"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 October 2009

23 OCT '09


**YouTube - Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie


*John 14 *


Roberts speaks out on drunk driving case - Q2 KTVQ - Billings, Montana - News, Weather, Sports -

Backstroking The Jewish Tomorrow

Towns locks Republicans out, literally - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Obama Could Sign The Hate Bill Tonight!

Freemasons frantically trying to hide their vice ring: Freemasonary protecting their ellicit vice rings

Windows 7 review: like Vista, but good | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Mexican city is "murder capital of the world" - Telegraph

Justice Department Tells DEA To Leave Marijuana Users Alone

Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrist's ties to Shawna Forde's gang of killers finally catches up with him

Alan Grayson vs. Paul Broun: A battle of wits with an unarmed man

Like Anthony Weiner says: There won't be a do-over on health care for Democrats and the public option

Frontline: The Warning--One Lone Regulator Warned About Derivatives' Dangers

Investigative Report: Health Insurance Denied To Rape Victims

The louder Republicans shout, the less anybody wants to have anything to do with them

When Republican campaigns implode

David Vitter Won't Comment on Justice's Refusal to Marry Interracial Couple

Catholic League: For Religious and Civil Rights


Government to get special swine flu vaccine - The Local

Brit UN nuclear expert may have been murdered, police say – General News – Austrian Times

EclippTV :: Video :: CNBC Tells Peter Schiff Falling Dollar Is A Good Thing - Oct. 21, 2009

TaxProf Blog: Is $5,500 Golf Cart Credit Emblematic of "Tax Policy in the Age of Obama"

Herding the Sheep

Oh Bummer: The Emperor’s Ear

Commercial real estate bust looms - Answer desk- msnbc.com

*Site:National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

2009 War Tax Boycott

The Gnomes of Washington by Charles Goyette

Rethinking relativity: Is time out of joint? - space - 21 October 2009 - New Scientist

One Reporter’s Lonely Beat, Witnessing Executions

Man proves he has world's strongest fingers - Telegraph

'Missing Link' Primate Fossil Debunked : Discovery News


Military Trains for Terrorist Attack On International Health Summit

CNSNews.com - Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Pentagon Used Psychological Operation on US Public, Documents Show | CommonDreams.org

*Documents:Pentagon's Military Analyst

Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order to 9/11 Firefighters

Historic 9/11 Debate with Bigard, Laurent, Kassovitz and Harrit on French TV

Archive:Laughing at 9/11 with Jean-Marie Bigard | World for 9/11 Truth | W9T.org

Archive:Debate Over 9/11 on French TV France 3 | World for 9/11 Truth | W9T.org

video:The Great Reporter Eric Laurent chez Ardisson: "Bin Laden never claimed responsibility for attacks"!

(http://www.bentham-open.org/) Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

YouTube - Obama Warns not to challenge Official 9/11 Story

Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service

YouTube - Art Students in WTC Connected to Israeli Intelligence Service, Investigaiton by CoreOfCorruption.com

Enslavement by a New Copenhagen Protocol to the Climate Change Treaty

Expansion of Hate-Crime Law Gets Final Congressional Approval - Bloomberg.com

Credit Card Companies Evolving Revenue Streams: Penalty for Paying on Time, 79.9% Annual Fee, Rising Charge Offs. The New Credit Card Revenue Streams.

Fall Of The Republic Devastates Globalist Agenda

Matthews, SPLC Propaganda Minister Gang Up On Oath Keepers

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes On MSNBC - Hardball with Chris Matthews Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes On MSNBC - Hardball with Chris Matthews Part 2 of 2

Government Hijacks Kids TV To Propagandize For Swine Flu Shots

YouTube - Sid the Science Kid Gets a Flu Shot

**Where Are the Vaccine Pied Pipers Leading Us? by Bill Sardi

Vitamin effects on the immune system: vitamins A a...[Nat Rev Immunol. 2008] - PubMed Result

Guest Oppinion -- Bill Sardi -- Did The Federal Government Hide A Flu Epidemic In 1993 And Why?

The Misinformants: Prominent Voices in the Anti-Vaccine Crusade | Magazine

How to Win an Argument About Vaccines | Magazine

H1N1 Flu Shot: 3 Major Fears Debunked | Magazine


An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All | Magazine

Facebook Labels Fall Of The Republic “Abusive,” Blocks Links

YouTube - FaceBook.com Blocks The Fall Of The Republic,Claims the video is abusive

Federal Reserve Runs Our Country

Hate Crime Bill Is A Trojan Horse Against Free Speech

YouTube - Obama- Preventive and Indefinite Detention - SAY WHAT???? Constitution REVOLlution coming your way.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Distrusting Climate Change Globalism

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hate Crimes Law Sucks

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » US ‘botched’ raid inside Syria that killed seven civilians: Report

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Report: Big Pharma has 2.3 lobbyists for every lawmaker

