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02 October 2009

2 Oct '09






Mahatma Gandhi Quotes


USS LIBERTY (Lest We Forget): A Speech by USS Liberty Survivor Phi...

USS LIBERTY (Lest We Forget): A Speech by USS Liberty Survivor Phi...

USS LIBERTY (Lest We Forget): A Speech by USS Liberty Survivor Phi...

USS LIBERTY (Lest We Forget): A Speech by USS Liberty Survivor Phi...


South America gets its first games: The 2016 Olympics are going to Rio de Janeiro -- baltimoresun.com

Chicago NOT Awarded The 2016 Olympics « No Games Chicago

Obama Stumps for Chicago’s Bid - NYTimes.com

Drudge wrong on Web site report :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago 2016

*Chicago Loses 2016 Olympic Bid - cbs2chicago.com

Olympics-Rio makes impassioned pitch for first S.American Games | Reuters

Olympics-Tokyo urges IOC to think green for 2016 Games | Reuters

President and First Lady back Chicago 2016 bid | Reuters

Olympics-Samaranch tugs at IOC heartstrings in Madrid 2016 plea | Reuters

Obama Olympics pledge after America's treatment of foreigners is questioned - Times Online

YouTube - Oprah, Obamas Plug Chicago

YouTube - Michelle Obama praises Chicago's 2016 Olympic bid

IOC boots Chicago from 2016 Olympic bid - BostonHerald.com

**Politics Video;Obama Makes Pitch For Olympic Games In Chicago


YouTube - Gandhi inspires Obama, Putin as legend turns 140

Feds Sentence Elaine Brown to 35 Years

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Introduced Audit the Fed Bill in 1983 – Both Parties Blocked It for More Than 25 Years

TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » The Anti-Fed Revolution Is Happening

Get a Flu Shot at Sacramento International | News10.net | Sacramento, California | News

Michele Bachmann's insane 'Sex clinics and abortion" rant

Glenn Beck's sobbing secrets revealed: A little Vicks Vaporub gets the tears flowing

Palestinians cry 'blackmail' over Israel phone service threat - Middle East, World - The Independent

Iran agrees 'in principle' to compromise on nuclear programme - Telegraph

Afghan police hit by high death rate and 'quick fix' training, say EU reports | World news | guardian.co.uk

Police officers in Jean Charles de Menezes shooting escape punishment - Telegraph

BAE immunity for jobs' sake? Yeah right | Mark Thomas | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Ultra-Orthodox Jews accused of fight to keep ‘Jews for Jesus’ out - Times Online

Schools bring in mothers for lessons after pupils 'start school unable to drink from a cup or speak' | Mail Online

Britain's growing number of diabetes cases 'linked to obesity' - Times Online

Russian born tycoon who fled Israel indicted on fraud charges | World news | The Guardian

Vatican issues Lisbon Treaty warning to Irish voters - Telegraph

Call girl tells Italian TV Silvio Berlusconi's official residence was a 'harem' | Mail Online

Russia to buy warship from France in first Nato arms deal since Cold War - Times Online

Population atlas shows world in a new light - Telegraph

Rabies In Worldwide Upsurge

The Atlantic Politics Channel

Energy Czar Raises Possibility Of EPA Implementing Cap-And-Trade - The Atlantic Politics Channel

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: U.S. Government Gold Manipulation Document Declassified

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Fry finds 'funniest ever' mating ritual

YouTube - Total Proof of the New World Order

Reisman - Federal Fraud - Porn Addicts At NSF

Oldest human skeleton offers new clues to evolution - CNN.com

Montana AG launches probe of jail deal - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

The Radical Press » Blog Archive » A New Day or the Same Old Shit? By Arthur Topham

WMD All Over Again by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

Police Surrender Liberty To Islamists, The EDL And UAF.. « Centurean2’s Weblog

VOA News - Iran to Allow IAEA Inspectors into Nuclear Plant

TLAXCALA : Israeli Commandos with Experience in Palestine and Colombia are Training the Honduran Armed Forces

