine Is Safe

Crackpots are against swine flu vaccine, says Michael Wooldridge

Obama: Say Goodbye to Summer Vacation

NEWLY DISCOVERED: Third-Graders Pen & Perform ‘Proud American’ to Celebrate Obama Victory

Good news on environment, but can it last?

'Planned recession' could avoid catastrophic climate change

9/11 Debunker Gets His Ass Handed To Him By Richard Gage - 20/07/2009

Building a Pretext for Mass Murder: Iran's "Secret" Enrichment Facility

Liberals and Democrats Will Support the Coming Mass Murder Campaign Against Iran

U.S. Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn't Add Up

Glenn Beck is a Neocon (Not a Libertarian)

FBI says imam Ahmad Afzali worked both sides and tipped off suspects

"Martial Law by Design" Banner in Salt Lake City Metro Overpass

Arrogant Holdren Calls Outrage over his Writings "Just a Blip"

Holdren's Ice Age Tidal Wave

Army to allow Iraq war objector to resign

Secret surveillance vehicle takes to the streets of Staten Island

Anti-Obama Sign Displayed on Metro Highway

No more business for "Nobama" salesman

Lisbon Treaty: Will War Criminal Tony Blair become President of the European Union?

The Constitution Never Had a Chance

Escalation of the War in Afghanistan: McChrystal Must Testify

Thinking the Unthinkable: NATO's Global Military Roadmap

*Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories

Nato war exercise off Scottish coast

A tale of two speeches: Ahmadinejad’s and Netanyahu’s

First Order of Business for Post-Lisbon EU: Appoint War Criminal As President

Bilderbergers Want Global Currency Now

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

CSTO Force Begins Military Exercise

U.S. Officials Worry About Domestic Terrorism Plots

Obamas' night out: First WH anniversary: The Swamp

Critics Assail U.S.O.C. After Chicago’s Loss - NYTimes.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India pilots in mid-air 'scuffle'

Big protest in Rome against Berlusconi media grip - Yahoo! India News

My Way News - FBI: Man arrested in ESPN reporter nude video case

The Associated Press: Across Europe, the embattled left loses its clout

On Afghanistan, US military puts Obama on the spot - Yahoo! News

CURL: Obama distractions sideline Afghan plan - Washington Times

Health Overhaul Is Drawing Close to Floor Debate - NYTimes.com

My Way News - Big police depts back anti-terror citizen watch

Full-Court Press by White House Fails to Sway Committee - WSJ.com

Chicago torpedoed by anti-U.S. sentiment? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago 2016

Hollywood Mixes Zombies & Comedy For $25M Hit; 'Capitalism' Will Be Michael Moore's Worst Performer Since 2002

Report Says Iran Has Data to Make a Nuclear Bomb - NYTimes.com

Hispanic Caucus Calls for Ending Program That Identified 100,000 Illegal Aliens, Many With Criminal Records

Bitter Fruits of Mideast Wars

Graham: Don't leave attack on Iran to Israel

Rep. Alan Grayson: "Has the Federal Reserve Ever Tried to Manipulate the Stock Market?"

The Return of the Iran-Contrarians

SNL Spoofs Obama

Real Time: Sarah Palin's Ghost Writer

Video of Anne Frank Shows Up on YouTube

Why Did The DoD Ignore Requests From Their Own Attorney For A War Crimes Investigation?

Countdown: Senators Opposed to "Socialized" Health Insurance Voted for "Socialized" Property Insurance

CIGNA Is Still Up To Their Old Tricks. They're Denying Coverage Needed To Treat Cancer Side Effects. UPDATED with video

Reza Aslan: Iranian Nuclear Stockpile Negotiations "Actually Quite Significant"

Olympic Flashback: '02 Salt Lake Games Tainted By Scandal, Bribery and Glenn Beck's Church

We're Bleeding So Many Jobs, They're Just Guessing At The Numbers

The Colbert Report: Send Your Medical Bills to Max Baucus

Conservatives make fools of themselves as they cheer against America over the Olympics

"Sarah Palin? She's A Dope! Write A Book? She Can't Read A Book!" Don Imus

'Moderate' Tim Pawlenty Hires A 'Boatload' of GOP Dirty Tricksters to Run His PAC

Michael Moore's new thought provoking film : Capitalism: (Not So Much Of) A Love Story

Ambivalence of hopes -- chicagotribune.com

Works and Days » Change and Hope

Containing a Nuclear Iran

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Foreign Policy Suspends Disbelief