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A vaccine for anxiety? The real reason why drug companies are pushing more vaccines

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Even the Fed Doesn’t Want to Hold U.S. Dollars

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » A Maoist in the White House?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Another Dissenter: Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Tim Coleman rejects ‘hysteria’ of global warming

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 22nd With Gerald Celente

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 20th With David Ray Griffin

YouTube - Jesse Ventura talks about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars

YouTube - Fmr Gov. Ventura talks about shocking 9/11 Commission revelations

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Jesse Ventura talks about Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and the Wars

Gold Heads for Record Weekly Finish, "Break-Out Pending", as Sterling Sinks, Stocks Jump Despite Surprise Data | Gold News

China 'building cyberwarfare capability' US report claims - Telegraph

By Degrees - To Cut Global Warming, Swedes Study Their Plates - NYTimes.com

Joyce warns of bigger GFC

YouTube - Is THIS how the bank bailout money is being used?

The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale

The Fed’s Latest, Greatest Round of Asset Inflation

AFGHANISTAN: Virtually no safety net for war victims’ families

The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall Street, as Judges Start Nixing Foreclosures

Bong water is an illegal drug, Minn. Supreme Court rules - Minneapolis / St. Paul News - City Pages - The Blotter

YouTube - BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE

:The Daily Star: Blackwater has arms warehouse in Islamabad

Russia 'needs to be' ready for 'large-scale conflicts'

GetLiberty.org >> ALG Serves Notice on MIAC: Stop Stonewalling

YouTube - win7 demo (japanese tv show)

Iran fails to accept U.N.-drafted nuclear deal - Yahoo! News

Citigroup Taxpayer Ownership Doesn’t Prevent Lobbying



Bomb hits outside suspected Pakistani nuclear-weapons site | McClatchy

Russia, France approve Iran uranium supply deal - WashingtonTV تلویزیون واشنگتن

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: Senators Jeff Merkley and Bob Corker introduce bill to sabotage t

EclippTV :: Video :: Oath Keepers took on Chris Matthews Hardball MSNBC Part 1 of 2

EclippTV :: Video :: David Tice on King World News : Government spending 40% of GDP! (1/3)

Government to get special swine flu vaccine - The Local

U.S. Arrests Hundreds in Raids on Drug Cartel

EclippTV :: Video :: CNBC Tells Peter Schiff Falling Dollar Is A Good Thing - Oct. 21, 2009

Report: Big Pharma has 2.3 lobbyists for every lawmaker

Credit Card Company Revenue Stream: Penalty for Paying on Time

Russia says it 'needs to be' ready for 'large-scale conflicts'

Blackwater has arms warehouse in Islamabad

Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago. This is amazing insight!

Texas Oil Man: US Should Plunder Iraqi Oil

Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years

Gates: NATO sending more troops to Afghanistan

Derivatives Bill Amended To Let Big Banks Keep Some Contracts Secret

*U.S. Hate Law Encourages International Enforcement

*Health Link markets Verichip implant in television commercial, for your safety

Matthews, SPLC Propaganda Minister Gang Up On Oath Keepers

*Hate crimes bill passes Senate

Armed officers placed on routine foot patrol in UK for first time

*Enslavement by a New Copenhagen Protocol to the Climate Change Treaty

Two UN Employees Killed in Falls from Same Building Over Four Period

*Vatican gives two thumbs up for Karl Marx after Darwin and Oscar Wilde

Leading bankers study Pope’s encyclical on social teaching

Russia pledges to continue arms supplies to Iran

Bailout May Cost $23.7 Trillion: Barofsky

Niall Ferguson: The Dollar Is Finished And The Chinese Are Dumping It

Dollar Dumping Will Remain the Hot Trade

Rumors of Western support for Iranian dissident militia groups have broad backing

7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost Jobs

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show

StandWithUs Money Trail Reveals Neocon Funders

The Movement Against the Banks

15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now

Scientists Use Precise Flashes of Light to Implant False Memories in Fly Brains (And now you understand how TV works)

