"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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27 October 2009

27 Oct '09


The “Muslim Mafia“ vs. La Kosher Nostra–Will the Real Threat to America Please Stand Up? « The Ugly Truth

US official resigns over Afghan war | World news | guardian.co.uk

Bernard Kouchner: Iran and Israel in 'race to confrontation' - Telegraph

Iranian troops arrested inside Pakistan - Telegraph

Israel to drop 'ethnic cleansing' from schoolbooks

Cryptomundo » European Black Panthers Sighted

West Bank land belongs to Jews, says Israeli army judge | World news | The Guardian

Israeli orthodox rabbis ban all lift travel on the Sabbath - Telegraph

Green Central - Times Online - WBLG: Peak oil "will hit before climate change"

Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet - Times Online

Asteroid explosion over Indonesia raises fears about Earth's defences - Telegraph

'UFO cloud formation' filmed in Romania - Telegraph

France to launch national pride campaign in battle against Islamic fundamentalism | Mail Online

Tourists in Australia warned of 6m 'monster' shark - Telegraph

52 children rescued in US prostitution sting, FBI says | World news | guardian.co.uk

PETER MCKAY: As a poll shows Barack Obama's approval figures falling, is he a prisoner of the U.S. military? | Mail Online

FT.com / Asia-Pacific / Afghanistan - War fatalities leave Obama with dilemma

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - US health bill will include public option

Barack Obama warns he may be skinny but he's tough - Telegraph

Former guerilla wins first round of Uruguay election - Telegraph

The state is too big, voters say - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Paedophile checks even for those not working with children - Telegraph

How police rebranded lawful protest as 'domestic extremism' | UK news | The Guardian

Green tax proposals 'would increase household energy bills by £800 a year'

Steep rise in Down's syndrome pregnancies | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

Blair's social, economic and military errors will curse Britain for decades | Mail Online

Why President Blair would be a travesty | Mail Online

Labour think-tank 'airbrushed link between migrants and crime in immigration report for Blair' | Mail Online

MELANIE PHILLIPS: The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us | Mail Online

David Miliband: this is my ambition for Europe - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Working on their laptops, wayward pilots say - Yahoo! Finance

U.S. is losing Afghan war on two fronts - CNN.com

Unraveling the truth about Pat Tillman's death - Cleveland.com

School textbook 'fuels anti- Semitism'

Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser - Telegraph

- U.S. Forcibly Deported Islanders, Gassed their Dogs to Make Way for Diego Garcia Military Base

Tweens challenged by grown-up malady: Breast cancer - CNN.com

Obama Did NOT Promise To Sign Defense/Hate Bill

Israel wants free warships from Germany

Turkey's Human Compassion Applauded In The West

Colorado Rabies Finds Raises Ag Department Concern - Western Farmer-Stockman

Health study links mobile phone use to four kinds of cancer - mirror.co.uk

Castro's Sister Says She Worked With CIA

The Pentagon's Dirty Bombers - DU In The USA

savethemales.ca - Francis Bacon, Mystery Man

The Lost History Of Helmand Afghanistan :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

School Undercounts Raise Pandemic Concerns

ALIPAC - Tea Parties Ready To Harness Immigration Backlash This Week

Afghanistan - What is it all about?

Tariq Mehanna - Obama's Latest Muslim Target

Lockerbie: eight other 'high-level' suspects - The Scotsman

Frosty Wooldridge -- America Filling up With Dumb People: Chaos of Illiteracy

Amercia Is Filling Up With Dump People - Part 2

American Preeminence Is Disappearing Fifteen Years Early

The US Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

Experts doubt meteor led to Latvian crater - CNN.com

NASA's Smoking Gun: Part II

Asteroids should be next small step for man in space, panel tells President Barack Obama - Telegraph

Ancient “monster” insect offers Halloween inspirations | News and Communication Services | Oregon State University

Paranormalia: Islamic stigmata

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Questions Why Obama Daughters Haven’t Taken Swine Flu Vaccine

