"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 October 2009

7 Oct '09

Sheriff Joe

*Arizona Sheriff's Powers Cut - WSJ.com

*Site:Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

YouTube - Sheriff Joe Press Conference

YouTube - Sheriff Joe Press Conf Part II


YouTube - electricsheep-sample

YouTube - simulation


2012 Fears Inspire Apathy

The Mainstream Media’s Denial of Legitimacy

RAND-linked Think Tank Scholar On Public vs. Private Discussion of Afghanistan Occupation

Water Wars: Corruption! Collusion! Scandal!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » DHS Video Portrays Average Americans As Terrorists

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Global Warming Scandals; Plus Extortion for ‘Dignity’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Gold’s Breakout Not A Cause For Celebration

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Will a Basket of Currencies Replace the Dollar?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Beck: US Newspapers Print More About ‘Jon and Kate’ Than Demise of the Dollar

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Audio Forensics Experts Say Community Organizers Did Chant ‘Hear Our Cry, Obama’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Stanford U. Bans Skeptical Climate Film from Airing Interview

**Windows 7 Will Let Microsoft Track Your Every Move - Webmonkey

Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The True Character of Jews shows in Jerusalem

We Hold These Truths - The Unacceptable Cost of Judeo-Christianity, Its Legacy of Pain

savethemales.ca - Mankind Held Hostage by Satanists

Rift Could Lead To Hate Bill Veto

BBC NEWS | UK | Abused Asian men's lives 'living hell'

The Associated Press: Gold surges, hits new all-time high of $1,045

CanWest assets likely to be sold after company files for creditor protection - The Globe and Mail

How Quickly We Forget

Iran's Nuclear Threat Is A LIE

UFO tracks Iranian missiles | The Sun |News

Montana city's jail deal delayed amid controversy - SignOnSanDiego.com

Who Is A Jew?

Perversion 101: Kids taught 'gay' sex, rape, bestiality

How Illegals & Multiculturalism Destroyed Detroit

Shroud of Turin 'is a medieval fake', say Italian scientists - Telegraph

EU embryonic Home Office set up in secret talks under Lisbon Treaty - Telegraph

Gold, ‘Off The Charts’, May Target $1,500: Technical Analysis - Bloomberg.com

Gold Jumps to Record as Inflation Outlook Fuels Investor Demand - Bloomberg.com

Defense exercise set for South Texas skies | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Climate Spies: Should the CIA Worry About Climate Change? - Environmental Capital - WSJ

Criminalizing everyone - Washington Times

IBM Builds 'Bar Code Reader' for DNA - Inventions | Patents | New Inventions | Innovation - FOXNews.com

Is the U.S. Preparing to bomb Iran? - ABC News

U.S. to overhaul immigration system | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/07/2009

UN: Next world war may take place in cyberspace | Raw Story

US troop build-up in Afghanistan may be gaining favor

As Flu Vaccines Are Given, Myths Are Debunked - NYTimes.com

Will airports screen for body signals? Researchers hope so - CNN.com

Curtmaynardsnewestblog: A jew offers fellow jews 17 points to stop antisemitism

Is Hollywood really a hotbed of support for Roman Polanski? | The Big Picture | Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed Columnist - Dad’s Life or Yours? You Choose - NYTimes.com

Mummy bloggers spit the dummy over Nestle's spoilt milk

Pam Martens: Wall Street Titans Use Aliases to Foreclose on Families While Partnering with a Federal Agency

10 more ways to detect computer malware | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com

A Hidden $34 Billion Bank Subsidy? Study Exposes How Taxpayers Are Subsidizing Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Other Large Banks

UN calls for new reserve currency

Obama White House can’t find – or won’t release – millions of Bush emails | Raw Story

OpEdNews - Article: This is what Civil War in America will Look Like

BBC - The Editors: Part of the conspiracy?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Lisa Snyder on Alex Jones Tv:Babysiting Michigan Neighbor’s Kids Is “Illegal?”

** NSA Had Access Built into Microsoft Windows

MoD 'how to stop leaks' document is leaked - Telegraph

UK MoD Manual of Security Volumes 1, 2 and 3 Issue 2, JSP-440, RESTRICTED, 2389

*document - raw copy


Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » BBC Attack Piece Promotes Cottage Industry Of Debunkers

UNObserver & International Report


BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The rise of the barcode

New Google Logo Celebrates The Barcode - washingtonpost.com

Fed Frets About Commercial Real Estate - WSJ.com

The arrogance of clergy - 3 Translation(s) | do - Flash Player Installation

Residents Get Chance At Stimulus Money - Detroit Local News Story - WDIV Detroit

Is CBS Really Going Bankrupt?