Ready to Revolt: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States

Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets

CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

Police Murder Teen Then Threaten To Confiscate Cell Phone Videos


Why Do Chemtrails Not Exist? Because They Exist

We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

YouTube - We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

Blackmailed by the Bomb: Nuclear Anxiety and the Cult of the Superweapon

Geraldo Rivera: Kerik Judge Must Recuse Himself

Bernard Kerik May File Civil Suit Over Jailing

Video: Geraldo Slams Kerik Prosecutor, Judge

Flashback: Bernard Kerik: Trial of 9/11 Hero

W.H. Tells Hill Policy 'Czars' Won't Testify

Citizenship Question Draws Fire

Gay, Transgender People May Be in Future Census

Obama Leans Toward Public Health Option

GOP's Pence: Rush, Beck Speak for Many

Bush Giving 'Get Motivated' Seminars

Study: McCain Voters Saw Testosterone Levels Fall

Gibbs Blasts Cheney as Reckless on Afghanistan

Senate Bill May Have Public Insurance Plan

Congress Extends Hate Crime Protections to Gays

Obama's New Pay Rules Could Cause a Brain Drain

Black Abortions Outpace 7 Deadliest Diseases

Pilots Should Have Had Warning of Airport Approach

Bruce Mandelblit: Avoid Debt Elimination Scams

High-Speed Rail Advocates Say $8B Is Just a Start

FAA Investigators May Be Focusing on Balloon Call

Abortion Divides House Dems in Health Care Debate

Ill. Gov. Quinn Announces Candidacy for Full Term

New Website Answers Flu Questions

'Tax' Used 124 Times in Senate Healthcare Bill

Why Worry About Fox News? Get bin Laden

How to Ensure Adequate Defense of a Free Country

RegularFolksUnited.com: The Bully Pulpit for Regular Folks

Asia Times Online :The truth about banks and dogs

Steve Quayle News Alerts:A Sea of Lies

BHP’s Argus Sees ‘Unprecedented Growth’ for Minerals

*Unprecedented: White House Tries to Ban Fox from Press Pool

Sunstein urges: Abolish marriage

*Congress passes 'Pedophile Protection Act'

How the city hurts your brain - The Boston Globe

*FDA, FTC threaten Dr. Weil over immune-boosting supplements for H1N1 swine flu (opinion) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Secret files reveal covert network run by nuclear police | Environment | The Guardian

Nozette and Nuclear Rocketry | Secrecy News

UFO alert: police officer sees aliens at crop circle - Telegraph

Astrogeologists discover shallow caves that could provide shelter for life on Mars - Pasadena Star-News

Jim R. Schwiesow -- Democratic Tyrants Rule the U.S.

*Medical Records: Stored in the Cloud, Sold on the Open Market | Threat Level | Wired.com

IMAGE: CHART/Electronic Health Records

Using Human “Wetware” to Control Robots

Darpa Looks to Upgrade Bio-Threat Detectors | Danger Room | Wired.com

YouTube - Freemasonry

VIDEO:The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

VIDEO:Obama To Sign New World Order Treaty?

'write directly to memory' of living brains

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Ministers of Euthanasia, Part 1

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Ministers of Euthanasia, Part 2

Venezuela, Honduras, Peru, Ecuador: Media Lies and "Oversights"

Financial Machinations: The Global Debt Crisis is Destroying the Economic Structure

Obama and the fiscal crisis of the states

The Construction of the Iran "Threat": The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats

The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale

A Choice of Enemies - America Confronts the Middle East

French Official Says U.S. Trying To Inflate Away Debt

*10-22-2009: Enslavement by a New Copenhagen Protocol to the Climate Change Treaty

10-22-2009: U.S. Treasury Announces Record Volume Of $123 Billion In Bond Auctions Next Week

10-22-2009: Judge Tosses Out Suit Against Blackwater

*10-22-2009: Bill Granting FDA New Powers To Oversee Nation's Food Supply Gets Broad Support

*10-22-2009: Blackburn: Net neutrality is "fairness doctrine for the Internet"

10-22-2009: ESA Looking For Volunteers For Simulated Mars Trip

White House Says Bush Administration ‘Unserious’ About Afghan War

Patrick Kennedy: Catholic Church Fanning ‘Flames of Dissent and Discord’ by Opposing Health Bill Over Abortion Funding

Abortion Kills More Black Americans Than the Seven Leading Causes of Death Combined, Says CDC Data

When Asked Where the Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans To Buy Health Insurance, Pelosi Says: 'Are You Serious?'

Boehner: ‘I’m Not a Constitutional Lawyer, But I Think It's Wrong to Mandate the American People to Have to Do Anything'

Obama White House Rebuffed, As Other Networks Stand Up for 1st Amendment, Fox News

Sheriff Arpaio's Office Is Only Law Enforcement Agency in U.S. Denied Authority to Enforce Immigration Laws, Says DHS

Senate Judiciary Chairman Unable to Say Where Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance

Despite Shortage, US to Donate Swine Flu Vaccine Abroad Through WHO

Abortion Divides House Democrats in Health Care Debate

White House to Keep Obama’s ‘Czars’ from Testifying Before Congress

Senate Health Care Bill May Include Government-Run Insurance Plan

US Files Polanski Extradition Request in Sex Case

Home Sales Rise 9.4 Percent in Sept., Beats Forecast

Police Say Witnesses to UConn Killing Have Been Threatened Online

Prosecutor Says Arson-Related Heart Attacks Are Murder

Pilots Should Have Had Warning of Airport Approach

Politics on the Agenda As Obama Touts Clean Energy at MIT

Nixon and Obama—Soul Brothers?

