"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 October 2009

Monday&Weekend Review


(1:0:923)Aaron Russo: The Architecture of the Prison Planet

Bill Cunningham 10/25/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 10/25/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 10/25/09 Hour 3

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-23, Friday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-22, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-21, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-20, Tuesday

**List Of Obama's Czars**

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Renews Partnership With Feeding America

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Fugate And Missouri Governor Nixon Discuss Importance Of Faith-Based And Community Organization Partnerships During Disaster Response

Hemp Farms - by Roger Snow

*Site:Hemp Hearts - Many Thousands Of Customer Comments

The Marijuana Conspiracy

Marijuana Conspiracy - the Sequel, by Dough Yurchey

*Site:Cannabis Culture Magazine


The Source for original Hemp Hearts ™

Hemp Facts

*Site:Cool Hemp Company

Rainforest treaty 'fatally flawed' - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Monday Oct 26 is 'most unproductive day' - Telegraph

The real climate change catastrophe - Telegraph

Empress of Japan speaks against nuclear weapons - Telegraph

Lockerbie: eight other 'high-level' suspects - The Scotsman

Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obama’s Homosexual Agenda & The Jews Behind It | Real Zionist News

92-year-old's website leaves oil giant Shell-shocked | Media | The Guardian

Spotter cards: What they look like and how they work | UK news | The Guardian

Doth I protest too much? | Mark Thomas | Comment is free | The Guardian

What's all this then? Police can't say evenin' all any more | Mail Online

Limbaugh Falls for Obama Thesis Hoax

Revealed: The Breakfast cereals saltier than crisps and with more sugar than a doughnut | Mail Online

Islamists who want to destroy the state get £100,000 funding - Telegraph

Mystery deepens over what distracted pilots on plane that overshot by 150 miles - Telegraph

Middle East Online:Israeli historian explains 'invention of Jewish people'

Hamas: War will settle Jerusalem dispute, not talks - Haaretz - Israel News

The American Self Immolation, Truly a Sight to See - Pravda.Ru

Ever wonder why there was a big push to get GPS readings at your front door?

Black cardinal in pole position to be next pope - Scotland on Sunday

Freemasons frantically trying to hide their vice ring: protect yourself from Freemasonic targeting

Avnery - Where Have All The Friendships Gone?

HEMP SEED: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World

HEMP SEED: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World

henrymakow.com - exposing feminism and the new world order

Another Government “Emergency” « LewRockwell.com Blog

New “SuperEarth” planets point to alien life - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Asteroids should be next small step for man in space, panel tells President Barack Obama - Telegraph

Filthy Lucre - Paper Money As A Vector Of Disease

We Have Always Known The Answers

Freemasons frantically trying to hide their vice ring: Freemasonry protecting their Illicit vice rings

Freemasons frantically trying to hide their vice ring: Persistant targeting

Sweatshop Conditions in US Cities - Pravda.Ru

Bring back the guillotine for Goldman Sachs & Co!

Daily Express | UK News :: Census to quiz on sex life

Daily Express | World News :: Riddle of death fall No2

Clashes erupt at Temple Mount after 'Jewish conquest' rumour - Times Online

Girls accept gun running and rape as price of joining violent male gangs - Times Online

Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show | Raw Story

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Police Define Political Activism As ‘Domestic Extremism’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama’s H1N1 national emergency declaration could invoke FEMA response to pandemic

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Threat of Mandatory Vaccinations

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Are You Ready for the Next Crisis?

Grandmother who objected to gay march is accused of hate crime

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Leader: Foreigners behind regional terror attacks

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Real Reason That – For the First Time Ever – More Women are Working Than Men

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Every Bit as Bad as Bush/Cheney on Patriot Act

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama’s Tax on the Middle Class

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » What Really Prompted Iran to Build the Qom Enrichment Facility?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Capitalism, Socialism or Fascism?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Protesters storm big bankers meet, chant ‘we’ll be back’ as police escort them out

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Jesse Ventura talks about Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » GMA Worries About Carbon Footprint of Food

MELANIE PHILLIPS: The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us | Mail Online

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The “cold war” hits home – October in like a lion, out like a fridge

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » An Expensive Urban Legend

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama 2011 Coup Game Lists Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh as Patriots

The snooper's census: 2011 survey will ask for the name, sex and birth date of all our 'overnight visitors' | Mail Online

Senate's climate bill a bit more ambitious - washingtonpost.com

Russia to sell 20-50 T gold in 2009 - source - Forbes.com

Inspectors Probe Iran's Secret Nuclear Site

Israel too 'weak' to attack Iran nuclear sites: Mottaki

CTV News | U.S. Army buys balloon-like aircraft tested near border

Herbal drug crackdown: Millions face having to buy remedies on black market as Europe tightens the rules | Mail Online

Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group

Nation & World | Death row may go private in Arizona | Seattle Times Newspaper

World Currencies To Join In Race To The Bottom

Distrusting Climate Change Globalism

Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan

LAPD’s creepy Orwellian anti-terrorism ad

9/11 Redux: Colleen Rowley

Dems One or Two Votes Away from Filibuster-proof Public Option

Podesta Suggests Legalizing Pot and Taxing It

Senator Boxer: Unemployment Is Great for the Climate

Number of Americans who believe in climate change drops, survey shows | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Vatican Sends “Shockwave” Around World As NASA Scientist Warns Israel “End Is Near”

How a girl's stark words got lost in the Polanski spectacle -- latimes.com

Gun Control: Schemed by Tyrants, Supported by Fools by Michael Gaddy

Madoff pal found dead in pool

Janitor confesses in 32-stab priest slay

White House attacks worry moderate Democrats - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Campaign For Liberty — Distrusting Climate Change Globalism | by Anthony Gregory

Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan -- latimes.com

CIA invests in social media monitoring company - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic

All News Web - Declassified UFO files reveal Canada feared alien arrival

Seven questions that keep physicists up at night - space - 23 October 2009 - New Scientist

Dan Brown and the Lost Word | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Controversial Moon Origin Theory Rewrites History : Discovery News

Ice-skating bear from Russia kills circus director in Kyrgyzstan - Telegraph

Cleanliness is next to godliness: New research shows clean smells promote moral behavior

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: UFO Emerges from River at Punta Piedras

SPACE.com -- Amelia Earhart's Scarf Flying to Space

The Paranormal Pastor: The Lurkers in Twilight

All News Web - UFO sightings resume and make big news in China

All News Web - UFO Messages: Are humans galactic trash?

Forest Lake Times - Sylvan Lake mystery remains unsolved

More Than Just Spoonbending | The Intention Experiment

From the Shadows: Night of the Harlequin

CNSNews.com - Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

Who Is Behind Quashing the Birth Certificate Issue?