YouTube - Ron Paul on H1N1

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Anything Less Than Full Disclosure is Unacceptable

YouTube - Ron Paul on Fed Audit: Anything But Full Disclosure is Unacceptable! (Texas Straight Talk 10/26/09)

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » What’s Behind the False Flag Flu Emergency?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Revealed: Like McCain, Bush is ‘Jack Bauer kind of guy’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Scared to Death

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Global-Warming Crusaders

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Galbraith: Fed is Unlawfully Withholding Information from Congress

Fed Held Back as Evidence Mounted on Subprime Loan Abuses - washingtonpost.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Did Training Exercises Prevent Andrews Air Force Base From Responding to the 9/11 Attacks?

SEC and Homeland Security need Web backup, GAO says | U.S. | Reuters

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda – Pump Up the Volume – Part Four

NKorea blasts US over 'bunker-buster' bombs

Neocon Challenges Ron Paul in Texas

Swine Flu Scam Reaches New Heights With Obama’s Emergency Declaration

Campaign For Liberty — Distrusting Climate Change Globalism | by Anthony Gregory

Webinar Transcript: The War on the Dollar | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Freedom’s Destruction through Constitutional Deconstruction

Fewer illegal migrants flown to Mexico

Back-Door Taxes Hit U.S. With Financing in the Dark (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Medicare Fraud Raises ‘Troubling Questions About Our Government’s Ability to Manage a Medical Bureaucracy’

Obama set to unveil 'too big to fail' plans | Capitol Hill Blue

South Park On Hate Crimes

Bo Dietl Talks about the New World Order

The Fall of the Republic

RealClearPolitics - Video - Frank: "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government"

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 26th With Ted Pike

Goldman Sachs says "dark pools" help investors - Democratic Underground

U.S. Official Resigns in Protest of Afghanistan War Policy -- Politics Daily

ICKY PEOPLE: Microsoft Knew Windows 7 Upgrades Could Paralyze PC's Back In July

Employees face paedophile checks - even if they don't work with children

Church of Scientology convicted of fraud in France - Times Online

Earhart's Final Resting Place Believed Found : Discovery News

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Tavakoli: Goldman's CFO Lied to the Public

Goldman Sachs says dark pools help investors | Reuters

Should Marijuana Be Decriminalized? | bytestyle.tv

Big banks aim fees at those who avoid debt, pay bills on time | AlterNet

Iceland to be McDonald's-free: operator

Big banks aim fees at those who avoid debt, pay bills on time | Raw Story

Newspapers Cut To Black – 24/7 Wall St.

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: ClimaFearists Want to Cause Soaring Meat Prices

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Fed Economist: "It Will Be Difficult for the Housing Market to Return to Normal"

The Pentagon's Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA | This Can't Be Happening!

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Four strange deaths UPDTAED!

EclippTV :: Video :: Bo Dietl-Talks about the NEW WORLD ORDER

WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing | H1N1 Flu | Swine Flu | Bioweapon | Mass Vaccination | Cure

US Chamber Shuts off TheYesMen.org and Websites of Hundreds of Other Activist Groups | CommonDreams.org

Gaping security hole in Time Warner cable routers | Zero Day | ZDNet.com

Washington's Blog:Galbraith: Fed is Unlawfully Withholding Information from Congress

YouTube - Protesters Target ABA In Chicago

YouTube - Unstoppable Solar Cycles

'60 Minutes': Medicare Fraud Raises 'Troubling Questions About Our Government's Ability to Manage a Medical Bureaucracy' | NewsBusters.org

Rate Of Bank Charge Offs Surpasses That Set During Great Depression | zero hedge

Iran: Oil bourse inaugurated

Picower foundation, which closed because of Madoff scandal, gave heavily to Jewish causes. | The Fundermentalist | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Got Perfect Credit? You Could Be Charged For It! - wcbstv.com

What's Behind the False Flag Flu Emergency? by Bill Sardi

For the 2010 Census: Name and Address Only by Paul Galvin

Are You Middle Class? Maybe Not For Long by David Calderwood

Pro Libertate: End the Occupation: A Mission for the Oath-Keepers

Refreshing News: How maths makes the world go round

EclippTV :: Video :: Paul Craig Roberts-U.S. is a Failed State

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber, Dollar Will Eventually Go to Value of Zero, Oct 26, 2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente-Wall Street has hijacked Washington D.C.