Let Them Go to Dubai

The Bogus Death Statistic That Won’t Die

A Flood of Federal Disasters

Save the Newspapers? Why?

U.S. FCC commissioners support open Internet rule | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters

By Degrees - To Cut Global Warming, Swedes Study Their Plates - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Romer: Impact of stimulus will level off

Sarkozy Son Bows to Critics, Drops Bid to Head La Defense Board - Bloomberg.com

Star Fades for Blair in EU Role - WSJ.com

Deeds should've listened to us, senior Obama officials say

FX's 'Anarchy' is first basic cable series to beat Leno--The Live Feed | THR

Disappointed Sarkozy shifts gaze from Washington | World | Reuters

POLITICO CLICK: Cross: I did coke at WHCD - Patrick Gavin

Nation & World | Mexico pushing for homegrown swine flu vaccine | Seattle Times Newspaper

Obama's 'Chicago-style politics:' Boehner: The Swamp

PRUDEN: Obama's Third World press rant - Washington Times

Peggy Noonan: It's His Rubble Now - WSJ.com

White House attacks worry moderate Democrats - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

My Way News - Oil holds above $81 as global economy recovers

Pelosi calls an emergency meeting on push for ‘robust’ public option - TheHill.com

Manned NASA efforts at ‘tipping point' on funds, panel says

Joe Scarborough Tells Lawrence O'Donnell to "Go Sell Your Appliances" While Defending Cheney's Iraq War Lies

Sources: Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment To Be Stripped By Sen. Inouye

Republican Malpractice Myths

Frank Gaffney Tells Ron Reagan Jr. That His Father Would Have Been Ashamed of Him

Michael Moore Offers A Refresher Course in Citizenship

Reid May Put Public Option In Senate Bill; Bowers Say We're Short In House, CALL NOW

The Rachel Maddow Show: Indefensible

Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrist's ties to Shawna Forde's gang of killers finally catch up with him

In Praise of Hoaxsters by Butler Shaffer

Gun Control: Schemed by Tyrants, Supported by Fools by Michael Gaddy

The Most Dishonest 'Journalists' in the Room by William L. Anderson

The Golden Road Out of Financial Crisis by Bill Bonner

Ammo for Barter – Ammo vs. Money by Terence Gillespie

Your Optimal » Blog Archive » Ammo for Barter – Part 1: Ammo vs. Money

Doug Casey on Education

* e Book:Mises on Money

*Site:Gary North -- Specific Answers

**The Bible mandates free market capitalism. It is anti-socialist. The proof is here: 10,000 pages of exposition, verse by verse**


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 4 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 5 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 6 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 7 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 8 by Gary North

Truth Inc.

Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

Truth Inc. Pt 7


Wall Street's Naked Swindle : Rolling Stone

Antifascist Calling...: Telecom Lobbying, Congress & the National Security State

*Site:Your Optimal - Tools for the Best Life Possible - Terence Gillespie

The Fed should be more transparent - Rep. Ron Paul - POLITICO.com

'Mega meteor that crashed off Indian coast' may have wiped out dinosaurs

Minneapolis-bound flight overshoots airport by 150 miles - Flights: Airfare, flight tracker, delays, miles tracker & airport news - Today in the Sky - USATODAY.com

Panel calls for big detour in NASA's moon plans - MSNBC Articles

Whither After The Goldstone Report?

Fishermen contest plans for Calif. ocean reserves | World news | guardian.co.uk

Number of Americans who believe in climate change drops, survey shows | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Armed officers placed on routine foot patrol for first time - Telegraph

BNP on Question Time: Nick Griffin uses BBC appearance to attack Muslims and gays - Telegraph

David Miliband tipped as EU foreign minister | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Russian revolutionary Lenin died from the sex disease syphilis NOT a stroke, claims historian

Four-year drought pushes 23 million Africans to brink of starvation - Times Online

Brit UN nuclear expert may have been murdered, police say – General News – Austrian Times

flashback:To Wiretap or Not To Wiretap - that was the question . . . in 1956 | Newstalgia

Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest in Higher Education

Examiner Editorial: Uncovering the bull under the bailout | Washington Examiner

Albertson's clerk denied break gets $200,000

Hugo Chavez: No Singing in the Shower Amid Water Concerns - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

EDITORIAL: What would Mao do? - Washington Times

HOprah Watch: Daytime TV’s Jihadi Sister Now Dubai’s Propagandist

Terrif: Homegrown Muslim Terrorist Taught Kids @ Muslim School

“Two Very Fine Guys Who’d Add to Our Community”: Amherst In Love With Gitmo Terrorists (FIXED)

No Way That This is . . .