CNSNews.com - White House to Keep Obama’s ‘Czars’ from Testifying Before Congress

**Quotes by Founding Fathers on religion | Clipmarks

10-26-2009: GAO: FDA fails to follow up on unproven drugs

10-26-2009: Bosnia On Brink Of New Civil War

10-24-2009: Mind Your Tweets: CIA and European Union Building Social Networking Surveillance System

10-24-2009: The Copenhagen Carbon Circus

Unbelievable: Government Hijacks Kids TV To Propagandize For Swine Flu Shots (Contains video)

Deaths From Swine Flu Vaccine Reported In Europe

Further deaths linked to swine flu vaccine

Desiree Jennings Getting Worse, All From Flu Shot

Long-term use of mobile phones ‘may be linked to cancer’

White House Met Privately With Many Left-Wing Opinionistas

Olbermann, Maddow Defend Off-the-Record Meeting With Obama At White House: 'Bush did it, therefor it's good'

Americans Pull Strings in Afghan Election

Detroit House Auction Flops For Urban Wasteland

The US Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

"Will the Dollar Still be the World's Reserve Currency in 5 Years?"

The Consequences of Default

Fall of the Dollar on G-20 finance ministers agenda :

The Plot Thickens: Honduran Coup Regime and Landowning Elites Enlist the Support of Foreign Paramilitaries

BBC - Earth News - Epic humpback whale battle filmed

Gene Therapy Gives Sight to Blind Children With Rare Disorder - Bloomberg.com

REFLECTIONS ON eight years of work as a designer of positive futures | Arcturus Research & Design

A short introduction to the 1st Earth Battalion written for the World Business Academy Project Earthrise. | Arcturus Research & Design

full story :*(PDF download)

*Site:Signs of Weiss

*Site:First Earth Battalion

Saudis issue 'culture clash' guide for travelers | Middle East Conflict

Obama dismisses warming skeptics - Washington Times

Clunkers clogging up auto yards - Washington Times


BBC NEWS | Middle East | Obama's fury at Baghdad bloodbath

YouTube - Peter Schiff was right 2006-2007 - CNBC edition

White House confronts the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- latimes.com

Warren Buffett tackles bankers' bonuses

It's Official: The ATF and FBI Don't Get Along

US House panel shortens consumer watchdog's leash | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

video:We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

'write directly to memory' of living brains

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Obama's media intimidation works!

United Nations Launches Investigation of Human Rights Abuses in the United States « NewsReal Blog

Who should fear Russia’s new military doctrine? | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

UFO Alien Conspiracy Latest News: Worlds Largest Pyramid Discovered - Lost Mayan City Of Mirador

George Clooney's Men Who Stare at Goats 'based on real US army experiments' - Telegraph

FDA Fails to Pull Worthless Drugs from Marketplace

Bernanke Not Obama to Make “Trillion Dollar Decision”

Greyhound bus passengers get screened, pat down in special TSA operation

Health Care Bill's Plan to Cut Medicare Payments to Hospitals that Readmit Ill Seniors Could Have ‘Serious Consequences,’ Says Hospital Association

Congressman Says He Now Has ‘About 40 Likeminded Democrats’ Who Will Vote to Kill Health Bill if He Doesn’t Get Floor Vote on Pro-Life Amendment

When Asked Where the Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans To Buy Health Insurance, Pelosi Says: 'Are You Serious?'

The Calamity of Iraq’s Orphans and the Morality of America

YouTube - Clashes ignite over al-Aqsa mosque - 25 Oct 09

YouTube - Israel Attacks Gaza, Silence from Mainstream Media about Israeli Violations of International Law

YouTube - Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem 9

YouTube - Feeling the Hate in Tel Aviv -- The Sequel to the Video YouTube Censored

YouTube - Drunk israeli settler brags how jews killed Jesus.

YouTube - Crazy israeli settler attack pacifists at Jerusalem



Video Footage From Inside the Aqsa Mosque

YouTube - H1N1 National Emergency planned in 2004?

Mayor Daley May Be Considering A Sale Of Chicago's Water System - cbs2chicago.com

Politick: CO2 in the Atmosphere is Decreasing - How Will the Global Warming Crowd Explain THAT? UPDATED

The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber -- Signs of the Times News

After the Billionaires Plundered Alabama Town, Troops Were Called in ... Illegally | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet

The best way to shorten your life span Get involved in a mysterious multi-billion dollar scam

Aletho News: Leader: Foreigners behind regional terror attacks

Gaddafi: Disarm Israel or let Arabs develop nukes

Oil prices predicted to reach triple-digit level

The Temple Time Bomb

12 mln Afghans live under poverty line: ministry

Back-Door Taxes Hit Americans With Public Financing in the Dark - Bloomberg.com

Prof. Weiss at rightist event: Build third temple immediately

Applesauce » Six years ago, Fox News successfully argued in court that it had a constitutional right to report lies

YouTube - Vaccines-Cervarix, Gardasil, Death, And Extreme Side Effects

VDARE.com: 10/25/09 - Are You Ready for the Next Crisis?

Bleep NATO by Jeff Huber -- Antiwar.com

Refreshing News: Rich 'may evolve into separate species'

Harvard: Lab Workers Were Poisoned -- Courant.com

What Was Jeffry Picower's Role in Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme? | Mother Jones

Jeffry Picower Dead: Madoff Friend Found At Bottom Of Pool

David Kirby: Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?

Anti-incumbent wave pounds city halls - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Gen. McChrystal Makes Surprise Visit to NATO Ministers’ Meeting to Lobby for Escalation -- News from Antiwar.com

Insurers eye big hikes for small business - UPI.com

The 9/11 Reichstag Fire

Jews Lobby `to Remove Al-Aqsa Mosque

YouTube - Vaccines - CDC Concedes Secretly that Vaccines have a Link t

The Wall Street Economic Death Squad | Amped Status

Top 10 States make up 55 Percent of United States GDP. 6 of the top 10 States have Unemployment Rates over 10 Percent.

Officers accused of inciting violence face ethics panel - The Globe and Mail

Aletho News: AGW has most of the characteristics of an “urban legend”

ei: Internet users paid to spread Israeli propaganda

Eric Margolis:Prof. Weiss at rightist event: Build third temple immediately

Aletho News: International day of climate change funded by.....

Thousands gather in Kabul, burn effigy of Obama Afghans accuse US troops of burning Quran

**(3:35:19)The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

YouTube - The FBI Tells Americans to Watch Fox News, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh for REAL NEWS


Ex-CIA agent confirms US ties with Jundullah

Economic Stimulus | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

The "Missing" Final Three Episodes of The History Channel's "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" 2003 | 911Blogger.com

Rabbis Convene, Call for Ascent to Temple Mount - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Bigeye Blog - Why 911 Truth Matters, by Stewart Ogilby

redpill8.blogspot.com: 'Rescue Me' star Daniel Sunjata's impassioned plea for a new 9/11 Investigation

READY TO DEFEND: Oath Keepers speak out at inaugural conference - News - ReviewJournal.com

Al Aqsa Isn’t Calling Us Anymore,She’s Screaming « Political Theatrics

'60 Minutes': Medicare Fraud Raises 'Troubling Questions About Our Government's Ability to Manage a Medical Bureaucracy' | NewsBusters.org

U.S. newspaper circulation plunge accelerates | Reuters

EclippTV :: Video :: Gary Null Exposes NWO Big Pharma and their Deadly Vaccines 1/3

EclippTV :: Video :: Gary Null Exposes NWO Big Pharma and their Deadly Vaccines 2/3

EclippTV :: Video :: Gary Null Exposes NWO Big Pharma and their Deadly Vaccines 3/3