10-27-2009: Capmark Files for Bankruptcy With $21 Billion in Debt (Update3)

10-27-2009: UN Secretary General: Climate Deal Must Include Equitable Global Governance Structure

Recession Drives Surge In Runaways

10-26-2009: Baltic 'meteorite' a flaming hoax

Bernanke's Trillion Dollar Decision

10-26-2009: UK Police gather personal details of people who attend political meetings and protests in nationwide intelligence databases

10-26-2009: Secret Court Raids Homes Seizing Assets Of Elderly

10-26-2009: Chinese Military Backs Closer U.S. Ties

Chicago To Lease Water System?

New York Fed’s Secret Choice to Pay for Swaps Hits Taxpayers

AFRICOM and America's Global Military Agenda: Taking The Helm Of The Entire World

Baghdad governor sees Iraqi security force ‘collusion’ in recent attacks

Iran Opens Exchange to Trade Crude Oil and Other Petrochemical Products

FDA Fails to Pull Worthless Drugs from Marketplace

"Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now"

What is the Proper and Beneficial Role for a Public Police?

Mind Your Tweets: The CIA Social Networking Surveillance System

War, Negation and Muslim Identity Revisited

When the Climate Change Center Cannot Hold

Reform or Revolution? Why the Left failed so miserably

Obama's H1N1 national emergency declaration could invoke FEMA response to pandemic

Another Government "Emergency"

Investor With Madoff Is Found Dead in His Pool

Oil Tycoon: Our Troops Died ... We're "Entitled" to Sweet Contracts in Iraq

Distrusting Climate Change Globalism

LAPD's Orwellian anti-terrorism ad urges people to spy on their neighbors

World Currencies To Join In Race To The Bottom

Obamacare Targets Entitlements

Insurance Companies: Get Sterilized and Then We'll Cover You

Is Barack Obama 'too nice' for his own good?

Does the Supreme Court Still Sit?

Signing away sovereignty

Who Wants War with Iran?

Obama's True Lies

The Race Against Nothing

Reporters Without Borders: Bordering on Insanity?

Lies, damn lies, and opinion polls

Stimulate What is Needed

Recession working out as planned

Michael Moore called cowardly liar and racist by Hugo Chavez supporters

Pelosi wants to 'rename' the public option

NY23 now a litmus test for conservatives

Hey J-Street: Your anti-Israel bias is showing

The whiff of fascism becomes a stench

Ratings for Fox New up 10% since attacks by Obama

The coming public pension nightmare

Say it ain't so, Joe.

Let Them Eat Veal

NYT assigns equal blame to Israel for Arab riots

Losing Israel

John Kerry to the Rescue

Hoffman is the Obvious Choice

Reforming Healthcare: Look to traffic cops and football

Preparing for Iranian Hegemony in the Middle East

Why the left isn't socialist

Past clues to the present jobless recovery

Okay, Senate Is Including A Public Option; Now What?

'Showdown In Chicago' Brings Out 1000 Protesters At Banking Conference

For Red States, Opting Out is Not An Option

Media Matters: Rise Of The Conservative Media

Experts: Debt Default Is Restoring Country's Economic Health

Dead Tired

Reid's Bill Is Ready And Goes To The CBO Today. What About Our Costs?

The Agribusiness Assault On Our Health And Rights

Ingraham Claims the White House Puts Fox in the Same Category as Islamic Jihadists

Harry Reid puts public option in the bill with 'opt out' provision for states. Kicks Republicans to the curb

Dems Want Some Healthcare Reforms to Kick In Before Mid-Terms

CNN tries to repair damage with Latinos, but Lou Dobbs remains an open, bleeding sore

Is This Real Reform? The Insurance Companies Got Everything They Wanted.