Faux “Moderate” Muslim Zuhdi Jasser Attacks Flying Imams Pilot for “Bad Decision”

Tarek Mehanna, Yet Another Privileged, Homegrown Islamic Terrorist

YouTube - Feds: Mass. man planned terror attacks

YouTube - US terror plot 'targeted shoppers'

Bipartisan Report: Obama Fails on BioTerror, Least Prepared for Attacks

USA Today “Parenting” Blogger: “I Took My 11-Yr-Old Son to Hooters for Publicity (& to Check His Sex Interest), So Should You”

“I’ma Let You Finish” But . . .

Roman Polanski faces 2 years in prison if returned to L.A., Swiss officials say | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Experts Say Heenes Have a Shot, Where These Reality Shows Did Not - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com

Driver of motorized La-Z Boy recliner pleads guilty to DUI | Brand X | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Motorized Recliner

Sources: Lindsay Lohan so desperate she is working for free « Entertainment

VOA News - Iran Fails to Accept Nuclear Proposal

YouTube - Iran wants to buy nuke fuel instead of enreaching abroad

VOA News - ASEAN Human Rights Body Inaugurated, But Activists Barred from Dialogue

Suicide Bomber Hits Aeronautics Hub in Pakistan - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Pakistan Blasts Kill 2 Dozen

Scientist - Griffin hijacked my work to make race claim about 'British aborigines' - Times Online

YouTube - BNP leader Nick Griffin blasts BBC over Question Time

The Associated Press: NATO considers beefing up Afghan war support

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghan elections: Your stories

YouTube - Afghan Runoff Ballots Getting Delivered

VOA News - US Lawmakers Hear Diverse Opinions on Afghanistan

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il makes summit offer to South Korea - Times Online

Karadzic war crimes trial to go forward, despite boycott | csmonitor.com

Crackdown on La Familia cartel leads to more than 300 arrests across US | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Record Raids for DEA

Francis X. Rocca writes on the pope's willingness to lure disaffected Anglicans, while letting them keep much of their liturgy. - WSJ.com

Talks to resolve political crisis in Honduras collapse | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obama's Columbia thesis excerpt surfaces

Mr. Deeds goes under the bus

Two Dems join GOP in calling for Countrywide investigation

3/4 of Republicans say GOP Congressmen are still out of touch

It's Baaack: The Public Option Zombie

Obama: Republicans 'Do what they're told'

The Revolution is On! Palin Endorses Hoffman

Not socialism; Gangsterism

Does gerrymandering for racial purposes lead to apathy and low African-American voter turnout?

First, they came for Fox News...

Haven't we heard this refrain before?

45,000 uninsured deaths?

Gardasil Shows Why Government Health Care is Dangerous

Hating Whitey Makes Unexpected Comeback

The Political Establishment v. Ken Cuccinelli

China-India Accord to Scuttle UN Climate Treaty

Could Rush and Fox News Have Helped Save Cuba?

The End Game of the Left

When tyranny calls

The Congressional Scam that Failed

Lies, Damned Lies, and Sadistics

California's pot legalization fantasy

Obama Manipulates Media to Expel Fox

All the President's Mao

Spc. Flores couldn't make it to Fiesta Latina

Obama's war on Fox & half the country

Democrats and the Politics of Rage

Lost prosperity

Mass media and private liberty

Roadmap for railroading the military

Welcome to the World of Newspeak

Media Matters & President Obama in Lockstep

Obama's EEOC Nominee Would Redefine Marriage

Gold's no-confidence vote on Obama

Controlling the message

Compulsory insurance -- another Trojan Horse

Divide and conquer

US sovereignty and the Climate Summit

Alinskyite in Chief Is a Master Polarizer

Obama abuses faith office to promote his radical agenda

ObamaCare: Point and Counterpoint

The Moral Case for Health Care Reform?

Lawyer: Teen accused of killing Sadie Mitchell, 92, had 'rough life,' watched his father kill mother

Obama wants America to lead in green energy - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe

House health reform will have public option-Pelosi | Reuters

The Associated Press: No area sex offender suspects in Fla. girl's death

YouTube - No Suspects in Search for Somer's Killer

Media Matters coordinates campaign against 'lethal' Fox - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

YouTube - Unplugged: The White House Versus...

White House war on Fox News is failed policy | Mind Your Own Damn Business Politics

Front Row Washington » Blog Archive » Official Obama family portrait is in, Bo is not | Blogs |

Annie Leibovitz Shoots Obama Family Portrait | NBC Washington

In Prague, Biden shops toned-down missile shield to Czechs, Poles | csmonitor.com

The Associated Press: Conn. Sen. Dodd hopes to highlight ties with Obama

YouTube - Pres. Obama in Connecticut

Senate passes hate crimes bill that would extend protection to gays, lesbians - washingtonpost.com

Dodd Can't Dodge

The Associated Press: Police probe death of priest found in NJ rectory

'Terroristic threat' suspect from Minn. arrested at Chicago airport | StarTribune.com