EclippTV :: Video :: Max Keiser's unified theory of inflation deflation

EclippTV :: Video :: U.S. attempting to regulate the Internet


YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #01 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #02 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #03 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #04 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #05 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #06 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #07 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #08 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #09 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #10 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #11 of 12

YouTube - Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #12 of 12


UFO Alien Conspiracy Latest News: UFO Flyby Midnight Hawks - Finnish Air Force - Air Show Radom 2009

CA Political News:The White House Doesn’t Want You To See This

Fourteen Americans Die in Helicopter Collisions in Afghanistan

Obama Says Baghdad Bombings Are an Attempt to Stop Progress in Iraq

Bombings Kill 155 in Baghdad; Deadliest Attack on Government in Two Years

Unrated Movie ‘Anti-Christ’ Should be Rated NC-17, Critic Says

Activists Press for Homosexual 'Rights' to Be Included in Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Lawmakers Split on Timing of Afghan Decision

Health Insurers' Profits Anemic Compared With Other Insurers and Industries

Retail Gas Prices Nearing Summer Highs

Disgraced Cloning Expert Convicted in South Korea

Association Marks 20 Years of Greening Hollywood

FDA Fails to Follow Up on Unproven Drugs, GAO Report Says

Death of Madoff’s Friend Complicates Investors’ Lawsuit, Lawyer Says

Time Growing Short for Health Care Overhaul

Nuclear Energy Becomes Pivotal in Climate Debate

Palin Backs 3rd-Party Candidate in NY House Race

Southeast Asia Launches Human Rights Body

Hotel Owner Tells Hispanic Workers to Change Names

Internet About to Get Non-English Domain Names

Largest Solar Panel Plant in U.S. Rises in Florida

U.N. Food Agency Says 200 Million More People Hungry

To Health in A Handbasket

So You Think You Are a Real Man?

Taking Away Your Choice

Welcome to the P.T. Barnum Administration

H1N1 National Emergency

More Than Junk Science - 60 Minutes - CBS News

An Input/Output Device for the Brain - Made of Light, Algae, and Bacteria

*Multimedia | h+ Magazine

What Jobless Recovery?

Obama voters have let down their leader

Senate Plan Would Explode Number of Uninsured Americans

Medicare Fraud - $60 Billion and Growing

The Human Side of David Axelrod

Sauce for government gander?

Obama still voting 'present' on health care reform

Gallup: Conservatives outnumber liberals 2-1

Samuelson: Public option 'mirage'

'Think Tanks - The New Power Players in Washington'

It pays to work for the government

The Slander Network


Obama Comes To The Mainland

Nobel Prize: Marxism Goes Mainstream

Beware of liberals supporting Republicans


Rightwing Fascists and Other Fables

Past clues to the present jobless recovery

Why the left isn't socialist

Preparing for Iranian Hegemony in the Middle East

Reforming Healthcare: Look to traffic cops and football

'We want you to eat it. Just eat it!'

Hoffman is the Obvious Choice

John Kerry to the Rescue

Losing Israel

Economics and Moral Courage by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Karl Marx as Religious Eschatologist by Murray N. Rothbard

The Federal Reserve System Repays the Treasury Most of the Interest It Collects From the Treasury by Gary North

Intellectual Self-Defense for Libertarians by Lila Rajiva

Global-Warming Crusade by George Giles

*The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC by Ron Paul

Doug Casey on Nuts & Bolts: Handling Bullion

Macro for Dummies by Bill Bonner

Knockout by Suzanne Somers - jeffrey dach md - Open Salon

YouTube - Suzanne Somers: I saw my death

Campaign For Liberty — Health Care Hypocrisy | by Laurence M. Vance

Death of 'Soul of Capitalism': Bogle, Faber, Moore

Report: FBI not reviewing all of its evidence

Dollar Touches 14-Month Low as Recovery Signs Spur Risk Demand - Bloomberg.com

Chinese military backs closer U.S. ties | Politics | Reuters

President Obama won’t talk climate change in Copenhagen - Times Online

Obama hits out at climate 'naysayers'

Cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-suk convicted over stem cell lies - Times Online

Kremlin warns against wrecking Russia with democracy | International | Reuters

A Leno letdown

Breitbart.tv » United Nations Investigator Launches Probe Into US Housing Crisis

Reid to announce push for public option - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Pelosi: Health care 'public option' needs new name

VIDEO: Legalizing Marijuana: Times They Are A-Changin’ - George's Bottom Line

Well-known Chicago Bar Accused of Racism - Chicago Breaking News

LA man arrested in death of his unborn child

AT&T, Google Battle Over Web Rules - WSJ.com

A Newt Gingrich run in 2012? Quite possible but... | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

My Way News - Clock ticking on Democrats' health care reform

Democratic candidates suffer from ‘Obama Hangover’ - The Boston Globe

My Way News - FACT CHECK: Health insurer profits not so fat

Nearly one in three people with HIV do not know: EU

Japanese firms to develop small nuclear reactors

Harvard Tightening Security After 6 Poisoned - Local News Story - WCVB Boston

U.S. Congress and Iran – Commingling at CAIR?

FACT CHECK: Health Insurers Profits Not So Fat

BREAKING NEWS: Sarah Palin Supports ACORN Refunding

As Swine Flu Shots Begin, Officials Fear Shortage

Tea Party Dilemma: Honey, I Shrunk the Party

Tea Party Mandate: Take Back The Party!

‘Cool Cars’ Guaranteed To Make You Hot Under The Collar

Kyoto II, the Obama Administration and the Constitution

The Profitability of Lobbying

BREAKING: ACORN Ally Nadler Resists Probe While Giving ACORN Advice

Baucus Bill Is a Cure Worse than the Disease

Globalist - Britain Resolves, U.S. Wavers - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld - A Resilient Baghdad on a Day of Horror

From Vatican, a tainted olive branch - The Boston Globe

Iran's nuclear programme: playing with fire - Telegraph

Knowing when to leave in Latin America -- latimes.com

Weathering Climate Change

RealClearMarkets - Why Goldman Should Pay a Special Dividend

Small Business to Obama: Thanks, but No Thanks | The Big Money

Madoff Secrets Go to the Grave - The Daily Beast

Arthur C. Brooks: Why Government Health Care Keeps Falling in the Polls - WSJ.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Do not ignore the need for financial reform

Sanford I. Weill and Judah S. Kraushaar: Six Steps to Revitalize the Financial System - WSJ.com

Roy C. Smith -- 5 myths about executive pay - washingtonpost.com

RealClearMarkets - Are You Ready to Subsidize Reporters?

The Utter Absurdity Of Insider Trading Rules - Forbes.com

Andy Xie: The big burnout | The Big Picture

A Review of the Trade Weighted Dollar

Will Dan Rather Soon Have a New Gig?

So Goes California, So Goes the Nation?


More ‘Stupid Things Celebs Do To Be ‘Green”

Obama Nation

I’ve Seen the Future and It Is…Safe?