Free Your Mind » Airline asks passengers to pee before boarding | Travel News | News.com.au

Robert Fisk: A financial revolution with profound political implications - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Mich. 'Robin Hood' banker gets year in prison - Yahoo! Finance

Dollar Living on Its Reputation and Borrowed Time: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Retailers, card industry escalate fee fight - U.S. business- msnbc.com

U.S. Apartment Vacancies Hit 23-Year High of 7.8% - Bloomberg.com

Antiwar Protesters Turn Their Sights on Obama

UN Watchdog’s New Rules Likely to Ensure Karzai Win -- News from Antiwar.com

Washington's Blog:China Has Already Walked Away from Derivatives Contracts

The Land Of Martyrs Produces A Tidal-Wave Of Traitors « Political Theatrics

Afghanistan sitting on a gold mine. The real reason we’re fighting the war?

t r u t h o u t | Court Documents Reveal Existence of New Torture Tapes

Dropping Rents Will Drag House Prices Down with Them: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

CNSNews.com - Inspector General: Treasury Secretary Forced Banks to Surrender Ownership Interest to Government

Study: Bush administration blocked efforts to prevent housing crisis | Raw Story

Jail selling ad space on video visitation monitors - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

Israel intercepts plane overflying nuclear reactor

What Henry Kissenger and the FBI knew about Cubana Flight 455 Bombing « Barbados Free Press

Fraudonomics: Coming Soon: $500 for Every Newborn? - Yahoo! Finance

China calls time on dollar hegemony - Telegraph

Where — and Who — Are the Bulls?

Restoring a Viable System of Bank Credit

Asia Times Online: Leaked Iran paper exposes IAEA rift

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers-Abolish the Federal Reserve - Buy Silver

EclippTV :: Video :: Max Keiser - China and Russia don't want to 'finance American military

YouTube - US Cedes Economic Independence To IMF

Free Your Mind » Jail terms for faith healing pair

Free Your Mind » Microsoft researcher converts his brain into ‘e-memory’ – CNN.com

Free Your Mind » Egyptians pay tribute to pyramids_English_Xinhua

Entering the Greatest Depression in History by Andrew Gavin Marshall

US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 779 - Yahoo! News

US troops killed in Afghanistan and Africa - Yahoo! News

FT.com / Media - Times and Sunday Times unveil membership schemes

Africa bishops speak of Obama in religious terms

Antichrist Is the Most Beautiful Piece of Muddled Art You Might Never See - Film.com

The Fix - Pawlenty to Iowa

Dollar's Slide Gives Rise to Calls for New Reserve - washingtonpost.com

Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace: UN

Saudi gets 5 years in jail for frank TV sex talk - Yahoo! News

Chávez jokes about helping Iran build nuclear bomb | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran says some countries offer it nuclear fuel | International | Reuters

Elizabeth Taylor in hospital for heart operation

House: Working hard or hardly working? - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

My Way News - Sebelius: Americans must get swine flu vaccination

FT.com / Media - Hollywood braced for budget cuts

Shouts, insults fly at Rep. Israel's health care town hall

Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes Says State Finances A Mounting Crisis, Things Getting Worse - cbs2chicago.com

Chicago Violence Haunts Obama as Gun-Control Backers Left Cold - Bloomberg.com

Community Leaders Excluded from Duncan and Holder Meeting | NBC Chicago

Letterman apology brings in big ratings - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety

Biting pupil pried from Ohio teacher's arm

Irish children told to bring loo roll to school to save costs - Telegraph

Markets & Incorporation

Essence of Freedom

How to get HR 1207 to the House Floor

Blue America's Blanche Lincoln ad featured on The Rachel Maddow Show

Exclusive: Gun show dealers caught on video selling to people who tell them they'd fail a background check

Study: Bush Administration Blocked Attempts to Prevent Mortgage Crisis

Arnold Supports Health Care Reform - Just Not In California

Jonah Goldberg is a very sad case who thinks that ignoring an argument makes you smarter

Queen Olympia, You've Done It Again! You're Eviscerating the Reform Bill.