AFP: Prince Philip blasts supermarkets, second-home owners

Swine flu shot protests may be the next Tea Party - Kingsport Times-News Online


Keli Goff: Wonder Why Middle America Doesn't Trust Hollywood Liberals? Three Words: Weinstein and Polanski

Cops: Duke Official Offered Adopted Son For Sex

The Failed US Business Plan

West gives Iran three months to prove it does not want nuclear weapons - Telegraph

Nuclear watchdog condemns Tehran as showdown looms over uranium facility - Times Online

FT.com / World / Comment - Sanctions would trap west as much as Tehran

Ousted: the US diplomat who wanted inquiry into Afghan vote - Americas, World - The Independent

Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili blamed for starting Russian war | World news | guardian.co.uk

China shows off military might at 60th anniversary parade | World news | guardian.co.uk

China anniversary: key dates in 60 years of communism - Telegraph

McDonald's map reveals 'McFarthest Point' in America - Telegraph

Students turn to 'smart drugs' to boost grades | Education | guardian.co.uk

Smart drugs 'should be allowed’ - Telegraph

Women in underwear queue for free outfit offer - Telegraph

Serious Fraud Office seeks BAE bribery prosecution - Times Online

Homeowner puts electric fence around his house after coming 'under siege' from yobs | Mail Online

Cyber Bullying Hearing Goes Badly for Liberals


Cordesman on Folly of Israeli Attack on Iran | Tikun Olam-תקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place

Don’t threaten Iran, Carter says – The CNN Wire - CNN.com Blogs

Michigan government shuts down, but does anyone notice? | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Video: Democratic Super Majority | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

About Half of Stimulus Money Has Been Spent - HispanicBusiness.com

Bad news: Jobs market getting worse

Obama Again Raises Estimate of Jobs His Stimulus Plan Will Create or Save - NYTimes.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Max Keiser – Truth about Markets – Sept 30, 2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber and Nouriel Roubini (THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ECONOMY SERIES)

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: FED Audit gaining support. World 'War Mongering' Against Iran

*Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis; Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

Ellen Brown: The IMF Catapults From Shunned Agency to Global Central Bank

47% will pay no federal income tax

Capitalism: A Mistitled Movie | Young Americans for Liberty

U.S. Dollar Dives Against Yen: Another Sign of the Crashing Economy » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Bill to Extend Jobless Benefits Hits Snag in Senate - Political News - FOXNews.com

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Surveillance state 'a good thing'

Setting the people up to die: A conspiracy of silence about swine flu natural remedies by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Glenn Beck: End the Fed! 9/30/09 (1/2)


Judge Orders FBI to Release Cheney Interview in Leak Case - Political News - FOXNews.com

Informed Comment: Top Things you Think You Know about Iran that are not True


Effective Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis is Completely Free with Vitamin D

Vitamin A produces astonishing leukemia cure rate, even without chemotherapy by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Can You Trust Chemotherapy to Cure Your Cancer?

TBRNews.org:Order Reigns in Warsaw

Publishers prepare for U-turn as 70% plan to charge for online content - Business News, Business - The Independent

Watchdogs: Health industry giving more to Congress than thought | Raw Story

Letters: Hollywood hypocrisy evident in Polanski case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/02/2009

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Greco-Roman Polanski Method.

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ray McGovern on Alex Jones Tv:IRAN is IRAQ Part 2!!

Does Sarah Palin the lecture circuit flop have anything to say? | News | The First Post

YouTube - The Crumbling of America

YouTube - McChrystal's Measure of Success in Afghanistan

Are The "Saudi" Royal Family Jewish? - Research 9/11 And Other Pertinent Topics's MySpace Blog |

Refreshing News: New filters in Google search for speed, news

Half a million road crashes 'caused by women drivers applying make-up' - Telegraph

The Norman Transcript - Kennedy: Constitution open to interpretation

YouTube - Florida congressman Alan Grayson laughs in Ben Bernanke's face - priceless!