‘The Simpsons’, Islamophobia and CAIR: The Price of Freedom

‘It Might Get Loud’: The Redemption of Jimmy Page

Sean Penn Off To Interview Uncle Fidel

‘Crash’ Director Dumps Scientology Over Prop. 8


The B-Cast C-Side: ‘One Single Payer System’ Viral Video Hits the Million Mark

The B-Cast Interview: Lord Monckton Defends His Warning for America

Man Fired From Home Depot Over ‘One Nation Under God’ Button

Update: Prosecutor Says Church Janitor Killed N.J. Priest

ABC News ‘Nightline’: ‘Inside Scientology’

Scientology Spokesman Storms Out of ‘Nightline’ Interview

North Carolina Pastor to Host Halloween Bible-Burning Event

Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith: ‘Something Crazy Happens Tomorrow’

‘Scary’ Glenn Beck Fires Back at ‘Idiot’ Ex-Fox News Contributor

ESPN Analyst Fired Over Affair with Production Assistant

Announcer Apologizes for Cracking ‘Taco’ Joke About Colombian NASCAR Driver

Top Journalism Students Knock Fox News in Media Ethics Hip-Hop

Ingraham Slams ABC News Anchor’s ACORN Ignorance on ‘This Week’

Ex-Fox News Contributor Quit Because of ‘Scary’ Beck & Less Debate

Dobbs Slams Stossell: ‘What a Self-Important Ass’

Actor Opens HIV/AIDS Clinic in DC

Hundreds in Portland Dance to ‘Thriller’

UN Nuclear Inspectors Tour Once-secret Iran Site

1812 Overature Is Recreated Using 1,000 Cellphones & 2,000 Text Alerts

$60 Billion Fraud: ‘60 Minutes’ Investigates Medicare/Medicaid Billing Scam

‘Showdown in Chicago’: SEIU & Allies Crash Bankers Convention

Madoff Associate Found Dead in Florida Pool

Cell Phone Video Shows CA Officers Beating Unarmed Student

Harvard Tightens Security After Six Students & Scientists Are Poisoned

Man Drives 1.5 Miles With Crash Victim Impaled in Windshield

Experts: Latvian Meteor Crater Is Likely a Hoax

Helicopter Incidents Kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan

Man Spends 15 Years Making Stagecoach Out of 1.5 Million Toothpicks


*Markets Video:Hits the Spot: China Watch

Roubini: 'We Are in the Mother of All Carry Trades'

ING to Sell Insurance Unit

Nelson Peltz Grabs Legg Mason Stake

New Recession, Same Mistakes?

World Video:Iraqis Mourn After Worst Bombings in Two Years

Interview with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu

Female Taliban Suicide Bombers in Pakistan

Jordan's Ties with Israel Turn Cold

Mekong River Floods Attributed to Climate Change

Ex-Bosnian Serb Leader Karadzic Boycotts Trial

14 Americans Killed in Afghan Helicopter Crashes

Iraq Accuses Iran of Water Theft

Peter Galbraith's Role in Iraqi Political Affairs

Housing Crisis Triggers Clashes in Algiers

U.S. Covers Up Results of Raid on Syria

Politics Video:Kerry: Achieving Afghanistan Goals Doesn't Require Us To "Defeat The Taliban"

Swine Flu Declared a National Emergency

14 Americans Dead In Afghanistan Chopper Crashes

Flashback: NY-23 GOP Candidate Was On Board Of Planned Parenthood

NY-23: DCCC Attacks Hoffman For Being Rich

Gov. Rendell On Opt-Out Option

Elizabeth Edwards Describes Marriage As A "Great Love Story"

Dem: House Has Votes To Pass Public Option

Cuomo to Giuliani: Don’t Run For Governor

Scarborough, Smiley, Senor On WH's FOX News Strategy

GOP Bashes Obama Over Jobs, HC In Spanish Radio Ad

Clinton Taking Heat From Her Critics

VA: Anti-Deeds Ad Says He Will Raise Taxes

NJ: Corzine Highlights Military Service In New Ad

"Reliable Sources" Panel On FOX News Vs. White House

Gillespie: Emanuel "Uninformed Or Willfully Misleading"

"This Week" Roundtable On Public Option, CEO Pay Cuts

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Cutting Executive Pay

Sen. McCaskill On A Public Option Revival

Kyl, Levin On Afghanistan & Cheney

Cornyn, Schumer On Exec Comp, Health Care & Afghanistan

Sen. Feingold On Afghanistan, Cheney, Public Option

Gingrich Says He May Run For President In 2012

Chamber Of Commerce, AHIP On WH Attacks

Sen. McConnell On Health Care Reform

Gov. Jindal: "People Have Had Enough"

"Special Report" Panel On Stimulus

Obama Weekly: Working with Small Business To Drive Recovery

Maddow On McCain And Internet Freedom

O'Reilly: Liberal Media Sticks Up For FOX News

Gregg: Health Bill Use "Bernie Madoff Accounting"

White House: Afghanistan "Absolutely" A "War Of Necessity"

Obama Has Teleprompter Trouble During MIT Speech

Limbaugh: Obama Throwing Deeds Under The Bus

Alexander: "Unpresidential" For Obama To Bring "Street Fighting" In WH

Jarrett: White House Not Afraid To "Push Back"

Pelosi: Public Option Not A "Great Choice Of Words"

VA: Deeds Runs Ad Opposing "Cap And Trade"

CBS: NJ Gov. Race Heats Up

Dodd On Countrywide Loan: "We Ought To Move On"

Ann Coulter On Cheney Vs. The White House

Rove On Obama's Afghanistan Troop Decision

Sen. Alexander: "Bunker Mentality" Of WH Bad For Country

Chris Matthews: Religious Right Is Like Taliban

O'Reilly: Dick Cheney Hammers President Obama

"Special Report" Panel On FOX News Being Denied Interview


*Transcripts:Senators McConnell & McCaskill Debate Health Care

Guests: Senators Feingold & McCain

Guests: Abdullah Abdullah; Senators Levin & Kyl

Guests: Senators Schumer & Cornyn

Guests: Abdullah; Sens. Brown, Nelson & Hatch

Obama's Remarks at Gov. Patrick's Fundraiser

Financial Regulation and Supervision after the Crisis

Press Conf. with Sec. Gates at NATO Ministers Meeting

Interview with House Minority Leader John Boehner

Guest: Va. Gov. Candidate Bob McDonnell

Roundtable on the TARP Pay Cuts

Analysts Discuss Health Insurers' Antitrust Exemption

Obama Signs Veterans' Health Bill

Sen. Judd Gregg on America's Finances

Dean on the Latest in the Health Care Debate

A Partnership for the 21st Century

Op-Ed Columnist - In Defense of the ‘Balloon Boy’ Dad - NYTimes.com

Chicago Way czar needed to keep outlanders in check -- chicagotribune.com

Fair Game - Wall Street Follies - The Next Act - NYTimes.com

More voters are souring on health ‘reform’ - Kansas City Star

Experts see rebounding economy shedding jobs

The PDQ Presidency

Pethokoukis James » Blog Archive » The internal contradictions of ObamaCare | Blogs |

RealClearPolitics - Why Is the White House Courting Olympia Snowe?

U.S. is losing Afghan war on two fronts - CNN.com

The reform-minded conservative - Washington Times

Op-Ed Columnist - After Reform Passes - NYTimes.com

As Rumors Fly, a Call for a United Front on Healthcare in the House

Where's the benefit? - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - President Obama and American Exceptionalism

Chin Music

The ticking time bomb on warming - The Boston Globe

Obama and the Policy Approach > Publications > National Affairs

Letter From Washington - A Culture of Business as Usual - NYTimes.com

A Third Surge?