Anderson Cooper Asks Krugman and Matalin Whether Obama Has Lost His "Mojo"

Barbara Lee Introduces A Bill To End The War In Afghanistan

Countdown Welcomes Back Richard Wolffe, With A Slight Modification In Title

Was Gen. McChrystal behind the coverup of Pat Tillman's 'friendly fire' death?

How Insulting! They Lied to Us When They Said Bailed-Out Banks Were Healthy

Sean Hannity's scalp-hunting desperation descends into fabricating NAMBLA connections to Jennings

The Rachel Maddow Show: Going Rogue

Feds strip Arpaio of immigration authority | Immigration | eastvalleytribune.com

You Can't Say That

CNSNews.com - Planned Parenthood Group Holds Fundraiser at Museum Featuring 'Sex Life of Robots' Exhibit

Obama, General McChrystal and the Afghan War - WSJ.com

New plan might allow Dems to slip public option through Senate | Washington Examiner

Feingold hits Obama's use of 'czars' - Washington Times

Cobb teen told he can't dress like a female at school

Democrats Push Reid to Let Public Read Health Care Bill -- Politics Daily

Pelosi says new tax is 'on the table' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

How About Those Obama Approval Ratings?

The Trauma of Obama

*Ayers admits writing Dreams

Obama's Education Secretary returns to the scene of his crime

How The VRWC Really Works

Where There's Smoke There's Fire

National Sovereignty and International Law

Spinning with the czars

Pollsters push people to accept Obamacare

Hooray! USA #1 again! (Don't ask why)

Obamas' Self-Centeredness on Display

The Magnificent Ditherer: Obama on Afghanistan

Who's Vetting These Guys?

CNN fact checks...Saturday Night Live?

Flush with self righteousness

The rise of the new aristocracy: government workers and their unions

German publishing house self-censors over book critical of Muslims

Obama creates permanent 'White House Olympic Office'

Rep. Bachman: Problem Bigger Than Just ACORN

Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All

Black Leaders Ignore Black-on-Black Crime

Swimming Upstream: The Life of a Conservative Professor in Academia

The Long March of Kevin Jennings

How Taxes Pervert our Energy Choices

How Obama Has Failed Black Americans

The Shifting Political Sand Pile

UN Climate Reports: They Lie

10-07-2009: EU draws up plans to establish itself as 'world power'

10-07-2009: Brain-Computer Interface Allows Person-to-person Communication Through Power Of Thought

10-06-2009: Snoopers could win £1,000 prizes for monitoring CCTV cameras on the internet

10-06-2009: Holder: NY plot was one of most serious since 9/11

10-06-2009: Indiana Joins National FBI Child ID Program

10-06-2009: IBM Builds Barcode Reader For DNA

10-06-2009: Criminalizing Everyone

Exxon Said to Pay $4 Billion for Oil Field

Are Pentagon contracts funding the Taliban?

Is the Dollar Heading Up Or Down? Arguments for a Long-Term Devaluation of the Dollar

Black Water Mystery of Inter-Risk weapons

FTC: Bloggers must disclose freebies or payments; testimonials to reflect typical results

United States Calls for Rigorous IMF Surveillance

U.S. Senate candidate: Martial law needed in Chicago

A Financial Revolution with Profound Political Implications

Marx and Lenin Revisited

Hospitals Shun H1N1 FluMist Vaccine, Wait For Injections: Concern That Doctors, Nurses Could Spread 'Live' Virus

Alex Jones Tv: Live Viruses in The Vaccines

Doctors Concerned FluMist Vaccine Could Spread Live H1N1 Virus

Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To 'Cull' The Surplus Population

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

First shipments of swine flu vaccine reach LI (What a coincidence it contains live flu virus)

WashPost Vaccine PR Piece: Vaccine Is On Its Way, But Public Still Wary

*Alex Jones: We've been Trained to be Slaves (Why Our Country is Dying)

How the Feds Imprison the Innocent

The Permanent Destruction of Jobs in America

Obama Efforts to Placate Right Wing Backfire

The Afghan quagmire

The IMF to Play Role of Global Central Bank?

Ineffectiveness and Dangers of Flu Shots

Surge in Unemployment in the US: No Economic Recovery in Sight

Thinking the Unthinkable: NATO's Global Military Roadmap

EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human

A Rare Opportunity for Space Diplomacy

King: Czar pushing 'homosexuality' - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Senators Take On Czar Wars - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Dick Armey: Obamacare Will be 'Ruthless' to Patients, Elderly

Poll: Americans Evenly Split on Obamacare

*U.S. Dollar fell 35 Percent Over 18 Years from 1984 to 2002 - The U.S. Dollar then Dropped Over 40 Percent from 2002 to 2007: How the Dollar is Being Systematically Devalued since the 1980s. 5 Reason why a Weak Dollar is bad for America.

Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum. | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Iran, Israel, USA, and War Games. | Iran | Israel | War_Games | Foreign Matters | Sky News Blogs


flashback:Revelation 7 thunders: 132 suitcase bombs in USA, 250 nuclear warheads in Iran - and the West behaves as nothing will happen!

Gates Hints at More Secret Nuke Sites in Iran | Danger Room | Wired.com

Recipients Of The Swine Flu Vaccine Are Being Given CDC “Vaccination Record” Tracking Cards | Bird Flu Pandemic

SWAT raid on food storehouse heading to trial

*Presidential Powers During Cybersecurity Emergencies - Eric Sinrod - Technologist

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Massive Cyber Attacks on U.S. & British Military Communications

U.S. Supreme Court won't review Florida Pledge of Allegiance law - South Florida - MiamiHerald.com

The Generals’ War « Patrick J. Buchanan

Vaccine may help treatment for cocaine addiction, study finds | Science | The Guardian

Child-tracking devices taking off - ContraCostaTimes.com

Hoyer Won't Rule Out Voting on Senate Health Bill Without Changes and Sending it Directly to President

Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March

Medicaid Fraud More than $63 Million in 5 States Alone, GAO Report Finds

Should CBS Fire David Letterman? Feminist Eleanor Smeal Withholds Judgement

Immigrants Assimilating More Slowly Than in Past, Due to Recession, Study Says

Gibbs: Obama Has Only ‘Read a Decent Part’ of Health Care Bill

FCC Won't Allow 'Diversity' Chief Mark Lloyd to Be Interviewed about Public Policy Views

North Korea Wants to Talk, But Analysts Skeptical of Willingness to Disarm

Court Hears Arguments about Cross on Park Land

NYC Undercover Stings Expose 'Gun Show Loophole'

CDC: Fewer Schools Selling Candy, Soda to Students

Decision Not to Meet With Tibetan Leader Sends Wrong Signal, Say Critics

Spin Doctors for Obamacare

Commies, Fascists and Perverts, Oh My!


Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Power of Conscience in the Human Mind.

The Great Poisoning of America Begins, October 2009 (Oct. 5, 2009)

**ABC News: Are 'Dead Peasant' Life Insurance Policies Fair? | Video Cafe

savethemales.ca - Nazi Jew Designed "Final Solution"

YouTube - Dont Talk to Police

The War-Losing Losses of the U.S. in Afpak Are Rarely Noted in the US Media by Jack D. Douglas

Global Warming Scandals; Plus Extortion for 'Dignity' by Floy Lilley

'Ancient' map could prove China found America first - Times Online

New Jack the Ripper suspect was mortuary attendant who killed two more women | Mail Online

New Research to Be Presented at JFK Assassination Conference

*Bombs and Bribes by Ron Paul

Most Americans Dying From Flu-Related Illness Are Likely To Exhibit Nutritional Deficiencies by Bill Sardi

**The 20 Healthiest Foods for Under $1

Study: Alcohol Abstainers at Higher Risk of Depression - TIME

Battling baldness: The potions that really work | Mail Online

Top 5 blunders of Somali pirates | csmonitor.com

Taliban say control area after battle with U.S. | Reuters

YouTube - Presidential Decision

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Army 'concern' over Pakistan aid

VOA News - Iranian President Describes Geneva Talks as 'Positive'

VOA News - Egypt Severs Ties with Louvre Over 'Stolen' Ancient Egyptian Artifacts

Clean-Energy Execs Take Pitch for Climate Bill to White House - NYTimes.com

NATO seeks more Russian help in Afghanistan | Reuters

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Czechs 'to ratify Lisbon this year'

AFP: France sees Guinea leader's hand behind massacre

AFP: French envoy unveils plan to visit NKorea next month

YouTube - North Korea ready to revive nuclear talks

Afghan watchdog alters vote recount after criticism | Reuters

Two polls show unease over Afghanistan among American public | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Letterman blackmail 'revenge'

YouTube - David Letterman Love Triangle?