CNN Political Ticker:Republicans decide not to introduce Grayson resolution

A tale of two speeches: Ahmadinejad’s and Netanyahu’s

The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times : DOJ: Proposed Settlement Reached in State Secrets Suit in D.C.

10-01-2009: EU unveils more precise satnav system

10-01-2009: APF head Hilton has history of legal trouble

10-01-2009: Canada will protect swine flu vaccine maker from lawsuits

10-01-2009: U.S. troops call Afghan region 'Vietnam without napalm'

Shoe Thrown At IMF Chief

U.S. Officials Worry About Domestic Terrorism Plots

The IMF Catapults From Shunned Agency to Global Central Bank

U.S. Senate OKs One Month Emergency Extension of Federal Government Funding Levels

Officials: Fed will need to boost rates quickly

FDIC Discloses Deposit Insurance Fund Is Now Negative

U.S., NATO Poised For Most Massive War In Afghanistan’s History

Karl Rove Blasts Obama for 'Outsourcing Afghanistan'

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

The Anglo-US Drive into Eurasia and the Demonization of Russia

Bush, Cheney and Blair visits to Canada. Under Canadian laws they are War Criminals

Iran’s Nuclear Theater Meant to Divert Attention

Iran and the G20 meeting: Creating a Crisis to Cover Divisions

The Lying Game: Drum-beating for War against Iran

If Afghanistan is its test, NATO is failing

Is the 6-month Stock Market Rally About to End?.

Bilderbergers Want Global Currency Now

World bids farewell to U.S. dollar

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Time to Talk to Iran

Finding a Solution to Iran

U.S. Fighter Gap: Myth or Reality?

EUobserver / Brussels welcomes US move toward global governance of internet

La Raza President Wants Health Care Reform for ‘Everyone,’ Including Illegal Aliens

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

Hispanic Caucus Calls for Ending Program That Identified 100,000 Illegal Aliens, Many With Criminal Records

Afghan Lawmakers Accuse UN Officials of Election Bias

Hoyer Hasn't Given ‘Significant Thought’ to Whether Someone Can Exclude STDs, Other Problems from Health Record System He Voted to Create

ACLU Says It Supports the Right of Students at Va. School to Protest -- Against the ACLU

Obama Offers Iran Better Relationship, But Says US Patience Not Unlimited

California Attorney General Launches ACORN Probe

Jobless Benefits Extension Hits Snag in Senate

Strip Club Owner Says Gingrich’s Group Initially Named Her ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’

Should Government Have E-Record of Every Woman Who’s Had an Abortion?

All the President’s Olympic Cronies

Is Obama Breaking the Law?

The Noble 'Sacrifice' of Michelle Obama

An Indefensible Decision on Missile Defense

U.S. Sept non-farm payrolls plunge 263,000 - Yahoo! Finance

Palin cover unveiled - Yahoo! News

Obama Nation Billboard Draws Attention - Kansas City News Story - KCTV Kansas City

You know what's creepy? Telling a story about having sex with your employees to people who LAUGH and APPLAUD | TV Barn

David Letterman Extortion Details, Admits Sex With Staffers - ABC News

Letterman admits sleeping with staffers

My Way News - CBS worker arrested in Letterman blackmail plot

Robert Halderman: David Letterman's Alleged Extortionist Is CBS Producer - ABC News

YouTube - David Letterman's Sex Scandal Full Confession

**US relinquishes control of the internet | Technology | guardian.co.uk

New post-Soviet force begins military exercises

Scientists find path to fountain of youth

Half of babies born in rich world will live to 100 | Health | Reuters

No special treatment for Polanski: Schwarzenegger | Entertainment | People | Reuters

Taiwan unveils hydrogen-powered mobile phone chargers

Still Not Convinced HIV Is Bogus? by James Foye

Politics as a War Against Life by Butler Shaffer

*Martial Law Is Their Business – and Business Sure Is Swell by William Norman Grigg

Secession movement spreads well beyond Texas | Top Stories | Star-Telegram

Muscle is Hard to Build and Easy to Lose by Joseph Mercola

*The Top 5 Healthiest Nuts;Health Benefits of Nuts

A MINORITY VIEW:Is Disagreement with Obama Racism?