Debate on post-9/11 travel -- Our view: ‘Flying imams’ settlement carries costs for air safety - Opinion - USATODAY.com

The Spending Rolls On

Cheney: Whatever possessed him? - The Boston Globe

Insurers poised to reap benefits from healthcare overhaul -- latimes.com

GOP officials: We won't abandon Dede - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Obama Races for Cash - WSJ.com

A congressman, a lobbying firm and a swift path to earmarks

Lessons Overlearned | The American Prospect

Senate health bill to include public option - Health care reform- msnbc.com

FACT CHECK: Health insurers' profits 35th of 53

NOW President on President Obama's All-Male Athletic Outings: 'It's Troubling' - Political Punch

Sunstein: Marriage discriminates against singles

FDA Allows Use of Experimental Antiviral Drug to Treat H1N1 - H1N1 - FOXNews.com

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated? - CBS News

Doctors Drop Parents Who Don't Vaccinate Children For Autism Fears - ABC News

Temple Mount riots part of Arab agenda?

Insider reveals secrets of North America plot

Game of chicken at U.N. has security officials fried

How news media protect Muslim Mafia

DOJ Should Show Congress Damning Evidence on CAIR, Reps Say :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

GOP lawmakers submit request to probe CAIR

Congress passes 'Pedophile Protection Act'

State launches boycott of 'unconstitutional' federal laws


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'3 in 10 Americans believe Obama foreigner'


Get ready, America: Great Depression 2.0

Obama's 1-world government

Lansing man puts 16 cockroaches in mouth to break record | lansingstatejournal.com | Lansing State Journal

Top 50 Cartoon Characters - The Best Cartoon Characters of All Time

Israel Plans Major Excavation at Western Wall - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Focus: Guardians of the underground | Features | Jerusalem Post

Egyptians conflicted over preserving Jewish past - Columbian.com

Recession or not? US economy likely to be in limbo

How many more U.S. body bags?

The cradle of liberty – or Massachusettstan?

Obama's Foxhole | The American Prospect

Coming in December: World government

YouTube - Doctors speak out about H1N1 VACCINE DANGERS

Border courage, Arpaio style

Is red the new green?

Arrested just for looking weird | Jeremy Clarkson - Times Online

Why Sean Hannity should run for President in 2012 | Irish News | IrishCentral

Girl's confession stuns worshippers - modernghana.com/religion

Middle East News | Saudi king pardons female reporter from flogging

Pilots of Errant Plane May Have Licenses Suspended - NYTimes.com

'Hero' pilot dies after ditching aircraft - Telegraph

Gay domestic abuse 'suffered in silence' - Scotsman.com News

Alternative dino-killer theory lands with a thud - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist

Store clerk killer sentenced to 39 years | Yakima Herald-Republic Online

Jury finds woman ‘not guilty,’ then ‘guilty’ - Whidbey News Times

Womb transplants 'within two years' - Science, News - The Independent

Neurotic? It Could Lead to Asthma - ABC News

Edmond pastor challenges Mayan calendar-based date | NewsOK.com

Ex-Scientologists Level Accusations

School Undercounts Raise Pandemic Concerns

Afghanistan - What is it all about?

Obama Will Consider Hate Bill Wednesday

This is zionism: The Werewolves Of The Hebron Hills

Tariq Mehanna - Obama's Latest Muslim Target

CNN tries to repair damage with Latinos, but Lou Dobbs remains an open, bleeding sore

Whitehouse.gov Finds Familiar Power

Is This Real Reform? The Insurance Companies Got Everything They Wanted.

Who Do We Trust on Healthcare Reporting: Joe Scarborough or Our Lying Eyes?

Newt Gingrich: You Can't Write Off Entire Regions of the Country and Expect to Be a Majority

ConservaDems like Nelson would rather have states "opt in" than "opt out": i.e., an uphill climb for the public option

Scarborough and Senor Think Running Moderates Out is Fantastic for the Republican Party

Guess Who's Going To Administer Any Public Option? Insurance Companies.

Jane Hall says she quit FOX because of their slanted coverage and Beck is scary. Kurtz defends FOX

Public Option Annie

The Rachel Maddow Show: McCain Pushes Telecom Agenda Against Web Freedom

Does George Will Have Internet Access? Claims a Bill is Not Online That's Been There For Almost a Week

John Podesta Points Out Bush Admin Only Spent 1 Hour on Afghanistan Report Before Handing Off

HuffPost: Obama Wants Bipartisan Reform Cover for Blue Dogs and Conservatives

Sen. Levin: Cheney attack on Obama 'out of bounds'

Chris Wallace compares White House 'war on Fox' to gangster tactics

Al Hunt: Trigger Option Will Be 'Face Saving' For Liberals. No, Al, It Won't.

Republicans Are Blocking Confirmation for Obama's Surgeon General Nominee

Anthony Weiner Points Out the Hypocrisy of Members of Congress on Medicare but Against the Public Option

Joe Conason Calls Out Pat Buchanan's Hypocrisy Over the Obama Administration-Fox Dust Up

As Technology Brings New Life to Education, The Establishment Resists

Keith Olbermann Rips Tucker Carlson in His Worst Persons Segment

Swine Flu Vaccine Production Slow, Many Clinics Waiting for Shipment

Sally Quinn sniffs at that gauche Alan Grayson fellow, and White House's 'war on Fox', in classic Village style

Democracy Now: Judge Rejects Blackwater Attempt to Dismiss Cases Filed by Iraqi Victims


*American Minute for October 26th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**List Of Obama's Czars**


Half-Past Human - Fear Monday

Traitors on a Plane « Mantiq al-Tayr

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Renews Partnership With Feeding America

Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show | Raw Story

URBAN SHIELD 2009 Terrorizing Oakland & Bay Area This Weekend at Invite of Alameda Sheriff : Indybay

Europe needs a president we can all trust. Blair is not the man for the job | Comment is free | The Observer

Poland joins growing list of countries opposing Tony Blair's bid to be EU president - Telegraph

Scottish police to launch new inquiry into Lockerbie - Crime, UK - The Independent

Obama ducks out of pardoning black boxer - Times Online

Asteroids should be next small step for man in space, panel tells President Barack Obama - Telegraph

New “SuperEarth” planets point to alien life - Herald Scotland | News | World News

UN nuclear inspectors in Iran to visit site - Middle East, World - The Independent

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Twin Baghdad blasts kill scores

Iran arrests 12 accused of promoting satanism - Middle East, World - The Independent

Nato backs McChrystal in snub to Biden plan - Asia, World - The Independent

Solider who refuses to return to Afghanistan accuses politicians of betraying army's trust during anti-war march in London | Mail Online

Morale dips for American marines in Afghanistan - Times Online

Clashes erupt at Temple Mount after 'Jewish conquest' rumour - Times Online

Sunday Express | World News :: Riddle of death fall No2

LIFE mission tests the resilience of microbes in deep space - Science & Tech

Black cardinal in pole position to be next pope - Scotland on Sunday

Hellish hairy sea monster cast ashore (photo) - Pravda.Ru

savethemales.ca - Hollywood's Scathing Portrayal of Judaism

Co-pilot: No sleeping or arguing in cockpit - CNN.com

Pilot That Overshot Airport: Crew Wasn't Napping - ABC News

Sunday Express | UK News :: Census to quiz on sex life

Racism, Prejudice, Intolerance - As US As Apple Pie

Navy surrenders one new aircraft carrier in budget battle - Times Online

AARP's Tradition Of Betrayal

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » Swine Flu: Is Meditation the Best Medication?