Is David Letterman's Humor-Filled Apology Working? - ABC News

New, old viewers will keep an eye on Letterman

Portable TVs Take a Giant Leap Forward - Buying Home Computer | Business Solution | Networking Home Computers - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Hudson will return to Chicago to film ABC special

Facebook, Twitter Fuel Indie Movie Ticket Sales - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com

Elizabeth Taylor's Heart Surgery, Latest Health Crisis - ABC News

Levi Johnston is working out 'six days a week' to prepare for Playgirl shoot

Book combines comics, history -- and zombies - CNN.com

RAW DATA: Resolution to Oust Rangel From Chair of Tax-Writing House Committee - Political News - FOXNews.com

Gallup Poll: GOP gaining on Dems for control of Congress | csmonitor.com

Immigration Hard-Liner Has His Wings Clipped - NYTimes.com

Obama ratings down in California, up in nation

Obamas Spruce Up White House With Borrowed Art - NYTimes.com

Helen Keller statue unveiled at Capitol - CNN.com

Democrats Seek To Nullify Two US Supreme Court Labor Decisions - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Pipe bombs, rifles found in car stopped in Conn.

FBI Joins Investigation of Car Filled With Explosives in Connecticut - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

The Fix - The Rising: Hillary Alumnus, Bloomberg Foil

Vice President rallies union members at Gov. Corzine re-election event | New Jersey Real-Time News - - NJ.com

Sarah Palin uses Facebook to slam Obama on Afghanistan | csmonitor.com

BBC NEWS | Americas | Desert cross before Supreme Court

Opposing Views: NEWS:Parents Get Jail for Praying for Dying Daughter's Recovery

YouTube - Parents in Prayer Death Get Probation, Some Jail

Obama officials meet on Chicago teen violence - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

YouTube - AP Poll: Obama's Job Approval Rises Amid Concern

Your health records available to millions

Russia to sell advanced defense system to Saudis

Obama's policies helped spark Temple Mount riots?

French police grab 4 kids on German orders

American Family joins calls for Jennings ouster

Letter to Congress: Lose 'gay' radical Jennings

Feldblum: What about 'nonsexual domestic partners'?

'Gay' sex morally good, says Obama pick

Obama nominee praised polygamy

President ignoring Jennings case so far

'I Am 71' crowds condemn abortion funding

Senate Health Bill Imposes $29B More in Taxes - Political News - FOXNews.com

Breitbart.tv » GOPer Highlights Key Provision for Health Insurance Company Immunity in House Bill

Verification of illegal immigrants is scrutinized amid healthcare debate -- latimes.com

Citizens call for elevated charges against abortionist

Planned Parenthood Used Underage Girls in Clinical Trials Pushing Abortion

Black genocide in America

Justices weigh ban on animal-cruelty videos - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

MI6 confirms Ahmadinejad's Jewish roots

Axelrod meets with Ailes - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » Shouts, Insults Fly at NY Rep’s Health Care Town Hall

Obama puts union strings on federal jobs - Washington Times

Obama's Gitmo blame game - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Obama to Speak at LGBT Rights Dinner - Political Punch

'Second Stonehenge' discovered near original | Science | guardian.co.uk

Machu Picchu, Barcelona church on threatened list

CDC Study: Childhood Trauma Can Shorten Life By 20 Years - ABC News

14-Year-Old Boy Boards Flight Using Mom's Name - ABC News

Feds to Revamp Immigrant Detention System

San Francisco sanctuary rule change moves ahead

Egyptian Lawmakers to Ban Kit That Helps Women Fake Virginity - Women's Health - FOXNews.com

Spaceflight Now | LCROSS Mission Report | Lunar prospecting: Probe ready to touch moon water

How to watch NASA’s big crash on the moon - Space.com- msnbc.com

How 'social justice' leads to mass murder

Climate czar has it down cold

Look! An Obama sticker!

When half gives and half takes

The word warriors

Toys R Us linked to 'not rape-rape' Whoopi

Because liberalism is a mental disorder

Teaching what to 9-year-olds?

Chicago war tactics are all he knows

With their homophobic smears of Jennings exposed, anti-gay right now targeting EEOC nominee Feldblum | Media Matters for America

Another day, another radical appointee

Roger’s Rules » Annals of Nausea: Relief is at hand!

Obama: Don't ignore truth-seekers

Dump depraved Dave now, CBS!

Russia to sell advanced defense system to Saudis

Citizens call for elevated charges against abortionist

Harold Meyerson - Recovering the New Deal Ideal - washingtonpost.com

RealClearMarkets - Tax the Rich? How's That Working?