Our Intelligence, and Theirs by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

CNBC-TV18 - No revival in US; big economic crisis ahead: Marc Faber

Obama appointee lauded NAMBLA figure | Washington Examiner

RegularFolksUnited.com: Protecting Children--Not right or left, just right or wrong

Michael B. Mukasey: Intelligence Averts Another Attack

Tulsa World: Former Muslim receiving death threats

Harry Reid Backs the Public Option

In 1972, Republicans Voted For A National Healthcare Plan for Kidney Patients. What Changed?

'America's Teacher': Naomi Klein Interviews Michael Moore

Wendell Potter on Chuck Grassley: Clearly This Senator Has the Insurance Industry's Best Interest at Heart

Waaaah!!!! Sean Hannity wants him an Obama White House scalp too! Too bad his attack on Jennings is BS.

Lou Dobbs Distorts Alan Grayson's Apology

A test for Republicans in Congress they would never dare attempt

The Ultimate Media Marriage: Comcast and NBC? The Stuff of Nightmares.

Official Military Publication Calls For End Of Don't Ask Don't Tell

Bernard Goldberg blasts FOX News for cheerleading the Tea Parties, calls 'reporters' liars

Glenn Beck zeroes in on his latest White House target: Valerie Jarrett UPDATED

The Rachel Maddow Show: SEIU the Next Target for the Right Wing Smear Machine

Military Heat Weapon Being Developed for Use by American Police Forces.

Hardball: Orrin Hatch Thinks the Health Care Bill Should Have to Get 70 Votes to Pass

Democratic Senators Introduce Act to Repeal FISA's Retroactive Immunity.

Top Ten Sarah Palin Tips for Writing a Book

Alan Grayson goes on the set of The Situation Room and fires back on the Republicans!

Health Care Protesters Are Sitting In At Insurance Offices. Join Them!

Rachel Maddow: Republicans Now Pretending to be the Champions of Medicare

Chris Bowers: Our Only Hope For The Public Option Is The White House

Alan Grayson stands by his words: 'I apologize to the dead and their families...'

CNN anchor challenges Frank Luntz for role in right wing anger

Let's Give Some Props to Jay Rock for Standing Up For Us All.

Saying what needs saying: Fox News is not a news entity, it's a political creature

Cowards: Newsmax Scrubs John Perry's "Military Coup" Article

Lyin' Glenn Beck fabricates "bombs" to smear the Left

Huffman Aviation Was Continuing Criminal Enterprise

This Obvious Fallacy Underlies Libertarianism

New Definition of Terrorism Means More Death

Chicago, Tokyo Out of Running to Host Olympics - washingtonpost.com

Olympics decision stuns Chicago crowd

The Associated Press: Manhattan DA used sting to stop Letterman plot

YouTube - David Letterman Extortion Details

'Capitalism: A Love Story': Money Jungle, By Kurt Loder - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Brooke Shields photograph: the sexualisation of children for 'art' - Telegraph

Schwarzenneger: No Pardon for Polanski - Crime & Courts, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Roman Polanski : People.com

The Associated Press: Jackson autopsy could pose problems for his doctor

YouTube - AP Exclusive: Autopsy Shows Jackson Was Healthy

Oscars 2003: Did Roman Polanski miss his best shot at freedom? | Gold Derby | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Obamas Make Case for Chicago

Olympics-Chicago falls to also-ran in bid to win 2016 Games | Markets | Markets News | Reuters

The Associated Press: Biden: 'Less bad is not our measure of success'

Health Plan Advances as Millions Spared From Fines - Bloomberg.com

Steve Schmidt: Palin Would Be "Catastrophic" Choice for 2012

Rush Limbaugh on David Brooks: 'JEALOUS' - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

Montana attorney general probes secretive American Police Force - On Deadline - USATODAY.com

Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar Admits He Poorly Handled Underage Sex Case - Political News - FOXNews.com