Who Do We Trust on Healthcare Reporting: Joe Scarborough or Our Lying Eyes?

Newt Gingrich: You Can't Write Off Entire Regions of the Country and Expect to Be a Majority

Police Define Political Activism As ‘Domestic Extremism’

video:We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

Spotter cards: What they look like and how they work | UK news | The Guardian

Andrew C. Wallace -- Mother of all False Flags

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Obama Risks a Domestic Military 'Intervention'

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Freezer plan' bid to save coral

Magic Inscription of Lilith Found on Human Skull: A Halloween story of the evil eye.

Army Develops Helmet-Mounted Radar To Watch Soldiers’ Backs | Danger Room | Wired.com

Glasses To Project Images Directly Into Retina Terminator Style | Singularity Hub

The Media Death Spiral - Megan McArdle

Chuck Baldwin -- Updates On Hardin, Montana, And China Flag Flap

Health Care Reform Vital to Solving Long-Term Budget Problem, Top White House Economist Says

Obama Told House Democrat He Wasn’t Talking about House Health Bill When He Told Congress ‘Our Plan’ Doesn’t Fund Abortion

Nineteen States Move to Defend Individual Health Care Choice

Even Some Democrats Are Skeptical About Senate’s Government-Sponsored Health Insurance Plan

Government-Run Rail System Losing $32 per Passenger, Study Shows

Democrat Senator Likens Fox News' Glenn Beck to Voldemort, Villain of the Harry Potter Series

Two Months After Top General Called for More Troops in Afghanistan, Obama Says He Won’t Rush Decision

Discharging Gays from Military No Threat to National Security, Report Details

Pelosi Wants to Change ‘Public Option’ to ‘Consumer Option’

Doesn’t Matter What You Call It – Government-Run Plan Is Wrong Prescription, Republicans Say

When Asked Where the Constitution Authorizes Congress to Order Americans To Buy Health Insurance, Pelosi Says: 'Are You Serious?'

Boehner: ‘I’m Not a Constitutional Lawyer, But I Think It's Wrong to Mandate the American People to Have to Do Anything'

House Health Care Bill May Include ‘Voluntary’ Long-Term Care Insurance Program

Health Care Bill's Plan to Cut Medicare Payments to Hospitals that Readmit Ill Seniors Could Have ‘Serious Consequences,’ Says Hospital Association

Congressman Says He Now Has ‘About 40 Likeminded Democrats’ Who Will Vote to Kill Health Bill if He Doesn’t Get Floor Vote on Pro-Life Amendment

Gov't May Say Recession over but not Job Losses

Home Prices Rise in Most Major Cities in August

Worsening Job Picture Fuels Slide in Confidence

Low Milk Prices Have Dairy Farmers Killing Cows

Wayward Pilots Were Working on Their Laptops

Kerry Says Gen. McChrystal’s Plan for Afghanistan ‘Goes Too Far, Too Fast’

United Nations Signals Delay in Climate Change Treaty

Judge Limits Runaway Convert's Phone, Internet Use

Ohio Peace Museum Angling for Obama's Nobel Prize Money

Japanese Press Obama to Visit A-Bomb Cities

‘Crash’ Director Quits Scientology over Church’s Stance on Prop. 8

King Scraps Saudi Woman Flogging for Sex Talk Show

Al-Qaida-Linked Group Claims Responsibility for Baghdad Attacks

Newt, Sarah and a New GOP

A Tale of Two $250s

Welcome to the P.T. Barnum Administration

To Health in A Handbasket

Surprised by Disaster by Fred Reed

Zero Discount Value of Gold in the Total Banking System by Michael S. Rozeff

Johnny Gaskins and the Lapdog Media by William L. Anderson

Is McChrystal Reading LewRockwell.com? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Why Health Insurance? by Robert Blumen