George W. Bush to become motivational speaker - Telegraph

The History of the House of Rothschild


The French Connection/ The History of the “Money Changers”

Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to the Zionist State

'Dishonest' Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK | Mail Online

YouTube - Israeli President: We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland

20,000 people, 192 countries. Welcome to the carbon circus - Times Online

FEMA: FEMA Administrator Fugate And Missouri Governor Nixon Discuss Importance Of Faith-Based And Community Organization Partnerships During Disaster Response

Apple President calls Windows 7 an “Antiquated technology”

Russian military denies existence of new 'super-tank' | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Cryptomundo » Yeti Trek: Near Death Experience

Comics In Servitude to Obama

Daily Gut: Transgender and Terror

A Name Americans Should Know – Jodie Evans and the Obama- Hollywood-Terrorist Connection

Breitbart Tribute to Ron Silver

Will Dan Rather Soon Have a New Gig?

So Goes California, So Goes the Nation?

First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1

Obama Every Bit as Bad as Bush/Cheney on Patriot Act

Mind Your Tweets: CIA and European Union Building Social Networking Surveillance System

President Obama declares national emergency over swine flu pandemic, but why?

Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency

Japanese firms to develop small nuclear reactors

Asian nations look to 'lead world'

Al Qaeda Big Wig Killed. Again.


Asian Leaders Eye EU-Style Bloc

What Really Prompted Iran to Build the Qom Enrichment Facility?

Ex-CIA agent confirms US ties with Jundullah

Foreign Cops Take Part in “Domestic Terrorism” Drill in California

ASEAN looks forward to realization of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area

White House to Keep Obama’s ‘Czars’ from Testifying Before Congress

Report: Big Pharma has 2.3 lobbyists for every lawmaker

We Do Not Defer To Any Authority"

Herding the Sheep

Swine Flu: Is Meditation the Best Medication?

Dollar Collapse Update: "Obama Demands Pay in Euros!"

The Virtues of Deglobalization

Cyber Resistance

Encircling Russia: US NATO Military Bases in Eastern Europe

Thousands protest over war in Afghanistan

Obama's H1N1 Emergency Declaration: Is Martial Law Unfolding?

Scientists Use Precise Flashes of Light to Implant False Memories in Fly Brains (And now you understand how TV works)

Ready to Revolt: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States

Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets

CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

Distrusting Climate Change Globalism

video:The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

video:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

'write directly to memory' of living brains

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon

Astrogeologists discover shallow caves that could provide shelter for life on Mars - Pasadena Star-News


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 9 by Gary North


Dollar Forced to Abdicate by Peter Schiff

Armed Resistance and Hiding Are Futile, Unless… by Mark R. Crovelli

There’s No Natural Right to Health Care by Christopher Westley

Writing the New Texas Constitution: Avoiding Inherent Flaws by Russell D. Longcore

How They Are Turning Off the Lights in America by Edwin X. Berry

A Merry Depression Sing-Along by William Norman Grigg

*SITE:Pro Libertate

*News Talk Radio Online : Liberty News Radio - News Radio Online

10-24-2009: The Copenhagen Carbon Circus

10-24-2009: China works for Mars and Moon missions

10-24-2009: Ever-Present Surveillance Rankles the British Public

TSA Searches Greyhound Bus Passengers

10-24-2009: Asian nations look to 'lead world'

Panel Calls For Big Detour In NASA Moon Plans

10-23-2009: Deep Hole Found On The Moon

Congressman Says He Now Has ‘About 40 Likeminded Democrats’ Who Will Vote to Kill Health Bill if He Doesn’t Get Floor Vote on Pro-Life Amendment

Catholic Bishop Calls on Patrick Kennedy to Apologize to the Church

Patrick Kennedy: Catholic Church Fanning ‘Flames of Dissent and Discord’ by Opposing Health Bill Over Abortion Funding

White House Says Bush Administration ‘Unserious’ About Afghan War

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

Boehner: ‘I’m Not a Constitutional Lawyer, But I Think It's Wrong to Mandate the American People to Have to Do Anything'

Obama White House Rebuffed, As Other Networks Stand Up for 1st Amendment, Fox News

Sheriff Arpaio's Office Is Only Law Enforcement Agency in U.S. Denied Authority to Enforce Immigration Laws, Says DHS

New Oklahoma Abortion Laws Requires Women to Get Ultrasound, Answer Questions about Race, Relationships

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Senate Judiciary Chairman Unable to Say Where Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

NSA to Build Secretive Data Center in Utah

Police Say Witnesses to UConn Killing Have Been Threatened Online

Prosecutor Says Arson-Related Heart Attacks Are Murder

Southeast Asia Launches Human Rights Body

The Bogus Death Statistic That Won’t Die

A Flood of Federal Disasters

Senate Democrats close in on health reform votes | Politics | Reuters

Singer Morrissey Stable After Collapsing on Stage - ABC News

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Saudi female TV journalist gets 60 lashes | Reuters

Michael Jackson Fans ‘Thrill the World’ With Dance Record Attempt | Snark Food

Amnesiac Teen Identified in New York City - Health : People.com

Brad Pitt in Minor Motorcycle Accident Feature Story

Pumpkin ‘bling’ brings new look to Halloween

Madonna working on new film with ex-husband- Hindustan Times

The Name-That-Element Chemistry Quiz - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com

HUD Counseling Funds Tripled Despite Criticism

Lest We Forget: SEIU, ACORN Behind Ongoing Push For Socialized Medicine

HHS Chief Actuary on ObamaCare: Total Health Care Spending Will Go Up, Not Down

A Name Americans Should Know – Jodie Evans and the Obama-Hollywood-Terrorist Connection

Breitbart Tribute to Ron Silver

Saturday Open Thread: Another ACORN Campaign Ad

Obama vs. The American Businessman

The Education of Congressman Hoyer

Let’s Savor the Feeling of Victory

More Gasbaggery from the American Federation of Teachers

U.S. Congress and Iran – Commingling at CAIR?