Financial Follies 2.0

The American Spectator : The Involuntary Unemployment of John Maynard Keynes

A Threat to Global Recovery: Too Many Factories

A lone stand against Europe is just a fantasy | Roger Boyes - Times Online

RealClearWorld - China Has a Massive Dollar Problem

Russia's War on Words

Democrats Try to Balance Cost and Coverage in Health Plan - NYTimes.com

Same Old Obamacare

Crossroads to action - Mark Penn - POLITICO.com

Gene Healy: Obama is becoming the omnipresident | Washington Examiner

Nouriel Roubini and Ian Bremmer: How the Fed Can Avoid the Next Bubble - WSJ.com

Dan Siegel: Michael Moore's Grapes of Wrath

Worldview: Sympathy for the general | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/07/2009

Peter Suderman: The Lesson of State Health-Care Reforms - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - It's the Spending, Stupid

The Week Magazine : How cap-and-trade is like ritual self-flagellation

Jobless Rate Is Key to Fate of Democrats in 2010 - WSJ.com

Inconspicuous Consumption

Bury the Vietnam Analogy - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - The Doers vs. The 'Thinkers'

Let Them Vote | The New Republic

The sound of ACORN falling

Panel finds no fault with Obama system of policy 'czars' -- latimes.com

House Pushes Ahead on Financial-Rules Overhaul - WSJ.com

Democrats Working to Overturn Justices’ Ruling on Age Bias - NYTimes.com

Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online | Washington Examiner

Higher taxes in health care bill

ACORN's Lewis suggests opponents are racist - Washington Times

Big Government » Blog Archive » Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN

Big Government » Blog Archive » Washington, DC ACORN Video: Child Prostitution Investigation

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN Video: Prostitution Scandal in New York, NY

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN Prostitution Scandal: California Here We Come!

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN Video: Prostitution Scandal in San Diego, CA

Big Government » Blog Archive » Complete ACORN Baltimore Child Prostitution Investigation Transcript

Big Government » Blog Archive » ACORN Video: Prostitution Scandal in Washington, DC

Big Government » Blog Archive » Full Transcript: ACORN Prostitution Investigation, New York, NY

Big Government » Blog Archive » Full Transcript: ACORN Prostitution Scandal, San Bernardino

Big Government » Blog Archive » Full Transcript: ACORN Prostitution Scandal, San Diego, Part I

Big Government » Blog Archive » Full Transcript: ACORN Prostitution Scandal, San Diego, Part II

Obama’s America- the Gordon Brown years?

ACORN Throws Out Republican Voter Registrations

Was Buffy Wicks Also Behind Missouri’s Obama Truth Squad?

Coburn: Senate Votes to Prioritize Pork Over National Defense

Michael Savage to Debate Free Speech at Cambridge Union Oct. 15th

CBS: Bertha Lewis Rails Against ‘Modern-day ACORN McCarthyism’

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Janeane Is Off Her Meds and Other Stories

Afghanistan: Obama’s Setup and Payoff

So, Now You Tell Us?!

Enabling Celebrity Dysfunction (I Blame Oprah)

Michael Moore On ‘Hannity’

The Oprahfication of David Letterman

Two Fish, One Barrel: Deconstructing Andrew Sullivan’s ‘The Breitbart Standard,’ Demolishing Conor Friedersdorf’s ‘The Right’s Lesser Media’

Daily Gut: Wolf’s Confusion, Fred’s Misery

Let’s Free Other Child Rapists While We’re At It…

Althouse: ‘Am I wrong to see Moore as an anti-Semite?’

Obama turning to Hollywood for health reform help


**Transcripts :Obama's Speech at the National Counterterrorism Cntr.

Doctors Debate Health Care Reform

Roundtable on the New Supreme Court Term

Senator Bernie Sanders on ACORN & Gov't Waste

Senator Kyl on the Public Option

Gates' Remarks at the Association of the U.S. Army

Guests: Alan Greenspan; Sens. Schumer & Cornyn

Guests: General Jones; Sen. Levin & Rep. Skelton

Interview with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Tom DeLay: 'No idea' whether Obama constitutionally eligible

Obama eligibility case survives 1st court test


*American Minute for October 7th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**Politics Video:Sean Hannity, Michael Moore Debate Mortgage Fraud