Op-Ed Columnist - Still Not Tired - NYTimes.com

President fudges facts on health care proposal - SignOnSanDiego.com

The case against Charlie Rangel

Why Brazil Won | Foreign Policy

Obama wins popularity contests, not much else

Veto pork-filled defense funds bill

Hot air on warming - BostonHerald.com

Editorial - The Damage of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell - NYTimes.com

Now will Congress investigate ACORN? | Washington Examiner

Panel Split on Need to Probe VIP Loans - WSJ.com

House Dems have often waived read-the-bill transparency rules - TheHill.com

Why CBS Can’t Investigate Letterman… – Deadline.com

In Case You Missed It, David Letterman Tells Extortion Plot Details On ‘Late Show’ – Deadline.com

Reveille Helps Elisabeth Murdoch Shine – Deadline.com

The Depth of Corruption by John Pilger

Will Austin Become 'Liberty Central' or 'Little Washington?' by Russell D. Longcore

An Inside Look at How Goldman Sachs Lobbies the Senate by Matt Taibbi

The Vine That Ate the South

Green Is Red by William Buppert

*The Fed Fighter: DealBook’s Ron Paul Interview - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Joseph, Secretary of Agriculture - Frank Chodorov - Mises Institute

Fever Dreams of Your FBI - The New York Review of Books

Chicago Loses, Nerds Win

The Obamas Violated First Three Rules of Selling

Unexpected Outgrowths of the Tea Party Movement

Are liberal Jews secular millenarians?

America's Standing Abroad: 'A Political Puzzle'

Asinine Amendments

Do Not Blame Barack

Is counterinsurgency a viable strategy for America?

While Obama Slept

World Must Sustain Push against Iran's Human Rights Abuses

Caught in a lie

How not to fix health care

State Department relaxes inspection deadline for Iran

White House, lefty blogs going ape over righty rejoicing at Obama's failure

Good News! Moore's 'Capitalism' bombs at box office

'The Coming Failure on Iran'

Congress may extend jobless benefits - again

Roland Burris - 'It's Bush's fault' Chicago lost the Olympics

Feelgood polling news for the antique media

The New Scientist?

President Perks

The Sullied Savior Blames Bush

Media Malpractice: Ayers' Dreams authorship suppressed

The Swiss Health Care Model Won't Work in the United States

Energy Eco-Activists

Frontiers of Political Correctness: Going Blue

The Colors of Interventionism

Will Obama Have Veto Courage?

This Obvious Fallacy Underlies Libertarianism

New Definition of Terrorism Means More Death

Army chief warns of 'terrifying prospect' of failure in Afghanistan - Telegraph

S.F. schools head uses district credit as own

Sex felon haunts jail at age 100

Going after Bernie-kin's $199M booty

Love is in the air along S.F.'s Market Street

Women's prison: Sex trade | CJOnline.com

Court Records Show Polanski Agreed to Pay Victim to Settle Civil Suit - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa dies aged 74

Citadel believes it has found the original ‘Big Red,' its Civil War-era flag | The Herald - Rock Hill, SC

Traveling buyers | TimesDaily.com | The Times Daily | Florence, AL

Dave May Have Had His Very Own Intern | TMZ.com

Artist Provokes Locals with Rebuilding of the Wall

Free-flying cyborg insects steered from a distance - tech - 01 October 2009 - New Scientist

Anti-Wi-Fi paint keeps your wireless signal to yourself : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

U.S. Unemployment Now Lasts Longer Than Benefits: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

Labor Department: 15+ million Americans now unemployed; highest jobless rate in 26 years

Post Office + unions = millions for idleness (OneNewsNow.com)

Swine Flu Vaccine Arrives - WSJ.com

Letter - Toward an AIDS Vaccine - NYTimes.com

Medicare a touchy health care topic | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Drug duo may reduce heart attacks and strokes -- latimes.com

Secession movement spreads well beyond Texas | Top Stories | Star-Telegram

VOA News - South Sudan Leader Predicts A South Break Away From the North

South African white supremacist demands Afrikaner state | World news | guardian.co.uk

EU report finds Kosovo\'s secession to be illegal :: emportal :: SEE news

Intruder Shot By Pastor Charged - Detroit Local News Story - WDIV Detroit

The Associated Press: Piece be with you: Detroit pastors packing heat

Nursery paedophile to get new identity - all funded by taxpayers | Mail Online

Facing up to the evil that woman do. - Herald Scotland | News | Crime & Courts

Juggalos: Family or gang? - Salt Lake Tribune

Queen 'appalled' at Church of England moves, claim Vatican moles - Telegraph

Hundreds flock to Irish town for visions of Mary at holy grotto | Irish News | IrishCentral