Boots on the Ground Report: The Cost of Delay

FACT CHECK: Health Insurers Profits Not So Fat

BREAKING NEWS: Sarah Palin Supports ACORN Refunding

Remember Alex Odeh? Alex Who??? « The Ugly Truth

FDIC Head Sheila Bair Attempts to Quell Crisis of Confidence » Nationalist Coalition Blog

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff issues a Red Alert: "Get out of the US dollar"

Look Who's Really Writing the Healthcare Bill -- It's Big Pharma & The Insurance Lobby - Home - The Daily Bail

‘Die Quickly’ Congressman: Cheney Angry Because Obama Doesn’t Shoot Old Men in the Face

Pelosi Reportedly Lacks Votes for ‘Robust Public Option’

Pelosi: ‘You Don’t Want Members to Take Any Unnecessary Political Risk’

Home-Buyer Credit Tempts Tax Cheats

Slovenian Scientist Creates Skiing Robot

The B-Cast Interview: Lord Monckton Defends His Warning for America

Affidavit: Mom Told Deputies Balloon Saga Was Hoax

Camera Catches Sen. Boxer Spitting Out Her Gum During Meeting With UN Chief

Chris Matthews Makes Profane Crack About Cheney Honor

Scientology Spokesman Storms Out of ‘Nightline’ Interview

Geraldo Slams Dobbs: Rumors of Hiring at Fox News Are ‘Absolutely Untrue’

Update: ‘Praying Robber’ Explains Desperation

CNN Tokyo Reporter Tackles Burger King’s ‘Windows 7 Whopper’

‘Nobody Was Asleep’: Pilot Denies Rumors About Northwest Flight

Las Vegas Parents Sue Over ‘Adult-Themed’ High School Plays

MI Man Sets Record for Most Hissing Cockroaches in Mouth at One Time

Left Take on Fox News: ‘The White House Didn’t Pick This War’

Cal Thomas: Obama vs. Fox News Is Like Soviets Jamming Voice of America

SuperFreakonomics: How Women’s Liberation Led to High End Prostitution

Dramatic Footage: Twin Blasts Rock Baghdad Killing 136

United Nations Investigator Launches Probe Into US Housing Crisis

Chris Wallace compares White House 'war on Fox' to gangster tactics

Al Hunt: Trigger Option Will Be 'Face Saving' For Liberals. No, Al, It Won't.

Republicans Are Blocking Confirmation for Obama's Surgeon General Nominee

Anthony Weiner Points Out the Hypocrisy of Members of Congress on Medicare but Against the Public Option

Joe Conason Calls Out Pat Buchanan's Hypocrisy Over the Obama Administration-Fox Dust Up

Keith Olbermann Rips Tucker Carlson in His Worst Persons Segment

Swine Flu Vaccine Production Slow, Many Clinics Waiting for Shipment

Sally Quinn sniffs at that gauche Alan Grayson fellow, and White House's 'war on Fox', in classic Village style

Democracy Now: Judge Rejects Blackwater Attempt to Dismiss Cases Filed by Iraqi Victims

Obama and the fiscal crisis of the states

Genesis of Britain’s 1917 ‘Balfour Declaration’: Zionist Jews’ Sanction to Populate Palestine

Happy United Nations Day! « Political Theatrics

Refreshing News: IBM Is Building A Computer Which Will Model The Human Brain

Campaign For Liberty — What the U.S. Military Can't Do | by Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt

Adviser: McCain's Palin pick helped GOP | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Tony Blair heckled and called a terorrist at mosque in Palestine

EclippTV :: Video :: US Cedes Economic Independence To IMF

Iran ignores U.N. nuclear deadline - Yahoo! Canada News

An Atheist's Review of the Book of Genesis Illustrated by a Legendary Comics Artist | | AlterNet

Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder: Whistle blower Exposes Vatican Bank Unethical Activities

Vatican Mortgage Part 1

A Few Good Kids? | Mother Jones

YouTube - Rep. Alan Grayson: "Has the Federal Reserve Ever Tried to Manipulate the Stock Market?"



Liberal White Boy: Why Our Congress Loves Israel So Much?

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Soros Calls Wall Street Profits a Gift From the State

The Real Reason That - For the First Time Ever - More Women are Working Than Men

More Stress Test Shenanigans

Elizabeth Warren Suspects Fraud As Cause of Financial Crisis

”It Has Got All the Hallmarks of a Financial Collapse about to Happen in America ...The US Dollar Is Almost Becoming like Junk Bonds”

We Have Always Known The Answers

*Ever wonder why there was a big push to get GPS readings at your front door?

Filthy Lucre - Paper Money As A Vector Of Disease

Livni: Goldstone probe based on 'perverted system of values' - Haaretz - Israel News

Hamas: War will settle Jerusalem dispute, not talks - Haaretz - Israel News

Middle East Online

The American Self Immolation, Truly a Sight to See - Pravda.Ru

Another Government “Emergency” « LewRockwell.com Blog

Overcoming the odds

Evita Obama


White Fang Obama and Soupy America

The Slander Network

Big Brother in Britain, 25 years after 1984

Is ObamaCare Inevitable?

Where's the Swine Flu vaccine, Barry?

The buck stops down there in the ranks

Obama Comes To The Mainland

Nobel Prize: Marxism Goes Mainstream

Terrorist attacks in Baghdad kill 130

The myth of Obamacare inevitability

Beware of liberals supporting Republicans

All the News That's Fit

More childish obsession with Fox from the White House

Not Ashamed to Love My Country

Anniversary of Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon missing something

The National Lawyers Guild Works for Israel's Destruction

Lloyd Marcus on Fox & Friends


The Politics of Risk

Dude, where's my magic?

Rightwing Fascists and Other Fables

Media Discovering that Obama Balloon a Hoax

It's Time for Obama to Get a Clue

The Debt Death Spiral

Death, Taxes and Two Trillion Lies

I Had a Dream

Obama and history

Allah's Apostate Cassandra

Obama Similes

The Apotheosis of Opera

The Swine Flu Crisis: A Call for Bipartisanship

Obama's Nobel seen from Sweden

45,000 uninsured deaths?

Gardasil Shows Why Government Health Care is Dangerous

Hating Whitey Makes Unexpected Comeback

The Political Establishment v. Ken Cuccinelli

China-India Accord to Scuttle UN Climate Treaty

Could Rush and Fox News Have Helped Save Cuba?

The End Game of the Left

When tyranny calls

The Congressional Scam that Failed

Lies, Damned Lies, and Sadistics

California's pot legalization fantasy

Klein: Fox's 'hateful crap' borders on 'sedition'

Volunteering to pay more taxes in Germany

A correction - and apology

Bending the cost curve - up

Worrisome softness on radical Islam

Horror! Transvestites may be 'profiled' in terror investigations

The real entitlement explosion from Obamacare: Medicaid

YouTube - Doctors speak out about H1N1 VACCINE DANGERS

HuffPost: Obama Wants Bipartisan Reform Cover for Blue Dogs and Conservatives

Sen. Levin: Cheney attack on Obama 'out of bounds'

Another 'Scoop' From the Right! Wingnuts Quote Satire Piece As Obama 'Thesis'

Beck Goes Batsh*t: To depict Obama White House as Capone-like thugs, he waves a Louisville Slugger

Ann Coulter Claims That All Presidential Assassinations Were Committed by "Left Wing Loons"

Billionaires for Wealthcare Crash AHIP Event, Break Into Song About Public Option

While Americans Suffer, The GOP Continues to Stall On Additional Unemployment Benefits

A round of applause for a true civil-rights landmark: Final passage of a federal hate-crimes bill

Maddow and Olbermann on the Right Wing Freak-Out Over Their Visit to the White House

Rookie Dallas cop tickets woman for driving while not speaking English -- UPDATED

Public Option Success Is Close - But White House Pushes for Snowe's Trigger Instead. Say What?