Carville, Fleischer, Bachmann & Harper On Obama

GOP Rep. Introduces Resolution Calling For Rangel To Step Down

Keith Olbermann: Insurance Industry Profits Over People

Rep. Waters: Rangel Shouldn't Step Down

Town Hallers Yell At NY Dem Over Tort Reform

Sen. Graham On Report Obama May Reject Afghan Surge

Gov. Jindal's 10-Point Plan For Health Care

Jon Stewart Goes After Obama Over Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Tom DeLay Quits "Dancing With The Stars" Over Foot Fracture

ACORN CEO: "Highly Edited Tapes" Don't Tell The Whole Story

Sebelius Addresses Swine Flu Vaccine Fears

O'Reilly: More Bad News For ACORN

McCaughey, Ratigan Have Heated Exchange Over Health Care

WH's Gibbs Mocks Hearings On Czars

Meg Whitman On Health Care Reform

Pelosi: Value Added Tax Is "On The Table"

Karl Rove Explains Cost Of Health Care Reform

Pence: Obama Has Lost Focus

Liz Cheney: McChrystal Was Not Criticizing Obama

Defense Secretary Gates Stands By Gen. McChrystal

Rachel Maddow Goes After Conservative "Americans for Prosperity"

Olbermann Announces Hour-Long Special Comment

McCain On Afghanistan: "Much At Stake"

Sen. Webb: McChrystal's Actions Have Been "Confusing"

Christie Ad Attacks Corzine On Taxes

O'Reilly: President Obama Vs. The Military

Ensign Says He Didn't Break Ethics Rules

GOP To Draft Resolution Designed To Oust Rangel

Matalin & Krugman Debate Obama Losing His Mojo

Bachmann: Pelosi Will "Bludgeon" Blue Dogs Over Health Care

BET Founder Mocks Creigh Deeds' Stuttering

New GOP Ad Hits Deeds On Remark To Female Reporter

Has Olympics Defeat Hurt Obama?

"Special Report" Panel On Supreme Court

Gibbs: Leaving Afghanistan Not An "Option"

Obama: Doctors Understand Importance Of Health Care Reform

John Howard On Leaving Afghanistan

Paterson: "I've Been Committed To Running All Along"

McCain: Obama Will Send Additional Troops To Afghanistan

Bolton On Iran, IAEA Visiting Nuke Facility

Kyl Refuses To Apologize For Sen. Ensign's Ethics Problem

Schumer On 2010: "Like It Or Not, We're Tied To Obama"

Sabato On Dems, GOP In 2012

**World Video:Iran Agrees to Inspections

Typhoon Parma Wreaks Havoc on SE Asia

Bomber Hits Pakistan UN Office

Global Warming Responsible for SE Asia Disasters?

**Markets Video:Casino Capitalism?

Ayn Rand Philosophy Falls Short?

Dollar Decline?

Dan Dicker's Best Short Trades

Risks For Gilt Market Lie In November

Roubini: 'Jobs Lost Forever'

Pickens: Oil To Average More Than $80 Next Year

'Dropping' the Dollar for Oil?

Bank Lending is Still Contracting

Investors Prepare For Inflation

Pay Czar to Cut Staff's Cash Salaries


*How to protect yourself from psychic vampires

Archaeologists Discover ‘Count Dracula's’ Cellar

SPACE.com -- Controversial New Idea Surfaces on Origin of Moon's Water

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | When sceptics fight back

The waking nightmare of sleep paralysis | Chris French | Science | guardian.co.uk

New U.S. missile defense plans pose no threat to Russia - Lavrov | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Obama confronts scepticism over Afghanistan strategy | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama rules out cutting troops in Afghanistan - Telegraph

White House aims to halt general's public remarks on Afghanistan | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gore Vidal's United States of fury - Americas, World - The Independent

EU draws up plans to establish itself as 'world power' - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Europe | Berlusconi immunity law overruled

Is the Arctic ready to give up its treasures? - Telegraph

Top Ofsted job for official embroiled in council child sex scandal | Mail Online

Craz-E Burger: Americans embrace 1,500 calorie doughnut burger - Telegraph

Over the Summer, a Spread of Thicker Arctic Ice - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com

Analyst finds Israeli fingermarks in Telegraph report

Dollar tumbles on report of its demise - Business News, Business - The Independent

Libya’s Request For Emergency UN Session Over Gaza Report:Granted « Political Theatrics

Lunatic Fringe: Bernanke & The Dissolution Of The American Ideal - Home - The Daily Bail