The Case for Enrolling at Loyola University New Orleans by Walter Block

Two Puppets Are Not Better Than One by Eric Margolis


Food will never be so cheap again - Telegraph

PRUDEN: Something really scary for Obama's Democrats - Washington Times

Father of 9/11 Victim Fights to Have 'Murdered by Muslim Terrorists' Inscribed on Son's Memorial - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Maurice Greenberg Is Busy Building His ‘A.I.G. 2,’ C. V. Starr - NYTimes.com

Man who threw feces in courtroom gets 31 years

Season of false starts for news organizations

San Francisco Mayor Battles City Hall on Illegal Immigrants - Political News - FOXNews.com

Burnt Offering: Artists Must Unite to Protect Free Speech

J-School Rappers Rhyme Against Fox News

The ‘Me Generation’: A Generation of Thieves

Broadway’s ‘Avenue Q’ Follows Obama’s Marching Orders

That Unhinged Florida Reporter: Act II

Community Organizing with Barack, ACORN and SEIU: An Eyewitness Account, Part I

Tuesday Open Thread: A Time For Choosing

YouTube - Reagan - A Time For Choosing

EnvironMENTAL Illness!

Exclusive Book Excerpt: “Speech-Less: Tales of a White House Survivor”

Solidarity Schmolidarity: Teacher Larry Sand Exposes His Union

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Healthcare Won’t Pass With a Fifty-Plus-One Strategy

‘Die Quickly’ Congressman Calls Bernanke Aide ‘K-Street Whore’

Barney Frank: ‘We Are Trying on Every Front to Increase the Role of Government’

FDIC Head: Time to Put an End to ‘Too Big to Fail’ Doctrine

Cops Arrest Female Boy Scout Leader for Having Sex With Teen

The B-Cast Interview: How Closely Is OnStar Watching Your Car?

‘By the People’: HBO Set to Air Documentary Celebrating Obama’s Election

Health Reform: Will Reid's Public-Option Gamble Pay Off? - TIME

RealClearPolitics - If Public Option is Really Back, Why Such a Heavy Lift?

How Reid Found His Silver Bullet: Opt-Out Pitched Just Three Weeks Ago

Obama's big change: He moves America to the Right | Washington Examiner

Interview with Charles Krauthammer: 'Obama Is Average' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Editorial - The Case for More Stimulus - NYTimes.com

Overburdened by nation's debt - The Denver Post

AARP could benefit from the health insurance reforms it advocates - washingtonpost.com

Dismal special election record could hamper Republicans' 2010 comeback - TheHill.com

CQ Politics | Primary Influence: Some Lawmakers Willing To Pony Up Early

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » The internal contradictions of ObamaCare | Blogs |

Lessons Overlearned | The American Prospect

Wnd Player

World Net Daily Player:Obama 'has no stomach for war'

World Net Daily Player:Reid's bogus 'compromise' on health care

World Net Daily Player:Health care in America: The return of Hillarycare

World Net Daily Player:Defense of traditional marriage moves to Maine

World Net Daily Player:'Pimp' from ACORN videos talks to WND

More News …..

OK for 63 years, now Jesus in manger gets dumped

Deja vu! Russians arming Cuba's military

What happened to CAIR's stars?

DOJ Should Show Congress Damning Evidence on CAIR, Reps Say :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

2 Chicago Men Charged in Terror Plot Over Muhammad Cartoons - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Ex-Treasury official: Dump dollar

WND blocked on many computers

City may pay you for turning in tax cheats :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall

Arab prof: 'Blowing oneself up' OK in Tel Aviv

Pensioner who complained about gay pride march warned by police about 'hate crime' | Mail Online

Report: FBI faces counterterror backlog - Security- msnbc.com

Obama: $3.4B for 'smart' power grid - Washington Times

S.F. to ease up on unlicensed drivers

News coverage ignores terror ties

Muslim ex-employee: CAIR's the real 'anti-Muslim bigot'

Dismantling of America

Obama fiddles while troops die

Are Old Media networks waking up?