Duncan Urges Overhaul of ‘Mediocre’ Teacher Colleges (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

London Eye rally one of 4,600 worldwide climate actions for 350 campaign | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Customs officers find 22 pounds of opium hidden in drum set - San Jose Mercury News

RealClearPolitics - Playing Monopoly With America's Health

RealClearPolitics - White House Tactics Go Too Far

Behind the War Between White House and Fox - NYTimes.com

Crafting Health Reform

RealClearPolitics - Obama vs. The President He Said He'd Be

The jury is in: Obama's foreign policy critics prejudge him

RealClearPolitics - For Obama, The Fall Below 50% Looms

Op-Ed Columnist - The Chinese Disconnect - NYTimes.com

U.S. maxes out on credit - Washington Times

Lexington: Harry Reid's dilemma | The Economist

Dollar's daze: Weakened U.S. currency is confusing and worrying, especially as it relates to oil | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

RealClearMarkets - Nanny State, Squared

The Myth of the Death of the Consumer-Minyanville

Pay Cuts, but Little Headway on Larger Goals

Rome's Rich Past Stalls Metro Line Expansion

Train work uncovers Bronze Age bounty - The Local

Pavlopetri -- the world's oldest known submerged town

Obama's Pay Czar: Taxpayers Must Get Their Money Back - The World Newser

'Going Rogue' spoof: 'Nightmare'stories may have Sarah Palin seeing 'Rouge'

toledoblade.com -- 2 Ohio 'caged kids' sue adoptive parents

Cops: Store clerk ran off with $1M lottery ticket

Artist claims indecent pictures of children were art - Telegraph

The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone: 'I Physically Felt the Radioactivity' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Media want a handout

The child-molester approach to governing

On boobs and balloons

Impeachment: The media react

Waxman responds

The war Obama can't win

Obama's uncompromising inner man

Obama, Human Rights & the Chutzpah of Conservatives

Bum Rush

- BOO! Look Who’s Afraid of the Illegal Alien Costume

**We will be freemen or slaves?/Founding Father Samuel Adams ; Oct. 5, 1772, under the pen name Valerius Poplicola

video:Who Covers For CAIR?


World Net Daily Player:Reagan's 'Rendezvous with Destiny'

World Net Daily Player:White House press corps 'clashing' with Gibbs

World Net Daily Player:White House 'infiltrated' by radical Muslims

World Net Daily Player:Will Obamacare lead to coerced abortion?

World Net Daily Player:Senator: Public option 'mother of all mandates'

World Net Daily Player:U.S. troops in Afghanistan 'can't count on Washington'

World Net Daily Player:Obama's 'dangerous delay tactic' emboldens enemies


Muslim ex-employee: CAIR's the real 'anti-Muslim bigot'

Catholic League: Why does Obama like 'Christian basher'

Obama's safe-schools boss sponsors radical porn

GOP lawmakers submit request to probe CAIR

CAIR coverage ignores terror ties

Big Government » Blog Archive » Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Thanks Iran For Its Financial Support

Homemade "ANFO" Bombs Still a Threat as DHS Rules Languish

Toronto imam preaching 'hate instead of harmony' - Holy Post

YouTube - Niqab not Nifaaq (Crucial Khutbah) - Sh. Said Rageah

FCC not only agency seeking media regulation

Blackburn: Net neutrality is 'Fairness Doctrine for the Internet' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Critics attack unread book on culture war

President Obama on war against Fox News: 'I'm not losing sleep over it'

YouTube - White House E-Mails MSNBC During Live Broadcast to "Correct" Them

Contessa Brewer mixes up her reverends on MSNBC, introducing Jesse Jackson as Al Sharpton

Meet White House adviser who supports Islamic law

Exclusive: White House Faith Adviser Defends Sharia Remarks - God & Country (usnews.com)

GOP's Boehner: Democrats' actions 'flat-out despicable'

Dem leaders: Public option to win in House - Washington Times

Suicide bike bomber at Pakistan nuke-linked military facility kills 7; wedding bus bombing kills 17

State launches boycott of 'unconstitutional' federal laws

Axelrod and Emanuel Help Shape ACORN Coverage?