New York City Police Captures Prison Escapee Mistaken for Lawyer - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Support for abortion rights down in survey

Uncivil Discourse - and Hypocrisy in the Senate on Display - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com

Arrest made in deaths of Illinois family - CNN.com

Yale improving security after student's killing - Boston.com

Perry defends removal of 3 before arson hearing | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas-Fort Worth Crime News | Dallas-Fort Worth News

More questions about Ensign affair - War Room - Salon.com

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Thousands still trapped by quake

Obama seeks clear next steps from Iran | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gilad Shalit video message: Full text

YouTube - Shalit alive! Israel frees Palestinian women for video

AFP: Obama meets Afghanistan commander on Air Force One

YouTube - Obama mulls over Afghanistan strategy with advisers

Disease outbreak the next challenge for Samoa - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Google logo pays homage to Gandhi | csmonitor.com

VOA News - Burma Rejects Appeal from Aung San Suu Kyi

Pakistan: Now or Never? » Blog Archive » Talk of Waziristan offensive picks up in Pakistan | Blogs |

AFP: Obama vows to push ahead on climate talks

More on the Success of Predators in Pakistan - Political Punch

No Dalai Lama meeting for PM | The Australian

YouTube - Dalai Lama free to go to Arunachal: Krishna

The Associated Press: US lawmakers to meet interim Honduras leader

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Coalition deaths in Afghanistan

YouTube - Defence Secretary: 'Afghan operations a team effort'

Coalition Government Collapses in Romania - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Guinea to hold election despite bloody protest

Michael Tomasky: Waltzing with Tehran | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Limits of Reinvention by Denis Boyles on National Review Online

Scott Gottlieb: How the U.S. Government Rations Health Care - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Fix Health Care Now, Remove Warts Later

National Journal Magazine - Obama's 'New Era Of Engagement'

A nuclear Iran: The world was warned - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

The Deliberator;Why Obama may want to ask Bush what to do in Afghanistan. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Obama’s not-so-secret plan to raise taxes | Blogs |

RealClearPolitics - Will Reform Cut Health Care Costs? Don't Bet on It

Op-Ed Columnist - The Wizard of Beck - NYTimes.com

Let's make it all Obama's fault | Salon News

RealClearPolitics - What the American People Really Want to Stimulate the Economy: Entrepreneurship-Friendly Policies

Iran: Talking is the only option | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Geneva Talks Help Iran - WSJ.com