War on Fox is a war on dissent

Obama's media intimidation works!

None dare call it Depression

The abomination of Obamacare

Where are all the godly men?

The left's religious-like dogmas

Vatican fishing for disgruntled Episcopalians

The Troubled Patriot: It is Good to be The King

Truthdig - Reports - War Is a Hate Crime

ESR | October 26, 2009 | How our foolish war on drugs resurrected the Taliban

Regulators close Otsego bank that espoused workplace prayer | StarTribune.com

What's all this then? Police can't say evenin' all any more | Mail Online

Rialto mother turns home where sons died into haunted house - San Bernardino County Sun

Teens held over homecoming dance gang rape - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

Woman pleads guilty to sex charge involving boy | Dayton Courts: Legal and crime news

Beloved Pets by Gina will memorialize your pet's ashes in a stuffed animal | CNY Life Blog - syracuse.com


*American Minute for October 27th:William J Federer's American Minute


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'3 in 10 Americans believe Obama foreigner'


*World Video:Iraqis Mourn After Worst Bombings in Two Years

Interview with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu

Female Taliban Suicide Bombers in Pakistan

Jordan's Ties with Israel Turn Cold

Mekong River Floods Attributed to Climate Change

Ex-Bosnian Serb Leader Karadzic Boycotts Trial

14 Americans Killed in Afghan Helicopter Crashes

Iraq Accuses Iran of Water Theft

Peter Galbraith's Role in Iraqi Political Affairs

Housing Crisis Triggers Clashes in Algiers

U.S. Covers Up Results of Raid on Syria

*Markets Video:Rosenberg: Stocks 'Overvalued By At Least 20%'

Shiny Future for Gold ETFs?

Petrobras CEO: Oil Prices to Remain Volatile

Honda Posts Solid Results, Raises Outlook

Oil Taking Directions From Dollar

Public Option Back in Play

Pepsi Hits the Spot: China Watch

Roubini: 'We Are in the Mother of All Carry Trades'

ING to Sell Insurance Unit

Nelson Peltz Grabs Legg Mason Stake

New Recession, Same Mistakes?

*Politics Video:Obama: Pelosi Will Go Down As One Of "Greatest Speakers Of All Time"

Sen. Hatch: Bill Would "Do Away" With Private Insurance Market

Flashback: Obama Calls Afghanistan War Of "Necessity"

Obama: "K Street Whore" Dem An "Outstanding" Congressman

Rubio On Running For Senate In FL

House Dem Calls Fed Aide A "K Street Whore"

Ingraham On Health Care And Public Option

NY-23: Gingrich Calls Hoffman Supporters "Misinformed"

Obama Tells Troops: "I Won't Risk Your Lives Unless It Is Absolutely Neccessary"

NJ: Christie Says He's Not Backing Down

Olbermann: The War On FOX News Continues

Sen. Wyden On Public Option In Senate Bill

O'Reilly: TIME Magazine Columnist Says FOX News Lies

Flashback: NY-23 GOP Candidate Was On Board Of Planned Parenthood

Kerry: Achieving Afghanistan Goals Doesn't Require Us To "Defeat The Taliban"

Swine Flu Declared a National Emergency

Reid Announces Push For Public Option

Cuomo to Giuliani: Don't Run For Governor

Dem: House Has Votes To Pass Public Option

Scarborough, Smiley, Senor On WH's FOX News Strategy

NY-23: DCCC Attacks Hoffman For Being Rich

Elizabeth Edwards Describes Marriage As A "Great Love Story"

GOP Bashes Obama Over Jobs, HC In Spanish Radio Ad

VA: Anti-Deeds Ad Says He Will Raise Taxes

Clinton Taking Heat From Her Critics

NJ: Corzine Highlights Military Service In New Ad

Gov. Rendell On Opt-Out Option

14 Americans Dead In Afghanistan Chopper Crashes


10/26 The Mark Levin Show


Chamber of Commerce's Tom Donohue Refuses To Say He Believes In Science Behind Climate Change

Wyden, Merkley Promise A Floor Fight To Open Public Option

Joe Lieberman Says He Will Not Support Health Care Reform Bill, Or Vote For Cloture Against GOP Filibuster: UPDATED w/ video

Jogging Bernie Goldberg's memory: 'Who exactly at Fox News is inciting a rebellion against the government?'