EclippTV :: Video :: Tony Benn Speaks Some Truths To The BBC

Fake Al Qaeda

Recovery: 300 California Hotels in Foreclosure or Default, More to Follow

Obama to Afghan, Pakistani Govts: Occupation Will Continue -- News from Antiwar.com



YouTube - Catastrophe in the Making

Recession Spells End for Many Family Businesses - WSJ.com

US 'will' disregard borders in terrorist hunt, says Obama

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Clinic Policy: No Vaccination, No Health Care For Children

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Charts Predict: Gold Could Hit $2,000

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » This Philip K Dick Reality: Online Robot Psychiatrists And Surveillance Insects

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Shocking Images Show “Baby Soup” In China

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Is the Sky Really Falling? Dollar Hysteria

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Hardin, Montana May be Staging Area for United Nations Civilian Police

Exclusive: Videos show gun-show vendors flouting the law

Larry King Live: Michele Bachmann Dodges the Question on Whether the Birthers are Crazy

Study: Tetris Is Good for Your Brain


*Audio:Who Owns The Majority Of The Media?

Marrs - Do The Jews Own Hollywood And The Media?


*10/06 The Mark Levin Show

10/05 The Mark Levin Show

10/02 The Mark Levin Show

10/01 The Mark Levin Show

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 6th With William Lewis and Gary Franchi

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 5th With Lisa Snyder

*The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – October 2nd With Peter Dale Scott


*Site:The Enterprise Mission

*Site: Dark Mission


*Site:Smoker Deals


*World Net Daily Player:FRC's Spriggs: Jennings should quit

World Net Daily Player:Obama 'dead wrong' on doctors' support

World Net Daily Player:Liberty Counsel on Mojave Cross: It's constitutional

World Net Daily Player :Report reveals Iran 'months' from nuclear weapon

World Net Daily Player:Biographer: Rehnquist was 'unique' man


What Is Money? by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 2 by Gary North

What Is Money?, Part 3 by Gary North


*Site:(socialpsychology.org)Cognition and Perception Links by Subtopic


YouTube - Interview with Peter Joseph / Eerie Investigations / 1 of 3 [ zeitgeist, the movie ]

YouTube - Interview with Peter Joseph / Eerie Investigations / 2 of 3 [ zeitgeist, the movie ]

YouTube - Interview with Peter Joseph / Eerie Investigations / 3 of 3 [ zeitgeist, the movie ]

YouTube - Robert Fisk on the Gulf 'ditching the dollar' in oil trade



**Info Radio Net**

**Militia Radio**

**Freeman Radio**

*SITE:The Animal Farm Radio Show

The Animal Farm Radio Show


(2:08:22)YouTube - Project Camelot Interviews David Icke


YouTube - illuminati cartoon time


YouTube - Militia killing the "BORG" myth with numbers

YouTube - Forbidden Knowledge: Jack Otto Part 1

YouTube - Forbidden Knowledge: Jack Otto Part 2

YouTube - Forbidden Knowledge: Jack Otto Part 3

YouTube - Forbidden Knowledge: Jack Otto Part 4

YouTube - Forbidden Knowledge: Jack Otto Part 5

YouTube - Forbidden Knowledge: Jack Otto Part 6

YouTube - An alternate look at WW1 & WW2 (p-1 of 4)

YouTube - An alternate look at WW1 & WW2 (P-2of4)

YouTube - An alternate look at WW1 & WW2 (P-3 of 4)

YouTube - An alternate look at WW1 & WW2 (P-4 of 4)


The Economist Magazine: Irving Kristol Was a CIA Frontman « LewRockwell.com Blog

Irving Kristol - Irving Kristol, father of neoconservatism, died on September 18th, aged 89

Salon People - William F. Buckley Jr.

Does Our Country Have A Shelf Life?

*What is America's DESTINY?

What are the GREATEST Empires in History?

Map of the Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire

Map of the Empire of Alexander the Great - 334 to 323 B.C.

Map of Ancient Near East Empires Around 1350 B.C.

Assyrian and Babylonian Empires Map

Map of the Persian Empire at its Height - About 500 B.C.

Map of Parthia's (Ancient Israel's) World Empire

Ancient Empires and Bible Prophecy

Cheap Homes

**Site:Cheap Foreclosure Homes | Cheap Houses for Sale

Declaration of Independence ; w/links about signers

*The Declaration of Independence