Senator Zeus: Kay Bailey Hutchison Earmarking Your Taxes For Her Odd Fixation on Controlling Hurricanes

Major ACORN Victory In New York Thanks In Part To Van Jones

Global Warming Silence: Wellesley Walkout

Andrew Breitbart: The C-Span Interview

73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans Have Lost Touch With Their Base

Maryland Shouldn’t Prosecute ACORN Filmmakers

Tea Party to GOP: “Dump Dede” and the RINOs

ObamaCare Box Score — Conservatives 1 – Liberals 0

The Hexagon Of Progress: Barack Obama – Working Families Party – Democratic Socialists Of America – New Party – ACORN – SEIU

ACORN Filmmakers Batting 1.000 But Media Matters Says It’s “Statistically Insignificant”

Florida Journalist Speaks His Own “Truth” to Those Out of Power

Heather Graham: MoveOn Fembot for ObamaCare

4 Simple Rules For Running Your Sex Life So It Doesn’t Piss Me Off

Daily Gut: Chugg-Off — George Wendt vs. Bill Schulz

Burt’s Eye View: Questions Even Glenn Beck Hasn’t Asked

Trailer: ‘Pelosi On Elm Street: The Nightmare Continues’

Review: ‘Amelia’ Fails to Take Flight

Polanski Might Not Fight Extradition

Putting Juan Williams On the Back of the Porch

White House’s ‘Demonization’ of Critics Could Backfire

Today Show Anchor Makes Key Slip Introducing Actor Matt Bomer

Virtual ‘Million Baby Crawl’ Pushes Toxic Chemical Policy Reform Initiative

Media Matters Senior Fellow: Recently Hyped Rush Racist Remarks ‘Not Necessarily Accurate’

Wacky Duck Videos Mock British MPs Bogus Expenses

TOTUS Trouble: Obama Struggles With Teleprompter at MIT

Goatee Gamble: NBC’s Todd Loses NLCS Bet with ABC’s Tapper

‘Early Show’ Host: Why Not Limit Compensation In All Companies?

GOPer to MSM: Conservative Talk Radio Speaks for More Americans Than You Do

Lindsey Graham: GOP ‘Not Going to Be the Party of Angry White Guys’

Limbaugh Caller: LA FBI Office Told Me to Watch Fox News, Listen to Talk Radio

MSNBC’s Matthews Compares Religious Right to Taliban

Members of Press Pool Protest as White House Escalates War on Fox News

Cavuto Has World’s Fastest Speed Reader Take Crack at 1500-Page Health Care Bill

Rush: If Fox News Is Talk Radio, MSNBC Is Porn

White House Fires Back at Cheney Over Afghanistan Comments

Leahy: ‘Nobody Questions’ Authority of Congress to Give Individual Mandate for Health Insurance

Conservative Group Ad Hits Impact of Government Health Care on Next Generation

Is the Obama Administration Attacking the Chamber of Commerce for the SEIU?


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Judge accused of 'intimidation'

Judge tosses eligibility case against Congress


*Pie-splattered comedian Soupy Sales dies at 83


*American Minute for October 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Transcripts:Obama Signs Veterans' Health Bill

A Partnership for the 21st Century

Senator Lindsey Graham on Afghanistan

Interview with NJ Gov. Candidate Chris Christie

Interview with NJ Gov. Candidate Chris Daggett

Vice President Biden's Remarks in Poland

Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the Institute for Peace

Rep. Anthony Weiner on Health Care

Press Conference w/Sec. Gates and Japan's Def. Minister

Former Car Czar on the Future of Autos

America's Foreign Policy Drift

Obama's Remarks with Iraqi PM Maliki

Panel on Obama's Afghanistan Choices

Senators Boxer & Reed on Afghanistan

Senator Chuck Grassley on Health Care Reform

Analysts Discuss Afghanistan's Runoff Election

Secretary Gates Takes Questions En Route to Japan

Panel on the Latest in Afghanistan

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions from the Press

Asia and the Global Financial Crisis


*Politics Video:Sen. Alexander: "Bunker Mentality" Of WH Bad For Country

White House: Afghanistan "Absolutely" A "War Of Necessity"

Alexander: "Unpresidential" For Obama To Bring "Street Fighting" In WH

Limbaugh: Obama Throwing Deeds Under The Bus

Obama Has Teleprompter Trouble During MIT Speech

Jarrett: White House Not Afraid To "Push Back"

Pelosi: Public Option Not A "Great Choice Of Words"

VA: Deeds Runs Ad Opposing "Cap And Trade"

CBS: NJ Gov. Race Heats Up

Dodd On Countrywide Loan: "We Ought To Move On"

Ann Coulter On Cheney Vs. The White House

Rove On Obama's Afghanistan Troop Decision

Chris Matthews: Religious Right Is Like Taliban

"Special Report" Panel On FOX News Being Denied Interview

O'Reilly: Dick Cheney Hammers President Obama

Sen. Alexander On Enemies List, Nixon & Chamber Of Commerce

Full Battle Between Scarborough, O'Donnell Over Cheney

White House Tries To Bar Fox News From Intervewing Pay Czar

Gibbs: Cheney Failed Troops In Afghanistan

Obama: Executive Pay Does "Offend Our Values"

Rep. Pence Defends Talk Radio Over MSM

Dem Congressman Promotes Campaign Website On House Floor

Cheney: Obama Needs To Stop "Dithering" On Afghanistan

Carville On Obama's "Enemies List"