Holocaust traumas still cause distress and disrupt sleep for many survivors

Adopting the World: Josephine Baker's Rainbow Tribe - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Microsoft hopes Windows 7 makes you forget about Vista -- latimes.com

Microsoft Bing Slips Against Google, but Search Fight Continues

Google Pulls Pirate Bay From Search Results | Threat Level | Wired.com


MediaPost Publications GOP: Neutrality Rules Will Thwart Broadband Investment 10/05/2009

TheDay.com - Need a drink? Pay a visit to a lunar oasis

Introducing the bra that is meant to be taken off | Health Tech - CNET News

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran 'co-operation' draws praise

Taliban return to power unlikely: White House aide | Politics | Reuters

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cameron 'working for Euro vote'

Palestinians slam Abbas over UN Gaza report delay | Reuters

Former Japanese Finance Minister Is Found Dead - NYTimes.com

VOA News - More Nigerian Militants Give Up Arms Ahead of Amnesty Deadline

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | NK leader greets Chinese premier

News Analysis - New Script for India on Climate Change - NYTimes.com

Myanmar needs peace, stability for democratization_English_Xinhua

US diplomat claims UN tried to gag him - Telegraph

INQUIRER Politics:Ending excuses for China at age 60

AFP: Nepal to deploy police on Tibet border: minister

YouTube - India to Dalai Lama: Preach but not politics

Britain asks World Bank to cut officialdom and speed up aid | Business | guardian.co.uk

Feds sued to keep out of state's gun affairs

Memo to GOP: No guts, no glory

Tea Party Movement Returns Christian Right to Its Racist Past | Politics | AlterNet

The meaning of 'sacrifice'

*IBM Unveils A Web-based Email Competitor - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Calif. forest fire grows to 3,500 acres

Questions surround start of new Supreme Court term | csmonitor.com

Health care reform: Privately, Barack Obama strongly backs public option -- chicagotribune.com

Obama: Health Plan Will Boost Economy - WSJ.com

YouTube - Obama: Health Care Reform Means More Jobs

The Associated Press: GOP senator silent on whether Ensign should stay

Report Finds 13 Million Premature Births Worldwide Each Year - WSJ.com

Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan attend Chicago teen's funeral -- latimes.com

KGAN CBS 2 ::Judge will determine fate of kidnapping victim's children

YouTube - Violence Condemned at Funeral of Beaten Teen

Bans On Texting While Driving Gain Support

War of Words Over Health Care Cools - washingtonpost.com

Palin, Limbaugh, Beck … now it’s Republicans seeing the downside | csmonitor.com

Greenspan predicts economic growth to hit 3 percent or higher - CNN.com

IMF: Argentina Refusal To Allow IMF Surveillance 'Odd' - WSJ.com

Geithner: Too Soon to End Stimulus - WSJ.com

Credit Rules May Move Up - WSJ.com

Trustee sues Madoffs who helped run fraudulent firm | U.S. | Reuters

Blackstone May Buy Theme Parks Unit

AFP: IBM email challenges Google in the 'cloud'

IBM Versus Google: You've Got To Be Joking | BNET Technology Blog | BNET

Making social-networking services work for you - BostonHerald.com

Mortgage delinquencies still rising - Denver Business Journal:

President of Toyota Apologizes - NYTimes.com

For sale: a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton -- latimes.com

20 Jan '07/flashback:Bench warrant issued
for N.H. tax resister

N.H. tax evader gets 35 years for standoff - The Boston Globe

Feds sued to keep out of state's gun affairs

Iran's Ahmadinejad – a self-hating Jew?

Obama's 'safe schools' chief praised child-sex promoter

Former Student Defends Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar Against Allegations - Political News - FOXNews.com

Christian preacher refused entry to Britain under rules intended to fight extremism - Telegraph

Vets Loving Socialized Medicine Show Government Offers Savings - Bloomberg.com

Savage to address free-speech conference

St. Louis U. cancels speech(by activist David Horowitz - STLtoday.com

Thirty 'high-risk' terrorists to be released early - Times Online

Hamas: Carter played key role in Shalit video deal - Haaretz - Israel News

Shades of Disengagement? Soldiers Won't Eat with Judea Jews - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

US warns citizens against visiting Old City in Jerusalem | Israel | Jerusalem Post

The Feast of Tabernacles: Tapping into their Hebraic roots | In Jerusalem | Jerusalem Post

Palin co-author probed, Obama's ignored


**Transcripts/Guests: Alan Greenspan; Sens. Schumer & Cornyn

Guests: General Jones; Sen. Levin & Rep. Skelton

Interview with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice

President and Mrs. Obama's Remarks to the IOC


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama eligibility to see its day in court?