Dick Cheney: Free Speech at Five Hundred Dollars a Plate

Alan Grayson: Enough with Mister Milquetoast Liberal Nice Guys, we need more like him

Joe Scarborough Tells Lawrence O'Donnell to "Go Sell Your Appliances" While Defending Cheney's Iraq War Lies

Sources: Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment To Be Stripped By Sen. Inouye

Republican Malpractice Myths

flashback:History's Wonderful Hypocrites - Rev. Billy James "Honeymoon" Hargis - 1969 | Newstalgia

The Associated Press: Ex-FBI director Freeh granted Italian citizenship

Dem leaders: Public option to win in House - Washington Times

Arrest in slaying of S.F. man stabbed at random

How a girl's stark words got lost in the Polanski spectacle -- latimes.com

U.S. files Roman Polanski extradition request with Switzerland in underage sex case

New California gold rush reaches fever pitch

A beastly voodoo to-do

Teen gang busted in celeb burglaries

Clunkers clogging up auto yards - Washington Times

Study: Marijuana Linked to Men's Sex Health

Big Government » Blog Archive » Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Thanks Iran For Its Support

White House: Policy 'czars' won't testify - Washington Times

Twin Blasts in Baghdad Kill 165, Injure Scores - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

RealClearPolitics - The Rise of the Mob Economy

Czar trouble - washingtonpost.com

The American Spectator : Revolt on the Right

White House attacks worry moderate Democrats - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Criticizing Fox News isn't "Nixonian." But Fox News is

Kim Strassel: The Chicago Way - WSJ.com

Government widens control over paychecks - washingtonpost.com

NATO Ministers Endorse Wider Afghan Effort - NYTimes.com

Time to bust up the world's banking giants

Pelosi Intensifies Pressure for Public Health Plan - NYTimes.com

The Inevitability Myth

National Journal Magazine - Dem Plans Put Reform On Shaky Ground

Op-Ed Columnist - We Know What He Means - NYTimes.com

The Weekend Interview with Tom Donohue: Business Fights Back - WSJ.com

OutFoxed? - Swampland - TIME.com

Mark Steyn: Obama a tough guy, at least with Fox News | obama, news, president, chicago, bring - Opinion - OCRegister.com

David Gergen: The National Deficit—of Leadership - US News and World Report

Iran's nuclear programme: Deadline missed | The Economist

Solemn pledges: We must keep our word about backing the security of Poland and its neighbors | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Editorial - For Mayor of New York City - NYTimes.com

Corzine, cash & corruption

Oversight panel launching probe into mortgage lenders including Countrywide - TheHill.com

CQ Politics | Top 10 Self-Lenders of 2010 Cycle

Bloomberg Sets Record for Personal Spending in Pursuit of Public Office - NYTimes.com

HUD funds to ACORN, others triple despite criticism - USATODAY.com

Barack Obama must stop campaigning and start governing - Telegraph

Anna Quindlen: Assessing Barack Obama's Progress | Newsweek Politics | Newsweek.com

News Analysis - Democrats See a Positive in a Bad Economy - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Harry Reid's Train Wreck

Economic View - How an Insurance Mandate Could Leave Many Worse Off - NYTimes.com

Obama outs Fox, but reveals a big flaw -- chicagotribune.com

Feinberg's cuts mean nothing

Glenn Greenwald - "America's Priorities," by the Beltway elite

RealClearPolitics - Irate and Independent

Democratic Party encounters 'Obama hangover' in state, local elections -- latimes.com

Take back the Party!

RealClearPolitics - GOP's New Lightning Rod

Stop Indulging, America - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Shepard Fairey's true colors -- latimes.com

O's Wall Street wiggle

Editorial - The State of Financial Reform - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: New extremes in budget gimmickry - Washington Times

Why Al Qaeda Wants a Safe Haven | Foreign Policy

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Nine months of inconclusive US diplomacy

Firmness and no wobbling - Washington Times

In the Muslim world, creationism is on the rise - The Boston Globe

The Hindu : "America's Priorities," by the Beltway elite

Weathering Climate Change

Could letting pilots take a nap make flying safer? - Yahoo! News

Alternative dino-killer theory lands with a thud - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist

Slick NASA iPhone App Puts Space in Your Pocket | Wired Science | Wired.com

DIY Laser Market Exploding, Cosmetic Surgeons Not Happy | Wired Science | Wired.com

Japanese firms to develop small nuclear reactors - Yahoo! News

Temple Mount riots part of Arab agenda?

FCC not only agency seeking media regulation

Sunstein urges: Abolish marriage

'*3 in 10 Americans believe Obama foreigner'

1st Amendment in the Age of Obama

Obama's Maoist media controller

Hate-crimes law: Another attack on free speech

An insightful twist on the alien invasion

Coming in December: World government

Government-school 'edjikation'

The health-care 'fatal conceit'

Tyranny of the majority

Cultural chaos compounding crime

The art of forgiveness

Small God, big problems

Pat Buchanan: Working-class whites losing "their" country

On boobs and balloons

Robert Knight : Play It Again, Uncle Sam! - Townhall.com

Israel Plans Major Excavation at Western Wall - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Focus: Guardians of the underground | Features | Jerusalem Post

Egyptians conflicted over preserving Jewish past - Columbian.com

Exposed: The scientific impossibility of evolution

Cleanliness May Foster Morality | LiveScience

BBC - Earth News - Epic humpback whale battle filmed

Dan Brown and the Lost Word | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Controversial Moon Origin Theory Rewrites History : Discovery News

Ice-skating bear from Russia kills circus director in Kyrgyzstan - Telegraph

Cleanliness is next to godliness: New research shows clean smells promote moral behavior

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: UFO Emerges from River at Punta Piedras

SPACE.com -- Amelia Earhart's Scarf Flying to Space

The Paranormal Pastor: The Lurkers in Twilight

What Really Scares People: Top 10 Phobias | LiveScience

From the Shadows: Night of the Harlequin

Found: first 'skylight' on the moon - space - 22 October 2009 - New Scientist

Drug clears the fog of a sleepless night : Nature News

Sweat lodge deaths a new test for self-help guru -- latimes.com

Timothy Beckley Goes On The Trail Of The Dreaded Men-In-Black With The UFO Hunters

World's hairiest man will have plastic surgery to become TV star - Telegraph

Rethinking relativity: Is time out of joint? - space - 21 October 2009 - New Scientist


American Minute for October 25th:William J Federer's American Minute


Game of chicken at U.N. has security officials fried

Swine flu emergency! What does that mean?

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated? - CBS News

Swine Flu Vaccine Now Available for Public

Doctors Drop Parents Who Don't Vaccinate Children For Autism Fears - ABC News

Insider reveals secrets of North America plot

Heavily armed law enforcement teams will scatter across the Bay Area this weekend - Inside Bay Area

Muslim ex-employee: CAIR's the real 'anti-Muslim bigot'

DOJ Should Show Congress Damning Evidence on CAIR, Reps Say :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

FCC not only agency seeking media regulation

Catholic League: Why does Obama like 'Christian basher'

Meet White House adviser who supports Islamic law

Temple Mount riots part of Arab agenda?

Unprecedented IDF Mutiny at Kotel - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Jerusalem 'chastity squad' branching out - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Pakistani army takes Taliban chief's hometown - Yahoo! News

Report identifies top thieves of U.S. secrets

AFP: Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund

Immigration questions grow for teen who fled Islam