Romer: Stimulus Will Contribute "Little To Growth" In 2010

VA: McDonnell Keeps Lead In Gov. Poll

Rush: If FOX News Is Talk Radio, Then MSNBC Is Porn And CNN Is Child Porn

Obama: Republicans "Do What They're Told"

Rep. Clyburn: Dems Short On Health Care Votes In House

Sen. Alexander: Obama White House Is Tougher Than Nixon's

Rep. Barney Frank On Wall Street Executive Pay Limits

Obama On Fox News War: I'm Not Losing Any Sleep

Scarborough, O'Donnell Argue Intensely Over Cheney

O'Reilly: Political War In America Gets Even More Intense

Grayson: GOP, FOX News "Enemy Of America"

Obama: "They Leave This Big Mess" And "They're Complaining How Fast We're Cleaning It Up"

White House Emails MSNBC Over War Against Fox News

Sen. Alexander Warns White House Against Creating "Enemies List"

Sebelius Has Surgery For Skin Cancer Causing Extreme Eye Irritation

Liz Cheney On White House's War On Fox News

Obama Scolds Wall Street During NYC Trip

Obama: "Sound Personnel" Sought In Afghanistan

NJ: Christie Web Video: "Mr. President"

O'Reilly: Is The Military Fed Up With Obama?

Sen. Whitehouse On Reforming Medical Bankruptcy Laws

President Obama Loses Support On Issues

VA: New Deeds Ad Links Him To Obama

NJ: Bill Clinton Campaigns For Corzine

Lanny Davis On Bias In The News

"Special Report" Panel On War On FOX News

*World Video:Pakistan Blasts Kill 24

Refugees Flee Heavy Fighting in South Waziristan

Hungary Reflects on the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Palestinians Polled on Goldstone Report

Figures Show UK Is Still in Recession

Muslim Group Accused of Spying on U.S.

Hundreds Arrested in Mexican Drug Cartel Sting

Russia Named Biggest Afghan Heroin Consumer

BNP Leader Blasts BBC over Question Time

Sri Lanka's Tamil Refugees Released

President Obama and Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki

Hostages Held at Canadian Workers Comp Office

Easter Island Threatened by Deforestation

UK Starts, China Ramps Up Swine Flu Vaccinations

Recording West Bank Attacks

Rape Used as a Weapon in DR Congo War

*Markets Video:Feinberg Defends Executive Pay Crackdown

Wynn on Why Obama's Policies Are Bad for Jobs

Nation's Biggest Health Insurer Fights Back

Microsoft's Ballmer on Apple, Google

Follow Einhorn, Buy Gold

Falling VIX a 'Very Bad Sign': Market Strategist

Wall St. Cheat Sheet: Roubini Is a False Prophet

Is the Pound Headed into No Man's Land?

Mossberg on Apple's New Product Line

Is the Supply-Side Revolution Dead?

Bullish on Wells Fargo?


BBC NEWS | Americas | Overshot US plane's data checked

Czech president 'satisfied' with Sweden's proposals over Lisbon Treaty - Telegraph

Fars News Agency :: Iran: Uranium Deal to Expose West

Pakistan violence: suicide bomber kills six at areonautical complex - Telegraph

Pakistani Taliban target nuclear air base in wave of bombings - Telegraph

Russian interests loom large as Biden visits eastern Europe - Telegraph

TV websites must begin charging, says Murdoch lieutenant | Media | guardian.co.uk

Face of 1984 Ethiopia famine says food aid does not help - Telegraph

UN envoy says North Korea should feed its 9 million hungry citizens | World news | guardian.co.uk

Workers of the world, relax! Chávez takes over Hilton | World news | guardian.co.uk

Griffin: Unfair that Question Time was filmed in 'ethnically cleansed' London

Police choose to ignore thousands of violent crimes - Times Online

Outrage at government plan for secret inquests - Home News, UK - The Independent

Robbery suspect fatally shot in Ohio - UPI.com

Top 10 Connections Between NIST and Nanothermite | World for 9/11 Truth | W9T.org

Pelosi Doublespeak: It's not a tax increase; We're eliminating a tax decrease

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Is a Fed Governor Hinting at a Stock Market Crash Just Ahead?

Oh Bummer: Drone Assassinations Are Only Making Things Worse

Shoes fly as Bush tells audience, ‘I did not sell my soul’ | Raw Story

YouTube - What You Didn't Know About The War

"Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now" | MichaelMoore.com

Some senators wary of Obama's health care appeals - Yahoo! News

Investors.com - Our Drunken Uncle

Obama suggests Fox News is like 'talk radio' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Talk show host David Letterman fears sex tape leak | TV | News.com.au


10/22 The Mark Levin Show

10/21 The Mark Levin Show

10/20 The Mark Levin Show

10/19 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-22, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-21, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-20, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2009-Oct-18, Sunday


*Site:DjVu.org - the premier menu for djvu resources