Obama: President or pitchman? - The Boston Globe

Panel Split on Need to Probe VIP Loans - WSJ.com

House Dems have often waived read-the-bill transparency rules - TheHill.com


**Transcripts ; My Vision for Britain

Obama's Statement on the P5+1 Meeting with Iran

Gen. McChrystal's Speech on Afghanistan

Chairman Bernanke's Testimony on Regulatory Reform

Obama's Remarks on the Stimulus Package

Panel on Obama and Afghanistan

Senators Casey and Chambliss on Health Care

Senator Lindsey Graham on Afghanistan

Interviews with Sen. Rockefeller & Sec. Napolitano

Roundtable on the Public Option

Senators Schumer and Hatch on Health Care

Senator Graham on Afghanistan

Senators Levin and Chambliss Assess Afghanistan

First-Year Lawmakers on Their Time in Congress

Roundtable on Iran's Missile Tests

Analysts Discuss Iran's Missile Tests

Interview with Moammar Gadhafi

Rep. Jackson-Lee on Health Care and Immigrants


**World Video;Second Quake Hits Indonesia

Relief Supplies Rush to South Pacific

West Bank Village Gets Own Energy Source

UN Dismisses Afghan Envoy

Stress Disease Kills Australia's Iconic Koalas

China Marks 60th Communism Anniversary

Freak Cars Made in Rural Russia

Forme French PM Testifies Over Smear Charge

Anger Over Afghan Security

**Markets Video;9.8% ... Stocks Slide On U.S. Jobs Data

2 Bullish Housing Stocks

Intervention Returns To Currency Agenda

We Must Lend More: World Bank Chief Zoellick

Shakeup at HP

U.S. Faces Retro '70s Inflation: Jim Rogers

McCullough: Dollar Decline Doesn't Bode Well for Market

BofA's Ken Lewis Resigns

Everyone But the Government Is Deleveraging

Oil Market Fundamentals Still Don't Justify Rally

As Goldman's Q3 Goes, So Goes the Market

**Politics Video;Obama Makes Pitch For Olympic Games In Chicago

Ann Coulter On Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Sex Scandal

Rove On Rep. Joe Wilson vs. Rep. Grayson

Rachel Maddow On Sen. Ensign's Ethical Misconduct

Grayson: The GOP Is A "Lie Factory"

Limbaugh: Sarah Palin Sells Because Conservatism is Popular

John McCain's Floor Statement On Afghanistan 10/1

Obama Calls Talks With Iran A "Constructive Beginning"

Jimmy Carter: Don't Threaten Iran

Helen Thomas To Gibbs: "I Want Your Conscience To Bother You"

Sen. Corker: Dems Are "Scrambling" To Find Health Votes

O'Reilly On Talking To Iran

Congressman "Sure" Generals Will Resign If Obama Doesn't Change Afghan Strategy

"Nearly Public Option" Passes Senate Committee

Kos On Why Some Democrats Blocked A Public Option

Sen. Kerry On More Soldiers In Afghanistan

Bachmann: Dems Would Allow Abortions For 13-Year-Olds

Pelosi Won't Call For Grayson To Apologize

Grayson Calls Republicans "Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals"

O'Reilly: Will The Far Left Bring Obama Down?

"Holocaust" Congressman Explains Comments

Ann Coulter On Olympics, Health Care


Feds lift ban on 'Jesus' on Capitol Christmas tree

'American training will be utilized to kill Jews'

Lindsey Graham Hits Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Breitbart.tv » Boy in a Bikini & Other Pro-Gay Films Aired in California Schools

flashback:'Gay' curriculum challenges students' faith

Complaint Leads to Special Area for Religious Signs at Georgia Football Game - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

White House economist jokes: Obama strategy is communism

Breitbart.tv » Jimmy Carter Denies Saying Many Obama Critics Are Driven by Racism

Iran officials make Washington visit

French Atomic Pique

Excerpt: Evidence Iran building nuclear weapons

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Rep. says military officials may quit - Washington Times

White House eyeing narrower war effort - Washington Post- msnbc.com

'Huge threat to power grid'

Maine fines group for criticizing Islam

Analyst: Democrat trickery to force Obamacare

Congress’s Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - HUMAN EVENTS

Senators bristle over Reid's deal - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

White House: No pensions for World War II vets

Obama enacts texting ban on federal employees - Washington Times

ACORN Donations Dwindle In Wake Of Videos : NPR

Calif. AG Launches ACORN Investigation - Most Popular News Story - KCRA Sacramento

Obama's 'gay' appointee: I'd handle student differently

Holdren: Seize babies born to unwed women

Where 'Ron Paul nationalists' go astray

Putting Darwin to the test

Paleoconservative hypocrisy

The fear of thought

The case for trying Roman Polanski

Federal fraud: Porn addicts at NSF

Questions even Glenn Beck hasn't asked

Big 'D' Democrats thwart small 'd' democracy

Bitter fruits of Mideast wars

Afghanistan: Obama's LBJ moment

I am so not kidding!