Okay, Senate Is Including A Public Option; Now What?

'Showdown In Chicago' Brings Out 1000 Protesters At Banking Conference

10-foot Great White Shark bitten nearly in half by 20-foot 'monster shark' near Australian beach

Giant 'Sea Monster' Skull Found in England - Evolution | Human | Theory | Man | Paleontology - FOXNews.com

99 percent pure water ice found on Mars

Zionist Puppet Obama To Sign Free Speech Killing Hate Bill

What Obama's H1N1 National Emergency Really Means

ADHD Drugs Side Effects Raise Concerns - AOL Health

News - World: Obama hails soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Web Addresses to Include Chinese and Arabic Characters

Atzmon - 'After All, I Am A Proper Zionist Jew'

CNBS Viewership Plunges 50% In October [Breaking] - MarketTicker Forums


*Takedown Hall Of Shame | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Questions Why Obama Daughters Haven’t Taken Swine Flu Vaccine

Religious Sightings - ABC News

Palestinian farmers: Not much of an olive branch | The Economist

Mystery stone found near church linked to Knights Templar - The Scotsman

Emergency! Congress Debates Burying the Goldstone Report! « Political Theatrics

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Homeland Security Could Block Websites During Swine Flu Pandemic

YouTube - Jay Rockefeller "Internet should have never been invented"

Allemagne 1940 – Israël 2009 « Les 7 du Québec

Israel’s Breach Of Al Aqsa Mosque « Political Theatrics

BBC NEWS | Technology | Scareware launched from tech blog

Asteroid explosion over Indonesia raises fears about Earth's defences - Telegraph



Goldman Sachs says dark pools help investors | Reuters

U.S. official resigns over Afghan war - Washington Post- msnbc.com

City may pay you for turning in tax cheats :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall

PRUDEN: Something really scary for Obama's Democrats - Washington Times

Sigmund Freud's Little Intimate Secrets - Pravda.Ru

Meet Irene Andersen, a woman bodybuilder from Sweden (photo) - Pravda.Ru

Anorexic models inspire German photographer (photo) - Pravda.Ru

The Amerika Bomber Project of Nazi Germany (photo) - Pravda.Ru

Police say dozen people watched gang rape outside school dance | KBCI CBS 2 - News, Weather and Sports - Boise, ID Boise, Idaho | National & World News

2 Chicago Men Charged in Terror Plot Over Muhammad Cartoons - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Season of false starts for news organizations

San Francisco Mayor Battles City Hall on Illegal Immigrants - Political News - FOXNews.com

All Cartoonists Seem To Be Cursed Forever Globally - Pravda.Ru

What Watch Does Putin Like to Give Away? - Pravda.Ru

Russians Prefer Not To Invest Their Funds Anywhere - Pravda.Ru

Professor Yefremov's KGB Files - Pravda.Ru

World's Strongest Anomalous Zone Produces Inexplicable for NASA Radiation - Pravda.Ru

Ukraine Happy to Celebrate Nazism and Liberation from Nazism At Once - Pravda.Ru

Is the US Medical Crisis a Tax Crisis Instead?

Excommunication by the Catholic Church

The Tall Tale of Economic Overproduction

Rand Paul "I've been a Kentuckian longer than Grayson's been a Republican!"

New Federal Medical Marijuana Policy Fraught with Peril

Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest in Higher Education


**e book:The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay

Truth Inc.

Truth Inc. Pt.2

Truth Inc. Pt.3

Truth Inc. Pt 4

Truth Inc. Pt. 5

Truth Inc. Pt.6

Truth Inc. Pt 7

Truth Inc. Pt. 8