Senator says Obama's birth location doesn't matter

Congressman: Obama has something to hide


*American Minute for October 4th:William J Federer's American Minute*

**Politics Video;Bayh, Graham, Chambliss & Casey On Iran, Afghanistan

Schumer, Cornyn On Health Care

"This Week" Roundtable On Unemployment & Olympics

Susan Rice: U.N. Is "Critically Important"

James Jones On Afghanistan, McChrystal & Iran

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Afghanistan & Olympics

Ambassador Rice: Negotiations With Iran Are "Finite"

Obama Weekly Address: Health Reform Urgent for the Economy

GOP Response: Obama, Pelosi Have "Job-Killing Agenda"

Countdown: Right-Wing Cheering America Lost Olympics

Axelrod Blames "Politics" And "Internal Currents" For Failed Olympic Bid

Schmidt: Palin Would Be "Catastrophic" For GOP

Axelrod On Chicago Losing Olympic Bid

Senate Dem: Health Care Bill Is "Among The More Confusing Things I've Ever Read"

Sen. Bernie Sanders On Capitalism

Obama Makes Pitch For Olympic Games In Chicago

Rove On Rep. Joe Wilson vs. Rep. Grayson

Rachel Maddow On Sen. Ensign's Ethical Misconduct

Grayson: The GOP Is A "Lie Factory"

Limbaugh: Sarah Palin Sells Because Conservatism is Popular

Ann Coulter On Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Sex Scandal


Space telescope captures galaxy giving birth to stars - Telegraph

Artificial ionosphere creates bullseye in the sky : Nature News

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Making people move in slow motion

Nissan's robot cars mimic fish to avoid crashing | Crave - CNET

SPACE.com -- Mercury's Mysterious Bright Spot Photographed Up Close

Eating Candy in Childhood Linked to Adult Crime - TIME

Book Alleges Baseball Hall of Famer's Frozen Body Mistreated - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Religious Experience Linked to Brain’s Social Regions | Wired Science | Wired.com

Double arm transplant father says new hands are hairier than body - Telegraph

Oldest human skeleton offers new clues to evolution - CNN.com

A Drug That Can Extend Life as Effectively As Dieting - mad science - io9

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Dinosaur eggs are found in India

Can We Really Read Minds? | Psychology Today

On Alien World, It Rains Rocks | LiveScience

Post-human Earth: How the planet will recover from us - environment - 30 September 2009 - New Scientist

Two Hubble STUNNERS! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

All News Web - Friendly UFO emitting light beam reported by Russian women

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Earthquakes weaken distant faults

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Woman Claims Visit By 14 "Extraterrestrials"

Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists - Telegraph

The discovery of new Earths is imminent, UD astronomer says

Grotto statue took on human form and wept, say witnesses - National News, Frontpage - Independent.ie

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Clown' tourist blasts into space

At Sunrise Theatre, things did go 'bump' in the night, paranormal investigators said » TCPalm.com

Seti: The hunt for ET - Science, News - The Independent

Bird-eating frog among 163 new species found in Mekong region - CNN.com

By 2040 you will be able to upload your brain... - Science, News - The Independent

Adolf Hitler suicide story questioned after tests reveal skull is a woman's - Telegraph

Dead Salmon 'Responds' to Pictures of People | LiveScience

Dark Matter Hunters Construct a New Weapon | Wired Science | Wired.com

Moon-smashing probe aims for new target crater - space - 28 September 2009 - New Scientist

From the Shadows: Encounters with Werewolves


*World Net Daily Player:Job losses 'tip of iceberg' for unemployed

World Net Daily Player:U.S. virtually deadlocked on rights for unborn


Looking at New York City, Before and After 9/11 | Writers Voice Radio and Podcast

LIFE, INC. and Washington Sex Scandals, too | Writers Voice Radio and Podcast

Wall Street and THE LOOTING OF AMERICA | Writers Voice Radio and Podcast


*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 2nd With Peter Dale Scott

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 1st: APF Montana Special

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 30th With Ray McGovern

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 29th With Charlie Sheen

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 28th With Mike Adams




*Site:Money and Markets

*Site:Giza Deathstar Blog

*Site:The Looting of America;How Wall Street's Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity, And What We Can Do About It


*Gluten-Free Diet: Grains and Flours