High Noon for Israel – by Matt Gurney | FrontPage Magazine

Hero pilot Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger returns to air, lands at LaGuardia

Hell planet where rock falls as rain found - Telegraph

Video: British skydivers jump over Mount Everest - Telegraph

World's Greatest Mysteries

Major Miniaturist Makes Art That Comes With Its Own Microscope - WSJ.com

Buttkiss, the 41 Year Old Pacu - Paw Nation

Could pesticides be to blame for disappearance of the honey bee? | Mail Online

Job losses overshadow recovery signs - Eye on the Economy- msnbc.com

Europe's jobless youth 'tragedy' rattles EU ministers - Telegraph

Greenspan Says U.S. Will Need to Tighten Credit - Bloomberg.com

Bernanke Wants Federal Reserve to Regulate Large Firms - ABC News

Michael Palin urges Britain to stop apologising for its colonial past | Mail Online

Tate Modern temporarily shuts exhibition containing photo of nude 10-year-old Brooke Shields

Rick Perry's Cousin Killed By Montague Deputies - cbs11tv.com

Vanessa George and Angela Allen abused toddlers for Facebook 'friend' they never met - Times Online

The Associated Press: Elizabeth Smart says she was raped daily

U.S. broadband lags Asian nations

Sarah Palin 'Going Rogue' goes No. 1 on Amazon, Barnes & Noble sites; beats Dan Brown 'Lost Symbol'

Marching to world domination: China celebrates 60 years of communism with a display of military might that should worry the West | Mail Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Retired Nurse Claims Ex-Cop Told Her Police Are Preparing For Door-to-Door Swine Flu Shots

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hardin, Are You Really That Hard Up?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘TARP’ Turning Out to Be Largest Taxpayer Swindle in U.S. History

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Document shows rejected Mosaddeq’s outreach to United States and America’s collusion with Britain

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Leaked video: Glenn Beck ‘uses Vicks to cry on cue’

California Swine Flu Checkpoint Identified?

G-20: Luke Interrupts NBC’s Brian Williams and faces criticism

School Kids Praise Obama and the State in Video

Chris Matthews Proclaims Criticizing Michelle Obama Having 26 Aides Is Racist

‘Charming Liar’: Progressives Turn on Obama as Air America Exposes ‘Fascist’ Drug Deal

Boxer, Kerry Set to Introduce Climate Bill in Senate - NYTimes.com

BBC stuns Gordon Brown with question on pill taking - Telegraph

'Planned recession' could avoid catastrophic climate change - Telegraph

Marching to world domination: China celebrates 60 years of communism with a display of military might that should worry the West | Mail Online

APF Concerns Citizens | KULR-8 TELEVISION - Billings, Montana | Local Top Stories

MT AG seeking answers on Hardin jail; Hilton talks - Q2 KTVQ - Billings, Montana - News, Weather, Sports -

Investigation Could Sink American Police Force


*Jackie Mason:Kids are dying – and Obama does Leno


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama eligibility to see its day in court?

Obama "Birther" infomercial airs in Springfield | KY3 | Local News

Conan: Big Bird Gets Right-Wing Crazy on Michelle Obama | TPMTV

Palin co-author probed, Obama's ignored

'2 sources' affirmed Ayers wrote 'Dreams'

Bill Ayers' motive for penning memoir

Media apoplectic over Palin collaborator

Deconstructing the text

Real author of Barack book: Why it matters

Senator says Obama's birth location doesn't matter

Congressman: Obama has something to hide

*Article Links:The complete story about 'Dreams from My Father'


'I saw the body' insists ex-SS man as Hitler mystery refuses to go away - The Scotsman

State Archaeologist In Eye Of A Hitler Storm -- Courant.com

Hitler Skull Fragment Belonged to Female : Discovery News


*American Minute for October 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute*


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWELVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOURTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIFTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIXTEEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVENTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHTEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINETEEN: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-ONE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-THREE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government


10/01 The Mark Levin Show

09/30 The Mark Levin Show

09/29 The Mark Levin Show

09/28 The Mark Levin Show

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 1st: APF Montana Special

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 30th With Ray McGovern

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 29th With Charlie Sheen


Video: Mohamed Atta & The Venice Flying Circus

***The MadCowMorningNews:Archives***

New Footage of the 9/11 WTC Attack



*World Net Daily Player:Government-run health care by next week?

World Net Daily Player:Democrats 'wheeling and dealing' with carbon credits

World Net Daily Player:Boxer-Kerry energy plan 'dead on arrival'


*WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION DECLARATION OF HELSINKI; Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects